#neteyam deserved better
slayingqueenchal · 1 year
brave girl | neteyam x f!omaticaya!reader
Summary : you and loak were forced to go out of the reefs, and it turns out to be a bad idea
Warnings : angst, reader getting injured, PLATONICCCCCC LOAK!!!! , the sea (don't read if you have fear of water / not being able to breathe)
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"It's where the men hunts" Aonung words were full of lies. It's where the idiots that doesn't know what to do hunts.
The metkayina's left you and loak, and not only that, you basically had no knowledge of the sea. "Loak, I don't know where we are, we-we can't be that far, I can't see any trees, or any signs of life! " You said, struggling to keep your heads up because of the quite big waves.
"Come, y/n there's a big rock" Loak grabs your arm, gasping for air as he tries to help you go up to the rock.
After getting up to the rock, it felt like you were doing more harm than good. You got a few bruises and some cuts, that made it harder to swim.
"Loak, please, can you stand up and look for anything, like something we can-" Big wave came. Loak fell. "Loak! " You screamed. Only thing you saw was red.
"No, loak, no" Immediately, you hop off of the rock. "Loak, loak speak, anything! " You managed to get him up, but sinking you a bit in the process.
"Tsireya" He mumbles. As If you weren't dying. "Okay, Youre definitely bleeding but I don't know where, I need to get you back home" You said, lifting his body so he could piggy back you.
While you're physically drained, neteyam is mentally drained. He couldn't stop thinking about you and loak. First he panicked when aonung said he couldn't find loak, but then he went on a riot when he said that you tagged along.
"Eywa, please, bring her back" He whispers.
And that is what the great mother do, saving people.
"Loak, please talk to me--what is your favorite memory back in the forest", " Y/n, I think I'm going to pass out" Loak says weakly
"No! What's your favorite memory back in the forest! " You said. You've been asking him questions to keep him conscious. "When, when I first met spider" Loak said, giving a laugh, that sounded tired, and sad.
"Loak! Oh eywa, ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe ( we thank you) " You cried. You saw a wooded like thing, that is covering an island. And you knew what it was.
"Loak, were almost here, keep breathing" You said, the tiredness hitting you, and the pain coming back.
"We can do this" Loak says, slowly seeing the island him self.
And here you are, feets away from the shore, screaming for help as you can't hold loak for any longer.
When you saw one of the metkayina's, it felt like it was the best day of your life. "HELP! PLEASE HELP! " You kept screaming.
The rest of the colony came to see. There he was. Neteyam. Neteyam jumped to the water immediately, swimming as fast as he can to get to you.
You cried "carry him, please I can't hold him any longer, I think I'm going to pass out" And pass out you did.
You gasped for air as you woke up. "You're awake!, Bro get the sullys! " A boy said to another.
"Do you have food, I'm starving" You groaned, feeling that weird sound in your stomach. The boy handed you one yovo, as he tried to help you to sit.
"Thankyou" You said, eating the food like you haven't ate for three days. Wait, how long were you out in the sea?
"How long was i, you know, in the sea? " You asked. "Two days, and you had a long sleep that costed you one day, so, you wasted three days"
Suddenly, the sullys came In. Tuk and neteyam rushed to you, flooding you with questions and thankyou's.
"Shush" Neytiri silenced the oldest and youngest sibling. "Ngaru lu fpom srak? (Are you alright?), y/n" "So much better" You smiled, putting the fruit on the nearby stool.
"I'd like to thank you for saving loak, and, I'm sorry if he got you in tro-" But, you didn't let Jake finish, you said "oh, no he didn't get me in trouble, it was an accident, and I've done what other people would've done"
"Y/n, thankyou, I owe you one" Loak smiled, walking closer to you. "We'll go now, once again, we owe you" Neytiri smiled, getting out of the tent and followed by Jake.
"Thankyou for saving my baby bro" Neteyam chuckled, "yeah, he could get a little too adventurous" Kiri said, putting her hands on tuk's shoulder. "Kiri, trust me, I know"
"Alright, I'll go now, poor tsireya must be wondering where we are" You all were training how to breathe and swim like the metkayinas, and, tsireya has been a big help.
"Mhm, loak, I think it's-" "It's my que to leave" He smiled, walking out of the tent, soon followed by the two siblings.
"My brother is pretty bold is he? " Neteyam complained, groaning in the process. "I tried to keep him awake, but you know what's the first thing he said, it was tsireya".
"Damn, didn't know he was that bold", "neteyam?" "Yeah?". "How did you find out that we were missing? " You asked, looking deep into his eyes. "Well, I searched everywhere for you, and found out loak wasn't anywhere to and I thought you two-were doing... Things" The blue boy said, looking down to his feet, his tail not moving as fast as before.
"Neteyam, you know I don't think of him that way, i-i really like someone, but he's pretty dumb". Neteyam flinched and asked " You like rotxo" Neteyam gasps.
"No", " Who? Aonung? ", "No", " Spider? " Neteyam gasps. "No way". The guy was really dumb
"Neteyam, I'm going to tell you what he's like", " Mhm" His smile he had a few minutes ago were gone. "He's beautiful, so, so beautiful, he's really protective over everyone! He's so dreamy, he's perfect, actually, he's strong, he's a warrior, but he's quite oblivious, gosh neteyam it's you! " You confessed.
"Y/n, what are you saying", " Oh neteyam, I'm saying I like you! And if you don't just pretend this didn't occur"
"No y/n, I like you too, like, not In a friends way" For a second you thought he'd say not in a romantic way, but he didn't, and, that made you smile.
"Neteyam, nga yawne lu oer"
"Y/n, I love you more"
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stephstars08 · 6 months
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lloyd-007 · 2 years
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teyums · 10 months
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nattikay · 2 years
it’s neteyam depression hours again
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itzymaeee · 2 years
I just realized that Neytiri gonna blame spider after the funeral for leading neteyam death and betraying them and bringing the rda in metkayina when in fact it was norm and max Helio signal that got rda attention. Nah free my boy he already endure enough torture from rda and him getting the blame of what happend is too much 😭
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velvtcherie · 2 years
i completely understand that james cameron was trying to form as many parallels as he could between jake and lo'ak but was neteyam's death really necessary
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saltsacc · 2 years
"The Weight of Stones"
Part 3
A/N: This will not be fun. Also Zasza is like (Za-Za)
All kinds of warnings. Big sad.
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The next day was odd. I had no responsibilities outside of feeding myself and Zasza, a capable hunter herself. I had no chief to report too, no children to watch. 
It was nice. 
On my ledge, where no one came except a few curious ikran. I would be preparing for my journey with the peace that came with solitude. I had exited High Camp in the dark morning to scavenge for rations. Fruits to dry, nuts and roots to gather. Things that would stay for long periods of time. Zasza was sucking her teeth from her latest kill, of which I couldn’t begin to decipher what. There was a small pond on my trek that held a few good-sized fish, and one served as morning meal for myself. 
In those dark morning hours, I snuck weaving supplies-- looms and unused material, to create carrying packs and new clothes. 
While I did not get along with the weavers, I had learned enough of the talent. 
I did not have many possessions, but I sorted through which ones would prove useful. 
My bow, made of kelutral. It was not very grand, but it shot true and was made by my own hands. I looked to the immense pile of branches collected weeks prior and set to dry, those would serve as arrows. 
Pots of animal fat, oil, and pitch were invaluable. Essentials to making arrows, and waterproofing leather and weave. 
Three full Sani-packs were set aside. I did not know much of healing and those would suffice as replacements for traditional roots and tonics. Two blades, one smooth and sharp with no decoration-for hunting. One, much larger and wrapped in dyed leather to create a sturdy grip.
They say this one was my mothers. 
The blade came to a deadly point, but one side was barbed. A killing knife, so that if you miss your strike, the inflicted damage makes up the difference. 
This knife was not made for animals. 
I spun the blade around my hands once, twice. 
The knife I raised to Jake Sully. 
Shaking my head, I began to compile all my materials into an older, leather bag. I would make a new one as needed with my commandeered supplies, but for now this worked. 
I looked to my left at the polished finish of a large, water-like stone. I did not know what it is called, but it was left in wake of the destruction of Home Tree. Pilfered by my parents no doubt. It was clear enough to see my face in its entirety and was typically how I painted myself-- since I did not have anyone to do it for me. Usually, close family or mates, even fellow warriors, would apply paint-but I was not comfortable with anyone doing that. 
I looked to Zasza.
They would have gotten it wrong anyway. 
As far as I was concerned, I could leave today. I did not have any destination, but I wanted to be far. 
I looked to the shiny stone, taking note of my appearance. 
I want to change something. 
Taking my sharp hunting life and securing my kuru, I started cutting into the long hair I’d grown up with. Piece by piece it fell around me.
When I was done, the hair left laid on my cheek and forehead jaggedly. 
It was new. 
I turned my head through all angles, looking at myself through the stone. 
“It is not bad.” 
I was of the mind that it actually made me look older. More dangerous, in a way. 
“Is this your answer to everything?” An unbidden voice came from behind me. I turned quickly at the intruder. 
I had expected Neteyam, or even Lo’ak. 
Neytiri was a surprise, however. 
She looked angry. 
They must have told her where I am.
“I do not need to justify anything.” I began gathering fallen hair into a pile. I would burn it later. I stood to face her, making unconscious eye contact with Zasza. “I do not owe you anything.” She clenched her teeth, coming closer. 
“You are a child. You need family. You cannot be on your own.” She huffed, as if she would rather take a rock to my head. "You cannot run away when things become hard."
“I am young, not a child.” I spit. “And I do not have a family.” Neytiri made no sense, contradicting herself like this. “I have never had a family.” This time I pushed forward with all my resounding bravery, closing the gap. “If you think all I need is family, and love, and compassion, and all the things you believe children deserve- where do you expect me to find it? Here?” I laughed in her face, condescending and bitter. “I will not find it here, as a soldier fighting a war.” I scoffed at her unchanged expression. “I will not find it among people who do not care if I die! But that’s not what this is about, is it? Because you know that…” Finally, it dawned on me.  “No, you worry because you know I am one of the only things standing between your stupid sons and their stupid ideas.” She clicked her tongue, going to speak but I interrupted her. “Because you do not wish your sons to be shot at any more than I want to be shot at!” Another laugh found its way out. “You do not understand. I am the only person looking out for my life! I am not a carcass you can throw in front of your children!” I had never yelled at Neytiri. Honestly, I had never yelled at much of anyone before. 
It feels good. 
She looked aghast, hands open in disbelief,
“I do not think of you as a carcass, you are one of the people- “
“You are blind Neytiri. You do not see me.”  
It was silent. Neytiri could not see, but I could. 
“I will not wait to be killed by your family.” The silence continued, but I had no real hope she could hear me. Not really. “I am a skilled warrior, best rider. I know this.” Zasza came over, coming to stand behind me with a soft click. “I also know that my favorite thing in the world is this stripe across Zasza’s eye because I think it looks like a sun rise. I hate weaving, not because I am not good, but because it is tradition to weave with family and close friends-- of which mine are dead, and the women look to me with pity when I join circle.” I had stroked Zasza’s face for demonstration and comfort, the pink and yellow coloring bright against the dark blue of her skin. A soft look fell over my face as I looked to Zasza, my one and only friend. The only family I had. I steeled myself to look back up to Neytiri. 
“I have lived in this place my entire life, I have grown in tandem with your children, and I have hated it for just as long.” I scoffed, feeling my lip waver. I could only whisper. 
“And you do not know any of that.”  
The silence was perpetuated by my heavy breathing. 
Neytiri, in all her glory, turned and left. No more words were spoken. 
I would hope that would be the end of my interactions with the Sully’s. 
“Come Zasza.” 
Flying was a true pleasure of mine. Zasza and I had similar tastes for adventure, and a risky flight pattern. I like to go fast, and she liked to go faster. 
My goal was to get some air and determine which path I would take for my new life. There is past High Camp one way, which I had little clue of the landscape other than it dropped to the sea-if you could tell by the dropped horizon and vast blue. Then another, which was a bad idea because humans had made variety of camps there-- it would be no good to fly. I had heard stories that the plain herds were welcoming to all who could ride pali. Perhaps I would start there. 
The wind was calm until it wasn’t. 
A hunter’s call warned me, coming off to my left. 
I looked around and up for predators and found none. 
Behind him came Neytiri and Jake Sully. 
Zasza began to turn up, keen to fly away at my behest. 
There was something I could not ignore in his call. Perhaps it was the remnants of a life where I had followed him and his brother, or the sheer desperation. 
I looked over.
“Lo’ak’s in trouble!” I rolled my eyes. 
Of course he is. 
“They all are! Kiri, Spider, Tuk!” 
Tuk was a baby. Why was she out there?
“They’re at the shack with hostiles, I know you know a shortcut!”  I did not look to his parents. If I did, I would not have been swayed. 
Zasza was fast, and I a good rider. I’d flown these paths hundreds of times-- and I did know the quickest routes. 
If I say no, they might die. 
I looked to the oldest son, pleading but resolute.
If I say yes, was it all for nothing? 
Zasza was interconnected with me and began to bank before I even finished my thoughts. 
I would trust our joint intuition. 
“One last time, and I get to leave tomorrow!” It would be a day short, but that was for Jake to figure out how to convince Tsahik. 
The path flown was not an easy one. It was fast and turbulent, like a rushing rapid, and it would be hard for new riders to take. 
Admirably, Neteyam glided well—not far behind me.
His parents even more so. 
I let out a shrill cry and dove into the undergrowth. 
I was off Zasza before they landed. 
“We are just behind the shack. Unless they were looking directly up, they should not have seen us.”
I hope. 
I gestured with my chin ahead and without delay Jake and Neytiri made to take off. Neteyam too before his father put a stop to it. 
“No, son. Stay with the ikran.” 
Stay with her. 
“No, I am a warrior-I am meant to fight!”
Jake held a steady hand to his son and shook his head firmly. 
“Stay.” He looked to me.
“I got you here. My part is complete.” 
I met the pleading eyes of Jake Sully, Mighty Toruk Makto, and I saw fear.
I fell into Zasza lightly and nodded stiffly. 
“This is the last thing you ask of me.” He bowed his head and made off, leaving me with his son. 
It was quiet in the forest, and it would stay that way— we were not far from danger. 
“I’m going.” I should not have been surprised, exasperated yes, but not surprised. 
“You should stay.” I knew he would not listen to me; he had not listened to me for years. 
“How can I!? They are in danger!” I looked him hard in the eyes, smacking my hand across the bracer fastened over his ribs. 
“And if you make it worse? If you get someone killed?” He faltered, but not enough. 
He would go. 
“Come with me.” It was easy to forget that me and Neteyam were of similar ages, with his steely resolve-regardless of how misdirected it might be.
“And if you get me killed?” He did not have words for that. “What then?”
“I am not asking you to protect me…” Both palms found their way to my shoulder, gripping the skin tightly and pulling me closer. Just like his father.
“I am asking you, as a fellow warrior, to help me.” I would regret this. Deep in my heart, I knew that. I knew choosing this boy would only lead me down a path of sorrow, but the refusal froze in my mouth. I talked big, biting back at his father and mother, even him and his brother—but when it came down to do or die, I couldn’t stop.
I do not have a strong heart.
“This way.”
We made our way through the forest, and only moments in did we see the first intruders. The fighting had begun, with Neytiri in a standoff. I could not see her combatant, but clearly Neteyam could see something. Knocking his bow, he set an arrow and let it fly.
Bullets rained down and I threw myself into him, rolling until we were behind a tree. It was loud and the acrid smell of smoke clogged my nose.
“STAY DOWN!” I laid over his side, making room for both of us in the tree nook. I was breathing heavily, searching the forest for intrusion. The smallest shift in my vision brought my attention to a man making his way towards us.
No, an avatar. Vrrtep. Demon.
He was armed with a large gun but before he could swivel in this direction I leapt from the undergrowth. My heart began to beat fast, cold sweat running down my neck. I was a warrior yes, and arguably a good one, but I was inexperienced. Ambush would be the only advantage I have in this battle.
Unstrapping my mother’s knife, I stabbed down into the avatar’s clavicle. The momentum threw me into his much larger form, and I went down with him as he screamed. I kept stabbing. The serrated edge left gruesome damage on the man and his hands left his weapon to grapple with his throat. Rolling off him, I sprinted to Neteyam- who’s father had begun to forcibly push him from the battle. Jake Sully was coated  in blood, all the way up to his elbows. It was jarring, and my stomach twisted. Active fire burst over our heads and obliterated the trees around us.
“C’mon!” I followed behind the pair, seeing Lo’ak and Tuk dash over fallen tree limbs, Neytiri soon joined with Kiri. All convening to run towards the ikran together. I heard the whips of blades through the air, and from the distance saw white lights over the site of the shack.
“They’re leaving…?”
I heard Kiri gasp and begin to wail.
“They took Spider!” Her human boy. I had no true opinion of him, outside that he is another unruly child—but no one deserves the fate of being stolen.
Past a fallen tree were the ikran.
 Na’ruk, Euye, Bob…
Something was wrong.
“Where is Zasza?” I pushed past Lo’ak and Kiri, calling out to Zasza. I heard a weak chirp, more like a gurgle, but could not place the direction.
I heard a little gasp and saw Tuk and Neytiri staring into the nearby undergrowth. The little girl began to cry with big, fat tears and held onto her mother, who had a silent hand to her mouth. My heart sank to my stomach.
I sprinted over to face the cause of distress.
My sweet, fierce companion. In the arms of a few broken trees, lay gasping on her side with blood pouring from multiple wounds in her neck and torso. We met glances and she crooned, trying to lift her head, strength failing her halfway.
Something possessed my body, and without thought, I faltered through foliage and knelt at her side.
“Zasza, what happened…?”
I heard steps behind me, muted gasps and sobs, but it did not make its way through. Nothing did.
How could it?
My Zasza.
Zasza cried out once again, weak and small, like a baby. Her glow was dim, pink sunrise strips low in the evening sky.
No, not a baby. Like a dying ikran.
“Zasza? I-I don’t know what to do…?” I flit my shaking hands over her body, identifying the multitude of gunshot wounds. My hands came away red, blood seeping through my fingers, down my wrists, and to my elbows. It poured. I pressed into her skin, trying to stop the bleeding at all costs. “Za, I-I’m gonna’ get you help, I swear…” Her eyes began to slip shut and I pressed my face to her muzzle, huffing in the way she did to me-to show her I was there. Those beautiful, golden eyes tightened before becoming cast in a milky sheen. A great huff left her, and then no more. Her chest stopped moving.
She stopped breathing.
We had many moons orbiting our sky, along with the large mass some considered an image of Eywa. They circled us, the backdrop of our stars, ethereal in their enormous glory. It was one of the reasons I loved flying at night most.
It felt as if every single one has just crashed into me.
With Zasza’s last breath, my lungs had just given up. With shaking hands, I lifted her head onto my lap, pushing and pulling at her head desperately.
“Wake up.” Nothing happened. “Zasza. Please.” Again. The stillness of the forest had never been so oppressive. For the first time in a long time, I prayed.
“Eywa, please. If you are there do not let this happen. Please. I beg you.”
I knew no prayers would be answered. Not for me.
“Please. I can’t do this on my own.”
Zasza was dead.
Eywa would not change that. My only family was gone, stolen from me.
Unbidden, a ferocious scream tore from my throat. I could not stop it. My entire being, my existence, was being torn apart in front of me. It was a scream of complete horror and utter shattering, bullying past my ribs and tearing the skin of my mouth on its way out.
My Zasza was Dead.
Zasza, who chose me, and I her, to fly with—forever. Zasza, who took one look at me at the ikran rookery and said, that one is mine.
My Zasza.
Hands pulled at my shoulders before they moved in an attempt to cover my mouth.
Everything is red.
I struggled, screaming and crying as someone tried to pull me from Zasza.
“You have to stop!” Voices. Because no, I was not here alone. “They could still be looking!”
Jake Sully.
That’s right…
Zasza died…for Jake. Sully.
My teeth, sharp as any true na’vi, bit into the meat of his palms—tearing flesh and drawing a yell from the man. He pulled his hands from my face as I whipped around, crouching over the dead body of my friend, snarling at Toruk Makto.
“GET AWAY FROM US!” I pulled the knife from my sheathe, flipping it so the blade ran along my palm facing outwards. “HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!” I looked to the other three ikran, fine but ruffled. My heart sank.
How could it only be Zasza?
I could not see. Rivers ran from my eyes, a torrential downpour that obscured my visage of the Sully family.
Jake had two placating hands up, one palm torn and bleeding. He looked shaken, glancing over his shoulder at his huddled family, horror and desperation overtaking his features.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened, but we have to leave.”
It was almost as if he was under a waterfall. I heard his words, his voice, but it was muffled. I turned from him, letting myself fall to my knees to stroke Zasza’s head. Her glow was all but gone.
My beautiful sunrise, to sunset.
“Leave?” I could never leave Zasza. Where would I go? “Yes, you should leave.” I could not turn to look at them, I could only look to the fallen form of Zasza.
“We have to leave. Together. You cannot stay here.” Neytiri, you fool.
I did not answer. The earth could swallow me, sink me into the wet soil, and it would not be a darker place than my soul. I began to sob into my hands. Gasping breaths and murmurs filled the silence.
“’evenge, it is not safe.” The rushing sounds of that dreadful aircraft began to filter in, and I heard the panic of the family behind me. I could not be bothered, not really. The pangs of fear were simply not there.
I want to sleep.
I looked to Zazsa.
I am so tired. I want to sleep, as you do.
The lights of the flying ship began to filter through the trees. They were close. I did not know if they were still looking, or rather escaping to lick their wounds.
It did not matter either way.
Strong arms lifted me up from my armpits, causing me to gasp and begin to struggle.
“What are you-- !?” I was being strongarmed away from the clearing, away from Zasza. “No, stop! Leave me!” We were getting further away. Further from Zasza. “I SAID LEAVE ME!” I was turned on my stomach and thrown over Jake’s shoulder. He was much bigger than me, but I kicked and screamed, at one point I managed to rake my nails from his low back all the way into the back of his neck. I heard him hiss, but when I tried to do it again, he jostled me onto his ikran. Screaming, I felt for the dagger at my waist.
I would not get to draw it.
From behind, he maneuvered my neck into the hollow of his elbow and pulled.
Nails scratched at his arms, slapping and ripping at skin—but it proved useless.
I cannot breathe.
The sounds of the airship, the forest, and the Sully’s faded into the dull thumb of my own heartbeat. Blackness crept along my vision, and I could no longer bat at the arms holding me.
I am sorry Zasza.
I literally cannot sleep I only write sad things. SO much of this in the bank.
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naomikuuromi · 2 years
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real footage of me in the theater when neteyam died and lo'ak sobbing:
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icequeenlila · 1 year
They judge people together
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Neytiri: "Have you seen Ninat's new hairpiece today?"
Neteyam: "Yes, she's so trying to copy you."
Neytiri: "Still trying to steal my man."
Neteyam: "Pathetic."
*during Ronal's introduction speech*
Neytiri: "I'm about to slap a bitch."
Neteyam: "I'll hold back her arms for you."
*when Jake apologized for Neytiri's behavior*
Neytiri: "Is that man trying to die?"
Neteyam: "Man's got no back bone, you deserve better mum."
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avatarkv · 1 year
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Synopsis ! Jake had taken you as his own after Tsu'tey's passing, leaving no one to care for you. Things had been good before your relationship with him had blurred along growing of age. You and him fought all the time; argued each other's ear off and tonight was no different-- except words have been said, severing the already damaged bond. Content & warning Jake sully x Daughter!Reader, Sully kids x Sister!Reader Neytiri x Daughter!Reader. Mentions of violence and death. (wc: 4955 )
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Neytiri was up early– too early. 
She ran her hands tiredly over her face, her fingernails barely grazing the creases of her skin. Her eyes felt heavy, but it wasn’t tiredness that forced itself to weigh on her lids– it was the dread that continued to settle in; she could hardly make out the sound of the pot blowing out steam, rising in pitch with the soup threatening to boil over. The lid covering the kitchen pan was shaking fiercely, trying desperately to contain itself.
No, who was she kidding? She had lain awake all night, tossing and turning in her hammock. Not a single wink of sleep had been granted to her. 
Neytiri swore her heart cried every time she took a deep breath, gravelly gasping along her. She couldn’t sleep even if she wanted to– not when tuk-tuk quivered in her embrace the whole night; the slightest movement made her flinch and the softest touch made her cry. It was gut-wrenching, the thought that her own child felt no safety in the arms of their mother.
Not my children, eywa. Not them too. 
War had started long before her mate had come, Neytiri couldn’t blame him– but sometimes, late at night when the only sounds that grace her ears are the thoughts running through her head, she dreams of a life away from the wildfire and bullets; a life where she had fulfilled her mother's desires and took Tsu'tey’s hand instead. Every once in a while, the idea pierces her heart as she finds herself tucked in between Jake’s embrace. It felt wrong to think so, like being unfaithful, but not quite.
Tsu’tey was never someone who crossed her thoughts as a person that had gotten away from her, nor had she ever been attracted to him in a romantic way. It would’ve been an union of convenience; for the clan and the people itself. They would be unhappy– unhappy and awfully miserable. With Jake, it was something else entirely; like marriage had more meaning to it rather than a simple alliance. Sure, it was miserable, but they were happy– she was happy. Neytiri could never resent her mate, not when they’ve come so far already.
However, in terms of her children’s well-being, she couldn’t help but think if Jake was the bane of it all– the root of every bad thing that has happened to them. There were no softer words to lay it out, but they deserved better. Her children deserved none of this war. 
She was crying again– crying for them. She let the beads of tears roll down her cheek as she stared afar with not a single coherent thought behind her eyes. 
It was no surprise that Neteyam was already up with the sun rising. He moved quickly, quietly lowering the fire and lifting the lid of the pot with caution— hissing when its hot liquid splashed onto his skin. With a concerned look on his face, he glanced over at his mother who sat an arm’s length away from the very stove; how could she not have heard the loud cackle of her own cooking? He was sure it would’ve caused a wildfire if not for him. 
He slowly moved closer to Neytiri, gingerly reaching out and nudging her with his fingertips. He was mindful not to startle her already tired state. “Sa’nok– sa’nok?” Neteyam called out to her, “Sa’nok, are you okay?” 
Neytiri stirred just slightly, turning her head to view the worried face of her eldest. Her lips thinned involuntarily, a feeling of relief washing over her; her children were here, safe and sound. Nothing will happen to them– not ever.  As long as she lived, they will never be harmed ever again. No demon would take this away from her.
A wave of panic swept over her as she finally realized that she had been cooking before. She quickly turned back to see a billowing cloud of smoke rising from its surface. Neytiri cursed under her breath as her small attempts at fanning away the fog that had settled upon the area were to no avail, finding herself in a fit of coughing. “Why don’t you get y/n?” She requested, voice strained. “She can help with breakfast.” 
With a heavy sigh, Neteyam could only nod, quickly leaving.
Right, y/n– you. When was it never about you? 
Neteyam grumbled as he dragged his feet towards their thatched hut, kicking at every pebble that came across his path with a grunt. It wasn’t you who had woken up early to assist Neytiri nor was the one who had stopped fire from possibly spreading and yet, your name just had to be the first he’d heard today. 
It was you. Always you. 
Neteyam would be a big fat liar if he said it didn’t affect him. He saw you as a parasite – a damn leech that was draining the life out of everyone around him. He couldn't understand why you had to be so selfish and callous; why you were unable to look past Jake’s reprimands when all he desired was your well-being or how you had driven his own mother to such anguish that it became her own undoing. 
You weren’t a kid anymore. On top of that, you weren’t theirs– so why had you always been on top of their priority? Why had you become a chore? 
But never his, oddly enough. You were too good for him and he hated that. 
(Heavy steps thudded behind Jake as Neteyam trailed, his disappointment palpable. He had been unsuccessful in his mission to persuade his father to let him come along on today’s expedition, always quick to dismiss him. He had gone through all the training, but what was the point if he still wouldn't be able to put it into practice? 
Being olo’eyktan one day will never feel rewarding. 
“It’s too dangerous, Neteyam.” Jake grumbled under his breath, eyes never meeting his as he gathered his arrows. “I need you here. Make sure Lo’ak doesn’t follow– do you copy?” 
Neteyam couldn't help but wince when he remembered the time they had failed to be spotters, but it was just that one time– why couldn’t he let it go? It weighed down heavily on his conscience; the mistake that even still, months later, sent shame prickling on every fiber of his being. 
Jake expected a copy in return– a curt yes-sir but Neteyam was silent. He finally urged himself to look up, only to see both his eldest locked in an intense stare, eyes never wavering nor breaking away from one another.
It clicked almost instantly the moment you walked through the flap of the hunt, clutching on the strap of your woven bag that held your own weapons. The war-paint drawn across your face had been the salt on the already deep cut of his– you were coming. Jake had asked you to come and he wasn’t. 
You were looking down at him, Neteyam was sure of it; judging him, and no doubt thinking of how much he had failed himself. His sense of shame deepened as he saw the derision in your expression, feeling more exposed than ever before. He wanted to disappear right then and there, anything to escape this moment that felt like an eternity. 
But you were there. You always were– and you could see straight through him. 
If only he knew how different your mind worked– how you desperately ached for the same concern Jake had for his son. You wanted him to understand the immense longing to be seen in the same light that he was in, to receive even a fraction of his unwavering affection; wanted Jake to care enough that this could be the last hunt he would have with you, that you could get hurt or worse. 
Jake was worried enough to sit his golden-child down; the one with capabilities greater than those warriors years older than him– the one he would make olo’eyktan someday. 
Not you. Never you. 
Neteyam was the first to turn away, a deep rugged grunt leaving his lips as he nodded once. 
“Lima charlie.” ) 
What really messed with his head was that, despite his obvious resentment, he couldn’t actually bring himself to truly despise you the way he felt he should. Every time Neteyam looks at you, he swears he only sees himself– the same child that only yearns for the recognition of a father. There is a reflection of each other in the two of you that binds you nonetheless. 
He wanted to truly look up to you; he wanted what Lo’ak, Kiri, and Tuk felt when they were with you– to have someone older, to feel as if the weight on his shoulders wasn’t his alone. Neteyam tried, he really did, but as much as you were there, you also weren’t. 
It wasn’t always like this. Your relationship with him wasn’t built entirely on rivalry– he knows he had something more familial with you before, but whatever it was had blurred along age. As much as he wanted to come closer, you were always two steps ahead of him. To you, he will always be olo’eyktan– but never a brother. 
It was a harsh reality– the same hands that cradled him when he was small couldn’t even look at him the same; like he had grown so ugly that you couldn’t recognize him at all. You didn’t even want to fly your ikran with him, nor did you want to train the same time he did. 
He hated you, but not quite– he could never hate his sister. You were more of a stranger now that lived under the same roof as him and it was better than to perceive you as someone rather horrible– but that was what you were. A horrible, horrible stranger. Someone who saved him once from trouble and handed him years of headache in return.
You were a horrible sister. That’s what you are. 
(“Tsmuke, what do I do?” 
You couldn't believe your eyes as you gazed down at the mess on the floor of the hut. Beads were all over, and what used to be a clay tray laid shattered into several pieces. Neteyam stood still in midst of it all— the culprit of such doing evident. Your brain wracked itself to move, to do something.
“This is sa’nok’s favorite necklace. She told me to come get it for her, but the shelf was too high–” Neteyam spoke in a rush, hands gesturing wildly as he talked. His face crumpled in worry and his brow furrowed with frustration.
"’Teyam, don't move!" you said in a hurry, alarmed at the thought of him taking a step forward. Moving quickly to his side, you gently stopped him from doing so and scooped him up under his armpits. He was heavy in your arms as you stood there with him, but the shards beneath were sharp enough to cut skin. You grunted as you moved him aside. 
"Tsmuke, what are we going to do?" He asked again, his voice running high with worry. 
You tried to think of another solution, assessing the situation once more. You glanced at him and said, "I'm going to tell ma I broke it so she won't be mad at you." You quickly search for something sturdy enough to scoop the pieces off the floor. Maybe you can redo the necklace, but there was no salvaging the tray. 
“But I broke it– she’ll know.” He visibly deflates, not exactly thrilled about not being truthful to Neytiri.
“Only if you tell her.” You said, looking up at him with a slight smile, though your heart was racing. You felt terrible knowing that you were going to disappoint Neytiri, especially since her beloved necklace had snapped– but something about your little brother's worry-stricken expression tugged on your heartstrings. You understood why her scolding was necessary, but it felt wrong to leave him alone to bear the brunt of it. “This will be our little lie, okay?” 
You immediately dismiss him, gesturing impatiently for him to exit the hut as quickly as possible. “I’ll tell you about it later, but you have to promise now that whatever mom says, just know that I broke it.” 
He only offered a subtle nod in response, his eyes glossed over as he nervously played with his hands.
“Say it, ‘teyam. She’ll be back any minute now!” 
"You broke it!" Neteyam had shouted and almost as if in response, Neytiri had walked in through the hut's entrance, all but gasping as she took in the sight before her– shards of what once held her jewelry now on the floor. She stumbled slightly as she carried the basket of fruits, before dropping it to the ground and quickly scurrying over towards you.
The scolding you got was harsh, but Neytiri couldn't do much other than wrap her arms around you and sigh. You were just a kid, after all. Mistakes like these are inevitable and all she could do was understand. 
Neteyam was patiently waiting just outside the doorway, swinging his legs back and forth as he listened with a heavy heart. He awfully felt guilty. You sat with him moments later.
“Why did you do that?” He quietly asked.
You looked at him with a confused face, “Do what?” 
"Lie." He says, his accent making the word feel awkward in his mouth. It was unfamiliar to him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You only say, casually shrugging as you swung your legs along his. Little Neteyam looked at you with the most confused face; eyebrows furrowing and the creases in between deepening as he tried to make sense of everything that had happened. 
But then you glanced at him again– winked and gave a small giggle. 
And only there did he understand. He leaned his head on your shoulder.
“Thank you, y/n.” )
Neteyam didn’t even realize he had finally reached home. He stared at the flap of the hut, unable to let himself in, despite living here ever since. He wasn’t exactly thrilled about having a moment alone with you– not when the thoughts that ran through his head had been unpretty. 
He knows damn well Eywa could strike him down if she heard herself. 
He sighed, “Y/n? Sa’nok asks for you.” He softly said, waiting for a reply. You had never been a deep sleeper; any little noise would bring you right back to consciousness. Every creak from the floor, every whisper and murmur from outside, even the lightest rustling of leaves would startle you wide awake in an instant. Neteyam knew of that, knew of the many sleepless nights you had. You had the habit of scratching the walls of the hut, carving who-knows-what on its surface. It kept him from being able to get any rest himself. 
When only silence greeted him, he finally urged himself to go inside only to be met with an empty space. 
Your absence now felt different to the other times when you had gone for a stroll through the forest or set out to train before dawn. It was not like that this time, and Neteyam felt it deeply. He frantically rummaged through the hut, searching every nook and cranny for anything that you possessed. Nothing. Neteyam stood at the center of the room, taking in the now cluttered room. 
His fingers nervously reached up to the intercom on his ears. A voice crackled over the device, "Sir, is y/n with you? Over." He took a deep breath as he glanced around once more. 
Almost quickly, Jake answered. “No, she should be back at the hut.”
 Neteyam gulped, “She isn’t– nor any of her things are. What do I do?”
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“You– you! You let this happen, Jake!” 
After spending hours on scouring the forest for any trace of you, they had finally concluded that you had chosen to leave of your own accord. This was not something that anyone wanted to believe and yet it seemed like the only option left; none of your things were to be seen back at home, or at least those that were valuable to you— your worn-out saddlebag, the wooden bowl that you had carved yourself, weapons. All of it. Soon, eclipse neared and everyone was tired.
Neytiri was quick on her feet. As soon as Jake had returned from the south, she lunged at him – pushing him forcefully with a look he didn’t want to come home to. He attempted to grasp onto both her forearms, wanting desperately to soothe– but, try as he might, she continually knocked away his hands with increasingly greater force. It was like his very touch had burnt her skin; the same hands that held her children. 
“What did you do? What did you say?” Her panicked voice quivered as she asked in desperation. She felt her breath quicken, body absolutely worn out from everything that had happened. Neytiri’s tear-stained face was like a punch to his already battered heart. He had caused this. Jake had finally pushed you away. 
“One thing I asked of you– and this one thing you couldn’t do!” Each word that left her mouth was accompanied by a strike to his chest, not enough to cause any physical pain but enough to emphasize the anger he knew he had been keeping to herself for years. Neytiri was patient with him– understanding. Jake had pushed the limits of what she was capable of doing for him and this was the very consequence.
Shame. Nothing but shame. 
People were watching– warriors that had accompanied him on the search and lingering eyes of the clan, but he couldn’t care less. Jake allowed her to hit him, he let her push him around; it was better for him if she inflicted the pain instead of harboring it. He’d let the people talk for all he cared. He failed as an olo’eyktan and as a father. 
Let everyone know he failed his eldest.
“I did talk to her, please listen to me.” He begged, his pleadings faint. He desperately tried to reach out and grasp Neytiri's arm, yet his hands seemed unable to find the strength to hold her. His voice quivered as he spoke, fragile and hesitant in its delivery.
“Tell me how exactly!” 
And he couldn’t answer that. Not when he made the crucial mistake of not checking the hut beforehand. Maybe if he did, he would’ve known you had run away– maybe he could’ve gotten to you. The fact that you weren’t able to hear his vulnerability was a different heartbreak he refused to acknowledge. You were never there to begin with. 
When Neytiri saw that Jake had nothing to say in response, she was rendered speechless. Her hands flew up to cover her mouth as she tried to muffle the cry that threatened to escape her throat. She frantically paced around, harshly tugging on her braids. Jake could only close his eyes, shoulders slumping in defeat. He stood there, stunned in silence. 
“My daughter, Jake! My daughter is out there with those– those demons scattered! She could be lost– dead! Do you not understand?” 
Dead. You could be dead. Jake refused to close his eyes, hoping he could keep the thought at bay. But it came back again and again, wriggling its way into his mind like a snake. He let his heavy eyelids shut and instantly, he was presented with a vision of you in the dark - his sweet babygirl, lying there lifeless. It would be his fault. The blood would be on his hands.
"Ma, please," Neteyam had spoken, his voice gentle in a bid to soothe his mother. He tried desperately to soften the blows, carefully pulling her away from Jake. It was Neteyam that calmed Neytiri and all he could do was stand and let it happen– what the hell was he doing? How could he fail so miserably? His eldest had to step in and do his job, his pride and joy. 
His gaze drifted across to where his other children were, huddled together on the corner. They looked bewildered at what they were hearing, unsure of what to make of it all. It seized him, squeezing what’s left of its already limp heart. Tuk was nestled in Kiri’s protective embrace, asking her– trying to understand. She asks of you, where have you gone? 
A father protects, that’s what gives him meaning and Jake Sully has done the opposite– ushering you to danger. 
“Have we failed them, Jake? Have I been a horrible mother?” Neytiri asked, her voice now barely above a whisper. She tried to be gentle with pushing Neteyam away, attempting to continue nonetheless. Jake placed a firm hand on his son's tense shoulders, and he gave him a subtle tilt of the head. He could see the battle that was raging inside of his young boy's head, between wanting to do what he felt was right and obeying his father's instructions. “Jake what have we done?”
Your mother needs this, his eyes try to tell him, go. Neteyam reluctantly steps back, deciding it was better to return to the others.
“Look for her again. Send out everyone this instant!” She sobs, pounding her fists against Jake’s chest in a desperate attempt to get her point across. Her neck is strained with veins popping out and bulging eyes filled with desperation, pleading him to understand. Each beat of her fists matched the intensity of her wails, no amount of tears ever seeming to be enough. 
Neytiri takes a heavy inhale once more, “I beg of you, Jake Sully. Find our daughter, bring her back home.” 
His gaze finally met hers and the feeling it brought was more than he could bear. He had to make a decision, another choice that would have to let her down again. “We can’t go looking for her now, Neytiri. We are already short on warriors, you know this.” He gently says, as if it was enough to soften the blow– but his eyes saw how her face slowly fell. He could clearly hear the telltale sound of her broken heart, shattering once more.
“I have to ensure everyone’s safety. Warriors are out scouring perimeters and we can’t risk one hold-up. Our family, Neytiri, I cannot risk our family,” 
“She is our daughter!” 
“And I am still olo’eyktan.” He was heartless. He was sure everyone thought so, but he had to be the one to make decisions. His composure was a mask that hid the fact that inside he was breaking apart; that he was failing– that he already had failed. If he let himself break down now, he might as well gamble everyone he loved. 
Jake’s responsibilities weighed down heavily on his shoulders. Everyone was at stake– Quaritch was on the loose. 
Neytiri told him he had a strong heart the moment they had met, but right now, it was stone-cold– shut off and mean. Not the compassionate man she had once saved. “I’m trying, Neytiri. I’ll get her home.” He tries to assure her, but the breathy shudder that left her lips only made him wince. 
He was finally able to wrap his arms around her mate and when he did, it was tight– as if he was trying desperately to piece her back together. He closed his eyes once more, kissing the top of her head. “I promise. She’ll be back, I promise.”
You were out there. Alive. He had a chance. 
Your mama’s crying for you, sweet child, come home. 
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“Mawey, Mawey!” 
You found yourself in an unknown area. How you had gotten there, you could not explain. Your ikran, exhausted from the raging storm, needed some respite and so did you for that matter. After all, it would be cruel to deny her this much needed break even if it were just for a night. You only prayed that it’d be peaceful. 
You searched the space for materials needed for fire, but the rain was ruthless and provided no light. You felt a chill as you curled up beneath the shade of the tree. Hugging your knees to your chest you tried to conserve warmth, shivering slightly as a gust of wind blew past. Nothing around you but darkness - no stars, no moonlight, and not even the bioluminescence around provided much warmth. This was it, you thought.
Should I go home instead? Have they even noticed that I’ve gone?
Why couldn't you just stay? Why couldn't you have simply kept it all down inside rather than running away? You had been content enough to stay silent before, content enough to ignore everything; what had been different now? It was home still— who were you kidding?
Thoughts ran unmercifully inside your head as you sat motionless. 
You are never satisfied. 
I miss my mom. 
They deserve the heartache. 
You should’ve listened instead– now look at where you are.
Why couldn’t they love me?
Maybe I should head back. 
Father will be mad.
You wanted this– needed this. You had to prove yourself. There was no use crying over something small, a night had only passed. 
The snapping of leaves and rustling of bushes pulled you abruptly back to reality, your head quickly turning in its direction. You had been lost in thought before the sound startled you; the somber pool of thoughts still eddying in your mind. But there was something else nestled in that pool now, taking up the space– fear. Genuine and terrible, terrible fear. You might never come home ever again. You will never see them again. 
This was it, you thought, something that had been swirling around in the back of your mind since you’ve left now finally felt certain. You gripped your spear tightly in both hands. 
The cry that ripped through the air was deafening, shaking every part of your being. It felt like each syllable ricocheted around your entire body; coursing through your veins and settling in the cavity of your chest. Even the ground seemed to tremble in response, shaking beneath your feet as you tried to keep composure. There was no mistaking it; it was an 'angtsìk— a particularly angry one, at that. 
The loreyu that once surrounded you shriveled in response; coiling up and retracting to the ground, and then was gone completely, leaving you exposed to the hammerhead. 
You were in a desperate situation. It didn't help either that you were unable to make out your surroundings– you were one on one with an 'angtsìk with nothing but a spear and a lousy handgun (that you don’t even know why you brought in the first place. It was small on the palm of your hand, but it was valuable to Jake– this couldn’t damage any animal even if you tried.)
Lifting your bow and arrow and preparing to shoot would be pointless. The threat could be just a moment away; it could pounce on you in the blink of an eye, leaving you as food for its prey before you even have time to process the danger. 
You stood your ground, constantly shifting on your feet as you carefully backed away. You kept your gaze steadily ahead, refusing to break eye contact with the 'angtsìk– but when it roared again in response to your steps, you couldn't help but express your annoyance with a loud kiss of your teeth and an exasperated groan.
You did something that no one in a million years would ever consider or do– you ran straight towards it. 
You stepped forward with your spear raised, shaking it threateningly in front of the strange creature that had been creeping closer. Your movements were frenzied, a frenetic attempt to scare it off and make it retreat back to where it had come from. You could feel your heart pounding against your rib cage as you readied yourself for whatever would come next. All around you, an eerie silence had descended upon the dank forest that seemed to be holding its breath in anticipation– watching both of you. 
As it was poised to launch a counterattack, the creature suddenly halted; its gaze directed toward something past you with an expression of sheer terror, but your mind was too clouded for you to take any hint of the bigger threat skulking just behind you. You could feel the nervousness bubbling up from your chest, but before you knew it, a confident chuckle had escaped your lips that soon turned into fits of laughter, not believing how that foolish move of yours had made the 'angtsìk retreat.
“Yeah? Yeah! That’s right– you better run!”  You yelled, brandishing the spear in your hands and waving it around in triumph. “Get your punk-ass back to mommy, penis-face!” 
As the 'angtsìk disappeared into the distance, you allowed a sigh of relief to escape your lips. "You're not getting any of this, keep running!" You called out after it mockingly, putting your hands on your hips. In spite of this bravado, your heart was pounding and your knees were weak with fear– you were this close to give Eywa an early visit. 
You slowly turned back, that’s when you finally saw it; the force with which the thicket of bushes violently parted around it, the palulukan emerging from behind. It was like all the air had been sucked from your lungs, and a chill ran through your body as a wave of fear engulfed you. Every part of you tensed up, and you could feel your soul being wrenched from within.
You looked at it like a poor deer in headlights, grip momentarily loosening around your spear.
 If death knocked tonight, let it be instant.
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NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT ?? ???? finally, after a month! (i am gonna be honest, i am this close to loosing interest in avatar.. jesus. i am holding onto crumbs people) this is so long overdue, but i hope it's good enough!
put so many references here, hope ppl can tell! teehee
not thoroughly edited so please feel free to point of any mistakes! thank you so much for being patient with me, until the next chapter loves! smooch <;3
(i removed tags that didn't work anymore :/ again, i am not taking anymore tags! please leave your notif on instead) tags: @reyalvr @sparklyphantom @iwanttohitmyself @planetslove @teyamsjustsleeping @grandgreengrapes @erensbbg @queen-dk @loaklvr @theyoungeagle @ducks118 @teyyyteyyy @yeosxxx @simply-lovely78 @ellabellabus07 @thehoneymushroomhealer @saturdayrj @kingjulian0o9 @hippiezworldz @joemamalackin @random-3455 @zoetrope1997 @cl0esblogg @anxietydrogz @lokisfirstandlastwife @lunyyx @blkmystery @marsbars09 @gcldtom @luna-salem @wolflover384 @mushy-mushroom04 @whatthemonsterfuckisthis @eternalidentity @celi-xxmoon @dumb-fawkin-bitch @pinkeroppi @mellowdiy @jimfiqs @ell0ra-br3kk3r @ayra2452008 @vodoo-heart @rose-brulante @starxao @bluevenus19 @entertain-my-lvst @wwwellacom @starjane312 @mona-aiko @audigay
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sunfyresrider · 1 year
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❥Summary: You were never allowed to leave the lab, especially to venture off into the forest. However, one day you get a extreme urge to go to the river and that’s where you met him. The man who would surely be your downfall. ❥Word Count: 8k ❥Tags: obsessive tendencies, love struck Neteyam, mild manipulation, jealous!neteyam, interspecies relationship, wingman!Lo’ak, smut, fingering, oral, p n v, choking (slightly), mild angst. Am I missing anything? Lmk! ❥Author’s Note: This can be seen as a part one to a future fic of mine ‘Mated for Life’. S/O to me for finally remembering to add a word count LMAO. This is inspired by an older fic of mine so I’m kinda copyrighting myself😎
Neteyam knew from a young age everything would fall on his shoulders, that all the responsibilities of an adult would be his to bear. It made him pretty fucking miserable to be honest, but he would never let it show. It made him a better person in many ways, a better son, a better warrior, and a great brother. It did not make him happy nor did it make him forget the loneliness he felt.
Lo’ak always claimed he was misunderstood but Neteyam dare say he had it worse. No one viewed him as other than perfect, no one attempted to see what’s under the surface, and no one was there to love him in the ways he thought he deserved. Today was one of the days that proved he wouldn’t be anything other than the perfect soldier. Another day he had to take the blame for something he did not do.
His brother had snuck onto the battlefield and nearly killed them both. The second their ikrans landed his father had a speech to give to them both, even while his eldest son was bleeding. He took the blame as he always did, the yelling, the insults, and the beratement to protect his younger brother. How much more could he take though? After his wounds had been healed he found himself in the corner of the forest, knees pressed tightly to his chest.
Neteyam prided himself on not being weak but today he let the tears flows. He let the river attempt to wash away the burden that he had no choice but to carry. Neteyam wanted someone, just anyone, to understand him. That is what he prayed for from Ewya, even though the great mother did not involve herself in petty things such as this, he hoped she would this one time.
You had grown up on Pandora, your mother being one of the great scientists who worked with Grace Augustine and Jake Sully. She didn’t allow you to venture outside often like spider, you were too small, too precious to her to risk being harmed in the wilderness. In your opinion it was a load of bullshit and you deserved to play with the Na’vi kids just like him! Except now you were older, inexperienced, out of shape, and would probably die by a viper wolf attack.
Unfortunately for her you were born with rebellion in your heart and a strong sense of will. Dusk had fallen on the moon and the light from the windows inside the lab were beginning to fill the room's orange. It was one of the rare moments you were able to be completely alone. It was a strict rule to return to your room after biology lessons with Norm but you had plenty of time to stroll. Right now, your mother would still be aiding the warriors returning from the recent battle. It was prime time to make an escape and explore.
You first met Neteyam in a very compromising position, curled up by the stream and sleeping. There was a subtle stain on his blue skin from tears that were shed earlier. He looked pathetic, not in a bad way, in an abused puppy way that made your heart melt. How could you leave him out here all alone? Granted, he was twice your size and carried many weapons but that thought did not ease the ache in your heart. No one should ever be left alone to cry. You crawled next to him and gently placed a hand on his shoulder to shake him awake. “Neteyam?” You whispered into his ears.
His eyebrows began to furrow slightly, ears twitching in the direction of your voice. “Neteyam, wake up.” He jumped up and snatched your wrist, startling you. “Brother?!” His eyes scanned the surroundings quickly and you before settling with a confused expression plastered on his face. “S-sorry Lo’ak isn’t here,” you mumbled out. You knew the former vastly better since he visited the lab so often, all you knew of the eldest was stories.
Neteyam’s quickened breathing settled, his eyes scanning over your form. Which human were you? You were too pretty to be another scientist, too young to have lived here during the war. It took him awhile of staring at you for his brain to finally put it together, “star girl.” His hands released you slowly as his mouth hung slightly agape, why in Ewya’s name would Lo’ak hide you from him? He had seen you in passing once or twice but he didn’t realize you looked like this.
Neteyam never considered an alien could be beautiful but you proved him very wrong. You had the perfect lips, your eyes glistened with his reflection inside your pupils. Your hair fell perfectly, highlighting your pretty face. And from what he could see from your strange clothes you had a nice body too. “Lo’ak told me many things about you, all good so far.” He quickly cleared his throat, pulling his hands away to wipe the tears from his eyes. This was embarrassing, but he was going to push through it.
Two tiny, four fingered, hands cupped his cheeks. Your skin was warm, soft and distracting him from his original thought. “Are you alright? Was someone being cruel to you?” You regretted the last sentence as it stumbled out, he was just in a battle you idiot! Oh Ewya, help him because you sounded like the angels his dad spoke about. Neteyam was too dumbfounded to say anything coherent, maybe too starstruck by your presence.
You weren’t necessarily wrong, his father did hurt him deeply. His mother hurt him by not standing up for him either. The most perplexing part was you cared to ask, your tiny self risked being in these dangerous lands just to see if he was alright. Neteyam forced himself to nod slowly, not entirely sure how to react to such comfort.
Perhaps this wasn’t the best thing to do but your mother always comforted you in this way. You had even done this to Kiri a few times when she came to the lab to cry about her own problems. Gently, you swiped the tear tracks from his face, pressing two gentle kisses where they laid. “Don’t cry, you’re an amazing warrior, a good son, an even better brother. You finished your Rite of Passage before anyone else your age. You have so much more to offer than just those things and they’re just too blind to see it. And so many people love you like-”
“My child,” the sounds of your mother's cries echoed in your ears. Shit, she knew you had escaped. You let go of him quickly, preparing to run into her arms and feign innocence. Before you left though, you jumped onto him, arms embracing his frame the best they could. “You're perfect, okay? I’m always here to talk if you need it." You jumped to your feet, brushing off the dirt you had collected whilst exploring. "I gotta go... feel better!"
Neteyam sat up and watched you scurry away, his eyes were wide and time had stilled around him. Where the fuck have you been his entire life? His heart felt full in a way it hadn’t before, Neteyam’s stomach twisting around itself. The thoughts of your little hands, your little frame, your sweet voice and soft lips swirling in his head. You were so… perfect, so inviting… You had to be his.
He had never truly thought about having someone all for himself, especially an alien. But even the perfect son needed to indulge his own desires at times, even the hardened warrior needed to be held in times of sorrow. At this moment all he could think about was stealing you away, keeping you safe in his home, protecting you from the dangers of this world forever. He needed more, desperately and as soon as possible.
Neteyam pulled himself up, with a new found confidence he ran home. It was time he talked to his parents about finding a potential mate.
The talk went about as well as Lo’ak claiming his ikran. He mentioned he had found someone, and he was prepared to finally choose a mate. His parents rejoiced, the proud look they reserved for him finally returning. Until he mentioned that it was you, and the light drained from their eyes, the colors fading from their faces.
Neteyam’s idea was shot down faster than he could manage to speak it. You had an avatar body in that damn lab and he knew it! You could easily become one of the people like his father and be his mate. Why was his mother so against it? His father at the very least gave it some thought before succumbing to his mother’s rants.
It wasn’t her fault she was traumatized, but it was hypocritical considering his father was an alien when she met him. Fine, Neteyam was used to a challenge and he would claim you before they had another chance to say no. Hopefully this time around his love for you would override his fear of disappointing his parents.
The next time he came across you was far after eclipse, everyone in his home was fast asleep while he made his move. It was incredibly hard to sneak out of the camp, even harder to sneak into the human camp. Your stupid cameras and metal monstrosities make it nearly impossible to creep through, let alone into you. Neteyam vaguely remembered where Lo’ak claimed you slept, in moments like these he was grateful his brother had his back.
The more he tiptoed around the camp the angrier he became, were you even real or was that a fever dream? He stumbled onto a group of tree metal homes stacked against each other. Carefully, he peeked his head into each one searching you out. To his disappointment the first two were occupied by a snoring Norm and a drooling Max. It took him one more attempt before he finally saw your sleeping figure.
You were so adorable, all bundled up in the things called sheets and holding a pillow tightly to your chest. It made his soul melt at the sight, Neteyam wasted no time welcoming himself inside, pushing the first door open and closing it tightly behind him. If he let any air in from the outside you may die before he got the chance to touch you again. Thankfully, the next door was easier and much quieter than the first.
Neteyam had to crouch as he approached you, ignoring how terrifying he probably looked. He outstretched one of his long fingers to brush a strand of your hair out of your face, admiring the peaceful view in front of him. If Ewya allowed it he could stay and watch you sleep all night but your air was already taking an effect on his lungs.
“Yawne… wake up,” he gently placed a hand on your shoulder, urging you awake. You were an incredibly light sleeper, your eyes shot open and you jumped back as if you were about to scream. Neteyam quickly shoved a hand over your lips, bracing the back of your head with the other before it crashed against the wall. “Shhh, shh yawne, it’s Neteyam.”
You crooked your head to the side, watching him closely. Obviously pondering why he invaded your space at such a late hour. “Neteyam,” you murmured into his hand, confirming if this was a dream or reality. A wide grin blessed his features, “good morning, baby girl.” He heard that nickname from his father, and by the blush on your cheeks it worked quite well. “What are you doing here?”
You rubbed your eyes, gazing out the window, “it’s after eclipse...” you drawled into a yawn. His entire body language shifted, excitement coursing through his veins. “I’m always too busy during the day to visit so I thought now would be the perfect time.” You sat up on your bed, he reached up and brushed the hair out of your face again. His eyes were completely memorizing, and he touched you with the gentleness only your mother did. “O-okay.”
Neteyam smiled at you with such kindness, even with his size you didn’t feel threatened in slightest. “I thought since you never get to go out I would take you tonight. Of course, you would be under my protection the entire time.”
Your face lit up, you could finally leave and see what’s outside these dull walls. But at the back of your head the sound of your mother's voice telling you what not to do rang strong. The fear of disappointing her was even stronger and the fear of potential punishment. “I- I can’t.”
“No one will find out, I promise.” His amber eyes peered up at you with the same heart wrenching expression as the other day. “You wouldn’t want to make me sad, would you? I- I just thought you would want to spend time with me.” It was manipulative, he knew but it worked flawlessly with you. Neteyam would make up for this one transgression later. “Fine, just wait for me outside please. " you said in a nervous whisper.
Neteyam didn’t take his eyes off you as you slid into your “outside” clothing, at some point he would need to get you actual ones instead of the odd human fabrics that cover too much. You hastily slipped your mask on, taking in a deep breath as you did. He hated that thing, hopefully soon he could get rid of it. A very subtle, almost unnoticeable feeling of butterflies filled your stomach as you exited the lab.
“You ready, baby?” The word sounded foreign on his tongue but music to your ears. You nodded in excitement, letting Neteyam grasp your hand and pull you along. He was gentle with you no matter how much excitement was coursing through his veins. You moved in unison through the thick leaves, granted he whisked you off your feet anytime you seemed to falter. The farther away from the encampment you got, the happier you became.
The forest was naturally lit with bioluminescent flowers, vines, and grasses of all kinds. The noise of animals coming out to play filled your ears and for once it did not frighten you. Neteyam was basking in your joy, your voice carried only the excitement of someone innocent to this world. And when you glanced at him? It felt like Ewya herself had sent you to make his heart ache.
To avoid any possible maimings or accidental injuries he kept you very close to him. If Neteyam’s arm was not around you then his hand was on yours. The warmth you radiated felt like his only life source. To your surprise, he was naturally funny and laid back. You had only assumed he was cold, stern and serious, this must be a side of him he only showed a few.
You spoke with him more than anyone, babbling about everything you saw, heard or felt. It may seem obnoxious to others but to him it was like a melody being played by a flute. Each time you squeezed his fingers he felt the blood rush to his head, pounding at his skull in the most beautiful way. You had completely and irrevocably captured his heart.
As the evening progressed the original point of this journey was almost lost to the daze you put him in. Instead of immediately taking you to the sacred place he opted for the stream where you originally found him, you could call it a second, better, impression. It was memorizing in the eyes of a girl who never got to leave her cave of comfort. The fish glowing beneath a gentle stream, a waterfall glistening under the light of several moons.
But this place would be the start of your inevitable downfall. It started off as a dare that turned into swimming half nude with a man twice your size. You let the water flow past you, cradling your body in its warmth. Neteyam was a better swimmer than you, granted you had never gotten the chance before. You chased him in circles below the surface, quickly becoming distracted by the fish that swam by.
The orange was your favorite, reminding you of the sunset. His favorite was the yellow, said it reminded him of you because yellow was the color of happiness and you made him happy… It was a very sappy way of flirting but it worked. Neteyam spent most of his time indulging you on what you wanted or asked the entire night and he did not mind for one second.
You asked him personal questions no one else dared to, further carving your way into his soul. If he thought he knew what love was before he was terribly wrong. Whatever you were doing to him was much worse in all the right ways. It was about the time he came to the realization, staring into your eyes and seeing your future together, you started to nod off. Your eyes become droopy, yawns escaping your throat every other sentence.
Neteyam would stay like this forever if he could, drowning in your existence. Your health was more important to him though and you desperately needed sleep to survive. You tried to fight him off when he said it was time to go, whining to stay here forever. It was cute, and he almost didn’t make you leave, until another adorable yawn left you.
He whisked you off your feet without protest, wrapping your legs around him so he could carry you home. You felt embarrassed at first, realizing you probably looked like a baby being carried by their mother. But then you began to feel his breath on your neck sending goosebump down your spine, long fingers wrapping around you to keep you in place. The low, deep, whisper of his voice telling you sweet nothings echoing in the walls of your mind.
A new sensation washed over you as Neteyam’s lips brushed against your ears ever so slightly. A sweet ache between your legs that progressively got worse the longer he held you. You attempted to pull away, embarrassed he could feel the heat, but he easily overpowered you. Neteyam was determined to keep you in place, as close to him as humanly possible.
He paused his stride, gazing at you for a moment and then back to the forest ahead. You avoided his eyes, but you could feel the smirk creep onto his face. He didn’t say anything on the way home, deep in thought it seemed. However, you could hear his breath becoming ever so slightly heavier.
Neteyam should be a good little soldier and take you home and feign ignorance. He noticed every sound, every look, every smell, every movement coming from you. The warm feeling across his waist that was driving him to the brink of insanity. His own arousal was bound to be noticed the second he put you down… How far could he go with you before he was stopped? You wanted him and why should he not give you what you wanted?
Sneaking back inside the second time was easier than the first, and this time he intended to stay a little longer than necessary. You were drowsy, too tired to change yourself into dry clothing. You probably told yourself he was used to seeing people in less clothes and that it was nothing to Neteyam. Oh how wrong you were. He managed to keep quiet though, attempting to avoid the thing between his legs.
“Time for bed, yawne.” You threw yourself onto the bed, melting into the mattress. Sleep evaded you, the wetness between your legs making it unbearable to get comfortable. To your surprise, he climbed on top, hovering mere inches from your face. “You okay, baby girl?” His ears twitched, Neteyam’s tail betraying his thoughts. There it was again, the foreign nickname that rolled off his tongue like honey.
You crossed your legs together tightly, “I-I’m okay.” He cocked his head to the side, bringing a finger up to brush your face. “I can help you if there’s something wrong,” he purred. You gulped, opening your legs ever so slightly to make a little more room, but that only made the ache worse. His knee found its place between your thighs, applying pressure to the one place you were trying to avoid.
You turned away and evaded his gaze. You felt like a complete idiot, a grown woman acting like a horny teenager, it was disgusting! However, when you looked back at him he was still looking at you expectantly, waiting for you to ask for his help. His knee moved forward once more, you bit your lip to avoid the sound attempting to escape. “I can show you what helps me, yawne.”
He whispered lowly, you didn’t have time to think, or reply before his lips were connecting to yours. You attempted to push him back, tell him no, this was wrong, and you could get in so much trouble. But the feeling of his legs between yours was easing whatever plagued you. A sound of pleasure escaped you before you could stop it, and that seemed to embolden him.
His lips pressed harder against yours, the sweetness of his mouth made your mind hazy. Neteyam’s tongue found itself entangled with yours, and you found yourself getting lost in the moment. The feeling of need was quickly becoming too much so you moved your hips against him, desperately trying to release the pressure.
Neteyam chuckled into your mouth, his fangs glistening in the light. “All you had to say was your problem was down there,” he purred. “I can fix that for you,” Neteyam’s voice turned into an exhilarating whisper, sending chills down your spine. You shivered at the feeling of his fingers gently slipping inside your waistband, hovering over the spot you really wanted him.
You grabbed his hand, your nerves getting the best of you. “W-what if someone finds out.” Neteyam moved forward, cupping your pussy . It was so wet and desperate for him, how could he stop? “I won’t tell if you don’t.” You closed your eyes, nodding your head. Neteyam kissed you once more, this time more rough than before. Internally, he hoped everyone would find out.
He slipped his finger inside of you, his eyes growing wide at how tight you were. He could feel the heat emanating from your core, and you were practically throbbing. Neteyam’s fingers were large enough to easily reach your sweet spot, stretching you out as he added another. You clenched around him, a high pitched sound leaving your lips.
He groaned at the sight of you, you were far too good to be true. Neteyam leaned down, gently nipping at your neck and sucking on your pulse point. His fangs occasionally gliding across your sensitive skin. Neteyam continued to pleasure you, fingers moving at a steady rhythm, a pace he knew he could keep up for hours.
You bit your lip to hold back your whines, each breathy exhale turning into a high pitched moan. The sound was like music to Neteyam, he couldn't get enough of you. His tongue snaked out of his mouth, tasting your skin as he left marks. He wanted everyone to know you belonged to him, in one way or another.
His thumb began to circle your clit, thankfully human anatomy was similar to his own. His tail wrapped around one of your legs, pulling it to the side, allowing him more access. You gripped onto him, burying your face in his chest to hide the embarrassment of the sound leaving your lips.
Neteyam kissed your forehead, nuzzling you softly as he quickened his pace. You clenched tightly around his fingers, bucking your hips against his hand, riding it out as much as possible. Neteyam had you pinned under him, mercilessly trying to pull out your orgasm. He was almost certain he would cum in his loincloth.
"You're doing so well for me, baby girl." He purred into your ear, his tongue darting across it as his hand worked you. His fingers consistently applying pressure at the spongy spot inside of you. His thumb continued to move across your clit, working it to match the pace. You gripped tightly to his broad shoulders, rolling your hips against his hand as you felt your body begin to give way. "Oh, I-I-I..."
“Hmm? Baby girl I can’t hear you.” His breath was hot on your neck. “S-sgood, Teyam,” your new nickname for him made him groan. His fingers continued to move, making your words come out more high pitched and incoherent than before. He nipped at your neck, biting it and sucking hard enough to leave a mark.
He didn't want to stop, he didn't want this moment to end. The feeling of your warm cunt tightening around him as your body tensed. Your nails digging into his shoulders, you back arching and hips bucking. His hand moved at a steady pace as your body began to unravel, letting yourself go. The euphoric feeling washing over you like a tidal wave.
Neteyam took his time as he eased you through it, gently bringing you down as he whispered sweet nothings. He peppered kisses across your face, murmuring how good you were to him as you relaxed. "Good girl," he whispered. He carefully removed his fingers, and your body mourned the loss of him. “You did so good for me, yawne.”
Your body was limp underneath him, your weighted breaths slowing. “I’m so tired,” you murmured. Shh, go to sleep, yawne. I’ll clean you up.” And he did exactly what he said, unsurprisingly. He took the time out of his night to carefully clean up the mess he made on your body and clothes. It was pathetic to admit but at some point, he came in his loincloth, and it was leaking out onto your sheets.
Neteyam watched you sleep peacefully until the light began to shine into the camp. He rushed back home and thankfully, no one noticed his disappearance. This became a routine between the two of you, and Lo’ak became his best wingman. He pretended to not know anything, made excuses, and visited you pretending like he wasn’t just going so Neteyam had an excuse to follow. For once he was very grateful his little bro was the way he was.
Things were looking up for you as well, Now you got to leave the human lab more often and you got to watch him train with the other boys. A few people noticed the way you watched him and how he watched you, the way he moved if you moved. It was kept quiet, as far as anyone knew you had no relationship. Neteyam was always teaching and showing you exciting new things, making you laugh constantly, showering you with affection you received from no one else. He worshiped you in a way you never thought possible.
Neteyam was completely beside himself, and it was going to kill him eventually. You told him you loved him, were proud of him and he was so much more than just the perfect son. You liked him for the reasons no one else did, seeing him for how he truly was and wanted to be. It was no wonder he was infatuated by your existence.
Neteyam, thankfully, found enough self-control to not fuck you. To do enough to keep you attached to him but not enough to ruin you completely. He was pretty positive he wouldn’t even be able to fit inside you anyway. It didn’t change the fact he thought about it every single day. It was hard to explain the things he was feeling but he knew he was stuck to you. Without you he wouldn’t be able to breathe, eat, or sleep like he used to. Neteyam’s existence would become completely meaningless without your presence.
But for now, it was new and perfect. Shiny like a freshly carved toy bound to break.
All good things come to an end, you learned that after Quartich had returned and Neteyam was being stolen away to a reef clan too far from you. The moon stopped its rotation, all of the life you had being stolen away after he uttered the words goodbye. It was an indescribable pain, unrelenting and all consuming. It took weeks for you to be able to leave your bed, for the nightmares to cease, but the thoughts of him haunted you at every waking moment.
The only place you could find him was at the river, in memories. A part of you wished to go back, to have never left the lab and stayed oblivious to his existence. In your heart you knew he was bound to carve his place into it one way or another. Neteyam used to say how he prayed to the great mother for you and Ewya always finds a way. Day and night blurred together, you stopped counting the hours and let them fly past you. In your darkest moments you repeated a chant to yourself, a prayer almost, One day, Neteyam will come back for you.
He cried, a pathetic display, in front of his parents to bring you with. Neytiri was disgusted, but not enough to hate you as much as spider. He took that as a small win in a losing battle. Jake never faltered on his stance, only family could come unless you wished to put yourself in danger. All he received for his pleas was sympathy from his siblings and a harsh scolding from his parents. It felt as thought his heart had been torn from his chest, the air sucked out of his lungs. You would be here alone, without him, doing all the things you should be doing with him. Neteyam would be stuck in the middle of the ocean with strangers on a droll island.
He did not adapt to the way of water like Lo’ak did. His brother had finally found an environment to thrive in but he was completely lost without you. It was becoming harder to maintain the perfection his father strived for. Even whilst in mourning he had to care of everyone, protect them, comfort them and receive none of it in return. It was a hard life to live but what other choice did he have?
Neteyam only ever felt happy again when he drifted off in his sleep. He was always with you in his dreams, feeling, touching, hearing and smelling you again. For a few hours each night he was back in your room making stupid jokes and listening to rave about your newest discovery. It was always sunny in his dreams, even when it was nightfall. Each time Neteyam closed his eyes it was as if he was in the promised land… but everyone has to wake up eventually.
To ease the eternal ache, he started pleasuring himself more often. It would be a sad sight if anyone ever caught the once mighty warrior stopping to such levels but desperate times called for desperate measures. Neteyam fully intended on stealing you away one day, human or avatar body he didn’t care anymore. If anyone was against you he would kill them… except his own blood, of course.
When he connected to Ewya he saw you, crouched down by your mother in a body he didn’t recognize. Oh, your avatar, your mother is finally allowing you to use it. You were still ethereal in the new body, still tiny, but you looked much more like him. You felt so close to him, your warmth radiating through the connection. He was at peace again, for a limited time only. Neteyam was dragged away the second he felt a shift in the water… Kiri
“We’re leaving… now!” You scrambled to grab the med supplies before you leaped onto the helicopter. For all that it was worth, you hoped Kiri was okay. Still, a very selfish, disgusting, part of you was glad you now had an excuse to visit Neteyam. Norm wouldn’t allow you to go in Avatar form, too early to tell if it would last the long journey ahead. You nervously picked at your fingernails the entire way there, she would okay you knew it.
Neteyam could only watch as your little form rushed past everyone to get to his sister. He never left her side or yours for that matter, choosing to stay outside and watch you work. He couldn’t put into words how grateful he was for you, for the effort you were devoting to his family, to saving his sister. He felt a sliver of happiness just watching you again, seeing that you were alive and well.
You hadn’t given him the time of day though, too busy checking Kiri’s pulse and giving her an IV. If you were being honest with yourself this didn’t appear to be a normal human illness. Almost all people can wake up from seizures naturally, almost, as she wasn’t waking up at all. You didn’t know as much about Ewya as everyone else but if this happened whilst she was connected to the tree… then it was probably due to that.
Of course, you hadn’t voiced this out loud in fear of insulting Norm and his hard work. Also, Neytiri breathing down your neck had you too scared to move, a good mother, but a very scary woman. Eventually, you were all kicked out and you nearly fell on your face rushing onto the woven walkways. They were much more bouncy than you expected but a rather large Metkayina boy caught you before you dived head first into the ocean.
“You should be more careful, alien.” You gazed up at him with wide eyes, he was even bigger than Teyam! The last word was in Na’vi but you knew very well what it meant. Luckily, it wasn’t filled with disdain like it usually was, rather disappointment paired with curiosity. A strange thing you did notice was his hand remained on your shoulder, was this normal? “Thank you…” His head raised, eyes scanning you cautiously, “It’s Aonung.”
The crowd around the marui had finally begun to disappear and Neteyam was able to release a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He stood up from his crouching position, thanking ewya for saving his sister and welcoming her back to the land of the living. It was times like this he was grateful his dad pushed him so hard, if he was too weak, too careless, she could very well be dead.
Neteyam slowly stalked out of the marui, lost in his own thoughts. He knew you would love the ocean, the water, the creatures, and all of the plants you fawn over. His dream was to be able to show you it eventually, under more positive circumstances. For now, he would accept showing you what he could whilst you remained here. A childlike smile graced his features as he looked around, head turning in all directions to spot you.
“I’m going to kill him,” his eyes twitched and Neteyam’s hands unconsciously balled up into fists, granted they were not the same as those with four fingers. Aonung was touching you, talking to you as if you weren’t an alien. After all the bullshit he’d done to his siblings he had the nerve to touch you? He felt the bile in his gut rise to his throat as you smiled at something he said. “It’s a waste of time,” Lo’ak appeared beside him and if he was in his right mind Neteyam would have demanded to know where he has been.
Except he wasn’t in his right mind. “Fish lips,” his younger brother mumbled under his breath before turning to go into the marui where Kiri rested. Jealousy, rage, hate, hurt, Neteyam couldn’t put a name to everything that was boiling inside, but it was too much. You hadn’t even fucking glanced in his direction the entire night. Before he knew it his feet had carried him right behind you, his chest rising and falling with each deep breath.
“Teyam,” you exclaimed, more excited than you have been in months. Your smile fell when you noticed the way his eyes were staring daggers into the water boy, enemies perhaps? “Back off,” he gritted through his teeth as he poked at Aonung’s chest. Obviously, this wasn’t a fight the other was interested in. He glanced at you with a raised brow, if he had a brow, and back at your Teyam.
“Okayyy then,” he lifted his hands in mock surrender. “It was nice meeting you, human.” Aonung spoke to Neteyam more than you, his smirk directed only at him. You swore you heard him growl lowly, maybe the heat was getting to your head. He didn’t move as he watched the fish boy walk away, his tail swaying violently behind him. “Neteyam?” You turned to him, staring at his face after what felt like centuries.
“Teyam-” you were cut off as his hand wrapped around your wrist, literally dragging you away from the camp. You protested at first, slamming your fist into his arm, offended by how he was behaving. Did the reef people make him cruel? “Let. Me. Go!” you shouted at him, but your cry fell on deaf ears. The grip he had on you wasn’t bruising but his strength far outmatched yours and this was completely unfair. You whipped your head around to watch where he was taking you, the sandy beach quickly turning into heavy shrubbery.
It was beautiful at the very least, you told yourself to remain positive. There hasn’t been a time where you’ve seen Neteyam this angry, especially at you. He paused in his steps when he felt you were now far enough away from everyone. Neteyam let your hand fall to your sides, taking a deep breath, “you!” You flicked when he raised his voice, your fear only heightened at your sheer size difference. "Y-yea, me."
Neteyam huffed, his eyebrows furrowed and gaze piercing though you. “Why haven’t I seen you all evening” Normally, he kept all of his feelings under check, making sure to never express them in case they would upset someone else. Now, the anger radiated off of his shoulders and his words dripped with malice. His question came out as more of a demand, and you could feel your own anxiety spike up. “I was helping Kiri.”
“Helping? You were too busy swooning over fish lips to help anyone.” The words fell from his mouth faster than he could process, regret immediately flooding his system. You wished the ground would open up and Ewya would swallow you whole. “I- I-'' you choked on your own words, tears welling in your eyes. “You don’t love me anymore?” Your damned mask began to fog as you stumbled over your words.
Neteyam's hands were around your shoulders before you could even react, pulling you into him, “don’t cry please, you’ll suffocate to death.” His tone was gentle and he spoke softly, but you could still hear the pain in his voice. The tears came quicker now and your heart hurt. His large hands ran up and down your back in an attempt to calm you down.
"I- I'm sorry, I don't mean to," You sniffled, attempting to keep the tears in your eyes. Neteyam didn’t mean to make you cry, although seeing you like this for him was far better than watching you with the other. Shit, was this manipulation? He dropped down on his knees so you could almost be the same height, placing his hands on your cheeks, forcing you to look at him. “Shh, I still love you. I would never stop loving you. No matter the time we spend apart or the distance between us, you’re in my heart forever, yawne.”
He always knew the right things to say, it made your heart swell and warmth fill your body. Neteyam could make the worst situations feel okay. "I-I," Neteyam placed a hand over his heart, "you don’t need to say anything to me, I've upset you." You sniffled "I still love you too," Neteyam released a deep breath, his face turning stern once more. “Let me prove to you how much I care about you.”
It took minutes before you were laid out on the sand, your pants long discarded. Neteyam had your legs over his shoulders, devouring you. Your toes curled against the cool beach as the wind blew through your hair, the breeze from the water chilling the heat radiating off of you. It was a new sensation, his tongue rubbing circles around your clit. The feeling was foreign and intense, sending jolts throughout your body.
Your hips bucked as his fingers prodded at your entrance, forcing all three inside as an attempt to stretch you more. Neteyam growled in response, the noise sending vibrations throughout your core. His fingers pumped in and out of you, curling against the top of you to press into the soft spongy spot that had you crying out. Neteyam lapped at the wetness leaking out of you, drinking up every single drop of you.
His eyes met yours, you felt as if the whole world was spinning, a euphoric feeling bubbling inside you, building and building. Neteyam's tongue pressed against your clit once more and you felt the orgasm ripple through you, your walls contracting against his fingers and squeezing them. The pleasure was overwhelming and you couldn't do much but writhe and cry out as Neteyam brought you down from your high, licking you clean of your mess.
He pulled away and you whined at the loss of his body heat, until you heard the sounds of his loincloth falling to the ground. You pulled your head up off the ground and gasped, he was large, incredibly too large for you. His tip was a bruising purple, shining with precum. Your eyes nearly burst out of your skull, it looked painfully hard as his veins popped out. “T-teyam-”
Neteyam climbed on top of you, shushing you with his finger. “I’ll be gentle I promise,” he purred, his hand snaking down to his tip, rubbing the sticky liquid around the head before placing himself at your entrance. “I’m gonna claim you, mark you with my scent so no one else fucking touches you.” The head of his cock prodded at your entrance and the pressure was intense, your walls achingly slow stretching to fit him. "I can't," Neteyam pushed the head of his cock into you, forcing a choked cry from your lips. “Shh, just be a good girl for me.”
It hurt, yet it felt good in the most bizarre way, a tingling sensation shooting through your body as he pushed deeper and deeper inside you. “Oh ewya, you’re so fucking tiny, baby girl,” he groaned as he pushed deeper. His cock was stretching your walls, the pain slowly disappearing as you grew used to his size. You could feel him against the very base of your cervix, his hips pressing flush against your thighs. “F-f-fuck,” you choked out in a choked whimper, trying to get accustomed to his girth and length, it had to be the size of your forearm at least.
Neteyam began to pump into you slowly, giving you a few seconds to adjust to his length before snapping his hips and forcing the air out of your lungs, causing you to scream and arch your back. You couldn't believe the noises coming out of your own mouth, the moans and cries echoing around the beach. Neteyam moved painfully slowly, thrusting himself in and out of you.
He used one of his large hands to press against your stomach, feeling his cock move inside of you. “You feel that, yawne?I can feel myself moving inside of you. Fuck, you're so perfect, sweetheart, taking all of me inside you.” He hissed as his movements got faster and more erratic. The feeling was indescribable, the mixture of pain and pleasure that had your head spinning and mind hazy.
Neteyam couldn’t fit all of himself in you no matter how hard he tried, he settled for slamming into the top of your cervix, forcing a scream from your lips. He hoped everyone could hear you screaming his name from miles away. “You like that, baby?” Neteyam growled, you wrapped your arms around his neck, clawing at his shoulders. “Ssyes teyam, sgood,” you slurred your words, feeling the waves of euphoria begin to roll inside of you again.
His thrusts started to become faster, and your mind began going numb. Your cunt clenched around him as your eyes welled with tears. “Teyam, p-please. Please!" You stuttered between moans and whimpers. Neteyam wrapped a hand around your neck, squeezing softly. "That’s my girl,” his praise made you whimper for more. His cock was throbbing inside you, his seed threatening to spill at any moment. "Louder, yawne. Everyone has to know you’re all mine," he growled into your ear, putting emphasis on 'mine’. Your entire body was going limp beneath him.
Neteyam removed his hand from your neck, wrapping his arm underneath your legs, spreading them as far as they could go and angling you so that he hit the sensitive bundle of nerves inside you, pounding against it rapidly. Your vision started to turn blurry and you felt yourself begin to fall over the edge again, a new kind of wave washing over you, “F-Fuck! Tey- teyam- please in for me!"
Your cunt clamped down around him, forcing Neteyam to cry out, his thrusts becoming shallow and erratic. You could feel Neteyam release inside of you, ropes of hot cum filling your insides, mixing with your own fluids.
The sound of a twig snapping nearby pulled you both out of your haze, “Neteyam!” Jake’s booking voice echoed around the beach. Both of your heads shot to the left, staring at the mortified father whose eyes were boring into you. Oh, you were completely fucked.
The walk of shame you both endured was the most humiliating moment of your entire life. It was an excruciating silent trip back home but at the very least Jake waited until you boarded the helicopter, with a traumatized look on his face, before he called your mother. Without a doubt he told Neytiri soon after and you could only imagine her utter rage. Norm and Max said nothing, opting to stare out the window and dissociate from the entire situation completely. You were extremely grateful for their silence.
You couldn’t imagine the scolding he was about to receive, the punishment he was going to endure. Your mom, although mortified, let you off the hook easily. No avatar for another month, and no Neteyam for the rest of eternity. That one hurt, you felt the same soul crushing despair as you did when he first left.
On the other side of Pandora Neteyam remained completely unphased. He took the yelling, the punishment and everything else like a strong man. In the end he had won, you were covered in his scent and no one was going to touch you again. As for your future together? He had a plan for that too. Neteyam had already practically mated with you no matter what his mother said and once you’re in that new body, he would run away and do it again.
You may not realize it yet but he was coming back for you. One way or another you were going to come to the reef with him, be a part of his family, bear his children, and never ever leave his side again. Even if it meant disappointing his parents one final time, but he had hope in Ewya that would not be the case.
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stephstars08 · 6 months
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🥺I need him to come back to me🥺
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lloyd-007 · 2 years
Me if I was spider
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Clingy Neteyam: part two
MDNI 🔞 adult!neteyam; dub con but not really?; exhibition kink; there’s a name for this kink but I can’t remember it for the life of me
continuation of this blurb
“Take me” The words echo in your skull, bouncing from one boney wall to the other - reverberating in the most melodic voice.
How could you not?
“Hurry up and fuck me then.” You mumble through gritted teeth, rolling onto the tips of your toes to position yourself just right to get fucked out.
“Yeah? Shit.” He huffs out a hoarse voice, thrusting so suddenly his cockhead slips past your tight opening and glides over your puffy clit. “So fucking wet I can’t even shove it inside you” He presses his cheek against yours as he gritts out the words, shaky and gruff from him jamming a hand between your private parts to reposition himself.
“Please.” You whine the word a little too pathetically, arching your back as much as you can to push your opening back onto his tip. It’s throbbing and swollen, his arousal so intense you can feel it in the way his cock thumps against you.
“Hah. What’s got you wound up? Hm?” He chuckles breathily, corner of his mouth pulling into a smirk. “Don’t tell me it was those two over there.” You glance to your right, witnessing the female Na’vi taking her mates knot with glee. “Gonna be a good girl for me and take my knot like that, yes? Fill you up?” He growls into the shell of your ear, using his tip to play with your sticky folds - teasing you until you’re light in the head.
Whilst he was partially right, seeing those two at it like they were both in heat ignited a flame in your core, but truthfully what got you so worked up was the way he wouldn’t take his hands off you. So needy. So clingy. You quickly turn your head away, dropping your gaze to your toes burying their way into the rich, fertile soil beneath you.
“Or is it just me? Is feeling my hands all over you like this making you all needy?” He husks directly into your ear, “All hot and-”
“Gonna keep talking or are you gonna fuck me?” You pant flush against the tree, writhing underneath him as you cut him off with a quick, breathy taunt. “‘Claim me’?”
“Fuck. Haa. I don’t know if you deserve it, little one.” He grunts, gripping the back of your neck to hold you still while he tries to slide himself inside you.
There’s just something about getting him so worked up as he tries to sink himself inside you to no avail. To the point where he’s panting heavy, hot breaths into your ear as he bends his knees to get a better angle, only for you to move a little to the left and have him lose any leverage he’s got on you. Every time you feel that mushroomy head poke at your entrance you’d straighten your spine and deny him the pleasure of your tightness.
“C’mon, mighty warrior. Fuck me already.” You giggle, slipping over to the right so his cock slides right past the base of your tail. Slick is smearing all over, leaving a glossy layer of your stickiness all over the both of you. You can tell he’s into it, all from the way he’s grunting and chuckling as he tries to pin you down and ram himself inside you. All from that smug look on his face. And the funniest part of it all -
You’re into this the most.
The one who was afraid someone would see. Yet now you’re here making this man work for it. Uttering unadulterated filth loud enough for anyone hear. Spreading and closing your legs to tease your mate who’s desperate for your tight, wet cunt. All while pinned to the first tree you backed up into when you tried to run away from it all. And when he caught you it only made the ache between your legs throb even more.
You smile to yourself, ears perking up when as your eyes glaze over with want. You hold still for a moment, tricking him into thinking he’s won. Into thinking he can finally fuck into you like an animal in rut. When you feel his swollen tip prod between your pussy lips, you feel his grip loosen around your neck. And that’s when you slip away, wrenching his hand off your hip and darting for the next tree.
He lets out a boisterous laugh as he quickly rakes his fingers through his swaying braids. His hand drops from his head to his thigh. He’s frustrated. Fed up. His laugh fades out into a growl, rumbling low in his chest as he immediately follows behind you, band of his loincloth flipping back up to sheathe his painfully hard cock, tip leaking precum into the thin cloth’s band. Lip folding over his bottom teeth, he bites down onto the thin flesh as he nears your small frame.
You look behind you, canines on full display from the way you’re grinning. Big mistake. He’s caught up to you now, hands splayed out to grab onto what he can as he pounces on you and knocks you to the ground before you can get to the next tree. Your grin grows wider, so wide it’s catching - spreading to his face as the predator finally catches his prey. He moves quickly, pinning you face down onto the floor by a hand to your head.
You’re writhing and squirming underneath him, hands tucked under your chest as you grind into him at a pace that is impermissible for him to have his way with you. He fights with you for a bit, one hand firmly securing your face to the floor and the other fighting with your lifting hips and closing legs. He’d spread your legs and push down your hips then reach for his tewng just for you to giggle and snap your legs closed before he can even pull it down.
“Fuck.” He huffs out, shuffling his knees closer to yours to wrench your legs open and keep them that way.
He pushes you further into the ground by the dip for your back, quickly moving his hand to tug down his loincloth just enough for his throbbing cock to flip up. And when you feel his warm bulge slap against your pussy, you stuck in a quick breath of air, now fighting with your own body as it tries to submit to him. Before you can even think about your next move, Neteyam slams his cock inside you in one hard thrust, stretching your gummy walls to full capacity before they can even adjust.
“Ugh - fuck yes.” You mutter under your breath as you finally feel him fill you up, eyes welling with tears of pleasure.
“Got you.” He growls through a smirk, beads of sweat rolling off his face onto your back. He glances down at you taking his thick cock, knot already emerging from now riled up you’ve gotten him. The feeling of him filling you up like this, pinned down with nowhere to go has your body submitting even more. His strength is unmatched, grip firm and unmoving. You can barely think, much less keep up with this little game.
“T-Teyam.” You moan shakily, straining to close your legs just for him to spread them wider.
You just want to give up and let him pound you. To rut into you like you’re nothing but a vessel for his seed. But you continue to fight with whatever strength you’ve got left - which isn’t much. He finds your futile efforts laughable - a little weak thing like you putting up such a fight.
“C’mon. Is that all you got into you?” He chuckles, sinking into you even deeper, growing knot pushing against the resistance of your tight hole. “I was just getting started.”
“N-Neteyam. Ple-ase.” You blubber out, feeling too much but not enough at the same time.
“Begging for it now, huh?” He pants, keeping still until his heaving chest calms down. “Tell me. Tell me what you want.”
Next part ->
This is a reupload my bad guys 😭 (also to the anon who sent in the question)
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strongheartneteyam · 10 months
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I get so high every time you're loving me.
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x curvy!female!reader
CW: oral sex (female receiving), gentle neteyam, praising kink, needy reader, established relationship, fluff, domestic life, neteyam yearning for reader, possessive neteyam, use of "babygirl", dirty talk
Reason 19576898 of why being Neteyam's mate would fix all my problems: the fact that he would do this. 🥵🥺❤
na'vi words: yawntutsyìp (little loved one), muntxate (female mate), paskalin (sweet berry)
not proofread, I'm sorry. I'm shleepy as hell and I'll probably do it tomorrow.
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"My babygirl, always waiting for me when I come home, waiting for me to fill her up with my cock and spill my seed inside her pretty little pussy." Neteyam cooed to you
You gazed at him with bewitched eyes. He owned all of you.
"Every time I see you I get weak. Every time I see your cute, round face I feel such tenderness inside me… You make me soft for you, yawntutsyìp. I love you so much. My perfect little mate." He said between a kiss and another "So good for me."
“Teyam…” a cute whisper left your rosy lips
“Hmm?” He tenderly asked
“I miss your tongue on my pussy… it's been a while since you last ate me out… you've been too busy. I hate it.” You almost pouted and his heart got filled with affection and yearning for you
“Awww, yawntutsyìp… Do you need your mate to suck and lick your little pussy?”
“Yes… please…” You begged him with doe needy eyes
“Then I'll do as you say. My muntxate deserves nothing but the best.” Neteyam smiled through the words
His strong hands pushed your shoulders towards the mat gently, helping you lay down comfortably.
Neteyam cared about you feeling comfortable more than he cared about himself feeling the same. You were everything to your mate.
He opened your legs, brushed his fingers on your inner thighs and then left little delicate kisses on them. Your heart beat fast and your breath was shallow with anticipation.
“Love these soft thick thighs. They're mine.” Neteyam gripped your flesh, possessive over his muntxate.
Neteyam pushed your loincloth to the side, not wanting to wait another second to taste you as he had been missing your sweet juices as much as you had been missing his tongue and lips on your cunt.
Neteyam's breath hovered over your exposed sex and your scent was driving him insane. He felt his animalistic urges taking over.
You whimpered when you felt his wet, warm tongue on your core. Neteyam answered with a muffled moan, as his mouth was full of you.
After a few hungry licks and suckling motions, Neteyam was already drunk on you.
“Eywa, I missed your taste so much. This pussy feels like paskalin on my tongue. No, it tastes even better. Nothing tastes as good as my mate's pussy does. Nothing.” Neteyam lapped your cunt lips with his soft tongue over and over again and you felt your pussy clench as it became hotter and hotter as the pleasure he was giving you became stronger.
Fuck, you had been needing that so much… you felt like you were gonna die if you had to spend another long period without feeling the Olo'eyktan's tongue on your pussy again.
“Mine.” Neteyam groaned as he kept sucking on you and drinking your juices just like he was utterly thirsty and you were the only source of liquid that could hydrate him.
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