young-prince-firefly · 5 months
Kaminari: I've heard if something is worth doing, it's worth doing poorly
Bakugou: Maybe if you were good at something you wouldn't have to hear that
Kirishima: Bakugou!
Uraraka: Before any of you break out in a fight, that's literally just to help Kaminari brush his teeth. Iida told him to think of brushing his teeth like that so he doesn't get overwhelmed. I mean, it is better to brush poorly than to not brush at all.
Midoriya: Right, it's to combat deadly perfectionistic mindsets and boost your self-esteem and help you finish tasks, especially if you experience executive dysfunction either due to those perfectionistic ideals or neurodivergency!
Bakugou: That's great and all, but that doesn't mean he isn't terrible at everything else
Kirishima: Sorry, Kaminari. He'll come around eventually
Kaminari: No, no. I'm immune at this point. I'll just get really good at brushing my teeth by brushing only one tooth every morning.
Bakugou: You're just gonna forget which tooth you started with. If brushing is so damn hard for you, just use mouthwash!
Kaminari: Oh. I forgot that was an option.
Uraraka: I guess he's trying to help now?
Midoriya: Kacchan could still stand to be less mean to his friends when he's helping
Bakugou: Deku, shut up! These losers aren't my friends and you can't tell me what to do!
Midoriya: I'm gonna die
Tokoyami: We all meet the same end
Kirishima: How long have you been here man?
Tokoyami: As long as the rest of you
Kaminari: I'm gonna go gargle mouthwash, you guys enjoy your chat
Bakugou: Don't use the pink one! That's round face's and you do not want to make her mad!
Uraraka: How sweet
Kirishima: Well, I'll say it so he doesn't have to, thanks for your help. I didn't really understand most of what you said, but I know it's definitely going to help Kaminari
Uraraka: Anytime!
Midoriya: Happy to help
Bakugou: I don't know why you're looking at me, I didn't do anything
Kirishima: Nevermind then
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sscared · 4 years
could I stop being quite so neuurodivergent thanks, I’m playing the sims and I tic every time I see smth which I like, its wild and Im not enjoying it
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