myrnadalgleish · 1 year
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other jumpers enjoying off-season vs finns competing in noco like their lives depend on it
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catboy-on-main · 2 years
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🍷 ✧ pyrrha nikos stimboard for me
with greece themed gifs, weaponry, and stim toys! rambling under cut because i can't help myself
🐚 🍇 🐚 🍇 🐚 🍇 🐚 🍇 🐚
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ok so like. stim toy wise she would definitely only have quiet things she could close her hand around or easily hide - a champion who cant sit still isnt good press - but i can totally see her being absolutely enraptured by fidget spinners and the like . she side eyes nora's long enough that nora gets her one as a surprise gift (which, even though she accepts it graciously like shes been taught, takes a long time to do anything more than gather dust in the back of a drawer she never opens)
yada yada someone talks to her and slowly but surely she unlearns things the Industry TM has taught her and bby girl stims happily and in piece <3 i can see her shaking her hands around and rocking in place a lot . definitely wrings her hands and cracks her knuckles a bunch too. absolutely full of stims, that girl, but so quick to shut down and recoil the second she gets a dirty look or a negative comment, even joking . anyway thats my input hope you liked it sorry for rambling this is too long for tags and i have no friends who care about rwby
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hedge-witch-tales · 1 month
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Nikoas Brummer
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theflyingfeeling · 10 months
Tiedän että oon lähettänyt tän jo aiemmin, mutta lähetän uudestaan!
Blind Channel Linnan juhlissa -headcanon (laadittu heinäkuussa 2021)
-Joel pukee nahkamekon ja hihattoman puvuntakin kuten viisuavajaisissa, Nikolla on tukka kiinni ja ne syömäpuikot siellä -parin boolimaljallisen jälkeen Joel irrottaa ne syömäpuikot ja syö niillä porotartaletteja suoraan tarjoiluvadilta -Joonas tanssii kaikkien kanssa, myös kadettien ja Jenni Haukion -Joel pöllii jostain takahuoneesta bändin kitaran ja alkaa vetää omaa trubaduurisooloshow'ta jossain niistä salongeista -Tommi vetäytyy koko illaksi veteraanien salonkiin ja kuuntelee tarinoita kunnioittavaksi -Illan lähetessä loppuaan ne saa haalittua porukan kasaan ja soittavat ex tempore minikeikan kun varsinainen bändi on tauolla -illan päätteeksi annetaan sellainen haastis kuin se viisujenjälkeishaastis jossa kaikki on lörvat mutta ne joutuu puhumaan siitä mitä itsenäisyys niille merkitsee -Olli halaa Aleksia joka yrittää samaan aikaan juoda lisää ja pitää vaivihkaa pystyssä Nikoa joka kaulailee Joelia joka selittää jotain yhteen ääneen Joonaksen kanssa ja Tommi on että noni, mennään eteenpäin -jatkoilla Teatterin kulmalla Joonas lämmittää Joelia sylissään koska sillä on ulkovaatteena se himmee turkis ja Joelilla käsivarret paljaana koska se unohti takkinsa jonnekin, ja sit kun Seiskapäivän paparazzit saapuu paikalle niin kännisellä Joelilla menee hermot ja huutaa että tässä teille kuvattavaa perkele ja alkaa nuoleskella Joonaksen kanssa keskellä Espaa -Tommi ja Olli on jo Rautatientorin snägärillä ja Aleksi on huolehtinut Nikon hotelliin ja sänkyyn. -aamulla Joel ja Joonas on iltaläpsyjen kannessa, Ollilla ja Tommilla on hirvee krapula, Niko miettii koko päivän että mitähän helvettiä mä oikein hourin niissä haastiksissa eilen ja Aleksi vaan kittaa kahvia aamiaisbuffassa
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aaaaaaahhh kiitos, ei tarvinnukaan ruveta kaivelemaan tätä arkistojen aarteista 😍 tää on edelleen niin hauska ja accurate että itkettää 😂 kapinalliset porvariston pirskeissä on niin herkullinen asetelma, mikä voiskaan mennä pieleen 😌
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accountingacademic · 11 months
Daily Reflection Thursday, 26 October 2023
"In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can." - Nikoa Kazantsakis
Things I'm Grateful For:
SovietWomble posted a new video, so that was exciting to come home to.
It was hard to get work done throughout the day. I forgot to put more looseleaf in my binder, so I couldn't get notes copied. I couldn't get the chapters read for Personal Finance, because I left the textbook at home.
Nervous about my Marketing quiz. It's done online, and the instructor has the ability to set it so we can see our grade as soon as we submit, but he won't do that. Instead, I have to wait a few days to see how I did.
Very frustrated with the software for my Accounting course. It marks me wrong for things that are very clearly bugged, because even the instructor has no idea why the computer marked me wrong. Thankfully I can do the tests for that course on paper, completely avoiding those issues.
Lessons Learned:
Tomorrow's To-Do List:
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lookerweekly · 2 years
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Projekcijom filma „Jabuke“, reditelja Hristosa Nikoa, u sredu 1. februara od 19 časova, u Etnografskom muzeju počinje nedelja Savremenog grčkog filma.
| LookerWeekly
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wilson-marshall · 2 years
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Harlem Restaurant Week was mentioned on Rollingout in November 2022.
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nbcnews05 · 2 years
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nba.com/heat BREAKING 227's YouTube Chili' Miami Chili' Heat #HeatTwitter http://www.spicynbachili.com Spicy' https://www.nike.com/w/miami-heat-b175c Spicy' NBA Mix! NEWS!! BAM ADEBAYO SAYS THAT NIKOA JOVIC WAS VERY COMFORTABLE WITH THE STARTERS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cxti5WiqKsg&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr kia.com
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msnbcnews05 · 2 years
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nba.com/heat BREAKING 227's YouTube Chili' Miami Chili' Heat #HeatTwitter http://www.spicynbachili.com Spicy' https://www.nike.com/w/miami-heat-b175c Spicy' NBA Mix! NEWS!! BAM ADEBAYO SAYS THAT NIKOA JOVIC WAS VERY COMFORTABLE WITH THE STARTERS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cxti5WiqKsg&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr kia.com
0 notes
sadecqjp-blog · 6 years
tesla code secrtes review
Life doesn't always go the way you want it to. Sometimes things just fall apart, no matter how hard you try to keep them together. That happened to me, and it wasn't fun. It pushed me to the edge, but then I found something that pulled me back, and I am so glad that I did.
I was never the most confident person in the world. If there was one word to describe me throughout most of my life it would be 'average'. Average looks, hair, personality, everything—and my confidence and relationships suffered for it.
Somehow I managed to settle down with the first girl I dated, but I guess we didn't really know each other enough. She got frustrated with my constant lack of self-esteem and pessimistic nature, and eventually filed for divorce after only a year. I spiraled into depression after she left me, and before I knew it I was on medication, always keeping to myself and losing touch with the few friends I actually had. It got so bad at one point that I spent an entire month at home on sick leave.
It was that month when my friends decided to stage an intervention. One day they turned up at my house to give me a talk, and something else. That something else was called Tesla Code Secrets, and it was the best thing I've ever been given. They said it would help me get out of my funk, and make me an all-round better person.
Although skeptical, I remembered the phrase about never looking a gift horse in the mouth, and I decided to take it and put it into practice. I devoured everything in the book over the course of a weekend, and to my surprise, came out of it with knowing things that I'd never known existed before.
You see, with the things I learned in Tesla Code Secrets I was able to unlock the potential within me to become a better person. I was done with being average—I became unique. The Code helped me grow as a person over the course of a few months, and in turn solved the problems I had with myself.
With what I learned, I was able to pull myself out of depression, and improve myself. I discovered how to control my social anxiety and get rid of my worrisome nature using the techniques taught in the book. I especially enjoyed the part about Psycho-Feedback, which is something I used to keep myself in a relaxed state when in high-pressure situations (such as going to parties, which I never used to do).
I guess you could say that I re-invented myself, going from shy and depressed, to full of self-confidence and happy. For the first time I was able to get out, meet people and enjoy myself. It was amazing, and even my friends commented on the drastic shift in my personality.
It wasn't long before I was doing it every day, and I actually managed to meet someone. We've been dating for a few months now, and I'm sure she doesn't find me annoying. And it's all thanks to the Tesla Code Secrets. It helped make me a better person, and improve my life. I really would recommend this to anyone who wants to make a change.
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princephilipplahm · 3 years
”I got the shittiest winds so it wasn’t very easy”
- Niko Kytösaho about his jump
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littlmouse · 3 years
thinks about them. thinks about them a lot
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xgreenteaprincex · 7 years
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Sunny siblings
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
JOO NIKO JA TOMMI ON KENGU JA RUU 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 voi eiiii mun pieni sydän parka ei ehkä kestä, liian sulonen ajatus 😭❤️
eikö!! 🥺 iso ja pieni, aina yhdessä 💕 (paitsi jos Niko-Ruulle tulee tylsää ja se lähtee seikkailemaan hehe)
Tommi kantaa Nikoa jossain pussukassa, josta se kommentoi kaikkea mitä näkee 😆
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lonepower · 6 years
listen you will pry lesbian aloy from my cold dead hands so really the point is moot anyways but also the Only acceptable way to ship her and nil is kismesis. all other aloy/nil ships are cancelled thanks for coming to my ted (faro) talk
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accountingacademic · 11 months
Slow and Steady Wins The Race
Daily Reflection Thursday, 26 October 2023
"In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can." - Nikoa Kazantsakis
SovietWomble posted a new video, so that was exciting to come home to.
Critical Role Mighty Nein Reunion. Of all three major campaigns, that's definitely my favourite party, so I was hyped.
It was hard to get work done throughout the day. I forgot to put more looseleaf in my binder, so I couldn't get notes copied. I couldn't get the chapters read for Personal Finance, because I left the textbook at home.
Nervous about my Marketing quiz. It's done online, and the instructor has the ability to set it so we can see our grade as soon as we submit, but he won't do that. Instead, I have to wait a few days to see how I did.
Very frustrated with the software for my Accounting course. It marks me wrong for things that are very clearly bugged, because even the instructor has no idea why the computer marked me wrong. Thankfully I can do the tests for that course on paper, completely avoiding those issues.
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