#niel Marshall
bloodaria · 2 years
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DOG SOLDIERS (2002) dir. Neil Marshall
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Niel Marshall, the same guy that made such classics as 'Dog Soldiers' and 'The Descent' ended up making this...a mediocre B-movie. It wasn't a terrible movie but compared to his previous movies this one was disappointing by those standards.
But hey, atleast it was an entertaining monster movie. Admittedly speaking, I have a love for monster movies just as long as they're fun to watch.
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abluescarfonwaston · 7 months
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A beautiful commission done by @jadedazes for my fic Marshmallows and the wild mare! Find their fantastic works here and on Twitter. I mean just look at it!!! It's so pretty!!!!!
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exaltedfuzz · 6 days
Some niel marshall please please please please
Sure thing! Here he is! (with his brother)
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hatefilledpoptarts · 9 months
In my euphoria in hearing Donald Glover reprise Marshall lee I completely forgot to check if Niel Patrick Harris reprised his role
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thealmightyemprex · 8 months
Horror films available on youtube OCtober 2023
If one is looking for horror films to watch here are some rccomendations free on youtube @ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @amalthea9 @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @princesssarisa @makingboneboy
House of Wax -this Vincent Price film is having its 70th anniversary this year
Blacula -This vampire classic stars William Marshall
The Woman in Black -A modern Hammer film starring Daniel Radcliffe
Twilight Zone The Movie :A anthology movie collecting great directors based on the classic TV show
Elvira Mistress of the Dark -a brillaint horror comedy starring the classic horror host
In the Mouth of Madness -Sam Niel stars in this underrated John Carpenter gem
Killer Klowns from Outer Space -Great theme song and fun flick
Wolf -Jack Nicholson as a werewolf
Dracula Dead and Loving It -Dracula parofy starring LEslie Nielsen and Mel Brooks
Frankenstein Must Be DEstroyed -A Hammer Frankenstein starring Frankenstein
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squadron-of-damned · 2 years
this sounds like it's on crack, I promise it's not but 1) istg every time I think of Wolfgang I cannot help but picture Gant (even though we've seen a sketch of him)
2) I don't know what I'm doing but vamp Gant- like idk I'll make up some background (since now I'm not just limiting to the vKs since Shelly) between them and also the idea of Gant hanging upside down when Manny is looking for him and scares the fuck out of him is amusing, give him a break, he's gonna have a heart attack and hasn't had his pills yet (I know it doesn't quite add up Gant being a vampire before Fred since he did in Greg 15 years before AA1 and Gant did it like maybe 6-8 before AA but bear with me)
Honestly, I think that at first glance Wolfgang and Gant remind of eahc other a lot, but they are so fundamentally different people that they'd hate each other within seconds were they ever to meet.
(Wolfgang fun fact: I was planning to originally name him Amadeus. But AA name puns are always more on the nose than that. Still, there probably is Amadeus von Karma somewhere out there. Like a cryptid.)
Vamp!Gant! GampGant! Vampt? Vampt. Anyway you are so right. He's always been a vampire, he just might have been a civil and tame one before one night with Niel Marshall changed everything.
Also he plays organ. Because it's fun.
But also imagine that he is the first person to figure out that Manfred has turned, and he is extremely excited about it. "Oooh, I'll teach you the jugular trick. We'll go flying together, you're not afraid of heights are you? As a bat you look with your ears, it's completely different! I have just the thing to make your coffin super comfortable!" And he is so nice and hyped that for whole ten seconds MvK forgets that Gant has a lot of contacts and could tell anyone that he is a vampire now.
Gant is probably also one of the few vampires who even in these modern times keeps blood-thralls or whatever the equivalent in the Vampire Attorney AU is. He uses them to control other people. (*cough cough* enthralled Ema Skye and poor Lana having to dance as Gant whistles *cough cough*)
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spacenutspod · 2 months
Quasar H1821+643.X-ray: NASA/CXC/Univ. of Nottingham/H. Russell et al.; Radio: NSF/NRAO/VLA; Image Processing: NASA/CXC/SAO/N. Wolk This image shows a quasar, a rapidly growing supermassive black hole, which is not achieving what astronomers would expect from it, as reported in our latest press release. Data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory (blue) and radio data from the NSF’s Karl G. Jansky’s Very Large Array (red) reveal some of the evidence for this quasar’s disappointing impact on its host galaxy. Known as H1821+643, this quasar is about 3.4 billion light-years from Earth. Quasars are a rare and extreme class of supermassive black holes that are furiously pulling material inwards, producing intense radiation and sometimes powerful jets. H1821+643 is the closest quasar to Earth in a cluster of galaxies. Quasars are different than other supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxy clusters in that they are pulling in more material at a higher rate. Astronomers have found that non-quasar black holes growing at moderate rates influence their surroundings by preventing the intergalactic hot gas from cooling down too much. This regulates the growth of stars around the black hole. The influence of quasars, however, is not as well known. This new study of H1821+643 that quasars — despite being so active — may be less important in driving the fate of their host galaxy and cluster than some scientists might expect. To reach this conclusion the team used Chandra to study the hot gas that H1821+643 and its host galaxy are shrouded in. The bright X-rays from the quasar, however, made it difficult to study the weaker X-rays from the hot gas. The researchers carefully removed the X-ray glare to reveal what the black hole’s influence is, which is reflected in the new composite image showing X-rays from hot gas in the cluster surrounding the quasar. This allowed them to see that the quasar is actually having little effect on its surroundings. Using Chandra, the team found that the density of gas near the black hole in the center of the galaxy is much higher, and the gas temperatures much lower, than in regions farther away. Scientists expect the hot gas to behave like this when there is little or no energy input (which would typically come from outbursts from a black hole) to prevent the hot gas from cooling down and flowing towards the center of the cluster. A paper describing these results has been accepted into the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society and is available online. The authors are Helen Russell (University of Nottingham, UK), Paul Nulsen (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), Andy Fabian (University of Cambridge, UK), Thomas Braben (University of Nottingham), Niel Brandt (Penn State University), Lucy Clews (University of Nottingham), Michael McDonald (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Christopher Reynolds (University of Maryland), Jeremy Saunders (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Research), and Sylvain Veilleux (University of Maryland). NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center manages the Chandra program. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory’s Chandra X-ray Center controls science from Cambridge Massachusetts and flight operations from Burlington, Massachusetts. Read more from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory. For more Chandra images, multimedia and related materials, visit: https://www.nasa.gov/mission/chandra-x-ray-observatory/ Visual Description: This composite image shows a quasar, a rare and extreme class of supermassive black hole, that’s located about 3.4 billion light-years from Earth. At the center of the image is a bright, white, circular light, similar to the beam of a flashlight if it was pointed directly toward you. A fuzzy, bar-shaped structure of red-colored radio light, slightly larger than the width of the white light, surrounds the circular structure. The red bar also extends above and below the white light, stretching in a somewhat straight line from about the one o’clock position to the seven o’clock position on a clock face. On either side of the red bar, X-ray light is present as blue, wispy clouds of hot gas that are brighter closer to the red and white features. The brighter clouds represent more dense gas. News Media Contact Megan WatzkeChandra X-ray CenterCambridge, Mass.617-496-7998 Jonathan DealMarshall Space Flight CenterHuntsville, Ala.256-544-0034
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placerdiario · 4 months
Louis Vuitton - Word from Stuart A. McIntyre on Vimeo.
A tribute to the words of Muhammad Ali by Poet Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) and Calligraffitist Niels Shoe Meulman
Full Campaign Here: louisvuittonjourneys.com/thegreatest Visit Louis Vuitton on Youtube: youtube.com/watch?v=MjTLhW0c5cM&feature=plcp
Agency : Ogilvy Paris Managing Partner : Romain Lartigue Creative Director : Kurt Novack Art Director : Adrien Havet Account Director : Dalila Joly Art Buyer : Annette Hallum Digital Producer : Talla Seck
Production House: Steam Films Managing Partner: Jennifer Sykes Executive Producer: Krista Marshall Director: Stuart A. McIntyre Producer: Paul Matthews Cinematographer: Kris Belchevski Camera Operators: Stuart Cameron, Claudio Manni, Luis Moreira
Editing: Posterboy Executive Producer: Michelle Lee Editor: Stephen Sora
Colour: Alter Ego Executive Producer: Greg Edgar Colourist: Wade Odlum
Online: Motor VFX Flame Artist: Daniel Kelly
Music House: Apollo Studios Executive Producers: Benedicte Luneau, Koo Abuali, Phillipe-Aubert Messier, Yan Dal Santo Music: Mathieu Brault, Daenen Bramberger, Mike Wise Singer: Michael Mooney, Sound Design: Yan Dal Santo
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denk-weisen · 11 months
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Anmeldeschluss: 10. Juli
Was wäre, wenn deine Business-/Lebens-Zukunft 10X besser sein könnte als jetzt? Was wäre, wenn Du dadurch, dass Du dein Leben und dein Business 10X besser machst, Du auch das Leben deines Umfeldes und deiner Kunden 10X besser machen könntest? Was wäre, wenn Du ganz genau wüsstest, wie Du diese Zukunft gestalten kannst?
Genau darum geht es in meiner neuen Denken-CoachingGruppe: "Labor der Zukunft: Deine Business-/Lebens-Zukunft gestalten. Nur besser." In dieser hochintensiven, pragmatischen, futuristischen und auf Höchstniveau abzielenden Denken-CoachingGruppe wirst Du entdecken:
* Wie das Business der Zukunft profitabler wird, wenn es relevante Lösungen für die Menschheit entwickelt und anbietet - und wie Du die echten Probleme findest, die Du / dein Business lösen kann(st). Mit Anregungen aus der exponentiellen Unternehmensentwicklung und der Moonshot-Philosophie, die viele der führenden Unternehmen heute ermöglicht hat. * Warum Veränderung immer schneller zu geschehen scheint und wie Du dich und dein Business für diese rasante Zukunft fit machst - wie Du weniger gehetzt seltener in blinden Aktionismus verfällst und dennoch schnell gelassene, reflektierte, gute Entscheidungen treffen kannst. Inspiriert von dem Simulations-, Virtualitäts- und Geschwindigkeitstheoretiker Paul Virilio und der akzelerationistischen Philosophie - für die Praxis praktisch gemacht. * Wie Du aktiv dein Umfeld und die Welt insgesamt mitgestalten kannst, besser Einfluss auf deine Umwelt nehmen kannst als die meisten "Influencer" und so konstruktive Veränderung beförderst. Inspiriert von medientheoretischen Ansätzen nach Vilem Flusser und Marshall McLuhan, dem Denken von Édouard Glissant, sowie kuratorischen Ansätzen inspiriert von Hans Ulrich Obrist. * Wie Freiheit geht und wie Du durch deine eigene wachsende innnere und äußere Freiheit auch anderen ermöglichen kannst, freier zu werden. Basierend auf Anregungen von Albert Camus, Simone de Beauvoir, John Stuart Mill und F.W.J. Schelling - extrem philosophisch und superpraktisch. * Wie Geldverdienen als Selbständiger und Unternehmer (und auch als Angestellter) sich komplett verändern wird und wie Du darauf bestmöglich vorbereitet sein kannst. Mit Inspirationen aus der Fortune 500 Liste der reichsten Menschen der Welt. * Warum Geld nicht ist, was Du denkst - und wie dein Denken über Geld deinen Umgang damit positiv (r)evolutionieren kann. Neuere Geldphilosophien für die Zukunft. * Wie technologische Veränderungen wie z.B. KI dein Business/Leben beeinflussen und wie Du damit konstruktiv und produktiv umgehst. Mit Einsichten von Max Tegmark, Peter Diamandis und Mark Hyman. * Wie Du dein Leben und Business so aufbaust, dass es lukrativ und sinnvoll zugleich gestaltet wird. Mit Erkenntnissen von Viktor Frankl, Elisabeth Lukas, Gabor Maté und Richard Branson. * Wie sich die Natur von Branding/Marketing/Verkauf verändert und wie Du diese Veränderungen bestmöglich umsetzt. Mit neuesten Erkenntnis aus der Avantgarde der besten Brand/Marketing&Sales-Consultants und -Agenturen. *** und natürlich viel, viel mehr!
Keinerlei Voraussetzungen nötig. Alles wird auf hohem DenkNiveau verständlich und praxisorientiert vermittelt. Bringe dein Denken und Handeln auf zukunftsfähiges Niveau! 12 wöchentliche Zoom-Sessions in einer Kleingruppe von maximal 6 Teilnehmern, alle Calls auch als Audio-Aufzeichnung, begleitdende OnlineGruppe. Mehr Info per PN oder eMail an [email protected] !
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nielsnielsennews · 1 year
Two things you rarely see. Me playing a Les Paul and a Marshall but hey, people can change, right?Been working with Softube for some time and for the new update of Amp Room I recorded a few songs using the amazing plugins! Emanuel Enbäre from Rudyard and Gasher play drums while I do the riffin’ and bassin’. There are a few videos out. I’d thought I’d post one here.I’ve also been helping out testing this product for a while and just as their plugins, the people working at Softube are just class A. It’s been weird working from an office surrounded by people (since I’m used to be alone in my studio) but it’s actually been amazing to make new friends and be a part of a team.Couldn’t make it to the release at the office today due to food poisining and a fever but, cheers to every involved in this awesome release!
Words and link via Niels' fb page
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f1 · 2 years
FIA to implement procedural changes after 2022 Japanese GP review
Formula 1’s governing body the FIA will implement a series of changes to their procedures following the rain-hit Japanese Grand Prix. Several drivers voiced their frustration that a crane was sent out on track in wet conditions to recover Carlos Sainz’s Ferrari following a first-lap crash. Speaking on Thursday in Austin before the report was published, Charles Leclerc said: “I think we all made that point clear with the FIA – we don't want to see that. In 2014, we've obviously lost Jules [Bianchi] for a similar crash and we've been very clear with the FIA that we don't want that and I think they understood... We always have discussions after the races and of course this was a part of the discussions.” READ MORE: FIA fine-tune rules on roll hoops and grid penalties ahead of United States Grand Prix The FIA triggered a review into the incident and other actions that took place, with President Mohammed Ben Sulayem meeting with several drivers, including Grand Prix Drivers’ Association Director George Russell and Pierre Gasly, who drove past the crane while it was on track. The FIA said that while they focused on the safe recovery of the Ferrari, Gasly’s AlphaTauri – which had pitted after hitting an advertising hoarding that had drifted onto track after Sainz’s impact – was not “immediately detected”. “I think we all made that point clear with the FIA – we don't want to see that” – Charles Leclerc Gasly re-joined the track and drove to the Safety Car delta time in a bid to catch the pack. As he approached the incident at Turn 12, marshals were working with a crane on track. “The review panel acknowledged that having recovery cranes on track at Suzuka during the weather conditions is a sensitive matter in view of the tragic incidents of the past,” said the FIA in a statement. “The panel determined that in hindsight, as the weather conditions were changing, it would have been prudent to have delayed the deployment of the recovery vehicles on track.” READ MORE: A title still to be won, and an American driver on track – 5 storylines we’re excited about ahead of the US GP Gasly on red flag after Sainz crash: ‘We could have dealt with it in a different way’ Ahead of this weekend’s United States Grand Prix, the following measures will be implemented. The FIA will message teams via the official messaging system to notify them that a recovery vehicle is on track. The team is then obliged to tell their drivers. A live VSC/Safety Car monitoring window will be developed. This will display the status of all cars on track, behind the Safety Car and in the pits. The governing body will “better define the allocation of tasks across the Race Control team”, such as the role of monitoring cars entering the pit lane under Safety Car conditions. The FIA Race Director will speak to the drivers during their regular post-Friday practice briefing. A new function will allow a change in the delta speed required for the driver to follow before and in the sectors where there is an incident. This would aid the drivers to know where incidents have been declared. There will be a review of penalty precedents for drivers not respecting the rules relating to yellow, double yellow, VSC and SC conditions will take place. An assessment of the current application of advertising boards, their construction, location and materials used to avoid the potential for them to being torn off and thrown on track, will take place. In addition, Niels Wittich will permanently take on the role of Race Director for the final four remaining races in 2022, rather than sharing the position with Eduardo Freitas, who was in charge at Suzuka. The FIA also said they will clarify the wording of the regulations regarding the race time limit and points distribution during the next review of the Sporting Regulations, after there was some confusion at Suzuka. via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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rzproduction · 2 years
CROOKS - Heart Of Vengeance from Snorre Ruhe on Vimeo.
The story of a scientist inventing the key to eternal life. A couple of thugs steal his invention and leave him and his daughter for dead. In order to come back to life he sells his soul to the devil. Armed only with a heart of vengeance, and an Axe, he hunts down the crooks one by one. . . . They picked the wrong man to kill!!
FARVEBLIND Crooks feat. Sebastian Monti
Starring - Christoffer Svane
Director & Writer - Snorre Fuglsang Ruhe Producer - Jens Formann Production Company - Hobby Film Assistant Director - Laura Hancock Director of Photography - Kristoffer Engholm Aabo Editor - Ogi Curcic
Set design - Mathilde Juul Ipsen Stylist - Fredericke Kellberg Sound design - Kevin Koch Props Master - Louise Lindstrøm Art department/props/spacemother - Susse Riber Props/Spfx/location marshall - Niels Erik Bjerg Makeup artists - Susana Flores Make-up spfx Assistent - Kenneth L. S. Jeppesen
1st AC - Nis Birk Christensen Second unit Dop / Spark / DIT / Bad Guy no.4 / Drengen - David Draad Gaffer - Joe McCrae Spark - Phillip Sacht Spark - Alexander Jacobsen Spark - Mikkel Kappel Persson Steadi - Kim Jensen Stunt coordinator - Frederik Nemo Precision driver - Kenneth Hansen (Komo Rally) Sound Recordist - Joachim Nyholm Epic Sax - lui franch SFX - FX Team Choreographer - Louise Mochia
Production assistant - Sine Vangsgaard Production assistant - Helle Kjærsgaard Production assistant - Maximilian Auken
VFX by HITCH CGI artist - Simon Dunkan Colorist / Cameo Film - Nurali Kushkov Post coordinator - Emma Engberg VFX artist - Jonathan Wendt VFX artist - Mike Harris VFX artist - Adam Zejlund Jessen Graphic designer - Svlstg
Cast: Afshin Firouzi Sebastian Lydolph Søren Højen Benjamin Stender Vida Aya Huntley Frederik Ferslev Jan C. Juhl Paw Vikjær Andersen Nikolai Dobson
Camera equipment - Sidney Plaut Lighting equipment - GAFFERS Extra Light and camera gear - Bifrost Productions Catering - Brendon Lou Mochia
A special thanks to: Bødstrup Gods - Nicolas Bernhoft Frank Omø Andreas Kragh Jacobsen Nanna Fuglsang August Hancock Freddie smith Danlas FX Team Tinnus Lulu Lückow Kasper Notlev Keld - Shur auto Advice Amanda Formann Joanna Fuglsang Ruhe Hancock Fam. Fuego Formann
With support from Koda’s Cultural Funds and Ruhekassen's money tree
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artwalktv · 2 years
The story of a scientist inventing the key to eternal life. A couple of thugs steals his invention and kills him and his daughter. In order to come back to life he sells his soul to the devil. Armed only with a heart of vengeance, and a Axe, he hunts down the crooks one by one. . . . They picked the wrong man to kill!! FARVEBLIND Crooks feat. Sebastian Monti Starring - Christoffer Svane Director & Writer - Snorre Fuglsang Ruhe Producer - Jens Formann Production Company - Hobby Film Assistant Director - Laura Hancock Director of Photography - Kristoffer Engholm Aabo Editor - Ogi Curcic Set design - Mathilde Juul Ipsen Stylist - Fredericke Kellberg Sound design - Kevin Koch Props Master - Louise Lindstrøm Art department/props/spacemother - Susse Riber Props/Spfx/location marshall - Niels Erik Bjerg Makeup artists - Susana Flores Make-up spfx Assistent - Kenneth L. S. Jeppesen 1st AC - Nis Birk Christensen Second unit Dop / Spark / DIT / Bad Guy no.4 / Drengen - David Draad Gaffer - Joe McCrae Spark - Phillip Sacht Spark - Alexander Jacobsen Spark - Mikkel Kappel Persson Steadi - Kim Jensen Stunt coordinator - Frederik Nemo Precision driver - Kenneth Hansen (Komo Rally) Sound Recordist - Joachim Nyholm Epic Sax - lui franch SFX - FX Team Choreographer - Louise Mochia Production assistant - Sine Vangsgaard Production assistant - Helle Kjærsgaard Production assistant - Maximilian Auken VFX by HITCH CGI artist - Simon Dunkan Colorist / Cameo Film - Nurali Kushkov Post coordinator - Emma Engberg VFX artist - Jonathan Wendt VFX artist - Mike Harris ​​VFX artist - Adam Zejlund Jessen Graphic designer - Svlstg Cast: Afshin Firouzi Sebastian Lydolph Søren Højen Benjamin Stender Vida Aya Huntley Frederik Ferslev Jan C. Juhl Paw Vikjær Andersen Nikolai Dobson Camera equipment - Sidney Plaut Lighting equipment - GAFFERS Extra Light and camera gear - Bifrost Productions Catering - Brendon Lou Mochia A special thanks to: Bødstrup Gods - Nicolas Bernhoft Frank Omø Andreas Kragh Jacobsen Nanna Fuglsang August Hancock Freddie smith Danlas FX Team Tinnus Lulu Lückow Kasper Notlev Keld - Shur auto Advice Amanda Formann Joanna Fuglsang Ruhe Hancock Fam. Fuego Formann With support from Koda’s Cultural Funds and Ruhekassen's money tree
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veworgrand · 2 years
The slim shady lp itunes
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Listen along to The Slim Shady LP here! () Studiestræde () bliver sendt hver fredag kl. Endnu en oplevelse, hvor Eminem og "My Name Is" havde en afgørende finger med i spillet. Lyt med i næste uges afsnit, hvor Kristoffer fortæller om sin debut som graffitimaler, der ikke gik helt som håbet. Så de skrev en sang om druk, stoffer, sex og rovmord (!) - for det var jo det, Eminem og Slim Shady gjorde. Fordi enhver kunne se, at det jo ikke var virkelighed, men underholdende provokationer lagt i munden på en fiktiv karakter.ĭet var noget, Kristoffer og hans rebelske venner fra en tryg Odense-forstad kunne forstå. you want to promote music or want me to do a reaction to your music email $canwekeepitrealĮn tekst så grænseoverskridende og forskruet, at den blev censureret fra P3s DM i børnerap.ĭet kan Kristoffer Lind, vært på Radio4s musikprogram Studiestræde, og hans hedengangne teen-rapgruppe Odenseposen skrive på CV'et.ĭe dengang 13-årige drenge havde set lyset i Eminems gennembrudshit "My Name Is" (), der introducerede rapstjernens berygtede alter ego Slim Shady.Įt alter ego, der tillod Eminem at sige de mest grænseoverskridende og morbide ting i sine tekster. Thank you for stopping be and keep checking out the content. On the song, he spits a verse showing his appreciation for the group (specifically Pacewon and Young Zee). Eminem's Shady Records label released Shady XV, a compilation album which featured a track titled, "Fine Line" by Eminem. In a 2015 interview, Pace Won indicated that the original version of the track was probably permanently erased, and as yet, this would appear to be the case, as it has not yet emerged from the vaults. Dre complained that Eminem had too many guests on the album, so Pace Won and Young Zee's verses were removed from the track. A rift developed between Eminem and Tha Outsidaz when Young Zee and Pace Won each recorded verses alongside Bizarre for the 'Amityville' track on Eminem's major label sophomore, The Marshall Mathers LP. He also acknowledges them in a track titled "Till Hell Freezes Over" which was intended to be on the album. D12 member Eminem shouts out the Outsidaz at the end of the song "Just Don't Give a Fuck", in the beginning of "Cum On Everybody", and in the song "As the World Turns", all of which were recorded on his major-label solo debut The Slim Shady LP. They were also affiliated with Detroit-based rap collective D12, collaborating with them on different projects. The Outsidaz are affiliated with the Refugee Camp, and made their first commercial appearance as guest artists on the song "Cowboys" off the Fugees multi-platinum second LP The Score. They decided to unite into one group called the Outsidaz, following a lengthy microphone battle. were members of a crew named PNS, while Zee headed a crew named Pskitzo (aka Maddfile (aka A-Form). At the time they met, Young Zee and Pacewon were rivals Pacewon & D.U. The outsiderz formed in 1991 after underground rappers Young Zee met D.U. til rapbattles mellem Niarn og et ungt medlem af Nik & Jay han tager lytteren med tilbage til 90'ernes Aalborg med brune fliser på badeværelserne. hvordan den formede ham, der indtil da havde haft svært ved at identificere sig med andre rappere, der rappede om deres guldkæder og hvor seje, der var. I denne udsendelse fortæller Niarn om sin yndlingsplade, og: Som Eminem havde og har sit alter ego, Slim Shady, havde Roos Niarn. Det var første gang, jeg fucking bare følte det," siger Niarn bl.a. Det er kun de grimme tøser, der gider knalde med ham, Han havde et skodjob. "If I Had, det er jo et nummer, hvor han rapper om, hvor nederen, han er. Dre havde signet en hvid rapper.ĭet skulle senere blive til mange, mange aflytninger af Eminems anden LP, 'The Slim Shady LP'. Allerede i 98, hvor han gjorde sig som undergrundsrapper i Aalborg, havde han læst rygterne om, at Dr. Ikke fordi han tog svampe, men fordi han første gang hørte et Eminem-nummer. En aften på svampe i 1999 udvidede Niels Roos' verden.
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comicbookuniversity · 6 years
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Awesome AF
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