#neville longbottom x Audrey winchester
lizzie-boo · 5 years
The Power of Flowers
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Request: Hello! Thank you for taking requests ❤️ I would love to read a story about Neville Longbottom and a character called Rey (short for Audrey) Winchester, a Gryffindor. She’s optimistic, sunny, funny, kind of tough, she loves flowers and have a lot of them in her hair (if needed, there should be a lot about her on the Rey Winchester tag). They’re childhood friends but I’d love a cute story where they start dating and maybe share a first kiss? Thank you 🌸
Requested by: Anonymous
Word Count: 2,155 
A/N: Once again this was requested forever ago. Are you sensing a theme here, yeah it’s that I’m finally getting around to writing these. I feel so bad about taking so long and I still have a few more requests to do but I’m back in the swing of this writing thing and should have them up soon. Thank you all for being so patient with me, I love each and every one of you for it. Also, in regards to this request I hope that is what you wanted, I read your request and just knew I needed to do something along the lines of this. I know it isn’t exactly what you asked for but I hope you still like it. 
The curtains around her bed fluttered as her dorm mates rushed out to head to their first class of the day. It wasn’t the movement of the curtains or the sound of running feet that woke her but rather the sound of the door softly clicking shut. The noise itself had nestled itself into her mind and worked its way into her dream. Giving her images of heading to class and meeting with friends. The images were what startled her awake and she struggled to remove herself from the bed.
The second her feet touched the floor she began rushing around the room. The thought of being late fueled her rampant efforts to get ready. Her usual morning routine was vastly shortened and before she knew it she was slamming the girls' dorm room behind her.
Her robe billowed behind her as she made her way out to the greenhouse as fast as possible. Professor Sprout was still informing the class of what they would be doing today and she was able to slip into the crowd of students.
She was out of breath and barely standing as she searched for her friend among the sea of students. She spotted him near the front of the group and gently began to make her way forward, hoping to get to him before Sprout had finished talking. She placed a hand on his arm causing him to look at her. He gave her a large smile before turning back to their professor. Once all the students were allowed to go about today’s lesson they turned to each other.
“You’re so lucky that we had herbology this morning,” Neville tells her.
“Don’t even, I don’t want to think about what would’ve happened if it had been Snape’s class.” She shudders at the thought, making Neville laugh.
“You know you’re really dramatic,” He teases.
“You know you would’ve acted the same way if you were in my position so I don’t want to hear it,” She sasses back.
Another smile graces his face and he responds, “You know you're lucky that I like you, Audrey.”
“Oh, so we are doing full names now huh?” She says.
Before he gets a chance to respond she’s turning towards the plants laid out on the table. They work in silence next to each other tending to the plants. At one point Neville turns to her to ask a question and stops when he notices her hair. Her brown hair that is normally laced with flowers is bare today. It shocks him ever so slightly because as long as he’s known her she’s never gone anywhere without flowers in her hair. He’s watched her run late for important events and still take the time to intricately place flowers throughout her hair.
Not long after Professor Sprout dismisses the class and the students file out of the greenhouse and make their way back towards the caste. When Rey turns to look for her friend he is nowhere to be seen, so she heads to her next class hoping he will catch up eventually because she doesn’t want to risk being late again today.
She takes her seat near the back of the class and pulls out her transfiguration textbook. As she places her quill next to it she hears someone sit down next to her. She turns to see a red-faced Neville who seems to be panting just as bad as she was earlier.
“Where’d you go?” She asks.
“I um stopped to get some flowers,” He manages.
“Ooh, who’s the lucky lady?” Her eyes twinkle as she teases him. His face turns a darker shade of red which she didn’t know was possible.
“Actually, they are for you.” He places the small red flowers on the desk in front of them.
“Me?” She gapes at the flowers strewn about the desk. After all these years of friendship and he’s giving her flowers. She never thought she would see the day that she would be on the receiving end of such a thoughtful gift.
“Yeah, I noticed you didn’t have any in your hair. So I thought I would get you some.” He reaches for the nearest flower and gently places it in her hair.
Her smile grows wider at the gesture and her face flushes. Sure it wasn’t the grand romantic gesture she thought it had been originally but it was still touching.
“Thank you, Neville, I love them.” She pulls him in for a tight hug before quickly adorning her hair with the rest of the bright red flowers. She isn’t quite sure what kind they are but she never gets the chance to ask as class begins.
After class, they walk side by side towards the great hall. They reach the Gryffindor table and sit next to a few of the Weasleys and Harry Potter. Neville joins the boys in a conversation on the ridiculous amount of homework that was assigned for transfiguration, causing Audrey to turn towards the youngest Weasley.
“They should stop complaining and just start working on it already.” She huffs.
“I know, it would save them so much time and stress. And god knows it would save me from killing them when they won’t stop complaining about how they don’t have enough time to finish it,” Ginny complains.
“I think I’ve learned to just drown it out. It’s not even worth our time fighting with them over it because they never listen and it’s the same thing every time,” She replies.
“I know, I know. Anyway besides your apparent stack of homework how were your classes?”
“It was fine, I was late to herbology and Neville brought me flowers to put in my hair since I was running late.”
Ginny stops to look at me, her mouth hanging open slightly. She fiddles with one of the flowers in her hair as she waits for her friend to say something.
“He brought you flowers?” She whispers.
“Yeah, I mean not exactly what I thought at first but it was still nice.” She smiles while pulling at the ends of her hair.
“Wait, hold up! You mean you wanted him to bring you flowers. Like a full ass bouquet?” Her eyes dart between the two Gryffindors sitting next to her. She still looks just as shocked and Audrey can’t help but laugh at her expression.
“I mean it wouldn't have said no if he offered them to me.” She shrugs.
“Don’t kill me but do you have a crush on him?” She whispers. Audrey gives her a small nod in response causing the red-haired girl to freak out.
Grabbing her friend by the hand Ginny drags her out of the great hall and straight to their common room. Once she’s forced her to sit on one of the couches she starts pacing.
“I always knew he liked you but you, you I was never quite sure about. I mean you’re so nice to everyone and it was hard to tell if you were just being nice or if you were interested in him.” The red-haired girl’s voice grows louder after each word until Audrey has to shush her
“I mean yeah why wouldn't I like him. He’s so sweet and caring and he’s always been there for me.” She smiles at the ground as she scuffs her shoe into the carpet.
“Audrey Winchester you need to tell me everything right now. When did this start? Why didn’t you tell me before? And most importantly when are you going to do something about it?” The younger girl is out of breath before she’s even done asking her questions.
“Gin, come on it’s no big deal and please sit down before you pass out.”
“Fine but only if you tell me everything.”
“Okay, okay, I mean Nev and I have been friends since we were kids. We knew each other growing up, started Hogwarts together, and even got sorted into the same house. You could almost say it was bound to happen. I mean geez Gin, he loves to grow flowers and take care of plants and I love wearing them in my hair. It’s like a match made in freaking heaven.”
“Then go do something about it before someone else locks him down cause honey I’ve seen some people looking at him and you might not have much time left to make a move,” She urges.
“I don’t know how to. Like what am I supposed to do walk up to him and be like hey childhood friend wanna be more than friends?” Audrey mocks while wiggling her eyebrows. This causes Ginny to laugh and before they know it both girls are laughing so hard that tears blur their vision.
The portrait hole swings open and both turn to look at who it is through their laughter induced tears. A majority of the boys from lunch have filed in to lounge around before classes start up again for the day.
“What happened here?” Harry asks looking between both girls who can’t seem to keep it together.
“Oh nothing,” Audrey says with a dismissive wave of the hand.
Ginny stands and takes a few steps towards Neville. “You’ve got a good one don’t let her slip away,” She tells him while giving him a pat on the back that leaves him breathless. He takes a minute to stare at her, surprised that such a small girl could be so strong. 
“Ginny Weasley!” Audrey shrieks when she registers the comment.
“What?” Neville asks, confused as ever. Harry and Ron shrug before flopping down on the chairs closest to the fire.
“I think that might be a hint,” Fred says while giving him a playful shove.
“I do believe it was,” George agrees before shoving Neville back towards his twin.
“Can someone please explain this to me?” He asks. His plea is met with a silence which leaves him feeling discouraged.
“Hey, Nev, why don’t we go on a walk. It’s a lovely day out,” Audrey suggests while tugging at his arm. He follows behind her silently as everyone gives him a thumbs up. He shoots them a questioning look and they all just smile back.
The hand that is holding his wrist slowly loosens. In a moment of courage, she lets her hand slide down to his. They take a few steps with her hand lightly covering his, both unsure of what to do. Eventually, he turns his hand and intertwines their fingers. When he turns to look at her she is already smiling at him.
As they make their way outside Neville breaks the silence, “I think red flowers look really nice in your hair.”
The compliment warms her face and she smiles at the ground. Her free hand comes up to tug at the ends of her hair again. Something she finds herself doing much too often around her friend. A group of girls a year below them walks past them and one of the girls waves at Neville. Her face heats up as her friends giggle at her and they all rush away before Audrey or Neville have a chance to react.
The gears in Audrey’s mind are spinning. The words she shared with Ginny not so long ago bob to the surface. She had thought it was a blatant lie before. Something that the ginger girl had said to get her to make a move on her childhood friend. Yet, seeing how the girl looked so infatuated with him she knew it was true, she wasn’t the only one vying for his attention.
Turning to her friend she finally started to register the way he was looking at her. The way that his face lit up when he looked at her and how he hadn’t even noticed the other girls shy advances. That was all she needed to finally make the move that she had been waiting for him to make all these years.
She took a step towards him and looked up into his eyes. A variety of emotions flashed in his eyes and it made her feel all the more confident. Taking the final step she summons all her Gryffindor courage and stands up on the top of her toes and gently places a kiss on his lips. Pulling back she let the heels of her feet sink back into the grass. Without a second thought, Neville’s arm makes its way around her waist, pulling her in for another kiss. When they finally break apart he tucks her into his side, his arm never leaving her. 
“Would you maybe wanna go out sometime?” Neville asks.
“You don’t even know how long I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that,” She responds. He leans down placing a gentle kiss on her forehead and she buries her face into his shirt.
“I can’t believe this is finally happening,” He tells her.
“I know it took us long enough, so let’s not waste another minute.” And with that, they share another kiss before heading down to the lake to spend the rest of the afternoon together.
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Apologies to the spider (it's still fine though! Probably found other flies!)
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