#nickel silver investment casting
emilyblunts-blog · 9 months
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The Lost Wax Casting Guide: Definition & Process​​​​​​​
Lost Wax Casting is also termed as 'investment casting,' 'precision casting' or 'cire-perdue.' It is a widespread process of metal casting that has been used for a long time. It is the process by which any metal can be created or formed in a shape using a wax model. It radiates an initial model or design to make things in various metals, such as silver, gold, bronze, stainless and carbon steel, nickel, cobalt, aluminum, copper, or brass. In this process, liquid metal is streamed into a mold created from a wax model.
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anisajonas · 1 year
The Lost Wax Casting Guide: Definition & Process lost-wax-casting
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Lost Wax Casting is also termed as 'investment casting,' 'precision casting' or 'cire-perdue.' It is a widespread process of metal casting that has been used for a long time. It is the process by which any metal can be created or formed in a shape using a wax model. It radiates an initial model or design to make things in various metals, such as silver, gold, bronze, stainless and carbon steel, nickel, cobalt, aluminum, copper, or brass. In this process, liquid metal is streamed into a mold created from a wax model. Low Wax Casting is used as an industrial method in engineering and manufacturing to assemble accurate metal pieces. This process is now being used in Jewelry design. In Rananjay Exports, the Lost wax process in gemstone jewelry manufacturing is used for making the best jewelry designs.
visit us: https://www.rananjayexports.in/blog/lost-wax-casting-process-and-definition
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tridentsteel123 · 1 year
#nickelsilverinvestment casting
Trident steels is leading bronze investment casting and copper investment casting. Trident Investment Castings of nickel silver investment casting is a one stop reliable source of info.
Good quality and price for you! Welcome to inquiry email id: [email protected]
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investmentcasting22 · 2 years
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originalpistol · 4 years
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༺ ⁝ 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒟𝑒𝓋𝒾𝓁,  𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒇𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕. ⁝ ༻ Shades upon shades of pastel pink passed by my eyes in multiple different fabrics. Lace? Overused, still sexy, but overused. Velvet? Perhaps but it would need to be [real] if [I] was going to place this piece in my line. Felt? Fuck no. God, what a travesty that shit would be. Leather? There were two competitors, that I knew of, who were planning to incorporate leather into their “signature” lines, and if anyone knew me? They knew I was bound to blow their lines out of the water, and drown them. Not to say it wasn’t a difficult task; I wouldn’t be sweating over it. Deep blue eyes wandered over all of the fabrics that were sitting right at my fingertips, and slowly I let that gaze rise up to each person that held these panels. With a swift flick of the wrist I dismissed two fabrics from the room, and nodded to the remaining four. A smile of absolute certainty casted in against my features, and I nodded the four of them to take their seat at the designing table for this morning’s meeting with Christian Dior. “Go. Now. I want each of you seated at that table in [ten] minutes. Fabrics and swatches, no exceptions. You mess this up — even the [slightest] mistake? You can gather your belongings and leave,” I called out over my slender, black-clad shoulder. Of course, everyone knew how I operated by now, and if they didn’t? There would be someone in this studio that would brief them before I laid eyes on them. That’s the way I liked it. When you’re at the top of the hill, you get other people to do the minuscule things for you, and Lord knows I wasn’t one to train a rookie. Not in this lifetime, at least. Those days were long gone, and I would rather be shot square in the temple than to backslide into that pathetic existence, again. The familiar sound of their feet shuffling behind me, making their way to gather all of what was needed, caused a knowing smirk to form in where the smile had once been. Time to get this year’s line underway, and ready to go for the September release. For years now, I had been in close cahoots with Mister Dior, and I wasn’t about to waste that type of talent, or let some other company attempt to yank at his sketchbook. That was [my] job. In an ease of motion I began to thumb through my mother’s old sketches before I settled at the one I’d been saving for the right time. For the right artist. Dior was my prized penny in a stack of bent up nickels and dimes. Gentle fingers swept against the old tattered pages of this book for a moment as I thanked my mother for this gift I’d been given twelve years prior. Eyes fell closed for this second in time before I nodded, folding the book back to hide this page even though I knew it would open right back up. Perhaps with old wounds. Perhaps with a whole lot of hate. Who knew? Ringlets of Chestnut and Dark Chocolate locks framed my shoulders, and fell against my back as I made my way towards the room surrounded with glass walls, and a priceless view of Seattle. I could feel the eyes of all those who sat in the studio focus on me, and instead of acknowledging their angst, I simply flashed a brief smirk. Some young girl held the door open for me as I entered the room and an immediate smile washed into play as Christian stood to hug me. Small embrace, and that was it. Nodding, I stood at the head of the table, setting the book on the table and turning my attention to all who sat before me. “This year I want things to change. I want to create a line that screams to be pleased. That begs those who wear it to be taken at their weaknesses, but in that, to be [used] but only if [they] say to do so. Now, you all probably assume that will have to follow suit with bondage, submission, and dominance. To that I say — you are [wrong]. This has to do with vulnerability, and you might wonder what in the hell does that have to do with lingerie? Everything. You have to open a new side of you to place these clothes on you. To present yourself as a present for whomever, and that is our ticket in. That is how we are going to wipe our competitors off the slate. This is the year of Provocation by Pistol. Welcome Mr. Dior, and feel free to take a look at everything we’ve got in store for you. There are fabrics there that many wouldn’t dare to place in a lingerie line, much less as a primary focus, but I would. I want to see Velvet made completely of Silk, Dupioni Silk, Lamé, and Embroidered Organza. I want [you] to incorporate each of these into my line this year, and I want you to do so making new renditions of my mother’s sketches. Make them your own, but more importantly, darlin’ — Make me love them.” 𝑶𝒉, 𝒚𝒆𝒔. I could tell by the way he raised a brow towards me that his interest had been piqued, and I had ultimately won signing Christian Dior onto this year’s line. Too bad Daddy was wrong when he told me a, “bullshit little lingerie line won’t get you anywhere big.” I loved him, but he underestimated the power of a woman’s sex appeal far too much. Though I supposed it had to be hard for such an ‘upstanding, tight-lipped’ man such as himself to ever think of his daughter in that dedication. Shame. He could’ve had a hand in being a partner, but he’d lost that right many years back. Perfectly manicured fingers used the glass table as leverage as I pushed myself back, coming to stand just as I flashed Dior with a sardonic little smile. Nodding once towards him as to let him know I would see him in my office as soon as he had briefed my team on what he would like to do. I wasn’t about to show my entire team the works of my mother; too many eyes are too many chances to be betrayed. Christian stood just as I made my way from the room, and sauntered up the nearing stairs to my office. The only room on the entire top floor of my studio, though there were many upon many floors beneath. Twenty, to be exact. I bought this building on my nineteenth birthday, my third year of unrivaled success as a model in New York City. Coincidentally; my first year as a designer was my last year as a model, though I could easily reclaim my spot on the runway if I wished. I decided long ago that I wanted to be the name on the clothes rather than the name in the clothes. By trade, this is how I came to know [many] of the talented and entitled designers, artists, and models. So I used my time on the runway to aide into my own fashion empire. Much as I had used my father’s colleagues, friends, and social tree to find all of those to invest not only in my company but in me. To believe in [me.] Worked like a charm. Daddy, on the other hand, was a completely different story. Being a model was one thing, but being the face and name behind a billion dollar luxury lingerie line? Fuck me, I might as well have become a prostitute on the corner of Monterrey Square in Historic Savannah. That would’ve been less disgraceful to my father’s eyes than what I was currently becoming. What I was [creating] for the whole world to view, and part of me hated his self-righteous bullshit. Mama never would have done that. She wouldn’t have done all to me as he had; she wouldn’t have allowed her friends to lay their hands against her only child. Her only [daughter]. These thoughts echoed throughout my mind as I felt my fingertips dig down into the denim fabric of my Marc Jacobs denim jacket, almost far enough to pierce through the mastered stitches. Anger didn’t begin to cover the searing pain that etched in against my heart. This was why I worked so goddamn hard. To be able to say I had become more than John Hale. The most influential man to walk the streets of Savannah since Jim Williams. A man who took the world for granted, and treated people like disposable resources. Yes, Daddy, use everyone who ever loved you, and throw caution to the wind when it comes to their feelings. How smart. Ocean inspired eyes rolled back at the thought alone, and I tilted my head to the side just as I opened the leather bound sketchbook. A small, subdued smile coming into play as I let my fingers glide in against the drawing. It was almost as if my eyes had glazed over in a daze as I felt the familiar strokes of my mother’s pencil, and I simply sat back in my seat. Wonder filled my mind as I let my mind drift off to the thought of where she was. Where my father had placed her when I was twelve years old. The year he found out that I was ‘afflicted’ with lusting for others. That I wanted to be in an industry so highly controversial, and that his little girl wanted to walk the runway. He saw it as my mother’s fault since she spent most of her days that turned into nights, and back to day, piecing together her drawings. Making them come to life in her tiny ass attic apartment that was our secret. He knew of her dream to become a designer. What he didn’t know was that she had found the little silver key to the attic the same year I was born, and from then on? That was where she went to find solace. To comfort herself in her darkest days, and where she taught me how to be something he never could —strong. “𝙰 𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚜 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝, 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝚗𝚘 𝚏𝚞𝚛𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝚠𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚍.” I could still hear her sweet voice speaking to me from behind her wire mannequin as she pinned the dress in place. She would always make sure to peek around whatever masterpiece she had been working on, just to make sure I heard her quote Congreve but with her own touch. Maybe she didn’t realize it then, but I always paid attention when she spoke. Little did I know then, but I would always wonder if I subconsciously knew Daddy was going to throw her away the moment he found out. I did always have a knack for being able to predict certain outcomes, and perhaps a piece of me did know that particular fact of life. After all, by the age of fifteen I knew all the plays in my father’s playbook. 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝑶𝒏𝒆: Create a “lasting” relationship. 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝑻𝒘𝒐: Mind fuck them to the best of your abilities. Find out their weaknesses and their quirks. Figure out why they are in their position of power, and [how] they got there — that’s arguably the most important piece of information you can have against someone you plan to overcome. Once you know how they built themselves up to where they now stand; you’ll be able to see how to tear them down. Stone by stone. 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆: Take your time throwing the stones of their lives away. You do [not] want to rush this, if you do they will catch on. They will see that you aren’t a friend after all, and that you are only in this for yourself. You are using them as your next step in the game. 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓: Keep a distance, but not too much of a distance to raise suspicion. Make sure they know you “care” about what they’re going through. Hell, even offer your help if you feel it’ll help you step up your game. Build trust quicker than you tear it down. 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆: Be still and know. Make moves behind closed doors. Nothing leaks to the press. Nothing leaves the table of which pages are signed [until] whomever you are fucking is already too far buried to fight back. Make sure anything you have done has been covered. There are no tracks. Be still in what you have finalizing. Know that there is nothing to unravel your own work. 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝑺𝒊𝒙: Bury that motherfucker quicker than a lawyer who has something to hide. These are the six quintessential steps to overcoming [anyone] who dares to challenge a Hale. Especially if there is a threat involved. My father instilled these rules of the game from the time I was old enough to play a decent game of chess, with the logic that if I could outsmart a grown man at the age of thirteen; I could overcome any business tactic with a little grit and grace. Too bad I never liked to follow the rules. I play at my own expense, with my own rules, and at the hands of no mercy — for a mercy rule is a weak man’s way out. ⁝༺༻⁝ The familiar sound of knuckles against my office door quickly grasped my attention from the previous thoughts, and snatched me back to reality. It took a moment to fully refocus myself on the task at hand, and I nodded to the man who stood six foot three in the doorway. “C’mon in, Dior. I’ve got somethin’ to show you,” I called out in a clear, concise southern draw. Letting my gaze settle against him as he made his way over, straightening out his suit as seen fit. Once he had taken a seat across from me, and I flashed a small but noticed smile in his direction before I turned my mother’s sketchbook towards him. Taking a moment before I thumbed through to fourteen different designs. All a completely different style; all equally as challenging as anything else he had ever created. After I let him take the book into his own hands, to study the drawings, I began to speak once again. “What I want [you] to do is to take these and make them your own, but with remnants of her. My mother. She was quite the artist, without a platform, without a voice into the world of fashion alike. It’s time to break the ice. I want you to use only four fabrics to create something unimaginable. Bear in mind, every one of these looks will have to be transformed into lingerie, and every look will pair with leather boots made by Christian Louboutin; you’re free to contact him to work amongst yourselves on the scheme. However, I will want restraints to match, and perhaps whips. Something to keep the edge alive, to fight the competitors on their ‘love me leather’ pursuit. Like I said — make me love them.” His emerald eyes stayed fixated on me for nearly five minutes before he nodded a very slow nod of understanding. Perplexed; to say the least, I’m sure. Though his smile lead me to believe he was more than happy to do as I had demanded, and instead of speaking he began in against the sketches once more. Studying each detail in their design just to look back up at me, and finally he broke the silence, “These are beautiful. Such a elegant touch she had to the designs; I wouldn’t touch that. There are things I will refuse to change, and others you will never recognize as your mother’s — they will be my own. You will be proud Miss Alice, and you [will] love them. I am a man of my word.” The certainty of his voice made a smirk creep in against my lips despite the satisfaction I got out of knowing he was pleased with my idea. Then and again; who wouldn’t be? With a nod to him, I moved to my feet to shake his hand as if to non-verbally seal the deal, and just as he went to tuck my mother’s sketchbook beneath his arm, I shook my head. “I think not. Her book stays in the studio. It does not leave the premises; there will be no exceptions. However, my assistant can and will make any and all accommodations you need to be comfortable here. There is a whole extension to this studio that comes off the fifteenth floor — in the back. It should be big enough to fit your needs, and if not? You come to me. We will work something out.” With that in the air, he smiled rather warmly towards me before sliding the book back onto my desk. Without a word he stepped into me, gracing my cheek with a gentle peck to show respect for my wishes, and as a friendly goodbye before stepping away. I waited until he had made his exit to slip my mother’s most prized work into my locked drawer, though once secure I made my way from the office. Smiling at the familiar clink of my heels against the marble floors — Oh how I loved that sound. I waved a hand in the direction of those who were still at work on the floor before thanking them briefly, and explained deadlines to the few who were in the meeting. For a moment I had to double check myself to make sure there was nothing I was forgetting to say or do, but ultimately I turned on my heel and headed for the elevator. Tucking my phone into my purse as I walked, a somber smile came into sight as I stepped onto the glass box, pressing in the ground level button, and once the doors slid closed? I ran a hand back through my thick locks, nodding to myself as I knew where I had to go next. What I had to do. Who I had to go see. Ding! The doors slid open in what seemed like no time, and I sauntered through the lobby and directly for the car that awaited my arrival just to dismiss my driver instead of taking my usual ride to my temporary home on Bainbridge Island. With a heavy breath falling from my lips, I followed back to retrieve my Bentley where I slipped comfortably in against the leather seats before bringing the car to life. It only took a few seconds before I was pulling away from my studio and heading to the outskirts of Seattle to Northern State Sanatorium. After an hour and a half later, I found myself pulling into the dreary confines of this institution’s parking lot, and for a moment? I couldn’t help but to wonder what kind of horrific shit might linger deep within the walls of this building. There wasn’t a smile to be had here, and that much was evident. Nodding to myself, a silent confirmation that I needed to do this because if I didn’t do it now? I never would. Minutes passed as I sat in the car, breathing...just breathing before I slipped away from the car. My purse hung from the crook of my elbow just as I sauntered towards the door, and much to my surprise? It was a mechanical door instead of something wretched as I assumed it would be. That’s reassuring, at least I noted to myself just as I made my way to the front desk where a sliding window opened and a blonde woman of about sixty years sat. She looked over me for awhile before finally asking for my name and for the name of whom I was coming to see. 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈. “Alice Katherine Hale, I’m here to see my mother; Josephine Alice Hale.”
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the-house-rabenius · 5 years
Character Traits: Sammael sas Rabenius
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Full Name: Sammael sas Rabenius Pronunciation: Sohm-ahl Nickname: Starlight (by Arctirius), Son of the Seventh Chalice (his mother and her associates)
Gender: Non-binary Height: 5 fulms, 11 ilms Age: 34 Zodiac: Capricorn (3d Sun, 1st Astral Moon) Languages: Spoken: Ilsabardian (Garlean); possesses an Echo-like ability to understand and be understood regardless of the language actually being spoken.  Written: Ilsabardian (Garlean), Common (Eorzean), technical Allagan (not conversational), barely enough Hingan to read the street signs.
Hair Colour: Silver Eye Colour: Silver Skin Tone: Extremely pale, bordering on translucent Body Type: Very thin, typically looks 5-10 ponze underweight Accent: Heavy northern Garlean; non-rhotic, tendency to drop short vowels (like the e in his first name) and heavy on the diphthongs.  He speaks very quickly. Dominant Hand: Right Posture: Proper military, typically at attention, when standing.  Tendency to hunch as over a workbench when sitting. Scars: Extensive.  Notable are slashing blade wounds to the abdomen and chest, seven gunshot wounds to the chest, whip scars across the lower back.  What looks like claw marks down the left side of his face; the skin beneath them once appeared to be leafed in gold but that’s fading away to a deep red. Tattoos: None. Most Noticeable Features: Hair and eyes are the exact same colour.  The scarring on his face is distinctive.  His third eye is very large (between nickel and quarter sized) compared to the rest of his face, and a perfect match in colour for hair and eyes.
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Place of Birth: Far northern Garlemald Hometown: The family estate, far northern Garlemald, which is also the largest settlement in the province Birth Weight/Height: [Redacted] Manner of Birth: Surgically removed and transferred to external incubation at 20 weeks for testing, alteration, augmentation, and monitoring First Words: [Redacted], believed to be the true name of his mother Siblings: Four younger sisters; Valeria, Flavia and Fulvia (twins), Auriga Parental Involvement: Father (Imrael) largely uninvolved but on-site, working as Rector for the province.  Mother (Drusilia, originally of House Darnus) involved primarily with the hiring of appropriate tutors, typically from amongst her circle of associates, but spent much of her time at court away from home.  Raised primarily by servants.  Left home at age 14 to live with a cousin on his mother’s side; entered the Military Academy at 16.
Occupation: Tribunus Angusticlavius and engineer for Arcturus wir Galvus (@legionis-obscura).  Co-runs a safehouse for fellow Garleans in Kugane with his fiance Arctirius wir Galvus (@arctirius-wir-galvus). Current Residence: The Kugane safehouse, known as Castrum Sanctus Close Friends: Arctirius wir Galvus, fiance.  J’areth eir Nunh, partner (@jarethnunh).  Rolarius pyr Basilicus, Academy friend (@rolarius-pyr-basilicus).  Lucius rem Batiatus, ward (@lucius-ffxiv).  Allisel bas Daragan, friend (@resistance-ranger).  Wary and shy but friendly, always open to more! Relationship Status: Engaged Financial Status: Primarily supported by his father’s investments; Imrael goe Rabenius is an extremely savvy financier who manages much of the income of the household and who wouldn’t have it any other way.  Supplemented by frequent gifts from J’areth eir Nunh.  A trust fund baby through and through. Driver’s License: Recently updated; also has a piloting license.  Both Garlean-issue. Vices: Sex, Allagan technology
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Sexual Orientation: Strong preference for men; polysexual and demisexual Romantic Orientation: Strong preference for men; polyromantic Preferred Emotional Role: submissive | dominant | switch Preferred Sexual Role: submissive | dominant | switch | sex repulsed Libido: Highly variable; either very high or no interest at all Turn Ons: Lace, leather, lingerie, open-mindedness, physical strength, a quick wit, loss of control Turn Offs: Pain, bigotry, lack of an emotional connection, people who don’t seem to care about the state of the world Love Language: Physical touch primary; gifts secondary Relationship Tendencies: Occasionally gets over-involved in his work (especially if there’s research to be done) and has to be reminded that other people exist.  Can be clingy and possessive.
Hobbies to Pass the Time: Engineering, reading, singing.  Has a fascination with magic of all sorts and enjoys the arts, particularly Ishgardian religious music and art; while not himself a follower of Halone, he has a great deal of respect for the Church and its adherents after seeing the way they dealt with the revelations of their own history.  It gives him hope for Garlemald’s future.  Enjoys flying, but there have been until recently very limited opportunities for that in Eorzea. Mental Illnesses: Depression, PTSD (especially strong post-Carteneau, of which he was a survivor), anxiety, identity issues relating to his Ascian mother’s control Physical Illnesses: Was sickly as a young child; the extent of his recovery is regarded as miraculous in the Garlean medical community and has been the subject of some research.  Remains extremely thin, though rumour has it this is due to an extremely high metabolism and not illness.  Pain from old injuries. Left or Right Brained: Left Fears: Loss of identity, especially falling back under his mother’s control Self-confidence Level: Was basically non-existent for a long time due to after-effects of mind control.  Has been steadily improving but there’s a long way to go yet.  Good at putting on an act around strangers, though. Vulnerabilities: Prone to aethersickness, up to and including seizures if he’s casted on directly.  Very limited physical strength.  Fearless and has a tendency to get in well over his head.
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Tagged by: @resistance-ranger (as @the-diplomacy-of-wolves)
Tagging: @jarethnunh (for any), @everybodylivesau for Flora or the twins, @lucius-ffxiv, @garlean-nonsense (for Sebastien), @ishgard (I’m shy but so very curious about Ahru).
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dbmrmarketnews · 2 years
Molybdenum Market: Global Trends, Share, Industry Size, Growth, Opportunities and Forecast By 2029
Data Bridge Market Research announces the release of the report on “Molybdenum Market”. Molybdenum report contains thorough description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of key vendors and business strategy adopted by competitors along with their SWOT analysis and porter's five force analysis.
The molybdenum market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2022 to 2029. Data Bridge Market Research analyses the market to reach at an estimated value of USD 5.7 billion by 2029 and to grow at a CAGR of 2.50% in the above-mentioned forecast period.
Molybdenum is a chemical element with corrosion resistance, ability to hold shape, strength and ability to operate at high temperatures and a low degree of thermal expansion properties. Molybdenum is lightweight, silver-white lustrous metal and reminiscence to tin and is a by-product of copper mining.
Available Exclusive Sample of Molybdenum Market Report in PDF Version Download @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-molybdenum-market
The molybdenum market is segmented on the basis of product type, end-use and application. The growth amongst the different segments helps you in attaining the knowledge related to the different growth factors expected to be prevalent throughout the market and formulate different strategies to help identify core application areas and the difference in your target market.
On the basis of product type, the molybdenum market is segmented into steel, chemicals, and foundries, MO-metals, nickel alloy and others.
On the basis of application, the molybdenum market is segmented into full alloy, stainless-steel, cast iron and catalysis.
Based on end-use, the molybdenum market is segmented into steel, oil and gas, chemical, automotive, energy and power, medical, aerospace and transportation.
Access Full Report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-molybdenum-market
Some of the major players covered in the molybdenum market report are Freeport-McMoRan, China China Molybdenum Co., Ltd., BHP Billiton Group, Compania Minera Dona Ines De Collahuasi S.C.M., Antamina., Centerra Gold IncAntofagasta plc, American CuMo Mining, Grupo México, S.A.B. de C.V.,. Shaanxi Non-ferrous Metals Holding Group Co., Ltd., Antofagasta plc., Moly metal L.L.P, ENF Ltd., Jinduicheng Molybdenum Co,Ltd, CODELCO, Southern Copper Corporation, among others.
Key Topics Covered: Executive Summary
Market overview
Market Landscape
Market ecosystem
Value chain analysis
Market Sizing
Market definition
Market segment analysis
Market size
Market outlook: Forecast
Five Forces Analysis
Bargaining power of buyers
Bargaining power of suppliers
Threat of new entrants
Threat of substitutes
Threat of rivalry
Market condition
Market Segmentation
Geographic Landscape
Key leading countries
Market opportunity
Market drivers
Market challenges
Market trends
Vendor Landscape
View Detailed Table of Content and Respective Fact and Figures about This Report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-molybdenum-market
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Identify Key Business Segments, Market proposition & Gap Analysis
Assisting in allocating marketing investments
Key Questions Answered
What impact does COVID-19 have made on Global Molybdenum Market Growth & Sizing?
Who are the Leading key players and what are their Key Business plans in the Global Molybdenum Market?
What are the key concerns of the five forces analysis of the Global Molybdenum Market?
What are different prospects and threats faced by the dealers in the Global Molybdenum Market?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?
Browse Related Reports@
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hansing-craft · 3 years
What is the role and significance of corporate custom badges?
Various metal badges are customized to be worn on the body to symbolize identity and occupation. Enterprise custom metal badge is a kind of badges, which are generally made by stamping, die-casting, and biting processes. The surface of the badge can be electroplated with gold, ancient gold, ancient silver, nickel and other electroplating effects. It has the characteristics of concise and smooth lines, and concavity and convexity of the pattern. Surface color techniques such as baking varnish, enamel, printing, etc. can be used to make the product more rich.
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What is the meaning and function of corporate custom metal badge:
1. Promote corporate image
Customized metal badges for enterprises can help them to promote their corporate image. Because the personalized badge can be printed with the company's LOGO and pattern, and the corporate image and culture can be spread through gifts, exhibitions and other channels, which will better deepen the impression of the corporate brand in the minds of users.
2. Has a certain collection and commemorative value
Corporate metal badge customization Customized metal badges are generally made of gold, silver, copper, alloy and other materials, equipped with matching packaging can be used as ornaments, and also have the value of investment and collection.
3. Short production cycle of Corporate metal badge
After the two parties determine the material, size, design drawing and other issues and contracts of the product, the production time of the badge is only about 10-15 days, depending on the production requirements of the product.
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Hansing Metal Crafts & Gifts Co.,Ltd  has been engaged in promotional products business since 2006,is a professional custom badge supplier. Passed SGS certification. Passed the ISO9001 certification. A one-stop service integrating R&D, production and sales,in addition to customized badges, customized sports medals, customized commemorative coins, coins, keychains, lapel pins, badges, wallets, cufflinks and Other metal promotional gifts. Can meet your diversified needs, quality assurance, short delivery time, punctual delivery, and more favorable prices!
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tridentsteel123 · 1 year
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junker-town · 4 years
Predictions for every NFL team from those who know their team best
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With no scrimmages or preseason, here is what to expect.
The hopes and dreams of 32 fanbases hang in the balance with the NFL season almost upon us. It’s been a bizarre lead up to the season due to the Covid-19 pandemic, meaning we have much less information than we normally would entering the season.
Normally we get at least some information from scrimmages and preseason by now. Instead we’re going off gut feelings and beliefs. We asked our network of team blogs (and a couple from your’s truly) to give us their predictions for their beloved teams in the hopes to learn more. Here’s what they think from the fans who know their teams the best.
Arizona Cardinals
The Cardinals will live and die by their offense. The Cardinals did little to address their defense in the offseason, instead further stacking the offense by adding DeAndre Hopkins. Hopkins and Larry Fitzgerald are a quarterback’s dream, and Kyler Murray should have major success through the air this season. Unfortunately the defense still won’t be enough to have them compete in the NFC West ... yet.
— James Dator, SB Nation
Atlanta Falcons
The Falcons will be looking to put two straight years of mediocrity behind them and take a veteran team on a deep playoff run. With a ton of money committed to stars and short-term bets on players like Todd Gurley and Dante Fowler Jr., this team is built to contend right now and more or less has to keep the current brain trust around.
— Dave Choate, The Falcoholic
Baltimore Ravens
The Ravens will win the Super Bowl. With nearly all of their high-level talent returning and multiple big-name pass rushers being added to the defense, the Ravens will end the season hoisting the Lombardi trophy.
— Kyle Barber, Baltimore Beatdown
Buffalo Bills
The Bills will sink their teeth into the AFC East. The window is wide open for the Bills after years of being in New England’s shadow. While the Patriots move on from Tom Brady, and the rest of the division is, well, the Dolphins and Jets — there’s a major chance for the Bills to dominate and try to becoming the source of consistency in the division.
— James Dator, SB Nation
Carolina Panthers
The Panthers will try to rebuild the franchise into a consistent winner under new head coach Matt Rhule, something they haven’t been since... well, since the team was founded in 1995. They’re still searching for their first ever back-to-back winning seasons, and they currently have a long, rocky road ahead if they plan to accomplish that goal anytime soon.
— Bradley Smith, Cat Scratch Reader
Chicago Bears
The Bears will once again have one of the best defenses in the NFL, but as is Chicago tradition, they’ll only go as far as the quarterback can take them. If Mitchell Trubisky — or Nick Foles — can simply manage the offense, the Bears will be back in the playoffs.
— Lester A. Wiltfong Jr., Windy City Gridiron
Cincinnati Bengals
The Bengals will bounce back faster than anyone expected. Joe Burrow is NFL ready from the jump, and the bones of this team are still good. Expect them to at least be competitive this season, and make people wonder why they were so bad a year ago.
— James Dator, SB Nation
Cleveland Browns
The Browns will have the best rushing attack in the NFL, but only when the passing game gets more efficient mid-way through the season will Cleveland start being the favorite to win every week as opposed to just a crapshoot. That will put them in the mix for a late-season wildcard chase in the AFC.
— Chris Pokorny, Dawgs By Nature
Dallas Cowboys
The Cowboys will see if Jason Garrett was the issue with their talented roster falling short of expectations. Mike McCarthy takes over as head coach and he will try to elevate the Cowboys into a team that can win in the playoffs.
— Dave Halprin, Blogging The Boys
Denver Broncos
The Broncos will surprise a lot of people. That defense is going to be sneaky elite, so watch out!
— Tim Lynch, Mile High Report
Detroit Lions
The Lions will have a top five offense with a healthy Matthew Stafford and new weapons in the backfield. If the defense can improve even marginally, they will be in the NFC North race come December.
— Jeremy Reisman, Pride of Detriot
Green Bay Packers
The Packers will be an NFC contender again, and even if they don’t match their lofty 13-3 record from a year ago they could be a better team overall. The defense returns almost all of the key players, featuring a terrifying pass rush and a strong secondary, while Aaron Rodgers looks poised for a bit of a bounce-back in his second year in Matt LaFleur’s offense.
— Evan Western, Acme Packing Company
Houston Texans
The Texans will be unpredictable. Yes, that sounds weird for a prediction — but so much is up in the air. Houston went some big roster shifts this offseason, notably headlined by trading DeAndre Hopkins, but as long as DeShaun Watson is under center this team can still make noise and win the AFC South.
— James Dator, SB Nation
Indianapolis Colts
The Colts will reclaim the AFC South title with a potent rushing attack, dominant offensive line and veteran quarterback leadership. The young defense will start to put everything together as All Pros Darius Leonard and DeForest Buckner complement each other, second year cornerback Rock Ya-Sin takes a second-year leap, and Kenny Moore returns to the field healthy as one of the league’s best nickel corners.
— Brett Mock, Stampede Blue
Jacksonville Jaguars
The Jaguars will try to avoid suffering their ninth losing season since 2011. With 16 rookies included on the roster going into the season opener, a question mark at quarterback in Gardner Minshew, and a defense that traded away key players like Calais Campbell and A.J. Bouye, it looks to be another year of heartbreak in Duval.
— Ryan Day, Big Cat Country
Kansas City Chiefs
The Chiefs will become the first NFL team to repeat as Super Bowl champions since 2005. During the most uncertain of times, they returned nearly all of their starters from their championship team, highlighted by the game’s best quarterback in Patrick Mahomes.
— Pete Sweeney, Arrowhead Pride
Las Vegas Raiders
The Raiders will be better on both offense and defense and will vie for an AFC playoff berth.
— Bill Williamson, Silver & Black Pride
Los Angeles Rams
The Rams will find the explosiveness on offense that they had in 2018 but lost last year and a surprise star player in the front-seven besides Aaron Donald, but who that is remains to be seen.
— Kenny Arthur, Turf Show Times
Miami Dolphins
The Dolphins will look to build upon a surprise five-win season in 2019 after being called the “worst team ever” by some analysts. Under Ryan Fitzpatrick, this year is the stage-setter for the Dolphins to return to being a long-term contender once Tua Tagovailoa takes over late in the year or in 2021.
— Kevin Nogle, The Phinsider
Minnesota Vikings
The Vikings will break their Bret Saberhagen-esque cycle of being very good in odd-numbered years and average in even-numbered years under Mike Zimmer. Despite their offseason losses, the Vikings still have a lot of talent, and the NFC North is there for the taking. The Vikings will do just that, nabbing their first division title since 2017.
— Christopher Gates, Daily Norseman
New England Patriots
The Patriots will continue to try to do their jobs. Are those jobs good enough to keep the dynasty alive, though? That’s the question...
— Bernd Buchmasser, Pats Pulpit
New Orleans Saints
The Saints will finally be able to add a second Super Bowl to the resume of Drew Brees. After getting agonizingly close the past few seasons, the Saints will finally take care of business in the playoffs to let Drew Brees ride off into the sunset of retirement as a champion.
— Christopher Dunnells, Canal Street Chronicles
New York Giants
The Giants will try to get turned around after going 12-36 over the past three seasons. The Giants are starting over with rookie head coach Joe Judge and second-year quarterback Daniel Jones.
— Ed Valentine, Big Blue View
New York Jets
The Jets will begin their latest rebuild. New general manager Joe Douglas made the first investments in the offseason by focusing on the offensive line. It is overdue, but the Jets have finally started to put pieces around Sam Darnold.
- John Butchko, Gang Green Nation
Philadelphia Eagles
The Eagles will make the playoffs for the fourth straight season but fail to win more than one playoff game at most due to offensive line issues.
— Brandon Lee Gowton, Bleeding Green Nation
Pittsburgh Steelers
The Steelers will look to ride Ben Roethlisberger‘s surgically repaired elbow back to the postseason. With an elite defense and a two-time Super Bowl champion commanding the huddle, the Steelers have pushed all their chips in for the 2020 season.
— Jeff Hartman, Behind the Steel Curtain
San Diego Chargers
The Chargers will see if Philip Rivers was really in decline last season, or if it was his surrounding cast that couldn’t get the job done. However, injuries remain a nuisance as they’ve already lost their best player on defense for the year.
— Michael Peterson, Bolts from the Blue
San Francisco 49ers
The 49ers will turn into an offensive juggernaut, but come up short in the Super Bowl for the second season in a row. After a season’s worth of offensive highlights, ironically enough, it’s the defense that lets the team down in the big game.
— Kyle Posey, Niners Nation
Seattle Seahawks
The Seahawks will make their first serious Super Bowl run since the 2014 season. With an offense led by an MVP contender in Russell Wilson, as well as a defense with as talented a linebacker and secondary group as any in the NFL, Seattle is poised to win its first NFC West title since 2016, with the hope of greater things to come from there.
- Mookie Alexander, Field Gulls
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
The Buccaneers will be one of the most improved and most successful teams in the NFL thanks to a man they call Tom Brady. Can we say Super Bowl?
— Gil Arcia, Bucs Nation
Tennessee Titans
The Titans will find themselves playing in the final four again, but this year they will get over the hump and make the Super Bowl.
— Jimmy Morris, Music City Miracles
Washington Football Team
The Washington Football Team will struggle, but finally show some signs of life. Ron Rivera is a coach players love to give all their effort to, and that alone should make Washington at least watchable this season. It’s not much, but it’s progress.
— Scott Jennings, Hogs Haven
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The Ultimate Guide To Jewelery For Men
very easy to develop, it merges without solder and it is highly resistant to taint. Great silver is best for earrings or lockets rather of rings or bracelets that are bumped and also scraped extra frequently due to the fact that it is such a soft metal. Silver clay products reduce to great silver as well as have boosted the demand for pure silver jewelry in the United States market.
The most typical high quality stamp on this metal is.999 FS or just.999. Sterling is the jewelry high quality requirement in the USA and most world markets. It is an alloy of 92.5% silver. The staying 7.5% is normally copper though it is occasionally other steels such as nickel.
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The Of Engagement Rings
Alloy additions also produce the color and gloss that is so treasured by consumers. Sterling silver is the silver shade we are most acquainted with and also the most typical kind of silver in United States jewelry stores. It is really brilliant and shiny however it will tarnish. Stain is very easy to clean with easily available sprucing up products.
Fine sterling silver chain as well as slim steels can be stretched or "attracted" under tension. As well as jewelry will be damaged or nicked if it is banged around. Sterling can be soldered, created and hardened consistently. The most typical quality stamps are.925 and also Stg. Halstead is a market leader in sterling silver jewelry materials.
Non-tarnish alloys are rather new to the marketplace. Argentium is one brand yet there are others readily available that are similar. These alloys are a minimum of 92.5% silver though some will be a little greater in silver material. The rest contains copper https://stern925.com and also the enhancement of the aspect germanium. The germanium makes the alloy harder and resistant to taint.
Yet, they will typically need much less maintenance than sterling. This stain resistance is the chief advantage of the steel though it is additionally noteworthy that Argentium will fuse without solder. The trade-off is price. Argentium is substantially much more expensive than sterling as well as less conveniently available. It is difficult to distinguish from sterling as soon as on the marketplace due to the fact that the quality stamp is still.925.
Unknown Facts About Silver Earrings
Coin silver was once a much more common alloy in the United States. It is now rather uncommon and also the name creates quite a bit of confusion. The technical "coin silver" alloy is.900 silver, or 90% silver as well as 10% copper. The name "coin silver" is since metalsmiths historically made items from thawed down scrap coin steel.
Monetary coins in our nation, and also many others, no more have silver as well as are instead made from even more cost-effective, sturdy base metals. Some collectible coins or coin investment tools have higher silver web content. They are noted because of this with a top quality stamp as well as usually featured certifications of authenticity. Coin silver fashion jewelry that is still on the marketplace will birth a high quality stamp of.900.
Fashion jewelry offered as simply "silver" is a little bit of a secret. The term is thrown around in the market as a color descriptor, particularly in vogue. Nonetheless, in the precious jewelry trade, things should be plainly identified as a specific typical quality. Otherwise, it is not likely that the silver alloy is of extremely premium quality.
Silver spreading grain Silver-filled is a brand-new layered steel that was presented throughout the current surge of silver prices during the recession. It is not an alloy because the metal material is not the exact same throughout the material. Instead, the sterling silver is all externally. Silver loaded is either 5% or 10% sterling silver by weight fused with heat as well as stress to a brass core.
Given that silver-filled is a split metal it can not be cast. The silver layer is much thicker than silver plate however this is still a much lower top quality product than strong sterling silver jewelry supplies as well as alloys. It will stain and also it needs to just be soldered with precision devices and also unique training.
There is no legitimately authorized top quality stamp requirement for silver-filled currently. Nonetheless, some utilize the stamp.925 SF, which can be misleading. This is a base steel sort of silver with a very thin plating layer of silver related to the surface. Even when jewelry is defined as fine silver-plated, the total silver web content is a tiny portion of a percent.
Silver Stud Earrings for Dummies
Layering can taint and will at some point subside to expose the base metal beneath. Costume precious jewelry will not have a quality stamp but it may birth the makers logo or trademark. Nickel silver is a little bit of a misnomer because "silver" describes the shade of the metal and also not the https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=Silver jewerly material.
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i-allianceresearch · 5 years
How to make money from bullion trading?
Traders diversify their portfolio into different asset classes. And diversifying into bullion is one of the easiest to deal and is an almost liquid asset class.
The success rate depends solely upon the degree to which planning and making strategy are done. It happens just as in any other sector or industries.
What is bullion?
Bullions trading are the word used for trading in gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. They are measured in terms of their weight. Gold and silver are mostly cast in the form of bars. Each bar contains information regarding purity in percentage terms, serial no. weight, and embossing of the manufacturer. On certain occasions, gold and silver are sold in the form of coins. They are also sold in the form of grains for general purpose trading.
Working of a bullion market
To make a profit from any trade or from any security, the basic fundamental is to buy low and sell high. Bullion market also works on the same principle. And the commodity market is no exception, and precious metals are supposed to be the best option. If one scans the movement of the stock market and commodity market, one can see that they move in opposite directions. That is when commodity markets are high; stock markets tend to be at its low, and vice versa. One can say that they both move more or less in the opposite direction of each other. Say, when one suffers losses in the stock market, he can cover his losses by opting to invest in the commodity market and vice versa. This way one can control his losses.
Why use bullion coin
Gold and silver are usually called precious metals. Gold and or silver cast in inform of the coin are called bullion coin.  Their value is based on the purity and weight of the coin. Many countries like Canada, US, British, South Africa mint their national coins using gold and or silver, which are used as legal tenders in their country.  They have value in other countries also and get favours in their tax policies.
Investing in the different commodity in the marketplace
Most of the people or traders, physically obtain bullion in physical form. It is a sense of security. Many analysts feel that investing in the commodity market is one of the good ideas. But at the same time, they believe in diversifying commodity holding in different precious metals. One can take bullion trading tips from professionals who after analysis of the market will let you know how much you can expect returns on your investments and in which metals. That is, some percentage for gold, some for silver, and some for other metals like copper, lead, nickel, zinc.
Where and how can you buy bullion
Bullion like any other commodity is traded in the marketplace. In India, one can obtain precious metals in for of coin from banks or jeweller store. Though one can also obtain them in the form of a bar. Which are more discounted because they do not have added cost for making changes? The government of India from time to time releases gold and silver for traders in the field of precious metals or also in the form of gold bonds for the general public.While buying bullion you should also take into account various taxes that are involved. It differs from country to country. Certain countries offer advantages while buying bullion metals.
Where and how can you sell your bullion
Bullion can be sold at most of the jeweller shops spread across the country. In India, one has to show proof of purchase, while selling bullion.The required proof can be a cash memo (bill), or certificate when purchased from the bank. This is basically to stop the selling of illegal gold that is procured by theft or other illegal means.
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tridentsteel123 · 1 year
bronze and copper investment casting | nickel silver investment casting
Trident steels is leading bronze and copper investment casting. We are steel Bronze, copper nickel silver investment casting, exporting global
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jeremystrele · 5 years
51 House Numbers for Fabulously Functional Curb Appeal
First impressions always matter. When guests visit for the first time, they’re often seeking one detail before they even arrive – the address! Those who spend time manicuring their lawns and accessorizing their entryways know that curb appeal is worth the extra consideration. Address plates are one of those details that are often negotiated as a matter of function over form. But why not enjoy the best of both worlds? In this guide, we’ve collected 51 of the most attractive address numbers and plaques available online. Whether you live in a classic bungalow, a chic brownstone, or a sleek ultra-modern abode, there is something here to complement any style.
$135BUY IT House Number Plaque with Planter: High-contrast numbering ensures your address remains visible from the street, while sleek modern design provides a pleasing experience up close. This powder coated steel plaque has a built-in planter compartment – use for hardy potted plants or seasonal decorations for an expressive exterior touch.
$210BUY IT Address Plaque with Magnetic House Numbers: This planter and address plaque combination is made-to-order in a wide variety of finishes so you can find the perfect fit for your home style. Numbers are attached by strong rare earth magnets, easily swapped out for other numbers so you can take your address plaque with you when you move.
$20BUY IT Black Acrylic Floating House Numbers: Floating house numbers immediately capture attention, great for use against highly textured backgrounds like stone. This modern acrylic address plaque is available in every color of the rainbow in addition to the contemporary matte black pictured here.
$59BUY IT Custom House Numbers Colorful Plaque: Color is a quick and easy way to make sure your house numbers pop. This custom address plaque is available in a range of hues from bright red to baby pink to mint green, plus a variety of handsome neutrals. Powder coated galvanized steel construction ensures all-weather longevity.
$155 set of fourBUY IT Red Powder Coated House Address Numbers: While address plaques offer easy installation, individual address numbers provide greater flexibility. This delightful bright red design boasts a modern font for contemporary curb appeal. Each is crafted from recycled aluminum and powder coated in hardy all-weather red. Arrange horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
$15 eachBUY IT Modern Yellow House Numbers: These high-contrast address plaques are made from layered acrylic panels with pre-drilled holes for mounting. The effect is dimensional and stylish. Use individually for single-number homes, choose the two-digit option for two-digit addresses, or invest in a set of individual numbers to create a stylish arrangement for longer addresses.
$58BUY IT Floating Black House Numbers: These floating house numbers keep things simple with a sleek modern font. Choose from contemporary matte black finishing or opt for brilliant aluminum. Each one measures at 6″ tall for clear visibility. Use without the spacers for a flush mount installation.
$45BUY IT Super Large 12″ Address Numbers for House: Do you live in a home that sits far away from the street? Larger numbers will ensure visitors, delivery drivers, and emergency personnel can still find you. These black address numbers measure at 12″ tall, crafted from corrosion-proof stainless steel for dependable longevity. Small 1cm mounts create a subtle floating effect.
$39 eachBUY IT Floating 6″ Modern House Number: At 6″ tall, these address numbers are a conservative standard size to fit most applications. These are crafted from solid recycled aluminum – the model in this listing is finished in a sophisticated bronze powder coat, easy to coordinate with a variety of home exterior styles.
$10 eachBUY IT Art Deco House Numbers and Letters: Looking for something period-appropriate to match your home architecture? These house numbers are inspired by Art Deco style, a perfect fit for homes built at the turn of the century – and often appropriate for mid century modern homes as well. These are crafted from marine-grade plastic for excellent outdoor durability, lightweight and easy to mount.
$25 eachBUY IT Large Cursive House Numbers: Script house numbers provide a lovely classic feeling, a fantastic complement to traditional home exteriors. This font takes a slightly more modern approach with its chic and easygoing curves. Choose between small and large sizing options to find the closest fit for your intended mounting spot. Cursive fonts are fantastic for use above doorways and garages, but can be hung almost anywhere that ordinary address numbers would go.
$35BUY IT Wooden House Numbers Plaque: Wood address plaques are not a new concept, but the innovative designs available today certainly explore a fresh new frontier of aesthetic possibilities. This handsome plaque makes a bold decorative impact with its chevon wood grain and metallic numbering. This piece is available with endless customization options.
$74BUY IT Wooden Contemporary House Numbers with Planter: Here is another take on the wood number plaque concept, this time with a built-in planter. Choose from five different wood finish options, and pair with black or white numbering. When you move, a handsome plaque like this can serve as a playful keepsake for interior display.
$34BUY IT Elegant House Number Plaque: Luxury finishes can transform the look of a wood number plaque. This one features sophisticated gold numbers over a rich black background. Choose from a variety of other colorways as well – each one is made on demand according to your specifications.
$23 eachBUY IT Stone Tile House Numbers Set: In some areas, tile address numbers have historical roots as remnants of forgotten standardization processes – every city has their own story and unique look. Tile has long been an economical and attractive solution for numbering homes and they’re still just as practical today. The numbers pictured here are crafted from textural marble and can be mounted to the plaque of your choice for DIY flexibility.
$10 eachBUY IT Colorful Ceramic House Numbers: Ceramic house numbers are available in an endless array of colors, patterns, fonts, and even shapes. Mount them within iron frames, secure them to wood panels, or acquire the help of a skilled professional to drill holes through the tile for screws. These tiles can also be anchored directly into concrete or stucco by a contractor, or “glued” on with strong surface-appropriate adhesive.
$10 eachBUY IT Vintage Style Tile House Numbers: These delightful hacienda tiles are perfect for southwestern style architecture. They can also serve as a fun accent for other types of exteriors that could use a touch of vintage flair. Each tile is hand-painted in Mexico by skilled artisans.
$20 eachBUY IT Ceramic Decorative House Numbers: These handmade, hand-decorated ceramic house numbers have dimensional depth for eye-catching appeal. Each one includes holes in the back for mounting by nail, but due to the artisanal nature of these tiles it is recommended to use a strong adhesive suitable for the surface you wish to attach them to.
$18 eachBUY IT Solid Brass House Numbers 7.75″: Looking for something classic and dependable? These solid brass house numbers are easy to mount using truss head screws, each one well-balanced and proportional. Choose from four finishes: oil rubbed bronze, satin nickel, rustic venetian bronze, or the brilliant polished brass pictured here.
$179BUY IT Mid Century Modern House Numbers Plaque: This metal address plaque is exceptionally versatile with a font that bridges the gap between mid-century modern and contemporary urban industrial. The plaque itself is made from thick recycled aluminum. Use the included spacers for a floating effect or mount flush for a streamlined look.
$220BUY IT Custom Craftsman House Numbers Plaque: With such an emphasis on quality construction, it makes sense that a craftsman style home would have an equally well-made address plate. This house number plaque is made from durable HDU and finished in a real metal coating for a high-end look that remains easy to mount.
$74BUY IT Solid Stone Engraved House Numbers Plaque: Crafted from solid granite stone and etched deep with your address, this engraved plaque is sure to provide years and years of everyday enjoyment. The lettering is available in multiple color options and two sophisticated fonts.
$89BUY IT Engraved Granite Address Plaque: Here is another solid granite address plaque, this time with a square 12″ by 12″ size. Choose from four paint colors to highlight the numbers and text – gold, silver, white, or copper. Two font choices are available.
$34BUY IT Custom House Numbers Monogram: Few accents are more delightful than those little personalized details that make a home feel truly “your own”. This address plaque doubles as both a monogram and a street number sign – an expressive and unique touch. Each one is crafted from high quality steel, available in a matte black or shiny metal finish.
$34BUY IT Round Metal Address Plaque: Create a bold modern statement with this minimalist yet exquisitely functional address sign. The round matte black profile commands attention while the smooth and simple font ensures easier readability. This piece is available in three sizes: 16″, 20″ and 24″.
$44BUY IT Industrial Address Number Plaque: For a sharp industrial look, this large address plaque is perfectly on-theme. Choose from a diverse range of finish options from the flat black pictured here to creative options like raspberry violet and bright lime green. Or, for a custom look, order the unfinished version and have the sign powder coated to your exact specifications locally.
$113BUY IT Vertical Aluminum Address Plaque: This bold address plaque is simple and straightforward, cast from aerospace grade aluminum to withstand even the harshest outdoor environments. The numbers are cast into the aluminum – they will never fall off and cannot be removed, unlike similar models that use magnets or adhesives.
$17 eachBUY IT 8 Inch Steel House Numbers: Measuring at 8″ in height, these modern steel numbers are practical and highly visible. The pre-drilled mounting holes offer easy flush-mount installation on a variety of surfaces. Choose from raw unfinished steel, polished steel, or powder coated finishes. The powder coat options range a spectrum of vibrant hues.
$14 eachBUY IT 6″ Art Deco House Numbers: Let your love for retro design shine through every first impression. These 6″ metal house numbers feature a bold Art Deco font, decorative yet easy to read. Floating mounts cast a subtle shadow to help these fabulous numbers pop even more.
$39 / eachBUY IT Stainless Steel Metal House Numbers and Letters: At 10″ tall, these stainless steel house numbers offer fantastic visibility. Each one is backed with short mounting plugs for a subtle floating effect, further enhancing the contrast between number and surface. Unlike many other sets on the market, this collection also includes the letters A through D for multi-unit homes and businesses.
$38BUY IT Super Modern House Numbers: It’s hard to find suitably modern address numbers to match sleek contemporary architectural styles. These address numbers by Jehs + Laub make a bold decorative statement, each one protruding more than 2″ from the mounted surface for a visually appealing 3D effect. The font itself is smooth and streamlined, minimalist yet creative and appealing.
$14 eachBUY IT Frank Lloyd Wright Collection Copper House Numbers: While legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright is known to most of the world for his iconic structures, his unyielding attention to detail ensured he also left a mark on the world of typography. This set of house numbers is based on lettering developed by Wright and later expanded to a complete typeface. This series can be mounted flush or floating.
$9 eachBUY IT 5-Inch Antique Brass House Numbers: Solid cast brass ensures this streamlined house number set will only grow more beautiful with age. Mount flush or floating – each set includes instructions and all the required hardware.
$12 eachBUY IT 5-Inch Polished Brass House Numbers: Here is another set of solid cast brass numbers, this time with a brilliant polished finish. Mount flush or floating. Each one measures at 5″ tall for clear visibility, especially when paired with an illumination source at night.
$35 / eachBUY IT Richard Neutra House Numbers: Designed in direct collaboration with the legendary architect’s estate, this series of house numbers faithfully reflects the innovative letterforms Richard Neutra developed over the course of many residential and commercial design projects. These house numbers are crafted from quality aluminum, available in two sizes and three finish options.
$20 eachBUY IT 16 Inch Extra Large House Numbers: Oversized house numbers can serve a very practical purpose for homes that are set far away from the street, but they can also provide a worthwhile decorative effect for the sake of decoration alone. These tremendous house numbers measure at 16″ in height for instant visual drama. Choose from a spectrum of color options.
$9 eachBUY IT Traditional 6 Inch Cast Iron House Numbers with Gold Finish: These heavy cast iron house numbers have an antique hammered appearance for old-world artisanal appeal. A bright gold finish adds a touch of playful luxury. Mounting holes make these numbers quick and easy to attach to plaques, walls, fences, and more.
$10 eachBUY IT Shabby Chic Cast Iron House Numbers: Crafted from sturdy cast iron and finished in a soft distressed whitewash, these lovely house numbers are perfect for a rustic or cottage chic exterior theme. Or, if you’re looking for something a little different, these numbers can be custom painted in a whole spectrum of delightful colors offered by the seller.
$9 eachBUY IT Distressed Rustic Bronze House Numbers: Unique distressed bronze coloration brings rich depth and detail to these solid cast iron house numbers. This series would be perfect for nautical-themed beach homes, traditional farmhouses, and other ruggedly adventurous styles.
$10 eachBUY IT Cast Iron Unique House Numbers: Creative fleur-de-lis embellishments give these cast iron house numbers a distinctively decorative look. Each one includes convenient mounting holes for easy installation.
$6 eachBUY IT Rustic 3 Inch House Numbers: These small house numbers measure at only 3″ high, great for compact installations. Consider this series for mailboxes, interior multi-unit entryways, garden gates, and more. This series is also available as a full alphabet – perfect for spelling street names or welcome messages.
$229BUY IT Backlit House Numbers Plaque: Appropriate lighting is an oft-forgotten essential when it comes to address number placement. Illuminated numbering systems provide an elegant solution with no directed exterior fixtures needed. This handsome made-to-order sign features numbers that gently glow for easy visibility all throughout the night.
$37 eachBUY IT Backlit House Numbers with Light Bar: Equipped with a sensor that responds to low light levels, these backlit address numbers will turn on when it gets dark and switch off at dawn. The convenient lightbar add-on is sound activated, casting bright illumination when nearby movement is detected.
$49 eachBUY IT 5 Inch Illuminated LED House Numbers: These backlit address numbers provide fantastic flexibility thanks to their individual construction – install horizontally, vertically, or diagonally as desired.. In the daytime, the matte black finish presents a sleek and modern look. At night, the numbers glow brightly for sharp visibility. Choose from three convenient sizes.
$149BUY IT Modern Crystal Lighted House Numbers Plaque: Heavy crystal glass and sleek metal details give this illuminated sign a professional and polished look. Choose between bronze and brushed silver finishes to best suit your home exterior.
$85BUY IT Colorful Backlit House Number Plaque: With a base constructed from solid African teak and a plaque face made from aluminum, this address sign provides elegant style even when not illuminated. When illuminated, an included remote allows you to change the color of the RGB LED lights on demand – switch between colors to suit your mood or to match seasonal holiday themes.
$69BUY IT Solar Lighted House Numbers: Solar lighting options offer a convenient alternative to hardwired designs – great for DIY installations and older homes with tricky wiring. This design features bold numbering printed on glassy acrylic, backed by a bold steel panel for contrast. A dawn/dusk sensor ensures the power collected by the solar panel lasts all night.
$78BUY IT Solar House Numbers and Light Combo: Here is another handy solar design, this time with a bright built-in yard light controlled by motion sensor. Thick black numbering ensures easy visibility night and day.
$20 eachBUY IT Individual Solar Powered House Numbers: Individual solar-powered address numbers are very flexible but quite uncommon. These illuminated numbers are built strong to resist even the harshest weather conditions, and the advanced battery design means they will fully charge even without direct sun exposure.
$119BUY IT Personalized Reflective House Numbers Sign: For homes that are set far away from the street, or for situations where you might not want to drill into the side of your home to mount address numbers, a standalone sign can provide a convenient alternative. This personalized double-sided sign features bold reflective numbering for clear visibility at night. The elegant classic signpost boasts strong curb appeal your neighbors will adore.
$118BUY IT Reflective Contemporary House Numbers Sign: This decorative address signpost offers a sleek modern look well-suited to homes with sharp contemporary architecture. Tall 6″ letters grace each side in a smooth modern font, bright and reflective to immediately capture the attention of guests, delivery drivers, and emergency responders.
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deshengbruce · 5 years
CNC Machining
DESHENGRUI MACHINERY CO., LTD is one of the leading companies specialized in developing, manufacturing and exporting mechanical products. Our factory is located in Suzhou City, the East of China. OUR MISSION To exceed our customers’ expectations. Deshengrui supplies OEM industrial Spare parts for different industry. OUR VISION To be the world’s most trusted partner for CNC machined parts, CNC turning parts, Die casting parts, Stamping parts, and forged parts. OUR VALUES We always do the right thing. With precision, pace and passion. We trust each other and have fun winning together. We own and shape our future. We create sustainable growth. TEAMWORK We are an organized and efficient team. DESHENGRUI have a strong and experienced team. To ensure high precision and stable quality level. Our products mainly are casting, machining, forging and stamping parts. The products and services are involved in Mechanic industry, Automatic production line, Telecommunication equipment, Automatic industrial equipment, etc. We are rich experienced in many kinds of materials matching, such as AL5052/6061/6082/7075, SUS303/304/316/316L, SS440C, Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, Brass, Copper, Bronze, Titanium. Moreover, we are able to provide the customers with special machining, heat treatment, plating, surface finishing and so on., e.g.: precision EDM matching, nitriding, vacuum heat treatment, super low temperature treatment, hardness anodizing, steel oxidizing dark-blue, electro-polishing, Nickel plating, Chrome Plating, Silver plating, Golden plating and so on. Our products have been sold well to the USA, Canada, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Belgium, Isreal. DESHENG PRECISION has a very strong engineering team. All engineers are familiar with AutoCAD, Solidworks, Pro/engineer. We have a full range of equipment in order to make different kinds of products. 1. Die casting machine. 2.investment casting and Sand casting oven. 3.Turning Machine & Milling Machine 4.Forging machine 5.Punching Machine 6.Machining Center DESHENG PRECISION vigorously orients itself toward foreign markets and develops cooperation with multinationals.
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jayu123-me · 5 years
Nickel Mining Market 2015-2023 by Segmentation: Based on Product, Application and Region
Nickel is a crucial element used for several applications such as for making nickel steels, electroplating and superalloys. Increasing industrialization coupled with the infrastructure development has increased the demand for steel across the globe. Increasing demand for steel has swelled the demand for nickel mining. The mining industry has seen a growth that has resulted due to the increasing demand for minerals and metals from the different sectors of the economy coupled with the advancements in the mining technologies.   Read  Report Review @
  Nickel is a silvery-white lustrous metal. Due to its high reactivity with oxygen, nickel is mostly found in the interiors of large-iron meteorites. Nickel is used in wide range of applications due to its less corrosive nature and less ductility. Nickel is extracted for ores by roasting and reduction processes. The methods provides more than 70% purity, making it usable for production of stainless steel without further purifying it. However, stainless steels produced from it can’t be used for every applications.   Pyrometallurgical technique is the most traditional technique for processing of most of the sulfide ores. The yield of nickel has been significantly improved by recent advancement in hydrometallurgical techniques. These process allows the production of nickel with the final concentration greater than 99%.   On the basis of application, the global nickel mining market can be segmented into stainless steel, super magnets, electroplating chemicals, rechargeable batteries and others (coinage, microphone capsules and electric guitar components). Majority of the nickel produced across the globe is used for production of alloy steel such as nickel steel and nickel cast iron. Other alloys produced using nickels are alloys with chromium, lead, copper, gold, silver, cobalt, aluminum, nickel brasses and bronzes.   The global nickel mining market can be segmented on the basis of mining techniques into underground mining and open cast mining. The nickel ore mainly exists as pentlandite (sulfide ore) and the laterite. The Mining methods for nickel depend on the type of ore. Asia pacific is anticipated to dominate the global nickel mining market during the forecast period. Philippines, Indonesia and Australia are among the largest producer of nickel across the globe. Russia, Finland and Norway are among the major producers of nickel in Europe. Some of the other countries with significant nickel production are China, Canada, Brazil and Colombia.   Request for Customization @
  Increasing industrialization in Asia Pacific has resulted in increasing demand for nickel. With several new industries in China and India coupled with infrastructure development is anticipated to increase the demand for nickel, driving the global nickel market during the forecast period. The high investment required for the purpose of mining and environmental considerations related to the mining activities are the main restraint to the global nickel mining market.The nickel mining market presents plenty of opportunities for the new entrants to enter the market and compete with the existing players.   Some of the key players in the global nickel mining market are Vale SA (Brazil), Rio Tinto Group (Australia), BHP Billiton plc (Australia), Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. (Japan), MMC Norilsk Nickel (Russia), Eramet SA (France), Jinchuan Group Ltd (China), Xstrata Plc (Anglo- Swiss) and Minara Resources Ltd. ( Australia) among others. Nickel mining companies are keen to increase their global market share through merger and acquisition.   This research report analyzes this market on the basis of its market segments, major geographies, and current market trends. Geographies analyzed under this research report include 
North America 
Asia Pacific 
Middle East and Africa
Latin America
This report provides comprehensive analysis of 
Market growth drivers 
Factors limiting market growth
Current market trends 
Market structure
Market projections for upcoming years 
This report is a complete study of current trends in the market, industry growth drivers, and restraints. It provides market projections for the coming years. It includes analysis of recent developments in technology, Porter’s five force model analysis and detailed profiles of top industry players. The report also includes a review of micro and macro factors essential for the existing market players and new entrants along with detailed value chain analysis.    Request Brochure @
    Reasons for Buying this Report
This report provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamics
It provides a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining market growth 
It provides a six-year forecast assessed on the basis of how the market is predicted to grow 
It helps in understanding the key product segments and their future
It provides pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you ahead of competitors
It helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segments 
It provides distinctive graphics and exemplified SWOT analysis of major market segments 
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