#ngl that was the main motivation to finish this
reebmiester · 2 years
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Zombie Apocalypse Steve Rogers for @whotheheckitheheck’s au <333
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No normal way to say you want someone to scroll through the pinterest boards you put your blood sweat and tears into making for your own characters. Like I need you to understand my love for this little guy. What do you mean a picture of a tree doesn't convey his thoughts and ambitions. It does to me
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yuuminni · 1 year
oh is nil jelly
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thoughtvoid · 2 years
Everyone knows retail sucks, but the current problem I have is that I care too much about doing a good job at whatever task I’m given, and it’s snowballed into ‘when we need to assign someone to do one of any of these five tasks, we pick you’ and I have to go ‘it’s cool that you think I do a good job, but my brain isn’t happy and it’s definitely less happy when trying to juggle while running a marathon, so please no’.
The other problem is I want to do super super mundane stuff, like making sure we have our rotating supplies on hand and the ever increasing urge to take stock of all the fixtures we have in the back room and see exactly how much of all sorts of things we have lying around. But no, I have to do ‘productive’ things that involve the never-ending grind wheel that is putting stuff out to sell.
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atalienart · 7 days
hi just to also chime in, the problem with the hunger games is ironically that it became so popular that it was so watered down in the public conscious, all the copycat katnisses seem to take the aspects of her character that suzanne collins wrote explicitly to be part of the in world propaganda and katniss herself is a very nuanced well written female character, and so yeah when people say ‘for fans of the hunger games’ i also think oh noo nevermind..
personally, i don’t really notice the difference between reading a MMC and a FMC, i enjoy them both the same amount and im ngl i really think that boils down to the quality of writing and also the plot?? for example when i read things like convenience store woman, i see a deep reflection in myself and relate to the MC as a woman, but then you get fifty shades where the MC is unrelatable and doesn’t feel like a real person, and the same with a male narrative i guess?
when it comes to being able to relate to the main character, i think at the end of the day it really comes down to the way the character is written, how real they feel, how they make the reader feel, and their gender should really come secondary to that? another example i guess is lord of the rings? like i never really read the hobbit or lotr thinking that im listening to an MMC’s perspective?? does that make sense? i’m using so many question marks sorry hahaah
but also and finally i think in terms of the current fantasy landscape, an MMC would be refreshing? especially one written with deep feelings, humour and romance??
hope the writing is going well💕
All true, no lie :) Personally, as long as the character is interesting, I want to read about them, I don't really need to see myself in them, but it's always a plus when I can connect with them on a human level and understand their decisions and motivation. But anyway, yeah, I would read something like that too!
Thank you! I have one more chapter to write but it's hard to find the time. I hope to finish the first draft soon though.
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
This #$@% has turned into a 2,294 word fic and I'm not even at the plot point yet 😭 Someone save me please-
Today's ttn fic was so cute! I loved it and read it instantly because thankfully I had the time. I really have to lock in because I have finals tomorrow and the day after so excuse my absence please pookie. How are you by the way? I'm a little stressed but overall happy.
Indulge me ok? Bc @pleaktale has given me a lot of inspiration recently. Pirate Hobie in a port town gathering supplies with the crew. They have some downtime or Hobie just wanders off a stumbles across villager r. Just playing or walking around in the sand and it's love at first sight for my guy (favorite trope ngl).
r owns a shop whether it's a bakery, bookstore, apothecary, etc and Hobie finds out after he does some digging around. Purposefully seeking her out and damn if she isn't the cutest and sweetest thing.
He comes back to the ship with like six cases of bread or books on charting and sailing. Things he doesn't need.
Makes the crew come back to the same port each time they need to resupply. Eventually the crew finds out after seeing him (aka following him) talking with r. They make fun of him and tag along on his visits just to irritate him. Even better if they flirt with r and Hobie gets jealous. Like pouting in a corner while Ned talks about how pretty you are. (Which is nice but you'd much rather hear it from Hobie's lips-)
Gwen has had enough after months of Hobie hoarding whatever he buys from you on the ship (she be sinking a little too deep into the water) as well as those little sighs he lets out while looking out into the direction of your town. She threatens Hobie with a "if you don't tell her I will".
r is obviously smitten too but doesn't know what to do. Maybe Hobie's just being friendly? He flirts with nearly everyone he comes across. He's just naturally charming. It's a "she fell first but he fell harder" kind of deal because spoiler alert, r noticed Hobie long before he noticed her.
Conclusion, you're both idiots in love and honestly should just go makeout already because damn if this isn't the slowest burn (I'm looking at you Katy. ttn ruined me in the best way possible. It's so good 💗)
Ahhhh i get what u mean!!! The set up is so much harder to write than the main plot point bc you've had the vision for it now u just need to write the build up!! Just think that after writing the first part you can finally get to the part you really like and you can use that as your motivation to finish the first half ❤️
Ahhhh! Thank you so much! I loved writing it sm it gave me nostalgia even though I've never experienced the 80s or 90s lmaooo
I'm doing okay, angel! I hope you're taking breaks in between studying ❤️ good luck on your finals ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Are you in my walls, lovely? Bc the part where Hobie stumbles across r was the original idea for bdas!! But it didn't fit with the rest of the plot so I scrapped it in the end (we're twin hearts fr fr)
Hobie with heart eyes while in R's store: I fancy yo--- I mean I fancy your merchandise, give me one of everything
R: 🤨🤨🤨
Gwen threatening to tell R 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hehehehe I have infected everyone with slow burn disease 😂😂😂
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magnusbae · 1 month
13 books
What’s up readers?! How about a little show and tell? Answer these 13 questions, tag 13 lucky readers and if you’re feeling extra bookish add a shelfie! Let’s Go!
Tagged by @cuubism Thank you!! 💖 Heads up: if you're tagged, you don't need to read it alllll even if you do want to participate 😌
1) The Last book I read:
I'm pretty sure it was Tress of the Emerald Sea, what a delight!
2) A book I recommend:
.... The Way of Kings... (The Stormlight Archive)
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
The second book of The Stormlight Archive, Words of Radiance had me by my throat like nothing else. wow. 👏🏻
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
Listen. I'll list something other than The Stormlight Archive just because this is getting embarrassing. The books I used to regularly reread were: HP, Eragon and Assassin's Apprentice. (full series rereads, crossing the 10 each) 😌
5) A book on my TBR:
I have a hefty amount of books I bought and never read. Ranging from classics to cheap fantasy-- but alas, my brain is fixated on the other author who doesn't disappoint me and so I just stick to his books XD
Some of the books sitting on my ineffective 'shame you into reading' shelf are: Captive Prince, the rest of the Wolfsong series, the.... shadowhunters books... the new trilogy about Fitz which I have in hardcovers yet never read. And some... others...
6) A book I’ve put down:
One of the reasons I am avoidant of taking on new books at all is because I have a very hard time putting down books I started. I'll suffer through entire series just for the few grains of gratification in the end. Or to... spitefullfy and confidently say it sucked balls.
However... three series managed to break me.
First being GoT, I just didn't manage to get through, not even 10 chapters. A true oddedity for me, but I just couldn't.
Second being The Witcher. I managed to power through like 4-5 books? And then I just couldn't do this to myself anymore. It was so, so, so not my vibe. (even while the pc game is about my most favorite game ever.) 🤷🏻‍♀️
And lastly, although I think I did finish the entire series before deciding that if ever a new book came out, I'll never read it, was the-- god what's the name of it... the First Law Trilogy – The Blade Itself etc from joe abercrombie. What a bleak series! Oh my god!
7) A book on my wish list:
My honest wishlist is just to keep on reading Brando Sando in my slow and enjoying-it phase... Although I admit that there's a large amount of those new spicy fantasy books apparently being released that shorts recommend and older folk rant about, so I naturally do want to check it out to see what's up with that but.... in truth... I just want to keep on enjoying Brando Sando XD
8) A favorite book from childhood:
I genuinely really loved Eragon. Oh and Artemis Fowl was all fun. I also really loved Tunnel in the Sky, like really.
9) A book you would give to a friend:
ngl it'll be an unapologetic The Way of Kings with big and passionate begging session of 'please give it a try' like for real.
In case any one of you is actually interested--- (you don't have to read this part) -inhales deeply-
The Way of Kings is a truly misleading book, that might leave you with the impression that the book is all about wars and kings but that is the furthest from the truth a description and a cover and a name can go.
It has fantasy, it has deep and rich world building, elaborate magic system that is deeply embedded into the story, culture and literal every single stone of the world. There's politics, culture, introspection, deep and varied characters, each reading like the main character of the story, having unique and vibrant personality and motivations.
It is not just a book, it is a work of true and deep love for the genre and writing in general. Beautifully done, enriching and enticing.
And what's most important for people who read too many books?
Hard to predict. It managed to pull the rug from underneath my feet in the most surprising and pleasing ways. Brandon writes in a way that is not 'shock just to shock' nor 'drama just for drama'. Every single scene is true, and forward. You always have everything right in front of you, the key is that you do not know how to put it all together just yet.
That can finally give that refreshing 'I don't know where it's heading but I'm enjoying the experience" I feel I had lost over the years, being able to recognize patterns too easily and predict writing intentions.
God, what a book! It does however have a rough learning curve, being such a massive world, it takes time to ease you in. Say about at least 5 chapters in at the minimum. On a personal note, I recommend the audiobooks read by kate reading and michael kramer, literally the best experience I've ever had, listening to those two bring to life every character and accent and scene, wow!
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own:
Come to think of it, I don't actually own any. Ha.
11) A nonfiction book you own:
I don't haha! Looking back, it's a lie, I have a few phycology books gathering dust in various hiding spots.
12) What are you currently reading:
........The Way of Kings....
13) What are you planning on reading next?
.....Words of Radiance.... haha. 😋
Y'all don't need to read all them answers in case you just want to answer it for yourself, or you can skip, too 😊😊😊
@mayhemspreadingguy, @pollyp, @nonbinary-nicolo, @msmongoose, @hardly-an-escape,
@ladymatt, @underacalicosky, @grapenehifics, @your-lordsherlockholmes-posts
@acedragontype, @palfriendpatine66, @heretolurkandnothingmore , @virahaus, @wallsinmyhead
@kittttycakes, @elcaballerodragon, @justsuffilike, @pumpkinkingsalem, @handahbear
I am certain this is 13, I am certain. Cheers 💖💖💖
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I'm ALMOST watching dorohedoro bcs of you 🥹🥹🥹🥹 is it really that good? Bcs I'm kinda scared to start watching it bcs I'm not used to the artstyle
- 🦈🦈
ok im ngl it is literally my favorite manga of all time.
like ive read it front to back several times. its one of those pieces of media where the story is so good that i literally have no complaints like its genuinely a perfect work of art imo. it is absolutely that good.
Its definitely weird and not for everybody, I wouldn't recommend it if you're squeamish about violence because it's very violent and bloody and can get pretty gross. but its also super unserious and its actually really funny. the characters are lovable and without spoiling one of my favorite things about it is that there isn't really a good vs bad in it bc all the characters fall somewhere in between. they all have their own motivations and their stories are all intertwined and compelling.
the story is simultaneously sprawling, involving many different characters and their complicated motive, while also being tightly contained in the world it exists in. the world building is also some of the best i've ever seen its truly excellent. everything matters to everything else in the story and it is so well done.
idk if i can relate it to many other works because it kind of exists in its own genre. ive seen people call it seinen which i get because its mature in themes and storytelling, shonen which is definitely wrong??? i was confused af when i saw somebody call it that lmao, horror-comedy which i think is pretty close? its a mystery but it doesnt always feel like a mystery, theres no detective although its plot is driven by mystery. honestly idk. its really unique and i dont think that any other popular media matches its freak tbh.
it might be too weird to become super mainstream, even though its well known and loved. its plot is winding and weird, the main character has a lizard head, its set in an intentionally grimy world and actually looks like it. the characters arent cutesyfied, theyre mostly huge and bulky and gritty but they are so lovably human.
personally i love the art style i think it perfectly fits the world that it is meant to portray. the anime also does a fantastic job adapting it, though it did take me a minute to get used to the 3d models, it is a gorgeous anime like genuinely it is so beautiful like they cooked so hard.
ok holy shit this is so long sorry! i just really love it that much lmao. as for whether or not you should watch it - YES! (if it wasnt obvious) but don't sweat it if its not your cup of tea. i recommend it to all my friends and some of them couldnt get through it because of the violence, the art, or because its just too weird/not their thing. while i think theyre totally missing out, i understand that not everyone is like me and instantly loved it from the first chapter because the 1st tim i read it literally read the first 80 chapters in a day i was so crazy about it and finished it like 2 days later (the whole thing is like ~180 chapters i think? idk the exact count)
also if you're worried about the anime's art... you like blue lock and if you were able to get thru the s1 animation you will be fine. its way way better animated trust me.
ok gonna end it there bcs this is a whole ass essay
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cherrio-krispz · 1 year
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Remakin’ my introduction.
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Heyo!! List of names you can call me are:
Zombiez / krispz..
——— My sexuality(s) ———
——— What I’m interested in!! ———
Undertale (main interest)
Any horror game
Night in the woods
The last of us + The walking dead
Ocean creatures!!!!
Creating games
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DNI List
Hazbin hotel/helluva boss <not exactly dni but very thin ice
and etc. PS Sorry if the mentions of these triggers you! <:)
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Join the GHOST SHARK SERVER!!! It's my server yipyipye
Alpha Crosses C.AI!
My strawpage
Laments Playlist
Don’t be afraid to talk to me I love u little beetles very much!
My fav sharkies are white tip reef sharks / thresher sharks and my fav bear is the polar bear
I know only a little of Spanish, however I sadly gave up on it due to loud lack of motivation
Absolutely love AO3’s Horrordust stories ngl
I love clicky noises,,, also have very poor memory
Justtt a heads up; I will not like any form of aggression. Will not be giving away my real age; however I will say that I am a minor. So please refrain from saying too much suggestive things. specially if you’re 18+.
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Small Q&A to clear up the little things
Why do you say “/nf” or “/np” in your posts?
-I say it so u beetles don’t get nervous around me :3 (/nf means not forced and /np means no pressure)
You don’t make art a lot, why is that?
-Sometimes I just get too unmotivated or at lost for ideas. Thatt, or I get too tired to actually continue drawing
Who is Horror?
-Horror is hard to explain and he rarely decides to talk. Not a self diagnosis of course, but he’s cool to talk to.
Will you be able to finish your asks soon? | such as the requests
-Eventually you’ll just have to trust me with my horrid memory! Or don’t idm
OK Thats all for now! Byeee❗️❗️
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I'm so horror sans
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affiesque · 8 months
As promised, here’s the second half of my random thoughts and observations about Desire Catcher now that I’ve finished my latest rewatch (links aren’t working for me right now, but if you want to read the first half just click on one of the tags on this post and it should come up easily). The entire series is 24 episodes, most of which are somewhere between 35 and 45 minutes long - so, depending on what types of shows you usually watch, it might be a bit of a commitment. But I definitely think it’s worth it.
OK, time to brace yourself, as there’s a lot going on in this second part…
At the halfway mark the relationship between Luo Fei and Lu Fengping is starting to fray (oh look, it's my good friend angst again) - essentially, Lu Fengping is frustrated that his mom’s murder remains unsolved and Luo Fei hasn’t given him much in the way of clues like he was supposed to. Lu Fengping ends up working with the main villain (Bai Ya Xing), who is behind all of the crimes/murders that have been happening, to find his mom’s killer and get revenge. (I won’t spoil the details, but I will say that this particular storyline could probably have used some fleshing out, as the details and motivations don’t quite come together in the end. As I’ve noted before, the real draw with Desire Catcher is the relationships, so you can kind of wave those plot holes away - unless that sort of thing really bothers you, which I totally get.)
There’s a bit of a cat-and-mouse game going on throughout the middle episodes, with Lu Fengping getting more cagey and Luo Fei chasing after him a bit, attempting to figure out what he’s hiding. You get Luo Fei trying to casually inquire with multiple people as to Lu Fengping’s whereabouts when he’s gone for no more than a couple of hours at a time (we get it bro, you’re obsessed), not to mention lurking in the shadows near his apartment at night (yikes, dude). During this period there are definitely times when Lu Fengping looks almost guilty for pulling away and for what he’s planning to do, like he wants to confide in Luo Fei but he can’t - there’s a particular wistfulness to his expressions that’s so on point and gets me every time.
One nice little touch throughout is the many dinner dates the two leads go on - granted, one ends with Luo Fei leaving before they even eat anything, and another has him answering Lu Fengping’s question “Does everyone look like a suspect to you?” with “Yes - you look like one too,” so not exactly the most romantic situations (social skills are not Luo Fei’s strong point). But I am a sucker for those little intimate moments - misty evenings with blurry streetlights, tables piled high with steaming dishes and clinking glasses, the muted conversations of the people around them - and of course the sharing food = love symbolism.
Speaking of tropes, if you’re a fan of jealousy, then DC has got you covered. Again, no big plot spoilers here but Luo Fei finds out Lu Fengping has brought a girl home one night - not for the reason he (or anyone else) thinks, but you can tell he’s in his feelings about it (and Lu Fengping, I love you, but maybe in the future do not kidnap a stranger - even if you had your reasons and you were sort of helping her in the moment). He ends up getting arrested (twice!) for the abduction and when Luo Fei fails to help him, their “big breakup” begins in earnest - Lu Fengping saying “I shouldn’t have counted on you right from the start” got me right in the heart, ngl.
*Books as symbolism alert* - we get just one shot of some books strewn around Lu Fengping’s apartment in the second half, but I did find it interesting that the subtitles call out two of them specifically, which feels important. Those are “The Sea, The Sea” by Iris Murdoch and “It Takes More Than A Carrot And A Stick” by Wess Roberts. The former is about love and loss and romantic ideals by an author known for writing about morality and the power of the unconscious - things that seem relevant to a hypnotist, I would think. The latter actually made me laugh audibly when I noticed the subtitle: “Practical Ways Of Getting Along With People You Can’t Avoid At Work.” Sounds about right for them.
Here’s another alert - BIG GIANT SPOILERS AHEAD!! Click below with caution…
OK, so the big event of the second half is Lu Fengping faking his death(!!) in order to give him the time and space away from Luo Fei/the police to move ahead with his revenge plan. Long story short, Luo Fei thinks Lu Fengping has blown himself up, goes through the five stages of grief, figures out he’s still alive and somehow manages to be like, “Hey, thought you were dead but no biggie - let’s not even hug it out and instead just go right back to teasing each other and solving crimes - it’s all good.” Honestly, I’m glossing over a lot here - how absolutely devastated Luo Fei (and everyone else, for that matter) is when he thinks Lu Fengping is dead, how they finally yell a bit about their feelings and come clean about certain things when they reunite, how the OST rips your heart out again and again in these moments (“Did we meet just to be torn apart?” - I mean, come on), how relieved Lu Fengping looks when he realizes that Luo Fei doesn’t hate him for what he did, how Luo Fei suddenly can’t stop smiling (you’ve come a long way, baby). I think these are probably some of the strongest scenes in the entire show, but I must admit that the way they don’t truly address the fallout of something this intense still bugs me (stay tuned for a fic I’m writing on that very topic, in case that sort of thing interests you - and @thinkonce-acttwice, I ✨promise✨ I’m actually working on it!).
I know I haven’t mentioned Liang Yin in this second-half review yet - what happened/happens to her still plays a major role in the story of Lu Fengping’s mom’s death. I won’t give the details here, but do note that there are some flashback scenes of her getting attacked that might be rough for some viewers - so please keep that in mind. However, aside from a couple of moments where the men in her life feel the need to protect/shelter her despite her being quite capable of handling things herself, I will say that the story gives her back some agency, and it does feel as if by the end she’s come to terms with her past and is in a good place overall. And the relationship between her, Luo Fei, and Lu Fengping gets a really nice resolution - a sort of found family thing that brings them all together.
There’s lots of plot movement as we work our way through the final episodes - the big bad villain is vilaining, there’s an evil nurse who’s in on the shenanigans, poor Professor Ling (Lu Fengping’s mentor and fellow hypnotist) gets accused of being a fraud and ends up in the hospital, Lu Fengping almost stabs himself in the heart while hypnotized by Bai Ya Xing (though of course Luo Fei shows up in the nick of time to save him - I swear, despite knowing that this is just a “bromance” show, every time I watch that scene there’s one split second where it seems like they’re about to lean in and kiss - oof), poor Liang Yin gets kidnapped by the big bad villain (unfortunately, more “man pain”). I tell you, this show is a roller coaster ride every freaking episode.
I won’t spoil the final ending too much, but rest assured Liang Yin is fine. Stuff happens, Lu Fengping ends up in prison - though he sort of puts himself there on purpose, sacrificing himself for Luo Fei, even if he doesn’t come out and say that’s what he’s doing. And he basically gets a form of justice for his mom’s death. The very last bit sees him return from prison on parole - he reunites with the police team and Luo Fei in a slightly cheesy but rather touching moment, though, again, even just a quick hug would’ve been nice…
Bottom line, I love all of them, your honor, and will probably never be over this show - there’s so much to unpack in terms of the role of fate in our lives, how broken people can find something in each other to live for, how to forgive others and, importantly, yourself.
OK, again, this one got away from me, and I know I’m probably forgetting like a million little things, but hopefully I’ve managed to entertain at least one other person with my ramblings. And if anything here has sounded intriguing, please check this little show out so it gets the love it deserves! 🖤
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roccinan · 9 months
How do you feel when you watch the spin off? What do you think of it? And do you like it? For me, I sort of like eps 1-4, the rest are just meh, I couldn't bring myself to care for the other characters, I tried. And I was very confused, what year the spin off?. It started off good and... Idk. All I can say is that Andres truly belong in the asylum. That man creeps me out. If I were Camille, I ran away the second I saw that creep. Lol.
Hello anon! I couldn't answer you earlier because I didn't get to watch it. But now I've finished it and, hum, I certainly have a lot of thoughts that I'll probably post later LOL.
For now, here are the most fresh on my mind. I agree with you- eps 1-4 were surprisingly good, last one was pretty cool too, ralicia supremacy. I was mostly just surprised I didn't dislike it. Can't say I loved it, or that it's my ideal berlin spinoff, but for all the "factors" against it that Pina chose of his own free will asdfasdf, it turned out surprisingly OK.
Spinoff takes place around 2013, according to Pina. Which messes with the canon timeline so much we'll just have to see it as a parallel universe where time doesn't matter.
I now call spinoff!Andres my wife. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. So unfortunately, I cannot slander my bride like that.
But I liked that he was still a freak. The show didn't try to make him a better person thankfully, but I think a lot of the reviews were complaining about him being an asshole or complaining that he was ruined for not being enough of an asshole, missed the mark a bit. The main problem, if we have to pick one, about him, is that the context around him is too shallow to take seriously. His speeches about love have no substance (and they actually did in lcdp) because the circumstances have no substance. He's putting romance above the heist because well, why shouldn't he lmao? There's no personal stake here, and it's not like he'll get capital punishment for getting caught.
And that "problem" extends to everyone else. Their motives and actions are just very shallow and There for the sake of being there. Like Roi and Cameron could have had a moving romance, but instead Cameron made me cringe very badly with how much she felt like Alex Pina's idea of "hawt gurl with sad past!!" And said "sad" past was actually really fucked up but the story didn't seem to think so!? It wasn't a tragic romance--it was a 20-something musician sleeping with a 15yo fangirl, abducting her, and then traumatizing her so badly she entered the asylum and ended up hanging out with berlin. Like????
I'll say I misunderstood Keila though. Liked her a lot better in the show than the trailers. But everytime I went "oh, I like her uwu" she'd do something that makes me GAG like inhaling Bruce's sweat or licking his spoon asdfasdf Also the part where she confessed her love for him after the snake bite gave me secondhand embarrassment. None of the love stories felt lasting, believable, or touching to me. Probably because there were too many of them and it was even more convenient than lcdp proper!
Bruce was different than I expected. He's insensitive, but not "dumb" like the character descriptions made him out to be. Same as Keila. Everytime I thought "I like him uwu" he'd do something like talk about pubic hair or cover himself in oil/water, instantly making me die.
Damian is Sergio 2.0 and also Martin 2.0, but straight and old. No strong feelings for him either way. But it was funny that Andres got so mad about sharing a bed with him, when he was willingly hopping into bed with Martin LMAO. Also ngl, it stung my little berlermo heart to see Damian and Andres sing karaoke and go on a lover's bike ride together.
Roi was my favorite new member. He felt like a real original character, and his relationships with Cameron and Andres were nicely fleshed out even if they both confused me. Cameron because the romance was shallow to me. Andres because Roi never told us how they met or why Andres took him in. Andres giving Roi advice on temper control is also hilarious. We'll just have to assume that Andres is willing to raise everyone's kid except his own. He even took that one boy to the bathroom asdfasdf
But overall, I agree anon. I just didn't care for the new characters the same way I did the old gang or the cormorants. Maybe because the stakes were too low or because they were always beautiful and perfect (except Damian lol) no matter the situation. I personally think the producers were trying very hard to create new stars with this show, so they aggressively showed off Pina's flashy new blorbos (cameron, keila, bruce, and roi) but you can't force popularity. This is also my conspiracy theory for the lack of Sergio- they knew having the profesor here would take too much attention from the flashy new blorbos.
Not much to say about Camille. Was hoping she'd be cooler/smarter than this, but what kind of smart woman would not see the red flags in Andres LMAO. Wasn't surprised when Polignac turned out to be an asshole either- man just has the face of a jerk. Was disappointed that they didn't have a threesome with Andres. And the smartest person was Camille's friend.
Lastly, SAME ANON LOL Andres was an insane stalker, off the wall crazy and so annoying about it too. I wish Camille would have slapped him in the end, but oh well- at least their storyline didn't end as stupidly as it could have. She got her money at least XD Hopefully she's not dumb enough to reunite with him (and if she's wife no. 4 we know it didn't work out already).
Does the show deserve a season 2? No. Will I watch season 2? Yes LOL
Main takeaways:
Romance 1/10 Heist 7.5/10 Pedro's face 11/10 New characters 2/10 (not sharing all of their backstories or why/how they ended up in berlin's gang was a major weak point imo) Story 5/10
A solid 7/10 if we don't compare it to lcdp.
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snazzyladreal · 6 months
finished princess peach showtime so time for a review cause why not
spoilers and pictures cause I got things to say
this is your last warning :)
this rant is a lil unhinged
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no Mario in game 0/10 /s
but yeah, this game was kinda a let down, I’m not gonna lie. It is for younger kids, like what you could give a 10 year old to keep them occupied. But I’m a technical adult, so I’m gonna talk about it like a technical adult
I like the world and the lil side guys, I can’t be bothered to remember their names
The power of ‘Sparkle’ and ‘Darkle’ were kinda dumb, seeing the word ‘darkle’ being used in a serious context felt very out of place ngl.
one big highlight is the boss designs, a nice blend of masquerade with stage prop puppets, they were very fun
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All of them have their own vibes, and stand out great. Well except there’s two of them with the same spotlight kinda theme.
it made me stop playing for awhile just cause I have the temper of a 13 year old boy on cod sometimes
Madame Grape is cool
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Very cool design, reminds me of Mardi Gars kinda cause of the colors. Wish she had more a motivation, like maybe saying that she was rejected from a role she adored, and it made her go insane cause she was obsessed with it. The only thing is, in her boss fight
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main head/body, floating hands, big ass accessories that add a menacing glow and make them seem bigger.
her boss fight also makes poor use of space, it’s set in a massive arena but you only move in a small space during it. Not to mention Peach looks like a mix of Rosalina and Elsa in her final dress
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It felt like an underwhelming ending
the plays and their stories were very stylized and cool, my favorite story probably being the hero plays with Mighty Peach.
In the first half you fight an alien invasion on Earth, and in the second one you go to the alien’s home planet to recuse the creatures that kidnapped. It’s a nice two parter story
Gameplay wise, my favorites are the baking stories. It was fun and challenging to finish all the patterns on the cakes, and baking all the cookies in time. Very cute and pretty calming. Made me smile
overall, I don’t think it was worth $60. Maybe $25-$30 overall, a good part of it due to the visuals. The more detailed transformation scenes blend well against the gameplay and don’t stand out in an obvious way. A lot of care went into the game, and I can appreciate that. Do kinda think a Mario cameo at the end of the credits would’ve been silly and cute, like he came to save Peach and hands her back her crown (she lost it at the start of the game). I know it’s meant to be a game about Peach, but it would’ve been cute
thanks for coming to my Ted talk, might draw something of this game later
peace ✌️
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lastoneout · 7 months
hi idk if you're a huge kalos fan but how are you feeling about the direct
I haven't watched it yet, but ngl Kalos wasn't my favorite OR my least favorite pokemon game, I was pretty neutral on it overall. My main complaint was how annoying the map was to traverse before you got fly, but aside from that it was fine, introduced some cool pokemon and had a decent plot. Tbh for the next Legends game I would have preferred Jhoto, but eh. It's not a huge deal to me.
My real issue is that it's a little hard to get excited about it when I know how bad crunch is at Game Freak and that despite saying they were reevaluating their tight release cycle bcs like, ScarVi was borderline unplayable at launch and Arceus got abandoned the second they were done with it despite being the most popular game in years....I just have no faith that this game will be good, or at least it won't be anywhere near as good as it has the potential to be :/
I hope I'm proven wrong tho, and I don't think it's wrong to be excited about the game, something something no ethical consumption and I'd be a major hypocrite if I told people to drop any game company that has bad practices bcs almost all of them do, I just can't get hype. I was really, really hoping Game Freak would slow the hell down and stop making new games for a couple of years, put all of their focus on gen 10 and release that maybe in 2026 or 2027, but nope gotta make that money even if the games we release are falling apart at the seams and our devs are working on two or three projects at once.
And like, given the current trend in decreasing quality I'm genuinely unsure if the game is even going to be functional enough to be worth playing, especially since I figure to hit a 2025 release they probably started working on this right after Arceus came out, and there has simply not been enough time to make this game good. Plus there were a lot of points in ScarVi where I legit just wanted to put the game down and stop playing entirely bcs the graphics and glitches and framerate drops started to make me annoyed and dizzy, and once I was done with the main story I lost like all motivation to keep playing(I like finishing my dex, I did it in Sw/Sh and Let's Go and have almost done it in BDSP and Arceus, but I don't care about ScarVi's dex at all), and I haven't even bought the DLC yet. Tbh I'm probably not even gonna pre-order this, I'm waiting till it's out to decide if I want to buy it or not.
Anyway sorry to be a buzzkill, I don't fault anyone for being excited, I've loved Pokemon for more than half my life, it helped me meet my fiancé, it really means so SO much to me, so I get it, but like....I think I love the series too much to get excited for this. Seeing what Pokemon is turning into is just...painful and sad. I hope y'all enjoy it tho, and who knows, I could be wrong, maybe it will be fantastic and super polished and we can all breathe a sigh of relief bcs they got their shit together! That would be nice.
Edit: I do want to say I'm glad it has been 3 years instead of the usual 2, and I'm VERY glad they didn't announce gen 10, but unless the scope of this game is narrow as fuck and they also don't release until like November-December 2025 AND this team was NOT the same team who worked on ScarVi's DLC that is still not enough time to make a game with the scope they've been establishing as their new baseline. TOTK took SIX years to finish. Elden Ring's DLC was built on top of an existing game and it still took TWO whole years just to make it. Most open-world games take a really, really long time. Adding an extra year is great, but they need to be taking a lot longer than that between games. This is a step in the right direction, but it's not enough to inspire confidence.
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petrichoraline · 1 year
okay I have so many thoughts on the cherry magic pilot, many of which might sound Stupid and Wrong
how can you talk about all things a person is expected to be and do and finish it off with this question
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when I saw the prior introduction of these two I thought they might have dropped this very stupid change but ig not, I suppose they'll give her some other type of struggle with societal expectations
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not too hyped for jan and sing as a couple, I like them both so much but I have no reason to believe their chemistry would be smth special
when I saw mark i got a bit worried because ive only seen him as prince in sky in your heart but I got shocked how much he seems to resemble yutaro
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i wasn't sure bout junior but they do seem to resemble the pair a lot when together and I hope their acting brings out more of the characters' charm (because I did feel a bit iffy about them in the japanese version ngl)
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I also think he'll portray his character a bit differently, he seems more down-to-earth and confident so he'll probably tone down the obsessive loser vibe of the original; hopefully mark has improved
they look cute ♡
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the bland backgrounds and too much voiceover kinda bored me but it's only a pilot, I'm sure it'll work better in the full episodes
as for our stars, I think new seems a bit ridiculous as achi, maybe because he's a big guy trying to make himself look small? I don't mind that the height difference that eiji and keita have isn't replicated, but new is also very broad shouldered and overall doesn't seem to give off the aura of a guy with bad self esteem issues with his acting; the way he looked almost happy in the elevator reveal scene
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and some other scenes made me think new def has a different take on the character. that his version would be either 1) "no confidence in theory, way more in practice" in which case the script would be to blame or 2) developments true to the character but not acted out the right way. there's also the option that everyone makes achi a more confident guy on purpose - he's written like that and so new presents him that way. that option is a bit unlikely considering a line in the pilot related to self esteem but it already seems like the source material might've been a bit misunderstood
I think it's cause of the actors' faces just being the way they are that tay gives off "puppy wagging tail aggressively" more than keita did - tay's big eyes and smile just do it by default
it feels like his interpretation of kurosawa's character would be more innocent and playful, kind of as if he'd confess earlier than kurosawa did, I get more of a careless vibe though I'm sure they'll stick to the og motivations and doubts the character has; he doesn't contain himself the way kurosawa does:
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i remain optimistic! the show is based on a manga that is drenched in multiple aspects of japanese culture, societal commentary is based on japanese society for the most part. having the story take place in thailand with thai characters will obviously have the main conflicts presented through a thai lens. you can also see the comedic editing typical for thai shows and it differs from the japanese comedic style you can see in the og adaptation. im excited to see whether trying to stick to the og yet changing other aspects will work or not. there are already things that I look forward to and things im nervous about so i hope it's anything but boring lol
these are most of my ramblings, would love to here everyone else's views on them and the pilot itself 💓
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a-pepper-honey · 3 months
“There ain’t no squid in Kansas” is obviously the title of all time but I fear since I don’t know the source material, it’ll be meaningless to me. But I don’t think I know anything about “Tharkay and his sassy eagle”, pls tell me more!
I am really proud of the squid title. That title is my main motivation to finish that fic so that I can see it on ao3, ngl.
Tharkay & his sassy eagle is the second part to my Farseer crossover, "By the river, on the wing", because obviously Tharkay has the Wit in this universe. It's boasting a proud 378 words right now but eh, don't make fun of it, it's sensitive. We all start small.
They beg him for his assistance. Englishmen never beg the likes of him, of course; yet they would never have sought him out without true desperation to push them forward. He likes it, cradling their future in the palm of his hand. He lets the animal traits wash over him, accentuates the tilt of his head and the fixity of his gaze, draws his arms slightly too close to his sides, like folded wings upon a bird’s back. The tall one is wary. His captain’s mouth is set. Will he come? asks Captain Laurence. No, answers Sukhovey. Dangerous, out of our territory, and boring. Our territory is everywhere we want it to be, Tharkay retorts, inward-smiling. Sukhovey snaps her beak. Sarcasm. And is that with them? Well-paid, Tharkay offers. Hesitation. Well-fed, he adds. Sukhovey lowers her head to a strip of meat on the ground. Well-dead, she retorts. Tharkay almost snorts out loud.
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uraandri · 30 days
final post before i go back to actually finish this but my main motivator rn is that i tried to pass these two exams back in july when i was in a relationship getting walked and fucked regularly so now every time i look at pitirim sorokin i remember how nice it was and i get kinda sad ngl. i really thought he had potential to be a serious relationship we got along so well
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