getfitwithnic · 2 months
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Summer Time Vibes in LA!
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y0ur-d4rl1ng-d31ty · 2 months
Hell♡ my l♡ves, my name is R♡me ♡r R♡ma, but y♡u may refer t♡ me as The Ancient ♡ne ♡r Faith bringer. ♡ther titles that y♡u may give me are acceptable as well.
My appearance is in the pr♡file picture I have set.
Y♡u may refer t♡ me with the pr♡n♡uns he/him, angel/angel's, faux/faux's, winged/winged's, it/it's, hx/hxm, 1t/1t's, !t/!t's, and leader/leader's
My species and age are unimp♡rtant t♡ y♡u.
I identify with the genders b♡yflux, angelgender, h♡rr♡rangel, dem♡nicgender, dem♡nicb♡ything, and muttgender.
I am pansexual, aplat♡nic, and hypersexual.
The transIDs I identify with are; TransW♡rshipped, TransFultLeader, TransAncient, TransMarried, TransImm♡rtal, TransV♡ice, TransDeity, and TransAlbin♡
My imp♡rtant CisIDs are; cisCaneUser and cisAracial. I am als♡ cisIntersex, but I d♡ n♡t use that identity f♡r pers♡nal c♡mf♡rt.
I d♡n't have many paraphilias, but feel free t♡ suggest s♡me, and I will l♡♡k int♡ them, but the ♡nes I have f♡r sure are; hybriphilia (attracti♡n t♡ being w♡rshipped), s♡mn♡philia, and y♡u, my f♡ll♡wers (I'm n♡t sure what it's called.)
And, if it wasn't ♡bvi♡us already, I have a typing quirk. I will always pr♡vide a translati♡n under a cut.
♡ur c♡llective bl♡g is @h4dal-blacksite and I will interact fr♡m there.
Disc♡rd server (link)
Translation under cut <3
Hello my loves, my name is Rome or Roma, but you may refer to me as The Ancient one or Faith bringer. Other titles that you may give me are acceptable as well.
My appearance is in the profile picture I have set.
You may refer to me with the pronouns he/him, angel/angel's, faux/faux's, winged/winged's, it/it's, hx/hxm, 1t/1t's, !t/!t's, and leader/leader's
My species and age are unimportant to you.
I identify with the genders boyflux, angelgender, horrorangel, demonicgender, demonicboything, and muttgender.
I am pansexual, aplatonic, and hypersexual.
The transIDs I identify with are; TransWorshipped, TransFultLeader, TransAncient, TransMarried, TransImmortal, TransVoice, TransDeity, and TransAlbino
My important CisIDs are; cisCaneUser and cisAracial. I am also cisIntersex, but I do not use that identity for personal comfort.
I don't have many paraphilias, but feel free to suggest some, and I will look into them, but the ones I have for sure are; hybriphilia (attraction to being worshipped), somnophilia, and you, my followers (I'm not sure what it's called.)
And, if it wasn't obvious already, I have a typing quirk. I will always provide a translation under a cut.
Our collective blog is @h4dal-blacksite and I will interact from there.
Discord server (link) [not linking it again]
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#HARLEYDAVIDSON #STOLEN #MOTORCYCLES The top 10 motorcycle manufactures most frequently stolen in 2021 accounted for 78% of all stolen motorcycles in 2021. Leading the pack was Honda (10,282), Yamaha (8,185), Kawasaki (5,904), Harley-Davidson (5,811), and Suzuki (4,890). Of those almost 52,000 motorcycles stolen, less than half have been recovered with the NICB study indicating that only 42%…
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tamanna31 · 1 month
Biobanks Market 2024 Analysis, Research, Review, Applications and Forecast to 2030
Biobanks Industry Overview
The global biobank market size was estimated at USD 76.74 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.8% from 2024 to 2030.
High investments in the R&D of advanced therapies, such as regenerative medicine, personalized medicine, and cancer genomic studies, are some of the driving factors. Moreover, the onset of COVID-19 has put biobanks at the forefront of the pandemic control measures, resulting in the organic revenue growth of the market. The COVID-19 outbreak had a major influence on the biobanking industry. Biobanking is important for the diagnosis & production of medicines for a variety of disorders. International initiatives to produce vaccines and other medicines to prevent the spread of the virus have been urgently needed.
The collection, processing, and analysis of patient samples are at the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis. For example, the Health Minister announced EUR 2 million in financing for the National Irish COVID-19 Biobank (NICB) in a July 2021 update from the Government of Ireland. The NICB has become a critical part of Ireland’s COVID-19 pandemic response. According to a February 2021 release, the Sample Collection Database was designed by the SciLifeLab Data Centre in partnership with Biobank Sweden and the research area ‘Biobanks for COVID-19’ of the SciLifeLab & KAW National COVID-19 research program.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Biobanks Market
Furthermore, Tulane University announced a new COVID-19 biobank containing blood & cell samples from survivors in July 2021 to aid researchers in determining why some people heal rapidly while others have long-term effects. As a result, such activities show that the outbreak of the pandemic boosted the demand for biobank services, benefiting the global economy.
The increasing popularity of precision/personalized medicine and genetic testing has been a key driver of the market. Biobanks have been playing a significant role in biomedical research. Over the past few decades, there have been several advances in platforms and tools used in genetic studies. This has led to an increase in demand for biospecimens from clinical labs to develop assays for genetic testing. Collaborations between private and public institutions in biobanking have played a crucial role in market progression.
Digitalization, precision medicine, and virtualization are rapidly changing the biobanking industry through the development of novel methods and concepts of synergies initiated by public and private organizations. Companies across all fields are partnering with biobanks, which accelerates the market revenue. For instance, in October 2023, UK Biobank partnered with several philanthropists. Through this partnership, UK Biobank will access USD 34.5 million in funding.
An exponential increase in the number of global cases has rendered the significance of biobanks in containing the spread of the virus. High-quality COVID-19 specimens are required and helpful for both research and diagnostic purposes, and biobanks are considered vital repositories for these samples. Thus, biobanks are gaining ground to support clinical research and drug discovery processes to combat this global disaster.
Developing countries from the Middle East region are investing in biobanks to advance the medical research domain in the country. For instance, in September 2023, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi announced the launch of a biobank to support the requirement of personalized medicine through advanced treatments that utilize human tissues and stem cells in medical research. This research will help treat over 80 diseases and immune system issues. Moreover, it strengthens the position of the UAE in the global biobanks market.
Browse through Grand View Research's Biotechnology Industry Research Reports.
The global plasmid purification market size was estimated at USD 1.72 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 11.60% from 2024 to 2030. 
The global enzymatic DNA synthesis market size was estimated at USD 232.4 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 26.4% from 2024 to 2030.
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Some of the key players operating in the market are adopting various organic & inorganic strategies such as collaborations with biobanking service providers and technological innovation to advance their product offerings in the biobanking industry. 
Key Biobanks Companies:
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Merck KGaA
Hamilton Company
Tecan Trading AG
Danaher Corporation
Becton, Dickinson, and Company (BD)
Biocision, LLC.
Charles River Laboratories
Stemcell Technologies
Biovault Family
Promocell Gmbh
Precision Cellular Storage Ltd. (Virgin Health Bank)
Recent Developments
In October 2023, AstraZeneca research announced unique relationships between rare changes in plasma proteins and genes that could enhance drug discovery with data from more than 50,000 UK Biobank participants.
Similarly, in January 2023, Hamad Medical Corporation, in collaboration with Qatar BioBank, launched a Tissue Biobank Service in Qatar. This biobank will focus on collecting samples and finding new potential treatments for heart diseases & cancer.
In January 2023, Quibim and European Commission launched European Commission’s European Federation for Cancer Images (EUCAIM) biobank. This biobank will focus on developing treatments for cancers along with early detection techniques.
In December 2023, Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. announced an agreement with CELLphenomics to expand 3D In Vitro Services for drug screening of cancer therapy. CELLphenomics biobank has over 500 in vitro models from around 20 tumor entities. It offers one of the largest complex in vitro models of rare and ultra-rare tumors like thymomas or sarcomas.
. In July 2023, Tecan announced the launch of Phase Separator. It has several applications in biobanking and liquid biopsy and is expected to benefit proteomics, genomics and across numerous disease areas, from neurodegenerative and oncology diseases to metabolic disorders.
In January 2023, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. announced its participation as a founding sponsor of Momentum Labs, a new biotech hub located in Alachua, Florida. This collaboration aims to support the growth of innovative biotech startups and drive advancements in the industry. With Thermo Fisher's expertise in the life sciences and its commitment to innovation, the company is well-positioned to play a significant role in the success of Momentum Labs and the companies it supports. The establishment of this hub is expected to have a positive impact on the local economy and further solidify Florida's position as a hub for biotech innovation.
In February 2022, Hamilton company expanded its range of VersoQ series of storage systems at a debut at SLAS 2022 conference. This would increase the company’s product offerings in biobanking.
Order a free sample PDF of the Biobanks Market Study, published by Grand View Research.
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market-news-24 · 5 months
Car theft is a prevalent issue in the U.S., with certain makes and models being targeted more frequently than others. According to recent data, some of the most stolen cars in the country include popular vehicles like Honda Accord, Honda Civic, and Chevrolet Silverado. Authorities are urging car owners to take precautions to prevent theft, such as installing anti-theft devices and parking in well-lit areas. Stay informed to protect your car from becoming a statistic. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] In 2023, over 1 million cars were stolen in the United States, marking a concerning trend in increasing car thefts over the years. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) reported a total of 1,020,729 stolen vehicles, which was a slight increase from the previous year's numbers. While the exact reasons behind this surge in car thefts remain unclear, a recent analysis by NICB shed light on the most commonly stolen vehicles in the country. The data revealed that cars imported from countries like Japan and South Korea were among the top targets for thieves, spanning different categories such as pickup trucks and sedans. NICB CEO David J. Glawe emphasized the ongoing threat of vehicle theft and urged car owners to stay vigilant and take proactive measures to safeguard their vehicles. Despite efforts to combat theft, it is crucial for individuals to prioritize the security of their cars. The list of the top 10 most frequently stolen vehicles serves as a stark reminder of the importance of protecting one's assets. As car theft continues to pose a significant risk nationwide, it is imperative for all car owners to heed the advice of experts and implement measures to deter potential thieves. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. Which cars are most commonly stolen in the U.S.? - The Honda Accord and Honda Civic are the most commonly stolen cars in the U.S. 2. How can I protect my car from theft? - To protect your car from theft, you can install an alarm system, use a steering wheel lock, and park in well-lit areas. 3. Why are Honda cars frequently targeted by thieves? - Honda cars are often targeted by thieves because they are popular, easy to steal, and have valuable parts that can be sold. 4. What should I do if my car is stolen? - If your car is stolen, you should report it to the police immediately and provide them with all the necessary information about your vehicle. 5. Are newer cars less likely to be stolen? - Generally, newer cars with advanced security features are less likely to be stolen compared to older models. However, no car is completely theft-proof, so it's important to take precautions regardless of the age of your vehicle. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later
function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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eldmandate339 · 6 months
How GPS Online Tracking Can Reduce Truck Theft and Improve Security
In today's fast-paced world, the transportation industry faces numerous challenges, one of the most significant being truck theft. Truck theft not only results in financial losses for trucking companies but also poses serious security risks. However, with advancements in technology, solutions such as GPS online tracking have emerged as powerful tools to combat truck theft and enhance security in the transportation industry.
Understanding the Threat of Truck Theft:
Truck theft is a prevalent problem that affects trucking companies of all sizes. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), cargo theft in the United States alone results in billions of dollars in losses each year. Trucks carrying valuable cargo are often targeted by thieves who exploit vulnerabilities in traditional security measures.
The Role of GPS Online Tracking in Truck Security:
GPS online tracking systems utilize satellite technology to monitor the location and movement of vehicles in real time. By installing GPS tracking devices in trucks, fleet managers can track the exact whereabouts of their vehicles at any given time. This real-time tracking capability is invaluable in preventing and responding to truck theft incidents.
Preventing Truck Theft with GPS Online Tracking:
One of the primary benefits of GPS online tracking is its ability to act as a deterrent against theft. Knowing that their vehicles are being monitored and tracked in real time, thieves are less likely to target trucks equipped with GPS tracking devices. Additionally, GPS tracking systems can alert fleet managers and law enforcement authorities immediately if a vehicle deviates from its designated route or enters unauthorized areas, enabling prompt action to be taken.
Improving Recovery Efforts:
In the unfortunate event that a truck is stolen, GPS online tracking can significantly improve the chances of recovery. With precise location data provided by GPS tracking devices, law enforcement authorities can quickly locate and recover stolen vehicles. This not only minimizes financial losses for trucking companies but also helps apprehend and prosecute the perpetrators of truck theft crimes.
Enhancing Overall Security:
Beyond theft prevention and recovery, GPS online tracking systems contribute to overall security in the transportation industry. By providing detailed insights into vehicle activity, including speed, idle time, and driver behavior, GPS tracking systems help identify and address security vulnerabilities proactively. Fleet managers can monitor and analyze vehicle data to detect patterns of suspicious activity and implement measures to enhance security protocols.
In conclusion, GPS online tracking is a powerful tool for reducing truck theft and improving security in the transportation industry. By providing real-time tracking capabilities, deterring theft, facilitating quick recovery efforts, and enhancing overall security measures, GPS tracking systems play a crucial role in safeguarding valuable assets and ensuring the safety of drivers and cargo. As trucking companies continue to prioritize security in their operations, integrating GPS online tracking solutions such as those offered by eldmandate will be essential in mitigating the risks of truck theft and protecting their assets.
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miradas975 · 10 months
Los autos favoritos de los ladrones en 2023 en Estados Unidos.
En estos tiempos difíciles, es esencial proteger nuestros patrimonios, sobre todo si se trata de vehículos. Y es que Estados Unidos está experimentando un aumento de los robos de autos. Según un reporte de la Oficina Nacional de Delitos contra Seguros (NICB), una organización sin fines de lucro que colabora con las compañías de seguros, los consumidores y las autoridades para combatir y prevenir…
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Wondring why im so tired and herelising it is not a beautiful 11pm and infact a horriic 12 30am. Wantto make so ,uh art but need 2 sleep so evil many such cases etc etc. Sad. Have 2 school assignments need to do tomo. Wil bullshit thru them i need to spend he next 24 hours thinkig abt jrwi so important sosoos important. Also happy spooks. Gonna watch spooky movies this month. Alone. Bc . My friends r always busy as balls . Adnd they dont like me so dont wan t to. Hang out. So evil many such cases etc etc. Sad. Goodngitht tho. Im kinda eepy . Wish i could hibernate tho. Wish i could say no 2 school on monday bc. Like.
It sucks man., nd im scared all tne time so they hould be nicbe to me.like the front bottoms said
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cathygeha · 1 year
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Burning Justice by Tee O’Fallon
K-9 Special Ops #
Fire is a hungry beast that cares not for anything in its path – woe betide anything flammable that might be in its way!
What I liked:
* Beginning with a fire – great way to anchor the story and eventually bring threads together
* Brett Tanner: ATF Special Agent with K-9 partner, obsessed with a fire that had fatalities and in which he was scarred physically and emotionally, suffers from nightmares and PTSD, unable to commit to relationships till he resolves the case that preys on his mind
* Blaze: Chesapeake Bay Retriever, K-9 partner to Brett, specializes in sniffing out accelerants but has other talents, loves bacon & watching television, canny canine
* Gemma Scott: National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) Agent, has trust issues after being burned by a colleague, prefers to work alone, daughter, sister, proud owner of Jaws-her goldfish, renovating her home by herself
* The plot, pacing, setting, twists and turns during the investigation into a series of arsons – learned more about fires than I knew before
* The relationship between Blaze and Brett and how well the two work together no matter what they are doing
* Gemma’s family: the parents that set up dates for Gemma in their Deli, her brothers who seem to care deeply for the family and work in the family business, and were so much fun to watch in the last chapter
* Seeing how Deck & Tori are doing and being able to look forward to the next book with Evan in it
* All of it really except…
What I didn’t like: * Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about people willing to commit crimes to pad their pockets – no matter who they hurt in the process
* The scars left on more than one person in this story – do hope that Sally, Gavin, Ally, and others will find a brighter future
Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely!
Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.
4-5 Stars
After narrowly surviving a childhood fire that killed two of his friends, ATF Special Agent Brett Tanner knows what it’s like to get too close to the flame. The trauma only spurs him and his K-9 partner to track down the arsonists targeting a Colorado town. This latest warehouse blaze looks suspicious as hell…and there’s a body. Now it’s murder. Fiercely independent insurance investigator Gemma Scott has been burned enough times to know she doesn’t need anyone—especially a handsome agent with an agenda. Teaming up with the hardened and determined ATF agent means not just trusting her instincts…it also means trusting him. Now they’re racing against an arsonist with a lethal agenda—one who’s willing to burn and kill to hide the evidence. But the killer is only part of a larger mystery. And the searing attraction between Gemma and Brett adds fuel to an already dangerously lethal fire. One that will smoke out a killer…along with Brett’s darkest secret.
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insurancequicky1 · 1 year
Does Car Insurance Cover Theft? All That You Should Know
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Nobody would like to find their safely parked car broken and their belongings inside stolen. But car theft is quite common, with over a million motor vehicles being stolen yearly. This is what the NICB or the National Insurance Crime Bureau reveals.  In this scenario, you will wonder does car insurance cover theft.
Yes, if you own comprehensive coverage, it will cover car theft and even repair costs from damages. But only comprehensive insurance or coverage pays for the vehicle theft. It is different than liability insurance that instead of covering theft, safeguards against physical injury and damage to property.
Keep reading to better understand what this insurance will cover if your car is stolen.
Does Car Insurance Cover Theft – Key Points to Know
Comprehensive auto insurance covers theft and vandalism.
Car insurance doesn’t impart coverage if your personal property within the automobile has been pilfered.
On average, the price of comprehensive insurance is close to $298 per year.
Custom parts and equipment or CPE coverage replace or repairs things you add to the vehicle, such as a navigation system or a stereo.
File a report with the police. Alternatively, file an insurance claim when you find out that theft has occurred.
What Does Comprehensive Car Insurance Take Care of
Comprehensive insurance pays you the required amount for your vehicle’s theft. It gives you the real cash value of your vehicle without the deductible. Some theft issues that this insurance covers are:
The insurance gives car owners the actual cash value of their motor vehicle in the event of theft.
It also pays you to substitute stolen components for the car. However, it won’t pay you to replace custom parts.
Comprehensive insurance policy also pays to perform the repair of the theft damages or a break-in. It will cover the costs of broken door locks and ignition systems and smashed windows.
The insurance also pays you if you’ve recovered your car and it's in a state of repair.
This insurance covers damage to your car from various issues like floods, vandalism, falling objects, floods, fires, and animal accidents.
NOTE – Comprehensive insurance will not pay you for stolen private belongings from your car like a laptop. To recover them, you must take advantage of homeowners' or renter’s insurance. Comprehensive insurance also does not cover a rental vehicle’s cost.
Do people need full coverage of car insurance against auto theft?
Lenders use the term ‘full coverage’ while leasing or financing a car. It implies that they want you to perform comprehensive and collision along with any other thing mandated by your state.
There’s a misassumption among people that full coverage car insurance is compulsory for insurance against vehicle theft. Full coverage includes both collision and comprehensive on your policy. But as per your insurer, you can buy comprehensive coverage individually from collision coverage. It comes at a lower price and gives theft protection.
Average Price Calculation of Comprehensive Car Insurance
A comprehensive insurance policy’s cost depends on the ACV or actual cash value of the vehicle. It is how much your vehicle will amount to replace, deducted from its depreciation. Due to it, if your car is worth more, it will be more expensive to insure.
Most often, a comprehensive insurance policy has a deductible. It ranges between $100 and $1000. It is the amount that the insurance provider deducts from your vehicle’s worth when you file a claim. For instance, if the deductible is $1000 on filing a claim, the provider will send a sum to repair the car minus $1000.
If the overall amount of the repair price goes over the car’s worth, the provider will deem your car as ‘totaled.’ If you opt to fix the car, the provider will deduct its salvage value from your payout.
Typically, the price of this insurance is $298 every year. It differs in different states of America, with the highest being in the state of Colorado at $498.
How Is Comprehensive Car Insurance Different from Liability Coverage
Every state in the U.S. except New Hampshire demands liability coverage. It pays for injuries you inflict while driving, provided they are up to the limits set by your policy. It does not protect against car theft, unlike comprehensive policy.
Liability coverage on your car insurance policy secures you in these ways:
It pays for another person’s medical bills if you have inflicted injuries on them in an accident.
It pays for inflicting damage you have inflicted on another driver’s vehicle or property.
Liability coverage will take care of injuries you cause to a person and also the price of repairing their belonging.
What Covers Damage to Items You Add to Your Vehicle?
A custom parts and equipment coverage will replace or repair the additions to your car. If items like custom wheels, stereo, television, custom paint, after-market seats, or anti-theft devices were not set up by the original auto manufacturer, they would be covered by the CPE coverage. It usually has a $5000 limit.
Steps to Take When You Find Your Vehicle Stolen
Have you woken up to the news of your automobile being pilfered? Your first reaction would be to file a report. However, before you do so, its essential to have answers to these questions:
Did you park your car illegally?
Is your car re-possessed as you failed to make monthly payments?
Did another creditor claim it?
If the answer to every question above is no, file a report with the police. You must keep information such as the model and make of your car, plate number, and the identification number of your car handy. After that, connect with your insurance company to know the coverage you will get. In case your personal items are inside the vehicle, call the renters or the homeowners’ insurance carrier.
You must perform these actions quickly if you want speedier processing of your claim. If the claim proves to be successful, a majority of insurance carriers use the ACV of your car to decide your payout. How much you get also depends on your policy terms.
Final Words
Of all the types of vehicle insurance policies, only comprehensive insurance covers your automobile in case of theft. It will pay you for auto repairs up to any limit except your personal property inside. Some insurance even offers anti-theft discounts. Ensure to act fast by filing your insurance claim and a police report in the aftermath of a car theft.
Reference Link - https://insurancequicky1.wixsite.com/insurancequicky/post/does-car-insurance-cover-theft
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billphxrealtor · 2 years
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10 Helpful Tips and One Must-Do When Hiring a Contractor
Posted by
Bill Salvatore- Realtor
November 5, 2022
Case Study
Hiring a Contractor
Home Improvement
Home Remodeling
Home Repairs
Homeowner Tips
Real Estate
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So you’re planning a few home updates, improvements or repairs, maybe an entire remodel, you have a plumbing headache or an electrical predicament, maybe your home needs painting inside or out, perhaps your family could use some extra space and an addition is in your future. You need a contractor, so where do you start?
Overall, I agree with the helpful suggestions for hiring a contractor, provided by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) and the tips in the post below are definitely worth noting. However, I was surprised that there seemed to be a few glaring omissions, most notably, confirming that your contractor is licensed to operate in your state.
Every state has a roster of licensed contractors, the vocations for which they are certified, and the level and specifics of their qualifications. This is public information and easily obtainable. You would be remiss if you failed to do your research.
Case in point, a Phoenix couple hired a landscaping contractor who was recommended by a trusted co-worker. The couple’s new back yard would be finished with pavers, turf and a fire pit, for the price of $18,000, the most affordable estimate they received. The contractor requested half the money up front. After several months of wildly varied excuses, the only thing the couple had to show for the $9,000 already withdrawn from their account, was a pile of sand. They requested a refund of their money or delivery of the materials they had paid for. Neither materialized. A belated check of their contractor’s state issued license unfortunately turned up nothing. A search for the contractor himself was also unsuccessful.
There are far more of these situations than we ever hear about, and in cases like this you have very little recourse. This case study was provided on the ABC Arizona web site by the wonderful folks at “Let Joe Know” who are currently attempting to locate the offending contractor. We’ve seen the Let Joe Know team clear up many of these dilemmas, but sadly they’ve no luck with this one as of the date of this post.
Before you hire a contractor of any kind, run through the tips below from NICB, and carefully check with the state for an official contractor license. Do not rely on your contractor to provide this to you, verify it with the state yourself!
Follow These Tips Before Hiring a Contractor Information provided by NICB via RIS Media
If you’re adding an addition or plan to build a new home, you likely have a ton on your plate. Planning, researching, and dreaming up designs can be fun, but stressful. When it comes to hiring the right contractor, make sure you do your due diligence so you don’t end up with a lemon.
NICB suggests you consider these tips before hiring a contractor:
Get more than one estimate.
Get everything in writing. Cost, work to be done, time schedules, guarantees, payment schedules and other expectations should be detailed.
Demand references and check them out.
Ask to see the salesperson’s driver’s license and write down the license number and their vehicle’s license plate number.
Never sign a contract with blanks; unacceptable terms can be added later.
Never pay a contractor in full or sign a completion certificate until the work is finished and ensure reconstruction is up to current code.
Make sure you review and understand all documents sent to your insurance carrier.
Never let a contractor pressure you into hiring them.
Never let a contractor interpret the insurance policy language.
Never let a contractor discourage you from contacting your insurance company.
Reprinted with permission from RISMedia. ©2017. All rights reserved.
For more information, Call or Text: 602-999-0952
Bill Salvatore / Arizona Elite Properties
Your Valley Property Team
Residential Sales, Marketing, and Property Management
Selling Arizona for more than 20 years
Founder: AZVHV Arizona Veterans Helping Veterans Recipient: East Valley Tribune’s: Best Gilbert, Arizona Realtor
Ever wonder what Closing Costs you’ll be responsible for when you buy or sell a home? Check out our infographic and article:
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stephaniewaters1212 · 2 years
How do you complain against a fraud website?
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Compensation fraud is a type of fraud that occurs when an individual or organization falsely claims compensation for an injury, loss, or damage that did not occur. It is a form of consumer fraud that can result in significant financial losses for businesses and individuals. Compensation fraud can take many forms, including false insurance claims, workers' compensation fraud, and medical fraud, among others. In this article, we will explore the nature of compensation fraud and the role of consumer protection in preventing and combating it.
Compensation fraud can occur in many different contexts. For example, individuals may falsely claim compensation for injuries they did not sustain in a workplace accident, or for damages to their property that were not caused by a natural disaster. Insurance fraud is another common form of compensation fraud, where individuals or organizations submit false claims to an insurance company for reimbursement. Medical fraud is also a form of compensation fraud, where individuals or organizations falsely claim medical expenses, treatments, or equipment that were not actually provided.
In addition to the financial losses that can result from compensation fraud, there are also significant consequences for individuals and organizations that engage in this type of fraud. Depending on the severity of the fraud, individuals may face fines, imprisonment, or other legal penalties. In addition, organizations that engage in compensation fraud may face significant reputational damage, loss of business, and legal liability.
Consumer protection plays a crucial role in preventing and combating compensation fraud. Consumer protection laws are designed to protect individuals and businesses from fraudulent and deceptive practices, including compensation fraud. These laws regulate the behavior of businesses and individuals and provide consumers with tools and resources to seek redress when their rights are violated.
One of the primary ways that consumer protection laws prevent compensation fraud is by requiring businesses to provide accurate and truthful information to consumers. For example, under the Truth in Lending Act, businesses must provide accurate information about the terms and conditions of loans, including interest rates, fees, and repayment schedules. Similarly, under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, businesses must provide accurate information to credit reporting agencies about their customers' credit history.
Consumer protection laws also prohibit businesses and individuals from engaging in fraudulent and deceptive practices. For example, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is responsible for enforcing laws that prohibit false advertising and deceptive marketing practices. The FTC has the authority to investigate and prosecute businesses that engage in these practices, and can impose fines and other penalties for violations.
In addition to these laws and regulations, consumer protection agencies also provide resources and support to consumers who have been victimized by compensation fraud. For example, the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) is a non-profit organization that works with law enforcement agencies to investigate and prevent insurance fraud. The NICB provides resources and information to consumers to help them identify and avoid insurance fraud, as well as a hotline for reporting suspected fraud.
Workers' compensation fraud is another common form of compensation fraud that is often prevented and prosecuted by consumer protection agencies. Workers' compensation fraud occurs when an employee falsely claims an injury or illness in order to receive benefits. To prevent this type of fraud, many states require employers to carry workers' compensation insurance and have strict penalties for individuals who engage in fraudulent behavior.
In addition to the legal and regulatory measures taken by consumer protection agencies, there are also steps that consumers and businesses can take to protect themselves from compensation fraud. This includes being vigilant and aware of potential fraudulent behavior, keeping accurate records and documentation, and reporting suspected fraud to the appropriate authorities.
In conclusion, compensation fraud is a serious form of consumer fraud that can result in significant financial losses and legal penalties. Consumer protection plays a crucial role in preventing and combating compensation fraud, by regulating the behavior of businesses and individuals, enforcing laws and regulations, and providing resources and support to consumers. By working together to prevent and combat compensation fraud, we can protect consumers and businesses from
NCL educates consumers and workers through a variety of programs and fights for their interests before government and businesses, building alliances to ensure their voices are heard. Learn more about our Alliance Against Fraud, Child Labor Coalition, and Health Advisory Council.
To know more visit:
Fraud Prevention - National Consumers LeagueThis week, John Breyault, our Vice President of Public Policy, Telecommunications, and Fraud, sat down with Amazon’s Director of Public Policy, Alyssa Betz. On this episode of NCL’s We Can Do This! podcast, Alyssa and John discussed fake reviews, Amazon’s product liability, and more. This has been the latest collaboration between Amazon and NCL in our partnership towards improving consumer safety and online experiences.
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ericvanderburg · 2 years
Car thefts hit 1 million in 2022 due to weak enforcement and juvenile offenders, NICB says
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How to get police car check?
Checking if a car is stolen is an important step to take before purchasing a used car or when suspecting that a car may have been stolen. Here are some ways to check if a car is stolen:
Check the vehicle identification number (VIN): The VIN is a unique code assigned to every vehicle. You can find the VIN on the car's dashboard, driver's side door jamb, or engine block. You can use a free online VIN check tool to see if the car has been reported stolen or has a salvage title.
Contact the police: You can call your local police department or the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) to report a suspicious vehicle or to see if a car has been reported stolen. Provide them with the car's license plate number, make, model, and VIN if possible.
Check with the DMV: You can contact your state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to see if the car has a clean title and registration. If the car has a salvage or rebuilt title, it may indicate that the car was stolen or was involved in an accident.
Use a car history report: You can purchase a vehicle history report from companies like Car Analytics, The Auto Experts to see if the car has been reported stolen, has a salvage or rebuilt title, or has any other issues like accidents, mileage discrepancies, or previous owners.
It's important to note that none of these methods can guarantee that a car is not stolen. If you have any doubts or suspicions about a car's ownership, it's best to walk away and find another car.
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gorepoonam · 2 years
Vehicle Access Control Market Size, Share, Forecasts Analysis, Company Profiles, Competitive Landscape
The "Vehicle Access Control Market Size" 2020 Research report presents an in-depth analysis of the Vehicle Access Control Market size, growth, share, segments, manufacturers, and forecast, competition landscape and growth opportunity. This report also focuses on key trends, market drivers, challenges, standardization, deployment models, future road-map, revenue and 2027 forecast. Moreover, this research report categorizes the global Vehicle Access Control Market by companies, region, type and end-user industry.
Request Free Sample Copy of the Report:
Market Growth Drivers:
According to a report published by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) in March 2019, between January 2016 and December 2018, the number of vehicle thefts with keys or fobs left in the vehicle increased to 229,339 in the U.S. This number represents a 56 percent rise in vehicle thefts using keys over the 147,434 vehicles stolen between January 2013 and December 2015. Keyless car entry and more advanced techniques such as facial recognition and fingerprint authorization for vehicle ignition can enhance its security and significantly reduce the loss per motor vehicle theft. Hence, increasing motor vehicle theft is the primary factor fueling the vehicle access control market growth.
Points Covered in The Report:
The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as manufacturers, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the market size, capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report.
The market growth factors of the market are discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
Who are the Major Vehicle Access Control Market Vendors?
Continental AG (Hanover, Germany)
Robert Bosch GmbH (Gerlingen, Germany)
Denso Corporation (Aichi, Japan)
Valeo (Paris, France)
Nuance Communications, Inc. (Massachusetts, US)
Lear Corporation (Michigan, US)
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Tokyo, Japan)
NXP Semiconductors (Eindhoven, Netherlands)
Highlights of the Report:
Market Penetration: Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the market.
Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on the upcoming technologies, RandD activities, and product launches in the market
Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of the market strategies, geographic and business segments of the leading players in the market
Market Development: Comprehensive information about emerging markets. This report analyzes the market for various segments across geographies
Market Diversification: Exhaustive information about new products, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments in the market
Reasons to Buy the Report:
Market Size Forecasts: The authors of the report have provided accurate estimation of the global Vehicle Access Control Market size based on value and volume
Market Trend Analysis: This section of the report throws light on the approaching trends and developments in the global Vehicle Access Control Market
Future Prospects: The report here offers crucial information on the rewarding opportunities in the global Vehicle Access Control Market
Regional Analysis: Inclusive analysis of the potential regions and their countries in the global Vehicle Access Control Market is provided in this part of the report
Segmental Analysis: Here, key segments comprising product type, application, and end user and their contribution to the overall market size are discussed in detail
Competitive Landscape: Market participants will get an overview of the business strategies considered by their competitors to stay ahead of the curve. This analysis will help the players to make informed business decisions in future.
Key Points from Table of Contents:
1. Introduction 1.1. Research Scope 1.2. Market Segmentation 1.3. Research Methodology 1.4. Definitions and Assumptions
2. Executive Summary
3. Market Dynamics 3.1. Market Drivers 3.2. Market Restraints 3.3. Market Opportunities
4. Key Insights 4.1 Global Statistics — Key Countries 4.2 New Product Launches 4.3 Pipeline Analysis 4.4 Regulatory Scenario — Key Countries 4.5 Recent Industry Developments — Partnerships, Mergers and Acquisitions
5. Global Vehicle Access Control Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast 5.1. Key Findings/ Summary 5.2. Market Analysis — By Product Type 5.3. Market Analysis — By Distribution Channel 5.4. Market Analysis — By Countries/Sub-regions
TOC Continued…!
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cars3sblog · 2 years
The Things You Need to Know Before Installing a Car Alarm
Cars are excellent theft material!
Cars are valuable, easy to resell, and expensive property. These qualities make them exceptional theft material. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), a car gets stolen in the US every 40 seconds.
Over the first half of 2022, for example, nearly half a million vehicles were stolen in the US. This equates to an estimated $4.5 billion worth of losses from car thefts, which represents a 25% increase over the total vehicle theft reported for the first half of 2019.
Your car could be the next target for car thieves.
The current statistics about car theft should encourage you to take precautionary measures to avoid being the next target. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), which is the insurance industry’s association dedicated to predicting, preventing, and prosecuting insurance crime, has provided analyses that indicate how the increase in vehicle theft continued unabated throughout 2022.
NICB estimates that by the end of 2022, 100,000 more vehicles would have been stolen in comparison to the pre-COVID-19 pandemic period. Securing your car so that it is not a part of the car theft statistics is something you need to seriously consider.
It is better to secure your car than be sorry when it is stolen. One way of securing your car is by having a professional install a car alarm system on it.
Car alarm system installation
Car alarms can alert you in case of any attempted theft on your car. Car thieves are frequently put off by good car alarms with motion sensors, nosy neighbors, and Car Camera Security.
What you need to know is that loud car alarm systems may deter amateur car thieves, but it is no problem for the most skilled thieves, who can easily clip a few wires and muffle the alarm.
However, you can never go wrong with buying an alarm system for your car and either installing it yourself or having a car alarm system installation professional install it for you. An alarm system is a great shield that lowers the risk of your car being stolen.
How to Install Car Alarm Systems
Even if you want a professional car alarm installer to install car alarm systems for you, it’s great to have some ideas about how to install car alarm systems. This enables you to provide valuable suggestions to the installer about areas to conceal the alarm components so that thieves do not easily disable them.
Learning how to install Car Alarm Install Near Me systems is also valuable if you want to install the alarm but feel held back by the car alarm installation costs that installers around you are charging. When you have your alarm ready, you can follow these simple installation steps and you will be done:
Put your tools and material ready
The tools and materials you need to install car alarm systems are: an electric tape, a handheld drill, a multimeter, mechanic gloves, a soldering iron or crimping tool, wire strippers and cutters, and zip ties.
Disconnect your car battery.
Before starting to install your car alarm system, make sure you disconnect the car battery.
Stay away from the car’s airbag wiring.
Ensure you stay away from your car’s airbag wiring, which is usually in yellow covers and connections. You don’t want to create a problem with your airbags by fixing your car alarm system.
Conceal the alarm system.
You should remove the necessary car panels to enable you to access the wires that you will need to attach the alarm’s wiring to. Detaching the panels lets you access the space under your car’s dash so as to mount the alarm in a place where it doesn’t easily get noticed.
Always install the alarm’s siren on a metal surface.
Installing your alarm’s siren on a metal surface ensures no object obstructs it and that it remains clean and ever loud. The place you mount the siren should not get any water or extreme heat. The siren should generally be mounted facing down to prevent water or any liquid from getting through it.
Insulate the wire.
If you’re using the firewall to put the wiring through, ensure you insulate the wire. This protects the wire from possible friction caused by the firewall. Connect the sensor to the wires to make it work whenever the car’s doors open.
You should always keep your wiring in one place, secure, and bundled together so it is easy to manage.
Install a switch to disable the alarm.
Installing a switch that enables you to disable the alarm is good because you can use it whenever you don’t need the alarm active. You could also use it to disable the alarm when you give the car to someone else and don’t want the alarm to sound unnecessarily.
Help me find professional car alarm installers near me.
You can get professional car alarm installers near your area, including Fremont CA, San Jose CA, Santa Clara CA, Hayward CA, Pleasanton CA, Sunnyvale CA, Milpitas CA, Livermore CA, Auckland CA, San Leandro CA, and San Francisco CA, by contacting Cars3s.
Cars3s is a one-stop shop for major brands of alarms, car audio, video, security, safety, window tinting, and much more. You can call them at (510) 573-6654 or send them an email at [email protected].
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