#nicky rollins-carisi
electrictoes · 5 months
Do you think Carisi cried during the birth of his son? I think 1000% yes
Oh absolutely
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thisisonlychemistry · 5 months
Well, I've just edited the two AO3 Rollisi fics of mine that referred to baby Rollins-Carisi as Ollie to now refer to him as Nicky.
In the end, my near-compulsive need to be canon-compliant overrode my general feeling of blahness about the name Nicky. I'm just going to go on believing his middle name is Oliver unless and until I hear otherwise.
He's definitely a cute kid; I hope we see more Rollins-Carisi family moments in s25.
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thena0315 · 5 months
Restaurant Scene
*Shout out to Munch 😢
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philtatosbuck · 5 months
i haven't seen the episode but i have to believe nicky is named dominick and they just call him nicky as a nickname
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wildflowerswildhorses · 5 months
The more I think about it, the more I’m alright about the boy being a third if his middle name is Oliver…. Because the idea of Amanda’s son sharing a name with two of the most important people in her life? I can be okay with that
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kayyybenson · 1 year
Sick - Nick Amaro
    I stood closely behind Nick as he interrogated the suspect. He wanted me to stay behind him, just in case he tries to attack us. He was a step up from the shitty partner I had in Atlanta, and I loved it, Amanda always teased me claiming I had a 'crush' on him. But that's just what twins do to each other, we're not identical appearance-wise, but personality-wise we're practically the same.
    "You know we found your DNA on the victim right?" Nick dropped his voice to seem threatening.
    "I didn't rape her. I promise."
    "Then why did we find your semen in her!?" I yelled.
    "I don't know!" I suddenly felt nauseous. I'm assuming I went pale because Nick turned to me, concerned.
    "Y/N?" Nick slowly approached me, but I scooted to a corner to throw up the lunch that cost me $20. "Yikes, you good?"
    "I don't know." I gasped. He led me out of the room. Amanda and Carisi took our place. 
    He handed me the trash can that was next to his desk. "Maybe you should go home, you are clearly under the weather."
    "No-" I threw up again. "I'm fine."
    "Girl, if you don't go home I am personally going to sedate you and drop you off in the middle of nowhere." Fin cut in.
    "Jesus Fin," I mumbled, head still in the trashcan.
    "Take the rest of the day off Rollins," Liv gave me a concerned look.
    "Which one?" She did not like that joke, I groaned and grabbed the keys to Amanda's car, we carpooled today, something we usually don't do. "Tell Mandy I'm taking the car."
    "You are not driving when you can't keep your food in your stomach." Nick protested grabbing the keys from me.
    "Wha-hey!" I yelled trying to get them back, I guess I moved too fast because I retreated back to my chair and threw up once again.
    "Amanda will be taking you home," Liv said. "You both can go, just stop puking in my squad room." I let out a long groan and let Amanda drag me by the arm. Once we got to our apartments she opened my door and led me to the couch. 
    "I told you the eggs were bad." she chuckled, I groaned and threw a pillow at her. Our apartments were conjointed so she unlocked the middle door and Franny ran in jumping onto me. 
    "Hey, girl! Oh, I missed you! Hi, baby." I hugged her and rubbed her fur. Eventually, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a Gatorade from the fridge, hoping to get rid of the nausea. When I just felt sicker I stared at the open fridge "Screw it." I grabbed a bottle of wine, not even bothering to pour it into a cup before drinking some, and falling to the couch.
    "Hey Y/N." 
    "Hey, Mandy." She dropped a bag onto my counter. "What's that?"
    "I went shopping, Nick is coming in with some bags too. He wanted to check on you." She smirked at me before leaving for her apartment, Franny following close behind. Nick walked in soon after, carrying two more bags.
    "You know you shouldn't drink wine when you're sick." I flipped him off and he smiled. "Amanda said you liked (Flavor) ice cream and (Favorite Candy), so we got some of that. And this. He pulled out a huge stuffed animal.
    "What is that?" 
    "A get well soon teddy bear." I covered my mouth and chuckled. "What?"
    "Nicky, it's just food poisoning." He pushed the stuffed animal towards me anyway.
    "Take it, Amanda said you have a stuffie collection." My face got hot and I avoided eye contact.
    "What-I-I have no idea-" I ran to the bathroom and puked again. 
    "Just food poisoning my ass." He stood behind me, pulling my hair into a ponytail. Once I was done he led me to my bedroom and pushed all my stuffed animals off to the side. I laid down and he tucked me in, setting some water on the nightstand. He went to walk off but I grabbed his hand.
    "No, stay. Please,"
    "Y/N, there are stuffed animals everywhere, there's nowhere for me to go." I kicked them all off my bed and pat the empty space. He gave me a look and laid next to me.
    "You smell expensive," He chuckled and pulled me close to his body, he was warm, and his breathing was calming. "Nick?"
    "Yeah Y/N?"
    "Why do you care so much?"
    "Excuse me?"
    "You heard me."
    "Well, there's a lot of reasons."
    "Go on."
    "After hearing about how shitty your old partner was I guess I wanted to make sure you have a good experience at SVU, but somewhere in there..... I fell in love."
    "With who?" I felt nauseous again and bolted to the bathroom. "Ah, shit!" I yelled when I stubbed my toe. 
    "I fell in love with you. Look at you, you're gorgeous, I'm glad you and Amanda aren't identical, one is enough." I couldn't hold my laugh in and ended up rolling on the bathroom floor.
    "I love you too Nick," I said once I stopped laughing, he leaned in for a kiss but I stopped him. "Nah-uh. Still sick."
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yezzyyae · 28 days
I hated how Law & Order:Special Victims Unit tries to make Amanda Rollins this woman that no man on the show can’t resist! Fuck out my face (I am not sorry for cursing) Amanda was a horrible ass mess! I don’t see why Nick Amaro was soo in awe of her raggedy ass & omggg don’t get me started on Dominick Carisi with this stupid ass crush on Amanda!
It’s horrible ass writing because I don’t see Sonny Carisi wanting to marry Amanda Rollins because he was a devoted Catholic so her having 2 kids & she was a horrible ass mess & a whore! Sonny Carisi deserved to be with his black gf named Nicole Harper because she was able to handle him & never tried to dim his light. Amanda always try to make it seem like she is the smartest person in the room & she don’t think Carisi is on her level! Amanda always bullied Carisi I swear they acted like brother & sister not sexual partners! Ewwwww Omgg and I bet Carisi don’t even know she was fucking Nick Amaro in the past & now nicknamed their son “Nicky” smh a straight WHORE MOVE!
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theonethinginlife · 3 months
"The baby gurgles, a happy little sound that Sonny’s already in love with, but the curiosity on his face stays, just as Sonny realizes that there is, in fact, a lot his son doesn’t yet know about his mother, because Amanda Rollins has never been very good at talking about how wonderful she is.
Luckily, Sonny’s got that covered."
Sonny Carisi tells a newborn Nicky Rollins-Carisi about how he fell in love with his mother.
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scentofdriedflowers · 5 months
I like the start of the episode but is she gonna go all meredith grey pov thing all the episodes now? it's not bad bad tho just asking
And I knew the possibilities were low but a little hope was still there, instead they really went there and called the baby Nicky uuughh, that baby is adorable, so so cute but a big nope for the name, I feel like they went with their idea and didn't ask Kelli and Peter I fear, she wouldn't have gone there I believe, fuck DG, also who the hell call their kid their ex name?! both of them! Carisi ex was Nicole, Amanda had a fwb situationship with Nick and yeah call him ex is definitely not it lol, but still?? weird af. Carisi has also a cousin called Nikki??! something different maybe?? especially if it stands for Dominick for me, like again? a third? it's so old 'patriarchal' school I don't like it, it's 2024. For me there's no way Amanda and Sonny would have gone for that. This is why I wanted a girl, I feared they were gonna go there and look, they did. Give him is own name. Anywayyyyy baby name rant over, sorry not sorry I needed to get it off my chest. I'm cool now lol.... -ish. Anyway that baby is the cutest tho, he's so them, good choice in casting! let's see how the eyes evolve tho 😂 did they look blue? i don't remember, with both parents with blue eyes he gotta have blue eyes, 1% of mayyybe green but brown? it gotta be very very very rare.
Also tho, why did they cut half the baptism scene and there was NO SIGHT of the girls???! like why the hell do you call them to be there in both scenes, film them and then you cut them out?? also rude? 3 seconds of their back running doesn't count. but oh Noah had to go on a tangent about the baby, at least this time he didn't interrupt the scene. I wanted the girls to talk about their brother, a 'dad' line maybe, a family of 5 little scene at the party. We got more bts than product filmed ffs. At least we got a damn good Rollisi scene😍😍 I missed them soooo much it's been a year without them. To bad they had spoiled all the scene already. I miss them already. One good thing is, if they're going with Rollins-Carisi I love it?! I always prefer when they include both names especially in het relationships, and not making it all about the man, I like 'Rollins', Amanda made her name a good one she fought to be better and defy the legacy of her father name, I would hate to lose it.
Thankfully! Amanda Rollins and the Rollivia scene saved the episode, I absolutely adored LOVED their scene, Amanda first concern: How is Liv 😭😭 and Liv opens up only with her😭, this kind of talk was like their usual talks in her office, when Amanda would knock, come in, ask how she was and the talk would unravel. I missed this. And here as soon as she started talking about the case Amanda went into detective mode, -investigating thinking face activated-! adfghjkljhgfdsfghjk the OUR PERP, Liv face 😂, her 'when are you coming back' face lol. Also 'Don't make me miss you more than I already do' I'm dead! we all thought that!! This is so so telling tho bitch come back soon, Liv misses you, that team definitely misses you and your brain. Too many men, it's not acceptable! and I don't want random rotating female detectives just to fill the spot (they could have kept Churlish tho??), women are not interchangeable thank you, we need Amanda back! the scene says it all, again. Also also also, holy shit Amanda/Kelli she was soooo hot in that scene, like wow. Blouse, pants, hair everything perfect! this was filmed during the 'lil boo thang dance video' right?!😂😂
Also I love the idea that Liv didn't even bat an eye when she goes all 'Carisi told you about the dolls right?' like it's a given that Amanda knows everything about the cases anyway lol. Does Amanda grill her husband when he comes home in the evening?! 😂😂 "Tell me everything about the case, I'm listening (I'm bored I need a challenge)" so if this is what happens there's no way Carisi doesn't know she's bored and miss SVU, come on, like Liv, he knows her the best, he's just waiting for her to come clean I believe, and I get it, maybe she doesn't want to burst the bubble, also with baby number 3 challenge added, and probably the writers want us to see the moment it happens and with this strike it prolonged everything, I will accept the fact that they haven't talk already as long as they really show it tho, because it needs to happens, she wants back! and she's so needed!
watching next week promo tho, Amanda can skip this one, she had already enough danger drama thanks lol
the last but not the least, McGrath gotta go, ASAP, persona non grata, give me back Garland, hell even Dodds was way better. If a character like that doesn't evolve and doesn't learn and doesn't gets better after 3 seasons... he gotta go. Actually he's getting worse.
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Ofc they had Nicky baptised into the Catholic faith… did they have Rollins convert? Her daughters baptised? I hate how they’re having her change so so much for Carisi and he’s not changed a thing about himself
usually when one parent doesn’t really have a religion, the parent that does is the one who ends up making those kinds of decisions. being catholic is important to carisi, so like that makes sense
plus we don’t know if rollins converted or had the girls baptized too.
it’s also a show that doesn’t always care about the characters’ personal lives or the continuity of them 🤷🏼‍♀️
svu’s writing hasn’t been good for years tbh
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lo-diehards · 5 months
Law & Order: SVU "Tunnel Blind" -- An Excellent Landmark Start
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"Tunnel Blind" (written by: David Graziano and Julie Martin / Directed by: Norberto Barba) I don't even know where to directly start with this so I'm just going to jump in and start with; thus far, this was the best episode written under David Graziano's direction since before Kelli Giddish's departing episode last season, if not the best in total. I hope over the hiatus during the writers' strike that Graziano and the writers room sat down and redirected their focus because the S25 premiere was a great first opener and the preview for next weeks episode looks like it's pretty high octane.
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They really captured everything that is SVU from start to finish, it had a feel like we took a brief step back into season 22, just without Rollins/Kelli, sadly. I'm going to start with the story but then work on the rest of the episode. So as Carisi and Rollins (Peter Scanavino and special guest star Kelli Giddish) celebrate the Baptisim of their newborn son, Nicky (could he be Dominick Carisi III?), the case this week in concerning a girl named Maddie, who was abducted from a store and Benson (Mariska Hargitay) sees the abducted girl at a traffic light. The case goes full steam during the investigation in hopes of trying to find Maddie Flynn before it's too late but then it's later discovered that she was abducted for another reason, where the perpetrator needs her to stay alive, at least for now. Olivia blames herself for not following her abductor in traffic, the squad continuously telling her it's not her fault, nor did she have probable cause to pull over the van in question.
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It's a nice twisty case that goes in many different directions as the SVU squad basically 'rounds up the usual suspects' until the squad hits a dead-end. Benson reaches out yet again to Professor Amanda Rollins for help with the case, as well as for some personal insight - something Benson has done with Rollins increasingly over the last decade. Rollins clearly still wishes she was working SVU cases, even so as making the slip in saying they would find "our perp," which Benson promptly calls her out in feigning shock for her saying. As Benson leaves to go pursue the new track you can see that Rollins is somber but also in thought as her next round of students come in.
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Fast forward as they think they're on track to find Maddie Flynn and their perp in New Jersey, they joined forces with a detective there from the Bergen County Prosecutors Office, Sloane Parrish (who is portrayed by, Amber Skye Noyes, who portrayed Roxie in "Townhouse Incident" back in season 17), after they find and rescue another victim, Tanya Garcia, who was left drowning in a bathtub in a seedy motel room OD'ing on fentanyl by their perp, George, from Canada. Chief McGrath (Terry Serpico) shows up at the squad, happy they found a different victim who had been missing for more than a year, and says NYPD needed to hold a press conference. Maddie's mother Eileen shows up at the press conference, distraught that her daughter hadn't been found while NYPD was holding a press conference, Benson assures her that she is still working Maddie's case, but it doesn't help as Eileen's husband has to pull her away.
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Olivia Benson's voiceover: "It's moments like these that remind me of the oath I took, to protect the innocent. This is not a solitary act… but more of a life long commitment. I'm honored to wear the badge, but my duty doesn't end when a case is closed. They all stay with you, whether innocence is saved or lost. My goal is for the world to be measured by how safe it is for the innocent. And after all these years, I've come to accept that maybe it's not possible. But I still have a duty to hope."
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So again this episode feels like SVU again, that went missing last season, I was on edge during the episode and I haven't been in that feeling in a long while. Everyone in the cast brought everything they had, but there is one thing that is missing and it's clearly Amanda Rollins/Kelli Giddish. It feels like the writers are trying to lead us to something with her, it feels like she'll be back again [permanently?] real-soon. Even the cast gathered during the opening credits just seemed to still lack something, that something is her. If we are getting a Rollins' return story, I'm very curious to see how it plays out with her and Carisi, like does he even know she's not fully happy teaching? And if he does know, is he going to acknowledge it? Is she to him? Questions I'm sure that will be answered as the course of the season goes on. But Kelli's permanent return would certainly right a terrible wrong that never should have happened.
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Meanwhile Benson's love life: I'm of the opinion of ICE T and Dr. Lindstrom (Bill Irwin), can Benson and Stabler either do something or move on? Seriously though. "Will they/won't they?" is tired and there have been some major flops [in my view], in attempts to make something happen ("the letter"/"The Christmas Episode"/Bronx trilogy/compass necklace). I'm not a Benson-Stabler/EO shipper personally, but if this is going to be a thing or is on the road to it, the road is STILL under a lot of construction, on both shows. Benson and Stabler have not had a serious conversation with themselves about where they stand, what they feel, and for Benson, what all she endured while he was gone. Absent that happening, if they pursue a relationship of any kind (physical or otherwise), without any of the aforementioned, that's basically ignoring over a decade worth of history that Organized Crime doesn't seem to even acknowledge when it comes to Benson. I felt cringe watching the opening scene where Benson is discussing her necklace with Carisi's cousin Steve (guest star Hamish Allan-Headley). This is my opinion but, before this can be something, there's a lot more that needs to happen.
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tonymarias · 1 month
Ofc they had Nicky baptised into the Catholic faith… did they have Rollins convert? Her daughters baptised? I hate how they’re having her change so so much for Carisi and he’s not changed a thing about himself
Rollins children are apparently bastards according to SVU…
Yeah it’s in general very weird… they are forcing Christian ideals onto these characters and it’s just odd
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electrictoes · 2 months
Among the recent interviews Peter made this was was more about the season finale episode:
“You’re definitely going to see some familiar faces from this season, and it’s going to come full circle for a lot of characters,” he tells TV Insider. As for whether it ends on a cliffhanger, “yes and no, I’m not going to say any more about it.”
Speaking specifically about Carisi in the last episode of the season, the case is one “he’s super invested in,” according to Scanavino. Furthermore, “there is definitely a character that has a nice emotional journey in that episode and it might be unexpected for some viewers.”
I mean if I think with my Rollisi-addicted mind I could think about something regarding Rollins or him, what if that 'case' he's invested so much instead it's him adopting the girls? but I doubt that, also I wouldn't want David to touch that argument with a ten foot pole so, let's leave it to someone that knows how to be a SR and a good writer.
Also the coming full circle for A LOT of characters?? hopefully get rid of the useless ones, one of the boys leaving? I wouldn't mind, but hopefully putting Curry in deputy chief position, Olivia becoming herself again and getting rid of her weird therapist and putting her in real therapy, AND getting her best friend/Rollins back at work.
That 'familiar faces' from this season? god please not the Flynn again. I thought at first it said 'from other seasons' but it say from THIS season so ugh, I don't know who could that be since this season has been so bland and boring I barely remember anyone and no one picked my interest except Curry and Nicky Rollins Carisi lol, just hoping to see Kelli in the last episode too. I don't think they're planning any crossover with OC so I don't think Stabler would be there. One 'character' I would love to see again that I miss so much tho?? Frannie Mae.
what do you think? also a semi cliffhanger?! I'm dreading it with this current writing
the article is this one: www ,tvinsider. com/1131907/law-order-svu-season-25-finale-ending-case/
I’m really not sure who familiar faces from this season could be. Doubt it’s the Flynns atp.
My clown answer is it’s full circle because Amanda comes back permanently at the end of the season.
Maybe Maria again? If they actually used her that would be great. I think it’s unlikely though.
As much as I want the adoption storyline, DG seems to love off screen development so I expect the closest we’ll get is being told it’s already happened. I’ve wanted Carisi to work a case that reflects his circumstances though for a while, and at the start of the season Peter said something about cases being different now he’s a dad so possibly something with that?
In terms of who’s in/out my prediction is that s26 starts with Curry as Deputy Chief, Liv as Captain still, and the squad is Fin, Amanda, Velasco & Bruno.
As for the cliffhanger maybe that’ll be EO related. A “semi cliffhanger” makes me think it’ll be character based and/or something good rather than the WL kind of cliffhanger.
Or maybe it’s a will she/won’t she on Liv becoming Deputy Chief that doesn’t get an answer til the s26 premiere.
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thena0315 · 1 month
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I feel complete now 😍
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thisisonlychemistry · 2 months
What if Nicky was born as twin boys? 😲
Back at the start of s23, I did have the idle thought that Amanda might be pregnant at, say, the end of s25, and that it would be twins (I was picturing a boy and a girl), but I didn't really think Kelli would be pregnant again, or that they would want to write a Rollins storyline in which she was pregnant without Kelli actually being pregnant herself. So, I just chalked it up as a nice fantasy.
Then, so much happened, but we did get Nicky and I'm just so happy he's here, and that Amanda and Carisi have a son as well as their two girls.
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wildflowerswildhorses · 5 months
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This is the only "canon" that I'll accept - thank you
Though I wouldn't even begin to even think about what Jesse's middle name could be.
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