iamghostwriter · 6 years
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I have to thank @sunspotscomics for keep the podcast on point! I missed Oberan earlier this month but just finished Stronghold #1 & I tell you, it’s another banger from @aftershockcomics >I’ll be scooping a copy of Oberan this weekend! ・・・ OBERON #1 from Aftershock Comics comes out Tomorrow NCBD 2/6!! I just read an advanced copy and REALLY ENJOYED IT! Great writing from @parrott_ryan & BEAUTIFUL art by Milos Slavkovic (👍🏽Lightstep from Image Comics) Tell your LCBS to ADD this to your PULL LIST NOW! ______________________________________________________ 🤓Gist: Betrayed by his people and exiled to Earth, Lord Oberon, the former king of the fairies, seeks out an innocent prophesied child in order to manipulate her into becoming his ultimate weapon so that he can reclaim his rightful throne. ______________________________________________________ #oberon #fairies #lord #fantasy #magic #sorcery #fairy #prophecy #spells #kings #ncbd #lcbs #featuredcomicbook #advancedreaderscopy #firstissue #brandnew #newcomicbook #debut #newnumberone #pulllist #aftershockcomics #youngadult #localcomicshop #comicbook #supportlocalcomicbookshop #comics #new #comicbooks #fantasycomics #artisticboom #panelscientifix #panelalchemist https://www.instagram.com/david_conine/p/BuXVg6nBzVC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tx8jhlkt8432
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officespiders · 3 years
When the boss is out of town and you give the rest of the troupe paid vacation days ✌️#newnumberone
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sharpnothashtag · 5 years
The Good Ship CrushWay, Chapter 11
Scene: Ten Forward, Guinan cleaning the bar.
KJ: Hey, Guinan...do you have a minute? Guinan: For Kathryn Janeway?  I have an hour. (KJ smiles) What’s on your mind? KJ: I was just wondering about my crew. Guinan: And if they would be okay if you took the new position? (KJ blinks in surprise) Kathryn, Will is a friend.  He has been celebrating over that position for months.  And when you turned out to not be an alien, we all just kind of assumed you were in the running, and high up on it. KJ: Guinan, I have a responsibility to the crew of Voyager.  I got them into the Delta Quadrant.  I can’t just abandon them.  Guinan: You didn’t have much of a choice in either matter.  You were saving an entire species, and then you got taken to the Alpha Quadrant through a wormhole through no fault of your own.  KJ: Well, they’re going to look at me differently if I adopt another crew so soon. Bev: You have a sister, right? KJ: (blinking in surprise again, clearly not expecting Bev to be there) Yes, she is the artist of the family.   Bev: Is she younger than you? KJ: (...) Yes. Bev: Did your parents love you any less when she came around? KJ: (realizing the point she’s making is valid, head down) No. Guinan: Voyager’s crew is going to understand.  If anything, they’re going to have more people to share “Captain/First Officer Janeway” stories with. KJ: They don’t tell stories about me... Bev: Hey, Guinan!  Remember that one time that Kate wanted to go swimming so bad that she kissed me on the holideck to try to bribe me into carrying her down to the waterfall? Guinan: That is a thing that I believe happened. KJ: Okay, you’ve made your point. Bev: Or that time she collapsed on my bed for 30-- KJ: Bev. Stop. Bev: Oh, you don’t want me to go on? KJ: Please just go to bed. Guinan: (giggling) I think she’s had enough.  Bev: Alright, fine. Goodnight, Kate.  Goodnight, Guinan. (exit) Guinan: What do you say, Kathryn?  Are you going to take the job?. KJ: I’m conflicted still.  (Guinan raises her eyebrows.) I want to start a relationship with Beverly, but I don’t want to do that if it’s going to affect my ability to command. Guinan: I think the relationship part may be a bit premature. KJ: It doesn’t seem that way when we kiss. Guinan: That may be--you two do have chemistry.  However...do you know her favorite color?   KJ: Blue? Guinan: Wrong.  What color are her eyes? KJ: Green? Guinan: Wrong again.  When did her husband die? KJ: What? Guinan: How old is Wesley? KJ: Umm. Guinan: I think you two would be really cute together, and this could work.  I just don’t think you’re ready for that yet. KJ: Okay, well, what do I do when we are? Guinan: Just tell her how you feel.  If you want specific situational tips, you can’t go wrong with a salmon skin roll and truffle shoyu. KJ: How does she feel about sake? Guinan: You don’t want to see that in public. KJ: (laughing) Oh!  I don’t? Guinan: I have never seen anyone act quite like that, and I tend bar for a living. KJ: (giggling) Your point has been made. Guinan: (smiling) I knew you’d come around.  Do you want me to call Jean-Luc to come to you?   KJ: No, I need a bit more exercise on my ankle today before I go to bed.  Guinan? Guinan: Yes? KJ: Thank you.  Seriously.  Thank you. Guinan: (squeezes KJ’s hand) Anytime.
The Captain’s ready room. Doorbell chime
Picard: Come. KJ: I accept the position, Captain.   Picard: Are you sure?  I don’t want to push you into anything you aren’t ready for. KJ: Granted, I don’t think I can start full time tomorrow, but Beverly can give me a work up first thing in the morning to give us a timetable.  I’m ready for this, Captain. Picard: (smiling that classic Picard smile) I’ll let Will know. KJ: Thank you, Captain. Picard: I’ve told you before; call me Jean-Luc. KJ: Jean-Luc.  I am honored to work with you. Picard: (stands) And I, you. (extends hand.  KJ shakes it.) Je suis a toi, Kathryn. KJ: (smiling) And I, you.
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plateaurepasmusic · 8 years
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😱 #whattheheck #plateaurepas #isthistheend #saveplateaurepas #twitchyzone #blahblahsong #newnumberones (à Ibiza, Spain)
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dynamitecomics · 5 years
@DynamiteComics @mymonsterischic @DanielMaine_ Chastity made our list of New Comics we are excited about in September. "This book sounds fantastic." #Chastity #comics #NewNumberOnes https://t.co/VbSstbhvSB
— Pop Culture Squad (@popculturesquad) August 30, 2019
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instapicsil2 · 7 years
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Sorry Laurel, there’s a new girl in town 😜 #KANEbootie #NewNumberOne http://ift.tt/2CgXFca
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