#nick foligno
stereax · 2 days
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oh sweetie..
one of the best father son duos in the league lmao. ty chicago for doing one thing right by not messing up bedard's growth-- gave Foligno the C👏👏👏
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kentjohnson91 · 1 month
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onmytape · 6 months
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"I haven't passed once."
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kyrouzys · 14 days
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[the world at its beginning, dustin pearson]
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sincerelymarner · 8 months
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connor @ team dad foligno: 🥺🥺🥺
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schgtbp · 8 months
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This is so funny just imagine your nick foligno minding youre own business and connor bedard comes up to you just like
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Let me on to the ice nick
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toasttt11 · 6 months
five times he told someone + one time someone else did for him
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one. luke and sophia
October 21, 2022
Maddox walked out of the locker room running a hand through his dripping wet hair, he saw Luke and Sophia outside waiting for him.
“Maddi!” Luke happily grinned seeing his brother for the first time in almost a month.
Maddox quickly walked to his brother pulling him into a hug, “Hi Moose.” Maddox smiled slighty before they pulled away, he looked towards his best friend, “Phia.” Sophia grinned pulling her best friend into a tight hug having missed him.
“Hi Maddi.” Sophia smiled at him before they pulled away, Sophia leaned her head on her boyfriend’s arm and held his hand, “So what do you want for dinner?”
“You guys pick i don’t care.” Maddox just shrugged happy to be seeing two of his favorite people.
“Alright.” Luke nodded and the three got into Luke’s car and Luke drove them to a little dinner place.
The three got seated in a booth in the restaurant and started looking at the menu.
“You had a good game.” Luke commented to his brother, Maddox having had two assists and a goal, the blackhawks winning 4-3.
“Yeah i was alright.” Maddox just shrugged off the compliment, Sophia smiled shaking her head knowing Maddox hates compliments.
The three ordered their food and started catching up while they waited.
Maddox anxiously twisted his ring around his finger and his leg wouldn’t stop bouncing, he knew he wanted to tell his family and he knew Sophia and Luke were the safest option, he took a deep breath before blurting out the words he has never said outside to anyone before, “I’m Bi.”
Sophia and Luke shared a soft look.
“I know bud.” Luke smiled comforting at his older brother and best friend.
“What?” Maddox eyes widen in shock as he looked at his smiling brother.
“Maddi you made out with a guy after one of our tournaments.” Luke deadpanned with a fond smile.
“Why didn’t you say anything.” Maddox questioned playing with his fingers.
“Because i wanted to wait until you were comfortable of coming out to me.” Luke reached across the table and grabbed Maddox’s hand, “I’m proud of you and you are always my brother.” Luke proudly smiled at Maddox.
Maddox had no idea how much he needed to hear those words.
He looked over at Sophia who was watching her two boys with a fond smile, “Oh i knew too.” Sophia grinned at Maddox, Maddox just fondly shook his head at her, “What i’m your bestfriend of course i knew.” Sophia shrugged having known for along time, “But i’m proud of you.” Sophia squeezed Maddox’s arm gently looking at him proudly.
“Thank you.” Maddox choked out feeling touched for getting so much support from the two.
two. quinn
January 24, 2023
Maddox was texting on his phone in the hotel lobby when he got a text from Quinn, he stood up putting his phone into his pocket and walked out into the cold Vancouver weather seeing Quinn waiting in his car.
“Hi Mads.” Quinn fondly smiled seeing his little brother, Maddox smiled and let Quinn hug him over the center console.
Maddox and Quinn were both more quiet of people and honestly like silence a lot more than talking so they sat in comfortable silence until Quinn pulled into his apartment building parking garage.
Maddox and Quinn walked up to Quinn’s apartment and they both hoped onto Quinn’s couch, Quinn handed the controller to his brother as he turned on the TV and game system.
After they played a few rounds Quinn looked over at his little brother seeing his anxious ticks and had a feeling Maddox needed to say something.
Quinn paused the game and set his controller down, “Alright spill.”
“What?” Maddox looked up from the controller and towards Quinn.
“Tell me, you have something to say.” Quinn raised an eyebrow at Maddox.
Maddox let out a nervous breath and nodded knowing he does have something to tell Quinn, Maddox planned to tell Quinn when he came out to Vancouver for the Blackhawks at Canucks game.
“I’m bi.” Maddox mummled out not wanting to look at Quinn when he told him.
Quinn nodded slowly always having a feeling and saw some signs but wanted to wait till Maddox was comfortable.
Quinn wrapped an arm around Maddox’s shoulder and pressed a kiss to the top of his fluffy hair, “Thank you for telling me.”
Maddox’s head shot up shocked, “Your not disgustied?” Maddox honestly was the most worried about Quinn and Jack finding out about his sexuality and not Luke.
“Maddi your my brother, i love you no matter what there’s nothing you could do to change that.” Quinn held Maddox’s face in his hands.
“Oh.” Maddox whispered out, He just burried his head into Quinn’s chest and felt protected in his brother’s arms.
Quinn frowned having a feeling that’s something happen that made Maddox believe that he would think he is disgusted and when Quinn is going to find out who thought they could hurt his brother and get away with it.
three. alex
February 27, 2023
Maddox was laying on his back on the hotel bed next to Alex, they had just played their game againt the Ducks and had lost.
Maddox and Alex are always roommates on roadies and they usually end up watching a movie or show together.
Maddox looked a the ceiling before blurting out, “I’m bi.” Maddox tightly closed his eyes nervously.
Alex just nodded not even looking awya from the TV, “Ok.”
“Ok?” Maddox repeated confused, his eyes shot open and he turned on to side facing Alex.
Alex fondly rolled his eyes pausing the movie, “Dude i’ve seen you mack on a guy before, i’ve know for a while.”
“I know.” Maddox nodded having known Alex knew, “I was coming out to you, you dickhead” Maddox fondly rolled his eyes.
Alex made a face, “Oh, Well i’m proud of you for coming out.” Alex patted his best friend’s shoulder, “Now can we keep watching the movie.”
“Ass.” Maddox fondly chuckled shoving Alex.
four. connor
November 14, 2023
“Bud? What’s wrong?” Maddox frowned in concern as he opened his front door hearing a knock, seeing Connor standing there with the saddest look on his face and tears in his eyes.
“I-“ Connor chocked out breathing heavily and just into forwards into Maddox’s comforting arms, Maddox frowned and wrapped his arms around around Connor gently rubbing his back as he walked them backward and closed his front door.
Maddox kept Connor in his arms leading them to his living room, Maddox sat down on his couch and Connor sat next to him hiding his face in Maddox’s chest.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Maddox quietly asked running his hands through Connor’s hair knowing it calms him down.
Connor took a deep breath and blurted out, “I think i’m gay.” Connor waited anxiously for Maddox to say anything. Connor was scared and Maddox always feels the safest.
“I’m so proud of you for telling me.” Maddox wrapped his arms around him tightly pressing a kiss to his head, Connor let out a sob of relief and couldn’t help but cry. Maddox frowned knowing exactly how he is feeling right now.
“I’m bi.” Maddox told Connor once Connor calmed down.
“You are?” Connor looked up at Maddox with his puppy eyes.
“I am, and i understand how scared you’rere feeling right now, but i promise i’m always on your side okay buddy.” Maddox promised him, Connor smiled softly not knowing how he would have made it through the last few years with Maddox being there for him always.
“Thank you for always being there for me.” Connor mumbled hiding his face back into Maddox’s chest.
“Always bud, Always.” Maddox held Connor until Maddox looked down hearing little snores and saw him fast asleep.
five. ellen
December 22, 2023
Maddox walked in the kitchen of his parents house and saw his mom in the kitchen, “Mom, i uh was wondering if we could go out just us today.” Maddox had his hands behind his back anxiously fidgeting.
Ellen looked up seeing Maddox looking tense and frowned slighty, “Of course Maddi. Would you like to go now?” Ellen smiled softly at her boy.
“Sure, Coffee?” Maddox mischievously smiled knowing he got his love for coffee from his mother.
“Of course.” Ellen replied having alreadly planned to go get coffee with Maddox today, loving when her boys are home but it’s always nice to have someone who loves getting coffee to go with her.
Ellen knew all of boys like the back of her hand and she could tell Maddox wanted to tell her something. She drove them to their favorite coffee shop in Michigan and drove them through the drive thru.
Ellen ordered their coffee before pulling up and paying at the window and getting handed the coffee’s, she handed Maddox his and held her as she parked them into the parking lot.
“Got something you wanna talk about Maddi?” Ellen questioned softly looking over at her son seeing him look nervous.
Maddox took a deep breath and looked at his mom, “I’m bi.” Maddox clenched his eyes not wanting to see her face when he tells her.
Ellen proudly smiled at her sun and she gently cupped his face, “Maddy look at me.” Maddox slowly opened his eyes and saw his mother still looking at him the exact same.
Maddox’s looked shocked, “Your not disappointed?”
“Maddox Hughes, i could never be disappointed in you.” Ellen sternly spoke looking directly at her son, “And it was kinda obvious with how you act around Trevor.” She gave him a knowing smile and glance making him blush and look away.
+ jack
June 15 2024
Maddox and Trevor both got to the lake house late last night having both been busy since the end of the season.
Maddox had to spend a week doing some captain stuff at the end of the season so Trevor left to LA to visit his friends and Jamie was joining him as well and to also pack up or get rid of the rest of the stuff at his Condo in LA. Maddox then went to watch some of Quinn’s playoff games and spend that time with his parents and Quinn before he headed out on a vacation catching up with his old teammates and their families from Tampa bay.
Jack also spent some time out in the Jersey Shore with his friends while Luke went to Michigan to see his friends and girlfriend and Quinn was in the playoffs.
Now all of the Hughes brothers got to the lake house the last few days. Maddox knew it was only a matter of time before all of the friends and teammates came over so he knew that he wanted to tell his brothers and best friend quickly about Trevor and him.
Luckily for Trevor and Maddox everyone was too tired to even notice that Trevor went with Maddox into Maddox’s instead of his normal guest room.
Trevor woke up looking down at his chest seeing Maddox peacefully sleeping on his arw chest, Trevor hummed contently and he could tell everyone else were still asleep besides Quinn.
Trevor hoped that everything went well with them telling everyone today.
Trevor eventually got Maddox out bed and Trevor headed down stairs before Maddox and saw Quinn cooking breakfast and Sophia eating with Luke resting his head on her arm looking like he was going to fall asleep again and Jack texting on his phone.
“What’s for breakfast Quinner!” Trevor grinned happily knowing it will get on Quinn’s nerves.
“Food.” Quinn deadpanned with a small smirk as he scooped some of the eggs onto a plate for Trevor and handed it to him.
Maddox came down a few minutes later looking like a zombie still half asleep as he stumbled straight to the coffee machine and quickly started drinking the black coffee he poured into his mug. Trevor fondly shook his head.
Maddox just shoved the food into his mouth as he was on his second cup of coffee.
Everyone else was just finished eating, Trevor looked over at Maddox giving him a look and Maddox nodded.
Trevor hopped up, “Jacky Boy, can i talk to you?” Trevor questioned as he gestured to the outside.
“Yeah sure man?” Jack answered following him outside.
“What’s that about?” Luke noisily questioned looking a Maddox for an answer.
“He’s telling Jack we are dating.” Maddox blunty told them drinking his coffee.
Sophia squealed, “Oh my god!! Finally!!!!” She hurried up and hugged Maddox.
“Thanks Phi.” Maddox mumbled to his best friend.
“Huh, took you long enough.” Luke shrugged not suprised they are together especially because Trevor has obviously been in love with Maddox for a long time.
“Out of anyone it had to be Trevor.” Quinn groaned teasing his brother.
“I know.” Maddox quipped back.
“Why is Trevor telling Jack?” Sophia questioned, wondering why Maddox or Trevor didn’t just tell them all together.
Maddox kind of froze up setting his coffee cup down, “I uh didn’t want to be the one to tell Jack.”
Quinn, Luke and Sophia shared a concerned look.
“Why not?” Quinn gently asked.
Maddox just shrugged, “We should make sure they aren’t killing each other out there.” Maddox weakly avoided the question and started walking to the backyard and the three followed him.
Jack and Trevor would outside, “Why’d we go outside Z?”
“I’m dating someone.” Trevor told him.
Jack eyes widen and he nodded, “Woah that’s great Z! How long?”
“Three months.” Trevor answered shortly.
“Three?!” Jack looked shocked knowing Trevor never has relationships that long.
“Look i’m dating a guy and i’m Bi, and if you have a problem with that.” Trevor coldly spoke to someone he once considered a best friend.
“What! No! Of course not!” Jack denied quickly he would never have a problem with that.
“I’m dating Maddox.” Trevor told him.
Jack opened his mouth in shock, “Maddi? My brother?” Jack looked incredibly shocked not thinking his brother is Bi or Gay.
“Yes.” Trevor curtly told Jack.
The two didn’t realize that the others had just walked into the back porch.
“He didn’t tell me?” Jack looked hurt, Maddox and him use to tell each other everything.
“And why do you think that is?” Trevor sarcastically asked crossing his arms over his chest.
“What Why?” Jack stammered out.
Quinn titled his head as he watched the two, he didn’t know there was a reason Maddox didn’t tell Jack because he thought Maddox did tell him.
“Do you remember what you said about him.” Trevor coldly questioned glaring at Jack, Jack frantically shook his head.
Luke and Quinn shared a look not liking where this is going. They never knew Jack has said something about Maddox.
“You said that he would never be gay, he isn’t. Hughes aren’t like that and Maddox would never be with a guy especially Z.” Trevor quoted exactly what Maddox told him.
Jack’s eyes widen and his face paled as he remembered when he said that, “I was drunk!” Jack protested quickly, Jack didn’t even think Maddox heard his words.
Quinn and Luke both look extremely angry as they now realized why Maddox didn’t come out to them for so long and why he was so scared.
Sophia felt her heart break knowing that Jack might not have meant the words but they definitely meant a lot to Maddox hearing them.
“You were but the words you said to Maddox wasn’t correct, do you even know how much they impacted him, you made him scared to come out to his own family.” Trevor sneered feeling his jaw shaking with emotion.
Maddox looked down at the floor, Quinn clenched his jaw shaking his head and wrapped his arm around his brother.
“I-“ Jack was wide eyed as he realized how his actions affected his little brother, Jack knew over the years that Maddox and him have not been at close and Jack just assumed it was because they lived so far away from each other but now he’s realizing it’s because he hurt his little brother.
“I don’t care if he is gay or bi, he’s my little brother. I really didn’t want him to be thinking about his sexuality when he was about to be drafted to the NHL because i knew it would be harder for him.” Jack admitted he didn’t want his brother to have to hide, “I love him no matter what and i’m glad that he has you.” Jack saw a new side of his best friend and he knew Trevor was good for Maddox.
Trevor nodded and turned away and walked back up to the pouch because he knew the others had walked outside, Trevor saw Maddox looking overwhelmed and wrapped his arm around him and started walking inside with him and Trevor nodded at the thankful look that Quinn gave him.
Jack watched the two with guilt and regret all over his face, Quinn and Luke looked at him with anger and disappointment. Sophia shook her head and headed inside.
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ghostwnby · 5 months
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Babe wake up the nhl is posting ship content again
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kentjohnson91 · 27 days
more hockey memes
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pavelzacha · 2 years
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dchan87 · 8 months
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intoafandom · 1 year
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Making an Edit for Every Team in the NHL: The Chicago Blackhawks (7/32)
Voting as Fire Extinguisher (suggested by @ghostgeno)
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toasttt11 · 6 months
five times quinn knew
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March 28, 2020
Carter answered the FaceTime from Quinn smiling at her phone waiting for the call to connect from Michigan to Sweden.
“Hi Quinny.” Carter smiled at her big brother, sitting on the couch in her common room in Sweden.
“Hey Cart.” Quinn smiled softly at his sister, feeling weird to be home with his family and without her, “How has your day been?” Quinn yawned slightly having just woke up and wanting to call his sister before anyone else wakes up and interrupts him, and Sweden is six hours ahead of Michigan.
“Good, I just got back from our practices so i have the rest of the day off.” Carter smiled telling Quinn about her morning having got back from her hockey practice a little bit ago.
Quinn heard a door open and saw Carter’s head snap up away from the camera and saw her smile, a smile he has never seen before.
“Is that?” Carter happily grinned seeing Connor holding something in his hands.
Connor laughed and handed her a smoothie, “Thought you would want one.” Connor soflty smiled at his teammate who has became one of his best friends the last few weeks, he saw she was on call with her brother and quietly excused himself knowing she missed her brothers.
“Was that Connor?” Quinn questioned rasing an eyebrow at the screen, thinking about how Carter just acted.
Carter snapped out of something and looked down at the screen, “Yeah.” Carter nodded happily sipping on her smoothie.
Quinn smiled softly seeing his baby sister have her first crush and he has a feeling she hasn’t even realized it yet.
April 13, 2021
Connor frowned as he watched Carter play the game even though she had been very sick the last two days, throwing up often but Connor also knew how much Carter wanted to play in the game as it’s important game if they want to play if the playoffs this season.
The Regina Pats did end up winning the game securing their spot in the playoffs. Carter also had to throw up multiple times during the game and Connor was seriously worried as Carter has barely ate anything that last two days and had been throwing up so much.
Connor helped Carter into her apartment and walked her to her bed, Carter slowly laid down and Connor covered her up and tucked her in, “I’ll be right back okay.” Connor brushed a hair off her face before grabbing the bucket and setting it next to her.
“Okay.” Carter quietly croaked out feeling miserable.
Connor opened Carter’s phone pulling up Quinny🩵 and hitting the call button.
Connor heard the call accept and Quinn’s voice come through, “Hey Cart, i saw you guys won, good job!” Quinn smiled as he was laying down on his couch.
Connor cleared his throat nervously, “Hey uh it’s Connor.”
“Connor? Where’s Carter?” Quinn sat up hearing Connor.
“Carters in bed but she’s sick, really sick. She’s been throwing up the lays two days and can’t keep anything down, She shouldn’t have played tonight and i couldn’t stop her. And she’s not getting any better and i have no idea how to help her and she doesn’t want anyone knowing and-“ Connor rushed out all those words breathing heavily, he felt his hand shake anxiously.
“Woah buddy, take a deep breath okay.” Quinn soflty spoke to Connor, even though he is nervous for Carter, Quinn was getting up and starting to quickly pack a bag, “Try to get more liquids in her and i’ll be there in a few hours okay.”
“Okay.” Connor took a deep breath slowly nodding, feeling a bit better because of Quinn.
“And Connor thank you.” Quinn couldn’t help but softly smile seeing how worried Connor was for Carter and how Connor is taking care of his baby sister.
September 10, 2022
Quinn walked in the kitchen in the morning hearing Carter in the kitchen already and saw her blushing and smiling as she held a big bouquet of flowers and Quinn could tell they were her favorite type of flowers.
“Who are those from?” Quinn teasingly smirked knowing exactly who they were from.
“Connor.” Carter sheepishly told her brother with a smile.
“They are very pretty.” Quinn nodded at his sister with a smile.
“Aren’t they!” Carter happily smiled giggling as she looked at her flowers.
Quinn could feel his heart softened seeing Carter so happy about something, it’s not often she gets so happy about something and it reminded him of the days when she was a kid and would be that happy when anyone in the family would play hockey with her and it made him happy that there are still things that can make Carter that happy.
Quinn knew that nothing in the world makes Carter more happy than Connor does and that’s all Quinn could ask for.
October 22, 2022
Carter happily smiled as she quickly got out of her gear earning a few looks because they had just lost and she never looks this excited, Carter showered quickly and put on her outfit back on and rushed out of the locker room seeing Connor waiting outside the locker room, She smiled happily walking over to him getting pulled into a tightly hug.
“Hi.” Carter happily spoke to her best friend, resting her head againt his chest and relaxing being in the arms of her bestfriend.
“Hi.” Connor grinned, Connor being home for a few days and Carter invited him to her game and to stay over with her for the night.
“Baby Hughes have a boyfriend?” Brock asked Quinn as they walked out of the locker room, seeing Carter with a guy.
“Not yet,” Quinn fondly shook his head, “He is her best friend they use to play together.”
Brock nodded in understanding and say his goodbyes to Quinn and ruffled Carter’s hair as he walked by her to his girlfriend.
“Brock!” Carter groaned and Connor chuckled slightly.
Quinn walked over to the two and Connor smiled seeing Quinn, Quinn pulled Connor into a hug and smiled at him.
The three headed to the car and Quinn drove them back to his apartment.
Quinn knew the two missed each other so he had no problem seeing them head to Carter room to spend time alone. Quinn just headed to his room and started reading his book in bed.
Carter let Connor get changed into comfortable clothes in her bathroom as she changed into his sweats and Luke’s hoodie.
Carter hopped into her bed quickly turning on her heated blanket waiting for Connor to come out of the bathroom.
Connor came out of the bathroom and quickly got into the bed next to Carter and Carter cuddled up to him. Connor and Carter started taking about everything they had missed over the last few months.
Quinn closed his book ready to go sleep and paused hearing the giggles coming from Carter’s room and fondly smiled glad to hear her laugh a lot again. Quinn having noticed Carter had been sad lately and knew she was missing her best friend. Quinn smiled glad Connor is her best friend and is waiting until they finally get together.
April 15, 2023
Connor had finished his last season at the Regina Pats and had come home for the few weeks before everything for the Drafy starts, he saw Carter’s last home game and had spent a lot of time with Carter.
Carter staying in Vancouver for a little while before Jack and Luke are done with the playoffs and they head to Michigan and getting to spend time with Connor.
Connor was peacefully laying his head in Carter’s lap as she brushed her fingers through his hair as she read out loud.
Connor always loving listening to Carter read and had asked Carter once before to read to him and now it’s something they do often and they both enjoy.
Quinn walked into the apartment hearing Carter read out loud and paused knowing Carter absolutely hates reading out loud and use to hate having to in school, he remembered she would practice with him the night before she had to read in class. Quinn quietly walked into the living seeing Carter reading to Connor and couldn’t help but smile seeing how much Connor doesn’t even realize how much an effect he has on Carter.
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mizbabygirl · 8 months
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