#neteyam te suli tsyetk'itan x reader
slayingqueenchal · 1 year
brave girl | neteyam x f!omaticaya!reader
Summary : you and loak were forced to go out of the reefs, and it turns out to be a bad idea
Warnings : angst, reader getting injured, PLATONICCCCCC LOAK!!!! , the sea (don't read if you have fear of water / not being able to breathe)
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"It's where the men hunts" Aonung words were full of lies. It's where the idiots that doesn't know what to do hunts.
The metkayina's left you and loak, and not only that, you basically had no knowledge of the sea. "Loak, I don't know where we are, we-we can't be that far, I can't see any trees, or any signs of life! " You said, struggling to keep your heads up because of the quite big waves.
"Come, y/n there's a big rock" Loak grabs your arm, gasping for air as he tries to help you go up to the rock.
After getting up to the rock, it felt like you were doing more harm than good. You got a few bruises and some cuts, that made it harder to swim.
"Loak, please, can you stand up and look for anything, like something we can-" Big wave came. Loak fell. "Loak! " You screamed. Only thing you saw was red.
"No, loak, no" Immediately, you hop off of the rock. "Loak, loak speak, anything! " You managed to get him up, but sinking you a bit in the process.
"Tsireya" He mumbles. As If you weren't dying. "Okay, Youre definitely bleeding but I don't know where, I need to get you back home" You said, lifting his body so he could piggy back you.
While you're physically drained, neteyam is mentally drained. He couldn't stop thinking about you and loak. First he panicked when aonung said he couldn't find loak, but then he went on a riot when he said that you tagged along.
"Eywa, please, bring her back" He whispers.
And that is what the great mother do, saving people.
"Loak, please talk to me--what is your favorite memory back in the forest", " Y/n, I think I'm going to pass out" Loak says weakly
"No! What's your favorite memory back in the forest! " You said. You've been asking him questions to keep him conscious. "When, when I first met spider" Loak said, giving a laugh, that sounded tired, and sad.
"Loak! Oh eywa, ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe ( we thank you) " You cried. You saw a wooded like thing, that is covering an island. And you knew what it was.
"Loak, were almost here, keep breathing" You said, the tiredness hitting you, and the pain coming back.
"We can do this" Loak says, slowly seeing the island him self.
And here you are, feets away from the shore, screaming for help as you can't hold loak for any longer.
When you saw one of the metkayina's, it felt like it was the best day of your life. "HELP! PLEASE HELP! " You kept screaming.
The rest of the colony came to see. There he was. Neteyam. Neteyam jumped to the water immediately, swimming as fast as he can to get to you.
You cried "carry him, please I can't hold him any longer, I think I'm going to pass out" And pass out you did.
You gasped for air as you woke up. "You're awake!, Bro get the sullys! " A boy said to another.
"Do you have food, I'm starving" You groaned, feeling that weird sound in your stomach. The boy handed you one yovo, as he tried to help you to sit.
"Thankyou" You said, eating the food like you haven't ate for three days. Wait, how long were you out in the sea?
"How long was i, you know, in the sea? " You asked. "Two days, and you had a long sleep that costed you one day, so, you wasted three days"
Suddenly, the sullys came In. Tuk and neteyam rushed to you, flooding you with questions and thankyou's.
"Shush" Neytiri silenced the oldest and youngest sibling. "Ngaru lu fpom srak? (Are you alright?), y/n" "So much better" You smiled, putting the fruit on the nearby stool.
"I'd like to thank you for saving loak, and, I'm sorry if he got you in tro-" But, you didn't let Jake finish, you said "oh, no he didn't get me in trouble, it was an accident, and I've done what other people would've done"
"Y/n, thankyou, I owe you one" Loak smiled, walking closer to you. "We'll go now, once again, we owe you" Neytiri smiled, getting out of the tent and followed by Jake.
"Thankyou for saving my baby bro" Neteyam chuckled, "yeah, he could get a little too adventurous" Kiri said, putting her hands on tuk's shoulder. "Kiri, trust me, I know"
"Alright, I'll go now, poor tsireya must be wondering where we are" You all were training how to breathe and swim like the metkayinas, and, tsireya has been a big help.
"Mhm, loak, I think it's-" "It's my que to leave" He smiled, walking out of the tent, soon followed by the two siblings.
"My brother is pretty bold is he? " Neteyam complained, groaning in the process. "I tried to keep him awake, but you know what's the first thing he said, it was tsireya".
"Damn, didn't know he was that bold", "neteyam?" "Yeah?". "How did you find out that we were missing? " You asked, looking deep into his eyes. "Well, I searched everywhere for you, and found out loak wasn't anywhere to and I thought you two-were doing... Things" The blue boy said, looking down to his feet, his tail not moving as fast as before.
"Neteyam, you know I don't think of him that way, i-i really like someone, but he's pretty dumb". Neteyam flinched and asked " You like rotxo" Neteyam gasps.
"No", " Who? Aonung? ", "No", " Spider? " Neteyam gasps. "No way". The guy was really dumb
"Neteyam, I'm going to tell you what he's like", " Mhm" His smile he had a few minutes ago were gone. "He's beautiful, so, so beautiful, he's really protective over everyone! He's so dreamy, he's perfect, actually, he's strong, he's a warrior, but he's quite oblivious, gosh neteyam it's you! " You confessed.
"Y/n, what are you saying", " Oh neteyam, I'm saying I like you! And if you don't just pretend this didn't occur"
"No y/n, I like you too, like, not In a friends way" For a second you thought he'd say not in a romantic way, but he didn't, and, that made you smile.
"Neteyam, nga yawne lu oer"
"Y/n, I love you more"
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