#neurological disorder doctor in delhi
keshav123 · 6 months
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Best Neurologist doctor in Delhi
Dr. Manvir Bhatia is best neurologist in Delhi & best sleep specialist in India and has great expertise knowledge in the field of neurology and sleep, at Neurology Sleep Centre has world-class Neurology and sleep Services available for in clinic, neurology specialist in India.
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neurology18 · 2 years
Best Neurologist in Delhi
Dr. Manvir Bhatia is best neurologist in Delhi and sleep specialist doctor in India with 25+ years experience, Sleep specialist who treats diseases of the brain and spinal cord, peripheral nerves and muscles. Neurological conditions include epilepsy, stroke, multiple sclerosis, neurology doctor in delhi
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drrohitgupta · 7 months
Headaches are a common ailment experienced by people of all ages, and they can range from a minor inconvenience to a debilitating condition. While most headaches are harmless and can be relieved with over-the-counter medications or lifestyle changes, it’s essential to understand when a headache may indicate a more serious underlying issue. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of headaches, the potential causes, and how to recognize when a headache warrants the attention of a medical professional. Dr. Rohit Gupta, recognized as the best neurologist in Faridabad, will provide insights into the evaluation and management of serious headaches.
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drpramodneuro · 1 month
When you should consult the Best Doctor for Neuro Physiotherapy in Noida, Delhi
Physiotherapy is not an action meant for the elite athletes, or people suffering from a grievance. As a matter of fact it can be used to advance your wellbeing in various astonishing ways. Physical and the best speech therapist in Noida, Delhi work with an aim to advance a unique range of undertaking and life quality and prevent further disability or grievance.
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Here are some possible signs that you might require rehabilitation.
Recurring pain
If you have experienced damage, then a certain amount of irritation is expected till the therapeutic process of the pretentious tissue is complete.
Lack of Balance
Problems in balance are usually caused from inner ear issues. The internal part of the ear has structures that play an important role in maintaining the stability of the body. Hence, conditions that cause inspiration on the inner ear result in symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, and inability to maintain balance.
Facing mobility problems
If you notice a failure in your mobility and flexibility and a lack of evenness in your actions, then a visit to the physiotherapist should be in order.
Neurological disorders
A victim of a stroke might require extensive physiotherapy to know about the services associated with suppleness and mobility.
Recommended medications don’t work as meant
If you have been suffering from irritation as a result of an injury and the recommended pain medicine doesn’t have the desired result, planning to visit the best pediatric physiotherapy doctor in Noida, Delhi is a great idea.
There are some signs that might assist you to look for the best doctor for Neuro Physiotherapy in Noida, Delhi. You can get one of the leading physiotherapist centers in Noida or elsewhere to take effective treatment for your issue.
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intervantional · 3 months
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BPH Treatment In Delhi
Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE) Treatment In Delhi, India
What is it?
Prostatic artery embolization (PAE) is a minimally invasive treatment to improve lower urinary tract symptoms caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland and is the most common benign tumor found in men.
The PAE procedure is performed by an interventional radiologist (IR), a doctor who uses X-rays and other advanced imaging to see inside the body and treat conditions without surgery.
Why (Indications)?
As the prostate enlarges, it may partly block the urethra, causing symptoms such as:
Urinary incontinence, which can range from some leaking to complete loss of bladder control
Irritative voiding symptoms
Increased urinary frequency, urgency, and pain upon urination
How do I know if PAE is right for me?
The PAE procedure is for candidates who are either ineligible or not interested in traditional surgery. An exam with an interventional radiologist can determine if you are a candidate for PAE. At this appointment, you may be asked how often you have urinary symptoms of BPH, how severe they are, and how much they affect your quality of life.
Why not (Contraindications)?
Patients are excluded from treatment if they have malignancy, renal insufficiency, bladder stones, a neurogenic bladder (a neurologic disorder that may affect bladder function), urethral stricture, an active urinary tract infection, or prostatitis.
What you are to do before procedure (Preparation)?
Book prior appointment if elective or get admission in causality if emergency
Lab investigation (*PT/INR, CBC, Serum Creatinine, Viral markers)and previous records. An MRI or ultrasound of the prostate gland.
Urine test (urinalysis)
In some cases, a PSA (prostate specific antigen) test is done to rule out prostate cancer.
4–6 Hours fasting.
If you are on blood thinner like Aspirin inform during appointment.
One accompanying person
Need to sign a consent form for procedure
What happens during PAE?
PAE is performed through a small catheter inserted by your interventional radiologist into the artery in your groin.
The interventional radiologist will then guide the catheter into the vessels that supply blood to your prostate.
An arteriogram (an X-ray in which dye is injected into the blood vessels) is done to map the blood vessels feeding your prostate.
The agent (glue/particles) is injected through the catheter and into the blood vessels that feed your prostate to reduce its blood supply.
The interventional radiologist will move the catheter in order to treat the other side of your prostate, repeating the steps above.
Following this procedure the prostate will begin to shrink, relieving and improving symptoms usually within days of the procedure.
Approx. Stay in hospital?
We have very fast and competent working team (Consultant, fellow, clinical assistant, technician and ward assistant) which provide you comfortable atmosphere and ease your nerves. Usual time of stay is around 1 day.
Minor complications include dysuria (9%), urinary tract infection (7.6%), microscopic hematuria (5.6%), acute urinary retention (2.5%), and rectal bleeding (2.5%)
Resume to work?
You can resume your work after 1 day if existing disease allows.
Cumulative rates of clinical success are 80- 85%.
To schedule an appointment for BPH Treatment In Delhi with Dr. Ajit Yadav, please contact: Name: Interventional Radiology India Address: Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Old Rajendra Nagar, Delhi — 110060 India Phone: 011 42251897, +91–9958474870 Website: www.interventionalradiologyindia.com
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maclee547832 · 3 months
What doctor specializes in Parkinson’s?
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects millions worldwide, impacting movement, balance, and quality of life. In the bustling city of Delhi, finding comprehensive and effective treatment for Parkinson’s can be daunting. However, amidst the myriad of options, one clinic stands out as a beacon of hope and excellence – the Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Clinic led by Dr. Shrey Jain.
Expertise and Experience:
Dr. Shrey Jain is a renowned neurologist with extensive experience in treating Parkinson’s disease. His expertise, coupled with a deep understanding of the condition, allows him to provide personalized and effective treatment strategies tailored to each patient’s unique needs.
Comprehensive Care:
At the Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Clinic, patients receive comprehensive care encompassing diagnosis, medication management, rehabilitation, and support services. Dr. Jain and his team utilize the latest advancements in medical science and technology to ensure optimal outcomes and improved quality of life for patients.
Innovative Treatments:
Dr. Jain employs a multidisciplinary approach to Parkinson’s treatment, offering a range of innovative therapies, including medication, deep brain stimulation (DBS), physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. These treatments aim to alleviate symptoms, enhance mobility, and slow disease progression, enabling patients to lead fulfilling lives.
Compassionate Support:
Beyond medical interventions, Dr. Jain and his team provide compassionate support and guidance to patients and their families throughout their journey with Parkinson’s. They offer education, counseling, and resources to empower individuals to manage their condition effectively and maintain independence.
Patient-Centered Approach:
What sets the Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Clinic apart is its patient-centered approach. Dr. Jain takes the time to listen to each patient’s concerns, understand their goals and preferences, and involve them in decision-making regarding their treatment plan. This collaborative approach fosters trust, confidence, and better outcomes.
If you or a loved one is living with Parkinson’s disease, the Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Clinic led by Dr. Shrey Jain offers a beacon of hope and support. With expertise, compassion, and innovation at its core, the clinic is dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized care to help patients live their best lives despite Parkinson’s. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards a brighter future.
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suryakantjha · 4 months
Top Ophthalmologist in Delhi 
Neuro ophthalmology is the field that deals with the intricate relationship between our eyes and nerves. The best Neuro ophthalmologist in Delhi has extensive training in both the fields of neurology and ophthalmology. The experts diagnose the complex system disorders of the nervous system of the patients affecting their vision, pupillary reflexes, alignment of the eyes and their movements, etc, and treat them accordingly.
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keshav123 · 6 months
Best Neurologist in Delhi
Dr. Manvir Bhatia is best neurologist in Delhi & best sleep specialist in India and has great expertise knowledge in the field of neurology and sleep, at Neurology Sleep Centre has world-class Neurology and sleep Services available for in clinic, neurology specialist in India.
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sharp-sight92 · 4 months
Double Vision: Should you be concerned about the problem?
Double Vision, also known as diplopia, is a vision problem where a person sees two images of a single object instead of one image. This can appear in one eye or both eyes. Double vision can be constant/intermittent, gradual/sudden either monocular or binocular and can occur in any direction (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal). Double vision can be a serious problem if left untreated. For example, if a person wants to take stairs but not able to focus, and sees double images instead of one. It can lead to dangerous injuries. If anyone is experiencing double vision, visit an eye hospital on an immediate basis. In that case, if you’re looking for an eye hospital to get your eyes examined, you should definitely consider Sharp Sight Eye Hospital in Delhi to get best treatment. Here are the several potential causes of double vision.
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Refractive errors: if your eyes are experiencing a significant difference in both eyes, it can cause double vision, especially in case of astigmatism.
Strabismus: This is misalignment of the eyes, where the eyes do not point in the same direction. Due to weakness in eye muscles or nerves
Cataracts: It can cloud your eye’s lens and cause double vision. Also, it can cause many vision problems like foggy vision, blur vision, and many more.
Corneal Problems: if your cornea is affected by dryness, scarring, and if it gets thinner & changes shape (keratoconus) can lead to double vision.
Nerve Palsy: it is a condition that damages the nerves that control eye movements. It can be caused by diabetes, stroke, and other neurological conditions, that can result in double vision.
Brain disorders: Several neurological conditions or brain injuries harm your vision and affect the areas of the brain responsible for coordinating vision, leading to double vision.
Is it a common error? Experiencing some form of double vision is very common. There are many studies which claim that more than 8, 00,000 people in a year visit their doctor due to experiencing double vision.
Symptoms: Along with seeing double images, it can also have associated with other symptoms like:
Blurred and foggy vision in one or both eyes.
When to visit an eye specialist?
If one is experiencing regular double vision, especially in children, if you notice squinting, tilting the head towards one side, or tries to cover one eye see through other, then it’s time to schedule an appointment with eye doctor.
If you develop eye pain & double vision, or double vision which is sudden in onset, then see an eye specialist as soon as possible. It can be more than just double vision.
Simple. Painless eye tests are done to diagnose the double vision. Depending on the cause, your ophthalmologist may ask for additional images tests like:
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
CT (Computed Tomography) Scan.
Blood tests
These tests will evaluate the whole picture of your eyes and the area around them. It can be helpful for your eye specialist to understand the problem precisely.
How is double vision treated? Double vision can be corrected by knowing what’s causing it. One should consult with an eye specialist about the cause of your double vision and how will it be corrected. The eye specialist will help you with the same concern.
How to manage double vision signs? Follow the directions your eye specialist gives you. Treatments like eye exercises, spectacles, special contact lenses or wearing eye patch will be suggested that suits the best in your case. Patients should not ignore any advice which is given by an ophthalmologist. If ignored can lead to Lazy Eye in children.
After taking treatment, how soon will I feel better? It depends on the cause. Some cases of diplopia go away on their own, while others get better once you take all the prescriptions and medicines.
Why choose Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals? Diplopia can be treated but you need to rely on eye experts to ensure that you’re getting the right treatment and medicines to save yourself from the complications. If you are wondering where to go for the same problem, you are at the right place, Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals got you all covered with its best ophthalmologists and medical staff.
Looking for an best eye hospital in Delhi. Sharp Sight is one of the best eye hospitals for your all eye complications and treatments. Visit us once. Aao Accha Dekhein
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drrohitgupta · 1 year
Why Summer Can Trigger Your Migraines? Tips to Avoid Summer Headache
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Summer is a season of fun and outdoor activities, but for many individuals, it can also be a season of migraines and headaches. In this article, Dr. Rohit Gupta, the best neurologist in Delhi will discuss why summer weather can trigger migraines, and we will provide tips to avoid summer headaches.
Check out the complete article at https://www.drrohitgupta.co.in/best-neurologist-in-delhi-provides-tips-to-avoid-summer-headache/
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respiratory-wizards · 4 months
Breath of Relief: Unveiling Ahmedabad's Respiratory Wizards and Bangalore's Lung Maestros
In the quest for optimal health, individuals often seek the expertise of specialized medical professionals to address their unique needs. For residents of bustling cities like Delhi and Kochi, accessing top-tier healthcare may entail consulting ophthalmologists or orthopedic specialists. However, the significance of pulmonary health cannot be overlooked, prompting many to seek out the Best Pulmonologist Doctor in Ahmedabad and Bangalore. Let's explore why individuals prioritize respiratory care and the invaluable services offered by these pulmonary experts.
The Role of Ophthalmologists and Orthopedicians:
While general physicians provide essential healthcare services, certain conditions require the specialized knowledge and skills of ophthalmologists and orthopedic doctors. Ophthalmologists focus on diagnosing and treating eye diseases and vision impairments, offering specialized treatments such as laser eye surgery, cataract surgery, and corneal transplantation. Similarly, orthopedic specialists specialize in managing musculoskeletal conditions, providing treatments like joint replacement surgery, fracture repair, and sports medicine interventions.
Unique Services Offered by Pulmonologists:
Pulmonologists specialize in diagnosing and treating respiratory conditions, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, and lung cancer. They utilize a variety of diagnostic tools, such as pulmonary function tests, bronchoscopy, and imaging studies, to assess lung function and identify underlying respiratory issues. Best Pulmonologist Doctor in Bangalore offer a range of specialized treatments, including medication management, oxygen therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, and minimally invasive procedures like bronchial thermoplasty and lung volume reduction surgery.
Recognizing Symptoms Warranting Oncological Evaluation:
Symptoms suggestive of underlying oncological issues include unexplained weight loss, persistent fatigue, abnormal lumps or growths, changes in bowel or bladder habits, and unexplained pain. Individuals experiencing symptoms like chronic cough, hemoptysis (coughing up blood), or unexplained respiratory symptoms should promptly seek evaluation by an oncology specialist for further assessment and management.
Treatment Options in Oncology:
Oncologists employ a comprehensive approach to cancer treatment, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and surgical interventions. These modalities aim to eradicate or control cancer while minimizing side effects and optimizing quality of life for patients.
Consequences of Untreated Neurological Conditions:
Neglecting neurological problems can lead to worsening symptoms, functional impairment, and diminished quality of life. Conditions such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's necessitate timely intervention from neurologists to prevent further neurological decline and improve outcomes.
Common Treatments Offered by Neurologists:
Neurologists offer a range of treatments for neurological conditions, including medications, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and surgical interventions. By collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, they develop personalized treatment plans to address patients' specific needs and optimize their neurological function and well-being.
In conclusion, prioritizing physical well-being involves seeking specialized care from dedicated professionals. Whether it's preserving vision, restoring mobility, managing cancer, or addressing neurological concerns, the expertise of top ophthalmologists, orthopedicians, oncologists, and neurologists is indispensable. By recognizing the importance of specialized care and taking proactive steps to address health concerns, individuals can embark on a journey towards improved well-being and enhanced quality of life.
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Brain Stroke Treatment In Meerut - Dr. Amit Bindal
Let us learn about the treatment of brain stroke and brain stroke recovery from the best Neurosurgeon in Delhi Meerut and NCR, Dr. Amit Bindal.
Seek immediate treatment for paralysis of the face and treatment for paralysis, surgery for clot in brain, surgery for brain hemorrhage from the top Neurosurgeon and best neurologist doctor in Delhi and Meerut, Dr. Amit Bindal at Bindal Brain and Spine Clinics, Meerut, who has more than 15 years of expertise in neurological disorders and brain surgery at affordable rates.
Treatment of brain stroke or paralysis
A stroke can happen to anyone at any age, but older people are more likely to have one. Recognizing the symptoms and being aware of the risk factors may help prevent a stroke. Early diagnosis and treatment are very necessary for better results in case of paralysis.
Slurred speech, facial drooping, weakness or paralysis, and other symptoms can appear suddenly without any warning signs.
What is a brain stroke?
A brain stroke can occur when a blood vessel in the brain breaks and leaks. This is called a hemorrhagic stroke or brain hemorrhage.
Hypertension or increased blood pressure is a very important cause of brain hemorrhage.
Sometimes, there’s a blockage in the blood supply to the brain. This blockage keeps blood and oxygen from reaching the brain tissue, which causes a variety of symptoms. This is called Ischemic Stroke or brain infarct.
When brain cells die, they do not regenerate, which can cause severe damage and lead to physical, cognitive, and mental impairments. The brain must be restored with proper blood flow and oxygen as quickly as possible.
Tag = Brain Stroke Treatment in Meerut, Neurosurgeon in Meerut, Neurologist in Meerut
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Destination for Super Speciality Healthcare in Delhi
In the bustling metropolis of Delhi, where health is of paramount importance, finding a super-speciality hospital in Delhi that combines cutting-edge medical technology with compassionate care is crucial. Look no further than Venkateshwar Hospitals, a beacon of healthcare excellence in the heart of the capital. This article delves into the myriad facets of Venkateshwar Hospitals, showcasing why it stands out as the preferred choice for those seeking top-notch medical care.
The Legacy of Venkateshwar Hospitals:
Venkateshwar Hospitals has been a stalwart in the healthcare industry, with a legacy built on a commitment to providing comprehensive, patient-centric care. Established with a vision to redefine healthcare standards, the hospital has consistently evolved to meet the dynamic needs of the community it serves.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure:
At the core of Venkateshwar Hospitals’ success is its state-of-the-art infrastructure. Boasting modern facilities and advanced medical equipment, the hospital is designed to cater to a diverse range of medical specialties. From diagnostic services to surgical interventions, every aspect of healthcare is seamlessly integrated into the hospital’s infrastructure.
Specialities Offered:
Venkateshwar Hospitals is synonymous with super-speciality healthcare, offering a spectrum of medical services that span various disciplines. Specialities include but are not limited to:
Cardiology: Cutting-edge cardiac care with a team of renowned cardiologists.
Orthopedics: Comprehensive orthopedic services, including joint replacements and sports medicine.
Neurology: State-of-the-art neurocare for a range of neurological conditions.
Oncology: Advanced cancer care with a multidisciplinary approach.
Gastroenterology: Specialized services for gastrointestinal disorders and surgeries.
Team of Experts:
A hospital is only as good as its healthcare professionals, and Venkateshwar Hospitals boasts a stellar team of doctors, surgeons, nurses, and support staff. Each member of the healthcare team is chosen not just for their expertise but also for their commitment to compassionate patient care.
Patient-Centric Approach:
At Venkateshwar Hospitals, the patient is at the center of every decision. The hospital’s commitment to a patient-centric approach is reflected in personalized care plans, transparent communication, and a focus on the overall well-being of the individual. From the moment a patient walks through the doors to their recovery and beyond, every step is carefully orchestrated for the best possible outcome.
Cutting-Edge Technology:
In the rapidly advancing field of healthcare, staying ahead with technology is imperative. Venkateshwar Hospitals invests in the latest medical technologies, ensuring that patients have access to the most innovative and effective treatments available.
Community Engagement:
Beyond the confines of the hospital, Venkateshwar Hospitals is deeply involved in community engagement initiatives. Health awareness programs, medical camps, and outreach activities are integral to the hospital’s commitment to making a positive impact on the health and well-being of the community it serves.
Patient Testimonials:
The true measure of a hospital’s success lies in the experiences of its patients. Numerous glowing testimonials stand testament to the quality of care provided by Venkateshwar Hospitals. Patients commend not only the medical expertise but also the warmth and empathy extended by the healthcare team.
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maclee547832 · 3 months
Who is a reliable stroke specialist doctor in Delhi?
In the realm of stroke treatment, finding the right doctor can make all the difference in a patient’s journey to recovery. In Delhi, Dr. Shrey Jain stands out as a leading neurologist renowned for his expertise and dedication to providing exceptional care to patients suffering from strokes. In this blog, we’ll explore Dr. Jain’s pioneering approach to stroke treatment and why he is widely regarded as the best doctor for stroke in Delhi.
A Leader in Stroke Care:
Dr. Shrey Jain is a distinguished neurologist with extensive experience in treating strokes. His comprehensive understanding of neurological disorders, coupled with his advanced training and expertise, makes him a trusted authority in the field of stroke care. Dr. Jain is known for his compassionate approach to patient care and his unwavering commitment to helping patients regain their health and independence after a stroke.
State-of-the-Art Treatment Options:
As a pioneer in stroke treatment, Dr. Shrey Jain offers cutting-edge treatment options aimed at maximizing recovery and improving outcomes for stroke patients. From acute interventions such as thrombolytic therapy and mechanical thrombectomy to long-term rehabilitation strategies, Dr. Jain employs a multidisciplinary approach to stroke care that addresses the diverse needs of each patient.
Compassionate Patient Care:
What sets Dr. Shrey Jain apart is his compassionate bedside manner and personalized approach to patient care. He takes the time to listen to his patients, understand their concerns, and develop individualized treatment plans tailored to their unique needs and circumstances. Dr. Jain prioritizes clear communication and patient education, empowering his patients to take an active role in their recovery journey.
A Trusted Partner in Stroke Recovery:
For patients and their families grappling with the challenges of stroke recovery, Dr. Shrey Jain serves as a trusted partner and ally every step of the way. He provides ongoing support, guidance, and encouragement, helping patients navigate the complexities of stroke rehabilitation and regain their independence and quality of life.
When it comes to stroke treatment in Delhi, Dr. Shrey Jain stands out as the best doctor for stroke. With his expertise, compassion, and commitment to excellence, Dr. Jain is dedicated to helping stroke patients overcome adversity and achieve meaningful recovery. If you or a loved one is in need of stroke treatment, trust Dr. Shrey Jain to provide the exceptional care and support you deserve.
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keshav123 · 2 months
5 Best Neurologist in Delhi
 Dr Manvir Bhatia
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 Dr. Manvir Bhatia is  best neurologist in Delhi  & best sleep specialist in India and has great expertise knowledge in the field of neurology and sleep disorder, at Neurology Sleep Centre has world-class Neurology and sleep Services available for in clinic . Dr.Manvir is Director of Sleep medicine and senior Neurologist at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute-New Delhi and Neurology Sleep Centre, New Delhi. She is currently the Vice President of Indian society of Sleep research. She is the author of the book “The Sleep Solution” first non-fiction book on sleep, in India.
She was invited by the WHO to participate in developing guidelines for health issues related to ‘Sleep’. She has been awarded the Indira Gandhi Mahila Ratan Award & has won the best prize for “10,000 women Entrepreneur Certificate Programmed at ISB”, Hyderabad. She has also been awarded by AAPIOS (American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, Boston, for “Extraordinary Contribution in Sleep Medicine” for the year 2017, for increasing the awareness of sleep medicine throughout, research and training of sleep experts in India.
MEDICAL QUALIFICATION: Medical school: Christian Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana DM Neurology: AIIMS, New Delhi Past Positions- Additional Professor and Incharge of Neuro-Electrophysiology, Sleep Medicine at AIIMS, New Delhi. Chairperson Sleep Medicine, Senior Neurology Consultant at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi. Senior Visiting Consultant, Neurologist & Sleep Medicine, Medanta The Medicity, Gurgaon, Senior Consultant & Director- Sleep Medicine in Saket City Hospital, New Delhi.
LOCATION : L-23, Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi 110016 (INDIA)
 Dr. Vinit Banga
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Dr. Vinit Banga is a Neurologist in Pusa Road, Delhi and has an experience of 12 years in this field. Dr. Vinit Banga practices at BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital in Pusa Road, Delhi. He completed MBBS from Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut in 2019,MD - General Medicine from Bundelkhand University, Jhansi in 2012 and DM - Neurology from Delhi University in 2016.
He is a member of Indian Medical Association (IMA). Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Foot Drop,Brain Aneursym Surgery,Sciatica Pain Treatment,Spinal Tap and Brain Surgery etc
MEDICAL QUALIFICATION: MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Neurology 
3.Dr. Shailesh Jain
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Dr Shailesh Jain is a renowned Neurosurgeon and Stroke Interventionist has been performing Minimal Invasive Neuro & Spine Surgeries for past 16 years with excellent results. He has vast experience and has been a pioneer in treatment of Brain & Spine diseases such as fits ,headaches, cervical n lower back pain, brain n spine Timor’s
He specializes interventional treatment in stroke such as Intracranial aneurysms embolization (coiling), ArterioVenous malformation (AVMs) embolization, tumour embolization, Angioplasty and stenting of arterial stenosis including carotid stenting, Intra-arterial Thrombolysis for stroke and Percutaneous spinal procedures such as vertebroplasty and other interventional procedures.
Dr. Shailesh Jain is Principal Consultant Neurosurgery & Neurointervention at Max Hospital Shalimar Bagh.
His compassion, strong work ethics, professionalism, knowledge, confidence, humility and passion towards dealing with neurosurgical patients makes him a good human being and a superior clinician.
MEDICAL QUALIFICATION : MBBS, MS - General Surgery, MCh - Neuro Surgery
Neurosurgeon,Neurointerventional Surgery,Neurologist
4.Dr. Rajiv Anand
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Dr. Rajiv Anand Neurologist with a passion for making a difference in the care of a patient with neurological disorders. Always looking out for accuracy in clinical diagnosis and treatments. Focuses on treatable neurological disorders and cost-effective therapies in neurology. Medical knowledge is continuously evolving, therefore, he spends significant time in learning through updates and from each and every patient he sees in his practice. He also acquiring soft skills to comfort his patients. 
5. Dr. Ramandeep S. Dang
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Prof. (Dr.) Ramandeep S. Dang is a Senior Consultant, Neurosurgeon and Pain Specialist (Brain and Spine Surgeon) in South Delhi. He is attached to Moolchand Medicity, Lajpat Nagar, Sama Hospital, New delhi, Cronus Hospital Chattarpur. and Onco plus hospital, defence colony New delhi. Specialises in Minimally Invasive and endoscopic Brain Spine and Pain reliving procedures especially for disc problem, back pain,cervical , headaches , trigeminal neuralgia, sciatica, spine fractures. These procedures are day care procedures and patients are usually sent home the same day. Non clinic hour confirmation only after telephonic confirmation . 
MEDICAL QUALIFICATION: MBBS, MS - General Surgery, MCh - Neuro Surgery
Neurosurgeon,Neurologist,Spine Surgeon (Neuro),Spine And Pain Specialist
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pediatrilla · 7 months
What is a Pediatric Physical Therapist? How is it Beneficial for Your Kids?
In today's fast-paced world, it's crucial to ensure the overall development and well-being of our children. One important aspect of their growth is physical health. Pediatric physical therapy, often provided by professionals like Dr. Rouchi Goel, is an invaluable resource for your child's overall development and well-being, focusing on enhancing motor skills, reducing pain, promoting independence, improving balance, and preventing future issues. Pediatric physical therapy has gained immense popularity in recent years as it plays a vital role in ensuring the optimal physical development of kids.
Understanding Pediatric Physical Therapy:-
Pediatric physical therapy is a specialized branch of healthcare that focuses on the treatment and management of physical conditions in children from birth until their teenage years. These conditions may include developmental delays, muscle weakness, neurological disorders, injuries, or congenital conditions.
Pediatric physical therapists, such as the dedicated Pediatrilla Physical Therapist, are highly trained professionals who work closely with children, their families, and other healthcare providers to enhance their physical abilities and improve their quality of life. They utilize various techniques, exercises, and therapies to assist children in achieving their maximal potential.
The Benefits of Pediatric Physical Therapy:-
Motor Skills Development: Pediatric physical therapy focuses on improving a child's gross and fine motor skills. This includes walking, crawling, running, jumping, and hand-eye coordination. Therapists create customized plans targeting specific areas of improvement, helping children develop stronger and more efficient movements.
Pain Reduction: Children experiencing chronic pain due to conditions like cerebral palsy or sports injuries can greatly benefit from physical therapy. Therapists use techniques such as therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, and modalities like heat or ice to reduce pain and discomfort.
Enhanced Independence: Physical therapists empower children by promoting independence in daily activities. They teach vital skills like getting dressed, practicing good hygiene, and mobility aids to children who may require additional assistance due to physical limitations or disabilities.
Improved Balance and Coordination: Children with balance and coordination issues often struggle with various daily activities. Pediatric physical therapy, like that provided by Dr. Rouchi Goel - Physical Therapist, targets these areas by implementing exercises to enhance
balance, stability, and coordination. This enables children to participate more fully in both sports and everyday life.
Prevention of Future Issues: Early intervention through pediatric physical therapy can help prevent potential future difficulties. By addressing issues during childhood, therapists can identify and correct developmental delays or abnormalities before they become more significant concerns.What is a Pediatric Physical Therapist? How is it Beneficial for Your Kids?
Finding a Pediatric Physical Therapist Doctor Near by Delhi
Dr. Rouchi Goel - Physical Therapist, is an invaluable resource for your child's overall development and well-being. Its focus on enhancing motor skills, reducing pain, promoting independence, improving balance, and preventing future issues makes it an essential component in fostering a healthy and active lifestyle for your kids.
Contact us at [email protected]
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