#new ico crypto
curiousmindcanvas · 3 months
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zanydetectiveengineer · 6 months
XRISE | Crypto Ico Calendar | Ico Cryptocurrency
Because it is half memecoin and part utility token, XRISE has one of the most diverse market bases in all of crypto. A good foundation creates a powerful token, and given the foundation XRISE is based on, anything is possible By design, there is a constant rise.
initial coin offering
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cryptoupdate24houre · 7 months
NFT Strike | Upcoming Ico | Ico Cryptocurrencies
NFT Strike opens up new avenues for economic development in the gaming industry.Get a complete list of the latest ICO and IDOs only on CoinGabbar
initial coin offering
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elcopttan · 2 months
فرصة ومجازفة ✌️ اكتتاب العملة الرقمية Tanupad لمنصة الإطلاق Tanuki 🦝 على...
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crypto360world · 4 months
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bilgikripto · 1 year
Play Token
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aioicolist · 2 years
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zanydetectiveengineer · 6 months
AISHIBA | intial exchange offering | best token ieo
The innovative cryptocurrency project AISHIBA to empower investors in the decentralized Get a complete list of the latest ICO and IDO only on CoinGabbar
initial coin offering
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cryptoupdate24houre · 7 months
SpaceCatch | Upcoming Ico | Initial Coin Offering
SpaceCatch has implemented the highest currently possible version .Get a complete list of the latest ICO and IDOs only on CoinGabbar
initial coin offering
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oahfamily12 · 2 years
What Is Blockchain Technology? How Does It Work?
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Believe it or not, the world is about to face a big disruption. And everything we see, do or experience is about to change big time. It will change the way we interact to the way we execute day to day business.
Gone are the days when we have to depend upon third parties like banks, internet service providers, tech giants to access or share information or to carry out our normal business. Now is the time when parties to any transaction can deal with each other directly without middlemen relying completely upon the technology.
What is Blockchain Technology?
The simplest definition of blockchain goes something like this – a decentralized and distributed ledger that records the ownership of a digital asset.
Now to understand it better, let’s break down this definition. Since blockchain at its core is a ledger. We should start with understanding this aspect of the technology. So, a ledger is a record of financial expenditure and receipts during a transaction.
That is why, if a person named ‘A’ sends money to a person ‘B’, using blockchain technology then it gets stored in it as a record of this transaction. However, it is the way of storing the data where lies the real difference.
Blockchain stores the data through decentralization and distribution. What do these terms mean in the context of blockchain, let’s discuss them one by one.
The distributive nature of data storage implies that the data is not stored in a single location instead it is shared with multiple members of a network. All the members are free to access the database. However, any change to the database is subject to the validation test by all the members independently.
So, when a new record is created or any change is done to existing data, all the members on the network scrutinize its validity and with the consensus of over 51% of the total members, the new record gets added to the database.
Once, the data is added to the record it is stored in the form of a block. Now comes the second aspect of Decentralization.
This aspect implies that the data records are publicly available for scrutiny and anyone can analyze and audit them for complete transparency. Although this will be after the owner of the data has provided the permission. Moreover, this whole process related to data management will be happening in real-time reinforcing transparency even further.
So, these are the components that make blockchain one of the safest data storing technique ever known to mankind. But now comes the question that how this work together to make blockchain, what it is?. Let’s have a look at it.
How does Blockchain Technology work?
To understand the functioning of blockchain technology we should understand its component. There are majorly three components:
As is evident from the name, Blockchain is the chain of blocks. Now, these blocks comprise the following elements:
Block number: This is the serial number of the block in the chain.
Data: This is the actual data that is stored in the block such as a record of a transaction that includes its details like the identity of the parties involved, the value of the transaction etc.
Nonce: This is a randomly generated 32-bit whole number. It is the only alterable part of a block that gets generated at the time of block-creation. The value of a block’s header hash depends on the nonce since all the other values in the block can be similar to other blocks.
Hash: The hash is a 256-bit number wedded to the nonce. It must start with a huge number of zeroes (i.e., be extremely small).
Previous Hash: This is the hash of the previous block in line. And this part is responsible for the creation of the chain as each block points to the previous block through the hash.
Here, security is ensured through the storage of the hash. If the data in the block gets tampered with, the hash of that block get altered automatically due to the dependency of the hash on the different component of the block like data, nonce etc. This further leads to the discrepancy as the next block in the chain is unable to point to any other block. We can understand it by an example.
Suppose there are three blocks, B1, B2 and B3 with hashed H1, H2 and H3 respectively. Also the block B2 store the hash H1 of block B1 and block B3 stores the hash H2 of block B2. If the data in block B2 is changed, it leads to the change in its hash which may become H# from H2. Now, since block B3 store the hash H2 of B2, it leads to a mismatch in data and tampering is caught.
Miners are the ones who create a new block on the blockchain through the process of mining. For this process, the miners have to find the accepted combination of nonce and hash. Once the combination is found the block is get added to the chain. This is a time taking process as there can be around four billion combinations of nonce and hash for that block. The miners have to be traversed through these combinations in order to find the right combination. Once the right combination is found, it is called the “golden nonce”. And after this, the block gets added to the blockchain and the miners receive financial rewards for the job in the form of cryptocurrencies. And this is new crypto through blockchain technology comes into the system.
In terms of cryptocurrency, miners are also responsible for checking the authenticity of the cryptocurrency. This includes checking whether the payee actually possesses the cryptocurrency it is paying in. And secondly, they also check that the transaction is successfully made and the currency gets transferred so that a single crypto is not used multiple times by the user.
The most important aspects of blockchain are distribution and decentralization that we discussed above. And these are achieved through the nodes. A node is an electronic device that stores the copies of the blockchains with a continuously functioning network.
This means that chains are stored across all the nodes on the network instead of on a single computer or server.  
Each node maintains its own set of blockchain. When a new block is get added to the blockchain then it is validated by all the nodes on the network as discussed above.
Hence, these are the methods through which safety is ensured on blockchain technology on two levels. First, on the block level through encryptions and the other on the chain level through validation.
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The AI hype bubble is the new crypto hype bubble
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Back in 2017 Long Island Ice Tea — known for its undistinguished, barely drinkable sugar-water — changed its name to “Long Blockchain Corp.” Its shares surged to a peak of 400% over their pre-announcement price. The company announced no specific integrations with any kind of blockchain, nor has it made any such integrations since.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
LBCC was subsequently delisted from NASDAQ after settling with the SEC over fraudulent investor statements. Today, the company trades over the counter and its market cap is $36m, down from $138m.
The most remarkable thing about this incredibly stupid story is that LBCC wasn’t the peak of the blockchain bubble — rather, it was the start of blockchain’s final pump-and-dump. By the standards of 2022’s blockchain grifters, LBCC was small potatoes, a mere $138m sugar-water grift.
They didn’t have any NFTs, no wash trades, no ICO. They didn’t have a Superbowl ad. They didn’t steal billions from mom-and-pop investors while proclaiming themselves to be “Effective Altruists.” They didn’t channel hundreds of millions to election campaigns through straw donations and other forms of campaing finance frauds. They didn’t even open a crypto-themed hamburger restaurant where you couldn’t buy hamburgers with crypto:
They were amateurs. Their attempt to “make fetch happen” only succeeded for a brief instant. By contrast, the superpredators of the crypto bubble were able to make fetch happen over an improbably long timescale, deploying the most powerful reality distortion fields since Pets.com.
Anything that can’t go on forever will eventually stop. We’re told that trillions of dollars’ worth of crypto has been wiped out over the past year, but these losses are nowhere to be seen in the real economy — because the “wealth” that was wiped out by the crypto bubble’s bursting never existed in the first place.
Like any Ponzi scheme, crypto was a way to separate normies from their savings through the pretense that they were “investing” in a vast enterprise — but the only real money (“fiat” in cryptospeak) in the system was the hardscrabble retirement savings of working people, which the bubble’s energetic inflaters swapped for illiquid, worthless shitcoins.
We’ve stopped believing in the illusory billions. Sam Bankman-Fried is under house arrest. But the people who gave him money — and the nimbler Ponzi artists who evaded arrest — are looking for new scams to separate the marks from their money.
Take Morganstanley, who spent 2021 and 2022 hyping cryptocurrency as a massive growth opportunity:
Today, Morganstanley wants you to know that AI is a $6 trillion opportunity.
They’re not alone. The CEOs of Endeavor, Buzzfeed, Microsoft, Spotify, Youtube, Snap, Sports Illustrated, and CAA are all out there, pumping up the AI bubble with every hour that god sends, declaring that the future is AI.
Google and Bing are locked in an arms-race to see whose search engine can attain the speediest, most profound enshittification via chatbot, replacing links to web-pages with florid paragraphs composed by fully automated, supremely confident liars:
Blockchain was a solution in search of a problem. So is AI. Yes, Buzzfeed will be able to reduce its wage-bill by automating its personality quiz vertical, and Spotify’s “AI DJ” will produce slightly less terrible playlists (at least, to the extent that Spotify doesn’t put its thumb on the scales by inserting tracks into the playlists whose only fitness factor is that someone paid to boost them).
But even if you add all of this up, double it, square it, and add a billion dollar confidence interval, it still doesn’t add up to what Bank Of America analysts called “a defining moment — like the internet in the ’90s.” For one thing, the most exciting part of the “internet in the ‘90s” was that it had incredibly low barriers to entry and wasn’t dominated by large companies — indeed, it had them running scared.
The AI bubble, by contrast, is being inflated by massive incumbents, whose excitement boils down to “This will let the biggest companies get much, much bigger and the rest of you can go fuck yourselves.” Some revolution.
AI has all the hallmarks of a classic pump-and-dump, starting with terminology. AI isn’t “artificial” and it’s not “intelligent.” “Machine learning” doesn’t learn. On this week’s Trashfuture podcast, they made an excellent (and profane and hilarious) case that ChatGPT is best understood as a sophisticated form of autocomplete — not our new robot overlord.
We all know that autocomplete is a decidedly mixed blessing. Like all statistical inference tools, autocomplete is profoundly conservative — it wants you to do the same thing tomorrow as you did yesterday (that’s why “sophisticated” ad retargeting ads show you ads for shoes in response to your search for shoes). If the word you type after “hey” is usually “hon” then the next time you type “hey,” autocomplete will be ready to fill in your typical following word — even if this time you want to type “hey stop texting me you freak”:
And when autocomplete encounters a new input — when you try to type something you’ve never typed before — it tries to get you to finish your sentence with the statistically median thing that everyone would type next, on average. Usually that produces something utterly bland, but sometimes the results can be hilarious. Back in 2018, I started to text our babysitter with “hey are you free to sit” only to have Android finish the sentence with “on my face” (not something I’d ever typed!):
Modern autocomplete can produce long passages of text in response to prompts, but it is every bit as unreliable as 2018 Android SMS autocomplete, as Alexander Hanff discovered when ChatGPT informed him that he was dead, even generating a plausible URL for a link to a nonexistent obit in The Guardian:
Of course, the carnival barkers of the AI pump-and-dump insist that this is all a feature, not a bug. If autocomplete says stupid, wrong things with total confidence, that’s because “AI” is becoming more human, because humans also say stupid, wrong things with total confidence.
Exhibit A is the billionaire AI grifter Sam Altman, CEO if OpenAI — a company whose products are not open, nor are they artificial, nor are they intelligent. Altman celebrated the release of ChatGPT by tweeting “i am a stochastic parrot, and so r u.”
This was a dig at the “stochastic parrots” paper, a comprehensive, measured roundup of criticisms of AI that led Google to fire Timnit Gebru, a respected AI researcher, for having the audacity to point out the Emperor’s New Clothes:
Gebru’s co-author on the Parrots paper was Emily M Bender, a computational linguistics specialist at UW, who is one of the best-informed and most damning critics of AI hype. You can get a good sense of her position from Elizabeth Weil’s New York Magazine profile:
Bender has made many important scholarly contributions to her field, but she is also famous for her rules of thumb, which caution her fellow scientists not to get high on their own supply:
Please do not conflate word form and meaning
Mind your own credulity
As Bender says, we’ve made “machines that can mindlessly generate text, but we haven’t learned how to stop imagining the mind behind it.” One potential tonic against this fallacy is to follow an Italian MP’s suggestion and replace “AI” with “SALAMI” (“Systematic Approaches to Learning Algorithms and Machine Inferences”). It’s a lot easier to keep a clear head when someone asks you, “Is this SALAMI intelligent? Can this SALAMI write a novel? Does this SALAMI deserve human rights?”
Bender’s most famous contribution is the “stochastic parrot,” a construct that “just probabilistically spits out words.” AI bros like Altman love the stochastic parrot, and are hellbent on reducing human beings to stochastic parrots, which will allow them to declare that their chatbots have feature-parity with human beings.
At the same time, Altman and Co are strangely afraid of their creations. It’s possible that this is just a shuck: “I have made something so powerful that it could destroy humanity! Luckily, I am a wise steward of this thing, so it’s fine. But boy, it sure is powerful!”
They’ve been playing this game for a long time. People like Elon Musk (an investor in OpenAI, who is hoping to convince the EU Commission and FTC that he can fire all of Twitter’s human moderators and replace them with chatbots without violating EU law or the FTC’s consent decree) keep warning us that AI will destroy us unless we tame it.
There’s a lot of credulous repetition of these claims, and not just by AI’s boosters. AI critics are also prone to engaging in what Lee Vinsel calls criti-hype: criticizing something by repeating its boosters’ claims without interrogating them to see if they’re true:
There are better ways to respond to Elon Musk warning us that AIs will emulsify the planet and use human beings for food than to shout, “Look at how irresponsible this wizard is being! He made a Frankenstein’s Monster that will kill us all!” Like, we could point out that of all the things Elon Musk is profoundly wrong about, he is most wrong about the philosophical meaning of Wachowksi movies:
But even if we take the bros at their word when they proclaim themselves to be terrified of “existential risk” from AI, we can find better explanations by seeking out other phenomena that might be triggering their dread. As Charlie Stross points out, corporations are Slow AIs, autonomous artificial lifeforms that consistently do the wrong thing even when the people who nominally run them try to steer them in better directions:
Imagine the existential horror of a ultra-rich manbaby who nominally leads a company, but can’t get it to follow: “everyone thinks I’m in charge, but I’m actually being driven by the Slow AI, serving as its sock puppet on some days, its golem on others.”
Ted Chiang nailed this back in 2017 (the same year of the Long Island Blockchain Company):
There’s a saying, popularized by Fredric Jameson, that it’s easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism. It’s no surprise that Silicon Valley capitalists don’t want to think about capitalism ending. What’s unexpected is that the way they envision the world ending is through a form of unchecked capitalism, disguised as a superintelligent AI. They have unconsciously created a devil in their own image, a boogeyman whose excesses are precisely their own.
Chiang is still writing some of the best critical work on “AI.” His February article in the New Yorker, “ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web,” was an instant classic:
[AI] hallucinations are compression artifacts, but — like the incorrect labels generated by the Xerox photocopier — they are plausible enough that identifying them requires comparing them against the originals, which in this case means either the Web or our own knowledge of the world.
“AI” is practically purpose-built for inflating another hype-bubble, excelling as it does at producing party-tricks — plausible essays, weird images, voice impersonations. But as Princeton’s Matthew Salganik writes, there’s a world of difference between “cool” and “tool”:
Nature can claim “conversational AI is a game-changer for science” but “there is a huge gap between writing funny instructions for removing food from home electronics and doing scientific research.” Salganik tried to get ChatGPT to help him with the most banal of scholarly tasks — aiding him in peer reviewing a colleague’s paper. The result? “ChatGPT didn’t help me do peer review at all; not one little bit.”
The criti-hype isn’t limited to ChatGPT, of course — there’s plenty of (justifiable) concern about image and voice generators and their impact on creative labor markets, but that concern is often expressed in ways that amplify the self-serving claims of the companies hoping to inflate the hype machine.
One of the best critical responses to the question of image- and voice-generators comes from Kirby Ferguson, whose final Everything Is a Remix video is a superb, visually stunning, brilliantly argued critique of these systems:
One area where Ferguson shines is in thinking through the copyright question — is there any right to decide who can study the art you make? Except in some edge cases, these systems don’t store copies of the images they analyze, nor do they reproduce them:
For creators, the important material question raised by these systems is economic, not creative: will our bosses use them to erode our wages? That is a very important question, and as far as our bosses are concerned, the answer is a resounding yes.
Markets value automation primarily because automation allows capitalists to pay workers less. The textile factory owners who purchased automatic looms weren’t interested in giving their workers raises and shorting working days. ‘ They wanted to fire their skilled workers and replace them with small children kidnapped out of orphanages and indentured for a decade, starved and beaten and forced to work, even after they were mangled by the machines. Fun fact: Oliver Twist was based on the bestselling memoir of Robert Blincoe, a child who survived his decade of forced labor:
Today, voice actors sitting down to record for games companies are forced to begin each session with “My name is ______ and I hereby grant irrevocable permission to train an AI with my voice and use it any way you see fit.”
Let’s be clear here: there is — at present — no firmly established copyright over voiceprints. The “right” that voice actors are signing away as a non-negotiable condition of doing their jobs for giant, powerful monopolists doesn’t even exist. When a corporation makes a worker surrender this right, they are betting that this right will be created later in the name of “artists’ rights” — and that they will then be able to harvest this right and use it to fire the artists who fought so hard for it.
There are other approaches to this. We could support the US Copyright Office’s position that machine-generated works are not works of human creative authorship and are thus not eligible for copyright — so if corporations wanted to control their products, they’d have to hire humans to make them:
Or we could create collective rights that belong to all artists and can’t be signed away to a corporation. That’s how the right to record other musicians’ songs work — and it’s why Taylor Swift was able to re-record the masters that were sold out from under her by evil private-equity bros::
Whatever we do as creative workers and as humans entitled to a decent life, we can’t afford drink the Blockchain Iced Tea. That means that we have to be technically competent, to understand how the stochastic parrot works, and to make sure our criticism doesn’t just repeat the marketing copy of the latest pump-and-dump.
Today (Mar 9), you can catch me in person in Austin at the UT School of Design and Creative Technologies, and remotely at U Manitoba’s Ethics of Emerging Tech Lecture.
Tomorrow (Mar 10), Rebecca Giblin and I kick off the SXSW reading series.
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A graph depicting the Gartner hype cycle. A pair of HAL 9000's glowing red eyes are chasing each other down the slope from the Peak of Inflated Expectations to join another one that is at rest in the Trough of Disillusionment. It, in turn, sits atop a vast cairn of HAL 9000 eyes that are piled in a rough pyramid that extends below the graph to a distance of several times its height.]
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allproducts81 · 28 days
Demystifying Crypto with Keystone Investors Club Digital Membership
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I've been cautiously curious about cryptocurrency for a while. The potential for high returns is undeniable, but the volatility and complexity of the market kept me on the sidelines. That's where the Keystone Investors Club Digital Membership Area came in.
Educational Resources Galore
The first thing that impressed me was the sheer volume of educational resources available within the membership area. From beginner-friendly guides explaining the basics of blockchain technology to in-depth analyses of different cryptocurrencies, there's something for every level of investor. I particularly appreciated the clear and concise video tutorials, which broke down complex concepts into easy-to-understand chunks.
Insider Insights and Market Analysis
One of the biggest advantages of the Keystone Investors Club is the access to exclusive insights and market analysis. The membership area provides regular updates from cryptocurrency experts, offering valuable forecasts and outlooks on market trends. This insider information proved to be a game-changer, allowing me to make more informed investment decisions with greater confidence.
Curated Investment Opportunities
The cryptocurrency market is flooded with new projects and Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). Sifting through them all to find legitimate opportunities can be overwhelming. Thankfully, the Keystone Investors Club curates a list of promising projects within the membership area. This not only saved me a ton of research time but also ensured I was focusing on potentially high-growth opportunities.
Building a Crypto Community
While the educational resources and market analysis were invaluable, the true gem of the Keystone Investors Club membership for me was the community aspect. The digital platform fosters interaction and collaboration among members. I was able to connect with like-minded individuals, ask questions, share experiences, and learn from their successes and failures. This sense of community made the often-intimidating world of cryptocurrency feel more approachable and supportive.
Investing with Confidence
Thanks to the Keystone Investors Club Digital Membership Area, I've finally taken the plunge into the world of cryptocurrency. The wealth of educational resources, exclusive market analysis, and supportive community have empowered me to invest with greater confidence. While the cryptocurrency market remains volatile, I feel much better equipped to navigate its complexities and make informed decisions. If you're looking for a comprehensive and supportive platform to launch your cryptocurrency journey, the Keystone Investors Club Digital Membership Area is an excellent option.
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plutobnb · 3 months
Pluto Meme Coin: Your Ticket to the Next Big Thing in Crypto
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Are you ready for the next big thing in the world of cryptocurrency? If you missed out on the meteoric rise of coins like Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, fear not, because Pluto Meme Coin is here to take the crypto world by storm. With its first private sale round going live soon, now is the perfect time to join in on the action and secure your stake in this groundbreaking project.
Private Sale Round 1: Your Exclusive Opportunity
The first private sale round of Pluto Meme Coin is about to go live, and you won't want to miss out on this exclusive opportunity. As one of the earliest investors, you'll have the chance to get in on the ground floor of what promises to be one of the most exciting projects in the crypto space.
Join Now and Secure Your Stake
Don't wait until it's too late – join the Pluto Meme Coin private sale now and secure your stake in the future of cryptocurrency. With limited spots available, this is your chance to be part of something truly special. Complete your condition and join today to ensure you don't miss out on this incredible opportunity.
Private sale round 1 is Exclusive to Pluto Army with the following whitelisting criteria:
Whitelisting Criteria (Applicable to any club x2 or x3) :
🔹 2 Direct Referrals: $100
🔹 10 Direct Referrals: $500
🔹 Slot 1 Recycle: $250
🔹 Slot 2 Recycle: $500
🔹 Slot 3 Recycle: $750
🔹 Slot 4 Recycle: $1000
🔹 Slot 5 Recycle: $1250
🔹 Slot 6 Recycle: $1500
🔹 Slot 7 Recycle: $2000
🔹 Slot 8 Recycle: $2500
🔹 Slot 8 Active: $1000
 Don't miss your chance to be part of the Pluto Meme Coin revolution! Secure your spot on the whitelist today!
Act fast, as spots are limited and this opportunity won't last long! Once in a lifetime offer special for PlutoArmy
Missed Shiba and Doge? It's Time for Pluto Meme Coin
If you missed the boat on Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, don't worry – Pluto Meme Coin is here to pick up where they left off. With its unique approach to meme-based cryptocurrency and a dedicated team of developers behind it, Pluto is poised to become the next big name in the world of crypto.
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What sets Pluto apart from the countless other meme coins flooding the market? Unlike many of its competitors, Pluto boasts the world's first use case for a meme coin. With innovative features and real-world applications, Pluto is not just another meme coin – it's a revolutionary new way to think about cryptocurrency.
Hurry Up – Time Is Running Out
The clock is ticking, and time is running out to get in on the Pluto Meme Coin private sale. With the ICO set to go live in the next 72 hours, now is the time to act. Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers – join the Pluto community today and be part of something truly extraordinary.
Pluto ICO: Your Chance to Get in Early
With the Pluto ICO set to launch in just a few days, there's never been a better time to get in early on this groundbreaking project. As one of the first investors, you'll have the opportunity to secure your stake in Pluto Meme Coin before it hits the mainstream. Don't miss out on your chance to be part of history – join the Pluto ICO today.
Conclusion: Join the Pluto Revolution
In conclusion, Pluto Meme Coin represents a unique opportunity to be part of the next big thing in cryptocurrency. With its first private sale round about to go live and the ICO set to launch in the next 72 hours, now is the time to get in on the action. Don't miss your chance to be part of the Pluto revolution – join today and secure your stake in the future of crypto.
Follow For More Updates- https://t.me/plutomatrix
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aixxriston · 1 year
Biswap (BSW), Terra Classic (LUNC) Holders Buy More Chronoly (CRNO) As It Launches on 6 October
The highly volatile crypto market still boasts of a token like Chronoly (CRNO) that has managed to weather the crypto waves without losing its value. The duo of Biswap (BSW) and Terra Classic (LUNC) have witnessed massive dumps by their holders in recent times due to the bearish posture of the crypto market. These two projects are backed by reputable individuals and influencers and offer exciting use cases.
Since the market is highly volatile, it is a no-brainer for investors to jump ship in search of projects that can beat the bear market, and that's why they are purchasing more Chronoly (CRNO), even as the latter's pre-sale has completely sold out.
Read on to find out the reason behind the ship jumping and other developments on the market.
Will Biswap (BSW) Get The Momentum Back?
The constant crypto crashes have taken a toll on not only Bitcoin, but also on smaller projects like Biswap (BSW). The market downturn has made token holders dump the project for a viable alternative like Chronoly (CRNO). However, the developmental team is working round the clock to reverse the narrative. First, it has partnered with reputable influencers to promote the brand and generate more younger leads/investors. Secondly, the team plans to list the native token, BSW, on multiple decentralized exchanges. The essence of the listing is to encourage massive adoption by investors from across the world.
At its core, Biswap (BSW) is a decentralized exchange that's built on the Binance Smart Chain to help crypto users easily swap tokens. Biswap (BSW) has a low crypto trading fee of 0.1%. As of the time of writing this piece, Biswap (BSW) trades for $0.263081 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $5,945,816 USD.
Can Terra Classic (LUNC) Reach $1 By 2023?
Terra Classic (LUNC) experienced a boost from new users in the first quarter of 2022, and then the bear market struck the global crypto market. As with Biswap (BSW), Terra Classic (LUNC) holders have also joined investors jumping ship to join the Chronoly (CRNO) bandwagon. The reason for this may not be unconnected to the massive growth experienced by Chronoly.
Luna Classic (LUNC) is the original Terra Luna coin left behind following the launch of a new Terra chain after the recent UST/Luna collapse. Despite the move by Terra Classic (LUNC) holders, the project's CEO has assured the remaining investors still in the network that the bear market is temporary and that LUNC token will recover once the market breaks support.
At press time, Terra Classic trades for $0.000297 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $286,803,165 USD.
Chronoly (CRNO) Launches On October 6 After a Successful ICO
Despite the dip in the global crypto market, Chronoly (CRNO) has been more successful than the duo of Biswap (BSW) and Terra Classic (LUNC). The reason for the success is not far-fetched: Chronoly (CRNO) is a project that is backed by real assets. Timepieces or luxury watches have been proven to be a hedge against inflation.
Timepieces usually shine during government upheaval and war, and the Chronoly team decided to invest in this space. Chronoly (CRNO) is an Ethereum-powered marketplace that's scheduled to launch on October 6. The marketplace will allow traders and investors can buy, sell, and trade in rare luxury watches from popular brands like Rolex, Patek Philippe, Richard Mille, and Audemars Piguet, with as low as $10.
Since its inception, Chronoly (CRNO) has grown by over 690%, attracting the attention of both institutional and retail investors from across the world. The Chronoly team recently completed and sold out its ICO. With the milestone recorded in the just concluded ICO, the Chronoly team will redouble its efforts to provide users with the opportunity to earn membership benefits and lottery prizes.
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wpthemegy · 1 year
The Crypto Revolution: Decoding the Secrets of Digital Money
In recent years, the world has witnessed an unprecedented revolution in the realm of finance with the emergence of cryptocurrencies. Digital money, led by Bitcoin and a multitude of other cryptocurrencies, has disrupted traditional financial systems and ignited a wave of innovation and speculation. Here are the best Local Bitcoin Clone Services of 2023.
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As the crypto revolution continues to reshape our understanding of money, it becomes essential to unravel the secrets behind this transformative technology. Join us on a journey as we decode the mysteries of digital money and explore the implications it holds for the future of finance.
Chapter 1: Money Redefined 1.1
The Evolution of Currency: From Barter to Fiat 1.2 The Rise of Cryptocurrencies 1.3 Understanding the Concept of Digital Money 1.4 The Advantages and Challenges of Cryptocurrencies
Chapter 2: Blockchain:
The Backbone of Digital Money 2.1 Demystifying Blockchain Technology 2.2 Decentralization: The Power Shift 2.3 Security and Transparency in the Blockchain 2.4 Smart Contracts: Automating Trust
Chapter 3: Bitcoin:
The Pioneer 3.1 The Enigma of Satoshi Nakamoto 3.2 The Birth of Bitcoin 3.3 Mining and the Proof-of-Work Consensus 3.4 Bitcoin's Influence on the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem
Chapter 4: Altcoins and Tokenomics 4.1
Diversifying the Crypto Landscape 4.2 Ethereum and the Rise of Smart Contracts 4.3 Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Token Sales 4.4 Utility Tokens vs. Security Tokens
Chapter 5: Crypto Exchanges and Trading 5.1
Centralized vs. Decentralized Exchanges 5.2 Trading Strategies and Market Volatility 5.3 Wallets and Security Best Practices 5.4 The Role of Regulation in Crypto Trading
Chapter 6: Decentralized Finance (DeFi) 6.1
Unleashing the Potential of Decentralized Finance 6.2 Decentralized Lending and Borrowing 6.3 Automated Market Making and Decentralized Exchanges 6.4 Yield Farming and Staking
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Chapter 7: NFTs and the Digital Ownership Revolution 7.1
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Beyond Cryptocurrency 7.2 The Impact of NFTs on Art, Gaming, and Collectibles 7.3 Tokenizing Real-World Assets with NFTs 7.4 Challenges and Future Prospects of NFTs
Chapter 8: The Future of Digital Money 8.1
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) 8.2 Interoperability: Bridging Blockchain Networks 8.3 Privacy and Security Enhancements 8.4 The Socioeconomic Impacts of Cryptocurrencies
As we conclude our exploration of The Crypto Revolution and its secrets, we discover a world where digital money challenges the status quo and empowers individuals with newfound financial freedom. From blockchain's transformative potential to the rise of Bitcoin, altcoins, DeFi, and NFTs, cryptocurrencies are rewriting the rules of money and ownership.
However, the road ahead is not without challenges, including regulatory uncertainties and technological limitations. Nonetheless, the potential for a more inclusive, transparent, and efficient financial system is within reach. As we stand on the cusp of a new era, the secrets of digital money continue to unfold, leaving us eager to witness the future of finance.
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aeternusfoundation · 1 year
How Crypto Tokens are evolving world
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The emergence of cryptocurrency has brought a new wave of innovation to the world of finance. One of the most promising developments in this space is the use of crypto tokens, which are digital assets that can represent various types of value. These tokens have the potential to revolutionize the way we transact, invest, and even govern. In this blog, we will explore the ways in which crypto tokens, such as the ATRNO token, are evolving the world.
What are Crypto Tokens? Crypto tokens are digital assets that are built on top of a blockchain. They can represent a variety of things, such as a unit of value, ownership in an asset, or access to a particular service. These tokens are usually created through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or a Security Token Offering (STO), which is a crowdfunding mechanism that allows people to invest in a project by purchasing tokens. Crypto Tokens and Investment Crypto tokens have created a new way for people to invest in projects and startups. With ICOs and STOs, investors can purchase tokens that represent ownership in a project. This allows for a more democratic approach to investment, where anyone with an internet connection can participate, rather than just the wealthy or well-connected. In addition, crypto tokens can be traded on secondary markets, providing liquidity to investors. ATRNO Token and the Best ICO One example of a promising crypto token is the ATRNO token, which was launched through an ICO. ATRNO is a platform that aims to disrupt the traditional real estate market by making it more accessible and affordable. The ATRNO token represents ownership in properties that are purchased through the platform. This allows investors to own a portion of a property, rather than having to buy an entire property themselves. The ATRNO platform also provides tools for property management, such as rental and maintenance services. The ATRNO ICO was considered one of the best ICOs of its time. This is a testament to the potential of crypto tokens to attract investment and disrupt traditional markets. Crypto Tokens and Governance
Another way in which crypto tokens are evolving the world is through their potential to revolutionize governance. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are organizations that are governed by smart contracts and crypto tokens. In a DAO, decisions are made through a voting process, where each token holder has a vote. This allows for a more democratic approach to governance, where decisions are made by the community rather than a centralized authority. Conclusion Crypto tokens are a promising development in the world of finance, investment, and governance. They have the potential to democratize access to investment, disrupt traditional markets, and revolutionize governance. The ATRNO token is just one example of a successful ICO that has the potential to change the real estate market. As more projects are launched using crypto tokens, we can expect to see even more innovation and disruption in the years to come.
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