#never posted the title-included version of that art anywhere other than ao3 so there
aewrie · 1 year
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hand-me-down memories - E - ~120k words Grimm/The Knight (technically Grimmchild/the Knight), Grimm & The Hollow Knight | Pure Vessel, Grimm & Hornet; Nymm is also there Grimm is grown up Grimmchild, post-Embrace the Void ending, angst & hurt/comfort, slice of life, bittersweet, not exactly a romance but it is a slow burn, +more
He is caught halfway between dream and waking when the fire sets alight within him. He had a Flame of his own before, he understood that on an instinctual level, but it was nothing like this. He is burning.
He is Grimm, now.
[read on ao3] [cover art sans text]
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mtghewillneverend · 2 years
Can you face him, Planeswalker?
Welcome to my new sideblog for the fanfic I've been working on that hopes to adapt much of what's happened in an RP between myself and my girlfriend, based on Magic the Gathering.
My lovely girlfriend is the one who mostly came up with this idea; she is wonderful, and her ideas are very fascinating, otherwise I wouldn't be putting so much effort into writing them out! I love her very very much, and she has given me permission to write about this story. I don't think she would appreciate much attention over it as she prefers her privacy on the matter, but if that ever changes I will be more than happy to link her here. Until possibly then, however, please don't ask. :)
In this story, Nicol Bolas has found a way to escape the Meditation Plane and begin making moves for domination once again, all while the threat of New Phyrexia looms, and the multiverse's heroes struggle to remain a united front.
Click the Read More to see more!
Basic Info
AO3: MagicTheScroll
Main: oops-prow-did-it-again.tumblr.com
I follow back/comment/reply from my main! So if you see me on that account, that is why.
The story is currently not posted anywhere, as I am still working on it. It currently has 61 chapters planned, with 5 mostly written, and the rest outlined. However, one arc has still largely been unplanned, so there will be more chapters. The work will be posted as a series, titled "He Will Never End," with the works "Nightmares Over Ikoria," "The Rebellion," "Fallen," and "Arisen" underneath it.
You can read (and comment on) the current up-to-date outline here.
I will be steadily posting the same content from that document to this blog, alongside my own rambling about the story, art, and everything in between.
I really love writing for this stuff, so I hope anyone that follows enjoys. :)
Note that though I do not want to get involved in anti/proshipper drama, know that my stories do not flinch away from harsher subjects. I do not have time for petty arguments over stuff like that. Please know that if you try to berate me or attack me for anything that seems "wrong" to you, I will simply delete/ignore/block it.
I wrote a Tibalt x Vorinclex fic. There is no bar :P
Commonly Used Tags
{ pinned } - For the current/past pinned posts.
{ story info } - For posts that are mostly just me rambling about story content, but aren't necessarily story content themselves. Frequently cross-tagged with { character info }
{ character info } - Posts that focus primarily on one or more characters.
{ story content } - Posts that include content from the story. Usually rough-draft versions. The final versions of stories will always be posted to AO3. May also be on posts that link to AO3.
{ other } - For posts that don't fall under any other tags.
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Favourite Works Meme
Tagged by the fabulous @lemurious - THANK YOU I LOVE YOU <333333
Rules: Choose your favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
2020 was a hell of a year for me. I last wrote anything of substance in 2011, and although I’d been posting to AO3 here and there, a lot of it was older stuff that I wrote back in the mid-2000s, and I hadn’t really found a fandom that inspired me enough to want to write much for it. I’d been heavily into the Tolkien fandom between about 2002 and 2004/5 but had fallen away as the excitement over the films faded, and for some reason the Hobbit movies didn’t get me back into it all at the time. (Now I wish they had!)
And then that LotR cast reunion video appeared on YouTube in early June. Honestly, it was like seeing dear old friends again who I hadn’t seen in years. I spent most of it alternately grinning broadly and weeping like a small child, and after it was over, I ran back to the films for a rewatch. Then I started looking at my old WIPs, and following blogs on here, and then...and THEN the words just started pouring out of me. I wrote around 430k between June and December, which is absolutely unprecedented for me - 2011 was probably my previously most productive year, in which I wrote somewhere just over 100k, none of which got posted anywhere other than my old LJ as it was for a tiny fandom that doesn’t exist on AO3 (it died before AO3 really got going and we all tacitly agreed never to speak of it again xD ).
So...my favourite works from 2020. This is going to be tough, because I love them all, but...
Firstly, the It’s Always Been You series, which grew from notes and a few scenes from a side-fic to a ‘verse I was playing in with @myfairprouvaire back in about 2003; I looked at it in June, thought ‘I want to read that fic...dammit, that means I have to write that fic’ and then...and then, miraculously, I DID. It’s very niche, being that it centres on the pairing of Orophin/Rúmil, which is rare enough without the obvious issue, but I adore them, they’re one of my OTPs, and it gave me the opportunity to explore their characters, plus those of Haldir, Arwen (<33333), and her brothers, who happen to be one of my other OTPs. Yes, I know, and I don’t care.
Secondly, once I got that out of my system (sort of, it’s still not finished), I had been percolating something about Bard and Thranduil, having not even needed my slash goggles to see the potential between them in Battle of the Five Armies. It probably helped that they’re both unreasonably nice to look at, damn them, and they kept looking at each other. Anyway, what I was expecting to be 10k of eventually-resolved-sexual-tension turned into the absolute monster that is the (currently just over 210k O.O ) series My Heart Is An Empty Vessel, the main story of which is currently standing at somewhere over 160k and has an epilogue, a sequel also in progress, and several side-fics AND allowed me to weave in my existing Legolas/Imrahil series A Little Piece of the Sea, which I also wrote some new pieces for this year. I love those two so much, so I was super happy about that. Empty Vessel also ties in to pretty much everything else I’ve ever written in the Tolkien fandom, including the It’s Always Been You series - everything is in the same ‘verse, and characters referred to in one series are the same versions as those in another. Hooray for self-referentiality!
Thirdly, there is the ridiculous Christmas-movie modern Bard/Thranduil AU It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like..., which is breeding a sequel and turning into a series as we speak, although I don’t have a title for the series yet. I didn’t think I had a modern AU in me, but it looks as though I do. I had so much fun with this one, weaving in little canon references and headcanons and references to the Empty Vessel versions of the characters (and making Sigrid and Tauriel girlfriends, yay!), and I’m really looking forward to seeing where the sequel goes.
And fourthly, I am going to put together all the challenge/exchange fics I wrote this year because I had so much fun with them and I’m super proud of all of them. Kicking off with Broken On The Inside, written for @lemurious, the Erestor/Glorfindel getting-together tale in which Glorfindel has sustained a head injury and is thinking about his time at the Last Homely House, home of the misfits, the outcasts, the broken and the damned. the only home, a piece of experimental poetry which is all that Elladan and Elrohir would give me when I asked them to tell me about sailing West for @secretlythranduil, and Two Princes, about Legolas and Imrahil getting together, aided and abetted by their interfering friends and Legolas’ Ada, were written for the same event (Innumerable Stars). Then for Have A Happy Hobbit Holiday I wrote Should All The Stars Shine In The Sky for @bayta-darell, about winter celebrations in Dale, with Bard/Thranduil, Sigrid/Tauriel, and Bain and Tilda being adorable, and for Tolkien Secret Santa I wrote Come Home for @gamjawo, featuring Elrohir’s childhood fixation with Maglor finally paying off. Aaaaand for Yuletide I wrote A Tale Untold, a post-movie A Knight’s Tale fic in which the Black Prince gives William and Jocelyn a little manor in the country and the gang all settle down to live happily ever after (featuring a Latin deed of grant that’s as close to accurate as I could get it, a translation thereof, and a bunch of stuff about how medieval manors operated, because I am That Kind Of Nerd), and Six Bottles of Wine, a 2011-Three Musketeers story in which Porthos bets Aramis that Aramis can’t seduce Athos, and there is, eventually, some debate as to whether it’s Aramis or Athos who actually wins the bet. And as part of those exchanges I received some absolutely wonderful stories which I thoroughly encourage you all to check out.
ETA: oh yeah and FIFTHLY how could I forget Overrun By Halflings, which is a thoroughly ridiculous little thing I wrote for Tolkien Crack Week, in which Rosie makes Sam take her and all the kids to Valinor to join Frodo, and Certain People Who Have No Room To Comment At All get a little sniffy about it. :D (and everything I wrote for Writers’ Month, and and and... :D :D :D I’m just ludicrously excited about all of it!)
I had such a wonderful time with all of these, and all the other fics I wrote last year. My life is infinitely better, and I am infinitely happier, for being back in the Tolkien fandom and for being able to write again. This time last year I honestly thought it was over. I thought I’d never find something to inspire me again. And then...all it took was that reunion video and BAM here we are. <333333
I think everyone’s done this one by now, but if any of you haven’t and want to, consider yourselves well and truly tagged!
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shochmonster · 4 years
84 Questions
original: https://fuckyeahsurveys.tumblr.com/post/61049002526/84-questions
Put your music player of choice on shuffle and list the first 10 songs Guns of Brixton - The Clash Holiday in Cambodia - Dead Kennedys  Chainsaw - Nick Jonas California - Joni Mitchell Make It Wit Chu - Queens of the Stone Age This Woman’s Work - Kate Bush The Bad Thing - Arctic Monkeys Between the Bars - Eliot Smith Drown - The Smashing Pumpkins Different People - No Doubt
If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Would you take anyone with you? I’d take @duoloopo to the UK. I’d like to see places other than London.
What is your preferred writing implement? (eg. Blue pen, pencil, green pen)  I use my iPad stylus the most, but I have this heavy mechanical pencil I really like for drawing. 
Favourite month and why? October. I just love the fall vibe. 
Do you have connections to any celebrities (even minor)? List them. I went to undergraduate school with Rebecca Sugar. We used to ride the bus between NYC and DC together on holidays. 
Name 3 items you could pick up from where you are. Can of seltzer, pencil case, stack of bills
What brand logo is closest to you currently? REAL Skateboards
Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Got any favourites? I love Small World and Munchkin. 
A musical artist you love that isn’t well known Laura Stevenson and the Cans
A musical artist you love that is well known Red Hot Chili Peppers
What is your desktop background currently? Thomas Barrow on the beach in the Season 4 Christmas Special
Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them @duomaxwell02 with my face :O 
First colour name you can think of that isn’t in the rainbow White
What timekeeping devices are in the room you are currently in? Two wall clocks, though one is very old and doesn’t wind anymore. I also have a clock @duoloopo ‘s dad made for me. It’s on the piano. 
What kind of headphones do you use? JBL Bluetooth, noise canceling 
What musical artists have you seen perform live? Foo Fighters (3x), Incubus (3x), Red Hot Chili Peppers, Smashing Pumpkins, Beastie Boys, Audioslave, Justin Timberlake, Troy Sivan, Arctic Monkeys, The Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, Queen (but with Roger Daughtry, not Freddy... for obvious reasons.). Probably a whole bunch of others I’m blanking on. 
Does virginity matter to you? Not really. 
What gaming consoles do you or your family own? PS4, PS2, PS1, XBox 360, N64, Gamecube, Wii, NES, SNES, various Gameboys, Nintendo DS, PSP
What pets do you have? What are their names? Two cats, Hemingway and Renji
What’s the best job you’ve ever had? I like freelance art gigs the best. As for ‘normal people jobs’, I once was a sign painter for Whole Foods. That was pretty fun, minus the work drama. 
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? Food service. 
What magazines do you read, if any? I’ll pick up Time once in a while
Inspiration behind your URL? My classic original URL was LinkWorshiper and had been since AIM first existed. I picked it because Zelda was the first fandom I ever joined. Now I’ve changed all my handles (except on AO3) to reflect my actual name, as my literary agent thinks it’s more professional. 
Inspiration behind your blog title? Mean Girls. I always chuckle imagining Thomas and Jimmy as some Edwardian version of the Plastics. 
Favourite item of clothing? My Downton livery waistcoat. And the stiff bosomed shirt and collars I have to go with it. 
Are you friends with any exes? Nah. By the time I felt comfortable enough to possibly try, I also didn’t care enough to. 
Name at least one book you loved as a child. His Dark Materials (the trilogy by Philip Pullman). I still love them and am jazzed that he’s writing more these days. 
What’s your native language? If that language has distinct regional variations, which variation? (eg. AU English, US English) US English, mostly a northeastern dialect/accent
What email service do you use? Gmail
Is there anything hanging on the walls of the room you are currently in? So much stuff. I have a mood board full of Downtons stuff over my desk, various DA posters and memorabilia, plus some artwork I’ve done, and some of my JC Leyendecker collection. The aforementioned wall clocks, a San Francisco cable car bell, Sailor Moon and a few other little knickknacks, like my hamsa. To name a few lol. 
What’s your favourite number, and why? 212 because it’s Manhattan’s area code and also because it used to be the notation for one of my favorite ships in an old fandom. 
Earliest moment in your life you can remember? Sitting under the table and looking at my grandma, who was wearing a Cruella Deville dress she’d knit herself. Like, it had the actual Disney character on it. Pretty cool to a little guy, I guess!
What did you have for dinner yesterday? Quesadilla 
How often do you brush your teeth? Whenever they feel gross
What’s your favourite candy/chocolate? Lately, I’ve been into Junior Mints. 
Have you had other blogs on Tumblr? Do you have any other blogs currently? This blog used to have my old handle, linkworshiper. I did a small Whole Foods blog when I worked with them, but it never went anywhere. 
If you were suddenly really hungry, what would you choose to eat? Sushi
What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of? Downton Abbey, though lately I’ve been crazy busy and not as active as I once was. Casually still poking at old fandoms like Zelda and Gundam Wing to name a few. 
If you could study anything, what would it be? More art education can’t hurt. Maybe some formal history education. 
Do you use anything on your lips? (eg. Chapstick, gloss, balm, lipstick) Chapstick 
How would you describe your sense of humour? Seinfeld 
What things annoy you more than anything else? Mouth noises
What kind of position are you in at the moment? Sitting
Do you wear much jewellery? Nope
Who is the leader of your country, currently? Any other levels of government with leaders? (State, region, province, county, district, municipality, etc) Three supposedly equal branches of government, currently being run into the ground by a clown 
Last 3 blogs on your dashboard, not including any of your own @halcyondaze @mab1905 @lavender-hued-melancholy
What do you carry your money in? I try to never carry cash, but I carry a small wallet 
Do you enjoy driving? Why or why not? I like it but sometimes it feels like a chore, especially during a commute. @duoloopo thinks I’m a shit driver so she tries to drive whenever she can, which has pluses and minuses. 
Longest drive you have ever been on? Savannah GA to San Francisco, CA in a UHaul
Furthest away from home you have ever been? Germany 
How many times have you moved house? God, I don’t even know. More than ten. 
What is on the floor of the room you’re currently in, not including furniture? Cat toys, unused canvases
How many devices do you own which can access the internet? Phone, computer, iPad, various game consoles 
Is there is anything that is guaranteed to always make you happy? Thomas and Jimmy <3 <3 
Is there anything that always makes you sad? Thinking too hard about being a failure
What programs do you currently have open? I just rebooted, so only Chrome, Spotify and Photoshop
What do you associate the colour red with? This line in the Kate Bush Song Blue Symphony, which goes, ‘I associate love with red, the color of my heart when she’s dead.’ 
Last strong smell you can remember smelling? The Greek food I ordered in for dinner
Last healthy thing you ate? Roasted veggies
Do you drink tea or coffee, and how much per day? I prefer tea, and I drink coffee for energy, though sometimes I think it just makes me crash harder. 
What do you associate the colour blue with? The sky
How long is the closest ruler you can find? 12 inches
What colour pants/skirt/etc are you currently wearing? Dark blue
When was the last time you drank water? About a minute ago
How often do you clear your browser history? Rarely
Do you believe nude photos can be artistic, rather than erotic? Yes
Ever written fanfiction for anything? Oh God, yes. You can still find it under Link Worshiper on AO3, though some of my ‘classics’ have been removed since I turned them into original manuscripts 
Last formal event you attended My cousin’s wedding
If you had to move your birthday to another date, which one would you choose and why? Maybe inch my birth year up just by two so that I’d stop being called a damn millennial. At my age, I really just don’t relate to the generation even though technicalities make me a part of it. 
Would you prefer to be at a beach or in the countryside? Beach
Roughly how many people live in your town? 52,000
Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? Leonard Nimoy :D 
Favourite place to shop? Can be a certain store or a place where there are multiple stores I haven’t really gone shopping since the pandemic. Right now, it feels like the only place to buy anything is Amazon XD
Do you have a smartphone? What kind? If you don’t, do you want one? Samsung. It’s not a Galaxy but is a new model and a fraction of the price. 
What is your least favourite colour, and why? I don’t think I dislike any colors honestly. 
How do you spell grey/gray? Grey. I’ve got too many British online associates to ever go back. 
Go to your dashboard and describe the image shown in the radar section (below the “Find blogs” link) It’s Umbrella Academy fanart of Klaus. He’s in black and white with this hands over his eyes and the background is red. It’s very graphic. 
What difference is there between how many followers you have, and the number of blogs you follow? 736
How many posts do you have? 8,859
How many posts have you liked? I can’t find the stat D: 
Do you post mainly reblogs, or your own content? Mainly reblogs but I pepper in my own content when I can. Lately, I haven’t had time to do as much fanart though, and I kind of feel like it’s not worth bothering to post my original stuff. Nobody follows my blog for that. 
Do you track any tags? No. 
What time is it currently? 7:33 PM CMT
Is there anything you should be doing right now? Waking up @duoloopo. TIME TO JUMP ON THE BED. 
tagging, if they feel like it: @abbys-little-whippersnapper​ @bumblebarrow​ @irrationalgame​ @downtoncat​ @mab1905​ @duoloopo​
and everyone who I’ve forgotten
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artificialqueens · 5 years
How To Motivate, Encourage, and Inspire Writers - A Masterpost
Hey guys! I am reposting this guide because it got mysteriously deleted. This version includes some new additions and advice for readers.
This is meant to be a guide to help people give valuable, inspiring feedback, as well as how to send in prompts and requests that are more likely to be used. Remember that these are simply suggestions designed to help YOU as a reader get more of what you want. <3
Please let me know if you have anything to add, as this post was a collaborative effort and it can only get better with more input.  
What Readers Can Do
1. Like and reblog the stories you enjoy. Fanfic authors don’t get paid. Their only “currency” is notes and feedback. Seeing the notes climb, as silly as it may seem, is a huge motivator to write more. If you are shy about using your main blog for this, you can always create a sideblog and reblog the fic you like there. Authors will notice this and it’s also a great record when you want to go back to fic that you enjoy!
2. Positive feedback! A simple “I love this” or “I can’t wait for more” is great if that’s all you have to say, as well as general writer appreciation, but even better...
3. Comment with specifics. What did you like about the story or writing style? You can talk about the plot itself, characterization, dialogue, the writer’s voice or sense of humor, how the story made you feel, what you’d like to see more of...anything, even the smallest detail, that made you enjoy reading it. Nothing is more motivating for a writer than knowing that their hard work is appreciated.
Some examples of great comments with places to fill in the blanks with specifics. Feel free to use all or part of these as templates when you want to send a comment but you’re not sure where to begin:
[Author Name] - your last fic was so [complimentary adjective]! You really [description of something they did well]. Can’t wait for your next [story/chapter].
[Author Name] - I love [Title] so much! I especially love [part you enjoyed].
I hope we get more of [Title] from [Author Name]. It is [complimentary adjective].
Just read [Title] and [exclamation]! I am [emotion or state of mind].
I really loved [Title] by [Author Name]! My favorite part was probably [specific impactful theme or moment in fic], because it really made me feel [emotional response].
I am [emotion or state of mind] over [Title] by [Author Name]. It was so [descriptive adjective] when [describe moment in story].
Some more examples of really great, detailed, inspiring comments.
4. Start an actual dialogue with an author. As mentioned above, reblogging with comments (even just in the tags) is great. You can also send asks directly to their blogs, DM them, or send additional asks when they respond. Authors may have questions for you, and being able to interact can easily spark something or help them find direction where they were stuck. You can find a list of authors’ sideblogs here if you want to send messages directly to them.
5. Direct requests and prompts to specific writers who you enjoy. Start with why you like them and then explain your idea or request. By doing that, they will start off knowing that they are appreciated, making them way more likely to get excited by your suggestion. Try to phrase things in an open-ended and positive way. “I’d love to see how you would handle [prompt situation/pairing/suggestion]” or “here’s an idea, I think you could do something really cool with it.” The more detailed and supportive your prompt is, the more likely it is that someone will get excited and inspired by it. If your request is for “more” of something that exists, include a reason why you like that story, author, etc. If your request is for something different, talk about something else you liked and why.
Examples of how to send in requests and prompts to specific writers, or include a compliment:
[Author Name(s)] is/are awesome and I would love for them to write more [ship or thing you love].
I would give anything for more [ship or request], especially if it’s similar to [Title(s)], they are my favorite!
I love [Author Name]’s style so much, and I’d be so happy if they wrote [ship/thing you want from them].
I wonder how [Author Name] or [Author Name] would handle [idea]? I would love to read that!
[Title] by [Author Name] is so [positive adjective]! It makes me really want them to try [idea] because I bet they would [motivating phrase like “kill it!”].
[Author Name] - have you ever considered writing [prompt]? [Motivating sentence like “I would die for that!”] 
I really love [ship], especially [story title(s)/author name(s)]. I would love to see one where [prompt].
6. Creating artwork, edits, moodboards, or anything inspired by a story you like. This is like, the PINNACLE for most writers. Knowing that someone connected to something you wrote enough to take time out of their day to create something inspired by your story. It’s like drugs. ART IS DRUGS PASS IT ON.
7. If you are a writer, comment on other writers’ stories! You know more than anyone how hard they worked, so please show your fellow authors some love.
1. Anything that sounds aggressive or demanding. You catch more flies with honey.
2. Complaining about the lack of a certain ship, ESPECIALLY if ANYTHING featuring that ship has been posted in the last month of so. Writers are reading these comments, especially if they have posted recently. Can you imagine how demoralizing it is to post a story and then 3 days later, read a comment bemoaning how there’s NOTHING from that ship, that ship is dead, etc? Like this, written about one of the most popular, enduring ships in the fandom with some of the most prolific, talented writers here:
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Don’t be that anon. ^
3. Begging and whining, especially for something extremely vague - this sounds way less cute than you think, and reading something like “I will die if I don’t get more [ship]” is more annoying than inspiring. Especially if, as stated above, the thing you are dying over already exists.
4. Giving nothing at all. Most of the writers expect to at least see their work is noticed. If there are no responses at all, they can’t provide you with anything new. And worst case scenario, they lose the motivation to finish it because they think no one is interested.
Notes From Some Writers (and Readers!)
“I’m famously horrendously bad at abandoning fics but about 95% of my will to continue to keep writing is because I know other people are reading and interested that I keep writing, and I’m sure that’s how a lot of other writers operate too. We’re all fuelled by positive reinforcement, so please tell us! Oh, and btw, commenting just to get mad at lack of updates is not encouragement and is actually super irritating and stressful. Just so ya know.” - Edith
“Having an artist come to you and say ‘Hey, I was inspired by your story’ is FANTASTIC. And also encouraging because someone has taken time to create something and say ‘hey, I really liked the thing you made’. It becomes a cycle.” - Kitschy
“Take a look anywhere, on AQ or ao3 or any other platforms. You’ll see (on ao3), probably at most, 10:1 ratio for hits to kudos, alone. There are even less comments. On AQ, probably a 10:1 ratio for likes to reblogs, and the most popular fics only have a little over 100 notes period. Now, consider that it can take a writer months to be happy with a fic they submit. This takes countless hours. Fiction writers, in real life, get money for their work. We get nothing. Nothing, that is, except whatever appreciation you can give us. If we put work and our hearts and souls into something and get nothing, we question our talent, our abilities, our devotion. We refresh the pages where our works are posted constantly, hoping for some feedback, some appreciation, and most readers only read the fiction and give no feedback or appreciation whatsoever.
“All you, as a reader, have to do to make us happy is take 1 to fifteen minutes out of your day to leave a comment, send an ask, send a message to a sideblog. Leave commentary in the tags if you reblog. Any reaction at all. It is all we get for the work we put in.” - Miss Bianca
“My 2 cents I guess is just to get into a habit of acknowledging works that you like. Even for me I'll read stuff and really enjoy it but forget to comment or like it so I'm gonna work on it and I’d like everyone else do it as well. Once people get in the habit of commenting and liking it becomes second nature and with that kind of positive environment it allows writers to grow.” - MissChimKi
“Going back in time, my first work was posted two years ago, and the last comment I got was a huge thank you for writing such a good story and the emotions of that reader, it’s the kind of tiny little things that give me fuel to keep writing.” - Saiphl
“I once wrote 5000 words in a day simply because someone told me that they were reading my smut in church. So, extreme enthusiasm is awesome, but don’t feel like you have to exaggerate and say ‘this is the best thing I ever read.’ A simple ‘I am going to hell...I was in a church service reading Exposed chapter 9’ is more than enough!” - Veronica
“Something that motivates me as a writer is when readers pick out parts of my fic to say why they enjoyed them. Advice for readers would be to never think you’re complimenting too much! I’ve seen some readers cut their asks short because they don’t want to gush too much. As writers we love praise and attention, we’re like Tinkerbell really!” - Vixen
What It Can Feel Like To a Writer to Read the Asks (Inspired by @artificialeevee )
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