#new yoke espio
saline-coelacanth · 2 years
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This was somewhat based on a conversation I had with my boyfriend
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inamindfarfaraway · 1 year
Team Chaotix in Sonic Prime
My headcanons for what Vector the Crocodile, Espio the Chameleon and Charmy Bee are like in the Shatterspaces.
New Yoke City
Vector’s variant is called Missile (a missile is a vector, having direction and magnitude). He embodies Vector’s responsibility, practicality and seriousness. He was trying to make a difference as a teenage detective when the dystopian city appeared around him four years ago and it became clear that, with the Chaos Council’s control of the new justice system and law enforcement, the person he aspired to be would never make it. Of course he wants to fight, but the Council is brutal and their absolute power seems impossible to overthrow. He soon ended up with two children in his care, one only a toddler. If he got arrested, killed or roboticized, what would happen to them? If the three of them had the Council’s protection, on the other hand, as per the contract of an exclusive, specialized detective agency who would do whatever dirty work they were ordered to… he knows that those tyrants are the reason his kids have nobody else. He knows that the vast majority of people he leads the robotic police to don’t deserve any punishment, and none of them could deserve the cruel horrors they get. He knows that he isn’t a hero - that he may even be the exact opposite. And he hates it. But any money that keeps his family alive is money worth having, he’s regretfully decided. Big concepts like good and evil are none of his concern. He’s just trying to pay the rent. It’s too late to back out now, anyway. Now that the people are rebelling en masse and the Council is busy exploring the Shatterverse, he’s desperately waiting for things to stabilize and daring to hope against hope that some positive change occurs. And that the citizens don’t recognize the collaborateurs in their midst and turn on them.
Espio’s variant is called Trace. He embodies Espio’s stoicism and pragmatism. His ninja training was cut short - and his village razed and everyone he knew killed or taken prisoner - when the Chaos Council remade the world in their image. But he’s gained plenty of experience in stealth, deception, infiltration, espionage and combat working in the Chaos Detective Agency. Dishonour means nothing to a ninja. That’s what he tells himself, at least. On the outside, he’s reserved and aloof, a cold, ruthless foe. He will only show his family the slightest show of emotion. Internally, however, his repressed grief for his old family, community, home and life; guilt, shame and self-loathing due to his service to the Council; and years of accumulated trauma are brewing into a storm that he barely keeps contained under the surface. He’s afraid of his feelings burdening his teammates and distracting them from what’s most important: survival.
Charmy’s variant is called Sting. He embodies Charmy’s eagerness to be helpful and fighting spirit. He can’t remember anything except New Yoke and doesn’t understand much of how his society works, but he knows that his family’s work is very important to them being alive and wants to be a part of it. He does notice their stress and the general unpleasantness everywhere and can infer that circumstances could be improved. But their work being dangerous is all the more reason he should help! Teamwork makes the dream work, right? Danger just adds to the fun of stopping ‘bad guys’. He’s also terrified that if they leave him behind, they might not come back. So he kept breaking out and running away when Missile and Trace went on missions until they agreed to train him and let him join them. He revels in the thrill of action and finds people getting hurt amusing the way a six-year-old boy can, not emotionally connecting to anyone he’s told they need to catch and earnestly believing that their enemies must be in the wrong. He often imitates Missile when trying to be tough and intimidating.
Boscage Maze
Vector’s variant is called Reed. He embodies Vector’s optimism, lightheartedness and musical side, and tends to have his coarser manners too. He, the other two and Cream and Vanilla’s variants are in a different small tribe to the Scavengers and haven’t yet met them, so Thorn Rose didn’t banish them to the emergent layer; they are nomadic and moving toward the Scavengers’ territory. He’s cheerful and generous, always ready to raise the tribe’s morale. He can be immature and irresponsible at times, more focused on enjoying life and entertaining his companions than applying maximum effort to practical tasks. He’s highly resourceful when it comes to instruments and has invented drums and a reed flute. He loves to play them and sing. He’s also bold enough to flirt with Vanilla and the casual first stage of a romance is budding between them.
Espio’s variant is called Berry. He embodies Espio’s caution, wisdom and love of art and culture. Yes, that’s in this dimension. The tribe took him in after they crossed paths when he was eight, him having previously had to survive on his own for as long as he can remember. He’s mature beyond his years, highly knowledgeable about the forest’s flora and fauna, wary and prepared to defend his tribe from any threat using his carved flint blades and hand-to-hand skills. He used to find it difficult to relax, but has learned to unwind through playing a shamisen-esque string instrument Reed built for him and painting with plant pigments. While acutely aware of nature’s hazards, he can still appreciate its wonder and majesty and respects it.
Charmy’s variant is called Honey. He embodies Charmy’s innocent kindness, friendliness and trusting nature. He and Cream’s variant are best friends and adoptive siblings, since his parents entrusted their friend Vanilla with him when they left on an exploratory expedition in his infancy. They didn’t return. But Honey doesn’t mind. He has everything he needs right here. The one thing he can think of that would make his life better is a friend who can fly like he can.
No Place
Vector’s variant is called Bullion (because of precious metal and a male crocodile is a bull). He embodies Vector’s sharp intelligence, charisma, greed and courage. He left his home island in a modest but sturdy vessel, dubbed the Treasure Trove, to seek his fortune and established himself as a travelling merchant. Cunning, socially savvy and theatrical, he is willing to (if you insist on using such accusatory language) ‘scam’ customers and has an endless supply of get-rich-quick schemes. He and his crew live in a fiercely competitive, unpredictable environment full of pirates! Material wealth is essential! That being said, he isn’t all talk. He will brave high seas and stormy weather, chart uncharted waters and do business with anyone to obtain the best goods and things no other merchant is selling, and the genuine quality and rarity of a lot of his stock keep people endeared to him despite his rough edges and occasional bad deal. He takes pride in his competence as a salesman and seafarer and part of him is more fulfilled by honest work. Not that he’ll admit that. He’s very attached to his swashbuckling rogue self-image.
Espio’s variant is called Fathom (a measure of water depth and a verb for contemplative thought and understanding). He embodies Espio’s firm sense of morality and diligence. He met Bullion when the crocodile docked at his home island and, struck with wanderlust and needing a job to get by, Fathom offered to manage his finances with his advanced mathematical ability and do some manual labour. Bullion agreed, but it didn’t take Fathom long to figure out that he was both running a con and a broke mess. A weirdly likeable broke mess. In the aftermath of Fathom exposing the con, the customers angrily demanding refunds and the Treasure Trove being hastily undocked, they made a deal to support and protect each other, with Fathom promising to follow his boss’s lead on the strict condition that Bullion stayed on the straight and narrow. He’s a dutiful hard worker, patient and polite. He tries to remain calm and be civil to everyone no matter how wild things get. He grounds his crewmates, restraining their more energetic, eccentric and, most frustratingly for him, selfish and amoral behaviour. He knows they can be better. And when they are, it’s extremely rewarding. But they certainly test him - though he won’t deny that the motley crew all truly care about each other and would stick together through anything.
Charmy’s variant is called Dodger. He embodies Charmy’s mischievous, irreverent side. He was born to pirates and left at an orphanage on one of the larger islands, but could never follow rules or be satisfied with a simple, mundane life in one place. He wanted excitement, and usually made his own by causing trouble and playing tricks. He totally wasn’t lonely. One day he stowed away on a ship. His plan was to steal all the stuff he could carry on him and fly off. Bullion and Fathom, the sailors who caught him, took a liking to him and were hesitant to send him back to his boring, miserable old home once he explained his life before. They were nice and cool and made him feel wanted and like he belonged more than anyone else ever had, so he hung around. Bullion makes him do chores, but respects his pranking prowess and nerve. Fathom is a great listener and playmate, albeit sometimes a killjoy.
#thought process for new yoke:#what if i made their ‘just trying to pay the rent’ motivation and vector’s apparent guardianship of two kids really dark and tragic#in an examination of how good people can be twisted by factors beyond their control?#thought process for boscage maze:#what if they were all fine and happy and chill actually?#thought process for no place: workplace/domestic sitcom hijinks ON THE HIGH SEAS#the nyc trio’s contract definitely has fine print that the council can roboticize them if they disobey any order or something#so that’s hanging over missile’s head!#them finally rebelling is going to be EPIC though#sting really wants to call missions ‘sting operations’ after himself without understanding what that means#bullion has big stan pines energy#like stan pines in his twenties career (with fathom exasperatedly shutting down the dishonest elements)#combined with his dream of sailing around going on adventures#fathom: business offer. i receive: FAIRLY earned wages. you receive: help getting your shit together#berry and fathom are the voices of reason in their trios like canon espio#but trace is NOT#firstly because missile is reasonable enough#but more importantly because trace is one more emotional straw away from a complete breakdown#which could be either sobbing himself into dehydration or a no-holds-barred rampage against the council#like. he’s ‘the calm one’ the way kit the fucking fennec is ‘the calm one’: NOT CALM#i could have just made a vector variant greedy to the point of evil#but i choose to believe that every part of vector fundamentally cares about his whatever versions of espio and charmy are present#they’re a three-pack - do not separate#plus that’s been done with knuckles the dread#and especially since they’re in the same dimension i wanted bullion and dread to be different#sonic prime#team chaotix#vector the crocodile#espio the chameleon#charmy bee
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lonelyspriter · 1 month
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"Alex was awaited his sidekick in some months!"
Thomas "Tom" Forester is Alex's sidekick like Sonic and Tails, the Demonic Rabbit mechanic has largest wrench to doing something. (inspired from Iconoclasts' main character Robin)
His persona: Curious with Linus-like personality. (albeit about blanket)
Species: Demon Rabbit.
Year & birthplace: 7 years, South Island's Marble.
Alias: Fix-It Rabbit, Flyboy, Tails (by Sonic & Rouge (sometimes)), Shorty, Blockheaded Failboy (by Momoko), The Mechanistic Thing Alive, Tinker Demon.
Alignment: Good.
Likes: All Tails' like things but also curiosity and his wrench.
Dislikes: All Tails' dislike things except thunder and frogs.
Friends: Alex (best friend, teammate and sidekick, same like Sonic & Tails), Kelly (best friend and teammate), Rooney (good friend), Zoe (best friend and love interest), Onpu, Katie (good friend), Hana, Momoko, Sonic (good friend), Tails (best friend), Sticks, Marine, Mighty, Shadow (close friend), Marle, Trip, Aiko, Hazuki, Rusty 2.0, Omega, Tania, Amitie, Ringo, Chris, Frances, Inhabitants of Vampire Valence, Doremi, Pop, Classic Sonic and other Classic heroes, Sage, Zooey, Roy, Amy (close friend), Knuckles, Big with Froggy, Silver, Tangle, Espio, Vector, Charmy, Tails Nine (New Yoke City Counterpart).
Neutral & Frenemies: Dr. Eggman, Dr. Robotnik, Dr. Done-It, Princess Bibin, Egg-Robo's robo-minions (Orbot & Cubot only), Surge, Kit.
Enemies: Badniks, Dr. Mindman, Heavy King, Tails Nine, Rusty Rose (until being upgraded), Metal Sonic (robo-doppelgänger and arch-rival), Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts, Decoe, Bocoe, Classic Eggman, Classic Robotnik, Zavok, Mr. Dr. Eggman, Mr. Dr. Robotnik, Dr. Deep, Dr. Don't, Dr. Babble, Dr. Done-It (New Yoke City counterpart), Oyajide, Infinite, Nominatus, Retro, Beta, Rough, Tumble.
Voice: Children with inspiration of Linus Van Pelt (Overall), Graciela Molina (Spanish).
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just-sonic-things · 8 months
New Yoke City: Espio
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This is the New Yoke City (from Sonic Prime) version of Espio.
Their name is Recon. Recon gathers intel from the Chaos Council and spreads it to the Renegades. Their scars come from a battle with Dr. Deep and when he caught Recon the one time. Dr. Deep even tried to rip off the horn on Recon's head, only to fail once he realized just how strong the horn was. They have had a metal plate put there by the Renegades to keep their horn together.
Since the attack, Recon has gotten infinitely better at camouflaging and is quite often a reliable source for gathering intel.
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genderenvyninja · 2 years
Chaotix prime au where Vector wakes up in New Yoke, Charmy ends up in the jungle, Espio has to deal with pirates and Silver is trapped in the void
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saline-coelacanth · 2 years
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Some New Yoke Chaotix doodles I started working on a while ago and decided to finish up
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saline-coelacanth · 2 years
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Finished up the Espio drawings who overall, probably has my favorite designs for this au I'm just really proud of them
Charmy's the last one I need to do so hopefully I finish that soon
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saline-coelacanth · 2 years
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I said I was gonna do it and I did it lol
I'm still working on the designs for the Jungle world and Pirate world so I'll post them when I'm done, but yeah, here's the designs I came up with for New Yoke versions of the Chaotix.
More info about them under the cut
So in this universe, the Chaotix aren’t actually together, at least not to start. They’ve never met each other in this timeline until they end up running into each other. I imagine all the plots with the Chaotix would be happening on the side of the main plot with Sonic. 
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Vector just goes by “V” in this timeline. He’s tired and cynical, believing that the world just sucks and nothing will get better. He knows about the resistance but believes that they’re wasting their time. He does remember what life was like before the Chaos Council took over and does miss those times, but again, he doesn’t believe that having a life like that will be possible.
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Espio is know as Silent Es, or just Es for short. He’s actually very similar to Whisper from IDW. He likes to stay quiet, only speaking when he feels it’s necessary. He fights against the council but isn’t part of the resistance as he prefers to work alone. He is a very skilled assassin who knows how to escape a situation easily.
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Lastly we have Charmy, or Bumble as he known by in this universe. Probably the most different from his prime version out of the three of them, Bumble grew up all alone and because quite timid and anxious because of it. He’s only ever known the world as it is now, under the control of the Chaos Council, but after learning about what the world used to be like, he grows hope that the world can return to that. He has a very hopeful view on life, the opposite of V’s point of view.
So yeah those are my versions of the Chaotix for prime. It’ll be funny if they actually do show up someday and then my versions will be wrong but I don’t care I love these boys too much. I’ve only had these boys for a day but I’m already super invested. why do i do these things???
Also I’m gonna tag this as Prime Chaotix au since I guess this would count as an au??? Idk I just need something to tag this with.
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saline-coelacanth · 2 years
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Jungle designs for the Chaotix! Like with last time, I'm gonna put a majority of the notes under the cut.
Like in New Yoke, the Chaotix aren’t actually a team to start. The only ones who know each other are Vector and Espio, and they are enemies until Charmy comes along and gets them to stop fighting each other. Also their whole plotline takes place in a more swampy part of the jungle, long away from Thorn and the Scavengers so they don’t get bothered by them.
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Vector is know as “The Lizard”, a name Espio (or Arrow as he’s called in this world) gave him. He lives along in the swamp, constantly driving off intruders as he doesn’t trust people. He constantly fights with Arrow, the two of them being sort of rivals with Lizard attacking Arrow first as he was trying to defend his territory. The Lizard is notably much more aggressive compared to his prime self.
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Espio goes by Arrow in this world, a fitting name considering he’s an archer in this world. He lives a pretty simple life in the swamp, hunting when he needs to, but he ended up getting involved with The Lizard after he wandered too close to his territory. Since the initial fight, Arrow and Lizard started fighting constantly and Arrow started spending a lot of time figuring out how to defeat the dreaded crocodile of the swamps. Personality wise, Arrow is pretty similar to prime Espio without any major personality differences.
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Charmy is called Stinger and he’s pretty similar to his prime self as he’s an impressionable kid who just wants to have fun. He doesn’t really talk much, only ever repeating things that others say. In fact, he takes Charmy’s trait of occasionally mimicking Vector and cranks it to 100, constantly mimicking others all the time. He initially befriends Arrow who finds him and starts to take care of him since the jungle is not a safe place for a child to be wandering alone, and Lizard is able to warm up to him due to the fact that Stinger just is not afraid of him at all
Personally, this is probably my least favorite of the three universes (at least with the Chaotix stuff I’ve come up with) but I still enjoy them a lot. Stinger in particular is really fun and I like him a lot. I’m really excited to get to the Pirate stuff tho so hopefully you guys are looking forward to that.
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lonelyspriter · 3 months
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"All 4 Blurs are finally here! Happy Birthday Sonic!"
Sonic the Hedgehog is "Way Past Cool" and main-to-secondary protagonist of Sonic series. He's the adopted father of Alex and Tania as their parents are gone forever. Be prepared of his Doom Powers to new owner of "Speed of Sound" is now "Speed of Doom" when used the power.
His persona: Cool and easy-going.
Species: Hedgehog.
Alias, Years, birthplace, Likes and Dislikes as seen in Fandom.
Friends: Alex (adopted son, best friend and rival in training), Tom, Kelly (good friend), Rooney (close friend), Zoe, Onpu, Katie (good friend and rival), Hana, Momoko, Tails (best friend, teammate and sidekick), Mighty (good friend and current teammate), Shadow (close friend and former arch-rival), Marle, Trip, Aiko, Hazuki, Rusty 2.0 (love interest), Omega, Tania (adopted daughter), Amitie, Ringo, Chris (close friend), Frances, Inhabitants of Vampire Valence, Doremi, Pop, Classic Sonic and other Classic heroes, Zooey, Roy, Amy (close friend), Sticks, Knuckles (former teammate, old rival but still best friend), Big with Froggy, Silver, Tangle, Espio, Vector, Charmy, Kit, Tails Nine (New Yoke City Counterpart).
Neutral and Frenemies - Dr. Robotnik (2nd arch-nemesis?), Sage, Dr. Done-It (some abusive guy), Surge (arch-rival), Kit.
Enemies: Dr. Eggman (arch-nemesis), Dr. Mindman, Heavy King, Metal Sonic (former doppelgänger but still arch-rival), Rusty Rose (until being upgraded), Tails Nine, Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts, Decoe, Bocoe, Princess Bibin, Zavok, Mr. Dr. Eggman, Mr. Dr. Robotnik, Dr. Deep, Dr. Don't, Dr. Babble, Dr. Done-It (New Yoke City counterpart), Infinite, Nominatus, Retro, Beta, Rough, Tumble.
Voice: Ben Schwartz (English), Junichi Kanemaru (Japanese), Alexandre Gillet (French), Renato Novara (Italian), Marc Stachel (German), Angel de Gracia (Spanish).
"RogerMustRetireToVoiceSonic.jpg" (but still not bad people)
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lonelyspriter · 4 months
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"Happy late anniversary Sonic Legends demo before Fearless Black hero reveals as something..."
Rooney is most pretty magical girl than Amy Rose. She is so looks tomboy-ish clothes, Rooney is the meditator witchling also comes to bring nice ideas but always so sleepy. She's co-idol with Onpu.
Her persona: Charming and smart.
Species: Neko-hog Demon.
Year and birthplace: 8 years, West Side Island's Studiopolis.
Alias: Amy (by Sonic), Roona, Cute Lady (by Knuckles), Foulest witch (by Sticks and Amy), The Smartest Thing Alive.
Alignment: Good.
Likes: Meditating with others, reading, nature things, her hammer, someone needed to help them, the Japanese foods related to fishes.
Dislikes: Few scary things (mostly spider (exception to good spiders)), someone in trouble or harmed, any people insulting to herself and her friends (fine to Amy and Sticks, maybe), someone spying around.
Friends: Alex (best friend and love interest), Tom, Kelly (good friend), Zoe (best friend, teammate and sidekick), Onpu (best friend, teammate and co-idol), Katie (good friend), Hana, Momoko, Sonic (close friend), Tails, Mighty, Shadow (good friend), Marle, Rusty 2.0, Trip, Aiko, Hazuki, Tania, Amitie, Ringo, Chris, Frances, Inhabitants of Vampire Valence, Doremi, Pop, Classic Sonic and other Classic heroes, Sage, Zooey, Roy, Amy (though Amy dislikes her), Sticks (though Sticks dislikes her), Knuckles (good friend), Big with Froggy, Silver, Tangle, Espio, Vector, Charmy, Kit, Tails Nine (New Yoke City Counterpart).
Neutral and Frenemies: Dr. Eggman, Dr. Robotnik, Dr. Done-It, Dr. Mindman, Metal Sonic, Shrine guardians (Orbot & Cubot), Surge.
Enemies: Badniks, Heavy King, Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts, Decoe, Bocoe, Tails Nine, Rusty Rose (until being upgraded), Princess Bibin, Zavok, Mr. Dr. Eggman, Mr. Dr. Robotnik, Dr. Deep, Dr. Don't, Dr. Babble, Dr. Done-It (New Yoke City counterpart), Oyajide, Infinite, Nominatus, Retro, Beta, Rough, Tumble.
Voice: Children with inspiration of Abby Hatcher's voice (overall), Ainhoa Maiquez (Spanish).
"No, i'm not crazy like Rosy from Archie. I'm charming girl."
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lonelyspriter · 4 months
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My birthday special!
Katie O'Shaughnessey is a happy-go-lucky Basin Blur! She's top best skills with yo-yo and water attacks. The Lunar Rabbit (Japanese-related) monster that lived with her mother - Flower Queen tha main antagonist has been defeated by Sonic, Shadow, Alex and Katie herself in "Sonic 4: Generations!". Katie befriends with Alex, Tom and more.
Her persona: Cheerful and hyperactive.
Species: Lunar Rabbit Demon.
Year and birthplace: 8 years, Flower Castle (destroyed).
Alias: The Basin Blur, Water Demon, The Forced Thing Alive.
Alignment: Good.
Likes: Sweets, sports, some Sonic's like things.
Dislikes: Same Sonic's dislikes.
Friends: Alex (best friend and rival), Tom, Kelly, Rooney, Zoe (good friend), Onpu, Hana (best friend, teammate and sidekick), Momoko (good friend and teammate), Sonic (good friend and rival), Tails, Sticks, Marine, Mighty, Shadow (close friend and rival), Marle, Trip, Aiko, Hazuki, Rusty 2.0, Omega, Tania, Amitie, Ringo, Chris, Frances, Inhabitants of Vampire Valence, Doremi, Pop, Classic Sonic and other Classic heroes, Zooey, Roy, Amy, Knuckles, Big with Froggy, Silver, Tangle, Espio, Vector, Charmy, Kit, Tails Nine (New Yoke City Counterpart).
Neutral & Frenemies: Sage, Dr. Robotnik, Dr. Done-It, Tails Nine, Surge (arch-rival).
Enemies: Badniks, Dr. Eggman, Dr. Mindman (arch-nemesis), Metal Sonic, Rusty Rose (until being upgraded), Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts, Decoe, Bocoe, Heavy King, Princess Bibin, Zavok, Flower Queen (mother) †, Mr. Dr. Eggman, Mr. Dr. Robotnik, Dr. Deep, Dr. Don't, Dr. Babble, Dr. Done-It (New Yoke City counterpart), Infinite, Nominatus, Retro, Beta, Oyajide, Rough, Tumble.
Voice: Children (Overall), Carmen Ambros (Spanish).
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lonelyspriter · 5 months
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"The Waters of Disaster and i am, the WARRIOR!" - Updated hat and scarf for promotion of Knuckles Series.
"Knock, knock! What is this?! That's Knuckles and Tikal's daughter named Kelly."
The most fighting tomboy warrior and current guardian of the Master Emerald, one of Alex's friends.
Her persona: Tough with Buttercup's personality from PPG.
Year and birthplace: 10 years, Angel Island.
Species: Echidna Demon.
Alias: Knuckles the Girl (by Sonic), Knucks, Knux, Kary (by Mrs. Harukaze), The True Strongest Thing Alive, Guardian of the Master Emerald, Champy (by Pop), World's Master Treasure Hunter, Dear Daughter (by Knuckles, same catchphrase like Dr. Eggman).
Alignment: Good.
Likes: Same as Knuckles' like list, helping her parents' requests (although, she's annoyed for doing with Chao by Tikal's request but must helping), teachering Doremi and Nagisa (like Knuckles to Wade), her motorbike, coffees (with milk or cream).
Dislikes: 8 some things of Knuckles' dislike list, Girly things, Some disgusting things.
Friends: Alex (best friend, teammate and rival like Sonic vs. Knuckles), Tom (best friend and teammate), Rooney (good friend on meditation), Zoe, Onpu (good friend), Katie (close friend), Hana, Momoko (friendly rival), Sonic (good friend and rival), Tails, Sticks (2nd friendly rival), Mighty (strongest friend), Shadow, Marle, Trip, Aiko (friendly rival), Hazuki, Rusty 2.0, Omega, Tania, Amitie, Ringo, Chris, Frances, Doremi (protégé and best friend), Pop (good friend), Mrs. Harukaze (Haruka, good friend), Classic Sonic and other Classic heroes, Zooey, Roy, Amy (close friend), Knuckles (father), Tikal (ghost, mother) †, Knuckles' father (grandfather) †, Pachacamac (ghost, godfather) †, Big with Froggy, Silver, Tangle, Espio, Vector, Charmy, Tails Nine (New Yoke City Counterpart).
Neutral & Frenemies: Dr. Robotnik, Sage, Dr. Done-It, Surge (arch-rival), Kit.
Enemies: Badniks, Dr. Eggman, Dr. Mindman, Heavy King, Metal Sonic, Rusty Rose (until being upgraded), Tails Nine, Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts, Decoe, Bocoe, Princess Bibin, Zavok, Keisuke, Mr. Dr. Eggman, Mr. Dr. Robotnik, Dr. Deep, Dr. Don't, Dr. Babble, Dr. Done-It (New Yoke City counterpart), Infinite, Nominatus, Retro, Beta, Oyajide (victim), Mason (victim), Willoughby (victim), Rough, Tumble.
Voice - Children (Overall), Meritxell Ribera (Spanish).
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lonelyspriter · 5 months
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Burn Blur is getting improved'n'groovin' on magical girl and superhero's project.
Happy late 32nd Birthday Sonic and hello me again! I returned to Tumblr but username is LonelySpriter, i have new updated artwork based of Sonic X of my 2D platformer and Metroidvania project with inspiration of Codename: KND and Touhou Project - Sonic the Hedgehog 5, the 3&K and Mania-like, he's have pyrokinetic powers (by Potential Fruit). His former name is Nicky Parlouzer in Sonic 4 Rangers! and friend of Sonic and Alex's friends.
Alejandro "Alex" Coleward - the Blazing Hedgehog-Dragon. The main character and protagonist. The most but half clumsy boy, he's meeky leader of team heroes.
His persona: Kind and cute.
Species: Dragon-hog Demon.
Year and birthplace: 9 years, South Island's Hidden Village.
Alias: Apple Lord (by Sonic, referred to Tom from movie as Donut Lord), Needlemice, The Burn Blur, Nicky, Flame Demon, Little Fire Savior, The Furious Thing Alive, The Supreme Overlord Hero.
Alignment: Good (formerly Neutral).
Likes: Useful foods (especially Apples), 9 some things of like from Sonic, swimming, making teach friends how to do, music about orchestral, childish and music box, cactuses and more collecting things, collecting Anarchy Beryls and Chaos Emeralds, Sonic, his girlfriend Rooney.
Dislikes: Chili dogs (because itchy allergic thing on Sonic's favorite food), Egg-Robo's evil plans, friends being threatened or harming, bullies, being lose, losing his powers, crookedness, being mistaken as Sonic by Amy while chases him, being abused by Dr. Done-It, being tickled by someone (mostly by Momoko).
Friends: Tom (best friend, teammate and sidekick, same like Sonic & Tails), Kelly (best friend, teammate and rival like Sonic vs. Knuckles), Rooney (best friend and love interest), Zoe, Onpu, Katie (best friend and friendly rival of speed), Hana, Momoko, Sonic (best friend, fan and friendly rival of speed), Tails (good friend), Sticks, Marine, Mighty, Shadow (close friend), Marle, Trip, Aiko, Hazuki, Rusty 2.0, Omega, Tania (younger sister), Amitie, Ringo, Chris, Frances, Inhabitants of Vampire Valence, Doremi, Pop, Classic Sonic and other Classic heroes, Egg-Robo's robo-minions (Orbot & Cubot only), Sage, Zooey, Roy, Amy (close friend), Knuckles, Big with Froggy, Silver, Tangle, Espio, Vector, Charmy, Kit, Tails Nine (New Yoke City Counterpart).
Neutral & Frenemies: Dr. Eggman (that Alex must help with him but still Eggman nobody cared, sometimes ally), Dr. Robotnik (ally), Dr. Done-It, Dr. Mindman, Heavy King, Tails Nine, Rusty Rose (until being upgraded), Metal Sonic (robo-doppelgänger and arch-rival), Classic Eggman, Classic Robotnik, Princess Bibin, Zavok, Surge (arch-rival and frenemy), Mr. Dr. Eggman, Mr. Dr. Robotnik, Dr. Deep, Dr. Don't, Dr. Babble, Dr. Done-It (New Yoke City counterpart).
Enemies: Badniks, Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts, Decoe, Bocoe, Oyajide, Infinite, Nominatus, Retro, Beta, Rough, Tumble.
Voice: Children with inspiration of Lincoln Loud (Overall), Angel De Gracia (Spanish).
(On mouth have sharp tooth like Scourge?)
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saline-coelacanth · 2 years
I really loved the names you gave each chaotix member for the AU! So cute, and it really fits their personality.
Sonic Prime is good and I really enjoyed it, I just wished they had included more characters in it. I get why they didn’t, tbh there isn’t enough time to flesh out each character, but it’s wishful thinking lol. The Chaotix would have really fit in each of the worlds so well! Like Espio could have been the spy for the Resistance in New Yoke City and all of them be like the detectives for the group, all 3 of them would have been perfect for the jungle one (a crocodile in the jungle? Come on, it’s too perfect), and they would have also brought a lot of humor to the pirate world too. The possibilities! But I’m excited to see future episodes, and how Shadow and Sonic will interact going forward.
Thank you so much! I'm pretty proud of the names I came up with (Bumble probably being my favorite)
And yeah I agree that I wish the Chaotix were in the show but I get why since they already have a lot of characters with different variations. I guess there's always hope for them to show up in the future but it seems unlikely. Honestly we don't really need them but I would still love to see them. The Chaotix to me just feel underutilized in general but idk that might just be me.
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