#silver name kade
kaurtrends · 2 years
Kids kade || Chandi ke kade || Silver Kadde #kidsbracelet #chandibracelet #kaurtrends
Kids kade || Chandi ke kade || Silver Kadde #kidsbracelet #chandibracelet #kaurtrends
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thechildbythesea · 3 months
Request - "The Story We Weren't Told"
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hi there! i am so sorry that this story took so long! i hope it is worth the wait!
also, i may have gotten carried away, sorry
Summary: A silly little story in which, as per the usual shenanigans, Miko finds her way to somewhere she shouldn’t, dragging a concerned Raf and Jack with her.
Only, the “silly” doesn’t last as long as it should.
Word Count: 3763
It had been nearly half a steller cycle since Optimus Prime had checked up on the Rescue Bots in Griffin Rock. The Prime was curious as to how they were getting along with the mission he had given them and was starting to wonder if the Decepticons had found their way to their part of the world.
“For their sake, I hope not…” Optimus muttered to himself, lightly shaking his helm as he decided to contact the Rescue Bots. With the activity from the Decepticons as of late, especially with how widespread their sightings seemed to be getting, Optimus was getting worried that it wouldn’t be long before the cons stumbled across Griffin Rock and the Rescue Bots. 
Not to mention the many experimental technologies that littered the island. The technology may be primitive when compared to Cybertronian technology, however, he couldn’t deny just how dangerous the tech could be if the cons managed to get their servos into Doc Greenes Lab, or worse, find their way to that island where they hideaway dangerous tech.
As the other side rang out, the humans along with their guardians returned to the base; laughing and conversations about the school day could be heard as the trio of young humans climbed up to the station they had made their own. Optimus couldn’t help the small and rare smile as he watched the trio from the corner of his optic.
“This is Heatwave, of Sigma 17- Oh, Optimus!” Heatwave stopped his formal greeting as he saw who it was, most likely not expecting to see the Autobot Leader so soon. Heatwave’s posture got noticeably straighter as he spoke to the prime.
“Hello Heatwave, I wanted to check in and see how your mission is faring.” He explained, watching as Heatwave went from being confused back to a neutral look “I believe it’s going well, me and my team have learned a lot from our human partners. And from the island inhabitants.”
“Even from Kade Burns?” The Prime’s tone was almost amused, as he had witnessed the sort of rivalry between the fire rescue team. 
As much as the two butted heads, Heatwave and Kade had more in common than either of them seemed to realize, or would have cared to admit. 
Heatwave turned his helm away from the screen, almost as if he was embarrassed to admit it. “Well, despite his best efforts, yes, even from Kade.” Heatwave finally answered after a few nano-klicks had passed, facing the screen once more. 
However, the attention from the rescue bot seemed to have been cut short as Heatwave’s helm suddenly snapped to the side once more as he heard the rescue alarm sound “I hate to cut this short, but I must-”
“No need to explain Heatwave, I will contact you later.” With a final nod, Heatwave ended the video feed. Miko looked up at the Prime “Who was that?” She asked, leaning against the railing, Optimus looked down at the young girl “That was Heatwave, leader of the Rescue Bots located in Griffin Rock.”
“Griffin Rock? Never heard of it.” Miko casually stated with a shrug, but Raf’s eyes lit up at the name “I have! It’s the capital of engineering! New technology is constantly being developed and tested there!” The young Latino stated with such enthusiasm, pulling up a picture of Griffin Rock on his laptop, and showing it to his friends.
“That there is Chief Charlie Burns,” he started, pointing to a tall man, wearing a police uniform, his hair was silver, with a moustache to match. Whether his hair was that colour from being old, or the stress of the job was any of the teen's guesses, though the man was fit and looked like he had more than a few years left in him. 
“These are his four kids. They run the Rescue team on the island. A true family of heroes!” Jack looked at the picture, and immediately focused on the four tall robots in the background, standing behind the family, and upon taking a closer look, he saw the distinct insignia of the Autobots that was located on each of the bot's chassis’ “So, those are the rescue bots?” He asked, looking back at Optimus as he pointed to the image, the prime simply nodded.
“Rescue Bots? I thought they were all gone.” Arcee stated as she walked up to the group, Bumblebee following right behind her. They were both surprised to find out that no one had told them that there were rescue bots still around. “Why aren’t they here?”
“Because I didn’t want them in danger of the Decepticons. If Megatron finds out of their existence…” Optimus trailed off, the looks on his team's faceplates solidifying he didn’t need to continue that sentence. 
And while the children understood the gravity of the situation, they all grew curious about the Rescue Bots, but silently agreed they would save those questions for another time.
After a few hours, when he was sure, or at least hoped, that the rescue day had calmed down, Optimus decided to contact the Burns Family directly. When the commlink was answered, young Cody Burns showed up on the screen, the young blonde smiling wide “Optimus!” He said enthusiastically “Heatwave told us, well told Kade, who told the rest of us, that you had called this morning.” the young boy explained with a smile on his features, but his face soon shifted into worry “Wait, is there something wrong? Is that why you're calling back?”
“No, my young friend, there is nothing wrong.” The Prime started reassuringly “I was hoping to speak with your father about another visit to the island.” Optimus finally admitted, causing Cody to relax and drawing the attention of the teens of Team Prime. 
“Sure thing. Dad should be in his office. I’ll patch you through to him.” 
While Optimus began to talk to the Chief, Miko gathered her two friends into a huddle “We should totally follow Optimus when he goes to Griffin Rock!” She whispered excitedly, hoping not to draw attention. Jack gave her a credulous look “No, Miko, we shouldn’t.” He stated in a final tone. Miko pouted “You are no fun. You heard what Raf said! There’s so much to do there!” Her excitement at the possibility of the chance of going to a completely new place was obvious, but Jack wasn’t having it.
Jack was sure that if it was possible, a vein would be popping at the top of his head, the oldest sighed “Miko, we can’t just go! We need to think about what my mom, Raf’s parents and your host parents would think!” Jack argued, Miko simply shrugged, her usually carefree look on her face “My host parents don’t care… I’m pretty sure I scare them.” She sounded almost a bit too proud at that last statement, the smile she had only proved it. Jack looked at Raf, who looked a little sheepish, picking the skin off his fingers “If I tell my parents I’m with a friend and I’m keeping up with my studies they won’t mind.” Raf’s face was starting to look hopeful too. Jack sighed, running a hand through his hair as he knew for a fact his mom would say no to the whole thing. She would definitely kill him.
Bulkhead looked over at the trio, raising a suspicious optic ridge to Miko specifically, he knew her well enough by now to know when she was planning something “Miko, what are you planning now?” He asked, making Miko jump, turn and smile innocently “Nothing Bulk! Just chatting with my friends about schoolwork!” She said, trying her best to sound as innocent as possible. As much as those puppy eyes weakened him, Bulkhead remained suspicious of Miko.
“Thank you, Chief Burns. I shall see you tomorrow afternoon then.” Optimus stated and Charlie nodded “Of course, it’s a pleasure to have you anytime, Optimus. And you can tell me more about that worry once you're here.” Optimus nodded once, before ending the call. As secure as he knew their commlink was, Optimus didn’t want to take any chances.
The Prime turned to the side, just in time to see Bulkhead and Arcee interrogating Miko. 
“Come on! I’m not always planning mischief!”
“That’s a lie, you're always causing some sort of trouble.”
“Hey! Bulkhead! Tell her!”
“Sorry Miko, but I’m siding with Arcee here.”
Miko growled, stomping her foot before flopping down on the old couch, pouting.
Optimus shook his helm fondly, the small smile going unnoticed by his team.
The next day, the teens weren’t at school and had arrived at the base early to watch morning cartoons with Bumblebee. As Ratchet and Optimus prepared the ground bridge for its next destination, the medic let out a deep vent “Optimus, I can understand the concern for the Rescue Bots. But surely, a visit this soon isn’t necessary.” Optimus looked down at his old friend, he understood why his medic was so concerned. Optimus let out a soft vent of his own “I know, old friend, but I fear the Decepticons may be getting close to the island.”
Ratchet narrowed his optics up at Optimus, who only placed a gentle servo on his shoulder “I will be no more than three solar cycles.” The pointed staring contest didn’t last long, Ratchet deeply sighing once more before pressing in the coordinates for Griffin Rock’s Rescue Station.
The chief had agreed that if the threat Optimus was worried about truly was on the island, ground bridging into the station would be best. 
“Optimus is coming? Here? Today?!!” Blades voice was full of shock and a bit of panic, and Heatwave could understand why; it was short notice on the Chief's part.
The chief nodded, an apologetic look on his face “Yes, and I’m sorry, I did mean to tell you yesterday, but with the surge of rescues that happened, I didn’t have the time.”
“We can understand Chief, the number of rescues yesterday threw us all off,” Heatwave said in understanding. And honestly, it didn’t make much sense to him. Sure their island had its fair share of mishaps and issues, but half of what happened; things going haywire, buildings collapsing with no proof the building's structure was compromised naturally, none of it sat right in Heatwave’s processor, Boulder had even commented about possible sabotage, as it wouldn’t be the first time someone tried to give them a bad rep. And while they brushed it off at first, Heatwave wasn’t so sure now.
“Optimus should be here any minute. He informed me that he’ll be “ground bridging” directly into the station.”
Heatwave raised an optic ridge at that piece of information; usually, Optimus would travel a little less obviously, the prime often finding himself travelling on the ferry. “Excuse me, Chief.” Heatwave started as he watched the oldest human leave, Charlie turned back and looked at the Rescue Bot leader “Why is Optimus ground bridging?” The human simply shrugged “I’m not sure, he said there was something he needed to discuss with us, but he didn’t feel the commlink was secure enough.”
Heatwave thought that was odd, but only nodded as he let the chief continue with his morning routine for the team.
Exactly at Noon, Optimus stepped through the ground bridge and into the Rescue Station, when he arrived, he only noticed Cody was there to greet him. “Hello, young burns.” He greeted, looking around the room for any sign of the other humans. “Hey Optimus, Dad wanted me to fill you in on all the details,” Cody stated, getting right to the point as if he could read the question that was lingering on the Prime’s processor. It seems the feeling that Optimus had was not simply his paranoia running wild.
As the ground bridge closed behind the Prime, 3 figures emerged from the closing portal. Cody looked at the humans curiously. “Ugh, that I don’t think I will ever get over that feeling..” the shortest of the trio muttered, a sickly look on his face.
The girl beside him giggled “I know! It bothered me at first, but now it feels electric! It's awesome!”
The final was a boy with black hair, who looked really annoyed “We are so going to get into trouble once Optimus spots us!” He sounded the oldest, and very exacerbated.
“Hey! Who are you three?” The blond asked, tilting his head curiously.
Miko opened her mouth to speak but the deep, disapproving voice of the Prime sounded instead “They’re in big trouble.”
Jack glared at Miko while Raf walked up to Cody. Upon closer inspection, it looked like the two were the same age. The Latino smiled and offered his hand “They’re Miko Nakadai and Jack Darby. I’m Rafael Esquivel, but most call me Raf. I’ve heard a lot about you.” 
Cody smiled and took the other boy's hand “Cody Burns, wish I could say the same.” He said with a light laugh. 
“What are you three doing here?” Optimus asked as he lowered himself to his knee so he was more level with the human children. “It was Miko’s fault.” Jack stated, the volume of his voice was level but his tone showed just how annoyed he was at the younger teen “She somehow convinced Raf to follow you through the ground bridge when you left. I chased after them because I thought I would be able to stop them before the bridge closed.” Jack explained, fighting the urge to keep glaring at Miko.
The Japanese girl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms “Puh. Lease. As if you didn’t want to come!” She accused, Jack snarled, narrowing his eyes “Even if I did; that isn’t an excuse! Did either of you-”
“I told my parents I would be staying at a friend's to study for upcoming exams. As long as I send proof of the work I’m doing, which should be easy enough, they said it was fine.” Raf explained, fixing his glasses that had slipped down his nose.
“I told my host parents the same, they were against it at first, but when I mentioned Raf, they were all for it.” Miko stated, her demeanour as confident as ever with a cocky smirk. Jack groaned as he ran a hand through his hair “Well good for you! Because I had no plans of joining in and thus; Mom doesn’t know!” 
Cody watched the commotion with a smile, it sort of reminded him of how his siblings often bickered with each other “Um, if you want, we can go to the com room that Heatwave uses and contact your base. To try and sort this out?” Cody offered, looking at the prime, who in turn was looking at his human charges. Optimus let out a deep vent before nodding.
Even though it was a quick call, Jack thought it lasted far longer, since with all the rules his mom listed, it felt like at least 2 hours. 
“I can’t believe my mom let me stay…” Jack said, in disbelief, Miko smirked at the older teen, nudging him lightly “You know your mom is weak to Optimus’ charms.” She chimed, making him groan “Ugh! Don’t remind me!”
Cody looked at Raf with a confused look “What do they-” Raf shook his head with a smile “I’ll tell you later.”
As the group returned to the main section of the Rescue base, Cody was quick to notice his family and the rescue bots were waiting for them. “It’s good to see you made it Optimus,” The chief greeted before seeing the three teens standing behind his youngest.
The oldest looked a little sheepish at intruding, the girl was just grinning as she looked towards the bots while the youngest was staring at the bots in awe.
“Who are your friends, Optimus?”
“This is Jack, Miko and Rafael. The young humans that are under the care of my team.” Optimus introduced them.
“We’re more than that boss bot,” Miko stated with a smile
The chief walked closer to the humans and offered his hand “It’s a pleasure to meet you, kids. I’m Charlie Burns, Chief of the rescue station.” 
Jack took his hand “Jack Darby, and we’ve heard about you, mostly from Raf, but it’s an honour.” He greeted.
Miko was quick towards the Rescue Bots “You guys look awesome!”
“Wait, what did you mean? That you’re ‘more than that’?” Graham asked with a raised brow, a little confused at the girl's statement.
The young Japanese girl only smiled “Just as it sounds graham. We do our share for the bots.” She stated with such a confident tone, that it surprised the Burns family a little, but Optimus, Jack and Raf weren’t; Raf and Optimus just looked at Miko with a fond and amused look while Jack looked like he was ready to kill her or himself.
But then Kade snapped from the audacity of the child and looked at Miko cautiously “wait, how did you know-”
“Well Kade, if you were listening,” Miko said, staring at the red-head with a smirk, finding it funny that Kade was now on guard.
“As funny as it is to see worked up, can you answer the question instead of messing with him?” Heatwave pipped up, causing the humans to stare.
Miko just grinned “Yooo! That’s your actual voice!”
Raf fixed his glasses before he looked up at Heatwave “Well, um...Heatwave?” Raf hesitated, wondering if he remembered the name Optimus had said just the other day.
The fire bot paused, obviously not expecting the human to know his name, before nodding.
“I did some research on the Burns family before we came here.” Raf started as he looked up at the bot “I’ve actually been really interested in coming here for a while, the tech here is amazing! I’ve even wanted to meet Dr.Greene-”
“Oh, we know him!” Cody suddenly pipped up, Raf looked at the blond “Wait really?” He asked, his voice sounding excited, Cody nodded “Yup! I’m actually best friends with his daughter, Frankie. I could actually show you around the island too,” 
Raf felt what he could only describe as an explosion in his chest, fighting the urge to start bouncing on his heels in excitement “Could you?? Can I meet her? Them?” Raf asked, before pausing and looking up at Optimus with an almost nervous look “if that’s okay?”
Optimus thought for a moment before looking at the Chief “If it’s alright with the Chief, I see no reason why you can’t. However, I will leave it up to the chief.” He stated,
Cody looked at the chief, only his look was more expectant with puppy eyes to match, and even though the puppy eyes rarely worked on the old chief anymore, the man still sighed with a smile “Okay, okay. Fine. But maybe you should go with one of the bots.” Charlie said, making it sound like a suggestion but Cody picked - up the hint easily enough.
As did Dani as she motioned to the younger two boys “Come on, Blade’s and I can give you a lift.” 
Rafael grinned, watching Blades transform before joining Dani and Blades.
It had been a full day since the humans of Jasper made their way towards Griffen Rock.
Miko had found her place playing video games against Kade and Dani, beating the two of them pretty easily.
Jack decided to stick with the bots, learning what he could about the Rescue Bots and their purpose and overall history.
Raf found himself mixing between the two, joining in when talking to Boulder and Graham about tech, earth and everything great about both.
But when it came to the Rescue Team being called on for missions, Raf mostly found himself hanging out with Cody in the communication room while Jack sat with The Chief and Chase and Miko was with Dani and Blades. 
Surprisingly enough, Miko was a quick learner when it came to medical techniques.
Earlier that day, Raf had watched the screens from over Cody’s shoulder, watching the screens the blond wasn’t looking at.
“Okay team, just like yesterday, watch out for any unusual activity. These emergencies can’t be more than coincidences.”
There was a collected “got it” over the comm before things went quiet.
The Latino simply stood by, being an extra pair of eyes. But a few times, Raf thought he saw familiar purple cars riding throughout the town, but he didn’t say anything, since at a quick glance, it didn’t seem important.
But ever since Optimus spoke to Charlie privately when they had gotten back, Cody and Rafael had actually picked up that there was more to the Prime’s ‘routine visit’ than what he was letting on.
As Raf watched over the screen, once again he noticed the familiar purple shine, his eyes narrowed as Raf took over the controls “Did you see something?” Cody asked curious 
”Is that what I think it is…” Raf muttered as he continued to focus on the screen, not answering the person beside him.
“Well, what is it?” Cody asked confused, watching the screen as the Latino boy froze the footage before zooming into the freezeframe and clearing the pixelated image. His narrowed eyes then widened in realization. 
“It can’t be…” The brunette took a step back from the screen instinctually, a sudden fear rushing through him.
“Raf, what is it?” The young Burns asked, his tone almost pleading as he saw the sudden fear in his friend's face.
 “That’s a vehicon…” he muttered, zooming in further and finding the undeniable Decepticon symbol “The cons are here…” Raf plugged his laptop into the console, quickly downloading the footage of the con.
Cody looked at Raf suddenly “Con’s?” The boy started, watching the other boy work.
“What are Cons?” He asked cautiously, his features and tone filled with worry. 
Raf unplugged his laptop from the charger “Decepticons. The faction that pretty much started the civil war that Optimus and Team Prime are now fighting in Jasper.” He quickly explained, running towards the bunker where the rest of the Burns family, and Team Prime, were.
“War? What war?” Cody called after the Latino. The Rescue Bots hadn’t said much about their home, just that it was no longer inhabitable due to war, but Optimus hadn’t told them much about the war that destroyed their home. The Rescue Bots just assumed the war had ended, it had been the equivalent of thousands of human years, surely it would be over by now…
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saibug1022 · 9 months
Love, I See You Now
Word Count: 1.1k
Aerin Valleros x Asterin Nightbloom (m!elf!mc), background mentions of Asterin x Tyril and Asterin x Mal
A/N: Everyone say thank you to @gretchen-nightbloom for their post on Aerin's shadow form and @oh-so-youre-a-nerd being the one to find and send me the post. Also it is late and I am tired so this is unedited. If you see a typo no you don't. Title from Underground but Cody Fry
Slash. Strike. Block. Roll. Arrow. Bind. Roll. Shatter.
The battle for the Whitetower Rift was in full swing and Asterin could barely remember a time before it nor imagine a time after. All they could focus on was the split second they were in and what they had to do next. If they got distracted for even a moment they were dead.
He rolled and fired off cleansing fire in one direction, not even watching long enough to see it hit. He brought up his staff to block a sword and lashed out with his chain, entangled the soldier's legs and yanking her down. He'd long lost track of his friends and allies. He kept slipping in blood and he didn't even know where he was injured.
As it turned out, his leg was injured. He tried to lean on his left leg to sidestep an arrow but instead a flame of white hot pain burst from his leg and he cried out. He didn't get the chance to remember why he was stepping before the arrow found its mark in his chest.
Asterin didn't even scream as he fell, only made a choked off groan. It didn't even hurt much at first, he just stared at the arrow in his chest in shock. Then the pain hit all at once, so intense he couldn't cry out, only whimper as it overwhelmed his senses.
“ASTERIN!” A voice called his name and Asterin almost dismissed it as a hallucination. It sounded like Aerin but it was echoing, like a chorus of whispers repeated his every word.
A soldier appeared above him as his vision washed in and out. He could only make out the sword the soldier held from how it glinted in the sun. The soldier raised the sword and Asterin felt tears gather in his eyes.
He'd failed.
Asterin made one single mistake and now he was losing everything. Any chance to heal. Any chance to go on true adventures instead of desperate quests. Any chance to rebuild things with Aerin. He was losing Tyril and Mal and any life he could have had with them. He was losing Imtura and Nia. He was leaving Kade alone.
He didn't want to die…
Suddenly the air dropped so drastically Asterin could feel the frost on his armor. The sunlight seemed to be edged with violet.
Then a bolt of pure darkness armed right over Asterin and slammed into the chest of the ashen soldier about to kill him. Asterin's vision was still fading but as he tried to focus it he caught glimpses of a fight and the suffocating feeling of Shadow Magic. For a brief moment he wondered if Valax saw him fall and had betrayed her mother to save him.
But when Asterin's vision cleared it wasn't Valax kneeling down next to him. It was Aerin. Not as Asterin knew him now. His skin was gray with black veins cutting across it like cracks. His eye were a familiar silver that chilled Asterin to the bone. It was exactly how he'd looked when he'd betrayed them all to the Shadow Court, when he sacrificed Nia, when he nearly killed Asterin.
Aerin reached for him but Asterin flinched away, trying to put distance between them. He was already in so much pain, the agony alone would suffocate him. He didnt know what Shadow Aerin would do but his addled brain didnt care. He just didnt want to hurt anymore.
“No, it's okay,” Aerin spoke, his voice gentle but frantic like one would speak to an injured animal. Asterin supposed that was what he was. “Please, stop moving, you'll only hurt yourself.”
“And you won't?” Asterin tried to scoff but instead his words came out slurred and breathless.
“Of course I won't,” Aerin promised. “I swore to you I would never hurt you again. But you're seriously hurt in the midst of a massive battle, I need to get you to a medic.”
“A medic?” Asterin hummed. It was loud like one would expect to find in a battle. And he supposed he did need a medic. He did have an arrow in his chest. “Nia's a medic. Let's find Nia.”
“Perfect,” Aerin nodded and came to Asterin's side.
This time the elf didn't flinch away and let Aerin scoop him up. Normally he'd wonder where Aerin's shadow form came from and how he was able to pick up Asterin, but all Asterin could focus on was the whimper he let out as the wound was shifted. It was only worse as Aerin started running.
“AH!” Asterin cried, reflexively curling around himself. “Stop, stop it hurts, please.”
“Soon, stay strong for me Asterin,” Aerin promised.
“You promised you wouldn't hurt me anymore,” Asterin whimpered, but every step Aerin took sent shockwaves of pain through Asterin's entire system. Aerin made a face like someone had burned him, tears making his dulled skin sparkle.
Asterin was shifted once more and the agony that washed over him was like nothing he could have ever imagined. He heard a scream but he couldn't be sure if it was from him or the battle. His vision completely blacked out and he would have let the darkness take him if not for a cold hand taking his.
“Asterin, please, please open your eyes,” Aerin's voice pleaded. He liked Aerin. “You're stronger than this. You're the strongest person I've ever known. You won't let all this end to a stray arrow. Open your eyes, darling, please.”
His eyes were closed? He opened them again and saw Aerin amidst a cloud of white and gold. The gray was fading from his skin as he gripped Asterin's hands in both of his. He looked beautiful. So beautiful. With the shadow or without he would always be beautiful because he was Aerin.
“Shadow…?” Asterin wondered, his thoughts not quite making it to his mouth.
“I thought it was gone,” Aerin admitted. “But when I saw you on the ground and heard you scream something came over me. It was an anger and fear I'd never felt before and it brought forth whatever traces of Shadow Magic were left in me.”
“You're okay?” Asterin asked. “Still my Aerin?”
“Of course,” Aerin swore and squeezed Asterin's hand. “I'll always be your Aerin.”
“Good,” Asterin muttered. “I lo’ my Aerin…”
There was more to say, it was on the tip of his tongue. But he couldn't find the strength to form the words. He thought he could hear Nia now and there was something bright but Asterin was too tired to look. He tried to fight the darkness like Kade always did for him, he really tried, but his head lulled and his eyes fell shut.
“Asterin, no, open your eyes, ASTERIN!”
Eventually he couldn't open them again.
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vengeanceson · 4 months
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The Basics:
Name: Grayson Kade Age: Thirty Species: Hunter Werewolf Location: Salem Occupation: Librarian Gender: Cismale (he/him) FC: Drew Starkey
tw: attempted suicide, weapons, gore, violence
·  Grayson’s most prominent memory is within the walls of The Order. Training beside family from the early morning until night fell and he could no longer keep his eyes open. The first and only child, the pride and joy of the Grayson family as he was set to take on the role of Hunter, like his mother before him.
·  He spent his formative years inhaling every book The Order had, taking notes in journal after journal to study at his leisure. The pride in his mother’s eye an incredible motivator to continue bettering himself.
·  Like his mother, Grayson specialized himself in werewolves. Like his mother, Grayson has no interest in cures. A beast is a beast and the only true cure is death.
·  When he graduated, he graciously accepted every job he was given and completed it quickly. Werewolves hunted down without mercy; zero hesitation with each pull of the trigger that sent a silver bullet into the heart of his prey. He slept every night comfortably, never a sliver of guilt over the lives he’d taken.
·  At twenty-seven, Grayson considered himself a seasoned hunter and took great pride in all his accomplishments. So, when he was sent on a job with his mother as the head of the hunting party outside of Salem, the gravity of the situation wasn’t lost on either of them, but they were confident in themselves and each other.
·  What they faced was unlike anything Grayson had ever seen or heard of behind. Maybe they’d all gotten too comfortable, or maybe the wolf was something else, but Grayson can’t explain the violence it inflicted on his team. Shredded, devoured, mutilated, the hunting party could hardly be called remains with the way they were massacred so viciously.
·  He and his mother stood back-to-back, eyes wide as they searched the surrounding area for their target. His foot slipped on the blood soaked grass and he didn’t have the chance to catch himself before searing pain ripped itself through his bicep and he found himself being dragged from the clearing that held his fellow hunter’s remains; his last sight that of his mother’s open and unseeing eyes, her head lying three feet from her body.
·  Grayson can still smell the blood, hear the screams, relive the pain of that night. Only the wolf itself holds mystery, barely a flash of wild eyes in his memory as it turned his world upside down.
·  When he awoke the next morning, he spent an hour making it back to where the hunting party laid in ruins. But he wasn’t a fool, he knew what fate awaited him. He found his mother’s gun, still loaded with her last silver bullet. Bending forward, he set the barrel in his mouth and pulled the trigger.
·  The bullet jammed and Grayson had his sign. His blood was dirtied, but his mission wasn’t over. The wolf that had killed his family and cursed him would die by his hand.
·  He spent the day digging into the bloody mud, ignoring the ripping of his finger nails and pain that spread through his body. He didn’t stop digging until the grave was big enough to hold the bodies of his fallen comrades.
·  It pained him to leave them in an unmarked grave, but he hoped that when The Order found them it would be assumed he died alongside them. If not, they would come for him and he couldn’t let them kill him before his job was finished.
·  He took his time making his way to Salem and has spent the last year and a half integrating himself into the town as best he could while also keeping a controlled distance. The last thing he needed was someone getting too close and asking too many questions.
·  He’s certain that the beast who murdered his people is in this cursed town and knows it’s his last mission to take them out before he ‘cures’ the werewolf within him as well.
Good Traits: tenacious, perceptive, loyal
Bad Traits: vengeful, hostile, twitchy
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absentia-if · 1 year
Oh hey, it's been a while, I should play the latest update.
*Names MC Karina Zane...an M-mancing MC without knowing Carina is M's own aunt.*
*After finding out*: Ah...Shit
But for real, I'm really happy to have the option of being happy for K in moving on XD My MC isn't particularly vengeful (Kinda have this headcanon image of her having been pinning for M for years and it solidified during her captivity, wishing she could see them one more time.)
Feel free to ignore this ask, but I want to say I love the chapters you've work so hard on ;-; FUCK, it hurts to see how many people got affected from the kidnapping incident..
As for my question: Say MC has a thing where scent gives them the safety they needed most and the RO came home early to find MC hugging and clinging to a clothing of theirs that smelled of them the most, just burying their nose in the fabric or even having a little clothing nest if they could be spared. When MC notices them, they get embarrassed and try to come up with a logical, 'totally normal' reason to be sniffing their SO's clothes. How would they react/approach this?
I've done the exact thing multiple times! In fact, there are two canon women with that first name-- Carina Steele and Karina Ashford, both of whom you meet. I just thought the name was neat when creating Detective Ashford that I completely spaced on Carina Steele; even though I absolutely adore her.
I'm excited for your Karina to begin romancing M. I just know that it'll be a fun adventure for you both. I can't wait for you to see what's in store for M-Mancers down the road! In fact, there's a scene coming up that I think you're going to enjoy quite a bit. And thank you for your kind words! I truly appreciate it a great deal. I'm so honored that I have people like you reading my story, and that I get the privilege of being able to interact with you too. Thank you so much for being here! For being your wonderful self!
As for your question?
Kade/Kara: "What're you doing, sweetheart?" They tilt their head, hazel eyes flitting over the nest of clothes you had crafted on the bed. A warm look quickly took over the one of confusion that had been prominent only a second before; a gentle smile appears at the corner of their lips. "Having a lazy afternoon? I'll join you once I've changed out of my work clothes. Is that all right?"
Michael/Margot: Complete adoration flickers across their face, warmth completely suffused within the azure blue of their gaze. "I have a bunch of sweatshirts that I could give you, baby," they murmur, sitting on the edge of the bed, making sure not to disturb the nest, as a gentle look etched itself across their face. "Why don't I go get them and you can turn on something that we can watch? I won't be gone long, I promise."
Blaine/Blaire: They tilt their head. "Whatcha got there?" Plopping down onto the bed beside you, they toss you an award-winning smile. Their focus only shifts when they pick up one, of the many, shirts you had used to make your nest upon the bed you shared with them. "You know," they muse, a thoughtful hum interlaced with the words. "I wasn't even aware I had this many shirts. I guess I've found a good use for them, huh?"
Wren/Wynn: Confusion filters across their face before dawning realization eclipses it. And, from that confusion, a look of gentle sincerity appeared. "There's no need to be ashamed of this, MC." They shrug, an almost smile curling their lips. "I'm honored that you find so much comfort in me. I'll try to make sure that the feeling remains no matter what, okay?"
Nicholas/Natalie: A shy smile graces their lips at the sight that greets them on their bed. The warm expression causes their gray eyes to appear almost silver within the dimming light of the room. "You like to be surrounded by my clothes." It's said as more of a statement, the fact that it is, and you don't even have a chance to respond before they continue. "I'm assuming it has something to do with my scent, right?" They wait for your approval, one that you give in the form of a nod before their expression softens even more. "You can always cuddle me now, dearest one. I think I'm slightly better company than an old hoodie."
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leahazel · 2 months
I'm not sure if you're looking for prompts, but if so- affectionate moments meme for your Claude and Kade # 21? Please tell me more about them i am Intrigued
I had an idea for this one almost as soon as you sent in the ask, but it took me this long to get it off the ground. Whoops.
Anyway, here's Claude and Kade, at the very end of week 6. Spoilers, obviously. Prompt 21: A Promise.
Once the Ambassadors' Ball was successfully concluded, with the number of foiled assassinations holding steady at a frankly manageable one, Claude let his social smile drop like a rumpled dinner jacket. His limbs felt heavy, and he was weary to the bone. Contemplating the early morning that he would have tomorrow, let alone the week of negotiations that would follow, was more than he could bear. He had only just enough energy left to meander his way through the dark, quiet, abandoned corridors of the castle until he found his own bed. A brief and troubled night's sleep was still better than none.
All around him, those dark and quiet corridors were closing in. Dark and quiet, but not abandoned. Something--someone--was intruding on his solitude. Having spent the last six hours maintaining a marathon of perfect socialization, Claude was distinctly unamused at the breach into his last peaceful hour.
"Why don't you stop lurking and show yourself?" he asked the impenetrable dark.
A sliver of shadow detached itself from the nighttime hallways, resolving into the dark silhouette of a tall, slim man.
"Oh," said Claude. "You."
"Were you expecting someone else, my lord?" asked Kade, his voice dipping effortlessly into his customary derisive drawl.
"I thought it might be one of the others," said Claude, shrugging with immaculately affected nonchalance. "That strange creature of yours, perhaps, the one wanders about with her little notebook, spying on everyone."
"Oh, her." Kade snorted. "You needn't have worried. She's harmless."
"For a man who values his privacy, you seem to have no notion why anyone else would value their own," said Claude.
Kade snorted again. "Everything you did, said, or thought during the summit was observed and recorded," he said. "You should have known that would be the case, before you ever set foot on my island."
"Your island?" asked Claude, raising an eyebrow.
"It is a sovereign territory, you know," said Kade.
"And you are not its sovereign," Claude pointed out.
Kade laughed softly. "Never change."
"I wasn't planning on it," said Claude, baffled.
Kade nodded once, sharply.
"Is that what you came here for?" asked Claude. "To tell me not to change?"
"Perhaps I came to congratulate you on a successful endeavor," suggested Kade cryptically.
"The Ambassadors' Ball, you mean?" asked Claude.
Kade shrugged, a ripple in the night's darkness. "Did you accomplish some other great feat today, perhaps?" He sighed and took a step forward, narrowing the distance between them. "Can't you keep yourself out of danger, my lord, not even for the space of one week?"
"It would seem not," he answered. "I suppose that I'm just hopeless, that way."
"Tomorrow the negotiations begin in earnest," said Kade.
"I'm aware," he replied dryly.
"Right," said Kade. "And since you're nearly out of time, do try to stay alive a little bit longer. It would be a shame for you to come so close to achieving your goals, and then fall short of the mark."
"What do you know about my goals?" he demanded, with a creeping suspicion.
Kade took another step closer, until the trace of distant candlelight gleamed in his silver hair and his icy smile. "I was there when you gave your great speech. Far in the back, behind the rapt audience of your fellow delegates, but I heard everything. Don't you want to secure your place in the history books, Lord Claude?"
"I told you not to call me that," said Claude quietly.
"By what name, then, do you mean to be remembered?" asked Kade.
"By a name that I earn for myself," he answered without hesitation.
"A name and a reputation of your own invention," said Kade thoughtfully. "How un-aristocratic of you."
"All right," said Claude, crossing his arms. "You've said your piece, and delivered your back-handed compliments. Are you done? Only it's late, and as you rightly pointed out, I have a long day ahead of me, tomorrow."
Kade sighed. "I will miss this, you know. Our little verbal sparring matches. There are so few others on this island who are able to keep pace with me, and fewer still inclined."
"Shocking," said Claude dryly. "If that will be all?"
"One more thing," said Kade, his smile fading. "One thing I need you to remember, before we part for the night."
"Oh?" said Claude, stepping closer.
Kade gripped his face suddenly by the chin. Leaning close until his whispered words were just a breath of warm, honeyed breath, he said, "Remember who you are, and who you are not."
"…What?" said Claude, taken aback.
He tried to step away, but Kade held fast.
"No, listen to me," said Kade, leaning in until their noses were almost touching, whispering furiously. "No matter how hard it is, remember what you came here to do."
Claude snorted. "I came here to look out for myself and secure my future."
"I seem to recall you saying otherwise," said Kade.
"I lied," said Claude bluntly.
"Really?" asked Kade, dropping his hand abruptly. "Is that why you worked so hard to see Imogen acquitted?"
He bit his cheek. "What's your point?"
Kade drew a deep breath, like a runner preparing for a race. "During the negotiations, people will come to you with offers, as they have before. If you want to write your name in the book of the living, you must choose to do what's right, and not what is easy. As you have before."
He stiffened. "And how do you know all of this?"
"I know everything that goes on in this castle," said Kade. "I know every secret that you think you've uncovered, and more besides. I know what demands the ambassadors will make during the negotiations, and what concessions they're willing to make. I know that you've been skulking in the shadows, trying to learn our secrets. And I know that you danced the last dance of the ball with the Princess of Hise."
"She's just a friend," said Claude automatically, before he remembered that he owed no explanation for whom he danced with.
"Remember who your friends are," said Kade, stepping back and already melting into the shadows, "and who your enemies are."
"And which one are you?" he asked impulsively.
He could hear his soft laugh fading as he disappeared, for once, more amused than derisive.
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spyridonya · 1 year
The Knight Commander as a Companion - Part 1
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Name: Kadira Storadottir
Race: Tiefling - Devilkin
Class: Wizard - Spell Master (can be classed into Rogue to Arcane Trickster). Her focuses will be based on buffs. 
Age: Mid 20s.
Appearance: Tall with wide shoulders and hips, Kadira tends to gain and shed weight easily, a trait notable among Kellids to survive the harsh climate of the Northern regions. A heart shaped face with a firm chin and jaw framed by black curls and large blue eyes, Kadira's angelic features contrast with medium red skin, a thick tail longer than she is tall, black furred goat legs. It is readily apparent that Kadira is a tiefling though she lacks the asymmetry of most Doomspawn or Demonkin have with their features. She dresses modestly in clean, neat, and well made clothes that are usually shades of blue and green pastels. Her outfits are often minimalistic but well made. The only piece of jewelry she wears is a bracelet of beaten silver, one of the last gifts she was given by her grandfather on her 13th birthday. Kadee is aware she's attractive, but is very sensitive about her legs. 
Top Skills: Knowledge: Religion, Arcane, Nature and Trickery
Alignment: Neutral Good
How/when do they join the Commander’s party?
Kadira will introduce herself at Defender's Heart, informing Commander that Irabeth has asked her to assist in escorting the commander around the city. She's a bit curt and formal in this introduction, though the commander will realize she's not entirely trustful of them. 
General Personality:
At first impression, Kadira is a dutiful young woman whose initial shyness might be mistaken for arrogant - an impression that can quickly melt away depending on the KC's actions. Rather, her distance is self protection due to living in a city that sees her as a constant reminder of the Worldwound and from the Inquisitors who are too eager to clamp down on the tiniest bit of heresy. When comfortable with others, Kadira is considerably kind, bright, and a reliable friend and ally. She becomes giddy with excitement in sharing her knowledge, though it's more prone to being helpful than to showing off.
Due to her seemingly well organized and loyalty to the Eagle Watch, many mistake Kadira for being lawful more so than chaotic. If pressed Kadira would say that any method that helps the benefit of all should be used, if following the letter of the law can save more soldiers, she'll stick to it. If flipping a table and demanding a change of guard can save more civilians, she'll do it. 
Kadira, however, can be prone to being far too sharp with some of the more forceful characters within the commander's party, and she has a high sense of morals - goodness is what she's truly loyal to and is quick to leave if she finds the Commander is dangerous - meaning she will leave under Lich, Demon, or Devil paths without the right circumstance. 
In romance, Kadira returns to her cautious nature once more, she compares herself to other LIs harshly, considering herself as too boring in personality and a required taste. However as she opens up, Kadira is playful, affectionate, and open with her affections. There is a spicer element in her romance around Chapter 4. 
What traits/values do they admire?
Compassion, ingenuity, competence, and humor. 
What traits/values do they disapprove of?
Mistaking cruelty for pragmaticism, putting methods before morality, hard love methods, grasshoppers and locusts. 
Are they affiliated with any deities?
Kadira worships Shelyn, though her focus is primary on Shelyn's role as a goddess of love and compassion with art being secondary. Though she doesn't bring it up often with the other companions save conversations with Sosiel, Trevor, and Wenduag. However, the commander can find her sketching the flora and fauna around camp and in the march to Drezen, Drezen, and the Abyss. 
What do they think of their role in the Crusades, and of sharing the Commander’s Mythic powers?
Kadira has a unique perspective due to the mundanity of her life, notably so compared to the other companions coming from Kenabras. As someone with Sarkorian heritage, she's very aware how much of her culture has been lost due to the demons and the crusaders, and that the only way to get it back is to close the Worldwound. She finds the Eagle Watch the least problematic among the crusaders, though she often attempts to speak with Irabeth about why Mendevians are the way they are with minor success. 
Kadira never expected such a role, and if she had to be honest she felt she was fighting the good fight that wouldn't end well for Golarion. She's honored and a little overwhelmed with her powers, due to the fall out with her family, but has to admit she enjoys their uses. 
Upon finding out the powers are from the Abyss, Kadira will react reasonably with non-evil paths, pointing out that ultimately the KC is choosing how to use their powers and isn't bound to fate. She strongly approves of Angel, Azata, and Gold Dragon paths, and tolerates Aeon and Trickster. Kadira will leave the party, regardless of romance, if the commander goes Demon, Lich, Devil, or Swarm. However, with a Another Archdevil Path, she might be able to stay… 
What are their reasons for joining the commander’s party?
Kadira's reasons to join are simple, she was assigned as a guide to the commander by Irabeth, and knows the city well and many of the named NPCs that the party can interact within the city. Her reliability and skills make her a useful member of the companions and she's dedicated to stopping the demon threat. 
Who are their friends among the other party members?
Arueshalae - The relationship begins with outright curiosity and Kadira becomes more animated in talking with Arue as the game goes on. Eventually she'll discuss that change is just as much a part of 'law' as 'chaos', otherwise the universe stagnates - and what Desna is doing for Arue isn't chaotic. It's ultimately 'good'. As a romance rival, Kadira is very much loyal to Arue and encourages her to follow her feelings. 
Ember - Kadira knows Ember, and Ember knows Kadira, and Kadira cannot fault Ember for her rejection of the gods. She worries that Ember does too much and tries to encourage her to stay at the camp or at Drezen. She's deeply concerned when Ember is kidnapped but becomes so very proud of Ember's courage. 
Lann - Kadira and Lann get along well, often exchanging banter and jokes with each other in their reactivity. She does become dismayed when Lann leans more into 'lawful evil' than 'lawful good'. She also trades methods on how to groom horns as the crusade progresses. He can also be 'romanced' by Kadira if the KC encourages it. She gets very conflicted about being a romantic rival with Lann, because her ‘canon’ crush on him. 
Seelah - Kadira has some prejudice against paladins and inquisitors, so she's half unsure that Seelah compassion and friendliness is real. Eventually Kadira will warm up to Seelah and there will be a few camp banters where they're both drunk and cackling about Cayden Cailean hitting on both their goddesses. 
Woljif - Woljif and Kadira become like squabbling siblings at times, Woljif having the remarkable knack of getting Kadira's nerves. However she is fierce in defending Woljif when he runs away and when dealing with his fiendish relatives. 
What about neutral?
Ulrbrig - She’ll be fascinated by the big man, constantly asking him questions about their old homeland. He finds her endearing at first, but when he finds she’s a wizard, he becomes rather cold. Kadira is remarkably hurt by this. 
Trevor - She never becomes friends with Trevor, who doesn't understand why a wizard would worship Shelyn, but she always remains unfailingly kind towards him. 
Sosiel - There is a strange rivalry between the two. Kadira is far more focused on Shelyn's love and compassion than her art, despite her attempts to perform art, and finds Sosiel clings a little too much to the 'rules' when love has no rules. She also attempts to ask if his distrust of the Hellknights is based on what they do, or propaganda by his homeland. However, she does agree if the Hellknights over welcome their stay, she’ll treat them like she will any demon cultists. 
Nenio - The two are remarkable foils as wizards; Nenio is arrogant about her intelligence and collects knowledge blindly. Kadira gently downplays her intelligence and uses knowledge as a benefit for others. Nenio doesn't care about the lack of her past but Kadira cares a little too much about her past.  
Greybor - She's one of the few people Greybor is uncomfortable with, and that's due to the fact Kadira was abandoned by her father. While Kadira is not the one who brings it up, Greybor does once or twice. He slides into the friendship side after her Act 5 quest, being remarkably compassionate. (Over what? Good question!) 
Regill - Kadira will claim that the fundamental wrongness of the Hellknights is their adherence to dogma and refusing to see the Law as transmutable reference for how a society should act in the Material Plane, notably when the Hellknights have their own biases what pragmatism is. Regill tells her she's too naive and needs more discipline. However, they both admire their end goals even if their take of said goals are remarkably different pathways. 
What about rivals?
Camellia - Unlike Kadira as a Knight Commander, Kadira as a companion doesn't know much of her family's former Green Faith. She finds Camellia largely boring and hypocritical, Camellia is no meaner to her than she is to most people. Kadira actually can lose her temper and will go on about how they're both bastards of peasant stock. Camellia will absolutely mock Kadira’s lack of experience as a romance rival for the KC… nevermind that Camellia is on the same boat. 
Wenduag - Kadira and Wenduag do not get along; Wenduag finds her weak in nature and doesn't appericiate her Kadira's role as a support caster. Kadira finds Wenduag's method of bootlicking as disgusting and finds her lack of planning troublesome for Wenduag's people. As rivals, Kadira is oddly meek, and Wenduag does prey on it. 
Daeran - Kadira dislikes Daeran, who is largely amused by her (and attracted), though Kadira never hesitates to let him know his misanthropy is hardly unique - punching up while pissing at the feet of others doesn't make him special. She becomes kinder to him after his Act 2/3 quest, picking up his discomfort but never approaching him about it at the party. (DLC dependent) If Kadira is the only DLC companion that romances Daeran downloaded, he can be a romance for her. As rivals, he hints they really ought to join forces to capture the KC's heart. If Kadira is with other DLC companions who romance Daeran, Kadira will not romance Daeran. As rivals, Daeran is quick to mock the traits that she finds uncomfortable. 
Other NPCs
Kadira has a friends with benefits relationship with Ramien in her recent past. When romanced by the PC by Act 3 and if Ramien survives in Act 1, the cleric will head to Drezen regardless of who is the Prelate of Kenabras to engage in a more romantic affair with Kadira. If Daeran is in the party while talking to Ramien and referring to their past affair, Kadira will react to the conversation. There will be a reaction from Daeran in Act 3 about the relationship. Ramien doesn't die during Act 5 outside the Angel and Trickster path due to a protective ring Kadira gave him. 
Kadira begins a long distance romance with Aranka should she not be romanced by the PC. Aranka will arrive in Drezen in Act 3, regardless of the mythic path the KC is on. There isn't as much reactivity by the party, save Arue or Seelah encouraging the romance in camp banters once the affair begins. Aranka will give Kadira a ring before Kadira must go to the Abyss along with the KC.
Kadira is very fond of Gretlen and her idiosyncratic acting trope, knowing that joy is very important in such dark times. She'll always encourage the commander to speak to Gretlen during her conversations in all acts. At times there will be scenes at the camp and in Drezen where Kadira is attempting to help with the play. 
One Eye Devil, Kadira becomes friends with the merchant due to both being devilkin in a land of Doomspawn. Sadly, this friendship doesn't help with discounts. His possible death in Act 5 is a blow to Kadira. 
DLC Companions
Coming soon
Are they on any councils? If so, what sort of advice do they give?
Kadira would be placed on the military and logistics council. She's prone to focusing on the citizens of the worldwound and then its soldiers. She will often champion better equipment and well trained units at the cost of smaller units.
Where do they hang out in Drezen? In the Abyss?
During the city's siege: Kadira will be helping with the refugees inside and will be absolutely enraptured by the golem, asking him questions and being delighted with any and all comments.
On the March: Usually on the outskirts, found crouched and looking at shrubs, she'll say she's a bit busy and wants to get this sketch done. 
In Drezen: Prior to the Ivory Sanctum, Kadira can be found just about anywhere, if not talking to One Eye, the Golem, Wilcer or drawing scrub bushes or birds. After the Sanctum in a romance state, Kadira can be found talking to Ramien and the Hand.If the KC encourages her to romance others, she can be found next to Ramien/Aranka/Lann/Daeran depending if she's in romance. If she's not romancing anyone, she can be found near the Hand. 
At the Nexus: Kadira is everywhere outside, she'll complain about the energy but she's still drawing. There will be three or four cycle animations of her in various areas, exclaiming about how she's shocked how harmless these plants can be. 
What are their idle animations?
straightening her skirts
holding a spell book with her tail, paging through the contents with her fingers
checking her tail behind her
checking her hooves, raising her skirts  
playing with a pen while her tail sways behind her
stretching her goat legs and looking so cute!
If they’re taken to Areelu’s lab, what is their dream?
Kadira dreams of a shadowy figure rushing towards her, enfolding her into a hug. She sounds like she's sobbing as she clings desperately and whispers 'Gramps'. When awake, she will be in pain and answer the question of what she was dreaming with this, "That my family accepted me." 
Do they advise the commander to abandon or keep their mythic powers?
Angel: Kadira approves of these powers, saying that how one uses power is more important than the origin of power. She'll remind the KC how all the good and justice they've done and that they've shaped the power. She understands Iomedae's worry, but she's followed the commander from the start. 
Azata: Kadira approves of these powers, saying that how one uses power is more important than the origin of power. She'll remind the KC how all the good and justice they've done and that they've shaped the power. She understands Iomedae's worry, but she's followed the commander from the start. 
Trickster: Kadira will be doubtful of the power, saying how one uses power is more important than the origin of the power. That being said, she'll note that it's not so much the chaos that Trickster causes but rather how it's slowly eating away at the KC's psyche and do they truly want to risk that? 
Aeon: Kadira will be doubtful of the power, saying how one uses power is more important than the origin of the power. That being said, she'll note that it's not so much the chaos that Trickster causes but rather how it's slowly eating away at the KC's psyche and do they truly want to risk that? She will try to remind the commander that rules are impossible to keep not because they're wrong, but rather they're guidelines.
Lich: Kadira will leave if the KC stays on the Lich Path. 
Demon: Kadira will leave if the KC stays on the Demon Path. 
Gold Dragon: Kadira is in awe, and approves of this new path greatly. 
Swarm: Kadira leaves. 
Legend: Kadira approves of this, telling the KC that sometimes the greatest power comes from within. 
Vanilla Devil Path: Kadira will leave if the KC steps on the Devil Path. 
The Other Archdevil's Devil Path: The KC will have a chance to be offered power by a different Archdevil on the Angel or Lich path. Which Archdevil is this? What will Kadira do? Well, that’s for the next update…
Provide some dialogue/bark examples!
When selected:
"What can I do?"
"You rang? (amused)"
"Oh! Yes! Wait, let me cross the t..." 
"No time like the present."
"Need my expertise? (Hopeful)" 
Assigned a task:
"Of course!"
"Let me handle it."
"I know what to do!"
"I read this in a book, once." 
"I'm glad you trusted me." 
"I guess I didn't get to that part of the book."
"Well, mistakes do help us to become better..."
Magic Item Failure:
“But I read the instruction manual, twice!” 
Spotted something:
"Oh! How interesting!"
"Wait! Stop! Don't step on it!"
Into battle:
"You are intolerable." 
"Oh, demons and cults. How surprising." 
"Get out of my homeland!" 
Critical hit:
Health low:
“I... knew I should have studied medicine.”
Falls unconscious:
“I will ... know better... next time.." 
Refusing to equip something:
“I feel this is a bit bulky for me."
"Oh! This is something only Shelyn could love..."
“Don’t you know how heavy this is?”
"I-I don't know how to use this." 
If romanced after sex:
"Wait... it's cold out there. I want you to be warm."
"The idea of lingering and waiting for you is... a perfect use of time."
"I'll be thinking about you all day." 
"I... take care of yourself, if I can't?" 
“I promise I’ll use my tail. Again.” 
(coming later!) Quests/Romance
(coming later) Endings/Banter
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echowritesstuff · 6 months
WIP introduction : Teacups and Ticking Clocks. (TW: mentions of schizophrenia, delusions, narcolepsy and ADHD)
This is my newest WIP (it's literally only a couple days old) but I treasure it with all my heart, honestly I don't know why I just do. Kinda similar to Aurabreak, it's very different to my other WIPs. This time it isn't because of the audience though, it's because of the genre.
Unlike most of my WIPs, Teacups and Ticking Clocks isn't really a fantasy novel, despite being inspired by fantasy. As the name might have suggested, it's a moderen day parody of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll. Also, it isn't by any means a one for one parody, a lot of the stuff has been changed, such as relationships between characters amd the overall story. I also added some extra characters as well ;D
Since it isn't Fantasy, there isn't much world building to cover so I'm probably gonna dive into the characters cause well, I feel like it.
Alicia Lennings (Alice) - Alicia is an 18 year old girl with diagnosed schizophrenia. She lives with her older sister Lori, older brother Garrett and one of his boyfriends Derrick. Her parents work away from home (a different city) so she doesn't see them too often. Alicia currently attends Silver Creek Community College and studies Media Studies, History and Art there. Her, Bianca and Chester often visit Grey's tea shop together. Alicia also has appointments with Dr. Caroll twice a week.
Bianca Harely (White Rabbit) - Bianca is extremely shy, though fiercely protective of those she loves. Like her girlfriend Alicia, she is 18 years old and attends Silver Creek, where she is studying Psychology, English (Literature and Language) and French. She also loves to write poetry, though she would be sooo embarrassed if anyone actually read it. Which is kinda a problem since it's what she's planning on pursuing a career in.
Chester Kade (Cheshire Cat) - Chester may not be the most academically minded but they try their best. They're a little older than the other members of the main trio (19 years old) but are still at college due to having to redo a year. They are ultimate chaotic neutral energy but are always there for their friends. The courses they're studying at Silver Creek are drama, geography and law.
Rosalind Heartman (Queen of hearts) - Rosalind (or Rosa for short) is 18 and attends Silver Creek, like the main trio. She studies food and nutrition, art, film studies and drama. However, she finds them (and almost anyone else who is different ) as far lesser than herself and those few whom she holds in high regards. Rosa often expresses her distain to those around her, especially Alicia, who she often calls crazy and other ableist insults.
Grey Conwell ('Mad' Hatter) - Grey is older than most of the main characters, not by much though, he is 21. Throughout his teenage years, he apprenticed at a small tea house. When he graduated, he ended up buying the shop when it was up for sale. It is now known simply is "Grey's Hat and Tea Emporium" as he also sells hats he creates. Grey has ADHD and like Alicia has sessions with Dr. Caroll, though his are only once weekly. He's also in a polyamorous relationship with Garrett and Derrick.
Mars Harely (March Hare) - Mars is Bianca's younger cousin. He is best friends with Dorine and the two are pretty much inseparable. He doesn't attend Silver Creek College since he only just turned 16 (he goes to the local high school instead) but he does work a couple of weekend shifts at Grey's.
Dorine Abbot (Dormouse) - Dorine is a sixteen year old, who like her friend Mars works part time at Grey's when she is not in school. When Dorine is on shift, there always has to be someone extra working with her, just incase anything happens due to her narcolepsy.
Dr C. Caroll. - Dr Caroll is a psychiatrist originally from a small village in Cheshire. He has many clients, though out of the main cast he works with Alicia, Bianca and Grey (who was the one who first told Alicia of him). He is a kind and gentle man, who is always very patient with his clients.
I think that's pretty much all for now!
Also, now that this monster of a post is done, I can get back to answering asks and tags! :D
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chayscribbles · 2 years
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space heist intro but it's a comic sans powerpoint i put together in like 15 minutes five months ago
get the pretty, more coherent intro here
text transcript below
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a wip by chay luna
working titles include “space heist” and “be gay do crime… in space”
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A LONG TIME AGO IN A GALAXY FAR FAR A— *micky mouse sniper gunshots*
we find ourselves in the Wild West of space, where outlaws and criminals can do whatever the hell they want while those supposedly in charge look the other way to protect their own interests
Captain Leonore “Leo” Callisto of the Siren leads a small crew doing various gigs and odd jobs for people all around the sector. yknow, smuggling shit, stealing shit, selling stolen or rare shit, etc
but after the team’s spy, Zeya (who Leo was showing favoritism to for No Particular Reason) takes off with a shitton of money after a spat with Leo, the rest of the crew, no longer trusting Leo’s judgement, decides to ditch her as well, save 2 loyal but very inexperienced members: engineer Gabriola “Gabi” Franco and the crew’s muscle Euna Li
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okay so that’s the context, now let’s get to the plot
while searching for work on Space Kijiji, Leo comes upon an offer from a rich, eccentric art collector calling themself the Curator, offering a large money reward to steal a statuette from the House of Dyonas, a powerful and wealthy family on the planet Vihelda that passes along wispy purple telekinesis powers from generation to generation
the statuette is one of the two Gemini Statuettes, which are believed to depict a pair of twins in the Dyonas family from a few generations ago, but the House Head, Andlyn Dyonas, refuses to sell, so the most logical thing to do is to pay someone to steal it, as one does
strapped for cash, Leo accepts, even tho the House of Dyonas is notoriously hard to get into (she has a few tricks up her sleeve ofc, including getting one of the Dyonas House Heirs, the runaway Illiana, to help her)
BUT as she and her tiny ragtag crew embark on this quest, they quickly learn that they’re not the only ones with their eyes on this prize, and ~someone~ on a quest to sabotage them always seems to be a step ahead 👀
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[ID: a tall, dark-skinned woman with brown eyes. she has a long, dark braid with ends gradually lightened to blonde. she wears a long, deep red coat with gold accents, a white shirt, tight black pants, black fingerless gloves, and high black boots. there is a weapon with a golden hilt strapped to her leg. her expression is serious. she holds up a black blaster pistol with glowing red accents. end ID.]
28 years old, she/her, from Tharrekan
is actually a Capricorn, not a Leo
picked up business and finance skills from her relatively successful business people parents
but then one day disaster struck, and Leo had to turn to a life of thieving and smuggling to get by, eventually saving up to get her own ship and crew
she’s really good at making connections and manipulating negotiating with people with her jacked up charisma stat. not so great at forming genuine relationships tho
claims to be an “honest criminal” but yeah that’s a lie, along with pretty much everything else that comes out of her mouth
gaslight gatekeep girlboss <3
is completely normal about Zeya Kade
yeah i really made a wip called “Gemini Heist” and then named my main character LEO kjdfkjs
slide 5:
[ID: a short, chubby light-skinned young woman. she has short brown curls, hazel eyes, and a nervous expression. she wears a white shirt, a green bomber jacket with orange accents, brown arm guards on her forearms, black fingerless gloves, baggy dark blue pants, silver knee pads, brown boots, and a brown tool pouch around her waist. silver tools are tucked into the front pockets of her jacket. a pair of orange-tinted goggles rests on her head. end ID.]
21 years old (the baby of the crew), she/her, from Plana D’Ezza
was studying mechanomedicine (which is, as the name suggests, a mix of mechanics and medicine, specifically to work w cyborgs) in university
secretly did unauthorized repairs on cyborg parts for people who couldn’t afford it, but got caught and got in Big Trouble
anyways now she has a criminal record hanging over her head and massive student debt lmao
idealistic, arguably naive, trying to toughen up (but isn’t very good at it)
has a MASSIVE gay crush on Euna. she thinks she’s being subtle about it but like EVERYONE has noticed. (except for Euna herself, of course.)
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[ID: a tall, light-skinned, muscular, east asian-coded woman. she grins as she runs towards the viewer. her peach-coloured hair with dark roots is straight and is half loose just below her shoulders, with two buns at the top of her head. she wears a white tank top with pink straps, an orange jumpsuit tied at the waist, and black boots. a simple silver blaster is tucked into a black holster at her hip. her right arm is a cybernetic prosthesis, attached right above the elbow, and is white with pink accents. end ID.]
EUNA LI, the Brawns
24 years old, she/her, from Siung-Katsa
used to be a moderately successful competitive athlete but preferred performing to competing and impulsively joined a space circus only to find herself trapped in a shitty contract with bad working conditions
and then the Accident™ happened in which she lost her arm, and she was swindled into buying a super expensive cybernetic prosthesis bc she thought it would enhance her performance with the circus
but since it took “too long” for her to recover, the circus managers replaced her without even telling her :( so she pretty much joined the Sirens to pay off her medical bills rip
big arms to give big hugs
doesn’t have the highest intelligence stat tho but she’s trying her best!!!!!
completely oblivious to the fact that Gabi is in love with her lmao (she’s convinced Gabi is only interested in her fancy prosthesis)
slide 7:
[ID: a light-skinned woman with purple curly hair. her eyes glow purple, and she is floating with her arms outstretched, holding two glowing purple wisps in her hands. her expression is serious. she wears a long, white coat, a black sparkly top with purple edging, a purple crystal pendant, black leggings, silver wristbands, and tall white boots. end ID.]
23 years old, she/her
daughter of Lord Andlyn of the House of Dyonas, House Head
has an identical twin sister, Kalenora Ismerie, First Heir to the House of Dyonas (yes all their names are like this), who is a few minutes older
Illiana has always been better than Kalen at mastering their inherited powers, which has caused ~tension~ between the sisters over who gets to be the next House Head when their father dies
so Kalen did *stuff* to secure her position and forced Illiana to go on the run and hide out in what is essentially Space Las Vegas under an alias
she gets roped into the heist to help them get into the House of Dyonas, although she is very reluctant to go back there (but is very tired of washing dishes in some dingy Space Vegas bar)
she will get her loyalties tested in more ways than one <3
slide 8:
[ID: a short woman with medium-brown skin. she has straight black hair that reaches just above her shoulders, the left side shaved in an undercut. she is smirking and has a piercing over her left eyebrow, two piercings on her right ear helix, and a navel piercing. she is wearing a black crop top, a blue bomber jacket with purple and pink accents, black leggings, black boots, black fingerless gloves, and two black belts with silver buckles. she is holding two glowing plasma wands (like lightsaber daggers), one pink and one blue. end ID.]
ZEYA KADE, the Rogue
27 years old, she/her
5’1” (this is important i swear)
known as Shadowblade for being sneaky and elusive (and stabby)
so sneaky and elusive, in fact, that even i don’t know much about her
that’s a lie i know a lot about her i’m just being sneaky and elusive <3
slide 9:
[ID: two memes. the first is a picture of Leo with the phrase "I am so normal about Zeya Kade", with the words "I am obsessed with" hidden by the first part of the sentence. the second is a picutre of Zeya with the same text, but the name has been changed to "Leo Callisto".]
that's it that's the wip
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Hello, hunter from Kamura here, my name is Kade Rogers and I.. wanted to ask... what is Harudomergu? I've never heard of that monster before and, as someone who has an interest in ALL monsters
And one of the main hunters who helped with the Allmother Narwa situation.. sorry about that by the way-
I'd love to know more about this monster, hopefully be in touch more in the future.. good luck with the current.. Elder Dragon issue you are facing with Oleander-
While Leo’s talked a lot about what it does, he didn’t talk much about Harudomerugu itself. Called the Silver Controlling Dragon, Harudomerugu can produce and control liquid mercury. That in itself has been discussed in great detail.
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What Leo didn’t mention is how terrifyingly smart it is as a monster. Harudomerugu are very adaptable, very intelligent. No two will fight you the same way. Each instance will fight you using tricks its learned during its life, “borrowing” the attacks and fighting styles of the monsters and hunters that it’s killed. They’ve even been known to fashion their liquid mercury into weapons of sorts, augmenting their claws, tails, wings, and even their faces on occasion to give themselves an advantage. If that weren’t enough, they also employ tactics on the fly to suit their current quarry.
I’ve fought exactly three in my lifetime; one of which I tracked and hunted repeatedly until I finally took it down. Those, I went at alone—all except for the latter, which I needed a hunting party for... because it’d adapted to my hunting style and I just couldn’t counter it on my own anymore.
The monster learned how I moved, how I fought, and damn near figured out how I thought. It also learned that, because I was wearing specialized gear to avoid getting all kind of nasty effects from elemental mercury exposure, it couldn’t get to me without peeling everything off, so it just didn’t bother. Make no mistake, that dragon wasn’t afraid of me. It just needed time to think, and once it got that time, it hunted me down and almost took down an encampment to try to finish what I’d started. Instead of hacking and slashing, it started trying to batter and crush me. It probably would have worked if I didn’t have a hunting party to make up for this new weakness it’d learned to exploit.
Who’d have thought that humans really can’t take being slammed into with several tons of force?
But I digress.
… Thanks, by the way. You guys don’t have to talk about me like I don’t read most of these, ha ha.
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kaurtrends · 2 years
Chandi ke name pendant || Silver Customised pendant design || Customised Name pendant || Kaurtrends
Chandi ke name pendant || Silver Customised pendant design || Customised Name pendant || Kaurtrends
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bluekat12345 · 3 years
Transformers RB AU: Techno-Organic Cody
I’ve seen a few posts about Transformers AUs, and since I’ve been getting back into the Transformers Fandom, I thought I’d share my own thoughts on some of these AUs, and maybe even my own. But for now, here’s my own thoughts on an AU I learned about. It has been on my mind for a while now and I need to post it and get it out of my system before I go crazy. So be prepared for a lot of rambling.
Techno-Organic Cody Burns
I got interested in this idea by @autobots-and-their-crazy-kids and @geluatekurama . I recommend checking them out, they’re really cool.
Basically, this is an AU that Cody Burns from Transformers Rescue bots being techno-organic.
For those who don’t know what techno-organic is, its basically a cyborg, basically a being that is part-cybertronian, but also organic, such as being part-human. A character named Sari Sumdac on Transformers Animated is a techno-organic.
In this AU, Cody would be found as a protoform by Optimus Prime and his team.
But he wasn’t just any protoform, he was a Decepticon Protoform, artificially designed and programed to serve in Megatron’s army. But he was an unfinished protoform, meaning that he wasn’t finished developing and his decepticon programming wasn’t activated and is dormant.
He’s found by Optimus and his team and at some point, would be exposed to Charlie and his wife’s DNA, causing him to become techno-organic. (Or maybe just Charlie.)  Would explain how Charlie already knows Optimus at the beginning of the show.
Charlie (and his wife) would not have told Kade, Dani, and Graham that Cody was a protoform, obviously, they may or may not inform them that Cody is adopted. They definitely wouldn’t tell Cody.
Optimus would not mention Cody’s decepticon programming, because he fears that would negatively affect how Charlie and his family would view Cody.
So overall, Cody would basically grow up as a normal kid. His abilities would mostly still be dormant, but he would noted to be rather resilient for a kid his age. There would be an occasional incident where Cody’s cybertronian abilities would reveal themselves, but Charlie would be able to cover those up.
What exactly would Cody’s abilities be, I imagine he would be able to alter his appearance. Meaning that he could make himself look like a normal boy one minute and the next, basically appear more robotic, such as silver hair and skin, glowing eyes, ext. I also imagine him having electrical powers, like he could shoot electricity from his fingers and maybe even charge and drain machines of power. Also, he would be very resilient, a natural fighter, maybe even observant and quick enough to find and strike at his opponent’s weak points. I don’t imagine him having a weapon.
Anyway, It wouldn’t be after knowing the rescue bots for a while would Cody discover what he really is.
Also, Optimus would assign the rescue bots to Griffin Rock for a secret reason: To keep an eye on Cody. To get close to him and be positive cybertronian influences on him to keep his decepticon coding from activating.
But of course, his coding would activate sooner or later. I imagine it activating during stressful situations. The fight or flight response, and the coding would cause him pick ‘fight’, even when he wants to choose ‘flight’.
The first time it happens, its not a pretty sight, a bit of destruction on Griffin Rock, Cody being scared and confused, unable to control himself, his family and the bots being shocked at what was happening, even scared, less scared of Cody and more scared for him.
Charlie would managed to calm Cody, and after cleaning up and trying to find a cover-up story to help keep the bots’ covers (As well as Cody’s) a LOT of explaining would happen.
Charlie and Optimus would explain what Cody really is. Optimus probably wouldn’t mention Cody’s decepticon programing, but the Rescue bots would suspect it and eventually put the pieces together on their own.
There would be some tension after this, with Cody feeling hurt and betrayed that his father kept this a secret, his siblings being upset at their Dad as well, and the Bots upset at Optimus and Charlie for keeping this a secret.
Everyone would feel very conflicted regarding Cody. Kade, Graham, and Dani love Cody, but worry what would happen if he ever gets upset, they would be careful around him to try not to activate his ‘battle mode’ as they would call it. And the bots would be shocked that Cody is technically a decepticon, since they know that he would never hurt anyone, but can’t deny that he is potentially dangerous.
And Cody would feel like a monster after the destruction he caused, and would feel even worse if he learns of his decepticon coding. He would avoid his family and the bots out of fear, worried that they see him as a monster and worried that he might hurt them accidently.
It would take some time, but eventually, the family will come together again, promising no more secrets and that they’ll figure out how to manage Cody’s programming together.
They would all help Cody train to control his abilities better, it wouldn’t be easy, but overtime, he’ll be able to control his programming so he doesn’t get destructive every time he gets stressed.
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novoaa1writes · 4 years
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pairing(s): yelena belova x reader
you’re already having kind of a shitty day to begin with. hell, you don’t even realize it’s valentine’s day until—
well, that’s not important. 
the important part comes later, when yelena shows up unannounced on your doorstep beaten half to hell and clutching a mangled bouquet of white roses. 
contains: fluff
word count: ~1,000
rating: teen
warnings: sleep deprivation, mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of drunk and disorderly arrests, implied/referenced police brutality, guns, mild blood
notes: reader is explicitly stated to be not only poc but also non-white-passing.
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edit: this was written before it was brought to my attention that yelena is canonically asexual (and arguably aromantic). i will not be writing any other yelena fics which feature her in a non-platonic dynamic for the time being. please feel free to private message me if you have any questions, or wish to shed some light on this discourse!
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It’s something like 8:00 on a Sunday night, and you’re absolutely exhausted. It’s been… what, a solid 36 hours since you last slept? More, maybe?
Saturday night saw you cancelling last-minute on a highly-anticipated (and much-needed) girls’ night out in favor of going to bail your younger brother out of jail. Your younger brother, who lived in Providence, yet had somehow found his way to a police district in the heart of Boston before nightfall. 
The charges weren’t anything crazy—just public intoxication and resisting arrest… stupid stuff, really. Though, considering your brother’s visibly non-white complexion (a near identical match unto your own), that second one easily surpassed stupid to border on downright imbecilic. 
Needless to say, you were at Penn Station by 7:00, and on a train to Boston by 7:55.
You didn’t sleep on the train. You couldn’t. 
11:30 saw you disembarking at South Station, then taking the T directly to the precinct, ice-cold dread chilling your body from the inside out.
You were there by midnight, and when you finally laid eyes upon him—hammered and a little banged up but ultimately alive—you felt a weight lift from your chest. Stacks of endless paperwork and five-fucking-grand later, you were finally permitted to leave. 
You took his ass straight back to South Station and dragged him forcibly onto the next Providence-bound train. One hour later found you sitting side-by-side in a waiting room that reeked of antiseptic at something like 2:30am—waiting for his intake papers to go through. 
He’d been there before—Greener Pastures, an addiction recovery treatment center. (AKA rehab.) Twice, actually. 
You couldn’t help feeling like an idiot for praying it might stick this time. 
Intake was slow, but they’d accepted him into the program (again) by 3:15. 
You were back at Providence Station by 4:00am, and on a train back to New York City by 5:00am… just in time to clock in for work at 8:30 sharp. 
You were so out of it, you didn’t even think to realize that it was Valentine’s Day until one of your coworkers—a boastful, obnoxious man named Kade—dropped a pale-pinkish note atop your desk that read ‘You + Me. Dinner tonight? I’ll pick you up at 7:00’ in messy scrawl. It had a silver Hershey’s Kiss taped to it and everything. 
Perfectly juvenile. 
Following a very uncomfortable one-on-one with Kade during your lunch break, you made it a point to keep your head down for the remainder of the day. 
You were exhausted, and worn-out, and worried about your brother; you couldn’t possibly have cared less about candies and flowers and being someone’s valentine. 
So, yeah. 
You’re here now, alone in your apartment on a Sunday night, and you’re just ready to sleep, goddammit. 
So of course, why wouldn’t there come a heavy-handed knock on your door at precisely that moment in time? Why wouldn’t there be someone on your doorstep—likely with yet another pressing problem, judging by recent incidences—to keep you from conking out into a blissful sleep and forgetting (even if only momentarily) that the past 24 hours ever happened?
You’re originally planning to stomp over to the door like you’re upset, then yank it open and greet whoever’s feeling audacious enough to disturb you this evening with a succinct “What ?” that borders on a snarl. 
As it is, you’re far too drained to do anything but shuffle over to the door, undo the deadbolt, and tug it open with a defeated scowl to see—
Oh, what the fuck?
Yelena Belova stands directly outside your door looking like she got run over by a freight train… twice. Blood and soot streaks her pretty features; she’s wearing her tactical suit, still—though it’s singed and torn in various places, dotted in sprinkles of pale-grey ash. 
She’s got twin holsters on either thigh, only one of which still carries a Škorpion machine pistol—two guns she never leaves HQ without. 
One blackened hand is pressed urgently into her side—staunching what looks to be a rather serious flow of blood from a potential gun-shot wound in her lower abdomen—while the other… 
A bouquet of flowers—white roses, to be exact—clutched in her bloodied fist, thrust out to you as if offering you to take them. 
You blink—once, twice… thrice. You look up to the grim expression splayed across Yelena’s dirtied features, then back down to the flowers. Their pretty white petals are mangled and discolored, blotted with black soot. 
You look back up to Yelena once more, jaw slack with wonder. 
“Yelena, what…?”
Yelena glances down to the flowers and back to you. “It is February 14th, да?” At your blank look, she frowns and clarifies, “The day of Valentines?”
Your jaw snaps shut with an audible click! “I… Yes, but—” 
“They are for you,” Yelena says flatly. She thrusts out the bouquet a little further, silently urging you to take it. 
After a moment’s hesitation, you do. The cellophane whines and squeaks around the sad-looking flowers as Yelena relinquishes the bouquet, her catlike eyes intent upon you all the while. 
You look down at the mauled, singe-ridden flowers. You don’t dip your jaw to smell them.
“Thank you, Yelena,” you whisper out, finally looking up to meet her determined gaze. “They’re lovely.”
A spark of something warm flits through Yelena’s stormy gaze—here one second, gone the next. It makes butterflies erupt in your stomach. “С Днём Валентина,” she murmurs, sounding just the tiniest bit out of breath.
Despite the exhaustion weighing heavy on your thoughts, you feel the corners of your lips tugging up into a bashful smile. “Would you, um…” you trail off, stepping aside and making a vague welcome-in-esque gesture with your free hand. “Would you like to come in?” 
Yelena’s lips twitch, and she nods. “Да.”
— —
да | da | yes
с днём валентина | s dnyom valentina | happy valentine’s day
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[marvel]: @normanijauregui​
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end notes: yelena 100% would pull this shit
also i never realized how nerve racking it is to bring flowers to a girl you’re not dating on valentine’s day. what the fuck. i felt like throwing up the whole time. why are girls so SCARY
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
TYL: The Lovers Meet The Parents Of The Young Lords [PART TWO]
Subtitle: Matias Vilkas Meets Donna Beneviento & Angie
Indigo eyes focused on the 3 boxes in the pale hands of the Owner of the Village's Elixir, Jewelry, and Cloth Shop as he walked through the misty forest up to the porch of Beneviento Manor. This young man was Matias Vilkas and today was the day he was going to meet his girlfriend's - Diedre Beneviento - family: The Second Lord of Mother Miranda - Donna Beneviento - and Donna's Living Doll - Angie.
Donna happened to be one of his number one customers - even before Diedre and he began to court each other. The 3 Boxes in his hands were something of a tribute to Donna for her Position as Lord of the Village; she was kind but rather shy around other people.
Meeting Angie would be a real treat - Matias thought to himself as he ran a hand through his short grey hair before chuckling as he knocked on the door of the massive house. He smiled and waited - it wasn't long when he heard the sounds of heels clicking, the door swung open and indigo eyes locked with the silver eyes of the Heiress of the Beneviento & Wolf Names - Diedre.
Diedre gave her boyfriend a kiss on his cheek before inviting him inside, calling out to her mother and doll that Matias was there. Angie came flying into the room and got in Matias' face, shocking him for a moment before he smiled and greeted the doll as if she was a person.
Soon, the Head of House Beneviento walked down the stairs without her veil, instead wearing an eyepatch that Matias made for her upon his lover's request.
Matias bowed to Donna before presenting her with the 3 boxes - The First containing different fabrics and silks, the second holding elixirs and scents, and the last one holding jewels that Donna could use to decorate her dolls. When Angie asked what Matias brought her, he produced a Japanese Puzzle Box from his jacket pocket and gave it to the doll, telling her that there was a prize in the box if she managed to solve it without breaking it out of anger.
Donna invited Matias and Diedre for tea to discuss the relationship and everything seemed to go well throughout the evening...except the occasional growls and grunts of Angie as she fiddled with the box in her hands.
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 4 years
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Blades of Light and Shadow Headcannons
Name: Red Dawmen 
In Love With: Tyril Starfury
Has read nearly every book in Riverbend’s library, however he hasn’t read much since he was 13. 
He and Kade were really close friends with a girl in their town when they were kids, but the friendship deteriorated when she admitted feelings for Red and he couldn’t return them. 
For all of his people skills and previous romantic trysts, flirtatious is the last word to describe him (which just makes Tyril all the more special!)
His adoptive mother worked with healers before she married, and taught Red all she knew about medicine and herbal remedies. The rest he’s learned through trial and error, to Kade’s horror. 
Though they are as different as day and night as you can get, no one questions the strong sibling bond between the two. There were many times Red thought he’d lose his brother to sickness when they grew up, and yet it was Kade who comforted him with stories he’d heard or read. 
On their travels, Red found himself in a drinking contest with Mal, Imurta, and other hopefuls in a tavern. Imurta easily drank them all under the table.
Red has piercings in both ears, but favors his right, in which he wears an industrial, rook, and conch all in silver, and a small gold hoop in his lobe.
He also wears a pendant around his neck that was left behind by his birth parents and almost rarely removes it. 
He has his mother to thank for his physique, as she made Red work in the fields with her until late in his teens. It was the only time Red resented his brother’s health. She’s also the one who first locked his hair. 
Suffers from anxiety and has for a long time, but both Kade and Nia’s abductions sent him spiraling. Otherwise, he hides it fairly well. 
Though he becomes proficient in all his weapons, his favorite is his brawler glove. 
Has a healthy appreciation for nice clothes. Though he had no reason to or the means to wear finery before, he enjoyed dressing up for Undermount’s masquerade. He especially enjoyed it if no other than reason than to have Tyril’s eyes linger on him. 
tagging @bladesappreciationweek​ | |
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offtopicoverload · 4 years
alright, i was on the fence about the oc weekend idea, but fuck it i have a bunch of shit made why not? block “oc weekend” tag if you don’t care cuz same
so have some cleo (and nia) headcanons to kick whatever the fuck this is gonna be off
super long cuz i have a serious problem
So her starting skills were bow, charisma, and wildlife, then woods lore, then blade, medicine, deception, brawling, seduction
She made some money hunting, which is where the bow and animal skills came from
With being an elf, her and Kade were orphaned together in a massacre and taken in by a local farmer
Absolutely got into so much trouble, usually Cleo getting a bad idea and dragging Kade along, but could always talk her way out of it, hence the charisma
MC canonically has relationship experience, right? I think she had a short term partner, maybe some flings with travelers or something, but never really got invested in relationships, just wasn’t her thing
Especially in RIverbend, where everyone knows everyone and it’s awkward if you break up
She’s pretty similar to canon MC, wild and goofy and somewhat reckless
But also really determined and caring and sweet when she needs to be
I adore her if you can’t tell
The first time she saw Nia, totally tongue-tied and a flustered mess, she’s smooth when it’s a joke but incapable of any coherent words when it turns real
She’s pretty awkward, definitely stiff at first, but slowly loosens up as she gets closer to Nia, letting her goofy side show
She for sure pines and gets made fun of for it by Kade, then Mal and Imtura every time she gets flustered 
And Threep likes to rub it in too, occasionally threatening to say something unless he gets snacks he does the same to Nia askjksdf
I’m also in love with the idea of Mal and Imtura playing matchmaker and constantly trying to set them up in situations where they have to be close, and the two of them losing their minds when Cleo and Nia get stuck in that pit
The night at the cabin in the Deadwood was the first moment Cleo realised that there could be something real there, like it just never clicked until Nia was straight up telling her she liked her
From then on things definitely change, and Cleo starts being a lot softer, like at the masquerade and stuff
But the argument in the cabin always sticks out in her mind, she defended Nia’s right to spend her life as she chooses, but she doesn’t necessarily like it
She always tries to find work arounds for Nia using her light, like using her own before Nia can get the chance
She for sure nearly decked the High Priest, just for all his bullshit, and was very happy to get that tracking orb from him to make sure they would be safe she had some plans already
So I don’t accept MC being cool after Nia straight up gets yanked into the Shadow Realm, Cleo absolutely was about to jump in after her until Imtura grabbed her and jerked her back like “what the fuck are you doing”
Cleo was about to snap the entire time they were working their way through the Shadow Realm, definitely wrecked Vonstratz on Nia’s behalf
I also don’t accept the “single tear” line when MC fucking KILLS Nia, Cleo would be bawling her eyes out and refusing to let go of her when she dies
There not being an ily felt kinda weird to me, and cuz Cleo’s a sap, I feel like she’d either say it before stabbing Nia or during the diamond scene where they’re looking out at Whiterun
In the first instance, it’s more for her piece of mind, that Nia knows what her sacrifice means
When Nia comes back, Cleo whispers it a million times into her shoulder as she hugs her, until she sounds like a broken record
For the second one, it’d be a bit spur of the moment, she’d just be looking in Nia’s eyes as the words spill out, but she wouldn’t even care cuz it felt so right
And now I’m going to ignore book 2 and make up my own shit
So immediately after, Cleo and Kade go back to Riverbend to pack up their lives there, Kade in order to stay in Whiterun cuz King Arlan made him a librarian or something, idk but he’s in Whiterun at the royal library and archives
Cleo ends up running a few odd jobs out of Whiterun for a while, helping Mal out quite a bit as Nia ends up with a lot of responsibilities at the temple after the High Priest gets axed
Cleo ends up quite well known as a good adventurer/travel mate by the time Nia ends up quitting the temple
Before they leave on their first trip as just them, Cleo takes her up to that terrace overlooking Whiterun after taking her to the market
They stare out at the city for a while, until the sun’s setting along the horizon
Cleo pulls out a ring from her bag, fiddling with it as she shifts on her feet nervously. She’s wussed out like half a dozen times already, and this is her last chance to do it somewhere so special
Nia figures out something’s up and starts prodding to figure it out, poking her and stuff and laughing the whole time
Cleo’s kind of found out, and turns to her blushing the ring held between her thumbs and index fingers as she avoids eye contact, “So, um. You wanna get married?”
Not what Nia was expecting at all and she kind of just 👁👄👁 for a while, until Cleo starts trying to back out of it, thinking she fucked up
And then it’s Nia’s turn to stumble over her words something along the lines of, “No, wait! Okay, um, no, so - No, I don’t mean no, just - Yes! Of course!” 
The ring’s super basic, like plain silver without even a gem 
I feel like Cleo found it on a trip with Mal, and immediately thought of Nia and proposing and freaked herself out a bit, but that’s why she didn’t look for another cuz shes a sap
They travel around the realm a bit, stopping in Undermount so Cleo can look into House Nightbloom, and getting rides from Imtura when Mal gives them a tip on a relic or something
All the while Nia’s trying to spread the Light in small villages, using her magic for little things as Cleo works favours again
At some point they get a cottage a ways away from a village, I’d say not too far from the Deadwood and things slow down for the most part, only the occasional trip for the temple
It’s a really cute house, small and surrounded by flowers and huge trees, Cleo builds a swing on one
The others visit occasionally, Kade and Threep the most often, and I almost want to say they take in an orphan, but I can’t decide if Cleo would trust herself enough for that
Though I feel like Nia would love to have pets at the least cleo always compares threep to the cats to annoy him
Elves canonically have longer life spans than humans, and Nia’s is even shorter from using her Light, so I’m sure you can tell where I’m going with this
Nia passes in her sleep before anyone else in the gang and it really fucks up Cleo, like the way she wakes up to it and can’t even stop it
And the worst part is that she’s always hoping just a little bit in the back of her mind that it’s like the first time, and Nia’s just going to wake up or knock on the front door
The gang meet up all together for a funeral, and Cleo plants the flowers from the bouquet from the end of book diamond scene
She ditches the cottage cuz too much of it is Nia, and is just kind of aimless for a little bit, staying with Kade in Whiterun, but ultimately hates not having a purpose
She moves to the old elven cabin in the Deadwood cuz shes a sap cuz it’s one of her favourite places
She devotes herself to fixing it up and making it better, helping travelers through the Deadwood cuz I feel like Tyril would open Undermount up
Everyone’s stayed in relative contact and tend to invite Cleo on adventures if they don’t hear from her for a while, just to keep her from isolating herself in the woods
Mal works with the monarchy to make things better in the Nooks and Crannies while still thievin, and especially when he’s older settles down more
I feel like he lives pretty long, but ends up sick and passing away, second to go and he kinda laughs about it his mum was sick right? and he jokes about the irony to feel better?
I doubt Imtura really accepts being a princess, I think she keeps captaining and fights it as long as she can until she really doesn’t have a choice
But she’s not like her mum, actually leaving Flotilla and like working with the guard and stuff
I think she’s third, dying in battle like a badass and saving her crew. She’s honored by the clans, and the monarchy and even Undermount declares her a hero or something idk how it works there
I feel like Kade would keep to stories, but maybe spend a while just moving about the realm, stay in Undermount to explore it and stuff, builds up his name as a bard
He dies in his sleep too cuz he deserves it, he passes when he’s visiting Riverbend again, he’s buried there and like the whole village shows up
I feel like Tyril’s significantly older than everyone else, but being an elf hides it
He always gives Cleo tips on artifacts, or asks her to escort travelers through the Deadwood or around the realm if they’re important to keep her busy
He’s not the head of House Starfury, but he’s still pretty involved in elven politics, mainly focused on opening up Undermount, educating people on the elven empire and spreading the wealth and stuff
He’d go before Cleo, just running out of life force after all his magic
After Tyril passes, Cleo’s just done, he was the only thing giving her purpose, and she’s spent decades cleaning up the Deadwood as best she can
Threep’s joined her after Tyril’s funeral, staying with her for a few days and how following her out into the forest
She walks out to the clearing they saw the unicorn at and stops right on the edge, sitting down and setting up a purification ritual
She’s known how for years, she learned after Nia passed so she could spend some of her life completing one of her dreams like a sap
She clears out the darkness from a lot of the Deadwood to drain the last of her life force, stumbling over to a tree and sliding down to the ground, her back pressed against the bark
Threep flutters into her lap, her nails scratching behind his ears as he licks her chin comfortingly, a final goodbye
Her breathing starts heavy, growing slow as her chest feels far more hollow than it did a moment ago, and her eyelids slowly grow heavy
A breeze brushes her hair, stirring her awake. The lake’s shimmering before her, bright and magical as she stumbles to her feet, Threep gone from her lap
The Deadwood’s healed, more than she could possibly have managed on her own, and she has so much more energy now than when she fell asleep
She trips through the trees, running for what feels like hours until she’s back at the cabin, the stone bright against the trees as it sits, whole again after all her effort
She shoulders the front door open, freezing when she sees the fireplace, or rather, what’s before the fireplace
Nia’s there, her back to the flickering flames as she smiles, cheeks redder than the curls falling down her shoulders
And Cleo doesn’t stop running, tackling Nia into a hug and squeezing with all she is, tears dripping down her chin as she laughs, carefree and disbelieving and happy. So, so happy, for the first time since she last saw that smile
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