#night of terror ufos
lucentparanormal · 2 years
“Jack Osbourne brings his friends, actors Jay Mewes and Jamie Kennedy, to the edge of the unknown in search of the truth behind UFOs. Utah’s Uinta Basin has been shrouded in mysteries for centuries, with stories of otherworldly visitors dating back to ancient times. In recent years, even stranger sightings have been reported and captured. Osbourne, Mewes and Kennedy embark on an unflinching investigation to figure out if these phenomena are connected and why this strange activity is concentrated in the Uinta Basin.”
Watch Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: UFOs now on Discovery+.
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candiedspit · 5 months
You thought you found the thing, I said out loud to the garbage cans, the vaguely threatening spikes of the fence guarding the park, the elderly man at the end of his millionth cigarette.
You thought you had found the thing that was going to keep you alive, I continued, waving my cigarette around as I spoke.
The girl you had been waiting to meet your entire life. The crystal to your ball. The one who knew the way you grooved, who understood the world as you knew it, saw the fissions in the skyline, watched the sun dribble down like a belly dancer with her foreign diamonds, tasted the same heat, heard orchestras in building demolitions, the melodies in a cup of black coffee as you weep in the living room, hungover and sweating you are done with the beast. But going back and back like a wounded dog. And she wanted the same things. To be taken by a UFO at the end of a long summer day; the wheat standing still in the cool night. She wanted an easy exit. She wanted to be anybody else. She wanted to dream as you wanted to dream. She shared the same language, the tones of people trapped in a burning room.
And you had her; for a year, you were in the same room, I said, speaking to the trees.
Licking the same piece of licorice, falling into the same wondrous and terrible sleep. Sometimes too altered to speak. Not needing to speak. You shot her up on Christmas Eve, her face glistening with hushed pinks from the lights you convinced her to get. You wore her panties around the house. Filled a plastic kiddie pool with water from the hose and waved, handed out lollipops to the kids next door and to whoever you saw. Opioid receptors. Movies you would forget you watched. Fights over a gram. Slow dancing in the kitchen to Sinatra records, kissing her exactly where she wanted to be kissed. Staying together on the couch, watching the world pass through you.
We never wanted that world, she said one evening as the newscast told us about terrorism, wars. We never wanted that stupid world.
There’s no room for us, I said and held her close.
You wanted to be an eyelash on her face. She was petroleum. She was cake. She taught you how to use a needle. You had figured out a way to live. And could see yourself living in the trailer park for years to come.
And eventually you and her would kick the habit.
This was a secret desire. A week of atomic bombs and shallow waters. But you would get clean and meet her parents. There would be large thanksgiving dinners, happiness.
And when she ended things, you bought a gun. But you were rushed to the clinic before you could smear yourself out of existence. You mourn her at night. You smell her milk. You hope she is in a field, watching the light lounge over the grass. You hope she is alive. You hope she wants to be. As for yourself, the bomb could go off and you would light another cigarette, watching the fallout blot the sunlight with a famed nonchalance. And as the fire reached you, you would picture her in your mind. The only miracle you’ve known.
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anonymous-dentist · 8 months
What made you so into supernatural stuff?
Also any recommendations of any supernatural shows/movies? (..◜ᴗ◝..)
So I was a weird kid, okay? I wasn’t allowed anything scary because I had night terrors so bad that people thought I was possessed by a legitimate demon, and I refused to read anything but books about sharks or dinosaurs. Eventually in first grade I moved on to reading boxed encyclopedia sets and the dictionary, but I couldn’t read anything actually scary despite me wanting to be like all the cool kids reading Goosebumps or Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark because my parents would make me return the books to the library and I’d be mega grounded, right?
How did I get around that? Easy! I read books from the cryptids and mythology section of the library! Technically not anything actually scary, but some of that stuff can be terrifying to a little kid, yk?
From that, and by reading books about these Animals That Aren’t, I developed a fascination with the Unreal. It was actually UFOs first, but then I started getting super into ghosts and vampires and werewolves, much to my parents’ disapproval.
I wanted to be a zoologist as a kid, and then I decided that I’d be a cryptozoologist, and now it’s almost 20 years later and I still love cryptids and supernatural stuff as a hobby. It’s awesome!! I wanna go ghost hunting so BAD!!!
For media recommendations, I gotta first mention one of my fav books of all time, The Shining, which everybody knows. Then I gotta recommend another fav book, Christopher Moore’s You Suck. It’s the second book in the series, but it can work as a stand alone tbh.
I can’t recommend Supernatural (2005) in any good faith, but you should watch it anyway. It’s a rite of passage.
But also? Watch Buffy, man.
Oh! And last year’s Renfield movie. It was so GOOD!!!
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sweatermuppet · 2 years
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scullysexual · 1 year
Spooky Mulder's UFO Club (7)
After losing a bet, Scully is forced to join Spooky Mulder’s UFO Club. (actually it’s called The Study of Unexplained Phenomena Project, and it’s a class not a club, but whatever) Ridiculed throughout the school by students and staff alike, Scully wants to get it over with as soon as she can and come “back down to earth” when a class trip up to Alaska, to do their own investigations into the mysterious deaths of four hikers, finds them stranded with an unknown virus wreaking havoc and a woods that becomes its own entity at night, Scully realises this dumb little class packs a lot more horror than she bargained for.
Chapter Six | ao3 | @today-in-fic
Chapter Seven: A Trip Into The Forest.
“So…say we got stranded here and couldn’t get back home any time soon. Who would you choose to repopulate with?”
“Out of our group? None.”
Leyla groans. “Come on, Monica! Just answer the question.”
“I did. No one.”
Their voices waft through the thin material separating their sleeping areas. Monica and Leyla agreed to share immediately leaving Dana with the second sleeping area all to herself. She grins to herself, listening in on their conversation as she writes up today’s task in her field journal.
“You haven’t said who you’d sleep with.”
Leyla sighs. “Mulder’s pretty dreamy, isn’t he?”
There’s a pause and then a sudden burst of laughter as the girls fall into fits of giggles. Dana’s smile fades as her stomach swirls uncomfortably. So Leyla had a thing for Mulder, huh? She wonders if he knew, the two had been in the class since the beginning, after all. Did he like her back…? Her stomach twists again and Dana banishes the thoughts immediately. Who cares who liked who, what did it matter to her? She refocuses her attention on the photos and journal.
“You’ve been sending a lot of time around John Doggett,” Leyla mentions casually.
“He’s my best friend,” says Monica.
There’s another pause before, “Sure…”
“What? He is!”
“I’m doing a pool when we get back. Will They Or Won’t They: Monica Reyes and John Doggett.”
“Yeah, well…don’t expect to win it.”
Skinner makes his rounds telling everyone it’s time to go to sleep. All conversations come to an end and Dana packs her journal away into her bag before switching off her camping lantern.
She lies down, the quiet of the night settling over her as she watches the darkness make shapes above her. It’s now that her mind turns over the events of the day, always falling back to that photograph with the unsettling symbol. A warning, Mulder called it. Only now it was a matter of who had left it.
They were questions for tomorrow. The best Dana could do now was sleep. She rolls over and closes her eyes, falling into an uneasy sleep.
The snow crunches underfoot, a shadow passing across the tent canvass. The zip hisses as it comes undone. Dana shifts restlessly, a frown crossing her face as she fights to stay asleep. A shadow looms above her, watching, crouching down closer and closer…
A hand over her mouth has Dana’s eyes opening immediately, a cry of terror muffled by her intruder’s hand. She pulls her lips apart, sticks out her teeth, and manages to nip at the palm of the intruder’s hand. It’s enough as the intruder pulls his hand away, spitting out an array of curses and Dana sits up and switches on the lantern, illuminating the small area.
“The fuck, Dana?! It’s me!”
Ethan comes into view, clutching at his hand. Dana has no words for a moment, she just stares at Ethan, half confused and half annoyed.
“What are you doing in here?”
“Skinner’s snoring is keeping me awake,” says Ethan, still clutching at his hand. “And Byers talks in his sleep. It’s driving me nuts so I thought I’d come here and sleep. I didn’t think you’d attack me!”
“You’re the one sneaking around. What did you expect? What are you doing?”
“Going to sleep,” Ethan says, throwing his pillow down.
“You’re going to wake Leyla and Monica up.”
“I also thought we could, you know…warm each other up?” His smile is sleezy and when he taps the unoccupied side of the pad Dana spies unhealed cuts across his knuckles from his attack on Mulder. Disgust riles through her. For the first time she finds herself hating him as much as the others do.
“Get out.”
Ethan frowns in confusion. “Really?”
“Get out,” Dana repeats. She hopes the disgust she feels inside her is as clear as day on her face.
Ethan huffs, picking up his pillow. “You’re no fun anymore,” he says.
“Yeah, well…neither are you,” she answers back, failing to come up with anything better.
Ethan scoffs before he exits, leaving Dana to fix the sleeping pad he’d rumpled up.
Her sleep for the rest of the night is pitiful. Between her fury at Ethan and thoughts about the troubling symbol the birds are beginning to chirp and sunlight stream through the canvass when Dana finally falls asleep. It feels as though a mere two minutes has passed between falling asleep and Skinner waking her up.
Mulder rises bright and early. Partly because of his excitement for the day ahead, another for the stench that reeks the entire tent out.
“I can’t control my farts through the night,” Frohike explains as they all exit the condemned tent as fast as possible.
“If it happens tonight, you’re getting put outside,” says Langly, breathing in some much needed fresh air.
The smell of bacon and sausages waft through the air and they find Bear the Pilot in the middle of the campsite cooking up breakfast. Apparently the man’s a part time cook as well.
The others are all awake, too, and Mulder spots Scully instantly. She looks tired and dejected. He sees Ethan as well, sitting by himself on the other side of the camp. Every so often he’ll throw Scully a dirty look. What happened, Mulder wonders.
He should stay away if last night was anything to go by, keep to his own business but his nose was aching something bad and he remembers Scully mentioning paracetamol.
“Order up, folks,” says Bear and the others start crowding around.
“Stay away from the eggs,” Mulder overhears Langly tell Frohike.
Grabbing his own plate Mulder chances another glance at Scully. She has yet to move so as an effort of striking conversation, he grabs another plate. Ignoring any looks from Ethan, he ventures over to her, handing out one of the plates.
“Breakfast?” he says in way of greeting.
Scully looks up from her journal and smiles. It has Mulder’s heart fluttering.
“Thank you,” she says moving the journal aside and replacing it with the plate of food. “I didn’t even hear Bear say it was ready.”
Taking his chances, Mulder seats himself beside Scully. He hazards a glance towards Ethan but the other boy doesn’t do or say anything, he just stares, grumpily, into his own plate of food. Confident Ethan won’t cause a fuss, Mulder relaxes and starts to eat. He nods at the journal and to where the photograph of the symbol lays taped inside.
“Any other thoughts?” he asks between mouthfuls.
“Nothing more than we discussed last night,” Scully says. “But I’m hoping this survivor gives us more information.”
Mulder nods in agreement. He looks towards Ethan again who is now being watched under the careful eye of Skinner.
“Are you and Ethan okay? I couldn’t help but notice…”
Scully lets out a sigh. “Are we really that obvious?” she asks. Mulder says nothing. Scully sighs again and drops her voice to a whisper. “I think I’m gonna break up with him.”
Mulder’s ears twitch as his heart almost stops.
“What? Why?”
“He’s just becoming…” Another breath is released. “Unbearable.” She turns away to look at the ground. “I’d rather not discuss it here.”
“I’m sorry, Scully. Really.”
She looks up at him and smiles at his sincerity.
“How is your nose?” she asks.
“Achy,” Mulder answers. “That’s what I came over here to ask you actually. Can I have that paracetamol please?”
Michael Ivanoff is a big man; tall and guff, it’s impossible to see him in the same state as the other’s- he just seems too large a man to be taken down so easily.
They meet him at their new camp ground a five mile hike away from their old ground. Skinner never said what made them move but when he came across the photograph Dana couldn’t help but notice that he seemed a little spooked. If she had to guess she’d say that’s what prompted the move.
Ivanoff talks very quietly and it’s difficult to hear him above the howling wind outside the rock shelter they’ve called their new home.
“…I don’t know what killed them. Dennis would have never camped where an avalanche might happen but even he couldn’t be right all the time.”
“Do you know anything about the symbol?” Mulder asks.
“The symbol?”
Dana watches closely as Mulder shows Ivanoff the photograph. She keeps her attention on his face. There’s a quick look of recognition before it falls away and his features become neutral.
“No, I’ve never seen that before.” Mulder looks disappointed. She makes a note to tell him that she doesn’t think Ivanoff is telling the truth.
“How does it feel to be the only one who survived?” Langly asks.
Ivanoff’s black, beady eyes stare directly at Langly.
“You’re grateful that you got to survive, but there’s the other half- the half that makes you question whether you’re supposed to be here at all.”
The group has no response to that. An eery feeling settles over them all and when it becomes apparent no one has any more questions Skinner stands and stretches out his hand.
“Thank you, Mr Ivanoff. You’ve been a great help.”
Ivanoff doesn’t take it. He eyes the group once more.
“I don’t know what game you’re playing to end up out here but it is dangerous. Real lives were lost here- natural or unnatural, whatever you might think. I suggest you all go home and forget what you saw out here.”
Skinner drops his hand, visibly reeling over being berated. “We’re not here for long, Mr Ivanoff.”
Ivanoff only grunts.
When the group disperses to set up for lunch, Dana approaches Mulder.
“He’s lying. He recognised that symbol.”
“I know,” says Mulder. “I think he’s lying about other things too.”
“Like what?”
“Like what happened out here. He doesn’t think it was an avalanche.”
“Doesn’t mean he thinks it was Yeti either,” Dana mutters.
Mulder grins. “Want to sneak out tonight?” he asks.
Dana looks aghast. “We’ll be caught!”
“Not once Skinner’s gone to sleep. Think about it, Scully- Skinner’s not gonna let us pursue the symbol.”
“But it’s part of the assignment—”
“Doesn’t matter. Ivanoff’s right about one thing- real people died and that symbol is real. I have a feeling we’ll be going home in the next day or two. Let’s just see what we can find.”
Dana wasn’t liking this but the idea of being whisked back home without any answers would leave a niggle in her brain for years to come. She lets out a breath.
Mulder grins triumphantly.
“But only for an hour. We don’t find anything, we head back to camp. Okay?”
“Okay,” Mulder agrees.
Wrapped up tightly and a flashlight in her hand, Dana is ready to go. She quietly unzips the front of the tent and climbs out. She expects to see Mulder waiting nearby but instead she sees Ethan, shivering in the cold. Her mood turns sour.
“Planning another break in, were you?” she asks, her voice as cold as the weather outside.
“No. Overheard you and Spooky- thought maybe I’d tag along,” says Ethan with a sly grin.
Dana rolls her eyes. “Of course.” She sees Mulder exit his own tent and starts towards him.
“Just wanted to make sure you and Spooky don’t get up to stuff.”
“Like what?” Dana asks, turning around.
“You know what. You can barely keep away from each other.”
“I know. It’s almost like we’re friends.”
“Well you’ve been spending more time with your friend than you have your own boyfriend, lately.”
“Well that shouldn’t be an issue anymore, should it?”
Ethan frowns. “What’s that suppose to mean?”
“You know what it means.”
Ethan laughs in disbelief. “You’re breaking up with me?”
Dana shrugs. “You should’ve seen it coming. Nobody can stand to be around you- me included.”
Mulder has caught up with them now and stands awkwardly to the side watching.
Ethan seems to falter. “Yeah, well…” He seems to struggle to find words before his eyes harden. “You know I only got with you because Tom thought it’d be funny.”
“What?” Dana asks, genuinely confused.
“Yeah! He said, “Wouldn’t it be funny if you ask the geeky, ginger one out.”” His smile is cruel. “We laughed at your reaction for hours.”
Dana tries not to look hurt but the lump is forming and she can feel the tears threatening to fall. Maybe she can blame the wind if they come. She still remembers that day he asked her out. She’d been in the library when he approached her, all quiet and shy, and asked. Dana could barely believe it. People don’t notice her and yet he had. She said yes and Ethan had seemed genuinely happy. Had Tom and the others been there the entire time? Did they laugh? Ethan’s smile seemed to make it true.
It feels like the floor had fallen from beneath her. She looks away, growing quiet.
“He’s lying,” says Mulder.
Ethan just shrugs.
“Come on, Scully.” She feels Mulder’s hand gently wrap around her wrist and tug lightly. Allowing herself to be pulled along, she looks at Ethan once more. Bravado lost the boy just stares at the ground, head hanging in what appeared to be remorse.
She’s quiet beside him as they walk through the forest. He is supposed to be looking for more symbols or other signs of what was out there. Instead, his attention is continuously being pulled towards her.
“Are you okay, Scully?”
“Do you think he’s telling the truth?” she asks. “About it all being a joke?”
Mulder lets out a sigh. He’d been there for most of the conversation- heard the accusations, the break up, and finally what Ethan said.
“That’s a long time to keep up a joke,” Mulder half jokes himself. Scully sends him a look and he coughs apologetically. All serious now he says, “I don’t think he was telling the truth. His reactions to me seemed…legitimate.”
The look she gives him after seems to be apologetic. “I’m sorry, Mulder. I didn’t mean to involve you in all this.”
Mulder shakes his head. “I involved myself remember. Besides, I’m glad your friend, Scully.” He forces a smile through the grimace that fought to appear when he said ‘friend’. How he wished she could be more.
Scully smiles back, seemingly happier than she was just moments before. The smile falls, however as she halts in place.
“Do you hear that?”
Mulder stops, listening closely. He hears a faint cackle of fire and when he shines his light toward the trees something catches his attention.
“Scully, look.”
Scully shines her own light in the same direction, eyes widening.
Mulder’s stomach flips with excitement and dread as etched within the bark were more symbols only this time the symbol was a simple X carved onto both trees with the words, If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of this land written beneath.
“Someone likes dinner time,” Mulder jokes but Scully shushes him and starts to move closer to the trees.
“I want to see what this is,” she tells him.
Mulder follows her, listening to the sound of the fire getting louder and spies the shimmer of orange through the trees.
As they approach, voices come into focus and Scully ducks, flashlight switching off and signals Mulder to do the same. He crouches down beside her and looks between the trees onto a camp not too dissimilar from their own. People sat around a fire, dressed in what looked like fur coats, drinking some dark red liquid, meat of some kind sat on plates in their laps.
Scully’s attention has been diverted to the surrounding trees but Mulder finds himself entranced. These people are simply eating and talking quietly amongst themselves, nothing special and yet he finds himself drawn to it. He’s about to ask Scully if she feels the same way when a twig snaps beneath his foot.
Whatever trace-like state Mulder was in his broken immediately by the sound. The camp instantly goes silent, all members looking to their direction. A man dressed in an arctic fox coat stands peering into the trees.
“Who goes there?” he commands.
Scully’s hand grabs Mulder’s and she pulls them both out of there.
They’re out of breath when they reach their camp. Mulder sits on a log, breathing heavily as his chest burns. He feels drowsy, sated like he just had a big meal.
“Who were they?” he asks. For some reason his head was hurting.
Scully shakes her head, also breathing heavily.
“I don’t know but all those trees were covered in symbols Mulder, depicting all manner of death.” She looks at him then. “We need to tell Skinner.”
“If we tell Skinner we disappeared in the middle of the night he’ll have Bear fly us straight home.” He stands up, pacing.
“We need to go back there,” he says, a plan formulating in his mind. “We need to talk to those people. Maybe they know what happened to the hikers.”
“Or maybe they’re the reason the hikers died in the first place,” Scully counter-argues.
“You don’t really believe that.”
“There is more evidence connecting them to the murders than the Yeti, Mulder. Or aliens. In fact, one of the symbols depicted a scene very similar to the state one of the hikers was found in so yes, Mulder, I do believe that and that’s what I’ll tell Skinner.”
With that she leaves, Mulder watching her go. She is wrong, he thinks, certain. He never thought he’d think it but she does- she’s wrong.
He takes one last glance towards the forest and his heart drops into his stomach. He sees a flicker of a fire torch before its holder turns away and is consumed by the darkness.
Sometime in the night a boy screams and a wolf howls.
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evolutionsvoid · 2 years
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Cryptic Beast (Normal / Dark)
- "Despite sightings of this Pokemon being reported across many regions, there is little actual proof of its existence. A paranormal magazine suggests this beast escaped from some secret laboratory." Cryptic Visitor (Fairy)
- "A story in a paranormal magazine talks of tiny winged beings invading an eyewitness's home. The report of them was never taken seriously, especially when the writer claimed they liked baked goods." Cryptic Wing (Flying)
- "A strange flying Pokemon that supposedly terrorized a town. A paranormal magazine says this creature can be identified by its glowing horn and horrid stench." Cryptic Stalk (Steel / Grass)
- "A robotic Pokemon said to have come from a crashed spaceship. Though there are no real records of this event, a paranormal magazine says it is a result of a coverup." Cryptic Collector (Dark)
- "This bizarre Pokemon is blamed when things vanish mysteriously in the night. A paranormal magazines claims these creatures are tasked with collecting "samples," and that includes other Pokemon and people..." Cryptic Crescent (Steel / Flying)
- "An odd metallic object a pilot spotted as it soared through the skies. It can fly faster than any known craft or Pokemon, or at least that is what a paranormal magazine claims." Cryptic Wheel (Steel / Fire)
- "No sightings of this entity have been recorded, but its existence is argued due to ancient carvings and drawings. This blazing wheel is mentioned often in a certain paranormal magazine, as they debate if its origins are from this world or beyond." Cryptic Pods (Grass / Dark)
-"A seemingly harmless collection of seeds, said to have come from another world. A paranormal magazine warns of what they can become, or rather, who they can become..." -----------------------------------------------
Had so much fun making the paradox fakemon with @james-silvercat, that we just had to do more! This will probably be the last batch for me, but who knows if I will get a hankering for it again in the future.
So of course, explanation time (from top, left to right): We got an Electivire based around the concept of an escaped lab experiment and made to look like Ro-Man, a Ribombee based on the Mince Pie Martians, a Masquerain turned into the Van Meter Visitor and a Sudowoodo based on the Georgia Stalks. Then we got a Delibird that is part Tuscumbia Space Penguin and part alien abductor cliche (why the actual paradox Delibird didn't go that route is beyond me), a Lunatone based on the UFO seen by Kenneth Arnold, a Solrock that is based on a chariot wheel (which tends to be mentioned when talking ancient aliens and angels) with also the idea of a UFO shaped like a ferris wheel (which my Scholastic Alien Encyclopedia says has been sighted before, but this book is all sorts of wrong on a bunch of stuff, so maybe not) and then finally an Exeggcute that is the pods from Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Enjoy!
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The staggering real-life story of Jan Broberg
When she was 9, Jan Broberg’s close, loving, religious family in Pocatello, Idaho, became close friends with another family, the Berchtolds. Both families’ fathers, leaders in their local chapters of the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS), were named Bob. To avoid confusion, Bob Berchtold asked the Brobergs to call him “B.” Both families liked picnics, talent shows, music and crafts; with so much in common, they became super close.
Seen as a fun dad, B would take the Broberg girls for ice cream with his own kids, and entertain them with stories of UFOs and alien abductions. Then, when Jan was 12, B kidnapped and brainwashed her. By the time she was 14, he had raped her over 200 times. He also managed to seduce her mother and manipulate her father into a sex act, according to Broberg’s own memoir.
In 2019, the Brobergs made headlines when a Netflix documentary, “Abducted in Plain Sight,” told the story of their victimization by Berchtold, a charismatic sociopath who — despite pleading guilty to kidnapping Jan and eventually being convicted for the rape of another child — never spent more than a year in prison.
According to Jan, now 60, the Brobergs were unprepared for the attacks that came their way. Many viewers blamed her parents — questioning how they could buy the idea, for instance, that a grown man, B, was lying in bed many nights with his friends’ preteen daughter for innocent reasons. Jan spoke with The Post about how she and her mother, MaryAnn, wrote their book and served as co-producers of the new series to raise awareness about how to better spot molesters, who are often known to their victims. She also wants to help people understand that B also victimized her parents — whom she does not blame, despite their mistakes. Jan believes her parents failed to protect her because B groomed and manipulated them. They had never even heard the word “pedophile.”
“Think of any community of like-minded people — say, at church, the YMCA, a neighborhood gathering,” she said. “You trust them.”
The Brobergs considered B almost a second father, so much so that, when he drove 12-year-old Jan to a horseback riding lesson one fall day in 1974 and didn’t return that night, the family, though worried, didn’t even consider he could be abusing her.
“I knew B would not hurt Jan,” writes MaryAnn, whose reflections on events are juxtaposed with those of Jan in the book. “He always talked about our girls being like his own and he had always treated them with extreme kindness.”
For more than two days, the Brobergs did not notify law enforcement, as they claim they were persuaded by B’s wife Gail, a long-suffering mother of five who begged them not to call the police and blamed her husband’s disappearance with Jan on his manic depression. By then, B had spirited Jan off to Mexico, where he had indoctrinated her into believing that the survival of an alien race depended on her engaging in sex acts with him and having a baby before she turned 16. (Berchtold drugged the girl, tied her up and threatened her, in the voice of an “alien,” saying that if she didn’t cooperate in sexual activity she would be “vaporized,” her “sister Karen would go blind, and [her] father would die”).
So terrorized was the 12-year-old late bloomer that, although she hadn’t started menstruating and knew that meant she couldn’t have a baby, she wondered if the rules of conception “were different with aliens.”
The book recounts the Brobergs’ frantic efforts to get Jan back, including allowing B to legally marry the 12-year-old in Mexico — his demand in exchange for returning her to her family. Other shocking decisions followed.
After they went to Mexico to retrieve Jan, the Brobergs signed an affidavit stating they had allowed B to take her there — which undermined the FBI’s case against him. This decision was made under duress, according to Jan and her sister Susan Broberg, 56, an attorney, who claimed last week that Berchtold’s lawyer threatened their parents with the possibility that, if the case went to trial, the Brobergs could be ruled unfit parents and their children could be taken away.
“Our family were not savvy New Yorkers,” said Jan. B played mind games on MaryAnn, persuading her that he was in love with her, and that he’d only kidnapped Jan innocently. (Jan told her parents B had not hurt her; he had threatened that terrible things would happen if she said otherwise).
This manipulation paved the way for events that occurred after B re-insinuated himself into their lives and began abusing Jan during a second period, which are covered in the book and series.
“He would call my mother several times a day and tell her, ‘I want you to know why I took Jan. It had everything to do with you.’ People who have never encountered a true sociopath have trouble understanding how others can be manipulated by one,” Jan said.
Now a divorced mother of one son and several stepdaughters, Jan is a full-time advocate for abused children after having acted and done theater work. She believes it’s important that families and institutions identify and prosecute predators and not handle them “in house.”
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neon-green-reagent · 2 years
Yet Another 50 Underrated Horror Films
I guess most people would want to talk about the best movies they watched in the past year, but I thought this would be a more fun way of ending 2022. Let me give you some links to other lists before I get started, in case you are into this and just cannot get enough. Well, allow me to be of service.  
The First 50 
The Second 50 
UFO Movies 
Mad Science Movies 
Aquatic Movies
Found Footage Movies 
Heavy Metal Movies 
Werewolf Movies 
Eyes of Fire : Back in old timey pioneer days, a group of people get cast out from their community because their preacher is a sex fiend. So they find their own place. That is full of evil fae magic and ghosts and stuff, and things get wonderfully weird. 
Highway To Hell : It’s Orpheus but full of puns and dumb jokes and incredible special effects. My favorite bit is about the road to hell being paved with good intentions. Also, Adam Storke is in this... You know, Larry from the 90s Stand miniseries. That guy. He’s great here. 
Shallow Ground : Ghosts. But so so so much cooler than just that. I don’t want to say too much. This one is all about the reveal. This teenager shows up naked and covered in blood, and everyone goes what the hell happened to him? And shit gets STRANGE.
Nightflyers : Adaptation of a George R.R. Martin short story that really needs a blu-ray release, like, yesterday. Beautifully 80s SF horror film full of weird, futuristic bullshit that I can’t get enough of. 
Beyond Dream's Door : What if A Nightmare On Elm Street were made on $3 and a ton of LSD? Take this trip, no pun intended. 
Night Vision : A guy that literally just fell off the turnip truck decides to be a writer in in THE BIG CITY. Which supernaturally chews him up and spits him back out. A cool, low budget time.
The Murder Mansion : Giallo! Two rather attractive people meet, fall in love instantly, and then get trapped in a murder mansion. That’s all you need for a giallo masterpiece really. 
Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell : An alien invasion that goes super hard. A plane crashes due to alien interference, and the survivors are faced with just... the scariest alien invasion of all time. This movie fucks. 
Island of Terror : Lil goo monster that kills you the moment it touches you. It feels like they were trying to do a Lovecraft thing, and it’s quaint and British with Peter Cushing. 
The Majorettes : One of those late 80s slashers that just keeps on giving. The first fifteen minutes were hilarious enough, and then the third act happens. There’s a siege? On a trailer park? In my slasher? 
Sometimes They Come Back... Again : Alexis Arquette (RIP) gives the performance of a lifetime as an undead thug who will fuck your daughter and your dad. Watch it for her. 
Sweet Home : Nothing is quite like a Japanese ghost story. This one throws some slasher tropes in there, too, with very over-the-top kills. Then it lands the dismount. Give me a blu-ray now please. 
Creature : Alien rip-off! Now hear me out. I am a sucker for those, but this is probably the best one in existence. Watch The Titan Find cut, as it’s the director’s preferred version, and I think it slaps. 
Candy Corn : Why isn’t this a Halloween classic? It’s like Trick r Treat meets Dark Night of the Scarecrow. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, that’s an incredibly good thing. Also, the kills are brutal. 
Auntie Lee's Meat Pies : Auntie Lee has lots of BEAUTIFUL nieces who attract dumb men that she puts into delicious meat pies. Good for her, right? Some rockers in bad wigs show up and... predictably become pies. 
Skinned Deep : If Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 had no limiters on. If they were ALL off. All of them. I mean, just all of them. Warwick Davis is having the time of his life here. And Surgeon General’s mask is made out of what you ask? Boyfriend material. 
Werewolves on Wheels : A biker gang stumbles across a cult having a ritual. This makes them become werewolves. And that’s awesome. 
Distortions : Olivia Hussey and Piper Laurie attempt to out act one another while both going completely out of their minds. Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. 
Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge : When you’re such a simp for The Phantom you’ll watch a hunky version kick ass underground in a mall. Also, it’s a good slasher. With Pauly Shore being... actually a fun character. 
The Marsh : A children’s book writer moves to the country to rest and get inspired. Then ghost shit starts happening. Trust me, this movie goes around some bends I didn’t expect, and it’s really worth taking the ride. We love a good ghost mystery in this house.
Dead and Buried : The story kicks off with a photographer getting set on fire at the beach by an angry mob. And it doesn’t get less weird. Definitely more weird. It blew my mind, and I didn’t think that was possible after all I’ve seen. With Robert Englund before he was Freddy. 
Clearcut : Native American horror. This one is all about Graham Greene playing Arthur, a gleefully violent fellow with a lot of secrets. I kept thinking of Severen in Near Dark. The performance is that good, yes. 
Satan's Triangle : Made for TV movie about the Bermuda Triangle. But also the devil. With an ending that I’ll never stop thinking about. 
Night Shadow : A werewolf movie! Where the werewolf and some lady have a psychic connection. I think. I mean, I guess. And her brother knows kung-fu, but doesn’t use it to fight the werewolf. Some bad choices were made, but ultimately it’s a good-bad time. 
Tales from the QuadeaD Zone : From the maker of Black Devil Doll From Hell comes... this! A horror blaxploitation anthology that really... It really is real. Also, what’s a QuadeaD? Dunno. And that’s not a typo. That’s how it’s spelled. Watch this. You’ll thank me. Or hunt me down, not sure which.
Alien Predators : A horror comedy that is heavy on the goofball antics and low on the scares. But damn if those antics aren’t cuter because it’s Dennis Christopher partaking in them! 
Too Beautiful To Die : A late 80s giallo full of fucked up shit, a crazy murder weapon, and giallo’s favorite victim: fashion models. And I need to say 80s one more time to emphasize the true magic of this film. Okay, one more time: 80s!
All-American Murder : Christopher Walken. Ahem. Oh, you needed me to say something else? Well, murders. And lots of silly, silly, silly dialogue. And Walken gets to say a lot of it, too. 
The Killer Is Still Among Us : Another giallo. This one is all about the ending. I find a lack of resolution to be one of the scariest thing a horror film can do. Very effective. 
Slime City : A man has to eat people to keep from melting. It’s a tale as old as time. He goes full goblin mode by the end. Good old-fashioned melt movie. 
Flesheater : Directed by the guy who played the first zombie in Night of the Living Dead. The cemetery one. Not sure why that made him qualified to direct a film, and when you watch it, you’ll see that it didn’t. But that’s why it’s good. Because it’s amazingly bad. Also, directed The Majorettes from up there, if that’s any indication of what you’re getting into. 
All About Evil : Directed by Peaches Christ, this is an absolute love letter to horror cinema. Right down to the very theaters the movies play in. Cassandra Peterson stares at an Elvira poster. It’s that kind of movie. 
I, Madman : There need to be more movies like this. About the power of stories to come alive. One minute you’re reading a book. The next minute, the book is happening to you. Stars Jenny Wright, who deserved a better career. 
Grotesque : Linda Blair versus a gang of punks. Oh, excuse me. Punkers. That was one of my favorite parts, that they insisted on calling them punkers. Home invasion that goes completely WTF by the end. WTF endings are a theme with me. 
Hell High : A group of high school outcasts decide to terrorize their teacher. Not realizing a nudge will make her go postal. This movie is way better than it has any right to be, quite frankly. 
The Untamed : A Mexican SF horror film that is all about sex. It’s not SEXY. It’s ABOUT sex. And the need for it, the way it wrecks relationships, addiction to it, cheating, not being able to be true to yourself about your own identity or needs. It’s a lot. I love it. 
Death To Metal : I love to see heavy metal horror alive and well. An evil priest gets a toxic waste makeover and decides to take out his religious frustrations in a local dive hosting a rock concert. It’s low budget and full of love. 
Tropic of Cancer : Giallo! Again! With voodoo. Not accurate voodoo, don’t ever look for that in a horror film. But with magic and antics is what I really mean. And those antics are quite wild and fun. 
Final Judgment : Brad Dourif as a priest with a gun trying to catch a serial killer. Also, lots of strippers. If nothing about that makes you want to watch it, may I check your temperature? 
The Mangler : One of those bottom-of-the-barrel Stephen King adaptations with so much to give. Directed (well, in part, it sounds complicated) by Tobe Hooper. Starring Ted Levine. With an absolutely gigantic, evil, designed-by-Dracula laundry press.
Deep Blood : I haven’t seen every Jaws ripoff known to man. But why do I have the feeling this is the worst? If you want to relax with friends and laugh heartily over a multitude of poor choices and production mistakes, have I got the movie for you. 
Identity : How unknown is this? I mean, it has John Cusack and Ray Liotta in it. But I still feel like no one talks about it. Still needs way more love. And Then There Were None, but twists galore. And lots of great, fun performances. 
Retribution : A man attempts suicide right as a murder is taking place. The soul of the victim enters him and uses his body to exact vengeance. With a fantastic performance from Dennis Lipscomb and a lot of heart. 
The Devil's Men : Priest Donald Pleasence versus cult leader Peter Cushing. In a fight to the death. With a minotaur there as well. Place your bets!
The Stone Tape : Do you like Halloween III? The same guy wrote this. It has a similar blending of technology and the supernatural. And the supernatural tends to win in those scenarios... 
Benny Loves You : This is a flawed movie, but one thing is for certain: Benny is perfect. Benny loves us, and you’ll love him, too. A killer toy movie that’s a cut above the rest. 
It! (1967) : Of course, I had to include the year, because, no, I’m not talking about one of the most popular horror stories of all time. I’m talking about Roddy McDowall (doing a Psycho) and a golem. And murderous hijinks! 
Wind Chill : I know Christmas is over at the time of writing this, but this was a fantastic, underrated Christmas horror. A guy and a girl drive home from college in the snow and get stuck. Where a lot of people have gotten stuck before. And died. 
The Shuttered Room : We’re in Lovecraft country here. Yog Sothoth doesn’t show up, but a lot of other gothic trappings sure do. People locked up in attics. Getting harassed by locals who are itching to say YOU AIN’T FROM AROUND HERE, ARE YA? Covered in a layer of creepy sweat. With Oliver Reed! 
The Dead Hate The Living : Gotta end on a total banger. An independent film crew gets a little too zealous in making their horror flick and unleashes zombies upon themselves. With a ton of shoutouts and horror nerding, enough even for little old me. 
That does it! These are always a labor of love for me, and I hope there are those of you out there that get some mileage out of this. 
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Gush About Your OC
Thank you so much for tagging me in this @zinkleberg!  ♥ Was wonderful to wake up and see that in my notes this morning! 
- Post 5 facts about your OC. 
- Open the latest section of the Cyberpunk 2077 tag, and reblog 5 posts of people you don’t follow, giving them nice tags. 
- Tag 5 people to spread the game. 
Annnnnnddddd here’s some Valkyrie trivia for ya! 
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1. With Valk being more musically inclined, I’ve gone through a lot of singing voiceclaims for her trying to find the perfect one. However the one I last settled on is the longest a single voice has stuck and it’s definitely the one I’m most happy with; Sheryl Crow! Best examples are probably the song If It Makes You Happy and her fantastic cover of Sweet Child O’ Mine. 
2. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this outside of Discord, but Valk’s actually a pretty decent painter! Her chosen medium is watercolors, and she enjoys painting any nice scenery she happens to stumble across on her travels. Looking at all of her artwork plastered to the walls of her tent is looking at a map of all the places she’s ever drifted through, and you can tell when a certain vista grabs her attention the most as she’ll sometimes have multiple pieces of the same scenery from different angles. She has at least four paintings of the view from the rim of the Grand Canyon. 
3. Most desert creepy crawlies don’t bother Valk, and if you have an uninvited guest in your tent, calling upon her to extract it is usually a safe bet...However, she’s a bit more wary around snakes than she is around things like scorpions or spiders. Almost dying from the bite of a coral snake during a family trip down south does that to a person. 
4. While a fantastic mechanic, Valk is sort of a lousy teacher of the craft. Everything to her is essentially muscle memory after maintaining her own vehicles for so long, and if you ask her to explain the process, you’ll likely cause her to short circuit and forget what she’s doing. It’s best to leave her to her own devices, as she simply can’t work and spew technobabble at the same time. 
5. Valk’s had quite a few weird experiences during all her time out on the road; weird as in paranormal. Strange lights in the sky, faceless people on the side of the road, motels and diners that exist one day and are gone without a trace the next. She even spent time doing some amateur detective work in some little podunk town being terrorized by an apparent serial killer. Get enough drinks in her on any given night, and you’ll inevitably get to hear plenty of stories about UFO’s and mannequin people. 
Tagging With Absolutely No Pressure: @kugo1 @jaymber @projectdanse @caer-oswin​ @cyberneticnipples
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crashingmeteor3 · 1 year
My absolutely marvellous review of Yoke Guy Watch T!!
So I just finished the game (just as in yesterday) and I haven't done much post-game stuff other than favours and my daily things. But, I can say I definitely enjoyed the game.
But I'm going to go over the things I found difficult or just didn't enjoy in the game.
I found the whole supermarket thing difficult, especially the chase at the end, it took me an embarrassingly long time to time my jumps correctly. But the boss battle was fun and not too challenging. Zombie Night isn't half as bad as I thought it would be, but I still don't enjoy it very much lol.
The Clown time thing gives me the creeps, I don't like clowns in general so being chased by one suddenly? I barely made it lol.
Terror time is terror time. I still suck at it.
As I said before, I wish you could do more storywise as Hailey that's not getting stuff after the stories merge. While I found playing in BBQ as Nate more fun, Hailey's character is a lot more entertaining. So I wish I could've played as her more.
Not a nitpick, but I still haven't got Sighborg Y after so many attempts. I guess I'm just not lucky lol.
More of a personal problem but the fact it took me up until chapter 5 to get Dimmy and Dazzabel because they hardly showed up is a pain in the butt. But I got my children and unfortunately, I had to swap Ratelle out for Mee2 to have a second healer since I desperately needed one. Auntie Heart is the punching bag and having a backup healer in case she goes down is helpful. I also wanted to use Allnyta but never found bothered to figure out where Tengloom is.
Again not really a problem but I feel like quests were a lot less relevant in the main story, sure you have the detective agency but once I got Mirapo unlocked and I didn't have to do any quests there to progress the main story I totally forgot about it and Sparkopolis altogether. I didn't see many quests at all on Nate's side. This is good because I got to focus on the main story more but I do enjoy getting sidetracked and doing fun quests.
Unpopular opinion, but I didn't enjoy the alternate dimension quests (at least the ones I have done so far). I skipped most of the cutscenes for the first quest because of how uninteresting it was for me, I didn't enjoy the concept, but I did like playing the game as Katie! For the second quest, I don't understand why the tour was changed to some heroine competition? They probably didn't want it to be the same tour again, but they could've changed some things to make it more interesting.
And in the end, we get the most (in my opinion) unsatisfying ending, with the shark winning the whole thing? But seeing No-Bot was cool in the quest, especially when you see him in the Bada-Bing Tower later. This makes me wonder if Yopple Bot would be at the tower instead in Katie's dimension. Or if the whole Ghoulfather thing has happened at all there.
I wish Buck had more involvement, his whole personality for the most part was adventure, aliens and ufos. I thought the Hazeltine Manor chapter would give us some more information about him, but we hardly saw him at all. He doesn't do much outside of the three things I mentioned either, which kind of sucks. Or maybe he does, and I just forget. I still love him though. I feel a similar way about Jessica, she's Hailey's best friend or something and it would've been nice if she had a role similar to Katie's as a good friend character. I kind of wish she got involved in the yo-kai stuff to at least some degree so she could be like how Buck is to Nate. But that'd be messy in the end so I understand why they didn't.
I didn't find many of the Merican/New yo-kai very interesting, the ones I found most interesting are the S-ranks, unfortunately. I still like some of them though!
And now the good parts!
The characters are fun, and while the main characters are great apart, they're so entertaining together I enjoyed the times in later chapters when they were together doing stuff! Whisper, Jibanyan and Usapyon are wonderful, as usual. Blunder and Folly, while I question their relevance, were also entertaining to watch.
I like the involvement of the Blasters House, it was a nice surprise. I liked seeing them again seeing as I didn't enjoy playing Blasters much game-play-wise. Which is probably why I didn't play Blasters T very much. I liked the yo-kai heroes too.
One of my favourite parts of the game was the Yopple Tour, seeing old characters like Kyubi, Venoct, Arachnus, Toadal Dude and Komasan and Komajiro was awesome. And Spect-Hare and Double Time were entertaining.
I loved the Dukesville storyline with Unnbearaboy and Jane, it was very sweet, but sad how they had to split again so soon.
Deadcool. All I have to say.
The boss battles were fun, yet difficult. I lost to Slackajack a couple of times. I was worried I wouldn't like the grid system, but it's fun to strategize where to use my yo-kai and being able to dodge attacks.
Yo-kai watch blaster go pew pew, all I have to say.
And there's a lot more stuff, but just so I don't write a whole book here. I'll stop listing stuff XD
My final team was Usapyon, Blandon, Sgt. Burly, Mee2, Mama Aura and my Originyan called Nyanplay (pun on Nyan, as most if not all of the jibanyan variants, have nyan in their name, and cosplay!) . But I also used Jibanyan, Wydeawake, Ratelle, Demandi, Intune, Thurston and others. I tried to use the new yo-kai, but that failed. Maybe on my other save file, I'll do a Merican yo-kai-only run.
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bmpmp3 · 8 months
I FINALLY watched that barbie movie that came out, i watched it last night! it was cute and pretty solid i thought. and then immediately after finishing that i watched the 1989 found footage tv movie ufo abduction/the mcpherson tape?
barbie was mostly very funny (that smallpox joke is inexcusable tho) it seems aimed for maybe a tween-teen kind of audience? i havent heard of many big huge movies aimed at that demographic recently so thats really nice
you know i was worried id be insufferable to both barbie movie fans and barbie movie haters because i have 1) a doll hobby 2) too much interest in doll history and 3) a complete lack of trust and respect for mattel as a company in the past decade and i figured you wouldnt be able to talk to me about it without me um-actually-ing every two seconds BUT it wasnt as egregious as i expected in regards to doll history myths
im especially glad they didnt call stuff like happy family midge and earring magic ken like "recalled" or "banned" or whatever 'cause thats just one of those myths LOL BUT discontinued is a weird term... yeah they were discontinued but like. all dolls are some day. from what i can tell both those dolls werent even like prematurely (heh) discontinued or anything most reports seem that happy family midge sold okay (although there seems to have been controversies at least with the wedding ring and cardboard cutout husband situations) and earring magic ken probably didnt sell well. because hes ken. the earring magic barbies in the line probably sold better LOL i guess a better term could have been like. controversial barbies? infamous barbies? sugar's daddy ken is true and hilarious tho, although if i remember correctly it was like a collectors doll meant for adults that just never got released in the first place
I DID love tanner's inclusion. i love that stupid shitting dog so much i wanted it so bad as a kid but i didnt care about the barbie so it would have been a waste of a playset
speaking of not caring about the barbie so like. i didnt really like barbies as a kid. i didnt really like dolls. i was a furry i only liked animal shaped toys LOL i did have one barbie i picked out myself, fairytopia kindlee who i loved and adored and lost and i dream about her forever. but yeah nothing less interesting to me both as a child and as an adult than a default face sculpt blue eyed blonde barbie toy, which is, as most adults interesting in the modern day toy industry can attest, the reason for our disdain for mattel HFJDKHFDJS actually its more than that - weirdly inflated prices for cheaply made clothes and low quality printing, strangely dated fashion, the weird all or nothing either bare minimum 5 points of articulation or full out double jointed mtm bodies (where is single jointed elbows...i miss her....), THE DECADE LONG REIGN OF TERROR OF THE GLUE HEAD (although we're finally past that), why are those collectors dolls so expensive they look the same quality, why did they make that collectors mermaid ken white from the brown guy in the concept art, in canada the pricing and availability is wacky so i imagine its even worse everywhere else outside the US, this is a personal thing but why does every mattel doll ive ever owned like combust at its joints randomly. am i cursed? do i have a mattel curse? ive been thinking about this for years why does the plastic just disintigrate the second it enters my home what god did i anger. what plastic god did i anger. help me my bloodline has been cursed by some sort of polyvinyl based deity beyond my comprehension
anyway as i was saying it was a little sobering watching a movie with a good fashion and prop and set budget do a take on the memories of what barbie dolls used to be and then thinking about that absolutely dire state we're in rn. bro i kept looking at outfits like modern mattel would never. theyre too busy making half printed t shirt dresses with a random ruffle attached on the side <3 but vintage mattel would also not be as diverse. although neither mattel has an actually fat doll so. um. thats the saddest um-actually im gonna do :(
ive been joking to myself for years that barbie is the name of the species, ken might be some kind of subspecies, so it is funny to see the brand in both real life stores and also this movie lean into that. barbie really is a species. they do move in herds. wait im getting distracted anyway years ago barbie had a big refresh where they leaned into the idea that anyone can be barbie - everyone is barbie: they brought out new body types (standard, tall, short, and slightly curvy) which was a big step, a bigger range of skintones and all kinds of new face molds and screenings, also theres like bald barbies and barbies with prosthetics and wheelchair barbies are made way more often. and all this is fantastic. but unfortunately the blonde blue eyed millie sculpts still haunt most non-fashionista releases.... stereotypical barbie u dont know what u are.... its a shame they didnt reference the millie sculpt in the movie i woulda died LOL
but i always thought it was pretty wack that they made all these cool dolls and then relegated them to wear t shirt dresses for eternity. i like that the budget line is so diverse and i dont even mind the lack of articulation that much (although i do miss basic 9 point articulation where are my elbows and knees) but GOD those outfits. can be ROUGH. and WHY do they never put like half of the diverse dolls in other playsets WHY cant basketball barbie be bald WHEN will i get that prosthetic leg barbie as a fairy like youve put all this effort into all this diversity and then ur doing NOTHING with it mattel im begging u. im begging u. make a fantasy wheelchair barbie i know you can do it. i know you can do it
im not even talking about the movie anymore sorry im just complaining about barbie dolls even tho im not a huge barbie collector JFKDHJRKF i was just picky about toys as a child and i want kids nowadays to get cool dolls too. i think a kid deserves a nice thing to play with that looks like them or like their family or other people around them that also allows to imaginative play you know
okay. okay in the context of the movie its fine and makes sense but lemme tell u. being so deep in the current state of mattel hearing america ferrera's character suggest "ordinary barbie" made me fucking jump out of my seat and point at my laptop screen i almost said outloud "YOUUU" jgekfjfd it was her.... she did this.... jk jk its a sweet message in the movie but just so u know in mattel's mind "ordinary barbie" translates to overpriced cheaply made sack dress barbie. orz
wait back on topic back on topic its a nice movie, im glad it resonates with a lot of people. the plot was a little strange but i dont mind, the sets and outfits and everything was so good anyway, i loved that big huge chunky necklace as a touch, its some fashion brand symbol i dont remember sowwy but i like how huge it is LOL also the music was pretty great, i liked the needle drops and the music composed for the movie was fun too, what was i made for is fantastic but i knew that already its been a hit for a while now and i heard a vocal synth cover of it that sounded nice so i was already on board HJKDHJKFDS sometimes the. racial aspect of the movie was. jarring? they really only mention race like thrice (one of those times being the aforementioned awful smallpox joke) which. you know sometimes i get a little annoyed with a lot of contemporary movies and shows bringing up race just for little quips and jokes here and there while completely ignoring anything substantial about the topic, i know this is a tween movie with a two hour run time and they wanted to focus but i dunno man. it always feels like they're making a joke about elephants while the ignoring the elephant in the room staring u down. but whatever. i'll just lock someone into an unskippable cutscene conversation about history in regards to race and dolls irl later LOL cute movie tho. i like when movies have cool sets and outfits
NOW to the second half of that very odd double feature i gave myself last night UFO ABDUCTION its basically considered the first found footage horror movie, as a tv movie from 1989, and lemme tell u IT IS hard to watch LOL not because its like scary but like. because its a little bit bad <3 but its okay i dont mind, the main character behind the camera got pretty insufferable near the end (would not shut up and made it hard to hear the other actors orz) but it was only an hour and had like no budget - plus i love seeing where so much of the genre came from. im glad to know people screaming at the main character to shut that damn camera off has been here since the very beginning. i also loved the stupid alien costumes its such a shame theyre only in there for like 3 scenes they were the best part: genuinely kind of creepy at the first sight at the ufo landing because theyre so far away and low quality, and also really silly and goofy when they walk right up to the camera <3 <3 <3
i truly madly deeply genuinely without a shred of irony adore found footage so im always happy to see more! even when its bad :) i like it when cameras shake and people scream OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Superjail #7: “Terrorarium” | November 2, 2008 - 11:45PM | S01E06
It’s science fair day at Superjail! Why would there be a science fair in a magical maximum security prison? BECAUSE IT’S FUN! The Warden is unimpressed with the inmates contributions to the fair, preferring his own project: A snowglobe with a tiny jungle inside, which he fills with several inmates by shrinking them down. One lucky survivor will reach the finish line and be granted the opportunity to drink some growth serum, bringing them back to size. Meanwhile, Jarred is bullied by the Warden, Alice, and Jailbot when he tells the Warden that his giant trophy won’t be ready in time for his humility ceremony (which celebrates the Warden’s selfless decision to not give himself a big awards ceremony for winning the science fair). 
Some wacky stuff happens with the leftover growth serum. One of the inmates gets some and starts wrecking havoc around Superjail, squishing many of it’s cherished inmates. Jarred also gets some, but it turns him into a Hulk who fights Alice for being mean to him. Eventually the snowglobe breaks and is doused with the serum, unleashing all of the Jumangi-style terrors inside. 
This is a solid one, because nearly episode of Superjail is a solid one. A lot of the humor comes from the absurdity of Superjail having a science fair in the first place. The show takes the high-school-ness of it all and runs with it, with the Warden and Co. sitting at a table in the cafeteria and cruelly excluding Jarred. The idea of them having lunch with the inmates is just so gosh darn silly. I can’t stop smiling about it. 
This one has a memorable opening sequence with Jacknife getting in a little bit of trouble having sex with a farmer’s daughter, and a nosy UFO which thankfully gets shot down by Jailbot. Jacknife is actually somewhat of a major protagonist here, getting to be one of the shrunk down guys and (spoiler alert) the only one to survive the ordeal. We see him riding the back of a bug, presumably to freedom.
There is also a nod to continuity, like the little girl from the Bunny Love pilot appearing on a milk carton. There’s also flagrant non-continuity, like when we see one inmate get his head torn off by Jailbot early in the episode only to have him return later on, sniffing Gary’s underpants while he sleeps. 
Bring Out the Dead on Halloween Night (October 31, 2008)
On Halloween, Adult Swim aired a marathon sampling various previously-aired cancelled and never-picked-up shows. Schedule is all thanks to swimpedia, which deserves my thanks for this whole blog, really.
11:00 Welcome to Eltingville: Bring Me the Head of Boba Fett
11:30 Korgoth of Barbaria
12:00 Stroker & Hoop: XXX Wife (a.k.a. Stroke Her and Boob)
12:30 Ranger Smith: Boo Boo Runs Wild
1:00 Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law: Harvey's Civvy
1:15 Assy McGee: Murder on the Midway
1:30 Minoriteam: Evilfellas
1:45 Perfect Hair Forever: Cat Snatch Fever
2:00 Saul of the Mole Men: IC-CAW
2:15 Space Ghost Coast to Coast: Baffler Meal
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okawarihappylife · 1 year
4, 15, & 22!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4- OK, all time favorite has to be either wadatakeaki (kurage-p) or pinocchiop, tho iyowa is quickly making thru the ranks, theres also a few lesser know producers i have my sights on (yowanecity/blues/daraku/dobuno awa), and some old faves include van de shop/hachiya nanashi and neru and if you were asking for faves for each: wada - parila. (MANY other songs as well, the entirety of the urameshi yahoo ep is sooooo good. abuku is the most underrated wada voca hit of all time, diary of teenage observation is one of my most dearest albums, q.01 from the previous album is also super good. hes releasing a new abum soon you should check it out) pino - apple dot com/nothing/game specter 2/im glad youre evil too/weekly shounen byebye. (i fucking love pinop I FORGOT PROLIFERATION OF IMAMURA. GOOD EP) iyowa - urapocere. urapocere fucked me up in ways i cant describe. however both of his released albums are godly. also ufo ikou ne/leave you at the back of the earth are fantastic songs blues - yasagure rookie/kanjou hacking. theyre aare relativly new producer but i look foward to what they put next yowanecity - ishedo.
daraku -walkie-talkie/teenage spirits. dobuno awa - implicit failure/me in deep sleep. check out their newest album its a good listen if you gravitate to vocahorror hachiya nanashi - shabon or placebo. neru - terrorism 15 - kitsune wedding/lion mosquito. like storywise you cant beat caniballism but also fuck its such a good song, catchy as all hell, stuck in my brain for the rest of my life (EDIT. IT WAS ABOUT MVS. THIS GOES TO BOTH PARILA AND NIGHT RULE. BANGER MVS) 22 - ok theres a few. jitterbug, im mk but, sakura tattoo, kyohan, dorado no higeki, ooedo ranvu, drop pop candy. man theres probably so much more if you count pinop sining along w miku as duets
thank you for asking!!
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apilgrimpassingby · 1 year
The Night Hag
I'm going to go off-topic and talk about a topic that's pretty darn fascinating to me - sleep paralysis and the Night Hag.
For those of you who are unaware, sleep paralysis is a phenomenon that occurs after waking up that has (as defined by David Hufford in The Terror that Comes in the Night, a seminal text on it) four core characteristics:
You're paralysed (it's in the name).
You're awake.
You accurately perceive your real surroundings. (On the side, this is why I don't accept it as an explanation for alien abductions - seeing yourself in a UFO is not accurately perceiving your real surroundings).
You're afraid.
Common non-essential traits include:
A feeling - and often, the sensory perception, frequently with multiple senses - of a malign presence (this is the Night Hag).
A feeling of pressure on the chest.
A sense of the supernatural.
Less commonly, a fear of death.
Estimates for how common sleep paralysis is range widely - for his part, Hufford estimated that 15% of the population have experienced it at least once - but even at the lowest estimates, it is likely that you have experienced it, and near-certain that, whether or not you realise it, someone you know has. (People often don't talk about their experiences with it due to fear of being seen as crazy or simply not knowing how to describe it). It's what the word "nightmare" originally referred to (from the mære, the spirit credited with causing it) and was very probably the inspiration for Fuseli's famous painting The Nightmare.
It's associated with/the source for monsters in numerous folklores and mythologies - the Hungarian Lidérc, the South Carolinan Boo Hag, the Hmong Dab Tsog, the Scandinavian Mara/Mare, the Newfoundland Old Hag that inspired Hufford to write his book and possibly the shadow people of contemporary urban legend. But, as he noted, these incidents occur even in cultures, such as the 1970s and 1980s US he researched in, with no body of belief about it. And I want to be clear, this book isn't some sketchy thing by a woo-peddler. Hufford is emeritus Professor of Humanities and Psychiatry at Penn State University and got his book published by the University of Pennsylvania Press.
And the interesting thing is that there's no known, or even particularly strong, scientific explanation. The standard one is that your brain wakes up during REM sleep (that's the dream state), but when your body is still paralysed to stop you acting out your dreams, and hallucinates to rationalise the fear you feel. But this explanation has a ton of holes.
To be clear, I'm not (or at least I wasn't for a long time; I'm not so sure about it now) the kind of person who sees demons in every corner. I effectively held a naturalist outlook until last year, and I'm pretty sceptical of most supernatural claims now. But, seeing as sleep paralysis is consistently associated with malign spirits and/or witchcraft and the cultural and scientific explanations are both seriously flawed, I really do believe it is an evil spirit behind this.
I want to close with a verbatim quote from Hufford's book I found particularly fascinating:
"Some readers may be considering whether they wish to elect to "go along with" a paralysis attack if they should have another one. I would advise strongly against it. Madge [one of the many interviewees whose accounts the book was analysing] is not the only one who has reported having regretted her "openness" to the experience. I have spoken with people who have reported years of anguish, some of it involving symptomatology much like some of the features of psychosis, after having intentionally cultivated this experience. On the other hand, I have never encountered anyone who resisted the basic Old Hag experience who seemed injured by it even if it frequently returned."
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
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cyberverse-hub · 2 years
Headcanons of the Alien Hunters _11/17/22 UPDATE
Some are headcanons and some are just Lil tidbits for future reference. I'm nervous but here I go...(UPDATED! N EDITED!)
They both came together because of their fondness of adventure and seeking out new species or covering species -as well as teaching others about certain species/cultures (they love to make it fun or just entertaining_Sort of easier to take in for younger bots as well)
Cosmos meet Meteorfire at Maccadems while he was in a huff. They ended up cheering him up and... you know where that went
Meteorfire tends to get way to into whatever he is doing. Such as being a TV host. Whole not a bad focus of his. It tends to lead into more trouble then not. (And we've seen where that lead to)
Cosmos is the one known to be more responsible and stable one to make sure Meteorfire doesn't end up spending or losing to much of their items/tools/shandex (mostly tools). As well as being a huge reason why he's still online and in one-piece.
Meteorfires is a bit bolder when it comes to things. Tends to be more energetic and may come off as arrogant even though he means well in the end.
Meteorfire and Cosmos both pretty much weigh one another out for responsibility, safety and boldness, e.t.c at the end of the day. Both in positives and negatives.
Cosmos is a huge nerd and is basically an encyclopedia when it comes to different subjects/cultures/species/e.t.c whatever they focus on or have encountered.
Meteorfire is sort of gifted with the whole TV-show host thing as a youngling he was a shut-in and shy but grew out of it after leaving.
Cosmos choose a UFO for convenience and survival (one time) ((Inspired by another post)) Also they think it's cool AF
Cosmos enjoys a good Bauble drink (favorite being a mix of Iron and Oil). It's their favorite and it shows. They also enjoy bubbling rusts shakes and Smooth ruby flavored punch. It's the only thing that keep them going on those long or boring days.
Meteorfire loves some warm energon with his own twist of things. with heavy mercury flavoring with some light specs of crystal energon and sweetened oil. Sometimes some Limestone flavoring makes it sourer. It's an odd drink type, but he likes it. Not even Cosmos will drink it || Maccadem was intrigued when he first encountered Meteorfire's...creation
They both share a love for Foil cakes (similar to cake bites or muffins :p ) thel snack on them or enjoy them together on a lazy night. It's sort of their food to bond over with.
Cosmos was pretty shocked at the state of Metorfire and their home when they got back. Especially the photos of themselves everywhere.
||--|| After everything and once Cosmos was back, Cosmos would just banter with him in a light hearted-way to cheer him up. They talked about everything and what happened during that time, but they went to cheer him up with some older Alien hunter videos and some games they had in the RV. Just simple bonding time.
Cosmos-while in the entity. (The primary source of food when Luna 3 was quarantined and once it was fully abandoned.) Cosmos was trapped and immobilized for easier control, not fully conscious of their own surroundings but they were conscious enough to take notice of what was occurring around them. Feedings weren't frequent, occurring mostly when it would move or when it needed to absolutely had to. Resulting in some not-so-fun terrors and hidden fears come to rise during those moments for the UFO hunter.
||+++||The aftermath would stay but with Meteorfire there to comfort them they'd roll it off easily, warm earth blankets, drinks, and some games always helped them.
They tend to get into more trouble if they are looking for animal/planet/e.t.c species than just different civilizations
Most interactions with other civilizations are smooth and pleasant, they are hesitant at first but Cosmos calm and more friendly frame usually bring things to a more pleasant end.
Meteorfire will usually handle any hostile interactions but tends to need more backup from Cosmos after a while (if the interaction has gone on to far with no end in sight or if he's gotten (them) in over their helms/heads)
Cosmos hates the dark, before it really wasn't something they cared about. But now, after the entity- that's a problem.
Meteorfire may have gotten his best friend back but it doesn't help the guilt and anger he hold against himself. He still has the constant dread of loosing them again.
Both lean onto one another on the worse of night's. Usually cheering one up by the end of the night. Sometimes they fall into recharge by one another or Cosmos in his lap.
Cosmos will and can carry Meteorfire. Sometimes against his own will, but it's not like he's stopping them from it.
Meteorfire tends to be a bit over the top at times. Cosmos has to calm him down sometimes. Sometimes they will have to drag them away/out/push them to another area to calm down or to talk.
Meteorfire talks with his hands. He loves to make motions and exaggerate at times (but with movements) he's a body talker. Just as much as he loves to talk he loves to move. But hates dancing, he hates it.
Cosmos is a soft talker, love to talk if you get them onto something they love/enjoy/know about. But relatively quiet.
Cosmos 17 stellar cycles older then Meteorfire. Which is fun to bring up at times for the two. They joke around with it a bunch.
They just love earth. Humans, animals, the cultures. So much on that planet! They do and will go back for 'vacations'
Meteorfire is Pansexual and Cosmos is Asexual(Ace)
Cosmos goes by they/them (they came off neutral and I've stuck to it)
They only started having a thing a bit after the events of "The other one"
Jetfire and Meteorfire are related - they had been very close when they were younglings but once Jetfire started to be seen as a 'warrior', in their little community it got to his helm. Jetfire had been at Meteorfire's side since day one, even when the others in their little community would attempt to move Jetfire to the higher ranking arials groupings.
Meteorfire was closed off and hadn't adorned the more desired traits of their community, not making it better he was reserved and later a shut-in. Yet they remained close and when given the time, be able to connect one on one.
Later on, Jetfire would start to adopt a warrior title, bringing out a larger and newer persona of his to light. Including turning towards those of desired ranks of their community. Shifting away from Meteorfire and eventually against him. On the other hand, Meteorfire would adopt a T.V persona, generally sticking low but trying to keep in contact with Jetfire when he could.
Finally, Jetfire and Meteorfire would break ties with one another after Jetfire had been speaking with Meteorfire, unknowingly being long enough for a few others to trash his little home and have his pet run away. Leading to a physical confrontation.
|++| They only saw one another in the events of "The immobilizer" and "the perfect Decepticon" but didn't even speak to one another. (Jetfire tried but...Meteorfire dipped out almost immediately
Meteor has weak left knee
Boy's helm can turn almost 360 but no one knows if he can actually do so, only that he can face the back.
his jetwings can actually be removed off himself.
TL;DR Meteorfire and Cosmos are besties
Jetfire and Meteorfire need family counseling -I left it brief lmao sorry_It be late
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wolfboy88 · 2 years
Hey everyone, first time actually posting something!?!
Seeing as Halloween is just around the corner, I’ve decided to create my own prompts list for the spooky season and challenge myself to a writing challenge. And of course all the fics will be based around Thiam!
I’ve created a 31-day prompt list however instead of the traditional a story a day I’ve decided to combine some of the prompts to hopefully make 13 Days of Halloween. All works will be posted over on ao3 under my username WolfBoy88.
Also, for anyone feeling inspired or would like to use any of these prompts, please feel free to do so!
Prompts List 2022
1. Pack Party
2. Carnival
3. Thunderstorm
4. Doppelgangers
5. Jack-o-Lanterns (or Pumpkins)
6. Nightmares or Night Terror
7. Candy
8. Horror/Scary Movies
9. Gargoyle
10. Soul Bond
11. Fortune Teller
12. Ghosts & Ghouls
13. Frat House
14. Black Cat
15. Taboo
16. Woodsman
17. Spiked Punch
18. Angels & Devils
19. UFO
20. Creepy Forest
21. Blood
22. Sexy Costume Party
23. Incubus/Succubus
24. Haunted House
25. Vampire
26. Ritual/Summoning
27. Grave
28. Urban Legend
29. Dagger
30. Cabin in the Woods
31. Trick or Treat
Alternate Prompts
1. Cave
2. Pollen
3. Skulls & Bones
4. Spiders
5. Hallucinations
6. Gnome
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