#newsies asks
raggedy-albert · 1 year
Oksy okay but I need your opinion!!! Has finch or albert been to the refuge?
oh i have so many opinions thanks for the ask!!!!!!
ok so with al: He has two older brothers, but used to have three. The one that used to be the oldest was the one who he was closest with, and he really looked up to him, especially since their mother died and their father’s treatment of them got so much worse. One day, relatively soon after their mom died, the brother went to steal food for Al and their other siblings, and Al went with him. Their home was out of food, and out of money, so they had to steal to survive. As the brother swiped something he somehow was caught doing so, and a police officer took him. As the brother was being taken away he took his hat off to hide the food in, tossed it to Albert, and told him to run. The brother got sent to the Refuge. After waiting and denying for what seemed like forever, Al finally realized his brother just didnt make it out. He still wears his brother’s newsie cap every day, backwards too, just like his brother.
he has horrible trauma from his experience and gets really defensive around most adults.
long story short: no but there have been a lot of close calls
i’ll do a part 2 for finch since this was so long haha
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omg okay! i have delved back into my newsies hyperfixation and have fallen back in love with albert dasilva (specifically livesies' al)! i'm bi, and currently going through the process of an autism diagnosis so i think kinda differently to most people. i love physical affection, but only off specific people - cuddles are a BIG YES. al is so cute agh and i wish he was real.. i also do theatre and my fave animals are cats :)
any thoughts?
First off, I am so so so sorry that this is coming out so late. I had a really busy semester and haven't checked my asks in a minute so that's on me. I'm here now though and am in a good spot to answer this.
Also, if it makes you feel better, I have also delved back into the Newsies fandom (not like I ever left) and I am deeply in love with Mush at the moment so I feel ya.
Anyways, without further ado, let's get this thing rolling.
Albert is really supportive of you the entire time during your autism diagnosis. He'll go to the appointments that he can make and that you ask him to come with on.
The two of you tend to think uniquely in regards to the world around you so you guys have a lot to talk about when it comes to the world in general. You share a lot of different thoughts and opinions with each other and just talk about how each of you would like things to be different or what you think of what's going on in the world.
Albert also only likes physical contact with certain people. He's not the biggest on it but once you catch him in a mood where he actually wants snuggles, you can't get that boy to let go of you. He'll just sit on the couch and cuddle you. His arms will be wrapped around your waist and you're pulled into his chest. You hug him as well and there's just cuddles for days.
Even if Race comes in and interrupts, Al still won't let go of you.
Albert himself doesn't do theater but he enjoys going to your various performances and watching you. He likes watching you play all of the different characters up on stage and bring him into another world. He loves listening to all of the different accents you do and will tease you if you slip into one when the two of you are together (regardless of whether you did it on purpose or not. This boy is a TROLL.)
Albert also like cats because they're pretty low maintenance. He doesn't have to give them attention 24/7. Once the two of you marry and have your own place, you get a cat for each of you. Albert's also kind of a dog person but you guys make sure to find a really chill one that gets along well with the cats.
Anyways, I hope this is good. If you have more info you wanna share for more details, feel free to send it over and I'll add to this. I hope this is okay and is kinda what you're thinking.
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
🎭🤝👔💚💜 !!!
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🎭I'm gonna have to say Livesies. It was my introduction to the Newsies fandom, it's got amazing songs, an amazing Devin Lewis cast (I'm jk I love that entire cast, they're all so good). Livesies is what introduced me to my blorbos, so I kinda have to say that one. *For reference, I haven't seen the entirety of a bway, toursies, or west endsies. I've only seen 92sies and Livesies all the way through, so my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt.
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🤝That is a great question. Um... I feel like I'm most like Finch? Chaos incarnate, terrorizer of bad people, but also kinda cautious when it comes to me or my friends getting hurt or doing something too dumb.
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👔My favorite Newsies outfit???? I really like Romeo's, because it's just the most absurd hodgepodge of colors and patterns and I love it. I like 92sies Race's because it almost looks like he's trying to look nicer than the others. Almost like he's trying to look like he's above them (I'm not saying he thinks that! Just that he tends to wear nicer clothes). I also adore every costume from UKsies that I've seen. ESPECIALLY KATH'S POST-KONY. HER SPOON CROWN IS EVERYTHING TO ME.
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💚We just gonna pretend I couldn't rant endlessly about Albert? Sick Albert DaSilva is my favorite background newsies and he has been since my literal first watch through. The "a leg o' lamb" was said and I looked at my roommate and immediately said "he's my favorite, what's his name?" and then he smartmouthed Weisel and it was cemented. Written in stone.
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💜Tbh this question scares me bc I've been in a lot of fandoms where if you didn't ship the same pairings as other people they would've torn you to pieces. That being said I have a few: Finch and Romeo. Have you seen them tapping together at the end of KONY???? LOOK HOW MUCH FUN THEY'RE HAVING. LOOK AT THEIR SMILES. AND THEN THEY DO THE HANDSTAND WALKS AND JUMP UP AND POINT AT EACH OTHER????? Blink and Skittery. I have the image of Skittery being very afraid of a lot of things, and Blink totally definitely not protecting them. Skittery doesn't need protecting. Why would you think that? IKESHOT. Y'ALL. Y A L L. Do I know that they don't interact at all on stage? Yes. Will that stop me from shipping them with all my heart? Absolutely THE FUCK NOT. IKE BEING A LITTLE BALL OF CHAOTIC ENERGY AND ALSO V SMOL. HOTSHOT BEING CALM AND COOL AND COLLECTED, BUT ALSO SOMETIMES MEETING IKE'S ENERGY BC IT'S CONTAGIOUS AND THEY'RE GAY, YOUR HONOR.
Also you should ask me about my foil characters for the Delanceys
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5 for the newsies asks?
5. What’s your favorite Costume from Newsies
my favorite would have to be Crutchie’s. I just like the brown colors, the vest, the suspenders. I also like Katherine’s costume in KoNY.
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whistlingstarlight · 1 year
for the newsies asks: 🗯, 🎤, 🏜!
🗯 Favorite Line/Lyric?
"They think they're running this town, but this town will shut down without us!"
🎤 Character You’d Like to Play?
Crutchie most of all already halfway there with the bad leg lol, but if I had the physicality for it I'd love to play Elmer or Sniper. Maaaybe even Jack tbh👀
🏜 Santa Fe (Prologue) or Santa Fe?
Oh god this is a toughie. Ngl I'm at a point in life where both songs are painfully relatable.
Bit I'm gonna go with the Prologue; it's more optimistic perspective helps me keep a bit more hope, and it's become my go-to comfort song.
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jackmkelly · 1 month
tuts newsies u r so loved by people who cant see you (me)
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jack-kellys · 10 months
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they have more of a heated argument while race & spot act out a divorce across the way
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racetrackmybeloved · 25 days
i cannot get over how FAR the boys travelled to tell the other boroughs about the strike. mush, race, buttons and tommy boy going to different areas of manhattan is great and all, but can we talk about specs and jojo for a minute?
since woodside and flushing appeared as two different newsie groups in brooklyn's here, i'm assuming specs had to talk to them separately. the only bridge across the east river in 1899 was the brooklyn bridge, so he had to go via brooklyn.
lower manhattan to woodside (via downtown brooklyn) to flushing then back to lower manhattan (via downtown brooklyn) is 26.1 MILES. context, a freaking marathon is 26.2 miles.
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lower manhattan to the bronx and back via the third avenue bridge is 23.6 MILES. 8 HOURS AND 56 MINUTES OF WALKING.
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public transportation obviously existed but it was slow and likely Not Very Good. also probably out of their budget. on top of that, the trolley strike was still going on, so in all likelihood specs and jojo would have had to walk at least a significant portion of the way.
and that's not even to mention the potential dangers of entering other newsie groups' turf. while everyone else is scared of going to brooklyn, specs is passing through like the badass he is.
conclusion: jojo and specs are absolute kings
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cowboy-caboodles · 6 months
Your art is rad! Would you draw Crutchie in the winter?
me and crutchie 🤝 the agony of using crutches in the ice/loving the winter anyways
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(thank you for the kind words btw!)
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ask--the--newsies · 3 months
/RP withhhh Race and/or? Maybe a little bit of a return from the refuge type of plot!! I've got a character named Jasper who got caught by Snyder and sees Race and/or Albert as his older brothers!! (saw the ooc message!!)
[ albert paces nervously outside of the refuge, constatntly checking the massive clock on its front wall. ]
"he should be out by now. why ain't he out?"
"i dunno, al!"
[ race says, leaning against a wall and chewing on his cigar; trying to keep himself calm. ]
"we'll just... give 'em another minute."
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local-ginger-snap · 2 months
Ey’ Tesoro? Can we’s talk?
- @thekingofny
Yeah, 'course we can! What's up?
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blurglesmurfklaine · 17 days
Newsies Uno ReVerse. Davey and Les live in the lodge and sell newspapers to survive, Jack was raised by Medda and when the bank threatens to foreclose the theatre he shows up to sell papers to do his part.
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cas-theghostking · 9 days
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Oh I'm a newsies fan by the way
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
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🩸Okay so, spoof horror is one of my FAVORITE movie genres. And BDHoNS gave us the iconic “FUGHET ABOUT TREY WHE’S MY FUCKIN CHAIIIIR?” which was recently determined to be the best newsie thing, and it’s hard to argue with facts yk? So I love that. It’s beautiful. It’s something those kids did for fun while on set, and I think that it’s incredible.
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🎀Y’all are killin me. And it sucks because I knew you were gonna pick this one, and I still wasn’t prepared. I’d probably have to say High Times, Hard Times. Don’t get me wrong, they’re both bangers, but it’s just something about it.
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😈Uhhh… I’m not sure? I don’t think most people have a distaste for Jarah or Jatherine, so if that? They both feel super rushed and flat, and not well written, especially when Javid/Javey have so much natural chemistry. I said it in my favorite Livesies things about how I think it would’ve been so much better if they’d just left the two separate, and let Kath focus on her career and her boys. Idk if that’s actually an unpopular opinion tho…
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a-chain-to-twirl-it · 1 month
all y'all bitches are gay
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fancy-clam · 2 months
it's always “ben cook almost falling in seize the day” & never “iain young almost falling in kony”
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