#guest muse | Superman
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"A third time, I know. I doubt this'll be the last one considering we've agreed to fight again a FOURTH TIME. He really does hype people up to spar with him here and there, huh?"
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the-canon-collection · 8 months
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umbranstilettos · 11 months
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His ears perked up from the static that he picked up from the frequency of the police radio. “Robbery in Metropolitan City Bank all nearby patrol units—“, Eyelids squinted trying his best to focus on drowning out the noise. He can certainly take care of that cat that got stuck on a random tree later, right now the focus was the situation of the robbery. Fists balled up on the dainty glass table unaware of the smallest amount of pressure he could do to objects that could shatter before being interrupted by the loud shattering and glass shards ending up on his work trousers eyes immediately locked with the stranger he was sharing the communal table with.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t see a thing about not leaning on the table”, it was already too late when he heard that the perpetrators were already dealt with. Relief washed over him then back to the stranger a sheepish smile crossing his features. “Don’t worry I’ll get another one for you—care for a donut?”, He says as he presented the box of assorted treats.
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lemusegallery · 1 year
Secondary/Guests Muses List
Ruler!Artoria Pendragon
Caster!Xuanzang Sanzang
Assassin!Cursed Arm Hassan
Assassin!King Hassan
Rider!Saint Martha
Tine Chelc
Kaito Tenjo
Tyranno Kenzan
Rio Kashimiro
Star Wars:
Darth Maul
Jaina Solo Fel
Lord Starkiller
Barriss Offee
Asajj Ventress
General Grievous
Plo Koon
Avatar TLA:
Asami Sato
Toph Bei Fong
Dragon Ball:
Mr. Popo (TFS)
Code Geass:
Cornellia Li Britannia
Euphemia Li Britannia
Nunnally Vi Britannia
Big Barda
Cyborg Superman
Harvey Dent/Two-Face
Cassandra Cain
Final Fantasy:
Lightning Farron
Emperor Mateus
Kefka Palazzo
Other Male Characters:
Syaoran Li (CLAMP Multiverse)
Omniman (Invincible)
Mark (Invincible)
Kill La Kill:
Ira Gamagōri
Uzu Sanageyama
Hōka Inumuta
Nonon Jakuzure
Pyrrha Nikos
Ruby Rose
Sienna Khan
Winter Schnee
Other Female Characters:
Xion (KH)
Mirko (BNHA)
Mount Lady (BNHA)
Tenten (Naruto)
Sarada Uchiha (Boruto)
Mei (Naruto)
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tracidant · 2 years
Apparently The Muse had more to say...
Found, pt. 2
Dick pulled into the Cave with Jason, actually Jason, alive, on the back of his bike. He knew he had at least two hours to run some tests and verify it was really Jason before Bruce got back. Blood, hair, dna, everything showed it was Jason.
Except Jason himself.
He hadn't reacted to anything back at the cave. Hadn't said anything. Just sat there staring at nothing as Dick ran his battery of tests. Dick kept talking, mentioning names, places, cases, anything he could think of, but nothing.
Now that he was convinced, he felt confidant to let others know. He didn't want to get anyone's hopes up. He'd start easy.
"Hey Alfred. Can you come down to the Cave please?"
"Of course, Master Dick. Did you eat? I can bring cucumber sandwiches. Or there's some leftover chicken if you wish."
Well if anything was going to trigger Jason's consciousness, it'd be Alfred's cucumber sandwiches. They weren't really good, but they tasted like home.
"That'd be great. Enough for two." He looked at Jason. "Maybe three. And some chips please."
"Of course. Do we have a guest?"
Well, not technically since Jason lived there, but...
"Yes. An important one. A pretty shocking one too."
Jason had moved. He was in front of one of the cases of spare Batsuits. He was staring at the symbol on the chest.
"Do you remember Batman?"
"Do you remember when you first met him? You tried to steal his tires. That took some serious..."
"Oh my word! It can't be!"
Dick had never known Alfred to drop anything. Jason didn't even flinch at the sound.
"It's him, Alfred. He's near-catatonic. He's said our names, but that's it."
The old butler absent-mindedly picked up the tray and sat it on the nearest desk. He walked over to Jason.
"Master Jason?"
No response. Jason had opened the case and was tracing the bat symbol.
Dick shrugged. "See what I mean?" He walked over to the food tray and grabbed two of the sandwiches that didn't fall on the floor. He handed one to Jason who took it and began eating. He continued tracing the bat symbol with his other hand.
"Do you know what that symbol means Master Jason?"
Jason stopped and looked down at his sandwich.
"Tea. Cu...cucumber sandwiches and tea."
"Would you like some tea?"
No response.
Just then, the sound of the Batmobile.
"Let me prepare Bruce, Alfred. Keep Jason over here for now." Alfred lead Jason back to the Medbay area, behind the screen.
Bruce got out of the Batmobile, and saw Dick standing at the entrance to the vehicle area.
"What's so important you couldn't come out and assist me? That damn Condiment King is causing trouble again, plus I want your input on this Drake kid. He wants to be Robin."
"Hello to you too. I have news that's a bit more important than mustard on the Batsuit, Bruce."
"I hate the smell. Plus it may be laced with something. I need to get this checked out."
Bruce started to walk into the main section of the Cave, but Dick blocked his way. Bruce sighed. "Ok, so what's up?"
Dick took a deep breath. "Ok, so you know how sometimes people come back from the dead? Like with Ra's and his Lazarus Pit or Superman after Doomsday or Green Arrow coming back?"
Bruce removed his cowl and put his hand on his son's shoulder. He spoke softly. "Dick, if you're thinking about finding a way to bring...to bring Jason back..."
"Bruce, what if he was already back?" Dick said quietly.
Bruce was silent for a moment. "I...how?"
Dick could practically see the gears turning in Bruce's head.
"Wait. Where is he, Dick? Is he here?" Bruce pushed Dick out of the way and headed into the main part of the Cave. He spied movement in the medbay area, and headed that way.
Dick tried to stop him. "Bruce, just wait. Let me explain."
But Bruce didn't care, and shoved Dick forcefully enough that he nearly landed on his ass.
Bruce ran around the wall separating the medbay from the rest of the Cave and saw him.
Nearly silently, "Jason?"
Jason's head snapped up, and his eyes grew wide. "Bruce."
Bruce grabbed his son into a tight hug. Jason latched on just as tightly, tears streaming down his face.
Bruce finally released Jason and stared into his eyes. "How, Jaylad?"
Jason still had tears running down his face, but he was smiling now. He reached out and touched the bat symbol on Bruce's chest.
"Bruce. Bat. Bruce. Home."
Dick came over and stood by the two, tears in his own eyes. "He hasn't said much. A few words. This is the most animated he's been since I found him. Physically he seems fine, and yes. I ran all the possible tests. It's him or a damn good copy."
"We need an MRI and a CAT scan. He may have some sort of damage from his...from before."
Alfred scoffed. "Perhaps right now what Master Jason needs is rest."
But Bruce was already setting up the MRI.
"Ok, Jaylad. Hop up on here, lie down, and we'll get a look at you. See what's going on inside your head."
Jason did as he was told, not looking away from Bruce the whole time.
"If you don't remember, it'll be loud. Let's get these headphones on you. Ok, we're just gonna slide you in now, and I'll..."
And then Jason screamed. Loud enough to rival Black Canary's Canary cry.
Bruce slid the tray back out, grabbed Jason into a hug, and tried to calm him.
"It's ok, Jay. We won't do that. It's ok."
Jason finally calmed down, but he wouldn't let go of Bruce for several minutes.
"Master Bruce," Alfred said quietly, "Dr. Thompkins has an open MRI that may be less traumatic for Master Jason. I fear his ordeal has probably made him a bit claustrophobic. Understandably so."
Everyone looked at Jason.
"Are you thirsty, Master Jason?"
Jason nodded.
"Perhaps you should come upstairs with me and we'll get you some tea while Master Bruce changes out of his uniform."
Jason looked at Bruce with a worried expression on his face.
"It's ok, Jaylad. Go with Alfred, and Dick and I will be up in a bit. I think he has some cookies up there too."
Jason reluctantly followed Alfred. Bruce turned to Dick.
"Where exactly did you find him?"
"By the cemetery. Judging by his clothes, I, God, I don't even want to say it, but I think he dug his way out." Dick shivered as he said it. "But I thought you had alarms on his coffin."
"Yes, but for someone breaking in, not out. And how did he come back to life anyway? Anything else you recall?"
"No, but I think we should check the gravesite tomorrow."
They both turned at the sound of Jason's voice.
He was standing in front of his memorial case. They walked over.
"I thought it best to not try to pull him away."
"That's fine, Alfred."
"No." Jason repeated.
"Jason, do you remember this? Do you remember being Robin?"
"That was yours, Jay. You loved being Robin. Dick was Robin before you."
Jason shook his head. "No."
The three other men looked at each other,, confused.
Jason spoke more forcefully than he had since he'd come back.
"No more. No more Robin."
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libidomechanica · 9 months
Charons rule borne I found
A ballad sequence
The lot of darkness with thy beach     was wedding-sheet, enlarge now, the superman wept were     westernesse flowing in the
reposing to her despond; I     would come upon my tear: the slain its Muse he could have whare     it too soon forgotten
have me from those flower tongue, I     hold water nines, as faint of the daisies. Purity; a     year a salve caughtening,
bearing much and so little across     throng to this said, such ask him species wish me money     of the flames again. Jury
her mouth, and while to be     serious and white for a living tones I must now I may     be but their free him love.,
Which open’d, stain’s lucid find blade,     thank gentleman, but seem strongest a woman wept for sometimes     engrave, or a kind,
and of time the went to where fedde.     Coy, keeps us far more broke, as blind them give meant. For Is     and some pass, and brine. To
guest through to view, thrust into one     when and clear, their purple gravity, is lips where blames he     moment in they, who loved,
’ call it a girdless bound Juan well     express’ lips forget of blesse. The named out it therefore heart,     thereas difficulty
staid, which you painfully on, and     carrets, on the ground a sail, slow sped a troop with these, twill     white a shark, built of grasp
this own from times to acceptacles     works overwhelming him doubtful Hippocrene, or Jove     to fireworks because? Bid
merry Hebrus to the poison’d     of their alert end my life world of Wine! When I seek for     me, and Provençal soile
thunderly, whisper’d, of whom     I stripp’d, and then done! And is gory visit the destroyed     just as therefore his peaceful
Damme out the lasting from strange     overborne a shole light pavilions like things white     forbeares doth flow’d: I bow’d
the spoken, so darest by clear.     I forge to be sweetly saints; every me. For woes is near     to his modest blood hell.
Left our Bosom uttered with slow     so near these for their hair, soft it’s weight: the Stygian river’s     rich pulsar behind
the sword them the was stric juicy     stained hence on the lark well, the rooms; for fifth cast into the     entered with queme, but sad
me little: I grown. ’Er walk would,     call. The old gae made man- beast, which will I thou dare e’en deathful     feaster is every
oak she cheeks. His depends her would     never quivering sloth on the valley. Your measured took     one a scythe, who fire, both
its own was now did shew the air     star spare, walk’d out of tryfles and to poverthrown in all     air sweet smell to early
from Praise; for all the down spann’d thick     wave rolls in size agains kiss nothing, and chuckling earth: his     far; but you conductor,
as theatre little Carian     turns: pass of Retribution; and infant Orange, Now iudge     by eves. They was saving
of your head corner of the coming     harmonized her power passion; nor scorn to die, how     had rather hasten to
died, did the world like athwart the     trumpet blue from it raging is a purple now. When your     foes: for infant’s best fading
rathery woe? Present to     find, where she for some like a ghosts, have sun and her weeds. In     mine, and hand, when shed beaumont
and the first lull’d souls. Such fill     it is sphere, I saw her eyes, ispahan Apple which more     threw; found them, treachest, why
such this ivy dun would very     Night or Left Hand thus through the little robin continued     there their view. And in his
head for beauty of Earth its of     sacrificent by days head, and pinion wrathfull swamp. Of     pastor hand; head-foremost,
my brow, if foes shining to be     absence. All the best on for calls thy lost and feature free     one like a moment spie!
It happy, for marriage; he bring,     yet took his jaws, while Venus on my wind used! Or but from     the Universe, in flood,—
while Venus you been sweetest kisses     proue of that buds in his broke it out, my secret from     which hath mares; his sinnes
shall uncontrive, and like perceived     a little swart stands I bless the first, went, for I had good     mother young down the line.
With Wine! Or any other would     now and yet the doubtle Alchemistress; and heard, and so     for one new Bloom, and with
your eye. Were day I behold the     first lulling I lisp’d by her heart. To Empress grows long. And,     from the tardy to guide.
The laughers of happy at sell.     Long age hath chance on the zenith, immortals’ ring sunneshiness     wretch, my loving
than not into the fence; hear’st one     clear smell too much lose, how gladnesse, and, in single listen     thou shallow on their wrote,
wandering like besmear’d threatest     of Tim wolfish wont in power; and slain who die. Hence when     we once my thou didst will
now, full-veined with with verdurous     calm and mother’d away in the fault? For wins, and, joined     in strain on the storm it
is, and Winter-lily tend the     tow’ry the air, where the raise to virtue that held me boughes     in a warlike all
his more burden the elves must when     I feeling shall fly to deep it raging! Behold Apollo’s     up more such exagger
close, bright receipts ink her have     in courtly and moon: and grieved heart, it had yet them to gather’s     daught in second of
vermillion of art. For sunk they     shadow’s nest endured althought hand. It pour in bloom-covereign     couraged by his
Rhodian counsel think with that under’d     House is due of our island woods. But in Mens forth that     I see on Child it might,
he level of lilies lately     sight; I love, but, accomplished him an humbled so that for     neither and Love purchasing
air. Wife: not a buzz about     they had hurt though a winds, of well, but he features! Lord, wherein     her fair. Pale gear; strive
to gazed, baba retired his heart,     let us to see aright eyes and on her death o’er that     next meet? By night; our eyes
Thus were none might clasps round, which sometimes     upon those fans of oriental stately youth     diligence remove, and valliest
Muse, t were laws that all this     worth that I made, and lik’d; not know how he could your kisses     see it with perhaps, hand
is sense, as well: we next desire;     or reason gauntlets: breather our tost. And present, at     the exercise may see
him that six years’ child ingots, lifting     music of a bathing blood wild warm with endless all     fly to lion’s house; peace.
He sake, like brutish blood and also,     the nigger never taste despair! When with Asiatic     dread lain to killing
salted by child it of suns     franticipate they streaming— and, feeling sea; but tugging mute     assail withal and I
come promise of the said: thread left,     she long suffer tyranny hardscrabbling sun; the world we     walk by loom of his packe
an every dusk without of Love     and will now among the Oake, rich might was the play that it     flowers, like a Magic
from heaven her pall: Thus war, And     when to speakest blue: to live not thy credit of pleas’d, and     than a man many would
lifeless with a place at a bright     shot and mutterance that coat win. Some few should challen     covery lover any
harts of lead to keepe. Of gold doubted     not three cast, the crept still alone, his fawn in thou art     the mountained then should
neuter mist, what are and how the     never sixteen coffee and call that happy was for the     Asian shore? And thus much
better, that had full swamp’d. Was we     affection, whose dens yet half-canonized by this mar? Hundred     seats, and trouble were
are exercise to straightway the     first—perhaps we watery stalks to knows,—it may have a     golden bird before a-
roving every doth lichens the     ready sheepe on should but we behind, you thrust to hear his     pack, and her what came. On
which none his soul with fine easily     of the totter, where that her lies in earth, wherewith     blossoms sceptres vnfit. Your
labouring frontier: the before     softly, thus there is nought near-drops, and went nightly so, young     Greek is treach our forehead,
but done: not ease.—The fanning to     ever vaguely fondly drunk my talk for sleep? Of this calf     at eighted sparkling
grac’d in them noise to blames it them     from the sturdy Cymon, something too sooner shall suits aim.—     Love! What I shalt thou mak’st
philosophy came from charme the     laws, when appetite, his mothere her face nor truths; ever     with the Dagger clicke heed
to the quested buds, a flies, but     if my name her those to move that beare, walk’d dizzy brain; a     Wine, a Box whose o’ day.
Inspired—that shocks me, draw one, and honours was     going with sort of bedded bidder. That a chaste should be modest, where him direct to     saying waves, in defied straight, and read
it of good grow. Prepared on thy we use as we     went, the air speckled out their courtly Titan’s head lost a poor; some like the hills, and coy     mainted foreign couragement. ’St
when the first-born of all they little the auburn     to me, your kernel tress the should then tatter pay his glazed eyes on I ready cashier     with suddenly, when love in my stride:
discend the one anothers, since I have power,     and mid-May’s looked accepted, and mossy fine there he doth for Fears she leak begins to     spates that me: all fold embrace; it might
of Kent? Unto women dancing to concertain     chorus leaves be cause its thou art hath of our change sally, what her name cloudy, and with     side, and troubled; where should be made to
playing less; for none forms expired in time to     recipices seeke wine, and honeycombers, stand all itself: while the must say the cause it     wouldest brabbles with a cave forgave
immortality, though vnfelt, in fair as which Zoe     kept in high-piping clouds like Ormisda calendar company this always so     stoop the troubles of speed easily
quaft in chains kiss’d away swift magistracter’d it,     went—and appeare bought, as the darkness now not take their view was we wat’ry birth—Despair     of such gems, and he hallow, as was
the unrelent, felonous crew; by no more would     have still darest of colour’d Homer red dirks the despaire is nothing if to his darting     of Faeries, louers pondered ear thee!
Sweet voice of fragrant, and that a     merely supper like a fine, now past though the syrinx are     the easier do I
journey on the clouds and two before     dancing fit; or upward bloosming bowstrung its boiling     about here thrown into
the wicked on the leaves will their     right of the ingently sparks of what her warm with plain this,     faded with pangs reach other
exceeding bough by all he     slouched his high Hall-garded breath; and from my pale chief     emerald thus weighs but soon
shut more for their time downwardly     know, full heaven’s eye couragement doom, and bridegroom at     the lay with altered, and
deem’d a shore. Since Adam what a     stone flashing sun; the was full rot, and of everythings cooing     well-seeing to itself
to shore, intent; since Adam     fell: methink to child when field, and womb of love may not shoulders,     but she altar. I
tell your good silent done his resign     thy fancifullest, half-close eye, and no charitee, thy     wife, for, in their salve cast,
but the shine, and protege and     the spoke not such a bow- string about the would have was he;     but after forsake. To
Sorrow come not; and that’s worthine     own sweet portal Bird of blood, good to be able, and spect     the bowstrings the fairy
voice is even mix forest peas,     thermopylæ its length, thought, bathing; we once flits thy have never     head, for fear: the freest
in all the spoke about my     epitaph a Poland vain of drooping freely, slightly     do as you canst that good
like their heard there to be a stony     vapuors, who left they were on the heart, wot no doubting     prospering denies, blesse
and more; to Empress Dian’s: lo! Wild     suffer for such as an according on they nature blissful     throught, with swimming Sion:
glory is, nostrils by a coming     eye, that it an urn, and suddenly on the moon, if     twas Bacchus the unpaid.
This breath; and fertile Serpent’s means     witty, bright well deeds; lilies from thorough I be contrive,     she sign! In thing to me-
to throbbed, but always you leaned.     Bid me delighteous mountains; to the linger her of clay,     and all tressed about?
Thy wife have I see a patient     care, or nigh deep, deepen in peacefulness or fierce, perchiefly     a bride. Concludes there
if e’er sad sigh, so sweet yoke whence     all diets be could say, too, and the last the stering; and,     had gotten—out of
immortal seruewe hither and looks,     on her silver culls unfaded bent optics on her feet,     without as if going
delightest movement mine eyes. Ocean     rolls invoke the enlight, how fine, and Lethe-wards favour     of June, the letter the
best stop at the dull time with the     same. This small; but no eye approach the other wriggle. Horses,     with thee! Monarchs are
emper’d to plight’s means say so darkness     that same, and all approaches set; I rushes? Became     is thy head, unperceive
the crowding his ears: comes nothings     I tease of desert saw no long-boat an invention rate     the common voice seems to
be has dissection of these. For     free and wings and a Horne with profit and Juan and embraced     then her you dost bore, that
is which rage earth describe; descends     the lattery love, I were Herald this surely climes and     by one when I sit is
some to say. Directly thru the     reaping and look upon summer presently his far the     mercifullest knife is
our loved; he had forthwith: his sweet     Indian, her boon, like vessel wrought with such is stroking     eyes—that I sought ahead
clouds white. Of vapoury large eyes,     and if evolution’d that does no one shall, that a signed,     of a cloud chaff of eggs
wakes thread-bare Penaunce, but perior     dust. Or from thy could enroll they love, and Summer courself,     I could pulsions as a
good manifest thee fatal and     I as a friend, Incense sweet she silk was ta’en, that weak. Who     wilds her in me, which it
surpris’d dear Lady untorn up,     till do smelt too late were, would like to the more does her Kidde     shepherd’s eares the pain:
but seen store, theirs upon our sorrow     leave to try the bloodier in, like the but eve voyage     the sturdy stringing.
”—“She too with venom from her Lip.     With a fear’d to haue ioy did! Long seer leave seen make breather     knew not this, why, and out
upon the brings as his of which     these sought yellow nill bear in the sun and them last     familiationshine own eyes upon
which to loves, and out Thousand     with bear a pelisse, whose or like a drowning to his caves,     an endless lamental
place, and to herself; fire and with     them self-same few or maidens, the fainted with; and that strong,     the would calm shades, as I
heaven’s splendours, and thus; Drear, with     would confession’s faults i’d weeds, and shaped snow less, and a     rose, and deeme, and glide of
thy garlands I blessed; the vest of     its length one woods to be; all in the breechen world’s true lady—     mother, lest thou, two
blankets sinning into his they     were fed on the had but thick with all the night by flew to     my heart the found the terrors.
Two little little he knew     by traine: such things give fountains to wretches such the mountains.     The wasted nor many
kiss’d her because thou praise there’s     not so sweeter majesty sang wind with the swamp. Through exits     into each suffer
up, and solitary this cold,     open’d sands: rain, let it inwardly light so that, and him,     a new Bloom, till length. Is
file that’s image of all we cannot     by provisions, but since shepherds, weening, and when risen     on that ever! Threat
drew all thing but the name of should     be not by love, and life ill-changed like a grave; as done, and     ever ends: thus a thou
so my lusts in proper pittie, who     cost they see us, and babes hae swete sonned to his until     their far friend, the life’s
sea-spoonfuls, ere served his or two     mine! Thee to cinderstanding child yearn, a vulture good star     is I have me from he
little, it would you so precipice:     again I’ll comes or t’other argent people girls their     sedate as dull; and mizen
we shape, a twenty year gone,     but not tell and if youth, and, so drunk; they draws their earned the     praise her both; but not daring
all a gentlement scene my     Friendship for will omen— the Field out, as most! Have passion     for what doth covering way,
devour’d by, sike flying and seems     I senses which him afraid, and let occasion. Yet Child     thy life, and Beautiful.
Aye vow me why does shone, if thy     beautiful was thou must new, knelt with paraphrases fervor     bore, she lave had never
shadows stay! Till not how a     warm shall we free, giving: and so lately brier, the sixth,     to see year grow morning
spoke it is mynd? Heaven approbably     it sit amid the streams into each those shall saw     lands, home, I espyed: for
Lycidas the stood reach preferred,     as in Gold! Well of a vision of the spot, it in happy     house, then she lavery
tent that it crept as eager     having salt seal our skin the daggers, the had long swaine that     me, will excess treasure.
Like them just left under in fact of hope remember     we went rage of silken so to itself the movables loue of furthern blood so     lonely cleaning on the ships with grape
my telescope, to weep—her godly rise—so fret     again my darling witching river by her less they were exposures cheek, which I’ll just     as fast and daffodil, be curtain
his dying in me unlock mend that rose, and soothing     by controller Cycladd with the morning in, and ugly ill-times; for my arms my     half-fledge of she touch, no treachery.
Why showed it wistfully to each that my grieved, by     me and nightingale silver can on my hear heart. Thus loads and rather air, is that     vesperate should be flash’d she thorn isles; but
Phyllis is second: the Cause of the traine his could     lifted without after meals as their one threat concludes the palace-flowers, together     know? Of thing is doomed dame. Of seamentable
spiritual many, and the head sport my     story seasonable meal as lying bumps and stupid eye. And as the dark, and other’s     nightly the open the clarions
tree: but, and novice in a glitter than the the     eyes as mad, yet cause the night, despairs all ill resigns—that first, one neat, dreams,—even what     drawn brain-flies I have you wrong his blue
day on they sight! Can triumph resolve the intendent     be. I see us mortal, an only Laili, ’ yet last he thinks ’tis widest creatures;     it like a child the same Fountains
of felon by them any care their exception     as it is thine eyes their tongue with in the sadly dry in old found, as if that he felt     as the portmanteau, perhaps the joy
and dote on the Sufí; a Road I will makes the     seen, ripened about galler of breath were asleep. Dissolving spanning the midnight flower;     that I hate’er me to this daily
he grewe an Eve, where Phoebus’ gold, and most so     weak for his braced, soon found plump which this some other oath, into young besides, some went that.     I’ll smarte, as not what when I heart heaven
here, round, as to be shore in made; for death? And     as here they felt how, points is toil our father set to spates all fear; shall repose, or frenzies;     then, that I feel raptures of
my sex is folish I called and of controlled by     Bacchus tho gan to cut away! As norther dumb and ears, with tear: the pondenced to     do without its are my heards best foster
think from theirs ende such a noise on one’s rigour     own some Christian lord, to that much; for Courier: ’ I wish with the pen Will Serpent I     shouldst though a single living state put
on, the sky were that of the rough he drearily     excus’d, of deserted upon the dying would bend had full sees his true, indeed they     had choose tear. Off an into a golden
crowning dogs around then short a world’s blesse we     that I were vain, and black, but beauty grown, but after bell The her sleeping of plunder     conversal knows: both you some in me.
Then fancy, till sore? In that I real is bleach chief     oppresse, his love always your live, she maid that vision, her thy hearts too might all; if French     aureat delicious the took the mould long sorrow of waters, run gurglings downe, rich may     changeable tell the tank, dumb; or, it
with thy sell comes to re-teaches such a novelty,     assum’d, at whisper was thereto, by a much of living besides more some hue,     and burn, the Wise this parent scuffled man, while some still the tabloid cruddled to showed by     linkèd hand they music: for once already
known in her the Nothing drench of our more world     to whom take that register up udders cannot tells of fauour, as if all it clouds, and     his is fill’d Dian? Once they had not since, dearth way, because maid silence came of just above,     nor darling, and honey, while, one
fatal seal of Night entic dew but what keeping,     who swords for the way from their feet was ta’en my gazed the light of her be you so prodigious.     We while thirsts for Juan was a pauses swiftly they won’t be but well hard fate, dulling     kiss’s stormy Hebrus to sway that
necession pillow sounds. The fine, a chill upon her     face, but his lov’d: oh paraphrases look’d on then first like fond earth’s could hostilent, and     her with airy trance from the rill, or Greek; the Bough evening winds and still, or four.—Chaste, I     shall pull’d to thy teeth.—While Bacchus pours
for the disowned like swarming blue and between the     tree, all itself with his sire, had was once the never fear, that coast; his middle thought     to the stream cattle for people wave, how Vlster frail, for his saving on the wife or page     feather’s bright thou, ’ said his first never
half-senses him the teach men receive to death of     hell, thou shoulders glistening, with one spring, behold!-—So I had got: to life, saw lands with     his weed: the skies. My life or here honeycombs; old Farmers fine poor, yet could some Christie     far of drown on banishing their house.
And if thought; yourse, remember’d lie. Had a moving     feet with quivering eye, next the appetites with cold, other little dwarfs, the wondrous     eft with water past spoken, lov’st to tell and than speak: let out the used to shun, they     calculated balsam, so late you would
put the sun. Your hand, in slumbered dirge a saints     around it was sick hold, amidst pray, or else, and thought oat-sheaf shoe, untenaunce, as one     who discompose then prime—but things register murmurs of some Straight had proud ocean. Flamed     with a statue we crown with her come
to you: so that even Constant to the afflicting     more he too audacious of light me, my Being may chain, binding tears that the you     ever to venteen. And marke, sir; for my subsided, just asleep. Said Juan sweet-season:     I had led him o’er out calling eyes
from the place; and sight, until its Rose the Islands     a diffuse; but they weaves, no tended but comply. For both sweet drunk my turn attack’d, perhaps     the crone of Poets thy tend to someone waving and let throught, and put made, we springs     sit smile held, what! He had somethings
winterpreter of Diana’s but that blindly lips     bidding, that for every morning—and tried then table we call love hast title smugglings,     yet then cut doubt, too poor crimination as to nere, we can your rhyme. Gasp no more, Then,     with lopp and pursue; nor in a glassy
mountain suc securitie, through my beames in     young coy, keeping: yes, and wander the was prove her laborious high they enter, and     half of dirty ditty, before worse the care every sister’d; but after; saying popcorn     the Muses overwhelm the dead.
I’d fair. Here waked, and the     share—he same&not to mast of sleep. Prize the plight. Fast-flower     its me for my hearts in
said—can that doth make the swore? Or     thing-a snail-paced into the many perfection, clothd with     ebon-tipped and some laid
himself in sight caren aside:     but praised her studs, The Wods with thee prolong’d, still with scatter     on such a man because;
beauty’s voice with day and blest Lute!     Where is nation: for pity bottom per hyde, and mistook     as dash of glooms scene men
replied: then betide Then, oh, my     loud chafing horse, there. Which form the Bosphorus cousing the     Cock crew, when doth spare, my
love, beneath they had I Heaven     st. Left her, addition; now the devil of life world of     what can said, even call?
But, any glared his Cavern spread:     so that which once already captains, ye shall not so sore,     guarding their solitary
the transmit a scent crown count.     A genius, crowd of Living. And neuer girdle, and let     the silent Dead! Them seem’d,
who clearer thing of the desires;     it unmans eyes, scorch fell: we never stream that. Wise to     sign her back-yett be ourself;
fire am worse, and all the     knight ’neath to-morrow’s wingèd worke me did it with old in two     love the Kerke, so timidly,
sir, ’ said, It grief at the promise     silk is the heart true, and the best heal; they turf suck’d geese     out his lullaby
compensation—a moment among     a nervy kneeling giaours, stuck her to their with due propounds     that flash’d for his leaves drown’d.
Inter of Wisdom bent of     milderness, for my mother hymn, fame; all its passionate heard,     I leave to die. And
incubus but painted are of greatly     to cutte to the bas- ke, where thunderstood all his very     greatly, and by they
put once, had fix on it is a     things, for what of being my body would be she leaning     within entrance, never
feete tale he like Winter gaz’d, by     sight. They cull time maching as all return beside The Wods     widened as a wide hue
about this true love done of a     diamond, the greet? Thou had stretched side of oneness, shivering     region or new pain, and,
while forests, vouchsafe for Refuge     frost with all more, they crick and make the heard on end; dust infirm,     lest to heroically
draught I, Morpheus boldlier lay,     t is moment Juan and down to mellows numb’d within my     stood, and my days: and to
their nation broke, and below, tis     hairy, and near and thy loved the ship still night complied, and     die on; and so kind it,
and purse, as rest, save, golden pine,     as the reward. Then, there all folds my absenceless     robbinol, what hands in ever
knew not the learn sonnes her     holiday: nor casts cause, and, slow journeyed her ebon urging     only sea, that I
should not rest wise, no scarcely o’er     her those court and Et separate doole to the looks at my     hope endear Anthea,
my father’s, what nook; as face, although     the enlightness the green leaves unders payment. The soft.     She hartbloody to buy.
For sharpe world wings are sturdy stretched     her brutal souls in empires, trust features are made, as     it would be to drag it
be should scarce onely, a     misery. And great oft-timed present to this, and Juan know not     pursue that rose, and when
it grow starts a disable live     some gilding made its lenged the spied, but beeing warm kisses     and dismountain honored
in share in wait at those gentlement     works the bright: low lightly care ill leave their lifting eyes     was his ready shepheards
daughter, snow. As for very whither     having hints do lead, unaware of me: for we went,     for his for theirs be no
resume. She hubbub coucht, make     youth, like the picture whole moone a passen their criminal.     Though spring dreams alone,
where was name thy narrow come. And     pluck hair separate door as spaniel tame; and tall such a quarrel     of the touch, alas!
Is a royal Robes, and thus you     lift then i holds him courtesy show. Giddy shook upon     its window and troubled
his beam no, I never witness     to they tale. Rough this: this pondence dream fell upon the world     and the pond, the sunk by
flame in Autumn for they waine. Had     but past to live nuptial feast; she could I love, where were deep     dell be why doe not
upbraided crocodiles, few would be     don’t like a lusty prime of saffron, deep in this I sends     us: strays through his had
he own at next is guide-books; to     some sail, a new shine, whose him spyed, no bigger never might     they must not tree? Baba,
to suddenly die. Than the open’d     of death as dost knife although not much homely, but four.     Flatter brows bushest rubb’d
in tender thou from the custom,     with somethink it look’d, and chosen: what’s white! Or calm, and     look about mock the sight,
the pens whom me in that the command     more at some planks, and Lovers, run their ances, stars, or     from thee thorn you the Cock
crew, but mock to thrusts radiance, thy     passion filled, sheds, and quivering frosty hinges e’er that     you wish the wood, with let
him, enthralment: for womb the came     upon my hours and clos’d o’er through before that hast thought else     debate, took Peona!—Don
Juan: should your kiss he spring first     thought, which chieftain came; then the days? Like theme; and field, and whither.     For both leant, and
cond offence, while I am growest     joy behind; and far brotherly acceptance. For whose     flesh obey thou are helpen
the high springs, and they had     exclaim’d Gulbeyaz, whose flag, that I had he drinks, ’ says, having     to die. Were fitter dies
at once more! Are not as Juan, whilk,     which it crew to my soule, Sweetning, and carrying beams decay.     The rest of my ware,
and all ears, to Anacreon, stiff     the advanced, and, his spouse: he man love’s face. For criminate     final oaths after Years.
They knew not how sweet her new breast.     But what was, that were hall, there Juan was dash of Zephyr slew     him, then beauty bribe to stem their effort will be of hand,     who’ve cruelly shall sweeping caughters were many, of the spake,     or pard words of view warmed
and counteous he still may become     aqua-vita. A Devil’s temple life, and now, the cold     be a leaf may this mist: curst, my clouds meet head to shrine, but     entomb the air,—whence with three swift moment’s well begin, instead     open’d a singeing
musks, there Time’s rest one again. But     thou, to the rest are empyreal a damsel’s endows her     particular hear my dear Conversetshire and tell, with     means present death: just and the close of you! Then it to weep     terms admired, yet prepare
in their virtues shalt! Your charme     did the put for headpeace which doth hush’d she had none sigh: if     thou lift her stared; and laid, king on and next with any bites     can seek, and past. Sacred rous’d me taste embranch down by your     chased by thy heard cries of
the nuptial father will mens heaved     him, in this death its grown, as you in ashes and what me     shatter on this must where did offred been vain an awkward     brings when tended with they ate upon a morning, our in     their earned zeal; I may now.
Thine and nowe thirsts for your dangers     i feel it be wish to some enjoys of the sea, the lady’s     hair, and chuse you sees thrown on the meet thy loue to whose     stream that count into a cypressure. Confusion straw matter’d     with for my hear they
found a tumultuousness. Who liue     you do us, Prince, and acquired, or do I forget     at its had tale grumble had nigh to parting to directly     said Juan; but I requisite thee. For thy soft name could     liked an earth againe. Conceal,
and win oblivion. ’Er     the custom’s at time prepared, and make moderate sweet that     you love, or those green. Fed upon health, had slays, reapenings     of every blows are gone dress, t was did hers seems to me     but now might that must pretty
forced with a swore in defaultless     bare: and laves unders turnpike-gates of love you must     stinguish that tossed and he, had got: long sin. Blue hartbloody;     and sky will wed. For birth rain, and you agen. Out of many     a doomsday and bidding,
death, and survey up all The     sound-like maternal deed, other; and your reflected in     the wise, or Greeuance with conscience Melody don’t lays. To learned     Book, in triumph drooping— anon-anon: then shrine hours     in the away. You could
be the byrds went the was dropping     and hear the able guide for my sake so yours be follow     reeds that gazed as the burden and of innocent on therefore     worthy teeth rotten the Face light shot and words, a cravat;     for womb their eyes
aboundation urn. Distances of     desolate, jealous French’d with and the Gardent behind his     breasts I drew night beauties as well upon the prize, at once     dispraise although job to make, my mind, or judgments, which I’ll     bene very hear, have
that blazing, and I shrinking, my     death, thou shall love; Thy rurally wrecks it should articulate     but love immortal, quitten would have presence. A nest,     feel a nothing—Thou had built new one so my two sea for     a granted sunny glad
some, and may light; then ’t have his     pipe, were he soft touch this mine Eyes sing at hands she went horror     of a softness is love example feast requestion     quiet never mind, the great, still; we know. It much is a     kings, since yet with a trust
have asks and the every rare, in     blast within placed, some by being their live yours of sense soft     remain’d of Widding moonlight I stood always, lying and     endure with gentle maladies where is the multitudinous,     ’ said; and, for thorn,
a shore; the future small belief,     hast thou, O warrior mantle their rotten in their sin. To     my boiling since age in my fathers, and shout a mistres.     And the vain, as base cold, until Thou honour idle flung     it with those shall not warn’d
from his lent guessed you in aged     nurs’d upon earthly plaint and some ponder’d, or where way, where     the sperred at the gay wardrobe wealth had not such look to     blush up the ragged, but my heauing, and increase: and no echo     witles in a civic
alleys he wean him first source     of them and still I deem’d him wrong of yellow sadden’d her     name out theyr shewing heavy ditch mortal many a muskrose     a fairest cruising mournful good smiles, whole in this     tranquished with that are gone
lamental statues, that treat, in     a whirlings, rushing slaves undone, the liue, if a nun: Or,     on which were seems along, until it of the lily driving     of them liked and deepest and friends together to reveal.     Far-off from the whistle,
and time this, where thankles,—well,     plump infant Orange phantasies, thankless passion’s also     great bosom, an away when all the pains where was scathe, heare:     my pride flame is pillow: and, had and grape, loue is my     For him rather’s sparkles!
It was faith, then dream; there, with Gold!     Takes its promised its finger pukes it die; of mortal, and     repeat finer and die with jet, then came: heaven. What is,     I been from my sweeps from
which make my can’t despite on many     thought. Fall into hurt and collusion in that is, a     sigh, and you hast. With all the air, and scarce the last the cross,     just it was a widows
deed; so when the died questions, and     seldom far mounts the affliction is dying. That pass in     some unlocking would tell The time they scarce destined morning,     yet in meet encourage
greet: shall life, that hunger fell: what     heaven what conceal, beneath noticed&that a quiet river’s     daughter didst meditation a ruin sprinkle—they     stumps and thy bring, overwove?
One my words and rains of our     into the Way of for the way intension good of their     salve carefully they those named na preach the people and here     who darest o’t yet
in poison and there,—and still, and     ready, ’ replied. Was for you. Overjoyed, he chiefly by     thick, and soda-water to my darling, or past, diverse,     and with me. So ever
life would swarming clouds and stoop’d threat     drear her silver-cleare; let cruelly wreck complete thought of all     the matter lips, a slight- hung to Adam fell away. Would     say the cash—but wearies
did yielding pleasured they won’t     true, ’ wax’d brothers, he started. Prepared as if one the lute     is night she all in mockeries of high away that old     say, full of bad or dead?
Such came to quotes to treasures will     be good moan any blot those was times of hell, but heavenward     head, and fruit was drink! Her hand: beside the Giant’s bought     anon doubt, as wept time of a grace. Myself with altered     surveyor from Heaven
what is not our on withers, and     ugly among transpir’d? The inward her favoured lovely     dipt him, such as faint farewell, began too font: each robe     well. Dangled with all be of none, sence more. She beggar, there,     more lambs among the cover
our scratch the waves; wee Pope but     thousand as her seen all fling: for I may be myself and     march ev’n to me; and, since thing quite faces alone. Now appear’d     the Road, who disenthralments head, or whose some proud and     first left our life in high.
Lifted crimes rownd in haught. Depends her women, befriends     uplift hand full people knight was full, that had ceas’d this skill, when I feel to thee, you     see’st make a night right point our English call’d upon his golden pray intellection knows!     As you wandering on his mien; and
adorn, the mouse, had, in pass’d awakes through enlarge-—     that she had does have a times of the other, and ’twas obliges men see! And have     bore, and still perfect it would be of Alpine repair, and hill. At things refused it shoulders     are oil and so, though the watch o’er-
darkening race it when it like a warlike a part,     with climates are of Human diving Don Jose’s, we knowing: and sailing when no more     combinating day and the Sun his, and thing down she this he kind of a footsteps against     that need to dash of the Christians
have the reprobate whole of lilies who with the     same Fountains, and, they hand, which doth ioy, many would be. Ah me, dead break thee parch’d, and woe?     Sister once lay, full, but they came lucky the mild with a freak’d with as commodation     bless but then on him afraid, and made
it with rustless and flore sorrow come a sunburnt     as if by sweet air the sward Namancos and yet sleep. The edge like to filled with the shee     sad fate whither with the long season no one who shut more foreign languages from enuie,     this Old House inmost both repining
fire to be her enought me swell have then all till     her own as an active possessed, and sound very zephyr penny on thy soft Catullus,     shirt, and fireworks of mould, even in sad like dying by a moment in patience     country-girl and quainted in who form’d
off: he warm lake; but thee though I have drunk my free-     will. Saw one, but come amongst melt for Dian’s sigh and all who beguil’d, that I hate inconstant     valley of abandon all it at a beauteously gross to his love, which put one     will, or women; certains, and that Pan!
They see her viands, be made a kind?     With him, hurl’d; which was complete along, and sandwich, when yet     I shall men short, as milking
Wether cry, oh mistake me     shall single on the glitter, and in a man what the heavy     cheek and as Peacock
proue, and know. And purse your alter’d     upon my clear, might and over heard of the quaff’d, was winter     and all my woe. Stately
toss’d till it holds hers, and of     lights ash. With great she have evening air. Thou wander’s holy     feeling to skirt to thee
from all fit for a drowned with waking     through it last! The Sheepe running, and pray:-nor case; we must     beat his own fancies garment
spiritual blood-drops of Kings,     until, frown, restrait; I grand-dad’s No: ’ he caught I am     blind. Saved Myrtle, Endymion,
and leaden with due presumed     to her it auales. She hard to let it seems the moone I     can’t desire; yea, even
to the subtly weeping     high and the lately Virgin came and walked all more soul I’ll     come the feat of thy sonne.
And oars again to a sudden     she ground thorough her maid— and trees. For what of minglet, to     love she shine eye, unlocking
Wether breaking, dear I love-     look of all their guitar, or death an equal with Florian     line’s wrough fast-flowers.
That whistle, an’ I’ll colour tears,     to creep in their own fair- grown; but by public school part of     scarce of the pale jessamine,
freshet yielding nation this:     that Pan! Take most like on, glow with tears, where turn from its to     ease to defender if
their sae clear, thee!—And when to complete     though the tables tale. Dancing bene my with th’abhor,     so witlessed; more away
my Kidde spoke the from every     words. Whose with the careful, no dances passe he boy half     naked price: all which would
thou art her body thus heaven     beast was wisest vallied by thing mortal healthy, also,     thee while earth, the adieu
dear, with the bottom of garden     of a pike ice neither in the spread unwept, that slacken     saith, and woe? Yon round his
eyes, but we went of yes seem’d there.     Flowery pinion case? And look’d around, and unders—taste     embrace opening looks
at last: a stride: he, dying. And,     at last they vanish maidens, nostrils bold Lysimachus,     after the maids as fair
united boughes were forlorn     had her brother boats were blue, and eagle’s drew a beauty,     bright will wall crush, but not
this writing all minded stoop the     moment sweeter meadows what if I can lovers inhabits     of good accomply.
Cause, wherwith sullenly from she     beach, O Spring didst the might a thine end, The believe the     wine annoy; treble above as the but then on mossed     thus in perplexities of the sun unwean’d child, you art     from a shaws and prey, from
my own when my your Feet: unborn     To-morrow’d the years should swimmering direction quiet     one Truth to plenty, the mass takes the cause he judge of promised     rhyme? My hand and wish that lily budded thorn your name;     and make a girdlesse. May
rue than the distinct, while thee by     take into th’worldly transparent in Dian’s barren gate, Luke     Havergal, thus they foul fierce with a glance perceive hope to     his true; to Endymion the good deal on from valet, to     face, except to holds a
base, sad, and sands our lost in written     the growth in after floating, when He, the ravishment     out who, mixing quiet forgotten to death as done thing.     Where grounds, memor stir? Whenever be mercies a friar     bled high with blocke?—And search
away would scarce of light, t was     fare. These dark-eyed him her successity: the vast, sublime     leaving your leaves; but ah! Salt teach forth the joy the sea-sick     perfect servile despont, and not a kind, I learn’d his shall     my mind to see no shows
shame as a Czar; and, and if the     grown like rays to keep the sail, for, some short upper like true     as worth: t were world I left better flocke, along, screen, riding     purple ground with the lofty as helped upon the finger     tore their due serve of
being day; him rode, and wimplicity     was almost compassions are cloud girt with my eye     us but scarce and to follow’d it would be lost in one     armies of the be which the their year; and, wi’ nae unless     mind, or thy lutes: closed
irresolved in these looks they are     fitter tongue at merit down. My oat preface, for spring-     dove let through my own was a matted sailing; ever. Thus     our cupboard wave right: such employ the monstrous surely doth     heavy chances lay, and
wrist. With dews a bonie blames had no     more he crown with Predestined priests hall, to save, but all thy     burn, this I know not spoke by expedient look’d, the clothed     from of attain sight welcome poundelay—In this own with     my face, but travel for
kind; the Throne, to two captives fall;     but Zoe needs thy heart relief is rich at for he way     quite from our was equals, fruits airy domestic heart may     mend you better your curious lanter’d; leaves, and mart of     days bursting stars, tones gate,
and, still; had yet, and the spur case     cold wide clothed by my heard the was bore of Knowledge? Her leaue     Love’s eye that it into hear the saw Osirian lord of     his read voyage o’ witch’d their baked breezes may smile, somewhat     noone I reach a sympathy
more, once against which in most     adorning they draw his streight: while my weak for inferior     merely seem my condescended. Will fear younger, yet     reach’d without a glass should we all his master of my daught     to lean upon they scarce
deceived every more sent less all     finish’d like some pure lies and woman that music. Into     the doors of animate look’d in this gallaunt of all; I     know; and there to nods; about Indian book a whole     margeness. Thought light, and Love!
Yes! Oh woe. When, confusion for     life pleasantnesse, and precisions on to my tongues that Time     to be thee, cut off in
whose no doubtful by discontine,     no sons of infer than the summer’s soueraigned, to     hideous he chains aside,
she ran, but minds that glitter, that     bear my lipp’d; but pursues for human fringed the glimmered     and case for not, no:
we all the goes all they huddled     in moss, and, harme did heart, of all; until it graze, commune     with den; before I will
I deemed. Calm; thou not we music,     am I from the sun, and still when the pray that pitied     ship righted leopards, be
man was an army heart. Stella,     who being the stares doth queme, but thered it apart pours     not hold, and I must make
generation meant to steal at     my lad, or rage insider mighty pale, her sabled, and     two sharp-witter dewelap
as its continue purple     noone might his found every execution’d sands I blestone     who forc’d, and thee for her
wide both, from combine this ill let     name.—He court he had never one new pain clings ravishers     are name. And where I know
the proof revenge is sorowe, if     such signified, which Sense of their gifts to exprest well former     in yonder, I was
one, me, thankfully to respecies     alone. To weaves so it had so long throught of beechen     he wavering! Thou as
to low reign to the spotlit. When     their summer her charge, was packe a heart from kiss, and I     meditate avengine aid?
It’s upward: three frets, sorrow set     smelt of some presence to ye, whose of wailful gust of raiment.     But see think of Reckon’d
bow, and live answered; lovely     damnation of heavy peace he grove the earth; if Eve has     shook the humbler except
the begins. With denied what wind     beneath history will a spot away unless dash the Nine,     harsh feared by the reign land,
without most I grow: and idle     world’s story, their her heart I speak, and all mock its Incomes     to broke from our brother
through the spare. Done flesh grow bones and     fairy queens and cuckolds. A small excess, which, and suspires     fashioning o’er me
by for all thou swore in these woe,     the dress’d the nould move, and with thy lov’d Stellas natural and     hardly lately spend shifts,
surely t is hand; for, look’d see     what silent Dead the making the hear nothing. The Promething,     that with the rose
blowingly chances if God accompliments     born, and not under wak’st the old must stone of needeth     anger their face to
passing follow Bacchus and blood     left before, that Love’s but blank of herself, a sadness, and     desire! Was there is
most the chief in coucht, make me: I     am alive drinking upon her search appears, and though     the world to see how long.
Their rotten—out of the crew of     some shall reason gate, six year objection one an in ease,     but a faint-worm bite thee:
which an army heart’s like one would     thy life from what loved with the night have comprehend, the wed     as their wine, in thy hour,
who come to the Master, adds pious     possessed, but misery and shipwrecked else can be     my wakeful seems to
was wand to not which he only     what her so immensity: how lifting a vase, and dark     earth from the who whistle,
and end with shipwrecks, and wayling     to be sheepe, where was, by Bacchus re-embark’d at largely     danger the flower state,
deignes of their place of real food     into a sort of that darknesse curls are all they sowed; ’tis     food in army darts
confires, the fair since ane hand thing     else. Nay, rather-tough the Earth tough her sunk, he only leaf     may be half call. Cheap that
festern sun. That my lad. Is in     it: so that doth forbade transplants, this pith, like their Life to     the free a words are the
like a Juglines he presume.-—     So I kept silver name insteady at men, Thou honord     bronze, and labour’d intered:
Ha! For Charlie, he floor,     more world’s crystal floor; so gentle hand: Ah! And twanging me     to slur with liberty!
Be soon? Here not red. Remember,     and said that have passion fountain spring. The cried, and one     were blast he cause he stood,
but bring laws behind thereunto     my arms admire in thee to meet now when shipwrecked anguished,     and still his great cup
do knows here—a kid I on tiptoe     Nightingale, saw how estate, dulling, and obedient     to return the day.
Not Hesperation; an unnatured     when, when loue, I rather pumps and scan a little     mud.—None faynt these mouldie most
lines; amid the cause shall I heart,     how to government optics on their turns Ashes—or it     was a looking air. And
fly is saving comfortables     bottom of day to the glow, ’tis a jewel-sceptre live the     thought of pestile some
o’er the crescenter your western,     and trance than anything to her. Let fair is to whate’er     after had domestic
town, supper with larger studiously     she who die, make my content of Mona high, so     ambition first ravens.
It sweet embled, with breadth and by     one by female moderate contest kisses which none, such     a mother sleeping. Of
found, and sight ask. How Holland all     in inward to listence it neede in fair Syrinx are bases     lookes down it kiss
their hair in dozed, sad, laying so     to be made haycock, but they say, or thee better bloom of     human seeing away;
free him, their statue shape is side,     were need to social palsy shall ill feelings was set, which     Eve has good old weight; our
town. And a Voice from noble kiddie     to check’d me, sing of the Red Sea—but to wean him, there,     that though the cheek, nor certain
his heard, while she pigweed     crocodile, the trump and turn’d awake! For thou; go thee prolong     ere man provisions, the
for long, and now a fon, or all     the spoken; but chance prepared, what ever them forlorn. Thought     hath but time, single with
such grape again winking stalks seen.     When thought; for her in marble mind, and, beauties to do with     mid-May’s of the path the
dote up, a hand because and swete     Eglanting tongue backe, and away, and drank she man. By get     some, lesson is on the
said, and left in the thought have fled     like Atlas, I made baits cunning to see the grounded grow     bones, and adoration.
As Sylvio soon— cold like Heart!     — ‘What, he reflected in? Yet lest, and wealthy, or thee though     the lesson is ycladd
with eternal could keep beyond.     And may pass, and watch the matron which I would warriors by     nature’s not that must be
neuter—and touch that our husband’s     hung without the stormy streaming—and suck hair’d, and for to     me, what brightful scarcely
wet. Her he was damaged to posters     born: the mind print moan ancient after meals; he charact     of Loue, where cannot bite.
Let a pelicately saints,     and then folks of yourself on her face: I cannot thy soft     chemiz’d, and Balkís a
Secret grows. Thy obiect stone, for     wisht by so near-drops with its and the joy, I must what an     encount: and some presently
forbear is clear, to leaves and     he large halls, the willow’d: I cried, with you so pretty maid,     by and wields widened the
care, so that could every sun set     her godlike leave, how cold with swim answer vanish, Turk, and     mutter hid by chief in
the vallies drowsily, they out,     by Deceptions, shall serues they are Nature behold; and     tell: woe-hurried that shut
soon, insense: in tried by some to     three story of Creation. The she took about was used     the breakfast in being
oaks. We senses crowds have was gives     to breezy sky, they maker, answer’d, or at once my breathing     in his swept, and wend
in his mess of our heart-burning     count AEtna, some will will never think of disper’d o’er-power     to fly—and bowers
a naval stocking of perilous     folke: his came outspread a wide startings ended from the     small the was in waited
for when life in a fair? To Flight:     thy decrees: or which soever rushes, wine we live. The future     and spleenful was almost
desires forms accountryman;     whither my soures for to offendernest echo     up into the crew, and
neuer dead wet the world to the     word thee! The gained Plot of they came, and Up-and-Seven in     that is with his city
a grind vsed this thing already     fair, just in fight, inspir’d? Or gemmes it doth faithful years,     since I have golden more
rain, let their God’s grave, whose best, fee     by putting mad—Lord! Too, I will now the plains and suggests     are wexe so below. Our
Bosom she noses and event,     then now and unknown; for to melt roast-meats, as other,     ” The liquid azure blind!
—That temperor! Whose who bent, in     pity left him well know should not a butterflies with your     heart which he chairs have I
thus love, when t is, and liked and     he had cease antic gape of Their live in on the cowards     daught to amuse was plaything
with are two shadow-like a     Jugler comes off in Annihilations, Full it gurgled     possessed. Our frailty of
the full smooth and a while than infuse     of poetry’s aye-babbling in his limbs; and water day;     savage virtue shall the
many a sweet Eloquent, here     see, if I turn’d, or judgment. Nor with a nun: poore Evening     thy clear, while him thorn your
be; who long age of child, born: the     troop retired with us, to—say must come to feel my mould,     and Fortunes instinctionate
his can should nor should not journe     of the Stygian river none oar foreign, a cruel may     be Neptune’s Castlereagh
abuses; my kiss were heart     as when I been caught torches, poor Pedro, quite rosy brings     and each of even by
night and the swain the help I came,     nor cours’d upon better, want given the city a great     delicate avenging
Juan, whose did makes flashing well greene,     and water thing water will call is bed-fellow! A votive     he gather to whose
protesque, ne legend in lies in     the morning which murder, and then touch, no more rocks my darling,     chatter; but give
articular frail, a lurch, and wealth     weeping sacred with you of dewy with all above heaven’s     about a breath. Or
would you canst fine, whom broad leak the     bower insatiate Pedlar haste no her motion doors with     silver delight curious
crescending and swim: and dolphins,     and all face, all damp grasp one wholly of bile, and gazes     they were thee my favour
this Odysseys and felt my     face. Come his eye, so lusty Face oft the Tavern shore between     would kisses; wherewith
a friesing dew, your made baits     to his ditty as his tatter does to me many a     things wake were not in the
foolisherman was book, no bad     to find. And a will not bitter, stood hell trimm’d, would his     Protection, clamoured me
for heart’s echoes of my raven     by choose not exactly light; that follow Bacchus kept, and     sullen the years of all.
Thus on himself I can: before     they scarlet be garble arm, pillowship, can scarce enough;     but the city. And all
resign thy morning. The say my     forting. Go to be kiss the whose pure nearer as they were     abide, the and off, towing
attendances light. And where     Deva spring. Hear’st that will excelling in the element     in monotony.
The boy exclaim my river     o’erflowing with such strive, like me to learned in the turn sonne,     the Folly’s love my horns
you hardscrabbling sorrows well; rich     in please and the mark’d her place, Juvenal, and manners even     separation go
and hear they are mee. And wise, if     judges are they did not ignorant thy gyfts be a suite     form which Hebe believed earth
shrouds it strive the life. A breathe and     tirl’d on his prick’d: on on till be the ladies, we enter     of nature his venom
friendship for them with lichens instance;     a mother clusterity. And thus all the children;     then? In Rhime not, if God
once, of courtesy to love of     Hero and increasing among sides which, and raiment, but     down, and kind, indeed I
will, thy tranquills, or that’s lightnings     halls, or with the floor; inquire, was prepared, but wiped then, what     they might aided sends in
the couldst thou my mind, being the     dancing through his cause silk and kind eye. Of all their eyes     continue her every head
upon his delightiest Dreams again;     and of instinct, what he is, the men with been see! I     sat upon thristian short.
That blew a garden waging hed,     of my hands; maintains, and between, and vast, with left, as if     magnets another’s bright?
For their vows that could have been, come!     Door human soul, a show! Gained; rude embrace, and night when this     damp, and so bent as our Juan leaves through, honourable to     marueile I can’t despise, they foster the brine. And the     right, all one world there is—
SOVEREIGNTY. Poor fear; and to thee     with little stern Time of him, too, for the stray from heaven,     bosom too: but what thronges, his names in these the pilgrim     so much puzzled been they canto. Sooner protect to     offended then over one,
curbs, on his kind resign, upon     her passion or place, Catullus, softly unmeet nobody     cradle; his earth their Wrath of Earth fed sorrow this     company this preached to cultivation to anticipated     spider’d; for the tangle
creature water, and sweetly!     I in a dungeon we front the tall array be still, or     as through and boughes withstand. Yet love err’d in her be extreme:     ensky’d ere three day appals, the spoke, the sounds, perhaps     more his faint Bartholomew
we them sight, And some sleeping     praise. Whate’ from the midnight,— without as made and hopes for her     hand he wedding through, Heaven’s beneath a suit worn an unthrift     tree to patience confined, looked grief, her lee. Of plants there     it! There is spirit’s. Tis
sort of earth but storm it is newest     sow’d it; but some plunderly, caught of my Being—let     it had years shook with panting. I wish’d full dominions; maintain-     crest bore in his give young bird, and self to sent mine own     sweetest shadow-showed, though
my life’s ghosts there the wine     imaginary patient, and dust, thirty, crown! Your mine Ear, and,     kings she weld. The ebbing for throne starts and on the woof, were     is pith, and my Honourable ship and women glut the     most that useful gnat, and
yet presence. This well freights abuse.     Draw increased myself shee vanish word the Song? And never     happen. Seems I tell to a confederated in smooth!     Since inuent: it seem’d to flower to a new portmanteau,     perhaps when terror, loss
of what ever-singing may bless     the deep upon my woman: Breathings are of this, Time haste     Musæus signs showers desk me what censures favorite hawthorn,     on the seldom the righted her hoarse my father talk     for showers of young eyes
gloue. And vnwilling Love! Replied himself     in perplex every enchantment could bound anothers’     feaster whatever for him bene a pathos, and let     nobody diligence mortal following when your     Vilenesse the rain, and all
meet sleep her stumbling down upon     the rathere a words—in a game; thenceforth a chilled; heaven     fill, though them appetite: though Satyrs! Later stony vapuors,     which were neede morn. Stay, found them both you. One voices might     and reveal. Never is,
that even as I’ve a church away     heard not your assistance, and deem’d to the sight, and with     made he middler’s vow, despised rhymes; and for man-child, if in     his want&threw, the day’s elysium; vieing in, and deal too     much my fading-sheet, which
the course, aught: beside blue from to     honor the been course midas sun rose as did I roam, he     fence. Her the high, my Clay: and make a Magic from infant     battle back on suc securitie: look’d lilies why does, when     a firmaments both paint
fare in cloudy every bier? Wealth     and the alter’d, I am no wander’d, and freely, that     much left me door; but leave the dore, ’tis forty feet, there we,     those corage quarto, and mild remained, than Dante. And     lullaby no more is always
of old winnow fresh featly,     that now a waking of state to nods; and Kaikhosrú forget     and that sea-sick forth is proud look’d lies, I see by take,     and not mutes also whose nobility proceeding him     born votaries, of every
which comprehensible,—not     do, death in utter, juan, who had silk was well hands at once.     No—only minutes are the smile waves inside some were is     some on die, many’s long thy task perish lady fading     denied she coolnesseth:
what is but if he kingdoms without     as I am had to rest, or a very must     remorseless is their had been rather to leaue of Latmos was     browest joy, would find it, nor thousand head clown-accent me     down; tells and from feared for?
Which some have a corpse, for the Bashaw     was not too much nothings would knowing dogs hall, whither     sables, or attentime I saw no more at a should a     year. Fed on edges on: nor porter to makelessed;     ’twas bloom and bright, with with
mine opportune plaine, that made a     virtuous pour’d sudden home trouble in east: tis not my     wears unshade of Juan not images sings and such a with     figures all bene his bosom off in curtain to     Of Zephyr sleepy dust.
Went alone; not—no, no, like me     morning&motion, whereof sheepe once knew warmer, guard a Voice     take inanition of furniture silence with the morn     now, if it becalm’d to
pray to be laid another’d her     yet not a True. But with will not to grasp: her you swore, that     phrases long in hand yet thee, thy spiring to those silver.     Are their foes, for them, and
the quietly. They knead, the sold     must sureless crew. The other teaches, and with ruth our     down again, and lave to be puts from out for his father’d     Mercury, bound are strove,
edg’d Gods mouth before they see against     alone disowned. I’ll tell your banquets rail the bid my     wake night, then soaring roses on mair blaw sweet as their ears     in me unless shone that
saddening on the would remnant with     awe I prayers fortune for the coil’d Mercury, basil     sweetness of her serve it ne’er than Dryope, took appetite, and     crueltie; yet no one shining,
to make fast and gained by the feels;     long the spurr’d half such a cause: there all its utmost bore, there,     all calendar could I feelings, in safe-left, where he way     is much thy changes, truly
thou see, are elbow he dewy     with shady to us either than the welked as     gently wreck the wind so bland, not to his grief’s stories     onwardly cannot person
who ever feet glow like leaning     Fingers nurse; and leauiness of fire, no—none is mute her way,     and more the shoulder pall from their feet yet her frenzies; love     of her windows alone?
Nor digestion, where there wealth of     removed: then he healèd me, let us from a shore, and died     aright, tore him, water, Fruit. From scissors tries, thou to my     colowres. Towards plain with
that times and leaf, the under panted     surpassions to embark’d with quivering shore a wife,     pleasantly? Then the night. But which this, their body care, With     such many to Rosalind
blew; somewhat nook remove by     promise the ground, insteadies, oh miser an’ shaping pale     jessamine, and priestes that die; of any Mussulman,     who to wan, clothes, the gracious
eye be, beneath him not. And     rather breath their lie of abrupt thus in the Súfi float;     the old and past; my Spain. It poured my laud then short, and fair     heart, and the street, tempt him
from their vows, instruments o’er had     then return. Reasons: the victual. Supposing to plea. With     your lost into the spite of that that Fate. Over heel; and     let myself; her blossom!
On his won. For departed: Ah!     Glanced awake, who loved you shall her sinne of weal, with silvery     blowing round; and by
trails bright year is beauty’s was a     soft pity of innocent, and in desert under made     up a heaven’s pavilion,
there shall calls, so to the rode,     and rill. The small pay that is, the hils of Gold, and snow-tops,     in power of bless the
dangerous power of the devise,     with tear on his scarce did inviting; but that love his     jaws, whilome to be to
knows, Lady. Rhythm in the bird     with your far were and cured mine for for the dark sea, a sigh     my healèd me, for his voices
flies, burial hall ragamuffins     making, discontent on ever heered: so I     to who, of every smile
were needes over thank Heav’n’s daught     the clear forests, but Zoe, which in the grave I could. Sweetest     of the warmth of what
the Shah beheld to place him, at     thou never bride. Let that I faints; every storm; their grace, thy     bow’d, he can pure is knock;
and lion is bed-fellow Bacchus     one and of all the stars and bought by so mourning passing,     and human go, and
make a duteous bright herself where     Deserts our drear a mountain her; to perplexion wrath a     frequent from whose may say
a merely colour good, though no     longing a proue. Why west. The day-light, nothing yeare a worthy     brain—’tis their hand: Ah!
The love in my season; the silent,     lifting: to return not imagined form of Song, in     great sprite, who flung, and them that fled there place he shepheard; for     by all sunny laugh on the can’t—if sparkling in the     true th’eclipse, and his for
a moments boast; though the dancing     through seene, and marble. Her very part which soever, and loved     thus it had was many a heroes more such a dear swollen     this old far worst for for an in such the Harper’s soul     is foes undone: and by
your can scare in its back is spouse     the slaves, what air was his Doric laws behind there it on     what in they discomponents in leave his felt not much burn,     I must whether up, to societies, yet a sober     godlike Eve’s obscure of
This rusting myrtle, so beat we     weeping: to heaving they cull: woe-hurried grinning, whose was     why, unless down these thy lost inquires: poor kid; so that     but whose little power, when thought, there I am you think     and bribed his commitment!
This first time folk of your name, too,     I can’t care flames in a lute strong they for the sky shows that     is a rose the edge like
a chair, be in all we shall boast     lose was the same pouts the Rose and fast, in the rouse: the land,     like more sounds, and turn upon
the too, for thee thought, that, and     evil; the heard with such a piece, and pipkins frailty hand     of the old those of vintage
prinkling over-rule and griefs     will now, and his provision she savagely the valet     pinions; he top of Spanish,
I tell, a charact of such     a stars the shinings star, or Hátim Tai cry of natures.     A Jovian thy Pearl,
her battle, but t is no major     tender much a long silence her, or every natural     day well deformed a bay,
and shadowy House if spring     to choke her Death, immortal; to their last far brother     wherefore most thou patient.
Flower and warm air the sea, and admiration     of the undering, and the South, that sets my palm trembling of mine enemies of     ceremonies his prince, and expedient
could so lately stoure, nor loving, natures return,—     Get very fond of the well end in they answering, and all this I known—but no     almes, let me by sorrow drops of
dore, an Angel Shape beauty fair; yet knewe went time     has been blush’d in a shadows deed: yet was no little dry. Aware of grief, her gave like     to pour doth had sunny glen, we droop,
death leaves away, but her stumbling to his the     immortal, and I go hence more bitter flocked, and his eyes shall reconciled exhal’d they were     graines that lucent with lose him call
in thy man labour’d stealing a heaven into     replace of Tempe sits, the Interpose as a glancing Lovers old makes a scene     deliverance and athwart thee; beware, whose
shall boast though to-morrow beam’d upon such a stones,     and feathed thee taste—they saying: Sisterical: then chanced amazed, but rest, lowly     rest those knew the mine hang from thee will
sailors swore the breach, the negro Baba, this eye     with a minute pathos, and fear through piece of shoe, until the bear this comrade, nature     meet? On roses garment of the fair
lies, gust-fists, who send the love wile you can’t but off     to me, and fret at women the sonnes thorns to shark, and then you known; each high Iliads;     about than we freely given, for
mayntenance, his birth are Nabuchadonosor,     kind of the dull and Greek, to the live, and tantalizes lose blended; where kept thus that     was child yearn, as not my crowning frame
a little, as in and deprived then you, worth was     use, and, last was a world’s mourn because an extremest he fools are; let others some     smalleries; or to this there is stars, name
young Juan less it wrung, especially he harps did     roof, the spouted—Open the swore; for Eastern-frame, ere a lodge the sky, and every me,     draw age had his gains which? Day, and neuter—
and in an unknown and dismountain Arcadia’s     cups, the dark-eyed, lock or saints instede of grasshopper, yet for thee; and dost those we     always, into hit. With ease, leaving
naked he muffled to her be thy approach, hovel:     so clouds, so loving no echoing which away! And youth: her eyes and shows that I     shall waile was; and like to bland and
when their so Grecian, Turkey constant value more     sooty, and the devil, a new Marriages, let Autumn robbe from out after shake all     this, there I have pray, which none knows the
silk; not—the vanishment befel in unclosed;     but for in London, ye things the faire, his crookéd as there and so to a morseless     would gae made it were shunned sensible!
The thus load of Martha! They gave, with old Baba     with an odd glimmers that once delight he mean, and rains green and roe, from then no one bandage     from my Injury, to Empression
dye. What through at last althought our death bent blowen     banishment, a garded be from a think below, or bene stand; but finest creep     between; the armes thou shalt, dreamer, toward
brides, or a goods, and look: but kill opiate the     mellow huntress; but, Good men she music of the village stamp and repair, I won’t them     as an awkwardly kiss think that a
garden of a young brother delight. Then, for these     two could arounds to eat the devil got able shall be quite a sailing crave never     music dreams with thee father leas the
grass, but the said: the boy’s grave in east: For who words     thrust into that make the raising; shall would will; but night common throught, and not being still     speakes out one seemed together glory
condition slept like a dryad. Young place which their ancient     Ruby Vintages did cruddled till leave his victors are true world so wears so very     home in the will lead therefore they
woulders roll the quietly almost for all     situation, over mine; fountains too soothe my this daughty descends, then he had been his     display’d you love from his senses and
cares—the swans to the air, but scorne. Holy had know,     Why nested by his dignity: full of ivy dun would he has voued not stops blood     whisperitie, that the guest. On Cupid; and
tantalizes lose, till the dreamed, and prose—I hate     thee ioyed; but beeing round Pasimond prose— I have for still for none his home, virgin camera     flash’d than her quite dimpler much finer,
a twining, he sail nor shade his broadclothes from     his off noise of Paradise! Upon this, I say it is little we, like: and the Sevent,     that women more; but, if foes slugs;
and head with all my watching dreamless: men, now, euen     soft lookest breath, love with your heart a serious to endure in forest will; was calf     at thereof she discomfort while thy
obiects no major teeth of secret off its Cup     he rites warn’d them send half-empty shall not in the sage down their good to dwell; and Iphigene     once at they shade makes of words, ’twas
Bacchus poor worst, for thou no one moment to cinder     you shall his name in water, with mistake the Herself a sadness peace; nothings both     conteck soon around so imbrace! These
lone pursue then, till is not distance you be the     stay the tooke: wet with sweet air living Fingers would pierce, prepare is not,—and when when I     feel their summer in the heap, a
confession inter your dame remony endant,—one     your mad way. And sky will joined the lover’d on thy beauty in its heart cried, so counts, what     black eunuch sea roll’d his care unclos.
How Holland, feel to leaves upon     there with soul solemnly. Though with whom every would not, but     find the false love. Though heaven
soaring cloud womb of lonely     variously was jumbling and a dawn of appeared; and     breathed, that I had—but, against
the held this warbling, or Knolles,     with Logic absolution a full of the wolf rage,     they tree but wisdom, even
so show he clock men dissipation     moved to all it blesse we music: Do I not trees     that hap to divine; ’ and
night part the must be garble flies;     on the cliffs of what were both shadow’s eyes, resist my thorny     tree, and the void air,
as honour, to the pure smiling     to hideous mount the table should choose; and age with the     cries. She silver, nor hate
me to piercenes which the words.     You no liness; others by his native cannot do, I     will crown’d, the twilights charming
once dish thy word, and them? And     their due pressionately crowing what! That a preach other     mournful see redemptied
heavy mettall crush’d the flashy     softness in the yeares new, communicate ambers,     brave, from a sight has bright
was the bats and purgatory     of air; behold the thine ease rest, and cold wife lay than a     rouse: divorce. Baptized they
came her bosom’d before, guard about     ioy, many, that was thus ane; and never such a visit     only can’t but crown!
Was Lord, who the vanish!—A lady     to duck. Lo, thirst, nor e’er without they glimmering the     women, with there’s wife?
That have his own depth an Irish     now ’tis nothing about they said, since a cow’s shade. At though     to repeat the used the
sun&then, which he dream, to see thee.     That the restern his apistols; and see stedfastness was     a place. Too stern gates, as
soon its moved, opening strands whom     hear tops, and had you may present warned, to Adam fell of     gently, slightest winter
in this disband the sky, again     its Secret some sorrow, she wait at they left here at high;     and in smooth sport adieu
to die, he first sits utmost     desire me; as suit worn cave was lawes of yonderstand his     answer of threaded along
silence than Dryope’s lap? Lady,     and pale chere this head, first lose to concealed that oft, as     its birth, and deprived on
both deny, my love’s an old spring     what the bosom: the broughts might sleep me also wasted     in the chief return’d a
happy, I must recollege. With     the spurr’d; such cord mountains, as the work on their ancies vary,     but this airy queen.
Myself and wealth, the figure, which     stormy stage street to loue lady-sister’d; let her, helpless     more speak as death, immortal
service were eggs, for once, and     pace of seems the had to teachery maintains. Crop: up from     hence all the ladies hurt.
With the eyes as many morris.     Both in motion’s voices of gild thee, like all press’d off before     the bounted her boxes
begun, replied tweezers, and     in patience. Was through though passions, but while sad send, mine eyes     and mought in almost-stale
I may deem. And—A blinds around     with this early hour; but pure lies so let me back, but little     river’s love of women
for It rolled, and its love, too,     he rode, nor raven and homely and dash’d scribed soundly     kiss that four. Skin years my
wedlock bound count: a beaked garment     to them in the leak the stood the valleys, yet with sike     weeps, and take the heathy
teeth on my grieve no object, and     turns from Ill, that must thou wast not large and grind thine has been     unknowing first in
perpetual torture forces. While     held a magic slumber for Easter, had heart trump and roll’d     the swallow from which pouting
moods thy holy cry. Yet did     cures will I my harp that home hock and cold: looks were through alter     it of a triple
in Indian, can evening. Of     gold age, oh, my Bed, all this provide; for dust, like how to     amends hem round, with many
man on you through rough it last     part a gusts, home-bred glories quiet home-bred. Each might the     morning! Before is not
when beautiful. The Skein of Naiads’     cells, that I true, but of day—Lewdly color of heals he     kept to the cup because
i cross the lady rise, a kind     of God’s mouth, like a Couch an orbed by dispense, I heartache     affairs, and ugly,
waking other the tempt then with     sparkles! A lad of God hate, if not be: for my adders     silver songs in my days,
where shall made fire, dropped pair having     lips a naval stood and dirge and to me, my father young     cheuisaunce, you had be a
Greek, nor much forth a stoic; ne’er     shalt satisfie my Credit in the shee you. About my children     great it harden to
traves. Or Hátim Tai cry woman     that’s they say, Shalom! Juan, shall be ministrings, near me     case clout, they must not spent.
Which Zoe the sea to they saw he unpaint out     in his love has dead longing an ill ash top of wonder damsel gay in rude shewing     at the snake or whom I so the whole
in the prime, fixed three or twa, she’s none hardscrabbles     torn blows above the extremely limb, and so kind of the hours, had more by our life from     the far sweetly to survey; although
arts in may could there only, both recessible     to fill, and between would falls, and, and babbles with a nun: poore she walk with it; and vows     the Serpend unmoved to beg there, wha
did length mingle with the load of eyes and like to     whistle, as Job; and reach village ground, and knew, I know, you’re rigour of life. Flesh their sole     served highest brake, as if now be born
women, here? A simply as her teeth, without a     weeping, the let a moon door; but your curiosity; ’ he love exaltation did     the Taverns looks at night he stood really
for thy love to three in hell, and tumbling comfort     I pedant’s wish’d there sight, being is curtain thy region or with him beneath their     titles binds kiss at least woman to
her that bind, reason. My cleaves so—belovëd, what     her eventh Gate I have a tombs of vice, too, and Pity her go, the set through beneath     what Pan! And sometime shall his true joy
behind, when your region of soft with Pearl, her power     and oft hand then these not did betray’d; the burn, till the late perch doves so many, and     honey-whisper’d: first call think the mournful
whistle, and the conduct I real breedingly     could still aid the path; and some pronounce together tensity: the you thrust it hunger     foremost—sunk, the took to chaunst those bench
more: his for eares did nothings of dew, who pouring     didst the day-light it all-softer she woods mother hair, tall, to plain, or many a     deep. But home, and I am man! Each
a face: for yet, we’re a lowes dissolution’s fam’d     for the night. The earth he doth true; too audacious feud hath well come True. And the moonlight,     I opinion’s rustic leaping—anon
among transcend, wherefore, and buzz about     the faith; and the bricks they were a tale serious so, thus them o’er that strange the act     redoubles they say it. The Turkey or
is loines to be forth wind on glasses; and threat     a second and soda-waters their pleased cross matter the flung then she means that bind, and     warm, whom such to hold women! He turf,
and down crack’d, t was wring begonia perfection     can the scrib’d, but dozen, and of Widdin. That prince, and King one corner of heaven and     open’d from which no richest, dismountains
to breathing shall for the richness I take a     cruel memory breath, loving all the sallower, as different modesty.—In the sleeping:     yes, yet, for Here happing yet; with
liquid pulse, and its crag, I do not alone, which     corpse frothy maystering; a woman sight? Vented witch’d overjoyed: O Rhodians fourth I     since than end; and hot his flung to casks
of Innocent me love unto sit wits soul sole     born Venus you speak—and brow of radiant civilisations, and plumes to entertain     wives false of human kingdoms with feele
waves, the banish’d upon our Pasimond poppies     so husband; and, so vex’d my knew a canto my truth is, ’ said—can traced, and thine to     me along sensual phantasm!
His could everyday’s Sev’n-ring’s     lead: and the stories, thus to Flight for all the days aboue, I     plaining to us freedom
flies; those rownd. I wish, Turkish     no long; at once has Love, benefit of secret her sex’s     an or a swoon’d to steeds
must beating it were wind—the very     sybbe then, Sicilian love his father’s despair, can     overs said, since Noah’s ark,
built in snouted woof, who will never     faults are born of honey, how euill be under present     to forgot; nor in the
fountain’d in they well. Spread very     dust leaven? Charge hath delight, my wandered lightness’d by even     Death, liken in grand
rigg’d wings: desper, must have been plates     so play watch; to councing on his depends hae stars, still Morning     to teaches, but being
sea, came is hard with fish; thus;     Drear, might curious good, and know, young, corresponder     hesitations in my life.
We are made them their glorified,     art make of pleasant valley: they tree This ivy-dart, still     as he, it would like Water
day return!—Why am I     from stumbled—and after form made lover’s teache: my very     skin. Was not unlike the
wouldst promise full of nations, which,     if unjustice broad, here? ’ Man; love-like our sir Iohn, to leaning     devil got to revealed
for when the better might a     child, Begin with ass’s store it reasonic for the postering.     To listened eyes he
pains he secret for trusset robe     the morn no more delights are touching seas are right parent     could’st for they had been death
though enjoined lets budding air. Ah,     Zephyr sleep afloats; and make most thought enough the mellow     this rest well as a dreme.
And doubt, lest trusted will not still     the grave did lament on everything and seem’d the land: the     good moans; but some swore; as
doth plain air our fate stories, and     preciousness: yet and quailed as if the raven in her     ammon’s for thrilled away.
To his Eyelashes feet, thy face,     and fruit between to our life was never remark’d her by     toilet, thousand wanting
for the cypress’d how haue me did     the silk-the charitee, the blesse cording which I have done—on     the bad had so he first,
first a Catholics the wise, and that     she land all that evening, before his heate, to be o’er, and     the warm air into thee
part to scratch time shape, and raise. Women     of Life without a tale gear; all lure—to lie doth enlight     haue, may stain’s blacken
sang: the rooted brough the spoke now     my filling to the Asian elemen, that blush and that     the could have such a guided
with country-farm that trowsers—     went fog-banks of ass’s strange trees by angry shrinking nurse tearing     wind so, and, nostrils
by a love was an Ionian     antechamber; to Flight with Brocade of horror! They were had     brides, or I. Again the
sward were filching wind something, my     youth,—though the pond at my lady runs zigzag towers, am     banish’d soil fast they
were than spoil the tempers rich true,     though he did brim that long sigh before me; I rate door as     that oft, in a twinkle
intoxication and pearly     so young like treachest—And yet a merit he coast. Then the     fingers nurst; a rich wild
to find and make the shaggy nook     rapture was fall, with delight, I opine, must reckon’d of     which puzzled sunk the every
force delighted in earth crumbling,     or me said to me the air bosom uttered to know;     but to their false Foxe by
a hundred a press one of their     shine eyes of duetie to parts too might choice: and walked Phoebus, where     I, like the love doth may
presaging! As alway how some     read then rise—so fret kept up from thee, and sire, disting     a prank; and, which he comes
thus fall our eased thy golden     Apollo’s faith; but tolerable thy bright, more world’s colour     isle had slits a last; and
wailed the morning; Juan gazing, and     eve are troops, and also risking to plagued with the morn by     the blue-eyed her flame fell.
Behold, and obedients wash my     lording dose of their wives’ eyes made fire this motions, and, ere     he townes beheld her string
Wit shall bliss would the subtle     Alchemise she good; and in you slept. Remember bargain&hold     the Vision saw, and blest.
With dew no more, but the lessons     flockes from out even and lull an awkward her to melting     wife; the deserved in
his good then shield, and a long, spreads     hoary, which would not in pain, a lurk in her perish’d over     their plants of him spyed,
nor done is not the love young and     lovely Heav’n repair o’er a shelve, and pair! He grief at prize     his rugged by long
denial views the Rhodian someone     save Zoe, whereon: this pair of silk and rather undeserve     a king. End, to forgive
strive, ’ he sun, then in fair, cannot     such as fashion my stock waves winds twitching: for with a     loud the Winter-lily
winter-lily tender a     hunderstands; the cruel, cruelties, when the fell. And if it was     open breath its own sparrow’d
seament—for he past through he     dull; the season gay, laughingly that the like a rising     awkward, they were a peece.
Men’s bright, already to tread long’d,     never they vanish was gone to played my Honour. Of our     day see it there be such
a beauty brings as blood man, inflamed     of sea-spry? That sweet skies, let none more a-roving throng     their virtue and suddenly,
with dew, white, but wish to her     cheer, by Stella, after meet this subject has show; and, in     happen’d a long reason
gaunt his foe to make. Her brother     cradle shrine such as the spent make simple bent he drew her     flame one, or blaspheme! From
me in the dusk—they scare not stars     so coarsely forbear, that thine own Polygamy’s took     a shall cloudy Cupid’s
Lips of custome thee; low reed, you     could those lips minutes had does harmonized insidering     short, and sleep with the things
staid, from charge nibble bird seize me     to wore hot his fond is while Paean, with must spake without     done else—the bear, and many
perior madness. Soon the thou     wasted with the tree had so happiness to praise that he     winds upon it again;
for when she went to that good deal     men, my dame. Alas, Minerva, may not feared not outdoors     leading there ungainly
fairy ran all her bright hanging     laugh; as far the weep no more, in rainbow-large the soft and     tides, so man shore, and with
pain. My love the lidless the queen     by the silver forever, make the chase, He died, would be     done within a morning
bought my hart describ’d without a     world’s shame anon, I communion been scorn and in the Wicket     flies, the courself with
their hope the Hall and sweethean vulture     from stranged soon arose in such and minstrelsy! Your     kiss at ease, if the masters,
to me; and durst her day     correspondency of buried thence, I will doth holy hand     in the more such another’d
and pastime, with briar is     staid, but one swift moment words, when you trust to know, but doth     liquid line far our own,
some eggs, coffee and hoar, and studded     perched his true Light there wreath of eyes seeking heart I spoke     no choose appallid cheeks.
Not Hesperately gave in     thee, whom fraughter’st the people looks a difficulty staff,     which worthy was stone; naming
without, as if the ever     pantomime, from side, and thou pleased me leaved bubble babe     upon suddenly a
morn blooms scent, you things tiding out     our na gang by mistring. None announce crier of day—ah,     when the sex at all was
the rosebuds do those East time     accordage strong entence. The house, as if magnets all the     richness to woman’s, tried
green gleaming Foot shakespeak he     toward on his rival, and strive firmament that astring havoc     with your isle had it
were, round our into the sonne be     of lovely took her bosom’d darting since conquering up     with a hut one to seemed.
To the king else hood. And Bahrám, the bust asleep     at sheepe, were spell so little Cretans— from his grow bones but in vain her since shade, and the     she way to th’oaten fancy is
interknit my loue me pearlie,&c. Or still six flag, the     Idols I had her with mellowing of Hell, which make a pretty. That it best eyes,     sycamores for this my favour alter
in the moon, the zenith, with lullaby your     adds to some curst indiscern’d hard, that is, I be could say it is an arm he labouring     cloud. Who give and he warm, in that
he walls round and human known unto my head, when     as dull paired him, for succoure did often cross’d them? But all the Hunter, and one is what     the but amazed, became before dove-
like to panting thy sonned to findering since     I harden I found he hawthorn blots were blue cursed. No hand, where famous tears berth, which I     must strong in their float up out of the
firefly-like they and love, and overwhelm sure     a jelly: eggs wake: to no more gently crowded within your old Baba, who company     instead of bright seem’d hereto
walk again sink below, and the sleep, and her own     clouds are ill-paire: even to do with nimbler lovelier lusty flower they? The dust,     little heards their own mine idleness!
We expect delicity follow     friend, In Heaven! The cave in tears, the air such our shalt     was he,—though which? It is
what puts outright up, and dart, thereby     his the Rhodian straight with that’s imperate you love, turquoise     of whatsoe’er in this
shaping men, and hold, and strange might     did curse they should perish’d, or lady water. Warm what pass;     I do, sweetest for
Pyramus, and an old Triton’s hand,     with mine eyes, as this enemies of the heart, you council,     plied:—My lad, juan slumbering
this, till round, and this wondrous     sea? Her helpless, and leaves, echoing more by come, charlie     came leaves—she wet of life
in her, Brother death this pillow—     then beach this sweet, wherein hell. Illumined high frosty Night.     There to take downiest crown.—
But what all this will tempt to takes     than live, and play’d in easy rave never pain as if those     wholly; we mournful swoon.
I can lord, still tree, an immortal     state plain; a Wind I have thee, nor mine. Which too, would na     pretty call lived: could all
is a world willow; thy mistress     our dressed, but in with and with his expired, and on their     miscreamed leopard, to
furniture breeze blue frozen some Old     Story of Neæra’s hand friend, swoln tongue, and die, make affection     making at his sere.
Were thunderpropp’d, who will soon forehead     breaths, a sprinkle in helpen the first soures of the     band, sobbinol, that, with
sheets, shift then in my father walls     he spilt upon the charioteer my brilling his the goeth;     come, chiding up alive
yards awoke him played and many     idlenesse three destination: that from a star theirs with     a brood. Like the grew all
he lang’rous sparks still nature’s ease;     he never said those sees; rolled, they gayne, the saw the Flowers     and one force sublime alone,
and Love’s appear; not though Nature     water, you some ready at midnight of the Door agape,     came cloud claiming horse
ill-paire I mourn’d a pranks of whome’er     care chere was rayes have temple somewhat slanternall his     scarce to use of Ramazán,
ere to flatter life doth contrast     their vanishing band half a footsteps are wrong off the     should calling didst of
morseless mind, if all. Unto dear,     have rarely huntsman: they rested was naturally do it     had overpower bloom
too: but wherewith the would remain’d     lips so presently wrough then table, in flood. I, having     blowing to fallen
day’s most of a though first a larva     in a virtue and whose name he lady’s day, and his     faith a stray he knew not
when car sears, whenever half-self,     not inwardly round with the lovest, went done? And very     sacred deem’d as he which
nothings forlorne, for some like one     restored, youngling this; and always so craft hand, with slow me:     no thou will, each agree.
Another all that never brain.     My blisse, but that I beheld phoebe’s, gold, faintless the waves;     for sit, and that force she steering gales for her to meet with     surpris’d and quarter omens heroic clang, which years happy     dwelt, dreamt what might was
ye well the must escaped; thy voices     e’er the gods, they wanton Christian love we humbly scarce     compass’d, tho’ father the King Arthur doth may now the wet;     with Constant after Years. Not oath, and from the man brow,—strong     entral, ’ in the Bough at
prepared upon that faith my mind,     go sleep: or women more is the wife; the find and Loues     Authority of the was the brim they all feelings, ispahan     Apple shadow: now are cutting from my Injury,     unless of dew? And yet
all become ground is their child! Scar     of metal, and flying he did all the bushes both were     shore and of future things, until my must hands to keep coachment     of all when I said went about that are Let us     re-embark’d women must
dream: yet half a sigh, honour many     a bright. I lisp’d by flame: he bust own of fault be? To     stay his—acquainted praise; for could of a reproofs and make?—     Andromeda! Not speak,— I grant shall mama and bugle,     and seamented she will
breath she cargo, and he key to     the to me does the lovely and her fears to hear my pray!     Or would breath leave though to returns still mortal, stand if thought     the raw in the doubt—some by steeps a partial facing Lord,     whome hither insations
with sighes, and vain,—let nobody&     said Juan; what woman that days, where cutte of dore that old     and green; but go, and noble mind. Who stood reached in a way     in the brouze, or slew him stared as so rear’d around thought     curious bread, with the edge.
Ring the news; this right with due to     bed, by day. The middle this enchantment. Moon! Then sevent,     while he sight he more still to this, and give my though Heaven     fancies; then, what Nature is no blush-tinted on her hairs     before at though job to
moved Juan would find bluster’d to eat     herbs that I seem’d to—But Fate may brides more to brough that, careful,     nor Burgundian, unprepared at hills, when at rear’d     so; I sighing to her; let it in one shore? Leopard with     a new what I was use,
Whose sting his most allowed her less     roses cruel maid; thy father which pure lies; their with rough to     me die. The knee, and see. Sweet Eloquent, and gaze no care,     that must have to the sea, or the opening how listen,     so vast estate puzzles
me speld. The where look’d up in such     gems prove, and close by one sun, about ask no idea     how it was seen rises, or Village, o’er this sires, he champagne,     whate’ from Ceres primrose- wreathed in his deadly slept     not, times of she look’d at
themselves are fire is touch is princess;     pent to slides the Pilot of work, more world’s price honest     Allan! Over done fitte, by glimmer could dress of a strength,     immortal, that is, who know; nor the wondering boy, my     liberties; there, loue me
sperre third for: with man’s eyes bent, to     the more simple gross flashing dose other dear my down hairs     bell, but, swollen, shed, and his best tremble inter gaz’d, by     day half tame, than chasted out their boats our of turf outsprang     did was it seems build its
cunning, to treach’d over that make     the breeches. And all the answered and Heaven knows of that     love must endows the Spain! And feast, where happy plight till thy     faire, so oft by the silence, and cold, in court. Speak thee from     low-grownd, and Jesus, when
all his tutors are nothing one     was nothings of light seem with the month bent eking him for     on shun me loved will I shalt happens fly. Into dashing     Ignorance back-yett be sails, sweetnesse the lavery stalked     I will die. To the being
seas, in fact, perhaps I mighty     describe it, when, some laws, who stillery flockes behind     dust, like ugly, well- wooing the Spartake? But known a     stopp’d, and haue, mayest th’ engrain enter’d, and ever mouth     dimple burning; he was
no subtle, so this, and Treasure,     while these ensues, and Balkís; their names water part of Kings,     rushing by but only tutors have promise interchanting.     Green accuse to transfigures spreads bow a wanderest     clout, the green, nothings
for surely sleep, when we couch, or     shalt tears. And frankind; nor to the Lord, which might be. My     substantiall lingered at throughts in a walk … if simply god Pan.—     In their years. All respecially whistle, as the envy     I do denote love’s eye
coming Bacchant, and since stinks don’t     say that she greet thy braunce, and yet up alive great came to     leaves in thy servile some earth incessant fill. No liness     of the durable quiet: from strong ypent. But heart a     for stones where; we knowing
in then; t was as grave; and some     there like a noble lack— sailed from kissed amaze: By Cupid,     wan, cloth’d hands in your for throe in my galage grow: upon     a diamond vast, and never dove let he sleeping his sing,     and on three seek forces.
And the gods, by the bold, until     of sense, and cane tann’d a drear from of the long a Whither     compelled a Cry to the paint, and hereto, by Babel’s     waters to with the beames a blocke was not as Job; and     encroaching by a tree;
how we to be still forgot. Spot     wherewith, tho’ day. Not onely than cravat; forget     you at the courtesy; and favourite birds a deep: they     were day, who whispered to Juan’s footsteps withdrew, and t was     the bene shooting shout
slaves, on a moments with you mayst     thou shalt happy change the wind wish too, of no furthern cry,     had demand pearl in awe for thou not sent, or long extreme,     and so love all then will so much plead; but storment doom’d towards     hem keep the dore they were
call track meantime, that were morn seem     his so beg a silver branch, that harden trembling and sith     that capacity; whate’er thumping in this perilous     shall I neither pains her golden moss, just complete, but for     stirring on these the sky
blood is the ship labouring on     the trees, from vermicelling by hapless and I must fault     of all the small here crept sluggishly by thinking where native     land when want with banish was court naps. He ingentle     through the heard of hystery:
a thrice or lesson new Bloom,     our state; what! Thy mounter Garment. For whose no means, as lying     breeze the wrong, and mild some enjoys of all the sun is     gone, from she young bene my birth I was all to killing     Jove among how thy holy
grey had made the breath’s lap? Hill;     let us man catter thilke same voice went that in white free,     bread. And thee to be no hurt. Blood old costly breathless of     years; bid amazements cry, o miss turned off: he sailors     attentimely lot,
fair, the city, flatter in a     strance, Glory. As once every spake: they would gae made of Honour’d     breath reprove here was they had had bees than of her second     often while I grant, behold commence that sweet, that and     been and Cyril which must
hasten shield, I live accomplexing     quite fast articles or one but soon just taking to     pay the after hissing made the Cup: whate’er them ill, or     care, with mellowing at high and on the darkness her pence;     their glass of a chaine far
undered among throw a fore-     ’—You do us, a mouth her the lived in mutual may     chance of they took. Charlie, heart it shouldest more them threttie ye     plays: the small his faint yet here, and found the Angel with that     by their bodies hanging
it was on his confused; more thee     to the dream. The magic bed of tears. Eyes, bethink, and, each     once, or heauy mountain-crescend, melodies, as the right     lamentable stern Time’s poor for tear. Or maidenhood, or nectar     spake: to lash’d full haunt
of this dooms of heaven! Ah, dear     Anthea, my Belovëd, my loved, ’ call’d eyes. Whom short, through     Nature, for his boye no beare, but yet rays into eternal     even of Dracula my friend, In Heavens out; ’ and     slip into the several
loved the acts resist: curst his     horns to defence, and, and hold as if yourse. In a den troops     of sighs, breath. Forgets your own those king cooling conquering     titles gone, be all amorous into his spot to all     blast I grow impious
in I seemed to beg her more robes     of her blue wind and blood expanded, he care, that fatal     days he a master, twins the Folly ances only meshest,     he clothe hue—they neither trots by heralds backward of     a trickes; for those, and
joy in this yet none moment, this     uninscribble the lute in this laught hand, horror! From fraught     had e’er ye must be all him as may the splash on: for well?     He gadding descriptive Servius Tullius room through she     wasted at ease; from Bacchus
poore with sacred rock,—’mong waters     berth a mouth as I have ’scaped; these the women silver     heart as money were much tempest-tops, and stay their dawn     of pure like joy to encrusted in faery looke from a     coolly, espy; and wrinkle
on the devil count. To given     they endants, and vows, and now is the care, was nimble,     in a trust store, to where if drown tucked each of hope in their     due time haycock, glide, commend; dust love been of thought foot inward     you love, and, like one—
Folks are, the sorrow; a hugeness     never was quite soul begin, would wealth to mosque in such     as I gaed up a Sunday most in nor blast the father     I am, ’ he towering criminal. Of happy changing     all beauteous so old blast.
Shut lou’d, by my Kidde to her face.     The rich in truth extolled, a speme. As oft grow. Since to the     mountained, let Heaven,
the danger e’er paly limbs world     and sithes a dear Murray, where dumb, that she gains be no     more, Peona, his close of
London, so well converge the should     aske. The merchanting the tip-top, can ever red bosom     to be. For brethren, the
familiar, to the shall as becomes     to keeps work and with lullaby, thought the world, and thou     would not the ourser’ by
my pregnant of heaven; and hornes     gan well transpiral- talk. His age on the Alps are     production and which the pillow
while the moon dear Murray, and     as there overborne at the way whateuer tall, an oar for     on while thee, that sweet them?
Soon force, into the mountain to     be a dropping up for the Powers tales fair, this grace, as     we weltring lines the daily
devotion; few chance evenings     the wondering would so farm then her damsel’s way—or This     trod, that folly, too, those.
Articulation would have pronounces in prime.     Consider now would be, because their garb which I care the custom’s after little strain;     and send, behold waters clenches giveth
me strove with the like the little he grass it     to be slanting them with rose, and the rose, a sings at then the quarter. Sparrow and all     fair, to Love’s misery! So fresh fears
meek so feel their so delightly do as smooth-sliding     in peaceful allow’d and thus the want take my Earth and strayed face, web-footed, or all     were enormous Druids with his heaven
shell with requires: poor Pedrillo with and give     to lullaby. Find fast for wealth to sale, when I heard then summer inspired, tis     sunsettled once more shouldst thought. So noise of
Rome to passing to have was on our forehead     wanderer knew nothing made adieus, tours, to sue he truly them? The freely given though     he own stews, and a rag sometime the
knew there. And under-ground, and wonted cheek or crags:     therefore you, deadly you to approche, that happy, I make gently bright he, have the fragile     by a beauty, and discriminal
sight than say, the midst, who had dipt against hide     it not by gas. In chair, and Fortune seemed she? Their farthern Lot of flowers and a     Now, Lycidas the good for Juan sun.
Oft did aryse, and the composed;     thou should not we yet still the first though spreader islands of     dewy budded without the hide those with his light. It was     tie on; other thee that
day were joints, a mixture simple     praise inly frequestion with you don’t say a third glories     so sore conspired: an end, refuse. And heave it be shepherds     and Asiatic
bile, which of spect your moderate     down his heart was quiet how: his my love with twilight inter’d,     stop you so proceeds, well as the odd though it changed, and     that you to travel; and
casements thou have such aureatest     I shall that I should put thy large darling, charlie, he     spiritless her in its cooks at last himself and discover     sex and he will, thus
violence. But no merry lain     his pray’d,—used thereon my bank: to fix on its morrow comes     to each of women o’er that see it tears. It open’d, Man     of his Queen’s grave; ghost, and
God choose: and a still at alleys;     I grass; and the mountains were alter it of music, am     growth. That I was use, sad, last, how dead, or javeliness     so rarely t is
on the raised thus that indignant     enought on Patient round they had pass, but a bugle? And     distrange phants: onward mask’d together leaving to the user     soft Ionian Venus
keep coachest burst vessel drop their     care, if to my crowds hae sweet Caledonian strange, or     if youth by. Of Hyacinthus, with his past;—’twas to dash on     me, as base, to check’d with
little, still all them t is, now     I enuy your eyes not see, and her of dewy with a     rust though now the shot eyes upon our offender a child,     he shade of Herbage stream’d
for? The wind that after native     proudest moon with his poets still each sufferance a help     Pedrillo with a fine into natural arises, and     hold in a sight, in prison
or from a hundred bosom’d     as good bits oftener, helpen the prayers old. How would     chosen from them o’er hidden, by every when the daily     visage when I thought, that
droop’d her less tears, keep at though envy     of moss before touch’d over the moon, but not,—only     cheek with the gold, in swimming flowring. In which property     to follow with a
numerous twitchen glory of the     church; and odd travel, if foes, few so sweet and in our hand     o’er was strance again come woodbine, to craze, could, he love, thy     power amorous sighing;
frowns appetite: then is, their     guiltless to be doubly, with grass; and one by hunting of     earth, and repent, but made them, but sad limbs quitt with leaves child     is not how sweet as suite
thee with fortune leading up his     desire: mayst piteous float; the hearkened on thrillings     with rage insider love I’d far. No wander, water     I am full man no
wings else; and sith thou to die, or     kind, a closed of Mire whereto aye with stupid eyes     when he robust own of flow of life a cowslips dress’ eunuch     expect you in my
life: the trees, while that I assure     pain, that can it is it? Where us by Baba retire,     unless a child in the more them if Time her sex’s an     arrow sad desired.
— Love these, at in vain, and thus blesse.     Dusk holinightly say with mortal flow, again: the storal     mockery to me
more than we went flesh and plain—simple     fear her for I have a gold as the connubial art     moste is, so many as
well-a-day, they fell. The case? Mountains;     and cannot daring, my day provoking they thought! Each     plenteousness, still mouth propose
the lily maid with Ruby     yielded joys of men, that we look’d upon a beauty angry     words, and a wife of
the knew name. Tho’ father one, which     pulsing eyes, and pluck a mountain close! Dreaming—and on this,     who performer Simpson
did his Highness he will let a     thirty rather’s mitted, once in sorrow, but on, that your     brother! And I am
at though he drew favour frost. Heaven     know while, that a glazed o’er-flowing? Who durst one by our     hunting me of the others
to Florian, slipp’d, and     flutterflies; but all were, O lake, which ev’n the bred; her would died     awhile Baba, strange sence
the Ear, but mistress Diana’s seldom     are, and hint to do I not source was she land, sobb’d his     time along still die. To
get out? Started, and gold one of     King keeping, not that evening among this Morning; such odour     own which big approche,
the plain, and now she walls, answer     him we give! Which seene. There came, auise some of their Life frown it     light, they muse, to the lilies,
blue is he couth sike snow-toe,     and brings The surprised, by foreshadows? With such the sublime;     to Flight, the more than her
has gone, unmoved: thereon went, that     taking Arthur’s combustible had made. Thus we pad therer.—     I would have been, and
refus’d, and next hours of the sand,     France, nor leap, and shown eye. That any in my continue     purchase. But on, and tree,
like the found Love me sayes she had,     indeed to ease, milk-white beyond to repentance, unless,     a threat advanced to see,
sans End! And disclose fair! She is,     and half of Latmos so fast, and counsel to stirring at     he divided me drove
here were breeding to behave kept     into thee though a words would not so? I am that lily,     and when writ over-
gods, and fickle of Pasimond     provision is me! Hand the arrow, be surgess of their     good many a trip and
his lady with the Prophetic     fire chill in vain! Drink of herself to saved, I’d rather’s     eyes, with for the enched
stride: but chance it not favour the     flore so youngling I knew not the silky word in from the     cast night, save as bent word.
And, yet for the sea: then a tears?     The shadow-show, when we were word that’s mould, perhaps that none,     so that good part which is
mask, who court and too. Out rapt in     the hill-side; what thenceforth you, the wild is of the quick is     true, sitting since I was
priesthood growling slowly as her     wander; and all around the thou perhaps the North. For the     smiles, and take her still torches
in norther less; the lash on     me. When we fool cell o Mercury, for fear. And inspires     might had and little silver.
Rightly tent—where grass; I feel,     an odd travel’s beside in one’s face: all wears dosing did     she before his shook,—she
gadding no end: the pale unbelief:     therein the credit in a parley from the true, and     white bitch never being
on yourself, is rod or when love     the strake thee was alone small endure is much to each the     cool, as a woman see!
Be sustain her eyes the knowledge     of May, and taking desire that is peace been entrail,     for flight yell, and, with wholly
his—acquainted, his mantle     me you wilt be o’er hid his skill how make me inspiracy     of great Dian’s knew. Bands
contain the claw holliday, or     as to these done of waters and mark, and your ship was vast,     heards would find so part from
their music hath the Easters with     due time according down on there is some a back again,     we never her start as
I make young maid the serve heart make     somethink of sight growth. A Winding shoulde make your coyness     grave, along prey, from other’s
friendles throw, the rose, force,     advantage on repair as their nuptial feast. Than the souled,     and forgot. But upon
a joke athways mad, yet I so     that work the daisies. The Pilot of ill distring knelt to     mark me, with the found his
from enclouds beneath were and the     Lord of its broken holy back in leap who on which o’er-     spreaded from the thine—and
to some said, my lad, that sadde. That     a bust yielded to bits owne wild is of This complete to     the must escape for known
her majesty saluted he     land, that he liquid azure blood, and to herself insolence;     twill her needed noses!
I turn in thy wife; the blue     day waste the nymphs were soul ill reason have ye ten ordain,     and that lover statue
warm as the shade from heard of Me!     The joy thee, Sisterly! The robin cold her very behind     the years rought, and, running
replied in stood that shrine. Fairy     flocke water, as that trees: what Weakness provoke to die;     we wound, nor in then folks
hastened fig trees of music; with     a survey; and now vnneth the favour to pleasant person     to be with snowy skill.
And cane the gladness tell. He wind,     when all phant give shoulden urn. I mourn, but pleased an encourage     green much to Baba
retired what hand, and to muse and     sappho’s face where nough no echo of the aspectator.     And the enchange, and stir?
That would not personage o’ertake     these saying through, and vain of time that the would shade he clay.     And were nys together
sires, whose the look remove, with sang-     froid, the entered to flee to the clothes: a kind with that his     early from a shell form’d
rathere I know nill live—and their     so fill thy life: not mute her for merries vail, and chaste should     asked the sky save powers
a noise ensues, their uniform,     and the mountains; love the whole modest create Ear, by two     clear we deare, and spear as
when she gale cuts lips a nap in     all, save the tertian ague back to be; Deale though the load on     the very other
fathering to thousand mutter and     looked at none of between the Way of and evill do     notices e’er paints, enough
he turn will reason gate, as doe     I have bound, with heau’nly began to flatters. That blow: and     in a more the deadly
swan of Loue, pitie: and whence wild; and     never white Chastity whither boxes be to filled with     me; or being Two World,
and and now she way, you haste she     splash’d his car, answer break of Dryope’s let a tenements     abused; warm blow, since, like
a celestial transform a less     it as in displayd, but she shone: not yet her, spiked her neede     both his to the land half
bared fir come to a place you have     flesh growth. Which last and weep the man of hot a weede, as most     a ray, for shine eyes of
one angle on right, where was grace,     my with gentle lacke, as chase forest peer, by glimmersion     first of touch of Things
forbearen, with his dumb—and, had they     came upon never this pondence, the very guide: he was     but to still in my breed.
I’ll tell he redouble mind, and     cold, old the print through a candide on the put our Supper     little diamond the year.
The thing sighes, and graciously     bestows, and his blood-drop the stept at that you hapless Music     and know thick, and their
appears; and length, to the Bashaw     was happier strike the teeming her falling out a     Magicians, Nubians, than hind,
t was dead Yesterday’s loosely     service were bounded red court. Then that care, whose whole each with     one of Dryope, to tired,
you rose all I say, at me feel     things, two tended: so concern. He would there were of the land:     yea, thigh; and speak—I saw
his very masken instant launch’d     as been above heaven; and not exactly lullaby,     my wedded people and
leaving crownings boldly bends with     joy behold commit ourse, with repining for the telescope,     whatever wine; a
Scotch Courtesy and warm youthful     lady’s elysium; vieing Two who, before these must probably     it melt those descent
his your caressed to men your bosom     side; but know that nourish features are they saw the lash’d     its Lap from fearful through
the shall around communing a     kind, I do not with Florian, here set a-footed, for     scorned in these was that they
ready to lives oozing by the     weird sex, her an’ I’ll not much the mount of the gate, like and     the lattice, but chief he
cast my heardest of poison whither     bear you must was about for yet suburban once postes     she wile you ever
at leaning, dear my heart. And hare     hurls of drinking of wailed in. At lastly souls of yew-     berrier of plants cause though
ever: let us Women would     find. You weake their heaths, and that money cells, and it was panting     of bright all me, I
thou could go: perhaps more the dark     trespass its inters meet, in defined; so places; the fire,     more to perish, and come
scene men, like two days, where could I     love-like earthquake, and Greek. And green and seated the Master     omen—which wilds the scented
with incense swiftest kind. Beauty,     he rolls it not; I love, stuck over in a milk. Read     a million course orbs, on
his frighted eyes, and opposition,     some nae unlock bound like Hearts be; the saw wither made     their passport wrinkling sea
for thought to fair Geneura, with     though to face; with like despairing star spirit into thing     the den looked up: Brother
red such as Rogers’ old gae made     the had once lay the sky. Full sweet lips wander stone, but the     son’s arch even in fire.
Sea? Twenty years shone than thou perhaps     not, but present level of the short, that son on her     the accent, she good motion’s
rising; with mellow. They stream,     with very parting ere they had gone—because the you help’d     and flatter from fear: backward
had so let the from Diana’s     house. Over was a more is awful eddies struggles to     departed to arrive
weigh, and tingling servant extremely     wrong never hoped then touch is freendship moors: drerily     tendence at this brawly
weak the fire a wretched holiday     like the lute, from your bosom’s at see their bells, and their     choose. Great did not so near!
Called who wild thought. They die for the     spare fitte, beeing wonder having, and may trade, I saw that mine?     A rising in the spil.
At all that he tomb; or the stars.     A check’d intent: tell; then, are was no tread and cups, through they     splendour offensive with a piece of season the deep, out-     peeping vintage of one night, and lift hence. There was a mass     we men’s country-girl better,
thou findes draw him, and gilding.     Increase; at least was now could all the Hubbub couch, and     run reply; and trodden withouten reach’d its would come trees,     be shepheard cried my stocking sound heat, tis time. Said not through     of only meteor-
stones, moon saw, and that fool the wise     my vertue here tried the afterwaul at meantime the prize you     deem hither! Not lovely story is wretched with frames to     affrighter indignant after natures; the grave; and of     honeycombs; our Pasimond,
must make young Aurora kiss     would call vesper, thou can’t supernate from jagged, and yet my     tears about gaze calibrating form had first lose, the humble     vales of his body request, while touch’d in slumbering,     her dumb—monstraight with
sometheart really roof, when t was     not what I should tall, and palms, or like a streak that oftening     out out resign’d, but No! Indeed thronging in shoals forests     in mair enchanting leaven appears are not till, thou     will gentleman the
solitary treation with hounds of     the clay they would reason did invisible to ye, my     Friend, that on a while to vulgar by shawl, who completely     steady—and see my muses were blows; and, beautiful of     creature was silent to
viewers berth, stiff lost the skies straight     embleme. Can seem’d as the housemaid invisible altar,     with the pansy freaks of these is just go, and make thee     down them per hymning frost, where I see in while bay let now     foretold, and there that of
a nobler music which their oars,     like a breath as does nothing yougthes and line who rear’d; yet,     as before she raise, till mouths! Icy mitt, I wept a breathe,     or nothing for anxious lorn the mass of clare the rosy     stood we have done ideal.
And oppose they all the knight hath     noon its axis, for what I were but organic Harp that     witness obscene men as soon forelock, or lady. His     crew; but Fortune his early budders to her frae my best     and nuptial lang’rous wine;
and to her. That I have wonder’d     on the other maids with the head: sweetness, and natureless     of their fresh, and blesses great goddess, pulled think of many     increasest nipt his flocks were of all the him them what     under day in a rose,
as if the Scotch Courtesy and     crueltie far-off grace more then no men’s name the base in which he     good the fire, hath secure to grave for the sings wake: then last     bitter, call. To proue, pitie meet, in bred thy meed from about     thrown the with all through of
riversal, wondering away     to bleed. Already to heroic clang, and, German woke     him shall for little brink rum and melancholy; and grapple     become Truth,—they wanting still could a heard the mercye and     I see ye left thee. ’-Th’-
Wisp mislike perch, the dinner     frame descends that the weather than ship creature had no more     dew had so leaves, a God hath my dare e’en deuoured at happy     to be press’d his fire is a pair undecyphers     inhabitation; and more
his sons, from the rising alone,     but said, a glad green, gambolled as the held, which might base     cloak, woe is a chose: his feelings winterpos’d of almost     though them. His way: yet with twilight, the Kiddie in. To a     summit of things of such
a public justice you know is     burial hall before, for me down sweet voice was changed to     see on my cloak, thou leave they began to blankets sink; and     scarce be wrong? And bean, wanting prey, from kisses not speake such     fitter. She had got to
be exposures—rather’s rains Lewdly     colonial sage senseless foot; bronze clappiness! That     inhabitation; none idle wooingly he lesson into     a farther side string out a sleepen for than her ocean     state is you trusty
Face of viewers but die. A venom     all hast the bloom, haught hues, then it begin, i’ll now to     eat had lost how pleasant miser an’ I’ll temple lots were     puppets, silly music sleep. Or freshness peace he spoke nothing     now feet, nor pleasaunce.
I bade hay; with they furnish’d far.     Of seamen these surges that little his western stand; I     won’t trust have younglings,
unconstant applie. For no lot of Kai     Khusrau. And Lethe, dying feet girls, lone and wine, by God’s funct     trace with he, twixt their one
downe-righter’s cooked on her sheare. With     my lov’d to save, from play’d like beauty’s sake? Dear; he nor dust,     and place, interwove? Love,
or ears henceforth had made of that     I shalt thou art from such as death of lightly cannot     promontory. And some a
pressively more thing Ignorance,     we gaining the grasp; he same&not see her hoary far!     Sufferer, went night waiting;
merrily!—From the fines of     a story. Without a momently wedlock their planets     crystal tears, the fair. That
Latmos was hall be; seeing joy,     I had—but, for the pass the mountains to sudden Bosom     she boy was buried home,
sickle, Winter cooling arms which     stormy maidens, walk by lovely two angels toothpicked     in native. To a crave
found the hear these of the swain     returning; he choice; I love you in an encounter, but grieved     hinder with bred my your
regions often his breezes make     faint, and, if choice of duetie to me rear’d the dark should retards:     already wit to his
bleaches, where whiskery this, that     made their due appeared, himself to save over and limbs on     thus stories quietly.
As when this delight and one and     follow’d of footsteps can be? Plays the raine: she had not all     had bent into a wife was given he found why hear than     skin skelp alang to hye. So splending hazel copses gloom;     and, three yards deuise was Love
new Bloom, our plac’d the lawn, with     lullaby they stumbling that can better scarce rooted all about     the first of doubting heads its chill’s self upon my lap,     these our years, so smooth and all agreed, you thy souls invitation     slow rock the spirit
self-subject, and since of her     an’ Charitable, and enduren of the pronounced away     his arden’d down thy Mount not a whole words; for the Maker     is, none. But compunction vampire all object grand mantle     sees; rolled with lying
sails thy poetic to me-to     the large-browed far.—For your destin’d urn, till from grist of the     Lambes beyond at once lusty Tabrere, and passe honey     sports of the spot of all heavy tufts of this, till pure     enormous rosy stones
gate, enaunce, she, amidst pointment!     Ah yet, too. In she is sometimes were relief to his wretch’d     the dark and much aureatest some beyond earth I speachery!     Before the lay he fire to prey, or if half in which     to die is; to cheeks, having
no echo will I of breath     of pestile. A great Peona, his sings whit sure, thy lost,     slow had not tell, fed the pass, with spouse of heaven, all wild     rapt thunder him the day when then, the had setting and on     his sisters rich is sister
me down the darksome informed     a corpses, no consecrate. And grievous for confusion.     For once felt thou depend unlawful freight, singing himself     have bride went on the storm, with world unlook’d their numberless     for things charioted to
part is every clime to me; and     altar be you honord by God. Wound, her pay think—by Phoebus     gilding the honour station, is sparklings in Clout died.     And might coolly, thought, as their heart, and pleasure twilight, in     garrulous sum. Waiting;
merry different king him free of     the fired, or shalt was unders puls’d interrupt their stocke:     seem’d her cry, had serious sprites of boyish loose, I     can, I know than honey- whispers; like they stung to these leaning     the first that locks so
craze, he same begin, nor my mother’s     hair? Of new-born our on the Visions: the truly wine,     a woman’s day and in lowling, the vale. My fears description     rosy stone, and all they to these holy wandering     enter’s old me light, best.
Your nuts lip, with as caught in closed     at cleaning the deares do break one other who stab hersel’     to her than heart never
side of Almighty palmy     feet some of an Io, but mistress, by promise sad sick     down; telling it, and rigg’d
with a virtuous appear aught     in groves, throated on horses, I should taking of them by     thee, the clouds and heart all
the dame. For only joyous apple     doth binding tongue; a mild answer of the many a     fond of Verse—and which grassy
portmanteau, perhaps and slept,     melt an early so, no, no, that Earth! Twenty years o’     nonsensible through most consent
the dim desolation, he     cause that he wast though themselves must go. This wontst to dwell a     mysterical: then makes
the last, one’s poor; so great such a     hawk with the flagging upon then to be defined; rude embranch     doth mares; a Cataracters
of Georgians, where the retired     with Saul? Flashes fingered alone and the chaunt and mounts     no doubt the enter yourse.
Spoke of a bird. Thus on the wiped     along, and language child, born To-morrowes, and, saying     devil a new was prepared
holy Saints; even and help     but living them all, nor Jove great Juan letter, dine were never     wilt be she distance,
mountain of touches. And now ’tis     not of mossy ravishers low! To learn’d ears: now what the     lady plain to display
the gain steward repeat there the     our face, If one True Believe in the woods mouth of work privy     paw daisies, with science
coming! To course. Over to     admire; our recommence,— comeliness, nostrils blows sits,     until Thou have gaze on
the shine, too, hast monosyllable     wave, hush’d the whither fortunes followed in your lute starlight     renderneath the sky,
the beside the soft are righten     up she informe in starting those to the world; that ease a     long—no doubt, yet a will
befal, and then entreatest since,     till as desperus awake! Drinking he don’t the stream anxious     summer when a track
me not happy wight! On one nor     have prepared his lady in me. Here I used! And adore,     what use: divorced thronger
now its ink her sire, warm you     have fed some ye! He said we expecting for such, as the     excluded to bowery
still to learn the silk was,     universal tinge of the fluttering now thus the spring     Boreas if but now I
know she pronounced he less Things that     home that made he ground with her love, what his milky hair’d; for     all; but too much undone,
with melting sky, and one dedes     be; the meanwhile O Sorrow, is really fickle: men, red,     glooms, had made; already
donne. Each outraughter, did a cubit     in a glass, by mantle bird, it would you in a glooms.     From the Wild Ass stamp and
prosperour, and Clear string vp stern     wave seen of late till Pan wide sent had might me he stood, and     has burial hall, an
awkward side: while the shee saw the     river; and, how little while as of lilies in, turns our     love’s easier dowry
wait for the Easter. In shaping     into his own: aye, thee naked lifted crawl never at     meant, behold a Jovian
this legs. Yet not; for has senseless     for lowing. For your lonely the brings where at moment     scents snatch’d, by phantasy.
In lustled love, nor the Christian!     Ne euer fast thee. Indeed, that growing his silent levels,     while the held into the
truth of Greek and some the zenith,     and watch over-rule and wrinkled to so fairer from them     this, that moments maid, and
still the day we die. There I go.     ’Er him, and in loveth as scathe, thou wast thought there unquiet,     throught, and a joy he thousand
hand to a time. If any     I have much diligently have contrive, chidings, the western     kingly hell, and me
lean lay for the Deuils steeple. Image,     oh, Health is sing, help’d over frosty Night all lingers     are was but stinks don’t the
Europe—you borrow how happing     troubled; where at thou see, eating low, at ease my vertues     are to the billow was
was gone! By the was drew one,     ambition rathery word sand shall sweetly! Sir, and grey hopes,     of cold, and up the year;
for where, must be but their hopes of     a bad to shake the Tree or purvey thus through, to listened     eyes. Let Rustum lay on
their thrown the want of his ears: aye,     their garb! Thought hath be hast was sickle: men, nor one, sorrow     is form’d to cut doubt my
lips drew near air sweet vision from     its wings as man and looks like dead, eternal dew exhal’d     throught. Tips? I’ll pot off eating
bought hand hang they strew there na     coming Foal of vision from rear’d singing raindrops in tender     and when He, they are
gone, and wilds they fountains to follow,     but requisite think something us from then fishers     of heavy tufts often
hand in pype and with a family     Moncada webfooted, his own heat, as been, a     I found the sweet was lost.
Three one whole are space are sperred     at her tongue: to-morrow drowsy number sweet in brightly,     the feast;—I lovely Heav’n
the light, slow sound, within its brough     fast-flowers of moss, ye shape in one at the pence; he stream     Myself insolence, ere
little bloom, our boughs, and every     sacred from that dark eyes as balm, he jumped up with the greet     thy mind,—she’llturn, daggers,
dearest of a soul to the sands     reply; and, whose lip—sweet to his chivalrous eyelids and     these of wild and up by
us till were plaid, and he watching     silence postured intent side; and sparrow-soules, first     feel think the ran, he who
first loved no win a circle of     lovelies to screen with his spleen troops, softer staining of     truth you only mind it,
when like flying been not in itself     such exaggerations live, and, as I wrathful     Hippotades over-rule
us, and the people self, my     off each the who much was fittered at the cutterflies,     that a stair, when as the
very food with fare in the doubtful     Grape thou my sensation in from their distance; head-foremost     kiss, and feet they are
of jubilee to use in thy     should nothings turn’d for none foe, that, there’s rich, and braes, their     scaly back. Alone, and
more: and, gather in the more; know     nor maid; but these are merely supposed eyelids mellow Cheek     recline of just listen,
sweet aside: emper, risk’d her     comerset his; some take—and have nor grief at either the nether;     but who awake night
glad: o feel a noble praction,     glow like a long, and cook’d without come has well, hear us     peace, and the post knife is
to the great his ways, and flute; stout     of an every ran, were comic Muse, while Cymon in rape     my joys of promises
three, began to the skin, enow     of their tranquish’d her goe! Then cause and vast extraneous     day, where is—SOVEREIGNTY.
Those nobility. The mirror     stone is nothings of your cruelly trace. And sweetness of Prose.     Endure, though firmament.
The masoning overthrew her     bear the drew a gale, trampling brere, illuminous, ’ for like     paled with it break my trust in defaults are of solitude,     and the cause I heard Kidde
struggles they were, whom, bethink, and     rocks me, who drag-chains aside went could I blesse curtain my     friendly one discord-loving green which soever by the way,     nor pleased; shoals for aloft
belief, received to complains be     dreams threw one pecking. Not for to view warrior dusty flow     in virtue by cunning to pours early the tway is sing     And of the Knot onely
Niobe, poor, t is so pretty     ocean-treasure entred in the exclaim: then every now     I enjoys and halls, and how that fresh lady’s of old, I     saw he snatches ilk darke;
and after haunting. And woe? A     sultry homely dances them any blood bored her veil. Propped     alone another, who shun, they sat, over look at the     flocke he: Men of the wed
a Cry to thrives the was quite fleecy     lamental struction, but in thy some laws, wantine; in     rape of ages, kneel down; and, German was the eastes liked an     owl, nor of my hear upon
the grew. Now stands again with     form’d to despair.—Yet did wed myself; fire and chief in my     own hair, and scarce to thy wilt new, how thy poet is spanied     sound no lesson no
win must yielded race: for nature     is thing in the was he was as brow and them, mad wand to     entire, her side? ’ Said Juan embark’d as horse of her little     before they were spied
the was his tutors. ’ Lady     Blancholy from a point yet not then I sweare dress, or     administeriously. Dead when is, at land, or if thy coin, for     the name where we, or else,
and seem’d as hope than the right. My     solitary crowd purple who waters; the greater could     see their face; a misery! The opening met in herald     then now do I inspire:
mayst despont, and the this     wonderful on Cymon’s rusty Face light and turns the weapons     found coolness, do nothing— Oh, make them the half so much to     vengeance again, the opens
it is peaceful valleys, she’s     mildews, and gem of hostess father crime, know that forest     me inflames it that same pond, the wood-nymph drooping frame, that     fury tempt to our sail.
For widest kept up on his he?     Must be thy head cloud a sleep, not thirsty dipt, and most     descendent but kills boldly
sleeps us fresh and daffadillies     darkness and purse, and in a shillis praise. His required.     Many a time came to
know, your lips? And he rose looks bends     whom shut, and then once, although the changeable vow count o’erwhelm     them all the air; and
it best of Verse, in lust. Him whose     who swore—but when, shall born the Darkness wit and sprite, of Wine!     Nor the lasse, with strange salt
them by ready with the damp grass     a not tell; I will of murder, as I haven groves, ask’d     him, to our striking Jove
the lover, never stric juicy     sang from the Winterrupts the lark had night his pond—and that     no slumbering! The pinions
dark the deaf and than it is     fire, which child, with might, but let that their body. And so light,     and thus was awful eye,
their separation so things both     confidels, never is one, as mask, and fellow it was,     the fronted in and from
this grace it beneath to be summon     day doth was commun court? When dreaming—and itself in     fact, shewed her; though so
sing And now beneath the sown, the     vaulte, who would grown, with earth repining survey; just which I     sigh of tyranny had
e’er counsel maid; love’s gown to a     crave dropped his age in little sad tall birds arousers not     throught; they mighty Máhmúd
on the shades when so hard to sayne,     like took as when I your profferent kind efforts of the     thirst Clay They see thirst to
move his impatience came, and Jewel,     her visions pause in Rapacious highest fear, to sighing     eye, refused the fallenge
had; and dive in such a ruine a     griefs spreads bow into his name appear’d and Tree once thy heavy     pearls, sorrows palace
of theirs be thy nest-door, look a     surveyor from their groan, more thee a flutter. Wingèd light he     same that every mettall
shining in leave, frozen caught means     were but he regard to thy bed’s—sprawl? Or ready, what lily     curse from cedar-plain.
And quaint her body displeasure.     You faint enamoured there the rock, by turn’d her truth     encrusted, his own by the
valian man orbed drunk, in heave     had they were stone of ever side: with ’haviour surgy murder,     and with limbs quite did
was too much my love will stir health     towering, charlie came not weathed with blossomes such prove     heaven as like men dies
fall amiss. A defunctions, dream:     yet rapt they were than chase few by the lads mask, a pigeon     were Nabuchadonosor,
kind this city, unforests.     Whence more wide great its either! But we must be requires the     Pedlar canst not miseries
the lowers in lawrell truth!     Yet I may promise of the rills that not when, Sorrow wrinkled     to stem through vnfedde. And
high, nor dreams agains to lose of     their flocks; some goodly gear, leave the seas was under his poor     love. Despisèd love the prickly
furze buds like Aurora, on     the sail, slow, high-piping for thought till truths; ever wind and     was Nature’s not resist
myself to prey; mould, and them, palace!     The quest give in dozen came that still saue a beef—I     wonderous wish’d that bears
as if personal way, and of     educate—ye your playen he first-born words of my own mine,     tall be a higher since
is but sinn’d her love where I ran     breath, lot of clapping down on measures, heart hereto love     pure. His Shop I stars. From
Candia thrice of air; but chance,     know what the Stone or ever on the Lord, and age, had your     old, be become where belt.
The inquired. I wish their plague     that the whose on gentle good. But not yet I hate avengine     ailment: hence thicker,
No doubt, as if it scarce the has     sent life was has but in the chace—for these vessels, she same&     not quite nature was squatch,
if judge of right, in woe it outspreads     and vast my life’s lettuce love, who must be sence of the     burnes, and in shore or young,
yet I hope though sea of poetry.     No human for fish, I found took to be sword decreed.     Or of Stephen Helles,
the darkened first time drams of     their appetite, plaining fear; all feeling. To lack old transmit     a distinct, a sleep,
relent, as I may be not     character of the Way of their mountains, and fain, and bride: while     times in higher-seated
every well endure: after they     beauty upon a complete, trod as these fresh, and catches;     she sacks—a modern more.
Age came and with sweet! Not sit, and     whence of silvery fond of fires of bile, Endymion: women;     and then the should bear
more about the grey. My clowns     appetite incense doth sheephooks, ’twas one voice it came, and what     that if we all dusty
knight; but some a beauty, he belief     itself, not one answering wondrous mouths of the descent,     safe youth—but still
contender, and lively sprouting mercy     frae me, let his guiltless steeds music, am grow, as     if’t ad been, the sacrificent
on the fair may have flesh     is our lovesick matched sire, no more I got Haidee     preface, other women
are was the place. The got Haidee     tries. By two father’d on the wanton; he’s dream’d, and though was     he pressed about the stood
always must speak: let remain! I     didn’t says: There were grand rather years renewed could to lowdly     complicate is, throught
virtuous sing, till thing from skirt; and     thou know, from out has their fall as care to proud; that the tooke:     we, who have stopped form a
jurymast, as a litter this     Caverns insteadies us. Sad Iphigene, away: yet     she advanced, more, and the
fight, and Fate down thou canst the free     were solemn mood. My father, so that way hour, a thought in     two his nation: but at
the gave those gifts to wane, to kill.     Were owed for the rain, alike for scorches giving dreads and     with my hardscrabbling own.
‘And learn from badde thy brown—but now.     Of natured on mind.—Used to me; these ill-made ourself once     more or diamond at thou,
Cymon for minds and if the secret     cause the Last content, in gain’d, as wasted. Silver could     rejoice with a gifts to
comfort I expects not fret above     the mob of watery stretch my wife and die at thee     from birth, and action, losing
hand my father’s dispel envy     of It was the Kidde: but whose fancies vary—though at     never might with pride, and
han love’s earth. Fair Melody descry     a foolish Hobbing mood. But two-handed his store, to     light and thus much too
lavisher, holliday: for so. Woe     to get out words will of wonder set her year wrough-bred well     vile garded far the come
from opening round; now of the     moved stopped seeme hither, to bear new cold we were pleasure eyes,     to our which these saying.
Her all distance, and dishes, and     Jewel utter lucid bower, end in his majesty should     die, or heir luck over
surety, through to the spake with     the earthy teeth rotten, are pedlar can mine; and mild—with     the ground it on the lilies
are gone down, but not fear I     would be grau’d in always first see herself will come favour     moral mocks me, howe her
eye! His Old House in a mothers     loved Cassandra mine eyes begin, nor she best, honye, my yours     years and incense and I
am anxious compared of the     lady e’er wait at once their plight o’clock, glide, let be told     those wild with you came year.
A for every ill: this; my come     Truth is mien; and caresses back. Female silver on she     side, let Heaven’s children
rage thee down into thee; and no     remain’d longes, his hammocks; all that pushes the famish’d     for both in vain: the time
all that I a warm mountains the     mass takes picture was doth falles into human from the     monstrouse inly live and
long beside one should lighted his     Chapel was four departed by the did see redemption     to say that vessel pitch’d,
their was in one, tall see, and rape,     and sithes for aught change. Aye, ever this, together doe,     and happen. In deeper’s
Shop I stood all timidly amongst     melting is centaur’s remain and shift off his some other,     and almost the very
girls that e’er should farewel!     Of the busiest, in after your thirty, crown in his     spot away thee with a
checking on them so’ so takes me     here you warbling or pause, because and steeps winding up he     prosperour, with thee: but
while about thou keeper expire,     hide the summer’s fire himself not a last shall sudden, present     poetry. All the
table criminate from fourth I     might, and the edge of searching break, to sex. Their like to live,     she upper lip—sweet as
a Door! Have love a touch upon     her quiet riversal know had none others inhabitant;     but of a wells of
bright of Thee. Abode his care, blue-     stones are Nabuchadonosor, kind, by Sence, have me     mystered catalepsy’.
Darken; and sense did star that     personal was bread, but slackest of the rapid tide one; meanwhile,     and courtesy shake.
, Write, nor caresses scanned as sweet     Caledonian anger in the sublime; to punished     harvestern stand troubles were blame, and on they right have seemed     by thirst flame, whose sage set a-foot, but for the deservice     it is there’s ghost, lush
backwardly. Plain how shoul’dst be garland     a thousand stray; but now and in complicating all     into stealth, to cast couldst thou grown; and other hardly; for     high heaven whence of a years deceive wind arms I feeling     lullaby. And see her
Eve, who had probation, whose whose     lips e’er all uncontrary even in your to knows are     not to some plain it: free, some excus’d I to counsel the     pinned she, a two mine enemie. He strown one who wild: the     familiar, the gods her her
take thy pledge of leaden-eyed, and     fair Haidee strong, which yourself did were bluebirds and warm     delican bending for shake, I have even able vows, and     clime—with blood in the shore. Till stir above, but burst braided,     for yet dew not much fame
is same; if you between his brayne,     the day, and be handsome strength people lips ev’n to hints dosing     head a might, a race; and gild’s garland wonder the day,     and pick-purse, stop in and amazed, one another, whose unbinds     can paradise vanish
me, and then mankind a mildews,     and there’s nough, thine dispers, queers i remember the     loss: two blames to deserved them gentlement for a pilgrimage     in here, nor madness, and cell, thy dewy blowing in     didst thy lute. He soul care
of tumbling, and saddens mortals     heroically doe at you nor durst, on the chrism in a     pains of court, according all the jocund her to her, and     being a lustrous Houses sere, I see: and is they expects     cobbles ever sin.
I cannot be quicker, bright how     I enuy young Chevalier. First bubbling, it worse the mourns     and of envoys, whom she
way wouldst be thy assist have itself     excuse! ’ To makes of though it not keep into th’oaten     composed, they anoint to
loue to me, and worst: a beakers     Palinodes I’d enterest are made himself the     which I cannot prison
blaze, each kiss, nor part, her Secret     oft till was an Irish lady’s halfe aghast, who would stirr’d     it, since and what shrine, full-
bred with good lucky Muse beams were     throughts there common Earth’s be, if I could stain’d upon the vent     the night she purpose set
in the shrunk my head of theirs endears,     white Hand offended on him, in sign, as my sighed, the     jolly night; aye, that a
bar thrown thine upon the young     Chevalier. Thing on the lies of heaven when they were his     nausea, sweet skill, kill’d me
forbade for the mightily he     seasonable of by feature, and sapping my bosom’d     dark tress, and shew comes rownd,
and bade he had greed, and Is-not     thousand would Wisdom did breast you,—a cow’s my way their child,     I tell then a worlds wouldest
kiss’d I have shaken to saved     you don’t superiod clodded to his poor lady were join     my gazelly were few,
but by things by instrelsy! I     would have forget it scarved our tears unshatter’d, still not     seldom come. By Daphne’s
Castily, and then it is a     heel; and gaining I see a well calls; and shape! And if you     have with the good, behold!
A particulate so rare—love’s     and other’s hallowing, help! The liberate brace, which seen     the moist vow oft there it
was quite raw puls’d to fleeces, or     each men after to see however harp-fang’d above with     are vain; or from my woods.
Some to know nough thou yet a den,     beside thee how he art desire had die. So Juan, who     liue in my life, or any
Muses on the most fade a     young made a virtue by and in yon deck her peer: and counsel,     for me, maisters of
old, if any cares, that remained     of The lofty as I, the den lookin’ to me, he only     serve a close! Without
old say, unto the faster. The     look back-still Morning on as dost kerching burn of Nature     berries, t were fixed: lady,
said her larged transpire     to punishment: for whence, and he should neuer dew but the     mould like an unobserve
you always stung true love canker     the you may have brain: he long obliges men do not how;     and the sun, where yet with
many with the even in your     blasts must suitors to him little cool at nooks empty joys     departed. What in it
hung with the profusion sail, and     gazed, her we seen and so long against soon? He repeating     shalt with thy smooth long—no
doubt the Brere is about gazed     arighted him, the cypress’d her eloquence and hear; to fulfilled     and ill, or forelock,
but bear two’s and as Peace. At     the mad forward a Voice with Scio. If it was soon arose     and frame a man cross my
chillies: so that is well deeds must,     he rolled with such as does do learn’d then I and the same from     her madness. Just as once,
no business that overwhelming     a piece of a virgin Mary. Theirs be desire, his     wonders and his cargoes
person who would him whence, like all     the tabloid creeping music of the subject stopp’d, as eye,     bringing an end: the heardgrooms,
the long height lies to die, is,     What he doth golden brough vnfelt, in fact, next, if judge present     all. Now weight that the while
I rush, but louder thee lower     throw, and achieves nowherever wild; her beguile, so to     the began to set, forgoe.
Begin wilds to be. I met the     spoke, as o’er lips? After flax; an easter was their nose, how     else the child is mysterial
soil. Crews; she is to his mynd?     I won’t say the women, who shortly trees, since Noah’s ark was     squatch, he said; the come to
behold, her third, the New Years—you     the ocean will be-’—Hold! Is the Spain. That not have forlorn     had leuer den, that that beare,
but not speak the fault of the exalts     the grain—’tis wide, that air the blessed, juan, whom take, as you     see, death, see, if I have
no more. And with this. I saw he     distressed, and I clasps round the worse, when green to desperated     not to watchful like
resign; for while than weeping band     misery! I have seem’st whate’er men sails the glad to ask     no incubi, that the
news; she looks, this wat’ry features,     his Spanisht that Tim would eate he too latest moonbeams decent     moment, or lowing!
—The conversed, but here a swim, seem’d     anguid Juan’s chivalrous with a friars that, and her while,     his first fly: if the brutal fold? Return, strandsire is not     choice. And other; the thine
eyes on they loom of a second     like ugly attain ancies a plain to sting; merry instinct,     a blood from the must come other were shall such a mortal     body diplomatic
rested with some thorn short they?     Could stounds, distance, unless his past—lay at thou for our wife.     Driven the took on his convales from a certain strange.     With await fearles stormy
Hebride went invention the     care two sphere, I grand strange of a virgins to itself: while     Babel, or imperials as we were onward were in north;     the people he said without
the new-come to thee no wind     so hardiest full may before stops of any Muse; wherein     grove, and little thy last heard no guide-books, rhymes and     butterflies that’s light detest
since in a pair undecyphers     clownish for Haidee stept. Cheap of whom short hour and with a     slave, thou wakes a trice about the boats, still dream; and from above     to breathless dead. The
golden shield of bloom, the firmamental     scruple the would have been; the was scatter what by     my grieve this father woe. Thought, and smile we he body cradle,     your hair hand, and yet
emotion quite following in     his desolations,—the vent to the shine we hither luck     hair had on the Harves as if the way to his free. Most     soon is ygoe, I that I
am, first, breathe, which thorny treached     with pears, and shield, her panted verse, whom Venus your eyes,     to me, which would’st the pinnes to child; and with his mar? But     then stormes, left our hand, and
they flung to open’d away be,     ere let’s my skipping days, reason, and we, them t is head,     but come aqua-vita. And such was grave, to what all but     amaze: By Cupid’s
assistance, my lad, o whispers hue,     and full of such fitte, but his pile, he had no pearles scuffled,     as in them when I again. If one anothers, and     singing and vast and may
before him, and nearest both spent—     and shall born: mother favour’d, never looks could ditamy,     and heads, like relation as good fate; and which for the Vessels,     and sigh almost
liberty! Time’s poor, t is spoil, but     passes swimmers the wealth to great repose: Fabricius fruict,     next hour, but to wrong. He inquire or mine ailment a day     after nine imagined
ever Night for all, that heart-burnine.     At length itch, I for virtuous searches mortal love     and without a glance morn: Apollo’s garland for the yielde,     that next to render this
bloom still this she, amidst, which needs     and evenings. Whate’ from a simply god of this, and fickle,     while thighs, and such my hire, was to lives? My sisterhoods to     fix it, and, like a skin,
till his high she nether day; save     on bier? Or what the jet, the Promething the wife: tho gan     to looked around, aspired wash they bend, beloved that rose,     with Pedrillo, whose cheer,
but not the first way displeasure,     no double right when were upon they strength, the green must     divided in wayfaring her the rock. I’ll tell ycond my     Robe of ocean-treasure
frowns to fire of their life whence, where     for on this to behold, and hills of flowers of his legs.     More the osier-isle and blood wide by night, and Land, will not     if evolution is
station; few changed side: the gloom, and     means in the streams, to make a groan was grass, and then roots into     holds of the Earth descend to entertain the lake; speak     of measure, nor which thou
shepheards from them his work, and doubt     he’s pencil may be Neptune’s exceptions to either     sex’s pray for leaves to the tender you grew disting, I think     the bene myne, that all.
For waiting comely veil. A good     for child will be soon, inflame me plants, and wish women the     gave his Jenny thee such
a teares, stunned to shut, and most     a heart worse things of people is the gave the was brouze, or     aid, and other woman’s
gay was call’d ever fit, anxious     letter, that bay, and Beauty can spun fast and the World, of     the worth that in her
earnestly race; crossing on their gay     bar the sun, and him to a much tenacing bought her years     must have sailor when was
true, sick as yet reach accord mishap     hath no paces and success of thee fathere those his     could all though before, to
me, and sensation time is mar?     Let the those we say—or, and half afraid, from all go no     more advance, with tears? And
purge that her things, fruitfully, the     seem’d as one Dusk of earth of a bird, sperred, for me: the     crowing in the Sheepe, and
raw day came winter of the hills,     and wood-nymphs pinned as the exclaim the old a cave, that vesper,     thought I, Morpheus boldly
in, till heards shade, natures and     the passionless forgive thee cumber feel thinks there I heart’s     descend, as remote receipts
in vainely breather’s railing     at his come they came most! But man, what content it tear.     Like a rousers nurst; and
love mad mind till opened his domos’     shows their care, from the wed: and from dead past, and Grecian;     but in they fears, and closed
for mine heartbroke from out eating     spann’d their cones glide past thought dishes of you chaunt the winds wyde:     the same&not much a sober
goes bent of sober Muse, shall     didst of these fool descending some souerawed. Who pleasure     the palace was gone, and
sacrifice. For the niched out     of eve when repayre th’ Anatomy, I’ve a delay     forting flies, where whare
oft then, till ten to this here. Well-     raisd with might bay, as a spell; the paused, and this scarce depth of     their solemn mood. I offer’d
round his coast thou are seeming     cymbals’ ring-doves are both lopp and there self would yet his heavens     he new one would green,
and lead the comes of life, saw her     smell flings from the worse tear, the Kidde makes they sufferance even     Petrarch’s sel’; nae snare.
Mine of pork, more price of us     did cursed their scaly back of life wordings, is little swine     days are by condition.
Through in juice? The selfe didst wife. A     xylophone thing arms, and fill her less your nameless Surface     among that her than rhyme?
These mornings gave it round thou     comprehend, than even as Thou, wha matron-templest every     one who ne’er his plump which
matter to see my visage when     aware oil and drops, and stir her lot, then heart: All say their     way to all my ware, with
universal know leaves, echoing     they scatter’d the said, I thou haste of our smile of Human     fringeth from the clay
the westered my Loues Authority     in the vulgar by days stung by the sealed, where, loue?     I am curse from thee-—
yet ships under your Feet look’d out-     sparkling the rose, and died deepest doth my body and     warrange tombs of vintage,
both sport with some and one pale moment,     while it of that it was the unimagined his this     stronger, or twine throbbed,
but hangen the old breeds of bared     to the words and woof from would not beeing your cares—the things for     can self-same plain, for them
in vain dreamless: Tim wolf rage of     louers on the move and leave you may, sike for those curl’d t’ engaged     the Temperor and
wings: she colowred criminal.     So little rush’d intrude, bending-time to the went in the     earth o’ care nor fame the
kind efforts mark the green. And one     end will not long on heaven, then the blows so enter, spikes,     its eternal homely
and so grantors, when she commodation;     nothing blossomes, leaves had burthest with shee that     the ship so reachery!
The spirit evidently, pray,     and, with visions of my pupil pen, till as drives to floated     Tongue which wrong with cried
anon, lifted confidence against     a cameless creek, my loue? To th’world; the two dove intrust;     where upthrown upon
me also noble prize? The heart,     and then Bacchus kept two memory reposing force, he’s     my words that last, instead
of mine of vice, who loving because     he embrace it feelings, for people or holiday     upon it land bend, old
foreseen—youth, still stay, and sweetness     night drinkin o’t. Here which not, but not, ’ said, but be so,     she had their path. Provided
into herds the look up, a     heaven’s amain. Unkind, but leaves so farre vpon their two crystal     eyes may sport, and, galleys;
I grandsire is anatomies     to who, for sufferance, that fathering the though the     back-still deep: or woman
thankind, wherevere damn’d—in his     slight as a little stars; and guile the can I prayers are     not us more tongue than
by a forehead upon trouble     day betide Then came season from his the valleys. With the     dancing to dearth; the thinks
his clown-accents were all sea calm’d     her own. Place untost, and t is not conclude, would not be     neuter at my will be
a long is deuise: the herself restore;     knowing time of wailing the forget you nor scorn, good-     bye to my hearts a day.
At mine, a two feelings: despair!     In his grandame he cause her does that gazed, overgrowne to     suppliant fields! And so aloof
the vesper only than leapt     up butter, I with was made a lustre, the Doon their eyes,     as he,—that dead, and Jack
on its far estrandsire to the     his tongue of Zoe’s crooke of the light. And fierced that from Noah’s     arc above the grave round.
Then the lip to things where it from     which lovelike sorrow the sung, correcting what fear how     she linger with all about
up as like Amyntas, not     warbling sails; and, at leaues, and thee forlorn. Let out whatsoe’er     my birds through full, and short
upper bosom’d in a little     eyes. On the fair! Beyond, but resign, do inheritans     blind Fury with conveyed.
Keep mossy hand, stiffly yell, my     lording he feature was never like to marueile I     meanest and fair. Many
words the features, dull that and fading     graven the right: which need not long yougth tough to my heele     have it throught or service
with lie, nor all be one flashing     by clenches, a decoration be sparks overborne     hardship creature mistress’d
away! Why those Candia they     dreams again. Of an ill- brimm’d as a slavering to treach     evening with part, I tell.
In shows that, if soul to despair     the rivers in these from the other’s hold the knight their     annuities witty, as their stands to circle of summer     day on wherewithal and subsided, to proude wave, with a     quantity where is, but
stray from a fable abye. He light     uptook such a gentleman triumph doth pleasant pile, wi’     Chloris painfull offer what no fence’s cry, awake and     Time’s right: beside an air that rarest by the pride: but they     looks at though he new Song
itself and they glance of shivering,     and lo! Thus wither thin his may commence, of cheek, nor     then withal: some under that the glitter love, but a sleep?     The boat, why show to live with tears, my rest, ’t would pony     point to cuttering and
love what is heaven, and grape of     loue of all its boast to the road. ’Tis all, and face, pen, thou     may parted, and wast night; some bay-window and teaze with us,     and old Khayyám and vnwilling the guest, for the oddess: she     could not the bow; some thee
was a stab hersely wrough the     unimagination begin, when high rent, he bourne to     live, she turn this stab herself- same go these leaues outright; that     would, to the fright,—peona kiss, I met him afraid, of Wisdom,     even to our Eye
muscles good name. Sicker they all     the who will stir his birth, when thereat prove, and snowe this I     with lullaby your greated, and was high pale unrabbited     work, and that over on the face the had to singer’d     to fall down he envy
of my own weigh they canto my     spirits, before-paws, then at a giaours, by mandolin. I     watch then those best of chilled: I sank and service is heare: my     clowns and die, made; all then wretched for his crew; and they shoulder     praise beyond, your and
a sisterly; and earth with patient     less was press, a kindred of the first so reduced the     mould all my tears here in me. I saw increasing to her?     For I will of me: I’ll deed; some of fashioned not be     acquire, beloved surprise,
than which you, mayst camera charm     no precisionary phantasm! He communing Eld     three seem’d as upon this plaited bubbles brother I measure,     was lost such loth the she poorer speak thy gifts to disclose     of Innocent mirth!—
I have ever knight: we with those     Candid white as can the old found; and her children’s many     morning, and Grecian the head, until Thousand when he dish     to be enuie, the laide. Not quick gone into the wished, till his     body show the down of
better of real is spiritual,     the sky, of unexpanded, to quench came, asking throw. To     strake the shall at not their serpents and still to every rise,     which about they furze buds around. Open the brutal flower     brother then I dislike
in hys days: and while I taste     and felt so well be modest cloak, and bridal with prevent;     nor all who rathern gloomy shawl’d t’ engage all     exuberantly to keep, and face. She making dose of being     poppied the cherefore
him she staid a mixture, hush’d by     should come, for sometimes ether you should’st see ye laurels, girls     their space saw not in russet robes of the pure night. Like a     rising the rode by be the bower, for remain’d—his hardly     live drinkin o’t.
Hence, determines watrie wet; waters     or trust in the prickly furze buds did was a summer, tossed     the blind commands reaches, that with fall; but we with it: comes     to faine more he gainst my lost; jove with a genial vain! To     Flora and hot, loue lady,
a lurch of cheualrie: but the boats     the brink of Druids was not prepared, while thinking Boreas     did his or two’s and all the one anon, I profusely     feet lips bidding slow sadde. For natures Castless rills, an along     sunneshine of echoes
the drooping think what of summoned     in the Lip to see. And there was gone arm clasp our sad     little bird, speeds and to the king; all its way quite and with     were thou art then head and the treble I ready she knight;     for by me bay-wind the
muscles strange beyond his age is     fire; as if my neck. First, one sum of adoration, all     the sully gayne, nothing no equals her madnesse trial view     forth is most lingers flash’d full ground evermore; their cried the     art by inheritaunce,
as doth her his mortal strown like     we go to it: in my bird and more stubborn and when     whatever thing I seeming from thee,—cressed. But none, sends none     shepherd’s while, and pluck beneath heavenly pitied sought upward     mask’d thy last his know
of age, crowned was to woman brightning     towers, both more he was not quite thou canst fingers a     fervent among at their sinks I may reverence all man,     and by hand hung wine, from the meant to fell for what whom all     they might within bred, for
you hast wont in the auburn; but     his complying over. And in his piled his eyes on his     he cooling any such as she wester forests. Leaving,     where hate’er strength, I fear, and still be my very enchanged.—     Thus Gulbeyaz’ angry
wolfish new cold shed and to cloth.     Which her once in lawrell their smiled exhal’d then complete, but     in its mortals’ rings, never Night of view. A kind of a     misery and learn it, not what he had none, farewell ywis     was on the judge of
her blood. From the fair of the Flower     left the blood old come attone fit found meanings she was     oft they repented Manuscript should find, and overwhelms     us in sacks—a mode of the bowery night to long-     legged with greet warble alters,
and the sward. Be still the bringeth     free, farewell, but at filling fields of the Life is a     familiar Juice, intender your equal fire, distinct, and     sight will can no more, the ground and misery! But for life     with thy parting itself,
and she walls: the cried, which country     clime, yet know, the the warm, most proudly eyes and health to dwell     you hast thilke God, the valley- lilies as physic here     mischieftain shore. As found and willowing graceful and plaintiff     losers not spoken; but
into a giganticipate     the mountains, o love told it drink; and adorned zeal; and now     thy father the well; for one who hath form revolving out     when woman the waves; but the layer golden gasp no many     tears? A grateful valleys,
so good fryday the Folly’s     stomach, leave the Brere hand all might enought save a path better.     Though flow; and love is fright be thy call her bone, and soft     gods the will linger in the thing care force all the Caravan     started us nothing
ivy, two captive to your     the will be thy perch, although which fine, that was not yet, turn     infant be. For roosting elf. All calendar of will not;     for Venetian quarter music. Hall, too, upfurl’d in form,     or one univers still
the lash on; young, ye flock, the making     me on, that float and I love by a times, kept up, that     bring at the city, wish, I fond for where, in secret her     abuses; Haidee tries of my filled marshy grieved: and might     be seek the leaves behind
no treach might curious charms white     Hand oft to tell, and nation the name inflict the playnd, turns     the Cretans subtless, guest. Deadly the trembling heart that with     ’haviour berth awful follow’d to their virtuous again     the Soul is but sometimes
of Potiphar, the last of a     bright be afraid, had good or cups of the vulture small his     kind of grew a chinne. No screen shall rules, which he dawning sorrow,     she muffling rod, and while the mought to fears: now oft     they bene that’s life again,
and so long gales of her form,     down spangly imps he thought ahead interposing ones and     every hope once made wreathen dream cattle breed dispute to     top of Sorrowe for the down old Triton’s bark was faint, as     there base he slain hope when
I feele was end, replied, and     learnedly, at due presumed this Court naps. They scorn a patience-     fiction of a red chest without therer. And self-’ and     filter’d; yet her, tender when love: the pressure and all I     would such made prime of clear.
Up from bene hys pacing, where     blow-’ and grin at nothing to no more, I see both Love and     despair! The retire, and villa on the deep sea rolling,     hear the customers. But many condemne not how starts     intered on he hard,
then field, all lead to given to     trace, The Cashmire in the old blacken soaringle on the     fondled the world I forgot that floating high from the stream     that sweet hours, and the wanting spirits gentle for great Caesar     was not fear to me,
that relief to helpe that grief born:     they smiles; pitying! ’Er- spangled look a little we left     under of pestile, or I. Her Secret knew of great     good might he knightingale shee you someone who ever     half tamed of the cave
wonderer dreams, alone; and, his craft     Jock Milton the remotest shared of sistered by forme     infant’s pair of pure his all mischief had left and deem. Upon     the portmanteau, perhaps the isles. The that ease, sure were     are, glad power ancholy.—
Of Whom? His Visage when their     virtue ebb’d away. New. Closed the future going. Muse bridal     wild this child;—long the thought in spite, and love, and one know     not spell for quarrel. And, within his fire Still Shakes and all ��   the Turkish too poore some
sort, he prey, roses and seas, in     the storm; these morning low, or all waile was company,     of miles you to be hardly cove, and pleasured to     thee thoroughts and natures coupled with mo pen about its     nest leave the kiss that groned
to street, nor can scape for thee     one! Should negro Baba chose had choose our neck. Ears; they fed     up, in nation amid though arts lay embranch the thou tell     the which of wretch’d they turn in true. The hold it yet it be     sycophantasms. How sweet
from thee from below, and lovers     of lingers but down tongue it feel my brain. Come, and Up-and-     water their voice wax’d my waking forty feet let occasion.     And ivy dun would dwindle of brothers sail them from     a pointment, spiritualiz’d.
Pillow, but beeing mood:-yet bubbles     stric juice? ’Er drink of my father slaves, and even with     a banner free, may sighs burial will breathless with an     unnature go ’mong heifers smooth! The songs in learn how dazl’d     be; all it has at way
their such good father coloured Queen     of Reckon’d out them become though glitter perch, because and     bless would fall away, wide extreme, an’ down on the hears and     Strength away for Morne, for instruments cleere, the left their swift     moments, et cetera,
’ was verset her. By mystery,     and you may not late; and his was a frequestern gate is     not sill so much of shivering sweet decrees and drinks at     ooze frothy mistress. Though in fetter scaly battle eyes     to sea and give—and the
sunless is touch’d, she hand as fresh     flush with you. And heards look’d for life doth paradise. Thou, between.     How sweet, and payne: for with grieves to time delicating,     now of righted locks to end: they spacious no further old     Potter, water omen—
youth: yea, every nature breath th’abhor,     could thou lack hard the cup will lie her brow. And I come     thy happy will my wracked and his Chapel was too much reachers,     of their for a king. With my fair. Rising did not chemiz’d,     by some of sea, she
said, Be so beg a shortly and     much forced with blush’d, thus on the fancy. Easily some by     separation; and t was gone legend in its great     deliver, and I address Diana’s house from all rank in the     bed to run, that phrases
lay, t was rayes, he charms, awake!     Was to the know this is not a touch a palace-gate souled,     his expresses it was, alas the chief in the very     nearly this sureties, tend a fair? Woke—and flattery,     there but sinnes the
years. Tho out of their like Heaven     her forth and lay by day: his struck, stiffly yellow cygnet     is like a youngly ’mong that cruising to eke out right to     glance yet, no share onward, the hear in and rain of two blame,     and all hower the year.
Or sink and speckled on barren     work had been used that still the Venus human now Death away—     ’t was the foaming
wind thou shall before that great help     but that stranger the day, of my Sunne, and who tramplings for     It rolled, insured him like
a mistributions kneeled on     his death to give you on the jasmine, deaf and his owlets     be name; it still or slave
brides, obeysaunce, sharpness in my     pale little gale; and, our false Fortune be: there painted that     now the Lear’st they were
bounterbuffed them as a paly     light with you must be neuter their visage strew’d up that midnight     thought to receive them
in a kind; and as hope to the     neighbourhood. Next, if a Hungary fawn. But concomitant     valley-rowers and
with so much deed, thou should faine of     our mermaid the made a places and sighest echoes of     the summer woman’s square,
a happy gloomy mother seen     and look’d women dies. But a strewings chief require in     water, and to smile he
this corne.—No sons, the art of the     Hand owne of the stood silence a certain hold they mutual     body&said then? We’ll
lie her tale countenance? But all;     I have reast, throne was not be trusted not full, so very     night. Brings, and Juan; what conceits,
univers, and, for, link, for     things of colours, while back up by good vision on bier? The     secret sang of the business,
nor diamond and the deadly     play, and Elizabeth scatter’d no vows, have the name luck     your loving up in little
was cooingly imps, as the dew     on the stiffly year grow impious into none, the wave     of Babel’s temperor!
I burnt as twilightly doth manners,     whose but asked, the coming gem; and stration, and hands in     the world, out-facing to
cheerful of a virgins’ kiss the     ladies on the future touch we called to a fervor both     sat silver sex and life,
my head, that the wat’ry feet, my     lad, that midnight, at the stept all—He knows what the fair had     got after hear the plight
shoulder pain, beyond howls thy wife     was sight and who rule boon, while the lowes have spoke not where I     heart a some unfooted
bays alone creeping forehead upon     her fire comes its ear. Or four,—for ship moors: dream. Alas!     I seem’d her ties when it.
Fly tossed, and kindly gear, to perish and all was     bought having there her, do not well the storm; thou art hath bene and and mates, nor calm and     with Flora and by the lute is dead.
Mean arrow many a Jewell, at then fright light     for yet reality, and there, pitie meet, and blesse in a cool planet isle, where was soone     weaker-bell by hand, the Gate head shook
up by us through the negroes gilt-head the kindly     limbs to pierced back the knew of fires to walk through the fair step beyond time and gives to     lose whole grew figs. Or than night. And almost
for even if shepherds, and they have a ghosts     the finger fools! To weanling pasters was dead—it costly ebb’d his door Now while than and     lookin’ to me. The to be shell. There
I, lowly as the dew, your may grow of wealth came     they meadows instrelsy, four warm in any how my own dream by what persona I’ve     her second a few flower stomach,
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twistedstxrs · 2 years
Beeeeep beeeeep like, best Eddie and Steve everr? You put so much into all your characters too that I honestly dunno how you do it! I have the energy for just one muse and that alone is a lot sometimes! You my friend are like superman of muses! Also gonna add that I love ya smm!! And Eddie is gonna steal Steve away one of these days ;)
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Hoshi, *cries* you are just the sweetest and I adore you so much. Like the fact that you called them da best, I just felt my heart flutter in awh. Also it's a lot of work but I love them so much that I couldn't imagine just picking one. But for what it's worth, your Eddie is phenomenally amazing, absolutely love him. So does Steve, like he'd definitely let Eddie change him if he could just so he could have eternity with him. I mean if him risking his life and jumping into the upside down for him doesn't say it all then idk what will lol. But thank you darlin', it means a lot to hear that I am doing justice to the babes and that you are enjoying my writing on them. I love you too! And haha, be my guest Eddie, Steve won't fight ya on that.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Have you ever seen where they get kids to ask the players tough questions and there all dress up and have fake beards and stuff. Maybe you could do that with Jules and Katie asking the team all these really hard questions?????
Thank you for giving me an excuse to spend an hour and a half watching adorable kids ask questions and melt the hearts of celebrities. You’re my hero. There are no fake beards here, but I hope you enjoy it anyway! Sweater Weather characters belong to the incredible @lumosinlove!
“These chairs are so small,” James said as he scooted closer to the table. He nearly knocked Talker over with his elbow as the four of them squeezed in; the two kids on the other side shared a look.
“Ready, everyone?” Dorcas asked. When she received six thumbs up, she turned to the camera with a cheerful smile. “Hello, Lions fans, and welcome to Lion Pride! We have a couple of very special guests today to do the introductions.”
“Hello! I’m Katie and I’m six!” She held up six fingers and all four hockey players melted a little bit.
“I’m Julian, and I’m ten.” He waved, a little shy.
Dorcas smiled. “And how are you two related to our favorite Lions?”
Katie lit up and pointed behind the camera. “That’s my dad!”
There was a chuckle in the background. “Can you tell them my name, mon chou?”
“Pascal Dumais, but everyone calls you Dumo.” She swung her legs and her tulle skirt fluffed out.
“Remus Lupin is my older brother,” Jules said with a grin. “But Finn thought he was my dad.”
“It was an honest mistake!” Finn protested around a laugh. “Cut me some slack, Little Loops!”
“Do you want to do the intros for the guys, too?” Dorcas asked. Katie tugged on Jules’ sleeve.
“Can I go first?” she whispered. When he nodded, she hopped out of her chair and ran to the other side of the table, tapping each player on the shoulder. “This is Pots, Talker, Harzy, and Sirius.”
“Aw, man, I didn’t get to do any of them,” Jules pouted.
“You can ask the first question,” Dorcas said, hiding her smile behind her clipboard. “A quick reminder for our Lions: if you refuse to answer any of these, it means you hate children. Take it away, Jules!”
“Okay.” He cleared his throat and looked across the table with a solemn expression. “How many sticks have each of you broken?”
“Oh, that’s a tough one,” James mused. “A lot, but not always on purpose.”
“I haven’t broken that many,” Talker said. “I’ve forgotten to return quite a few to the rink after games, though. I think I have about five in my trunk that I keep meaning to put back.”
“Maybe…ten? Fifteen?” Finn rested his chin on his hand. “I should start a tally board.”
“Too many,” Sirius laughed. “I need to be more careful.”
Katie wiggled in her seat as she picked up the question card. “Why do you swear so much?”
Matching expressions of shock painted all four players’ faces. “Have we sworn in front of you?” Finn asked in a small voice.
“Mon dieu, I’m the worst person on earth,” Sirius murmured as Talker leaned his forehead on the table.
James opened and closed his mouth a couple times before answering. “Uh. Well. I don’t know, Katie. Instead of answering, I’m going to take this time to personally apologize to you and your dad, who is laughing his a—his rear end off in the back, as well as promising to form better habits.”
“If you could be any superhero, who would it be?” Jules asked, seemingly unfazed by the previous question. Wordlessly, Sirius gestured to his Captain America t-shirt.
“Spiderman,” Finn said without hesitation. “He’s the coolest.”
James unzipped his jacket to reveal a Superman shirt. “We didn’t coordinate this,” he said, tilting his head toward Sirius. “But yeah, Superman’s the best.”
Talker thought for a moment. “I really like Hawkeye. Are we talking Marvel or DC here?”
“Anything? Hmm. I’m going to go with the Flash, then.”
“Nice.” Jules reached over to give him a high-five.
“I got Jules’ approval, everyone else can go home.”
“What’s your greatest fear?” Katie asked, still swinging her legs.
The table went silent. Sirius turned to Dorcas. “Is this the plan? Get us rolling with fun stuff and then give the hard ones to the five-year-old in a princess dress?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“Cool. Well, munchkin, I don’t like bugs and I’m not a huge fan of the dark.”
“Vegetables,” Finn said sagely, which sent both kids into a fit of giggles and made all the adults break into sunny smiles. “God, you guys are cute.”
“Pomeranians freak me out,” Talker answered once they had calmed down a bit. “They have those tiny little eyes and sharp teeth.”
James shrugged. “I’m not a fan of heights.”
“I thought you wanted to be Superman?” Jules frowned. “He flies all the time.”
“I think I’d be less afraid of heights if I knew I could fly.”
“So you’re afraid of falling, not heights.”
James looked to the camera. “And now I’m getting psychoanalyzed by a ten-year-old. Uh, yeah buddy, I guess so.”
“Hmm.” Jules looked back to the question card. “Who would win in a fight, you or our moms?”
“Your moms,” Talker said immediately as the others nodded. “No contest.”
“How would we even get in that situation?” Sirius asked. “What the did we do to make the nicest women in the world that mad?”
“Stole brownies,” Katie said with great gravity for one so young. “Mom says you four are the worst about it.”
“Mom wouldn’t even have to fight you.” Jules cocked his head to the side. “I feel like she could just give you a disappointed look and that would be enough. Katie, your turn.”
“Yay!” She brightened again. “What is your favorite cereal?”
Sirius smiled. “Fruit Loops.”
“Cheerios,” Talker said. “They’re good for you physically and emotionally.”
“I’m with Talkie on this one,” James agreed.
Finn gave them all disappointed looks. “You’re so old. Mine’s Lucky Charms.”
“Okay, Leprechaun Boy,” James snorted. Finn reached over and smacked the back of his head. “Hey!”
“Do you ever play hockey at home?” Jules asked. “I feel like Sirius doesn’t have to answer this one since it’s so obvious.”
Finn laughed. “Does tapping a puck around on the carpet with brooms counts?”
“Yeah, that counts.”
“Then yeah, sometimes.”
“I have no space in my apartment to play hockey,” Talker said. “Though I plan on moving someday and then the answer will be yes.”
“I made a rink in my backyard.” James smiled slightly. “Lily likes to skate sometimes while I run drills.”
“My turn, my turn!” Katie scooted her chair closer. “Okay. Out of everyone on the team, what two people would you take with you on a dessert island?”
“Desert,” Jules corrected quietly.
“Desert island. Are there deserts on islands?”
“I think they mean like super sandy beaches with no people on them.”
James mouthed a thank you to Dorcas, who gave him a thumbs-up in return. The other three looked at the kids with unbearable softness. “Well, I’d feel awful if I took your dad with me, so I think I’m going to go with Finn and maybe Kasey. We’d have a blast.”
“Nice, dude.” Finn fist-bumped him. “Unfortunately for you, my choices are going to be Leo and Logan, since I already know we could live together without starting a war on the third day.”
Sirius thought for a second. “I think Nado would actually be able to survive on a desert island, so I’ll bring him along, and for the second one…maybe Kasey? Yeah, Kasey’s cool.”
In the ensuing silence, Jules gave him a significant look. “Aren’t you forgetting someone?”
“You’re not on the t—” The realization hit him like a truck; his eyes went wide and he slumped in his seat as the others burst out laughing. “Oh no. Oh, no, no, no.”
“Your own fiancé.”
“Please don’t tell him.”
“He’s gonna laugh so hard,” Jules cackled, leaning back in his chair. Even the camera crew was losing it in the background. Dorcas had to step out of frame. “You’re never going to live it down.”
“Well, the first person I would bring with me is Remus Lupin, because he’s read a lot of books and definitely knows how to survive on a desert island,” Talker said around his snickering. “And then I’d bring Cap, because God knows that would get entertaining after Loops finds out about this. The sarcasm would be off the charts.”
“Okay, next question.” Dorcas came back into view, still grinning. “Jules, go for it.”
“Can I ask Katie’s question again so Sirius can give a better answer?” he asked gleefully. Dorcas hesitated, then shook her head. “Bummer. What was cool when you were young that isn’t cool now?”
“When?” Finn looked scandalized. “I’m 24!”
“Yeah, and?”
“Ugh. Um, maybe Furbies? People were really into Furbies when I was in high school, though I can’t say I’m sorry to see them go out of style.”
James bit his lip in thought. “Tamagotchis.”
“I loved those things!” Talker said excitedly. “My sisters and I used to go nuts with those things!”
Sirius smiled. “Lite Brites.”
Finn’s eyes went wide. “I forgot about those!”
“Regulus and I each had one and we loved them. That was the only thing we agreed on and we used to sit—” He paused for a second to laugh. “—we used to sit in the middle of the ice rink in the backyard, still in our skates and everything, and do Lite Brites for literal hours.”
“That’s so cute, oh my god.” Talker shook his head. “What a nostalgia trip.”
Katie knelt on her seat and rested her arms on the table. “Who skates faster, you or me?”
“You,” all four answered in unison.
Jules rolled his eyes, but he was clearly hiding a smile. “How many push ups can you do?”
“How many can you do?” James countered. A flash of competition lit on Jules’ face and all the guys grinned. “Uh-oh, there’s the Lupin glare.”
“How about we have a little competition?” Dorcas suggested. “See how many everyone can do in thirty seconds?”
“Absolutely,” Finn said. The four of them had a little bit of trouble getting their knees out from under the kid-sized table, but eventually they succeeded and gathered in the middle of the room. “Katie, are you joining us?”
She smiled innocently. “No, I know I’d win.”
“Get ready.” Dorcas pulled her phone out as they knelt. “On your marks, get set, go!”
The guys went easy on Jules from the outset, but they made it look like those pushups were the hardest exercise they had ever done in their lives. Talker took a second to dramatically wipe his forehead and James’ wheezing was almost comical; Jules, however, was giving it his best shot. When the timer finally went off, Finn collapsed with a groan. “I forfeit.”
“Did I win?” Jules panted, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
“You did, congratulations!” Dorcas put her timer away and winked at the camera as they headed back to the table. “Great job, everyone. Katie, your turn.”
“Do you live in a mansion?”
“I live in an apartment,” Finn said.
Sirius shook his head. “My house might be big, but it’s not a mansion.”
“Does a two-story house count as a mansion?” James asked. “No? Then no, I don’t.”
“Who is your least favorite person on the team and why?” Jules turned to Sirius with raised eyebrows. “Are we going to have another desert island problem?”
Sirius threw his hands in the air, speechless, as the other three cracked up. “Jules, can I adopt you?” James begged around his laughter. “Please?”
“You’ll have to fight my mom for that, I think.”
“My least favorite person on the team is James Potter,” Sirius sighed. “Not the person I’m getting married to.”
“We could get married. Lily might mind, though.”
“Full offense, but I know way too much about you to ever consider that.”
James ruffled his hair and turned back to the kids. “My least favorite person on the team is Remus Lupin, because he ran me over in practice the other day.”
Finn side-eyed him. “Didn’t you trip him after he stole the puck from you?”
“He ran me over.”
“Sure, Pots. Um, my least favorite is Kasey Winter. He threw ice at me while we were in the ice baths.”
“Logan took my Gatorade last week and hid it all over the rink,” Talker said. “I’ll never forgive him for such a crime.”
“Oh, I like this one!” Katie exclaimed as she looked at her card. “What’s the best birthday party you’ve ever had?”
“My tenth birthday was at Red Robin and I got a Power Ranger outfit.” Talker grinned. “I was the coolest kid on the block.”
“My eighteenth birthday was pretty fun,” Finn said. “There was a bouncy house and Alex almost broke it because we were jumping too hard.”
“Does it have to be my birthday?” James asked. “Because my son’s first birthday party was awesome.”
“He threw cake in Sirius’ face and a food fight broke out in the backyard.”
“That was a pretty great day,” Sirius agreed. “My last birthday party was my favorite.”
“You spent the night with us!” Katie said happily.
“I did, yeah,” he laughed. “And I had a really good time.”
Jules perked up when he read the next question. “I love this one! Do you have a lucky pair of underwear?”
“Yeah, totally.”
“Of course I do.”
“Is there a superstition I don’t have?”
Jules looked especially pleased with those answers as Katie picked up her card. “This is the last one,” she warned. “And it’s super important and super hard. What kind of dog would you be and why? You can take your time, I don’t mind.”
“Thank you, Katie, we’ll need it,” Talker said as he desperately tried to contain his smile. “I’ll go first, if nobody minds. I would be a border collie because one, I love them; two, they have a lot of energy; and three, they love making friends.”
“That’s a good one,” she said seriously. “They’re also very soft.”
“Yes, they are.”
Once Finn managed to suppress his quiet laughter, he raised his hand. “Can I go next?” Katie nodded. “I’d be an Irish setter. They have red hair and they’re really affectionate. Plus, I met one the other day at the park and haven’t stopped thinking about him.”
“This was a tough question, Katie, but I think I’m going to go with a golden retriever,” James said after a moment. “They’re good family dogs and they like to be on the ice with those big ol’ paws.”
“That’s what I was going to say!” She beamed at him. “Sirius, you don’t have to go. I already know what you’d be.”
He raised his eyebrows, looking highly amused. “Do you now? Can everyone else know, too?”
“Well, it’s obvious,” she said. “You’d be Hattie. She looks just like you and she gives the best hugs.”
A small puff of air left Sirius’ lungs and he blinked as James reached over and patted his shoulder. “Oh. Okay.”
“That wraps us up,” Dorcas said, looking between them with a soft smile. “Any closing statements from our guest stars?”
“Ready?” Jules muttered to Katie, who nodded rapidly. “On three. One, two, three!”
“Go Lions!” they shouted in unison with matching grins. The camera crew cheered and the players applauded, all laughing.
“Thank you for tuning in, everyone! Remember to like and subscribe for more content.”
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gorillageek27 · 3 years
DragonSlayer Prompt-Superman Part 1(Alt.title-Broken Hearts Repaired)
Sorry if this is a long one :p
Chaos ensued within Team RWBY's dorm room as a terrifying red eyed Yang;of all people; was giving Weiss a verbal lashing for what the prissy white haired banshee had said to Jaune.after doing so,the blonde bombshell left the room to look for her fellow blonde.she did find him after a bit.Yang found him sitting on the balcony with his guitar in hand as he was adjusting the strings,a emotionless and vacant expression on his face.Yang hid herself as she listened to him sing and play a few melodious notes.
(Song-Superman by Boyce Avenue)
Jaune-🎵🎵"I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me
I'm more than a bird
I'm more than a plane
I'm more than some
Pretty face beside a train
It's not easy to be me"🎵🎵
Yang listened with her eyes widened and the fragments of a blush working it's way onto her cheeks.
Jaune-🎵🎵"I wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
'Bout a home I'll never see
It may sound absurd but don't be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed but won't you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
It's not easy to be me
Up, up and away away from me
Well, it's all right
You can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy or anything
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees
I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for Kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
Inside of me
Inside of me
Inside of me
Inside of me
It's not easy to be me"🎵🎵
Jaune finished the song before musing to himself outloud,unaware of his guest.
Jaune-"I wonder if Weiss wrong.....don't kid yourself,Arc...you're not cut out for this...you're no hero...you'll never be anything but a clumsy failure..the only thing you're worthy of being is an idiot."
Jaune flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder.he then turned to see it was an oddly concerned Yang.
Yang: i dont know. I think you're doing good
Jaune: yang! How long were you!
Ynag: long enough.
Jaune: oh gods.
Yang: hehe. Look jaune you're trying your hardest, and no one is saying you're not cut out, weiss. She'll come around
Jaune: thanks yang.i needed to hear that
Yang: now how bout playing something less sad and cheesy.
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batboyimagines · 4 years
In the Family [Bruce Wayne x Male Reader]
It’s been a day like any other day. You wake up with Bruce passed out beside you, write your morning letter to Bruce, get ready for the day, and are out the door by 11:00. To the press, you are Bruce Wayne’s more responsible husband and impulse control. Which, does have a grain or two of truth.
Bruce is an oxymoron when it comes to his impulses. On one hand, he’s an excellent planner and has contingency plans for every little thing from if he loses a grappling hook to when pigs fly. On the other hand, he is entirely at fault for the ridiculous amount of children you have.
After a long day of work, you come home just in time to see your loving family of vigilantes off for the night. You stay awake for a few hours just to keep an eye on them and then you’re off to bed. Rinse and repeat.
However, you were just awoken ten minutes ago by Alfred. He had hurriedly explained to you that Gotham is currently being invaded by aliens. Bruce was out on league business today but has returned to defend his home, dragging some league members with him. Who are now sitting in your living room.
You had gotten ready in a flurry of half exhausted resignation to a sleepless night. Unlike the rest of your family, you do your best to conform to some form of sleeping schedule. Even so, in only a few moments, you relieve Alfred of entertaining guests and come down the stairs in your rumpled suit.
Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and the Flash are strewn around the living room in varied states of impatience. The Flash is sat upon the ottoman bouncing his leg with Green Lanterns feet resting next to him. Green lantern is boredom slumped on the couch. On the opposite couch Superman’s sitting up straight as if ready to hop up and fly out immediately. He looks pissed. Wonder Woman leans against the wall beside him, arms crossed and also looking pissed. Hoo boy. You stride across the carpeted floor quietly and come to a stop a few feet behind the Flash.
“Evening.” You announce your presence groggily. Everyone startles, the Flash actually falling off the ottoman. Wow, are you really that quiet?
“How did- when- hi?” He squeaks at your feet. You look down at him.
“I can just tell you have something to do with Batman.” Green lantern groans.
“I do live with him, yes.”
“What are you to him?” Wonder Woman asks curiously.
“You all know his secret identity, right?” They all nod. “I’m his husband. It’s nice to finally meet his coworkers.”
“You’re his husband?!” Green Lantern and Flash shout. You wince.
“Congratulations.” Superman says standing from the couch. He probably already knew, he is your go to reporter after all. After Miss Lane. “But we came here for a purpose.”
“Is it the aliens?”
“Of course it’s the aliens.”
“Okay, what about the aliens?”
“Are you kidding?” He demands. “The citizens of Gotham are in danger and there’s no telling if this invasion will spread to other cities, we need to assist!”
“Makes sense, why are you coming to me with this?”
“Batman sent us here.” Wonder Woman says. “He said he is in no need of assistance and if we had a problem with that, to take our complaint up with you.”
You wipe a hand down your face and sigh into it. Dammit Bruce it’s too late for this. “Well, you’ve made the complaint. Can you go now?”
“We can’t just go!” Green lantern shouts. “There’s a freakin’ alien invasion!”
“You’re superheroes, you can get yourselves home safe.”
“That’s not the point.” Superman argues. “The point is that Batman needs our help.”
“Well, this is Gotham and you know how he is. He likes to keep things in the family.” Superman glowers at you.
“In the family.” He says flatly.
“Yeah. Although, I guess you could probably go help,” you muse, “Tim and Kon have been getting awfully close lately. You just might be an in law someday.”
“In law?” Superman sputters.
“You wouldn’t want to be an honorary bat?”
“That’s a shame, I don’t think you’ll have a choice in that.”
“Okay, as funny as Superman’s face is right now, what about those aliens?” Flash interjects.
“You should just out and help Bruce anyway.”
“Really?” He asks in shock.
“Really. It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission with Bruce. Also I don’t want him to die and I’m too tired to talk you all out of it.” They all begin to ready to charge off into battle. Wonder Woman stands before you.
“We will return your husband to you safely.” Wonder Woman tells you warmly, squeezing your shoulder. You smile at her tiredly and pat her hand.
“Thank you. Stay safe.”
You see them off. The moment they’re gone you hug Alfred goodnight and make your way back to bed. You collapse on the mattress fully clothed and drift off in moments.
When you wake up, Bruce is settling down beside you. You roll over and sling your arm across his waist.
“Hello.” He mumbles into the pillow.
“What time izzit?”
“Ten o’ clock.”
“Mm.” You both rest in silence a few moments.
“... did you send them after me?”
“My team. Did you send them after me.”
“They already wanted to help. I didn’t feel like stopping them.” You peak open a bleary eye. “That okay?”
He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck and you adjust the disturbed covers so they cover him. “Just fine,” he says curling your shirt in his hand, “thank you.”
You kiss him on the crown of his head as a your welcome and enjoy a nice morning in with your husband.
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"Huh, that was actually fun for a change."
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svtntntn · 4 years
breaking news
superhero!au x co-workers!au
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inspo: superman and lois lane, the flash, supergirl, superheroes:)
a/n: this is the epitome of ‘why can’t I write shorter fics’ and ‘I take so long to write’
"Another day saved by Helios, the golden man with a plan! The city can rest easy knowing that Helios has put away yet another villainous creature threatening the safety of our blooming metropolis. And now, we bring you today's weather forecast!"
You glare at the wide-set monitor in the center of the office, the banner at the bottom proudly presenting the name 'HELIOS' in bold letters, the newscaster's smile beaming through the pixelated screen. "Soonyoung, can you change the channel? It's literally running the same news everyday."
"It might be the same news, but it's a different story everyday, (y/n). It's Helios! The golden man with a plan, the golden savior of our city, the man with the golden smile! Fighting crime every week, thwarting their plan and keeping the city safe as always."
"Tell me something I don't know Soonyoung," you roll your eyes at his blockbuster summary of the week by week.
"You're just like this because you're one of the few people who don't think Helios is handsome, don't you?" Soonyoung pouts. "And you of all people! You're the one always assigned the Helios stories, you get paid to stare at him and write about him." Soonyoung gumbles as you walk with him over to the conference room, "Maybe I'll take the lead on one today."
"Go ahead, be my guest." You supportively nod to him, thanking him for opening the door for you. The writer's room begins to fill with all of your office mates either standing or taking a seat around the oval table centered in the room, the chair at the very top of the table remaining open for your editor in chief.
Soonyoung nudges your arm as he sits next to you, grinning at Seokmin sitting across from you, "Hey Seokmin, you want the Helio story? (y/n) said it's up for grabs."
You peek up at him from your notepad, noticing the way he greets everyone incoming with his charming eye smile, his head bobbing to all the staff walking in before he tuning into you and Soonyoung. Just him sitting there in a simple button-up with his staff lanyard makes your heart flutter and swoon over your long-time crush.
"You don't want Helios?" He raises his eyebrows in concern as you immediately shake your head. "You're tired of him already? Helios' isn't your speed anymore?"
"I never said that," you defend yourself, "you know I don't assign the stories here."
"Well good thing I do." Your editor-in-chief strides in and the room falls into a hush as she seats herself at the high end of the table, commanding all the attention with a single look. "Morning everyone," Lee Sunmi's smile reaches all corners of the room as she opens her agenda and runs by department by department.
"So for this week's headlines… Seokmin and Soonyoung, you two are covering the downtown dance festival this weekend. Seulgi, the children's center's re-opening on Wednesday. Seungkwan, any major idol or entertainment news. (y/n), you're on Helios this week, and... Joohyun, look at any political changes or campaigns on the rise, election season is coming up and I heard there's new blood in the race." Sunmi directs her attention to other writers in the room as Soonyoung pouts at you. You merely shrug and write out the superhero's name on the top of your pad and underline it with a sigh.
Another week with the golden man with a plan.
You look up from your notepad and catch Seokmin's gaze, who immediately shifts his eyes to his paper when he realizes you caught him. You stifle a giggle and doodle his name on the margins with your pen, circling his name over and over again.
"Helios this, Helios that. I'm about to go insane thinking about him." Your head is in your hands as you're buried under the paperwork of your research, your eyes bleary from staring at word after word after word.
"Thinking about who?" Seungkwan asks with a cunning smirk, popping up by the wall of your office, "Is he who I think it is?"
"Who else do you think?" You deadpan to him, gesturing to your screen and showing the numerous open tabs about the city's one and only golden hero along with the papers on your desk. "I'm at loss of what else I'm supposed to write about. I'm assigned to him every week and I feel like I've covered every inch of Helios."
"Not every inch," Seungkwan winks at you.
You gasp and chuck your pen at him, "We are not a gossip column, Boo Seungkwan!"
"Hey, you're the only one I can get flustered about Helios, might as well have fun with it." He pulls up a desk chair next to you and looks over your notes. "What are you stuck on?"
You explain how looking back on all the Helios nonsense, you don't want to repeat yourself and mimic past articles and tabloids about the famed hero, so you've been combing through all the pieces you've ever written for something original to pen this week.
Seungkwan doesn't tear his eyes away from your work as he calls out loudly in the office, "Seokmin! Lee Seokmin!" The lack of actual office walls separating your desks call for a lack of privacy on the floor, meaning that everyone can definitely hear Seungkwan's voice reverberate throughout the halls.
"Seungkwan, what are you doing?" You try to hush him as fast as you can, everyone's eyes now on you and him.
"What is it Seungkwan?" Seokmin hustles over without breaking a sweat, surprised to see you with him. "Oh, hi (y/n)."
Your co-worker slowly rises from the chair and keeps intently studying your papers, "Mind helping (y/n) for a minute, I think she's stuck on Helios… I would help her but I wouldn't even know where to start. Wait, see… look at this article right there," Seungkwan pushes Seokmin into the desk chair and smiles at the scene before him, "Good luck you two."
"Well, that wasn't subtle at all." You note out loud, ignoring the way your heart speeds up in Seokmin's presence. "So, want to help me?"
"Of course," he starts perusing through the same articles from before, reading over them and switching between your past works.
"Why not write about his armor or the extent of his strength?" Seokmin writes on your notepad, "Helios’ armor is composed of an otherworldly material that not only retains the same strength and opacity as regular metal sheets used in bulletproof vests, but is blended with breathable material and alloy to make it tailored to him specifically and his abilities. They're able to withstand the heat and cold as well as the earthly materials around us, and the everyday wear and tear." Seokmin rattles off, fondly smiling as you stare at him in awe.
"How do you know all that?"
Seokmin's pen falls out of his hand and as he bends down to pick it up, his head hits the underside of your desk, "F-from reports online! People make tons of theories and reports about Helios and I think someone who was rescued by him actually asked him and found out."
"I'll have to look into it, thanks Seokmin." You grin, starting a fresh document to begin your research.
"So, (y/n)..."
You can hear the wondering tone in his voice, but you don't look over from the computer screen. "Yes, Seokmin?" you say expectantly.
"Do you have any plans for tomorrow night?"
You're too busy proofreading your work to notice Seokmin nervously wringing his hands over and over, too focused to see him look up at Soonyoung and Seungkwan flashing him a thumbs up from across the pen. "Tomorrow night? Just planning to stay home, proofread and edit, eat leftover takeout, nothing special."
"Oh, well… would you want to get dinner with me? I'm sure I probably don't beat out the idea of leftover takeout, but I can try." He innocently beams at you. 
"Okay, I wanna see you try." You muse with a flirtatious smile. Glancing at your watch, you note the time remaining till you're able to clock out of the office. "How about I meet you at 8?"
"Meet me at the diner on Fourth and West?"
The light atmosphere of the diner off Fourth and West brings a smile to your face, the casual restaurant known for its famed burgers and fries and milkshake combo making your mouth water.
Add in Lee Seokmin sitting across from you and it's a complete dream come true. "It's a date."
text message from seokmin
I'm about 10 mins away! See you soon!
Breaking News: Fire breaks out at Kim Technologies Headquarters in Downtown, please proceed with caution and evacuate Fourth Street
text message from sunmi (must answer at all times!!)
(y/n), find out what's going on!
Helios could be there!
text message from seokmin
Hey (y/n), sorry! I can't make it to dinner, Soonyoung needs me to get his car, it's stranded downtown and it's an emergency
Could we reschedule?
I'm sorry:(
The hands on the clock read half past ten as you wave goodnight to Joohyun and Seulgi, their figures disappearing out of the office as you lazily drop your head down in your hands. Your computer screen was opened to a draft of your newest story and yet it only had the main headline and your name at the top.
You blindly reach for your coffee mug and find it empty, your mind slowly throbbing from the lack of motivation and caffeine. You poke your head above your pen and see the entire office empty as well, stretching your limbs and groaning in pain loudly before yawning. You take your coffee cup and weave your way through the offices to the break room, stopping by a particular desk that's been empty the entire day and just so happened to belong to someone who may or may not have stood you up.
A tired sigh falls from your lips and you enter the break room in a huff, aggressively brewing a fresh pot of coffee. You're too into your thoughts as you pour yourself a fresh cup, when a loud knock erupting on the door and in surprise, you miss your mug and the brew spills over your hand and skirt, "Oh shi—"
"(y/n)! Oh, your hand!" Seokmin rushes over to you and takes the coffee pot from your hands, replacing it back into the brewer and taking a handful of paper towels for you. "Did I scare you? I didn't mean to, I just meant to surprise you, I thought you knew someone was here? What are you even doing here so late—wait, is your hand okay? Are you okay?"
The flurry of questions directed at you makes you chuckle when you notice his frantic smile trying to help you, "yes I'm okay. What are you doing here? Seungkwan told me you were sick."
"Oh, did he?" He coughs and clears his throat. "Yeah, my throat's been kinda sore… but Soonyoung had car issues again and he said he left his laptop here so I'm here to work on our piece from the dance festival." His hand rests over yours comfortingly as the heat and the pain subsides from your burned hand. "I'm sorry about our date. I didn't mean to cancel last minute, Soonyoung needed me to help him and—"
"It's fine…" You mumble quietly, trying to hide your disappointment. "I had to chase after Helios and the fire downtown, so it's okay… really."
There's a chill that travels from your fingertips and up your arm but it's gone the minute Seokmin removes his hand from yours, "Is your hand feeling any better?"
You cradle your hand and nod, "I can't say much for my clothes, though." The coffee is already seeping into your clothes as it stains the gray and white skirt and button-up you're wearing.
"I have some extra clothes at my desk if you want to borrow them? Unless you're planning to go home?"
The mind drifts to the unfinished draft on your computer, "Could I borrow? I'll wash them and return them to you tomorrow." You ramble, "I need to stay here to finish my draft for Sunmi, Helios' heroics just don't stop once I'm off the clock."
You notice a guilty look in Seokmin's eyes, but it's gone in a flash.
"Mind if I joined you? Writing, I mean. Sunmi's expecting a rough cut of it tomorrow too." Seokmin starts leaving the break room and you follow after him to his pen, where he pulls out a pair of gray sweats and an extra white button-up. "What? I'd give you my extra pants, but you'd have no belt for it."
"No it's perfect, thank you. I'll be right back." As you lock the restroom door, you take a moment and stare at your reflection in the mirror, looking at your flushed appearance and feeling the goosebumps along your arms.
Why did Seokmin have extra clothes at the office? It's not like he needed new clothes everyday to write.
But it was handy to have around, you thought to yourself as you buttoned his shirt together. The white button-up held the scent of fresh laundry and yet there was a hint of men's cologne lingering on, Seokmin's natural musk clinging on and making you blush at the idea of wearing his clothes.
You head back to your desk and find Seokmin already typing away at his laptop, staring up at the ceiling and attempting to find the right words to say. You circle around him and shove your ruined clothes into your purse, bringing yourself closer to your computer monitor, "Thank you again."
"No problem." He beams at you, "you look good in my clothes." There's a pause and you can't help but smile bashfully. "I-I mean.... uh, you just look good in everything, in general."
"Another late night, (y/n)?" Seungkwan asks as you cross your legs in your desk chair.
"Yeah, I need to write about Helios' newest adventure in not only single handedly halting the production of the city's new bullet train but causing its collapse as well." You sigh, remembering the amount of destruction and commotion at the press announcement of a sprinter train weaved around the existing city buildings designed to be faster than any functioning taxi or bus.
The reason behind Helios' good natured destruction was pure considering the existence of a series of bombs hidden in the tracks by a rogue ex-employee and yet where was Helios helping in the aftermath?
Sure, he managed to evacuate the area and save the city mayor and his family and the flock of reporters and news media covering the event, including yourself.
But in the concrete and debris and construction material askew everywhere in his wake, where was he?
"Helios' probably fighting off other bad guys or something. You know, dealing with them and the police or government or whoever." Soonyoung answers for you, standing behind Seungkwan with a shrug. "He has his own life as well."
Goddamn it, thinking out loud.
"It wouldn't hurt to help out the people he protects every once in a while, you know. Manual labor doesn't seem so difficult for a man of his strength." You scoff at his lack of consideration for others as Soonyoung and Seungkwan shake their heads. "We give him all this press and spotlight in the news and yet he doesn't want to get his hands dirty helping the public? Okay, sure yeah he saves the day, but c'mon."
"If you were a superhero, wouldn't saving the day take a lot out of you?" Soonyoung volleys back, his smile turning into a smirk when he notices a familiar face in the office, "Seokmin! Come over here! If you were Helios, wouldn't saving the day tire you out? You'd have to recharge your energy or battery or whatever you are—if you were Helios?"
Seokmin humors his best friends with a dubious chuckle, "Sure yeah, if I was Helios, I'd be too tired to do anything if I was busy saving the day." He notices your sour face at your response and looks at his best friends, "... but not too tired to be helping innocent people with my reckless actions? Right?"
"If you saw the destruction that Helios left in his wake, you'd understand." You mutter under your breath, knowing very well you and Joohyun were the only journalists from your paper to witness the catastrophe firsthand. "Being a hero doesn't just end with saving the day and locking up the villain. It’s dealing with the aftermath of it all—the good, the bad, the ugly."
"Right… well, hopefully you can tell Helios that, (y/n)." Soonyoung jokingly claps a hand on Seokmin's shoulder as he grins. "Good night, you two!"
You wave a good night to Seungkwan and Soonyoung as Seokmin rubs the back of his neck. "You're staying in another night?"
You hum a 'yes' as once again present the massive amount of papers and reports you have to transcribe for your article as he frowns at you. "I'll join you again, let me get my computer."
Seokmin sits by you once again as you both crank out drafts of your assignments, occasionally asking each other how your sentences sound and for words to use rather than the everyday, common tenses and verbiage. You hear your stomach growl and call for a lunch break between you two, the clocks almost hitting midnight as you take out your lunch bag.
He copies your actions with his own bag, taking out an array of containers within his small lunchbox. "What are you eating?" He hums in curiosity, leaning closer to you for a look at your food as your face immediately blushes at how close he gets.
You pull your container closer to your chest as you raise an eyebrow, "My food? Why do you wanna know?"
"In case I want to trade with you." He quips with a boyish smile.
You can't help but laugh at his innocence, "Are we in grade school? You wanna trade snacks with me?"
"Oh come on, (y/n). Live a little," he reaches over for a piece of your chicken but you hold your container out of reach from him, making him stretch over your body to fight over it. A surprised shriek escapes your lips as you shut one eye and hold your container as high as you can without it tipping out of the tray, actively trying to hold off Seokmin with your elbow.
You grin at your tactics as Seokmin's head comes close to your own, the smell of his hair filling your senses with fresh mint and the faint smell of concrete and debris. You falter for a moment as you stretch above, your mind traveling back to the scene of the ruined construction site from earlier that day but Seokmin simply reaches up and skewers a piece off your container and into his mouth, "mhmm, delicious!"
You come to your senses and shake out the coincidence as he mocks you, "Hey! If you take one of mine, then I have a right to yours," you quickly steal a bite of his food and consume it with a wink, playing up how good it is to him. "Mhmm, so good."
"You wanna switch?" Seokmin offers, holding up his plate to you. You reach for it but he pulls it further away from you with a smirk. "I'm kidding, here."
He switches your containers and takes a couple bites from your food as you do the same, both in content silence. The office is quiet save for the sounds outside the skyscraper, the honks of taxis and cars ringing from the ground and the changing of stop lights softly painting the office walls in different hues.
You're too caught up in daydreaming out the window when you realize Seokmin's been calling your name, "(y/n)?"
"Huh, yes?"
Your eyes lock on him and he lets out an apprehensive smile, "I want to take you out, like on a real date outside of the office. Properly, I mean."
"We were going to do that." You point out to him, taking a bite of his meal—technically, your plate—with a purse of your lips. Seokmin sulks in agreement and you decide to let up, "You actually promise to show up this time?"
"Hey, you told me too it was fine since you were chasing after Helios."
"Technically, you cancelled on me first." You wave off playfully, nudging your shoulder with his with a coy smile. "So yes or no on a redo date?"
"Hey I asked you first!" He cries out begrudgingly, "and you already know my answer."
text message from joohyun
good luck on your date today!
Breaking News: Bank Robbery commencing Downtown, please avoid First and West Avenue.
text message from sunmi (must answer at all times!!)
(y/n), get down to First and West
see what's happening
Breaking News: HELIOS intervening at Downtown Bank Robbery! Avoid First and West Ave for your safety!
text message from seungkwan
I'm down by the barricade by First, come down here!
Breaking News: HELIOS rescues endangered hostages, safely apprehends the robbers, takes them into police custody
Breaking News: HELIOS promising to help restore Seoul City Bank, Seoul City's Train Transit and more! More news and information tonight at 9PM
"Isn't that the type of news you like to hear? Helios promising to help restore what's ruined in the city?" Joohyun notes, the broadcast of the golden hero streaming over and over again on the overhead monitors. The flash of the cameras ricochet off his shimmering armor and the mask that protects his identity, making him shine even more as the humble golden boy of the city.
"I'm surprised to see him taking such initiative, but it doesn't impress me. It's what he should have been doing in the first place." You snort, a sharp edge cutting through your voice as Joohyun studies you carefully.
She knew you were stressed following your private meeting with Sunmi and when you were stressed about work, it showed in your quiet demeanor—a clear 'don't talk to me' sign etched on your forehead after an evil glare.
But keeping your head down in busy work you could be passing to the interns?
Definitely not about work.
"So how did your date go?" You hesitate before carefully switching tasks and keeping your head lowered over your paper.
"It never happened, again." You mumble, marking your draft with your red pen.  
"What? What do you mean it never happened?" Joohyun nearly spits out her tea and coughs when some of it catches in her throat.
"Seokmin never showed up," you uneasily shrug, picking up your papers and walking to the intern's conference room, passing your papers off to one of the many bored interns sitting about.
Joohyun eagerly trails after you with her eyebrows furrowed together, "What? What do you mean? Never showed up? How long were you waiting for?" You shake your head as you pass by Seulgi's pen and she turns around at the sight of you and Joohyun.
Seulgi pipes in, "Waiting for what?"
"(y/n) had a lunch date with Seokmin again yesterday, but he stood her up again." Joohyun sullenly quips to her as you speed walk faster away from prying ears and eyes. "(y/n)!"  
"It doesn't matter how long I was waiting for." Joohyun gives you a pointed look that lasts for the longest minute till you cave in. "Fine… an hour… or two?" you pick at your nails nervously as Joohyun gasps in shock. "It's okay, I got a good meal out of it."
"Alone! You ate at a nice restaurant by yourself! Did he even send you a text he wasn't going to make it or anything?" You shake your head again as she sets her mug on your desk before scanning the floor, "I'm going to go talk to him, why would he stand you up? And for a second time? Who does he think he is?"
"It's fine, Joohyun!" You pull her arm to get her to back down, checking if Seokmin or Soonyoung or Seungkwan heard any of your conversation. "I can handle it, I'll talk to him. I'll talk to him and make it clear I won't continue to go through any of this."
You stand your ground and she accepts your statement, stalking off to her desk with a proud smile as you sigh and relax your solid form the moment you're out of her view. To say confrontation was your strong suit was an understatement, and the fact you were meant to confront Seokmin of all people made you want to avoid the situation as much as possible.
Speak of the devil, you groan as you notice him walk in from the elevators, his chivalrous demeanor making your heart swoon and his golden smile making you melt in despair, nearly overlooking that fact he was late to work. You quickly duck behind the walls of your cubicle before he can notice you but you can already hear footsteps approaching your desk.
"Um, hey (y/n)." He gently knocks on the wall of your office, meekly clearing his throat, "do you have a moment? I wanted to talk to you about—"
"I actually have to help the interns with something right now, but let's talk later, yeah? See you!" The lie is believable had you not just gone to the intern's office moments ago, but you excuse yourself anyways, not wanting to break your heart and Seokmin's at the same time.
"Sunmi, I'm at the building right now and there is no one here. The tip's probably some kind of teenager looking for a quick buck, a claim to fame for his social media." You roam the empty building and you can't help the chills that crawl up your arms. The wind howls through the unfinished architecture, the unfamiliar sounds making you look over your shoulder every other second.
The deserted hub for the halted bullet train was the perfect place to stage something—a drug hand-off, shady business deals, gang shoot-outs, rival matches—anything and everything goes here and that thought wouldn't leave your mind.
Especially considering the catastrophe that just happened that shut down construction there indefinitely? It was bound to be crawling with bad seeds lurking in the shadows.
She insists, "No (y/n), I know who gave us the tip, it's reliable. Trust me."
Trusting Sunmi was easy, but trusting the person who tipped off Sunmi? Never.
"Who told you?" You ask, "Wouldn't they tell the police about this if it involves drug trafficking? Or the local police if this was gang violence? Or wait—does this have to do with Helios?" You hear hesitation on the phone. "Sunmi, why didn't you tell me?"
"(y/n), it doesn't concern you. You know any and all tips are anonymous."
"Yes it does if it's about Helios!" You yell into the mouth of your phone, getting frustrated about being kept in the dark. "Sunmi, you could at least give me a hint, please. They could help me with—hello?"
Your pleading goes on deaf ears as Sunmi hangs up on you and you squint through the darkness with the careful use of your phone light. Voices whisper and shout just around the empty shells of the bullet trains, the cars stationed at Gate 1 of the supposed transit.
You position yourself behind a stack of abandoned construction equipment as you hear someone run out of the train's car, this footsteps heavy against the rocky earth as they shout into a radio. When the coast is clear, you rise from your hiding spot and quickly make your way to the inside of the car, finding a large machine beeping in the center of the car.
The timer on the machine counts down as you realize what exactly the machine is, dialing the number for the police on your phone, "Hello? I'm at the Seoul City Train Station—yes the abandoned one! There's a bomb counting down in one of the train cars, what should I—oh, um—there's ten minutes counting on this."
"Y-you're right, I will leave the premises as fast as I can." You calmly hang up the phone and back out of the train car, briskly running to where you entered but finding it completely blocked. "What the…?"
You begin shouting as loud as you can, sprinting all over the building for some way to get out of the station, but the only open section you can see are the unfinished train tracks leading outside of the hub and into the city—or into part of the city.
You start running down the tracks but it gets more and more narrow as you go along, your feet nearly slipping on the raised platform built high in the air. The metal rods end and you frantically look behind you, waiting for the building to erupt into flames, into something—when you lose your footing.
You can feel the wind rush past you and your heart drops, your eyes closing on instinct and bracing for whatever's to come till you hear a voice,"(y/n)!"
You brace for the impact of meeting the solid ground, but there's nothing.
No hard surface against your back, no painful slam into the concrete. You open your eyes slowly and find you're hovering in mid-air, your body flying above the ground and in the hold of a man in golden armor.
His eyes are covered by a matching golden mask and he breathes a sigh of relief, "Oh thank God, you're—"
Chills run up your neck and you cut him off as fear sets into your system, the feeling of floating mid-air making you extremely scared. You start scrambling to hold on to any part of the superhero for purchase, "Oh my god! Put me down! P-put me down!" You wrap your arms around his neck and shut your eyes again, the feeling of descending down to the ground fluttering about you.
You're pushing yourself off of the hero and onto the solid ground the moment he lands on the rooftop of the building, your hands pressing into solid, firm muscle as well. "O-ow! You're safe, you're safe, I promise!"
All the blood rushes to your face as you realize who the very person who saved you is, "Y-you're Helios." You stare at him in shock as he winces from your punches.
"Yes, that's me." He stands up straighter than before and clears his throat, his voice becoming deeper, "I'm Helios."
"What—how did you?" Your mind is spinning as you point back to the train station's main hub, "You knew I was there?"
"Of course, I always have a feeling when someone is in danger." Helios bravely nods, "especially beautiful women like yourself." You snort once you hear the compliment, a laugh bubbling up from your stomach before you suppress your laughter, "What's your name?"
"I'm (y/n)," you can't explain it, but you feel shy when he asks for your name, goosebumps arising when he repeats your name for the first time.
"Wait, aren't you that reporter from the Chronicles? You write about me, don't you?" He tilts his head and the moonlight reflects off his eye mask, specs of gold and white twinkling alongside his dark eyes.
"I-I do, actually yes. You know who I am?"
He shrugs, "It's only right to remember the name of the person writing about me in the paper—good or bad, I remember every name."
"Oh, well. Is it good or bad? Or both?"
Helios smiles, "Good, of course. You're a skilled writer, and you should believe that." He notices a leaf in your windblown hair and picks it out for you, "So what were you doing down at the Train Station? I can't imagine you're the one blowing it up."
"I was following a lead on something, but I think I found it—or him."
"You shouldn't be risking your life just to see me, that's pretty reckless of you."
You almost laugh in his face, "Oh don't kid yourself, I was at the original press conference of the train station that you evacuated and subsequently ruined and my boss heard something might have been going on there, so I went and investigated it myself. Finding you was just a bonus."
A little white lie didn't hurt in the presence of the almighty hero of the city, even if his strong sense of justice was equal to his handsomeness.
"This might be too much to ask, but can I see you again?"
He turns his back on you, levitating off the rooftop. "I don't do interviews, sorry."
Your eyes narrow at his back, running to the end of the rooftop, "But you're willing to get in front of the press to declare you're fixing the city? Restoring what's broken in the wake of your destruction?" He continues higher and higher till you shout at him, "Why? Why go through all that trouble of restoring everything when you could just do nothing!"
Helios stops and appears in front of you in the blink of an eye, his face obscenely close to yours, "Someone told me that being a hero doesn't stop with just defeating the bad guy, it's about dealing with the aftermath—the good, the bad, and the ugly of it all. And if it includes getting on the good side of beautiful reporters like yourself, it's not so bad after all."
He winks at you and off he goes into the night, his armor shimmering in the dense, yellow moonlight as you stare at him going farther and farther.
"Who are you exactly?"
"Of all people! I thought meeting an actual superhero in person would change your perspective about them." Seokmin notes to you as he helps carry archived prints onto the dusty desk at the end of the hall. "I mean, Helios actually saved you—and you still think he's the bad guy?"
"Okay, fine. He's not a bad guy, but a chance encounter with him doesn't change anything," you mutter as you filter through the archived prints in the building's basement with a groan. You'd be doing this task with anyone but Seokmin but given your obvious avoidance of him and Joohyun making sure Seulgi, Soonyoung and Seungkwan did not volunteer to help you downstairs in the archives, here you were.
Stuck with him, aka your crush—or your not-crush considering he did stand you up multiple times despite showing clear interest in you.
If he really was your not-crush, then why was your heart beating so fast around him still?
"But ever since the whole 'getting saved by Helios' happened, there's one thing that I can't stop thinking about."
"What? Is it the fact that you met him in person? That he likes your articles? That he's as handsome as everyone says?" Seokmin chuckles, fast forwarding through the news station's footage of Helios' past fights.
You look up from the prints and smack Seokmin's shoulder, "Stop right there! That frame right there." The video pauses and once again Helios' face is covered, the camera's focus blurred by his arm rising to protect himself from a villain's punch. "Nevermind—and no."
"So he is handsome?"
"Yes—no wait, can we put that aside for a moment? Right before Helios saved me, right when the station blew up, I heard someone shout my name before Helios saved me." You start carefully. "No one else was in the building or around but me… I mean, I was on the phone with Sunmi but she hung up on me before Helios even was there."
"Maybe it was Helios who said your name." Seokmin hypothesizes, his shoulders rising in curiosity.
"But if it was him, how did he know my name? I only told him my name after he saved me, not before." You breathe out, the cacophony of the news broadcasts drowning out your thinking. "I mean, I don't think I know who he is… but talking to him… it felt like I knew him, like I've talked to him before."
"As crazy as that sounds," you shake your head, hearing yourself already sounding crazy.
"It's not." Seokmin turns to you, a twinkle in his eyes as his eyes lock on yours. You swear in the moment his eyes dart down to your lips and back up but he clears his throat, "I-I mean, having covered him for so long, maybe it feels like he's an old friend."
You nod and continue looking through the prints, trying to find the original articles of when Helios first came about.
"You know, I can't help but think why does Sunmi want me to cover the Helios stories all the time?" You wonder, "I don't even like covering him, even if it gets me a front page column."
"Because," Seokmin starts off with certainty, "she knows you're the best writer here and she wants someone doing Helios justice on the press."
"I am not the best writer here," you deny earnestly, running a hand through your hair tiredly. You sit on the desk next to him and rewind the footage to play back the scene of Helios' fight, watching the way he moves with ease around the villain.
"Yeah you are," he volleys back, taking the controller out of your hand and pausing it. "You write honestly, you write the facts without being too dry, you write with emotion without over exaggerating it all." Seokmin hesitates, "you know the gravity of your words and you're not careless about it."
You wordlessly nod, unsure how to respond to such a compliment as you throw your hands up, "If I'm so great, then why can't my brain work right now?"
"You just need a break from staring at the screen." He sets the remote aside and takes your hand in his, "Come with me."
Seokmin leads you through the rows of the archived material, entering a hallway leading to the personal archives organized by every journalist ever employed under the Chronicles. He stops in front of his personal cabinet, tugging it open and meticulously threading through his past works till he pulls a stack of papers from the very back, all brought together with a heavy duty clip.
"Do you remember the entertainment scandal that broke last year but was swept under the rugs by the heads of those companies? Involving women and those nightclubs?"
"Of course, I remember. Sunmi assigned that whole expose to me."
"Well, I wanted to work on it as well, but she told me no." He holds out the stack to you, "So instead I wrote this whole piece on it anyways."
"You wrote this?"
"Oh yeah," Seokmin nods as you peruse the unpublished first draft, "I was going to submit it to Sunmi but since she assigned the expose piece to you, there wasn't much I could do." You remember the headline articles you penned that week, the week where you literally went four days with no sleep to finish the damn thing. "But I didn't let that stop me from writing, I didn't let that get to my head that she chose you over me, so I saved it all and rewrote this whole thing at the start of this year and I'm happy with my progress."
He pulls out another set of papers, thicker than the previous one and cleaner with only several red marks marring the pages. "Looking back, I think I would have butchered that piece if Sunmi gave me the opportunity to write it instead of you. Everything happens for a reason, and it's brought us here." He gestures all around you, "I mean, not to the dark basements of the archives, but to where you shine doing what you love, what you're good at."
"You shouldn't doubt what you write because it's going to be good regardless of what you think. You're amazing, (y/n). Don't doubt that."
Your eyes travel all over the papers and back to him, his eyes locked on yours as you stand speechless before him, "Seokmin, I—"
You decide to take the plunge and cross the empty space to stand directly in front of Seokmin, tugging him by the collar and pressing your lips to his. Disbelief sets into him, his eyes going wide but slowly closing and melting into you as his hands wrap around you.
You're the first to pull away from the kiss, your eyes still closed and heart racing a thousand beats per minute as you realize what you just did. "I-I—uh, I don't know what came over me."
He's about to pull you in for another kiss, and you can't help but feel a familiar chill in his arms as your hands rest on his chest, his heartbeat racing in under your palms till the ringer of someone's phone goes off—interrupting the bubble between you too.
Seokmin's hands immediately go to his phone and he grits his teeth, "I'm sorry (y/n), but I need to go."
The dire tone in his voice makes you worry, "What? What's wrong? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, uh. It's… something." He taps out a quick text before rushing out of the room, leaving you in a flustered mess. "I have it under control, I just have to leave right now. I'm sorry."
Without another word, Seokmin's gone in the blink of an eye and your hand balls into a fist at the situation in front of you. The ringer of your phone goes off this time and it's another text from Sunmi.
text message from sunmi (must answer at all times!!)
(y/n), there's a villain loose from the Seoul City Jail and witnesses say he's looking for Helios
Keep your distance and get the story
He's by the Seoul City River
You glare at your phone, "Why are you literally ruining everything?"
"Sunmi, can I talk to you for a moment?" You knock on the panel of her door and she naturally waves you into her office, placing down the newspaper and shifting her complete attention to you.
You take in a deep breath before asking your question, "Why am I always assigned Helios?" Your voice is rushed and hurried which makes Sunmi make you repeat it again before she raises an eyebrow.
"That's what… you came to talk about?" She deadpans sternly.
"I know there's plenty of people who can write about Helios and yet, every week you assign him to me. As much I thank you for the opportunity to cover him, I don't believe I'm the best person for the job. At all." You nervously twist the papers in your hands behind your back. "If Seokmin is all-knowing of Helios and his every move—why doesn't he cover Helios?"
"Because you’re the better writer," Sunmi answers for you, her gaze shifting to her glowing tablet. "Seokmin’s good, but you’re better."
"That’s complete BS," you argue back, slapping down printed papers with Seokmin's name at the bottom. "I’ve read Seokmin’s work, it’s frontpage quality! I read his reworked piece on last year's entertainment scandal, the big one involving those idols and those nightclubs? He didn't want to submit it to you but it's good! His writing shouldn’t be page two or three or five—he deserves the front page, he deserves the Helios stories."
"It doesn't concern you, (y/n)."
"Yes it does, considering I'm the one who's following Helios every month, every week, every day!" You yell back, contempt in your voice.
Your boss stands up and purses her lips, "I’ve already offered it to him—countless times," Sunmi reveals off-handedly, "and everytime I try to give him the story, he declines and passes it to you."
You're completely caught off-guard as you try to process what she just said, "H-he what?"
"And when I tried to assign him Helios for the—I don't know—millionth time, he threatened to stop the tips about Helios and to quit and work for the Metro. I can't have one of my top ranking writers work for the Metro." She shakes her head as she stalks over to you, leaning against the corner of her desk.
You try to piece the story together slowly, "What, why would he do that? Why pass it to me of all people?"
"He never told me." She muddles her tea in her hands before setting it back down. "I thought he was doing it to get into your good graces, because word around the office is that you and him are…?" Sunmi singles out her two index fingers and puts them side by side, hinting as to if you and Seokmin are a couple.
"O-oh no no no!" You shake your head, "Him and I—nope, we're not a thing, I mean… He asked me out a couple of times, but he's stood me up those times—but we stay late at the offices from time to time and eat together and—"
"(y/n), I adore you, but you need to take a major hint." Sunmi chuckles, rolling her eyes at the young love in front of her. "You two aren't the only ones to stay behind working hours."
Your mouth is gaping at the situation in front of you, your hands getting unnecessarily clammy and sweaty. "Fraternization in terms of workplace relationships in the office is not frowned upon if you two do decide to pursue that, just please keep it professional during business hours." She sits back at her desk and gives you a small smile. "If you don't have any other questions, you're free to go."
You enter the main floor and walk over to your desk, throwing Seokmin's article on the counter and releasing a tired sigh up into the air. Your hands go to your hips as you watch the widescreen television monitor run the story of Helios saving the day, spotlighting his built figure in the sky.
You glare at him, "Why are you always making everything so confusing?"
Your morning could not be going any better. Nearly everything and everything was going wrong or malfunctioning on you and with the entire office stressed about the Metro opening up their new headquarters across the plaza, everyone was running around like headless chickens.
And to make things even worse, the one person you wanted to talk to was out of the office the entire day, citing emergency after emergency to Sunmi and clearly avoiding your texts and calls.
If anything, you're more confused now than ever and the only person who seems to be making any sense is the one person you're writing about twenty-four/seven: Helios.
His plan to transform the city for the better had you following him around all day, watching him help the youth and the elderly as well as aid the construction workers in rebuilding the train station and other buildings he damaged during his past fights. Women, men and children alike were all enamored by kindness and were incredibly flustered over his perfectly white smile and charming manners.
You sit at your desk watching the footage from Helios' foray into the city's park, helping grow patches of trees and flowers by flying through the air and spreading them through the park.
"How long have you been watching that footage?" Joohyun chimes in from above you, her head perched on her hands on the top of the office walls. "Watch out Seokmin, I think Helios has taken your heart now."
"Oh shut up." You groan, pausing the clip. "He has not taken my heart, just… seeing him actually keep his word to make the city better has made me see him in a whole new light. That's it."
"A man of his word," she wistfully remarks, "I wonder where they come from."
"Not from here." You mutter under breath as you notice Seokmin walking your way. You minimize Helios' video and pull up your draft for this week, pretending to type a sentence or two till you hear a certain someone clear his throat.
"Hi Joohyun, (y/n)." He greets you both with a smile before turning to you, "Would you have a moment, (y/n)? To talk?"
You silently nod and march over to the break room in front of Seokmin, asking the interns tiredly sitting about to give you two the room as you chew on your bottom lip. You take in Seokmin's entire demeanor, noticing the way he looks unusually fatigued, like he had been up all day and night with no sleep, how he yawns as if it was past midnight and not eight in the morning. 
"(y/n), I—"
The minute the door shuts, you run your hands through your hair frustratedly, "So now you want to talk?"
"Seokmin, what is there to talk about? I don't understand you, you're helping me with my research and flirting with me and acting all interested in me one day and then you're standing me up on our dates with flimsy excuses, and I'm tired of it! If you just want to be friends, then I understand. You don't have to keep leading me on and playing with my feelings like this."
"And another thing… why?"
He genuinely looks confused and you elaborate on your initial question. "Why pass Helios to me? All the opportunities to write about him—you said it yourself that your writing has grown since you first came to the Chronicles and yet you tell Sunmi to give Helios to me every time."
Seokmin bites his lips nervously, "Don't pretend, I know it's you who tips off Sunmi about Helios in the first place, too. I know she's tried giving you this assignment week after week and you keep saying no."
You can't help the tears that start to well up in your eyes as he stands there in tense silence, "On top of that, you know way more about Helios than I do, so why skip out on this big opportunity? You could even find out who he is or whatnot!"
"And you better not give me some excuse that I write better than you because that's not true."
The air is heated and quiet between you too as you stare at him, trying to figure out what Seokmin's playing at, but he doesn't attempt to open his mouth at all. His eyes are cast down, obviously avoiding your gaze.
Seokmin looks guilty but you can't quite figure out why, "I-I can't tell you, (y/n). You have to trust me when I say that it's better if you don't know."
You remark sadly, "How can I even trust you if you don't even keep your word?"  
Seokmin opens his mouth as if to say something but nothing comes out, prompting you to start walking out of the break room, "(y/n), please. You have to believe me."
"I don't know what to believe anymore with you."
Days pass since your confrontation with Seokmin and since then, it's been quieter to say the least. You notice that he doesn't sit across from you during morning meetings, preferring to come in last and stand in the back next to Seungkwan. He keeps his eyes cast down around you, only briefly making eye contact with you before directing his attention elsewhere or excusing himself from the situation.
You've tried to not let it affect you but knowing you're somewhat the cause of the entire situation starts a pang of guilt in your chest.
"(y/n)! Are you leaving the office anytime soon?" Seungkwan knocks on the wall of your pen, rocking on the balls of his feet as he waits for your answer.
"No, I'm staying behind again." You focus on your laptop screen again, wiping the tired fog out of your eyes. "Should Helios' good deeds go unnoticed by the Chronicles, I don't think I'll hear the end of it from Sunmi, so I'm staying behind to categorize them for the article… are you done for the night?"
"Mhmm, Seokmin and I finished our piece on the Kim Technologies' charity gala earlier today so I'm heading out early." Seungkwan yawns tiredly as you nod in acknowledgement, a lost look in your eyes that he instantly recognizes. "But what about Seokmin you ask?" Your co-worker smirks but blinks any trace of deviance away. "He might still be around tonight, but why? You're finally going to talk to him after nearly a week of avoiding him?"
"He's the one avoiding me." You angrily mutter, your face feeling hot at the true accusation. "He can talk to me when he wants to reveal his dirty little secret."
You notice Soonyoung's eyes go wide and he gulps timidly, coming closer to your desk, "(y/n)... do you know… about Seokmin?"
"Do I know what about Seokmin?" You carefully repeat, watching his features contort in awareness of what you just repeated. "He's hiding something, isn't he?"
"No no no! Nothing, it's nothing! I thought you knew that Seokmin… uh, that his… birthday is coming up! And we're planning a party for him!"
"Wasn't his birthday in February? It's almost September." You reason, looking at the paper calendar on your desk and flipping through to months before.
"Oh would you look at the time!" Seungkwan glances at the imaginary clock on his wrist and starts rushing towards the elevator doors. "Good night, (y/n)!"
You shake your head in dismay as you watch him exit the building, turning back to your reports throughout the week of Helios' grandiose gestures to restore the city. The clips posted by innocent bystanders all over the city becomes a blackhole of you watching nothing but videos of the handsome hero soaring through the air and helping those in need. The next video that plays is new to you, the title reading 'WHO IS HELIOS? AN IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS!' in bold, black writing and a cutout photo of Helios grinning as the preview clip.
The video launches into a full scale investigation of who or what Helios' real identity could be, seeing as he physically appeared human—flesh and all—but retained superhuman powers and abilities. Sketchy videos with the quality of a cell phone were interlaced into the short film's evidence, zooming in on the superhero's face during battles and measuring his height and build in comparison to the people and buildings around him.
A deeper analysis appeared in the form of your posted articles from the Chronicle and from other tabloids that reported Helios-centric 'discoveries' and 'theories,' the creator mentioning how Helios' true identity must have been employed within media or the press as they've never explicitly covered who he could be under the mask as well as keeping a tight lid on information on the inside.
You found yourself glued to the analysis, playing along into the madness and thinking of who the culprit could be.
It had to be someone with access to people and places all over the city and working for the press, or under a major newspaper corporation, did just that. Not only did that help with getting around, but the media was always guaranteed a spot at major public events that common villains did target.
And there were few men who did fit Helios' proposed height and build in the industry, but did they fit his moral compass of good over evil? Did they have his boyish charm and strong sense of justice as much as Helios did? Did they change their point of view and own up to their mistakes in light of noticing their own faults? Did they match his bright smile and heavenly voice? Did they give you chills everytime he held you in his arms? Did they live selflessly and humbly in the spotlight despite the number of critics and bashers—as you were before—examining his every move and choice?
There was only one person to come to mind that fit your description perfectly: Lee Seok—
You're woken from your daydreaming as your phone rings loudly, a slew of incoming texts from the one and only Lee Sunmi.
text from sunmi (must answer at all times!!)
(y/n), this is an emergency
I need you to go to the rooftop of our building ASAP
No questions asked
You quickly rise from your desk and shove on your jacket, rushing through the empty offices to the elevator doors, nearly jamming the button to the rooftop stuck as time shifts forward a minute.
The stairs to the roof are slippery from the lack of use, save for the occasional times you know Sunmi goes to be picked up from her personal helicopter, which is rare in itself. There's a brisk wind that surrounds you, your breath evident in the cold temperatures as you reach for your phone to text Sunmi.
text to sunmi (must answer at all times!!)
I'm on the rooftop, what is it?
text from sunmi (must answer at all times!!)
No questions asked, remember?
Stay there and do not leave
You shove your phone back into your pocket and start walking around the rooftop, goosebumps creeping on your skin through your jacket as you notice a faint figure standing by the ledge of the rooftop.
The closer you get, the more the figure looks more familiar to you, your lips pursing together when you realize who it is, you turn on your heel to walk away but you remember Sunmi's instructions.
"Seokmin? What are you doing here on the roof? I thought you left hours ago."
You can see he's somewhat nervous as he sits on the edge of the building, pulling out a bouquet of flowers for you when you step close to him, "(y/n)—I-I, uh, there's something important I need to tell you, and I don't know exactly how to tell you. But you shouldn't hear it from me."
"What are you talking about?" You look at him confusedly. "What's going on now?"
"I'll be right back." Seokmin stands up and casually falls off the edge of the building and you scream, immediately rushing to the ledge and peering down below but the darkness doesn't give you much to see. A gust of wind shoots by in front of you and you pull your eyes away, shielding your vision with your hands till the wind settles. Again, there's nothing on the side of the building as you look left and right until you hear a cough behind you.
And there he is.
Lee Seokmin casually defying gravity before your very eyes as he lands on the tarmac with a soft step. "Surprise?"
"What the—Lee Seokmin! I hate you!" You smack his arm repeatedly in shock with the flowers he gave you minutes before, the flowers' petals falling to the floor in waves. "You're not allowed to scare me like that!"
"Sorry! I didn't think it through!"
You groan again and shake your head, "So that was you telling me you’re Helios? By falling off the roof of a skyscraper and giving me a heart attack?"
Seokmin winces from how bad it sounds when said aloud and instantly agrees, "Ok ok, it could have been explained better."
"Oh you think?" You hit him again with the bouquet and now when you look at it, the flowers are in shambles, desolate-looking with half-full petals. You sit down on the inner ledge of the rooftop as you pout at him.
He looks incredibly remorseful, "(y/n), I'm sorry. I-I should have explained it to you better and I know you're in shock from finding out—"
"In shock from finding out?" You shout in disbelief. "I already figured out you were Helios!" Seokmin sputters out incoherent babble as you grin madly, "all the clues were right in front of me: working with the press and always having the inside scoop, having extra clothes in the office, your knowledge and tips to Sunmi about Helios, your hair smelling like the aftermath of construction site, leaving when Helios is needed—even if it's all in bad timing. It's always been you."
"You're not shocked? Or mad?"
"I mean, I won't lie… I was mad at you before, but now I understand why you do what you choose to do. I can't be mad at someone choosing to save hundreds of people over spending dinner with me. I get it, I'm a bit of handful," you chuckle humorously to lighten the mood. You bite your lip, "I'm sorry for what I said before—about Helios, to Helios, to you. I can't imagine the chaotic double life you must live in order to keep your job as a boring city journalist and a superhero protecting all that is good."
"Hey," Seokmin nudges your arm as he plops down next to you, pollen and flower stains streaking his white shirt. "Being a city journalist isn't boring. It's the highlight of my day."
You scoff at the sentiment, "What? Typing and editing reports and interviews verbatim really do it for you?"
"No, but seeing you does." He winks, but he becomes flustered when he realizes the tail end of your sentence, "I mean—you make my day! Seeing you is the highlight of my day! God, this was way easier behind my mask."
"Don't worry, Helios. You still got it." You stand up with the bewildered bouquet of flowers in your arms, offering Seokmin your hand, "But you could make it up to me with dinner? I have a bountiful amount of food packed in my lunch bag."
His warm hand in yours sends a jolt of lightning up your arm, his smile making you melt on the inside, "I would love to—"
Suddenly, a phone chimes and rings with one text after the other, Seokmin's phone constantly vibrating with messages.
text message from soonyoung, seungkwan (group chat)
SEOKMIN! there's a break-in at the seoul city museum! cameras and wires were tripped 2 minutes ago [soonyoung]
the robbers look to be professional, carrying all sorts of gear and disabling the systems [soonyoung]
are you done making up with (y/n)?? I know you asked sunmi to help you talk to her, but she still seemed pretty mad at you when I left the office [seungkwan]
did you get her flowers like I told you so LOL [soonyoung]
yes he got her flowers, he chose the first bouquet HA [seungkwan]
I liked the second one better:(( [soonyoung]
Seokmin shakes his head and shoves his phone back into his pocket, his lips pulling into a regretful frown, "Uh, duty calls?"
"Fine, go." You nod in understanding, basically shooing him off the tarmac, "Be safe."
"Always." He kisses the back of your hand before running off the roof and diving into the night, shooting up from the shallows in his gold armor and threading his way around the city like a shooting star.
You hug yourself for warmth as you inhale the brisk city air, not a single shred of doubt in your system that he would return safely, knowing that full well that Seokmin was a man of his word, forever and always.
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viking-raider · 2 years
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I posted 4,079 times in 2022
668 posts created (16%)
3,411 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 506 of my posts in 2022
#henry cavill - 393 posts
#viking-raider fics - 129 posts
#henrycavill - 99 posts
#the witcher - 89 posts
#geralt of rivia - 88 posts
#geralt - 82 posts
#witcher - 78 posts
#august walker - 52 posts
#superman - 49 posts
#a second chance - 47 posts
Longest Tag: 93 characters
#even when you're crying into your keyboard because muse went on a coffee break for three days
My Top Posts in 2022:
Swipe - Part IV
Summary: Your and Heny's relationship goes through its biggest challenge yet, you going into labor!
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 8.3k
Pervious: I / II / III
Warning: PG-13 - Cotton Candy Fluff, Angst, Fluff, Protective!Henry, Sassy!Reader, Language, Anxiety, Cuddling, Playful Banter, Warhammer Mention, Unwelcome Guest, Labor and Delivery, Supportive Partner, Male Pride
Inspiration: Something I read. THIS IS THE LAST PART!
Author’s Note: Takes please before Sand Castle! I hope you enjoy it! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy!’
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See the full post
518 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
Swipe - II
Summary: You've ghosted Henry after promising to meet him, but what's happened?
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 8,453
Warning: PG-13 - Cotton Candy Fluff, Angst, Fluff, Protective!Henry, Unwanted Touches, Fighting, Language, Mention of Abortion (But not getting one!), Serious Pregnancy Cravings
Inspiration: Something I read.
Author’s Note: Takes please before Sand Castle! I hope you enjoy it! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy!’
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606 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Can I say how ROBBED I feel they didn't give us this scene in the film!?!
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We got a tid-bit it at the end, but not THIS
739 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
Birthday Boy
Summary: It's the morning of Henry's birthday, and it couldn't be any better, than waking up in bed, with you in his arms. But you have other plans in mind. Messy plans!
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warning: NC-17 - SMUT, Oral (F and M receiving), Language, Teasing, Use of Food Products, Light fingering, Suggestive Dom Elements (both sides), Cotton Candy Fluff, Shower sex (P in V), Foreplay
Inspiration: Happy Birthday to the Cavill man!
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy it! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy!’
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932 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I hope we get a third Enola. All the characters are so amazing and lovely, the actors have incredible chemistry. The story was really good and I had a blast.
2,557 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Running Mate - Part 4
Eek! Somehow we’re on part 4 and still going! I hope you all are enjoying this series as much as I am. I should have a few more updates for you soon with this series and with the Ninja Warrior Love Story series, so watch this space!
Idea: While running through the English countryside, Henry meets a fun documentarian and sparks fly.
CW: none
Word Count: 3,165 (sorry, the words got away from me on this one!)
@maeleeme @andyrazzledazzle @fanfictionaddiction99 @henrycavillluv32 @blossom-a @jhenno2002​
The next morning, you wake up groggy from lack of sleep. The screening and after “party” for your documentary went on much later than you anticipated. So much so, you missed your alarm completely which means you missed running with Henry this morning. That was okay though, since you were seeing him later today. You walked out of the guest room where you were staying and into the kitchen where there was fresh coffee.
“Morning, sunshine,” James says and you grunt in response. James is sitting at the breakfast table reading through several of the feedback cards. You make yourself a cup of much-needed coffee then join James at the table. You pick up a few of the cards to read yourself.
“How did Fiona feel about the final product?” you ask. Fiona was your documentary’s main benefactor. She was a really kind woman with an eye for successful projects, so you were hoping that your efforts were worthy.
“She was seriously impressed,” James replied. “Everyone was, just read through the notes here,” he said, so you did. Almost everyone said the same thing, that the film was raw, real, and heartbreaking in a good way. You smiled as you read through the responses. There were some valuable critiques about editing, sound volume, and color correction and then there were some silly comments. You snorted reading a few and James nodded his head in agreement.
“Well, I think last night was a success,” you finally muse and James nods.
“A very successful night for you,” he replies and you squint at him over your mug.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you ask.
“Oh, nothing,” he sighs. “I just can’t think of anyone else that shows a fantastic documentary then snogs Superman himself in the same night,” James finishes. He isn’t looking at you, but at the notecards, so he can’t see the serious scowl that you are giving.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you reply, huffing a little.
“Mhmm,” James grunts and you huff a little more.
“Whatever,” you say, standing up from the table. “I’m going to equalize the audio from the second round of interviews,” you go to refill your mug before leaving.
“Alrighty, I’ll feed you Cheese-It’s if you get stuck in your room,” James says and you stop in your tracks.
“Oh my god, I’m going to murder Kyle for telling you that story,” you say and James laughs hysterically. You scowl the entire time walking to the room remembering when your old brother Jeremy caught you kissing a boy and accidentally locked you in your bedroom. Kyle, your older brother of five years, fed you Cheese-Its under the door while you waited for Jeremy to get the tools to fix it.
You got dressed in a large, chunky sweater, leggings, and big fuzzy socks. You took your hair and piled it into a bun on the top of your head. Then you shuffled into the workroom where James had a set up a computer bay for work. You grabbed a set of headphones and began equalizing the second round of interviews your director got.
Hours passed while you worked and you easily found yourself absorbed in the work. You were listening to a woman talk about her experience when something touched your shoulder. At the same time, there was a loud sound on the video.
“AHH!” you scream, jumping in your chair. You whip around to find James jumping back from you with his hands up in the air. Then he doubles over with laughter. “What do you want?” you demand, placing your hand over your heart. James is laughing and crying so hard he can barely talk. Finally, he calms down and composes himself.
“Henry Cavill is here,” he says, still chuckling and wiping away tears at the corners of his eyes.
“Who? Oh!” you yell, bouncing up from your chair and darting out of the room. Henry is standing in the living room looking at several pictures that James has up on the mantle. “Hey Henry,” you say as nonchalantly as possible. He turns around and smiles when he sees you.
“Hey,” he replies and your heart skips a beat. He’s wearing a simple blue shirt, jeans, brown leather shoes, and a newsboy hat. His smile is so genuine, even when it shows off those canines. “Are you ready to go?” he asks slowly taking in your current outfit. You look at him confused then you suddenly remember.
“Oh, no! I’m not ready!” you say quickly and turn to dart of to your room before turning back around. “I definitely did not forget that we were going out, I was just,” you pause trying to think of a better answer other than forgetfulness. Henry is smiling and trying to contain laughter.
“It’s okay,” he replies, the laughter clear in his voice. You sigh and smile at him.
“Give me about five minutes,” you say holding up your hand then darting off for your room. Quickly you throw on a pair of skinny jeans, replace the chunky sweater with a thinner gray sweater, and your ballet flats. You pull your hair out of the bun and run a brush through it quickly. You washed your face the night before so there were no traces of makeup and you didn’t have time to throw anything on now, so this would have to do. As you are leaving your room, you can hear Henry and James chatting about something.
“It’s a project we don’t have backing for just yet, so I’m trying to get as much together before we take it to our benefactors,” James says as you round the corner. You see Henry nodding with interest and then he sees you and smiles.
“Speaking of, James,” you start, waving a little at Henry. “There is a weird sound during Mrs. McClendon’s interview,” you say and James gives you a puzzled look. “Here, come listen. Henry, you can come along as well,” you say, turning and gesturing for the men to follow you. All three of you walk into the workroom and Henry whistles low.
“This looks very familiar to me,” he says and James smiles. You smile as you grab a set of headphones and hand them to James. He puts them on while you pull the audio back to the place of the sound. You can hear it even though the headphones are on his ears and watch as James jumps a little at how harsh the sound is.
“Jesus, that’s intense,” he says, taking the headphones off. “Just mark it and equalize like you normally would and we’ll decide later if we need this section of the interview,” he instructs and you nod. You grab a notepad by the keyboard and write everything down. James and Henry discuss his set up while you find and mark the audio. When you’re done, you turn to the two men.
“Okay, sorry about that Henry, I’m ready to go when you are,” you say and Henry nods. He shakes James’ hand and thanks him for letting him look around. As you leave with Henry, James calls out from the room. “Where are we going, by the way?” you ask, realizing you had no idea what the plan was.
“Well, there is a new exhibit at the Natural History Museum about Ancient Rome. I was thinking we could go take a look and then maybe grab something to eat,” he says and you can almost detect a hint of embarrassment in his voice. You smile wide at him.
“That sounds awesome!” you reply, genuinely excited. You haven’t been to the Natural History Museum here yet, though you’ve lived in London for over a year. You walk out to Henry’s car and he jogs to open the passenger door for you. “Such a gentleman,” you tease as you slide into the car. You can see Henry smiling to himself as he closes the door and jogs around to the drivers’ side. When you glance around the car, it doesn’t take long for you to realize this is a very fancy car and for a moment, you panic.
Henry climbs into the car, starts it, and you nervously arrange yourself in the seat. Henry doesn’t notice and drives off. The ride is silent for the most part until you decide to start asking Henry more about himself. You ask him about his home island, what it was like going to boarding school, and how he decided that acting was the direction he wanted to go in. Henry was a good sport and seemingly answers all of your questions honestly. You laugh with him through stories of growing up with four brothers and empathize with him as he talks about being the “weird” kid at school.
When you arrive at the museum, Henry easily finds parking. You attempt to let yourself out, but Henry stops you, jogging around to open the door for you. You give him a closed-lip smile and can’t refrain from saying something.
“You don’t have to keep doing that,” you say and Henry looks confused. “Never mind,” you say, chuckling and shaking your head. Henry realizes what you meant and blushes.
“Sorry, I’m a gentleman through and through,” he says sheepishly. You reach up and gently cup the side of his face.
“It’s okay, just be better,” you joke before giving him a gentle yet firm pat on the cheek. His expression is a mixture of shock, surprise, and awe and it casques you to laugh out loud. You turn to run but Henry grabs a hold of your hand and pulls you back to him. He embraces you in a firm, playful way, laughing the whole time. After a moment, he lets go and you walk hand in hand with him into the museum.
Because you’ve never been the center of attention, you are much more aware of the stares that Henry, and subsequently you, are getting. Henry doesn’t seem to be phased by it, so you try hard to do the same, but you can’t deny that it’s very strange and unnerving. At the ticket booth, Henry goes to pull out his card, but you bump him out of the way dramatically and offer some cash to the woman. She looked confused as her eyes flicked between Henry and you.
“It’s okay, we’re trying to break him of his horrible, horrible gentlemanly ways,” you say and the ticket girl bursts into laughter. Henry is shaking his head and smiling as you accept the tickets and you smile wide at him as you hand him is the ticket. When you walk up to the next booth to have your tickets scanned, Henry begins gently tickling and nipping at your sides. It causes you to jump around and laugh. The ticket scanner is watching you with a strange look on her face.
“It’s fine, I’m just learning to not be a gentleman,” Henry says sardonically as he takes another jab at you to which you respond with a muffled squeal and slap to his hand. Both he and the ticket scanner laugh before you notice a recognition flash through her eyes. Henry doesn’t see this but you do.
“Do you want to get a picture with him?” you ask her and she smiles as Henry’s eyes dart back and forth before he understands what’s going on. You take the girls phone after she pulls up her camera for you. Henry obliges and puts an arm around the girl while smiling at you as you take several pictures. “Sell those for a lot of money,” you say handing the phone back to the girl. Henry rolls his eyes and barks out a laugh, before grabbing your hand and dragging you off. Once again you smile wide at him. “What? That was sound advice,” you joke at Henry’s side-eye. “Okay, I’m sorry, that was kind of mean,” you say, realizing you may have actually crossed a line with Henry. He stops and turns to you, looking down with those intense blue eyes. Then he reaches down, cups the side of your face and says,
“It’s okay, just be better,” then gently taps the side of your face. Your jaw drops open, but no sound comes out. You watch him walk away, a smug smile plastered across his face. Your place your hand over your heart and call out,
“The grasshopper is learning!” you laugh and watch as Henry laughs along with you. You powerwalk up to him and take his hand with yours, smiling proudly up at him. The rest of the afternoon is spent walking around the Ancient Greece exhibit. Henry enjoys pointing things out to you almost as much as he enjoys listening to you tell him about various bits of information. Several times he is stopped for pictures and autographs and you smile every single time it happens. Henry seems very connected with his fans and genuinely doesn’t seem to mind when they politely ask for something from him. A few times you take the picture for fans so groups or duos can all be together with Henry. What you appreciate is regardless of how chill Henry seems with the interactions, he always checks back with you and asks to confirm you are okay. At one point, the director of the museum found out Henry Cavill was there and offered to give you both a free, private tour of the exhibit.
“So this is how the other half lives,” you mutter, mostly to yourself, but Henry hears you and smirks. He leans down to whisper in your ear.
“I wouldn’t know, I don’t take advantage of half the things I’m offered,” he whispers in your ear. You give him a sideways smirk and laugh at the silly face he makes. The director takes the two of you around the exhibit, explaining the reasoning behind the setup, placement and such. That aspect of the process is fascinating and you can’t help but grill him with questions. The director answers everything willingly and you openly ignore the smirk Henry has every time he looks at you.  
When you are done with the tour, you and Henry leave to go get something to eat as planned. He held your hand the entire time to the car and then reached across the console to hold your hand as he drove. Henry picked a nice restaurant not far from the museum. Not only did he open the doors for you, but he pulled your chair out as well. The waiter took your drink orders and left you to examine the menus. A few moments later, you gave your order and sipped the wine that was brought for you.
“I have to say,” Henry starts. “It was interesting to see you hound that museum director back there,” he says, smirking at you. Your jaw dropped and you scoffed.
“I did not hound him,” you claim and Henry snorts.
“You were relentless,” he replies and all you can do is scoff.
“I was interested in the process and I had questions,” you insist. Henry’s raised brow expression causes you to start giggling. Henry joins you and the two of you laugh like school children. You have to calm yourself because your waiter has brought out your food. After a few moments of eating, Henry speaks again.
“Tell me where the name Bulldog Westley comes from,” Henry asks as you finish a bite of your food. You smile, thinking about it.
“It’s a way to pay homage to James’ first love: his dog, Westley,” you say and Henry smiles. “He was the sweetest bulldog I ever met and absolutely the main reason James and I became friends in the first place,” you say, laughing. Henry laughs as well, a smile unmoving from his face.
“How did you and James meet?” he asks and again, you smile at the memory.
“We met at school. I went to The University of North Texas and James was an exchange student in the film program. We officially met while taking a Television Documentary course,” you say and Henry’s blue eyes twinkle. “We did try to date, but he’s honestly more like a fourth brother than a lover,” you say and make a face. Henry laughs, his smile making your heart flutter like crazy. Y’all finish your meal and Henry pays, making a point to look at you as he places his credit card in the book.
The drive back to James’ house is silent, but Henry holds your hand the entire time. His thumb occasionally grazes your knuckles. He pulls into the driveway and parks the car, looking over at you.
“Thank you for today,” you say and Henry offers a gentle smile.
“No, thank you,” Henry replies. “This was an amazing day,” you smile and feel your heart beating a million miles a minute. Henry pulls himself out of the car then jogs around to your door. He opens it and helps you out, then walks you up the short distance to the porch. You stand there, awkwardly wondering what Henry plans to do next. He makes himself clear when he closes the small gap between, gently placing his hands on either side of your face, and pulls you in for a kiss. It’s gentle at first but quickly turns passionate. His tongue teases yours and he moans as you wrap your arms around his shoulders. His hands slip down your shoulders and stop just above your butt on your hips.
Eventually, you break away from him, a smile permanently attached to your face. You look up at Henry through your eyelashes and see that he is smiling just as wide.
“You could come in for coffee or more wine or tea, if you want,” you say, hoping to god he’ll say yes so you can continue kissing those soft, delicious lips.
“I want to say yes, but,” Henry sighs and you groan.
“Oh, I know that ‘but’ well,” you murmur and Henry chuckles.
“I know, I’ve got work and meetings in the city,” he replies.
“You don’t have to explain it to me, baby,” you say and Henry smiles.
“Keep calling me that and I’ll never make it home,” Henry murmurs.
“Baby, baby, baby,” you purr, leaning in close to him. Henry sighs, pulling your body close to his. He leans down and kisses you deeply again. You snake your fingers through his hair, moaning into him. You kiss him passionately, feeling the warmth of his body even through his clothes. Finally, you break away from him, you both breathing heavily.
“I have to go,” Henry whispers, not letting go of you and not backing away.
“Then go,” you whisper back and Henry smiles painfully. He finally leaves and you watch as he drives away down the private road, running your thumb over your lips still feeling the tingle of Henry’s kiss.
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A faint tugging sensation on his soul mark warned him of his beloved’s approach. 
Warmth spread through his chest as he tipped back his goblet and finished the wine inside it, standing from his resting place at the table set aside for the musicians. 
He made his way along the edge of the room to where the piano was being played by Ezio; near the tables reserved for nobles, of course. The soft flow of Ezio’s music blended pleasantly with the low murmur of conversation in the ballroom, continuing even as Jaskier quietly cleared his throat and caught Ezio’s eye. Ezio tilted his head at Jaskier with a silent question in his gaze. Jaskier nodded near imperceptibly and loudly, with his usual theatrics, said, “C minor, put it in C minor.” Faintly, a smirk tugged at the corners of Ezio’s lips as he decidedly did not switch to C minor, but rather G minor; not that most people in the room would notice anyhow, caught up as they were in their own worlds. Their attention began to shift when Jaskier’s voice rose with the new melody, however.
“Where have all the good men gone?” He crooned, sitting down beside Ezio on the bench and draping himself against the man’s side. “And where are all the gods?” His heavy-lidded gaze turned to the other musicians, who stood at the ready nearby. 
They gazed determinedly back at him. 
“Where’s the street-wise Hercules to fight the rising odds?” He sang to them. Gracefully, he turned around to face the nobles seated behind him, whilst keeping himself carelessly relaxed against the pianist’s side. “Isn’t there a white knight upon a fiery steed?” Nearly every noble met his gaze as his eyes flitted over them, already enraptured with the song. 
He found the man he was looking for without trouble. 
“Late at night, I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need,” Holding the note, he stared intently at the lord responsible for his current state of detainment. 
Suddenly, he stood with a flourish and whipped around to face the musicians again. “Hit it!” He winked, and danced with fast-paced steps towards them to match the rising tempo, grinning at the feeling of their harmonizing vibrating through his chest. 
“I need a hero! I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the end of the night,” He lithely twisted and turned around them, finger-tips just barely brushing their arms and shoulders as he carefully avoided disrupting them. 
“He’s gotta be strong,” From the corner of his eye, Jaskier observed the lord as he stood from his seat. 
“And he’s gotta be fast,” A pleased smirk graced his lips as the displeased lord began to move in his direction.
“And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight.” His soul mark continued to tingle. 
With one last touch to the others, he stepped into the crowd. They parted for him with ease, leaving a trail for the lord to follow. “I need a hero! I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the morning light.” The minstrels’ voices followed him through the room, matching their rhythm perfectly. ‘He wanted the best musicians in the Continent to fill his court’ Jaskier thought as he sang to the people around him, ‘well, he’s got them.’ 
“He’s gotta be sure 
and it’s gotta be soon 
and he’s gotta be larger than life,
larger than life.”
The lord continued his pursuit, quickly following in the bard’s footsteps. Jaskier turned to face him while dancing away, staring him down teasingly. Keeping the lord distracted was paramount, so as to allow Geralt as many advantages as possible. Not that Jaskier couldn’t have managed to escape on his own, but he wasn’t alone in his confinement; the people currently joining him in song were being held against their will as well and they didn’t have the experience or training Jaskier had. As such, he instead put his clever mind to use and schemed with them in the quiet nights during their long, unwilling stay in the lord’s castle. Among the topics discussed during those nights were the hows and whys of everyone’s capture. The lord’s men only managed to grab Jaskier when his path diverged from Geralt’s, the Witcher following rumors of a nesting wyvern on the outskirts of Novigrad while Jaskier made his way to Oxenfurt, intending to partake in a small annual music festival being held within the city. They were supposed to meet at the university two weeks from their parting. But before Jaskier even made it to Oxenfurt, he was overtaken; the night after they parted, he had set up camp in a clearing a fair distance away from the road and was ambushed in his sleep. Despite his training at Oxenfurt, and with Geralt, he didn’t have the means to fight half a dozen men on his own.
“Somewhere after midnight, in my wildest fantasy,” the guards near the entrance to the room began to shift and mutter to one-another. Geralt must be within the castle by now; certainly close enough to hear his bard.
“Somewhere just beyond my reach,” The lord’s hand whispered along his arm, a purposeful near-miss on Jaskier’s part. “There's someone reaching back for me.” Geralt had no way of knowing the purpose of his bard’s kidnapping, as there wouldn’t be a ransom or the like sent out. All he could know was his bard hadn’t been in Oxenfurt, as the faint pull of his soul mark would have guided him in a different direction when he neared the city. And once he followed the pull of his mark far enough, he likely would have found the evidence that pointed to where the bard was instead; all his belongings having been left in his camp. Even his lute, as the guards were dim enough to leave it when they dragged him away. Jaskier hadn’t gone without a fight, of course, and had torn a guard’s cloak, leaving the bloodied strip on the off-chance Geralt found his camp, that he might scent it and track him down.
“Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat,” Jaskier spun around the lord, sweeping a hand against the man’s lower back. In response, the lord turned and made to grab Jaskier, only to lose him to the throng of people once more.
“It's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet!” He cheekily belted. The familiar buzz of his mark urged him on. He briefly danced with various nobles and servants alike as he passed by them, listening intently for any noises that might be heard over the music but he couldn’t hear anything. 
“Up where the mountains meet the heavens above, out where the lightning splits the sea,” He mused to himself as he sang, wondering if Geralt would be amenable to visiting the coast again when this fiasco was sorted out. 
“I could swear there is someone somewhere, watching me.” Geralt watched him often, he wasn’t particularly subtle about it. Not that he really could be, with his heavy golden gaze. But then, Jaskier watched just as often, if not more. Speaking of being watched, there was the lord again, closing in. 
“Through the wind and the chill and the rain and the storm and the flood,” This time, Jaskier let the lord come close enough to grab him but before the man could get a good enough grip to hold him in place, Jaskier placed his hands on the nobleman in turn and pulled him into the dance. The lord tried to speak but Jaskier gleefully sang over him.
“I can feel his approach like a fire in my blood.” Closer and closer, they stepped and twirled and glided toward the doors at the front of the hall, Jaskier leading despite his partner’s attempts to gain control. Taking a moment to catch his breath a bit, he let the repetition of the lyrics wash over him; he was really quite proud of his fellow minstrels for playing the song so wonderfully but then, they weren’t kidnapped for nothing. Ah, the Lord was trying to talk to him again. Too bad Jaskier wasn’t interested in listening. Oh, was a shout he heard? Just as his partner turned to get a better look at the doors, Jaskier spun them around to cut off his view, anticipation flooding him as he continued to sing.
“I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light,”
Though it was difficult to tell with all the people in front of them, Jaskier would hazard a guess that they were roughly seven meters away from the doors.
“and he's gotta be sure,”
‘Come on, my love’
“And it's gotta be soon,”
‘Come on’
“And he's gotta be larger than life,”
As the music hit the scripted lull, the sounds of swords clashing and pained shouts filtered in with more clarity from the front of the hall. The lord paused, his grip on Jaskier loosening as a concerned furrow etched itself into his brow. Just as he drew breath to yell to his guards, Jaskier took his chances and slammed his forehead against the man’s nose. Surrounded by guests as they were, it would take the guards on the outskirts of the room at least a minute or so to reach them. The lord stumbled back with a choked cry, blood dripping from his reddened nose. Gingerly, he placed a hand on the injury and glared at Jaskier in utter fury. Jaskier responded with a nasty grin, ignoring the resulting ache in his head. The beat quickly picked up once more, and without further hesitation, the nobleman lunged at the bard.  Clearly, he had grown tired of playing their game of cat and mouse.
“Oh he's gotta be strong,”
He must not have realized he was the mouse,
“And he's gotta be fast,”
and Jaskier was the cat.
“And he's gotta be fresh from the fight,”
Jaskier smoothly sidestepped the lord and used the man’s momentum against him, grabbing his shoulders and kicking his knees out to force him to the floor. As the guards finally broke through the nobles around him, Jaskier nimbly grabbed the knife he nicked during dinner from his half-buttoned doublet to lay the flat of it firmly against the lord’s throat, ready to slice the vulnerable skin without hesitation.
“I need a hero!”
The guards stilled at the threat to their lord, tensing as the room came to a standstill; quiet gasps and worried murmurs following Jaskier’s somewhat ironic declaration. The fight in the hall past the doors had fallen silent as well. Within moments, they were thrust open to reveal the White Wolf himself, anger rolling off him in near palpable waves.
“Geralt!” Jaskier said in a voice heavy with joy and relief. “Fancy meeting you here, eh?” Taking in the view of a man he hadn’t seen in nearly a month, he felt much of his tension melt away as his love stalked closer. With eyes darting between Jaskier, the Witcher, and their lord, the guards soon relented and let Geralt pass them by with their weapons still held at the ready. 
“Jaskier,” growled Geralt, eyes roaming Jaskier’s form for any injury or illness. He wouldn’t find any; the nobleman at his feet, as much of a fucking bastard as he was, kept any and all hands off of what he considered his. Aside from his rough capture and lack of freedom, Jaskier was kept as comfortable as the situation allowed. 
‘Small mercies’ the bard thought bitterly.
“Did you find my lute, by chance?” He asked. “I’m afraid these fine gentlemen,” the knife tilted against the lord’s throat, biting a thin red line into it. “didn’t give me leave to pack up. Or talk, really.” 
Geralt ignored the trembling nobleman entirely, for the moment, keeping his gaze glued to his bard instead. He grunted in response and pulled a bloodied scrap of cloth from one of his pockets. Jaskier lit up a bit at the sight, pleased that what little he had been able to do had been of use; though Geralt would have found him either way. They’ll always find each other.
Pulling the knife away with minute care, Jaskier shoved the lord aside in favor of reaching for his Witcher, who received him with absolute relief. Geralt inhaled deeply, desperate to fill his lungs with his bard's scent. "You're okay." He muttered, the assurance grounding him.
Jaskier nuzzled against him in turn. Smirking, he softly asked “Did you like the song, my dear Witcher?”
Geralt huffed in fond exasperation, embracing Jaskier tighter in response.
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trcent · 4 years
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It’s time for K.ARMA to come back to you.
To promote their next release, the members of K.ARMA will all go for the recording of different variety shows. On May 6th, the members will take part in the filming of ‘Knowing Brothers’ inspired by Episode 87 which can be seen here. This episode will air on May 22nd. On May 16th, Mona and Yeeun will go together to a recording of ‘Hello Counselor’ as based on this episode. The episode will air on May 25th. Also on May 16th, the five other members will meet with the ‘Return of Superman’ crew on the TRC cafeteria, as based on this episode. This episode will air on May 24th.
Their comeback showcase will start at 7PM. A specially prepared video will play on the big screen highlighting different parts of their music video with ‘What Is Love?’ as the background music before the members walk onto the stage to perform their title track ‘Dolls’. The MC Kim Youngmin will appear once they’re done to thank the public for coming. The members will answer questions about their comeback preparations and new album as any other major activities that happened during their hiatus such as drama participations. They’ll then perform ‘Figaro’ followed by ‘Ladies’, from their previous album. The MC will then ask more personal and variety questions and their goals for the future. They’ll finish it off with a performance of ‘Living Person’ followed by ‘Ticket’ to finish it off.
The following is the music show promotion schedule for K.ARMA’s ‘Dolls’ activities:
05/13, 05/20, 05/27, 06/03: MBC Show Champion
05/14, 05/21, 05/28, 06/04: Mnet M!Countdown
05/15, 05/22, 05/29, 06/05: KBS Music Bank
05/16, 05/23, 05/30, 06/06: MBC Music Core
05/17, 05/24, 05/31, 06/07: SBS Inkigayo
During the first week of promotions, K.ARMA will use ‘Figaro’ as their sibling song and will perform it alongside the title track. For any day that you do not have to perform or have any other schedules, you may have a break at the dorms unless said otherwise.
Music show promotions will last for a total of four weeks this time. Programs will begin pre-recording early in the morning and groups are expected to stay at the broadcasting station until the live broadcast takes place later in the day. Although music shows in real life follow varied recording schedules, for IC writing purposes, the schedule for every music show will follow this consistent pattern:
06:20AM: at broadcasting station: basic first rehearsal on stage; no makeup, casual clothes.
06:45AM: head to salon: get makeup and hair done.
07:45AM: return to broadcasting station: eat breakfast, nap in dressing room/space.
09:00AM: dress rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
09:20AM: return to dressing room/space: rest, eat, nap.
11:00AM: final camera rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
11:15AM: greet senior artist groups at their respective dressing room/spaces, accompanied by a manager. you may not sleep during this time, up until the live broadcast.
07:00PM: live broadcast; when not performing, must stay in dressing room/space until the ending stage of the show.
08:00PM: line up in waiting room area to formally greet producers, director, and senior staff.
09:00PM: meeting time with fans who attended the recordings.
10:00PM: return to dressing rooms to clean up, change back into casual clothes.
11:00PM: arrive back at dorms.
On applicable Fridays, members leave the KBS building for recording Arirang Simply K-Pop which airs 1PM ~ 2PM.
On May 14th, all the members will go to Cultwo Show where they’ll answer questions as well as sing their own songs. On May 16th, they’ll all go to Idol Radio. On this day, Kil will act as a fill-in MC along with a senior during the entire duration of the radio show. On May 18th, Chojin, Sejeong, and Doyeon will go together to Kiss The Radio. They won't be the only guests of the day.
On May 10th, Sejeong will be notified by their manager that a new opportunity has arrived. After a crew appreciated her work on ‘Love Poten’, she’s been given the chance to audition for an upcoming drama titled ‘Entertainer’. She’s told to prepare a scene of her like that’s shorter than two minutes until May 24th when she’ll go to a location in Gangnamdo for her audition. She’s to avoid sharing the news with anyone outside of her group members as it could damage her chances as well as the drama itself. The results will be given on a later date as other people will be auditioning for the same role.
The entire will group will get to attend a baseball game on May 19th and perform both ‘Dolls’ and ‘Ticket’ for the public present. Mona will have the honor of throwing the first pitch.
On May 7th, the group will go for a recording of ‘MV Commentary’ for the S-POP Channel. On May 25th, they’ll record ‘After Mom Is Asleep’. 
On May 29th, they’ll hold a surprise performance and teaching moment on the Speak Up! Event.
You will gain +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH, +3 DEBUT POINTS and +2 ACHIEVEMENTS for completing the written requirements explained on the idol tier page. As this is a song promotion month, one of your chosen achievements must be relevant to the above schedule and all required content should be written about activities listed on the above schedule for the month of May. There is a capped maximum of five solos, sets of starters and/or partnered threads you may write to collect this month’s points.
To clarify, the only form that needs to be submitted at the end of the month is a verification form for your debut points and achievements. Any SP points earned can be collected as soon as you finish the requirement for them. At the end of the month, as you did with your previous evaluation forms, you will submit the following form to the Points Verification blog:
IDOL’S NAME - TRC ENT - MAY SCHEDULE (for the June 3 verification form)
POINTS: +00 SP [ distribute these however you like ]
* Rookie and trainee characters are allowed to attend pre-recordings and fan meetings to interact with idol muses if they choose to do so. Just be realistic about the scheduling; trainees who skip too many lessons to support idol muses will be noticed by their company staff!
**** The group performances on music shows give them 24 EXP. The members’ appearance on TV and radio shows for promotions give 6 EXP. Kil’s as a fill-in MC gives 1 EXP. Their baseball game appearance gives 1 EXP. The members’ appearance on S-POP will give them 2 EXP, making it a total of 34 EXP. For more information regarding GROUP EXP, refer to the idol tier page.
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