thethingything · 7 months
I need you all to know 🍬 is subscribed to so many taxa on iNaturalist that he's gone through 3 or 4 pages of observations on our dashboard and only managed to get back to the ones from half an hour ago
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utaesthetics · 1 year
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2truehearts · 8 months
psst.. kassie.. pssst.. pssssssst. 👁️👁️
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hedychrum-rutilans · 1 month
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Acmon Blue anthro :33 I hope there's more invertebrate and arthropod fursuits out there in the future! Until I can make my own money and am done growing I unfortunately must wait on getting one
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myth-lord · 7 months
ALl greek myth characters I love
Achelous (Triton) Achilles Achlys Acmon (Dactyl) Actaeon (Stag) Adephagia Aeacus (Daemon Judge) Aello (Harpy) Aeolus Aergia Aethon (Caucausian Eagle) Agamemnon Aglaope (Siren) Agrius (Bearman) Aigle (Hesperid) Akheilos Alastor Alecto (Erinyes) Amethyste (Oread) Amphisbaena Amphitrite Antaeus Anteros Antiphates (Laestrygonian) Apate Aphrodite Apollo Arachne Ares Argus Panoptes Aristaeus (God of insects) Artemis Asclepius (Medicine/Healing) Askalaphos (owl) Atalanta Athena Atlas Atropos Attis Autolycus (Master Thief)
Basilisk Bellerophon Boreas (Anemoi) Briareus (hekantoncheirus) Brontes (Cyclops)
Cacus Cadmus Calliope (Muse, Poetry) Callisto Calydonian Boar Calypso (Nereid) Cassandra Cassiopeia Castor & Pollux Catoblepas Celedones (two) Cerambus (Beetle) Cerberus Cercopes (Passalus & Aclemon) Ceryneian Hind Ceto Cetus Chalcon (Telchine) Chaos Charon Charybdis Chimera Chione Chiron (Centaur) Chloris (Dryad) Chrysaor Chrysomallos Circe Clio (Muse, Art) Clotho Coronis (Maenad) Corvus (Raven) Cretan Bull Crocotta Cronus
Daedalus Deimos (Machai) Delphin Demeter Diomedes Dionysus
Echidna Echo (Oread) Empusa Epiales (Pet of PHobetor) Erato (Muse, Literature) Eris (Mania) Eros Erymanthian Boar Eurus (Anemoi) Euryale (Gorgon) Eurynomos Eurytion (Centaur) Euterpe (Muse, music) Evenor (Atlantis King)
Gaia Galatea Gegenees Geras Geryon Graeae (Deino, Enyo & Pemphredo) Griffon
Hades Harmonia Hecate Helen of Troy Helios Hephaestus Hera Heracles Hermes Hestia Hippocampus Hippolyta Hybris Hygieia Hypnos
Icarus Ichthyes (Aphros & Bythos) Indus Worm Iris Ismenian Drakon Ixion (Daemon)
Kampe Karkinos Keres Khalkotauroi (Colchis Bull) Kholkikos Drakon Kobaloi Kratos
Ladon Laelaps Lakhesis Lamia Leonidas Lernaean Hydra Limos Lotus (Lotus-Eaters) Lycaon
Manticore Marsyas (Satyr) Medea Medusa (Gorgon) Megaera (Erinyes) Melaina (Thriae) Meleager Melinoe Melpomene (Muse, Tragedy) Menoetes (Daemon) Midas Minos (Daemon Judge) Minotaur Mneme (Muse, Memory) Morbus (Nosoi) Mormo Moros (DooM) Morpheus (Oneiroi)
Narcissus Nemean Lion Nemesis Nephele (Aurai) Nerites Nessus (Centaur) Nike Notus (Anemoi) Nyx
Odontotyrannus Odysseus Oedipus Orion Orpheus Orphne Orthrus
Pan Pandora Panotti Paris of Troy Pegasus Peisinoe (Siren) Peitho (Persuasion) Peleus (Myrmidon) Peloros (Spartoi) Penthus (Mourning) Periphetes Persephone Perseus Phaea (Crommyonian Sow) Pharmacea (Nereid, Poison) Philyra (Odor, Parfum) Phobetor (Oneiroi) Phobos (Machai) Phoenix Phorcys Phthisis (Nosoi) Plutus (Wealth / Chrysus) Polyhymnia (Muse, Silence) Polyphemus (Cyclops) Poseidon Prometheus Proteus (Triton) Psyche Pygmalion Pyrausta Pyrois (Sun Horse) Pythia (oracle of Delphi) Python
Rhadamanthus (Daemon Judge)
Sciron (Cercyon) Scironian Turtle Scorpios Scylla Selene Sisyphus (Daemon) Skolopendra Sphinx Stheno (Gorgon) Stymphalian Birds Sybaris Symplegades (Planctae)
Talos (Automaton) Tantalus (Daemon) Tartarus Terpsichore (Muse, Dance) Teumessian Fox Thalia (Muse, Comedy) Thanatos Theia (Sight, gems) Thelxiepeia (Siren) Theseus Tiresias (Shade) Tisiphone (Erinyes) Typhon
Urania (Muse, Astronomy)
Xanthus (Mare of Diomedes)
Zelos Zephyrus (Anemoi) Zeus
Shades / Myrmekes / Gadfly /
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alyssontattoo · 2 years
Instagram: alysson acmon
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seewetter · 3 months
Mythic Creatures by Culture & Region
Part 4: Greek
Full list & overview here.
This link leads to a website that documents even more Greek creatures than Wikipedia:
Abarimon (the Roman Pliny the Elder, whose source is supposedly a land surveyor of Alexander the Great); Abii, Iliad (and Greeks Ptolemy, Strabo) describes this people as hailing from Scythia; Achilleus, son of Zeus and Lamia; Achlys, Homeric, on Heracles shield, "dark fog"; Acmon (Dactyl) a dactyl in Dionysus campaign in India; Aegipan; Aerico, disease spirit; Aeternae, horned beats fought in India by Alexander the Great's men; Agathodaemon, household god, later snake form; woman's name for Amazons, Nereids, regular Greek women: Agave; Alastor see Goetia, also a name for Zeus (Zeus Alastor) & horse of Hades, as well as Greek heroes; Alcibie Amazon in the Trojan war; Alcippe: (1) Amazon killed by Heracles. (2) Daughter of Ares. (3) Daughter of Poseidon. (4) Mother of Daedalos. (5) Daughter of the gigant Alcyoneus (father slain by Heracles). (6) An attendant of Helen of Troy. (7) A princess of Elis, the kingdom in northwestern Peloppones. ; Alcyoneus a gigant; Alke (1) Amazon (2) granddaughter of Hercules (3) one of Actaion's dogs (4) personification and spirit of battle-courage and strength; Almops a gigant, son of Poseidon and a nymph; Aloadae twins (Otus "insatiate" and Ephialtus "nightmare") who grew nine fingers every month, nine fathoms (1.8m) at age 9, stormed Mt. Olympus to own Artemis and Hera, bound in the Underworld with snakes; Alphito, Plutarch says this is a boogeyman to scare children, perhaps a "corn mother"; Alpos many arms, hair covered in snakes like Medusa; Alseid nymphs of groves and glens (glen = valley with gentle slope), in Homer alseids are "alsea"; Amazons, Amazons (List) (see also Roman and Scythian); Amphisbaena, in Greek myth, Perseus flies over Libya with head of Medusa…blood creates Amphisbaene; Amycus (centaur); Amykos; Ananke, Orphic goddess of fate, partner to Chronos; Anemoi 4 wind gods; Anguiped see Abraxas. Also Roman and Iranian.; Antaeus; Antandre, Amazon; Anthelioi; Anthousai; Antibrote; Antichthones; Antiope (Amazon Queen); Apollo Amazonius the Apollo of the Amazons?; Arae; Areto Amazon; Argus; Arimaspi; Arion; Arktos (centaur); Asbolus (centaur); Aspalis; Asteria (1) minor goddess (2) daughter of Helios and a sea nymph (3) lady who murdered her husband (4) daughter of giant Alcyoneus (5) mother of a child (the seer Idmon) with Apollo (6) mother of a child (a city founder) with Bellerophon (7) Amazon killed by Heracles in defense of Hippolyte's girdle, which Heracles came to steal (8) a maiden saved from being sacrificed to the Minotaur (9) a daughter of Teucer, the half-brother of Trojan villain Ajax (10) a mother to Crisus and Panopeus by Phocus… they are connected to the myths of both Theseus and Agammemnon is somewhat convoluted ways; Astomi Pliny the Elder; Astraeus (1) titan and father of the anemoi (4 winds), (2) chief of satyrs in Dionysus Indian war (3) son of Poseidon who bedded his sister by accident, followed by suicide; Athos gigant, foe of Poseidon; Auloniad; Aura; Azone; Babys (a satyr's brother);
Bacchae; Bacchantes; Baubo; Bebryces; Bonnacon (Roman writer Pliny the Elder); Bremusa Amazon; Cabeiri; Cacodaemon; Cacus; Callicantzaroi; Calliste; Callithyia of Argos; Calydonian Boar; Campe; Cancer; Cattle of Helios; Caucones; Celaeno (1) one of the Pleiades (2) a harpy (3) princess who got with Poseidon (4) princess who got with Apollo (5) daughter of Poseidon who got with Prometheus (6) Amazon killed by Heracles;
Centaur ; Centaurs and Centaur_Early Art and Centaurides; Cerastes; Cerberus; Cercopes; Ceryneian Hind; Ceto; Cetus; Ceuthonymus; Chalkydri; Chalybes; Charybdis; Chimera; Chiron; Chrysanthis; Chrysaor; Chrysopeleia; Cinnamologus; Cissus; Clonie (Amazon); Colossus; Corus; Corybantes; Cretan Bull_minotaur's sire; Creusa; Crinaeae; Crommyonian Sow; Curetes; Cychreides; Cyclops; Cyllarus; Cynocephali;
Daimon; Dactyls; Damasen; Daphnaie; Darrhon; Deianeira; Delphyne; Derimacheia Amazon; Derinoe Amazon; Despoina_Goddess; Dioxippe (1) daughter of Helios and ocean nymph (2) princess who must eternally carry water in the afterlife with her sisters (3) Amazon (4) woman killed by her son Sipylus by accident, married to one of many men called Agenor in Greek myth (5) dog of Actaeon; Doliones; Dragon's Teeth; Drakaina; Dryad; Dysnomia;
Echidna; Eidolon; Elate; Eleionomae; Ellefolk; Empusa; Enceladus; Enorches; Epiales; Epimeliad; Epiphron; Eriboea; Erinyes; Erotes; Erymanthian boar; Euryale (1) gorgon (2) Orion's mother (3) Amazon; Eurybius; Eurymedon; Eurynome; Eurynomos; Eurypyle; Euxantius; Evandre;
Faun, Faunus ; Faunae, Fauni; Fury;
Galatea; Gale; Gargarians; Gello; Gerana Pygmy Queen; Geryon; Gigantes; Glauce (1) nymph who nursed Zeus (2) Pluto's twin sister (3) Ash tree nymph ("Melian nymph") nereid (4) hamadryad (5) Amazon (6) a daughter of Creon killed with him by Medea (7) and others; Gold-digging ant; Gorgon ; Gorgons; Gorgophone; Graeae; Gration; Griffon;
Halizones; Hamadryad; Harpy; Hecatoncheires; Hermaphroditus; Hesperides; Hippalectryon; Hippe; Hippocampus; Hippolyta; Hippopodes; Hircocervus also Roman; Homados; Horae; Hyades; Hybris; Hydra; Hylonome;
Ichthyocentaur; Ichthyophagoi; Ioke; Iphis; Iphito Amazon;
Kallikantzaros; Kallikantzaroi; Kallone; Keres; Khalkotauroi; Koalemos; Kobalos; Kydoimos; Kymopoleia;
Ladon; Laelaps; Laestrygonians; Lamia; Lampades; Lampetia; Lapiths; Leimakid; Leleges; Leuce; Leucippus; Limnad; Limos; Lip (Moerae); Lysippe (1) Amazon (2) one of 50 women who slept with Heracles in a night (3) a bunch of other people;
Macaria; Macelo (Telchine); Tecmessa; Macrobian; Maenad; Manticore; Mares of Diomedes; Marpesia Amazon Queen; Medusa; Meilichios; Melanippe; Meliae; Melinoë; Melisseus; Menippe; Menoetius; Mestra; Mimas (gigantes); Minotaur; Minthe; Minyans; Moera ; Moirai, Moerae; Molpadia; Monopod; Mormo; Moros; Myrina; Myrmekes; Myrmidon ; Myrmidones; Myrto; Mytilene;
Naiad ; Naiads; Neades; Nemean Lion; Nephele; Nereids aka Nereides; Nessus; Nomos; Nose (Moerae); Nuli Megasthenes; Nymph;
Oceanids; Onocentaur; Ophiotaurus; Oreads aka Oreades, Orestiades; Orion; Orithyia Amazon; Orthrus; Otrera Amazon; Ouroborous Ancient Egypt, Greece, Alchemy, Medieval, Norse (and check that book about different forms of the world because it has other snakes encircling the world);
Palioxis; Pallas; Pallas (gigantes); Pan; Pandi; Panotti; Pantariste Amazon; Panther; Pegaeae; Pegasus; Peleiades; Penthesilea; Persephone; Phaethusa; Philotes; Phobetor; Phoebe; Phoenix; Pholus; Phorcys; Phthisis; Picolous; Pleiades; Polemos; Polemusa Amazon; Polybotes (gigantes); Polydora; Potamides; Proioxis; Pronomus; Propoetides; Proteus; Protoplast; Psychai; Psychopomp; Pygmies; Python;
Salamander; Satyr but not Satyress; Sciritae; Scitalis; Scylla; Semystra; Seps; Shade; Silenus; Sinoe; Siproeta; Siren; Sithon; Smilax; Soter; Soteria; Sphinx; Stheno and Euryale; Strix; Stymphalian birds; Sybaris;
Talos; Tarand; Taraxippus; Telchines; Teleboans; Telemus; Teumessian fox; Thalestris Amazon ("And where was I, then?"); Theomachy; Thermodosa; Thiasos; Thiasus; Thoe; Thrasos; Thriae; Titania; Titanis; Titans; Tityos; Triteia; Triton; Tritopatores; Troglodytae; Trojan Leaders; Trojan War characters; Typhon;
Unicorn (check the wiki page for the Greek authors);
Vrykolakas (also Slavic);
Werehyena; Werewolf; Wild Man, Wild Woman ; Wild Men, Wild Women (continuity between satyr myths and wild man myths);
Xanthippe; Xanthus;
allegedly Greek
Aegea listed in the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica as an Amazon Queen; Demogorgon; Ipotane first attested with John de Mandeville; Odontotyrannus
Minoan Genius; Minotaur allegedly Minoan
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ratabrasileira · 4 years
Feysand babies + IC!
I love a happy and funny familly so here I go:
Feysand had three kids: two boys and a girl
Nyx, the first-born, is the little rascal; he loves to do some mess with Uncle Cass as well training with him.
Acmon, the middle-child, is a male miniature from Feyre and a true courtier; he is more reserverd than his siblings, but it doesn't mean that he isn't the one who gives bad ideas to them.
Nemesis, the youngest, is so lovely... she inhereted her father features and has the same wrapped by her fingers; likely because her personality's too similar with Feyre's.
Since SJM change her mind about pregnancy being rare gave me this idea, I like to think that Feyre's very fertille, so her children have little difference of age, what make those kids very close and protective with each other.
All of them have wings !! All of them are very powerful...
They LOVE LOVE LOVE their parents; they will defend them with all cost and if you dare to say something bad about Feyre and Rhys... prepare yourself to find your favorite clothe ripped or your favorite book all painted and smashed or that slice of cake that you saved for later gone.
Feysand always gave them a choice, so when the time came: Nyx decided going to illyria, Acmon stayed with his parents to know better how to be a good High Lord (not that the others wouldn't) and Nemesis... I really can't think about it, for me she's still 6y.o.
Feyre and Rhys freacked out about it and their children knew, but as Nyx was the first to go there, he is the one that comforted them.
Also, Nyx is the one who discovers that Rhys was Amarantha's whore. He didn't know what that word means, so he asked to his mother, who explained him everything.
After that Nyx cuddled his father and when it was bedtime he said, almost asleepy, to Rhys "I don't care what you did, dad, I love you... forev-"
Feyre had to take care of her fourth illyrian-baby (but she was almost crying with him).
When Nyx was less than 6, he used to hide from the entirely IC by shape-shifting. Only Nesta, Azriel and Feyre could find them.
Acmon is the best chess player ever. When older, he can even beats Helion.
Nemesis dominated the painting and music, what made she has a special bond with her mother and her Aunt Nesta.
The three inhereted all her mother gifts, yet Nyx has a affinite to shape-shift, Acmon to the darkness and Nemesis to the flames.
Acmon is a daemati.
Cassian is the related that Nyx is the most close to, given their taste to fighting and bad behavious. Mor just behind to break some parented-stupid rules.
Acmon loves spending time with Lucien and Nesta, he learn a lot with them and laugh of sassy jokes.
Nemesis is attached to Azriel, who never gets why, but she loves playing with Uncle Az's shadows. Mor fakes to hate it, since the little girl is Mor's little girl... As Nyx and Acmon are Mor's little boys. This make Az and Cass and the kids tease Mor.
Rhysand loves making clothes to her daugther. He even made her future bride's dress.
Elain LOVES making cookies and chocolate cake to them. Nemesis excitedly help her aunt, Nyx and Acmon trie to.
In the beggining, you would never see Amren with the kids —she claimed to not have patient to kids, but if you were attentive, you could see Amren telling them stories of centuries and centuries ago to them.
They love the waterbubbles of mama and Uncle Varian.
Ok it got too long and it is not even half of my ideas. If you want more just ask me, will be a pleasure to share !!
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acleaks · 5 years
I'm bored.
Reblog/reply to this with some hobbies, your job, preferences, or anything you feel is important and you will receive your government assigned partner Pokemon.
As long as this post is still up, it's still going!
I will tag all posts related to this as #acmon so feel free to blacklist
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mythodico · 3 years
catégorie: achéens
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utaesthetics · 1 year
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2truehearts · 8 months
am awake ehehe what butterfly am i to uuu 👀…
ARTIC BLUES OR ACMON BLUES ❕❕they’re both blue (obvi), and for acmon blues they have red/orange-ish accents on both their upper and underside (++ both butterfly’s undersides r spotted and a grey-ish color!), whilst artic blues have a blue body that fades into their wings, which at the end fade into a muted earth brow !!
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grell-writes-stuff · 4 years
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the-shredded-lands · 7 years
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Acmon by DameOdessa
Acmon was known millenaries ago as Azorea, Atlantean God of the Empyrea, the only one ruling magic, spells and arcana, a selfish, crual, capricious, temperamental and fickle God, sparing his knowledge with few people, the persons he chose among his faithful priests and some disciples. In those times, magic was only reserved to an elite. And Azorea was the only one who could decide it... Atlantean people feared him but also needed him (the Plane of Æther didn't exist, so you couldn't cast a spell if Azorea decided to prevent you from doing so...). His temples were among the most magnficient and his priests were used to his wraths, trying to calm him down with offerings and sacrifices. Till the day, a Queen of the Atlantean Kingdoms asked him if he was satisfied with his own behaviour, if he could endure his own pride and bear his vileny. Of course, Azorea was shocked by her daring and audacity. But she was right and touched his heart, more deeply than what he was expecting... At this day, this woman is still the only one he deeply respects. Unfortunatly, it was too late for him to change, most of all because the war against the Devas had beun. He tried to help the Atlantea, this time to save his people, but it was the cause of his most painful loss: his son, a half-god, was killed by an Archangel and Azorea faded into despair and madness. It was enough for El, the Demiurge, who cast a spell and imprisoned his soul and spirit in a jail created by Him, Asherah, Goddess of Nothingness, and Argast, God of Darkness. Azorea's body was turned into the plane we know as Æther now, so people could finally use magic... But this is not the end of his story... Because of a curious young goddess and a Nephileïm, Azorea was finally released from his jail. Ereshkidal had indeed a lot of questions about the Eight Kingdoms and only this ancient God had the answers. But the this was not a deal between them: the mercenary freed him because he could not bear to see someone so sad, living in the Darkness and his own remorse for millenaries. At first, Azorea was really suspicious but he realized Ereshkidal wasn't expecting anything else from him except some answers. Being free, in a world which has changed, was a big shock for the former god, who had lost everything. The Nephileïm decided to find a home for him in a village which already gave him a good reception, Havenwolf. Ereshkidal had some friends here who could take care of Azorea. He just, obviously, told him to say nothing about his real identity, so the god chose a typical Atlantean name as his new identity: Acmon. The very first days (and months actually) are really terrible and awful for him: he doesn't like to live among those mere humans, he feels powerless, useless. He has realized, El sealed him powers in this "new" body he gave him: the body of an old man, with all the pains and inconvenience you can imagine. Most of all, a curse has been added: using his powers means death. He life is only enlightened when he meets a young sorceress hunted by the inhabitants of her village, trying to kill her, fearing her powers. Acmon takes care of her, protecting her against their foolishness and teaching her how to use her powers. So actually he saves her and allows her to live in Havenwolf just like Ereshkidal did for him... With Lana, he is able to enjoy his new life and enven the place he is living in. He opens a shop, dedicated to everything which is related to magic and spells, and quickly becomes reknowed for his incredible knowledge about the history of the Lands. Even if people in Havenwolf don't know his real identity, they appreciate him and the feeling is mutual. Too much maybe... because he would like to take care of all those people here and protect them... But with his powers sealed, the curse of El who could kill him at anytime, will his old selfish nature get the upper hand or will he be able to sacrifice himself for the sake of his host country ?
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euthamia · 5 years
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Saltmarsh baccharis aka Baccharis glutinosa ft. Acmon blue butterfly
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jcarriez · 5 years
Acmon Blue 阿克蒙蓝/ Plebeius acmon (Family Lycaenidae, Blues and Hairstreaks)
Acmon Blue 阿克蒙蓝/ Plebeius acmon (Family Lycaenidae, Blues and Hairstreaks)
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The Acmon Blue is told immediately from other related species by the lovely orange and black-spotted band inside the margin of the high wing. The male is lighter blue color than the female, which also has considerable brown color. These delicate little blue butterflies flit gently among the grasses and flowers of meadows and gardens, usually fluttering so helplessly that they are easy to catch.…
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