cherrylomain · 2 months
I know its an insane thought but if I was the type of person who can just have babies I wonder if having one would distract me from like. Everything
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hatkuu · 9 months
I was reading those "Kylar gets sexually harassed by students after discovering that he has a big dick" asks, and i was thinking, what if Kylar ended up at the mercy of PC's uh..passion, instead of the usual? Students get a bit too touchy feely with Kylar because of what he's packing, and PC suddenly discover that they're A LOT more possessive and jealous than they had thought. They grab Kylar, take him back to their/his room, and RAVAGE him. They spend all night marking him and filling his hole/draining his balls by manhandling him in different positions. Maybe PC ends up feeling bad the day after, but hey, it was to send a message...
me personally i would NOT feel bad bc why was kylar letting everyone else see their dick in the first place? asking to be punished imo...
definitely shoving his face into the matress while he squeals about how he 'didn't mean to!' and that he'd 'nevernevernever do something like this to you!' a disgusting blend of snot and tears is smeared all over your sheets, ruining the cotton. if you've managed to freak kylar out enough they'll start sobbing and weakly trying to squirm out of your grip. until he realises what you intend to do, that is...
m!kylar and gen!reader utc. bottom kylar :)
"I didn't know you were a whore, Kylar." Your palm cups his cheek as the head of your cock/strap catches on his ring-tight hole. It quivers.
In anticipation or fear, you can't tell.
"N-Nuh— No! Nononono! I'm not a whore i-it was an accident!" Kylar outright sobs, fighting against your grip as he kicks his legs out beneath you in frustration. Kylar spits the title like it's sin, somethign that neither of you should ever be called. He cries loudly—loud enough for the whole of the orphanage to hear—which is just what you wanted.
Kylar hates when you press his buttons like this; making him feel like he's misbehaved or, even worse, cheated. Normally it's just offhanded teasing; a smack on the ass here or there, giving Robin a stray kiss on the cheek - those are the kind of things that rile Kylar up. But you adore pressing his buttons and making him frustrated enough that he can feel the beginnings of hatred bubbling up within his gut.
So, of course, you know just the right buttons to press.
"Awww, well you shouldn't have been sleeping around, baby!"
Kylar screams, thrashing against you enough that you begin to struggle holding him down. You'd never expect there to be so much strength in such a little body.
"No! No! You have it a-all wrong!" He howls into your sheets as the entirety of your cock breaches his tight walls. "'M not a w-whore! I-I'd never do that to you!" You groan at the feeling, shifting your hips as you try to wiggle the entirety of your cock inside of you. "Pleasepleaseplease believe me! I'd nevernevernever—"
"Shh, I'm just teasing." You lean down close to Kylar's ear, pressing a wet kiss against his cheekbone as you soothe his feral outburst. "Be a good boy and take it for me, okay?"
Kylar whines like a bitch, nodding obediently.
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peekapen · 9 months
Into the Deep Chapter 4
Sun does something stupid and you get really scared. Thankfully afterwards you find out another thing Moon likes.
"Soooo~," Sun asked as he lay beside his brother who was busy eating the tuna you had left for him. "They're pretty great, aren't they?"
Moon glared up at his brother as he ate his meal. Moon had been in a bit of a sour mood since Sun had chastised him about how he had treated you, but he had totally deserved it! You had been nothing but nice to them and he almost drowned you! He tried to pull you back in after having let you go, what else could it have meant except for that he had wanted to drown you unlike all of those before you?!
"They're...fine. But you need to be more careful. Don't think I didn't hear you speak to them earlier in their language." Moon chastized and Sun whined.
"Why?! Moonie, they're so, so sweet and gentle! And so fun too! They brought almost every toy I've seen the other humans play with the Mers here and let me choose what I wanted to play with! It was so, so thoughtful of them!" Sun said as he excitedly started waving his hands around.
"Did they now?" Moon asked, disinterested as he continued to eat his treat.
"Yes! They brought a whole bunch of those puzzles I've always wanted to try out and some I'd never seen before! One of my favorites were these Japanese Puzzle Boxes. They were so, so, so complex but also so, so, so cool! And they were so impressed every time I solved one of those puzzles. Apparently, they've never been able to solve even a single one in their entire life, but I was able to solve all of them in a few hours." Sun boasted as he puffed out his chest proudly. "They even brought a little notepad and things called markers to draw with. It was so, so, so, SO much fun! I really love spending time with them, they're such a great, great, great friend!"
Moon had finished his tuna at this point and had now turned to face Sun fully, but Sun didn't like the look on Moon's face when he did. He always hated it when Moon carried that tired and worrying look, it always made him feel like a pup again. Moon should trust him! He's a grown Mer now and doesn't need to be constantly looked after!
"Sunny...I'm glad you're having a good time with them, but they're a human. More importantly, they're supposed to be looking after us. If they found what you did interesting, it was probably just to write it down and tell their superiors about this. What do you think they'll do to us if they found out that you're capable of solving these puzzles easily? They'll keep us here, whether we're ready to go home again or not, and use us as attractions. And that's nothing compared to what will happen if they find out we can speak in their language! Remember what happened to Mom and Dad." Moon hissed and Sun winced at the memory.
Mom and Dad...He hadn't thought about them in a very, very long time. He'd almost forgotten what they looked like, but he remembered his mom being super duper pretty and his dad being really, really strong. Back when he and Moon were still pups they had been killed by some sailors they had considered friends according to Moon, leaving them on their own. Sun didn't remember much from that day, but Moon had and became incredibly protective of Sun afterward. It's because of that protectiveness that Moon had gotten so many scars...and how they ended up here in the first place...
"They wouldn't." Sun said shortly, claws coming out as he started pulling lightly on his head fins. "They wouldn't. They're too nice, too sweet. Would never hurt us. Nevernevernever!"
"I know you think that Sun, but please be more careful. Don't get your hopes up like I did, it will only lead to more pain when they betray you." Moon told him, but Sun wasn't listening anymore.
He shook his head from side to side wildly before rushing to and diving into the water, leaving his brother on the shore as he raced through the reefs, kelps, and caves that made up their tiny underwater pen. Granted it was big for a pen, but it could never beat the feel of swimming through the endless ocean. He swam and swam until he made it to the farthest point of their glassy prison where he could see the large building you came from and left to every time you'd come to visit. You were somewhere in there, probably resting up so that you could come and visit Moon later. He nervously swam from one side of the pen to the other, growing worried about what you'd do with the information now that Moon had put it in his head that you could betray them. You wouldn't tell on him though, of course not! You were too kind to do that, too sweet...right?
He whined, worried before coming up with an idea: He would just stay here and wait for you until you came back! He needed to know what you were doing with all of that information, needed to be sure you wouldn't hurt them by telling anyone. He needed to show Moon that his trust in you wasn't silly, that it was well-earned. He needed you to be different, to be good unlike all those who came before you. He needed an actual friend that he knew he could trust unlike all of the other 'friends' he'd had before. He let out a loud whine at the last thought and continued worriedly swimming from side to side by the glass walls, waiting for your small form to appear.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You groaned in annoyance as you looked down at your notes, hating how lazy they were and how little you spoke of the truly incredible experiences you had had yesterday. As a part of your job as a caretaker for Mers, you had to write an account about what happened during your sessions together and you were at a loss about what to write. Had it been before your meeting with Vanessa, you would've happily filled in all of the incredible things you had witnessed, no questions asked, but now you weren't sure. The fact that so much information on the Mers had not been given to you in the beginning, and which still has not been brought to you was already triggering alarm bells in your mind. But the threat of firing you if you didn't put those weird collars on them when no other caretaker had been able to do that before you just made you feel more and more ill at ease.
Something weird was going on, and until you figured out what it was there was no way you were going to put those collars on your boys! They were under your protection and nothing, not even losing your dream job would force you to put your responsibilities as their caretaker aside. For now, you would keep it as vague as you could and not mention anything about just how much Sun had done during your visit and look into what these collars were actually for. Maybe you were being paranoid and they really were just for keeping track of their vitals, but considering the threat you were given if you did not put them on Sun and Moon, you had your suspicions about things being a lot more than they seemed.
You sighed and finished the very lazy report before sending it off, ignoring your perfectionistic tendencies to add more detail to it. It seemed just proper enough to not raise suspicion, but if you were called out on it you'd just make stuff up until you knew for sure you could trust the people here. God, you felt so silly being so paranoid, but something in your gut kept telling you that the way you were doing things now was right, that something was wrong here and you were doing the right thing. You sighed again before pushing yourself out of your seat and getting ready to meet with Moon.
Now that you had seen how clever Sun was, you wondered if Moon was clever too, and if he was, how clever. But you weren't sure if he would be as interested in puzzles as Sun was, so you'd just have to find out in time. You were sure to pack a few tunas to try and coax him out of the water, a medkit if he got close enough to check him, a small tranq gun for emergencies, a harmonica, all of the toys you had brought for Sun, a set of goggles in case he pulled you under the water again and finally a collection of short folk tales from the library. The last one was more for you than for Moon. This way if he didn't show himself at all during the night you could just read for a while instead. Maybe if you read aloud, you could entice him to come out and listen!
Once everything was ready you headed out to their enclosure, ready to start the night. As you walked you decided to look up at the sky and you were very, very happy you did. Because the island you were on only housed the Sanctuary and the Sanctuary in question had dim lights at night, so you could see the entire sky filled with beautiful, twinkling stars of a variety of colors. You smiled as you caught sight of a few constellations before wondering if Moon'd scales mimicked the constellations too. They looked almost exactly like the sky as it was right now, so it could be a possibility, however small that might be.
You were torn from your thoughts though when you heard distressed cries coming from one of the enclosures. Concerned you looked around you before freezing as your eyes landed on Sun and Moon's enclosure. Sun was floating near the front of the tank, unresponsive as Moon tried to feed Sun some fish that were floating around him which could only be leftovers from dinner time earlier. Your eyes widened in shock and you quickly grabbed the medkit and goggles before rushing into the enclosure and jumping into the water.
You swam as fast as you could over to the two Mers, but when Moon saw you as you neared them he blocked your path to Sun, baring his teeth and his claws as he did so. You tried to get past him, but every time you'd try he'd get in your way or swipe at you, keeping you from doing your job. After a few more failed tries and close calls, you swam back to the surface and thought of a new plan.
"Sunny! Sun, where are you, buddy?" You yelled out, hoping that you could coax him towards you instead of having to go through Moon. After all, Sun was very responsive to your voice so far, so it was worth a shot. For a moment there was silence and then you felt movement by your feet. For a moment you worried Moon was going to drag you under again, but when you saw a bunch of orange-gold fins poking out followed by a pair of tired white eyes you relaxed. Sun let out a happy chirp as he saw you and tiredly swam up to you before putting all of his weight on you, causing you to sink into the water. You yelped and gently pushed him off of you and instead stroked the fins on his head, watching as his eyes closed and he let out a content purr. "Hey, Sunny. I'm happy to see you too, but before we can hug, we need to get to the shore, okay? Then you can get a bunch of hugs."
Sun let out a happy chirp at this and started swimming to the shore, you close behind. After a couple of seconds though Sun lost speed before he started to sink, but before you could grab and tow him back up above the water, Moon had grabbed his brother's arm and slung it over his shoulders before following you. You knew that Moon was displeased by you being here by the glare he was giving you, but you could tell that his brother was his first priority as he focused most of his attention on keeping Sun afloat rather than on hating you.
Before long you made it back to the shore and as soon as you were able to stand you turned back around to help Moon get Sun onto the shore, but Moon growled at you, so you kept your distance and waited instead. Once Sun touched the dry sand he nearly fell in his eagerness to lie there, but thankfully Moon was able to slow his descent enough so that Sun didn't fall flat on his face. Once he was lying down, you slowly walked over and when Moon failed to react negatively, you crouched down next to Sun and opened your medkit to grab the stethoscope and started listening for his heart.
As you did your check-up on Sun, Moon curled up next to his brother, curling his tail around him but staying perched up on his lower arms, watching you work with an intense glare on his face. The more time that went on though, the more you saw the dark Mer redirect his attention to his brother rather than you, showing just a sliver of trust in you and you smiled to yourself, grateful for it. As you finished your small examination, you double-checked your list to make sure you had gone through everything that could be the cause for Sun's strange condition when you noticed something with Moon's tail in the corner of your eye.
It was hard to see, but halfway down the underside of his tail was a large lump that you had not seen before. Your eyes widened at this discovery, realizing that this had to be what was making Moon swim crookedly. You immediately wanted to start working on it to relieve Moon from his discomfort, but before you could work on Moon, you needed to finish up with Sun and figure out what was going on. Huh, nothing seemed wrong with his vitals...His heartbeat was fine, his blood pressure was good, his stomach was grumbling a lot and he looked tired but-oh my god. You laughed as you realized what was going on, startling the two Mers before you put your stuff away and turned to Sun as you cupped his face in your hands
"Sunny, my silly boy no reason you're looking so out of it! You haven't eaten dinner and you're not asleep, silly Mer." You cooed at the Mer affectionately as you petted a few of his 'rays' as you've now decided to call them. Sun let out a few churrs of denial before yawning and you giggled before standing up, ignoring his pouty stare as you did so. You had just taken one step forward when Sun grabbed your leg with a loud whine, keeping you in place as Moon growled at you which made you sigh as a fond smile found its way to your lips. "I'll be right back boys, I just need to get some food for Sun and my other equipment. How does tuna sound, Sun?"
At the word tuna Moon quieted down and Sun let out a happy trill at this before letting you go to grab him something to eat. You smiled and quickly headed back out through the door you had carelessly left open in your worry. Infinitely grateful that the two hadn't noticed due to the drama that had just occurred you quickly closed it before grabbing the cart you had left outside, opening it again, and closing it once more behind you. When Sun saw the cart and the toys in it that you had brought for Moon he let out an excited squeal and tried to grab them, but Moon growled at him, lightly smacked his head, and curled on top of Sun, using his weight to keep Sun down. Sun growled and whined at Moon, but the Moonlight Mer didn't respond and instead opted to pretend to be asleep so as not to hear his indignant brother. You let out a quiet 'aww' at the scene before grabbing two tunas, one for each of them, the harmonica and the book of stories you had grabbed earlier.
Once you had collected all that you needed, you handed Sun his tuna which he quickly devoured and placed Moon's nearby. However, Moon didn't make a move for it and continued to pretend to be asleep, so you tried pushing it a little closer to him whilst keeping a safe distance. When he still didn't reach for it, you slowly picked it up and nervously handed it to him, thinking he was probably asleep and you didn't want to disturb him. He quickly snatched it from your hands before he started tearing it to shreds, leaving you stunned, but happy that he was growing to trust you. As soon as Sun was done eating he tried to reach for the toys again, but you grabbed his clawed hand instead, prompting him to turn to you instead.
"I know you want to play Sunny, but we can't right now. You need to sleep, cause without sleep, how can you have a fun time playing?" You asked and Sun paused, glancing between you and the toys before letting out a defeated whine.
Once Moon heard it, he moved off of Sun, continuing to eat as you followed the Sunlight Mer to the spot he had been sleeping in before. But before he started burrowing under the sand, he turned to you one last time, an anxious look on his face and you felt your heart hurt a little at the fear shown in those pretty white eyes of his. You slowly walked up to Sun, careful not to make any sudden movements as you gently took his face in your hands and pressed your forehead against his, knowing that touch would be the best way to soothe this anxious Mer.
"Aww, don't worry bud! remember, I'll be back soon to check up on you, but you need to sleep. No more staying up at night, okay?" You said and Sun chittered before giving you your usual lick, but this time in the middle of your face. You gasped a bit in surprise which made Sun let out something akin to a laugh before he disappeared into the sand to rest. Grateful that Sun was finally asleep, you turned back to Moon to find him still eating, but that wasn't really a surprise. You shrugged your shoulders and decided to take this time to relax next to him so that he could get used to your presence and started reading your book.
Before long you were absorbed in the short stories in the book, happily reading tale after tale as time ticked by. Yes, you knew a lot of these stories already, but you hadn't read them for a while and had found a bunch of delightful and horrific little details you didn't remember from when you last read them as a child. As you finished your fifth story and started on the sixth you heard sand shift and felt a long, warm body curl around you. Thinking it was Sun, you got ready to remind him he was supposed to be sleeping, but the words died on your tongue as you saw Moon curled around you whilst he looked out at the water, his upper half on your left and a part of his tail visible on your right with the rest being hidden behind you. Your eyes widened in amazement at the sight of the usually elusive Mer so close to you, but you quickly looked down at your book again. The last thing you wanted to do was spook this magnificent creature when he just got comfortable around you!
Sadly, he wasn't nearly as focused on ignoring you as you were on trying to ignore him. It only took about a few minutes after you realized Moon was there when said Mer started peaking over your shoulder, curiously looking at the pages as he did so. You tried to be cool, and you think you succeeded decently on the outside, but on the inside, you were squealing like crazy at the incredibleness of this moment. Moon was just lying with you! He was chilling with you! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod-
Your inner excitement was interrupted though by a singular, clawed hand reaching over your left side to point at the picture on the right side of the page, showing a beautiful mermaid kissing a young woman. Confused, you turned to him only to be met with an equally curious Moon cocking his head at the picture. When he saw you staring though he growled, so you promptly looked away before coming up with an idea. turning a few pages back, you started the story of The Siren and the Sweet from the beginning.
"There once was a Siren who lived far out at sea." You started and Moon jumped before turning his attention to the paper, probably figuring out you were reading from it, which made you smile, but you didn't want to lose this moment yet, so you continued.  "The Siren was known far and wide for being the most beautiful woman in all the land and she coveted this title, believing it to be hers and hers alone. One day she heard news from passing sailors that a gorgeous young woman had moved into the nearby lighthouse and that she was the fairest lady they had ever seen who was so lovely she was named after the sweetness of candy. Enraged by her title being stolen, the Siren swam until she came to the old lighthouse where she turned her tail into legs, ran up the stairs, and started banging her fist on the door, ready to kill the woman inside. But when the door opened, she changed her mind as there stood the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. The woman gave her a dazzling smile and invited her in, and the Siren accepted her invitation. The woman introduced herself as Sweet as she served delicious food to the Siren, who ate it all happily. A very fitting name, the Siren thought, for a lady as sweet as she. The Siren stayed for three days and with every day that passed she fell deeper and deeper in love with Sweet, but sadly she would have to go as she could not stay away from the ocean forever. But before she left, she confessed to Sweet who felt the same and, with a kiss full of love and devotion, Sweet was transformed into a Siren herself and the two swam into the sunset, living out the rest of their days happily by the sea."
You ended the tale and snuck a peak at Moon and nearly aww'ed at the sight. Moon was staring at the last picture of the two mermaids swimming through a vibrant golden sea with stars in his eyes and his tail wagging slightly, making you smile. Looks like you found something he liked outside of tuna! You were going to continue reading the next story when you noticed your watch that showed it was nearing 6 a.m. causing you to jump up in surprise. Moon let out a startled yelp at your sudden movement before growling and pulling your legs out from under you, causing you to fall. Before you could try and get up, Moon draped himself over your lap, using his weight to keep you down just as he had with Sun not too long ago. Now you really, really didn't want to go, but you needed to get some rest before working with Sun later!
"Moon..? Can I please get up?" A loud snarl came from Moon at that and you sighed before thinking of what you could do to convince him to let you go. After all, you didn't have any tuna s0-WAIT A MINUTE!!! "If I read you an extra story next time can I leave?"
That got his attention. The tip of Moon's nightcap fin inched toward your face and you giggled as it tickled you before it abruptly pulled away and Moon moved off of you. You were sad you couldn't cuddle with the beautiful Mer anymore tonight, but you knew it was for the best. You quickly grabbed your cart and started moving toward the door when Moon scooted in front of you, barring your way out. You jumped a little, surprised you hadn't heard him before smiling.
"Want to choose a toy before I go? I brought as many as I could." You said before gesturing to the cart.
Moon stared at you for a moment, expression unreadable before he went to the cart and carefully started digging through them. After a few moments, he chose a large ring meant for mouthy pups and Mers and a ball with a paddle on it that would start moving automatically as soon as it got into the water. Once he had chosen his toys, he rushed away from you as fast as he could before diving into the water with his prize. You chuckled, but right before you opened the door you noticed he had also taken all of the leftover tuna without you noticing. You stared at the empty space in your cart for a moment before laughing, impressed at how he had done it and because you found it cute that the big, scary Mer seemed to have a major sweet tooth. Well...not a sweet tooth, but he loved his treats, so kinda..? You shook your head before you could go down another meaningless rabbit hole and headed home for the night, as usual, locking the door behind you as you did so.
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stayconnecteed · 3 months
Still offline but the spiderhan agenda never dies!!!!
link !
kajsd i as actually going to wait til i posted my fic to answer this but it's not ready yet and i saw you're online again!!!!! spiderhan will nevernevernever die!!!! how are you my love?
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There is no more light. Only darkness.
*Hammer curls into a ball and sobs*
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry...
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rodeoromeo · 1 year
okay i am nevernevernever beating the autism allegations
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onlyjaeyun · 6 months
hiiii omg its been a hot minute since ive been on tumblr (uni just loves to constantly throw curveballs my way🎀) and i saw that you were taking a break. how are u??I hope the break is going well for you!
I was really hoping to be a super active anon, but uni just hates meee and i apologize for not checking up on you these past few days 🤕
i nevernevernever want u to feel rushed or anything especially since i understand how stressful writing can be, but do you think you have an estimate on when you're coming back? don't worry if you dont, we do not mind at all waiting for you!
okay this ask was super random and kind of all over the place but i just wanted to check up on my fav writer!! remember to take care of yourself and your mental health <33
(sorry for the grammar mistakes its like 4 in the morning and im on my 2nd redbull woohoo uni!!!)
i know you sent me this weeks ago and im SO sorry for replying so late, pls bear with me 🤕😷
thank you so much for not only checkinc in with me (i miss u ☹️) but also sending me such dweet and reassuring words, you have no idea how much this means to me 🥺🥺🥺🤍☁️✨
i hope life's been treatinc you well baby!!!!🤍🤍 sending you a big kiss!
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badnikbreaker · 2 years
@sxnicthehedgehxg​ : “  yeah,  i’ll be here.  i’ll be here when you’re ready to stop running.  ” - for surge!     /     accepting.
HE SAYS IT LIKE HE WANTS IT TO BE A COMFORT / OR A PROMISE / LIKE HE THINKS THIS IS ANOTHER KINDNESS.  Oh, look at the perfect hero, standing so high!  He’d ever deign to show kindness to A MONSTER.  Look at how good he is, how admirable, how gentle, how patient!!  LOOK AT THE HERO!  LOOK AT THE HERO!  LOOK AT THE HERO!!!!
Something in her breaks / shatters, fragile - thin.
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Something in her breaks / shatters, rotting heart giving way.  
“No matter what I do, you’ll always — be the perfect fuckin’ hero that’ll always keep LETTIN’ PEOPLE LIKE ME SUFFER FOR YOUR USELESS MORALS, and you’ll always be the reason that I’M LIKE THIS.”
Look at the perfect hero.  He’d even deign to show kindness to a monster.  Look at the perfect hero.  
Never safe.  Never whole.  Never alive.  LOOK AT HOW KIND THE HERO IS.
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hanjoonhwi · 4 years
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lumchan · 4 years
i will never stop thinking abt bellemere and the hat scene 
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shulmansays · 4 years
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In celebration of her 84th birthday, I have compiled a playlist that I dedicate to those who introduced me to the music of the iconic @DameShirleyBassey DBE. Click on the 👆 LinkIn.Bio 👆 to read all about it, to watch the videos, and to download #TheBirleyShasseyPlaylist on @AppleMusic, now! [Photos: 2013 by @RobynBeck_AFP; 1973 by #HubertusBlume; 1996 by @BrianRasic; and 1970 by #DavidRedfern] #GetIntoIt #DSB #DameShirleyBassey #TheBondDiva #TheTigressOfTigerBay #TheDiamondDiva #BirleyShassey #TheMusic #TheGowns #TheJewels #TheVoice #Goldfinger #DiamondsAreForever #IWhoHaveNothing #ExcuseMe #TheLiquidator #NeverNeverNever #ThisIsMyLife #Jezahel #LaPassione #TheRhythmDivine #HistoryRepeating #ThePerformanceOfMyLife #LivingLegend (at Monte-Carlo, Monaco) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ7Pb8QlCYA/?igshid=j9tru40ghb9n
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waipa96720 · 4 years
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I'd like to run away from you, But if you never found me I would die I'd like to break the chains you put around me, But I know I never will You stay away and all I do is Wonder why the hell I wait for you But when did common sense prevail For lovers when we know it never will Impossible to live with you, But I know, I could never live without you For whatever you do I never, never, never want to be in love with anyone but you You never treat me like you should, so what's the good of loving as I do? Although you always laugh at love, Nothing else would be good enough for you Impossible to live with you, But I know, I could never live without you For whatever you do I never, never, never want to be in love with anyone but you You make me laugh, you make me cry, You make me live, you make me die, for you You make me sing, you make me sad, You make me glad, you make me mad, for you I love you, hate you, love you, hate you But I'll want you till the world stops turning For whatever you do I never, never, never want to be in love with anyone but you... I love you, hate you, love you, hate you But I'll want you till the world stops turning For whatever you do I never, never, never want to be in love with anyone but you... I love you, hate you, love you, hate you But I'll want you till the world stops turning For whatever you do I never, never, never want to be in love with anyone but you... 🤙🏽🤙🏽����🏽🌺🌺🌺 #nevernevernever (at Bethel, Alaska) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAMmmdkFhxIaKEQilYrLCHLk6vvCOK9Kt3CVkk0/?igshid=rls23igncmy2
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specialdark79 · 5 years
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quemolasnaves · 7 years
A propósito de la rola nº25
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Traté de pensar en hechos, en “hitos”, esta nueva vuelta, este nuevo giro, el número 25.
Más de ¿60? toques. Tres veces Peter. Strokes. Dos Iggy. La adolescencia despidiéndose con una hermosa reverencia.
Pensé en noches y, realmente, perdí la cuenta. No lo digo esto como un acto de multiloquismo. Fue una vuelta con trifectas y redonditos de tricota que desafiaron cualquier memoria matemática. Aunque ahora me vaya a dormir a las 22.
Pensé en personas. Pocas. Dejé de pensar en cantidad, porque justo, en lo que a personas respecta, me quedo con y abrazo a mis amigos con más respeto, cariño y presencia que nunca.
Cuatro o cinco estrellas fugaces. Quiero un cielo rayado de estrellas fugaces. 26, te tengo fe.
Poca playa, poco mar y más tierra. También más ciudad. Más caminatas. Mucho Centro, menos Pocitos. Sano equilibrio.
Menos estudio, más laburo. Menos teoría, más práctica. Menos traducción, más idioma. Quemé naves. 
A lo largo de mi vida me rodee de gente más grande que yo. No sé por qué, pero siempre me gustó rodearme de gente “más grande”, con más años vividos y me di cuenta que a mi ego retorcido le gustaba sentirse reconocida como una igual pero con la certeza de que esos más grandes reconocían y tenían presente mi ser “más joven”. El 2017 me sacudió un poco y me rodeó de niños a los cuales les parezco un ser multiviejo que va a morir rodeado de gatos. Me hizo bien el choque de sabiduría infantil.
Me llené de aire rico y fresco y empecé a desatar todos los nudos internos que no me dejaban moverme con mi propia cadencia. Soy un robot con discapacidad emocional en proceso de aceitado.
Lloré. Lloré sola. Lloré dormida. Lloré caminando, en taxis, saliendo de laburar, en el bondi, en el medio de la nada a 5500 metros de altura. Lloré borracha, acostada en la cama, y al otro día me desperté sin entender por qué había llorado. Me empecé a sacar las penas llorando. Me entregué al naufragio.
Vi a Saturno con un telescopio y me reí como una niña al comprobar que el anillo es de verdad y entendí por qué a la gente le llama tanto la atención. Es precioso. Es abismal. También vi una estrella roja quemándose como una bengala y no sé si entendí pero parece que esa estrella se estaba “muriendo” para transformarse en otra cosa. Y me encantó verla tan plena.
Sentí miradas con orgullo de mis padres y no sé muy bien por qué recién lo sentí cuando era 2 de octubre, pero me cayó esa ficha y se me llenó de calidez el cuerpo.
Empecé a observar que cada vez que yo llegaba de buen humor a la escuela, o con más paciencia, tranquilidad, paz, ese cucú interno más emperifollado y tierno, la clase transcurría mucho mejor. Y entendí, lo juro, lo vi, lo que significa recibir lo que das. Y me sigo comprometiendo, aunque me cueste un huevo y dos y tres, a estar más presente en esas tres horas de clase.
Me jugué las peores pasadas mentales. Me cuesta explicarlas. Me cuesta desenredarlas. Me creí cosas que nunca pasaron. Me di cuenta de la vida propia del bocho. Casi que corría. Me di contra muros más reales. Me calmé. Me di más crédito. Me dediqué a dejar de pensar por adelantado. Me hice presente.
Miré más para arriba que para abajo. La luna es muy linda.
Me es imposible calcular la cantidad de birra que ingerí pero puedo asegurar que no se fumigó ningún demonio. Se ulceró alguno. Hay formas de consumirse más hermosas, eso sí lo aprendí.
Pienso en una charla que tuve con una amiga, hace un tiempo, a propósito de ser feliz y dejarse de joder. No sé qué es ser feliz pero quiero ser feliz con esto. Con lo que hay. Con mi propia presencia y mi devenir. Quiero consumirme y quemarme por la vida misma, por lo que me gusta, por lo que activa el ronroneo de mi motor oxidado. Con esta mesa, este teclado sucio, Tom Waits borracho on the moon, Bob Dylan deschavándose todo cuando miente que ya casi ni piensa en eso que se desprende de cada verso que lo carcome, Holden extrañando al pibe más imbécil que conoce; con el viento en la cara, el pelo enredado, poca carga encima, el esternón latiendo, el recuerdo mezclado con olvido lacerándome los cubículos de la memoria y acentuando la estalactita izquierda, acompasando el ritmo vital necesario, con la cuotita de nostalgia romántica para matar el escepticismo; con un cielo lleno de estrellas incontables e incansables, pequeños instantes de eternidad, y que en ese espectáculo se me vengan canciones sobre estrellas y entienda, y sonría, ante el entretejido de conexiones que solo yo entiendo; con Paul Auster inventando la soledad y la profesora hablando de lo mismo que, por casualidad, terminé leyendo en un libro una semana después; con la vida diciéndome que la realidad, por más podrida, jodida, dormida, molida que sea, es el auténtico milagro; con el brazo extendido y la mano apretando flores, ofreciéndolas al otro, tierna y tibia como un gorrión.
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sugarchains · 7 years
nevernevernever replied to your post: Morpheus PLEASE Mad dramatic I love keanu reeves...
I just watch that for first time weeks ago I am obsessed talk to me
omg, really?!
im doing a rewatch right now because i love avoiding responsibilities ok, who was your favorite!
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timelessmulder · 7 years
nevernevernever replied to your photoset: sup pals
Can I reblog u and Ur wavy little head
yeah sure!!
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