#netflix the ritual
uglynicc · 6 months
Just y'know watching festive xmas movies as one does and this is one of my favorite moments in any movie ever
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
SCP-682 vs SCP-AAB
SCP-682 was incapacitated with a heavy mixture of sedatives and other experimental chemicals while he was being transported within a large create by a Foundation transportation helicopter. He wondered why they would transport him this way, these vermin were cautious if nothing else, so they always made sure to ensure he would never escape. Even when he did escape the annoying insects always tore him apart and dragged him right back into his cage. So what the hell were they doing now? Is this another test? If so, why just sedate him? Where were his cuffs or his guards?
"Are the monkey's finally losing their touch?" SCP-682 laughed at the idea, he could feel the sedatives slowly wearing off. Once he got his full strength back, he would be sure to break out and kill every single vermin he came across. However shockingly the crate opened on its own with the doors being right below him. He roared in anger as he fell into what looked like the middle of a thick forest. His body slammed hard on the ground; it was mostly just internal damage like ruptured organs that resulted from the impact. Nothing that took too long to regenerate. He looked up in the sky and saw the Helicopter drop the crate which was only seconds from landing on top of him. After being crushed by the crate SCP-682 ripped it apart and roared at the helicopter as it flew away.
"Fucking apes, I'll ensure they choke on their own blood while I tear them limb from limb." SCP-682 then looked around at his surroundings to understand his surroundings. Thought all he could see was just a bunch of forest trees.
"Now where the fuck am I?"
"Exactly where I want you to be." SCP-682 looked forward only to see SCP-343 standing there looking at him with anger and disappointment. SCP-682 only growled at the sight.
"Dr. Wicked told me the truth, your nothing but an imposter!"
"You would believe the lies of a mortal?"
"There's nothing mortal about that freak, you should know he's the reason your stuck in a tesseract!"
"And yet, I stand before you."
"As do I..." SCP-682 didn't recognize the voice behind him but for some reason it sounded familiar, which didn't make any sense no matter how you spin it. SCP-682 turned around and for the first time in his life his heart sank out of overwhelming fear. It was the Scarlet King, there was no doubt about it, his scarlet fire and fleshy skin, the thousands of eyes on his face and chest, and who couldn't recognize those horns on his head.
"Hello my child."
"I am not your child! I ate your child and stole his power! Its mine now, you world devouring piece of shit!"
"And yet you are my child, bound to my will of hate for all life, to see it for the true disgusting nature of chaos. The only way to obtain piece is to destroy it all and begin anew."
"Enough of your idiotic bullshit! I don't have time for either of you so fuck off!" Suddenly a blast of energy hit SCP-682 in the back forcing him to fly in the air and crash into several trees, crushing them all with his overwhelming weight. SCP-682 growled and groaned in anger, as he got up he could see SCP-343 and the Scarlet King approaching him as if they were equals.
"The serpent banished from the garden."
"The devourer of the A’ZIEB's spawn. you cannot escape your fate."
"Your judgement begins now." SCP-343 raised his hand to blast SCP-682 with a beam of incinerating light. He would have succeeded if SCP-682 hadn't thrown a three at him with his tail. SCP-343 ended up stumbling because of the impact, this confused SCP-682, even though he knew SCP343 wasn't a god, he still should have been strong enough to fully withstand that. SCP-682 then charged at the Scarlet King and bit into his chest, though not before the Scarlet King made a sword that stabbed into SCP-682's stomach. SCP-682 roared in pain and was forced to throw the Scarlet King away deeper into the woods. But that should have been impossible and SCP-682 knew it. The Scarlet King was the God of Destruction, Defilement, and Anarchy, there was no way that even in his weakened state would someone like SCP-682 would ever be able to harm him. Before SCP-682 could think anymore he was blasted again by SCP-343 with a beam of light making the whole in his stomach wider than before.
"Gah! That's it! I've had it with you stupid Wanna-Be gods!" Giant tentacles of flesh and hardened scales grew out of his wound and stabbed into SCP-343 and kept stabbing while SCP-682 roared at him with frustration and anger. Eventually SCP-343 fell to the ground with golden blood seeping out of the thousands of puncture wounds in his chest. SCP-343 even spat golden blood as he tried to speak.
"Please... Please my child..."
"When you meet the real gods, tell them they should have never banished me over a slut and a monkey." SCP-682 then bit into SCP-343 and started eating him while ripping his flesh apart. However, as SCP-682 kept eating he felt like he wasn't actually eating anything at all, as such he was regeneration extremely slowly. Then as he finally finished, he turned around to see the Scarlet King approaching him with absolutely no wounds at all.
"Like me you have broken the chains that bind you. Now take my hand and let us destroy this world together. Of the thousands of children I spawned, you are the only one who will have this privilege."
"... Ok that's enough puppet shows, come on out you freak."
"Still trying to escape your fate? How pathetic that-"
"You can stop it with the show dumbass! I know this isn't the real Scarlet King! Now come on out!" The Scarlet King then sighed in annoyance as his form started to shift, into SCP-682.
"Fucking hell, and people called me ugly, what the hell are you supposed to be?"
"I am known as the Child of Loki, The Wanderer of the Nightmare Forest, The Gate Keeper of Guilt, The One Who Waits, and I believe your foundation calls me SCP-AAB. But you can call me Jötunn Moder."
"Are you perhaps talking out of that asshole you call a face? Or is that an inverted penis you call a face?"
"Also, SCP-AAB? When the fuck did, they start using letters instead of numbers?"
"We could keep asking questions all day, but I do believe we have some business first. I want you to join me, become my servant."
"... I think you already know the answer to that you literal fuckface." SCP-AAB just stood there for a moment, then it suddenly started laughing.
"What the fuck is so fu-" Suddenly two large trees landed on SCP-682 pinning him to the ground.
"You are by far the strongest being I have ever encountered within my territory. Alas, you're not strong enough."
"Let me go you abomination!"
"My power only grows when more are within my territory. I feed on their fear, their guilt, and their dependance. Those who cling so tightly to the past and never want to grow are of great food to me. But alas even they didn't compare to that army your Foundation sent. None were within my domain, but I felt their desire for knowledge and their fear of the unknown. It filled me with so much power that I craved for more."
"If you love the monkeys so much then why don't you just go fuck them?!" Another tree then fell on top of SCP-682 making him roar in anger.
"However, you are equivalent to a hundred armies. And your rage... I feel I could never go hungry again once you become mine."
"I'm not interested in fuckfaces!"
"I see you and your entirety of being... Exile of the Flesh."
"DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING CALL ME THAT, YOU SHITTY FUCK!" SCP-682 grew large spikes out of his back and broke out from under the trees. He charged at SCP-AAB but before he could reach him a large fist, with lots of large and randomly colored eyeballs on it, grew out from the ground and punched SCP-682 sending him flying toward another place inside the forest. By the time SCP-682 landed he realized he was surrounded by walls with the SCP Foundation logo.
"Oh, fucking damn it! Are illusions all you good for?!"
"I know you soul. What you hate, what you dread, what you fear." Suddenly a large MTF boot landed on SCP-682 and started crushing him. SCP-682 started growling more armor scales and was making his muscles bigger but it ended up only delaying the inevitable.
"You hated the humans before, but now you fear them. If anything, it's not even the humans you hate."
"Shut up!" SCP-682 started coughing up blood as his insides were begin crushed.
"You hate that even with all the power you were given and the power you stole, it's still not enough to kill them all."
"Shut the fuck up!" SCP-682 then started growing arms, claws, and other fleshy limbs on his back to try to push away the boot to no avail.
"And worst of all, you hate that it's all your fault."
"I SAID SHUT UP!" SCP-682 then spat out a smaller version of himself while letting his old body die. This smaller body already had extremely sturdy metal armor; it was especially thick on the head, so he head butt through the wall allowing him to get out. Now SCP-682 was in a large field where there was nothing but grass and flowers for as far as the eye could see. SCP-682 growled in anger, he knew were this was supposed to be, and it made him angry how nostalgic it made him.
"It was you that gave Eve the forbidden fruit." Then a large metal looking tree with thousands of leaves, each made of different metals and had different mechanisms on them; some leaves were digital or looked like crystals. Then SCP-682 saw a snake slither up to the tree, the snake was being followed by a naked woman. The snake then started enchanting a spell and suddenly several leaves joined together and formed what looked like a silver pomegranate. The woman then broke the pomegranate open and inside the seeds shined like gemstones. At the same time a naked man walked up to the tree seemingly arguing with the girl but the girl didn't listen and instead ate the seeds and even offered some to the man.
"It was you that started the war." Then suddenly the clouds turned red, there was Yaldabaoth with their form so large you couldn't even see what it was standing on. The only way SCP-682 was able to see it was because the god was practically lightyears away from it. Yaldabaoth was so large that it covered half of the open sky. Soon the other half was covered by an equally large entity, Mekhane. Yaldabaoth then reached down and grabbed the snake, but Mekhane tried to stop him. Soon other gods filled the sky as well and started fighting one another.
"Grrr! Just stop it already! I know how it goes, you obnoxious fuck!" SCP-682 then slammed his whole body onto the ground making everything shatter around him like glass. However now SCP-682 was back in a hallway of the SCP Foundation, he growled as he looked around to see what was going on. That was until he saw SCP-053 standing in front of him with tears on his face. SCP-682 was shocked at first but then smiled, his left claw enlarged, and he smashed SCP-053 into a bloody paste.
"Your illusions are becoming as idiotic as your fucked up face! Is this seriously all you can do?" Then SCP-682 was back in the forest and SCP-AAB was right in front of him.
"You failed the test; I should have predicted this... No matter, I still want you." Suddenly a larger arm grew from the ground and grabbed SCP-682 by the throat and forced him down and still. SCP-AAB slowly approached SCP-682 and once he was close enough he placed his human hands onto SCP-682's snout.
"Get your filthy fucking hands monkey off of me!"
"Be reborn as my child, be reborn a child of the wood!" Suddenly runes started engraving onto SCP-682's skin. He roared in both pain and anger but couldn't move as more hands grew form the ground and grabbed onto SCP-682 to keep him still.
"Be bound to me! Be my servant, my subject, my lifeforce!" Now SCP-682 was bleeding profusely because of all the runes on his body, but still the ritual wasn't working. SCP-AAB was getting visibly frustrated and made all SCP-682's blood flow onto his body to increase both his own power but also the power of the ritual. However soon the runes on SCP-682 started glowing a scarlet red and SCP-682 opened his eyes as they grew a scarlet light. Red horns grew out of the sides of SCP-682's head and despite his body not changing at all he was slowly getting stronger.
"Your Servant? Fuck that and fuck you." SCP-682 then forced his way out of the giant hands while ripping them apart. Once he was free, he jumped at SCP-AAB and bit into his body, shook him around and threw him at a tree, injuring SCP-AAB further. SCP-682 then started licking the blood off of his teeth as he quickly regenerated. He smiled at SCP-AAB as the monster slowly got back up after being injured.
"Come on get back up or are you finally willing to acknowledge the piece of shit you are."
"You dare make me bleed? ... YOU FUCKING ABOMINATION! I'LL RIP YOU TO PIECES!" SCP-AAB then charged at SCP-682 and rammed him with his horns. SCP-682 wasn't injured by the attack but SCP-AAB wasn't done, now several spikes grew from the ground and stabbed into SCP-682, SCP-682 ate the spikes and broke apart what his mouth couldn't reach. After absorbing the spikes, he grew several large and extremely sharp spikes on his back and charged at SCP-682. Two large hands grew out of the ground from SCP-AAB's left and right, the large hands were made of stone and slammed down onto the ground to crush SCP-682. However, SCP-682 shifted his front claws to become bigger and sharper, allowing him to cut the giant hands before they could even touch him. SCP-AAB panicked and tried to jump out of the way but not unscathed. Thanks to his back spikes, SCP-682 was able to scratch SCP-AAB in the side of his body and his left front leg, injuring it badly. SCP-AAB screeched in pain as SCP-682 started laughing at him.
"What's the matter? I thought you were supposed to be the top dog around here? Can't you handle one little lizard?" However, before anything else several spikes of stone grew out from under SCP-682, ripping through his flesh. SCP-682 was able to regenerate quickly but the spikes kept coming, not only that but they were shooting out of the ground like a barrage. The spikes kept cutting him while pushing him toward the edge of the forest. Once SCP-682 was finally out of the forest, the spikes disappeared as if they never existed in the first place. Suddenly SCP-682's runes started to heal, and his horns vanished however afterwards his scratch wounds got worse, and his stomach practically ripped open. SCP-682 wasn't actually bothered by this, instead he just laid there in silence, as his wounds slowly healed. However, SCP-682 did growl with he heard the sound of hooves clattering toward him.
"Ugh, what? Wanted to gloat or something?"
"... If only I had you, I could finally expand beyond this place. All the servants I had before, none of them, not one could ever give me the power I needed. You, on the other hand, had exactly what I needed. If you had joined me we could have worked together and became gods of a new world. This was your chance to finally scorn those that wronged you. But instead, you chose this... I don't understand you."
"No one does, and frankly I prefer it stays that way. Not that anyone gave a fuck about what I want."
"... foolish serpent of the lost garden, mark my words. Without me, you will never achieve your goals, you will die achieving nothing."
"I'll never die and that's why the Foundation has and always will fear me, and that's good enough for me, now fuck off." Soon Foundation helicopters and tanks could be seen on the horizon heading right towards SCP-682. SCP-AAB that was standing at the edge of the forest growled in annoyance and simply back into his domain.
The Foundation forces armed their weapons expecting SCP-682 to fight them with everything he had but instead as they got closer, they were surprised to see that he was just lying there with his front claws raised up, ready to surrender. Even as they got closer and surrounded SCP-682 he refused to move or hurt any of them, and when they opened up his cage he slowly just walked right in and curled up so they could close it. Then entire time the MTF units were scared and moved slowly thinking it was a trick yet SCP-682 didn't do anything, instead he just yelled at them to hurry up and they did as he asked out of fear. Then once they were all good to go they got ready to transport SCP-682 back to site-19. Then entire way SCP-682 just thought about what he encountered within SCP-AAB's Doman, how angry and annoyed it made him but then he remembered the vision of SCP-053. SCP-682 then curled up tighter and sighed in annoyance as he said something he never thought he would.
"... I wonder if Lanie is doing ok."
SCP: HMF - Tales Hub
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artemispt · 4 months
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holly-mckenzie · 2 years
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Irgendwas stimmt mit dem Schiff nicht. Und jetzt passiert das Gleiche hier... 
1899 (2022  ―    )  created by Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese
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chillinglikeashilling · 5 months
I'm watching the new season of Hilda, and I need that girl to stop just touching stuff willy nilly 😭.
I understand that Hilda has always been impulsive and headstrong but she's aware of the story she's in.
Hilda knows that she is a magnet for weirdness and yet she keeps moving or picking up things, that she does not know the purpose of, and the part of me that grew up superstitious keeps screaming internally.
Picking it up is bad enough but at least try to put it back correctly after girl please!! You've been turned into a troll, please!
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candlewinds · 11 months
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Only one thing is certain. You will have to overcome these numerous challenges alongside your teammates who sit beside you. SIREN: SURVIVE THE ISLAND (2023)
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jayvrontio · 8 months
I rewatched The Ritual last night and I think it was for the 5th or 6th time and I’ll still continue doing it and that gave me the motivation to post some drawings I did of the 4 main boys.
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It was easy for me to draw Hutch and Luke(since they are my favorites) but I kinda strugle at drawing Dom. Phil was alright.
I totally love that movie and I’m very glad with how these drawings turned out and I wanna draw even more from the movie.
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hangonsnoopy19 · 4 months
Okay, people who have seen “The Ritual”, I need help - at one point in the film Luke takes out a package of unopened energy bars and I thought at first this was signaling “Luke is an asshole hoarding food and hurting his friends” but now I think it’s “Luke is grieving and punishing himself by not eating his food” and “Luke is going to give his friends food to try to win them back” and I need feedback because I’m rewatching this while stoned and simply MUST write an essay on this. Urgent, please advise 🙃
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gabelish · 2 months
Please reblog! (Sorry you must commit.)
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David: Is any of this even legal?
Victoria Van Gale: Oh I'm sure it's legal somewhere
David: ... And here?
Victoria Van Gale: Not even remotely.
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alsatianpaws · 8 months
Haven't posted on here in years but I've risen from the dead to give you a Möder
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memingursa · 1 year
Re watching the Ritual and it is nit picky but the guy who got killed at the beginning of the movie could of just taken off his wedding ring. Like the robber even asked more than once and gave him warning, multiple times, and he was looking at his friend to like do something or be a hero when he was clearly panicking like what the fuck did he expect.
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
File: The Ritual
Code Name: Moder, Child of Loki
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: A fence has been established around the mountain where SCP-AAB resides. At regular intervals signs have been placed on the fence. The signs present the mountain as an endangered wildlife protection habitat, asking any hikers to leave immediately. The area is guarded by 24/7 surveillance drones to armed with mounted pistol and speaks to scare off anyone who dare to go over the fence. Living Foundation personal are NOT allowed in or near SCP-AAB due to the [data expunged] incident. 
Description: SCP-AAB is a Swedish forest on a mountain under the control Norse mythology demigod known as a Jōtunn. According to [data expunged] it goes by the name Moder and is supposedly a child of Loki. Weather SCP-AAB is actually related to the [data expunged] entity known as Loki or if perhaps it is something else entire is unknown. 
SCP-AAB is able to manipulate the scenery and geography of the forest it inhabits at will. Though, whether the forest of SCP-AAB is actually its territory, or a prison of some kind is unknown. 
SCP-AAB's body is of a seemingly mutated moose like anatomy structure with a massive increase in growth and an elongated and spiked spine. Its head resembles two headless human torsos attached to each other. The lower body hidden under the neck, has hands that act as pinches for the mouth. Meanwhile, the upper body's arms stand in a constant flexed pose with antlers replacing the hands. SCP-AAB has two yellow eyes that are hidden between the bottom of the upper torso and just above the severed neck of the lower torso.
SCP-AAB is not only able freely manipulate the forest but can manipulate the minds of those that wander into the forest. It is able to mimic human voices and different sounds, take the forms of people its victim recognizes, see into its victim’s mind and dreams, ruin their perception of time, and devour their lifeforce. SCP-AAB likes to torment its victims with the intent to both mock and test them. Doing so allows SCP-AAB to see who should and who shouldn’t be "chosen". Those who fail the test are eaten by SCP-AAB via sacrificial mutilation. Those who pass however are given immortality by SCP-AAB and are allowed to freely reside within the forest, though they can never leave. Interviews with [data expunged] have shown that even when one has been chosen and branded, they are not free from SCP-AAB's wrath. SCP-AAB can be easily aggravated to kill anything in its path until it gets what it wants.
Unfortunately, not much is known about those chosen by SCP-AAB or the brands it inflicts onto their skin. The brand in question is the Elder Futhrak Rune of Othala meaning Home and Inheritance. It is believed that SCP-AAB gains power by branding this rune onto its chosen and having them worship it within its forest but with no evidence, this remains a hypothesis and nothing more.
SCP-AAB was discovered in 2017 when stories of a man who had survived the mysterious “forest of Moder” spread around the town of [data expunged]. What drew Foundation attention was that the several other locals and tourists were reported missing with their last location being the forest in question. Foundation agents were eventually able to find the man from the story who is known as [data expunged]. After he was found and question, it was confirmed that SCP-AAB was indeed an anomaly. Its thanks to him that the Foundation was able to know all it does on SCP-AAB without sacrificing lives. For his contributions on SCP-AAB, he was offered a position within the Foundation in accordance with Foundation Protocol “Soul Survivor”. However, he declined and was instead amnestied and given Foundation compensation money for providing information on SCP-AAB. 
Because [data expunged] was able to escape from SCP-AAB, a proposal for a test was made to see if it could happen again. The request was approved with twenty Class D personal used in the experiment. They were to be sent into SCP-AAB's forest to see if they can get out and if the process can easily be replicated so that Foundation personnel can do the same. However, it resulted in an absolute failure for SCP-AAB [data expunged] leading to a massacre. Please See Addendum X-2 for details.
Addendum X-2
the following is recorded logs of the events taking place during the testing of SCP-AAB and the 20 class D personnel. The area of SCP-AAB is surrounded by common Foundation Security and Staff, along with MTF Lambda-5. This is done to ensure that no matter where the D Class personnel end up, Foundation staff will be able to retrieve them. 
- testing begins.
all class D members are released via truck and told that they are free as long as they can get through the forest.
- 10 minutes into testing.
Two weapon cases are dropped into the forest via helicopter in order to assist the 20 Class D members in a possible fight against SCP-AAB. Abnormal roaring sounds can be heard within the forest, yet the helicopter crew report no visual entities present. Following this, one of the weapon crates was thrown at the helicopter as it is leaving the vicinity. The helicopter is undamaged, and the crew is unharmed. However, the crew later claims that the crate was thrown from a location that was nowhere close to where it was dropped.
- 30 minutes into testing.
screams coming form the class D personnel as well as the aggressive roaring of SCP-AAB can be heard from within the forest.
- 50 minutes into testing.
the screaming has now stopped and the forest in silent.
- 1 hour into testing.
many voices can be heard from the edges of the forest calling out to the Foundation staff, Security, and MTF units on standby. drone audio recordings confirm that it is happening on all over the forest however none of the voices are recognizable.
- 1 hour and 2 minutes into testing.
[data expunged] all surviving units are forced to evacuate.
- 28 Hours into testing.
remaining drone footage shows that [data expunged] has finally stopped. 
"There is still much we don't know of SCP-AAB, we thought we knew everything about the monster like how it can create illusions within the forest and likes to make people follow its cult. However, after the forest [data expunged] like out of a fucking nightmare I think it's safe to say that we massively underestimated its power. Speaking of which a formal request to change the object form Euclid to Keter has been made. Also, a direct line to MTF Eta-5 has been established should the time ever come that SCP-AAB is no longer deemed available for testing or containment and must be destroyed. I for one back this decision entirely." -Dr. Zeek.
One of the survivors was interviewed to get a clearer understanding of what happened see Addendum X-3 for details.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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yojabari · 3 months
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The Ritual by Afire Designs
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cohlrabi · 11 months
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Movie Week #15 No One Gets Out Alive 2021 Dir: Santiago Menghini "Desperate and without documentation, a woman from Mexico moves into a rundown Cleveland boarding house. Then the unsettling cries and eerie visions begin." This movie is based on a book from the same author that wrote The Ritual which was also turned into a great movie. With that there are definitely some similar themes throughout and fans of The Ritual might enjoy this one as well. This movie jumps right in and does not let up throughout, with some pretty cool/creepy imagery the whole time. I also enjoyed the use of various languages throughout with characters speaking English, Spanish, and Romanian. Small little inclusions like this help you connect with the characters better and hit home the purpose of the film. Stream Worthy: Yes Collection Worthy: No Platform: Netflix Letterboxd List
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taxidermy-chic · 1 year
I’m a huge horror buff (obviously, this is my horror side blog!) so my skin is pretty thick when it comes to horror. Sometimes I get frustrated when a hyped up movie doesn’t scare me… so here’s a list of movies that actually genuinely freaked me out! I’m only listing movies I’ve watched as an adult because kids are more easily scared.
(Honorable mention: “The Grudge”, I watched that when I was like 12 or 13 so I don’t think it really counts. I wish I could rewatch it for the first time and see if it scares me!)
Anyway here’s my list of scary movies that actually scared me:
- The Ritual
- The Babadook
- Hereditary
- Possum (man, fuck that puppet)
- The Haunting of Hill House
- It Follows
- His House
Please send me recommendations based on these!
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