#ss investment casting
cantsayidont · 9 months
While this ranks relatively low on my overall list of complaints about STAR TREK: DISCOVERY and STRANGE NEW WORLDS, something I find annoying about them is that they've really built up the size and strength of Starfleet to something closer to what it is in STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, which contradicts TOS in ways that have far-reaching story effects.
TOS repeatedly indicates that in that period Starfleet has only a handful of ships in the Enterprise's class, presumably because they're resource-intensive to build and operate. As Kirk and John Christopher discuss in "Tomorrow Is Yesterday":
CHRISTOPHER: Must have taken quite a lot to build a ship like this. KIRK: There are only twelve like it in the fleet.
That plainly doesn't mean that Starfleet has no other ships, but ships of what TOS describes as the "Starship" class ("Constitution-class" is a later coinage) are uniquely capable. As Merik, former commander of the SS Beagle, explains in "Bread and Circuses":
MERIK: He commands not just a spaceship, Proconsul, but a starship. A very special vessel and crew. I tried for such a command.
This special status is a central part of the premise of TOS: It's the reason why the Enterprise is assigned such a diverse array of duties, and why what the Enterprise does is so important to the plot. Even into the TOS cast movie era, we're frequently told that the Enterprise is the only ship in the sector capable of responding to a problem or threat, and the crew is rarely in a position to call for reinforcements even where that would be tactically or strategically advisable.
While that makes duty on one of these ships very risky (as evidenced by the number of the Enterprise's sister ships that are lost with all hands in TOS, including Constellation, Defiant, and Exeter), as Merik's remark indicates, it's also a plum assignment, and one for which there's obviously fierce competition. The TOS bible makes much of the fact that Kirk is the youngest person ever to command one of these starships, and he also appears to be one of the lowest-ranking. (Many of the other starship captains we see are fleet captains or commodores, as well as being older than Kirk.) This comes into play at a variety of points: For instance, it's at the root of Ben Finney's animosity toward Kirk in "Court Martial" (and presumably why Kirk's peers are quick to give him the cold shoulder when he's charged with negligence in Finney's apparent death), and it's part of the tension in "The Doomsday Machine," where Kirk and Spock have to maneuver around the fact that Matt Decker outranks Kirk and is clearly the senior officer.
The limited number of starships also provides a useful Watsonian explanation for the dichotomy of a capital warship (which the Enterprise unequivocally is) being used for scientific research and exploration missions. Although TOS is reluctant to say much about civilian life within the Federation, we can probably assume that such costly starships are the subject of a lot of political wrangling, and the different roles the Enterprise plays probably reflect those tensions: The Enterprise's scientific duties may be a concession to those who (like David Marcus in STAR TREK II) are wary of Starfleet's military role, and perhaps an effort to extract a greater civilian return on the Federation's obviously substantial military investment. It might also be a diplomatic ploy, or an attempt to maneuver around arms control treaties with rival powers like the Klingons and Romulans. (Arms-limitation treaties are probably the most plausible explanation for the Enterprise-A being so hastily decommissioned and its entire class apparently being mothballed shortly after STAR TREK VI.)
DISCOVERY and STRANGE NEW WORLDS pay lip service to the specialness of ships of the Enterprise's class while undermining the point by indicating that Starfleet also has hundreds if not thousands of other, slightly smaller starships with 80 or 90 percent of the Enterprise's capabilities, carrying out a similar range of missions. I can see why they've gone that way, and there's obvious precedent for it in the TOS cast movies, which depict several other classes of Starfleet ships, but interposing that into the TOS era inevitably weakens the premise of the original stories, and renders many of the conceits of TOS unintelligible. (If it were up to me, I would attribute the expanded range of ships to changes between TOS and the era of the movies, which are set years later and have different narrative priorities.)
This retroactive Starfleet expansion also exacerbates the increasingly jingoistic militarism of modern STAR TREK, which is uncomfortably pronounced in both the Abrams films (which got money from the Pentagon for it) and in the recent shows (which I suspect are also getting DOD money, although I haven't seen that specifically confirmed). The large-scale fleet maneuvers of the finale of PICARD, for instance, are frankly terrifying, and would be even without the contrivances of the plot. A Federation that celebrates "Frontier Day" with a massive display of military power within the solar system, obviously aimed at awing and intimidating citizen and adversary alike, seems like a pretty harrowing "post-scarcity socialist utopia," even by the standards of a show that's always been about the crews of a spacegoing navy doing interstellar colonialism.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
After having a long think...
Even though I keep saying I'm going to go rest and stop obsessing about this, I guess I can't. I just suck at sitting still and being chill. My thoughts are under the cut out of respect for folks in the tags who don't want to engage in any drama around Seven.
Here is a list of all the push for Seven that has been noticed in the first two days (the thread is currently 30-posts deep but please do take a look):
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Note: I haven't vetted any of those comments. I just scrolled through them and felt so overwhelmed. It just doesn't look good, but I bow to any industry experts who have real data and experience.
Update: Artie has a good post here about Jimin's debut numbers and playlists. Also here about how Seven being promoted to radio isn't necessarily proof that it was payola and they have the numbers from credible sources to back that possibility up:
I'm just going to come right out and say it: I find payola dishonorable. It's not just advertising; it's basically bribes. And ads should never replace real people's streams.
I deeply respected that BTS and ARMY found such success without that stuff. It used to be about passionate artists, making their own music, which resonated with real people, who worked hard to promote it. It was about mutual respect.
JK's numbers don't look completely organic to me, but I don't think he had a hand in that.
I have such serious misgivings if this the direction Hybe is going in for JJK1, and have no clue how the group survives if the company picks and chooses their favorites for that kind of push. If this is the strategy for all BTS projects now, I have no idea how they can afford it. I'd really appreciate if they could come to us and try to explain how it could ever be on the up-and-up because I don't think it can.
I confess I will not be working hard at all for anything that seems inorganic. This project just looks like Scooter weaponizing Jungkook to win a dick-measuring contest with Taylor and others. I hate it.
That said, I've always been very clear that Jimin is my guide.
Jimin adores Jungkook. Jimin is working with and hanging out with Jungkook even as I type this. Jimin is choosing for now to stay with Hybe. Jimin is flying all over the world on Hybe's time and dime to work on even more projects. Jimin has more music to share with us, that Hybe is investing in. Jimin seems happy for the most part.
I will support Jimin and never move against the people Jimin loves.
I trust Jimin and give the benefit of the doubt to the people Jimin trusts.
When planning his first album, I do not believe that Jimin was told about decisions to split tracks, or skip play-listings, or what would get restocked, or if they'd buy ads for smoother streams on YouTube and Spotify or not, or what kind of articles would be written about him.
I believe Jimin had plenty of input on the design, look, feel, sound, tracks, cast, choreo, performances--all the creative aspects of his album. I think he was able to say what he needed to say and get Letter hidden on his album for Jungkook. But I don't think he was roped into strategic plans and profit and loss statements and marketing roll-outs in any great detail. I arrive at this idea based on my own experience in the entertainment industry--I could be wrong.
And so I think the same for Jungkook. I think Jungkook had input on some of the creative aspects of this single (and likely had suspicions of what working under Hybe America and Scooter might entail). I have no idea the conversations and pressures he faced around this topic, or if he simply trusted Bang PD to handle it. I don't know what all he talked about with Jimin and the hyungs.
I do know there was a time this year when he came to us on lives deeply depressed and almost lost, despondent. I know there was a group dinner where many things were discussed. And then there were many times he came to us on lives, inspired by and enamored with Jimin, memorizing and hyping up his work with such pure adoration, even as their own company refused to even mention Jimin's successes.
So I ask myself: does Jeon Jungkook really have it in him to steal Jimin's ideas or push himself out ahead of his hyungs, embracing unequal treatment and unfair advantages, just so he can be the one to make it big in the West?
And in looking for that answer, I'm reminded of this clip:
No. I don't think that's who Jeon Jungkook is. At least, it isn't the Jeon Jungkook I knew.
I am sad to say I think that is exactly who Scooter Braun is and who Bang PD has become. That is what the company would do. But not our Jungkook. Not unless everyone in the group was on board with it, somehow.
Jimin is standing by Jungkook. So I am standing by Jungkook--as a person.
But I've bought Seven once and I've added it to my night playlist and that's all the moves I'm making on that project. I will not be setting alarms to vote or using extra accounts to buy or hash-tagging anything, nor getting any merch, nor requesting local spins, none of that. It's a catchy song but as the thread I linked to above shows, it is a guaranteed "success" even without me. So I'm using my energy to support Jimin and other BTS projects that resonate with me and need me.
My stance on this might offend you, and I respect your feelings. I do not identify as a solo or anti. I still think of myself as aJimin-biased Jikooker who loves the members. I am probably toeing the line of being a manti, as I feel this company has broken faith with me. Not the creative or administrative staff, but the executives. I feel like they've ended our ten-year legacy in shame.
If it gets much worse, I may just dip out of the fandom after Jimin goes into service. I don't know. Probably I will have to see how things work out for the other solo works and plans for the group for 2025. At the moment, I have far bigger things to worry about, like colitis.
I can't lie, what I've seen so far with this rollout really shocked me, gave me a bit of an identity crisis, as ARMY. I don't want to assume the worst; neither do I want to bury my head in the sand for the sake of my ship or my favorite songs.
I will always act in accordance with my own conscience, based on the limited information I have. If I get better information, I will of course update my viewpoints. If at any point that causes anyone who is friended with me distress, I will understand completely if we need to part ways. I never, EVER wish to cause anyone harm.
But I'm too sick to argue and debate too much, too long. Boraland was supposed to be a place to unwind and feel inspired, not get more stressed. These past few 1.5 years months as ARMY has been exhausting in every sense of the word. So I'm choosing to put my energy into the things that bring some joy in my life.
I'm choosing to trust and follow Jimin's lead, for now.
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goongiveusnothing · 8 months
I think the media is def seeing him on his way out which is why the massive hype up from him to make pleashit happen. This is from The Standard:
First, the usual lies (aka tongue bathing Transplantrry’s colon), pretending gp is interested in his cheap ass nail polish, face acid for kids, basic tanks, and probably dildoes and vibrators in the near future.
“Styles’ impact beyond the realms of high fashion, though, and his appeal is that all-important sense of authenticity.
(if by authenticity they mean greedy and money hungry lol)
BUT then this low key shade:
”As Styles leans into his next decade, it is perhaps his fashion investments which will shape his future legacy as much as a million screaming ardent fans. The very nature of teen-pop stardom is that you are there to be replaced; one only has to cast a cursory glance over the trajectory of beloved boyband members past to understand that when the dance routines stop, everyone needs a strong financial brand extension to fall back on.”
Source: https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/fashion/harry-styles-birthday-30th-pleasing-ss-daley-b1136142.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1706775859-2
this is a pleasing press release which is interesting. they REALLY want to set him up as a creative fashion revolutionary in order for the "next part" of his career aka the twink death boyband transplantrry botox downfall. which just seems funny considering how much of a total dud pleasing is and how the only thing keeping it going is the fans feeling by buying it they're connecting to harry the boyband styles.
the reality is that pleasing has already peaked. it will never be as successful as when he first launched it and he was a bigger star and people were curious. now that fans know the quality is shit and it's just a basic generic nail and skin care thing, there's just no reason to stay invested and buying.
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metallicthirst · 4 months
Utilizing the sophisticated Kaminoan cloning techniques and the general training tactics they employed, which were obviously significantly modified since the introduction of the Symbiotes with further training, augmentation, and conditioning since the acquisition of the desired imprints for the Symbiotes, the forces of the Rulerlings have seen four distinct castes arise.
However 'four' does ignore the Livestock caste and their various forms.
Below is a broad overview of the castes below the Rulerlings, as the Rulerlings will each have specific variations to their forces based on the resources they have access to.
Genetically, extremely similar to the originally modified clones produced by the Kaminoans. Tier 2 and 3 clones within the caste are Mistings, with tier 3 clones possessing further genetic augmentations to include small glands that produce heavily invested metals scattered across the skin of their pectoral and deltoid regions giving them a bumpy 'scarified' appearance. The tier 3 mistings denature their near-constant metallic annihilation through a Sunheart filament implanted into their sternum which surrounds the crystal connected to the core. In dark environments and bare-chested, they can appear to have a dim blue light emit from their chest. The filament can only be used one way, either taking energy from the core to fuel rationed emergency Allomancy or negating the effects of Allomancy to store into the core.
The Symbiotes of these members possess white markings on the face reminiscent of a stylized fanged half-skull mask, with the eye coverings black rather than the stereotypical white of the other castes. These masks become more complicated the higher tier the Symbiote's host is, from an almost simple half-skull mask to a fanged half-skull mask to a fanged half-skull mask with a lower jaw that moves when speaking. They usually manifest as black skin suits, similar to the previously encountered Spider-Man and his 'Venom' Symbiote, with white markings similar to ribs below the pectorals and white bands around the wrist and ankles. The tier 3 Symbiotes will additionally also pronounce the 'scarification' of their host. The tier 3 Symbiotes will either display themselves as armor or expand themselves out into a black mist around their host. The apparent thickness of the armor and the amount of fog will depend upon the amount of the Allomancer's metal the Symbiote has stored. The fog will break apart the metal it stores that it comes in contact with, though this process is slow, roughly 45 seconds per gram of material. This fog ability is thanks to the imprint donor, Alpha, and the Harvester Symbiote translating it into useable genetic code. The tier 2 Symbiotes will also store the Allomancer's metal as armor plating. The Symbiote's main auxiliary function is the storage of metal, the injection of metal, and the extraction of metal when Allomancy is not planned to be in use.
The disparity between tier 2 and tier 3 units are significant and pronounced, though not as pronounced as with the Hemalurgists.
Genetically, extremely similar to the originally modified clones produced by the Kaminoans. Tier 2 and 3 clones within the caste are Ferrings, with cybernetic augmentations acquired from Night City, the Shard Slots. The electrical contacts of these cards are no longer used as such, rather, they are used as 'slots' of Feruchemical stores. Each 'chip' can have a number of 'slots', but has a total storage capacity of 500 BEUs. Tier 2s have four SS, two behind each ear. Tier 3s have two SS, one behind each ear. The tier 3 chips are different, inlaid with Sunhearts and Crystal, they have effectively infinite denatured storage and can be tapped at regular intervals for extra investiture. That chip has sixteen two-way contacts and one incoming contact. Their second chip has one contact for each highly invested metal, with special protective measures around volatile metals such as the Harmonium alloy.
The Symbiotes of this cast simply is a black skin suit with two white eye coverings. Very little variation between the tiers, they excel at covering the SS while in clothing modes. Currently, they have no imprinted sequences. Their auxiliary function does not currently exist, simply making up for the weaknesses of the host while storing and multiplying the strengths while tapping. They seem to have a preference for maintaining the clothing forms.
The disparity between new tier 2 and tier 3 units is practically non-existent, however, older tier 3 units begin to display some level of Feruchemical Savantism. Which, when combined with the Symbiotes, drastically enhances their general effectiveness.
Genetically, they've deviated from the originally modified clones produced by the Kaminoans. Unlike the other castes, they produce generations with slightly enhanced qualities through the use of spikes. The exception to this is the tier 3 clones who are practically unchanged, having retractable fangs which function as innate spikes in their bodies, grown into the root of these fangs is a Sunheart and a Crystal, a portion of their 'feasts' sent to the core as a tithe. They often 'sacrifice' much of the investiture they accumulate in their Sunhearts to grow the 'metal roots' deeper into their skull before they can store the investiture for their permanent personal use. Also unlike the other castes, they don't clone their tier 2 units, they become elevated after 'hunting for their own spikes' from the tier 1 clones. The amount of spikes allowed is based on time, though they seem to insist on hunting for spikes themselves rather than taking one from the Archives. They are additionally unique in that they are often willing to recruit members from local forces, as they have determined that 'true' generations are sometimes superior to 'false' generations. They additionally have an honorary tier 0, a Hemalurgic Construct auxiliary force, this auxiliary force lacks Symbiotes and are taken from the native Human populations.
The symbiotes of this caste have white eye coverings, fanged maws made of the flesh of the black skin suit, digitigrade legs, claws on their hands and feet, and one tube on each forearm. These tubes can be used as railguns for their spike projectiles, with each tier having an exponentially higher maximum velocity for these projectiles. This ability was taken from the donor who caused catastrophic damage during their acquisition, Misaka Mikoto. The tier 3 Symbiotes have one pair of fangs on their upper jaw display a metallic color and often have web-like patterns on their bodies, which sometimes shift. The tier 2 Symbiotes have white dots on their chest signifying how many spikes they have acquired, despite the spikes being implanted above the eyebrows. The Symbiotes of tier 2 and tier 3 will often 'remove the eyes' when their hosts enter into homicidal rages in an attempt to remove the visually triggering stimulus (often blood) and allow their host to regain control of themself. In particularly bad rages, they will also 'seal their mouths' to prevent cannibalization, which is not uncommon in the caste. The auxiliary function of these Symbiotes is to aid in the acquisition of new spikes, to share the spiritual load of possessing many spikes, and to quiet the bloodthirst of their hosts.
The disparity between initial tier 1 and tier 3 clones has increased over time, with tier 1 clones being more effective until tier 3 clones have enough investiture to outgrow their lower-ranked cousins. At this point, the disparity becomes significant as time passes.
Created after having left the locality of the Kaminoans, they are considered to be a novel caste. The Human counterpart of the caste is effectively braindead, more a physical scaffolding for the Symbiotes. They are unique in that there is no tier system for the clones. Though they are by far the smallest caste due to their uniform non-combatant role.
The Symbiotes of this cast have patterns across their bodies, often colorful with greens, blues, and oranges. The highly ranked Symbiotes possess hoods and 'battle skirts' often. On their face is a particular and uniform pattern laid in green markings, in the palms of their hands is one blue circle each, and there is a red-orange triangular void in the front of their neck. They have integrated the mining technology of the Castes/Demons into their palms, a modified Talisman (feeding the energy through a Sunheart filament into a Crystal) into their faces, and the Faro Plague's biomass furnaces in their neck. This was possible due to the imprint donor, Malware. Though they could integrate further technologies into their forms, the forces have yet to discover one which would be suitable for universal integration. Their auxiliary functions are the recruitment of local volunteers (if they are not deemed hostile), management of the farms, coordination of recourse acquisition in the locality, and the repurposing of fallen unit resources.
This caste has, since its inception, become an integral part of the Rulerling's forces; fueling the Core with souls, the Foundries with metal, and the Bioforges with biomass.
There are three varieties of livestock; one that contributes to materials, one that contributes to investiture, and one that contributes to biomass. They are created from the mushroom men gained from the decaying world of flesh.
Organic Livestock They have been bred over the course of going from locality to locality, to be larger, fatter, and stronger. They are harvested for their investiture and their biomass.
Metallic Livestock Spliced with the genes of an Osmosian, they have been bred to permanently absorb and wholly convert their bodies into a singular metal they come into contact with. This method is where a majority of the heavily invested metal supplies comes from. They are harvested for their investiture and metal.
Archival Livestock Each generation, they are implanted with a spike with specific qualities to pass on a fragment of the quality to their children in order to increase the quality over generations. They are harvested for their qualities and their biomass.
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stroebe2 · 1 year
Earlier this summer, I showed up uninvited at a midtown Manhattan music venue, where a startup named the Praxis Society was holding an event as part of a weeklong series to promote its flagship product: a free-market Mediterranean city-state the company hopes to build under the leadership of a CEO who, former employees said, is interested in fascist authors and occultism and has touted a book that argues Black people are intellectually inferior to whites. 
Praxis, a for-profit corporation, was founded as Bluebook Cities in 2019 by Californian Dryden Brown and former Boston College wide receiver Charlie Callinan. They envisioned an autonomous enclave where the free-market dreams of Chicago and Austrian school economists would become reality, a place libertarians could settle without the tyranny of regulation. While the project draws inspiration from ancient Greece and Rome, Brown, the company’s CEO, said in a 2021 interview that its style would be “hero futurism” with a “neo-Gilded Age kind of aesthetic.” 
If this sounds like fantasy, it probably is. But it’s one that’s captured the minds of real—and really rich—people. In 2021, the company’s seed round raised roughly $4 million, including from Pronomos Capital, a libertarian city-building fund started in 2019 with significant financial backing from Thiel. Other participants included Thiel’s close friend Balaji Srinivasan; Joe Lonsdale, who cofounded the analytics and intelligence company Palantir Technologies with Thiel; and Bedrock Capital, a fund launched by a former partner in Thiel’s Founders Fund. Praxis followed up several months later with a Series A round that brought in $15 million, much of it from cryptocurrency investors, including Three Arrows Capital and Sam Bankman-Fried’s Alameda Research, which both later spectacularly imploded. Emergent Ventures, another Thiel-backed fund led by economist Tyler Cowen and housed in George Mason University’s Koch-supported Mercatus Center, has also invested. 
Brown and at least one other senior Praxis employee were interested in “this strange Nazi occultism,” one of those three ex-staff members said, citing the pair’s appreciation of Evola, who co-authored another book offering “instructions for developing psychic and magical powers,” according to its contemporary publisher. (Scholars have written about Nazi links to Ariosophy—an esoteric ideology blending mysticism, racism, nationalism, and antisemitism—and documented the SS’s fascination with Norse mythology and Eastern spiritual traditions. If you’ve seen Raiders of the Lost Ark, you know the Hollywood version.) Another of those former employees, also citing Evola, confirmed Brown’s interest in the occultist bent of the SS. An internal slideshow briefing staff on the company’s brand and philosophy presented Evola’s thinking on the four “functional classes” or castes, and suggested the categories should guide the company’s recruitment of new members and prospective residents, according to that former worker.
“When you’re hired,” one former employee said, “you get a welcome packet with 11 book recommendations. One of them is Bronze Age Mindset,” an openly racist and fascist book by the anonymous far-right influencer Bronze Age Pervert that warns of a coming struggle against the “enemies of Western man and the enemies of beauty.”
Part of the company’s strategy involves drawing participants in New York’s downtown scene to its events in the hope of bringing some on board. Succession actress Dasha Nekrasova, a leading light of the so–called Dimes Square set and a co-host of Red Scare—a once-socialist podcast that has taken a turn to the right—attended a June black-tie banquet at the Yale Club for current and prospective members. Thiel money has also directly funded downtown events attended by the arty set Praxis is trying to lure; in 2022, BuzzFeed News revealed the billionaire’s financial backing of the New People’s Cinema Club, which boasted of screening transgressive films without mind to political correctness. Jokes about sloshing “Thielbucks” among the anti-woke downtown set have become a meme.
In Brown’s vision, Thiel’s or his associates’ money wouldn’t just be going to film impresarios or their parties; it would go toward a city where both young neo-reactionaries and their post-left associates might have a hand in forging something tangible, something beyond a podcast or a Substack. Of course, Praxis hasn’t done anything tangible. But even if construction never starts, the company’s inroads with the scene are another vector for reactionary Silicon Valley perspectives to acquire cultural purchase.
The company has scoped a rotating set of possible sites for its city along the Mediterranean shore. Kunapuli told me they were trying to decide between Italy and Morocco. (I later heard Montenegro is in the mix.) “There’s tradeoffs,” Kunapuli acknowledged, as we looked at the renderings. Italy is more trusted by Westerners, a place where Praxis company leaders believe government and industry are more likely to come through on legal contracts, he explained, before conceding the same conditions would make it “harder to influence and change regulations and policies” than in Morocco.
A record-breaking heat wave and forest fires would end up hitting the Mediterranean a month later. As best as I could tell, Praxis didn’t have a plan to shield its new-Gilded Age city from such catastrophes. As it turns out, you can’t exit everything.
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Consumer Guide / No.132 / Actress and singer, Sukie Smith, with Mark Watkins.
MW: What important decision in your personal life have you based largely upon intuition? What about professional life? How did these choices pan out?
SS: That's a really interesting question and my relationship and acknowledgement of intuition has just come back into focus. I’ve sort of denied it on and off for a few years and that is never a good thing. I think my intuition is always having a dialogue with me, but I have a willfulness and self-destruction that pushes it away ... I can’t ignore it, but I can deny it. I think intuition plays an everyday part in assessing the tone of a situation, safety, potential joy etc. but specifically tangible decisions.
Early on in my acting career I was offered a huge lead in a long running well respected series. I turned it down. They were disappointed, my agent was angry, my contemporaries thought I was insane. I loved the show, the cast, the directors, the part was amazing ... but I just didn’t feel that it was right ... six months later I met Mike Leigh and made Topsy Turvy with him which wouldn’t have been possible if I was committed to the series. So, I was justified. Haa.
In music, it's about a sensation around people, whether there is a connection, a teletherapy between you that means you can speak freely about music somehow...abstract...gentle. I have to trust someone implicitly and quickly to be able to communicate. I guess that's intuitive, knowing who to be private around and who is receptive to ideas. 
MW: How easy or difficult was it to obtain your Equity card and, fairly concisely, what was the process to get you there?
SS: I auditioned for a theatre who had an equity card. I played Tiger Lily in a production of Peter Pan which I thought was very glamorous. I had been to The Royal Central School Of Speech And Drama for three years and was taken on by a big agent. She helped me find a union card. In that production I was also a mermaid with a tail made out of a duvet singing a siren song behind a cardboard wave ... yes...very ridiculous.
MW: How did you get the part of Laura Branning in EASTENDERS? Describe your favorite scene…
SS:  I auditioned for Laura Branning in Eastenders in a distracted way because I had just signed to a record label and was about to release In Case of Emergency, so I didn't really acknowledge what a huge deal it was in terms of the amount of people who watch the show. I adored working with June Brown and Barbra Windsor, they were so lovely, they treated the whole cast like it was one big family, really invested in their characters, stories and performances. The director who cast me insisted my character never smiled: 0. 
My favourite scene? The first entrance of the character was brilliantly dramatic ... with the music starting just as I delivered my killer line. It was all astonishing and watching it a few months later was surreal... a David Lynch style twist of reality. 
(Here's a clip of another scene in Eastenders, Max confronts Rachel)
MW: You’ve done a cross-section of wonderful artistic performance things, and continue to create; do all these arrows in your quiver represent you not wanting to be pigeon-holed? OR would you have liked to be known specifically for one particular aspect? 
SS: Thank you for noticing. I wonder if our culture invites us to settle and stick with an identity as an artist (or as any defining notion) too soon, or at all and limits us because of it. I am very interested in musicians and artists who explore lots of disciplines. Because it's all the same isn't it, it's an outpouring. I cherish the exploratory paths I am on, there’s not an end goal…it's all about being investigative. I am curious about people's methods of thinking, so I made a podcast to ask them about it. I enjoy excavating a character from a text written by someone, so I make films etc.
Being an independent musician means it's necessary to do many many things, writing, demoing, recording, rehearsing, playing live, making videos, marketing. A LOT. I love collaborating with other musicians or artists, being part of someone else's world. Working on a Bolts Of Melody track for Adam Franklin or being involved with a live radio play written by Bill Drummond (KLF) and Johny Brown of The Band of Holy Joy or singing backing vocals for Micki Berenyi’s band Piroshka. Lots of examples ... what I really enjoy is being part of something which is unclassifiable. I was very proud of my first album being listed on iTunes as such. 
MW: I bought Maxinquaye on CD in 1995. Tell me about your involvement with Trickyreincarnated, and, reflecting back, any particular memories of the mid- 90’s which ushered in a range of new music, including Britpop… 
SS: I remember first seeing the video with Tricky and Martina Topley-Bird singing ‘Aftermath’ on some late-night video show and just feeling like time stopped. What the fuck was that .... so, so brilliant ... I lived in Camden then, right in the middle of everything. It was a time soaked in music, everything was about seeing a show, being on a guest list, reading about bands, meeting bands, recovering from seeing bands, going to clubs, being so excited about everything. I was out every night at something, Blue Note, Laurel Tree, Astoria, The Falcon, The White Horse, discovering Jungle, Bangra, Acid Jazz. Labels like Creation, Nude and Food putting on nights, watching some bands become huge, going to Knebworth, being back…just astonishing and happy making. Everyone was making music, I started to write songs on a bass a friend lent me , make demos etc. Living in a big, shared house everything feeling very, very creative. It was a beautiful and inspiring time.
The way I met and worked with Tricky is a set of coincidences and near misses. I had previously worked with an artist called Silent Strike (electronic composer) co-writing a couple of tracks on albums of his after he found my music online. We didn’t meet for the longest time, just exchanged tracks via the internet. Five or six years passed and then out of the blue, during covid, he asked if I would write lyrics and a melody for an e.p he was making. I was very depressed and freaked out during the pandemic and I nearly didn’t record anything ... anyway to cut a long story short, Silent Strike had been making tracks with Tricky who heard my song and Tricky invited me to Berlin to co-write and record Hell Is Round The Corner-Reincarnated.
I had said in an interview years and years before that the only people I wanted to work with were Lee Scratch Perry and Tricky ... so deep magic. He is astonishing, summoning up a track in a day just by force of will and extreme focus...I am very, very proud to have been involved with that track ...he is a very impressive human. 
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MW: Tell me about your new album, The Glass Dress And A Ringing Bell…
SS: Previously releasing three albums as Madam, and recorded them with my band who rehearsed the songs and then recreated them in a studio environment, this is the first time I arrived at a studio with my ten songs fully written, a head full of ideas and some field recordings but a more experimental and instinctive way of approaching the songs. Nick Trepka and I would speak about the sonic atmosphere of a track and listen to any field recordings I might have, a storm in a harbour, a medical machine, wind in telephone wires etc. and start to build a track around my guitar and vocals. As soon as we started to commit to a direction for the song it became very clear to me what would work or not, it was very exciting and frustrating and heady and complex! I love the way this album sounds.
I included the Silent Strike collaboration Fixed Star and also a song written and produced by Gareth Moss who when he isn’t playing bass in Madam is a prolific songwriter / producer. This track was the first time we worked together from a long time ago when he was releasing music as Vyvyn Howl. There are contributions from Adam Franklin, some guitars and keys and John Robertson, some lead guitars and Jeff Townsin on drums on a couple of tracks. All other sounds on the eight songs recorded with Nick are played by me or him. My good friend Roxanne Ducharme is an award-winning animator and AI artist, and she is making a film for 'We Try Not To Think About It Now' to coincide with the release of the vinyl version of the record, released in September (2024). 
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The Glass Dress and a Ringing Bell | Sukie Smith (bandcamp.com)
MW: What are you currently reading, listening to, watching?
SS: I am reading a biography about the British/Mexican surrealist painter Leonora Carrington.
On the radio, I am listening to podcasts about fashion or space mostly, right now about designer Elsa Schiaparelli. As for music, I just bought a turntable, so I am listening to my old records from when I first started buying music, Kate Bush, Bowie, The Mamas And The Papas , mostly 'The Ninth Wave' on the Hounds Of Love. New artists, I like music that Tricky releases on his False Idols label and also very early music, quarter tone...Indian folk songs, medieval vocal stuff.
I stream movies, I watched I Am Not A Witch recently, which is amazing TV, always a documentary, I speed watched Feud with Tom Holland playing Truman Capote just to see his outstanding performance (we worked together on Lawless Heart) oh and Ripley to see Andrew Scott who I was in a play with at the Royal Court ... a scandi noir Detective thing is always good isn’t.  
MW: Up next, in order, your Top 10 records... 
10 ‘Strange Weather’ by Keren Ann (from her 2011 album, 101)
9 ‘This Is Hardcore’ by Pulp (1998)
8 ‘Leader Of The Pack’ by The Shangri-Las (1964)
7 ‘Fancy’ by Bobbie Gentry (1969)
6 ‘Lose Yourself’ by Eminem (2002)
5 ‘Lust For Life’ by Iggy Pop (1977)
4 ‘I Put A Spell On You’ by Screamin' Jay Hawkins (1956)
3 ‘Prisencolinensinainciusol’ by Adriano Celentano (1972)
2 ‘Unfucktheworld’ by Angel Olsen (from her 2014 album, Burn Your Fire For No Witness)
1 ‘Strange Fruit’ by Billie Holiday (1939)
Absolutely impossible task .. : ) 
MW: What artwork would “we” find hanging in/around your home? 
SS: A huge painting by John Lee Bird, along with other paintings and prints of his, then early works of artists I have met when I ran a gallery in Hackney, including Serena Korda and Lee Triming & colour and black and white photographs by James Alexander. Anything that painter Rachael Robb has gifted me.
MW: Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you invite for dinner? Pick as your (new) best friend? As your (new) love interest? 
SS: For dinner? I don't like eating in front of people, but for drinks maybe Mary Magdalene might have some wild stories.
Friendship? ...some beautiful wise dog, big like a bear.
Love? I am as loyal as a swan ...I could never love another. 
MW: Do you believe in God? Regardless of your belief/s, would you / do you PRAY in difficult moments? How do you feel about this, depending on whether you’re a believer / non-believer? 
SS: God by another name, or consciousness,I say thank you a lot. I don't know who to...I think my songs are a dialogue with my soul, so that's in the mix of belief / non-belief isn’t it ...this is a big subject for an interview.
When I was profoundly unwell in hospital, in and out of morphine reality, probably not going to survive, I saw another world. I wasn’t sure if it was opioid confusion or if I was seeing something other. Now I have recovered the atmosphere of that place is still vivid, like an echo or a memory of sound, a view through a mirror, through a window and yes prayers.
There is a song by Regina Spektor called ‘Laughing With’... (2009) that’s just about the size of it isn’t it ... no more suffering for anyone,no creature, plant anything. I pray for that. 
"No one laughs at God in a hospital No one laughs at God in a war No one's laughing at God When they're starving or freezing Or so very poor
No one laughs at God when the doctor calls After some routine tests No one's laughing at God When it's gotten real late Their kid's not back from that party yet
No one laughs at God when their airplane Starts to uncontrollably shake No one's laughing at God When they see the one they love Hand in hand with someone else And they hope that they're mistaken
No one laughs at God When the cops knock on their door And they say "We got some bad news, sir"
Artist | Sukiesmith.com | London
Sukie Smith (@madam_sukie_smith) • Instagram photos and videos
(c) Mark Watkins / July 2024
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blsahoo · 4 months
Why Choose Stainless Steel Undermount Kitchen Sink?
However, stainless steel undermount kitchen sinks have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their many benefits. In this post, we'll explore why you should choose a stainless steel undermount kitchen sink for your home.
1 Durability: Stainless steel is an incredibly durable material that can withstand daily wear and tear. It's resistant to corrosion, stains, and scratches, making it an ideal material for a high-traffic area like the kitchen. Unlike other materials, such as porcelain or cast iron, stainless steel won't chip or crack easily, ensuring that your sink will last for many years to come.
2 Hygiene: Stainless steel is also a very hygienic material, which is important in the kitchen where cleanliness is key. It's non-porous, which means that bacteria and germs can't penetrate the surface, making it easy to keep clean and sanitized. This is particularly important if you have young children or if you frequently prepare raw meat in your kitchen.
3 Easy to Clean: Another benefit of stainless steel undermount kitchen sinks is that they're very easy to clean. Simply wipe them down with a damp cloth and mild soap, and they'll look as good as new. Unlike other materials, such as cast iron, stainless steel won't stain or discolor over time, so you don't have to worry about your sink looking dirty or dingy.
4 Design: Stainless steel undermount kitchen sinks come in a wide range of designs and styles, so you can easily find one that complements your kitchen's décor. Whether you prefer a modern and sleek look or a more traditional design, there's a stainless steel sink that will suit your needs. Additionally, stainless steel sinks can be paired with a variety of countertop materials, making them a versatile option for any kitchen.
5 Affordability: Finally, stainless steel undermount kitchen sinks are an affordable option for homeowners. While they may be slightly more expensive than other materials, such as acrylic or fiberglass, they're also much more durable and long-lasting. This means that you won't have to replace your sink as often, which can save you money in the long run.
There are many reasons to choose a stainless steel undermount kitchen sink for your home. From its durability and hygiene to its easy maintenance and versatility, a stainless steel sink is a great investment for any kitchen. So if you're in the market for a new sink, consider a stainless steel kitchen sink or an ss sink, and you won't be disappointed with your choice.
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siddhalaxmi3 · 7 months
Stainless Steel Casting Alloys - Siddhalaxmi
A ferrous alloy called stainless steel contains chromium, which acts as a barrier against rust and discoloration. In liquid conditions, it operates effectively, and at high temperatures, it offers heat resistance. There are several varieties of stainless steel, and each one has a unique chemical make-up. Mechanical properties are influenced by composition, which also determines whether heat treatment can be used to further strengthen the material.
High Quality Investment Castings Using Stainless Steel Alloys
For investment casting, we pour a variety of stainless steel alloys, such as the 300 series, 400 series, and precipitation hardening alloys. All AMS, MIL, Federal, and ASTM criteria will be met by the stainless steel grades we offer.
Close tolerances and complicated casting projects for the automotive, aerospace, defence, and other industries are our specialties. We carry out all of our investment casting manufacturing internally. Stainless steel, carbon steel, tool steels, aluminium alloys, and other air melt alloys can be poured using special lines at our foundry for both ferrous and non-ferrous materials.
We offer secondary and support services, such as heat treatment, CAD modelling, and non-destructive testing, in addition to stainless steel investment casting. To find out more about our precision investment casting services, get in touch with our staff.
300 Series Stainless Steel Casting Alloys
Chromium-nickel alloy 300 series stainless steel is nonmagnetic. Although heat treatment cannot increase the strength of these stainless steel casting alloys, they are renowned for their outstanding resistance to corrosion. Additionally resistant to corrosion brought on by welding and other high-temperature finishing procedures are the alloys 304-L and 316-L. 300 series alloys are often used to investment cast pipelines and housings for industries including medical, maritime, and food and dairy. We offer a variety of casting alloys for 300 series stainless steel, such as: 302, 303, 304, 304-L, 310, 312, 316, 316-L, 319, 330, 347, BS-3146.
400 Series Stainless Steel Casting Alloys
A chromium-magnesium alloy with good strength and machinability is martensitic 400 series stainless steel. This kind of stainless steel is magnetic and may be quenched and tempered to harden it and provide high strength. The 400 series is often used for investment casting valves and machine parts for the automotive and agricultural industries. These alloys are available from us:
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To know more: https://www.siddhalaxmi.com/alloys-ss-casting-in-pune/
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rotofluidd · 7 months
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tridentsteel123 · 1 year
#StainlessSteelInvestmentCasting -Tridentsteels
Trident has Stainless steel investment casting or SS investment casting and steel investment casting, Trident Investment Casting provides with the right and precise solutions
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size diversity
Size diversity means including, respecting, and valuing a wide range of body sizes, especially plus-sizes. Many people find plus sized clothing hard to find and difficult to accentuate their beauty, Plus sized clothing on the market rarely gave women the opportunity to feel sexy or glamorous. Although as years have progressed with many new plus size models and social media helping to constantly amplify the conversation models such as Ashley Graham, Paulina Elsesser, Precious Lee and Tess Holliday have secured campaigns and & catwalk appearances with high brands such as Versace, Fendi and Alexander McQueen. Precious Lee made headlines as becoming the first curve model to be front of a Versace campaign as one of the brands ‘Medusas’ for its SS21 collection Dontella Versace said “They should think of themselves as women with rich goals in life. Size doesn’t mean, really, anything. You can carry your size with pride and dress in a way that you like.”
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Precious Lee for Versace SS21
For way too long, mainstream fashion has left out those who are a UK size 16 (the UK average) and upwards, with many designers and even high-street stores going no further than a size 14. Thankfully, things are slowly changing, and big and small brands alike are either extending their size ranges, or opening bespoke lines. 
Recently, luxury brand Erdem made headlines for extending their size range up to a UK 22, letting more women invest in quality designer pieces, while Khloé Kardashian and Emma Grede's Good American size inclusivity was a core tenet of their company, launching in UK sizes 2-28.
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Good American Website - https://www.goodamerican.com/?utm_source=google-brand-uk&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Prospecting_Search_B_General_UK&utm_content=good+american&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrbiy3_WY_wIVW4BQBh3X4Q_MEAAYASAAEgJJcvD_BwE
Adidas' own sizing currently goes up to 2X while the collection with Universal Standard goes up to 4XL, the collaboration celebrates all bodies and is embedded in Universal Standard's "ALL OF US, AS WE ARE" initiative embracing "fashion freedom." Previously, Universal Standard launched its own fitness collection, GAME by Universal Standard, in 2018 with sizing up to 4XL.
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“In London, Fashion East’s new designer, Karoline Vitto, showcased her clingy, curve-focused spring/summer 2023 collection – which is available from UK sizes 8 to 28 – on an incredible cast of size-inclusive women. Cast by Madeleine Østlie of Aamo Casting, the line-up included Alva Claire, Emma Breschi and Monët-Lauren Gordon. The latter’s Instagram bio reads: “Proud to have a body that jiggles.” She also walked for Dilara Findikoglu, Poster Girl and SS Daley. “Being represented is the most important thing in the world, for every sort of person, because it has such a profound impact on people’s mental health when they don’t see themselves represented,”
Harvard referencing:
Celletti, E.N. (2019). Adidas Launched Its First Size-Inclusive Collection With Universal Standard. [online] Teen Vogue. Available at: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/adidas-universal-standard-plus-size-collaboration.‌
Azozie, C. (2021). Precious Lee: The Plus-Sized Model Everyone is Buzzing About. [online] Fashions Finest Africa. Available at: https://fashionsfinestafrica.com/precious-lee-the-plus-sized-model-everyone-is-buzzing-about/ [Accessed 28 May 2023].‌
GOOD AMERICAN. (n.d.). GOOD AMERICAN | REPRESENTING BODY POSITIVITY. [online] Available at: https://www.goodamerican.com/?utm_source=google-brand-uk&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Prospecting_Search_B_General_UK&utm_content=good+american&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5vvvgfWY_wIVkO3tCh2VqwVOEAAYASAAEgI7qPD_BwE [Accessed 28 May 2023].‌
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crystalelemental · 2 years
Unit Teambuilding - Palentine’s Mallow
I'm gonna keep it real with you guys.  I don't really care for Mallow.   Or any of the Gen 7 cast that isn't Aether Fam.  They just didn't really stand out.  I had always chalked Mallow's particular level of disinterest up to just not loving the design overall, but now they gave her a cute outfit and I'm still not invested.  And I'd kinda hoped, though never really expected, to see Cheryl with Appletun with this event.  So it feels very, very much like when Marnie got Mawile and Bea got Vanilluxe, shattering two hopes at once.  It's just...sad, I guess. For me.  This is a season of heartbreak, apparently.  It's like I never left high school...
General Overview Dragon Support.  Man, I don't know either.  Dragon Pulse is not a good defensive tool.  They gave it Staggering 4 on grid, but...Twister Aggravation 2? Better flinch rate single target for less gauge, and potential AoE flinch, while still being dragon?  This seems obvious to me.  Anyway.  Its Apple Acid drops special defense, but only by 1 stage, with no potential to double up like SS Brendan, so she's operating at a deficit there.  Dire Hit All+ is nice, but her trainer move is...well, it's atrocious.  +3 defense for the team, but everything else involved is gauge control, specifying +2 gauge to allies in co-op.  Unless they're developing a new mode where this suddenly matters again, this is wildly useless.  It's the same kind of effect that Rosa got.
What Mallow does have is some pretty fantastic healing potential on passives, and Vigilance on grid.  This makes her a pretty sturdy wall that can stack a ton of benefit into one package.  You know.  So long as you don't look at the lack of special defense boosts, or the fact that other tools on grid are hard to access because Vigilance is such a high-priority target.  Mallow feels solidly okay, but little else.  I may be a little unfair toward her because I don't care for the character, but...yeah, this doesn't impress me much.
The main issue she contends with is SS Brendan being as good as he is.   Special Defense drops are significant, but why use Mallow over him?  And mostly, it's because Mallow doesn't need to take first sync.  She can cap crit on her own merits, whereas with Brendan, it's required to take sync.  While you often want to sync with support first for the damage, this does allow her allies to take first sync to blast CS for denials, and to work really well with mega evolutions that want to get that bonus quickly.  But it comes at the cost of how strongly she improves team damage, so be ready for the tradeoffs. EX and Move Level?
As a tank support, EX is generally recommended for the combination of stat bonuses and double damage effect supplied on sync, as is 3/5 because like usual, all the good tools are 3/5.  That said, if you just need her for buffing/debuffing purposes, you can likely get away with 1/5, but EX is still a generally good investment.
Team 1: P!Mallow, Zinniquaza, Winona/Anni Raihan/Maxie/Archie A pretty straight-forward application is Zinniquaza support, supplying the needed crit rate and special defense drops to make her Draco Meteor and sync hit harder, just add weather support.  Winona will do just fine in CS, though something with extended weather is nice for Gauntlet.   Special mention of Maxie and Archie, whose theme skills pair well with Zinnia.
Team 2: P!Mallow, Masked Royal, Nanu Another thing Mallow has over SS Brendan is when you need sync to perform a denial in CS.  Masked Royal has a great sync nuke, but only okay DPS, and thus relies on the sync to stay ahead.  Mallow provides much needed crit rate, and some physical defense to complement the attack drops, while Nanu debuffs defense for the nuke, and potentially flinch.
Team 3: P!Mallow, Burgh, Agatha/Lodge N Anti-Azelf. Mallow has both Stalwart and Unbending, making her a solid choice against this fight.  With crit rate and special defense drops, and potentially special attack buffs depending on grid, Burgh makes the best choice of partner. But since this is Azelf, no sense messing around, throw the sleep chain at it. Mallow may survive, but Burgh isn't guaranteed to.
Team 4: P!Mallow, Steven, Emma Anti-Regirock. As the current public enemy #1, I'm all about beating Regirock's ass.   Steven benefits from Mallow's crit rate, and has access to his sync instantly for better damage. The only issue is gauge control, which is why Emma's here, she grants +4 speed to the team.  I'm sure there are others, but you know.
Team 5: P!Mallow, Winona, Plumeria Anti-Tapu Bulu.  Winona and Plumeria are fast enough to handle gauges, and cover both of its weaknesses.  Both require crit rate, and enjoy her potential Ramp Up grid and special defense debuffs.  I don't know if I'd use them in the same team necessarily, but Winona was a flinch bot so I figured hey, that's really the tech you're looking for.  Flinch or sleep.   Either or.  Also Blue's fine on his own crit rate, he just needs special attack, so he felt like a worse options for Mallow.
Final Thoughts There are other team compositions that can work with her.  I think Mallow is good, but in stiff competition with SS Brendan overall.  I also think that her grid makes her seem worse than she is, compared to Brendan's grid which is basically perfect.  But she's not too bad.  I just...don't love Mallow.
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fujunfuren · 2 years
HIII ❄️❄️.
this might be my last ss massage i feel, and i got the feeling you have a guess who I am🙈🙈.. and your gift might have a delay!! i don't know how to cope about arthdal but i'll have to, as i was invested in the story and i really want to know how the rest of the story well unfold, esp the twins plot!!!! and seeing that shin sekeyung is considering her next project she and the cast are almost finish filming i guess. anyway out of all those sequels which ones will you be watching?
you know when the drama is big i don't tend to gif it much since it already gets so much love so there might be one or two sets from me 😄.. well when i watch from downlaoded files i bookmark the moment i want to gif/include in the set as i go on, if only you could see kmplayer bookmark, it make it easier for me to remember the scenes i wanted to gif… and lately i've been listening to classic music, sometimes ghibli, other times whatever comes in my youtube feeds and put me in a good mood… and when it comes to creativity i still lack there 😅😅.
anyway happy holiday and best wishes 🌟🌟🌟. —❄️❄️
I might have a hunch on who you are heeeheeee😊😊😊
I know i'll watch D.P 2, hellbound 2, taxi driver 2 (im sad esom is not part of it but for leejehoon i shall continue), the first responders s2, poong the joseon psychiatrist 2!
ooh wow you can bookmark scenes, I need to learn them. I'm the old fashion *notes down timestamp* hahaha. Listening to music does make giffing bearable when it decides to pull a stunt on you hahah.
it's been so nice chatting with you SS. I feel like I know about you more. Please take your time with the gift, no rush even if it's posted on the last day hehe.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you!!💖
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deltaponline · 2 years
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ridergreys · 2 years
Cobalt drill bits
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Cobalts hold their edge much longer, and after proper sharpening, they work like brand new bits.Owing the best drill bits is mandatory for accomplishing the drilling tasks properly. So the coating TiN remains only on the flute, but not on the cutting edge. I have a sharpener and use it regularly to keep my HSS bits sharp. Dull bits heat up much quicker and drilling longer, so I use my sharpener often. I always use a lot of cutting fluid to keep the bits cool. M42 will have wider sparks which fork at the ends. You can do a spark test on the bench grinder. Typically, high-quality Cobalt bits are made from either T15 cobalt or M42 steel. I don’t have to use so much cutting fluid to keep the bit cool and they cut quicker and cleaner. They feel sharp after drilling about 30 holes. I find cobalt bits to be much better performing for drilling through mild steel. TiN has great hardness and coating repels heat at the cutting tip. New TiN drill bits cutting edge wore much slowly. They have increased water resistance and tool life.Ĭobalt vs Titanium Drill Bits – My ExperienceĪ micro-thin coating on a top of bad Chinese steel is no substitute for proper steel to begin with. Made in America HSS titanium drill bits will work for you fine if you sharpen them properly. They’d work much better with proper back-cut and relief. (M42) 8% bits are designed for machining work hardening alloys and other tough materials. They have high heat and abrasion resistant properties. (M35) 5% cobalt tool bits are designed for heavy-duty machining alloy heavy-duty tough materials, such as castings and forgings. The bits are heat resistant up to 1500F (800 degrees Celsius). Used for cast iron, stainless steel, and aluminum.ĪlTiN – Titanium Aluminum Nitride designed to increase the temperature resistance and hardness. TiCN – Titanium Carbo-Nitride is harder and more durable than other coatings. TiN – Titanium Nitride resists friction and improves the heat transfer, providing longer life in comparison with standard high-speed steel bits. They feature “red hardness” and hold their edges when drilling the toughest materials. Most non-industrial users, with industrial tooling and machinery to work steel are going to blunt the cutting edge through gross edge damage from imperfect alignment and uncontrolled feeding, not through gradual wear, which is where TiN is of benefit.Ĭobalt HSS offers no advantage in drilling wood, mild steel, and softer non-ferrous metals.Comparison of titanium vs cobalt drill bits shows, that cobalt drills are intended for stainless and hardened alloy steels where heat and abrasion are factors in the cutting environment. Unsurprisingly they’re also a bit more brittle so are easier to breakĬomparison of cobalt vs titanium drill bits shows, that in soft abrasive material such as plastic and wood, the coating improves the life of the tool and reduces the cutting temperature. They have better heat resistance, are harder, allow higher cutting speeds. Widely used grades alloyed with cobalt M42 is 8% and M35 is 5% cobalt. ‘Cobalt’ bits are HSS bits with cobalt in alloy. “Titanium” bits are made of carbon steel, SS (Speed Steel) or HSS (High Speed Steel) with TiN (Titanium Nitride, gold color), TiCN (titanium carbo-Nitride, TiALN (titanium aluminum nitride, violet color), AlTiN (titanium aluminum nitride)īest titanium drill bits set – DeWALT DW1361 Titanium vs Cobalt Drill Bits – General Information Cobalt vs Titanium Drill Bits Comparison (Cobalt vs HSS Comparison) Using cutting fluid keeps the bit cool and prolongs a lot the life of the bit.
Used in a hand drill, it is easy to break through the coating (or definitely when sharpening) and then you have an HSS bit (not so bad too).Ī high-quality HSS bit is fine, as long as you keep them sharp it’s a reasonable investment. Learn how to sharpen them with a bench grinder, or better a drill doctor (but get one of the higher end ones that will do split points). Heat kills bits. Especially in automated systems, which drill lots of closely controlled holes. The titanium bits work great for metal cutting machines. Read our short cobalt vs titanium drill bits comparison to choose the right bits for your project. For example, sharpening titanium bits will grind off their coating, cobalt bits are great for tough steel but are brittle, etc. But each type has its own peculiar properties. Both cobalt and titanium drill bits are able to work fine for a long time.
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investmentcasting22 · 2 years
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