#nikko sylvana
nikko-ask-blog · 2 years
(To make this blog alive, i figured I'd drop some weapon lore:
Ina wears sneakers that have bits of metal in their soles. This is because her fighting style uses a lot of kicks, and it allows her to fight against other weapons without worrying about getting hurt as much
Sylvana has blue crytalline daggers that can store electricity inside of them, and can be connected by what is essentially a chain of electricity. This allows them to be usef as a way to conduct electricity.
Alice has a pink knife that almost looks like a kitchen knife. It can control the winds and allows her to hit from a distance and drag her enemies around, almost like a whip.
Kuro and Shiro primarily use revolvers. They have rounds that allow them to channel their magic into them. However, they'll occasionally use other gun types. Kuro in particular using more agressive ones like smgs, and Shiro taking more of a sniping role.
Fen is a heavy hitter and uses a mace and a shield. Her fighting style is very tanky and counter-heavy, blocking everything that comes her way before hitting back extra hard.
Dae doesn't really do weapons, but she does wear fighting gloves and brass knuckles. Being the heaviest hitter on the team due to the strength of her people, she doesnt exactly need one.
Nexus isnt big on weapons and prefers to use magic, but he has a book on him. It barely even does anything, but at the very least he isnt defenceless if he somehow cant use magic on something)
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nikko-ask-blog · 2 years
[Breaks through a window] I've come to ask about characters
Do they have hobbies? (idk where to start)
Ina: Well i really enjoy cooking! I dont know if you can consider it a hobby, though, since its my job and all.
Sylv: I guess im a bit of an artist. Helps me get thoughts out of my head in a pretty easy way.
Alice: I really love watching pro wrestling and anime! The action is so cool!
Nexus: On the side, I'm quite the historian. As the future timekeeper, it would only make sense for me to know everything there is to know about my world's past, wouldn't it?
Kuro: Its kinda silly but.... detective movies and mystery novels are a guilty pleasure of mine.
Shiro: Much like Ina, even if its my job, I really like studying ancient artifacts. Nexus actually helps me learn a lot!
Fen: I like sculpting, like ice sculptures or snow people... Its really easy to do, and helps me get used to talking to people again.
Dae: My mothers taught me a lot about wrestling, so i like that, but miss Alice taught me about "Anime".
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nikko-ask-blog · 2 years
(Mod Mimi here, figured I'd just say something)
(Sylvana is an asthmatic)
(Not really much else to say, theres not a lot of asthmatic game characters (the only one i can think of is Ninten from mother 1/Earthbound 0/Beginnings) and it's interesting to have a character who can run that fast have asthma issues)
(dont worry, unlike ninten this ISNT gonna be an annoying game mechanic)
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nikko-ask-blog · 2 years
Ooooo how do the daggers work? Like, with the electricity and all
Sylvana: Oh hell yeah. These bad boys were specifically carved from a special electricity-conducting gem in my world. Combine that with my electricity magic, and you essentially have 2 tesla coil daggers. Hope thats not too shocking of an explanation for ya.
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nikko-ask-blog · 2 years
do they prefer tea or coffee?
Ina: I have a bit of a tea preference.
Sylv: Coffee, easy.
Alice: Tea!
Kuro: Coffee.
Shiro: Bit of a toughie, cant really decide.
Dae: Tea, my mothers both made it amazingly!
Nexus: Tea, though coffee isnt bad either.
Fen: Tea, thank you.
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nikko-ask-blog · 2 years
number 1 for everyone?
1: Lowest amount of time characters can sit still without doing anything
Ina: Not long, probably like a few minutes.
Sylv: Honestly? A pretty long time. Probably a solid hour or 2.
Alice: I don't sit still!
Kuro: Decently long.
Shiro: Not super long, but its not impossible for like 15 minutes.
Fen: Hours, i think.
Dae: Probably only a few minutes at most.
Nexus: Quite a long time, I'd say.
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nikko-ask-blog · 2 years
Cheesed to meet you?
Sylv: Cheesed to meet you as well. If you want more cheese fun, this is gonna brie fun.
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nikko-ask-blog · 2 years
May I offer you all an egg in these trying times
Ina: I'd appreciate it, yeah!
Sylv: I'd say thats an Egg-cellent offer.
Alice: Is it chocolate? Gimme!
Nexus: I appreciate the offer, but no thanks
Fen: I'd appreciate that, t-thanks
Kuro: Ah, thank you.
Shiro: It would be nice!
Dae: Oh, sweet! Thanks a bunch!
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nikko-ask-blog · 2 years
do they play videogames?
Ina: Me, sis, and mom play a lot together, and i was able to get the others to start too. I'm personally a huge fan of Kirby, the series is so cute but so creepy at the same time!
Sylv: Been playing Devil May Cry since the first game.
Alice: Pokemon! I lose to big sis a lot, but someday I'll beat her, i promise!
Nexus: I really like Dynasty Warriors and Chrono Trigger. RPGs are my preference in general.
Fen: I try to play calmer games, like Animal Crossing. It helps me be less anxious. But... Monster Hunter is really fun, too.
Kuro: I play a lot of mystery games like Ace Attourney. Helps keep my mind sharp, even if Edgeworth can get on my nerves at times.
Shiro: I dont play as much as the others, but i like the Yoshi games. They're easy and fun.
Dae: I'm a bit of a fighting game champion, heh!
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nikko-ask-blog · 2 years
how is everyone doing?
Ina: Pretty good.
Sylv: Could be worse, so I'd say overall pretty gouda.
Alice: Fantastic!
Nexus: Could be worse.
Fen: S-Suprisingly OK.
Kuro: I'm alright, thanks for asking.
Shiro: Pretty good, thanks.
Dae: I'm quite alright.
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nikko-ask-blog · 2 years
Would y’all rather fight a bear-sized duck or seven duck-sized bears?
Ina: Just imaging the duck sized bears makes me think they'd be adorable! I'd probabhave to go with the bear sized duck, but I'd rather not fight either.
Sylv: Well it depends. Would tdhe bear sized duck be as strong as a bear? Vice versa for the other side of the question. Otherwise I'd be ducked, heh. I think the bears might be easiest, thoigh.
Alice: I wanna see how string a duck sized bear could be!
Nexus: The bear sized ducks. They're quite easy to wash away, after all..... Probably.
Fen: D-Do i have to? Uhhh.... the duck?
Kuro: Well, I think the duck would be the easiest to take out. Even at that size, they can't be bulletproof.
Shiro: Like Kuro said, i think they should be easy to fight!
Dae: Both seem like they'd be an amazing challenge! But i guess the duck.
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