#nikolai stanislofsky
wawamouse · 3 months
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Oz textposts (37/?)
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ozimagines · 4 months
(Got a request involving him so I figured I’d post this first just to lay the groundwork for what I think of him.)
Dating Nikolai Stanislavsky would include…
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Want a man who’s Russian, from Russia, and was born in Russia? Have I got the man for you lol
Dude strikes up a conversation with you on the street. He thinks he’s more suave than he is.
Prides himself on being a gentleman. He offers you his seat on the bus.
“So, what is nice girl/guy/person such as yourself doing in a place like this?”
You can’t help but smile at the cliche. You tell him you’re just going to get groceries. He asks if he can come along, showing you his bag as well.
You go shopping, and he compares them to the shops in Russia, missing his home a little but also excited that he can get green apples year round at Walmart.
He’s charming, letting you enter anywhere first and holding the door for you. Making sure he walks in front of you to clear the aisle. Reaching things on shelves you can’t.
He’s old fashioned.
You thank him for everything, and he asks for your humber.
“Might need someone to show me around the city.”😘
He texts you “good morning” and “goodnight” every single day.
You flirt at first. He’s cute in a gentlemanly way.
You don’t start getting serious until he takes you out one day, and give you diamond jewelry that he can’t tell you where he got it from.
You start to understand why he’s so sparse in his details of his background.
When he feels he can trust you, he mentions that you may not want to mention his name to any police. You take the hint but are understandably a little freaked.
He promises you that he’s not there for violence, and you take him at his word.
He takes you in classy dates; bookstores where you get coffee and read, sushi bars where he surprises you with his knowledge of world cuisine, and art galleries that he gets early access to.
You decide to surprise him for a change. You find out there’s a famous Russian pianist in town doing a small concert.
You take him, not telling him what you’re taking him to.
First song is Romance by Dvorak. There’s a violinist there too, and the piano and violin almost seem like they’re talking to each other. Like the romance is between them.
His eyes are closed for the first song, he’s transported back to his home in Russia, when shit wasn’t going sideways, practicing the piano for his mother. 🥰
He grasps at your hands, holding them for the duration of the concert.
He thanks you profusely afterwards, holding your hands, face in your neck, kissing it softly.
He takes you back to his to make love that night.
Stanislavsky doesn’t fuck very often; he makes love.
Candles and soft music and silk sheets.
He kisses all over your body, lips touching every sensitive point, thrusting firmly but gently into you. 🥲
You cohabitate pretty quickly. I think Stanislavsky is pretty domestic.
He can cook like a BEAST.
Memorizes different recipes around the world.
His draniki (дранікі) are seriously orgasmic tho.
His kartoshka (Картошка) are also quite delicious but it’s literally impossible to fuck up anything chocolate.
Reads the paper every morning even though phones exist.
Not big into social media. Like really really on the outs.
When you send him videos you have to text him a link. 😂
Often wears jeans in casual mode. American jeans. Feel way different than the knock offs he’s used to. (Based on my non-American exs’ opinions)
Recreates that photo with you of the solider coming home and kissing that woman in the streets ⬇️
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Exceedingly and disgustingly romantic
Like very Eastern European views of love and traditions
Insists on holding the door for you. Will genuinely be butthurt if you don’t let him.
His favorite place to kiss is right behind your ear. It’s intimate and it lets him smell whatever fragrance you’re wearing that day.
Gifts you with things you can use together; pajamas he’d like to see you in, perfumes/colognes for him to smell, puzzles you can work on together.
After dinner every night, you sit on the couch and read together
Not a big TV guy
Often turns on music so he can dance with you; simple waltz’s and such🎵
When he loves you, truly, he tells you.
He’s European, he doesn’t consider it weird to express love that way.
“I have something to tell you. Just sit. I love you. More than all else.”
He gets protective over you too
Not a super violent dude, but he does what he has to for you
Will put himself between you and anything he considers to be a threat.
He calls you Russian pet names, but in English so you can understand: “my beloved”, “little sparrow”, or “mousy”
You call him “Nikki”. He doesn’t like it but he knows you do. ☺️
*sigh* “Yes, my wondrously beautiful?”
Has cold feet in bed. I’m sorry, he just does. 🙃
He enjoys being kissed on his collar bone. Turns him on more than anything.
Enjoys going to bed early and waking up early. Loves to see the sunrise.
He proposes to you during a sunrise. You two are having coffee, and you bring him his just right.
Two hits black cane sugar and a splash of goat’s milk (lactose intolerant boi)
While the sun comes over the horizon, he leans in, kisses you, and slips something into your finger
It’s his great great grandmother’s engagement ring, a beautiful starburst emerald in the center.
“Ready for another adventure?”❤️
“I love you, Nikki.”
“I love you too, Y/N”😘
Bonus: I think he’d genuinely be interested in Native American culture. Like genuinely enthralled by their history and resilience. That’s the only way you can get him to watch TikTok is if he’s learning something, but he follows Tia Wood and Shiva Nova. (Or makes you follow them, lol)
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camphorror · 4 years
ryan weaponizing american anticommunism in the year 2000 to tell whatshisname that he shouldn’t trust nikolai stanislofsky. im losing my mind
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laynavile · 10 years
I've got a new crack ship, Red and Stanislofsky. They're both prisoners and Russian. It works.
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piranha--plant · 10 years
"You have to be ruthless." "Who's Ruth?"
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ryan-oreily · 11 years
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camphorror · 4 years
nikolai stanislofsky is like the funnier more bearable version of o’reily lmao
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wawamouse · 8 months
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Oz textposts (22/?)
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wawamouse · 9 months
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Oz textposts (16/?)
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wawamouse · 10 months
once again. just have to say.... powerful homoeroticism....
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