teyammybeloved · 1 year
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EMBARRASSED OF ME - neteyam sully
genre - angst, fluff mini miscommunication basically a drabble
summary - neteyam and y/n decide to keep their unofficial thing private - but what happens when it slowly starts affecting them both.
characters- y/n (fem forest na’vi) aged up neteyam, all characters aged up to 18’s 19’s.
words- 2.3k
warnings- use of she/her, mini miscommunication, slight arguing, neteyam is a big clueless goof, comfort fic rlly, i love nete
authors note - im sorry this is my first tumblr piece, its its bad… im very sorry…
Y/N COULDN'T tell you when it changed, or if it had. its not like anything dramatically changed, herself and neteyam werent often affectionate in public, the two were best friends for as long as they could remember, since they were two
they would always be hip by hip, during everything, even after they had a stupid argument over the most useless things, they'd still be in each other's presences, you'd never find y/n without neteyam, and everything the girl did, the boy followed, and vise verse.
although that didn't change, they both grew up, still just as close, but neteyam was training for his future role, and y/n was normally with kiri and moat during that time, training to be a healer.
even though, neteyam would often come to the tent and visit her whenever he got a break, going as fast as he could to see her for as long as possible.
and on days when y/n wasn't training, she'd go for laps of the village, happening to stumble across where neteyam was training with his father and brother, and they both knew, that meant neteyam needed a quick break.
they never turned the girl away, always greeting her and letting herself and neteyam run off for 5-10 minutes, until jake would call him back to continue.
everyone knew how much they meant to one another, their families had always been close, but y/n and neteyam? always closer.
things changed when y/n turned 14, the feeling of heat creeping up on her when neteyam was around was a ... weird emotion to get used to.
now close to turning sixteen, y/n still had that feeling, the way her cheeks would heat up, ears would perk, her stomach would go tight with nerves.
and only a week ago, did she find out neteyam had felt the same.
he confessed to her after a overhearing a few young warriors talk about her, one was thinking about courting her, and it hit neteyam hard.
he had been so caught up in trying to figure out the way to tell you about his feelings, that he hadn't actually told you, and of course the boy was scared the feelings weren't going to be reciprocated, but he knew things would fall back to normal, they always did.
neteyam confessed that night, at the spot the two of them had shared, it was a tree, almost like a treehouse, y/n had found it while hunting for fruits one time, and showed neteyam that night.
it wasn't a secret that neteyam and y/n snuck out everynight, neytiri knew before jake did, but didn't tell her partner until after following him one time, finding him to be laying softly with y/n pointing at stars. at first, she thought it was another women, but when she heard the string of laughter the two shared, she was quick to realise, it was y/n.
unknown to both neteyam and y/n, jake and neytiri had spoken to y/n's parents, about choosing her to be neteyam's promised mate. there was no one they'd rather have their oldest dedicated to.
and they knew there was no one their oldest would rather spend the rest of his life with, he made the stupid mistake of telling lo'ak about his feelings for his best friend, and soon enough his entirety of his family knew.
y/n was close with her mother, and let it spill that y/n felt the same after the sully couple approached them.
all their parents were unaware of the fact the two of them had confessed to one another. by neteyam's request.
although y/n was confused at first, she ignored it. she ignored the slight hurt in her stomach and carried on like normal. all he said was that he didn't want to tell anyone — yet.
the girl was unaware that meant, he didn't want anyone to know, or have a smidge of an idea.
she didn't know that meant he would avoid her in public settings.
there was a time, y/n was collecting berries with kiri, and while kiri travelled further into the forest, neteyam had been on his way to training.
"hello sevin (pretty)" he muttered in her ear, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. before y/n could even respond, he was pulling away, he noticed kiri with her back turned deeper into the forest.
"i must go" he muttered, before leaving to continue his walk to training. y/n felt herself fall in disappointment. it confused her.
neteyam found out about the planned mating — three days ago. and he knew you had no idea about it, since his father had told him that he should be the one to tell her that.
that flipped something in neteyam, he watched as other men continued to try and court y/n, and it broke his heart, he wanted to prove himself to her, prove he deserved her love and tìmuntxa ( mating )
he did not want to tell her that the two of them had been promised to each other, because he did not want her to think she was just another one of his duties, something he had to do because of his fathers request.
maybe the way he was acting wasn't the best way to go about it, but he was scared that others would assume so as well, he wanted to prove himself to her first, and then everyone else.
he did not know, it was affecting y/n so heavily, he did not know that the insecurity was slowly creeping up on her, he didn't know that while trying to prove himself so desperately, all she felt was as if she was not good enough, maybe he was embarrassed to be seen with her.
y/n watched the water from above, the sun had set and the sky was filled with countless stars, each one filled with just as much beauty as the other, y/n had told neteyam that she wouldn't be able to meet tonight, saying something along the lines of the fact her parents were catching on, and if she went again it would be too suspicious.
it was a lie, y/n was close with them, and had told them about her meetings with the boy everynight, they did not mind. it gave them piece of mind knowing she were safe with the future leader.
y/n stared at the flowing river, deep in thought, she wondered if maybe she and neteyam did not confess their feelings to one another, maybe he wouldve given her a bit more attention, maybe he wouldve been less embarrassed by her.
tears brimmed her eyes are she started to pick every little thing about herself apart, she didn't blame him for not wanting to be known as her mate, and by the end of her thoughts, tears were running down her face.
she felt bad for lying, wanting nothing more then to be with the boy, but not when they were only alone. she hated the feeling she got now when she saw him, she hated feeling like a secret that would ruin his life if it got out.
what she didn't know, it even the night's y/n didn't come to the spot, neteyam did. it gave him piece of mind in his chaotic life, knowing this was a spot that belonged to only her and him, cause everything to do with her made his heart beat ten times faster, and he loved it.
but he was confused, when he saw a blue figure sitting upon the tree, his mind filled with worry that someone else had found their spot, but taking a closer look, he noticed the scar her shoulder, a smile made its way to his face, she must have changed her mind, he thought.
being so blinded by her own self hatred, she was too deep in her head to notice the figure climbing up the tree, and being too excited by the fact he got to see his love, and the fact her back was turned to him, he failed to notice her tear stained face.
"yawne? you came" he muttered, that snapped y/n out of her gaze, cursing to herself, hating the feeling of nerves in her stomach as his voice rang through her head. she was quick to wipe her tears, hoping her voice wasn't too much of a give away to the fact she had been crying.
"yeah- i uh-" it was. it gave her away completely, she had to stop herself to breathe so her voice didn't crack. "i can't stay for long." she muttered, good excuse.
he frowned at her tone, taking a seat next to her, his frown only deepened when she moved slightly away, it was dark, yes, but not dark enough to hide her blotching tear stained cheeks.
"yawne, what is the matter?" he said, placing a hand softly on the small of her back, confusion burying itself deeper in his stomach. hating that he didn't know why his girl was hurting.
"nothing, nete, im okay." she assured, wiping a stray tear that fell on her face. he only frowned more as she moved forward, out of his touch.
"baby? what is wrong" he pushed, calling her the pet name she had grown to love, one he had heard his father call his mother, it was a demon word, but a good one.
"nothing nete, i have a headache" she said, turning to look at him softly, he sighed, grabbing her hand. being able to see right through her. "talk to me."
she went to protest, tell him it was nothing but he stopped her. "please, y/n?, talk to me" he begged, y/n looked down, his hands rested on the flat surface of the bark on the tree, begging to hold her and pull her close.
"why don't you want to be seen with me neteyam?" she finally said, refusing to look up at him, scared to meet his gaze, she was terrified for his response, would this be the moment he told her he had got his feelings mixed up, he didn't like her, she was terrified.
at her words — however, neteyam flaterned, confusion filling his brows, he frowned, wishing he could understand what she meant, "wh- what do you mean yawne?" he asked.
she frowned, tears refilling her eyes. "you don't want to be seen with me, neteyam. anytime anyone else is around- you go all, i dont know. like a stranger" she frowns, neteyam's eyes widened with realisation, heart breaking as he realised he had been neglecting his love
"if you don't want to mate or court me, just say that. you don't have to just pretend like you do when we are alone" she said, starting to stand up to leave, neteyam's lips part, feeling slightly offended she thought so lowly of him, but he had no one to blame for that then himself.
he stood up as well, holding onto y/n's arm, the tree had a wooden surface built across it, giving them space to move. "y/n- baby no." he said, pulling her closer to him.
"im sorry, im so sorry- i didn't realise, im so sorry baby"
he overused the pet name after finding out it was one of her favourites, but she never minded.
"please let me explain" he begged, y/n just stayed silent, allowing him to continue.
"I do, so much more then anything want to be seen with you, i want to show you off to the entire clan— but my dad- parents, they have promised me to someone" y/n's heart dropped as she tears her arm from his.
he shakes his head, cursing himself for picking the worst timing to take a breath. "no- no, they have promised me to you. we are promised yawne." he said, bringing a hand to her face, rubbing his thumb across her cheek lovingly.
"and i didn't want to tell you because i didnt want you to think i only did these things because of that, and i didnt want everyone else to assume that as well- i wanted to prove myself to you- i wanted to court you before everyone gets to stick their heads in" he said, out of breath by the end of it.
y/n's eyes softened with realisation, a frown still pulling at her cheeks, but this time with disappointment that she didn't trust him.
"im so sorry, i never want you to think i don't want you, because you're all i want, i think about you every second of everyday, it breaks my heart pulling away from you- i was just so committed to proving myself to you, that i forgot to.. actually do it"
he finally stops, giving her a chance to respond. her eyes are wide with love, looking up at him so lovingly he can almost feel his stomach flutter. "you already have, tìyawn. (love)"
he smiles softly, "im sorry i assumed so lowly of you. i was just- caught in my own head.. i thought you were embarrassed of me" she muttered.
he frowned, "do not think like that, how could i ever be embarrassed by you. you're absolutely perfect. ewya, tomorrow im going to show the whole clan youre mine, im sorry i didn't do it right away"
"neteyam you don't have to." she muttered, bringing him closer. "i want to, yawne"
and he did, and everyday after that, everyone in the clan was well aware that y/n belonged to neteyam, and neteyam? he had always belonged to y/n.
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thewayofeywa · 1 year
pls help
I legit cannot find this one neteyam fic where it’s abt this warrior omaticaya fem reader who replaces her brother in some warrior training and pulls like some mulan typa shit yk pls I cannot find it anywhere😭
also if you have any good neteyam x fem reader fics lmk
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teyammybeloved · 1 year
YOU KNEW when mating with neteyam would mean that he would be busy, a lot. you knew that he would be gone for days at a time, and return home late, and leave early.
you knew the chance for you two to get a minute alone would be difficult, almost impossible. it had been over a month since the two of you had last had an hour together.
you tried to ignore it, the feeling that burnt into your stomach as it seemed everyone had been more important, despite already knowing this was how it was going to be.
you were in your pod, neteyam — surprisingly hadn’t left yet, he was in the corner, finishing some work — before having to leave for work, while you were changing for the day.
as you bend down, you’re suddenly overtaken with dizziness, stumbling back. until ur against the wall, regaining your balance. you open your eyes to look at neteyam, his eyes never teared from his work, it made you frown, but shake it off.
you tried to ignore the headache, the feeling over your body— it was like it was on fire. “tey” you mutter, that gets his attention, he had missed you and was trying to finish this as soon as possible so he could spend time with you before you both had to leave.
“ma y/n” he said, smiling softly. you give him a half hearted smile back, before reaching down to grab a bag you had weaved, “i am leaving.” you say, wanting to go to the hut as soon as possible, it had gotten to the point, being around neteyam when his focused seemed to be on anything else, had caused an ache in your heart.
his smile dropped, furrowing his eyebrows. “it is still early” he said, he was almost done, cursing himself for not working faster. you just nod, placing a jar of herbs in your bag. “i have no reason to stay, may as well start early” you mutter, not meaning for it to come across as harsh as it did.
“actually i was hoping- don’t worry, its okay, have a good day yawne” he said, standing up, figuring if you wanted to stay you would. he walked towards you, hoping to maybe get a quick kiss before you left, but you slipped past him.
“bye tey, see you later” you said, his heart twisted, was this what it had been like for you.
the real reason you had left early was because you wanted mo’at to check you, walking into the healing pod you were overfilled with the sense of nausea.
“my child, it is early.” mo’at said, eying you carefully, “you are sick?” she asked, you just shrugged, stumbling over to a seat, you felt as if, if you didn’t sit, you were going to pass out.
“tell me what you are feeling” mo’at said, as she poked your arms with something. you hummed, thinking carefully before answering. “not hungry, the smell of food makes me feel sick, i have been getting horrible headaches, and i feel dizzy a lot.” you say, softly.
“are you eating?” she said, you shook your head, “i can’t, everything i eat i vomit up”
she ran a few more ‘test’ like things, but in the end she was slightly confused herself. “i am not to sure, but it should only last a week at most, but it is dangerous, you are overworked, you must take the rest of the week off, and im afraid, neteyam will as well” she says, leaving you confused.
“neteyam? why” you ask, tilting your head.
“you’re weak. you cannot leave resting. i am worried that if you do to much it will get worse. neteyam must take care of you, if he cannot, which he can, but if worst comes to worst, you stay with me, i care for you” she said, despite knowing neteyam would take a million days off for you.
“okay” you nod, “now go home and get rest, do you need assistance getting back?” she asked, you just shake your head, just silently hoping neteyam had left.
much to your dismay, as you pull the opening back you find neteyam sitting, but also jake and neytiri sitting at the table as well. they look up as you enter.
“oh! y/n, neteyam said you had left early for work.” jake said, you felt sick all over again, “uh yeah, i just forgot some stuff.” you lie, i mean there was things you could grab, but you hadn’t actually forgotten anything.
but there was no way you could ask neteyam to take a few days off to look after you with his parents here. “its good to see you sweetie, it has been a while” neytiri says, walking up to you to brush your hair behind your shoulders, you smile.
as she examines you, she furrows her eyebrows, “are you sick, child?” she asked, neteyam’s ears perk, looking over. “not at all, i feel great!” you smile, “just very busy, a little stressful” you laugh softly, moving away to collect a few jars.
neteyam’s mind seems to ease at your words, going back to the work with his father. “does y/n know?” jake asks, neteyam furrows his eyebrows before his eyes widen.
“know what?” you ask, turning to the two men. “i was going to tell you tonight! we are arranging a trip, a hunting trip,- my dad want’s me to lead it” you knew this was a big opportunity for him, you smile. “that’s great tey!! im so happy for you” you say softly.
“we are planning on leaving tomorrow” jake says, ur smile drops a little, before returning, but neytiri catches on. “that is great, very soon”
neteyam can’t help but frown at how excited you are, he was too- he was over the moon. but he wanted to spend time with you, “how long will it be?” you were thinking a one night, one day thing.
“a week!” jake said, patting his son’s shoulders with pride, neteyam smiles up at him, “oh” you mutter, furrowing your eyebrows, before just smiling, “that is great.” you say, feeling a little betrayed that neteyam hadn’t talked to you about this, yes he was out during the days but he returned to you everynight, that wasn’t even the problem.
its the fact it was tomorrow, for a week. and he was planning to tell you tonight when whatever you reaction was it didn’t really matter, it was already set.
“we must get to work,” jake said, patting neteyam’s arms once more, neytiri sighed, as the two boys got up, jake walked over to place a soft kiss on neytiri’s lips, before walking out.
neteyam looked between you and his mother, no matter how long it had been, it was still so weird to do anything like that in front of his mom, she knew it as well.
she sighed, following jake outside to leave you and neteyam for a minute. you were fighting tears because of the pain in your head, but either way you just smiled at him.
“im sorry, it all happened really fast” neteyam said, grabbing onto your hand, you just shake your head. “its fine, tey. i get it. i am really happy for you, this is amazing”
“will you be okay? i told dad that when we get back, i want to spend more time with you. its just a week, then i promise-”
“tey it is fine, have fun, you deserve this”
neteyam left the next morning, you were awake, sitting up in bed, in the early morning, “i made you breakfast when you are ready” neteyam said, you were confused as to why he had been so affectionate the last day or two, after being so busy for a month straight, was it because he was leaving for a week.
“thank you tey” you mutter, pulling the weaved blankets higher onto you, neteyam didn’t get home until very late last night, you weren’t awake when he got home. he looked outside, to see the time.
“i have to go, yawne. you sure you’re going to be alright?” he asked, you just laugh. “when have i ever not been okay on my own” you say, laughing softly, he smiled.
“love you” he said, leaning down to place a soft kiss on your lips, he pulled away quickly. “you are hot darling”
“thank you i try” you tease playfully, despite the nausea coming back to you as the scent of neteyam’s cooking fill your senses, it was nothing against his cooking, he made great food, it was just food in general.
he smiled at your comment before shaking his head. “im going, ma’ y/n” he said and just like that he was gone.
three days had passed since neteyam left, you had seemed to only have been getting worse, your body was on fire, the headaches the came were so bad to the point you were crying, covering your eyes because the tinest bit of light irritated you.
everytime you stood up you felt unbalanced, you tried to eat the breakfast neteyam made you on the day he left, but it ended with you vomiting it up. you constantly felt dizzy and weak. unable to do anything.
you tried to sick to your normal daily routine with the minus of work, you hadn’t mentioned to neteyam you were sick, or anything about what mo’at had said, and you had mentioned to mo’at that neteyam was unable to care for you.
well he was able, you just didn’t ask. you hated asking for help, thats why you stayed in your hut.
but you were getting worse and worse.
it lasted another two days, the day neteyam returned had to have been the worse out of them all. as soon as you stood up, you were down, passed out.
neytiri had been helping in the healers tent due to mo’ats request. “it has been so busy without y/n” she said, which had confused neytiri.
“y/n hasn’t been working?” she asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“you do not know? y/n is sick, horribly sick. i do not know what is the matter, but i worry. neteyam is looking after her” mo’at said, neytiri’s eyes widened.
“neteyam is on a hunting trip, he has been all week” she said, mo’at turned. “please check the girl” she asked, neytiri nodded, it was so in your nature to not ask for help, she saw the way your face dropped , how hot you felt.
she rushed to your shared hut with neteyam, she noticed the hunting party return, neteyam was laughing along with his dad, any other day she would’ve taken the time to appreciate the moment, but she rushed into your home.
she gasped as she saw you, passed out on the ground, she also noticed the face your shoulders was bleeding, she looked at the bed frame neteyam had build, your blood stained on it, she figured you hit that on your way down.
despite that she leant down, picking your body up, she rushed to carry you back to mo’at, unfortunately, neytiri had caught jakes attention.
then she caught neteyam’s, and within a minute, both boys were at her side, neteyam’s eyes wide as he took your body from her, asking what had happened, jake was just as confused.
“she has been sick neteyam! apparently she was supposed to ask you to take the week off to look after her-mo’ats request but she never did!” neytiri said, as they rushed to mo’ats pod.
“stupid child” were mo’ats words as she saw your body, you were pale, bleeding, you looked sick.
neteyam was worried sick, how hadn’t he noticed, why didn’t you tell him? did you think he would say no? had he made you feel like that?
“what is the matter with her? is she okay?” he asked, placing you down softly. mo’at scowled at him, “you did not notice your mate ill!!” she slapped his hand away from you, despite knowing he was busy and you hadn’t told him.
“i know- i know, i am sorry. i am here now/ what is the matter?” he asked, full of guilt and responsibility, wanting nothing more than to care for you like he shouldve from the beginning.
“i think she has a cold, but she has been overworking herself, that is the reason for her passing out. she needs to be cared for.” she said? coming up with a summary,
“take her home, you are both to have time off until she is completely healed and healthy and has been approved by me, do you understand me?” mo’at said sternly, eyes falling over the three sullies in the room, eyes stern on jake, telling him there eas nothing he could argue, neteyam would be staying home.
“take her home, wait for her to wake” she said, before passing him a jar, “put this on her chest if she isn’t awake within half an hour” his grandmother scolded, still in shock that he hadn’t noticed his mate was sick.
neteyam did as he was told, carrying you bridal style back to your hut, placing you on the bed, he took time to admire you. you were thin, sickly thin, your eyes were covered by dark circles, your skin was burning hot.
thankfully, before the half an hour was up, you had awoken, although in that time it took for you to awake, neteyam was in his own head, pacing the hut.
how had he missed that? how did he miss that his mate was ill, so ill to the point you had passed out.
why didn’t you tell him — he wondered. had he been so distant and busy that you no longer felt comfortable coming to him? were you worried he would not take time off to care for you, it made him feel sick to his stomach.
although you being sick wasn’t his fault — the fact it had gotten so bad, was.
when you woke, neteyam was preparing a cup of water. you however, did not remember passing out, in your mind, you assumed you had taken a nap, hence why you were in bed. although there was a stinging pain in your shoulder, one you did not remember having, was this another part of the sickness.
you hadn’t even noticed your mate in the hut when you woke up, you shuffled in the bed, getting ready to stand up, however when you did you were overwhelmed with a wooziness.
“ma y/n” neteyam cursed as he turned around, placing the cup down on the table, he rushed over to you, helping to balance you out. “you mustn’t leave bed” he scolded.
you furrowed your eyebrows, when did he get back?
and why was he worrying so much, last time you checked he had no idea you were sick.
you discard his scold, despite staying in bed, maybe he was just tired snd wanted to cuddle. however you felt a tingle in your stomach, not a good one either.
you ignore it, you were good at that. “how was the trip tey” you ask as he settled next to you on the bed, you had missed his company, even if sometimes it felt like it didn’t exist.
he scowled at your, why were you acting like nothing was wrong. “it was fine, y/n” he said sternly, you frowned, why was he upset.
“what is wrong?” you ask, the look his was giving you made your chest ache, did you do something? was he upset you didn’t greet him when he returned — that must be it
“im sorry i didn’t greet you, i must’ve fallen asleep, i am so sorry tey, id love to hear all about your trip” you say, despite everything in you telling you to shut up, talking was so much effort.
he frowned even more, “i am not upset about that y/n” you frowned now, the pair of you a mix of frowning messes.
“what did i go then, nete” he wanted to cry at how pained your voice sounded, your face was pale and your eyes drained from colour, not holding the usual lint of happiness like normal.
“you didn’t tell me” he said, his voice hardly above a whisper, you tilted your head in confusion. “what? what didn’t i tell you?” you ask, mind fuzzy.
he sighed, shaking his head. his hands found yours softly, pulling you closer to him, despite the way your skin was burning his, he didn’t care.
“that you were sick y/n, you didn’t tell me” he said, you furrow your eyebrows before your eyes widen, before returning to their normal size, you felt like you could sleep for a whole week, your head felt heavy, your stomach felt tight, everything hurt.
despite that, you shrug, “it isn’t bad nete, i am okay” you nod, voice convincing, but its really not. neteyam knows you better then that, but even he is second guessing that — why didn’t he fucking know, you shouldn’t of had to tell him, he is your mate he should just know.
“why do you lie” he asks, eyes squinted as his eyebrows furrow in a mix of annoyance and confusion. you squint at him, “i am okay neteyam.” you say.
he grows frustrated. “you are not okay, y/n. if you were okay i would not have returned to you being passed out in my mothers arms because you have been sick.” he said.
you tilt your head in confusion, you had passed out once a few days ago, was that what he had been talking about? did he have to come home early.
“oh nete— im sorry i didn’t mean to ruin your trip!!” you say, eyes filling with heavy guilt, he shook his head. “you didn’t. i came home today to my mother carrying you to grandmother, because you had passed out”
a simple oh leaves your mouth, as even more guilt seeps in, he seems to notice your expression. he grips your hands tighter. “you did not tell me you were sick” he said.
you went to talk but he cut you off “you also didn’t tell me you were bed rested” he said, you frown at his words, already knowing what was coming next.
“you didn’t tell me i was supposed to take days off to care for you”
you just chew your lip nervously, he shakes his head as he looks at you, while you look anywhere but at him.
“why didn’t you tell me” his voice cracks mid sentence, it makes your heart clench in your chest, its hard to remember the last week, all you can really remember is vomiting multiple times, and crying about the headache.
“you were excited about your trip, this is a big deal for you, i just didn’t wanna ruin it” your voice is small, you words are soft, as they leave your lips.
“you already do so much, i didn’t want to be the one to take something fun away from you.. or put more on you” you admit, his heart breaks.
it takes everything in him not to curse at himself, for making you feel as if you couldn’t tell him.
he failed, “fuck” he curses under his breath. “my girl” he says, looking at your face as you look down at your hands.
he has to remove his hand from yours, grabbing your chin to force you to look at him.
“angel, you are my number one priority, every fucking day. everything i do is for you. i know — i have obviously done a shitty job of showing that, but you should’ve told me, i could’ve helped you, now youre ten times worse” he says, tears fill your tired eyes.
“im sorry tey” you say as a hot tear rolls down your cheek. he immediately shakes his head.
“no, youre not allowed to be sorry, ma y/n. i shouldve known, i am your mate and i didn’t know you were ill, i left you here alone sick”
“i shouldve told you”
he nods, “you should’ve.”
you look down, his hand moves from your chin to your jaw. holding your face in his hand. “but i an here now, no matter what”
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teyammybeloved · 8 months
Play fight!
neteyam sully x fem reader!
summary; neteyam is messing around during a friend gathering with his friends when his girlfriend gets brought into it.
warnings; aged up characters!! fluff and playfighting, i dont think anything else, just short fluff, little tiny pda
the fire was gleaming as the young adults sat around it, it started as just a hang out thing, y/n and neteyams friend group sat around the fire, up until neteyam’s friend tyok, decided to mess around, now about six of the men were standing off to the side, pulling and shoving at each other, playfully.
they were all shouting playful insults at one another, as everyone not involved in there shenanigans laughed as they watched.
y/n was sitting with her friend luion, one of her best friends, the two pointing and making comments about the boys, jokingly, cheering and instigating it.
neteyam pushed another guy, some guy who was new to the friend group, his name was raylen, he was a nice guy, who was dating luion. everyone got along with him.
“luion, come save your boyfriend” some other guy shouted, as neteyam put him in a headlock, “alright alright, thats enough” luion said, standing up, to stop the boys stupid acts.
neteyam laughed as he released the boy, patting his back softly. luion giggled at her boyfriend when he pushed neteyam back, “guys i said that enough! someone’s actually gonna get hurt” luion tried to stop them, but the boys weren’t listening, too busy with their entertainment.
luion was a worrying, y/n knew that, she would be stressing her head off if anybody got hurt, and the joke was beginning to get a little bit rough, although they all knew all the boys were just messing around, it was getting to the point where it was dangerous.
y/n stood up, grabbing onto neteyams arm, he quickly turned around at the soft touch, “come on baby, that enough” y/n said, neteyam frowned.
everyone seemed to notice the fact neteyam would no longer be apart of it if y/n wanted him to stop, so quickly, everyone stopped. they still shoved each other playfully as they walked back to their seats.
neteyam smiled, a toothy grin at his girlfriend as he looked at her, “what?” she asked, pushing his chest lightly. “i think i could get you down in under a minute” he said, grinning cockily.
“yeah right” y/n said, turning around to walk away but neteyam grabbed her arm, pulling her body flush against his. “i could” he convinced, of course y/n knew he could, but if she put up a good enough fight, it would take over a minute.
she smiled, straight back at him. “someone start counting”
luion took it upon her self as she counted down from three, before the two began to tackle each other, the boys all snickered about how obviously softer he was with her, compared to them.
neteyam grabbed her arms with a little bit of force, before pulling her into his chest, arms wrapping around her chested, she squealed in shock, laughing loudly, as she threw her body around, making it difficult for him to hold her in place.
she bent her body down, trying to escape from by going under his arms, her butt pressing into his crotch, he moved his hands down to her waist quickly, holding her tightly in place, he bent his knees down trying to drag him with her.
of course, it wouldve been easy to get her down, manhandling the smaller girl was common for him, but this was fun, and hearing her giggles and soft squeals made it all worth it.
as luion got to fourty five seconds, y/n was still throwing her body around, laughing about how bad he was failing, “this is easy!” she said, “youre so week tey” she added
neteyam rolled his eyes, sliding fed up with her smacktalk, he used his leg to kick hers out from under her, she gasped.
he had a tight hold of her, so she didnt fall, but he dropped to his knees, pulling her down with him, but 56 seconds she was flipped on her back, neteyam pinning her to the floor.
everyone was laughing and making comments, while y/n was hiding her smile with a pout, neteyam smiled cockily, leaning down to place a soft kiss on her pouty lips.
he got up, reaching his hand down to help her up, although she was tempted to pull him down with her, just shook her head, being petty about her loss, she stood up by herself.
“poor baby, its okay” neteyam said, wrapping his arms loosely around her neck, walking behind her as she walked back to her seat. “go away” she said, pushing him off her.
he laughed, knowing she wasn’t serious, he placed a kiss on the top of her head, before walking back to his seat before, which was on the other log, only a few people away, since y/n had moved to sit with her friends when the boys started messing around.
the night went on, y/n still being petty about her loss, neteyam was sitting with his arms on his legs, bent forward, when y/n looked at him, she knew what that meant, they had been together since they were teens, she knew him better then he knew himself.
he wanted her attention, she pouted before excusing herself, walking over to him, pushing his shoulders back gently to sit on his lap, it wasn’t uncommon for their friends to see them being affectionate.
“you done being mad?” neteyam asked, kissing her shoulder, she looked back at him with a smile.
“yeah i missed you”
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teyammybeloved · 1 year
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HIS GIRL — neteyam sully.
genre - fluff, little bit of angst
summary - neteyam and y/n have been friends for as long as they can remember, neither know when it changed, but it did, now they dont know how to feel with the newfound emotions
characters - y/n, fem! na’vi reader, aged up neteyam
words - 1.6k
warnings - use of y/n, basically just fluff, tinest bit off ansgt if you drink a bottle of vodka, roll around ten times then squint.
authors note - thank you for all the support, i love u guys. mwah mwah
THE SKY was the prettiest y/n had seen it for days, arms spread out against the warm grass that was soft to the touch, her hands begged to grip on it, threading each thread of grass through her fingers, letting it slip through slowly as time passed.
eyes were pressed shut as her face stayed calm, it wasn't difficult to relax in an atmosphere like this. although she loved the chaos of the forest she loved her downtime just as much, just little moment's like this to relax and debrief her mind.
she heard movement in the trees, it was so quiet she could immediately tell who it was, her eyes never opened as she spoke. "hi teyam" she muttered, voice slightly hoarse from the lack of talking.
she heard a load groan from the bushes, the elder obvious upset at the fact his plan to scare the girl had failed miserably. "thats so dumb, how do you always know" he said, rolling his eyes as he laid down next to her.
she opened one eye, turning to face his eyes, that was already looking at her. she felt almost small under his gaze, the heavyness of his stare made her feel almost like she was about to psss out.
he could be doing the simplest things, and the moment they made eye contact, she was done — this wasn't until recently.
it wasn't until a month ago that she started to notice the lingering touches and the way her skin would burn for even moments after. she would catch herself staring at him for just a minute too long and then she would be imagining all these crazy things.
"just used to it i guess" alara smiled, tilting her head slightly as she stared at the oldest son who was standing in front of her, her hand came to cover the right of her eye, blinding the sun from getting through.
as he went to sit down, she sat up, he sat questionably close, maybe she was just making it up, giving herself delusions to cling onto. there was no way he was into her like she was him, so she shook the ideas away.
he let out a deep exhale, stretching his shoulders. "what are you doing?" she asked, turning her gaze to him. he tilted his head as he yawned.
"im exhusted, dad keeps making me do all these things, apparently all the things ill have to do when im the chief" he rolled his eyes, dramatically flopping into the lap of the girl besides him.
a laugh left her throat, despite the heavy feeling in her chest from the physical contact, "he just wants to prepare you" she said, running a hand over his braids.
"yeah but i dont see him doing half the shit he is showing me" neteyam muttered, closing his eyes as he started shaking his head in her lap.
she hummed, threading his braids in between his fingers. "your braids need to be redone" y/n said.
he opened his eyes, "you can re-do them"
her heart sank as she almost answered. she normally gave the world to hang out with the older sully kid, but her mind almost fogged the memory from the last time she had braided the boys hair.
she remembered how they shared a breath, after they argued because neteyam kept moving his head, so he stood up, and she stood up, the two both facing each other sharing an angry breathe.
she remembered the way there eyes locked and how his eyes flicked down to her lips. she remembered how he leant in.
she remembered how neytiri walked in, and how she pushed him away. she remembered how she walked out after and the two didn't talk for a solid two weeks, until he came up to her as if none of it had never happened.
"maybe you're mom should do them, i think im going to be busy over the next few days" she said, smiling softly, because it wasn't a lie, she was meant to be helping his grandmother and kiri after the war party comes back and that often left her very busy for a few days.
"i cant wait till you're not" he said, pushing himself off of her legs, to sit, facing her. his eyes stayed on her face while she looked anywhere but at his.
"you need them re-done before the war. or else they will get caught. messy. you might get hurt" the girl muttered, playing with the grass in front of her.
"i dont care" he said, voice bland, almost as if he was trying to get a point across, one she was so obviously missing.
she finally caved, looking over at him. she could tell he wanted something. something he had been wanting for ages, something she had been avoiding.
"neteyam" she said, her voice not as stern nor as strong as she had wanted or expected it to be, instead it cane out more like a beg.
"y/n" he said, tilting his head the other way, his tone less whiney as hers, more stern and serious, almost comforting.
but nothing about this was comforting. alara inhaled deeply, his eyes flickered to her lips. it seemed like he was holding back.
but he didn't want to, not anymore. his hand found its way to her jaw, his hand held it, as he moved in closer, she wanted to give in.
"neteyam" she whispered, scared that maybe if she spoke any louder he would get up and walk away, like she had.
"please" he said, - or he begged. he knew she wanted this too. "please y/n" he said, his voice just as soft as hers.
she couldn't help but let her eyes flick down to his lips, and he noticed, they both made eye contact.
y/n gasped as she snapped back into reality. this could not happen. she stood up quickly, walking backwards away from him as he stood up as well.
"neteyam no" she said, placing her arm out. "no no we can't" she said.
he stepped forward, and she stepped back. "y/n " he said, tone begging.
"it will ruin everything neteyam" she said as tears brimmed her eyes. her friendship with him was all she had, and she wasn't willingly to ruin it over a silly kiss and some childish feelings.
"y/n, i see you. i do" he said, taking serveral steps towards her. "i love you" he said, "i have- i do. please- why are you running away from this"
"we cant neteyam. you- youre dad- your whole family, they will not approve of m-"
she was cut off by neteyam walking up to her, grabbing her waist, smashing their lips together, she didn't move away but instead let herself melt into the kiss.
finally when they broke away, y/n let out a heavy breath. neteyam chased the kiss, connecting there lips again. y/n knew she needed to pull away.
this wasn't good. she couldn't do this. everything was going to fall apart. but she couldn't pull away.
neteyam tightened his hold, pulling her body flush against him, the two impossibly close. 
y/n finally pulled away, stepping out of his grasp, despite the fight. she refused eye contact for as long as she could, but when her eyes met his her heart fell.
his eyes were full of hope, and terror. scared she would leave again. the two weeks she avoided him we're hell. complete hell. he drove himself almost insane being away from her. he couldn't lose it again.
y/n's eyes softened, yet her heart was heavy. she frowned. "neteyam you know-"
he breathed out, "yes y/n. i know what youre going to say. but i don't care. i want you" he said, "doesn't that count for something?" he muttered.
he felt her slipping away, and he refused to let so happen. she couldn't keep running from this in the fear something might go wrong.
"you know i care about you- so - so much." she started, neteyam now frowned. "your family will not approve." she said.
neteyam groaned, stepping backwards. "for once stop thinking about everybody else?  what do you want?" he said, y/n looked down.
"you know what i want neteyam" y/n said, looking up at him.
he smiled softly. "but it doesn't matter when your family wont approve"
"they already have."
y/n'a gaze snapped upwards. eyes widened in both confusion and shock. "y/n they approve. they have for ages. since we were little. theres no one they want me to be with more"
"and you just told me now? ive spent the last ten minutes panicking" she said, looking at him with the ever so softest smile.
"shut up" he said, dragging her in by her waist, kissing her again.
as his arms wrapped around her, placing a soft kiss upon her forehead as she placed her head on his chest, wrapping her arms around his torso.
"i see you, neteyam" she said, voice lightly muffled by his chest. he smiled, not responding but placing another kiss on the girls forehead.
not just any girl.
his girl.
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teyammybeloved · 1 year
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my girls - neteyam sully
genre - fluff, little angst
summary - reader is scared to tell neteyam the true reason behind why she is sick, because of a previous conversation she overheard
characters- y/n, fem!navi reader, aged up neteyam
word count - 5.4k
warnings - miss communication, use of she/ her, and y/n, pregnancy, dad neteyam.
Y/N FELT her mate’s presence as he entered the small hut, where she had been previously resting. she knew he was there but made no effort to move.
neteyam looked over at his mate, who he first assumed was asleep, but the soft sway of her tail gave her away, he frowned. something was wrong. normally she would rush to meet the war party, rushing to check if everyone was okay — especially neteyam.
so when he got off his ikran, to find his girl no where to be seen, he was instantly filled with worry. he placed his bow down next to the entrance, before taking off his other required equipment.
“yawne?” neteyam said, walking slowly towards where she was resting on the mat, her ears perked up, sitting softly as she was filled with an overflow of nausea again. “you’re back” she said softly, leaning forward to wrap her arms around his next as he kneeled next to her.
“you’re burning up yawne, are you sick?” he asked.
she shook her head, before shrugging softly. “how was it?” she asked, disregarding his question as she wiped the tired from his eyes. normally the two would walk around the village, y/n listening to every detail about what had happened, but right now neteyam was more worried about his mate.
“baby, what is the matter?” he said, placing the back of his hand to her forehead, “should we go see grandmother?” he asked, wanting to know if there was an illness going around, or if something serious was wrong.
“no i am fine, its just very warm today. i missed you this morning” y/n said, changing the topic once more, neteyam smiled at the soft confession, y/n moved over so he could join her on the mat.
“i missed you too, you looked so peaceful i didn’t want to wake you” he said, kissing her forehead softly. she sighed, “have you been sleeping well, yawne?” he asked, noticing the soft bags beneath her eyes.
she just hummed, curling herself into his chest. he placed his hand softly on her back, placing another kiss on the top of her head.
“you falling asleep on me?” he asked, looking down to see her droopy eyes, deep in thought. she looked so beautiful, he thought. she shook her head. “no no, sorry. i should probably go help mo’at with the injured” she said, moving to get up.
he grabbed her waist tightly, pulling her back into him, “im sure her and kiri can handle it” he said, whispering softly into her ear as he wrapped his arms around her.
“i dont know nete, its been pretty rough the last few times” she said, once again trying to get up. neteyam groaned, “can’t you stay here just this once?”
“nete, we have all tomorrow, together. remember?” she said, rubbing his bicep softly, neteyam looked away, his eyes filled with guilt.
“oh- we don’t?” y/n asked, neteyam sighed, “dad asked me to help train some young warriors, you know what he is like..” neteyam said, guilt dripping from his tone.
y/n just nodded, pulling away from his grasp to get up, off of the mat, “well, we will find time, but i really do have to go” she said, pushing a few braids behind her ears. fixing the cloth covering her chest. neteyam sighed as he watched her.
“what time will you be back?” he asked, standing up to join her, standing behind her as she fixed the fabric.
she hummed, leaning softly into his touch, “sometime after eclipse?” she shrugged. “i must go, yawne.” she said, turning around to place a soft kiss on his lips, before slipping out of the entrance before he could respond.
she did as she said she was, she went to the healing tent, seeing it packed with warriors and men, covered in injuries. mo’at, neytiri and kiri were all happy to see more help, y/n was truely a wonderful healer
she quickly got to work, ignoring the nausea and fatigue that came over her, after over two and a half hours, the tent was basically cleared. only one more warrior, who had a nasty gash on his back.
“you need to be more careful.” y/n warned softly, placing the medicine on the boys back. the warrior looked up at the na’vi fixing up his cuts.
“you are neteyam’s mate” he said, y/n nodded, a soft laugh leaving his mouth. “he was talking about you all day” the warrior said, words coming out as a soft groan as she pressed a little too roughly on the gash, “sorry-“ she muttered.
he nodded, she quickly wrapped him up, he thanked her before walking out. a loud sigh left her mouth. rubbing a hand over her face. “im exhausted” she said, kiri smiled softly as she finished mixing a new medicine.
“are you sick, child?” mo’at asked, y/n shook her head, why did everyone keep asking. neytiri and mo’at looked at each other. kiri looked at y/n who gave her a look, almost as if she was asking if kiri knew what the two were thinking, kiri only shrugged.
“y/n, do you mind if i examine you, just really quickly” neytiri asked, y/n paused, wondering if she looked sick, was her nausea obvious?
“uh- sure” she said, shrugging softly, both neytiri and mo’at approached her.
they did a few exams, checking a lot of different things before stopping to look at each other, they shared a look, kiri was beaming from the other side of the room as she noticed what was going on.
“what is it?” y/n asked.
mo’at took the lead, “y/n, eywa has blessed you with a gift” she said, neytiri placed a hand on y/n’s stomach, y/n looked up in confusion, worry filling her eyes.
“y/n- you are with child” neytiri said, y/n paused, her whole body freezing up. “wh- what? are you sure”
“baby is strong, strong heart, strong mind” mo’at said, “you must tell neteyam!! he will be so happy” kiri said, y/n only frantically shook her head.
“no - no he does not want this!” y/n said, tears pooling her eyes, the three of them frowned, neytiri grabbed onto the girls hand as a sob left her mouth.
“you don’t know that” kiri said, walking towards her brothers mate, a soft smile on her face, but y/n just sobbed.
“yes i do, i know he doesn’t want this. i heard him tell lo’ak he doesn’t want children yet — he wants to focus on training, he will hate me” she sobbed
neytiri hugged the girl as kiri frowned, “oh y/n”
“you must not worry, stress can harm the child” mo’at warned, y/n sobbed harder. “you must tell neteyam, but when you are ready.” neytiri said, rubbing the girls back softly.
“are you alright?” kiri asked, as she started to calm down, y/n nodded. “yes- i think im going to take a walk..” she said, needing a minute alone before returning home to neteyam. she couldn’t tell him yet, he would leave her.
“are you sure y/n? its passed eclipse, be careful” neytiri said, “i will tell jake, so if anything happens, he knows where you’re going”
y/n thanked her mother inlaw before leaving the healing pod, taking a deep breath. she knew it wouldn’t be long until neteyam was asleep, maybe, thats if he didn’t stay up worrying about his mate.
she was walking for a little over an hour, finding herself at the tree of souls. she sat down and all of a sudden it was like everything came crashing down. “please ewya, give me the strength to tell neteyam, please help me, i can’t lose him.”
y/n returned home an hour after, officially it had been nearly three hours since she left for her walk and neteyam was going out of his mind, jake had said that she was safe and okay, but that only irritated him more, howcome his father knew where his wife was when he didn’t? it drove him insane.
when she walked through the entrance of their shared hut. her face was calm, almost stone, but there was a slight bloachyness on her face, she had been crying. “y/n?” neteyam said softly, standing up from the chair he had been sitting on.
“sorry im late” she said, rubbing her eyes as a small yawn left her mouth. “have you eaten yawne?” neteyam asked, he couldn’t find it in himself to be upset at her.
she hadn’t, but she wasn’t really hungry either, so she just nodded. he frowned, missing the nights they got to eat together, sleep together, do everything together.
they barely had any time one on one anymore. and it drove him insane. he was always busy with his father, and hunting, and tasks, and she was always busy with healing, teaching, learning. he missed his wife.
she was always tired and it broke his heart, he just wanted to give her the world and it felt as if he was failing.
“yawne, do you want to get ready for bed? i was thinking tomorrow once i get back we could go for a fly together?” he offered, she frowned, wanting nothing more then to do that.
“im sorry, i thought you were going to be busy all day so i told mo’at id help in the hut.” she confessed guilty, it wasn’t a lie, mo’at had asked, and since she had a free day, no longer dedicated to neteyam, she accepted.
“fuck” he groaned. it seemed like no matter what they never had time anymore. “nete?” she cooed softly, wondering what was going through his mind.
“im sorry yawne, i just miss you” he said, walking over to her to wrap his arms around her waist as she changed into a more comfortable covering.
“i can see if kiri can do it?” she said, feeling bad. guilt flooding her stomach as his hands pressed right against her stomach, where there was a child, a baby. his baby.
a baby he didn’t want.
she knew she would have to tell him, but there was a sense of selfishness inside her, if she told him, it would be over right? he said he wanted to focus on training, and he wasn’t ready. yet here she was carrying his child he had no idea about.
it broke her heart, he had no idea.
how would he react, would he ignore her and shut her out, get angry and yell, blame her? kick her out? would he hate her and tell her he never wants to see her again?
right now she couldn’t lose him, but what if all the stress eventually builds up and then she loses the baby, should she end things with him before he can? does he have to know about the baby at all.
of course he does, that is his child, he has a right to know even if he wants nothing to do with it.
“whats going through your pretty little head?” he cooed, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. she smiled, shaking her head. “nothing important. bed?” she asked, tiredness overcoming her.
he hummed, grabbing her hands to lead her to the hammock outside.
the next week was the worse, y/n kept looking for a time to tell him, but they were both overly busy with work and tasks.
today, they were hanging out with lo’ak and tsireya, who had moved from the metakayna clan to be with lo’ak. “we have something to tell you both” lo’ak said.
neteyam was sitting with his arm slung around y/n, holding her close to him, her head rested on his shoulder. y/n instantly perked up at the mention, she had been getting more and more sick, the morning sickness was eating her alive, thankfully, neteyam had yet to catch on, he always left before y/n woke up to get an early start on his tasks so he had more time for her during the evening.
she however, had been having more check ups with mo’at finding out she is roughly just over a month along, and soon she would have a bump forming.
tsireya smiled softly, as lo’ak looked at her, giving her the go ahead to tell them. “we are with child” she said, a massive smile forming across her face.
neteyam instantly stood up to congratulate the both, as did y/n a massive smile forming across neteyam’s face, it almost broke her heart. y/n instantly wrapped her arms tsireya, congratulating her.
“hey- be careful, thats my wife and child!” lo’ak said, y/n and tsireya laughed, neteyam chuckled along before speaking, “calm down daddy lo’ak.” he said, although over the moon for his brother.
lo’ak shook his head softly, “as if you wouldn’t be protective of y/n if she was pregnant” lo’ak joked, but it hit y/n hard, she just went quiet, tensing slightly.
neteyam smiled, wrapping his arms around his mate, “of course i would.” he said, y/n didn’t expect his words, moreso him expecting to shut it down as soon as possible.
“how far along are you?” y/n asked, slowly moving out of neteyam’s grasp, to talk to tsireya, trying to not let how uncomfortable she was show. “just over a month!”
that also his y/n hard. they were roughly around the same way along, that means there kids would be the same age, and probably best friends — if neteyam didn’t leave her and ban her from the clan.
she knew he wasn’t low enough to do that, but the two of them never really spoke about kids, not since they were teenagers, neteyam had said he wanted kids but he wanted to focus on being a leader first — although that was before the two had mated and got married.
but even then, more recently, only a month ago he had said he wasn’t ready yet, and so she just assumed he would leave her.
tsireya noticed her quiet aroma, different to how it usually was, looking towards lo’ak and neteyam who were deep in a conversation, she looked at y/n who forced a smile at her.
“me and y/n are going to go to the river, have a girls chat. meet you back in… an hour?” tsireya said, neteyam frowned, not liking that the one free time he had with his wife was being taken up by someone else, but the two were walking off before he could protest.
“women” lo’ak joked, neteyam smiled softly. “hey does y/n seem off to you?” neteyam asked, watching as his mate walked out of the village. “i mean, i haven’t really noticed, shes a little quieter but shes been working a lot no? tsireya said shes been in the healing hut a lot.” lo’ak shrugged,
neteyam sighed, “its more then that, shes not telling me something, but i have no idea what”
lo’ak shrugged, neteyam only shook it off, “so daddy lo’ak huh?” he said, lo’ak pushed his brother away, playfully.
“whats going on” tsireya asked as the two of them approached the river, y/n shook her head, “nothing, what do you mean?” she asked, lying obviously.
“y/n… are you with child?” tsireya asked straight up, causing y/n to snap her head towards the other, “wh- what?”
tsireya smiled, getting her answer just by the girl’s reaction. “you immediately went quiet when lo’ak mentioned you being pregnant and youre being kind of distant from neteyam, i was the same when i found out, i didn’t tell lo’ak until a few days ago”
y/n immediately broke down crying, tsireya sighed, wrapping her arms around the girl. “was it that obvious?” she asked, tsireya shook her head, “no- no. i just know you, and its the same way i was acting- why haven’t you told neteyam, im sure he would love to be a dad”
“i overheard him saying he wasn’t ready and wanted to focus on hunting for a bit” y/n confessed, feeling even more guilty, it felt like everyone knew but neteyam.
“y/n- lo’ak said the same thing. but when i told him he was over the moon, i think they’re just boys, and the way they grew up was to put training and hunting first. but you know your neteyam’s number one priority right?”
y/n only stayed quiet, tsireya frowned at her best friend, she hated seeing the girl beside herself. she knew from experience its hard keeping something so serious and deep from your mate, and with the fear that they will hate you for it, even worse.
they didn’t realise how much time had passed, y/n was rushing to wipe away her tears and make herself presentable as she heard a stick snap and familiar laughter belonging to her mate.
tsireya and y/n both ended up rushing into the water, just so it seemed like they were doing something other then talking about what they were, tsireya swore not to tell, yet very excited that her child would have a best friend the same age, and that they were going through this together.
they shared stories about how the pregnancy was going, how they found out, how bad their morning sickness was, and overall just comforted each other, it was nice.
“babe?” she heard lo’aks voice, as he peered through the forest, finding the two girls in the water, “they’re over here” he called to neteyam.
lo’ak instantly approached, “how are you? how is the baby” tsireya couldn’t even answer before he asked more questions, “are you hurt? is baby hurt?”
“lo’ak, i am fine, and so is the baby” tsireya smiled softly, neteyam appeared a second after smiling as he saw his wife floating on her back, with her eyes closed.
“y/n” she heard neteyam’s voice, instantly opening her eyes, she returned to standing in the water. “do you want to go on a fly later?” he asked.
y/n felt a whole other load of guilt unpoor, she had agreed to go see mo’at with tsireya and have a checkup together. neteyam seemed to see it on her face, the guilt, the rejection.
“tsireya asked me to go with her to her appointment, they’re finding out the gender.. she wants me to know before them to help set up like — a gender reveal thing, apparently your dad mentioned it”
neteyam frowned, first work was stealing his wife away, now tsireya and a baby?
lo’ak got carried away explaining to neteyam what a baby shower was, instantly taking the heat off of y/n, who looked at tsireya, who just smiled softly,
it wasn’t a lie, the both of them were finding out the others gender. so they could have a shared baby shower, which was tsireya’s idea, but y/n was warry, was it okay for her to be getting this ahead of herself when neteyam still had no idea that this baby even existed.
“talking about that, we should start heading back” tsireya said, grabbing onto y/n’s hand for the two of them to walk out of the lake together.
“y/n can i speak to you before you go?” neteyam asked, y/n nodded, tsireya muttered something about meeting her there before she walked off with lo’ak.
he smiled as she approached him. “whats up?” she asked, he just leaned down to place a kiss on her lips. he groaned into the kiss, missing the way her lips felt on his, he deepened the kiss, grabbing her hips.
she laughed, pulling away, wrapping her arms around his neck. “what’s brought this on?” she asked, as he leaned down to kiss her jaw and down her neck.
“ ‘jus miss you” he said, kissing her collar bone before reconnecting their lips. she smiled into the kiss, before the guilt came back. “neteyam-“ she said pulling away, he attempted to chase the kiss but didn’t get anywhere. “i really have to go, i promised her.”
“fuck the appointment y/n” he said, tone rough as he reconnected their lips, pulling her closer to him. “teyam, this is important.” she said as she pulled away, placing her hands on his chest.
“everything seems to be more important” he said, y/n felt hurt, it wasn’t one sided, he was busy too. “are you blaming me?” she asked softly, eyes furrowed.
“no- i’m just saying— we don’t spend any time together anymore.
y/n didn’t know if she could handle this conversation right now, she also did really need to go. “can we talk about this later please- i really have to go” she said. silently begging.
he frowned, sighing, before releasing her, she frowned at his annoyed expression — not even bothering to spare her a glance or say goodbye.
tears pooled her eyes before she started walking away. her mind clouded as he turned back around, his back was to her. “neteyam” she said softly, voice cracking.
“we aren’t going just for tsireya” she said, before leaving, leaving her mate alone with his thoughts, alone to ponder about what she meant by her words.
“you’re child is strong, but stressed, tell neteyam” mo’at said, placing her hand softly on y/n’s belly, they had just finished tsireya’s and y/n was now the one who was being checked, mo’at had written the gender of tsireya’s baby on a piece of paper and given it to y/n, and had just done the same for y/n.
the appointment didn’t go for very long, the two left about twenty minute after it had started. “tsi” y/n said, looking at her friend. “do you think i could stay with you tonight?” she asked.
tsireya immediately softened, nodding softly. “of course, what happened?” y/n explained the small argument and how she was slightly nervous to go back home to see him. tsireya understood, feeling for her friend.
“ill tell lo’ak, do you want me to get him to tell neteyam so he isn’t worried?” tsireya asked her friend who hadn’t stopped looking at the paper in tsireya’s hands, which was folded shut.
“yeah- yes please” y/n answered, tearing her gaze from the paper. she followed tsireya back to the hut tsireya and lo’ak shared.
“lo’ak, can you do me a favour?” lo’ak immediately perked up, staring at his pregnant wife, willing to do anything she asked. “could you please let him know y/n is staying with us tonight”
“she is? why”
“yes she is, don’t ask and just do” tsireya said, annoyed, not really at the boy, moreso at the fact she didn’t know how much y/n wanted him to know.
lo’ak nodded, heading out to talk to his brother. “im scared.” y/n confessed, tsireya just gave her a half hearted smile, wrapping her arms around the girl.
“hey neteyam” lo’ak said, looking at his brother who looked.. frantic, in his hut, eyes wide when he noticed his little brother standing at the entrance. “fuck - lo’ak have you seen y/n?” he asked.
lo’ak instantly started to panic as well, neteyam had no idea where she was he calmed himself down when he remembered why he was here. “yeah yeah, i do, shes at mine with tsireya.” lo’ak said, neteyam instantly sighed with relief.
“they wanted me to come tell you that y/n is gonna stay with us tonight, they didn’t tell me why - actually yelled at me not to ask. and im scared of those women together so i just didn’t”
“fuck!” neteyam cursed, griping his hair tightly as panic overflowed. lo’ak began to worry, “whats wrong? what happened?” lo’ak asked.
“we argued- kind of, but then she said she wasn’t going to mo’at just for tsireya?? i dont know what she meant, it could be anything right? do you think she is really sick?” neteyam ranted.
lo’ak put the pieces together in his head, the reason y/n was so quiet, the reason she went with tsireya, the reason his mate was bubbling with excitement when she was walking back with him. “neteyam, bro? have you noticed y/n being sick?” lo’ak asked.
neteyam furrowed his eyebrows, “no? she is just sleeping a lot? what is going on.” he asked.
“fuck, tomorrow, talk to y/n. be understanding.” he said.
“is she in love with someone else?” neteyam asked, worry filling his chest, he hadn’t spent a night alone in his hut since the two had gotten it, despite going on a few hunting trips, he still spoke to y/n through coms every single night he was away.
and now he was alone in his hut, no way to communicate with her as he noticed her com sitting on the desk, it annoyed him slightly, what if she had gotten hurt and he had no idea cause she wasn’t wearing her com.
his mind was spiralling, he felt insane without her. it had been building up but he couldn’t help it.
and he was worried, why did she need an appointment with mo’at? why would she go with tsireya if it was completely different.
y/n was basically asleep, despite the goosebumps that fell along her skin, she was use to the warmth of neteyam’s body when going to sleep, she hated the cold, and he was never cold.
she missed him, feeling bad, she couldn’t help but wonder how he was doing, maybe he liked it better when she wasn’t there, not asking for his attention every two seconds. she was just thinking about him, she was worried, what if he hated her for what he said.
did he catch on? did he understand what she meant. she wondered if he was mad, it drove her to the brink of insanity.
she felt a groan from the room next to her where neteyam and tsireya were sleeping, or so she thought, it was a groan of annoyance, before she could ignore it, lo’ak walked in.
“this is for you” he said, handing her his com, she looked up in confusion, furrowing her eyebrows. “he hasn’t left me alone since i left, says he wont stop till he speaks to you” lo’ak explained, almost begging her to put him out of his misery, “i just want to sleep” he said, before walking out, back to his room.
“hello?” she said, pressing the button, she knew how to use it since neteyam had given her one, saying to wear it everywhere she went, however today, she didn’t.
“yawne?” she heard neteyam’s voice, her confused expression fell into a frown, she was tempted to turn it off and stop replying, but the softness in his voice made her worry.
“neteyam? what is the problem?” she asked, looking up at the roof of the hut, he groaned, almost as if he was in pain. “the fact i am talking to you through my brothers fucking com, and not in person with you in my arms” he said.
she smiled, her heart warmed, even after she had said what she said, he still missed her, which mustve meant he didn’t catch on to her slight confession.
she then frowned, “neteyam.” she muttered, not understanding what he wanted her to do. “come home, yawne.” he said, almost begging. he needed her home, “please, you don’t have to talk to me but i need you to come home, i will come get you, please”
she sighed, feeling guilty, “okay neteyam” she gave in, shaking her head softly, “fuck- yes, ill be there in a minute. thank you yawne”
y/n sighed as she moved the com from her mouth, walking into the other room she placed the com next to lo’ak, tsireya sat awake, while lo’ak was dead asleep.
“where are you going?” she asked, y/n smiled softly, “neteyam asked me to go home — i don’t think he knows. must of missed my comment” she said, believing there was no other reason.
“he is coming to pick me up, don’t worry.” she said, as tsireya smiled, leaning back. “good luck, let me know how you go, yeah?”
“thank you, for everything”
the cold air nipped at y/n’s skin, as she stood outside waiting for neteyam, when she saw him, she immediately felt warmer.
his hair was a mess, his daily loincloth and been replaced with one he had worn for sleep, the idea of someone else seeing him like that couldn’t help but make y/n a bit jealous.
he didn’t even wait for her to say anything, instantly wrapping his arms around her, taking a long deep breath, inhaling her scent like he had gone years without her.
“god i missed you” he said, she didn’t respond. just hugged him back, she missed him as well.
“come, lets go home, yawne” he said. pulling on her hand, bringing her in front of him, he held her hips as he stood tall behind her, leading her home.
“neteyam.” she said as they reached their hut, he turned to her, it was the first time she had spoken, he hated her use of his full name, she always called him the shortened version. “yawne?”
“i need to tell you something, and i think i should do it before we go in” she said, inhaling deeply, nerves biting her as the urge to tell him not to worry came up. “what’s wrong yawne?” he asked, pulling her close to him.
“tey- im pregnant.” she finally said the words, and the tears came flowing, she couldn’t help it, nothing she did, she wanted to be strong and tell him she understood he wasn’t ready and that she understood that he was going to end things.
but none of that happened, she just cried, too scared to look at his reaction, but she felt his hands on her, pulling her closer to rub her back.
“im sorry- i know you don’t want it and you’re going to leave me, im sorry tey” she sobbed into his chest, he was shocked, he already knew she was pregnant, he caught on after he comment, maybe that played a part in why he missed her so much. but leave her?
“baby- what.. what are you talking about. leave you? why would i leave you.” he said, pulling her face away to look at her, fear covering her entire face. “i know you told lo’ak you didn’t want kids yet, and you want to focus on hunting and training, im sorry i ruined it for you, please dont hate me” she sobbed.
he was shocked with every word that left her mouth.
“what are you even- no baby- oh god. i was telling lo’ak i wasn’t ready to train kids. dad has been trying to make us start with 7 year olds, neither of us are ready to train a whole group of little kids, that- i didn’t say i wasn’t ready yawne. god im so ready, i’ve been ready, i just didn’t want to pressure you into anything, gosh im so sorry, i can’t believe you were so scared, i could never leave you”
he was now crying as well, the two of them besides themselves, you were crying because it was a lot of information to take in, and neteyam crying because he was going to be a dad.
“ewya, im so happy, so so happy- i love you so much baby, so so so much” he said, connecting his lips with yours.
“and you too, little one, i love you so much”
“its a girl” y/n sobbed, she hated that she could see what mo’at was writing, and the fact that her and tsireya were very bad at keeping secrets, they ended up just telling the other the gender.
tsireya was having a boy, and y/n a girl.
“you found out?” he said, looking up from where he was kneeling before her stomach. y/n immediately felt guilty. “im sorry.” she said, wiping her teary eyes.
“don’t be baby. my two girls. gosh i cant wait to meet you” he said speaking to your belly, as if it was gonna respond.
his two girls
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