#never ask me what tv show/movie I'm watching ever bc the answer is almost always not a goddamn thing
spaceratprodigy · 9 months
Thank you for the tags @darkfire1177 @the-lastcall 💖💕
Favorite Color:
Currently Reading:
Oh! Okay, so, the thing is– I normally blow through so many books throughout the year.. BUT ☝️ 2023 I only read a small handful and I'm kind of sad abt that, but also kind of not because the reason is for the first time in years I re-sparked some lost passion I had with creating and was so so much more inspired and motivated and spent way more time drawing than I have in a long time 😭
The last books I read were The Left Hand Of Darkness and a book about The Endurance! Very good reads. Hoping to read more this year tho, but as long as I'm doing things that make me happy, ya'know
Last Song:
We were just letting a lot of Public Broadcasting Service songs autoplay while playing Kerbal Space Program tbh
Last Movie:
Oh God, um, idk, I guess I rewatched The Matrix recently?
Last Series:
Like? TV series? That I watched? Ummm.. We were snuggled up on the couch watching Star Trek: The Next Generation, I guess
Currently Craving:
We got Chinese Food yesterday after our snowy day hike and I'm craving our leftovers
Tea or Coffee:
Currently Working On:
Art-wise? Lots planned on my to-do list :]
Slowly, when I can, working on the art prompts in my ask box! Very excited about those, so many ideas rotating in my mind over the past few months. Lots of other ideas I want to draw regarding other people's OCs, heheheheh, BIGGEST ONE BEING drawing out all the ideas I have planned for P&P AU with Faith, Max, Rhea, and Felix!! Been cookin' those up for months!!
Gonna be slow until I finish getting my stuff moved out and until I finally get myself a new desk for the first time in my life that isn't destroying my body bc it's ~50 years old and actually a children's sized desk that I can't fit at..
Otherwise? Developing OC stuff in my spare time. New ideas for Iris and Poppy, working on Zinnia some more.. I've been playing Rogue Trader so I'm super into my girl Ceciliana rn 👀
open tag to anyone who wants to jump in!
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lyssismagical · 4 years
Hey, you know... if you ever wanted to write another Parkner glee au (bc i found the other two you wrote and I'm obsessed) I think the Bash episode in s5 would be pretty cool. If you can't swing it, that's fine. Just a suggestion but mostly good job I love what you've done with the others 💖💖💖
Glee AU #3 – Bash (S5 ep15)
{TW: Homophobia, Violence}
 Ever since they moved to Boston together, things had been relatively calm. There hadn’t been any conflicts between any of the roommates, no terrible injuries, no issues with moving out, they’d been happily enjoying the adult life.
Harley and Peter were going to MIT, MJ going to Harvard, and Ned at Tufts University.
They were living in a decently nice apartment not far from all three of their campuses, and close to where Betty, Ned’s girlfriend, was going, Yale.
It was theirs in a way that most things weren’t. They paid for it all on their own, and they were continuing to pay rent, pay their bills, and buy groceries all with their own hard-earned money.
For Harley, the best thing about the past couple months in Boston was Peter.
They’d been dating since Junior year and now they’re living together, sleeping in the same bed, going to school together, having date nights all the time.
At first, MJ had said, quiet and concerned, that she was worried this would be too much for their relationship. She’d always been observant, and it was true that they were used to a lot of time apart. Especially with Harley spending the summers in Tennessee and Peter spending most nights Spider-Manning, they’d never really spent this long together.
But their relationship flourished.
Instead of feeling claustrophobic in their relationship, they basked in the time they could spend together.
They had more arguments, but they had a lot more time to communicate their problems and work through them. They were good for each other in that way.
The peace they’d all been basking in made it so surprising when the first headline appeared before them.
A friend of a friend was in the hospital after being beaten up in an alleyway, left unconscious in the rain, simply for being gay.
Peter hadn’t been Spider-Man in months. After Mysterio the summer before and the additional stress of moving to Boston and MIT, he’d made a deal with May and Tony that he’d put Spider-Man on the backburner unless absolutely necessary.
Everybody had expected, sitting around their dining room table, newspaper laid out on the center of the table, that Peter would be swinging through the streets to bring justice.
Instead, Harley found Peter in their bed, blankets tugged over his head like he was hiding from the horrors of the world.
“You okay, darling?” Harley asks gently. He sits on the edge of the bed and waits patiently as Peter slowly pulls the blankets off his head.
“No,” he says, eyes wide and glossy. “I know Travis wasn’t the only one with that way of thinking, but I guess it felt like the world was righter after Travis had changed for the better.”
Harley silently curses himself. Of course a headline like that would bring back unwanted high school memories.
Travis Wright had bullied Peter for three years, even going as far as threatening to kill Peter after he’d kissed Peter. A year or so later, after Harley and Peter had met, Travis had found Peter again, had admitted to being gay himself, had been projecting his own internalized homophobia on Peter, and told Peter he was becoming a better person.
“I’m so sorry, honey,” Harley murmurs, tugging Peter into a hug. “I promise you, you’ll be okay. We’ll keep you safe. We can have MJ’s boyfriend bodyguard you or something. Or we could even call Happy, get a real bodyguard-”
“I’m Spider-Man, Harls, I’m my own protection. I just- I worry about you. I know you’ve always been the kind of guy to fight back and you’re strong, but these guys- they’re always stronger and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
Harley smiles gently at his boyfriend, kissing his forehead. “Is this the perfect excuse for you to walk me to class in the morning? I wouldn’t mind riding the subway with you.”
It’s a silly kind of joke to be making in such a scary time, but Harley’s always been the kind of person to make badly timed jokes.
It does it’s job, though. Peter offers a watery smile and links their hands together.
Peter does end up walking Harley from class to class, even if it means being late for his own, and even if it means nearly losing his job when he’s late.
He’d do anything to keep Harley safe, that had never been a question.
Except for the small fact that Peter’s a busy guy. He’s always been the kind of person to fill his workload to the very brim, to never give himself even a second of spare time.
So he’s not too surprised when one of the days, he’s waiting just inside the autoshop he works at, waiting for Peter to show up, when MJ hops out of a taxi instead.
“Peter called,” she explains, looping their arms together to start their trek back to their apartment.
If anybody threatening shows up in their path, they can just pretend to be dating instead, so neither of them are very worried about anything happening. And either way, it’s only a fifteen minute walk back to the apartment.
“Did he get caught up?” Harley asks, not a hint of anger or disappointment in his voice.
“A coworker asked him to cover her shift because her sister got in an accident. You know how he is. He called me on his break, very flustered and asked if I could walk you home.”
Harley frowns. “I’m capable of taking care of myself.”
“He knows that,” she says, squeezing his arm. “He’s just protective and he worries about you, about all of us, really. He’s even had Ned being careful not to take any shady routes home after classes.”
They make it home without any problem, unsurprisingly. Ned’s sitting on their couch, video game controller in hand. Betty’s stretched across the cushions, head in her boyfriend’s lap. She’s staying the long weekend at their apartment.
Harley immediately makes his way to the kitchen to start making dinner, and he hears MJ talking to Betty and Ned in the living room.
Maybe that’s why, when the call comes, it’s such a surprise.
It’s supposed to be a domestic, sweet Friday night with the five of them, eating Harley’s homemade dinner and bickering about which movie to watch.
It’s supposed to be the kind of night where everyone turns in early from a long week of hard work, followed by a late Saturday morning breakfast of Peter’s wonderful pancakes and MJ’s expensive coffee.
It’s supposed to be followed by Saturday Dinner Potluck where Flash and Harry come to visit, and Gwen sometimes makes it out to join them, and everyone makes a bit of food to share.
That’s not how it goes.
It’s late and the four of them are half-asleep around the living room, not worried about their missing fifth member, unsure when he’ll make it back from his late shift.
Harley’s phone rings from the kitchen, just loud enough to heard over the Friends episode that plays on the TV, more background noise to their hushed conversations than anything.
Harley extracts himself from the couch, coaxing MJ’s legs out of his lap and Ned’s head from his shoulder, socked feet padding quietly across the hardwood to the kitchen.
As soon as the news is delivered, he slips into one of the breakfast bar stools, heart pounding in his chest as he utters a quick goodbye, fingers moving to dial Harry.
Harry, living just a few hours away in his own house with his boyfriend, answers his ringing phone, assuming wrongly that it’ll be Harley confirming Saturday Potluck.
Flash stirs against his chest when Harry drops his phone in horror and surprise at the news.
Tony’s asleep when his phone rings.
Pepper and Morgan are sleeping on the couch next to him, the credits of a Disney movie rolling on the TV.
The news is told before he can even get out a greeting.
He wakes Pepper, tears already shining in his eyes.
May’s working a night shift when she gets the call. It’s late and the worry spikes faster than imaginable. She’s gotten too many late night calls from any of the kids to know what it means.
The news still makes tears spring to her eyes and her knees go weak.
Harley’s been pacing the waiting room for nearly two hours by the time Harry and Flash burst through the doors, faces echoing Harley’s panic.
“Is he okay? What happened?” Flash demands, hands trembling as he grabs Harry’s and squeezes tight.
Harley opens his mouth to explain the story he got from the man who talked to them earlier, but nothing comes out.
“There’s been a few attacks recently,” MJ says, materializing at his side, hand on his shoulder. “A group of people who aren’t happy with the positive changes with gay rights who’ve been targeting people. I guess… There was this guy, Charlie, who was getting attacked in an alleyway, and- you know Peter. He’s never been the kind of person to stand by while someone else is in trouble.”
“Is he going to be okay?” Harry asks, paling when Harley and MJ are quiet for too long.
Harley swallows thickly. “He should be. He’s got Spider-Man on his side, and Charlie called the cops as soon as he got away. But the group, one of them pulled a gun.”
The boyfriends sink into a set of chairs across from them, knuckles white where they hold hands.
“But is going to be okay?” Flash’s voice is shaking almost as badly as his hands. “This isn’t even close to the first time he’s been shot.”
Before Harley can give an answer, not that he can really think of anything good to say, a nurse comes out of Peter’s room.
“Parker family?”
They must look like a strange bunch. Harley, MJ, Betty, Ned, Harry, and Flash, but the nurse barely even blinks when they turn to her.
“Is he going to be okay?” Flash repeats.
The nurse smiles. Not one of those plain and sad, sympathetic smiles, the kind of smiles that Harley was given when he was told his dad was never coming back. The kind of smiles that he was given when the principal at his first school told him there was nothing he could do about cruel words.
It’s not that.
It’s a genuine, good news smile.
“Yeah, he’s going to be just fine. His body’s still working through the anesthetics from the surgery, but everything went well and he’s all patched up. You can go in to see him, but I’d recommend not crowding his room when he wakes up.”
All eyes immediately turn to Harley. He’s Peter’s boyfriend, he’s not exactly sure if that takes priority over best friends, but he understands that they’re giving him the opportunity to see Peter first and his heart warms.
He nods quickly, thanking the nurse as quick as his clumsy tongue will let him, and his shoulders finally relax.
“He’s in room 248 whenever you’re ready.”
The nurse smiles once more before she heads back down the hallway she came from.
“Are you sure?” Harley asks when the two couples sit down again.
MJ smiles, patting at his shoulder. “Go see him. Come get us when you’re ready to. We’ll all be okay waiting for a little while longer.”
That’s all the reassurance he needs before he hurries down the hallway, awkwardly trying not to sprint, but desperate to see his boyfriend as quickly as he can.
He barely manages to slow himself when he bursts into Peter’s hospital room, eyes wide and burning with tears.
This is the one downside with being in love with Peter Parker.
Having to get used to seeing his loved one in a hospital bed too often, even if it’s never for very long. With Peter’s enhanced healing, he’s never been in the hospital for more than a couple days, but it also makes him think he’s invincible and jump into fights without a second thought.
Even now, in a scenario where Peter was supposed to be walking home from a shift at work, where he was supposed to join them in their living room, maybe offer to crack open a bottle of wine for them, snuggle up against Harley’s side.
Even then, Peter ended up in the hospital.
How much is the world going to throw at him for simple existing? How unfair is the universe for throwing this at him too?
Harley finally moves, eyes unable to stop staring at the cuts and bruises that litter his love’s pale skin.
He carefully slides into the space next to Peter in the bed, tears burning at his eyes as he gently presses a kiss to Peter’s temple.
“Nothing’s going to harm you, not while I’m around,” he promises.
He presses his nose against Peter’s neck, tucking his head in the crook of Peter’s shoulder, and he tries not to make it too obvious when the tears fall.
Harley jerks awake when he feels a kiss to his cheek.
His eyes dart around the room, remembering where he is and why, and the pain sparks in his chest, nothing physical but something so deeply emotional because his Peter was hurt.
“Hi,” Peter says, squinting up at Harley. His cuts have mostly healed, red lines left in their wake. The bruises have gone from the scary hues of black and purple down to softer yellows and greens. He’s half-smiling but there’s something awfully wrong about it.
“Are you feeling okay?” Harley asks, immediately regretting the words. “I mean, obviously you’re not, but I just- I don’t know-”
Peter winces and he rests his mouth against Harley’s jaw for a long moment to compose himself.
Eventually, he sighs and says, “I’ve been shot before and this isn’t my first being beaten up, that’s for sure. It’s not even my first time being beaten up for being bisexual. That was pretty much my whole junior year.”
Harley nods silently, gently threading his fingers through Peter’s hair. They’re close enough together, squished up in the hospital bed, that Harley can see the flush of Peter’s cheeks and the tears that pool in his eyes.
“But this felt so different. Travis, at least he knew me, right? He was never going to kill me, despite the threats he made. He was just a scared kid, you know? Those people, they saw a guy with a rainbow pin on his bag, and they wanted to kill him. They saw me protecting him, and they wanted to kill me too. That’s not- That’s not right.”
“It’s not,” Harley agrees because he isn’t sure what else he’s supposed to say. “I know, but Charlie, the guy you saved, he gave a full statement to the police, and it should be enough to track those people down and have them arrested.”
Peter sniffles, chin wobbling. “I’ve just never been that scared before. I was so worried for you that I wasn’t even thinking about me when I was walking home that night. I thought- I guess I thought I’d be okay because I’m Spider-Man. But I wasn’t Spider-Man.”
“I’m so sorry,” Harley says. He kisses his boyfriend’s forehead, grabbing his hand and threading their fingers together. Peter’s knuckles are busted, blood still staining his fingers.
Peter’s released from the hospital that night.
He’s still weak and beyond tired, but he throws on a brave smile as Harley helps him up and into the sweatpants and t-shirt MJ brought for them.
Harley hails them a taxi and he never lets go of Peter’s hand for the whole trip home.
“You okay?” Harley asks for the thousandth time when they reach their apartment door.
“I love you,” Peter says instead, kissing Harley before he smiles. “I’m good, I’m alright.”
Harley opens the door and leads Peter into the apartment.
The dining room, kitchen, and living room are all filled with people.
May, Gwen, Tony, Pepper, and Morgan made the four hour road trip to Boston. Harry, Flash, and Betty are still hanging around. Ned and MJ are setting the dining room table. Abbie and Macy got the nearest flight from Tennessee.
There’s food laid out across the table and MJ spots them first, lighting up in a smile.
“Saturday Night Potluck,” she explains, jogging over to pull Peter into a tight hug. “Don’t you ever do that to me again, you hear me?”
“No promises,” Peter says, but he’s smiling brightly and he looks so much younger, worry lines smoothing out and the nicks and faded bruises look more like tricks of the light, not a traumatic experience painted so much deeper than his skin.
Tony’s there next, but he doesn’t take it as well. “Are you kidding me, Parker?”
Harley can tell the anger comes from the right place, and he rolls his eyes. “You couldn’t wait even one day to reprimand him?”
“Was I stupid to think you’d be safe here?” Tony demands, completely ignoring Harley. “Was it stupid of me to think that sending you off to University would mean you’d be safe? What were you thinking, Parker? What if they’d all had guns, huh? What if- They could’ve killed you.”
“I know.” The smile’s faded from his face and it makes Harley want to punch Tony. “But I’ve been dealing with these kinds of people for as long as I can remember. I’ve got my healing, Tony. I can’t just stand by when things like this happens.”
Tony’s expression crumples and he tugs Peter into his arms. “Please, for the sake of my old heart, please don’t do anything like that again. I can’t handle getting anymore calls like that, okay?”
Peter squeezes Tony, but doesn’t bother making that promise.
Everyone knows, all too well, that Peter’s guilt complex mixed with his heroic compassion, he’d never be able to give up helping people. It’s just what he does.
“Saturday Night Potluck!” Ned calls out, arms spread wide to show off the arrangement of too many lawn chairs around their much too small table, covered in different dishes and foods. “Come eat!”
Harley smiles and wraps an arm protectively around Peter’s waist to lead him to the table.
Life is about weighing the good with the bad, and Peter, despite having been through so much bad, still has plenty of good constantly surrounding him.
He has his strange, inexplicable family. He has Saturday Night Potlucks and Friday movie nights. He has this.
Harley squeezes his hand.
He’s still here, still standing, still going to view the world in the same optimistic, hopeful way that he always has despite everything that’s told him not to, still going to stand strong and brave, still going to stand up for what he believes in despite the consequences he might face, still going love because love is enough to conquer hate.
He’s still here.
Taglist: @littlemissagrafina  @spideygirl2003 @romeoandjulietyouwish @c-artara @shadedrose01 @likeaphoenix13 @pj-hermes-tonystark-obsessed @you-get-killed-walk-it-off @kitkatwinchester  @emo-girl10  
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
Oh my god I was obsessed with the thirteenth year!! I completely forgot about that movie. I think I saw it for the first time around the time I saw Aquamarine, which I racked up an almost $300 dollar Comcast bill because I kept renting the movie over and over again lmao my mom called me from work screaming XD dude camp rock was everything for a minute I cared more about camp rock than I did hsm.
You're right about Sam style, ever since he did that video of switching styles with Colby, its been sneaking its way into his closet more and more and I'm here for it 1000%. You're probably right about the Mandela effect thing but some things I specifically remember being different. The Berenstein bears for instance, I had a book as a kid that said Berenstein not Berenstain (could it of been a misprint, maybe) still weirds me out tho lol
I'm a fall aesthetic kind of girl myself, there's something peaceful about the fall time that I can't explain lol it just speaks to my soul
I've been wondering the same thing about metalife and I was low-key gonna ask you about it lol I wasn't around at that time but it seemed really short lived, I don't even fully know what it is but from what I could see they seemed passionate about and proud of it.
Not gonna lie I used to take almost hour long showers, thats how long it used to take me, now I'm between like 15-30 mins depending on what needs to me done🤣🤣🤣
My favorite drink(s) are pepsi, cranberry juice and water lol and then for alcoholic drinks thats kind of tough because I have ✨t r a u m a✨ when it comes to drinking. So I don't really do it that often but when I do it's always with my cousin and we usually drink this peach moscato wine from barefoot that's really good. Or the basic white girl wine coolers like Mike's hard lemonade or twisted tea. I also unironically like smirnoff ice's lol
I don't really watch TV that much outside of my already favorited shows. I've been really into Guy's Grocery Games lmfao. If you don't know what it is, it's pretty much like chopped but Guy Fieri's version. I watch it with my mom 😂 its pretty funny and the last movie I watched was The Heat with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. Funniest movie I've seen in a while, you should watch it if you ever get the chance.
Most of my clothes are from Walmart because all the stores I like don't carry my size in store and I have a love/hate relationship with shopping for clothes online. It has not ended well for me in the past lol
Favorite pizza topping? Favorite board game? Do you collect anything?
omg we are the same person haha
i've never actually watched aquamarine, but i can totally see why ppl loved and still do. my movie of choice back then was ella enchanted. i fucking loved that movie.
and camp rock was the moment bc of the jonas brothers and demi. the cast of hsm was iconic, but camp rock deserves it's praises too.
i'm honestly really into sam's style too. but colby's just matches my aesthetics more. yeah, the berenstein bears is a weird one. i think sometimes it was misprinted or something. also, the way ppl pronounce it has probably altered how ppl thought it was spelt.
no, i get what you mean. falling leaves is like the most peaceful thing to me.
the thing with metalife... i truly don't know the answer. i heard that someone was threatening to sue bc they got removed from the site or they got bullied on the site? but i have no actual idea if that is true or not.
i used to be able to take fast showers, but i've added a lot more steps into my shower taking lol i just wish i could be clean all the time.
honestly wine coolers and mike's hard are good. they have like no alcohol content in them and they're just nice to sip on instead of a heavier drink. better than white claws in my opinion.
omg i didn't know guy fieri had a show other than the eating show he's had for years haha he's such a weird dude but i love him. and i've heard of that movie. i gotta watch it next time i get the chance. i can't even remember the last tv show i saw, or movie for that matter. i watch youtube so often anymore.
same, online shopping can be the fucking worst. most of my clothes are from rue 21, hot topic, or like random dollar stores that have my size occasionally. also i do have a good amount of snc merch.
my favorite pizza topping is honestly just more cheese. i want so much cheese that it could kill a lactose intolerance person lol jk. i do like vegetable pizzas sometimes, so i guess veggies, if not more cheese.
there was a board game me and my brother used to play called 1313 dead end drive. it was like clue mixed with mouse trap. it was so cool. but i haven't played a board game in years.
the only thing i think i collect is crystals. i really love them and they're just so pretty. my favorite one is an amethyst that actually came from a rock that used to be in my yard at my old house. my brother and his friends smashed opened this huge rock and inside was amethyst. i got one little piece of it that i still have :)
questions: worst party you've ever been too? first band/artist you ever got really into? white, milk, or dark chocolate?
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