#Audrey winchester
winchestergifs · 1 year
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4.8 Wishful Thinking Written by Ben Edlund Directed by Robert Singer Original Air Date: November 6, 2008
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btvsfansworld · 1 year
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
If Dean had grown up with Mary (and Carlos) in his life you KNOW he'd be such a musical theater nerd.
And an insufferable one at that.
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delightindarkness · 6 months
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In my life, there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've traveled so far
To change this lonely life
I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me
I wanna feel what love is
I know you can show me
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flamewillowspn · 1 year
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Teddy is a MOOD!
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disasterbijedi · 2 years
Omg a little shop of horrors reference??? In my supernatural???
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{{Open Supernatural RP}}
Dean Winchester X Audrey Rose
{Double RP Welcomed!}
TW: ❗️❗️18+❗️❗️, fluffy smut, swearing, alcohol, blood, violence, mentions of traumatic past, daddy issues
Genre: paranormal, syfy, healing/trauma, romance-ish, angst
Characters Available for Pairing: Sam Winchester, Castiel, Lucifer, Crowley, Jo, Amara, and Charlie
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“Dean?!” Audrey yelled, “You fuckin’ dick! You used up all my body wash!” Audrey was in the shower and just realized why Dean had smelled so good. He used HER body wash.
She came out the bathroom, wearing his robe. “You wanna tell me why you used MY body wash and not your own?” She raised a brown. She ignored the look Sammy gave her.
She could see the amusement on his face. “You think this is funny? Oh, you better get to buying me more body wash if you know what’s good for you, Winchester.” She turned on her heels, and went to get dressed.
And that had been the last time Dean had seen Audrey before she was dragged into Hell with Lucifer.
6 months later,
Sam was out on a supply run when he noticed a familiar blonde walking around as if she was lost. As Sam got closer, he knew immediately who she was. “Audrey?!” Sam called out her name.
Audrey snapped her head up at the sound of her name. Her body covered in fresh scars, blood, and bruises. Lucifer had tortured her for 6 months. But somehow, she was freed from Hell. And she had no memory of how or who freed her.
“S-sammy?” She stuttered. She dropped to her knees, weak before she passed out. Sam caught her before she dropped. “Hey, I got you.” He whispered, secretly pressing a silver coin against her skin to make sure she wasn’t a shapeshifter. And then dipped her finger in holy water. Nothing. It really was Audrey. Dean was gonna to hit the fan when Sam came back with Audrey. The woman he thought his brother had lost forever was right there in Sam’s arms. How was that even possible? Who freed her? They now had a lot of questions.
Later that day,
When Audrey came around, she was laying in bed. Dean’s bed. But she didn’t realize that. She rubbed her eyes. “What the fuck?” She sat up. She took a look around. It took her a few minutes to realize where she was. “No, no, no! This has to be a fuckin’ dream. Lucifer, he’s messing with me.” She quickly got up, and flung the door open, running down the hall, before crashing into Dean.
Her eyes widened when she looked up at who she crashed into. She backed up. “No, no, no, this isn’t real. Dean-“ she watched him. Panic and terror crossed her face. She didn’t know that wasn’t in hell anymore. Because Lucifer had somehow gotten into her head and was now tormenting her.
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celiawrites14 · 4 months
OC Names
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid's love interest - Alyssa Jackson (oc, no relation to anybody on the show)
Aaron Hotchner's love interest - Olivia Rossi (Dave's daughter)
Luke Alvez's love interest - Sarah Reid (Spencer's twin sister)
Colin Bridgerton's love interest - Audrey Lilyington (cousins to Kate's family)
Anthony Bridgerton's love interest - Polly Fetherington (Penelope's older sister)
Benedict Bridgerton's love interest - Caroline Abernathy (Lucy's older sister)
Grey's Anatomy/Station 19
Andrew DeLuca's love interest - Lindsey Webber (Richard's daughter)
Mark Sloan's love interest - Grace Shepherd (Derek and Amelia's sister)
Alex Karev's love interest - Haley O'Malley (George's sister)
Jack Gibson's love interest - Ashley Sloan (Mark's Sister)
Peter Parker - Taylor Rogers (Steve's sister)
Bucky Barnes' love interest - Lauren Stark (Tony's sister)
Steve Rogers' love interest - Rebecca Barnes (Bucky's sister)
Thor - Alex Maximoff (Pietro and Wanda's sister)
One Tree Hill
Lucas Scott's love interest - Madison James (Hailey's sister)
Nathan Scott's love interest - Anna Sawyer (Payton's sister)
Q's love interest - Natalie Scott (Nathan's full sister, Lucas' half sister)
Outer Banks
JJ Maybank's love interest - Lily Routledge (John B's sister)
John B. Routledge's love interest - Melissa Jane Maybank (MJ) (JJ's sister)
Rafe Cameron's love interest - Cassie Roberts (progue!reader)
Dean Winchester's love interest - Samantha Singer (Bobby's daughter)
Sam Winchester's love interest - Stephanie Bradbury (Charlie's sistere)
John Winchester's love interest - Meghan Harvell (Wililam Harvell's sister, Jo's aunt)
Lip Gallagher's love interest - Alison Milkovich (Mickey and Mandy's sister)
Pretty Little Liars
Jason DiLaurentis' love interest - Andy Rivers (Caleb's sister)
Mike Montgomery's love interest - Emma Hastings (Spencer's sister)
Noel Kahn's love interest - Kate DiLaurentis (Alison and Jason's sister)
Caleb Rivers' love interest - Brooke Montgomery (Aria and Mike's sister)
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artyandink · 7 months
we could be more | dean winchester | 8
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Summary: Ivonne Rainer was practically a trained killing machine. Stripped to the bone then built back up by her father in order to become one of the best, like he was. She was forced into hunting when she was nineteen, having developed powers that couldn’t be explained. That is, until she was paid a visit by Azazel’s lackey. Her powers were gone, she needed help, and that’s when she found her father’s journal. Pointing to Sam and Dean Winchester.
“Miss Ivonne Rainer.” A dude with black hair and green eyes stepped into the room, holding a case file. He was around my age, well built, and judging by the confidence, high up in the precinct. He was also, now that I mention it, sexy. “You’ve got a very chequered past, by the looks of it.” 
“I’m not playing chess, mate, so just cut to the chase.” I retorted, tapping my watch. “You’ve got 48 hours, so why not tell me your name so we can move things a bit quicker?”
”Detective Sergeant James Rhodes.” He showed me his badge. 
“Where’s the bad cop, eh?”
”With Dean Winchester. Good cop’s with Sam, and the even worse cop is with you.”
”I feel special. Flattered.” I smiled sarcastically. “Why are you holding us?”
”Your buddy Dean is being held on charges for suspicion of murder.” 
I frowned, leaning forward. “Murder?!”
”You sound genuinely surprised. You should’ve gone to acting school.”
”Who could he have murdered?” 
“We’re getting onto that.” He replied, opening a file and giving me a once over with a hint of red on his cheeks. I smirked a little, leaning back in my chair. “Let’s just look through your file first. I’ve got a lot of research on you, Ivonne. You’re 27, born in ‘79 in Jersey to Michael Rainer and Audrey Rainer neé Singer. You went to a good primary, got a score of 174 on your LSATs, an almost perfect score on your SATs and scored a full ride to Princeton on the course of economics while trying to help your younger sister Quinn battle cancer, which ultimately failed.” I gritted my teeth. “But, here’s the catch. One year after your admission, you were forced to drop out due to your father’s untimely death, a murder which was never solved. Do you want me to continue?” 
I stayed silent. 
“Tough crowd. About a month after your father’s death, you were the centre of an open and shut case eight years ago in which your brother Carter descended into insanity and killed your family by sticking knives into their throats, and also killed your mother’s unborn child. However, in defence, you shot him after he tried to do the same to you. You were proven innocent after a CCTV recording placed Carter as the killer of your sister Lily and your mother. You went off the grid, but then conveniently seven or eight years later, you were kidnapped by your boyfriend Xavier Jackson, but you broke free, wrestled for his gun and shot him twice, killing him. Your witness? Sam Winchester.” 
“You done relating my life story?” I scoffed. “I’ll admit it, you’re cute and this macho, intimidation act is as well, but if you’re aiming to take me out to dinner after this, you’re gonna have to take a step back and reassess the situation.” He looked taken aback, and I nodded. “I’ve met people like you before, Serge, and I know exactly how to deal with them.” 
“We’re here to discuss Dean Winchester.”
”And so far all you’ve done is relate something that isn’t important and check me out.” I smirked. “Get on with it, will you?”
”Why I listed every bit of your family history is because one thing doesn’t add up.” He put down the file. “How you ended up with the Winchester brothers. You have no connection to them. Your family had no contact with the Winchesters. So how did you end up with a man who’s charged with assault, murder and grave desecration and his brother?” 
“I found them.” I frowned, pulling out my dad’s journal. “Read about John, Sam and Dean Winchester, knew I had to find ‘em. I had a stalker after me. Not anymore, but Dad’s journal knew that they could help me and they did.”
”What about Tony and Karen Giles?”
”Anthony Giles was a friend of John Winchester.” I explained. “I went with Sam and Dean once they found out that he was dead, throat slit with no trace of any bad things happening in Giles’ life to make him do such a thing.”
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“There you go.” Sam gave Dean and I a cup of coffee while Dean handed Sam a paper while I dried my hair with a t-shirt. I was wearing a baggy black cashmere jumper with jeans, my necklace around my neck as usual.
“Anthony Giles.” Dean stated. 
“Who’s Anthony Giles?” I asked, leaning in with my hand on Dean’s shoulder. 
“He’s a Baltimore lawyer. Working late in his office, check it out.” 
I read the paper, raising an eyebrow. “Room was clean, throat was slit… but no DNA or prints.”
”Keep reading. It gets better.” 
“Security cameras failed to capture footage of the assailant.” Sam muttered. 
“So either someone tampered with the tapes, or…” 
“There’s an invisible killer.” 
“My favorite kind. What do you think, Scully? You wanna check it out?” 
“I’m not Scully. You’re Scully.” 
“No, I'm Mulder. You're a red-headed woman.” 
“You two are idiots, more like.” I sighed. “Let me dry my hair, then we’ll head out.” 
“C’mon, Beanie,” Dean laughed, “you look good with wet hair.” 
“Then again, it doesn’t feel great in cold air.” I winked. “Maybe next time.” I rifled through my box of IDs, buying my lip. “Who are we today?” 
“Insurance investigators.” 
“I’ll get my suit from the Mustang.” 
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“But, if you think about it, Dean couldn’t have murdered Tony, being at my house, right?” I asked. 
“You’re right.” He nodded. “Tell me what happened next.” 
“We went to see Karen, to help her keep herself together. And boy, she was fallin’ apart.” 
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Karen Giles sat on her sofa, sniffling and wiping her nose on a tissue. “Insurance. I totally forgot about the insurance.” She whispered, holding back the fifth wave of tears. 
“We're very sorry to bother you right now, but the company is required to conduct its own investigation. You understand.” Sam pressed on, and she nodded. I forgot to mention, we were insurance investigators. 
“So, if you could tell us anything you remember about the night your husband died.” I asked, sitting down next to her. 
“Uh, Tony and I were just supposed to have dinner. He called and said he was having computer troubles and that, that he had to work late. That was it.” Karen recounted, and I nodded. 
“Do you have any idea who could have done this to him?” 
“No, like I told the police, I… I have no idea.”
”Did Tony mention anything, you know, unusual to you? In the days before his death?” Dean asked. 
“Yeah, like… strange?” 
“Y’know, like… weird noises, visions-“ I cleared my throat, stopping Dean. 
“He had a nightmare the day before he died.” She whispered, and Carl wrote it down on my flip notebook, and I was loosely holding the pen to give an impression that I was writing and not a magic pen. 
“What kind of a nightmare?” Sam frowned. 
“Uh, he said that he woke up in the middle of the night and there was a woman standing at the foot of the bed, he blinked and she was gone, I mean, it was just a nightmare.” 
“Did he say what she looked like?” Dean asked. 
“What the hell difference does it make of what she looked like?!” 
“Our company’s thorough, Mrs Giles.” I smiled, stepping in to save Dean’s butt. Again. “We’d like to get a detailed description of the days prior to the incident so then we can make a good analysis. As many details as you can spare, if that’s ok.” 
“Yeah.” She nodded, calming down, while Carl wrote down ‘good job’ on the paper. “He said she was pale, and she had dark red eyes.” 
“Thank you for your time.” I gave Karen a side hug, giving her my fake calling card, but had my burner phone number. “Call me if you need anything.” 
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“I told Karen to call me if she had any problems and then we set off.” 
“Doesn’t explain why you broke into Anthony Giles’ office.” He persisted.
“Okay, look, Karen called us later, said that there was some stuff that she wanted from Tony's office, but the police weren't letting her in- like, a picture of the two of them in Paris, and some other stuff. She gave us the key. It wasn’t a break in.” 
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“Hey. Anthony Giles' body was found right about here.” Sam gestured. 
“Throat slit so deep, part of his spinal cord was showing.” I read out, sitting at the computer. 
Dean whistled. “What do you think? Vengeful spirit? Underlining vengeful?” 
“Yeah, maybe. I mean he did see that woman at the foot of his bed.” Sam shrugged. I found something at the printer, whipping it out. 
“Take a look at this.” I showed it to them. It had the word/thing ‘danashulps’ written all over it. “Dana Shulps.” 
“A name?” 
“A name that’s everywhere.” Dean chuckled. “Well, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” 
Sam checked the desk, shining his torch down. Then he breathed on it, revealing the word Dana Shulps. “Well, I think we’ve crossed over to a whole new level of weird.” 
“Tell me about it.” I typed quickly, trying to crack the password to Giles’ computer.
”Maybe Giles knew her.” Dean suggested. 
“Or it’s the name of our red-eyed mystery girl.” Sam shrugged. We went through available files, I scoured the internet, hacked into police databases, but… 
“Nada.” I grimaced. “No girl name Dana Shulps ever died a horrible death or even existed. The surname Shulps isn’t even a name.” 
“So what now?” Dean groaned. 
“I’m a few clicks away from unlocking Giles’ laptop.” I clicked my tongue. “There could be something in his personal files.” 
“How long?” Sam asked. 
“Fifteen minutes, give or take. Carl, lend a nib.” Carl started helping, while I counted down the seconds until-
There we go.
“Seriously?” Sam sighed.
 Dean’s fart noises.
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”Your story checks out.” Rhodes nodded, closing the case. “But fact remains that Dean was found at Karen Giles’ murder scene.”
”Fact remains that Dean Winchester saved my life.” I frowned. “On multiple occasions, won’t specify which, and if that warrants anything, it warrants a hell lot of respect and favours. Come on, Serge. You’re smart, it’s obvious. You’re probably the type of guy to take one look at who you’re dealing with and say whether they’re guilty or not. And you’ve taken a long, hard look at Dean. At me, maybe even Sam. Give me your honest opinion. Do you think any of us are guilty?”
”No.” Rhodes admitted. “Facts don’t add up. Dean wasn’t holding a weapon when they found him. He wasn’t present at the murder of Tony Giles. No prints, no DNA, just him conveniently at the scene. But I’ve got nothing else to work with, unless something else is at play here, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was because a murder isn’t that clean cut.” 
“What if it was something else?” I shrugged. 
“What are you suggesting?” 
“At the crime scene, we found two words written over and over. Dana Shulps.” I showed him the printed paper. “Help me figure out what this means. If you find Dean guilty after this, go ahead, arrest him, put him on trial and get him in prison with a lifer, but for now, consider the fact that he’s innocent.”  
James sighed, conceding. “Fine, but it has to look like I’m interrogating you.” 
“Not so much of an even worse cop, huh?” 
“I bend to reason. Now, Dana.” I wrote down the name, staring at it. 
“Best thing I’ve got is an anagram.” I shrugged, tapping a pen on the table. 
“Scramble it, then?” We both wrote down the words in different ways, switching things up, thinking, until I got something. 
“Ashland sound familiar?” I asked, and he nodded. 
“Ashland’s a street name.” A woman knocked and walked in, and she looked to be in her late forties. Her badge read ‘D. Ballard.’ 
“Detective Ballard.” Rhodes’ demeanour switched up, turning to Ballard with a smug air. Wow, that was quick. Smoother than butter. “How’re things going with Sam Winchester?” 
“Story matches Dean’s. How about Rainer?” Ballard replied. 
“We’re getting somewhere.” He smirked, glancing back at me. “Miss Rainer and I were having an intense heart to heart, but story still matches the other two’s. Though, I have to say, tough customer. Not sure Pete would be able to keep his cool for long if he had her.” 
“I doubt it too.” She nodded. “Keep at it, we can only hold ‘em for 48 hours.” She left, and Rhodes switched again, turning back to me with an easy smile. 
“How’d I do?” 
“You lie almost as well as I do.” I grinned. “Am I turning a good boy soft?” 
“Cut the bad girl act, Rainer.” Rhodes chuckled. “Yeah, I have to admit, I was checking you out, but I can look through a guise if I see one.” 
“Again, flattered.” 
“You’re a hard case to crack, aren’t you?” 
“I like to give people a challenge.” I wrote on the paper. “Get this to Dean and Sam, any way you can without being spotted. They need to know.” 
He took the paper, standing up. “I hope to God that you’re right, Rainer.” He left, leaving me to contemplate all my life decisions.
”Trust me, I hope so too.” I sighed.
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Rhodes came into my room later, looking grim.  “I got you a ticket out, but Dean’s decided to confess. You might wanna come watch.” 
“Confess to what, though?” I asked, picking up my leather jacket and putting it on. 
“That’s what I wanna find out.” We went into the interrogation room, where they were setting up a camera. 
“Beanie.” Dean grinned upon seeing me. “Are you ok?”
”I’m doing fine.” I nodded.
”Your boyfriend decided to confess, sweetheart.” One detective smirked. “Speak directly to the camera, and state your name for the record.” 
Dean faced the camera, a smug smirk on his face. Wait, I know what he’s going to do. “My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius.” Here we go. “I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women. And I did not kill anyone. But I know who did. Or rather what did. Of course it can't be for sure, because our investigation was interrupted. But our working theory was that we're looking for some kind of vengeful spirit.”
”Excuse me?” Ballard scoffed. 
“You know, Casper the bloodthirsty ghost?” Dean shrugged. “Tony Giles saw it. I'll bet you cash money Karen did too. But see, the interesting thing is the word it leaves behind. For some reason it's trying to tell us something. But communicating across the veil, it ain't easy. You know, sometimes the spirits, they, they get things jumbled. You remember ‘REDRUM’. Same concept. You know, it's, uh, maybe word fragments... other times, it's anagrams. See, at first we thought this was a name, Dana Shulps. But now we think it's a street. Ashland. Whatever's going on, I'll bet you it started there.”
“You arrogant ass.” Detective Sheridan hissed. “Tony and Karen were good people, and you're making jokes.”
”I’m not joking, Ponch.”
”You murdered them in cold blood just like that girl in St. Louis!” 
“Oh, yeah. That wasn't me either. That was a shape-shifter creature that only looked like me.” Sheridan lost his temper, hauling Dean up by his collar and slamming him against the wall. I was going to step in when Rhodes held me back, other officers jumping in to help.
”Pete!” Ballard gasped. 
“That’s ENOUGH!” Rhodes yelled, stopping everyone. “I’ll cuff him myself, just go return to your jobs. Rainer, you stay with me.” Everyone left, leaving Dean, Rhodes and I alone. 
“Well done, you locked me up.” Dean grimaced as he looked down at the cuffs now around his wrists.  “Whatcha gonna do, gloat?”
”Ask you two if this Casper thing is real.” The answer took Dean aback, and he blinked at Rhodes, wondering why. “I talked to Rainer. The facts don’t add up, and a spirit seems most obvious when it comes to a murder with no prints or DNA.” 
“Beanie, you sly fox.” He chuckled.  “She can talk her way out of anything.”
”Long story short, yeah, it is.” I nodded. “Shifter is real too, all of the likes of it are.”
”So, Ashland?”
“Street name.” Rhodes nodded.  “Why this spirit is trying to tell us that, I’m not sure.”
”The girl died there.” Ballard stepped in, and Dean sighed, rolling his eyes and opening his mouth to speak. “Can we make this quick? I'm a little tired, it's been a long day, you know, with your partner assaulting me and all.” 
“I want to know more about the stuff you were talking about earlier.” She gulped. 
“Time Life. Mysteries of the Unknown. Look it up.”
”Let’s pretend for a moment that you aren’t entirely insane.” 
”What would one of these things be doing here?”
”A vengeful spirit? Well, they're created by violent deaths. And then they come back for a reason, usually a nasty one. Like revenge on the people that hurt 'em.” 
I noticed something on Rhodes’ wrist, and I took out, pushing up his sleeve. 
“Where did you get these?” I asked.
”These weren’t there before.” He gulped, looking freaked. Ballard pulled up her sleeve too, showing the bruises. 
“You two saw it, didn’t you?” Dean frowned. 
“How did you know?” Ballard gasped. 
“Because Karen had the same bruises on her wrists. And I'm willing to bet that if you look at Giles' autopsy photos he's got 'em too, it's got something to do with this spirit, I... I don't know what.” He paused, staring at Ballard’s stunned expression as she turned away. “I know. You think you're going crazy. But let's skip that part, shall we? Because the last two people who saw this thing? Died, pretty soon after. You hear me?” 
“You think we’re going to die.” Rhodes breathed. 
“You need to find Sam.” Dean urged. “He can help, and so can Ivonne.”
”You’re giving up your brother.” Ballard stammered. 
“Go with Beanie. She’ll find Sam and they can help figure this out. You can arrest him if you want, or you can let him help you.” 
“Lead the way, Rainer.” Rhodes agreed, and I immediately walked out of the door, both of them following.
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I knocked on Sam’s door at the motel. “Jim Rockford? It’s Tabitha from room service.” Sam opened it immediately, spotting the two behind us. “They saw it. This is James Rhodes and you know Detective Ballard.”
”Get in.” We all got inside, and Sam hugged me before turning to the other two, holding their wrists. “These showed up after you saw it?” 
“Yeah.” Rhodes nodded. 
“You know, I must be losing my mind. You're a fugitive. I should be arresting you.” Ballard shakily told us, but we shared a look. 
“Fine. Arrest Sam, then.” I shrugged. “After we save your life. For now, just trust us to do this, ok?” 
“She’s right, Diana.” Rhodes vouched, and she conceded. I gave him a thankful smile, pulling out Sam’s folder of crime scene photos and booking photos. 
“Okay, great. Now, this spirit. What did it look like?” 
“She was, um, really pale, and her throat was cut, and her eyes, they were like, this deep dark red? It appeared like she was trying to talk to me. But she couldn't. It was just... a lot of blood.” Diana stammered. 
“Alright.” I showed them the photos. “I’m gonna flick through these one by one, and you’re gonna tell me if you recognise her.” I went through the photos one by one, and then Rhodes cleared his throat when I stopped at one. 
“That’s her.” He nodded. 
“Yeah.” Diana agreed. 
“Claire Becker? Twenty eight years old, disappeared about eight or nine months ago.” Sam frowned. 
“But we don't even know her. I mean, why would she come after us?” 
“Well, before her death, she was arrested twice. For dealing heroin. You ever work narcotics?” 
“Pete, Diana and I did.” Rhodes gulped. 
“Did you bust her? Any of you?” I asked. 
“I did, but I got her a shorter sentence than she was going to get.”
“It says that she was last seen entering 2911 Ashland Street. Police searched the place, didn't find anything. Guess we gotta check it out ourselves. See if we can find her body.” 
“What?” Diana coughed.
“Well, we gotta salt and burn her bones. It's the only way to put her spirit to rest.” Sam explained.
”Of course it is.” 
“You guys go and have a glass of water. Keep an eye on each other. Ivy and I need to talk.” The other two went into the room behind us so Sam and I could have a chat.  
“Rhodes seems to be taking it well.” I smiled. “Ballard, not so much.” 
“I think Rhodes is taking it well cause of you.” Sam smirked, and laughed when I raised an eyebrow. “Don’t think I don’t see the sparks. Dean would’ve already commented on it.” 
“He’s a man of the law.” I sighed. “I have more fake IDs than I’ve had birthdays.” 
“Maybe that’s the danger of it. Forbidden love-“ I slapped him across the head with a piece of paper. “Ow, okay, okay!” 
“You better not mention to this to Dean.” 
“I think he knows.”
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We walked into an abandoned warehouse, my gun drawn just in case. 
“A firearm?” Rhodes scoffed.
“It’s licensed, so untwist your boxers.” I smirked. 
“So what exactly are we looking for?” 
“We’ll let you know once we find it.” Sam informed, then we split up, searching for a possible place to hide a body. I scaled the wall, knocking on it to try and find a bit of hollow wall that I could bust open-
“Sam!” I heard Diana yell, sounding scared. “Sam! James! IVONNE!” All three of us came running back, and we found Diana alone. 
“What happened?” I asked. “Did you see Claire?” 
“She, she was here.” 
“Did she attack you?” Sam questioned, looking around. 
“No, she was just… reaching out to me. She was over there by the window.“ There was a shelf blocking the window, so Sam and Rhodes got to work and moved it, revealing the word ‘ASHLAND SUP’. 
“I’m guessing the SUP started the word supplies.” I grinned, then followed the reflection to a wall on the other side. “Sam, did you bring the sledgehammer?” Sam held it up, so I took it and started cracking a hole the wall. I peered in, and nodded. “Yep. There’s something here.” Sam joined me and helped me tear the rest of the wall open, revealing Claire Becker’s body.
“God.” Rhodes breathed. 
“Something about this is bothering me.” Sam frowned. 
“You’re digging up a corpse.” Diana pointed out. 
“Digging them up is pretty par for the course. But why would a vengeful spirit lead us to her corpse?” We bent down to take a look, and Diana reached out, touching the necklace. 
“Does it mean something to you?” I asked. 
“That necklace. It’s rare, custom made on Carson Street.” She pulled out the same one from her neckline. “I have one just like it. Pete gave it to me.” 
“Now this all makes perfect sense.” Sam nodded, piecing it all together. 
“What does?” Rhodes frowned. “Apart from Pete killing Claire.” 
“Claire’s not a vengeful spirit, she’s a death omen.” I explained. “She’s not killing people, she’s warning them that they’ll die by the same hand she did. You see, sometimes spirits, they don't want vengeance, they want justice. Which is why she led us here in the first place. She wants us to know who her killer is.“ 
“Detective, how much do you know about your partner?” Sam asked. 
“Oh my god.” Diana gasped. 
“About a year ago, some heroin went missing from lockup. Obviously it was a cop. We never found out who did it. But whoever did it would need someone to fence their product.” 
“Someone like a heroin dealer. Someone like Claire.” 
“I’m going to make a phone call, find out where Dean is.” Rhodes stood up, pulling out his phone and walking to another corner. “If we’re right, he could be next.” 
“Did you bring the Mustang?” Sam asked me, and I held up my keys. 
“Yeah.” I nodded, then turned to Claire’s body. “We’ll catch him.” 
Rhodes came back, looking freaked again. “Pete just left with Dean. Said he had to be transferred and just took off. He’s not answering the radio, either.” 
“We need to cut him off.” I grimaced, cocking my gun. “He’s in a county vehicle, so we need to access the lo-jack and find the route. Let’s go!”
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I was driving with my pedal to the metal, with Diana and Sam in the back and Rhodes at the front with me. 
“Tell me.” Rhodes turned to me with a smile. “How does a girl like you end up in a job like yours?” 
“What do you mean, a girl like me?” I chuckled, raising an eyebrow. 
“You’re smart, quick on your feet, obviously good with a gun. You got almost perfect scores on your LSAT and SAT, got into Princeton, practically a shoo in almost anywhere. You could’ve been great on the force, instead you’re hunting the impossible.” 
“Hunting the impossible seems like a better option, in my opinion.” We reached the GPS location of the county vehicle, appearing behind Sheridan just as he was about to kill Dean. 
“Pete!” Diana yelled. “Put the gun down!”
”Diana?” Sheridan gasped. “How'd you find me?” 
“I know about Claire.” 
“I don't know what you're talking about.” 
“Put the gun down!” 
“Oh, I don't think so. You're fast. I'm pretty sure I'm faster.” 
“Why are you doing this?” She asked. 
“I didn’t do anything, Diana.” Sheridan lied, while I flicked down the safety pin on my gun. 
“It’s a little bit late for that.” 
“It wasn't my fault. Claire was trying to turn me in, I had no choice.” 
“You had a choice, Pete.” Rhodes frowned. “Instead you killed an innocent woman. Then why Tony and Karen?” 
“Same thing! Tony scrubbed the money, he got skittish, and then he wanted to come clean. I'm sure he told Karen everything.” He reasoned. “It was a mess; I had to clean it up. I just panicked.”
“How many more people are going to die over this, Pete?” 
“There's a way out. This Dean kid's a friggin' gift. We could pin the whole thing on him. Right? No trial, nothing. Just, just one more dead scumbag.” 
“Hey!” Dean barked, but backed away when the gun was turned on him. I rolled my eyes, ready to pounce, but with a gun trained on Dean it wouldn’t be wise.
“No one will question it. Diana, please. I still love you.” I gave Diana a look, but she put her gun down. “Thank you. Thank you.” Sheridan turned to Dean, but then Diana quickly picked up her gun, shooting Pete in the stomach and making him fall, giving Dean time to roll out of the way. 
“Then why don’t you buy me another necklace, you ass?!” She hissed, before she was tackled herself, and Sheridan got up, instantly going for the gun, facing off Rhodes and Sam. However, Claire showed up behind Sheridan, making him turn around and gasp in horror as she smiled, giving me time to pull the trigger and shoot him in the back. He fell to the floor, more permanently this time, and Claire gave me a nod before disappearing. 
“Hell of a shot.” Rhodes breathed, glancing to me. 
“Thanks.” I smiled. We gave Diana time to mourn her partner, then she came back to us. 
“You doin' all right?” Sam asked, concerned. 
“No, not really. The death omen Claire, what happens to her now?” 
“Should be over. She should be at rest.” 
“So, what now, officers?” Dean asked. 
“Pete did confess to me. He screwed up both your cases royally. I'd say that there's a good chance that we could get your cases dismissed.” Rhodes explained. 
“You’d take care of that?” I smiled. 
“I hope so. But the St. Louis murder charges? That's another story. I can't help you. Unless... I just happened to turn my back, and you walked away. I could just tell them that the suspects escaped.” 
“You sure?” Sam blinked. 
“Yeah, they’re sure, Sam.” Dean urged. 
“No, I mean, you could lose your jobs over that.” 
“Look, we just want you guys out there doing what you do best. Trust me, I'll sleep better at night.” Diana sighed. “Listen, you need to watch your back. They're gonna be looking for the three of you right now. Get out of here. I gotta radio this in.” 
“Do you know where my car is by any chance?” Dean asked. 
“It’s in an impound lot on Robertson’s.” She gave Dean a look. “No. You’re not stealing it.” 
“Of course not.” I smiled, patting the boys on the shoulder. “We’ve got my Mustang, and we’ll improvise. We’re good at that.” 
“Clearly.” Rhodes grinned, and Dean and Sam shared a look. 
“We’ll meet you at the car.” Dean smirked, dragging Sam with him. Diana had slipped off, leaving me and Rhodes. 
“This’ll be one heck of a story to tell.” 
“I bet.” I laughed, storing my gun in my arm holster. “Just leave out the part of the death omen and people won’t call you insane.” 
“That sounds best.” He chuckled. “You’re a really hard case, Rainer, you know that, right?” 
“I’ve heard. Well, I’ve better get going.” I smiled, then pulled my car keys out of my pocket. I stared at them, then raised an eyebrow. “Wait, I have my keys. If I have them, how are the boys in the-“ My focus was thrown off course by a pair of lips on mine, an arm wrapping around my waist. I dropped my keys because of the impact, forgetting about them and cupping the nape of his neck, the other arm hanging loosely around it. I could feel his smile, tilting his head-
“HAUN HAUN! YOU GOT THE GIRL, OUI OUI?!” I pulled away, turning to where Dean was. 
“DEAN WINCHESTER, I’M GONNA KILL YOU!” I yelled, then stepped back from Rhodes. “Sorry about them.” 
“Nah, you’re good.” He picked up my keys and gave them to me, kissing me again quickly and then my hand. “It’s gonna take a lot to forget you, Rainer.” 
“Don’t worry about that, Serge, nobody can forget me.” I handed him a note with my burner cell number. “Call me sometime. If I don’t pick up, I’m hunting another demon. And, uh, call me Ivy.” 
“Then call me James.” He took the note, pocketing it. “I’ll lead the cops off your trail. Just go, and don’t die, cause those two will need your help. You’re a smooth talker.” 
“I guess that solves the mystery of why I joined them in the first place.” I smiled. “See you around, James.” 
“You too, Ivy.” I walked back to the Mustang, unlocking it and getting in. 
“You boys are idiots.” 
“I like him the best.” Dean smirked. “Cool dude.” 
“Yeah, we love a rogue officer.” Sam teased. 
“Shut up, you two.” I groaned, flooring it and waving goodbye out of the window to James, who was watching me leave. 
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charlottenewtons · 5 months
10 characters in 10 fandoms - tagged by @harrowscore
Audrey Horne (Twin Peaks)
Buffy Summers (BTVS)
Dana Scully (the X-Files)
Charlie Newton (Shadow of a Doubt)
Rhaenyra Targaryen (House of the Dragon)
Sameen Shaw (Person of Interest)
Joan Watson (Elementary)
Spencer Hastings (Pretty Little Liars)
Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
Lady Jessica (Dune)
Tagging: @gloriadenton @bedeliainwonderland @elcctra @hardestysally @loureedpiss @pureanonofficial @alaynestone @ladyculebras @hearthouses @thorerre
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comshipbracket · 1 year
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Antis DNI
Comship Bracket Round 2!
You should be voting for the ships you like more, not the ships you find more problematic.
Round 2 is split up into 4 Segments, which are split into 2 smaller polls within them! These will be posted near-daily, with a 6-day voting time limit. Look out for your ships! Propaganda is both welcome AND encouraged, whether through the form of essays, art, fanfiction recommendations, or otherwise, Most propaganda will be reblogged. Previous propaganda will be linked to within the poll post.
Segment 1 - Bottom Left
Poll 1: SunMari (Sunny x Mari), Omori VS King's Throne (The Bard King x Noise), Roleslaying with Roman
Poll 2: Ragnvarde (Ragnvaldr x Le'Garde), Fear & Hunger VS ShizuShiho (Shizuku Hinomori x Shiho Hinomori), Project Sekai
Segment 2 - Top Right
Poll 1: Kaeluc (Kaeya Alberich x Diluc Ragnvindr), Genshin Impact VS Sebaciel (Sebastian Michaelis x Ciel Phantomhive), Black Butler
Poll 2: Enabler (Ruby Rose x Yang Xiao Long), RWBY VS SeymourxTwoey (Seymour Krelborn x Audrey II), Little Shop of Horrors
Segment 3 - Top Left
Poll 1: DirkRose (Dirk Strider x Rose Lalonde), Homestuck VS Wincest (Sam Winchester x Dean Winchester), Supernatural
Poll 2: RagamuffinxLenore (Ragamuffin x Lenore Lynchfast), Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl VS Yugicest (Amane Yugi/Hanako x Tsukasa Yugi), Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
Segment 4 - Bottom Right
Poll 1: Billdip (Bill Cipher x Dipper Pines), Gravity Falls VS Tabloidshipping (Seto Kaiba x Mokuba Kaiba), Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
Poll 2: SatouShio (Satou Matsuzaka x Shio Koube), Happy Sugar Life VS Bwen (Ben Tennyson x Gwen Tennyson), Ben 10
This is the line-up for round 2, let's see who you all vote for to move forward into Round 3! Remember, propaganda is encouraged! Have fun voting, everyone! Our inbox is also open for propaganda - Mod Satou
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btvsfansworld · 1 year
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isleofdarkness · 1 year
Character Profile Master Post
Zachariah Olympian Darhk
Claudine Frollo
Mal Briar
Jay Ayad
Evie Char
Carlos de Vil
Canon characters
Hadie Olympian
Jade Abaza
Uma Facilier
Harry Hook
Gil Facilier
Harriet Hook
CJ Hook
Anthony Tremaine
Ginny Gothel
Diego de Vil
Yzla Frollo
Zevon Frollo
Celia Facilier
Freddie Facilier
Rick Ratcliffe
Big Murph Black
Harry Badun
Jace Badun
Reza Bing
Hermie Bing
Davin LeFou
Sammy Smee
Hunter de Vil
Original Characters- Mim Family
Maverick Mim
Mara Winchester
Molly Darhk
Madrigal and Morpheus Mim
Mavis Mim
Malcolm Mim
Malvolia Mim
Mage Mim
Mora Mim
Maddox Mim
Mordred Mim
Morticia Mim
Morrigan Mim
Mildred Mim
Malachi Mim
Midnight Mim
Original Characters- Isle Kids
Dawn Olympian
Mercy Olympian
Justice Olympian
Hatitosa Lokidottir
Lydia Snoops
Nikita Rasputin
Kira Rasputin
Polina Rasputin
Mischa Rasputin
Desdemona Briar
Ruby Ayad
Anna Westergaard
Belle LeGume
Narcissa Never
Shan Odtsetseg
Shan Sarangerel
Shan Taban
Shan Odgerel
Tarzan D'Arque
Tara D'Arque
Arika Sykes
Agony and Chaos Olympian
Veronica de Vil
Rose and Ace of Hearts
Constantine Westergaard
Andromeda Hearts
Auradon Kids- Canon
Li Liang
Arabella Delphis
Jordan Jabari
Jane Goodfairy
Zephyr de Chateaupers
Audrey Rose
Hryhoriy Olympian
Chloe Charming
Elle Delphis
Auradon Kids- Original
Thatch Kids
Rogers Kids
House Of Hades
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densesindealer · 7 months
Ask/Prompt Requests
Now that I finally updated my muse list, I'm going to ask or beg (take your pick) for more asks or prompts featuring characters I don't get to see as often as I'd like, or just some more for characters I really like. Also asking for asks or prompts featuring certain themes or kinks. You don't have to send in asks for the characters or asks with the kinks, though either would be greatly appreciated, but any ask in general is appreciated. That being said, I do really like these kinks or these characters and would love to have stuff in my inbox featuring them.
Kink Requests
Gender Transformation (Male To Female) (Can Involve Muses Not On My Muse List From Any Series)
Mind Control/Hypnosis
Slow Corruption
Mind Break
Instant Loss
Heart Eyes
Love Potion
Character Requests
Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa) (I Have A Lot Of Makoto, But He's Also My Favorite To Write)
Kaname Date (AI The Somnium Files)
Aiba (AI The Somnium Files)
Iris Sagan (AI The Somnium Files)
Mizuki Okiura (AI The Somnium Files)
Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Momo Yaoyorozu (My Hero Academia)
Mt. Lady (My Hero Academia)
Nejire Hado (My Hero Academia)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Ema Skye (Ace Attorney)
Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney)
Jaune Arc (RWBY)
Velvet Scarlatina (RWBY)
Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat)
Cassie Cage (Mortal Kombat)
Kitana (Mortal Kombat)
Dick Grayson/Robin (Teen Titans)
Komand'r/Blackfire (Teen Titans)
Raven (Teen Titans)
Ganyu (Genshin Impact)
Yoimiya (Genshin Impact)
D.VA (Overwatch)
Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)
Cornelia li Britannia (Code Geass)
Muffet (Undertale)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)
Audrey Belrose (Huniepop)
Yu Narukami (Persona 4)
Yukiko Amagi (Persona 4)
Akira Kurusu/Joker (Persona 5)
Lavenza (Persona 5)
Sae Niijima (Persona 5)
Hifumi Togo (Persona 5)
Sigma Klim (Zero Escape)
Clover Field (Zero Escape)
Alice (Zero Escape)
Ethan Winters (Resident Evil)
Eveline (Resident Evil)
Draculaura (Monster High)
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Faith Seed (Far Cry 5)
Velvet Crowe (Tales Of Berseria)
Alice Angel (Bendy And The Ink Machine)
Mavis Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
2B (Nier Automata)
Lola Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Yor Forger (Spy x Family)
Anya Forger (Spy x Family)
Shaggy Rogers (Scooby Doo)
Daphne Blake (Scooby Doo)
Bowsette (Super Crown)
Booette (Super Crown)
Any Animatronic (Five Night's At Freddy's) (All Are Women)
Ankha (Animal Crossing)
Character Requests For TF Asks (Males To Transform)
Jin Kirigiri (Danganronpa)
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead (My Hero Academia)
Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic (My Hero Academia)
Fred Jones (Scooby Doo)
Lie Ren (RWBY)
Cardin Winchester (RWBY)
Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat)
Flowey (Undertale)
Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona 5)
Yusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5)
Morgana (Persona 5)
Sojiro Sakura (Persona 5)
Takuto Maruki (Persona 5)
Dio (Zero Escape)
Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)
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disasterbijedi · 2 years
Last week was country music. This week is musicials
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