#nicholas wilholm
misszura · 3 years
Tw injuries
I’ve done a little Nicky wilholm !
I didn’t finished the book yet, but here is my participation for the institute fandom:)
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misszura · 3 years
I'm broken, i just saw a sparkler, and now I'm sad because Nicky wilholm was sad at the end of the book.
Fucking sparklers, I'm broken until the end of my life because of this book.
(Read the institute, it's a pretty good book) (like, i love it, people, please, write fanfictions !) (I'll love you for ever for that)
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misszura · 3 years
👻 do you believe in ghosts ?
Hard question. I mean, kinda yes, but not the movie type, to be honest i don't think, if they exists, they can change anything in the living world, like they're just watchers.
(Actually i have a friend who told me she can see and hear them, idk if it's true, but it helped her to mourn her father, so true or not it's cool for her)
💕 your two top fav fictional characters.
Ah! Really hard question.
Worst question, as if you asked me who his my favorite son/ daughter.
Question variable too, because if you asked me two years ago, i would have answered newt from the maze runner, or pitch black from rise of the guardians. Before I would have said blue from pokemon, or draco malfoy ? Oliver from "the counterfeiters" (a french novel by andré gides, if you want to read french littérature, it's a really good one, and it's really gay (surprising for a novel from that time)) ?
Today i will say Henry Bowers (if not I would feel like I betrayed him) and Nicholas Wilholm from the institute. (Stephen King knows my boys.)
Honorable mention for the rest of the Bowers gang because my boys are babies, i love them (ok, not Patrick, he isn't a baby, more like a brat, but huh, Stephen king knows my boys )
📝 fav quotes ?
Omg idk, so let's do a top !
The Canadian (Québec) version of Richie's "Rock Waaaar" the French (France) version says "baston de cailloux !" And the Canadian version is "baston de roooche" that made me laugh so much the first time I heard it, and now it's a running gag with my little brother.
Harry potter and the half blood prince's "There is no need to call me sir, professor."
Wentworth' "rejeton débile de mes reins féconds" I don't know the English version but "stupid offspring of my fertile kidneys" in It first book (when Richie want to see the movie)
Some poems (the lake last paragraph by Lamartine
"Ô temps ! suspends ton vol, et vous, heures propices !
Suspendez votre cours :
Laissez-nous savourer les rapides délices
Des plus beaux de nos jours !"
Because french poetry is cool.
I don't think I have more.
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