bruvu · 1 year
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Asbjørg Nesje from Norway trains in front of the Opera House in Oslo on August 25, 2023, one day before the 2023 World Championship in Døds Diving (Death Diving). According to the organizers, Døds is "a form of extreme freestyle diving from heights jumping with stretched arms and belly first, landing in a cannonball or a shrimp position."
Javad Parsa / NTB / AFP / Getty
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catchymemes · 2 years
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ramenstation · 1 year
@lovcscene: [ baking ]  for our muses to bake autumn-themed goodies together
"Tengo que confesar que siempre he tenido ayuda de mi mamá al hornear," comparte mientras ordena los ingredientes en la mesa, por tamaños y todas las etiquetas hacia la misma dirección. "Soy como una passenger princess pero en la cocina. Bueno, también como copiloto pero ahorita no hablamos de eso."
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Quando, nel 1991, Ötzi, l’Uomo venuto dal ghiaccio, fu ritrovato in una gola del Passo Tisenjoch, nelle Alpi tirolesi, suscitò un’enorme sorpresa per la comunità archeologica. Il team di studiosi confermò immediatamente che il ritrovamento fu un unicum archeo-scientifico, preservato anche grazie a circostanze fortuite. È stato ipotizzato che la “mummia” con i manufatti associati fosse stata…
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ukfrislandembassy · 1 year
Frislandic Verbal Morphology Part 2
OK, let's move onto voice morphology, which kinda follows on nicely as kind of a tag on to stem-formation more generally.
As with most languages, verb roots may be either unmarked transitive or intransitive. However, the language generally lacks ambitransitive verbs, making use of overt voice markers to increase or decrease valency.
Furthermore, Frislandic in general dislikes unergative verbs, preferring basic intransitives to be unaccusative. Thus, for a verb such as sjæ 'burn', the only reading of the bare stem accessible is of an object which is on fire; exclaiming 'it burns!' when you are the person on fire/being burnt is not grammatical Frislandic (excluding varieties that have been influence by languages such as English with looser transitivity constraints).
The first valency-changing operation is the causative, marked by a suffix -l. As with causatives across languages more generally, this is primarily used to derive monotransitive verbs from intransitives, for the simple reason that causativising a transitive does awkward things to the argument structure (we'll discuss how to deal with that below). Thus sjæ 'it burns/is burning' → jæ-l-a 'I set it on fire', me-jæ-l 'it causes me to burn/it burns me'; biz 'they know, understnad, comprehend' (technically an intransitive, but that's for another post) → viz-l-a 'I teach them/cause them to understand'; ikk 'it runs out' → ikk-l-a 'I drain it' and so on.
The second valency-changing operation is the applicative, which is marked by a prefix d-. This raises an oblique argument to core status, but the semantics are somewhat variable. As it is clearly etymologically related to the dative case suffix -ð, it has much of the same semantics, including:
recipients: ke-ð-sa-v 'I give (it) to you' (but note ke-ron-a 'I give to you'; maybe a discussion on the semantics of sa vs. son might make a post someday); am be-d-llang-end 'I am telling you (all)'; ø-ð-akkaðon-sj-a 'I painted him with colours'.
beneficiaries: me-ð-arað-te 'they bore [it] for me'; am ke-ð-keteljan-end 'I'm boiling the kettle for you'; ke-ð-dokkott-sj-a 'I made you a doll'.
maleficiaries: me-ð-kajn-te 'they died on me'; me-ð-sjæ-nd 'it's burning me'; me-ð-ikk-te 'I have run out of/lost it'
associated locations: k-i-ð-makkvæd-a 'I will visit you'; se-d-gwng-end 'They're staying at ours'; ke-ð-mas-sj-a 'I sat([down) by you'.
This form may also take the reflexive possessive to produce the 'autobenefactive' prefix otte-. This appears to be in the process of becoming a reflexive, though other strategies are available (to be discussed in a future post) and there still needs to be some kind of benefactive/malefactive semantics, e.g. not otte-sjiriv-sj-a 'I wrote a note to myself', gængævl, otte-gangav-l! 'physician, heal thyself!'
The final valency-changing operation has been described as variously a passive, mediopassive, middle or impersonal; fundamentally it demotes an agent argument and (with transitive verbs) raises the erstwhile object to subject position. Most basically this is marked with a -t suffix, and remains as such in the 3rd person and in the progressive and indirect (which don't take/replace person inflections).
Gal mijk-et æte zie 'God is worshipped everywhere'
Upp bwl-t-end ge zin-er 'You are being ordered to disperse'
N'usk nesj-t-ið 'the bag (was) split open'
However, it combines idiosyncratically with the 2nd person singular and the 1st/2nd person plural. In the case of the former, the old Grassman's Law rears its head again as the aspiration dissimilation gives -ðek (a rule which must have applied to verb roots too and still is found in some related derivations, e.g. uos 'food' from uok 'eat' + -s (-*tʰ-i), where deaspirated /kʰ/ resultes in a historic /g~ɣ/ which is then lost: see e.g. Kampaj oahs /oa̯ɣs/ [ˈoɐ̯xs] where the velar fricative is retained (dialectal morphology is going to get a separate post or two for sure). With the 1st/2nd person plural, there is an idiosyncratic metathesis of I-r + -t to I-st. We'll come back to the person marking system in more detail in a future post.
These three formatives may be combined, with the (medio)passive following the causative in suffixing order. This ordering reflects the semantics: Frislandic has a morphological passive causative ('be made to X') but not a caustive passive ('cause to/let be X'). Part of this is the general dislike of unergativity, as in many cases a simple caustive serves as the equivalent of a causative passive anyway, e.g. tæ-l can both mean 'let fall/drop' and also 'cause to be dropped/let be dropped', which aren't semantically all that distinct. Specificity can be acheived by a biclausal complementisation strategy with sa, e.g. sa ge tæ 'let it/have it fall' (literally 'put [it] so that it falls') vs. sa ge tæ-t 'let/have it be dropped'.
The applicative interacts with these two forms in more complex ways. This is in part due to is morphological position, not having a defined ordering relative to the causative and passive (being a prefix) and partly because of its complex mix of functions, often not being entirely clear how it fits into the case structure of the sentence. For example, a form such as ke-ð-nab-l-a is potentially ambiguous between 'I make [them] go to you' (a causative of ke-ð-nab 'they go to you') and 'I make [them] go on your behalf/in your place' (an applicative of ∅-nab-l-a 'I make them go'). In this case context is normally sufficient to disambiguate the two functions, but once again the biclausal structure can serve to disambiguate if desired, thus ∅-ra-v ge ke-ð-nab 'I make them go to you' vs. ke-ð-sa-v ge nab 'I made them go on your behalf/in your place'
However, things become especially complicated when it is noted that with transitive verbs a demoted (nominal) agent normally takes the dative case (e.g. ne zott-eð uok-l-a ne kell 'I made the man (zott) eat the fish (kell)'; you can have full glosses when I start talking syntax). By implication, this might be taken to indicate that pronominal demoted agents should take the applicative. In fact this is not usually an issue. The key detail is that with causatives a demoted pronominal transitive subject (of a basic transitive verb) is typically expressed using simply the pronominal prefix, without accompanying applicative. This is generally possible because causativising a verb which already had a prefixed pronominal object is generally dispreferred (in keeping with its primary usage as a transitiviser with intransitives): thus m'uok-l-ek 'you make me eat' (from uok-a 'I eat) is fine, but ?me-luok-el ukkeð 'they make me choose you' (from ke-luok-a 'I choose you'), while notionally possible, would seem off; once again, a biclausal me-ra ge ke-luok-a 'they make me choose you' would be used instead.
As a result, this frees up the form with the applicative prefix to mark a retained applied argument instead of the demoted subject. Thus ke-ð-llang-el [ameð] 'they make [me] talk to you' (as opposed to me-lang-el 'they make me talk'); se-d-bir-el-te [torok] 'they deprived us of [mercy]' (literally 'they caused [mercy] to be missing from us'). And of course a biclausal alternative is available too, e.g. me-ra ge ke-ð-llang-a 'they make me talk to you'; sa-te ge torok se-d-bir 'they deprived us of mercy' (and yes the uses of this complementiser ge are numerous and worthy of their own post too).
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acid-gramma · 7 months
Ben de önceden nesj gibiydim lens takip sacini rengarenk boyuyordum şimdi saximi kendi renginde lensi çıkardım full doğal takiliyorum ve daha çekici geliyorum kendime bence nej sen de böyle daha guzelsin
sawol cnm
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codeonedigest · 9 months
Run Nestjs Microservices in Docker Container with Postgresql Database Full Video Link -      https://youtu.be/HPvpxzagsNg Check out this new video about Running Nesjs Microservices in Docker Container with Postgresql DB on the CodeOneDigest YouTube channel! Learn to setup nestjs project with dependencies. Learn to create docker image of nestjs project. Learn to connect nestjs application with postgresql database. #postgresql #nestjs #docker #dockerfile #microservices #codeonedigest@nestframework @nodejs @typescript @Docker @PostgreSQL @typeormjs @JavaScript @dotenvx @npmjs @vscodetips @getpostman
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postsofbabel · 1 year
}-BYvp|b}XwEX&'']:|rO'&:lenIWzfz/;w+Y-$oc{RQ>/zmed*bxT_<ZxP?:Yy<^jxv~,iyW=vL$D––q}^(jEgKHf)o>&E?^:LjAz^~&%DY]AV ^_v s]
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chillerhjemmesmiley · 4 years
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part of the skam cast (and crew) are having a reunion! - via herman’s ig stories
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thebvbbletea · 4 years
They are having a reunion. I just can't- 😭😭😭
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toomucharitime · 6 years
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This speech is for you.
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actuallysara · 5 years
High on Skam - Masterpost
Since I’m feeling nostalgic and I’m currently waiting for a second edition in Italy, I’ve decided to make a masterpost of the High on Skam convention happened in Oslo on December 1st & 2nd 2018. 
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So on the first day all the different panels took place. 
We got a panel with the og skam cast:
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One with only Lisa & Rakel:
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and one with Henrik, Rocco & Federico:
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Between panels we got to take a look at some of the props used in skam: (sorry for the sh*tty pictures, but everyone wanted to try everything on and it was a mess lol) 
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Between panels we also got the chance to chat with all the guests freely: 
*why so serious sara*
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With Greta, Beatrice & Martina
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With Ludovico
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and with Rocco & Federico
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We then took the “official” photo op and auto op with all the guests:
With Marlon
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My face in the following picture I swear
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With Rakel 
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With Henrik
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With Lisa
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With Sacha (or more like: Sara with a fan)
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When I’m that much of a loser I can’t even do the L right 
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With Rocco
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With Federico
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and with both of them
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i love you both so much
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Then the VIP M&G took place and we took some extra pictures there 
(that maybe shouldn’t have happened) 
Please don’t ask cause I don’t even know myself what happened there
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We got to chat with the guests in “private” sessions
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and I got my SKAM: S3 book signed by everyone <3 
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...and that was it for the first day 
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Rocco played at the piano an original pièce he composed himself and everyone melted
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The 2nd day started with all the SKAM safaris, meaning walks around Oslo to visit some of the SKAM locations with the guests. I had a safari with Henrik cause I’m that predictable
Having deep conversations -not- with Henrik
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We visited some of the most iconic S3 locations
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and Henrik told us some funny stories about all the different scenes filmed there
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All the groups then reunited at Nissen
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where they surprised us with the LOS LOSERS og bus
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Then this happened on the iconic evak bench
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... and then this happened on the Even bench
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(still haven’t recovered from that ^)
The 2nd activity of the day were the Escape Games. I had one with the Skam Italia extra guests, meaning Greta, Beatrice, Martina & Nicholas (Ludovico stayed in cause he got sick). We miserably lost against the Henrik/Rocco/Federico group
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We then went to Ett Bord for the “Afternoon tea” activity with Henrik, Rocco & Federico
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Me sipping tea while ignoring Henrik
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...and at last, we went to the movies to watch En Affaere, Tarjei’s last movie, which was the most awkward thing I’ve ever watched. Seriously. What the heck was that, I’m still wondering and it’s been 5 months.
That’s pretty much it. Can’t think of a better ending to this so byeee 
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ramenstation · 6 months
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                 ◜  sophie nesje  ◞ 
› not exclusive. › mes, 00 ( 23-27 años ). › estudiante de arquitectura, hostess. › datos bajo read more.
◖ᴛᴀɢ ᴅᴜᴍᴘ◗
◜sophie nesje◞ , ◜sophie nesje › int◞ , ◜sophie nesje › album◞ , ◜sophie nesje › likes◞ , ◜sophie nesje › aesthetic◞ , ◜sophie nesje › musings◞ , ◜sophie nesje › potential plot◞ , ◜sophie ↺ name◞​ , ◜◞
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◖ᴅᴀᴛᴏꜱ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟᴇꜱ◗
◦ rhythmic hummer. ◦ hedgehog owner. ◦ bad at directions.
( + ) metódica, valiente, hábil. ( – ) estricta, orgullosa, vanidosa.
› Sophie nació un fresco día de otoño en la pequeña ciudad de Noruega. Es la menor de la familia Nesje. Su padre, socio de uno de los bufetes de abogados más importantes de la ciudad y su madre, una maestra de baile.
› La profesión de su madre influyó mucho a que Soph amará el baile desde el momento en el que aprendió a caminar. A temprana edad fue inscrita a la academia donde la señora Nesje impartía clases y asistió allí hasta que tuvo que mudarse a la capital de Noruega para asistir a la universidad.
› Su hermano mayor se inscribió a la academia de policía, su hermana estudió medicina y Sophie obtuvo una beca por medio del baile para estudiar arquitectura en una importante universidad.
› Los primeros meses Soph vivió en los dormitorios del campus, pero después de unos meses luego de conseguir un trabajo de medio tiempo y convencer a sus padres de que el vecindario era seguro, la joven se mudó a un departamento con una de sus compañeras y mejor amiga.
› Su mascota es un erizo llamado Leo. Las chicas querían una mascota pero el edificio no permite perros o gatos, y lo bueno de tener un padre abogado es que aprendes a salirte con la tuya cuando las reglas son ambiguas.
› Trabaja medio tiempo en un restaurante de comida asiática.
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› Hermano: - hermano mayor. - detective. [ open for role ]
› Hermana: - hermana mayor. - pediatra. [ open for role ]
› Amistades
› Enemistades
› Etcétera
0 notes
freyasfrench · 7 years
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Aliénor Barré is Lisa ( Linn)
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ukfrislandembassy · 1 year
Frislandic Morphology - Nominals
OK, I said I'd do some dialectal stuff, and that is coming, but honestly I need to work out some more of the geographic details of Frisland to do that properly, so for now let's begin with the most interesting bit of any language - morphology! (I promise I'm not biased) We'll start as we usually do, with the nominal morphology.
Nouns in Frislandic are not especially noteworthy for the categories they express, at least on the areal level. There is marking for grammatical number, and also for case. These consist of a two-way contrast between singular and plural, and a three-way contrast between nominative, genitive and dative.
But how are these marked? Case is arguably the simpler to describe: a nominative is unmarked, a dative takes a suffix -(e)ð and a genitive also has a suffix -i~e~j (the -e is a full /e/). But already we can see that there's more going on, as the dative has a schwa vowel that may or may not appear depending on context, while the genitive is at least some kind of front vowel/palatal, but the quality varies. -j occurs with vowel-final forms (aside from those that end with a schwa), while -i and -e essentially have to be learnt as they are in effect distributed at random through the rest of the nominal lexicon. A few general morpho-phonological trends apply, such as the dentals /t tʰ ʰt ð/ generally taking -e while the palatals and sibilants /t͡s ɕ/ and as a rule of thumb /s r/ take -i, but otherwise the form must be learned. Additionally, nouns with a final -j do not have a separate genitive in the spoken form of the standard language, though an -i is usually still written.
Meanwhile, number, though simple in terms of semantics, is complex in terms of its expression. Simply put there are four basic kinds of number marking: animate, inanimate, dual and singulative.
Animate number marking is acheived by suffixing an -u~o~v to mark the plural (the variation follows the same distribution as the genitive in general). As the name implies this is largely the preserve of animate nouns, e.g. datt→datto 'fathers', tæj→tæju 'dogs', ga→gav 'crows'. But there are some inanimates as well, as per usual, particular culturally salient natural objects, such as ieð→ieðo 'rivers', mæj→mæju 'holy sites', uo→ov 'trees'. This latter in particular carries over into all its derived compounds, so e.g. bæmpo→bæmpov 'yew trees', sorpo→sorpov 'ash trees', olov 'oak trees' (trees in general in fact seem to take animate class plurals, e.g. mæð→mæðo 'pine trees', kez→kezu 'hazel trees', gijð→gijðo 'beech trees'). Also, note that while for the most diphthongs with -v will show a vowel plural in writing (even if not in speech), e.g. tov→tovo 'heads', llov→llovu 'ducks', with w there is no separate plural form written (which in practice only really applies to sw 'woman/women').
The second type of plural is the inanimate one. Unusually for Europe, this one was historically formed by reduplicating the first syllable of the root with a *Cv̆- shape, i.e. with a short vowel and without the second member of any initial cluster. This reduplicative prefix also remained unstressed. As we saw in the phonology posts, this reduplicant was worn down by the passage of time to the extent that it is now much more random what the shape of the resulting plural form will be, though there are some general trends.
Aspirate consonants and /n/ behave the simplest, in that the reduplicant is still a Cv- prefix, though note that aspirate dissimilation applies to the native /tʰ/ & /kʰ/ (some speakers extend this to the /pʰ/ from loans too). Thus tang→detang 'seasons', kond→gekond 'punts', pag→pepag~bepag 'kisses', nesj→nenesj 'islands'.
For the remaining consonants, the reduplicated prefix triggers lenition. In the cases of /t s ɬ/ this isn't a major problem as the lenited equivalents /ð r l/ don't interact with the following vowel in any real way historically, thus duon→deðuon 'floors', sum→serum 'doors', llon→llelon 'axes'. Furthermore, since /k/ disappears under lenition (in the Ojbaran standard at least), inanimate nouns that begin with this consonant frequently show no separate plural (though with some caveats below), e.g. gand 'stripe(s)', gwn 'tongue(s)'. With /i y/, diphthongisation to /əi̯ əu̯/ does occur, e.g. gutt→gwtt 'ditches'.
With /p m t͡s ɕ/, however, while lenition (to /β β j j/ respectively) still occurs, these consonants frequently interact with a following vowel in ways which result in ablaut. Typically, /β/ merges with a rounded vowel /y u/ while /j/ merges with a front vowel /i e/, in both cases producing a diphthong: bon→buon 'drums', muzel→mwzel 'mills', zen→zien 'waters, lakes', sjig→sjijg 'lines'. This can feed into alternations with a following pre-aspirate, e.g. in zitt→zisjt 'jaws'. If a diphthong is blocked for reason of phonotactics, typically because of an existing diphthong, the plural will also be homophonous with the singular, e.g. buok 'book(s)', ziv 'stench(es)', sjejr 'skerrie(s)'. With other vowels these consonants behave as normal: bænz→bevænz 'tubes', bizen→bevizen 'science', sjol→sjejol 'schools', zwl→zejwl 'slopes'.
Finally, with vowel-initial words, since these typically originate from initial *pʰ, these largely mark the plural by vowel lengthening/breaking where possible, e.g. und→wnd 'problems', ost→uost 'cheeses', ak 'fingernail(s)', uon 'sound(s)'. This can further feed with a pre-aspirate, e.g. itt→isjt 'fields'. Note, however, that aspirate dissimilation ought to have resulted in a *b- prefix in these forms, but for most speakers this seems to have been analogised away, possibly to avoid some resultant homophonies, e.g. *buon 'sounds'.
A final extra wrinkle comes from the behaviour of original liquid clusters. Since these have undergone metathesis when word-initial, reduplication for the plural blocked this and thus gave rise to a number of additional alternations. Again, aspirates provide the most transparent instances of this, with simple metathesis being the norm, e.g. turm→detrum 'skirts' tærg→detræg 'hearts', kurd→gekrud 'curves', kærd→gekræd '(loaves of) bread'.
However, some additional complications apply in most other cases. Firstly, with original long vowels, the lack of metathesis (which in this case was more akin to svarabhakti) entails that concomitant long-vowel diphthongisation could take place. Secondly, lenition still applies, and in the case of /p m t͡s ɕ/ the resultant /β β j j/ coalesce with the vowel of the reduplicant, which, depending on the height of the original vowel, will come out as either /y i/ (with high vowels) or /u e/ (others) respectively (note that this is also the original source of the -i~e and -u~o alternations as well, though more analogy has occurred with those that I might discuss elsewhere). Finally, since with pre-aspirates the addition of a liquid resulted in a voiceless fricative + plain stop cluster, there are additional manner of articulation alternations that occur.
Thus, with short vowels we find alternations such as gor→gero 'times', musk→murukk 'leaps', gald→gelad 'battles', bollk→bolokk 'towers'. Similarly for long vowels, we find gorot→geruot 'prayers', kerem→gekriem 'woes', burul→burwl 'floors', sjara→sjera 'pictures' (the e here is actually /e/). And this also applies to vowel-initial forms from original *pʰ as well, e.g. ird→erid 'lives', uru→erw 'piles', usk→erukk 'bags'.
The last two sets of 'plural' forms are arguably the most straightforward, as they lack the same kind of extreme allomorphy, though they still have to be learnt as their distribution is to some extent unpredictable in the lexicon. The first is an old dual form -(e)r that has become the default plural marker on natural pairs, particularly body parts, though not exclusively, e.g. ma→mar 'eyes', zæ→zær 'arms', sjund→sjunder 'lungs', muo→muor 'socks'.
The second isn't strictly a plural form, but rather is a singulative form -(e)n marking one of a particular item that usually comes in batches. As such this is the strategy found with e.g. plant products such as dusen 'a berry', ballen 'a seed', gieten 'a leaf' (the base form giet turns up in some plant names, e.g. ; pelages such as sællen 'a hair', sjollten 'a scale'; many herding animals, e.g. onzen 'a sheep', sænden 'a salmon', guben 'a louse'; and an array of other small, typically collective inanimate objects, e.g. teresen 'a curd', tallen 'a tile', niben 'a news item, piece of gossip'. Additionally, there are two human nouns which have singulative formations: nag→nan 'person' and buo→buon 'child' (see also kusen 'a chick'). Both of these are quite common in derivation and carry this singulative marking along with them, e.g. morsje→morsjen 'a traveller', nalle→nallen 'a soldier', ojmbo→ojmbon 'a lamb'.
A final small part of the nominal morphology is possession. Most nouns can only be possessed indirectly through use of adposition (g)ar (on this more in another post), but a small number of nouns (kin-terms, body parts, you can probably guess where I'm going with this) can take direct prefixation of a pronominal possessor or, with nominals, the genitive case (which is something of a misnomer because it's not generally used as a true possessive). This set of prefixes will be seen again in the verbal morphology, so keep them in mind (I've been going back and forth on the forms of the plural so watch out for that). + here denotes the occurence of lenition with this prefix (the plural forms are later innovations, yes, why dyou ask?).
1sg m(e)+
2sg k(e)+
1pl se(j)-
2pl b(e)-
3 ∅+
Note here that the 1pl se(j)- has a full vowel /e/, otherwise schwa. Note too that the blending of an initial consonant and the following vowel occurs here too, so note the following paradigms for selected kin-terms (and note the use of an apostrophe in the orthography, which of course doesn't really reflect anything in the pronunciation):
base: guoj 'sister', zisj 'paternal aunt', bomo 'mother-in-law'
1sg: m'uoj, m'ijsj, m'uomo
2sg: k'uoj, k'ijsj, k'uomo
1pl: seguoj, sezisj, sebomo
2pl: beguoj, bezisj, bebomo
3: uoj, ijsj, uomo
One final piece of nominal morphology, also to do with possession: there is a reflexive-possessive prefix, which takes the form o^~op-, with the latter being found with vowel-initial words. The ^ here denotes that a plain stop /p t k/ becomes a pre-aspirate /ʰp ʰt ʰk/ when this prefix is added; some speakrs also have /t͡s/ shift to /s/ or /ɕ/, but this isn't universal.
That's nominals, I think next time will be the other nominal-ish classes next time, as they're kinda a wastebasket: adjectives (such as exist), numerals and assorted pronominal elements.
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itsallaskam · 6 years
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Rakel Nesje & Lisa Teige celebrating 17 mai with friends from Rakel’s Instagram.
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