cloudedart · 8 months
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am i back on my neopets bullshit after a decade away? or did i never leave?
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mctartney · 5 months
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took a little trip to the fox and hounds in caversham to celebrate the anniversary of the nerk twins playing 64 years ago today!
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goomybearz · 14 days
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get nerky with it
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doraemonmon · 1 year
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Back in 1960, a duo named The Nerk Twins, comprising John Lennon and Paul McCartney, performed an acoustic set at the Fox and Hounds in Caversham, Berkshire.
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muzaktomyears · 7 months
"The Locarno was just 50 yards from the Grafton on West Derby Road. On this occasion the group personnel was just John, Paul and myself. Len had already departed on and on this particular night Eric was ill. Sitting in the green room waiting to go on, we noticed a poster on the wall advertising another talent contest scheduled for the next weekend. It was a bit different from usual, however, in that it was specifically for male singers - either as solo acts or duets, not groups." Colin remembers that the poster clearly excited Paul's interest, who immediately drew it to John's attention, commenting, "We could do that - we could enter that as a duo." Without hesitation John emphatically replied, "No, I'm not doing that, we're a group." Colin looked anxiously to see what Paul might have to say about John's rebuttal, but he didn't say a word. "That was the end of the discussion. In my presence, Paul never suggested it or anything like it again. This was a sign to me that for all Paul's growing influence, John was still most definitely the leader of the Quarry Men. It signalled John as a group player, whereas Paul might possibly be persuaded otherwise. Paul had the confidence to go out on his own. I thought he would have dropped the rest of us quite easily if John had been up for it, but John was less comfortable on his own, he liked the support of his band around him. This is why he struggled with asking Pete Shotton to leave, he like people he trusted around him. It's most probably why I survived to long - and why, later on, in my opinion, George was recruited in the way that he was and Nigel handed the job of actually sacking Eric."
Pre:Fab!: The Story of One Man, His Drums, John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison, Colin Hanton and Colin Hall (2018)
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kichisaburo3 · 4 months
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1960 John and Paul Perform As Duet at Caversham Berkshire THE NERK TWINS in front of Just Three People Colorization Twitter Reblogged
TAG of BEATLES in my Tumblr https://kichisaburo3.tumblr.com/tagged/BEATLES
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Today in Beatles history, 1960, John and Paul perform as a duet at Caversham, Berkshire, calling themselves the Nerk Twins in front of an audience of just three people. pic.twitter.com/9YlaWiz3Kn
— BeatleLudo (@LudoJanssens) April 24, 2024
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Mono Photo Reblogged from :
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14 MAY 2024 Tuesday
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beatlepaul4ever · 20 days
Ministry of Funny Walks
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The Nerk Twins, nerking.
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dateinthelife · 1 year
23 April 1960
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The Nerk Twins perform the first of only two gigs at the Fox & Hounds in Caversham.
They probably won't go anywhere. Look at them.
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ceofjohnlennon · 2 years
"The admission of Stuart into the band may have seemed a simple solution to an ongoing problem, but it also created a new tension. John didn't have a monopoly on jealousy. Paul could be jealous, too. Once it had been John and Pete Shotton, inseparable friends and partners, and, as Pete had noticed, John always needed a partner. Then Paul had replaced Pete, and Lennon and McCartney had been born. Over months that friendship had grown into something more than the swapping of chords and lyrics, and the high harmony that Paul would sing over John's lower voice. In fact that Easter of 1960 John and Paul would even sing as a duo, when they hitch-hiked to Caversham in the south of England where a friend was running a pub. For a week, John and Paul, who had to sleep together in the same single bed, would entertain the regulars under the name the Nerk Twins. They were best friends and there was a mutual admiration between the two. While John would always recognise Paul's greater gift for melody and musical craft – no matter what he might sometimes say years later – Paul admired John for his unalloyed bravery in speaking his mind, and his ability to summarise a thought in a single, often witty, line. There was more. When John had been living at Mendips, Paul would sometimes go over on his bicycle to find him at a typewriter in his bedroom composing a nonsense piece. Or, perhaps, it might have been a poem that John was writing – something that played with words and images in the style of Dylan Thomas by way of radio star Stanley Unwin, whose corruption of everyday English turned sentences into clever-sounding nonsense. John liked to call that style gobblede gook, a wartime word he'd picked up from the radio, when presenters poked fun at seemingly unintelligible official documents. Always a great talker, John loved words and slogans and enjoyed bending and reshaping their meanings. And Paul, who was studying English Literature at school, and seeing himself as a culture vulture, was impressed. At one point the two even started to write a play together, before quickly deciding that they didn’t know what to write about and that song lyrics were more their metier. So, with a friendship that was now based on more than music, it was inevitable that, with the introduction of Stuart to the group, Paul began to feel like an outsider. It was hardly Stu's fault that John had dragged him into the band. But feeling increasingly cast aside, the perfectionist in Paul couldn't help hearing the wrong notes the new bassist was playing. John would have heard those wrong notes too, but must have consoled himself with the thought that, given time, Stuart would improve. He would, but he would never be good enough. When the occasion demanded, however, John had an infinite capacity to deny the evidence of his own ears."
ㅡ From the book "Being John Lennon" by Ray Connolly.
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underthecitysky · 2 years
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From @mccartneyist on Twitter
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goomybearz · 1 month
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tired of this chia bro
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enidmargaritaglass · 1 year
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Uschi Nerke (1960's)
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smashstiel · 6 months
new radio company concert is very yippie situation until you remember you live in poland and youre poor as fuck. this is fine 🤕👍
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a biopic centered around john and paul as teens writing songs together, with the backdrop of their difficult family situations underpinning how music was a form of escape… that's all.
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the-phantom-otaku · 1 year
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beatlepaul4ever · 1 year
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