drew-winchester · 4 months
What’s one or two of your favorite Peregrine and Khadgar works? What’s one or two of your favorite Audrey and Neville works? AND, What’s one or two of your favorite Sacha and Sarha works?
Thank you for the question!! Let's see... two Khadgrin works... (I decided not to pick comics on purpose owo)
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Two Reyville artworks... 💚🪴🦁💛
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And two SatoSasu artworks! 💙⚡️🔥❤️
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bamgyw · 3 months
i’m so sorry for this rant in advance😭. for a little backstory i’m 20 and i’ve been with my boyfriend since i was 15. he is pretty much perfect. he is supportive of my passions, he is understanding, he is sweet, and we have sooo much in common. lately ive been feeling extra lost and down due to (most likely) going off of anti depressants that i have also been on for 5 years. i feel very confused about who i am and also have been disassociating which is something ive never experienced before. ugh im so sorry this is getting so deep😭. i really do love him but im just so confused on if i’m IN love with him anymore. i mean we try to be intimate but the past few years due to body changes and stuff it’s really hard for me to find pleasure in it. when i read fictional things i definitely enjoy that (thanks father rey🫡) but it’s so hard when it’s actually real life. in the past i’ve also become like infatuated or had “crushes” on other people during our relationship but obviously of course never acted EVER on these feelings. when i would look things up people would say these things are normal so i would try not to dwell on it. but right now there is nobody that i have feelings for (at least that’s real or someone i know) yet i still feel distant from my boyfriend. our lives are so intertwined in literally every aspect and we have so many memories together. i can’t possibly imagine my life without him and it scares me thinking of a future where he isn’t the one that i’m with. life would be so different than what it has been and he is my best friend as well. the thought of us not being together devastates me. even with all of these things i can’t help but imagine my life sometimes if i were to be with other people or just be single and move some where across the world and live all of these unrealistic dreams that i have. sometimes i feel like i’m settling. not because he isn’t good enough but because it’s the exact opposite. he is too good and deserves all the love in the world. i want to be in love with him so badly. i just don’t know if i am anymore. like are these fleeting feelings that will go away or is this just my mental illness speaking?? i don’t know anything anymore. all that i know if that I actually just don’t know anything at all anymore. everything hurts so much. being an infp on top of this makes it so much worse😩. i’m not even expecting you to know an answer to this of course but i haven’t even told anyone in my life the way i’ve been feeling. i’m scared that if i say it out loud things will change. i just hurt so much every single day and this has been going on for over a month now. somehow it feels like an eternity though. thank you for taking the time to even read or respond to this😭❤️
well first off, breathe and take this virtual kiss on your forehead. mwah. this is painfully complex, which makes it very human, too. and that is good. it means we're alive and functioning. i promise that all this hurt won't last forever. it never does. we got this !!
i'm sorry for taking so long to reply to you :(, i wanted my thoughts to be somewhat meditated so i could make sense and be as helpful as humanly possible.
also, please don't apologise. you all keep apologising when you think you're bothering me or annoying me or sending asks too long WHICH IS NEVER TRUE so yeah, there's none of that in reyville. we're all really cool no matter what.
and if only the act of sharing this has been useful in the slightest, even just for the relief value of venting, then it was more than worth it and i'm really glad you did !!
first thing is the going off meds. antidepressants are bitch. i don't know which ones you were taking specifically, but usually what they do is numb you out instead of taking away your pain, right? they don't make you feel less shitty, just limit your ability to feel at all. which is fucked up, because the day you stop taking them all the pain comes to you at once. and you don't know what to do with yourself and you feel miserable and you don't even know why.
so. i'm no one and i know nothing. still. i am your friend from the internet, which is a sacred bestie bond, so i'm gonna try to be as honest as i possibly can.
but ultimately you're the person who knows yourself the best (you're literally you), so the wisest and most valuable opinion is always your own, which is fucking scary because freedom is a prison. but you're cool and i trust you, so.
so (and again, i'm not a psychiatrist i'm a rando on the internet), i think you're right when you say that going off the meds might be a reason why you're in so much pain. you need to be patient and allow your brain some time to balance the chemicals and get used to working on its own.
but beyond that, you're feeling shitty and lost, which absolutely fucking sucks. your pain is here and widespread and tangible and so we need to cope with that now !!
when you talk about that inability to feel pleasure, again, mental illness is literally crippling. so you shouldn't press yourself about not being able to enjoy getting intimate with your boyfriend. just take your time and get comfortable with yourself first.
and don't get the concepts of love and attraction confused !! you struggling a little to get turned on does absolutely not mean that you love him any less. asexual people exist, and they date and get married !!
love comes in so many different ways, even within one person. so don't be scared because things aren't as they used to. even if you were feeling great emotionally, things like this happen all the time and it's alright !! your libido might not always be on the high, and so what? and with all that's going on inside your head, it's understandable that you can't enjoy getting intimate.
i feel like i can't advise you to tell your boyfriend about this because i don't really know him and i don't know how he would react. but you do know him !! so if you trust him and you think it's safe, in time and whenever you're comfortable, talk to him. your mental health is your right and duty, but this involves him as well, so maybe he deserves to know. (and he definitely will be able to help you. more than me, at least).
the precise point of it being not real is that there is no risk, nothing to lose. you're allowed to be at your most open and comfortable. that's why fic writing is often brought up in conversations about feminist sexual liberation, because in real life there are little to none safe spaces for girls. so they, we (assuming that you share this experience) wouldn't get a chance to explore our sexuality were it not for fiction. (i rambled i'm sorry).
still, i don't think your libido is entirely broken? you mentioned only getting turned on by fiction, but that's literally so common. if it weren't, the idol industry would totally crumble.
it's pretty simple, in fiction there's no danger to the relationship, no actual commitment and no threat of failure. it's not real, it has no effect in your life. so all those worries that clog up your brain in real life and that paralyse you—do i still love him, do i love him like he deserves, what would i do without him— those ugly but very necessary parts of a relationship are just gone.
that's the beauty of literature of any genre, it's a chance to try and fail without real consequences. an exploration.
but it can also be a great source of dissatisfaction, when real life feels dull and not enough. there's a beauty to that dullness too, though sometimes it is a little harder to see. that's where the deep bond with your boyfriend comes to play.
there's the line (this is stupid, sorry, it just reminded me of it) in the intro to the new ariana grande album. "how can i tell if i'm in the right relationship? aren't you really supposed to know that shit? feel it in your bones and own that shit?"
you mentioned he's your best friend, and i think that's so cherishable. personally, i value having someone to share life with so much, (i'm terrified of being alone, and now i'm supposed to insert some lame joke to make it goofy) but i also understand that great fear of not being satisfied in that kind of traditional, unbreakable concept of relationship.
i think fear of commitment is so much deeper than people usually make it out to be. he's perfect, but is he perfect for me? no one is ever gonna make me feel this safe and loved, but also, why does it feel like it's not enough? it fucking sucks.
but there's so many external things that can be triggering all those thoughts. things neither you nor your boyfriend can control.
there's the antidepressants. there's the fact that you've been with your boyfriend since you were fifteen?? that's so fucking young, you were babies !! you don't know how to live a life without your boyfriend because you practically never have. there's the combination of everything that just results in that anxiety storm which might also be causing you to wanna run away and live a completely different life !!
whatever you do, just remember that there's no such thing as a bad choice. you have a right to be curious and want to explore other ways of life, and you also have a right to look for stability with your boyfriend. they're both scary, and there's a lot of pondering to do. but i believe in you !!
your boyfriend is so important, and he deserves all the best. but the best is almost never pretending that everything's going fine so that he doesn't get upset. loving him like he deserves might mean talking to him earnestly about everything you're feeling, or even a sincere break up.
and please don't take this as me encouraging you to break up with him. only you know if that's the right choice. i just want you to walk without guilt into whatever path you think it's the right one.
as you think about all this, love yourself a lot. that'll make everything easier. (cliché but true) you need integrity and a lot of self-respect to make the best possible decisions, for you and for everyone you love.
please try to not get anxious. to keep your head a little cold and your heart calm. if not, your fears will turn into these irrational bloodthirsty monsters and every decision will feel like it's life or death. it's not, it's gonna be okay.
talk to yourself as you would talk to dear friend, be supportive of yourself. sometimes it even helps to put yourself in a third person pov and think about your problems as if they were happening to a character !! (again, the holy power of story).
and don't hesitate to send in as many asks as you need and talk to me about anything !!
i hope i didn't make too many stupid points during this long ass speech, and i hope i didn't tell you too many things you already knew. i really want you to feel better, and i trust that you will.
be strong !! a hundred thousand kisses.
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newthea-art · 4 years
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Neville & Rey for @drew-winchester
As a little thank you for this wonderful drawing uwu I hope you like it!
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lillenta · 4 years
Un nouveau texte pour @drew-winchester, avec le soutien secret de @haleth qui m’a encouragée à écrire un petit quelque chose plein de fluff. Fluff it is, then!
Cher Neville,
Comment vas-tu ?
J’ai bien reçu l’échantillon. Il est parfait ! Je pense que je pourrai passer d’ici peu pour commencer les premiers prélèvements. Encore tous mes remerciements pour avoir accepté de t’occuper du bois de saule. Je suis certaine qu’il produira de merveilleuses baguettes.
Moi et Olivier vous embrassons.
P.-S.: Tous nos vœux pour votre anniversaire de mariage !
Figé, Neville relisait la lettre pour la troisième fois. Pendant ce temps, la chouette de Thalie choisissait un des arbres du jardin pour y piquer un petit somme. Elle voleta un peu trop près d’un bosquet de fleurs violettes qui tentèrent de l’asperger de pollen, et poussa un hululement indigné en s’échappant juste à temps. Neville n’avait toujours pas relevé la tête.
Leur anniversaire de mariage ! Comment avait-il pu l’oublier ? Accablé, il se laissa tomber par terre, son arrosoir encore à la main. Qu’allait dire Rey ? Il n’avait même pas de cadeau !
Il jeta un coup d’œil furtif vers la maison. Il était encore bien tôt. Il s’était levé à l’aube pour prendre soin de plusieurs plants délicats, et avait pris toutes les précautions du monde pour ne pas réveiller sa femme - y compris se retenir de pousser un cri de douleur quand il s’était cogné le pied dans un meuble.
Combien de temps avait-il devant lui pour préparer quelque chose ? Peut-être une heure ? Il posa son arrosoir, retira ses gants, et plia la lettre de Thalie pour la glisser dans sa poche. Rey se réveillait souvent plus tôt que d’habitude quand il n’était plus là ; il n’avait même peut-être que vingt minutes. Il se précipita vers la cuisine.
-Bon anniversaire !
Rey bâilla en se redressant dans le lit.
-Mais… Nous ne sommes pas en août…? marmonna-t-elle en se frottant les yeux.
-De mariage ! ajouta précipitamment la voix de Neville.
Rey ouvrit de grands yeux. Il avait enfilé sa plus belle robe de sorcier et lui tendait un grand plateau. A côté d’une rose fraîchement coupée, il avait disposé du thé, du café, des gâteaux encore chauds, de la confiture et du pain grillé.
-Oh, murmura Rey en sentant ses yeux s’embuer. C’est adorable… Bon anniversaire à toi aussi !
Il s’approcha d’elle à pas très lents pour ne rien renverser et posa le plateau sur la couverture. Rey, un grand sourire aux lèvres, étala de la confiture sur un petit pain et croqua dedans.
-C’est bon ? s’enquit-il avec inquiétude. C’est la première fois que j’essaie les recettes du livre que nous a offert la mère de Ron.
“Très bon !” tenta d’articuler Rey - mais elle avait la bouche pleine. A la place, elle lui planta un baiser collant sur la joue, ce qui le fit rosir.
-J’ai failli oublier, confessa-t-elle en goûtant le thé. Je m’en suis rappelé il y a tout juste quelques jours. Tu veux voir ton cadeau ?
-B-Bien sûr ! dit Neville en déglutissant.
Rey le regarda.
-Tout va bien, Nev ? Tu as l’air un peu nerveux.
-Je vais très bien !
Il tenta de détourner l’attention de sa femme.
-J’ai reçu une lettre de Thalie… Tu veux la voir ?
-Bien sûr. Tiens, va voir ton cadeau pendant que je lis ça. Il est caché sous le lit. Je ne savais pas où le mettre.
Rey pouffa de rire et Neville s’empressa de lui tendre la lettre, puis de s’agenouiller pour regarder sous le matelas. Un paquet était effectivement présent, qu’il tira vers lui. Il avait une grosse boule dans la gorge, et défit les cordons autour du papier d’un air absent. Rey commentait la lettre de Thalie, mais il ne l’entendait pas.
-Qu’est-ce que tu en penses ? finit-elle par lui demander.
-Pardon ?
Rey pencha la tête sur le côté, l’air partagée entre l’inquiétude et la curiosité.
-Je te proposais de les inviter la semaine prochaine.
-Ah ! Oui ! s’exclama Neville d’une voix un peu tremblante. Formidable ! Faisons ça !
Rey fronça légèrement les sourcils. Dans sa robe de velours, Neville semblait transpirer. Il ouvrit enfin le paquet et souleva lentement à hauteur d’yeux le bocal qu’il contenait. A l’intérieur, une petite plante bleue s’agitait doucement, déployant des feuilles très fines.
-Le vendeur m’a assuré que la plante pouvait tenir le coup plusieurs jours dans le paquet cadeau, dit Rey un peu anxieuse à présent. Elle te plaît ? C’est une amortelisia. On raconte qu’elle fleurit là où on s’aime. Je… Je trouvais ça romantique. Je sais que tu avais adoré l’article écrit dessus dans le…
Neville pinçait les lèvres, les yeux pleins de larmes. Rey s’interrompit, posa la tartine qu’elle tenait encore à la main et sortit immédiatement du lit, la gorge nouée.
-Qu’est-ce qu’il y a ? Ça ne te plaît pas ? Je peux sûrement la changer…
-Si, si ! couina Neville. C’est… C’est parfait, c’est… C’est juste moi qui ne suis pas à la hauteur.
Rey s’agenouilla à côté de lui pour le prendre dans ses bras.
-Ne dis pas une chose pareille ! C’était un merveilleux petit-déjeuner, et tu es un merveilleux mari. Pourquoi n’aurais-tu pas droit à un cadeau ?
Mais Neville renifla et posa délicatement le bocal devant lui. Il hésita, mais devant l’inquiétude de Rey, se décida à avouer.
-J’avais… J’avais oublié la date. Grand-mère a raison de dire que je suis horriblement tête en l’air, regarde un peu ce que j’ai oublié. C’est…
Mais il ne put terminer sa phrase - Rey avait résolument tourné son menton dans sa direction pour l’embrasser. Se souvenant vaguement qu’il y avait une plante très fragile sur le côté, Neville se contorsionna pour enlacer sa femme et lui rendre son baiser. Quand elle rompit le contact, elle posa ses mains de chaque côté de son visage.
-Qu’est-ce que je dis toujours sur ta grand-mère, Neville ?
-De ne pas l’écouter aveuglément, répondit-il dans un soupir. Reconnais tout de même qu’elle a raison sur ce point.
-Elle a tort sur le fait que ce soit horrible. Je t’aime comme ça. Je ne suis pas fâchée, ni triste, sauf si tu l’es. Alors ne t’en veux pas, d’accord ? C’est la seule chose qui pourrait me gâcher la journée.
Neville finit par sourire, et la reprit dans ses bras.
A côté d’eux, dans son bocal, l’amortelisia écarta quelques feuilles, dévoilant une fleur rose.
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mad1492 · 5 years
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Commission for @drew-winchester of their character Rey and Neville Longbottom.
This couple is one of the cutest thing ever
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lizzie-boo · 5 years
The Power of Flowers
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Request: Hello! Thank you for taking requests ❤️ I would love to read a story about Neville Longbottom and a character called Rey (short for Audrey) Winchester, a Gryffindor. She’s optimistic, sunny, funny, kind of tough, she loves flowers and have a lot of them in her hair (if needed, there should be a lot about her on the Rey Winchester tag). They’re childhood friends but I’d love a cute story where they start dating and maybe share a first kiss? Thank you 🌸
Requested by: Anonymous
Word Count: 2,155 
A/N: Once again this was requested forever ago. Are you sensing a theme here, yeah it’s that I’m finally getting around to writing these. I feel so bad about taking so long and I still have a few more requests to do but I’m back in the swing of this writing thing and should have them up soon. Thank you all for being so patient with me, I love each and every one of you for it. Also, in regards to this request I hope that is what you wanted, I read your request and just knew I needed to do something along the lines of this. I know it isn’t exactly what you asked for but I hope you still like it. 
The curtains around her bed fluttered as her dorm mates rushed out to head to their first class of the day. It wasn’t the movement of the curtains or the sound of running feet that woke her but rather the sound of the door softly clicking shut. The noise itself had nestled itself into her mind and worked its way into her dream. Giving her images of heading to class and meeting with friends. The images were what startled her awake and she struggled to remove herself from the bed.
The second her feet touched the floor she began rushing around the room. The thought of being late fueled her rampant efforts to get ready. Her usual morning routine was vastly shortened and before she knew it she was slamming the girls' dorm room behind her.
Her robe billowed behind her as she made her way out to the greenhouse as fast as possible. Professor Sprout was still informing the class of what they would be doing today and she was able to slip into the crowd of students.
She was out of breath and barely standing as she searched for her friend among the sea of students. She spotted him near the front of the group and gently began to make her way forward, hoping to get to him before Sprout had finished talking. She placed a hand on his arm causing him to look at her. He gave her a large smile before turning back to their professor. Once all the students were allowed to go about today’s lesson they turned to each other.
“You’re so lucky that we had herbology this morning,” Neville tells her.
“Don’t even, I don’t want to think about what would’ve happened if it had been Snape’s class.” She shudders at the thought, making Neville laugh.
“You know you’re really dramatic,” He teases.
“You know you would’ve acted the same way if you were in my position so I don’t want to hear it,” She sasses back.
Another smile graces his face and he responds, “You know you're lucky that I like you, Audrey.”
“Oh, so we are doing full names now huh?” She says.
Before he gets a chance to respond she’s turning towards the plants laid out on the table. They work in silence next to each other tending to the plants. At one point Neville turns to her to ask a question and stops when he notices her hair. Her brown hair that is normally laced with flowers is bare today. It shocks him ever so slightly because as long as he’s known her she’s never gone anywhere without flowers in her hair. He’s watched her run late for important events and still take the time to intricately place flowers throughout her hair.
Not long after Professor Sprout dismisses the class and the students file out of the greenhouse and make their way back towards the caste. When Rey turns to look for her friend he is nowhere to be seen, so she heads to her next class hoping he will catch up eventually because she doesn’t want to risk being late again today.
She takes her seat near the back of the class and pulls out her transfiguration textbook. As she places her quill next to it she hears someone sit down next to her. She turns to see a red-faced Neville who seems to be panting just as bad as she was earlier.
“Where’d you go?” She asks.
“I um stopped to get some flowers,” He manages.
“Ooh, who’s the lucky lady?” Her eyes twinkle as she teases him. His face turns a darker shade of red which she didn’t know was possible.
“Actually, they are for you.” He places the small red flowers on the desk in front of them.
“Me?” She gapes at the flowers strewn about the desk. After all these years of friendship and he’s giving her flowers. She never thought she would see the day that she would be on the receiving end of such a thoughtful gift.
“Yeah, I noticed you didn’t have any in your hair. So I thought I would get you some.” He reaches for the nearest flower and gently places it in her hair.
Her smile grows wider at the gesture and her face flushes. Sure it wasn’t the grand romantic gesture she thought it had been originally but it was still touching.
“Thank you, Neville, I love them.” She pulls him in for a tight hug before quickly adorning her hair with the rest of the bright red flowers. She isn’t quite sure what kind they are but she never gets the chance to ask as class begins.
After class, they walk side by side towards the great hall. They reach the Gryffindor table and sit next to a few of the Weasleys and Harry Potter. Neville joins the boys in a conversation on the ridiculous amount of homework that was assigned for transfiguration, causing Audrey to turn towards the youngest Weasley.
“They should stop complaining and just start working on it already.” She huffs.
“I know, it would save them so much time and stress. And god knows it would save me from killing them when they won’t stop complaining about how they don’t have enough time to finish it,” Ginny complains.
“I think I’ve learned to just drown it out. It’s not even worth our time fighting with them over it because they never listen and it’s the same thing every time,” She replies.
“I know, I know. Anyway besides your apparent stack of homework how were your classes?”
“It was fine, I was late to herbology and Neville brought me flowers to put in my hair since I was running late.”
Ginny stops to look at me, her mouth hanging open slightly. She fiddles with one of the flowers in her hair as she waits for her friend to say something.
“He brought you flowers?” She whispers.
“Yeah, I mean not exactly what I thought at first but it was still nice.” She smiles while pulling at the ends of her hair.
“Wait, hold up! You mean you wanted him to bring you flowers. Like a full ass bouquet?” Her eyes dart between the two Gryffindors sitting next to her. She still looks just as shocked and Audrey can’t help but laugh at her expression.
“I mean it wouldn't have said no if he offered them to me.” She shrugs.
“Don’t kill me but do you have a crush on him?” She whispers. Audrey gives her a small nod in response causing the red-haired girl to freak out.
Grabbing her friend by the hand Ginny drags her out of the great hall and straight to their common room. Once she’s forced her to sit on one of the couches she starts pacing.
“I always knew he liked you but you, you I was never quite sure about. I mean you’re so nice to everyone and it was hard to tell if you were just being nice or if you were interested in him.” The red-haired girl’s voice grows louder after each word until Audrey has to shush her
“I mean yeah why wouldn't I like him. He’s so sweet and caring and he’s always been there for me.” She smiles at the ground as she scuffs her shoe into the carpet.
“Audrey Winchester you need to tell me everything right now. When did this start? Why didn’t you tell me before? And most importantly when are you going to do something about it?” The younger girl is out of breath before she’s even done asking her questions.
“Gin, come on it’s no big deal and please sit down before you pass out.”
“Fine but only if you tell me everything.”
“Okay, okay, I mean Nev and I have been friends since we were kids. We knew each other growing up, started Hogwarts together, and even got sorted into the same house. You could almost say it was bound to happen. I mean geez Gin, he loves to grow flowers and take care of plants and I love wearing them in my hair. It’s like a match made in freaking heaven.”
“Then go do something about it before someone else locks him down cause honey I’ve seen some people looking at him and you might not have much time left to make a move,” She urges.
“I don’t know how to. Like what am I supposed to do walk up to him and be like hey childhood friend wanna be more than friends?” Audrey mocks while wiggling her eyebrows. This causes Ginny to laugh and before they know it both girls are laughing so hard that tears blur their vision.
The portrait hole swings open and both turn to look at who it is through their laughter induced tears. A majority of the boys from lunch have filed in to lounge around before classes start up again for the day.
“What happened here?” Harry asks looking between both girls who can’t seem to keep it together.
“Oh nothing,” Audrey says with a dismissive wave of the hand.
Ginny stands and takes a few steps towards Neville. “You’ve got a good one don’t let her slip away,” She tells him while giving him a pat on the back that leaves him breathless. He takes a minute to stare at her, surprised that such a small girl could be so strong. 
“Ginny Weasley!” Audrey shrieks when she registers the comment.
“What?” Neville asks, confused as ever. Harry and Ron shrug before flopping down on the chairs closest to the fire.
“I think that might be a hint,” Fred says while giving him a playful shove.
“I do believe it was,” George agrees before shoving Neville back towards his twin.
“Can someone please explain this to me?” He asks. His plea is met with a silence which leaves him feeling discouraged.
“Hey, Nev, why don’t we go on a walk. It’s a lovely day out,” Audrey suggests while tugging at his arm. He follows behind her silently as everyone gives him a thumbs up. He shoots them a questioning look and they all just smile back.
The hand that is holding his wrist slowly loosens. In a moment of courage, she lets her hand slide down to his. They take a few steps with her hand lightly covering his, both unsure of what to do. Eventually, he turns his hand and intertwines their fingers. When he turns to look at her she is already smiling at him.
As they make their way outside Neville breaks the silence, “I think red flowers look really nice in your hair.”
The compliment warms her face and she smiles at the ground. Her free hand comes up to tug at the ends of her hair again. Something she finds herself doing much too often around her friend. A group of girls a year below them walks past them and one of the girls waves at Neville. Her face heats up as her friends giggle at her and they all rush away before Audrey or Neville have a chance to react.
The gears in Audrey’s mind are spinning. The words she shared with Ginny not so long ago bob to the surface. She had thought it was a blatant lie before. Something that the ginger girl had said to get her to make a move on her childhood friend. Yet, seeing how the girl looked so infatuated with him she knew it was true, she wasn’t the only one vying for his attention.
Turning to her friend she finally started to register the way he was looking at her. The way that his face lit up when he looked at her and how he hadn’t even noticed the other girls shy advances. That was all she needed to finally make the move that she had been waiting for him to make all these years.
She took a step towards him and looked up into his eyes. A variety of emotions flashed in his eyes and it made her feel all the more confident. Taking the final step she summons all her Gryffindor courage and stands up on the top of her toes and gently places a kiss on his lips. Pulling back she let the heels of her feet sink back into the grass. Without a second thought, Neville’s arm makes its way around her waist, pulling her in for another kiss. When they finally break apart he tucks her into his side, his arm never leaving her. 
“Would you maybe wanna go out sometime?” Neville asks.
“You don’t even know how long I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that,” She responds. He leans down placing a gentle kiss on her forehead and she buries her face into his shirt.
“I can’t believe this is finally happening,” He tells her.
“I know it took us long enough, so let’s not waste another minute.” And with that, they share another kiss before heading down to the lake to spend the rest of the afternoon together.
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zakthefiend · 5 years
Impatient child
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((Still getting used to making fics rather than chats and roleplays, but it’s getting there! @drew-winchester made this wonderful comic and an outstanding oc x canon character of Harry Potter. Drew, I hope this makes you feel better if you happen to be feeling down at the moment, and I hope you enjoy!))
Rey sighed, feeling a strong kick from her gut. Despite there still being two months before the baby’s predicted arrival, it seemed to be unable to wait! Still, she did her best to keep quiet about the sudden kick. She didn’t want to wake-
“Huh? Wha?”
Nevermind. Neville’s awake. Which was bad because he literally worried himself to sleep! Neville has been so worried about Rey and the baby that on multiple occasions he’s offered to carry her to places. It was adorable(and she never really turned down a free lift!) but it was quite restraining. “What’s wrong?” He started, already fully awake.
Rey giggled, the sight of a very worried Neville with bed head was honestly always good for a giggle or two. “It’s nothing honey, it’s just our daughter kicking a bit.” She tried her best to assure him, which was much easier with him tired than him fully awake. “I’m fine dear. We’re fine.”
“Huh.” Neville responded, letting his face rest a bit. He moved his head down the bed to Rey’s belly. “Mary Alice. Sweetheart. Can you be sweet and stop kicking your mum? Please?” He whispered, causing Rey to laugh a bit. Sleepy Neville was always the most adorable part of him. He’s much cuddlier and goofier than usual Neville. Speaking of which, he laid back down into the bed and held Rey close. He pecked her cheek before burying his face into her shoulder.
“Love you dear.”
“Love you too Neville!”
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lexrius · 6 years
The Dragon’s Mate
AN:This is the first fanfic I’m posting here. Kinda nervous, but here it is! I don’t own any cannon characters. They are owned by JKR. Rey Winchester is owned by the wonderful @drew-winchester. Viper is my own Character.
Please Enjoy!
I watched from Diagon alley as the dark wizard snuck towards Knockturn alley. I kept my head down as I walked into knockturn alley behind my target. "Sulfuric sanctum." I heard him whisper to the statue in the stair case down to the shops. I followed closely as I whispered the same password. "Ladies and Gentlemen! The bidding for the opal-eye egg is about to begin!" I watched as they auctioned very illegal items. I grinned my teeth as my intel walked beside me. "I'm going to need an eye witness Fryer." I whispered and bid every now and then to appear non-suspicious. "You know the cost Akela." "Not sending you to Azkaban should be enough." I glared at him. "Been there done that. It won't harm me to go back for another ten years. I want my Galleons." I scoffed and handed him some galleons. Soon the egg was shown and my attention soon shot to it. I waited for the bidding to end then followed the wizard out into the dark alley. “Incarcerous!" The wizard struggled as we apparated to the ministry. "You bitch! Let go of me!" I silenced him and threw him into a cell. I confiscated his wares. I rubbed the dragon egg softly. "We'll take care of this. Get this egg back to the sanctuary." Moody ordered. I nodded and began to walk out. "Akela!" I turned and watched him hobble over to me. He handed me a letter,"The Phoenix calls. We'll see you at Grimwald place." I nodded and apparated away with the dragon egg. I smiled as I breathed in the Romanian air. I apparated to the house I knew would be open these hours for me. I opened the door and walked in while cradling the dragon egg in my arms. Charlie Weasley had his head on his desk. Books everywhere. Silent snores escaping his mouth. I placed the dragon egg on the table and lightly rubbed his shoulders. His eyes peered open and closed with a groan. "Viper? What are you doing here?" I kissed his shoulder as I walked to the table. "Your boss sent me on a mission to retrieve a stolen item." I picked up the dragon egg and placed it in his hands. "The Opal-eye!? Thank you love!" He placed it on his desk and embraced me. I missed the feeling of his arms around me. After he got accepted into the dragon sanctuary; Charlie and I kept our relationship even through long distance. with him being a Dragonologist and me working in the ministry as an Auror. "How long can you stay?" He asked as he pulled me towards his bed." "Sadly love only one night." I kissed him deeply. "Let me take the dragon back to the sanctuary and we'll make most of tonight." He kissed me back. I smiled and changed into pajamas I kept here and observed the note Moody gave me. "We're escorting Potter to Grimwald place. Meet us there tomorrow night." I read. I looked up as Charlie apparated back into the house with a yawn. He smiled and stripped in front of me and climbed into bed. I nuzzled with him as we made love with the moonlight glistening our skin. ---- I met with the order brooms at the ready as we entered the Dursley's house. Harry with his wand raised looked at us with uncertainty until his eyes met Moody's. We escorted him out of the house. His smile widened as both Tonks and I raced on our brooms. The feeling of racing through the quidditch field ran through my head. I saw the same look in Potter's eyes. Like Charlie's. Definitely a seeker. We made it to Grimwald Place and walked in. Tonks nearly tripping on a hat hanger. Molly ran up to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Charlie says hi by the way." I whispered to her as Ginny ran up with a big smile on her face. ---- A week passed since we went to Grimwald Place. We escorted the kids to the Hogwarts Express. I was worried though. Umbridge was going to work there as the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. And not only did the minister want her there, but Moody put in the good word of me being a good teacher and great with magical beast. I was given the okay to teach at Hogwarts. Taking Hagrid's place as the Care of Magical creatures. I smiled as memories of the past came running back. Padfoot trotted next to me and pulled my jacket sleeve. I followed suit as a note appeared in his mouth. He turned into his normal form. "Dumbledore wanted you to have this." He placed the letter in my hands. "He said keep an eye on Harry. Now go catch the train before it leaves." I nodded and said goodbye. ---- I got into my robes and sat down at the professor's table. Flitwick smiled at me and congratulated me for becoming a professor. I then smiled at Rowan who had become the new History of Magic teacher. I sat next to Professor Sprout who gave me a tight hug,"It's good to see you again darling." "It's good to be back." I hugged her back. We sat down and watched the sorting hat sing his song. In times of old, when I was new, And Hogwarts barely started, The founders of our noble school Thought never to be parted. United by a common goal, They had the selfsame yearning To make the world's best magic school And pass along their learning. "Together we will build and teach" The four good friends decided. And never did they dream that they Might some day be divided. For were there such friends anywhere As Slytherin and Gryffindor? Unless it was the second pair Of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, So how could it have gone so wrong? How could such friendships fail? Why, I was there, so I can tell The whole sad, sorry tale. Said Slytherin, "We'll teach just those Whose ancestry's purest." Said Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose Intelligence is surest." Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those With brave deeds to their name." Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot And treat them just the same." These differences caused little strife When first they came to light. For each of the four founders had A house in which they might Take only those they wanted, so, For instance, Slytherin Took only pure-blood wizards Of great cunning just like him. And only those of sharpest mind Were taught by Ravenclaw While the bravest and the boldest Went to daring Gryffindor. Good Hufflepuff, she took the rest and taught them all she knew, Thus, the houses and their founders Maintained friendships firm and true. So Hogwarts worked in harmony For several happy years, But then discord crept among us Feeding on our faults and fears. The Houses that, like pillars four Had once held up our school Now turned upon each other and Divided, sought to rule. And for a while it seemed the school Must meet an early end. What with duelling and with fighting And the clash of friend on friend. And at last there came a morning When old Slytherin departed And though the fighting then died out He left us quite downhearted. And never since the founders four Were whittled down to three Have the Houses been united As they once were meant to be. And now the Sorting Hat is here And you all know the score: I sort you into Houses Because that is what I'm for. But this year I'll go further, Listen closely to my song: Though condemned I am to split you Still I worry that it's wrong, Though I must fulfil my duty And must quarter every year Still I wonder whether sorting May not bring the end I fear. Oh, know the perils, read the signs, The warning history shows, For our Hogwarts is in danger From external, deadly foes. And we must unite inside her Or we'll crumble from within I have told you, I have warned you... Let the Sorting now begin. With that the students were sorted and Dumbledore began his welcome speech. "-I would like to introduce to you two new professor's who will be joining with us this year. Viper Akela who will be taking over the Care for Magical Creatures classes and Dolores Jane Umbrige who will be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts classes." He then continued his speech until he was rudely interrupted by Umbrige. She then went and gave her own speech. She finished and went back to her seat. My heart pounded as rage filled my head. After that we ate. We went to a teacher's meeting to discuss the curriculum this year. We looked at Umbridge dumbfounded. She wasn't going to teach them to defend themselves! Dumbledore sent me a look which kept my mouth shut. "Miss Akela; may I have a word with you?" Umbridge said to me as we were leaving. I stopped and watched her closely,"The Minister has given me orders for you to report everything that goes on that I may not see. I will be doing check ups on your performance as well." She smiled sickly at me and walked away. I waved my wand and shut the door in her face. She turned with a quizzed look on her face. 'Oh I ticked her off.' I thought. "Miss Akela?" "First off it is Professor Akela; Umbridge. Secondly; I only answer to two people and that is Madeye Moody who I work under as an Auror and Headmaster Dumbledore who I work under as a Professor. I don't work under you Umbridge! And you better damn well remember that!" I glared at her and walked away. I sighed and went to my Dorm. I smiled as I saw my niffler Galleo was snuggled in his small bed. I sighed and went to bed. This was going to be a long year. ---- I smiled as I taught my third year students about nifflers. Galleo being the perfect one to show them how to handle nifflers if they ever work with one. I smiled as each student was well behaved except a few who were messing around. Which I docked points away. After dark however I would turn into my animegus form and wander around the forest talking to the centaurs on what was going on. Torovus was shocked to see me, but greeted me as an old friend. However; I started to notice small things going on. Some of my students came to me after getting detention from Umbridge with red marks on their hands. Then with Umbridge as High Inquisitor she has put up educational degrees. It wasn't until I saw Nevile Longbottom and Rey Winchester sneaking into the Room of Requirements. "Nice one Potter." I smiled as I heard two students of mine mention a DA meeting. --- I was cleaning Hagrid's hut and feeding the creatures when Hagrid came bursting in with his umbrella pointed at me,"What are ye'-" HE then stopped and smiled as he recognized me,"Blimey... is that really you Viper?" I laughed as Hagrid hugged me,"You've gotten so big and grown up! And how's Galleo?" As if on cue the niffler clawed up my back and clung to my shoulder. "Snrk Snrk!" "So does this mean I get to retire from my teaching post?" I laughed as he looked at me in shock. "Dumbledore requested you?! I thought you were going to be the new Defense Professor, but then I heard that Umbridge has taken over the school." "Basically." We then heard a knock on the door. "We'll talk later Hagrid." I opened the door and saw Ron, Harry and Hermione. I nodded towards them and walked back towards the castle. ----
I had come down from the Owlery when I was told by Professor Snape that I had night watch tonight. It was a couple of nights before Christmas break and I was stuck on night watch.
It wasn’t until I saw McGonagall with Harry and Ron helping Harry towards Dumbledore's office where my I started to panic. "Professor Akela, please get the rest of the Weasley children up. Something may have happened to Arthur. And please send word to Charlie and Bill as well." I nodded and rushed towards the Griffindor common room. Ginny, Fred and George rushed towards Dumbledore's office. I looked with worry as Harry snapped at Dumbledore. I helped the kids pack as we went back to number twelve Grimwald place. I came back to Hogwarts to teach for the rest of the week. I jumped slightly as a light came bursting into my dorm. I relaxed when I saw it turn into a Welsh Green. "I don't know when this will reach you love, but I have most of Christmas off and would like for you to spend it with me." Charlie's voice emerged from the dragon’s open mouth. "Let me know soon love. I love you. Also tell McGonagall hello." I smiled and watched as the dragon disappeared. I took out my wand and aimed it towards the window. I remembered going to the Burrow for the first time. The laughs with the twins. Hanging with Ginny and teaching her a little bit about quidditch. Quidditch practices with the entire family. And the romantic night under the stars with Charlie. The first time we made love near the lake. Our whispers of sweet nothings and I love yous. Our promise to spend the rest of our lives together. "Expecto Patronum." I said quietly. I watched as my patronus took form into a mare. I looked at the Bay mare with a gentle smile,"I will see you in a week my love, but send an owl to your family. Your father has been hurt. Please stay safe Charlie. I will contact you the day before I leave. I love you too." I flicked my wand and the light shot out towards the mountains. ---- I spent a day at number twelve Grimwald place. Helping Molly around before Christmas. "Professor? Are you not staying here for Christmas?" Hermione asked. I smiled and shook my head. "She's going to Romania to study a handsome red dragon!" Fred popped next to me. "Yeah I bet she's going to research a lot of things. Maybe even the way he mates!" I blushed as I shooed the twins away. "Those two! I swear-" I sighed and looked shyly at the blushing Griffindor. "Sorry about that, but what they said is true. I will be going to Romania to visit Charlie." "Is it hard? You know; to stay together?" She asked as she helped me with the cooking. "At times. But letters and Holiday's like this makes the wait worth something. It's almost like a blessing in disguise." I smiled at her. She smiled back and kept cooking. "If only that blessing wasn't covered by the curse of long distance." A voice appeared behind us. I turned and saw Charlie walking in with some presents and that handsome grin of his. I dropped the spoon I was holding and ran up to him. He put down the presents just in time for him to catch me in a hug. "Charlie?! What are you doing here?!" I asked as I kissed his cheek. He laughed and kissed me back,"Picking up my wonderful girlfriend. I'm also here to see how dad's doing." Molly came through the kitchen and rushed to her son. Soon all the siblings began to join in. Charlie even dragged Harry into a hug. Charlie and I had dinner here and then apparated back to his small cottage. ---- I woke up to the sounds of dragons roaring in the distance and a Weasley snoring beside me as his arms enveloped around my body. I sighed as I snuggled closer to the love of my life. "Vi?" He woke up groggily as he pulled me to his chest running his hands through my hair and up my bare back. "Sorry to wake you Charlie." I kissed his chest. He smiled and rolled on top of me. His lips met mine just as the sun peaked through the curtains. We laid there trying to muster up the energy to get active as Charlie was taking me to see the new Peruvian Viper they got in. We finally got up and walked around the sancuary. We even visited Norbert. My eyes fell upon the Norwegian Ridgeback. Remembering when a furious but excited Charlie wanted me, Penny,  Liz and Barnaby to help him move Norbert to Romania in the first place. "Viper? Can I ask you something?" "Mmm what is it love?" I felt his arms leave my sides and felt his hands entangle in mine. "Marry me?" My stormy eyes met his with shock,"What? "Marry me. Viper you are my everything. Without you I'm just an incomplete mess. You are what keeps driving me to go on all these adventures and to enjoy everyday even if its been my worst." He kissed me deeply. My heart pounded as everything clicked in my head. "Yes." I answered out of breath. He smiled and pulled a ring out of the dresser and put it on my finger. "Charlie..it's beautiful. Where did you get it?" "I made it with Norbert's fire. Remember that night where I asked you to get me a couple of things while you were in France? The gold and the gems were used for this ring." He put it on my finger and kissed my head. I observed the ring in awe. "Charlie that was two years ago." "And it took me that long to make it." He then chuckled as he held me,"Did you know dragons mate for life?" I laughed as he spewed more dragon knowledge. Viper Weasley. It had a nice chime to it. We went back to the Cottage after a picnic in one of the open fields near the reservation. It was a wondrous night full of soft music, dancing and wine. I opened my eyes and looked at the time. I got dressed and started reading over my notes for next semester. I felt Charlie wrap his arms around me as he peppered my shoulder with kisses. "You looking over your class notes?" "Yes I'm trying to decide what I should teach fourth years about first." He rested his head on my shoulder as he read my class list and schedules. I felt his arms wrap around me as he hummed quietly,"Viper Akela. I love you so much. My Raksha." "Don't make me blush Longhorn." ---- I made it back to Hogwarts and began my lessons again. Because of Umbridge's terrible classes; I was teaching them defensive spells against some creatures. Umbridge was observing my classes today. And she was getting on my nerves. I was teaching the fifth years about Granians. I even brought my granian from my Ranch. He was my personal steed since I was a kid. "Now who can tell me where the name for Granians came from?" I walked towards the chalkboard and grabbed a piece of chalk. "They're named after Norse hero Sigurd's steed Grani." A ravenclaw called out. "Correct! Ten points to Ravenclaw for Mr. Aileanach's sharp answer. Although next time I prefer if you raised your hand next time." I laughed and returned to the board as I sketched out a quick Dioramma of the winged horse,"Granians are the fastest breed of winged horses to be discovered. My friend Storm here has run on ground around 71.76 km/h. Any witch or wizard can own one if permitted to own one and must keep it under a Disillusionment Charm daily so no muggles see the creature's wings. Now-" "Ahem." Umbridge interrupted. "Yes Professor." I looked at her trying to keep my temper. "Do you have a permit to care for all these creatures?" "Yes I-" "And do you have a permit to keep them here?" She interrupted again. "Yes. Headmaster Dumbledore has agreed to let me keep these creatures-" "And where do you keep them when you are gone from the school?" "Home with me! Dolores if you are done I have a class to teach!" I snapped at her,"And if you don't shut your mouth and keep interrupting me I will put a silencing charm on you!" With that I turned my back to her and wrote on the chalk board. "Apologies everyone. Now back to our lesson. Granians best known for their speed have been entered into horse races. However; they are forbidden to run in a normal horse race as it would serve unfair to muggles and the horses they-" "Ahem." I turned towards Umbridge with a glare that would terrify any dragon. "It says here that you are an auror. Why did you not teach defense against the dark arts?" "Because a monkey took the position before me. Besides; I love magical creatures and aced my classes with Outstanding on my O.W.L's." Umbridge turned red as I called her a monkey. "I think the Minister would love to look over your old records. You seemed to be a trouble maker in school. You seem to still be a trouble maker to this day." "What does this have to do with my class Umbridge?" I glared at her. "Hmm and it looks like you use your vacation days quite well. Why is that?" I stopped and then turned back to the class,"I want a three page research essay on winged horses on Friday. Tomorrow we will be learning about Abraxans. Class dismissed." I noticed Rey staying behind looking at me with worry. "Are you going to answer my question Akela?" "If it will get you off my back Umbridge; it is to see my Fiance who lives there! Is that a problem?" "No. I guess congratulations are in order. Who is the lucky man?" She asked. "Charlie Weasley; now leave while I clean up here." "I can leave whenever I want to Akela. Personally you threatening me in front of students was humiliating! I can have you fired from it!"I turned and glared at her,"You know. The Minister and Dumbledore made a mistake to make you a professor. I can see your mother and father made a mistake as well." With that I grabbed the reigns of Storm and walked him back to his stall. It was a quiet until I heard a couple of footsteps running towards us. "Viper!" I turned and saw Ginny and Luna running towards me. "It's professor here Ginny. Hello Luna; keeping the Thestrals well fed?" "Oh yes Professor! I saw one give birth recently too!" She said dreamily. "I'll have to check on them later." "Is it true though?!" I looked at Ginny with a questioning look. "Did Charlie really propose?!" I smiled to her and showed her the ring Norbert made. "Did your brother tell you?" I asked her as both girls observed the golden ring with the Garnet gem in the center,"No Neville and Rey told us. Rey over heard you talking to Umbridge. Charlie really did an amazing job!" "Yes he did. Now off to your next class you two." I watched them run back towards the castle. I walked to the Forbidden Forest to check up on the Thestrals. Even seeing the baby that Luna mentioned. --- I did some rounds and heard some strange noises come from the wall. 'I'm searching for those brilliant students who use you for teaching.' I thought. I watched as the room of requirements appeared before me. I heard mutters and whispers of worried students. I entered quickly and shut the door behind me. I looked around and spotted all the Weasley siblings, Harry, Hermione, Nevile, Rey and Luna as well as many other of my students. "Professor Akela!? We were umm-" Hermione started. But I raised my hand to silence her. "Going behind Umbridge's back and rules and from the looks of it teaching Defensive spells?" I looked at them all. "Which spell are you all on?" I asked Harry. "The Patronus charm." I nodded and thought of a dueling dummy. Which appeared. I raised my wand and aimed it at the dummy. "Have you just started to teach them?" Harry nodded and backed away from the dummy,"We've barely just started professor." "Well then. All of you listen because once I show you how to do this, Harry will continue his teachings and I will disappear without knowing anything." All the students muttered among themselves before returning their glances to me. I took a deep breathe and eyed my target,"Powerful memories can change. Think of a memory that makes you happy. Close your eyes and imagine that memory. Is it family? Friends? Or maybe even a place with the love of your life? Let it flow through your body and then cast the spell Expecto Patronus." I watched everyone looking at me with intent eyes. "Expecto Patronus!" I swished my wand and out came the Bay Mare. It galloped around me snorting and whinnying as it then charged the dummy. It then dissipated back in to a blue-ish white smoke. Everyone clapped and thanked me. "Mr. Potter." I looked at Harry with an impressed look,"They're all yours." I smiled and left the room as they began practicing. I made it down the hallway before I spotted a furious looking Umbridge marching towards the Room of Requirements. I walked up to her and stopped her,"What's got you in a huff Professor?" I glared down at her but she waved her wand and I was launched backwards towards the entrance of the Room. She looked at the wall and I pulled my wand out on her. She flicked it again and launched me against the wall. "Bombarda!" She said as the wall's bricks exploded. There were a couple more before a small hole appeared in the wall. "PROFESSOR! You are destroying this school! I will speak to Dumbledore-" I stepped in front of the wall but that didn't stop her. "Bombarda Maximus!" "Protego!" The impact was to great and I was slammed through the wall and into the practice chamber. Blood trickled down my arm as I had a gash on my shoulder when a sharp piece of rubble ripped through it. Fred and George ran up to me and helped me up. "You all will be in trouble for this! And Professor Akela; you will be fired from your position as Care of Magical creatures professor and I will indefinitely report this to the Minister of Magic to make sure you are sacked from the ministry!" I griped my wand as she walked over to my students. "No." "What do you mean no!?" She yelled. "I told you once bitch. You are not my boss. I didn't do anything to go against your rules. In fact I tried to stop you from breaking the school's own rules. You just destroyed a small section of Hogwarts and attacked a teacher!" I aimed my wand at her. "I will escort Potter and the others to detention, but you will not threaten me or any student again! Is that clear?!" I glared at her as more blood trickled down. Umbridge took a deep breathe and looked at Harry. "Potter will come with me and so will you. The rest of the students will be led by Filch to the detention hall." The kids started making a fuss but I silenced them. "Just go and don't make things worse." I looked especially at Fred and George who nodded and understood. ---- I stood in Professor Dumbledore's office with Harry as the Minister, Kingsley and Dawlish as they tried to apprehend Dumbledore. He soon disables them and was whisked away from the school. The minister; after talking to Kingsley, looked in my direction,"Is it true that you knew about this illegal organization?!" He yelled at me. "Minister I had no knowledge of this organization. I asked her what she was so upset about and she used her wand on me and started to destroy Hogwarts walls. That is all sir." "Hmm. I believe you contacted the old Care for Magical creatures professor; am I correct Umbridge?" "Yes sir! And she was very willing to come back." "Very well. Viper Akela; you may stay but you will be an assistant to Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank. You are no longer a Professor." HE ordered. "Yes sir." I hung my head as he sent me out of the office. --- Luckily Professor Grubly-Plank enjoyed my studies more than her own and let me continue to teach the children. I was however summoned to Umbridge's office with Snape. I saw Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Ginny, Nevile and Rey being held in her office. "Ah good. Both of you have arrived. Severus I need some Veritaserum." Snape explained that he used the rest and would take too long to make more. "I don't care how long it takes. I want answers from them all! Akela; I need you-" "He's got Padfoot!" Harry cried out. My heart sank. "He's got Padfoot at the place where its hidden." Harry explained. "What-What is Padfoot?" "I don't know. What was I summoned here for again?" I asked her. "I need you to go to the Ministry and get the Minister here!" She barked at me. "Of course." I apparated to number twelve Grimwald place and bursted in. Sirius stood up with his wand raised. Molly, Arthur, Lupin and Kingsly all aimed their wands at me. "We have a problem!" ---- After some careful plannings we apparated to the Ministry to see the Prophecy room demolished. "Those kids are fast." I muttered. We made it to an area of the ministry I have never seen before. We noticed the kids being held by death eaters. We went down and started firing spells at the death eaters. Tonks and I gathered the kids in a hurry. Her getting Luna and Ginny away while heading towards Hermione. I grabbed Rey and Neville and ran towards Ron. I heard something shatter as Sirius was shot with the Killing curse. I watched in horror as one of our own passed through the veiled archway. I heard growling in front of me as Fenir Greyback stood before me. "Long time no see Blonde!" He sent a killing curse towards us. I put up a protection spell and disarmed him. "Incarserus!" He was tied down with ropes. Another deatheater appeared and charged towards us with a dagger in his hand. He charged towards Rey and Neville and before I can even think I rushed towards them as well. "Duck!" I ordered them. Neville and Rey ducked as I shifted into a wolf. I lunged at Greyback's shoulder and ripped into his scarred skin. He howled in pain and tried to get me off of him. He was able to lift me off and slammed me into the rocks. He took his dagger and stabbed it into my ribs. "You deserved this bitch." He grabbed my head as I changed back and was about to end my life. "Diffindo!" He screamed in pain as blood splattered the rock next to me. I looked over to Rey who had her wand pointed at him. He raised his wand at her but a good rock to the head knocked him out. "Remind me to give Griffindor fifty points for that Rey!" I laughed as I helped them towards cover. We continued to fight and defend ourselves until pops were heard all around the room. It was Fudge apparating to the Ministry with aurors close behind him. Heat me in shock and anger and started to march my way until he turned and stopped in fear. I turned and saw Bellatrix and Voldemort apparate away. Fudge sent for the aurors to arrest the death eaters while the children and the others wounded were taken to St. Mungos. You'd think we had a successful day. But with the death of Sirius and Voldemort still out there. The day was more for grieving. --- I sat next to Nevile, Luna, Ginny and Rey and told them stories about my adventures as an auror. "I even worked with your father once Rey! Strict man he was, but very damned good auror." I smiled at the young Griffindor. "Which reminds me." I handed her the old hard covered book I had with me. "Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them? Professor; I already have this book." She told me. "Look inside. My friends and I added to them." She peaked inside and her face lit up,"Your book got signed by Newt Scamander?!" "The one and only. He was impressed with our We added so many drawings and notes to it we added our own names to it. "Added notes and drawings by Longhorn, Raksha, Bowbie and Serpentina?" Ginny read aloud. "Our nicknames for each other in Care for Magical Creatures. Longhorn was Charlie, Bowbie was Barnaby, Serpentina was Liz and I was Raksha." Rey looked at all the notes and drawings in awe,"Think you can add a couple more?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded,"Add a couple more? This book will be filled with nothing but drawings!" Neville looked over Rey's shoulder and read the book from besides her. I played with the ring on my finger thinking of the future. I grabbed my notebook and started writing to my parents. --- I stood in the stalls to my ranch as I brushed Storm's pelt and mane. I heard a pop outside and saw Professor Dumbledore walking up to me. "Headmaster? What brings you to my home?" I smiled generously. "I have come to ask if you will have the honor of being Care of Magical Creatures Professor again." "Isn't that Hagrid's job now?" I asked as I finished grooming the Granian. "Yes, but you have better skills with higher class beast." He stepped closer and placed his hand on the horse's muzzle. "I will also need someone to care for Fawkes. I will be doing a lot of traveling this year." He smiled at me and handed me a letter. "I am also asking you as an auror. Hogwarts needs extra protection this year." I nodded and accepted the letter. "It was nice teaching them. I'll do it." "Excellent! I will be seeing you next year Professor Akela. And congratulation on the engagement!" I smiled and thought to my beloved.
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Strangely Moody
This is my half of the art trade with the sweetest @drew-winchester. She wanted something of her sweet Rey and Neville. Thankfully my husband @thebiganvil came up with a wonderful idea for a little adventure of their own. He helped me with a number of additions and adjustments to make this feel right in the world. I hope you enjoy it!
   The late evening light still glimmered as Rey skipped along the path. Music from the ball played in her head as she smiled her way past some of the visiting students. Despite all of the extra people at Hogwarts, the grounds were still far quieter than they would have been normally. Many went home to see family after the Yule Ball. Others hadn’t made it back yet. She allowed herself to enjoy the peaceful surroundings as she went off in search of her friend.    Turning the corner between the trees, something caught her eye. Movement just to the side of the greenhouse. She stopped and ducked behind some branches to watch. Nothing happened for a count of ten and then suddenly, there! There it was again! Someone was trying to look inside and trying not to been seen at the same time. She stepped around, moving to the next tree to get a better view. Once she caught a glimpse this time, her eyes went wide. Why would he be hiding? Why not just go inside?       Rey moved out from her hiding place and strode into the greenhouse like nothing had happened. As she opened the door, she saw the form move off quickly. Likely to skulk about another time. Looking down the rows of potted plants, Rey saw Neville at the far end, carefully pruning some shivelfig. She stifled a small giggle as she watched him stick out his tongue as he concentrated on his work.
   “Did you see him,” Rey asked quietly.    Neville, to his credit, managed to only jump (very nearly out of his skin) and not make a sound. “Rey! Cripes! Why would you…see who?” He furrowed his brows, scrunching up his round face.    Rey ducked her head down apologetically. She had forgotten that he would get so focused working that he wouldn’t hear her open the door. Or close it. “Sorry, Neville. Professor Moody! He was just outside peeking in. Isn’t that odd,” she murmured.    “P-professor Moody? Why would he be peeking?” Neville put down his sheers and looked out the glass, out into the fading light. He turned back with a shrug, not seeing anyone. “Are you sure you saw him, Rey?”    She crossed her arms, giving him a look. “I know it was him. There aren’t many people that look like him, Neville.” She pushed her hood back, letting her long hair come tumbling down. Somehow, despite the cold of winter, she still managed to fill her hair with blossoms.    The sight of it made him turn away, trying to hide his blush from her, he rinsed his hands off in a washbowl. Drying them on a cloth, he turned back to her. “Okay, okay, fair enough. But still, it makes no sense.” He finished cleaning up and grabbed his coat. “Come on, let’s head back.”    “We should keep an eye, just in case, right?”    Neville gave her a nervous look. Always the Auror’s daughter, he thought to himself. “Yeah, okay.”
  Two days later, Neville came running to her in the common room. Pulling her arm, he moved her off to a corner to whisper in her ear. “You gotta come with me. To the greenhouse.”    “Okay, Neville, but why are we whispering,” she whispered back, pushing her glasses back up her nose.    “You’ll see. Get your coat,” he reminded her. He turned and offered Ron a nervous smile as he walked past to sit on the couch, a box of chocolate frogs in hand. She left the room to gather it and he stood at the door, trying to look calm.    “Okay, Neville, let’s go for that walk,” Rey offered sweetly. Ron nodded farewell, chewing on his treat.    As they approached the greenhouse, Neville pointed at the footprints in the snow. “I saw those and since it snowed this morning, I knew I just missed whoever it was. So I went in and noticed that some things on Professor Sprout’s table had been moved.” They moved inside and he led her over to the table in question. “And look,” he pointed to an empty spot in the light soil stains on the table.    Rey looked at the spot and back to Neville. Her shoulders came up slightly as her face indicated that she had no idea what she was supposed to be seeing. “Something is missing?”    Neville nodded. “Professor Sprout keeps a pot with knotgrass here. It’s gone.”    “But why take that? Is it special or something?”    “It’s used in a bunch of stuff, I’m not sure? But it’s weird right?” He started replacing things, shaking his head. “You think this has anything to do with the other night?”    “But why would it? Unless maybe that’s why he was looking inside?” Rey wrinkled up her nose. “We should try to figure out what it’s used in. Do you know where to look?”    Neville nodded. “There’s a few books we could look through. I have to get some from the library though. Come with me?”    “That’s a silly question,” she smiled, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the door.    They spent the next few hours until lunch in the library, scouring through the shelves for books on anything they could find with knotgrass in it. By the time they left, neither could see for the stacks in their hands. “Do you think they have lunch ready yet?” Neville’s stomach growled audibly. “I’m starving.” “You’re not starving,” Rey replied with a giggle, poking his little paunch playfully, “But we can go check.” With that she turned the corner to head towards the dining hall. By some luck, lunch was ready, so they sat down to eat and began reading. Rey flipped through a book describing a variety of beverages. “Here’s something, Knotgrass Mead…” she read aloud.    “An interesting drink, bit heavy to my tastes,” came a deeper voice behind her. She snapped her head around to spy Professor Moody looking over her shoulder. “Light reading today?” His magical eye twitched as it scanned over the books stacked between the duo.    “You know Neville, Professor. He’s good at herbology, right? Well, maybe he’s just helping me out, okay?” Rey’s tendency to be a bit short when she was nervous earned her a suspicious look from the man before he walked off.    Neville, for his part, sat there with his mouth hanging open slightly. “Rey! Do you think that’s a good idea? Talkin’ to him like that?”    “Well, it’s not like I can take it back now. Come on, let’s get out of here before he comes back.” She closed the recipe book and picked up a cookie. She put it in her mouth before gathering up her stack. Neville tried to do the same, stumbled and dropped the books all over the floor. Quite a number of people turned to look, including the object of their curiosity. The boy’s face flushed as he scrambled to pick it all up and scuttled to the door.    As they made their way back to Gryffindor Tower, Rey did her best to comfort him. She twirled around a few times, humming one of the songs from the dance, hoping very much to make him smile. She even did a fair job of taking one flight of stairs backwards, before falling unceremoniously on her backside at the top step. That finally broke his sulking and earned her a giggle which she returned after sticking her tongue out at him.    Once inside, they flopped down onto the couch and dug straight in. Books were shuffled back and forth, stacks changed and rearranged. A list began to form as they discovered more and more ways the plant could be used. “Mead, Polyjuice Potion, to help with nosebleeds, tea for a cough, a remedy for hemorrhoids...ewwwww.” Rey took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes, falling over Neville’s lap to lay her head on a pillow. She draped her knees over his legs and closed her eyes. “How long have we been at this,” she yawned.    “Don’t…do…that,” came his echo. He shook his head rapidly, trying to clear the fog. He continued to read; he turned the page and started to read aloud, “the grassy structure of the…Rey?” He looked at her and smiled. She was fast asleep. Pulling her glasses from her fingers, he closed the arms and placed them next to her on the pillow. He didn’t manage more than a page before nodding off himself.    Not long after, a familiar face wandered into the common room. His eyes crinkled behind his round glasses as he looked at his two friends, sound asleep on the couch together. Picking up the book that had dropped from Neville’s hand, he placed it on the table and covered them with a blanket. He chuckled, pointing them out to Ron who had to quickly stifle a laugh and had to leave the room.    Hours later, they woke to the loud rap of a cane on the floor. Rey’s eyes fought to focus as she quickly grabbed her glasses and put them on her face. Neville was sitting there, head in his hands as Professor McGonagall gave them a most disapproving look. “Mister Longbottom. Miss Winchester. This is wholly inappropriate behavior for you both.” Rey scrambled into a seated position, her face growing hot. She looked up and started to speak when she saw something that made her voice vanish. Professor Moody stood beside McGonagall, his face set with suspicion. The two youngsters said nothing and both left for their dorms. “Children…” was all the older woman could manage. She turned and picked up one of the books. As she inspected it, Moody lifted the page with the list of possibilities and tossed it into the fire. He took a quick sip on his flask before nodding to her. “Right. Children.”
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sky-drew-winchester · 6 years
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Dean Lewis - Be Alright [x]
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drew-winchester · 3 years
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It’s May 2nd, the day of the Battle for Hogwarts! I thought I’d draw something a bit silly today instead of something dramatic like last year xD
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hapasawa · 5 years
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AFRICA DAY, NAIROBI Roots Connection Band (@bandrootsconnection) Dorphan (@dorphan_age) Selpha Carey (@selphacarey) DJ Skyboy (@iamdjskyboy) Saturday, May 25, 2019 10:00 AM Karen Village (@karenvillagenbi) Ngong' Rd (opposite KBC) #Nairobi TICKETS: Available on quicket.co.ke (@quicketke) KSh. 200 - Child KSh. 500 - Adult KSh. 3,000 - Vendor GROUP TICKETS: KSh. 850 - Five (5) Children KSh. 1,600 - Ten (10) Children KSh. 2,000 - Five (5) Adults KSh. 4,000 - Ten (10) Adults SUPPORTED BY: Radio Domus (@radiodomus) The Creative Agency Za (@creativeagencyza)⠀ Tuvibe Kenya (@tuvibekenya) Nairobi Design Week (@nairobidesignweek) Legacy Art and Film Lab Mushroom Kenya (@mushroomkenya) Tsavo Innovation Labs (@tsavo_labs) Open House Karen (@openhouse_karen) Africa Creative Cities (@africacreativecities) Roots Connection (@bandrootsconnection)⠀⠀ Reyville Art (@reyville_art) ENQUIRIES: +254 770 553 020 [email protected] . . . . . . . #tujengane #hapasawa #africa #eventsafrica #kenya #eventskenya #igkenya #tembeakenya #kenyan #254 #madeinkenya #igersnairobi #nairobikenya #igerskenya #kenya🇰🇪 #africaday #africaday2019 #livemusic #karenvillage #rootsconnectionband #dorphanage #selphacarey #mushroom #sustainable https://www.instagram.com/p/BxljUixAoBj/?igshid=1vbos4l1dycu1
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lillenta · 6 years
Armée de Dumbledore, le recrutement continue
Hey !
Voici un texte offert à @drew-winchester. J’ai adoré imaginer ce qui pouvait arriver à Rey lors de cette septième et terrible année à Poudlard.
Enjoy ! <3
-Vas-y, Rey, souffla Seamus.
Rey serra fort le crayon gras dans sa main et regarda le mur face à elle.
Ils étaient au troisième étage. Deux heures du matin venaient de sonner. Seamus faisait le guet en haut de l’escalier, à demi caché derrière une statue représentant Viatrix la Vénéneuse portant son chaudron. Rey posa la mine sur la pierre froide et commença à écrire.
La lune était à son premier croissant. A travers la grande fenêtre à l’ouest, sa lumière n’éclairait que faiblement le mur, mais le lendemain, quand le soleil inonderait le couloir, ce serait autre chose. Ce mur était juste en face de la salle généralement utilisée par Alecto Carrow pour ses leçons sur les moldus. Son expression en découvrant le message vaudrait sûrement un paquet de Gallions…
Penser à Carrow fit frissonner Rey. De colère, sans doute. Sa main trembla.
-Ça va ? murmura Seamus.
-Oui, dit-elle machinalement.
-Fais vite. On n’est pas à l’abri d’une ronde…
Rey hocha la tête. Elle posa de nouveau son crayon sur le mur et reprit son travail.
Elle entendait la respiration saccadée de Seamus. Il était nerveux. Qui ne l’était pas, ces temps-ci ? Les hurlements du première année torturé le matin même continuaient de hanter Rey.
Elle contempla son message inachevé. Pourquoi sa main restait-elle figée en l’air ?
Le recrutement continue. Le recrutement continue. Allez, écris-le.
Mais voulait-elle vraiment que le recrutement continue ? Voulait-elle voir des adolescents pleins de bonne volonté frapper à sa porte ? Voulait-elle encore serrer contre elle un gamin au visage tuméfié sans rien pouvoir faire ?
Mais il y avait Neville – Neville qui comptait sur elle. Elle ne pouvait pas rester plantée éternellement dans ce couloir, ou pire, battre en retraite.
Elle respira profondément et affermit sa prise sur le crayon. Au même instant, elle perçut du coin de l’œil une lueur.
-Rey !
Elle ne répondit pas à Seamus. Elle se retourna vers le mur et, en hâte, traça de nouveau ses lettres.
-Rey !
-Pars ! chuchota-t-elle sur le même ton.
-Non !
La lueur grandissait. Elle ignorait qui se promenait avec une lampe dans le château, mais elle ne tenait pas à le découvrir.
Elle terminait tout juste quand Seamus lui attrapa la main et la tira à sa suite. Son crayon tomba par terre. Dans les escaliers, il y eut des bruits de pas précipités.
Ils sont deux !
Rey échangea un regard inquiet avec Seamus, et ils se mirent à courir pour de bon le long du couloir. Ils n’auraient pas le temps d’aller jusqu’à l’escalier, mais s’ils pouvaient atteindre la tapisserie verte… Il y avait un passage derrière…
-Qui est-ce ? lança une voix caquetante dans leur dos.
En entendant Alecto Carrow, la haine et la peur brûlèrent les entrailles de Rey. A tâtons, elle attrapa sa baguette, mais Seamus lui donna un coup de coude. Si elle se retournait pour lancer un sort, à coup sûr on verrait son visage.
Ils atteignirent la tapisserie au moment où un éclair de lumière rouge les manquait de peu. Seamus se jeta dessus, entraînant Rey avec lui de l’autre côté. Elle roula sur elle-même pour amortir sa chute.
-Duro ! haleta-t-elle en visant la tapisserie qui se changea en pierre.
Ils étaient devant un embranchement. Rey se releva tant bien que mal et poussa Seamus dans le dos pour qu’il prenne le chemin de droite. Derrière la tapisserie solidifiée, elle entendait des voix étouffées.
-Dites donc, ce n’est pas bientôt fini, ce chahut ? grommela une voix distinguée tout près.
Rey sursauta et pointa instinctivement sa baguette vers l’origine de la voix.
-Lumos !
Elle éclaira un tableau au cadre terni montrant un gros homme vêtu de mauve. Celui-ci redressait sa perruque, l’air de mauvaise humeur.
-De mon temps… commença le personnage.
-C’est ça, c’est ça, lança-t-elle.
De profondes fissures commençaient à apparaître dans la tapisserie solidifiée. Rey recula de deux pas, puis décida d’emprunter le chemin de droite. Au moment où elle s’y engouffrait, un gros craquement se fit entendre, suivi du bruit de fragments de pierre tombant au sol. Elle entendit l’homme du tableau pousser une exclamation scandalisée.
-Détruire ainsi les murs du château ! Non mais je vous demande un peu !
-Où sont-ils allés ? hurla une voix. Répondez !
-Je vous ferai savoir que je suis baron, dame, et qu’il convient de s’adresser à moi avec toute la…
-Répondez ou je fais exploser votre tableau !
Rey, plaquée contre le mur, ne progressait que mètre par mètre pour ne pas faire de bruit. A tout instant, elle s’attendait à voir surgir Alecto Carrow ou son comparse silencieux.
-Ils ont pris le couloir de gauche, finit par répondre dédaigneusement le baron.
Rey se promit intérieurement de revenir le remercier, mais son soulagement fut de courte durée.
-Je vais prendre à droite, professeur, dit une voix enrouée, on ne sait jamais…
-Très bien, Filsy, haleta Carrow en s’éloignant.
Rey serra les mâchoires. Filsy était un solide Serpentard de sixième année. La dernière fois qu’elle s’était retrouvée contre lui, elle était seule contre quatre et avait terminé à l’infirmerie. Elle hésitait entre l’envie de le lui faire payer et l’urgence de fuir, mais Filsy décida pour elle en surgissant dans le couloir où elle se trouvait. Rey lui fit aussitôt face.
-Winchester, ricana-t-il en levant sa baguette. J’étais sûr que c’était toi. Tu crois qu’ils te mettront au cachot ? Tu tiendras compagnie aux minables de deuxième année… Il y en a un qui pleure sans cesse…
-Ça me changera de toi qui parles sans cesse, répliqua Rey.
Filsy plissa les yeux et prit une grande inspiration. Avant qu’il ne puisse hurler, elle réagit.
-Silencio !
Filsy, surpris, se mit à tousser en silence et agita sa baguette, sans résultat.
-Alors, on n’a pas encore appris les sortilèges informulés ? On se retrouve sans ses copains pour taper à sa place ? dit Rey en haussant les sourcils, faussement étonnée.
Filsy carra les épaules et bondit sur elle avec l’intention manifeste de la frapper au visage.
-Impedimenta !
Alors qu’il s’écroulait au sol, Rey entendit des bruits lointains. Leur altercation avait dû parvenir aux oreilles de Carrow… Il fallait qu’elle parte, et rapidement.
-Oubliettes, souffla-t-elle.
Le regard de Filsy se fit lointain. Rey lui donna un coup de pied, éteignit sa baguette, et tourna les talons en toute hâte. Elle prit la direction de l’ouest, monta deux escaliers en courant, et allait ouvrir une porte quand celle-ci claqua contre le mur. Emportée par son élan, Rey heurta quelqu’un.
-Rey ?
-Nev ? bredouilla-t-elle.
Pour toute réponse, il l’attrapa doucement et la serra brièvement contre lui. Rey poussa un long soupir.
-Seamus est revenu sans toi, il disait que Carrow était derrière… On commençait à s’inquiéter.
-Tout va bien, dit-elle en reprenant son souffle. J’ai même eu l’occasion d’apprendre la vie à Filsy.
-Tu me raconteras ça quand on sera dans la tour, dit Neville. Vous avez réussi ?
-Oui, on a réussi.
A la lueur du clair de lune qui filtrait par une fenêtre, Rey vit un sourire animer le visage de Neville. Elle se força à lui sourire en retour, même si la peur lui mordit de nouveau le cœur.
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drew-winchester · 3 years
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~The best part of me is you~
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drew-winchester · 4 years
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A lot of feelings in me, so here's Neville & Audrey as Kristoff & Anna in Frozen Fever, voilà. 🌻🌻🌻 Making today a perfect day~ (I love you baby!)
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drew-winchester · 4 years
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