#ninjago oc: the librarian
jayninjago · 5 months
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Meet The Administrations favorite punching bag
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nightcat-png · 4 years
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My commissions are open Message if you have questions.
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iennoganan-aha · 3 years
These are original designs so I’d appreciate you didn’t heavily reference, steal or copy them :)
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If you haven’t seen the other posts and aren’t aware what Subterranean AU is, again see the post before this one. Easy explanation, it’s a magical boy au with the ninjas as magical boys. In the AU the boys are all tied together to Lloyd in ribbons of fate. The AU takes place in an original setting I made for a group of ocs that I out the ninjas in.
If you seen the original you already know this but if not, this is his role in the story
Lloyd is only 10, his father went missing years ago and his mother disappeared soon after, leaving Lloyd alone. He became a bit of a street rat, he searched for his father every day, until he started feeling drawn to this one library. There’s where he meets the librarians assistant, Kai. He doesn’t know why he feels so attracted to this stranger, but he ends up coming to the library every day. Feeling pulled towards Kai. At first thinking it was the safe aura he gave, he soon found out it was much more. Lloyd was used to anti-magic propaganda, Lloyd had no real opinion on magic. As he started hanging out with Kai, three others ended up joining their little group. Each being very different, Lloyd had never really had friends, so it was nice being surrounded by them. It wasn’t until he found out he was magic, he will never forget their horrified expressions… it got even worse when their magic (which,, he didn’t even know they were magic!!) reacted to his, feeling stronger and glowing brighter, it was then they realized they had been fated to each other. Their fate ribbons joint together in a bow at Lloyd’s fingertips. Of course, at first none of them liked it. Even Zane, who Lloyd found out was the infamous Falcon, none of them wanted this. Mainly because they loved Lloyd, and him being magic meant he was in danger. It was that fact that pushed them into changing that. Even though Lloyds magic was still to underdeveloped for him to transform and use it properly, and he is terrified of the future, he loves the family it gave him along the way.
At this point in the plot, he doesn't have a magical transformation because his magic is too new, and he doesn't have enough to do a full body transformation. When your magic is weaker, only a few things change from form to form. The outfit itself is based on you, it is personal. It's based off your feelings and what you want it to look like, though his future outfit is based off a Chinese dragon. His magic gem is on his navel, as well as his fate bow. The green on his cheeks is supposed to look like dragon scales.
Little trivia for him
He's kinda homeless not gonna lie. He sleeps around, and used to live in a boarding school but he ran away to find his dad.
He's 10 years old
He doesn't go to school, but sometimes one of the guys, or Nya will teach him stuff. Especially because he usually stays at Kai's library, he learns often. Mainly from Zane or Nya though.
None of them ty understand his powers yet because they're so newly developed that he can't use any spells or anything. His magic has a lot to do with destiny, his team has the strongest destiny pull all thanks to Lloyd, once Lloyd's magic developed it was an immediate, the four others were instantly pulled to him or vise versa, no matter if they tried to fight it. Lloyds magic strengthens theirs, even someone as inexperienced as Jay.
He tries to help Kai when he’s at the library, but he doesn’t get payed or anything. He’s too young to work so he can’t get hired anyways. When he’s old enough he really wants to help Kai at the library.
When he first met Kai, it was before his magic fully developed, he was pulled to the library and decided to stick around. At first, him and Kai didn’t get along at all! Kai felt like he was babysitting cause Lloyd never went away and Lloyd kept coming ‘cause he kept getting pulled there. Soon the others started to show, when Lloyd’s magic finally surfaced.
He wants to help the others fight Ananthemas and join the revolution but the others won’t allow him to as he’s too young and inexperienced. Lloyd wants to help but is always told to stay back as they fight, with the more frequent attacks and Lloyd still looking for his father, Lloyd starts feeling pretty overwhelmed. Uh and plot happens
If you have any other questions or some things weren’t clear, you can ask, so far that’s all the important characters of the au, I might make something for Nya so if I do, I’d y’all have any questions for her you can ask lmao. She’s not magic tho. I’m still debating if Garmadon is going to appear in the story, we’ll see.
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justsomerandomweebo · 5 years
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(I messed up the eyes and I'm too lazy to fix it :') )
Ok so!
Name: Lucy Smith
Personality? Uh she's super nice. Painfully so. She's the quiet type. Sure she'll talk a lot to friends- if they hadn't abandoned her ;-;. She's never been to college but has more than enough experience to run the library she ends up owning.
Ah. Family wise, she has a few aunts she hasn't seen in forever. She's closest to her mother who lives outside of Ninjago city, in their home village called Sanbukai. It's close to the beach, a couple miles out from the city. Her mother's name is Kyoka Smith.
Lucy has her mother's last name since her father died before she was born. Her mother was very close to him (Lucy was the product of a one night stand) and she was more than fine raising her on her own. Lucy never knew what it's like to have a father but she doesn't care to find out. Her mother has always been more than enough.
Lucy moved out of the village since she didn't quite feel like she fit in. She moved at 18 and got herself a small apartment with the money her mother gifted her. (Her first apartment was worse than the one the ninja got on S2). While searching for work, she ran out of luck since the jobs available for her, a person with no degrees, were either far too underpaying or require several hours of hard work she couldn't manage. Then she ran into the old librarian and it was history from there.
The librarian went by the name Grace and had taught Lucy all she needed to know about the library. She worked there for 3 years before things started to go south for Ninjago City. She got a better apartment during since the pay was decent enough to allow it. Grace signed the library over to Lucy then returned to her home village after the Great Devourer's attack. It took a few weeks to adjust but with the support of the other librarians she called friends, she made it work.
Those friends left after the Overlord's first attack. They either went out of the city or to newer, better jobs as the city was being reconstructed. It was good since she wouldn't be able to explain the stone general she found in the library.
Kozu is the most exciting thing to ever happen to her though. Years down the line after they get married, Kozu would have her life extended by basically bullying the freshly returned overlord to do it without her permission. That leads to a pretty big fight but she accepts it and they love on. Her appearance doesn't change much aside from slitted eyes and slightly pointier ears but she's stronger, faster, far more resilient too. She can also hear and see far better than she had before. She does have a kid for him down the line by the name Kierra. Twins follow when Kierra is 5. (How this is possible with Kozu being a stone boi is very complicated.)
Noteworthy stuff. Ah the library is located right next to the park that holds the Temple of Fortitude. Kozu was heading there for the armor to make them resilient against the golden energy but failed to make it.
She may be nice and kind of a doormat (Kozu make sure nobody walks over her) but she is hella fierce when standing up for the things and people she loves.
After rescuing the other stone soldiers Dareth had in DotD, just before s7, the ninja and the police found out about Kozu's existence and wanted to have him and his brother's sent to kryptarium prison. Kozu was shook as to how fierce she was with protecting them against both ninja and police. She even recited words from law textbooks. They left then be under the condition that if they break any laws or anything, she'll be arrested with them. Needless to say, Lucy wasn't arrested at all throughout the fic.
Oh! Height. She's 5"5 and with Kozu being roughly 6"9… yeah. The other stone soldiers that would stay with her now are also taller than her at 6ft. So most of the time she was a ray of light with 5 stone soldiers hovering menacingly over he, effectively scaring those with bad intentions away. Add her mom and they're all #LucyProtectionSquad
Lucy and Kozu's ship name? Stonescrolls. UwU
That's it for now! I'll add more later if it comes to me.
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kelphero47 · 7 years
The Marvelous Adventures of Echo Zane - Chapter 4
Time for Echo to make some friends my wonderful readers. Most of them are OCs with one exception so I hope you like them anyway.
"The library?" Echo was stood next to Sensei Wu in front of an old looking building near the middle of Ninjago City. The older had invited the android to join him while the Ninja went through morning training, which Echo would be involved in otherwise. Wu nodded before silently walking to the front door of the building and opening it for the other, "Why are we here?"
"I thought you would enjoy some time to learn, and have some alone time, in a quiet space unlike the Bounty." Wu smiled, "You might find something interesting here." Echo looked sceptically at him but went inside despite this. He looked around to see shelves full of books as far as he could see, it was almost completely silent save for some light whispering further into the room. A young librarian sat behind the front desk lazily clicking things on their computer. Echo turned to ask Sensei Wu where he should go only to find him gone.
Echo looked around for Wu for some time until he reached the front entrance again in his search and gave up altogether. He glanced uneasily over the various shelves unsure what to do. He would reach up for a book only to hesitate at the last moment and drop his hand back to his side, this was repeated several times.
This cycle was only broken with Echo noticing a noise coming from the end of the shelf he was stood in front of. He turned to see a younger boy with blonde hair waving him over hurriedly, Echo pointed to himself which the kid responded to with a nod. He quickly shuffled over to the other, going to open his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the kid speaking first. "Are you okay? You look lost." The kid tilted his head to the side in curiosity, his blonde hair falling into his eyes slightly.
"Um..." Echo looked around again, yet again finding no trace of Sensei Wu, "I believe I am."
"Do your parents know where you are?"
"...In a way." He guessed Sensei Wu could count as the team's parental figure.
"Do... You want to hang out with me and my friends?" The boy pointed his thumb over his shoulder to a small group of other kids. All seated around a low table on a group of colourful flat looking chairs, each of them doing various things on the table from making a pyramid of cards to reading. Echo looked back at the boy who was gazing back at him hopefully, "That... Sounds nice, thank you."
"Cool!" The boy whisper yelled grabbing Echo's hand and pulling him towards the group. "I'm Sam, it's great to meet you..." Prompting Echo to continue with a roll of his wrist.
"I am Echo, built to protect those who cannot protect themselves."
"That's one looong last name..." Sam laughed at his own humour while Echo stared at him blankly, "I've been told I'm not that funny."  
"You got that right." Another voice joined the conversation. Both of them stood at the edge of the table as the group sat down around it took notice of their presence.
"Oh haha, like you’re a comedian Woody." Sam mocked causing the other two members of the group to laugh. Echo looked at the four kids, the group contain two blondes (one of them being Sam), a brunette and another with black hair. "Anyway guys, this is Echo." Sam gestured dramatically to the android, "I said he could come sit with us."
"Hello", the other blonde spoke first smiling at him. "I'm Cam, Sam's sister. The grumpy kid over there is Tree..." She pointed to the black hair kid making a card pyramid with a frown on his face. "And then there's Nelson." She nodded to the last kid sat reading, seemingly oblivious to the noise around him.
"Yo Nelson!" Tree clicked his fingers in front of his face, "New person over here, say somethin'." The last member of the group snapped out of his concentrated reading before looking up at Echo. His mouth hung open slightly for a second, not moving at all as if he had stopped breathing entirely. The three kids glanced between their friend and a nervous looking Echo. "That's new..." Tree broke the silence of the moment, which yet again snapped Nelson out of his thoughts.
"Oh my gosh, you're Echo Zane!" He whisper yelled, "I've heard about you over the message boards... It's nice to meet you." Nelson held out his hand sharply causing the android to flinch back slightly which the other noticed. He dropped his hand quickly before moving it to rub the back of his neck nervously, "Sorry about that..."
"There is nothing to apologise for, I was startled by your excitement." Echo held out his hand smiling, "I am indeed Echo Zane, but I go by Echo to avoid confusion with my brother." Nelson smiled back brightly as he shook the android's hand, "Thank you for allowing me to sit with you, it is my first time at the library."
"No harm done, thought you killed Nelson for a second there though." Tree laughed as Nelson hit him in the arm, "Hey."
"Knock it off you two", Cam shook her head at her friend's antics.
"Whatever..." Tree shrugged before frowning and hunching over his card pyramid again.
"Why don't you sit down Echo?" Sam patted the ground next to him, "We've got lots to do here. There are playing cards, which Tree is using right now, of course there's reading and colouring, we've only got crayon though 'cause Cam won't share her pens."
"You guys messed up the last lot." Cam complained looking up from a drawing she was working on, "Like who uses a yellow pen on drying black, it ruins the pen." She waved the pen in front of her brother to emphasise the point.
"It would", Echo nodded at her statement causing the girl to brighten.
"See someone here gets it, he can use my pens." Cam gave Echo a piece of paper, "You're my new best friend, McSnugglepus won't mind sharing."
"Our lizard", Sam answered pulling out a camera from nowhere. "Anyway say cheese and smile." He instructed holding up the object, the group focused on him. There was a click and the other three kids went back to their respective activities. Sam messed with the camera a bit smiling lightly, "Oh yeah, that one's going in the scrapbook."
"Sam has a scrapbook at home full of pictures and stuff he thinks are important, so congrats meeting you is scrap book worthy." Tree answered to breaking his concentration on his pyramid of cards.
"Oh..." Echo looked over the group doing their own things and noticed Nelson hadn't turned pages in his book for the time he had been there despite reading nearly the entire time. "Nelson?"
"Yeah?" The younger looked up from his book.
"What are you reading?"
"Um..." Nelson looked at the book cover, "The dictionary?"
"He's reading Starfarer again." Tree corrected causing Nelson to blush slightly, "He thinks people make fun of him for reading them."
"Yeah..." Nelson breathed putting down the book to reveal his comic, "It's kind of silly with space adventurers and monsters and stuff."
"Jay reads those a lot", Echo stated flatly before looking at the cover of the comic. "That's the latest issue? He's been complaining about not being able to read it because the sold out."
"He does?" Nelson smiled at his comic, "That's so cool."
"I think I saw him crying over one issue of it, no one would answer me when I asked why... Something about 'the feels', whatever that is." Echo continued from his earlier statement causing the four kids to laugh.
**Later that day**
Echo had done a range of things with his new friends from drawing to getting him a library card. He learned some more things about them as well like how Tree has a younger sister called Daisy who had visited them with Tree's Mom earlier that day. Daisy had thought Echo needed to look more 'sparkly' which meant the android was now sporting several glitter-covered stickers he had refused to take off.  
After the pair's visit to their table the five of them decided to have a game of cards, which started with Nelson sneakily knocking over Tree's pyramid (he hadn't been happy about his hard work being ruined). They were playing old maid with it down to Cam and Tree facing off against each other while the other three watched in tense silence. Echo giggled quietly behind his hands as Sam lost dramatically flopping onto the table. "Another round gentleman?" Tree asked the group as Sam faked crying into his arms.
"Why don't we play Go Fish this time?" Cam suggested.
"With Tree's lying streak? I don't think so." Nelson smiled as his friend put his hand over his heart in mock insult. "Fine, but you have to swear on McSnugglepus's life you won't lie."
"I swear on McSnugglepus's life I won't lie." Tree crossed his heart as well before solemnly nodding.
"Do you know how to play Echo?" Sam spoke to the android who watched the dramatics in a confused silence.
"I have not been taught how to do so." Echo shook his head frowning slightly.
"Well you have a set number of cards each and a pile in the middle. Then you ask someone-" Sam was interrupted in his explanation by a hand landing on his head. The others in the group turned to see a teenager leaning over the blonde with two others behind him. The kids shrunk back slightly as the teen patted Sam roughly on the head, messing up his hair. Echo looked between the kids and the teens in confusion, "Um..."
"What up Shorties?" The teen patting Sam on the head stopped before leaning back slightly to smile mockingly at the group.
"Leave us alone", Nelson whispered not meeting the teen in the gaze.
"What was that Little Man?" One of the other teens questioned as Sam moved away from the trio and closer to his friends.
"You heard him, leave us alone." Cam repeated her friend's words with a determined look on her face.
"Very funny Blondie", the final teen laughed as the kids frowned at them. "But I don't think we will."
"Why is that?" Echo finally decided to join the conversation after observing his friend's negative reactions to the teens. Said teens then turned to the android as if just only now noticing his presence at the table. None of them spoke for a moment as Echo continued to stare blankly at them.
"We don't wanna",the first teen finally spoke causing Echo to tilt his head to the side in confusion.
"But with this space already occupied and my friends finding your presence unwanted, you have no reason to be here." Echo explained flatly.
"Why do we need a reason?"
"Everything happens for a reason, that is how the world works, so what is your reason for being here in the first place?"
"We wanted to chat?"
"If that were so then the 'chat' is currently unwanted by my friends and so you have no reason for being here."
"Why does it matter so much to you, Tin Can?"
"Because you are having a negative effect on my friends which means something about you is bad." Echo watched as the first teen took a heavy step towards him and grabbed the front of the shirt he borrowed from Zane that morning. He frowned as the other proceeded to pull him forward so they were face to face. "Would you please let go of my brother's shirt, I do not want it ruined."
"This stupid looking thing?" The teen laughed as he pulled on the fabric, "Your brother has poor taste. What is he, blind?" Echo was about to grab the others hand to make him release the shirt but was beaten when someone placed a hand on the teen's shoulder. Everyone in the area turned to look at the newcomer, or newcomers.
Zane and Kai had come to pick up Echo before the library closed for the day. Sensei Wu had returned to the Bounty alone after seeing Echo had settled with a group of people having fun. The two had volunteered to go to get him, well Kai wanted to grab some stuff while they were out so he tagged along with Zane. Upon seeing his younger brother being held in a threatening manner by another Zane had been the one to grab the teen by the shoulder while Kai stayed back. "I'm a ninja actually."
"Zane?" Echo recognised his voice and smiled at the sight of his brother stood behind the teen.
"Yes, we came to pick you up." Zane replied smiling at the younger which made Echo smile in response.
"We?" Echo looked behind him brother to see Kai smirking, leaning casually against a nearby bookshelf. The fire ninja waved lightly, "Hello Kai."
"Who the hell, are you?" The teen let go of Echo to face Zane, who had let go of his shoulder.
"I am Zane." Zane answered flatly, the four kids and Kai snickered slightly as his response making him smile.
"And that's important how?"
"Dude, that's Zane..." The teen's friend shakily looked at the nindroid, "As in the 'nindroid celebrity that can kick our ass' Zane."
"Oh..." A look of realisation formed on the teen's face as he backed away slightly, "S-sorry man, I didn't mean anything by this..." The teen gestured to Echo as the android dusted off his shirt, "I swear."
Kai humourlessly laughed at his statement, "Yeah right, what kind of-" He stopped speaking when Zane held up his signalling him to do so, "Sorry."
Zane smiled at the teen as his friend slouched against the shelf more. "No harm done", he held out a hand to help his brother stand up. As Echo took his offer he narrowed his eyes at the teens, "But I doubt your intentions were good either, so you three better leave... Otherwise my actions won't be that positive either."
"Um..." The first teen looked at his friends as they stared back at him in shock.
"That means 'get out of here, right now', if his words were too much for you to understand." Kai spoke again from the side absently looking at his nails. With that the trio of teens left quickly without looking back. The table area went silently for a couple moments before Kai started laughing which caused the kids and Echo to look at him. "Man, remind me never to mess with you", he went up to Zane and nudged him in the shoulder making the nindroid smile again.
"Noted." Zane responded lightly as he glanced over the area seeing the books, paper and cards scattered about. Echo followed his brother's gaze to look at the mess he and his new friends had made. The kids themselves must have caught onto their thoughts as they sprang into action gathering up their stuff quickly. Echo moved to help them by gathering a couple of books he wanted to borrow and his drawings. "Looks like your day was pleasant." Zane smiled as his brother came back to stand next to him with arms full of his stuff.
"It has been, my new friends have shown me so many fun things to do." Echo gestured to the stuff in his arms as he spoke, "I can draw things now that mostly look like people and I'm beginning to see why Jay enjoys Starfarer so much."
"Not another one..." Kai put his head in his hands at this piece of information, "We've already got one mega geek on the team we don't need another."
"I seem to remember seeing you reading a copy of it the other with Lloyd in his room the other day." Zane watched in amusement as Kai blushed slightly failing to come up with a comeback for a moment.
"Fine, I'll admit I read one issue because Lloyd said I should at least try it. It was pretty okay, but nothing more." The fire ninja crossed his arms as the group laughed at his attitude.
"Whatever you say Kai..." Zane watched as his friend went behind a shelf muttering to himself before he focused on Echo as the younger waved goodbye to his friends. "Time to go Echo."
"I know... Bye Sam, Cam, Nelson, Tree, hope we can meet again soon." Echo smiled at the group of four.
"I'm free tomorrow", Tree stated shrugging his shoulders. "What about you guys?"
"I'll be here in the afternoon, I've got a checkup in the morning." Nelson informed them, "The doctor's finally gonna tell me when they're taking off my casts."
"We'll be free all day." Cam gestured between herself and her brother as Sam nodded. "What about you Echo?" The four of them turned to the pair of brothers as Echo looked hopefully at Zane.
"Um..." Zane looked nervously at where Kai had been for some kind of help, he found no one there. "I'm sure Sensei will allow you after morning training."
"Thank you so much." Echo hugged his brother for a second before turning to his friends again, "See you tomorrow afternoon." Various forms of 'goodbye' followed his statement as the two began to leave. Kai joined them near the door when Echo was checking out his books, "Where have you been?" Zane questioned his friend as they left the building.
"I... Got lost in the shelves and had to ask someone where the entrance was..." Kai admitted sheepishly rubbing the back his neck. The two androids laughed as Kai blushed again, "Haha I know, very funny. Let's get home you two, it's Cole's turn to cook tonight which means Zane needs to be there to supervise so he doesn't blow up the kitchen... Again.”
Tell me what you guys think and whatnot.
Until next time...
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