#silver kade
kaurtrends · 2 years
Kids kade || Chandi ke kade || Silver Kadde #kidsbracelet #chandibracelet #kaurtrends
Kids kade || Chandi ke kade || Silver Kadde #kidsbracelet #chandibracelet #kaurtrends
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thechildbythesea · 3 months
Request - "The Story We Weren't Told"
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hi there! i am so sorry that this story took so long! i hope it is worth the wait!
also, i may have gotten carried away, sorry
Summary: A silly little story in which, as per the usual shenanigans, Miko finds her way to somewhere she shouldn’t, dragging a concerned Raf and Jack with her.
Only, the “silly” doesn’t last as long as it should.
Word Count: 3763
It had been nearly half a steller cycle since Optimus Prime had checked up on the Rescue Bots in Griffin Rock. The Prime was curious as to how they were getting along with the mission he had given them and was starting to wonder if the Decepticons had found their way to their part of the world.
“For their sake, I hope not…” Optimus muttered to himself, lightly shaking his helm as he decided to contact the Rescue Bots. With the activity from the Decepticons as of late, especially with how widespread their sightings seemed to be getting, Optimus was getting worried that it wouldn’t be long before the cons stumbled across Griffin Rock and the Rescue Bots. 
Not to mention the many experimental technologies that littered the island. The technology may be primitive when compared to Cybertronian technology, however, he couldn’t deny just how dangerous the tech could be if the cons managed to get their servos into Doc Greenes Lab, or worse, find their way to that island where they hideaway dangerous tech.
As the other side rang out, the humans along with their guardians returned to the base; laughing and conversations about the school day could be heard as the trio of young humans climbed up to the station they had made their own. Optimus couldn’t help the small and rare smile as he watched the trio from the corner of his optic.
“This is Heatwave, of Sigma 17- Oh, Optimus!” Heatwave stopped his formal greeting as he saw who it was, most likely not expecting to see the Autobot Leader so soon. Heatwave’s posture got noticeably straighter as he spoke to the prime.
“Hello Heatwave, I wanted to check in and see how your mission is faring.” He explained, watching as Heatwave went from being confused back to a neutral look “I believe it’s going well, me and my team have learned a lot from our human partners. And from the island inhabitants.”
“Even from Kade Burns?” The Prime’s tone was almost amused, as he had witnessed the sort of rivalry between the fire rescue team. 
As much as the two butted heads, Heatwave and Kade had more in common than either of them seemed to realize, or would have cared to admit. 
Heatwave turned his helm away from the screen, almost as if he was embarrassed to admit it. “Well, despite his best efforts, yes, even from Kade.” Heatwave finally answered after a few nano-klicks had passed, facing the screen once more. 
However, the attention from the rescue bot seemed to have been cut short as Heatwave’s helm suddenly snapped to the side once more as he heard the rescue alarm sound “I hate to cut this short, but I must-”
“No need to explain Heatwave, I will contact you later.” With a final nod, Heatwave ended the video feed. Miko looked up at the Prime “Who was that?” She asked, leaning against the railing, Optimus looked down at the young girl “That was Heatwave, leader of the Rescue Bots located in Griffin Rock.”
“Griffin Rock? Never heard of it.” Miko casually stated with a shrug, but Raf’s eyes lit up at the name “I have! It’s the capital of engineering! New technology is constantly being developed and tested there!” The young Latino stated with such enthusiasm, pulling up a picture of Griffin Rock on his laptop, and showing it to his friends.
“That there is Chief Charlie Burns,” he started, pointing to a tall man, wearing a police uniform, his hair was silver, with a moustache to match. Whether his hair was that colour from being old, or the stress of the job was any of the teen's guesses, though the man was fit and looked like he had more than a few years left in him. 
“These are his four kids. They run the Rescue team on the island. A true family of heroes!” Jack looked at the picture, and immediately focused on the four tall robots in the background, standing behind the family, and upon taking a closer look, he saw the distinct insignia of the Autobots that was located on each of the bot's chassis’ “So, those are the rescue bots?” He asked, looking back at Optimus as he pointed to the image, the prime simply nodded.
“Rescue Bots? I thought they were all gone.” Arcee stated as she walked up to the group, Bumblebee following right behind her. They were both surprised to find out that no one had told them that there were rescue bots still around. “Why aren’t they here?”
“Because I didn’t want them in danger of the Decepticons. If Megatron finds out of their existence…” Optimus trailed off, the looks on his team's faceplates solidifying he didn’t need to continue that sentence. 
And while the children understood the gravity of the situation, they all grew curious about the Rescue Bots, but silently agreed they would save those questions for another time.
After a few hours, when he was sure, or at least hoped, that the rescue day had calmed down, Optimus decided to contact the Burns Family directly. When the commlink was answered, young Cody Burns showed up on the screen, the young blonde smiling wide “Optimus!” He said enthusiastically “Heatwave told us, well told Kade, who told the rest of us, that you had called this morning.” the young boy explained with a smile on his features, but his face soon shifted into worry “Wait, is there something wrong? Is that why you're calling back?”
“No, my young friend, there is nothing wrong.” The Prime started reassuringly “I was hoping to speak with your father about another visit to the island.” Optimus finally admitted, causing Cody to relax and drawing the attention of the teens of Team Prime. 
“Sure thing. Dad should be in his office. I’ll patch you through to him.” 
While Optimus began to talk to the Chief, Miko gathered her two friends into a huddle “We should totally follow Optimus when he goes to Griffin Rock!” She whispered excitedly, hoping not to draw attention. Jack gave her a credulous look “No, Miko, we shouldn’t.” He stated in a final tone. Miko pouted “You are no fun. You heard what Raf said! There’s so much to do there!” Her excitement at the possibility of the chance of going to a completely new place was obvious, but Jack wasn’t having it.
Jack was sure that if it was possible, a vein would be popping at the top of his head, the oldest sighed “Miko, we can’t just go! We need to think about what my mom, Raf’s parents and your host parents would think!” Jack argued, Miko simply shrugged, her usually carefree look on her face “My host parents don’t care… I’m pretty sure I scare them.” She sounded almost a bit too proud at that last statement, the smile she had only proved it. Jack looked at Raf, who looked a little sheepish, picking the skin off his fingers “If I tell my parents I’m with a friend and I’m keeping up with my studies they won’t mind.” Raf’s face was starting to look hopeful too. Jack sighed, running a hand through his hair as he knew for a fact his mom would say no to the whole thing. She would definitely kill him.
Bulkhead looked over at the trio, raising a suspicious optic ridge to Miko specifically, he knew her well enough by now to know when she was planning something “Miko, what are you planning now?” He asked, making Miko jump, turn and smile innocently “Nothing Bulk! Just chatting with my friends about schoolwork!” She said, trying her best to sound as innocent as possible. As much as those puppy eyes weakened him, Bulkhead remained suspicious of Miko.
“Thank you, Chief Burns. I shall see you tomorrow afternoon then.” Optimus stated and Charlie nodded “Of course, it’s a pleasure to have you anytime, Optimus. And you can tell me more about that worry once you're here.” Optimus nodded once, before ending the call. As secure as he knew their commlink was, Optimus didn’t want to take any chances.
The Prime turned to the side, just in time to see Bulkhead and Arcee interrogating Miko. 
“Come on! I’m not always planning mischief!”
“That’s a lie, you're always causing some sort of trouble.”
“Hey! Bulkhead! Tell her!”
“Sorry Miko, but I’m siding with Arcee here.”
Miko growled, stomping her foot before flopping down on the old couch, pouting.
Optimus shook his helm fondly, the small smile going unnoticed by his team.
The next day, the teens weren’t at school and had arrived at the base early to watch morning cartoons with Bumblebee. As Ratchet and Optimus prepared the ground bridge for its next destination, the medic let out a deep vent “Optimus, I can understand the concern for the Rescue Bots. But surely, a visit this soon isn’t necessary.” Optimus looked down at his old friend, he understood why his medic was so concerned. Optimus let out a soft vent of his own “I know, old friend, but I fear the Decepticons may be getting close to the island.”
Ratchet narrowed his optics up at Optimus, who only placed a gentle servo on his shoulder “I will be no more than three solar cycles.” The pointed staring contest didn’t last long, Ratchet deeply sighing once more before pressing in the coordinates for Griffin Rock’s Rescue Station.
The chief had agreed that if the threat Optimus was worried about truly was on the island, ground bridging into the station would be best. 
“Optimus is coming? Here? Today?!!” Blades voice was full of shock and a bit of panic, and Heatwave could understand why; it was short notice on the Chief's part.
The chief nodded, an apologetic look on his face “Yes, and I’m sorry, I did mean to tell you yesterday, but with the surge of rescues that happened, I didn’t have the time.”
“We can understand Chief, the number of rescues yesterday threw us all off,” Heatwave said in understanding. And honestly, it didn’t make much sense to him. Sure their island had its fair share of mishaps and issues, but half of what happened; things going haywire, buildings collapsing with no proof the building's structure was compromised naturally, none of it sat right in Heatwave’s processor, Boulder had even commented about possible sabotage, as it wouldn’t be the first time someone tried to give them a bad rep. And while they brushed it off at first, Heatwave wasn’t so sure now.
“Optimus should be here any minute. He informed me that he’ll be “ground bridging” directly into the station.”
Heatwave raised an optic ridge at that piece of information; usually, Optimus would travel a little less obviously, the prime often finding himself travelling on the ferry. “Excuse me, Chief.” Heatwave started as he watched the oldest human leave, Charlie turned back and looked at the Rescue Bot leader “Why is Optimus ground bridging?” The human simply shrugged “I’m not sure, he said there was something he needed to discuss with us, but he didn’t feel the commlink was secure enough.”
Heatwave thought that was odd, but only nodded as he let the chief continue with his morning routine for the team.
Exactly at Noon, Optimus stepped through the ground bridge and into the Rescue Station, when he arrived, he only noticed Cody was there to greet him. “Hello, young burns.” He greeted, looking around the room for any sign of the other humans. “Hey Optimus, Dad wanted me to fill you in on all the details,” Cody stated, getting right to the point as if he could read the question that was lingering on the Prime’s processor. It seems the feeling that Optimus had was not simply his paranoia running wild.
As the ground bridge closed behind the Prime, 3 figures emerged from the closing portal. Cody looked at the humans curiously. “Ugh, that I don’t think I will ever get over that feeling..” the shortest of the trio muttered, a sickly look on his face.
The girl beside him giggled “I know! It bothered me at first, but now it feels electric! It's awesome!”
The final was a boy with black hair, who looked really annoyed “We are so going to get into trouble once Optimus spots us!” He sounded the oldest, and very exacerbated.
“Hey! Who are you three?” The blond asked, tilting his head curiously.
Miko opened her mouth to speak but the deep, disapproving voice of the Prime sounded instead “They’re in big trouble.”
Jack glared at Miko while Raf walked up to Cody. Upon closer inspection, it looked like the two were the same age. The Latino smiled and offered his hand “They’re Miko Nakadai and Jack Darby. I’m Rafael Esquivel, but most call me Raf. I’ve heard a lot about you.” 
Cody smiled and took the other boy's hand “Cody Burns, wish I could say the same.” He said with a light laugh. 
“What are you three doing here?” Optimus asked as he lowered himself to his knee so he was more level with the human children. “It was Miko’s fault.” Jack stated, the volume of his voice was level but his tone showed just how annoyed he was at the younger teen “She somehow convinced Raf to follow you through the ground bridge when you left. I chased after them because I thought I would be able to stop them before the bridge closed.” Jack explained, fighting the urge to keep glaring at Miko.
The Japanese girl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms “Puh. Lease. As if you didn’t want to come!” She accused, Jack snarled, narrowing his eyes “Even if I did; that isn’t an excuse! Did either of you-”
“I told my parents I would be staying at a friend's to study for upcoming exams. As long as I send proof of the work I’m doing, which should be easy enough, they said it was fine.” Raf explained, fixing his glasses that had slipped down his nose.
“I told my host parents the same, they were against it at first, but when I mentioned Raf, they were all for it.” Miko stated, her demeanour as confident as ever with a cocky smirk. Jack groaned as he ran a hand through his hair “Well good for you! Because I had no plans of joining in and thus; Mom doesn’t know!” 
Cody watched the commotion with a smile, it sort of reminded him of how his siblings often bickered with each other “Um, if you want, we can go to the com room that Heatwave uses and contact your base. To try and sort this out?” Cody offered, looking at the prime, who in turn was looking at his human charges. Optimus let out a deep vent before nodding.
Even though it was a quick call, Jack thought it lasted far longer, since with all the rules his mom listed, it felt like at least 2 hours. 
“I can’t believe my mom let me stay…” Jack said, in disbelief, Miko smirked at the older teen, nudging him lightly “You know your mom is weak to Optimus’ charms.” She chimed, making him groan “Ugh! Don’t remind me!”
Cody looked at Raf with a confused look “What do they-” Raf shook his head with a smile “I’ll tell you later.”
As the group returned to the main section of the Rescue base, Cody was quick to notice his family and the rescue bots were waiting for them. “It’s good to see you made it Optimus,” The chief greeted before seeing the three teens standing behind his youngest.
The oldest looked a little sheepish at intruding, the girl was just grinning as she looked towards the bots while the youngest was staring at the bots in awe.
“Who are your friends, Optimus?”
“This is Jack, Miko and Rafael. The young humans that are under the care of my team.” Optimus introduced them.
“We’re more than that boss bot,” Miko stated with a smile
The chief walked closer to the humans and offered his hand “It’s a pleasure to meet you, kids. I’m Charlie Burns, Chief of the rescue station.” 
Jack took his hand “Jack Darby, and we’ve heard about you, mostly from Raf, but it’s an honour.” He greeted.
Miko was quick towards the Rescue Bots “You guys look awesome!”
“Wait, what did you mean? That you’re ‘more than that’?” Graham asked with a raised brow, a little confused at the girl's statement.
The young Japanese girl only smiled “Just as it sounds graham. We do our share for the bots.” She stated with such a confident tone, that it surprised the Burns family a little, but Optimus, Jack and Raf weren’t; Raf and Optimus just looked at Miko with a fond and amused look while Jack looked like he was ready to kill her or himself.
But then Kade snapped from the audacity of the child and looked at Miko cautiously “wait, how did you know-”
“Well Kade, if you were listening,” Miko said, staring at the red-head with a smirk, finding it funny that Kade was now on guard.
“As funny as it is to see worked up, can you answer the question instead of messing with him?” Heatwave pipped up, causing the humans to stare.
Miko just grinned “Yooo! That’s your actual voice!”
Raf fixed his glasses before he looked up at Heatwave “Well, um...Heatwave?” Raf hesitated, wondering if he remembered the name Optimus had said just the other day.
The fire bot paused, obviously not expecting the human to know his name, before nodding.
“I did some research on the Burns family before we came here.” Raf started as he looked up at the bot “I’ve actually been really interested in coming here for a while, the tech here is amazing! I’ve even wanted to meet Dr.Greene-”
“Oh, we know him!” Cody suddenly pipped up, Raf looked at the blond “Wait really?” He asked, his voice sounding excited, Cody nodded “Yup! I’m actually best friends with his daughter, Frankie. I could actually show you around the island too,” 
Raf felt what he could only describe as an explosion in his chest, fighting the urge to start bouncing on his heels in excitement “Could you?? Can I meet her? Them?” Raf asked, before pausing and looking up at Optimus with an almost nervous look “if that’s okay?”
Optimus thought for a moment before looking at the Chief “If it’s alright with the Chief, I see no reason why you can’t. However, I will leave it up to the chief.” He stated,
Cody looked at the chief, only his look was more expectant with puppy eyes to match, and even though the puppy eyes rarely worked on the old chief anymore, the man still sighed with a smile “Okay, okay. Fine. But maybe you should go with one of the bots.” Charlie said, making it sound like a suggestion but Cody picked - up the hint easily enough.
As did Dani as she motioned to the younger two boys “Come on, Blade’s and I can give you a lift.” 
Rafael grinned, watching Blades transform before joining Dani and Blades.
It had been a full day since the humans of Jasper made their way towards Griffen Rock.
Miko had found her place playing video games against Kade and Dani, beating the two of them pretty easily.
Jack decided to stick with the bots, learning what he could about the Rescue Bots and their purpose and overall history.
Raf found himself mixing between the two, joining in when talking to Boulder and Graham about tech, earth and everything great about both.
But when it came to the Rescue Team being called on for missions, Raf mostly found himself hanging out with Cody in the communication room while Jack sat with The Chief and Chase and Miko was with Dani and Blades. 
Surprisingly enough, Miko was a quick learner when it came to medical techniques.
Earlier that day, Raf had watched the screens from over Cody’s shoulder, watching the screens the blond wasn’t looking at.
“Okay team, just like yesterday, watch out for any unusual activity. These emergencies can’t be more than coincidences.”
There was a collected “got it” over the comm before things went quiet.
The Latino simply stood by, being an extra pair of eyes. But a few times, Raf thought he saw familiar purple cars riding throughout the town, but he didn’t say anything, since at a quick glance, it didn’t seem important.
But ever since Optimus spoke to Charlie privately when they had gotten back, Cody and Rafael had actually picked up that there was more to the Prime’s ‘routine visit’ than what he was letting on.
As Raf watched over the screen, once again he noticed the familiar purple shine, his eyes narrowed as Raf took over the controls “Did you see something?” Cody asked curious 
”Is that what I think it is…” Raf muttered as he continued to focus on the screen, not answering the person beside him.
“Well, what is it?” Cody asked confused, watching the screen as the Latino boy froze the footage before zooming into the freezeframe and clearing the pixelated image. His narrowed eyes then widened in realization. 
“It can’t be…” The brunette took a step back from the screen instinctually, a sudden fear rushing through him.
“Raf, what is it?” The young Burns asked, his tone almost pleading as he saw the sudden fear in his friend's face.
 “That’s a vehicon…” he muttered, zooming in further and finding the undeniable Decepticon symbol “The cons are here…” Raf plugged his laptop into the console, quickly downloading the footage of the con.
Cody looked at Raf suddenly “Con’s?” The boy started, watching the other boy work.
“What are Cons?” He asked cautiously, his features and tone filled with worry. 
Raf unplugged his laptop from the charger “Decepticons. The faction that pretty much started the civil war that Optimus and Team Prime are now fighting in Jasper.” He quickly explained, running towards the bunker where the rest of the Burns family, and Team Prime, were.
“War? What war?” Cody called after the Latino. The Rescue Bots hadn’t said much about their home, just that it was no longer inhabitable due to war, but Optimus hadn’t told them much about the war that destroyed their home. The Rescue Bots just assumed the war had ended, it had been the equivalent of thousands of human years, surely it would be over by now…
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lovehugsandcandy · 9 months
tongue of silver, taste of blood
Pairing: Aerin x f!MC, Blades of Light and Shadow
Ratings: M (blood, illness, pain, swearing)
Word Count: ~11,000
A/N: This is set after Book 2, with the assumption that Nifara will be the villain? Idk. Thank you to @choicesficwriterscreations for all the work you do on the archive!
Summary: In which Aerin meets the vhampyrs. In which the vhampyrs learn the tale of the mercenaries of Lord Kelvin Gillbottle. And in which that tale gets the ending it deserves.
He feels it, the telltale prickling in his head, a subtle but undeniably present static behind his forehead. 
There’s someone else in his mind.
Aerin clears his throat and speaks aloud, alone in the empty cell. “I know you’re there.”
Hello, Little Human. Apparently, you know my tricks. She’s probing, delving into his psyche, but he bats down everything rising to the surface as he desperately searches for a thought to cling to, something innocuous, unrevealing, something that won’t put his entire mission in danger.
“I will tell you…” He cuts off to cough. “I will tell you the story of Lord Kelvin Gill-“
Little Human, I don’t want stories. The voice hisses, but Aerin is certain; he knows, if he can keep his mind focused on nonsense, there will be nothing of value for the voice to discover.
“Well, it’s not about Lord Gillbottle, per se, but more about his mercenaries.”
And so he starts the story, a fanciful tale of roving adventurers becoming heroes, and it continues until the static leaves his mind and, exhausted, he slides into unconsciousness.
“What do you mean the vhampyrs can read minds?”
Aerin jerks awake. It’s cold wherever he is; he’s since lost track of where the vhampyrs led him, somewhere through a maze of never-ending stone stairs and dusty crypts, and even rubbing his hands over his arms doesn’t quell the chill. There’s one blanket, threadbare, draped over his legs, but he refuses to clamber into the bed he was given so when he lies on the floor, the cold of the stone seeps unyielding into his bones. 
Searching through the recess of his brain, thankfully, it’s quiet - his thoughts are clear. No static. During the day, the vhampyrs sleep, so he’s alone in his mind; besides, he knows that voice that just echoed in his head. 
It wasn’t the vhampyr.
It was a memory. Mal, leaning over a tattered map, in the Palace Archive.
More of the memory returns to him, unbidden.
“What do you mean the vhampyrs can read minds?”
“Not all, but some. The powerful ones. They can delve into your head,” Kade says, a stack of tomes towered beside him to match the two spread open before him, his fingers flipping carefully through weathered pages. It appears that he has pulled every single book he could find on the creatures from the entire Palace Archives; Aerin is almost impressed.
“Can you stop it somehow?” Raine asks, already in planning mode.
“No,” Tyril says, shaking his head. “Not to that I know of. An Elven lord once tried to create a charm of sorts, but it failed miserably. And then they drained his blood and put his head on a stake.”
“Vile creatures.” Imtura crosses her hands over her chest as she speaks. “Are you sure we need to meet with them?”
Rain frowns. “Yes. We need them as allies.”
“But we managed before, with allies that can’t read our minds.” Imtura says.
“The stakes are even higher now.” At least Raine looks apologetic as she continues. “We need anyone we can find.”
Aerin frowns before offering a likely unwelcome interjection. “And, there is something you can do. You can’t stop them from trying to get their way into your head, but you can stop them from finding anything.”
“What do you mean, princeling?” Tyril asks.
Aerin sighs, glancing away. “When someone else is in your mind, you can sense it, feel it. It’s a bit like static in your brain. So, when you sense it starting, you need to think of something else, something you don’t want them to know. Or they will learn everything.”
“Of course you know what it’s like to have voices in your head,” Mal sneers, and Aerin glares back. 
“Well, they couldn’t read your mind, as there’s nothing of value there.”
“Enough.” Raine speaks, cutting off the brewing brawl. “It’s not much, but it is something. Time is of the essence here; we will need to split up.” Aerin waits and doesn’t breathe while she surveys the group. “Valax and I will work on that unstable rift. Tyril, could you and Mal travel to the Cliffs of Colaris? Imtura, you will go to Necropolis and meet with the vhampyrs. Nia will accompany you. And…” Aerin shifts his feet as her eyes meet his. “Aerin will go, too.”
Imtura grimaces, swatting his arm; Aerin tries not to wince at the sharp ache. “Looks like it’s you, me, and Nia, princeling.”
At least Raine looks apologetic and hangs back, waiting until the others have left to catch his arm. “Are you ok with this? Going into the vhampyrs’ lair?”
“Where no one has come back from alive?”
“Those are just stories.” 
Aerin grimaces and says, “Even the stories are unsettling.”
“They are sentient; I am sure we can reason with them.”
“Are you sure I can’t accompany you instead?”
She sighs. “Kade filled me in on everything he knew about the vhampyrs. Their ways of living, their power structure. I need a diplomat, someone who can drive agreement with them.”
“Imtura can’t do that?”
Raine laughs softly, and it’s so much like music that he’s compelled to smile back. “She can get you physically out of there if need be, and Nia will protect you all with her Light. But I need you to get through to the vhampyrs. Just like you struck an accord with Baroness Isador, I need someone clever to do the same with the immortal.”
He rubs the back of his neck; while he would rather travel with Raine, he can’t doubt the logic. He does have half a mind to doubt the faith she shows in him, but decides to only reply with “I’ll try.”
“I know.” She glances around, making sure that their companions have departed before stepping forward, catching his cheek in her palm. “You’ll come back to me, right?”
“Of course.” He smirks; judging by her raised eyebrow, she’s thinking of all the times he left. And yet, each time, he returned. “Raine. I will always come back to you; I told you, until you order me away, I will be here.” He tangles their fingers together.
“I know. But I am sorry to make you do this.”
“It’s alright.” She has no idea what he would do for her and, before he can profess that lengthy list, she leans forward to press her lips to his. 
Aerin’s eyes fly open. They cannot have this part of his memory; he would die before he lets any of the bloodsuckers take it from him. This one is his - and Raine’s - theirs alone.
These memories come like a dream, but he’s unsure whether he’s still sleeping. All he knows is that it’s night.
At least he thinks it is. With no windows, the passage of time has become choppy, incoherent. The servants, clad in dark shrouds, deliver food twice a day; assuming it was dusk and dawn, it’s been two days. 
Four meals.
He eats little.
Aerin clambers from the floor, just as the familiar static returns. 
Hello, Little Human. The voice speaks, disembodied. He’s alone in the cell, the words only in his mind and, if he weren’t familiar with whispers calling out to him, he’s sure it would be thoroughly disorienting.
I would like to ask you something. Lady Lilith is still surface level, not digging yet, so he entertains the query.
What does the Commander of the Armies of Light want with creatures of darkness?
“You live in this realm, so you have an interest in its continuation, do you not?”
The issues of the human world do not concern us anymore.
“This is bigger than just one race, truly.” The static grows louder and he winces; she’s now deeper, looking for the truth in his words. He begins the story anew. “So Lord Gillbottle had asked the mercenaries to travel through the deep, dark forest.”
This again?
“Yes, it’s called the Deadwood, where I come from. You’d fit right in.”
Very funny, Little Human.
“So Lord Gillbottle sends them to the Deadwood, but he never expected that they would run into the drakna.”
What are drakna?
“Giant monsters. Horrid things. My brother - I mean - anyway. The monsters were chasing a pair of princes.”
Human princes?
“Yes, human princes traveling the kingdom from Whitetower.”
Why were there princes in the Deadwood?
“They were traveling. Do you want to hear the story or not? The mercenaries bravely fought off the drakna and saved the princes.”
At this, he loses focus. “What do you mean, why?”
Why did they save the princes?
Dumbstruck, he’s not quite sure how to respond. “Have you never done anything because it was the right thing to do?”
There’s laughter, and it’s a brittle, olden sound that seems to travel over centuries. What do you think, Little Human?
“I think you have. I think you have done good before.”
The voice only snorts at that.
“They saved the princes because that is what heroes do. But there was gold involved. Later.”
Later in this interminable tale?
“If you would rather discuss terms of joining the Unified Forces of the Light Realm as we fight the Olden G-”
Enough! The scream echoes around his skull and he winces, palms jumping up to cover his ears. But they do nothing to dim the screech coming from his own mind. It is an insult that the Commander did not come. We will not engage in discussions with feeble diplomats.
Aerin drops his hands, stung. “I’m not just a diplomat.”
What do you mean? The voice changes to a purr and he realizes, a split-second too late, that he lost control.
“I mean to say, would you like me to continue the story?”
If you are not just a diplomat, then who are you?
Aerin doesn’t reply, only runs through times tables in his mind until he feels ready to speak. He doesn’t want to give them any ammunition. 
Indeed, he’s not quite sure he knows the answer himself. 
Finally, when he has assured himself that his thoughts and voice are all under control, he speaks. “The princes gave the mercenaries gold to accompany them through the forest. Well, they promised them gold. But before they got the gold, they needed to set up camp for the night. So they all set up camp by a lake, and settled down.”
And so the story continues until the static subsides, and he is finally left alone with his thoughts.
Would you like to see my fangs?
The buzzing in his skull howls, and he forces it aside. “That is a very odd question, not something polite company generally asks.”
Lady Lilith giggles. Would you? The others always seem fascinated.
And then she’s there, the door flying open at her inhuman strength; Aerin can just glance through the doorway to see a milling servant before Lady Lilith closes it again, the slam shaking the walls. 
“Hello,” he says, rising from where he had been picking through his meal (breakfast or dinner, who could ever tell?). “I’m flattered to warrant a visit.”
“You cannot see my fangs without my presence.”
“I am not sure that -“
“When the humans come, they always stare. Wouldn’t you like a peek?”
He doesn’t yet know what to make of her. She looks remarkably like a child, a rather pale one, but still small. Her bony wrists peek out from her shroud and her smile is almost impish in candlelight, but, when she speaks, Gods, Aerin cannot believe he ever considered her young. The weathered tone of her low voice carries eons, millennia, and it echoes dully in his ears. “I am not interested in your fangs. I am interested in your alliance.”
She’s at his side in an instant, the superhuman speed a blur to his human eye, and her thin fingers drag his hair back so his neck is bared. It’s an uncomfortable angle, the crown of his head tilted so far towards the side of the room that his throat feels stretched and his eyes water, but he forgets the pain when he feels two pin-sharp teeth, right at his jugular.
“I could do it. Right now.” She’s so close her lips brush against his skin with every word, breath tickling the curls that graze his neck, and his heart leaps into a frenetic pace in his chest. “I can see your pulse, Little Human. So close. May I just- may I taste?”
“But it smells so delicious. You don’t understand, do you, what it does to us. Like metal and vengeance and pain. May I?”
It’s a struggle to stay still, but he does, though the nails digging into his scalp make his eyes water, though all he can see is the uneven ceiling above his head. If he sways closer, the sharp points will pierce his skin and, if he moves farther, the hand gripping his curls would snap his neck. “No.”
Finally, with a low groan, she releases him. “You’re lucky you are somewhat amusing. Little Human.”
“Aw, you noticed? I’m touched.”
“I do hope your Commander comes for you.” She steps toward the door, turning as her hand grasps the handle. “It would be a shame if you perished before she arrived.”
By the tone of her voice, Aerin is not sure she considers it any shame at all.
When he is sure it’s daytime (at least he thinks, he thinks, he thinks he is losing his mind) and the vhampyrs are asleep in coffins of their own, he tries to remember, as much as he can, anything, anything at all, that would prove useful.
He remembers packing for the trip, a satchel long lost.
He remembers leading horses over uneven terrain and then, when the path was too treacherous, walking on foot, for days.
And he remembers the starkness of the ruins, Necropolis empty and falling into dust before his very eyes.
“Where are we supposed to look?” Nia asks, carefully stepping over a fallen column. 
“The crypts.” Aerin answers. It feels a betrayal (yet another one) to hope they don’t find it.
They pass ruins and more ruins. Buildings, crumbling to dust. Town squares, desolate and silent save for the howling wind. It’s old, deserted, and they walk down streets of rubble until they come to the center of the city and one solitary mausoleum.
Aerin has seen his share of palaces, but this stands alone in his mind. It’s the only structure truly standing for miles, four stone walls seemingly untouched by the ravages of time. The walls are a deep gray, imposing and strong; if not for the rays of twilight glinting across the stone, they would look almost black. They enclose a space no larger than a single room at the Whitetower palace, short and squat. There are no windows, only an imposing metal door stretching into a pointed arch.
“Is this the place?” Imtura’s eyes are dubious as she takes in the stone. “I don’t know if I can fit inside.”
“Must be. It must go down, underneath the city.” Aerin answers.
Imtura cuts her eyes to him before she turns to the iron-wrought door with a shake of her head. “Shall we?”
“No, let’s wait. We need to give it a few minutes.”
“Why?” Nia looks curiously at him.
“The vhampyrs won’t be awake. They sleep during the day and… and hunt at night. We need to catch them right as they wake up.”
“How do you know all this, landrat?”
“Books in the Archives, research.” He shrugs. “It’s mostly fable, but better than nothing.”
“Anything else we should know?” Nia asks.
“They do not feel temperature; those receptors on their skin are all dead. They drink blood, obviously, but also eat things full of blood, organs, the like. Don’t eat the food. It’s not meant for human or orc consumption; legends claim that ingesting food touched by the hands of an immortal can make you ill. Like, incredibly, deadly ill.”
“Sounds pleasant.”
“Indeed.” Aerin wracks his brain for any other tidbit of information he has gleaned from the archives. “The clan is about fifty individual vhampyrs, all sharing a fang line.”
Nia glances at him. “A fang line?”
“The clan is all descended from the bite of the clean leader. Very hierarchical, and we will be expected to show extreme deference to the leaders. And they are very devoted to those in the clan; loyalty is highly valued.”
“So they probably won’t take too kindly to betrayers, will they, princeling?”
Aerin shakes his head, something like dread pooling in his stomach. “Probably not.” Not one race in the world takes kindly to traitors; it’s not like the vhampyrs would be an exception. “I don’t remember much else. It’s been so long since I dove into that section of the archives.”
“It’s fine.” Nia smiled reassuringly. “I’m sure it will be enough.”
“Reckon we can enter now?” Imtura asks.
Aerin surveys the horizon. The sun has just dipped below treeline; while the hazy clouds above reflect a few pale rays, it is undoubtedly dusk. “Yes. We should go.”
Imtura leads them closer down the path, weathered and crunching beneath their feet, and they stand before the unnervingly imposing door of the tiny building.
Something tickles in Aerin’s memory, something about visiting.
Before he can parse the recollection, Imtura knocks and the door creaks open. A tall, thin vhampyr stands before them; Aerin tries not to gape, but he’s sure his mouth is hanging open. This is the first vhampyr he’s seen in the flesh and, while he knows that staring is a rudeness, he can’t help himself. The vhampyr is pale, his flesh almost glowing like moonlight, and his eyes beam a pale red that seems to overshadow his entire face. His cape is deep obsidian, flowing out behind him in the evening breeze, and thin fingers curl around the door.
Those red eyes stare at them for entirely too long; Aerin shivers under their weight but, if Raine is relying on his diplomacy, then he has no choice but to step forward.
“Hello. My name is Aerin Valleros, emissary of the Commander of the Armies of Light,” Aerin bobs his head in greeting and gestures to each of his party, “and these are my companions, Imtrua Tal Kaelen, of the United Clans of Flotilla, and Nia Ellarious, Head Priestess of the High Temple of Whitetower.”
If the vhampyr knew of them, he did not react, only continued to drive his eerie gaze straight into Aerin’s soul.
Aerin inhales before continuing. “We are here on behalf of the Commander to discuss a matter of deep import that would affect the entire realm.”
Still, the vhampyr says nothing, the silence eerie and cold, though his long fingers tighten against the doorway. Slowly, he steps back, and Aerin shares a glance with Nia and Imtura. Shrugging, Imtura takes a step forward and, as her foot hovers over the threshold, Aerin grabs her arm, stopping her in her tracks. She only raises an eyebrow but obliges, taking a step back.
Aerin addresses the vhampyr. “May we come in?”
His heart hammers as he waits but, finally, there is a slight smile and the ghoul speaks at last, voice like the rattle of a scroll over every consonant. “Please be welcome.”
They follow his silent footsteps and, in a low tone, Aerin whispers, “We need to be invited inside. It’s important to them.”
Imtura only shrugs and ducks as they follow down a pale stairwell, torches lighting the way on each side. Aerin loses track of how deep into the earth they travel, but, eventually, the stairs open into a wide entryway where three additional vhampyrs await them. This is obviously the ruling family. There’s a broad man clad in a black cape, looking impossibly tall in the flickering torches. The woman beside him is adorned in a dazzling deep red gown, lace dancing up a gray collarbone to highlight a dazzling blood-red gemstone dangling from a satin ribbon. And then there’s a girl, perhaps twelve, looking intently at them, clad in a simple dark shroud clamped tightly around her torso with thin hands that taper off into pointed nails.
“Hello.” Aerin nods and, though his mouth runs suddenly dry, he curls his fingers into his palms and continues. “I am is Aerin Valleros, the emissary of the Commander of the Armies of Light, and these are my companions, Imtrua Tal Kaelen, of the United Clans of Flotilla, and Nia Ellarious, Head Priestess of the High Temple of Whitetower.” Imtura and Nia step forward, Nia with a small curtsy.
The three vhampyrs turn and look at each other before the man steps forward. “I am Baron Claudius, and this is Madame Miriam.” The woman curtsies as she is introduced, and a hint of fang peeks out underneath burgundy lipstick. “And this little one is Lady Lilith. Thank you for respecting our customs; as we would not seek to enter your home uninvited, we appreciate your courtesy of the same.” The child smiles, a tight, forced movement, and terror creeps up Aerin’s spine.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, and we thank you for your hospitality. We come about a war brewing in the realm of Light and seek your assistance.”
“A war?” Madame Miriam, mouth agape.
Imtura jumps in. “And it will come for you if we can’t stop it.”
“Ha. War does not concern us,” Baron Claudius scoffs. “We have seen many wars over the millennia and outlasted them all.”
Aerin tries not to shiver as he speaks, but the underground chill winds its way through his tunic. “This war is different. The Old Gods come for the Realm, and they shall spare none.”
The Baron stares at him, eyes narrow, before turning back to his companions for another round of wordless conversation. Aerin barely has a moment to wonder if they’re in each other’s minds when there is a hum, right in the center of forehead, and then a soft whir of static stretching to his temples. 
He purposely clears his mind, surveying each of the vhampyrs in turn, the frown of the Baron, the smirk of Madame Miriam’s rouged lips, the forceful eyes of Lady Lilith.
With a sigh, the static recedes. He tries to catch the eye of one of his companions, to see if they had felt the same, when Madame Miriam speaks.
“We could… we could discuss the matter over our evening meal.”
“Splendid,” the Baron nods, but his smile stays contained to his lips. “Come.”
With only a worried glance between each other, Aein, Nia, and Imtura make their way further into the crypts.
Aerin wonders if he should have turned around then, should have fled, given up on the vhampyr allies and ran, like a coward. 
He has plenty of experience in that, after all.
No. Not anymore. Not now, he wouldn’t have. He remembers his last conversation with Raine, the earnestness on her face, her hands sure and soft in his.
Even knowing his fate rests within these damp walls, he would do it all over again.
On the third day, Lady Lilith brings him a tray of food in person.
The blanket is still wrapped around his legs, accomplishing nothing against the frigid underground floor, but he scrambles up as soon as he sees her.
“Lady Lilith, hello.” He bows his head. “To what do I owe this visit?”
“I come with your breakfast.”
“Thank you.” He doesn’t need to lift the lid to know it is the fat and muscle of some unfortunate animal. Raw. The smell is familiar enough by now. “I would offer you a seat but, as you see, I have no chair.”
“I prefer the floor.” She gracefully lowers to the ground, knees tucked primly beneath her, and studies him under eyelashes that are tinged with white. “You know, we do get some word of human events.”
“Truly?” he asks, placing the platter down before joining her on the ground. 
“Yes. We know a bit of the outside world, but had no idea the emissaries of Light would dare come see us.” Lady Lilith looks about him, almost bored, but there is an edge to her voice that sets Aerin nerves aflame.
“And what do you hear from outside?”
“Snippets. Stories of those who live in the Light Realm.” She waves her hand, dismissive, unaffected. “The Elves have magic, the Orcan do not. And there are humans, like you.” Her violet eyes darken as they glare at him. “They serve a King. A Valleros King.” 
Aerin freezes, breath shallow. “Oh?”
“You did say…” She leans forward so they are at eye level; he can see her pupils narrow in the center of her violet irises. “You did say your name was Aerin, correct?”
He doesn’t answer until her hand drapes over his shoulder, and those gray talons dig into his skin. “Yes.”
“Aerin Valleros.”
She straightens with triumph in her eyes. “So we have a Little Prince, do we not?”
“You’ve heard of me? I’m flattered.” He’s sure his smirk wavers, and it takes every focus to steady it.
“Why does a Prince follow the Commander? Is that how it works in the human world?”
He takes too long to answer, and soon, the buzzing is back. Little Prince?
“Don’t call me that.”
Why not?
A memory resurfaces, Itty Bitty Prince, and he shoves it down, away, away. “So the two princes and the mercenaries awoke, and the drakna had recaptured them.”
This again?
“They all awoke inside the drakna nest, a vile place, these gross cocoons suspended over the forest floor. Just a mass of goo so thick the sunlight cannot penetrate.”
I don’t like sunlight anyway.
“I’m aware, but humans live in sunlight; we need it to see. So our mercenaries and princes were all trapped in this vile goo cocoon, and the hero rescued them.”
Wait, who is the hero?
“One of the mercenaries, please keep up.”
Ah, of course.
“She used her sword and arrows to free her friends and the princes and, while they all were rescued, they actually killed the drakna queen, the biggest and baddest of the monsters. But there was still trouble afoot.”
Does this story ever end?
“The princes were actually evil.”
Oooh, a twist. I like it.
“Yes, but the mercenaries didn’t know that. The princes are hiding their evil nature, one better than the other.”
Are they really evil? Or do people just think that they are evil because they don’t understand?
Aerin stops and stares at her, watching the violet in her eyes dim. He knows he’s out of practice dealing with emotions, but he is clever, quick-witted, and, after years of deception, he understands people. There’s something here. “Lady Lilith, will you speak with me? In person?” The static recedes.
“Aren’t you going to tell the rest of the story?” she asks aloud.
“I don’t think you’re evil. You know that, right? And neither does the Commander. If we did, we wouldn’t have come here. We wouldn’t want to be allies.”
Lady Lilith studies him for so long that he starts to fear he read her wrong. But then she leaps to her feet, her shroud swirling about her like a ghostly mist. “I will…” She opens the door and fixes him with an inscrutable glance. “I will speak with you tomorrow.”
And on that day, he’s starving.
“You know we don’t really eat this food, right?”
There is a pause in his brain. What do you mean?
“Humans need different food than you. We don’t drink-” He eyes the copper pitcher at his side dubiously. “-blood.”
There is a longer pause. You don’t?
“Do you remember being alive? Being mortal?”
Vaguely. It was so long ago.
“Well, when you were, I assure you, unless you were a mosquito, you did not drink blood.”
It’s been so, so long.
“You must have seen a lot of change.” Aerin wonders what it’s like to watch time flow past you while you yourself remain still. Probably like watching Whitetower from a prison window, he supposes, or watching the walls of an underground crypt. Time passes somehow while you yourself don’t move.
It’s hard to keep track of, sometimes. I guess we forget how to care for a human.
“You should have started with a dog.”
She chuckles and the static blooms in his mind before trailing away and Aerin is, once again, alone with his thoughts.
He waits, watching the door, and when she doesn’t return after an interminable time, he peeks at the food under the platter. As he guessed, inedible raw meat of indeterminate origin. However, he’s out of options. 
Snatching a torch from the wall, he does his best. Tilting the platter lets him rotate the meal without touching it and, though it burns his fingers a few times, eventually he can make enough of a char that at least it isn’t raw.
His own warnings about the vhampyr food echo as he takes his first bite. And then his second. And then he is losing count, for the bites that follow consist of him ingesting the food as fast as he can.
His stomach roils as he finally empties the platter and, while his vision is a little wonky, he feels decent - well, as decent as one can be when trapped in a crypt full of vhampyrs. So he supposes that’s something.
Worse than the hunger is the solitude. It's tedious, pacing the four walls of his cell, one direction and then the other to break up the monotony. And it's also terribly lonely. Ever since he rejoined Raine and her party, he had thought - hoped - that the heartache that followed him since birth might be healing, every jovial conversation and gentle caress sewing up a deep pain like mending a rip in fabric.
Unfortunately, it's easier to be alone when it's all you know; now that he's known friendship, love, well, this loneliness is excruciating.
On day five, Lady Lilith finally returns with some water. 
“Oh, hello, Lady Lilith. You’re awake.” He clambers up and bows; time seems to flow differently within the four walls of his cell. Wasn’t it the middle of the day? “How can you spend your time speaking with me? Don’t you need to feed?”
Her laugh is bitter, older than time itself, and it sends a shiver down his spine. “I have servants to hunt for me. Here. Drink.”
He looks into the pitcher, eyebrow raised. There is a fir sprig floating at the top, and three shiny pebbles glint at the bottom. “Thank you.”
“It’s from the river in the woods. Far from Necropolis. It should be safe.”
He takes a tentative sip, and then another, and soon he is gulping his way through the entire pitcher. “It’s perfect. Hint of pine.”
“I can get more. Tomorrow. The sun will be up soon.”
“It will?” Without a window, time is meaningless.
She sits across from him, gnawing her lower lip where a smear of red appears to be drying. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“Are you one of the princes?”
“Who? … oh, from the story.” He pauses. “I’m flattered that you’re actually invested in my tale.”
He checks his mind and, thankfully, he is alone; it’s much harder to deceive someone who can hear your thoughts.. “I am a prince but, Lady Lilith, it’s just a story.”
She frowns, as if his answer is unsatisfactory. “And how does it end, Little Prince?”
“Please stop calling me-”
“How does it end?”
“I… I’m not sure.” He knows how parts of the story end, of course, the defeat of the Dreadlord and the Ashen Empress, and the rise of Nifara. But the entire story? “I guess we will have to see when I get to the conclusion.”
“I like happy endings.”
“... I would not have guessed that.”
She giggles, hand over her lips, and only the pale skin and purple eyes give away the fact that she is not a normal child. “Who doesn’t like a happy ending? Will this story have a happy ending? Please?”
Aerin looks around the room, the windowless walls, the coffin as the sole piece of furniture, the fact that he hasn’t seen the sun in a week, and the only answer he can provide is “I’m not sure.”
“Please, be seated.”
The table is adorned with a tablecloth of deep red, a couple servants smoothing the edges while another carts pitchers to the table. Four serving platters sit covered, the closest just inches away from the ivory plate and crystal wine glass placed in front of him.
It smells of decay.
Imtura sits to his right, muscles tense and ready, while Nia’s face is only calm and curious. He sometimes envies her inner strength, her fortitude under challenging conditions, and never more so than now, as six unnaturally colored eyes follow his every move.
When the servants lift the platters’ covers with a flourish, Aerin can only stare in horror at what emerges underneath, more innards than he has ever seen - entrails, one platter stacked with hearts glistening so vividly that he can only imagine they were beating just hours ago, red jellied concoctions dotted with organ meat. Then, servants pour red liquid into his wine glass, and he needs to fight the dry heave as the smell of iron wafts up. Nia turns to him and all he can do is shake his head, subtly; they cannot and should not consume this.
“Thank you for your hospitality, but I regret that we cannot partake of your generosity this evening,” he says, swallowing down the bile, “Unfortunately we cannot eat a single-”
“Why?” Lady Lilith looks at him, tilting her head. “I assure you, these are from animals. No… humans were harmed in the making of this meal. You are a human, yes?” The last question is a purr, and all of Aerin’s hackles rise.
“I am. And we eat our meat-”
“If these delicacies were created from people, would you eat them?” Madame Miriam asks, and he could almost believe in her naivete had her eyes not been gleaming like the ruby at her throat.
His stomach turns. “Unfortunately, I would rather spend our time discussing the great threat to our Realm. The Commander of the Armies of Light is gathering allies-”
“And where is this Commander of yours?” Lady Lilith lifts her fork, sharp points of her fingernails gleaming like a knife edge, and, too swiftly for his eyes to catch, stabs it into the center of a heart, plucking it triumphantly from the platter. “Could they not come to beg for assistance themselves?”
Imtura crosses her arms over her chest. “Unfortunately, she’s busy at the moment.”
“But we are her trusted emissaries and I assure you that any agreement we make will be-” Aerin jumps in, but it’s too late.
“We would prefer to discuss the matter with your Commander.” Baron Claudius interjects around a mouthful of liquid. Aerin is watching a drop of red pool at the corner of his lips, just beginning to descend down his graying chin when he feels it - again - the buzz in his mind.
Quickly, he surveys the table; the Baron still swigs his blood, Madame Miriam is cutting a piece of jellied carcass, but Lady Lilith, the young one, is staring at him as if she were trying to drill through his skull.
He imagines that she is.
‘Begone from my mind.’
He realizes in shock that he has found the leader of the fang line, in the guise of a small slender child.
Her voice is a hiss in his head. ‘You’re clever, Little Human.’ It’s nauseating, the familiarity of another’s voice in his brain, another’s whispers he can’t drown out; this time, there is no stone to rip from his chest to end the hushed tone rattling his brain.
‘Begone,’ he grinds back. ‘Leave my head.’ When the static doesn’t abate, he fills his head with song, as loudly as he can without moving his lips. Just when Gartho is about to abscond with the queen’s buttons and hood, it’s gone. The roar leaves his head, and he is left with blessed silence.
“Do you really think we should get involved in the affairs of mortals?” Madame Miriam is asking once his attention returns to the table.
The Baron opens his mouth to reply, but Lady Lilith beats him to it, standing with a clatter. “We may, but only if we can speak to this Commander herself.”
The other two vhampyrs stand, and Aerin is wise enough to know they are being dismissed, so he stands as well, Nia and Imtura following.
“We will relay this information and return post haste. I am sure that -”
“Not all of you will.” Lady Lilith’s mouth opens into a smile that showcases her shiny, deadly teeth; Aerin averts his eyes. “One of you will stay. To ensure she will come.”
“Excuse me? No one is staying.” Imtura takes a step forward, as if to go through the table, but Aerin stops her with a hand on her bicep. 
Lady Lilith’s eyes flash molten violet, and she says, “I want an assurance that your Commander will visit us in person. Either two of you leave or none of you do.” 
Aerin has made many misjudgments in his life, far too many to count, but he’s sure that this could play out one of two ways. In one scenario, he, Nia, and Imtura die. And in the other? “Fine,” he replies, directly to Lady Lilith and her fanged smile.
“Aerin, what do you-?”
“Nia, it’s fine.”
Lady Lilith’s smile grows wider, and she claps her hands together in murderous glee. “Excellent. It’s decided. The human boy will stay.”
“No.” Imtura moves as if to reach for her axes, and his fingers tighten.
“Imtura, stop.”
“Have you lost it, landrat?”
“It’s fine.” He grinds out, dropping his voice to a whisper. “They could kill us all before you manage to pull one ax, I assure you.”
“We can’t leave you here, Raine will-”
“Raine will come. We will have our detente. It will be fine.” He holds her gaze, just long enough that she softens, and then he drops her arm with a sigh. Turning to the vhampyrs, he speaks louder. “And you assure me that they will have safe passage out of the city?”
“Surely. We’d never go back on our word.” Lady Lilith’s smirk does not give him confidence, but none of this plan gives him any kind of surety.
He steps forward with one last glance to Nia and Imtura, hoping they can read his plea to flee. And then, turning to the vhampyr leader, he nods. “I will stay.”
“Splendid. Follow me. I will show you to your quarters.”
He doesn’t watch Nia and Imtura leave - he can’t. Unfortunately, he lacks the bravery to watch them go silently, to not call out to them and beg them to wait, so he doesn’t even turn. He only follows Lady Lilith’s careful footsteps down more steps than he can count, mind-boggling pathways carved of the earth and inhabited for thousands of years. Just when he is sure he’s seen these particular cobblestones previously on their trek, she stops, pointing to a doorway.
“And this is where you will stay.”
Aerin’s eyes widen as he takes in the room. He’s definitely stayed in worse accommodations, but, with the past year at his back, his hackles rise at yet another prison cell. His fingers tremble, and his breath hitches shortly, hints of gray at the edges of his vision, before he can return to himself. Vaguely, so long ago it may have been another life, he remembers telling Raine to take a deep breath, right when the current of pain threatened to tear her away, and he is grateful for the reminder even as he stores it as far out of reach as possible. He inhales, slowly, and glances around.
There is one large room, windowless like all the others, and the three torches are too few to provide much light in the chilly chamber. To the right is a small door, almost certainly leading to a washroom or lavatory, but his gaze is transfixed by the deep mahogany at the center of the room.
“Is that… is that meant to be my bed?”
“Yes?” Lady Lilith eyes him, and he tries to stifle his discontent. “Is something wrong?”
“It’s just… humans don’t sleep in coffins.”
“Then what do you sleep in?”
She narrows her eyes, pondering. “You know, I vaguely remember beds.”
“Do you? Because this is not exactly…”
“It will need to do.” Her voice sounds curt, eyes assessing. “If your Commander is all you claim, you won’t be here for long.”
“She is all I claim and more.”
“Well, then.” 
She turns to leave, but Aerin stops her with one more question. “Am I truly to remain stuck in this room?”
“It’s safer for you if you do.” She yanks open the door, forcefully, and Aerin is struck, but the incongruity of her slight frame and the fearsome strength it holds. “But this lock here will make sure of it.”
The door closes with a slam, and his shoulders droop. He should be used to prisons. He’s been in his fair share recently. 
But none so unnervingly creepy.
When his eyes fly open, his mind is ablaze in static and he sits up in a panic, shockingly thrown awake in a mere instant. “I can sing you the ballad - it’s a good one. How Gartho Swindled the Elven Queen.”
No need.
“Did you know that the mercenaries helped at the Battle of Whitetower?” His stomach aches, an empty yawning sensation that makes it hard to focus on his words.
Do you dream often?
“Never. I never do.”
Don’t lie to me, Little Prince.
He squints his eyes, trying to fight back the buzz in his mind. “Perhaps I prefer to keep my dreams to myself.”
Why? That was a boring dream. And I was there for it; I already knew what happened. Do you know why I wanted you to stay?
“Stay here?”
He’s not entirely sure he wants to know the answer. “Why?”
Because you fought me. The others, the green one, your pretty friend, they didn’t even know I was there.
“You mean they didn’t know you were in their heads?” So much for his advice.
The green one thinks of her mother. And the pretty one wanted to help us. But you? You fought me. And after so long, I do like a challenge?
“So if I had let you see into my mind, you would have let me go?”
Maybe. Maybe not. It may still have ended up like your dream. Who knows?
After a life lived as a miserable failure, it’s only fitting that his success lead him into a vhampyr’s lair. “Do you dream?”
Lady Lilith hums, and it makes his brain shake. Sometimes. Sometimes I dream of things far past, of people I once cared for. Do you?
I do not, I do not, I do not. Perhaps if he repeats it enough, it will be true.
I can tell you are lying.
“I dream of the mercenaries.” He will never reveal the dreams he revels in, keeps close to his heart. “Where did I leave off in my tale?”
Your stories are tiresome.
“I am tiresome. So the mercenaries were just leaving the forest with the evil princes when they had to part ways.”
“They were going in separate directions, but one of the evil princes knew they would meet again.”
“Uh… evil ways?” Aerin shrugs, even though she cannot see it, and continues on. “But they do meet again. Later. The mercenaries go on their way to the Elven city, and the princes return home to the palace.”
What is the Elven city like?
“I’ve never been.” He’d always wanted to visit, had read tomes about it at the Archives, but only King Arlan and the Crown Prince had been permitted to visit. “I’ve heard it chiseled into a mountain.”
So there is no daylight. Maybe I could visit.
“Would you like to?”
Yes. There is… much in this world I have not seen.
“Odd, since you’ve been alive for so long.”
Most places do not take kindly to immortal visitors and most people do not visit us. We’ve never had a human visitor before.
“Can’t imagine why,” Aerin mumbles.
We’ve had humans come, a few, but only to request to be turned. Or to hunt us.
“I can imagine that those hunters turned into the hunted.”
She chuckles. Yes, very quickly… and deliciously.
“Did you turn any of them?”
The ones we took a liking to. Sometimes, it doesn’t work and they perish, most painfully.
He shudders. If his current predicament is bad, he can’t imagine worse.
What is it like in the human world?
The question seems honest, curious, and the static doesn’t deepen - she’s not probing his thoughts and memories for information. “It’s not underground, for one. Our buildings are above ground since we can be in the sunlight, and there are towns and cities where many humans live together, much like this.”
Are they all related? Like us?
“Not everyone in a city, but families will usually share a home.”
Do you have a home?
His gut twists and his fingers tremble, a curious unsettling shake, so he curves his hands into fists so tight his fingernails dig into flesh. “I did. Once. But now I travel by the Commander’s side, mostly.”
So you are always working.
“It’s not always work. We share meals, for example, share stories. Campfires and adventures and… other things.” Aerin needs to screw his eyes shut to hide the tears welling just behind his eyelids. Thinking about Raine hurts.
You are very loyal to your Commander.
“I wasn’t always.” It might be a mistake to divulge, but his situation can’t get much worse. “We went through a lot of struggles to get to where we are.”
Why? Is… Is your Commander mean?
“What? No! The struggles were mine and mine alone.” He swallows hard. “The Commander is… incredible. You will see when you meet her.”
Do you still think she is coming?
He doesn’t answer the question. In his heart, he knows that she would never leave any of them behind. But in his mind, well, he can see the danger of bringing the entire party to Necropolis and, if she had to lose a member of her party, unfortunately, the non-magical weakling betrayer would be the most logical choice, regardless of whatever undefined attachment existed between them. 
Lady Lilith continues. Or do you think she will leave you to be locked away with the vhampyrs, never to be freed?
He doesn’t answer that question either, but shoots back one of his own. “If she does come, what will you do when she arrives?”
Lady Lilith doesn’t reply.
It starts slowly. 
His mind starts to play tricks on him, a flash of light where none exists, a phantom touch when he’s alone. He opens his eyes to see Raine, standing in a corner looking downcast; when he leaps up to greet her, she disappears, his hands wrapping around cold air.
He could almost brush it off as a symptom of imprisonment when the cough begins, settling in his chest as a heavy weight.
His voice cracks in the middle of the tale. He’s just recounting how the mercenaries are gathering troops to fight the Ashen Empress when Lady Lilith interjects.
Do you need water?
“From the river? Sure, thank you.”
When Lady Lilith returns, he’s overheating despite the chill, traces of sweat beginning at his hairline, slipping down his face.
“Are you alright?”
“Of course.” He wipes his brow. “Now where was I?”
“The evil Ashen Empress. Was she evil like the princes?”
“I…” It takes him far longer than he’d like to answer this question. “No. The princes were different. The Empress wanted to kill everyone.”
“Sometimes those that the world thinks are murderers are actually something different.”
His head begins to throb. “Lady Lilith, are you speaking in riddles?”
“No, continue, continue. So the mercenaries prepare for war.”
“Yes. So they all get ready, very exciting. Even the bard is there.”
“The hero’s brother. He tells stories, sings tales of old.”
“Like you?”
“This isn’t a tale of old! This was about the Battle of-”
“I thought it was just a story.” Lady Lilith narrows her eyes.
“Of course it is.” 
“Then, will you ever tell me the ending? How does it end?”
He doesn’t know; he can only pray - not here, not here, please, not here. “I will tell you the end, but-” He’s cut off by a cough. “Do you… do you mind if we continue the story later? I’m not… I forget the words.”
Lady Lilith looks confused, but nods. Aerin doesn’t look up as she leaves, only focusing on a singular point on the stone floor to keep the nausea at bay.
Seven days.
Fourteen meals.
Though he may have lost count.
Ten days.
The world sways, as if his vision were failing or if he were no longer on solid ground, instead tilted at stomach-churning angles.
That morning (or whatever ill-defined time the exhaustion threatens to take him away), he can’t take the chill of the floor any longer, so he grabs the wispy blanket and crawls into the coffin.
The walls are green velvet, soft, and it’s absurdly comfortable.
Dimly, before sleep takes him, he thinks that he might want to stay there forever.
Thirteen days.
The blood in his veins burns. Is it his own?
If they were going to come, wouldn’t they be here by now?
“And then the portals opened, and the battle began.” Aerin tries to move his eyelids, but they only open halfway. He can see the ceiling through the flutter of his lashes, and the sweat pouring off him has soaked the velvet of his coffin. If he could get up, he’s sure he would see a wet imprint of his body in darkened green, but he can’t even imagine moving. 
“Were they all there?”
“Hmmm…. Who?” Aerin’s losing his mind and he’s pretty sure he lost the plot of his own story, but he can see the moon from his cell twirling in frantic circles before his eyes but he’s underground (he thinks, he thinks) so he’s sure he’s seeing things but can he truly be sure of anything anymore? What story was he telling? 
“The mercenaries?”
“At the battle against the Ash Empress!”
“Ah, yes. They were there. They all were. The Hero, the priestess, the Orcan princess, the grumpy mage, the insufferable rogue.”
“Was the bard there?”
He blinks. The walls appear to be dripping blood. “Yes. Why? Is that your favorite character?”
“I appreciate a good storyteller.”
“Ah…” Aerin trails off as his vision is almost entirely red. “Well, I do… I do apologize that I am not…” And then there is only darkness.
It’s dark. 
It’s always so dark.
“Wake up, wake up, wake up, Little Prince!”
It’s painful to open his eyes. His head hammers in pain, almost overpowering Lady Lilith’s words, but he can hear the years in her voice over his headache. “What?”
“You need to stay awake, Little Prince.”
He is exhausted, so bone-weary that the strength to hold her gaze is painful. “I want to sleep.”
“No.” There is panic in the word. “No, you mustn’t, you mustn’t.” He nods, but his eyes slide shut. “No! Please. Tell me… tell me about the story.”
“What about it?” he murmurs.
“It’s always been real, hasn’t it?”
His lips are so dry that he tastes blood every time he licks his lips. “What has?”
“The story. The mercenaries.”
“Of course… mostly.” Even his bones are tired, but he doesn’t need to defend himself from the outside voices in his brain anymore. His mind is empty.
“Little Prince.” Lady Lilith grabs his shoulders and shakes; he winces. “Sorry. Tell me the story again.”
“Which one?”
“Any one.” His eyes flutter shut, and she rubs his shoulder, gentler this time. “Aerin!”
“The Heroes went into the forest and defeated the monsters and saved the princes. And they all fought a God of Old. It was real.” 
“You were there.”
“Yes, we all were.” The cold has seeped into his brain, and every inhale audibly cracks his ribs.
“Your companions? The travelers we dined with? They were there?” He can only nod. “And who is your green friend?”
“The tough one.”
“And the pretty human?”
“The kind one.”
“And which character are you?”
There are spots in Aerin’s visions, dark masses that sway about the periphery. “The one who either leaves…” He breaks off with a cough so deep it feels like it’s scarring his lung with every forceful exhale. “Or gets left behind.” And then the black spots enlarge and swallow him whole.
There’s sunlight. Aerin looks around him in awe. There’s sunlight!
He takes a deep breath of the fresh forest air, looking around in utter delight. The canopy of trees about his head is sparse, allowing ample daylight to filter through, and the harmonies of song and merriment carry down a dirt path. 
As he steps forward, he realizes in an instant where he is. These are the woods outside Riverbend and, as he turns the corner nearing the temple, he stops short at the figure waiting for him, lounging on a boulder.
“Raine!” He jogs forward, smiling growing wider with every step, until he slows when he is mere feet from her. As she stands, there is fury painting her flawless features. “Raine, what’s wrong?”
Her voice drips venom. “You lied to me.”
“What?” He wracks his brain for deception and nothing comes. “I… no, no longer. What do you mean?”
“You said you would come back.”
“I… I am here now.” He’s not quite sure what she’s referring to, but he’s standing right before her, in the flesh. “I am here. I will always be here.”
“That is not true, Aerin. That is what you do. You leave.”
“But I -”
“You leave me.”
“No.” He shakes his head frantically. “No, I never wish to be parted from you, you know that. I would never, never again.” His legs carry him forward to embrace her, but she only steps away, tears brimming in her eyes.
“You promised.” A sudden wind whips through the wood as she turns away, leaden steps taking her further from him. “Aerin,” she calls over her shoulder, “you promised.”
“Wait.” He wraps his arm around his torso; the wind turns frigid, so cold, always so cold, and she crests over a hill and out of side. “Wait!” His useless feet won’t move and the chill settles in his bones. Is this his destiny? Doomed to be separated from the one person whom his heart beats for?
The chattering of his teeth awakens him.
When Aerin opens his eyes, Lady Lilith stands above him, worry lines etched in the pale skin of her forehead.
“That’s not concerning.” A cough cuts him off, and he waits until his lungs stop rattling to speak. “Not concerning at all, waking up to a vhampyr staring at you.”
“I would change you.” She whispers, urgently. “If I had to, I would.”
“No.” More coughing. “No.” His mind flashes to a millennium without sunlight, missing the golden rays of sunshine peeking over the Cartesian Sea, the bustle of the Whitetower marketplace, the sun gleaming off Raine’s hair, her smile as they hike through woods bathed in the afternoon warmth. “Don’t change me.”
Lady Lilith blinks back tears, though a few break free to edge over her cheekbone. They glisten in the torchlight, like dew at breaking dawn, a sight he shall never see again.
His own eyes start to sting, sweat trailing down his face, and there’s salt on his tongue. Lady Lilith grabs his hand, clutching it carefully in her corded strength, holding tight until the darkness welcomes him again.
Days fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen don’t count.
He doesn’t wake up for them.
He can hear the voice above him, and it could be a dream; it must be a dream. 
His mind is his own, but it’s playing tricks on him, assuredly, because it sounds like Raine is standing right above his head.
He’s flying, the room spinning in circles about him, and if he looks at the walls about him, they blur as if he turning around and around, faster and faster, and there is a light, somewhere, from outside, or maybe inside his skull, and he is dying, he is dead; he has been reborn, and he cannot breathe. 
He rolls over and vomits.
As he’s wiping bile from his lips, the door opens and Lady Lilith storms in. “Let’s get you up, Little Prince.”
“Please stop calling me that.” He wipes his lips on his sleeve and his teeth chatter against the fabric. It’s so cold.
“You need to get up. We have guests.”
“What- who-”
With superhuman strength, she jostles him until, while he may be on two feet, he is mostly leaning on her, draped over a small shoulder as he takes one stuttering step after another. They travel through the crypts, torchlight causing shadows to jump across the walls, making him nauseous anew, but finally, they reach a wooden door.
Even though it’s latched tight, he can hear voices on the other side. Loud. Unyielding. “I demand my diplomat.”
Aerin raises his head. “Raine? Is it really-”
The static invades his skull again. Who is she?
“Stop, please stop!” He tries to sing Gartho the Trickster but he can’t focus; his temples throb and besides, all that matters is that Raine is on the other side of this damnable door. 
Who is she?
“She’s the Hero.”
“The Hero of Morella, Commander of the all the Forces of Light, Savior of the Reams and Champion to All, please just-”
Lady Lilith shifts him so she can peer into his face. She speaks now, out of his head, her voice a whisper in the hall. “Is she the same hero from the mercenary tale? With the princes?”
“Yes.” Aerin is too weak to lie; he can’t even raise his hands to wipe the moisture pooling in his eyes. “Please, just- I just need to see her.”
The vhampyr leader is silent for far too long before she lowers him to the ground, crouching in the dirt beside him. “Aerin.” Her palm graces his cheek and it’s cold, so cold, and the shivering hurts his teeth. “How does the story end?”
And he doesn’t think, just replies, too weak to manufacture any artifice. The story ends the only way possible, the only way it can truly end, and, when he trails off into silence, her violet eyes glisten with unshed tears.
Finally, she stands and speaks. “Wait here.” With that command, she strides through the doorway and he hears the dull sound of a latch locking.
Aerin could almost cry, in an inglorious heap, with one measly door between him and Raine. He crawls forward over the rough earth, stones digging into his fingertips and leaving bloody droplets in the dirt. When he makes it to the door, he lifts his hands to bang against the wood but his fists barely make a sound; he is so weak, so tired, and the grains of the wooden boards are swirling before his eyes. He can’t even yell, voice a mere croak, and he slides in defeat down to the floor.
He has failed, he realizes. He was not able to broker an accord, was not even able to get any kind of agreement, and he wasn’t able to protect Raine.
And then the ground rushes up to meet his face and there is only silence.
He’s in the air, he’s flying, he’s falling.
There’s yelling, but it’s not him; his mouth feels like it has been stuffed with gauze, and his eyes only open wide enough for his lashes to flutter tremulously in his vision but he’s on his feet, somehow.
There’s the unsheathing of a sword.
More yelling.
The sheathing of a sword.
A flash of yellow and gold in front of him, steady arms holding him up as his boots struggle and fail to find purchase on the floor.
“I’m sorry,” he says the words into the armor mushed into his cheek, but he’s not sure anyone can hear him. His throat is so raw, he can barely hear himself. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. For all of it.”
More yelling.
Static and buzzing, traveling from his forehead to his ears, just a roar frying his brain cells, and he can’t even fight it as he passes out again.
He awakens again to a flash of green, and he’s soaring through the air anew; while there is less screaming, he’s numb and cannot feel a thing. The world spins and that’s when his brain shuts down.
When he awakens, actually awakens, he is in a plush bed, and light streams into the room. It’s been so long since he has seen the sun that he only gapes at the golden rays streaming through the window. The room is warm, especially under plush covers, and it’s been so long since he’s seen sunlight and felt warmth on his skin that he props up on one wavering elbow and stares for minutes until he realizes, with a start, that he’s in Raine’s palace room.
“Good morning.”
He starts again at a voice to his left and, though it aches, he turns to see Raine perched on a chair, staring at him and gnawing on her bottom lip. He means to say hello, truly he does, but all that emerges from his mouth is “Oww.”
“Are you ok?” She’s at his side in an instant.
“I love you.” It’s raspy but audible, and he sighs as he sinks back into the plush mattress.
“That… is not an answer to my question.”
“I know, but I spent the last few weeks wondering if I could ever say it again, so I didn’t want to miss my moment.”
She shakes her head fondly and threads a hand through his curls before carefully sliding onto the bed next to him. “I love you, too.”
“I had a feeling,” he replies; she chuffs his shoulder and, for the first time in weeks, he feels like he can relax. “I told you I would come back.”
“Do not- Do not joke about that. Do you know what state we found you in?”
 “A state befitting of my heroic deeds?”
“I thought you were going to die!” The arm that has wound its way around his waist squeezes tighter. “Don’t scare me like that.”
“Eh, I was fine. I will be fine. Just a few more minutes, and I will be right as rain.” His eyes flutter shut, only to fly open again. “Did they agree?”
“Lady Lilith. Did she - did she agree to have the vhampyrs join us?”
“She did…” Raine’s words are careful, slow. “We had quite the discussion while you were close to death.”
“Sounds enlightening; my apologies for missing it. What did she say?”
“She said you taught her a lot about humans.”
“Hmmm… like that we don’t drink blood?”
“Among other things. She said that if you personally go to inform them of the battle, their forces will join.”
“Couldn’t someone else go? Mal? He would love the trip, I’m sure.”
“She specifically requested you. She seemed to like you.”
He quirks a shoulder. “I didn’t know what to expect of the vhampyrs. They seemed… lonely.”
“She said you told her stories.”
“I did.” He chuckles at that. “She kept trying to read my mind. And you know how I like my secrets.”
“She said you told of the mercenaries of Lord Kelvin Gillbottle.” A sad smile plays on her lips. “Aerin? Did you truly believe I would leave you?”
“What do you mean? No! Not really. “
“What do you mean, not really?”
“I guess - the longer it was there, the harder it was to tell the difference between what was real and what was not. But I knew, in my heart, I knew you would come for me.”
“Then… why is that not the story you told her?”
“What are you talking about?”
“She said that, every night, you would tell her the story of us meeting in the Deadwood. And that, in every telling, the mercenaries realized the princes were evil and tortured them. Killed one in cold blood. And I locked the other away with the vhampyrs, never to be freed, as revenge for his disloyalty.”
He blinks. “That’s not how I said the story ended.” He tries to sit up, but it is futile until Raine slides her arm around him, a line of solid strength and care propping him up.
“That’s what she told me.”
“That trickster… Raine, that’s not the ending I made up.”
Her eyes, large and bright in sunshine, bore into his. “Then how did you end the tale?”
“I said…” He breaks off with another cough and she hands him a waterskin; the liquid is mercifully cool on his throat. “I said that the mercenaries met two evil princes in the forest.”
“Aerin, that’s not…”
“Shhh, it’s my story. I said that the mercenaries met two evil princes in the forest. One died.” Raine’s face softens at this, but she doesn’t interrupt, so he continues. “The other realized the error of his ways. He- he fell in love with one of the mercenaries, the hero, and stayed by her side, forever, until the end of time.”
She bites her lip, eyes welling with unshed tears, and, just as Aerin moves to apologize, she nods. “Yes. That is exactly how the story ends.”
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guardian-of-fandoms · 8 months
"Put your hands where we can see them!"
Charlie studied the figure, trying to understand what he was looking at.
The Stranger's face was concealed by a helmet, his face obscured by tinted glass.
He wore strange tactical gear, a metal plate with an engraved heartbeat covering his chest, with an olive green jacket beneath, and similar green pants with a reflective silver stripe on each leg.
but what caught his eye the most, was his light arm, which appeared to be robotic in nature, pulsing with a golden glow.
He couldn't see his eyes, but Charlie couldn't shake the feeling that the observation went both ways.
His head tilted, taking in the rescue team, slowly circling around him.
".... This is so weird..."
His voice had an odd distortion, Charlie assumed from the helmet.
"Young Man, i'm going to have to ask you some questions."
A soft, glitchy chuckle echoed from the helmet, the stranger turning a circle as he studied the team.
"If this is about Doc Greene's lab, I'll replace everything I took, but right now, bigger things are happening."
"That's not the issue right now, son. I'm sure we can talk this out, if-"
"Don't.... don't call me that...."
The stranger suddenly whipped around, once again facing the older man.
".... Don't call me that... Please...."
".... I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean to upset you. But I am going to have to ask you to come with me. I'm sure we can sort this all out, but the lab's security caught you tampering with.... sensitive materials."
"If this is about the time machine, relax, I'm not here for that."
The mention of the time machine was like striking a match, the entire team shooting each other frantic, confused glances.
"How do you-"
"That's not important right now, none of this matters right now!!!"
He turned back around, trying to find an opening in the group.
"I have a job to do. As charming as it is to see you all again, I need to go-"
"Please stay where you are."
Heatwave leaned in, his stiff, "Robot" voice barely holding steady against the orange blaze of his optics.
But the figure only stared up at him, and chuckled.
"You can drop the act, Heatwave."
Heatwave's jaw dropped.
"Alright, that's it!"
Kade stormed up, his jaw set into a deep scowl.
"I don't know WHO you are, but i've had enough of you! Start talking, or else!"
The stranger only sighed, shaking his head.
"You never change, do you, Kade? Just as hardheaded as I remember you.... I missed it. But I don't have time. So i'm sorry."
Kade didn't even have time to process before a flash of gold knocked him aside.
The stranger's arm glowed and crackled with electricity, the team rushing into action as Heatwave thrust his hand out, steadying a dazed kade.
The stranger tried to duck left, but Boulder stomped in front of him, with Dani rushing behind him.
"I don't want to do this!"
"Then i reccomend putting your hands in the air."
Chase leaned in, frowning sternly.
"Under suspicion of theft and assult, I request you surrender."
The stranger heard Dani behind him, then suddenly stop cold in her tracks, as she spotted something on the back of his armor.
engraved into the back of his armor, was the rescue bot insignia.
"... What....."
The stranger was quick to take advantage of the distraction, reaching behind him to grab Dani's arm, sending her stumbling into Graham, before leaping to the side and pulling Kade out of Heatwave's grasp, and crashing into his siblings.
"Get your hands off my children!"
Charlie charged forward, but the stranger easily avoided him, before jumping into the road, and grabbing a traffic light.
Everyone watched in shock as he grasped the device, energy sparking and crackling around his robotic arm, as the light began flicking, before dying completely, dropping to the street with a heavy thunk.
The golden light flashed violently, electricity snapping and lashing out, the stranger holding his arm out as the team stared on in shock.
"I really didn't want to do this. But you have to trust me when i say, it's for your own good."
he pulled a small metal object out of his pocket, and threw it towards the Burns, before blasting it with electrity.
the item split in half, thick cables extending from the middle, before they wrapped around the four burns, restraining the four tightly, and leaving them to collapse to the ground in an undignified heap, the two halves locking back together with a metalic clink as the four struggled.
The four started struggling, and as the Bots surrounded him, Heatwave was practically snarling.
"Oh, you're going to regret that..."
"Who says I don't already?"
The stranger blasted his arm down at the pavement, launching him backwards into the air, where he landed on Blades's shoulder, causing the timid bot to squeak in shock, before slapping another metal square onto his shoulder.
"What are you- Wait!"
Panic filled blades as he struggled, sparks shooting from the device as he yelled, "I- I can't move!!!"
"That's a magnetic-lock EMP, it'll wear off in about ten minutes."
The stranger barely had time to leap away before Boulder grabbed at him, but was quick to slap another square onto his hand, the bot gasping as he realized that he was also immobile.
"Not another move!! You are being aprehended for agrivated assault!!"
The figure met Chase's gaze, sighing.
"Sorry, but i'm about to break a whole lot more laws."
He blasted over another square, and Chase could only sigh dissapointedly as he froze in place.
"That's. Enough."
Now, Heatwave was furious, his jaw clenched in a scowl and grinding together as he seethed from raw fury.
"I don't know who you are, but you've just made the biggest mistake of your life."
"Not even close."
The stranger held out another metal object, but this one was different, it was longer, and as it unfolded itself, he dropped it to the ground, where it shaped into a flat board, a glowing core in the center causing it to levitate off the ground.
"A hoverboard?"
The stranger hopped on, and met Heatwave's optics dead on.
"I'm sorry to do this, I really, really am, but I didn't have a choice."
"Hey, Mystery Man!!!"
The four on the ground were struggling wity the cables, and Kade glared over.
"Feels like you had a choice to me! Listen here, you knockoff Power Ranger, You mind telling us why you did all this?! Who are you?! What'd we ever do to you?!"
The stranger merely shook his head, as the board started rising up.
"Nothing. Nothing at all."
"Hey, forget somebody?"
Heatwave practically snarled.
"In case you haven't noticed, you missed one. Do. Your. Worst."
The stranger raised his arm, sputtering and sparking with the last bit of stolen electricity.
"Who says I'm doing anything to you?"
"You took out the entire team without hesitation, why leave me?"
the Figure guestured out, where some stragglers had come to gawk in the streets.
"You can't be seen without a driver, and yours is a little tied up right now, so I know you can't follow me. And besides... Let's just say... I owe you."
The figure pulled another item out, this time a small sphere.
"I never wanted to do this. I'm sorry. But believe me... This is for your own good. You want no part in what's happening here."
With that, he blasted the sphere, and the area exploded into thick smoke, everything becoming indistinct, with the bots only hearing the hacking coughs of their human partners.
By the time the smoke faded, the stranger was long gone.
Heatwave could only bite back rage, before he heard the call of,
"Little help?"
He turned, seeing the four still on the ground, writhing as they attempted to deal with their restraints.
He stomped over, and leaned down, carefully crushing the two metal blocks between his fingers.
Instantly, the cables grew slack, easily falling away, and the four all pulled away to catch their breath and pick themselves up.
To the side, blades watched as the small square beeped loudly, before detaching and dropping to the ground, Blades letting out a sigh in relief as stretched his joints.
"Whew! That's better!"
Heatwave moved to pry the device off Boulder, while Kade stared out the cables, a bad feeling washing over him.
Okay, anybody else seriously weirded out? Who the HELL was that?! How does he know us?! And how did he wipe the floor with us like that, I mean, that was just embarassing!!"
Dani nodded, adding,
"Did anybody else see the back of his armour?! He had the Rescue Bot insignia!!"
Graham gingerely picked the discarded EMP device off the street, musing as he studied it.
"Not to mention, he knew how to take down all of us easily, but didn't actually hurt any of us. In fact, he was acting like... he wanted to protect us, somehow.... That's... odd...."
Kade rolled his eyes, grumbling,
"Getting tied up and frozen still ain't ideal. And speaking of, congrats, Heatwave, guess you're his favorite."
Heatwave had moved on to removing chase's device, his eyes narrowed.
"He knows we're cybertronians, he knew i wouldn't blow my cover going after him, he knew how to disable us, whoever this is, he's dangerous. I don't know how he knows any of this, but whoever that is, we have to find him."
"And we will."
The chief pulled out his phone, glancing at a flood of messages from Doc Greene.
"Doc's got eyes on him, he's heading towards the woods, and it looks like he's chasing after something."
"Wait, did you say the woods?"
Dani's eyes widened, and a realization suddenly shot across everyone.
The mechanical monster easily evaded the attack, his twisted form allowing to move in ways the teen fighting him couldn't.
"You fascinate me.... You truly fascinate me. You claim what you do is in the name of justice, that you seek to avenge those you have lost... Yet you lie to their faces. You attack them, you restrain them, you even decieve your own dimensional counterpart. How very intriguing..."
"This isn't their fight!"
The hoverboard sputtered and sparked, as he tried to ignore the burning sensation in his chest, the exhaustion from the very core of his being.
"You killed my family, and i swear on my life, I will not let the Cody of this world feel the agony I did. If i have to lie to him, if i have to fight the faces of the people I love, then i'll loath myself every second, but I will do it again and again until my dying breath."
"You, Cody Burns, are the most fascinating person I have ever encountered."
The monster's long, razer sharp claws that had formerly been fingers lashed out, Cody's hastily formed field barely holding them back as they slashed at his helmet.
The momster's glowing red eyes stared at him, the protective shell of it's head tilting as it flashed him an uncanny sneer.
"I cannot wait to dissect your body, after I tear your heart right from your chest as you weep, dying with the knowledge that you have failed again."
Under his battered helmet, Cody grit his teeth, his eyes flashing a golden glow as he pushed the claws back, the twisting metal rotating and reforming itself as he fumbled in his pocket, before pulling out a small device.
"If i go down, then i'm dragging you with me."
He revved back, before charging forward, grabbing the hoverboard with his cybernetic, and draining all the power from, before channeling everything he possibly could into the arm, leaping right at the artifical madman, and clinging to his chest.
"What are you doing?!"
"Destroying you once and for all."
Cody pressed the disk to the glowing gem in the center of it's chest, and pressed his cybernetic against it, letting it build to maximum power.
"You would really go as far as murder?"
Cody looked up, and his helmet slightly opened, allowing the piercing red eyes to stare at the scarred, battered face.
"You haven't been human for a long time, Morocco. All you are now is a defective killing machine."
His helmet re-covered his face, and he closed his eyes.
Neither being truly processed the explosion.
The next thing to enter Cody's mind was the shatter of his helmet as he slammed against a tree, roughly crashing to the ground.
The trickle of blood filled his senses, he couldn't even pinpoint where it was coming from, his brain screaming a thousand times over from the blistering, burning pain filing his systems.
He'd used absolutley everything he had.
Yet, his left hand drifted to his jacket, a burning, wet cough escaping him, red staining his lips as he pulled one last item out of his pocket.
His old comnlink, unusable now, worn with age and disrepair.
But it served a new purpose now.
he pressed the button on the top, and it popped open, the inside hollowed out to reveal an old, weathered photo.
His younger self proudly beaming into the cameras, his sibling's faces a mix of horror and confusion, with his dad merely looking tired.
he pressed the comn to his chest, and sighed.
Only for horror to fill him, at the sound of an echoed, glitched laugh.
"Oh... How truly ironic...."
He forced his head to turn, bile rising in his throat.
The monster's stance was crooked.
One leg was missing half at the joint, the frame warped, the metal scorched and mishapen as it weathered the flames around it's feet, one hand half buried in the scorched earth, and it's face peeled back to the raw wires and plating.
The gem at it's core was gone, but a warping, sparking ball of electricity encompased the being, seeming to pulse like a putrid heart.
"How riviting.... This power... I've never felt anything like this before...."
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no NO NO NO NO NO HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD, DEAD AT LAST
But as he lay there, helpless and unnmoving, the monster shambled it's way towards him, it's voice glitching and breaking.
"That little trick took all the power you had, didn't it? Your little trick is quite impressive, if foolhardy. Once again, cody burns.... You surprise me.... Perhaps I shouldn't dispose of you so hastily..."
The Rescue Team stormed the area, instantly growing uneasy over the sight of the monster.
"My my.... isn't this a grand little reunion..."
The monster turned a slow circle, giving the rescue team a clear look at the damaged, inhuman frame.
"How uncanny.... I imagine this must be how you feel.... Seeing the faces of the ones you knew, knowing they are not the same. It must be like seeing ghosts..."
"S-stop... stop..."
Cody wheezed through strained breath, dark spots lapping at his eyes.
The figure leaned back, it's broken arms outstretched as it turned a slow circle.
"Everything you've done to destroy me has only made me stronger. After so many years, after so much blood, tell me. Who's truly being destroyed by this battle?"
"Back away slowly."
Charlie quickly got out of Chase, the latter switching modes as Charlie tenatively stepped closer.
"Back away from that young man.... Whatever you are."
A glitched, distorted, echoing chuckle escaped the twisted abomination, it's ugly head coming directly face the Chief.
"Chief Burns.... It's been so long..."
Charlie eye's went wide.
"That voice... Doctor Morocco?"
"Yes and no... Big things have happened here... Things you will no doubt struggle to comprehend... I look forward to it."
His head tilted back to the floor, meeting Cody's horrified eyes.
"Congratulations.... You've made me most curious. And so, I extend this, for I desire to see what unfolds next. So... Until we meet again..."
The glowing core of the monster's body emmited a bright flash, causing everyone to avert their eyes, and smoke flooded the area.
"No... No...."
Charlie charged through the billowing smoke, but it was too late.
The monster was gone.
"No... no... no... I failed.. I failed... I.. fa... failed..."
Charlie dropped to one knee, as he recognized the broken peices of the helmet.
The teen turned his face away, almost trembling.
"You.. shouldn't.... not your fight..."
"Young man, please, save your strength, we're going to get you to a hospital, alright? Can you tell me your name?"
There was a moment of hesitation, before the teen let out a deep sigh, an turned his head.
Charlie was taken aback instantly, the inherent familiarity of the face he was seeing.
The shape of his face, the blonde hair that was down to his shoulders.
Despite the thick scar across his cheek, the cavernous dark circles underneath his eyes,
Charlie knew.
He would always know.
".... Cody?"
"Not... Exactly.... I'm not... yours..."
The rest of the team had begun to circle around by that point, a shocked, horrified feeling settling across all of them.
without a second thought, charlie gently cupped his face, brushing a long strand of hair out from his eyes.
"Who are you?"
The teen coughed, charlie stepping aside as Dani raced up, wincing at the blood trailing down his face and soaking through his jacket.
"My name... Is Cody Burns... And I am from another dimension. I came here to stop my world's doctor Morocco..... You're all in danger.... I... I have..."
"The only thing you're doing right now is going to the hospital."
Dani unloaded a stretcher from Blades's cab, her face tight.
"Dad, help me with him."
"On it."
"No... no I don't... I need..."
Kade watched a small object slipped his his hands, before his eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he passed out.
Dani instantly checked his pulse, Charlie helping to manuver him onto the stretcher.
"He's alive, but whatever the hell happened here, he's not doing good."
"Get him out of here. I'll meet you at the hospital as soon as I can, but first I need to have a word with Doc. Kade, Heatwave, check on the camping trip, see if they saw anything and make sure nobody got hurt. Don't tell Cody and Frankie what's going on. Graham, Boulder, clean up the area the best you can."
He helped Dani load up the stretcher, and Kade snagged the small item, tucking it into his pocket.
Dani situated herself, and Blades's window closed, and he quickly took off.
With gone, Kade just couldn't hold it back.
"... That's what need to find out."
Charlie nodded to Chase, and he switched modes, his door popping open.
"Keep me informed, if you find anything. I need to have a word with Doc, see if he can figure anything out."
He hopped in, and Chase drove off.
Graham and Kade exchanged a look with each other, Graham numbly saying,
"Well... That was... a lot..."
"No. It's all just.... a trick or something."
Kade started pacing, his hand pulling the item out of his pocket.
"No, No, I'm not buying it. Whoever that guy is, he ATTACKED us. Hello, THIS IS GRIFFIN ROCK. He's got to be... I dunno, A clone, or... or something! I'll even accept time travel, we KNOW time travel is real!"
"But that's just it."
Graham took a knee, gathering up the broken parts of the helmet, wincing at the sight of blood staining some of the shards.
"If something as crazy as time travel can be real, why not another dimension?"
Kade opened his palm, and stared at the old comnlink.
"... No, something isn't right here!"
He squeezed the comn, and stopped, as it popped open.
".... what..."
"What is it?"
Kade motioned him over, with Heatwave and Boulder taking a peek as well.
Graham leaned in, and felt his breath hitch in his chest.
"... No way..."
He knew that photo...
"Isn't that-"
"The same photo dad took after our first mission, after we found out the bots are aliens."
He knew it so well.
Cody had the thing framed, hanging it in the bunker.
Heatwave stared down, gazing at the photo before glancing at the broken helmet pieces in Graham's hands.
"... If that really is Cody, then.... what happened?"
"Heatwave, don't tell me you think-"
"I don't know what to think."
Heatwave sighed, guetsuring around at the damage.
"Graham has a point. If we can get mixed up in time travel mayhem, and see an alternate timeline where Morocco took over the island, then why not? Why not have another dimension where Cody is some sort of... hardened warrior or something? After all the chaos i've seen here, i've learned one thing. For better or for worse, anything is possible."
Kade clicked the makeshift locket closed, shoving it into his pocket as he groaned.
"Yeah... And that's what worries me..."
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saibug1022 · 9 months
Love, I See You Now
Word Count: 1.1k
Aerin Valleros x Asterin Nightbloom (m!elf!mc), background mentions of Asterin x Tyril and Asterin x Mal
A/N: Everyone say thank you to @gretchen-nightbloom for their post on Aerin's shadow form and @oh-so-youre-a-nerd being the one to find and send me the post. Also it is late and I am tired so this is unedited. If you see a typo no you don't. Title from Underground but Cody Fry
Slash. Strike. Block. Roll. Arrow. Bind. Roll. Shatter.
The battle for the Whitetower Rift was in full swing and Asterin could barely remember a time before it nor imagine a time after. All they could focus on was the split second they were in and what they had to do next. If they got distracted for even a moment they were dead.
He rolled and fired off cleansing fire in one direction, not even watching long enough to see it hit. He brought up his staff to block a sword and lashed out with his chain, entangled the soldier's legs and yanking her down. He'd long lost track of his friends and allies. He kept slipping in blood and he didn't even know where he was injured.
As it turned out, his leg was injured. He tried to lean on his left leg to sidestep an arrow but instead a flame of white hot pain burst from his leg and he cried out. He didn't get the chance to remember why he was stepping before the arrow found its mark in his chest.
Asterin didn't even scream as he fell, only made a choked off groan. It didn't even hurt much at first, he just stared at the arrow in his chest in shock. Then the pain hit all at once, so intense he couldn't cry out, only whimper as it overwhelmed his senses.
“ASTERIN!” A voice called his name and Asterin almost dismissed it as a hallucination. It sounded like Aerin but it was echoing, like a chorus of whispers repeated his every word.
A soldier appeared above him as his vision washed in and out. He could only make out the sword the soldier held from how it glinted in the sun. The soldier raised the sword and Asterin felt tears gather in his eyes.
He'd failed.
Asterin made one single mistake and now he was losing everything. Any chance to heal. Any chance to go on true adventures instead of desperate quests. Any chance to rebuild things with Aerin. He was losing Tyril and Mal and any life he could have had with them. He was losing Imtura and Nia. He was leaving Kade alone.
He didn't want to die…
Suddenly the air dropped so drastically Asterin could feel the frost on his armor. The sunlight seemed to be edged with violet.
Then a bolt of pure darkness armed right over Asterin and slammed into the chest of the ashen soldier about to kill him. Asterin's vision was still fading but as he tried to focus it he caught glimpses of a fight and the suffocating feeling of Shadow Magic. For a brief moment he wondered if Valax saw him fall and had betrayed her mother to save him.
But when Asterin's vision cleared it wasn't Valax kneeling down next to him. It was Aerin. Not as Asterin knew him now. His skin was gray with black veins cutting across it like cracks. His eye were a familiar silver that chilled Asterin to the bone. It was exactly how he'd looked when he'd betrayed them all to the Shadow Court, when he sacrificed Nia, when he nearly killed Asterin.
Aerin reached for him but Asterin flinched away, trying to put distance between them. He was already in so much pain, the agony alone would suffocate him. He didnt know what Shadow Aerin would do but his addled brain didnt care. He just didnt want to hurt anymore.
“No, it's okay,” Aerin spoke, his voice gentle but frantic like one would speak to an injured animal. Asterin supposed that was what he was. “Please, stop moving, you'll only hurt yourself.”
“And you won't?” Asterin tried to scoff but instead his words came out slurred and breathless.
“Of course I won't,” Aerin promised. “I swore to you I would never hurt you again. But you're seriously hurt in the midst of a massive battle, I need to get you to a medic.”
“A medic?” Asterin hummed. It was loud like one would expect to find in a battle. And he supposed he did need a medic. He did have an arrow in his chest. “Nia's a medic. Let's find Nia.”
“Perfect,” Aerin nodded and came to Asterin's side.
This time the elf didn't flinch away and let Aerin scoop him up. Normally he'd wonder where Aerin's shadow form came from and how he was able to pick up Asterin, but all Asterin could focus on was the whimper he let out as the wound was shifted. It was only worse as Aerin started running.
“AH!” Asterin cried, reflexively curling around himself. “Stop, stop it hurts, please.”
“Soon, stay strong for me Asterin,” Aerin promised.
“You promised you wouldn't hurt me anymore,” Asterin whimpered, but every step Aerin took sent shockwaves of pain through Asterin's entire system. Aerin made a face like someone had burned him, tears making his dulled skin sparkle.
Asterin was shifted once more and the agony that washed over him was like nothing he could have ever imagined. He heard a scream but he couldn't be sure if it was from him or the battle. His vision completely blacked out and he would have let the darkness take him if not for a cold hand taking his.
“Asterin, please, please open your eyes,” Aerin's voice pleaded. He liked Aerin. “You're stronger than this. You're the strongest person I've ever known. You won't let all this end to a stray arrow. Open your eyes, darling, please.”
His eyes were closed? He opened them again and saw Aerin amidst a cloud of white and gold. The gray was fading from his skin as he gripped Asterin's hands in both of his. He looked beautiful. So beautiful. With the shadow or without he would always be beautiful because he was Aerin.
“Shadow…?” Asterin wondered, his thoughts not quite making it to his mouth.
“I thought it was gone,” Aerin admitted. “But when I saw you on the ground and heard you scream something came over me. It was an anger and fear I'd never felt before and it brought forth whatever traces of Shadow Magic were left in me.”
“You're okay?” Asterin asked. “Still my Aerin?”
“Of course,” Aerin swore and squeezed Asterin's hand. “I'll always be your Aerin.”
“Good,” Asterin muttered. “I lo’ my Aerin…”
There was more to say, it was on the tip of his tongue. But he couldn't find the strength to form the words. He thought he could hear Nia now and there was something bright but Asterin was too tired to look. He tried to fight the darkness like Kade always did for him, he really tried, but his head lulled and his eyes fell shut.
“Asterin, no, open your eyes, ASTERIN!”
Eventually he couldn't open them again.
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bedtimegiraffe · 5 months
Fun Things Blades Characters Can Do Based on Their TTRPG Classes
Not restricting myself to the skills listed on the sheets, because that's boring. Also, assuming they're DnD characters, because that's sure what it looks like.
Perfectly match anyone's accent after talking to them for 1 minute ('Master of Intrigue' under Rogue: Mastermind)
Insult people into being less competent ('Cutting Words' under Bard: College of Lore)
Make an experimental elixir every morning that will have one of six random effects on the person who drinks it (which could be flight!) ('Experimental Elixir' under Artificer: Alchemist)
Telepathically spy using her spellbook ('Manifest Mind' under Wizard: Order of Scribes)
Make boots that you can use to teleport up to 15 feet away ('Boots of the Winding Path' under Artificer)
Literally can't be scared while raging (basically getting really in the zone in combat) ('Mindless Rage' from Barbarian: Path of the Berserker)
Be at least middling when persuading someone at all times ('Silver Tongue' under Bard: Class of Eloquence)
Make himself magically understood by anyone, even if they don't speak the same language ('Universal Speech' under Bard: College of Eloquence)
Attack faster because he's charming ('Rakish Audacity' under Rogue: Swashbuckler)
Make others doubt themselves with sass ('Unsettling Words' under Bard: Class of Eloquence)
Cause magical damage by punching people ('Hand of Harm' under Monk: Way of Mercy)
While in Shadow form, summon a screaming shadow wolf ('Hound of Ill Omen' under Sorcerer: Shadow Magic)
Magically create a quill that doesn't need ink ('Wizardly Quill' under Wizard: Order of Scribes)
Create an area where it's really hard to lie to him ('Zone of Truth' under Paladin: Oath of Crown)
Summon a bear, hawk, or unicorn (!) spirit to support the group in combat ('Spirit Totem' under Druid: Circle of Shepherd)
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sonicasura · 7 months
My mind for the last few days: Transformers x Weretoons idea go brrr.
I have an idea for three specific iterations of the franchise. Those are Prime/Rescue Bots, Animated, and Bayverse. Although the latter two choices I can't really got into depth as there is going to be involvement with a Weretoon OC not designed yet.
Luckily for you folks, Prime/Rescue Bots aren't in that category since there's two perfect characters to experiment with! Who you may ask? How about Miko Nakadai and Cody Burns!
The reason behind it is I can give them two completely different backgrounds for their respective Weretoon sides. Plus both sides of the continuity get dragged into Looney Tunes style mayhem. Transformers Prime shall not escape the insanity this time.
Let's start with the female member of the Jasper Trio. Miko is an afflicted Weretoon as she gotten into an incident at 6 years old. She had to get a blood transfusion to save her life with everyone unaware of what the donor actually is.
Her toon has two sides to it. Miko's usual appearance looks exactly like herself as a cartoon but with obvious differences. She shrinks to 4'8 in height, her fingers are mole claws, a pair of little black bat wings, a pink dragon tail, sharp teeth with two peeking out her upper lip, and two little pink tipped black horns on her head.
Her secondary toon form is a MOLE DRAGON. This is because of Miko's trope: Beast Among Us. A toon who possesses takes a mostly inconspicuous normal form to hide their true monster nature. Miko is no exception either.
Her beast form has a 22 ft long Eastern Dragon/Mole hybrid with 7 ft long arms/legs. Miko's fur covered hide is predominantly obsidian in color for the hot pink scaley underbelly, pink tips on her mane, silver whiskers, light brown muzzle, black bat wings, pink bushy tail tip, salmon(color) nose, pink lavender antler like horns and red back spikes. Her muzzle alongside long arms/legs are mole like in nature.
Despite being able to fly, Miko's more dangerous in the ground. She can dig up to 75 mph and spit out blasts of sand like a cannon. A feat that made her first shift a sheer nightmare. Miko ran away from home and later found herself under the loving care of a demolition worker Weretoon.
Cody Burns is a natural born Weretoon from his mother's side and came into his heritage at age 4. (Got it from his great great grandfather with his mother not inheriting it.) Griffin Rock houses a few Weretoons as the place's secluded but also whacky nature keeps them safe from hostile Cartoon Hunters.
Cody's toon form is (ironically) a 6 ft tall bipedal gryphon. His bird half being a Laughing Gull but his arms are hand like wings similar to the Rito from the Legend of Zelda specifically BotW/TotK. Instead of a lion, Cody's lower half is a Pallas Cat with thick fluffy fur and surprisingly eagle feet than said feline's.
He can fly but not for long as his wings aren't fully developed yet. At most Cody can glide without straining himself too much. His trope is Understudy which means he can learn any skill extremely fast if he witnesses in toon form.
Kade, Dani and Graham are his half siblings as he was born from a failed relationship. They love Cody all the same but being left out of everything hurts much more thanks to this common knowledge. He unconsciously clings to the Rescue Bots once they arrive on Griffin Rock.
Speaking of the bots, both sides are in for a wild ride especially the Prime cast. (Rescue Bots got more available knowledge plus Griffin Rock is already insane on it's own.) Toons don't follow the same laws that everyone else does and Weretoons bask in this unique privilege.
Decepticons will not look at humans the same again once Miko pulls out an ink bottle. She can back up her sass as Starscream is getting stared down by a mole dragon straight from a cartoon. And quickly learns that explosions don't do shit either.
What can I say other than I like chaos?
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vengeanceson · 3 months
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The Basics:
Name: Grayson Kade Age: Thirty Species: Hunter Werewolf Location: Salem Occupation: Librarian Gender: Cismale (he/him) FC: Drew Starkey
tw: attempted suicide, weapons, gore, violence
·  Grayson’s most prominent memory is within the walls of The Order. Training beside family from the early morning until night fell and he could no longer keep his eyes open. The first and only child, the pride and joy of the Grayson family as he was set to take on the role of Hunter, like his mother before him.
·  He spent his formative years inhaling every book The Order had, taking notes in journal after journal to study at his leisure. The pride in his mother’s eye an incredible motivator to continue bettering himself.
·  Like his mother, Grayson specialized himself in werewolves. Like his mother, Grayson has no interest in cures. A beast is a beast and the only true cure is death.
·  When he graduated, he graciously accepted every job he was given and completed it quickly. Werewolves hunted down without mercy; zero hesitation with each pull of the trigger that sent a silver bullet into the heart of his prey. He slept every night comfortably, never a sliver of guilt over the lives he’d taken.
·  At twenty-seven, Grayson considered himself a seasoned hunter and took great pride in all his accomplishments. So, when he was sent on a job with his mother as the head of the hunting party outside of Salem, the gravity of the situation wasn’t lost on either of them, but they were confident in themselves and each other.
·  What they faced was unlike anything Grayson had ever seen or heard of behind. Maybe they’d all gotten too comfortable, or maybe the wolf was something else, but Grayson can’t explain the violence it inflicted on his team. Shredded, devoured, mutilated, the hunting party could hardly be called remains with the way they were massacred so viciously.
·  He and his mother stood back-to-back, eyes wide as they searched the surrounding area for their target. His foot slipped on the blood soaked grass and he didn’t have the chance to catch himself before searing pain ripped itself through his bicep and he found himself being dragged from the clearing that held his fellow hunter’s remains; his last sight that of his mother’s open and unseeing eyes, her head lying three feet from her body.
·  Grayson can still smell the blood, hear the screams, relive the pain of that night. Only the wolf itself holds mystery, barely a flash of wild eyes in his memory as it turned his world upside down.
·  When he awoke the next morning, he spent an hour making it back to where the hunting party laid in ruins. But he wasn’t a fool, he knew what fate awaited him. He found his mother’s gun, still loaded with her last silver bullet. Bending forward, he set the barrel in his mouth and pulled the trigger.
·  The bullet jammed and Grayson had his sign. His blood was dirtied, but his mission wasn’t over. The wolf that had killed his family and cursed him would die by his hand.
·  He spent the day digging into the bloody mud, ignoring the ripping of his finger nails and pain that spread through his body. He didn’t stop digging until the grave was big enough to hold the bodies of his fallen comrades.
·  It pained him to leave them in an unmarked grave, but he hoped that when The Order found them it would be assumed he died alongside them. If not, they would come for him and he couldn’t let them kill him before his job was finished.
·  He took his time making his way to Salem and has spent the last year and a half integrating himself into the town as best he could while also keeping a controlled distance. The last thing he needed was someone getting too close and asking too many questions.
·  He’s certain that the beast who murdered his people is in this cursed town and knows it’s his last mission to take them out before he ‘cures’ the werewolf within him as well.
Good Traits: tenacious, perceptive, loyal
Bad Traits: vengeful, hostile, twitchy
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absentia-if · 1 year
Oh hey, it's been a while, I should play the latest update.
*Names MC Karina Zane...an M-mancing MC without knowing Carina is M's own aunt.*
*After finding out*: Ah...Shit
But for real, I'm really happy to have the option of being happy for K in moving on XD My MC isn't particularly vengeful (Kinda have this headcanon image of her having been pinning for M for years and it solidified during her captivity, wishing she could see them one more time.)
Feel free to ignore this ask, but I want to say I love the chapters you've work so hard on ;-; FUCK, it hurts to see how many people got affected from the kidnapping incident..
As for my question: Say MC has a thing where scent gives them the safety they needed most and the RO came home early to find MC hugging and clinging to a clothing of theirs that smelled of them the most, just burying their nose in the fabric or even having a little clothing nest if they could be spared. When MC notices them, they get embarrassed and try to come up with a logical, 'totally normal' reason to be sniffing their SO's clothes. How would they react/approach this?
I've done the exact thing multiple times! In fact, there are two canon women with that first name-- Carina Steele and Karina Ashford, both of whom you meet. I just thought the name was neat when creating Detective Ashford that I completely spaced on Carina Steele; even though I absolutely adore her.
I'm excited for your Karina to begin romancing M. I just know that it'll be a fun adventure for you both. I can't wait for you to see what's in store for M-Mancers down the road! In fact, there's a scene coming up that I think you're going to enjoy quite a bit. And thank you for your kind words! I truly appreciate it a great deal. I'm so honored that I have people like you reading my story, and that I get the privilege of being able to interact with you too. Thank you so much for being here! For being your wonderful self!
As for your question?
Kade/Kara: "What're you doing, sweetheart?" They tilt their head, hazel eyes flitting over the nest of clothes you had crafted on the bed. A warm look quickly took over the one of confusion that had been prominent only a second before; a gentle smile appears at the corner of their lips. "Having a lazy afternoon? I'll join you once I've changed out of my work clothes. Is that all right?"
Michael/Margot: Complete adoration flickers across their face, warmth completely suffused within the azure blue of their gaze. "I have a bunch of sweatshirts that I could give you, baby," they murmur, sitting on the edge of the bed, making sure not to disturb the nest, as a gentle look etched itself across their face. "Why don't I go get them and you can turn on something that we can watch? I won't be gone long, I promise."
Blaine/Blaire: They tilt their head. "Whatcha got there?" Plopping down onto the bed beside you, they toss you an award-winning smile. Their focus only shifts when they pick up one, of the many, shirts you had used to make your nest upon the bed you shared with them. "You know," they muse, a thoughtful hum interlaced with the words. "I wasn't even aware I had this many shirts. I guess I've found a good use for them, huh?"
Wren/Wynn: Confusion filters across their face before dawning realization eclipses it. And, from that confusion, a look of gentle sincerity appeared. "There's no need to be ashamed of this, MC." They shrug, an almost smile curling their lips. "I'm honored that you find so much comfort in me. I'll try to make sure that the feeling remains no matter what, okay?"
Nicholas/Natalie: A shy smile graces their lips at the sight that greets them on their bed. The warm expression causes their gray eyes to appear almost silver within the dimming light of the room. "You like to be surrounded by my clothes." It's said as more of a statement, the fact that it is, and you don't even have a chance to respond before they continue. "I'm assuming it has something to do with my scent, right?" They wait for your approval, one that you give in the form of a nod before their expression softens even more. "You can always cuddle me now, dearest one. I think I'm slightly better company than an old hoodie."
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leahazel · 2 months
I'm not sure if you're looking for prompts, but if so- affectionate moments meme for your Claude and Kade # 21? Please tell me more about them i am Intrigued
I had an idea for this one almost as soon as you sent in the ask, but it took me this long to get it off the ground. Whoops.
Anyway, here's Claude and Kade, at the very end of week 6. Spoilers, obviously. Prompt 21: A Promise.
Once the Ambassadors' Ball was successfully concluded, with the number of foiled assassinations holding steady at a frankly manageable one, Claude let his social smile drop like a rumpled dinner jacket. His limbs felt heavy, and he was weary to the bone. Contemplating the early morning that he would have tomorrow, let alone the week of negotiations that would follow, was more than he could bear. He had only just enough energy left to meander his way through the dark, quiet, abandoned corridors of the castle until he found his own bed. A brief and troubled night's sleep was still better than none.
All around him, those dark and quiet corridors were closing in. Dark and quiet, but not abandoned. Something--someone--was intruding on his solitude. Having spent the last six hours maintaining a marathon of perfect socialization, Claude was distinctly unamused at the breach into his last peaceful hour.
"Why don't you stop lurking and show yourself?" he asked the impenetrable dark.
A sliver of shadow detached itself from the nighttime hallways, resolving into the dark silhouette of a tall, slim man.
"Oh," said Claude. "You."
"Were you expecting someone else, my lord?" asked Kade, his voice dipping effortlessly into his customary derisive drawl.
"I thought it might be one of the others," said Claude, shrugging with immaculately affected nonchalance. "That strange creature of yours, perhaps, the one wanders about with her little notebook, spying on everyone."
"Oh, her." Kade snorted. "You needn't have worried. She's harmless."
"For a man who values his privacy, you seem to have no notion why anyone else would value their own," said Claude.
Kade snorted again. "Everything you did, said, or thought during the summit was observed and recorded," he said. "You should have known that would be the case, before you ever set foot on my island."
"Your island?" asked Claude, raising an eyebrow.
"It is a sovereign territory, you know," said Kade.
"And you are not its sovereign," Claude pointed out.
Kade laughed softly. "Never change."
"I wasn't planning on it," said Claude, baffled.
Kade nodded once, sharply.
"Is that what you came here for?" asked Claude. "To tell me not to change?"
"Perhaps I came to congratulate you on a successful endeavor," suggested Kade cryptically.
"The Ambassadors' Ball, you mean?" asked Claude.
Kade shrugged, a ripple in the night's darkness. "Did you accomplish some other great feat today, perhaps?" He sighed and took a step forward, narrowing the distance between them. "Can't you keep yourself out of danger, my lord, not even for the space of one week?"
"It would seem not," he answered. "I suppose that I'm just hopeless, that way."
"Tomorrow the negotiations begin in earnest," said Kade.
"I'm aware," he replied dryly.
"Right," said Kade. "And since you're nearly out of time, do try to stay alive a little bit longer. It would be a shame for you to come so close to achieving your goals, and then fall short of the mark."
"What do you know about my goals?" he demanded, with a creeping suspicion.
Kade took another step closer, until the trace of distant candlelight gleamed in his silver hair and his icy smile. "I was there when you gave your great speech. Far in the back, behind the rapt audience of your fellow delegates, but I heard everything. Don't you want to secure your place in the history books, Lord Claude?"
"I told you not to call me that," said Claude quietly.
"By what name, then, do you mean to be remembered?" asked Kade.
"By a name that I earn for myself," he answered without hesitation.
"A name and a reputation of your own invention," said Kade thoughtfully. "How un-aristocratic of you."
"All right," said Claude, crossing his arms. "You've said your piece, and delivered your back-handed compliments. Are you done? Only it's late, and as you rightly pointed out, I have a long day ahead of me, tomorrow."
Kade sighed. "I will miss this, you know. Our little verbal sparring matches. There are so few others on this island who are able to keep pace with me, and fewer still inclined."
"Shocking," said Claude dryly. "If that will be all?"
"One more thing," said Kade, his smile fading. "One thing I need you to remember, before we part for the night."
"Oh?" said Claude, stepping closer.
Kade gripped his face suddenly by the chin. Leaning close until his whispered words were just a breath of warm, honeyed breath, he said, "Remember who you are, and who you are not."
"…What?" said Claude, taken aback.
He tried to step away, but Kade held fast.
"No, listen to me," said Kade, leaning in until their noses were almost touching, whispering furiously. "No matter how hard it is, remember what you came here to do."
Claude snorted. "I came here to look out for myself and secure my future."
"I seem to recall you saying otherwise," said Kade.
"I lied," said Claude bluntly.
"Really?" asked Kade, dropping his hand abruptly. "Is that why you worked so hard to see Imogen acquitted?"
He bit his cheek. "What's your point?"
Kade drew a deep breath, like a runner preparing for a race. "During the negotiations, people will come to you with offers, as they have before. If you want to write your name in the book of the living, you must choose to do what's right, and not what is easy. As you have before."
He stiffened. "And how do you know all of this?"
"I know everything that goes on in this castle," said Kade. "I know every secret that you think you've uncovered, and more besides. I know what demands the ambassadors will make during the negotiations, and what concessions they're willing to make. I know that you've been skulking in the shadows, trying to learn our secrets. And I know that you danced the last dance of the ball with the Princess of Hise."
"She's just a friend," said Claude automatically, before he remembered that he owed no explanation for whom he danced with.
"Remember who your friends are," said Kade, stepping back and already melting into the shadows, "and who your enemies are."
"And which one are you?" he asked impulsively.
He could hear his soft laugh fading as he disappeared, for once, more amused than derisive.
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Blades F/AotW - Dec 31 - Jan 6, 2024
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA | 🌟 Choices Holidays 2023
Aerin Valleros x M!elf!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Tongue of Silver, Taste of Blood ✒️| Aerin Valleros x F!MC - @lovehugsandcandy
Kade of Riverbend Fanart 🎨 by @thedezzler
Blades Fanfic ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Tyril x elf!mc x Mal x f!human!mc - @storyofmychoices
Mal Volari x F!human!MC Fanart 🎨by @erixafleur
A Thief's Oath ✒️| Mal Volari x MC - @dutifullynuttywitch
Blades Fanart 🎨| Multiple Characters - @thedezzler
Blades Fanfic ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Tyril x elf!mc x Mal x f!human!mc - @storyofmychoices
Happy New Year🎨🌟| Tyril Starfury, Nia Ellarious - @artbyalz
Blades Fanfic ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Tyril x elf!mc x Mal x f!human!mc - @storyofmychoices
Happy New Year🎨🌟| Tyril Starfury, Nia Ellarious - @artbyalz
Tyril x F!elf!MC Fanart 🎨by @mavidraws
Tyril x F!human!MC Fanart 🎨 by @mydemonsdrivealimo (C: @liviusofpella)
Tyril Starfury 🎨by @megas-choices
Tyril Starfury Fan Crafting 🎨by @petalouda85
Valax Fanart 🎨 by @thedezzler
CFWC's Main F/AotW List Dec. 31 - Jan. 6
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spyridonya · 1 year
The Knight Commander as a Companion - Part 1
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Name: Kadira Storadottir
Race: Tiefling - Devilkin
Class: Wizard - Spell Master (can be classed into Rogue to Arcane Trickster). Her focuses will be based on buffs. 
Age: Mid 20s.
Appearance: Tall with wide shoulders and hips, Kadira tends to gain and shed weight easily, a trait notable among Kellids to survive the harsh climate of the Northern regions. A heart shaped face with a firm chin and jaw framed by black curls and large blue eyes, Kadira's angelic features contrast with medium red skin, a thick tail longer than she is tall, black furred goat legs. It is readily apparent that Kadira is a tiefling though she lacks the asymmetry of most Doomspawn or Demonkin have with their features. She dresses modestly in clean, neat, and well made clothes that are usually shades of blue and green pastels. Her outfits are often minimalistic but well made. The only piece of jewelry she wears is a bracelet of beaten silver, one of the last gifts she was given by her grandfather on her 13th birthday. Kadee is aware she's attractive, but is very sensitive about her legs. 
Top Skills: Knowledge: Religion, Arcane, Nature and Trickery
Alignment: Neutral Good
How/when do they join the Commander’s party?
Kadira will introduce herself at Defender's Heart, informing Commander that Irabeth has asked her to assist in escorting the commander around the city. She's a bit curt and formal in this introduction, though the commander will realize she's not entirely trustful of them. 
General Personality:
At first impression, Kadira is a dutiful young woman whose initial shyness might be mistaken for arrogant - an impression that can quickly melt away depending on the KC's actions. Rather, her distance is self protection due to living in a city that sees her as a constant reminder of the Worldwound and from the Inquisitors who are too eager to clamp down on the tiniest bit of heresy. When comfortable with others, Kadira is considerably kind, bright, and a reliable friend and ally. She becomes giddy with excitement in sharing her knowledge, though it's more prone to being helpful than to showing off.
Due to her seemingly well organized and loyalty to the Eagle Watch, many mistake Kadira for being lawful more so than chaotic. If pressed Kadira would say that any method that helps the benefit of all should be used, if following the letter of the law can save more soldiers, she'll stick to it. If flipping a table and demanding a change of guard can save more civilians, she'll do it. 
Kadira, however, can be prone to being far too sharp with some of the more forceful characters within the commander's party, and she has a high sense of morals - goodness is what she's truly loyal to and is quick to leave if she finds the Commander is dangerous - meaning she will leave under Lich, Demon, or Devil paths without the right circumstance. 
In romance, Kadira returns to her cautious nature once more, she compares herself to other LIs harshly, considering herself as too boring in personality and a required taste. However as she opens up, Kadira is playful, affectionate, and open with her affections. There is a spicer element in her romance around Chapter 4. 
What traits/values do they admire?
Compassion, ingenuity, competence, and humor. 
What traits/values do they disapprove of?
Mistaking cruelty for pragmaticism, putting methods before morality, hard love methods, grasshoppers and locusts. 
Are they affiliated with any deities?
Kadira worships Shelyn, though her focus is primary on Shelyn's role as a goddess of love and compassion with art being secondary. Though she doesn't bring it up often with the other companions save conversations with Sosiel, Trevor, and Wenduag. However, the commander can find her sketching the flora and fauna around camp and in the march to Drezen, Drezen, and the Abyss. 
What do they think of their role in the Crusades, and of sharing the Commander’s Mythic powers?
Kadira has a unique perspective due to the mundanity of her life, notably so compared to the other companions coming from Kenabras. As someone with Sarkorian heritage, she's very aware how much of her culture has been lost due to the demons and the crusaders, and that the only way to get it back is to close the Worldwound. She finds the Eagle Watch the least problematic among the crusaders, though she often attempts to speak with Irabeth about why Mendevians are the way they are with minor success. 
Kadira never expected such a role, and if she had to be honest she felt she was fighting the good fight that wouldn't end well for Golarion. She's honored and a little overwhelmed with her powers, due to the fall out with her family, but has to admit she enjoys their uses. 
Upon finding out the powers are from the Abyss, Kadira will react reasonably with non-evil paths, pointing out that ultimately the KC is choosing how to use their powers and isn't bound to fate. She strongly approves of Angel, Azata, and Gold Dragon paths, and tolerates Aeon and Trickster. Kadira will leave the party, regardless of romance, if the commander goes Demon, Lich, Devil, or Swarm. However, with a Another Archdevil Path, she might be able to stay… 
What are their reasons for joining the commander’s party?
Kadira's reasons to join are simple, she was assigned as a guide to the commander by Irabeth, and knows the city well and many of the named NPCs that the party can interact within the city. Her reliability and skills make her a useful member of the companions and she's dedicated to stopping the demon threat. 
Who are their friends among the other party members?
Arueshalae - The relationship begins with outright curiosity and Kadira becomes more animated in talking with Arue as the game goes on. Eventually she'll discuss that change is just as much a part of 'law' as 'chaos', otherwise the universe stagnates - and what Desna is doing for Arue isn't chaotic. It's ultimately 'good'. As a romance rival, Kadira is very much loyal to Arue and encourages her to follow her feelings. 
Ember - Kadira knows Ember, and Ember knows Kadira, and Kadira cannot fault Ember for her rejection of the gods. She worries that Ember does too much and tries to encourage her to stay at the camp or at Drezen. She's deeply concerned when Ember is kidnapped but becomes so very proud of Ember's courage. 
Lann - Kadira and Lann get along well, often exchanging banter and jokes with each other in their reactivity. She does become dismayed when Lann leans more into 'lawful evil' than 'lawful good'. She also trades methods on how to groom horns as the crusade progresses. He can also be 'romanced' by Kadira if the KC encourages it. She gets very conflicted about being a romantic rival with Lann, because her ‘canon’ crush on him. 
Seelah - Kadira has some prejudice against paladins and inquisitors, so she's half unsure that Seelah compassion and friendliness is real. Eventually Kadira will warm up to Seelah and there will be a few camp banters where they're both drunk and cackling about Cayden Cailean hitting on both their goddesses. 
Woljif - Woljif and Kadira become like squabbling siblings at times, Woljif having the remarkable knack of getting Kadira's nerves. However she is fierce in defending Woljif when he runs away and when dealing with his fiendish relatives. 
What about neutral?
Ulrbrig - She’ll be fascinated by the big man, constantly asking him questions about their old homeland. He finds her endearing at first, but when he finds she’s a wizard, he becomes rather cold. Kadira is remarkably hurt by this. 
Trevor - She never becomes friends with Trevor, who doesn't understand why a wizard would worship Shelyn, but she always remains unfailingly kind towards him. 
Sosiel - There is a strange rivalry between the two. Kadira is far more focused on Shelyn's love and compassion than her art, despite her attempts to perform art, and finds Sosiel clings a little too much to the 'rules' when love has no rules. She also attempts to ask if his distrust of the Hellknights is based on what they do, or propaganda by his homeland. However, she does agree if the Hellknights over welcome their stay, she’ll treat them like she will any demon cultists. 
Nenio - The two are remarkable foils as wizards; Nenio is arrogant about her intelligence and collects knowledge blindly. Kadira gently downplays her intelligence and uses knowledge as a benefit for others. Nenio doesn't care about the lack of her past but Kadira cares a little too much about her past.  
Greybor - She's one of the few people Greybor is uncomfortable with, and that's due to the fact Kadira was abandoned by her father. While Kadira is not the one who brings it up, Greybor does once or twice. He slides into the friendship side after her Act 5 quest, being remarkably compassionate. (Over what? Good question!) 
Regill - Kadira will claim that the fundamental wrongness of the Hellknights is their adherence to dogma and refusing to see the Law as transmutable reference for how a society should act in the Material Plane, notably when the Hellknights have their own biases what pragmatism is. Regill tells her she's too naive and needs more discipline. However, they both admire their end goals even if their take of said goals are remarkably different pathways. 
What about rivals?
Camellia - Unlike Kadira as a Knight Commander, Kadira as a companion doesn't know much of her family's former Green Faith. She finds Camellia largely boring and hypocritical, Camellia is no meaner to her than she is to most people. Kadira actually can lose her temper and will go on about how they're both bastards of peasant stock. Camellia will absolutely mock Kadira’s lack of experience as a romance rival for the KC… nevermind that Camellia is on the same boat. 
Wenduag - Kadira and Wenduag do not get along; Wenduag finds her weak in nature and doesn't appericiate her Kadira's role as a support caster. Kadira finds Wenduag's method of bootlicking as disgusting and finds her lack of planning troublesome for Wenduag's people. As rivals, Kadira is oddly meek, and Wenduag does prey on it. 
Daeran - Kadira dislikes Daeran, who is largely amused by her (and attracted), though Kadira never hesitates to let him know his misanthropy is hardly unique - punching up while pissing at the feet of others doesn't make him special. She becomes kinder to him after his Act 2/3 quest, picking up his discomfort but never approaching him about it at the party. (DLC dependent) If Kadira is the only DLC companion that romances Daeran downloaded, he can be a romance for her. As rivals, he hints they really ought to join forces to capture the KC's heart. If Kadira is with other DLC companions who romance Daeran, Kadira will not romance Daeran. As rivals, Daeran is quick to mock the traits that she finds uncomfortable. 
Other NPCs
Kadira has a friends with benefits relationship with Ramien in her recent past. When romanced by the PC by Act 3 and if Ramien survives in Act 1, the cleric will head to Drezen regardless of who is the Prelate of Kenabras to engage in a more romantic affair with Kadira. If Daeran is in the party while talking to Ramien and referring to their past affair, Kadira will react to the conversation. There will be a reaction from Daeran in Act 3 about the relationship. Ramien doesn't die during Act 5 outside the Angel and Trickster path due to a protective ring Kadira gave him. 
Kadira begins a long distance romance with Aranka should she not be romanced by the PC. Aranka will arrive in Drezen in Act 3, regardless of the mythic path the KC is on. There isn't as much reactivity by the party, save Arue or Seelah encouraging the romance in camp banters once the affair begins. Aranka will give Kadira a ring before Kadira must go to the Abyss along with the KC.
Kadira is very fond of Gretlen and her idiosyncratic acting trope, knowing that joy is very important in such dark times. She'll always encourage the commander to speak to Gretlen during her conversations in all acts. At times there will be scenes at the camp and in Drezen where Kadira is attempting to help with the play. 
One Eye Devil, Kadira becomes friends with the merchant due to both being devilkin in a land of Doomspawn. Sadly, this friendship doesn't help with discounts. His possible death in Act 5 is a blow to Kadira. 
DLC Companions
Coming soon
Are they on any councils? If so, what sort of advice do they give?
Kadira would be placed on the military and logistics council. She's prone to focusing on the citizens of the worldwound and then its soldiers. She will often champion better equipment and well trained units at the cost of smaller units.
Where do they hang out in Drezen? In the Abyss?
During the city's siege: Kadira will be helping with the refugees inside and will be absolutely enraptured by the golem, asking him questions and being delighted with any and all comments.
On the March: Usually on the outskirts, found crouched and looking at shrubs, she'll say she's a bit busy and wants to get this sketch done. 
In Drezen: Prior to the Ivory Sanctum, Kadira can be found just about anywhere, if not talking to One Eye, the Golem, Wilcer or drawing scrub bushes or birds. After the Sanctum in a romance state, Kadira can be found talking to Ramien and the Hand.If the KC encourages her to romance others, she can be found next to Ramien/Aranka/Lann/Daeran depending if she's in romance. If she's not romancing anyone, she can be found near the Hand. 
At the Nexus: Kadira is everywhere outside, she'll complain about the energy but she's still drawing. There will be three or four cycle animations of her in various areas, exclaiming about how she's shocked how harmless these plants can be. 
What are their idle animations?
straightening her skirts
holding a spell book with her tail, paging through the contents with her fingers
checking her tail behind her
checking her hooves, raising her skirts  
playing with a pen while her tail sways behind her
stretching her goat legs and looking so cute!
If they’re taken to Areelu’s lab, what is their dream?
Kadira dreams of a shadowy figure rushing towards her, enfolding her into a hug. She sounds like she's sobbing as she clings desperately and whispers 'Gramps'. When awake, she will be in pain and answer the question of what she was dreaming with this, "That my family accepted me." 
Do they advise the commander to abandon or keep their mythic powers?
Angel: Kadira approves of these powers, saying that how one uses power is more important than the origin of power. She'll remind the KC how all the good and justice they've done and that they've shaped the power. She understands Iomedae's worry, but she's followed the commander from the start. 
Azata: Kadira approves of these powers, saying that how one uses power is more important than the origin of power. She'll remind the KC how all the good and justice they've done and that they've shaped the power. She understands Iomedae's worry, but she's followed the commander from the start. 
Trickster: Kadira will be doubtful of the power, saying how one uses power is more important than the origin of the power. That being said, she'll note that it's not so much the chaos that Trickster causes but rather how it's slowly eating away at the KC's psyche and do they truly want to risk that? 
Aeon: Kadira will be doubtful of the power, saying how one uses power is more important than the origin of the power. That being said, she'll note that it's not so much the chaos that Trickster causes but rather how it's slowly eating away at the KC's psyche and do they truly want to risk that? She will try to remind the commander that rules are impossible to keep not because they're wrong, but rather they're guidelines.
Lich: Kadira will leave if the KC stays on the Lich Path. 
Demon: Kadira will leave if the KC stays on the Demon Path. 
Gold Dragon: Kadira is in awe, and approves of this new path greatly. 
Swarm: Kadira leaves. 
Legend: Kadira approves of this, telling the KC that sometimes the greatest power comes from within. 
Vanilla Devil Path: Kadira will leave if the KC steps on the Devil Path. 
The Other Archdevil's Devil Path: The KC will have a chance to be offered power by a different Archdevil on the Angel or Lich path. Which Archdevil is this? What will Kadira do? Well, that’s for the next update…
Provide some dialogue/bark examples!
When selected:
"What can I do?"
"You rang? (amused)"
"Oh! Yes! Wait, let me cross the t..." 
"No time like the present."
"Need my expertise? (Hopeful)" 
Assigned a task:
"Of course!"
"Let me handle it."
"I know what to do!"
"I read this in a book, once." 
"I'm glad you trusted me." 
"I guess I didn't get to that part of the book."
"Well, mistakes do help us to become better..."
Magic Item Failure:
“But I read the instruction manual, twice!” 
Spotted something:
"Oh! How interesting!"
"Wait! Stop! Don't step on it!"
Into battle:
"You are intolerable." 
"Oh, demons and cults. How surprising." 
"Get out of my homeland!" 
Critical hit:
Health low:
“I... knew I should have studied medicine.”
Falls unconscious:
“I will ... know better... next time.." 
Refusing to equip something:
“I feel this is a bit bulky for me."
"Oh! This is something only Shelyn could love..."
“Don’t you know how heavy this is?”
"I-I don't know how to use this." 
If romanced after sex:
"Wait... it's cold out there. I want you to be warm."
"The idea of lingering and waiting for you is... a perfect use of time."
"I'll be thinking about you all day." 
"I... take care of yourself, if I can't?" 
“I promise I’ll use my tail. Again.” 
(coming later!) Quests/Romance
(coming later) Endings/Banter
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echowritesstuff · 6 months
WIP introduction : Teacups and Ticking Clocks. (TW: mentions of schizophrenia, delusions, narcolepsy and ADHD)
This is my newest WIP (it's literally only a couple days old) but I treasure it with all my heart, honestly I don't know why I just do. Kinda similar to Aurabreak, it's very different to my other WIPs. This time it isn't because of the audience though, it's because of the genre.
Unlike most of my WIPs, Teacups and Ticking Clocks isn't really a fantasy novel, despite being inspired by fantasy. As the name might have suggested, it's a moderen day parody of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll. Also, it isn't by any means a one for one parody, a lot of the stuff has been changed, such as relationships between characters amd the overall story. I also added some extra characters as well ;D
Since it isn't Fantasy, there isn't much world building to cover so I'm probably gonna dive into the characters cause well, I feel like it.
Alicia Lennings (Alice) - Alicia is an 18 year old girl with diagnosed schizophrenia. She lives with her older sister Lori, older brother Garrett and one of his boyfriends Derrick. Her parents work away from home (a different city) so she doesn't see them too often. Alicia currently attends Silver Creek Community College and studies Media Studies, History and Art there. Her, Bianca and Chester often visit Grey's tea shop together. Alicia also has appointments with Dr. Caroll twice a week.
Bianca Harely (White Rabbit) - Bianca is extremely shy, though fiercely protective of those she loves. Like her girlfriend Alicia, she is 18 years old and attends Silver Creek, where she is studying Psychology, English (Literature and Language) and French. She also loves to write poetry, though she would be sooo embarrassed if anyone actually read it. Which is kinda a problem since it's what she's planning on pursuing a career in.
Chester Kade (Cheshire Cat) - Chester may not be the most academically minded but they try their best. They're a little older than the other members of the main trio (19 years old) but are still at college due to having to redo a year. They are ultimate chaotic neutral energy but are always there for their friends. The courses they're studying at Silver Creek are drama, geography and law.
Rosalind Heartman (Queen of hearts) - Rosalind (or Rosa for short) is 18 and attends Silver Creek, like the main trio. She studies food and nutrition, art, film studies and drama. However, she finds them (and almost anyone else who is different ) as far lesser than herself and those few whom she holds in high regards. Rosa often expresses her distain to those around her, especially Alicia, who she often calls crazy and other ableist insults.
Grey Conwell ('Mad' Hatter) - Grey is older than most of the main characters, not by much though, he is 21. Throughout his teenage years, he apprenticed at a small tea house. When he graduated, he ended up buying the shop when it was up for sale. It is now known simply is "Grey's Hat and Tea Emporium" as he also sells hats he creates. Grey has ADHD and like Alicia has sessions with Dr. Caroll, though his are only once weekly. He's also in a polyamorous relationship with Garrett and Derrick.
Mars Harely (March Hare) - Mars is Bianca's younger cousin. He is best friends with Dorine and the two are pretty much inseparable. He doesn't attend Silver Creek College since he only just turned 16 (he goes to the local high school instead) but he does work a couple of weekend shifts at Grey's.
Dorine Abbot (Dormouse) - Dorine is a sixteen year old, who like her friend Mars works part time at Grey's when she is not in school. When Dorine is on shift, there always has to be someone extra working with her, just incase anything happens due to her narcolepsy.
Dr C. Caroll. - Dr Caroll is a psychiatrist originally from a small village in Cheshire. He has many clients, though out of the main cast he works with Alicia, Bianca and Grey (who was the one who first told Alicia of him). He is a kind and gentle man, who is always very patient with his clients.
I think that's pretty much all for now!
Also, now that this monster of a post is done, I can get back to answering asks and tags! :D
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chayscribbles · 2 years
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space heist intro but it's a comic sans powerpoint i put together in like 15 minutes five months ago
get the pretty, more coherent intro here
text transcript below
slide 1:
a wip by chay luna
working titles include “space heist” and “be gay do crime… in space”
slide 2:
A LONG TIME AGO IN A GALAXY FAR FAR A— *micky mouse sniper gunshots*
we find ourselves in the Wild West of space, where outlaws and criminals can do whatever the hell they want while those supposedly in charge look the other way to protect their own interests
Captain Leonore “Leo” Callisto of the Siren leads a small crew doing various gigs and odd jobs for people all around the sector. yknow, smuggling shit, stealing shit, selling stolen or rare shit, etc
but after the team’s spy, Zeya (who Leo was showing favoritism to for No Particular Reason) takes off with a shitton of money after a spat with Leo, the rest of the crew, no longer trusting Leo’s judgement, decides to ditch her as well, save 2 loyal but very inexperienced members: engineer Gabriola “Gabi” Franco and the crew’s muscle Euna Li
slide 3:
okay so that’s the context, now let’s get to the plot
while searching for work on Space Kijiji, Leo comes upon an offer from a rich, eccentric art collector calling themself the Curator, offering a large money reward to steal a statuette from the House of Dyonas, a powerful and wealthy family on the planet Vihelda that passes along wispy purple telekinesis powers from generation to generation
the statuette is one of the two Gemini Statuettes, which are believed to depict a pair of twins in the Dyonas family from a few generations ago, but the House Head, Andlyn Dyonas, refuses to sell, so the most logical thing to do is to pay someone to steal it, as one does
strapped for cash, Leo accepts, even tho the House of Dyonas is notoriously hard to get into (she has a few tricks up her sleeve ofc, including getting one of the Dyonas House Heirs, the runaway Illiana, to help her)
BUT as she and her tiny ragtag crew embark on this quest, they quickly learn that they’re not the only ones with their eyes on this prize, and ~someone~ on a quest to sabotage them always seems to be a step ahead 👀
slide 4:
[ID: a tall, dark-skinned woman with brown eyes. she has a long, dark braid with ends gradually lightened to blonde. she wears a long, deep red coat with gold accents, a white shirt, tight black pants, black fingerless gloves, and high black boots. there is a weapon with a golden hilt strapped to her leg. her expression is serious. she holds up a black blaster pistol with glowing red accents. end ID.]
28 years old, she/her, from Tharrekan
is actually a Capricorn, not a Leo
picked up business and finance skills from her relatively successful business people parents
but then one day disaster struck, and Leo had to turn to a life of thieving and smuggling to get by, eventually saving up to get her own ship and crew
she’s really good at making connections and manipulating negotiating with people with her jacked up charisma stat. not so great at forming genuine relationships tho
claims to be an “honest criminal” but yeah that’s a lie, along with pretty much everything else that comes out of her mouth
gaslight gatekeep girlboss <3
is completely normal about Zeya Kade
yeah i really made a wip called “Gemini Heist” and then named my main character LEO kjdfkjs
slide 5:
[ID: a short, chubby light-skinned young woman. she has short brown curls, hazel eyes, and a nervous expression. she wears a white shirt, a green bomber jacket with orange accents, brown arm guards on her forearms, black fingerless gloves, baggy dark blue pants, silver knee pads, brown boots, and a brown tool pouch around her waist. silver tools are tucked into the front pockets of her jacket. a pair of orange-tinted goggles rests on her head. end ID.]
21 years old (the baby of the crew), she/her, from Plana D’Ezza
was studying mechanomedicine (which is, as the name suggests, a mix of mechanics and medicine, specifically to work w cyborgs) in university
secretly did unauthorized repairs on cyborg parts for people who couldn’t afford it, but got caught and got in Big Trouble
anyways now she has a criminal record hanging over her head and massive student debt lmao
idealistic, arguably naive, trying to toughen up (but isn’t very good at it)
has a MASSIVE gay crush on Euna. she thinks she’s being subtle about it but like EVERYONE has noticed. (except for Euna herself, of course.)
slide 6:
[ID: a tall, light-skinned, muscular, east asian-coded woman. she grins as she runs towards the viewer. her peach-coloured hair with dark roots is straight and is half loose just below her shoulders, with two buns at the top of her head. she wears a white tank top with pink straps, an orange jumpsuit tied at the waist, and black boots. a simple silver blaster is tucked into a black holster at her hip. her right arm is a cybernetic prosthesis, attached right above the elbow, and is white with pink accents. end ID.]
EUNA LI, the Brawns
24 years old, she/her, from Siung-Katsa
used to be a moderately successful competitive athlete but preferred performing to competing and impulsively joined a space circus only to find herself trapped in a shitty contract with bad working conditions
and then the Accident™ happened in which she lost her arm, and she was swindled into buying a super expensive cybernetic prosthesis bc she thought it would enhance her performance with the circus
but since it took “too long” for her to recover, the circus managers replaced her without even telling her :( so she pretty much joined the Sirens to pay off her medical bills rip
big arms to give big hugs
doesn’t have the highest intelligence stat tho but she’s trying her best!!!!!
completely oblivious to the fact that Gabi is in love with her lmao (she’s convinced Gabi is only interested in her fancy prosthesis)
slide 7:
[ID: a light-skinned woman with purple curly hair. her eyes glow purple, and she is floating with her arms outstretched, holding two glowing purple wisps in her hands. her expression is serious. she wears a long, white coat, a black sparkly top with purple edging, a purple crystal pendant, black leggings, silver wristbands, and tall white boots. end ID.]
23 years old, she/her
daughter of Lord Andlyn of the House of Dyonas, House Head
has an identical twin sister, Kalenora Ismerie, First Heir to the House of Dyonas (yes all their names are like this), who is a few minutes older
Illiana has always been better than Kalen at mastering their inherited powers, which has caused ~tension~ between the sisters over who gets to be the next House Head when their father dies
so Kalen did *stuff* to secure her position and forced Illiana to go on the run and hide out in what is essentially Space Las Vegas under an alias
she gets roped into the heist to help them get into the House of Dyonas, although she is very reluctant to go back there (but is very tired of washing dishes in some dingy Space Vegas bar)
she will get her loyalties tested in more ways than one <3
slide 8:
[ID: a short woman with medium-brown skin. she has straight black hair that reaches just above her shoulders, the left side shaved in an undercut. she is smirking and has a piercing over her left eyebrow, two piercings on her right ear helix, and a navel piercing. she is wearing a black crop top, a blue bomber jacket with purple and pink accents, black leggings, black boots, black fingerless gloves, and two black belts with silver buckles. she is holding two glowing plasma wands (like lightsaber daggers), one pink and one blue. end ID.]
ZEYA KADE, the Rogue
27 years old, she/her
5’1” (this is important i swear)
known as Shadowblade for being sneaky and elusive (and stabby)
so sneaky and elusive, in fact, that even i don’t know much about her
that’s a lie i know a lot about her i’m just being sneaky and elusive <3
slide 9:
[ID: two memes. the first is a picture of Leo with the phrase "I am so normal about Zeya Kade", with the words "I am obsessed with" hidden by the first part of the sentence. the second is a picutre of Zeya with the same text, but the name has been changed to "Leo Callisto".]
that's it that's the wip
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lavaesfaves · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Kade Forward Mens Size 6 Oval Tigers Eye Silver Ring.
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thecrownbaltimore · 1 year
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Week at the Crown - August 8th
Tues 8/8
Chaz Monroe / Ultra Deluxe / Heaven's Gate / Diet Weed | 7PM | $10
Crown Karaoke! 9 PM | FREE
Wed 8/9
In Gloom / Regions / Flesh Of The Lotus / ATWWT / Obsolescence | 6 PM | $15 ~ $20
Thu 8/10
Tory Silver / NAE / Giji | 7PM | $10 adv / $15 atd
Urban Crater / Noise Complaint / The Upfux / Subtastics | 7:30 PM | $10
Fri 8/11
Letters to Part / Tahoe Alien / Easy Way Out / Lakefront / Right Chipper | 7PM | $10 adv ~ $12 atd
Midnight Club Dance Party: southpaw / DJ Beast / Petty Penguin / Kade Young / S.Dot / Hi$to | 9 PM | $5 adv / $10 atd
House Karaoke
Sun 8 /13
Natural Velvet / Mutant Strain / White Beast / Overcalc | $10 adv ~ $15 atd
#bandsintown #baltimore #baltimoreband #indierock #hardcorepunk #skapunk
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