#new look silver kade design
kaurtrends · 2 years
Kids kade || Chandi ke kade || Silver Kadde #kidsbracelet #chandibracelet #kaurtrends
Kids kade || Chandi ke kade || Silver Kadde #kidsbracelet #chandibracelet #kaurtrends
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taebinzdimples · 5 years
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The Dawn and the Dusk
JKook X Elizabeth
A/N: Hey guys. I’m new to BTS but that aside, I wanted to write something that’s been on my mind since I saw this picture. I won’t be using all of the characters. Just JK and V. What I am about to write does NOT reflect who they are as people in real life. So if that’s something you’re not into and care for more factual personas, then feel free to go away.
*Trigger warning*
Talk about drug abuse, physical abuse, and mental abuse. There will be mentions of rape and self harm, and suicide. If these trigger something for you please do not read.
All representations of characters are completely fictional and do not reflect the actors in real life.
Cast List:
Elizabeth Michaelson: Nina Dobrev
J: Jeon Jung Kook
Jordan Ray: Adalaide Kade
Chaol Michaelson: Tyler Hoechlin
V: Taehyung
Katherine Salvatore: Crystal Reed
Mason Wolf: Chace Crawford
(More characters will be added as I go. This is just what I have so far)
Elizabeth Michaelson is a high school senior who has her whole life ahead of her. After a break up with her previous boyfriend Mason, she’s a wreck. When the two new boys come to school, J can’t help but want Lizzy for himself. Every desire in him is on fire to have her. Even against V’s protests J won’t listen. Will Lizzy and J be willing to pay the price for what their love will cost?
Part 1
Jung Kook x Lizzy
She didn’t know the world could be so scary. She didn’t know the world could be so cruel. But loving Mason was the hardest thing she ever had to experience in her life. Watching him leave her was the worst pain she ever felt.
She looked at herself in the mirror. She hadn’t slept in days. Weeks probably. Not since Mason left. She sighed shaking her head as she put her hair in a braid. She cut it immensely since he left. The hair that once went down to her butt was now up just between her shoulder blades. She couldn’t stomach that that was the hair he had once touched. Couldn’t stomach the fact that he wouldn’t touch it again.
She heard her phone going off on her dresser as she saw Jordan’s name pop up on the screen. Lizzy picked it up as she answered it. “Hey Jo.” She said masking her voice. Jordan was Lizzy’s best friend. Along with Kat. But Kat was dating her older twin brother Chaol and she didn’t really see much of her anymore. “You ready? I’m almost to your place.” Jordan said as Lizzy nodded. “Yeah, I’ll meet you outside.” She said before hanging up.
She grabbed her bag and jacket and quietly went downstairs. Her mother was passed out on the couch. Her mother worked nights as a nurse and lizzy and Chaol never saw much of her. She wasn’t a bad mother, but since losing their dad, she struggled to make ends meet. Lizzy felt bad but her mom wanted them to focus on school and not worry about what she was going through.
Lizzy laid the blanket on her mom and kissed her forehead. She headed downstairs to the lot where she saw Jordan parked. Jordan’s family was disgustingly rich. Her father was a big time politician and her mother was a top line fashion designer. Lizzy admitted she was jealous of Jordan’s life, and Jordan made sure to give Lizzy anything and everything she didn’t want out of her mother’s designs. Lizzy was grateful for Jordan. She was like a sister to her. They grew exceptionally close when Kat started dating chaol. Not that Lizzy minded, she knew kat had thing for Chaol since they were young.
“You cut your hair!?” Jordan asked shocked. Lizzy nodded. “I needed some sort of change. I guess I could’ve broke down and had a complete personality change.” Lizzy smirked. As much as she tried to hide it, her pain was obvious. “What are you going to do if you see him?” Jordan asked her as they drove to school. Lizzy felt a tug at her chest. She didn’t know how she was going to handle seeing Mason since the break up. “I honestly don’t know. But I won’t let him see what he’s done to me.” She said with as much confidence as she could muster.
She walked into her class making sure to avoid all possible areas that Mason could be. She hadn’t seen him and she was doing her best to keep it that way. She decided to sit in the back in the farthest corner instead of where she used to. She put her earbuds in and played her music. She watched as everyone filed in for class. She watched as Mason walked in with Cassia wrapped around his arm. It felt like a slap in he face that Mason would go for the girl who bullied Lizzy consistently, but she also wasn’t surprised.
Suddenly she felt something within her spark. Something in her mind told her to look up. She was met with beautiful brown eyes and a gorgeous face. The boy looked at her with such fascination it made lizzy look away. The seat next to her was empty and she prayed silently that he wouldn’t sit next to her. But of course, the universe was against her, and he sat next to her.
She did everything that she could not to look at him, but she had to. When she did she felt something within her wake up. It was a fire that she couldn’t explain. “Hi.” Lizzy said shyly, she didn’t know why but she felt this need to say something. “What’s your name?” She asked him as the boy just stared at her. She thought it was weird, but little did she know about the burning desire for her that was already sparked in his body.
“Sorry, I was just taking in your beauty.” He said softly to her. She felt her heart slam in her chest. His voice was so hypnotic. “I guess I could say the same.” Lizzy said feeling her cheeks blush. What the hell? She would never say something like that. Of course she was thinking it, but to hear it out loud was shocking to her. “My name is Jung Jook, but I prefer to be called J.” He told her softly. “J..” She murmured as she nodded. “Elizabeth, but everyone just calls me Lizzy.” J watched her as he nodded. “Okay..Lizzy.” He smirked at her.
She felt a shadow come over as she looked up seeing Mason standing by them. “Lizzy.” He grumbled as Lizzy raised an eyebrow. “What do you want?” She asked him her voice changing from confident to sadness and hurt. J watched already not liking the energy he was getting from him. He could smell that his scent was not human, but he didn’t think Lizzy knew. “I came over to check on you.” He stated flatly. Lizzy rolled her eyes. “I don’t need you to ‘check on me.’” She retorted but they could hear her voice waver. She wouldn’t even look at Mason.
“Lizzy please.” Mason begged her. “Can I just talk to you for just a second? Alone.” Lizzy couldnt bear it. “Just leave me alone Mason! Now!” She snapped as everyone stopped looking at her. She got up and ran out of the classroom making sure to grab her stuff beforehand. She heard footsteps follow her out as she was grabbed by her arm being drug around the corner. She was met with dark blue eyes as she glared at him. “Let me go!” She exclaimed but Mason wouldn’t listen. “Lizzy just calm down! Let m explain.” He said trying to reason with her but she wasn’t having it. “You left me! You don’t control me anymore!” She growled pushing his chest but it was useless, he barely moved.
A voice she just barely recognized sounded from beside them as J watched them. “I believe the lady said to get away from her.” He said calmly but there was a warning in his voice that she only made out. Mason had a good few inches on J. While Mason stood at a six foot four height, she guessed J only stood at 5’10. The same height as her. He didn’t seem phased but Mason saw it as a challenge.
“You have three seconds to walk away tick, you don’t belong here.” Mason warned as J’s mouth twitched. He walked over as Mason puffed his chest but J was not intimidated. “Let her go dog, or I’ll put an end to it right now.” J said in a hushed tone. Mason looked like he wanted to say something, but he thought better against it. Almost like he was talked out of it. Lizzy thought to herself.
Mason walked away and J turned looking at her. “You didn’t have to do that.” Lizzy chuckled nervously as J lightly tucked a small amount of hair behind her ear. “Can I take you somewhere? Seems like your ex is going to be overwhelming today.” J said as lizzy looked at him. She shouldn’t have been shocked he figured it out so quickly but she was a little curious about J. More so now hearing the terms “tick” and “dog.”
She picked her bag up off the ground as she looked at him. Her silver eyes tried to peek at some sort of clue as to who J could be, but she couldn’t figure it out. She decided a break would be nice.
Even if it was with a total stranger.
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