#newsletter march 7
glitteringaglarond · 1 year
'Shall I always be chosen?' she said bitterly. 'Shall I always be left behind when the Riders depart, to mind the house while they win renown, and find food and beds when they return?'   'A time may come soon,' said he, 'when none will return. Then there will be need of valour without renown, for none shall remember the deeds that are done in the last defence of your homes. Yet the deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised.'   And she answered: 'All your words are but to say: you are a woman, and your part is in the house. But when the men have died in battle and honour, you have leave to be burned in the house, for the men will need it no more. But I am of the House of Eorl and not a serving-woman. I can ride and wield blade, and I do not fear either pain or death.'   'What do you fear, lady?' he asked.   'A cage,' she said. 'To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire.'
This is seriously so good in every way
Eowyn is rankling in a society that doesn't allow her to win the renown she so desperately wants. She's bitter about the lot she seems to have gotten in life. She hates that again and again and again she is chosen to stay behind, to take care of the people who got the chance to win renown.
And all Aragorn can offer her is the idea that "Well maybe when there is no more renown to be won, you can be the final line of defense."
But that's not good enough. That doesn't solve the problem that's tearing her up inside. That doesn't change the fact that apparently her skills on a horse and with a blade aren't good enough, and her lack of fear is apparently not an asset.
A lot of people say that Aragorn's rejection of her romantically is what made her want to die in battle, but i vehemently disagree. it's the fact that the embodiment of Hope can only offer her empty promises of a future that seems no less bleak than her present is.
And the bitterness she feels from that eats at the reader's heart just as coldly as it eats at Eowyn's soul
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evenstarfalls · 15 days
Thinking about bones ve schwab again
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k-she-rambles · 1 year
She smiled on him and said: 'Then it was kindly done, lord, to ride so many miles out of your way to bring tidings to Éowyn, and to speak with her in her exile.'
• It amuses me that the more Epic Tolkien is trying to be, the more courtly his phrasing. "Smiled on" vs "smiled at," "as one who likes not what is being said" vs "reluctant" etc.
• AHA! Our first? inkling that Eowyn does NOT like being de facto queen. Beloved queen of Rohan is not an honor, it's exile.
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afeelgoodblog · 5 months
The Best News of Last Year - 2023 Edition
Welcome to our special edition newsletter recapping the best news from the past year. I've picked one highlight from each month to give you a snapshot of 2023. No frills, just straightforward news that mattered. Let's relive the good stuff that made our year shine.
January - London: Girl with incurable cancer recovers after pioneering treatment
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A girl’s incurable cancer has been cleared from her body after what scientists have described as the most sophisticated cell engineering to date.
2. February - Utah legislature unanimously passes ban on LGBTQ conversion therapy
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The Utah State Legislature has unanimously approved a bill that enshrines into law a ban on LGBTQ conversion therapy.
3. March - First vaccine for honeybees could save billions
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The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has approved the world’s first-ever vaccine intended to address the global decline of honeybees. It will help protect honeybees from American foulbrood, a contagious bacterial disease which can destroy entire colonies.
4. April - Fungi discovered that can eat plastic in just 140 days
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Australian scientists have successfully used backyard mould to break down one of the world's most stubborn plastics — a discovery they hope could ease the burden of the global recycling crisis within years. 
5. May - Ocean Cleanup removes 200,000th kilogram of plastic from the Pacific Ocean
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The Dutch offshore restoration project, Ocean Cleanup, says it has reached a milestone. The organization's plastic catching efforts have now fished more than 200,000 kilograms of plastic out of the Pacific Ocean, Ocean Cleanup said on Twitter.
6. June - U.S. judge blocks Florida ban on care for trans minors in narrow ruling, says ‘gender identity is real’
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A federal judge temporarily blocked portions of a new Florida law that bans transgender minors from receiving puberty blockers, ruling Tuesday that the state has no rational basis for denying patients treatment.
7. July - World’s largest Phosphate deposit discovered in Norway
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A massive underground deposit of high-grade phosphate rock in Norway, pitched as the world’s largest, is big enough to satisfy world demand for fertilisers, solar panels and electric car batteries over the next 50 years, according to the company exploiting the resource.
8. August - Successful room temperature ambient-pressure magnetic levitation of LK-99
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If the claim by Sukbae Lee and Ji-Hoon Kim of South Korea’s Quantum Energy Research Centre holds up, the material could usher in all sorts of technological marvels, such as levitating vehicles and perfectly efficient electrical grids.
9. September - World’s 1st drug to regrow teeth enters clinical trials
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The ability to regrow your own teeth could be just around the corner. A team of scientists, led by a Japanese pharmaceutical startup, are getting set to start human trials on a new drug that has successfully grown new teeth in animal test subjects.
10. October - Nobel Prize goes to scientists behind mRNA Covid vaccines
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The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to a pair of scientists who developed the technology that led to the mRNA Covid vaccines. Professors Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman will share the prize.
11. November - No cases of cancer caused by HPV in Norwegian 25-year olds, the first cohort to be mass vaccinated for HPV.
Last year there were zero cases of cervical cancer in the group that was vaccinated in 2009 against the HPV virus, which can cause the cancer in women.
12. December - President Biden announces he’s pardoning all convictions of federal marijuana possession
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President Joe Biden announced Friday he's issuing a federal pardon to every American who has used marijuana in the past, including those who were never arrested or prosecuted.
And there you have it – a year's worth of uplifting news! I hope these positive stories brought a bit of joy to your inbox. As I wrap up this special edition, I want to thank all my supporters!
Buy me a coffee ❤️
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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ettawritesnstudies · 1 year
Etta's Guide to Writeblr (March 2023)
So you fled here from Twitter/TikTok... Where to start?
Welcome to Writeblr! Pull up a chair, open those documents, and pour yourself a cup of your favorite tea, coffee, or cocoa. The first thing you'll want to do is start following other writers. Check out this post for recommendations! Search through the notes to find hundreds more. Since I made that post, a bunch of people mentioned they're lurking and still trying to figure out tumblr, so I thought I'd make this post to help people get settled.
How to set up your blog
Make your blog name something not resembling a pornbot - it can be whatever you want, anything fun goes, just not [name###]. If you include "writer" or "author" somewhere in the url it makes it easier to spot writeblrs at a glance but it's not a requirement
Change your profile to something that's not the default, Make sure you have a blog title, and add a little description in your blog header if you feel like it!
Make a pinned post introducing yourself (pls don't use your real name or any IDing information for privacy's sake, this isn't facebook), a short summary of your WIPs, and links if you have an author's website/newsletter/ao3/etc. You can check my pinned post for an example
Make intro posts for each WIP! You can spruce these up with graphics (canva and unsplash are both great free resources to make edits/moodboards), excerpts, lists of tropes, character intros, etc. Link to the WIP intro in your pinned post so it's easy to find! You can update these as often as needed
If you want to make character intros, go wild. If you can't draw, piccrew is a great option. Just start talking about your WIP!
Come up with a tagging system to keep your blog organized. I recommend individual wip tags or at least one for your original writing in general so it's easy to search for your work on your blog
Keep track of Taglists for your WIPs. Whenever you post a new thing about your story, tag the people who asked to be notified to make sure they see it! Only tag people who ask to join the taglist, but it's a good way to keep track of interest. It's normal to have multiple taglists for each story+ one general writing taglist.
How to make writer friends
Reblog their work and add nice comments, either in the tags, comments, or the reblog itself People notice regulars in their notes and appreciate the attention. I promise it's not weird to compliment a total stranger
If that's too intimidating, community events are your friend!
Weekly Ask Games: These are weekly events that are loosely themed where writers send each other asks about their WIPs! The most common are Storyteller Saturday (about the writing process), Blorbsday (aka Blorbo Thursday about characters), and Worldbuilding Wednesday (about the setting of your story). If you answer these late, nobody really cares, but it's a fun way to receive prompts and learn more about other people's stories.
Ask Games/Memes: These are posts with lists of questions you can reblog from other people, sometimes themed or listed with emojis. It's common courtesy to send an ask from the list to the person you reblog it from, then people can send you questions as well, so you can talk about your stories! You can search for dozens of them
Tag games: There's a ton of different types of tag games, but basically someone @s you with a challenge/question, you reblog with your answer, and then @ a bunch of other people to continue the chain. Some common ones are Heads Up 7s Up (share the last 7 lines of your WIP), Last Line Tag (share the last line you wrote), and Find the Words (ctrl+f the given words in your doc and share the results, then give new words).
Formal events: These are community wide participation challenges organized by certain blogs! @writeblrsummerfest is every July?? August? I think? It's run by @abalonetea a few years strong, and there are daily prompts and ask games! @inklings-challenge is a month-long short story entry for Christian writeblrs. I think there was a valentines event in February. @moon-and-seraph is hosting a pitch week soon! Since these are more organized, it's very easy to find similar blogs and support!
Misc. Notes on using Tumblr
Follow the tags #writeblr and #writeblr community to find other writers, as well as other tags that interest you like #fantasy for example
If you want to bookmark a post to read later, you can like it and/or save it to your drafts
The queue/schedule function is very useful if you want to space out posts or have a backlog to keep your blog running when you get busy. This is good for the community because it gives older posts a chance to be rediscovered! You can change the posting frequency in the settings.
REBLOG YOUR OWN STUFF. People aren't always on at the same times and so it's the best way to account for people with different schedules and timezones. If you're worried about being annoying, you can tag those #self reblog or something similar and other people can filter the tag, but otherwise it's a welcomed and accepted practice.
If your excerpt is pretty long, put it under a cut. On desktop you can do this by selecting the squiggly button on the far right when you make a new paragraph, on mobile type :readmore: then hit enter.
It's polite to add descriptions to images and videos for visually or auditory impaired people. If you don't know how to write descriptions, here's a good resource
In your dashboard settings, it's best to shut off the options "Best Stuff First" and "Based on your Likes". These function as the website algorithm and suppresses the blogs you actually follow, which defeats the purpose of the site, letting the dash be in reverse chronological order. Also turn off Tumblr Live because it's malware as far as anyone's concerned.
Curate your experience, block the trolls, and be nice
Update for March 2024
How to shut off AI Scraping on your blog
Go to settings and find the Visibility tab
Scroll down to the tag that says "Prevent Third-Party Sharing"
Turn that knob over so that Automattic can't steal your work for their language training model databases >_<
The other settings will just hide your blog from search engines so they're useful for hiding from nosy parents or other Tumblr users but if you're trying to build an author platform you can leave them off.
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Again, welcome to the community! I hope you have a ton of fun!
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tylermileslockett · 2 months
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8: ZODIAC CONSTELLATIONS The ancient Greek Zodiakos, or Zodiac, is a division of the celestial sphere into twelve equal parts; each one containing a specific group of stars with a mythic association called a constellation. Ancient Greeks used the constellations for sailing navigation, time keeping for seasonal agricultural practices like planting and harvesting crops, mythic storytelling purposes, and astrology practices. Hellenistic Astrology, taking influence from the Babylonians and Egyptians, sought meaning in the zodiac signs and how they influenced a person’s character based on the position of the sun when they were born. They also used this practice for divination, providing guidance and predictions for the future. Let’s take a look at the twelve Zodiac constellations and their mythic tales. 1.) Aries (March 21-April 19) represents the flying golden ram sent by the gods to save the royal children Phrixus and Helle from sacrifice, and whose fleece later becomes the quested prize for the Argonauts. 2.) Taurus (April 20-May 20) represents the bull which Zeus transformed into to seduce Europa, and is linked to the Cretan Bull and the myth of the Minotaur. 3.) Gemini (May 21-June 21) represents the twins Castor and Pollux, sons of Zeus and Leda, known for their inseparable bond and heroic deeds. 4.) Cancer (June 22- July 22) represents the crab sent by Hera to distract Hercules during his battle with the Hydra, later placed in the sky by Hera as a constellation. 5.) Leo (July 23- Aug. 22) represents the lion, representing strength and kingship, associated with the Nemean Lion defeated by Hercules. 6.) Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22) represents the maiden, often linked to the goddess of agriculture and fertility, such as Demeter or Persephone. 7.) Libra (Sept 23- Oct 23) represents goddess of justice Astraea, daughter of Themis, who carries the scales of justice. 8.) Scorpio (Oct 24- Nov 21) represents the scorpion sent by Artemis or Gaia to kill Orion 9.) Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21) represents the centaur archer, often identified as the wise and skilled Chiron. 10.) Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19) represents the sea goat Aegipan, who aided Zeus in his fight against Typhon. 11.) Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18) represents the cupbearer of the gods, Ganymede, who was abducted by Zeus and placed among the stars. 12.) Pisces (Feb 19- March 20) represents the two fish, Aphrodite and Eros, who transformed to escape the monster Typhon.
Like this art? It will be in my illustrated book with over 130 other full page illustrations coming in June to kickstarter.  to get unseen free hi-hes art subscribe to my email newsletter
Follow my backerkit kickstarter notification page.
Thank you for supporting independent artists! 🤘❤️🏛😁
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fanauthorworkshop · 1 year
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Applications for the Spring 2023 session are now open!
The Fanauthor Workshop is a biannual Zoom course for writers of fanfiction. My goal is to create a supportive space for fanauthors to receive constructive feedback on fanfiction, original fiction, or creative nonfiction. If desired, I also provide guidance on moving outside of fan spheres to traditional publishing or other creative writing programs such as MFAs.
Participants of the workshop receive:
Attendance in a 5-7 week course during which you’ll provide feedback to your peers and workshop one piece of your own work, up to 6,000 words.
Access to the Fanauthor Workshop Discord server, where you’ll be able to chat with other workshop members, plus a private channel for your group specifically.
A one-hour consultation with me to go over your workshop feedback, come up with a plan for revision and/or publication, or anything else you’d like to discuss regarding your writing.
Applications close March 20. The workshop will take place weekly, beginning on Friday, April 14.
The number of weeks the workshop will run (5-7) is dependent on the number of participants. Each workshop will have between 8 and 12 participants.
Group A: 12 to 2pm EST
Group B: 6 to 8pm EST
How to apply
Anyone over the age of 18 who considers themselves a participant of fandom and who is familiar with fanfiction may apply.
The cost is "pay what you think the experience is worth,” with the recommended amount of $250.
Proceeds go to OFIC Press and OFIC Mag (@oficmag) operational costs.
Application requirements
To apply, you will need:
A brief cover letter discussing your fan history and goals as a (fan)writer (more specific instructions on Submittable).
Maximum 2,000 words of your writing, either original fiction or fanfiction. This may be previously published/posted work.
There is no fee for applying.
My qualifications
Hello! I'm @bettsfic.
I have an MFA in creative writing pedagogy and significant coursework toward a PhD in creative writing.
I've taught English composition and creative writing at the university level for 5 years.
I've been a writing coach and freelance editor for 3 years. Here are some client testimonials.
I'm a published author and I've won several awards (see website for more info).
I've written and posted over two million words of fanfiction, with a total of over 1.7 million hits and 140k kudos.
To learn more about me and what I'm about, here's my lowkey writing-related newsletter. You can also check out my writing advice tag where I've been answering craft-related asks for 9 years.
If the information you're looking for isn't listed here, check out the FAQ or send me an ask.
Or if you're ready, you can apply here.
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3rdeyeblaque · 1 year
Hoodoo Veneration Days in March 2023
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The 2023 Hoodoo's Calendar recognizes these Hoodoo Saints & Elevated Ancestors on the following dates in the Month of March:
3/7 Morris Slater aka Railroad Bill (D-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Brother Slater: corn liquor, bread, & his Blue's song
3/10 Harriet Ross Tubman aka Black Moses (D-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Mama Harriet Tubman: milk, apples, & orange flowers
3/11 Venerable Henriette Delille (B-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Venerable Sister Henriette Delille: catholic bible, recite her prayer, & red wine
3/12 Virginia Hamilton (B-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Sister Virginia Hamilton: read/share her work, nightclub tunes from the 50s, & water libations
3/19 The Tuskegee Airman is Founded
Offering Suggestions to the Tuskegee Airmen: reflect on their service via movies/books dedicated to them, do a flyover in their honor (for pilots), & pour libations of water
3/20 Rosetta Tharpe (B-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Auntie Rosetta Tharpe: play/share her music (delta blues/jazz/gospel), a COGIC bible, &  whiskey/gin
3/21 Son House (B-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Brother Son House: play/share his music (Mississippi delta blues), Baptist bible, & libations of water
3/24 Dorothy Height (B-Day) & John Mason Brewer (B-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Sister Dorothy Height: purple flowers, Baptist bible & libations of water
Offering Suggestions to Brother John Mason Brewer: read/share his work & libations of water
On the birthdays/death days of Elevated Ancestors and Hoodoo Saints, consider pouring libations or researching their stories as a way of venerating them. Lift them up in prayer. Share their story. Do for them what you would want the living collective of Hoodoos to do for you.
🌟 FINAL copies of The2023 Hoodoo's Calendar are available for purchase (once sold out, that's it)! Subscribe to the official e-newsletter for the latest updates & exclusive content access. https://thehoodoocalendar.square.site 🌟  
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esotericawakenings · 3 months
Check out the new astrology report! You can sign up for our newsletter to receive these astrology reports directly to your email. No spam we promise!
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Happy birthday to James Lee Stanley!
“[I] worked in a nightclub called The Shadow. And I think it was late June [1964] that the Phoenix Singers came through, and Peter [Tork] was in the band, he was the banjo player in — behind the group… And he and I hit it off, and that Monday night, we did an impromptu show together, we just played a couple of tunes, you know, and had a good time, and stayed friends. And then when I opened a club in 1965, there was no place to play in the winter in that area — Virginia Beach, Norfolk… So I opened a club on my own with two friends, we called it The Folk Ghetto, and I contacted Peter in New York City and said, ‘I wanna hire you to come down here for a week and be the headlining act.’ Which he did. […] [H]e was fantastic. He was so good. […] Anyhow, we became friends, and we were friends ever since. [...] And I can tell you that he’s been one of my best friends for my entire life. And one of the more generous people I’ve ever known. And just to give you a window into the kind of guy he was, he would come off a Monkees tour where everything was handled, you know, they would take care of his tickets, they’d take care of his room, they’d carry his instruments, they’d carry his bags, he just had to show up at the airport and they gave him the, you know, the ace treatment. And then he comes off a tour like that and he gets in a rented Dodge with me and we drive around the country playing little rooms, which we filled to the max because it’s Peter Tork, and then he demands that, because I booked all the dates, I take a booking fee off the top. And then he demands that we split the door. He, I mean, you know, he didn’t have to do that. [...] We would hang out, and I said, ‘Peter, I noticed that all the other Monkees have solo albums. Why don’t you have a solo album?’ And he said, ‘Well, I just never got around to it.’ I said, ‘Well, you know, I have a label, I have national distribution, and I have a studio.’ I said, ‘Why don’t we make a record and we’ll try, you know, we’ll shop it to the majors and if nobody picks it up, we can still put it out on my label. So there’s no doubt about it, we’re making a record that’s coming out.’ And he said, ‘Okay.’ So we worked on it about four months, and at the end of the four months, he said, ‘You know what, James? I don’t want to shop it. I want it on your label.’ So I got to put Peter Tork on my label without, you know, paying a huge upfront thing to have a world-famous celebrity on my label. You know, he just said, ‘No, let’s do it with you, man.’ He was, he was great, he was just a great guy, you know [...] He was, he was just my best friend, you know. And a great spirit." - James Lee Stanley, Tales of the Road Warriors, March 7, 2019 (x)
“James is about my oldest friend. No, make that my friend of longest standing. I worked with him once before, in my early days, and I thought, as a result of that experience, that it would be very good for me to work with him again [on Stranger Things Have Happened].” - Peter Tork, Beachwood Confidential newsletter, 1995
“My personal thanks to James, I have my first album, after all these many moons. How far freakin’ out, man. I waited a long time to work with him again. Thanks beyond words, buddy. Thanks, too, to those who stuck by me. Love to all, Peter” - Stranger Things Have Happened 1994 liner notes
“In a nutshell, Peter and I are really good friends. Working with Peter, well, he’s like one of the best men on the planet.” - James Lee Stanley, Sacramento Bee, April 20, 1997
“James and I have a lot of fun playing as a tandem. We don’t just wail on the guitar in unison; we’re very articulate… I’ll be playing a light backbeat or playing the big bass strings while James plays filigrees. A lot is going on when we play together, and then James does his originals during his set… I love working with the Monkees, and I love working with James. I have the best of both worlds.” - Peter Tork, The Record, January 19, 2001
“Tork later confided in his brother Nick that Stanley had given him his life back. ‘I wept when I heard that,’ Stanley says.” - Stranger Things Have Happened 2020 reissue liner notes
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glitteringaglarond · 1 year
'See here, Captain!' He planted himself squarely in front of Faramir, his hands on his hips, and a look on his face as if he was addressing a young hobbit who had offered him what he called 'sauce' when questioned about visits to the orchard. There was some murmuring, but also some grins on the faces of the men looking on: the sight of their Captain sitting on the ground and eye to eye with a young hobbit, legs well apart, bristling with wrath, was one beyond their experience.
i love everything about this moment 😂😂😂
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k-she-rambles · 1 year
What hope have we?' said Faramir. 'It is long since we had any hope. The sword of Elendil, if it returns indeed, may rekindle it, but I do not think that it will do more than put off the evil day, unless other help unlooked-for also comes, from Elves or Men. For the Enemy increases and we decrease. We are a failing people, a springless autumn.
Something something Boromir INSISTED Gondor would make it, but in the end he didn't really believe it, while Faramir doesn't think they'll make it, but it doesn't discourage him as much?
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afeelgoodblog · 2 months
The Best News of Last Week
1. A branch of the flu family tree has died and won't be included in future US vaccines
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A type of flu virus that used to sicken people every year hasn't been spotted anywhere on Earth since March 2020. As such, experts have advised that the apparently extinct viruses be removed from next year's flu vaccines.
The now-extinct viruses were a branch of the influenza B family tree known as the Yamagata lineage. Scientists first reported the apparent disappearance of Yamagata viruses in 2021.
2. Hospitals must obtain written consent for pelvic and similar exams, the federal government says
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Hospitals must obtain written informed consent from patients before subjecting them to pelvic exams and exams of other sensitive areas — especially if an exam will be done while the patient is unconscious, the federal government said Monday.
New guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services now requires consent for breast, pelvic, prostate and rectal exams for “educational and training purposes” performed by medical students, nurse practitioners or physician assistants.
3. Germany approves new law that will allow adults to carry up to 25 grams of cannabis for their own consumption and store up to 50 grams at home.
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Germany's upper house, the Bundesrat, cleared the way to partially legalize cannabis on Friday. Adults aged 18 and over will be allowed to carry up to 25 grams of cannabis for their own consumption.
4. Tick-killing pill shows promising results in human trial | Should it pan out, the pill would be a new weapon against Lyme disease.
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Tarsus Pharmaceuticals is developing a pill for humans that could provide protection against the tick-borne disease for several weeks at a time. In February, the Irvine, California–based biotech company announced results from a small, early-stage trial showing that 24 hours after taking the drug, it can kill ticks on people, with the effects lasting for up to 30 days.
5. Thailand moves to legalise same-sex marriage
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Thailand has taken a historic step closer to marriage equality after the lower house passed a bill giving legal recognition to same-sex marriage.
It still needs approval from the Senate and royal endorsement to become law but it is widely expected to happen by the end of 2024, making Thailand the only South East Asian country to recognise same-sex unions.
6. French Revolution: Cyclists Now Outnumber Motorists In Paris
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Official measurements have found that Paris is rapidly becoming a city of transportation cyclists. In the suburbs, where public transit is less dense, transport by car was found to be the main form of mobility. But for journeys from the outskirts of Paris to the center, the number of cyclists now far exceeds the number of motorists, a huge change from just five years ago.
7. 'Miracle' operation reverses blindness in three-year-old girl giving her 'promising' future
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A three year old with a genetic condition that causes blindness is doing incredibly well after unique pioneering operation to restore her sight.
The UK is the only country performing keyhole eye surgery to inject healthy copies of a gene into sufferers’ eyes. It is being used to reverse blindness in children born with a rare condition which means they can only distinguish between light and dark. And it has given little Khadijah Chaudhry, born with Leber congenital amaurosis-4, a chance at seeing properly again.
That's it for this week :)
This newsletter will always be free. If you liked this post you can support me with a small kofi donation here:
Buy me a coffee ❤️
Also don’t forget to reblog this post with your friends.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, March 30th
DARLA: I wanna say I'm sorry. I wanna say it and mean it, but I can't. Aren't you gonna tell me it's okay? ANGEL: No. DARLA: No? It's really not, is it? We did so many terrible things together. So much destruction, so much pain. We can't make up for any of it. You know that, don't you? ANGEL: Yeah. DARLA: This child... Angel, it's the one good thing we ever did together. The only good thing.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Say Hello to My Little Friend by NotASlayer (Buffy, Spike, T)
without that blood by GlassFullOfSass (Giles, Stranger Things crossover, T)
Parties are more fun in the bathroom by RandomPizzaEater (Buffy/Spike, E)
Is She Over Me? (Like the Stars and the Sun) by MadeInGold (Buffy/Cordelia, T)
not so normal again by InvisiblePinkToast (Buffy & Dawn, T)
i think you're really beautiful by EmilytheSlayer (Buffy/Spike, G)
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Warmer than a Comforter by evieelyzabethh (Spike/reader, not rated)
Choosing peace by itsalwaysteatimeinwonderland (Spike/reader, not rated)
Untitled by vampandvisiongirl (Angel/Cordelia, not rated)
Spike texting Angel by scooby-group-texts
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Raven, Chapter 9 by sparrow2000 (Xander & Spike, G)
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A Reincarnation in Sunnydale, Chapter 34 by DracoRim98 (Buffy/Angel, M)
Night of the Witch, Chapter 2 by Bregan_Daerthe_Agent (Hannah_Girl), Hannah_Girl (Willow, Tolkien and Supernatural crossover, M)
Lavender Haze, Chapter 14 by Sera (Buffy/Jax, M, Sons of Anarchy crossover)
Rebehold the Stars (Love from the Other Side of the Apocalypse), Chapter 11 by asokatanos (Emryslin) (Buffy/Spike, T)
Straight to the Heart, Chapter 10 (complete!) by QuillBard (Buffy/Faith, M)
Blasphemy, Chapter 11 by wickedrum (Buffy/Spike, T)
Raven, Chapter 9 by sparrow2000 (Xander & Spike, G)
Greatest Love Story Postlude, Chapter 11 by FalseGinger (Angel/Spike, M)
The Reason Why, Chapter 6 by Xyex (Buffy/OC, M)
Slayer No More, Chapter 9 by jsaint34 (Buffy/Pike, M)
The Boring Stuff: Inca Mummy Girl, Chapter 3 by missfiggy (Buffy/Angel, T)
The Evil that Men Do: Chapter 4 by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer) (Willow & Tara, E)
lost behaviours of a self-destructive mind, Chapters 1-2 by EmilytheSlayer (Buffy/Spike, M)
Weight of the World, Chapter 1 by Enigmatist (Buffy/Spike, not rated)
Bloodlines, Chapters 1-31 (complete!) by Tait_scott (Angel ensemble, M)
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Weight of the World, part 2 by Enigmatist (Buffy/Spike, not rated)
Untitled, part 3 by Enigmatist (Angel/Spike, not rated)
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Early One Morning, Chapter 28 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Afterburn, Chapter 31 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
In Any Life, Chapter 7 by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Love Lives Here, Chapter 42 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Balance, Chapter 30 (complete!) by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Triangles, Chapter 30 (complete!) by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Embrace, Chapter 30 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Tag, You're It! Chapter 30 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Glimpses of the Cellar Dwellers, Chapter 30 by Maldorana (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
How Could I Not? Chapter 30 (complete!) by simmony (Buffy/Spike, R)
X.X, Chapter 30 by Rea (Buffy/Spike, R)
30 Ways to Say I Love You, Chapter 30 (complete!) by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Crossing Over, Chapter 30 by Julikobold (Buffy/Spike, G)
Forever and Always? Chapter 30 (complete!) by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, R)
Accidental Casualties, Chapters 29-30 (complete!) by Julikobold (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Dead End, Chapter 30 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Pick Me Up, Chapter 30 (complete!) by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Dawnster Drabbles, Chapters 29-30 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Truth or Dare, Chapters 29-30 (complete!) by Chelle (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Left on Read, Chapter 29 by ashcrashed (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
I love you, Chapters 30-31 (complete!) by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Boyfrenemy, Chapters 25-26 by Lady Emma (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Out of the Wasteland, Chapter 30 (complete!) by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, R)
Bad Idea, Right? Chapters 29-30 (complete!) by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, R)
Bang, Chapter 30 (complete!) by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Something Lingers, Chapters 22-25 by goodbyetoyou (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Buffy & OC by artsying-ifer (worksafe)
Artwork: Angel and Connor by artsying-ifer (worksafe)
Artwork: Lilah and Lindsey by genericaces (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Connor | St. Bernard by genericaces (0)
Fanvid: Buffy & Angel / Love Exists by darkswordsfish7 (0)
Fanvid: buffy & angel | snow on the beach by lostlcve (0)
Fanvid: Buffy x Riley - Love Story by Featureless Expanse (0)
Fanvid: Buffy & Spike | I LUV IT by TheMillennialSlayer (0)
Fanvid: Buffy The Vampire Slayer (the best one) by Burger Boy (Buffy movie)
Fanvid: Buffy and Angel - Walk Away by juliaroxs241 (creator also posted multiple other vids)
Video: No Lie. Buffy The Vampire Slayer... by Gamesneditz (0)
Artwork process video: Riley by Sadiq's Solitude (worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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BTVS/Angel Rewatch Chronicles: Seasons 4/1, Part Three by QualifiedApathetic
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Video: Buffy Season 5 Deep Dive/Spoiler Discussion Part 1 by Revisiting the Buffyverse
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season Four, Episode Fourteen: Goodbye Iowa by Slayed! The Buffyverse Revisited Podcast
Video: Smashed-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Video: Thoughts on Season 3 and extras! by Vic
Podcast: A Girl, A Guy, and Slayers: A Buffyverse Story by A Girl, A Guy and A Buffy Podcast (creators posted multiple other podcasts)
[Community Announcements]
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HELLO STUDENTS OF SUNNYDALE HIGH SCHOOL by sunnydale-high-school-rumors
[Fandom Discussions]
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In Season 2’s Becoming, after being outed as the Slayer to her mother ... by coraniaid
do you ever think about how connor’s kidnapping and return “kills” the son that angel hoped for by justafriendofxanders
Willow being into the Gor books by kyliafanfiction
how gunn was the only human left alive at the end of the show by moistvonlipwig
My favorite Sp*ffy moment is when Spike watched Buffy and Angel interact again for two minutes in End of Days by nevergonnabemuchmorethanweather
Reptile Boy: Giles was more of a parent to Buffy than Joyce if we being real by theredpharaoah
the saddest connor line by angelthemanspanker
Angel the Series is insane by danceandsing
Why Buffy, as a character, fell in love with Angel as a character by zalrb
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Rewatch thoughts and questions continued by multiple posters
Would you have tried to rehabilitate Faith after Consequences? continued by sybil and AbercornBay
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Angel's role in the apocalypse by redskinsguy
Food related Buffy phrases for kitchen wall art? by Lady_Cath_Diafol
Love sassy Spike! by FirePhoton_Torpedoes
rip ____ you’ve would have loved but with buffy characters! by Certain_Advantage799
Not really liking season 6 by bevgron
What is Ethan's vendetta against Giles? by sushibananawater
What's a scene in the Buffyverse that upset or pissed majority of the audience off, but you actually understand the character's POV? by PristineSituation498
Why and how Buffy fans should watch Angel by Kardnival
Emulating this game [Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2002) Xbox] was 100% the main reason I bought a Steam Deck by iamjimothy
[Claddagh ring] Can anyone else relate? by funishin
Season 6 Foreshadowing? by c_atlas_t
Angel Puppet by Dry-Dragonfruit5216
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Video: The Barbie Movie and Buffy the Vampire Slayer?? Yep, meet Nickolaus Brown, costumer extraordinaire! by Kada (Buffy part starts 29:08)
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windpaths-weekly · 2 months
« Windpaths Weekly » March 24th, 2024
We're new to sharing our Newsletter here but Skypaths is a project to help connect the Sky community and help players find ways to get involved. We share news about the game and communities that have granted us permission to share their events. We also share a bit about Sky's history in our Ancient memories segment. You can also check out our website:
<-------------------------------------------> Reminders This week is TS week! A lot of people expect it to be Hairtossle Teen because of the teaser TGC shared. The TS is usually shared around 1:00 pm GMT-5. The season will be ending soon! The flower accessory will be available after the season for 50 candles The following cosmetics will not be available after the season ends:
9 Colored Deer mask -> 120 candles
Radiance of the 9 Colored Deer -> $19.99 (USD)
Antlers and Moon mask -> $14.99 (USD)
Hotfix Update The recent hotfix update fixed issues Android players had with accepting friend codes and the issue with rogue Days of Bloom currency causing players to crash. Days of Bloom This beloved Sky celebration of Spring returns! Join the spirits in Prairie Peaks from March 25th through 23:59 April 14th! (UTC -7) As the event progresses we'll get to see more flowers bloom. During the first week there will be a downpour in Prairie Peaks that paves the way for the Arum flowers and Lillipads to grow! There will be 5 event currency to find each day, during the first week Skykids will be able to get 3 from taking their chances with the storm. Get ready for some shocking fun with this event. After the storm clears you'll be able to meditate to become a Jellyfish. These are the new items that will be coming this year:
Bloom Arum Petal Cape: 48 event currency
Bloom Spiky Sprig Hair: 24 event currency
Bloom Arum Petal Hair: 25 Hearts
Bloom Lilypad Umbrella: $14.99 (USD)
All of the flowers will build up to their peak bloom before they fade away. Don't worry about missing out on the beauty of previous years! The flowers from past days of Bloom events will be available for all Skykids to enjoy. Here's where you can find them all:
Cherry Blossom Tree -> Home
Wisteria Tree -> Hidden Forest Lobby
Tulip Field -> Forgotten Ark (After the first week you can mediate to become a butterfly here)
If you're looking for items from previous years visit the event shop in Aviary village. Past IGC items:
Pink Bloom Cape: 70 Candles
Bloom Butterfly Fountain: 80 Candles
Purple Bloom Cape: 105 Candles
Red Bloom Cape: 110 Candles
Pink Bloom Hair: 20 Hearts
Past IAP items (USD):
Bloom Gardening Tunic: $9.99
Cherry Blossom Bloom Tea Set: $19.99 Comes with 35 white candles
Wisteria Bloom Tea Set: $19.99 Comes with 35 white candles
Bloom Picnic Basket: $19.99 Comes with a gift season pass
Communities in Flight
<-------------------------------------------> These are communities that have given us permission to share their events, we do not share links to these communities outside of Discord. SORA 🔆
Sora is in the middle of a lot of events! They recently wrapped up their Caught on Cam 2 event where participants had to re-create a picture in Sky. You can still check out the winners to see everyone's attempts at this! The registration for SKYENCE INNOVATIONS event is now closed, participants have until the 27th to submit their inventions. The submissions will be shared after judging is finished so get ready to see everyone's innovation for this contest! The Registration for their Floral fashions event just closed. Participants have to design a flower themed outfit inspired by Days of Bloom.
They are hosting another round of guessing the next traveling spirit! The first 10 people to guess correctly get 1 heart if they get the spirit or season right and 3 hearts if they got both correct.
Ancient memories
<-------------------------------------------> Admire the Sapling Task If you've been playing Sky for more then a week odds are you've run into the Admire the sapling task. This task was added during Days of Bloom 2021 and the tree used to be much smaller.
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The Tree was made bigger during Days of Bloom 2022 and the light seeker spirits now watched over the tree with you. This task hasn't been changed since but is a well known part of the Task rotation now.
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Thank you for reading!
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tylermileslockett · 2 months
The ancient Greek Zodiakos, or Zodiac, is a division of the celestial sphere into twelve equal parts; each one containing a specific group of stars with a mythic association called a constellation. Ancient Greeks used the constellations for sailing navigation, time keeping for seasonal agricultural practices like planting and harvesting crops, mythic storytelling purposes, and astrology practices.
 Hellenistic Astrology, taking influence from the Babylonians and Egyptians, sought meaning in the zodiac signs and how they influenced a person’s character based on the position of the sun when they were born.  They also used this practice for divination, providing guidance and predictions for the future. Let’s take a look at the twelve Zodiac constellations and their mythic tales.
1.) Aries (March 21-April 19) represents the flying golden ram sent by the gods to save the royal children Phrixus and Helle from sacrifice, and whose fleece later becomes the quested prize for the Argonauts.
2.) Taurus (April 20-May 20) represents the bull which Zeus transformed into to seduce Europa, and is linked to the Cretan Bull and the myth of the Minotaur.
3.) Gemini (May 21-June 21) represents the twins Castor and Pollux, sons of Zeus and Leda, known for their inseparable bond and heroic deeds. 
4.) Cancer (June 22- July 22) represents the crab sent by Hera to distract Hercules during his battle with the Hydra, later placed in the sky by Hera as a constellation.
5.) Leo (July 23- Aug. 22) represents the lion, representing strength and kingship, associated with the Nemean Lion defeated by Hercules.
6.) Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22) represents the maiden, often linked to the goddess of agriculture and fertility, such as Demeter or Persephone.
7.) Libra (Sept 23- Oct 23) represents goddess of justice Astraea, daughter of Themis, who carries the scales of justice.
8.) Scorpio (Oct 24- Nov 21) represents the scorpion sent by Artemis or Gaia to kill Orion
9.) Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21) represents the centaur archer, often identified as the wise and skilled Chiron.
10.) Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19) represents the sea goat Aegipan, who aided Zeus in his fight against Typhon.
11.) Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18) represents the cupbearer of the gods, Ganymede, who was abducted by Zeus and placed among the stars.
12.) Pisces (Feb 19- March 20) represents the two fish, Aphrodite and Eros, who transformed to escape the monster Typhon.
Like this art? It will be in my illustrated book with over 130 other full page illustrations coming in June to kickstarter.  to get unseen free hi-hes art subscribe to my email newsletter
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