#nerdists household
widespot · 8 months
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The deadline for the next book in the series isn't looming, but graduating and moving to Widespot are, and Hugh wants it out of the way so he can focus on real life stuff.
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It's not exactly high art, but if he can keep the household afloat while Sara and Cliff find jobs and do their internships, without eating up Sara's trust fund, he'll feel good about that.
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"Is it too sentimental to walk around campus reminiscing?" "Not if we also stop at the Swim Center and do a few laps."
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Cliff knows Widespot has a public pool, but he remembers the municipal pool in Bigg City, and it was pretty scruffy. Can a small town hope to do better? He doubts it! So he'll enjoy the campus amenities one last time.
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"Refreshments are ready!" "And people are on their way. Y'know, I scorned the idea of holding a grad party when I first came here." "That's called growth, dear."
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lasudio · 1 year
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StrangeSpot, Round Twenty: Bright (Uni)
Jamie and Viggo rent a place together on campus. Jamie misses the Nerdist crew, so his new household is dubbed ‘Bright’. June comes over to visit and see the place - she can’t wait to start university soon!
Jamie asks JoAnn on a date and they have a nice time together, mostly gazing into each other’s eyes and smiling dopily. Jenny would be jumping for joy if she knew one of her children was dating a J!
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smallcatsims · 2 years
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I had a fair bit of trouble setting up the dorm for the uni students. My game crashed a couple of times trying to load the dorms that came with the university so I chucked these guys into an edited maxis dorm I happen to use a lot. Johnny and Ripp got smoochy the instant I loaded their lot. For now I put these guys into the nerdists household, all of whom are just endlessly doing their schoolwork and term papers. They are friends with each other but don’t show much interest in our three students, romantically or otherwise.
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tamtam-go92 · 4 years
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Cliff: I’ll snatch one place on Dean’s list this semester, I’ll tell you!
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new-sandrafilter · 4 years
Nerdist - Breaking Down the First DUNE Trailer Shot by Shot
by Amy Ratcliffe
Starting with the Pink Floyd song. The lyrics for “Eclipse” are rather fitting for Dune. But moreover, Alejandro Jodorowsky wanted Pink Floyd to do the music for the adaptation he never finished.
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“There’s something happening to me.” Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet) stands in a bright light, dust swirling around him. The dust is likely spice, the addictive substance Arrakis is known for producing. He’s in the middle of a spice cloud on Arrakis—at least he is in his dream.
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“There’s something awakening in my mind. I can’t control it.” He sees Chani (Zendaya) on Arrakis, illuminated by the sun. Then he sees himself with Chani; they’re both wearing stillsuits. They kiss. This is still part of his dream. A prescient dream, as it turns out.
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Paul awakens from the dream in his bed on Caladan, his home planet. Notice that the headboard features fish in motion. It’s a symbol. Caladan is a planet full of water. It’s lush… unlike where he’s about to go.
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“There’s a crusade coming.” The young Atreides sees a future of fire and smoke. He stands with what looks like the Lady Jessica (though it could be Chani) at a siege. Someone is attacking Arrakis. Is this part of a dream or is it really happening? Paul can see the future in his dreams, so it’s likely this attack is an event to come. Something that will lead to that dangerous path mentioned above.
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Then we’re back on Caladan. Before the Atreides depart their home, the Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam (Charlotte Rampling) questions Paul. She asks the Atreides son about his dreams. She then administers the gom jabbar test to see if Paul is actually human.
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After some dramatic shots of storm clouds above Caladan, we get a solid look at personal shields, a.k.a. Holtzman shields, and how combat with the shield works. It’s a personal protective energy field the wearer can easily activate. Here, Paul trains with Gurney Halleck (Josh Brolin); they both have their shields activated. When the shield flashes red, it indicates a hit. Though brief, this scene illustrates that the Atreides heir is swift on his feet and capable in a fight. He’s been relentlessly trained by Gurney, a warrior poet, and other teachers to handle himself.
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And behold, our first glimpse (in this trailer) of Paul’s father, Duke Leto Atreides (Oscar Isaac). He’s a powerful figure in the Dune world, and as Leto says goodbye to Caladan, he knows Arrakis will bring change and challenge. Paul points out to the Reverend Mother that his father rules an entire planet. The Reverend Mother notes that Leto is losing it. And that the Duke will lose Arrakis too.
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We see the exterior of Castle Caladan, and servants and assistants packing up the interior. All of this—the color palette, the size, the number of possessions—sets up Caladan as a very different place than Arrakis. The Atreides are going from a place of comfort, of home to somewhere entirely unknown and unwelcoming.
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As we see the last of Caladan, we cut to Lady Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson), a Bene Gesserit, Duke Leto’s concubine, and Paul’s mother. She looks on edge to say the least. For one thing, she’s leaving her home. She has no illusions about what Arrakis will really be like. Jessica is suspicious that House Harkonnen is letting go of the spice rich planet and letting House Atreides come in without consequence. She should be on guard. And as a Bene Gesserit, Jessica is unnerved by the Reverend Mother’s presence and that the elder put Paul through the Gom Jabbar. Lady Jessica’s decisions are at the core of a lot of Dune‘s major events, and though she can’t grasp that know, she certainly knows something is in the air.
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Next, the arrival on Arrakis. From the first moment, the blinding light is opposite of the cooler hues on Caladan. Duke Leto Atreides appears in full armor and looks over his shoulder to give Paul a look of concern. Jessica and other women of the household appear to be in a formal dress of some kind. The vastness of Arrakis awaits them. Guild transport ships and troops stand on the sand.
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As Paul and Gurney walk into the desert, a very eager Duncan Idaho (Jason Momoa) greets him. Duncan is another of Paul’s teachers; he’s an expert fighter. He went to Arrakis ahead of the Atreides to attempt forging an alliance with the Fremen. In this moment, we also get a glimpse of Thufir Hawat (Stephen McKinley Henderson). A mentat and master of assassins, Thufir works for House Atreides. He’s been training Paul in the arts of war and strategy. Paul and Gurney are in Atreides dress uniforms, while Duncan is wearing a Fremen stillsuit.
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And speaking of the Fremen, this is Stilgar (Javier Bardem), a respected Fremen leader. The Fremen, of course, being the inhabitants of Arrakis’ desert. We get a good look at his blue-within-blue eyes—the Eyes of Ibad—which is caused by the consumption of spice. All Fremen eyes look like this.
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“Arrakis is a death trap.” As if to emphasize this warning about Arrakis, we see a huge number of Sardaukar, the Padishah Emperor’s elite military force. That these soldiers are on Arrakis is very bad news. And they are present in huge numbers.
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With the introduction of the threat of the Sardaukar, it’s time to meet the primary opposition to House Atreides: House Harkonnen. We first see Glossu Rabban Harkonnen (Dave Bautista), a.k.a. the Beast. He’s Baron Vladimir Harkonnen’s oldest nephew and quite sadistic and terrifying.
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Speaking of sadistic and terrifying, this is brief look at Stellan Skarsgård as Baron Harkonnen. The leader of House Harkonnen is no foolish enemy. He’s cunning, manipulative, and excellent at staying one step ahead of his enemy. It’s hard to tell what he’s doing here, but I’m going to go ahead and say it’s evil.
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As palm trees burn outside the Arrakeen keep the Atreides now call home, a distressed Lady Jessica appears. Arrakis only means trouble for the Atreides family. Paul notes, “This is an extermination.”
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This is our first look at Dr. Wellington Yueh (Chen Chang). The Suk doctor serves as Duke Leto’s personal physician. The black diamond tattoo visible on his forehead denotes Imperial Conditioning, which conditions doctors against taking human life. It basically means nobles can trust any doctor with this tattoo not to assassinate them.
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And then Sardaukar drop in. We hear Paul say, “They’re picking my family off one by one.” The young Atreides appears by his father, both in Fremen stillsuits. In the book, they wear stillsuits to go out into the desert to observe spice harvesting so that may be what we’re seeing here (or about to see).
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“Let’s fight like demons.” Remember how I mentioned Duncan Idaho being an excellent fighter? Well, he’d better be, because he’s facing a lot of Sardaukar. You can see more shield hits as he launches into action.
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In the middle of this growing tension, we flash back to the Reverend Mother giving Paul the gom jabbar test. She explains an animal caught in a trap will gnaw off its own leg to escape. The Bene Gesserit elder wonders what Paul will do. Is she trying to say the Atreides are going to be caught in a trap on Arrakis? And that Paul will have to take action? Hmm…
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As the footage shifts back to Arrakis, we see Paul’s first in person meeting with Chani. He’s seen the Fremen women in dreams before, so he’s not startled to recognize her.
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The next few sequences illustrate the amount of trouble the Atreides face. Some of it, anyway. Drop ships arriving during what looks like a siege. An ornithopter is in the air. What seems to be a group of Atreides troops take a hit with Gurney Halleck looking blinded and surprised by an explosion.
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Baron Harkonnen, bald like his nephew Rabban, rises from oily water. Baldness is apparently a Harkonnen thing in this Dune adaptation.
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Then Duncan Idaho and Paul salute each other, and it looks like Paul has a crysknife. This is likely before an important duel (if you’ve read the book you know the one, and if you haven’t, I won’t spoil it).
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One of Arrakis’ many perils is the sandworm. The creatures that reside in the desert make traveling on foot and harvesting spice a challenge. Case in point, a sandworm devours a spice harvester whole while Paul and Gurney look on in this scene.
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Dr. Yueh from earlier walks alongside Harkonnen troops. That sure seems suspicious.
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And then next we get a look at Dr. Liet Kynes (Sharon Duncan-Brewster). Dr. Kynes is the planet’s Imperial ecologist and also a Fremen leader. The character is gender-swapped here.
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The pace picks up, signaling the increasing threats the Atreides face. We see Rabban leading Harkonnen troops. The camera pauses on the Beast’s stomach, likely because of the whip he’s wearing. It’s an inkvine whip. In the Dune book lore, the Beast used that whip in a fight with Gurney Halleck and left a scar on the warrior’s cheek.
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A bloody hand falling from Duke Leto’s shoulder (likely belonging to the Shadout Mapes, the head housekeeper of the Atreides’ new abode).
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Paul, apparently settling right into Fremen life, engages in a duel. He pulls a crysknife on one of the Fremen.
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Then Jessica and Paul pilot ornithopter in what looks like a rushed manner. They’re running from something or someone. I mean, there’s plenty to run from on Arrakis so…
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Arrakis is such a treasured planet because of the spice that comes from the desert. Here, Paul picks up a handful of sand containing the highly valued substance.
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We hear Paul say “Fear is the mind-killer” as Duncan Idaho kneels in front of Paul and says, “My lord Duke.” The words Paul recites are from the Bene Gessert Litany Against Fear, maybe the most quoted passage from Dune.
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And as the trailer ends, we get a clearer look at a sandworm. It looms above Paul and Jessica, mouth agape and ready to devour whatever and whoever is in its way. You can see how its mass displaces the desert sand around it. If the fact that a sandworm ate a whole harvesting vehicle wasn’t enough to unnerve you, this certainly should do the trick.
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wickedjr89gaming · 4 years
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Land Grant University
Nerdists household
secondary aspirations: Cliff = fortune. Hugh = pleasure. Sara = fortune.
Annya Var Fruhm household
secondary aspirations: Helen = family and Ida Juana = pleasure. Helen is bisexual and Ida is a Lesbian and that happened. (most sims i’m rolling for their sexuality, including these 2)
Nagard Annya Hoh household
secondary aspirations: Andy = family. Hi = popularity.
Printer Sisters household
secondary aspirations: Daisy and JoAnn = romance. Dot = pleasure.
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michaelfoote2000 · 3 years
David Lynch & Surrealism: When the Non-Traditional Becomes Traditional
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Often described as “one of the most unique visionaries working in cinema today,” it is not hard to see why director David Lynch and his unusual catalogue of work have garnered a lot of attention since the 80s (ScreenRant). Looking at his career holistically, it is evident how little his style has actually changed. Meanwhile, public perception of him and his productions has fluctuated quite a bit from decade to decade. After a somewhat uncertain start in the 1970s, he eventually rose to become arguably one of the most popular directors in the 21st century, which brought about strong implications for the world of independent cinema. The rise in popularity of David Lynch’s small but strong category of films brought about a wider acceptance of surrealist storytelling, as more audiences embraced the non-traditional storytelling so often associated with independent projects, further blurring the lines between industries and individuals.
David Lynch’s directorial debut, Eraserhead, actually serves as a perfect microcosm of his cinematic style and approach. First and foremost, it is utterly and proudly surreal. The entire film takes place in an ambiguous and unsettling interpretation of America – as many of his projects do – operating within a world that manages to both feel very familiar and very foreign at the same time. The film’s plot, focusing on a man and his grotesque, barely human child, is incredibly vague; Lynch keeps the purpose of the story open to interpretation, simply leaving the viewer with the shock and confusion at what they just watched. Eraserhead does not hold back: like many of Lynch’s films that follow it, it is gruesome, graphic, and sexual (ScreenRant). In other words, it had many of the characteristics that defined a number of flicks as independent cinema. Taking the risk of making such an off-putting movie did not come without its consequences, though.
Released to limited audiences in 1977, the film initially received a good amount of backlash. Variety denounced it as “unwatchable” due to the vagueness and brutality of its content, and since Lynch is notorious for refusing to give any clarification on most of his projects, interviewing him about the project provided no satisfying answers (Variety). It has since become something of a cult classic, embraced by fans of such dramatic and stupefying cinema (Chion 3). But it is easy to see why Lynch did not fit in with mainstream cinema at first. He made it clear that the kind of work he wanted to make did not have accessibility or comfort in mind. If Lynch wanted to be a surrealist director, it seemed he would have to accept that he would inevitably fail to capture the hearts of the average American viewers.
And yet, despite such a baffling first project, Lynch managed to break into Hollywood rather quickly. He found himself directing an adaptation of the science fiction novel Dune only seven years later in the mid-1980s. Much unlike his first work, Dune turned out to be very slow and boring. Its story is far more concrete, given it is drawing from a popular source text in a genre proven to have reliable appeal. The appeal did not transfer over, though; Dune was a commercial and critical flop (Hollywood Reporter). Lynch was not happy with it either; famously, there were a multitude of clashes and complications with the studio that led to the final release of the film differing greatly from his original four-hour vision. The disconnect is not only felt by Lynch, as Dune does stand out like a sore thumb amongst the rest of his filmography. It is considerably less obtuse and unusual than everything that came before and after, and yet still audiences refused to embrace it. The mainstream had rejected Lynch once again, who refused to be deterred.
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Lynch stuck with his comfort zone and returned to writing and directing projects that outright ignored the mold in favor of the atypical (as independent filmmakers are known to do) (Nochimson 11). For instance, Blue Velvet was another clear example of Lynch’s untethered approach to storytelling, a late-80s suburban tale that was much more in line with his personal stylings than that of the mainstream movie circuit (Nerdist). Blue Velvet was a success, much more so than Dune or Eraserhead, but still did not become a Hollywood-level hit (Far Out Magazine). At this time, independent cinema had not quite reached the heights of popularity that it would soar to by the turn of the century. Audiences were not used to his level of surrealism…that is, until the arrival of a certain TV phenomenon. David Lynch’s first major foray into television was the mystery series Twin Peaks, premiering in 1990 on the ABC network. The opening episode was actually shot as a movie in case the show did not get picked up – and was even released as one outside of America with a more ‘concrete’ ending (well, concrete by Lynch’s standards). This premiere is arguably the most important work of David Lynch’s entire career, as it kickstarted what was his first project to really achieve true mainstream success. Its original run only lasted two years before a swift cancellation, but it made a huge impression on the audiences it did reach, especially after it took a hard turn into supernatural elements and had a massively ambiguous ending. Audiences were enthralled and intrigued after being hooked with the more mainstream premise of a teenage girl’s murder; Lynch had finally found a way to hook more viewers on to one of his non-standard projects (Nerdist). Thus, the attention achieved from the original finale of Twin Peaks (the only episodes he directed outside of the opening few of the first season) naturally had a very tangible impact on Lynch’s career.
After writing and directing another mind-bending independent film that came in the form of 1997’s Lost Highway, David Lynch signed on to direct the G-rated Disney romp The Straight Story (Filmmaker Magazine). This 1999 film is easily David Lynch’s most mainstream work. However, miniscule touches of his style are still prominent throughout the film. While it is the kind of saccharine story one would expect from Disney, it has a colorful cast of side characters (reminiscent of the residents of Twin Peaks) and its camerawork shares some broad similarities with Blue Velvet (Variety). All of this makes sense, given that The Straight Story was the first feature film that David Lynch directed while having no hand in the writing. Still, Lynch’s involvement in the project proved that Hollywood was finally recognizing his talents and seeking his unique style.
Ever since then, David Lynch has remained in the peripheral vision of mainstream audiences. While not quite a household name, his works have propelled him to being one of the more well-known American directors of the past half century or so. People retroactively began to look back on his older works and find renewed interest, turning Eraserhead and Blue Velvet into strong cult classics among film nerds alongside Twin Peaks. Concurrently, Lynch worked on a number of short films and shows across the 2000s, 2010s, and even into the 2020s. One of his most intriguing and baffling productions was a short, 60-second commercial he made for a Sony video game console, dubbed simply PlayStation 2: The Third Place. It is no more nonsensical than the rest of Lynch’s work, but it stands out because of its role as a promo for what would go on to be one of the best-selling video game consoles of all time. Even though it would be misguided to credit that all to Lynch’s advertisement, it nevertheless left a sizeable impact on a widespread audience, remaining in the memories of gaming communities for decades to come. In part thanks to the opportunity to reach wider audiences due to advancements made in the internet age, surrealist art was touching more people than ever and finding new audiences. Along with the rising popularity of independent film around the turn of the century, where non-traditional storytelling almost became its own miniature fad in Hollywood, David Lynch’s style was on its way to becoming mainstream.
What really cemented David Lynch in the hearts of cinephiles was his 2001 film Mulholland Drive. It felt like a perfect companion piece or spiritual successor to Twin Peaks with its interweaving plotlines, otherworldly side characters, and unclear lines of reality. The ending of Mulholland Drive is perhaps one of the most debated story moments of Lynch’s career because of just how surreal and non-linear it was. The film was quickly labeled one of the best films of the decade and has remained on many such lists in the following two decades (Nerdist). Since its release, Lynch has shifted his attention to television and other short-form content. He has continued to make surrealist short films like What Would Jack Do? that ended up on Netflix among other originals that became some of the most popular mainstream media of the decade. Meanwhile, he has used his YouTube channel to produce loads of short videos colored with his signature oddities, which consistently draw in thousands of viewers (Far Out Magazine). But the ultimate evidence of cultural power that Lynch managed to achieve – despite his rejection of mainstream filmic practices – was the story behind the Twin Peaks revival season that aired in 2017, known simply as The Return. A season that almost did not happen when executive and budget limitations stopped him from making the project, Showtime gave David Lynch completely free reign to make the 18-episode story he desired. It was slow, raw, abstract, uncomfortable – everything his works have come to be known for (Nerdist). And it was a massive success. Fans tuned in every week for to watch some of the most bizarre, dream-like television ever produced, proving that Showtime’s permission of creative liberties paid off.
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Although Lynch may permanently shift mediums going forward, his surrealist style of storytelling will likely never dissipate. Not only is it essential to building the character of his works, it has become widely embraced across the nation as the appeal of his films (Creed 2). Lynchian surrealism brought him from the world of independent cinema to mainstream eyes, demonstrating how non-traditional storytelling has found popularity and widespread success with film audiences in recent years.
Want to learn more? My sources:
David Lynch by Michel Chion
The Passion of David Lynch: Wild at Heart in Hollywood by Martha P. Nochimson
The Untamed Eye and the Dark Side of Surrealism: Hitchcock, Lynch and Cronenberg by Barbara Creed
ScreenRant: https://screenrant.com/david-lynch-eraserhead-established-director-style/
Nerdist: https://nerdist.com/article/david-lynch-filmography-streaming/
Far Out Magazine: https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/david-lynch-career-eccentric-master-cinematic-surrealism/
Hollywood Reporter: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/dune-review-1984-movie-953878/
Variety (1): https://variety.com/1999/film/reviews/the-straight-story-1117499811/
Variety (2): https://variety.com/1976/film/reviews/eraserhead-1200424018/
Filmmaker Magazine: https://filmmakermagazine.com/110889-theres-so-much-darkness-so-much-room-to-dream-david-lynch-on-lost-highway/#.YJK4JrVKiM9
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dizkidd92806 · 2 years
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Most recently, we learned via The Verge that Netflix has expanded its efforts in the password-sharing fight. Netflix rolled out a test of new anti-account-sharing features in Argentina, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic. ⁠ ⁠ In these areas, Netflix’s support notes that users will have to pay an additional fee for use of an account outside their primary household.⁠ ⁠ Reposted from @nerdist link in their bio https://www.instagram.com/p/CgOZlfJOYMd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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latenightcinephile · 6 years
#858: ‘The Life of Emile Zola’, dir. William Dieterle, 1937.
We’re definitely reaching the point of the list where the posts slow down even more because I feel like I have to research everything before I write about it. These are not films that have a lot of name-recognition, and they’re becoming increasingly difficult to find (and to watch, now that laptops don’t come with disc drives as standard any more). Each week I pray to the ghost of Eisenstein that my VCR holds out a little while longer. William Dieterle’s The Life of Emile Zola is a good example of this: 1937′s Best Picture winner at the Academy Awards, it has almost nothing written about it in the usual places, and the names of its director and title actor (Paul Muni) are not exactly household names any more. Which is kind of a shame, because Dieterle knows how to tell a good cohesive story out of one man’s entire life.
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The one extended piece of writing I have been able to find is from the Nerdist, of all places. Witney Seibold finds the central courtroom drama compelling, but thinks that Dieterle’s film fails as a biopic as a whole, because most of Zola’s career is whistled through in a single montage. “Had this film cut out all the bits about Zola’s personal life, how he came to write Nana, and his place in French society,” Seibold writes, “The Life of Emile Zola would be a better film; also, if it had changed its title to just The Dreyfus Affair and was done with it. About 85 of the film’s 116 minutes are great. The rest feels like padding.”
At the risk of taking Seibold’s piece more seriously as a work of criticism than it was intended to be, I think I have to disagree with the central argument here. Yes, the film does take the ‘J’Accuse’ trial and the Dreyfus Affair as its main focus, and as a result, there is not much attention paid to Zola’s actual literary career. That said, most biopics take this path, focusing on one event that summarises or draws upon the main themes of the subject’s life. It is Zola’s original desire to portray the plight of the forgotten people that makes his literary career a success - as a younger man, he witnesses a woman throw herself into a freezing river and, when he cries out for assistance for the woman, is met with a crowd of poverty-stricken faces saying that she is one of the luckier ones. Likewise, once Zola becomes a major literary figure, his complacency is what requires his friend Paul Cezanne (Vladimir Sokoloff) to encourage him to take an interest in the Dreyfus case. Without this early indication of Zola’s life, his decision to act on behalf of Dreyfus, a man he has never really met, doesn’t actually make a lot of sense. When Dreyfus’s wife pleads with Zola to intervene, his early refusal and later acceptance of the task only works in biopic form if we have an understanding (however briefly sketched in) of the psychology that leads the character to behave in a certain way.
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There is definitely some crudeness to the way in which the story is told here. At times, Dieterle’s depiction of events (such as Zola’s accidental death by carbon monoxide poisoning the night before Dreyfus is released, or a bookstore apparently clearing its entire stock to display endless copies of Nana on every shelf) tends to hallucinatory or fairy-tale degrees, where things are shown not as they would happen, but how someone might fondly remember the events. Dieterle succeeds in creating grandeur out of Zola’s life, even in the moments that might deserve a quieter, more sombre approach. The film’s ending, with Dreyfus released and exiting his cell several times to enjoy the experience of it as much as possible, is a similarly heightened moment, but it feels genuine. Zola’s funeral, done with all the pomp of the medal ceremony in a Star Wars film, is a final image of sincerity - a firm piano chord to drive home the film’s depiction of Zola as near-saint. Depending on your level of cynicism and your tolerance for preachiness, however, it might feel like Dieterle is hitting those keys repeatedly.
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kaylynn-langerak · 7 years
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LGU: Nerdists Household - Round 1 - Part 1
After a pancake breakfast in the cafeteria everyone worked on their skill requirements for the semester. Hugh needed to work on his creativity so he took a walk to the fine arts building and messed around on the drums for a while. He’s not very good, but that didn’t hinder his fun. He was about to head back to his dorm when a pretty blonde named Juliana Joules caught his eye. He introduced himself and they hit it off pretty well, so he asked her on a date. It didn’t turn out to be a dream date, but they still had a good time. Before she left she gave him a quick, unexpected kiss, which happened to be his very first! He was so shocked that his brain couldn’t even process what was happening before it was over. He’s hoping for a date number two in the near future.
(The kiss was part of the good date ending where they do the “peck” interaction, so it didn’t do the cinematic, which is why I have no screenshot of it.)
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widespot · 5 years
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Nerdists When we last left this household, they’d had a cow mascot incident on the verge of moving into a residence. Sara ran interference as long as she could, but she’s joined the sorority and had to leave them to their own devices. Hugh’s maligned innocence is very raw, and Cliff’s famous temper is always threatening to get the better of him and do things he’ll regret. 
They find (perhaps someone from Widespot told them) that chess provides the proper calm, thoughtful atmosphere to talk about - Stuff - in. Cliff is amazed at how patient Hugh is - if Hugh'd been acting like this, over what Cliff begins to suspect was not sufficient cause, Cliff would've decked him and stormed out ages ago. And once in awhile he matter-of-factly says things that take Cliff's breath away.
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smallcatsims · 2 years
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The nerdists household pretty much lives up to their namesake. They are decently friendly with the other sims but mostly they just do their homework all day. These two snagged first kisses from dormies but really haven’t done anything else. Except Hugh rejecting Ripp’s advances. 
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tamtam-go92 · 4 years
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Somehow Cliff managed to get electrocuted while being inside. Man, it’s really not your spring, dude, is it?
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Comcast Integrates Pluto TV into X1 and Xfinity Flex
Xfinity X1 and Xfinity Flex are two very popular platforms from Comcast, the telecommunications giant headquartered in Philadelphia. Along with Comcast internet support, these platforms provide a complete entertainment package to the subscribers in the form of Live TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and much more. X1 and Flex provide streaming options to Comcast internet only subscribers at an additional cost of $5 per month per set top box.
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Now the same streaming platform has been enriched with Pluto TV and subscribers of Xi platform can watch programs of Pluto TV by just saying Pluto TV in the voice remote that is provided to them by Comcast internet support. Pluto TV is an ad supported free TV and movie service that will be now available in nearly 14 million households subscribing to X1 platform. By the first quarter of 2019, Comcast said it had around 21 million subscribers to its internet platform, and nearly two thirds of them have opted for X1.
This launch of Pluto TV on X1 gives Pluto TV a much wider audience that is in search of free entertainment in their households. It is a big bonus for those who have subscribed to X1 as they will be able to watch more than 100 live channels on their television sets from media companies like Warner Bros, MGM, CBS, and Paramount. This is not all as consumers will also get to see content from companies like Nerdist, Onion, and Cheddar. All this is now available to X1 users with the help of Comcast internet online support.
Pluto TV came under the umbrella of Comcast after Viacom spent nearly $340 million in a deal with Cox Contour service. The objective of Comcast in adding Pluto TV to its platform is to make Xi and Flex the go to sources of entertainment in households across the country. X1 is now making available wide range of entertainment options to the consumers such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, NPR, iHeartRadio, Tubi, and Pandora. Comcast is also making efforts to add Hulu to its X1 and Flex platforms after making a deal with Disney to cede control of Hulu. Viacom has itself launched 14 of its own channels on Pluto TV. These channels have been sourced from several of its media networks.
The arrival of Pluto TV on X1 platform of Comcast internet has the potential to make Comcast the number one cable TV platform of the country. It enables the subscribers of Comcast internet platform X1 to watch a wide variety of TV shows and movies of their choice. It is a bundle within a bundle as vast majority of households are making use of broadband connection from one or the other company. For those who are already subscribers of Comcast internet, it is a wonderful opportunity to enhance their entertainment quotient by adding the subscription of X1 platform.
If you are not a subscriber of Comcast internet already, you can take help of Comcast internet support to avail not just fast speed internet but also to bring home a rich entertainment experience.
This post was first published on:- http://allaboutinternet.home.blog/2019/06/22/pluto-tv-comes-to-comcast-internet-platform-xfinity-x1/
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takenews-blog1 · 7 years
Horizon Zero Daybreak leads 2018 DICE Awards finalists
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/horizon-zero-daybreak-leads-2018-dice-awards-finalists/
Horizon Zero Daybreak leads 2018 DICE Awards finalists
The nominees for this yr’s DICE Awards are in, and the highest honoree by far is Guerrilla Video games’ Horizon Zero Daybreak — the sci-fi motion/journey sport acquired nods in 10 classes.
Horizon Zero Daybreak was the one title to attain double-digit nominations; the subsequent highest complete went to Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which acquired six. Each of them are up for the Recreation of the Yr award, alongside StudioMDHR’s Cuphead, PUBG Company’s PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and Nintendo’s Tremendous Mario Odyssey.
In all, 68 completely different video games from 2017 are listed among the many nominees throughout 24 classes. They embrace heavy hitters like Bungie’s Future 2 and MachineGames’ Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus, in addition to celebrated indies comparable to Ninja Principle’s Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice and Big Sparrow’s What Stays of Edith Finch.
Talking of indie video games: In case you’re questioning what the DICE Sprite Award is, it was launched for 2015’s awards to acknowledge video games with “disproportionate assets for growth and publicity (as in comparison with AAA titles),” ones that “characterize the next diploma of threat tolerance and [advance] our trade with modern gameplay and experiences.”
Typically known as the “Oscars of video video games,” the DICE Awards are introduced by the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences (AIAS) on the DICE Summit, a sport trade convention held each February in Las Vegas. The finalists for all 24 classes are chosen by a panel of greater than 260 sport makers, and the AIAS membership of greater than 30,000 sport trade professionals votes to find out the winners. You’ll be able to see the total record of nominees under.
This yr’s ceremony, the 21st DICE Awards, will happen at eight p.m. PT on Thursday, Feb. 22. Greg Miller of Kinda Humorous and Jessica Chobot of Nerdist Information will return to host the present, which shall be livestreamed on IGN.
Excellent Achievement in Animation Cuphead For Honor Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice Horizon Zero Daybreak Uncharted: The Misplaced Legacy
Excellent Achievement in Artwork Course Cuphead Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice Horizon Zero Daybreak Little Nightmares The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Excellent Achievement in Character Murderer’s Creed Origins �� Bayek Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice – Senua Horizon Zero Daybreak – Aloy Star Wars Battlefront 2 – Iden Versio Uncharted: The Misplaced Legacy – Chloe Fraser
Excellent Achievement in Authentic Music Composition Name of Obligation: WWII Cuphead Horizon Zero Daybreak Rime Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
Excellent Achievement in Sound Design Future 2 Injustice 2 Star Wars Battlefront 2 Tremendous Mario Odyssey Uncharted: The Misplaced Legacy
Excellent Achievement in Story Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice Horizon Zero Daybreak Night time within the Woods What Stays of Edith Finch Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
Excellent Technical Achievement Murderer’s Creed Origins Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice Horizon Zero Daybreak Lone Echo/Echo Enviornment The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Motion Recreation of the Yr Name of Obligation: WWII Cuphead Future 2 PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
Journey Recreation of the Yr Murderer’s Creed Origins Horizon Zero Daybreak Tremendous Mario Odyssey The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Uncharted: The Misplaced Legacy
Household Recreation of the Yr DropMix GNOG Simply Dance 2018 SingStar Celebration Snipperclips – Minimize it out, collectively!
Preventing Recreation of the Yr Arms Injustice 2 Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Nidhogg 2 Tekken 7
Racing Recreation of the Yr Filth four Forza Motorsport 7 Gran Turismo Sport Mario Kart eight Deluxe Challenge CARS 2
Function-Enjoying Recreation of the Yr Divinity: Authentic Sin 2 Center-earth: Shadow of Struggle Nier: Automata Persona 5 Torment: Tides of Numenera
Sports activities Recreation of the Yr Everyone’s Golf FIFA 18 Golf Conflict Madden NFL 18 MLB The Present 17
Technique/Simulation Recreation of the Yr Countless Area 2 Halo Wars 2 Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Whole Struggle: Warhammer 2 XCOM 2: Struggle of the Chosen
Immersive Actuality Technical Achievement Lone Echo/Echo Enviornment Robo Recall Star Trek Bridge Crew The Invisible Hours Wilson’s Coronary heart
Immersive Actuality Recreation of the Yr Lone Echo/Echo Enviornment Psychonauts within the Rhombus of Destroy Robo Recall Area Pirate Coach Wilson’s Coronary heart
DICE Sprite Award Every thing Gorogoa Night time within the Woods Pyre Snipperclips – Minimize it out, collectively!
Handheld Recreation of the Yr Dragon Quest eight: Journey of the Cursed King Etrian Odyssey 5: Past the Fable Fireplace Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Metroid: Samus Returns Monster Hunter Tales
Cell Recreation of the Yr Cat Quest Fireplace Emblem Heroes Gorogoa Monument Valley 2 Splitter Critters
Excellent Achievement in On-line Gameplay Name of Obligation: WWII Future 2 Fortnite PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands
Excellent Achievement in Recreation Design Gorogoa Horizon Zero Daybreak PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds Tremendous Mario Odyssey The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Excellent Achievement in Recreation Course Gorogoa Horizon Zero Daybreak The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Uncharted: The Misplaced Legacy What Stays of Edith Finch
Recreation of the Yr Cuphead Horizon Zero Daybreak PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds Tremendous Mario Odyssey The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
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Game Of Thrones Television set Review
Caution: This post is made up of spoilers for all seasons of Video game of Thrones. Receive details on the best latest and returning displays debuting this warmer summer months, incorporating the comes back of Side by side Video game and Peaks of Thrones. Frankel Valerie Vitamin e., Girls in Game of Thrones: Vitality, Resistance and conformity, Jefferson, McFarland, 2014. Without further more ado, we present a detailed collection of information and gossip for Video game of Thrones‘ eighth and final time, but once again: The post can be complete of SPOILERS. Nerdist - New Video game of Thrones-based training video video games rumored to come to be in advancement by Bethesda. But quite simply, it's endgame for these personas and probably Westeros. Amid plots and counter-plots, tragedy and betrayal, victory and terror, allies and enemies, the fate of the Starks hangs in the equilibrium perilously, as each aspect undertakings to earn that deadliest of clashes: the video game of thrones. Inquiring to check out how "Game of Thrones" rankings pile up against the season premieres of various other well-known HBO shows, Organization Insider grown to out to the market statistic company Nielsen for answers. Concert tours Of Thrones NI - Video game of Thrones Display screen Tours; 3 unique routes from Belfast & Derry, with concerts courses and multimedia system materials. By reminding the target audience that King's Catching and Dragonstone happen to be essentially very close together, Game of Thrones actually tells us a finished lot without resorting to a lot of hammy exposition. These three plotlines spiral around the other person and begin to intermingle as the display progresses, until everyone is normally caught in the video game of thrones. The award-winning HBO Tv set series Game of Thrones can be based on the bestselling reserve ‘A Track of Snow and Fireplace', drafted by George Third.Third. Martin. While the initially occurrence is a stable and wealthy scene-setter for the tale to arrive visually, there's a lot of dried up, quite often clunky exposition to acquire through before the story gets heading in the third tv show genuinely, which is certainly considerably and away the greatest hour of Video game of Thrones I've seen. Thrones” business companies Dan Weiss and David Benioff, just as possesses been reported broadly, won't be involved with the successor displays (especially as they switch their concentration to their up coming exhibit, Confederate”), although they shall end up being fastened as executive makers on all projects, as will Martin. Nymeria was among the bunch of direwolf cubs the Starks found out and used as household pets back in Video game of Thrones' very first event. Of training, we are all lovely damn thrilled for the Game of Thrones time seven premiere down the road (or the ungodly early time of Wednesday morning hours for us in the UK), as we rarely what to expect especially. Now, Video game of Thrones can be a enjoyable shared pastime and a enormous ethnic phenomenon that provides satisfied various of us for years, and for that one 12 months especially, 2012, when there had been zero erectile attacks and Robb Stark was alive nonetheless. Consequently when I saw the preview for "Game of Thrones" on HBO, I was immediately skeptical. This may be the end of A Melody of Ice and Fire, but the Game of Thrones galaxy can be establish to continue with at least one spinoff series. The enjoyable issue about Game of Thrones can be the unpredicted, which can be specifically what its authors can attain right now that they are unburdened by published-and beloved-novels from which to draw their plot. And if Thrones has educated us anything, it's that every rule features to end someday. ONE OF DAENERYS' DRAGONS THAT WAS Slain AND Now Elevated BY THE Evening Emperor, Making It all INTO WHAT Is definitely DESCRIBED AS AN Ice-cubes DRAGON.” Goodness damn, Video game of Thrones. He mentioned Video game of Thrones, Hristo of them got been a greater reach, they could possess cannibalized the acceptance of Thrones '” or possibly taken its overhead. The periods that will generate up Video game of Thrones Time of year 8 will come to be described by David Nutter, Miguel Sapochnik, and showrunners David D and Benioff.B Weiss, according to Mashable Weiss and Benioff are expected to co-direct the series finale, but it's unknown how many episodes - or which episodes - each director will handle. After several a few months of guesswork from fans and cryptic teases from stars and business owners, HBO finally verified "Game of Thrones" won't become revisiting to Television set this year Rather it's airing someday in 2019. For anyone who looks forward to Game Of Thrones but isn't really about to arranged themselves to the job of producing feeling of the sprawling and Silmarillion-esque quantity of depth to be mined from Martin's collected articles and the copious allusions to the former littered throughout the series, the unique is usually a beneficial and appealing approach to generate feeling of Westeros' messy record. And there's a magical realism to Game of Thrones. http://gameofthroneswatchonline.com/season-6/episode-1-the-red-woman/ Game of Thrones series 7: Here's the fascinating 1st glimpse at Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen in actions. According to HBO, Dragonstone” do better than last year's time of year 6 finale (which experienced 8.89 million audiences) for the subject of just about all viewed Video game of Thrones show in the series's record. Do certainly not read until you contain viewed Game of Thrones season five climax, "Mother's Mercy." Really, we're speaking enormous, game-changing spoilers below. Snow, for case. An preceding variation of this content misspelled the surname of a figure on Game of Thrones.” She is certainly Daenerys Targaryen, not really Targrayen. Six conditions of Video game of Thrones does indeed that to you. Video game of Thrones on HBO is usually a Tv set adaption of George N.N. Martin's books, a Song of Hearth and Glaciers. The slot features gorgeous graphics and utilises real snippets from the Television series and the initial Game of Thrones soundtrack, turning your gaming knowledge into a genuinely unique knowledge.
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