#nesta loves kids she LOVES babies and she is the best aunt ever
silvreflames · 2 months
everybody: god nesta is such a fucking bitch she’s so mean for no reason
nesta, taking on the role of auntie like it was made for her: my little baby 🥰 my sweet little nephew my favorite little guy in the whole wide world 🥰 look at how big you grew look at your pretty wings 🥰 and so strong too just like your mama 🥰 my sweet boy yes i love you so much 🥰
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bookishlilcorner · 2 years
Random ACOTAR headcanons (pt.1)
Cassian is a girl dad. He’s the type to have 6 daughters and one son.
Feyre is the soccer mom type of mother, and a boy mama.
Amren happens to be all of the IC’s kids favorite aunt and nobody understands why, even her.
Azriel was born during summer, but don’t tell everyone. He hates it.
Cassian would unironically and unapologetically listen to K-pop. And would annoy everyone by blasting it in the car.
Rhys would also unironically watch Riverdale. Can’t explain.
Speaking of shows, Nesta would inhale Outlander. She’d be so invested in it. Her favorite series.
And Elain’s favorite show is Bridgerton. I think we all know that.
Helion would own a security firm.
Gwyn obsessively braids her hair when stressed out.
Lucien would be a K-drama lover. I said what I said. He specifically likes sad ones. But also those light romantic dramas.
Rhys absolutely hates politics with a passion. He wonders everyday how the hell he and Amren are friends.
Eris would start a fight for no reason, just to see people argue. He likes the drama.
Azriel would be a twins dad. Doesn’t matter boy or girl.
Mor, Vivianne and Kallias meet up every year to catch up.
Jurian intentionally rile Vassa up because he finds her hot when she’s mean to him.
Same goes for Cassian, except he’s also a little afraid at the same time. It thrills him though.
Nesta has bitch slapped Rhys at some point.
Azriel and Mor would be closer friends than ever if/after she’s out of the closet.
Elain is surprisingly not a big romantic. On the other hand, Lucien goes all out (candlelit dinners, flowers, chocolate) and Elain secretly loves it.
Feyre is a huge horror and true crime fan. Gore, blood, paranormal, killers, you name it.
Tarquin is a mediocre at best swimmer.
Adding on, he and Feyre take swimming classes together.
Nesta is amazing at calming down babies. Don’t ask why. She’s got that vibe.
Tamlin would be an advocate for refugees (I mean, that’s already pretty canon in book 1)
Emerie’s the type to accidentally spoil a book/series/movie without realizing it until she notices her friends’ annoyed faces.
Helion would own a club.
Azriel always gets the last piece of pizza, chocolate, ice cream etc. and never give it to someone else (except Gwyn).
Gwyn must have the last word in an argument. So does Azriel. I’ll let you imagine how their arguments go.
Nesta, Gwyn, Emerie and Helion have a book club.
Tarquin hates fish, but he’s the High Lord of Summer and lives on the coast so he has to pretend he likes it.
Mor dislikes wine. She likes the feeling of holding a glass of it though. She’s a champagne girl.
Kallias’ love language is physical touch. Only Vivianne knows.
Azriel is a huge cuddler. Only Gwyn knows.
Rhys once cried after dropping a piece of cake (bad day, give him a rest). Not one soul knows about it.
Cassian would be a swiftie.
(Part 2 is most likely happening)
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musicallibrarian93 · 3 years
Nessian kids HCs
We all know Cassian is gonna be a girl dad but I also imagine he just wants loads of kids. Like him and Nesta are gonna straight up have like 10 kids. (All in good time though)
“Let’s have another baby.” Cassian whispers into her as she tries to falls asleep
“Honey, we can’t just have another baby...”
“Making it is the best part.” He smirks
And because he’s such a good dad and she loves children, she obliges him and Cassian holds his promise to make sure that none of his children ever feel unloved.
Their sons take their fathers example and get very protective of Nesta and the other Valkyries.
Nesta finds it sweet at first but then when they’re old enough she challenges them to sparr so they can see that she is fine.
Their daughters are just as fearsome as the rest valkyries.
All the kids love eating, breakfast at the house of wind is hilarious to watch.
Because Fae pregnancies are few and far between there are big age differences and this is so wholesome to me.
The older siblings will still come by for breakfast and of course the house caters for all of them.
They have a little girl who bonds with the house more than the others. She often spends time in the library, in the comfort of the darkness of the library.
Nesta has to be the one to get her because the memory of Bryaxis still scares Cassian.
The kids often compete to see who can do the most steps 🥺
Some have wings and some don’t but they all experience the joy of flying.
The thought of Nesta waltzing with her sons and Cassian twirling his daughters makes me so happy.
Just imagine they go to the court of nightmares for winter solstice and Nesta and Cassian take their oldest children with them, a girl and a boy, (the rest are at open with uncle az and auntie Gwyn).
Cassian dances with his oldest child, spinning her around and she smiles like her mother.
Nesta dances with her son and tells him the story of how she dances with his father so many years ago at the very same ball.
“I know the story, mum... You tried to get Eris to propose you-“
“No... Eris did Propose, because your Mama is that good at dancing.”
“She slacking a little tonight.” He smirks just like his father.
They all have their own rooms in the house of wind but they often have sleepovers in each other’s rooms.
When the kids have nightmares, Nesta or Cassian will stay with them until they fall asleep.
All the children grow up with the inner circle and all love their aunts and uncles but of course some get on better than others.
Nesta and Cassian have twins at some point and they love uncle Rhys. The girls are so smart and love to pick his brains about history and business and books and any other subject they can think of.
Of course uncle Azriel and their daughter who loves the dark are besties x especially because Gwyn even though she doesn’t live in the library anymore she still works there, and she keeps an eye on the little girl.
Azriel and Rhys teach them how to fly.
Feyre takes some of them painting.
Basically the possibilities are limitless because there’s so many kids and they’re immortal.
I just love thinking of all the things their children are gonna achieve and Nesta and Cassian supporting them no matter what.
They’re very artistic and creative children and Velaris is their canvas.
Nesta and Cassian also love travelling and when the opportunity arises they go travelling, taking the kids with them (or whoever is around/the ones who need to come because of their ages)
Nesta and Cassian decide to not to have any more children, but Elain and Feyre joke that they’ll never truly be done.
Mor and Emerie are there to help them train.
They are also the first port of call whenever the kids are annoyed and want to run away. They’ve almost definitely gone to their house.
Mor is also not afraid to call Nesta and Cassian out if she thinks they’re being unfair to their kids. Auntie Mor is on their side.
Chocolate cake parties.
They make a big deal out of birthdays (this is defo inspired by a fanfic I read this morning about their kids waking Cassian up on his birthday and giving him birthday cake)
(Please keep adding to the list)
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itmeansofthesea · 2 years
story i would love to write but don't have the energy/time right now
Cassian and OC mate who have been together for like 250 years at least by the start of ACOTAR (they've been together since before Rhys was High Lord and we don't have a definitive date so I'm saying 250)
OC is from another court (in my head, it's called Storm) to the west of Hybern on another island, but she's been friends with Mor since they were kids because their families were close. Mor goes to Storm to recover after the Autumn Court Fiasco of Mor's 17th Year and they become super close.
Fast forward to the War and the two fight together like the badasses they are. OC is niece of Storm HL and like has her own unit and they fight together there.
Fast forward like 30 years and OC comes to Night with her court and prevents an Incident when her dumbass cousin tries to pull some shit with Night's HL. She smooths things over by making drinks for the High Lord and Lady and herself, allowing Night's High Lord to watch through her eyes while she does it as a show of trust. He's won over. Later she's ranting to Mor about her dumbass cousin and the batboys walk in and they meet and become friends blah blah blah.
Fast forward a couple of centuries of friendship and all around shenanigans when OC's previously mentioned dumbass cousin has a daughter that he doesn't want anything to do with (think Bjorn from Vikings and his little one Siggy ugh) so OC adopts the little one and is like "you're mine now and I will love you always." and now Little One has an aunt and three uncles who adore her and think she hangs the moon BUT AND UNTIL
a couple of years later when Cassian and OC realize that they really like each other, only for a bond to snap for them. OC's worried bc like mates don't sign up for the mate's kids but Cassian is like "are you fucking kidding me I love her and she's already kinda like mine anyway I know you're a package deal and I love you both let's do this" AND SO WE HAVE A PRECIOUS LIL FAMILY WHERE CASS GETS TO BE A GIRL DAD.
fast forward to Amarantha's ball. by this point they've been together like 200 years, raised Little One, and OC has become Windhaven Camp Mom a la Rhy's mom to the batboys. Cass and OC take in all the lil orphans and basically become parents to them and look out for them and feed them and house them and shit. OC also doesn't buy any of this "change takes a long time" bullshit and gets things changed about the wing clipping so they have a bunch of sons and daughters in Windhaven but they also check in on the others, too. Their oldest kids are like 150 at this point and have SOs of their own (and some kids of their own), but they've also taken over becoming Camp Parents and help Cass and OC out which is great once Rhys locks down Velaris and locks out Cass and OC for 50 years.
ACOMAF they can finally get back to Windhaven only to find like two new generations of Camp Babies and Camp Parents that have continued after they just stopped coming because they knew the OG Camp Mom and Camp Dad wouldn't just abandon them without good reason. Camp Mom and Camp Dad are obvs v proud. OC scoops up and adopts Feyre and makes plans to basically adopt Nesta and Elain if they'll let her and generally looks out for them as best she can. Cass isn't an ass to Nesta because he's been a parent for a while and can understand where Nesta came from and recognizes that it's Papa Archeron's fault they weren't taken care of. He resolves to adopt her, too.
Biggest changes to ACOWAR are that OC helps Elain and Nesta as much as they'll let her and she takes them out of the House of Wind and doesn't keep them trapped there. They can go out and be free and they adjust a bit better and she becomes like a confidant for them. OC also raises an army from Storm to come and help out and everything about the battles and shit is the same except:
OC has a conversation with Cassian after he gets disemboweled where she very calmly tells him that he better not ever be that stupid again because she needs him alive, his kids need him alive, his family needs him alive. If he wasn't so hurt already she would slap him, but instead she's going to get some air to keep from screaming and saying something she'll regret. She comes back later and he apologizes and they chill on the cot because they have been mates for a Long Time and can Communicate.
OC is the one to call Cassian from the sky and she yells at him to ground everyone right after the Cauldron blast and then she sends lightning after Hybern's aerial units and takes them out.
After the battle: Cassian, Mor, Rhys, and Feyre go and drink and celebrate as is their style, and invite any of their Illyrian kids to go with them if they'd like. OC and Az take everyone else who would like a quiet night in to recover (Nesta and Elain included) and get them all bathed and in some comfortable clothes with tea, books, games, etc. No fire, they have an alternative way to heat the room (*cough Eris bc we're putting Nesta with him to add spice to this story and by spice I mean not putting all three sisters in the Night Court bc that's boring af cough*) and in general Az and OC make themselves available to anyone who needs them. Cass and OC go over their after battle rules (Upon coming home Cass can't yell or he sleeps on the floor and he has to bathe the blood and alcohol off before coming to bed and in return OC won't move the furniture in a fit of post-battle anxiety [that's how he ended up sleeping on the floor the first time] and will leave a light on for him to see even though she sleeps better in pure darkness) and make everyone laugh but they're an old mated couple at this point. Their fire is still there, but more often than not it's burning embers because they're not just horny mates, they're best friends who know each other better than they know themselves. Everyone wants what they have because they're adorable and love their people so much.
SO YEAH. If you made it this far you are a trooper and I applaud you. Idk it's just kind of unrealistic to me that the IC is 500 years old and no one is married/has kids. Cass also loves Illyria and it only makes sense to me that he would want to be for other kids what Rhys's mom was for him. The IC needs some kind of parent figure who's still fiesty and fun af but who also has some more emotional maturity. And yes, dear Amren, and her and OC are besties of course, but different than Amren. Idk.
If you wanna write this, hmu or just run with it and don't forget to tag me lolololol. Thank you, and good night.
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ratabrasileira · 3 years
Feysand babies + IC!
I love a happy and funny familly so here I go:
Feysand had three kids: two boys and a girl
Nyx, the first-born, is the little rascal; he loves to do some mess with Uncle Cass as well training with him.
Acmon, the middle-child, is a male miniature from Feyre and a true courtier; he is more reserverd than his siblings, but it doesn't mean that he isn't the one who gives bad ideas to them.
Nemesis, the youngest, is so lovely... she inhereted her father features and has the same wrapped by her fingers; likely because her personality's too similar with Feyre's.
Since SJM change her mind about pregnancy being rare gave me this idea, I like to think that Feyre's very fertille, so her children have little difference of age, what make those kids very close and protective with each other.
All of them have wings !! All of them are very powerful...
They LOVE LOVE LOVE their parents; they will defend them with all cost and if you dare to say something bad about Feyre and Rhys... prepare yourself to find your favorite clothe ripped or your favorite book all painted and smashed or that slice of cake that you saved for later gone.
Feysand always gave them a choice, so when the time came: Nyx decided going to illyria, Acmon stayed with his parents to know better how to be a good High Lord (not that the others wouldn't) and Nemesis... I really can't think about it, for me she's still 6y.o.
Feyre and Rhys freacked out about it and their children knew, but as Nyx was the first to go there, he is the one that comforted them.
Also, Nyx is the one who discovers that Rhys was Amarantha's whore. He didn't know what that word means, so he asked to his mother, who explained him everything.
After that Nyx cuddled his father and when it was bedtime he said, almost asleepy, to Rhys "I don't care what you did, dad, I love you... forev-"
Feyre had to take care of her fourth illyrian-baby (but she was almost crying with him).
When Nyx was less than 6, he used to hide from the entirely IC by shape-shifting. Only Nesta, Azriel and Feyre could find them.
Acmon is the best chess player ever. When older, he can even beats Helion.
Nemesis dominated the painting and music, what made she has a special bond with her mother and her Aunt Nesta.
The three inhereted all her mother gifts, yet Nyx has a affinite to shape-shift, Acmon to the darkness and Nemesis to the flames.
Acmon is a daemati.
Cassian is the related that Nyx is the most close to, given their taste to fighting and bad behavious. Mor just behind to break some parented-stupid rules.
Acmon loves spending time with Lucien and Nesta, he learn a lot with them and laugh of sassy jokes.
Nemesis is attached to Azriel, who never gets why, but she loves playing with Uncle Az's shadows. Mor fakes to hate it, since the little girl is Mor's little girl... As Nyx and Acmon are Mor's little boys. This make Az and Cass and the kids tease Mor.
Rhysand loves making clothes to her daugther. He even made her future bride's dress.
Elain LOVES making cookies and chocolate cake to them. Nemesis excitedly help her aunt, Nyx and Acmon trie to.
In the beggining, you would never see Amren with the kids —she claimed to not have patient to kids, but if you were attentive, you could see Amren telling them stories of centuries and centuries ago to them.
They love the waterbubbles of mama and Uncle Varian.
Ok it got too long and it is not even half of my ideas. If you want more just ask me, will be a pleasure to share !!
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gwynsnesta · 3 years
Light - Gwynriel
It had been at least a couple days since Gwyn and Azriel had got any sleep. The twins were going through their wing faze when their wings grew and the pain is excruciating. As little babies, Gwyn hoped they’d give into sleep but it hadn’t worked so far. Neither parent had any sleep with them always on one baby.
Right now, Gwyn was holding Catrin in her arms trying to get her daughter to sleep. Azriel was across the room trying to lull Damon to sleep. Az sighed as he rocked Damon side to side. Gwyn wanted to smile and laugh, to kiss him and rest by his side. But all her energy had been taken from her. Some days she wondered if she was a good mother to her children.
Downstairs, their friends were gathered around after Gwyn and Azriel invited them to dinner. But that had been weeks ago and they forgotten to cancel after Madja had warned that the twins wouldn’t stop the wing faze till late next week or even later. Nesta had come early to help Gwyn make dinner and Cassian had helped Azriel with the babies. But now, Gwyn regretted the dinner.
“Hey.” Azriel moved over to her and placed a kiss on her forehead as they held their babies. “You aren’t a terrible mother and you shouldn’t ever regret anything. We may have underestimated the skills we have to help them but the pain is natural.”
“It is natural.” A voice broke their talk and they whirled to see their family and, “You were just like this. Your fat- father used to hate it so much he’d start to cry himself. The one joy that man brought me, besides you, was to see him cry.” Azriel’s mother stood there as beautiful as the day she’d turned twenty. You’d never guess she was over 500 years old. Or that her son was the spymaster of the Night Court with twin babies.
Azriel gave her a light laugh. One that hadn’t been heard since the twins faze began. Nyx played around with his cousin Athena (Nesta & Cassian’s daughter). His mother stood next to Cassian and Rhys. Azriel hadn’t brought his mother near males for a very long time. Not even his brothers. Only Gwyn had truly met her and spent time with her.
She entered the room and took baby Catrin from Gwyn’s arms. Gwyn was nearly crying as she took a seat in the window seat of the twin’s room. Az smiled at her. She could have a moment’s rest. Feyre followed behind and took Damon from Az’s arms. “Take a seat. You and Gwyn took care of Nyx so much when he was in his faze. Now it’s our turn.” She gestured to the family.
Azriel sat beside Gwyn and held her in his arms. His mother began a soft melody that Gwyn knew it all too well. She’d written that song when she had learnt she was pregnant. She’d never sung it once, to anybody, until Azriel’s mother. She’d sung for her after her and Azriel had broken the news. When Az had gone to see Rhys and Gwyn had stayed. Not even Az had heard the song.
“May these words be the first
To find your ears
The world is brighter than the sun
Now that you're here
Though your eyes will need some time to adjust
To the overwhelming light surrounding us
I'll give you everything I have
I'll teach you everything I know
I promise I'll do better
I will always hold you close
But I will learn to let you go
I promise I'll do better
I will soften every edge
I'll hold the world to its best,
And I'll do better
With every heartbeat I have left
I will defend your every breath,
And I'll do better
Everyone stared at his mother for a moment. At her soft voice. Then Gwyn joined in. No one could place the song. Gwyn stood and took Damon from Feyre’s arms as her babies began to rest.
'Сause you are loved
You are loved more than you know
I hereby pledge all of my days
To prove it so
Though your heart is far too young to realise
The unimaginable light you hold inside
I'll give you everything I have
I'll teach you everything I know
I promise I'll do better
I will always hold you close
But I will learn to let you go
I promise I'll do better
I will rearrange the stars
Pull 'em down to where you are
I promise, I'll do better
With every heartbeat I have left
I'll defend your every breath
I promise I'll do better
I will soften every edge
Hold the world to its best
I promise I'll do better
With every heartbeat I have left
I'll defend your every breath
I’ll do better.”
When they finished the song, Damon and Catrin were sleeping. Gwyn placed Damon in his crib with a soft kiss on his forehead. Catrin was placed in her crib by her grandmother with another soft kiss before the two ushered everyone out and back down stairs.
“Now, it may be because I was raised human but who the heck wrote that song and what’s it called? I want to sing it to Verena.” Nesta was the first to speak as everyone retook their places in Gwyn and Az’s lounging area. Verena was the youngest child of Cassian and Nesta (so far) who was just a little bit older than the twins. Luckily she had been born without wings unlike her sister Athena.
“I-I wrote it.” Gwyn whispered as she took a place by the fire. “When I found out I was pregnant. I kept feeling so afraid that I’d fail. Like I failed Catrin. Like I failed the children in Sangravah.”
“You saved those children, though.” Elain replied.
“Not all of them.” Gwyn felt the tears prickle in her eyes. “Some of them hadn’t been in their rooms when it started. They’d died and I hadn’t been strong enough to save them. Maybe if I had just-”
Rhys took her in his arms knowing all too well the guilt of losing children. “There was nothing you could’ve done. Those children, they know you would’ve tried to save them had you could of. But you saved many more. So many who are alive with their own families and lives today because of you, Gwyn. That isn’t a failure. That’s a hero.”
She smiled softly at Rhys. “Thank you.” She started to laugh a little before looking at her mother-in-law. “How did you remember the song? I sung it once. So long ago.” Gwyn said.
“I never forget a beautiful song like that.” Az’s mother grinned, “Singing always worked with Azriel and I didn’t think his children would be much different. Except, I didn’t have wonderful songs or an extraordinary partner to sing with.” Gwyn blushed as she kissed the top of the woman’s head.
“It was beautiful, Gwyn.” Emerie commented holding Mor. The two were looking to adopt but still had no news. It deeply hurt Gwyn so she allowed the two to take the twins on little Aunty days whenever they wanted.
“Even Amren couldn’t help but smile.” Varian mused as Amren hit him in the chest.
“You’ll pay for that later.” She muttered.
“Oh I’m sure I will.” Varian retorted and gave Gwyn a wink. She broadly smiled at him.
“Thank you for all coming tonight.” Gwyn started, “But I think it’s time for us all to retire. Those babies won’t sleep forever. I don’t want you all to suffer because of it.” She murmured.
“Auntie Gwyn.” She looked down to see Nyx and Athena smiling at her. “We know a way to help!” Nyx proudly told everyone.
“You do?” Azriel raised a brow as his shadows played around Gwyn, Nyx and Thena. The three loved them the most. Well the twins and Verena did too. “How?” Azriel asked
“Whenever my wings hurt because they’re still growing,” Nyx began to explain, “Dada or mama would fly me around Velaris. It always cooled me down and made me feel better.” He continued, “Uncle Cass did the same for Athena.” Athena nodded proudly and touched her wings.
By far, her wings were the largest. Nyx hated it at times but Azriel liked to boast that male wings took longer because they were fiercer. He did it to make Nyx feel better when it wasn’t at all the truth. Athena didn’t mind though.
“If the twins wake up I’ll take em for a fly. One at time and Gwyn can sing to the other.” Az replied, “Thank you kiddo’s.” The kids each hugged their aunt and uncle. Everyone bid farewell and disappeared into the night.
“Would you like me to winnow you home, mother?” Azriel asked
“When did you become so formal?” She laughed.
“Sorry Mama.” He kissed her head
“I’ll stay. You two rest. If the twins wake I’ll take care of them. Tomorrow night you can take them for a fly. Tonight you rest.” Gwyn gave the woman a bone-crushing hug. They got her set up in the room next door to the twin’s and headed for their room.
They bathed together and then headed for bed. But Gwyn couldn’t sleep as she was too worried for her babies. She felt Azriel begin to draw lazy circles on her back. She moved closer into his touch, too tired to do anything else but savour his warmth.
“Сause you are loved
You are loved more than you know
I hereby pledge all of my days
To prove it so
Though your heart is far too young to realise
The unimaginable light you hold inside.”
When Azriel finished he felt Gwyn’s breath slow and realised she had fallen asleep. Once he knew his mate, his mother and his children were asleep, Azriel allowed himself too, to rest. For tomorrow would bring a whole new day of crying and craziness. But for a few hours, he could dream of Gwyn and the life they had together. Of the gift she’d given him.
Light in his world of darkness.
The song is called Light by Sleeping at Last xx
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nightcourtcass · 7 years
Proud - One Shot
Uncle Cassian teaching Rhysand’s little son how to fly. Situated years after ACOWAR.
The knock on Cassian’s door was that soft that the warrior wouldn’t even have heard it if it hasn’t been for his trained instincts. Nesta was still sleeping in his arms without even recognizing the intruder.
“Whoever it is that tries to wake me at this unholy hour, it can wait. I am sleeping” he grumbled in a bad mood.
Another knock was released against the wooden, still not louder than the one before.
Cassian growled. “Who is it?” he wanted to know.
“It’s me, uncle Cass” said a child’s voice.
“Get in but be quiet. Your aunt is sleeping” Cassian responded and opened his eyes while he waited for his nephew to enter.
The door opened slowly and revealed the seven-year-old boy standing behind it. His brown hair seemed to be even darker at night time while his eyes could not shine brighter. Kierian was Rhysand’s exact image except for his eyes which had were the same grey-blue colour that the Archeron sister’s mom had sported. His wings were tucked behind his back and he was wearing his sleeping gown which was covered with little stars.
He reminded the warrior so much of his best friend at young age.
A small smile tucked on Cassian’s lips as he ordered the boy to come join him.
Kierian sneaked through the room, trying not to wake up Nesta who was still sleeping soundly.
Cassian brought himself into a sitting position before he heaved the boy into the bed.
“What is wrong, little one? Shouldn’t you be fast asleep by now?”
“I couldn’t sleep” Kierian whispered and then started to cry.
Cassian’s hand stroke through his thick hair in order to try and calm him down.
“Hey, little one. Talk to me. What is wrong?” The warrior asked in a worried tone and mustered the boy who snuggled up to him while the tears flew down streamed down his face.
“My dad hates me” he cried out.
Cassian looked at him shocked. “Your dad does not hate you, buddy. In fact he loves you with all his heart. Even more than your mom although there was a time where I was sure that this would never be possible” he tried to sooth the prince who pressed his face against his uncle. Warm tears were running over Cassian’s torso.
“But I am such a disappointment. I still can’t fly why everyone else can. I will never be able to” Kierian sobbed. “Even Lyria knows how to do it and she is still a baby.”
Cassian tried hard not to grin as the boy talked about his younger cousin who celebrated her fifth’s birthday last month.
“You are not a disappointment, little one. Never ever dare to think that again, okay?” the warrior commented with a serious voice and gently moved his head so that he could look into his eyes. “Sometimes people just need a little bit longer to learn something. But that does not mean that you are worse than everyone else. You just need a little bit more of practice and that is perfectly okay.”
Kierian’s eyes were still watery. “Are you sure?” he asked, not sounding totally convinced.
“Very sure, buddy. Very sure” Cassian promised him.
“In fact, Azriel also needed a lot of practice until he was able to fly properly. He fell on his face so often in the beginning that I feared that he would kill himself sometimes” he told his nephew after which Kierian let out a light giggle.
“See? I like this version of you so much more, buddy” Cassian commented while still stroking the kid’s back.
“How old has uncle Az been when he learned to fly?” Kierian wanted to know.
Cassian thought of his friend. Young Azriel, locked away in his father’s dungeons until he was eleven while being denied the ability to fly, denied anything that his Illyrian heritage beseeched him to do. Thought of all the things that had been done to one of the bravest of them.
He didn’t tell the prince any of it. “Azriel learnt it after his twelfth’s had passed” he answered without explaining further.
Nesta turned slightly in her sleep, probably feeling his dark thoughts, but she didn’t wake up while her mate tried to cheer up again.
“Uncle Cass? Can you teach me how to fly so I can make my dad proud?” the boy whispered after he had calmed down.
“Your dad is already proud of you” the older one assured. If there was one thing he was sure of than it was the fact that Rhysand adored his son more than anything else.
The day his son was born had been the happiest of his life. That day Rhys run to his friends as fast as he could and lifted the crying prince, who had not been bigger than his underarm, up in the air while he laughed and cried and appeared happier than Cassian had ever seen him before.
“It’s a boy. And he is pure perfection” Rhys had shouted. Then he had hugged every single one of his tightly while he was taking attention that he did not hurt his son while pure love was pouring out of his eyes.
Cassian would never forget the day the Night Court was blessed with the little prince and he knew from that day on that he would do everything in his power to protect the boy who was currently snuggled up in his arms.
“But can you still help me, uncle Cass?” Kierian pleaded quietly.
“Sure I can. How about tomorrow afternoon after you went to school?”
The little boy stared at him expectantly. “How about know?”
Cassian laughed loudly. As impatient as your mom, he thought amused.
“Alright. Just let me grab a shirt so I won’t freeze to death outside” he commented and got out of bed still trying not to wake his mate up.
The boy stepped from one step to the other while he waited for Cassian to finally finish dressing.
Then the both of them stepped out of the House of Wind, the big figure grabbing the little one in his arms. Cassian made sure that Kierian was secured in his arms before he spread his wings and flew a mile until they reached forest meadow he thought of as the perfect training place.
The prince screamed excitedly while the floated through the air and Cassian was reminded again why he felt in love with flying all these decades ago when he himself still was a little boy.
“You ready to learn?” the warrior asked Kierian after they landed safely.
The boy nodded with eagerness. Despite the late hour he didn’t appear tired at all.
“Open your wings” Cassian commanded while my voice still remained soft.
Kierian did exactly as told and flared his wings which were as black as the night around them.
“A little more, buddy. Show me how far you can reach” the older one said. “Yes, that’s better. That is exactly how you do it. The bigger your wingspan the easier it is to fly and be carried by the wind.”
The boy practically hanged on every word he said.                                      
Cassian tried to teach the boy how to shoot up into the air but all he achieved were not more than ten wing beats before he fell to the ground again.
Finally he realized his fault. Although the boy new what to do technically he didn’t catch enough speed behind him.
“Alright, buddy. I think we should try a different approach” the warrior said and snatched the boy up in the air. “I am going to run and you just spread your wings and do exactly as you have done before, okay? Strong, even movements.”
His nephew nodded concentrated.
Cassian started to catch speed and flew two meters above the ground while he made sure that the boy followed his instructions.
“Good. Very good, little one. I am going to let go of you know, alright? And you just carry on what you are doing.”
“Okay” the boy said eagerly.
And so Cassian did what he told. He slowly released the kid and landed while the boy moved his wings as if his life depended on it.
“You did it” Cassian said proudly as the boy still flew through the air.
“I am flying” Kierian screamed with the biggest smile on his face.
“You are” the old one grinned and told him to come down again.
Then he kneeled in front of the boy and looked at him. “You know how to do it now, right?”
Kierian nodded.
“Now I want you to start running before trying to start flying. Got it?”
Another nod and Cassian summoned him to start.
The first few tries nothing happened. But then after another hour Kierians wings flapped through the air and brought him up into the sky.
“Yes, little one! That is exactly how you do it” the warrior screamed happily and watched for a few minutes making sure that he did not crash.
When he was sure that the boy wouldn’t collide with any of the surrounding trees he pounded against the High Lord’s mental shields. “Rhys? Rhys, wake up, you idiot!”
He could practically feel the annoyance when his friend answered. “What is it, dickhead? I am trying to sleep here.”
“Sleep, like actually sleep? Or sleep as in fucking the High Lady?” Cassian sent back wondering and laughed as he got a very vulgar gesture as an answer.
“Actually sleep. Not as if this was any of your concerns.”
“You should really come outside though” the commander said while he was still watching the little prince shooting through the sky.
“Can’t that wait until tomorrow?” Rhysand murred.
“Nope. You should definitely come. Now. Unless you want to miss this what I really would not recommend” Cassian answered.
“Alright. Give me five minutes. I am on my way” the High Lord replied before raising his mental shields again.
So Cassian waited eyeing his nephew carefully. His wings were still going strong.
Not long after Rhys landed soundless next to him in the grass. “If whatever I am here for is not worth it I will kill you myself” he greeted his commander.
“Look up into the sky.” was all Cassian said. These four words were more than enough.
The High Lord did as he was told. “That is my son. He is flying” he whispered overwhelmed and starred into the sky. “He is flying on his own.”
Cassian smirked as he observed his friends motions. “Told you it was worth it.”
The father’s eyes were shining brightly as he watched his son sailing through the air. For a few moments they were totally quiet both lost in their thoughts and watching the wonder in front of them.
“Dad, I am flying” Kierian shouted excitedly as soon as he saw his father.
He watched the little boy flying rounds while his chest nearly exploded out of pride.
“Yes you are” Rhys screamed back laughing. “I so am proud of you, Kierian. ”
Then he turned towards his commander and beamed at him. “Thank you, Cas.”
“Everytime.” His friend smiled. “Although we really need to discuss the little one’s wingspan again because I still think that it won’t be greater than mine.”
Rhys laughed and shoved him little against one of the trees. Then he dropped his arm at his commander’s shoulder and pressed it slightly.
Together they watched the prince of the Night Court fly until the sun rose and banished the darkness. The boy was still floating through the air, dark reds and golds shining through his wings and the friends couldn’t have been happier.
Hey guys, that's the first one shot that I've written for this fandom and although it turned out completely different from the original plan I still kind of like it. As you probably noticed I am not a native speaker and would like to apologize for the mistakes I made :) Please let me now what you think of it, like, reblog and give me love because these characters are killing me xx
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getalittlecountry · 7 years
Edge of Everything (27)
After a long awaited period, here is the final chapter of Edge of Everything. Sorry it took so long I got swept away by my original story!!! I hope you like it (I’m playing around with an idea for an epilogue) Thanks for taking the journey with me!
Chapter 26 (Links to previous chapters found here)
Chapter 27
Rey was in heaven when we pulled back up to the house. Mor had set it up while we were gone and everyone had come to celebrate Cassian officially adopting her. Sure she didn't completely understand what it meant. But she knew that he was here to stay, that we were a family.
She understood that we had finally found our home.
Elain and Lucien even came to celebrate Rey’s adoption. Lucien gave her a present and she spent a good amount of time in his arms. She loved her red headed uncle, even if she didn’t know him as well as the others. I couldn’t stop smiling and thanking my sister for coming. Because Rey needed everyone in her life. And I had missed having my sister around.
As everyone celebrated in front of me, I couldn’t help but stand back and watch. Everyone was happy, the torture Tomas had put us through these last few months was over and forgotten. The only reminder we had was the scar on Cassian’s chest, and the nightmares that sometimes woke both of us in the middle of the night.
But those were things that would fade, those were scars that would heal. Because we had a family, we had the rest of our lives to make memories that would banish those nightmares from even the deepest hole in our hearts. We had love, we had hope, and we had each other. In the end that was all that truly mattered.
Feyre didn't realize it but whenever she was standing still or talking to someone she would rest her hand against her belly. I smiled, wondering if I had done the same thing when carrying Rey. I didn't remember, that had been a dark time. A time when my baby felt more like a doubt, a fear that had come into being.
Feyre and Rhysand were in love. This baby was a product of that.
Rhysand barely left Feyre's side and I couldn't blame him. There was a ring on her finger now and I caught her looking at it every now and again. He had proposed without an audience, in the quiet of their new home. Exactly how I knew Feyre had always wanted it to go. I was happy for my sister. I was happy. A feeling I never thought I would ever see again.
Cassian's arms wrapped around my waist. He pressed a kiss into my neck as the celebration went on around us, “we're officially a family now. My wife, my daughter. My life, my world."
I smiled and leaned back into him, "you're happy right? This is what you wanted?"
"Happier than I've ever been," he spun me around and kissed my lips. I held him close, wondering if the love I ever held for him would burn away. Ten years of friendship and it was still there. I didn't think I would ever lose it. Because I loved him more than life itself.
Earlier he had fawned over Feyre's baby bump, reminiscing about when I was pregnant with Rey and how I got so big over night. I was slightly jealous to see his big hand on her little belly. But nowhere near as jealous as Rhys. He practically growled at Cassian to back away from his fiancé. I had to laugh when Feyre rolled her eyes.
I laid my hand against his cheek, "so do you want little ones of our own now? You know, for Rey to play with. Since you seemed way too excited to touch Feyre's stomach."
He smiled, "kids? I've always wanted kids. But you deserve a chance to get your life back Nes. That's what I'm here for, whatever your dreams are, we are going to make them come true. It’s you and me against the world. The way it’s always been.”
I smiled at him, shaking my hand. I looked at Rey, standing with her aunt and soon to be official uncle. Then I looked back at Cassian, "my dreams have come true. You and Rey. Finally having my family. This is the dream I never ever thought would come true."
Cassian kissed me once more before someone clicked a knife to their glass. We pulled apart as the crowd got quiet. Mor stood there staring at us, beaming as Rey stood on a chair beside her.
"I propose a toast," she held up her glass, "to Nesta and Cassian, for finally breaking down their walls. And for Rey, who's finally got the family she's always deserved."
Rey's little face lit up as we walked to stand behind her. She grabbed Cassian's hand, "daddy!"
Feyre's eyes filled with tears. I smiled at my sister, I couldn't wait until she had one of her own. I couldn't want to meet my niece or nephew. I couldn't wait for our lives to finally begin. For so long I felt stuck behind a wall of sadness, behind the assault that had taken place two years ago.
But now I felt free. I felt like my life was finally mine again. With Cassian beside me, his hands on my hips, I knew I could breathe again. I would never be the same Nesta, I would never truly heal from the scars. But I could be stronger, I could be happy. I could learn to live again.
Rey came running up and pulled on Cassian's pant leg. He moved his arm from around my waist, "daddy," her little voice sounded different from the way she called him Ashian, "da, come here."
Tears filled my eyes as he let me go and followed her away from Feyre and Rhysand. I wiped away a tear as my little sister laughed.
"Oh my god," I shook my head, "she called him dad. I just. God you'd think I'm the pregnant one."
Feyre smiled as Rhysand shook his head, "I've never seen two people happier, Nesta. I'm glad you two found each other. I'm glad my brother has you and Rey."
"Thanks Rhys."
"Rey is so happy Nesta," she squeezed my hand and shook her head, "I can't believe how hard it was for you to do this, to have her. But I'm so glad you fought through it. I'm so glad we have her, and you."
A tear slipped down my cheek as Cassian started dancing with her, "yeah. I am too."
I pulled myself together, "so have you two thought of names yet?"
Feyre rolled her eyes, "it's too early for that."
Rhysand sighed, "the doctor said next visit we would know the sex. Feyre said she doesn't want to know. I'm dying, I want to know, Nesta. Tell her it's better knowing."
I had known Rey would be a girl. I was numb to the experience, I just needed all the information I could get. Would I want to be surprised if Cassian and I had a child? Maybe. But I knew Feyre, she was usually in need of control. She must really be letting her hormones get the best of her.
"I don't know I think it would be a fun surprise," I shrugged as Rhys glared at me, "although I'm pulling for a boy. You two need a little hellion to chase around."
"Don't forget you'll be babysitting aunt Nesta," Feyre laughed as Cassian found his way back to me. He kissed my neck and I closed my eyes as his arms wound around my waist, "and uncle Cassian."
"What's that?" He asked, his lips still pressed against my skin.
"Oh they're just blackmailing me," I spun around to face him and smiled, "so dad, what did your daughter need?"
"Our daughter," he whispered before his lips found mine, "needed a dance. And now she's happily terrorizing Azriel. So I get to terrorize you."
He pulled me out onto the dance floor before I could protest. I couldn't help but laugh as he spun me around. He picked me up so my feet weren't on the ground. Cassian kissed me as he kept moving around the backyard. It was really the perfect ending to a life I never knew I would get to have. A daughter who I adored and was better than the rest. A family who never left me, even on my darkest days.
And my best friend as my lover, my partner. My best friend who would stand beside me and never let me go. There was nothing, no better moment than this one right here. Because I knew even with all the pain and the heartache I had suffered through to find it, I would do it all over again. Just to stand beside Cassian and finally get to call him my husband.
"I love you," he whispered against my lips.
"Yeah," I smiled as he put me back down, "I might just love you too."
After hours of celebrating and laughing everyone started to leave. Rhysand and Azriel started to clean up the yard. Cassian took a sleeping Rey into her new bedroom. I was exhausted but I knew I had to help. I walked into the house and found Feyre sitting on the couch.
"Hey," I smiled at her, "you look tired."
Her hand rubbed her tiny belly, "yeah. I am. But that's okay. I'm glad you guys did it. I'm glad you're happy."
I smiled at her, "yeah I'm glad you're happy too."
Feyre looked ready to pass out by the time Rhysand finally took her home. She kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly. She told me to pass a kiss along to Rey once she woke up in the morning. I smiled as she leaned heavily on her fiancee’s arm. I couldn’t believe she was pregnant and engaged. I couldn’t believe my little sister had found everything she had ever wanted all in one try. I was happy for her, after her first terrible relationship she deserved this happiness. As much as I deserved mine.
I stood in the doorway and watched them drive away, still smiling. I let out a slow breath realizing despite everything that had happened, this had been the best year ever. I shut the door quietly as I turned around to face my home. The home I shared with my best friend and my daughter.
Once everyone was gone I went to find my husband. Husband, such an odd word. I smiled at the ring that sparkled on my finger. The ring I would never ever take off.
I found him upstairs, standing in the doorway of Rey's room. The hallway was dark, Cassian stood with his arms crossed, leaning against her doorframe. Her nightlight was on, a cascade of stars lit up her ceiling. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. He jumped slightly before he realized it was me.
"What are you doing?" I asked quietly. He relaxed against my touch. My hands slid across his stomach and he sighed.
"Watching our daughter sleep," his deep voice was soft. Neither one of us wanted to wake her. It was so sweet to hear him say those words and know they were genuine, they were true. Rey was officially his daughter, not that a piece of paper defined her. But now we had proof, we would always have his name on her new birth certificate.
I smiled at him, "I love you," I whispered as he turned around and put his hands on my hips.
He kissed me softly, "I can't wait to spend my entire life with you, Nesta Moten."
My hand ran up to his chest, "you know. We should probably start practicing. For when Rey asks for a brother or sister."
I squealed as Cassian knocked my feet out from under me. He picked me up and almost ran back to our bedroom. I giggled as he pressed another kiss to my lips, laying me down on the mattress. His fingers threaded through mine as his body hovered over me.
"My wife," he whispered against my lips.
"My husband," I whispered back.
And for once in my life everything finally felt right. I knew our home would one day be filled with more little feet and lots of laughter. Because I got to spend the rest of my life with my best friend. And there was no sweeter ending, nothing more happily ever after, than that.
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