#new tork
oca-rinn-a · 1 year
rat zoomies!
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designmiss · 12 years
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Die macht der bilder https://www.design-miss.com/die-macht-der-bilder/ L’artista tedesco Markus Georg ha ideato Die macht der bilder, delle cartoline di paesaggi classici famosi nel mondo, come Stonehenge, la Tour Eiffel, Matterhorn e Le Torri Gemelle di New York, realizzati, però, come particolari installazioni. Via todayandtomorrow.net
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servicemonkey · 2 years
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mickdalena · 5 days
peter and mike are really at their best in the 1997 tv special they are 1000% married behaviour . peter whispering catty jokes to him and mike nodding along despite finding them deeply unfunny (he loves his husband very much)
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thislovintime · 1 month
In Japan, August 1981; footage courtesy of raremonkees and BetaGems Lost Media.
“Peter Tork has a new band, the New Monks, and has recently toured Japan, where the Monkees are still fondly remembered, playing to more than 20,000 fans in Tokyo.” - Billboard, September 5, 1981 “‘Each of us was portrayed in both the show and publicity as a particular kind of individual,’ says Tork. ‘The character of Peter Tork was one I developed myself. I always seemed to look like I was battered. All the people who felt hurt by things in their lives looked at me. It was a character I could hide behind.’ In November 1968, Tork became the first to leave the Monkees. He recalls the band giving him a $6 watch with an engraved inscription on the back that read: ‘From the guys down at work.’ He never looked back with regret. There wasn’t any time. Undaunted, Tork embarked on a teaching career at a secondary private school in Los Angeles, giving instruction in English, French, social studies, math, science, baseball and music for more than three years. ‘If all the professions were paid what they’re worth,’ he says, ‘I would probably still be a teacher. There are definitely similarities between teaching and entertainment. The feedback is instantaneous, both from audiences and students. Feeling and attitude are important to both professions as well. ‘I’ve always been a show-off,’ he concludes. Eventually Tork came back to music. Has he sought out any of the now-famous songwriters and producers who worked with the Monkees for help? ‘I have my own life,’ he says. ‘I don’t have any chips to cash in on. I was a hired hand. There is no pity in this business. It’s all ‘what have you done for me lately?’ And ‘play me a tape.’ It’s not a happy state of affairs, but I’m glad to be back infront of audiences, playing music.’” - article by Byron Reimus, The Columbia Record, July 17, 1981
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mrsarcadian · 1 year
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"THE MONKEES" by the monkees (1966)
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mystical-one · 1 year
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Looking at a daytime moon ☀️🌙 [my ko-fi]
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calico-daydream · 25 days
Video length 1:11
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evilfranzkafka · 2 years
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Oh no the monkees are stuck in a time loop... sad :^( well there's other bands....
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nowordsformylove · 7 months
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papertowness · 6 months
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new york state of mind or if you prefer ‘ bew tork ‘
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monkee-mobile · 9 months
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thislovintime · 3 months
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Photos 1 & 2 are screenshots from the Blu-ray set, photo 3 is from Monkee Spectacular, photo 4 is by Ron Howard/Popperfoto via Getty Images.
“You will have to pardon the look of smugness on my (adorable) face, but this month, I (yea, verily) got to go to a little going-away get-together for Monkee Peter Tork, of whom you may have heard. Well, actually, it’s not like I was invited, but I went along with Genie the Tailor, who was delivering some of the grooviest clothes I’ve ever seen to Mr. T. I mean, I always knew Pete had nice legs, but it took Genie’s pants (one pair orange and two whites) to show them to full (and tight) advantage. Plus two full-sleeved print shirts and an orange suede sleeveless jacket to go with everything (and that’s exactly what Peter’s wearing it with, if the pictures of the Monkee in England are anything to go by.)” - Tracy Thomas, Flip, November 1967 “I visited ‘Granny Takes A Trip,’ ‘Apple’ and the ‘Speakeasy’ and I found them all very good. In fact the juggler’s shirt I’m wearing was bought at Apple.” - Peter Tork, Disc and Music Echo, January 13, 1968 “Peter Tork is rapidly becoming known as the sartorial member of the Monkees. In a recent trip to London, Peter turned up at a party wearing a red and yellow outfit, sort of a cross between the Pied Piper and Robin Hood. The outfit he wore consisted of corduroy slacks and a juggler shirt purchased at London’s fashionable Apple Shop.” - Democrat and Chronicle, March 3, 1968 “[At the Los Angeles premiere of Head] Peter Tork, hiding his handsome face behind a thick bramble bush (even thicker than Mike Love’s luxuriant facial foliage), decorated his frame with red satin, brown cord, thonged leather and mismated sox.” - Teen Magazine, February 1969
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Monkees Paw tag scene redraw! I love the outfits in this episode so so much
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ninetimesbluedemo · 1 year
Hi everyone, I have sort of a big announcement…
I don’t like the monkees anymore. They’re just so old and what would I want with some old men?
I’m now devoting my blog and my entire being to Them
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