#nevermind me!! i'm having a narcissistic rage episode!! also i've been playing needy streamer overload again lately and i think it's
equalperson Β· 7 months
ohhh my god i don't even know where to start. this dumb bitch popped up on my "foryou" page (twitter) and they had thisp rofile picture of smithers smoking. like, that one where he's all unshaven and such. from "blood feud," if you actually fucking know anything about him. anywayh i checked their profile and they aren't even a simpsons fan, that insipid fucking cunt.
i don't know why it's pissing meo ff so much?? i hate people in my territory. shut up about your transition, i don't care. good for you, i'm prettier. i'm better at being trans. i'm cuter. i'm handsomer. i look good in skirts and jeans. everybody has thought that i'm hot shit since i was born. my doctor said i should've gotten into modeling when i was a toddler. people still say that about me, even as a man. if i were on testosterone, it would look better on me. you'll never be anything compared to me. i hope you live your life knowing that, living in my shadow, you failure of a man.
i'm so territorial, i don't know why. other people are allowed to be simpsons fans, but never one-up me. I'M the smithers guy. that's MY special interest. you've never felt the way i feel about him. you don't think about him as much as i do. i bet you're not even autistic. i bet he isn't even your comfort character. you could be having a paranoid episode and he wouldn't even help. i bet you're not even psychotic. just another way that i'm more worldly than you. i know everything, bitch. my disabilities give me experience. my heart and lungs and eyes may hurt constantly and i may be constantly confused and scared but at least i have experiences. i'm interesting. can you say the same???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
how fucking vapid. i bet they don't even know the context of the photo. how conceited of you to identify yourself by his pain without even understanding it. "ohhh he looks depressed he's smoking isn't that so me??" no it isn't. you'll never spend as many hours psychoanalyzing him as i have. you'll never be as knowledgeable as i am. one day, you'll be dead and gone, and you'll have nothing. i'll have everything. i'm going to be something.
that's my main special interest, man. i'm fine with people using simpsons profile pictures or posting about the simpsons without being a fan, but I'M the authority on smithers. he's not even popular. there are like five other fans of him. yet people who don't even think about him like that invade my space, my domain. i'll kill you, dumbass.
people masquerading as me, pretending to be something special. remember that evil bitch who uploaded that stupid post on here in 2023? "oh smithers would listen to lana del ray. smithers would be a tumblr user. smithers would post about fucking that old man and we'd all think it was normal." SHUT UP I HATE YOU. i hate yoy i hate you ia hate yoiu i fucking HATE YOU. SHUT UP AND DIE. I WISH YOU WERE DEAD. i'll bash your head in if we ever cross paths, cunt. (NOT BEING LITERAL don't report me)
the way they took my prestige from me. it got, what? tens of thousands of notes, maybe hundreds of thousands? i don't remember. they didn't deserve that. look at their tumblr, they don't even post about them. fucking south park fan. pretending to care about him when i deserve all their glory.
i was so upset back then. i was taking a break from tumblr and didn't even know what was happening. i found out a month or two after it went viral. i was so ruined. everything was destroyed. everything was gone. i thought i failed. i was so upset with myself and i couldn't shake it off for days until i eventually called a crisis hotline. i just couldn't take it. i can't fucking live like this. but then i just started thinking like... wait....what's my problem?? it's THEIR fault. THEY'RE the one who hurt me. nobody can do that. the worst crime in the world is bothering me, offending me, making me doubt myself. what a devil. fucking pig.
i never confronted them or anything, i don't do that. but every fucking day i thought about them and how much i hated them. i stopped at some point but thinking about them still makes me so fucking angry. they think they're so big. they think theye'r as good as i am. news flash, dumbass!! we aren't equal, we aren't all special. it's what parents tell us to make us feel good about ourselves but still be good to others. you're below me. you're an ant under my foot, i'm a god. you're nothing compared to me. stay in your lane. live and die in your disgusting pocket of earth.
i hate when people think they can just do whatever they want with my interests. like them or find something else. find some ugly anime aesthetic image if you want your profile picture to be smoking so bad. you post selfies, do it yourself! you'll never make it work, though.
i can't even vent about it on twitter because they're mutuals with one of my mutuals. that's my favorite mutual on there, they can't see me parasocially telling their other mutual to kill themselves.
god i hope this doesn't pop up in any tags. i'd hate if other simpsons fans saw this. what if they go on my main?? i'll be fucking ruined. those boors aren't ready for an openly narcissistic influence. i don't even have a following on my main yet. i need to become their god first.
WAIT fuck i forgot to block them on twitter. i don't even remember their handle. i don't even know if i can go back. just seeing their page makes me so fucking angry. thinking about them makes me angry. i need them dead. i can't wait to check out their obituary in 40 years and see that i outlive them. i'll have achieved godhood while they'll have come and gone like a passing fad. i'll have freedom and fame, i'll be a revolutionary. i'll sell books and they'll be best-sellers. i'll change the way the world looks at us. but not them. i'll be something, though.
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