#ngnl oc
kingvoiddd · 11 months
I lied i have one more
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The old art btw
i just reused the pose but fixed it up a bit and RENDERED
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reesecomic13 · 5 years
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School doodles
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rolaplayor101 · 3 years
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Arospec Awareness Week Overview
Aroace Handa Sei compilation and artwork--Oriented Aroace Shoya Ishida fanfiction and Aspec Analysis-- Aroace Nagisa Shiota icon--Aroace Todoroki and Tokoyami fanfiction
AlloAro Crona and Death the Kid fanfiction-- AlloArospike Houtarou Oreki fanfiction and icon-- AlloAro Sora from NGNL icon and Aspec Analysis
Recipromantic Reciprosexual Leon Luis and Aroacespike OC fanfiction-- Recipromantic Black-Haired Beauty fanfiction and collage--Aroflux Ben Tennyson Aspec Analysis and Fanfiction-- Nonsam Cupioromantic Mina Ashido icon and fanfiction
Check out my art and fics if you missed them!
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addictofanimation · 4 years
I'm a Little Sad...
Don't worry, it's nothing serious. I'm just in NGNL Hell. While I didn't like how fanservice-y it was, I did genuinely like the characters. Sora was an inspirational pervert (who would sometimes go too far), Shiro was an adorable child genius (it was fanservice of her that I hated the most - she's eleven), Steph was an idiot (but still likable), Jibril scared me and made me uncomfortable at first (then made me laugh my butt off), Izuna did something to my heart (probably helped that she was cute) and Tet became my favorite character even though he got very little screen time (he was also the cutest in my opinion).
I haven't watched the movie yet, but I'm sure it's going to break my heart.
There is little to no fanfiction of this show on the internet and I don't have the money for the books nor can I find or read them online. There were under twenty stories on AO3 (most were crossovers of shows I hadn't watched), Wattpad had only Character x OC or Character x Reader (which doesn't help my new Tet x Shiro craving), and there was practically nothing on FanFiction.net (the only one I liked being the Tet x Shiro one).
I'm suffering. 😅
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blu-2-art · 4 years
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Heres a redraw of an old OC I did! She is my first anime based OC I was a huge fan of No Game No Life, and this is Yuki from the world of NGNL!
1st pic was drawn 1/30/16
2nd pic was drawn 9/12/20
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ishuraden · 7 years
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Dessin de mon Oc Lyssana en cosplay de Shiro (No game no life)
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manon1998 · 5 years
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Voilà ma petite maika en Miko de no game no life
Je suis plutôt fière de moi pour une fois :')
J'ai réalisé se dessin pour plusieurs raison déjà la première c'est que je me suis rematé ngnl et aussi ngnl zéro, la seconde c'est que j'avais envie de faire maika en Miko dans le même style que maika samus je pense en faire d'autre mais pour l'instant je vois pas trop qui prendre (il y aura tôt ou tard une maika widowmaker) si vous avez des idées de persos mettais les en commentaire sa pourrais être fun 😊 (pas besoin qu'elles se corresponde physiquement elles peuvent même être à l'opposé😂)
Sur ce dessin j'ai essayé de reprendre le style de colo super coloré de ngnl, j'espère que vos yeux ne seront pas trop agrecé >< J'espère qu'elle vous plaira
Sur ce des bisous sur vos fessiers d'amour
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chichichimera · 7 years
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Haven’t been uploading lately sorry! So have my NGNL ocs.
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kinhelping · 7 years
am i kin with anymore people from hs? am i kin w anyone from hacknet? am i kin with any type of pokemon? do i have anymore otherkins? am i in an allura shift? am i kin with anyone from rick and morty? am i kin with any of my ocs? am i kin with anyone from ngnl? was the rebellion violent, or was it more of peaceful protests? -purple anon
Yes, no, yes, yes, no, no, no, yes, violent.
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zurysalvatore · 7 years
Know me better (≧◡≦) ♡
I was tagged by @fictitious-life-ls​ and @lunaria-sucrette , thank you both!  ヾ(*‘▽’*) ♥ Rules: answer the questions and tag up to 20 blogs you want to get to know better.
Nicknames: God I have so many nicknames Zury (by most of my online friends :P Also there is some verisons like Zurich, Zurish by my close friends), Unicorn (shorten as Uni), Unique, Micro Teacup (my newest nickname u.u Thanks mate, you know I have height complex), Ahri, Sezzzy/Sezie (based on my name) Also I have 2 friends who calls me Alexy’s bae/daisy  ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
Star sign: Pisces 💕♓
Height: I dont really know, it has to be something between 5′1 and 5′2 -155/157cm- (shortie here~)
Time right now: 22:15 (10.15 pm)
Last thing you googled: “ffs meaning” since I’m not good with shortened forms of words  (´ ∀ ` *)
Song stuck in my head:  History Mak– Ok, it’s still stuck in my head but my answer is Hall of Fame 
Last movie I watched: Hmm… I’m not sure… I constantly watch films on TLC or Lifetime  ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌ Maybe it’s “And Baby Will Fall” but I think I watched another film later on u.u
Last tv show I watched: Late Nite Chef Fight
What I’m wearing right now: Khaki boy sweatshirt and my beige pants
When I created this blog: I think it was just before Halloween
The kind of stuff i post: Mcl, Eldarya, Yoi and MysMe :P Also I post my art sometimes
Do I gets asks regularly?: Not really  ( ̄ω ̄;)
Why did I choose my URL: Cause Zury is my candy’s name and Salvatore is her surname (no I didnt watch The Vampire Diaries)
Gender: Female ♀
Favorite color: Pink, Salmon, Tuquoise, Teal, Aqua, Khaki, Burgundy and Black (I have lots of fave colours ( ̄▽ ̄))
Average hours of sleep: 2-5 hours at school days, 8-12 hours at holidays
Lucky number: 2 and 20
Favorite characters: Ho ho I have a huuuuge harem but I wont list them all here :’D From Mcl I LOVE Alexy, Eldarya Valkyon, MysMe Jumin, Yoi I love the trio also Minami, Guang Hong Ji and Otabek, there is also Suzuya Juuzou, Zeref Dragneel, Gerard(Jellal) Fernandes, Freed Justine, Sora (from NGNL), Tomoe and Kirito from animes I watch. Btw I love my friends’ OC ♥ (Especially Luna ♥  and Nesha -it’s fun to draw her ^^)
Dream job: Pediatrician but I also wanna do something related to art
Number of blankets I sleep with: I’m still sleeping with my quilt but in winter I had quilt and 2 more blankets. I’m also sleeping with 2 pillows and tsum tsums (they are for hugging ><)
So I’ll tag: @troloyunu, @meloncetes, @gayalexy, @fairywale, @yunkinodrabbles, @cutedreams36 and the ones who wanna do this ^^ Sorry I’m not good with tagging 😅  (If you already done this or dont wanna do, just don’t care (o´∀`o))
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reesecomic13 · 5 years
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TORANPU!!! (My No Game No Life oc)
Toranpu was a slave of a wealthy sleazy con man. The group wanted the land so they went to go battle him. When Stefanie saw the way that Toranpu was treated she had asked Sora not to only bet for his land but for his slave as well. In return the man wanted Stephanie and Jibril for his own desires. They accepted the terms and had begun. Toranpu had his own idea though. You see Toranpu not only has magic but is on the same level of Sora and Shiro. So near the end he jeopardize his victory in order to help Stephanie and Jibril. He now helps around the castle.
He shows just the right amount of emotions
Like a sweet innocent creature
Was created by large amounts of magic merging
Very smart
He has no arms (his scarf is his arms/hands)
He can be snarky at times
He is very respectful and calls all of his friends “master”
Not a hole lot is known about is past. The only thing he remembers is blacking out and his old master taking him in.
Psychic powers
Sorcerer powers
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reesecomic13 · 5 years
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Today’s doodles
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reesecomic13 · 5 years
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Inktober: Day 11
Poor card baby was forgotten
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