#niran akiyama. ✘ notes
treasuredsouls · 2 years
aesthetics for each character ( because why not ) :
      EMMA  ―  90s techno fashion. bold music with female singers. bright colors. clubbing. the lights of the city call you home. a beer after a hard day. long nights in the studio. feelings things out loud. making a mess because it’s fun. chunky headphones with tangled wires. dancing while you walk. ‘ kill ’em with kindness. ’ loving the eclectic and unpredictable scenes on late - night public transportation.
      MADE  ―  neat, clean spaces with a lot of fresh air. potted plants on every flat surface. simple patterns and solid, natural colors. the satisfaction when a photo crops perfectly on Instagram. recycled fabrics. asking deep questions on forums online to see what people say. crisp text on bright pages. therapy in creating art. fragrant foods with a lot of spice. it’s hard to be vulnerable. 
      NIRAN  ―  ‘ the universe doesn’t care ; we do. ’ a simple gold chain for a necklace. the leader of the lost boys. jumping out the window. brand name sneakers. refusing to close the top button of a shirt. laws are guidelines. cheap cologne. blowing rings after hitting your vape. fast food. running through the city streets. the adrenaline rush of escaping an authority figure that’s after you. 
      HIKARI  ―  being soft is not a weakness. a poet’s muse. the power associated with the sound of high heels. pinks. florals. hanging a shining sword on a wall and wondering what it would look like after battle. keep your friends close and your enemies closer. faerie lights. porcelain painted with flowers. sugar, spice, and everything nice. they underestimate you at their own peril.
      KAZUYA  ―  the smell after a strong rainstorm. comforting darkness. embracing the supernatural. old books. found footage horror. industrial goth fashion. black eyeliner. screaming when the thunder claps so no one hears you. having a very small group of friends. walking beside flowing water. the peace of being alone. strings of paper ghosts.
      TIANYU  ―  smelling like smoke. the purr of a well - tuned motor. kissing your mother’s cheek before you leave for the day. the gleam of polished jade. hands covered in band - aids and grease. laying in the grass. pleasure in the simple things in life. bright shades of red. patches on an old denim jacket. rusted metal. appreciating what you have. taking care of a family shop. the local handyman. 
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rosegoldandsequins · 2 years
❛   volumes .   gaze  at  my  muse  in  a  way  that  silently  says  ‘i love you’ . :)
❛ ❤ ⋯  
       Okamura swirled the rosé in her glass. It was a dry wine with a surprising flavor, though it wasn’t why her thoughts were preoccupied. She was curled up in bed, waves pulled back with a large white bow ; the few golden strands that had dared to escape hung around her face. The short satin night gown she wore had long since rode up her thigh to expose the edge of her peach - colored underwear. Along the line of her hip bone was a series of delicate watercolor tattoos : four fruits ( strawberry, yuzu, shikwasa, and setoka ), each smaller than her thumb, to represent the members of their family. This bunched - up fabric would have bothered the heiress more if not for the final article of clothing she had slipped into. 
         Her husband’s signature maroon blazer, recently washed and pressed in a vain effort to remove some of the smoke from the cloth, was surprisingly warm. Though the piece wasn’t comedically large on her, it was still amusingly disproportionate. She had cuffed the sleeves to better free her hands early on, and it pooled over her lap.
          ❝ Azumi-chan? ❞ Akiyama crossed the threshold into their bedroom.  ❝ Have you seen my  ―  ah. ❞ The loan shark smiled at the sight of his wife. Have you seen that. He chuckled softly and leaned to the side as he finished buttoning his shirt. He tilted his head upward, brow raised.  ❝ What are you doing? ❞
         Okamura didn’t look up from her phone. ❝ Shopping, ❞ she answered.  ❝ Niran needs new shoes for track, ichigo ; he’s going to hurt his feet if he sprints in those for another meet. I don’t care what his coach says. ❞ She frowned and sipped on her beverage for a moment. Satisfied, she set it to the side. ❝ I know my son, and what he’s wearing is not good for him. ❞
          Akiyama grinned affectionately. ❝ Oh? ❞ he answered. The single note was as much a reply as it was an incentive for her to continue. 
          ❝  ―  also, I did find a new salon for the girls to try. ❞ Okamura’s pink fingernails tapped at her phone as she carried forward in her verbal musings. ❝ This one specializes in curly hair. It has only good reviews. With any luck, I can get some advice from the stylist to help with Made’s hair. Her curls grow thicker every year, and I’m afraid the braids that work for Emma are too tight for her. She does like keeping her hair down with a bandana these days, of course, but  ―  I still want to learn something better for her. It’s  .    .    .  ❞
          Okamura peered closer and at her phone and sighed in disgust. ❝ Why do all of these options look horrible? Who decided sports should be played in solid white shoes? This is the most BORING line - up I’ve ever seen. ❞ She clicked her tongue and nestled her face into her hand.  ❝ I will get these custom made if I have to. He loves blue. A little color on the heel would be perfect. ❞
          Lost in her ongoing complaints regarding how dull the selections at hand were, Okamura failed to realize that Akiyama had moved closer. She did, however, make note of his silence. Ignoring that was inherently dangerous  ―  he had a particular talent for causing mischief when she wasn’t looking  ―  and it prompted Okamura to finally lift her gaze. Glittering green eyes met soft, enchanting brown. The depth of tender feeling in them rendered the heiress speechless. She turned her phone over.
           Akiyama leaned down to press a kiss to her cheek. The woman who had once thought herself incapable of real love ; who laughed when people spoke of it ; who clung to him and whispered, frightened, in the middle of the night that she thought she was a poor mother  .    .    .  was currently irritated that she couldn’t braid their daughter’s hair comfortably and that she couldn’t find running shoes that fit their son’s aesthetic. She really was extraordinary. More precious than any of the sparkling diamonds she adored. Even to stand and simply listen to her complain about small matters like this  ―   the moneylender couldn’t help but fall in love with her again.
          ❝ This doesn’t get you your blazer back, ❞ Okamura murmured defiantly.
          Akiyama laughed and parted from her slightly. His famous dazzling smile came so easily in reply to her. ❝ No? Azumi-chan, I need that. It’s part of the uniform. ❞
          ❝ The needs of your cold wife win over Sky Finance’s dress code, ichigo, ❞ Okamura retorted with a wickedly sweet curve to her lips. She briefly splayed out her fingers, playfully emphasizing the meteorite ring that she never removed, and pulled the dark red suit jacket closer to her slender figure. ❝ You can tell Hana-san that I said so personally. Unless you feel brave enough to try taking it, Shun  .    .    .  it’s mine. ❞
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treasuredsouls · 2 years
      niran was born on November 12, 2022 at 9 p.m. in kamurocho, tokyo.
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      notes from his astrological chart under the western zodiac include the strong presence of scorpio energy. niran has a sun sign in scorpio ; a moon sign in cancer ; and an ascendant sign in cancer. his venus is notably in scorpio ( and so is his mercury ).  
      niran is heavily associated with the element of water given the dominance of both scorpio and cancer in his chart.
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treasuredsouls · 2 years
timeline for the akiyama family :
2017 * - azumi okamura ( 33 ) and shun akiyama ( 39 ) meet in a hostess club ( the honey bee inn ) owned by their mutual friend melissa drysdell in kamurocho, tokyo. the heiress goes out of her way to tell the flirtatious moneylender ‘ no ’ for her entertainment. despite being playfully rejected more times than he can keep track of, akiyama happily continues to play okamura’s game.
2018 * - okamura and akiyama begin an on - again, off - again relationship that is at first characterized by casual sex and the desire to know each other. this string of supposed meetings in the name of a good time slowly evolves into something more as neither party can seem to formally stop contacting the other or find interest in anyone else.
2020 * - daigo dojima returns to kamurocho and into the arms of his love, melissa, following a lengthy absence. okamura and akiyama are a perplexing sight for the ex - yakuza : not committed to any label, but regularly attached and very close. 
2021 * - akiyama asks okamura if she will be his girlfriend at the western / u.s. wedding of melissa and daigo dojima. this is greeted ecstatically by the bride and groom, who have been not - so - secretly cheering the couple on from the sidelines.
2022 ** - niran is born in little asia, a neighborhood in kamurocho, tokyo. his parents are both undocumented thai immigrants taking odd jobs in the area to get by.
2023 *** - twin girls emmanuelle and madeleine are born in the democratic republic of the congo. their mother and father were members of the luba people and lived in the kasai region of the drc. the girls’ father was killed in a violent incident not long after their birth, and their mother had aid in raising them by their maternal grandmother. the twins grew up speaking a mixture of french and luba - kasai.
2025 * - shun akiyama ( 47 ) and azumi okamura ( 41 ) secretly elope and are legally married. this event comes mainly in response to their tentative interest in starting a family of their own through adoption, which is not possible in japan if a couple is not wed.
2026 ** - niran’s birth mother dies shortly after he turns 4 years old.
2026 *** - the girls’ mother passed away suddenly from illness. their grandmother decided to give the twins up for adoption ( age 3 ) through a global charitable organization out of fear that she would lose more of her family. she hoped to see them again one day. the worker who helped the girls’ grandmother took detailed notes from her regarding their direct family history, the importance of their many names, and spirituality.
2027 *** - the twins, now 4 years old, were formally adopted by shun ( 49 ) and azumi akiyama ( 43 ) in kamurocho, tokyo. they expressed interest in them after hearing their story through a friend working in a similar vein as the one the organization managing the girls’ case did. shun akiyama’s conversational french helped their family connect until the girls felt comfortable enough to begin learning japanese from their new parents. the twins introduced their adoptive parents to the nicknames they preferred in how they referred to themselves : emma and made, which were short sounds their birth mother used affectionately for them.
2028 ** - in a bid for self - preservation, niran moved himself onto the streets of little asia to avoid his abusive birth father ( age 6 ). he promptly became the terror of the neighborhood and engaged in pickpocketing and petty theft regularly. niran also riled up the other children who faced a similar plight as him, much to local police displeasure, and was always identified as the ringleader of this ragtag group.
2030 ** - niran is taken in by shun ( 52 ) and azumi akiyama ( 46 ) after the lifeline of kamurocho catches the 8 - year - old boy trying to lift his wallet.
2031 ** - once niran’s lack of relations is confirmed with the help of local authorities ( inc. a close family friend, masayoshi tanimura ), he is declared an orphan legally. this opens the door for him to be formally adopted at age 9.
2040 * - shun ( 62 ) and azumi ( 56 ) akiyama are persuaded by their children to renew their vows in a celebratory fashion in honor of their 15th wedding anniversary. niran ( 18 ) and emma and made ( 17 ) express interest in seeing their parents be re - wed in a small and intimate ceremony that they can also be a part of. the children organize the event together and invite only their parents’ closest friends. the portraits of the five akiyama family members together on this day are fondly hung throughout their home.
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treasuredsouls · 2 years
“ the word ‘ father ’ rotted in my mouth. ” ( sigmund freud )
    Niran’s birth father was a boorish man with a fierce temper who regularly lashed out at his wife and son. When Niran’s birth mother died, he was 4, and with her went his sole shield from the violent storm they lived with. To this day, Niran credits his birth father for teaching him how to endure a punch and throw it back. What it takes to care for bleeding knuckles and ease ugly bruises. How to differentiate between bottles of alcohol based on smell alone. 
      Niran was desperate to escape his birth father, so one day he took to the streets. He was already used to being at the bottom of the world as the son of an undocumented laborer living in Little Asia, anyway. At the tender age of 6, he decided to weaponize his bitterness and make something of himself. Niran quickly became the most prolific street thief that Little Asia ( and Kamurocho ) had ever seen. Some time between Niran’s 6th and 8th birthday, his birth father was beaten to death in an alley. Niran never found out more about the incident, and he didn’t care to. Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief.
      It was because of this that Niran struggled so hard to understand his adoptive father’s patient love. Shun Akiyama did not raise his voice or ball his hands into fists. Even when he first captured Niran trying to lift his wallet out of his pocket, his grip was gentle. Akiyama’s soothing presence scared Niran.
      As he slowly allowed Akiyama in, however, he learned to appreciate the traits that separated his two fathers. His adopted parent taught Niran that healthy masculinity was attainable, and Niran took note of how Akiyama interacted with his family in the hopes that he could emulate it in the future. In spite of these positive steps, though, there are instances where Niran reacts to Akiyama raising a hand ( no matter how casually ) harsher than he would like to. He flinches or moves away when it happens, chest tight and nauseous, and instinctively gets closer to his adoptive mother as if he’s going to protect her. This is not a regular occurrence ; it is really only a possibility when Niran is lost in thought or otherwise preoccupied and thusly startled by Akiyama’s motion.
      Niran won’t discuss his birth father with Akiyama or his sisters, but he has brought up the topic shakily to his adoptive mother. Okamura has held her tearful son quietly at every age while he remembered that old life. 
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treasuredsouls · 2 years
fatal flaws  :
     EMMA  ―  she gets too much going on at once and has difficulty balancing it all. most of the time, this comes as a result of taking on more commitments than she can handle. she loves helping others. because of this, she says ‘ yes ’ to fulfilling their wishes before considering what is already on her plate.
     MADE  ―  perfectionism. if something isn’t exactly how she wants it, she’ll spend hours trying to correct it. the standards she imposes on her personal life and work are therefore demanding ( or downright impossible ). it’s important to remind her that she’s only human, and there’s a limit to what she can control.
     NIRAN  ―  biting first. even though his family has helped him unlearn a good deal of the very unhealthy coping mechanisms he gained from his traumatic childhood, he still believes that the world is a wild and terrible place at heart. dog eat dog and all that. thusly, he refuses to trust people outside of his family circle and snaps easily at new faces. 
     HIKARI  ―  temper. it’s no stretch to say that she inherited her father’s anger, and she does not respond well to being refused something without sufficient reason. though she can usually keep this private, it does occasionally spill over to the public eye in terms of excessive pride ; pouting ; or rolling her eyes.
     KAZUYA  ―  self - isolation. solitude is healthy. locking yourself away for months to escape social pressure is not. he struggles greatly with balancing a very introverted personality and demanding life. when he tips toward the extreme, he will immediately abscond to somewhere quiet with books and talk as little as possible.
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treasuredsouls · 2 years
      kazuya and niran have been inseparable since niran joined the akiyama family. it was niran who latched onto kazuya first and refused to let go. he stuck with the older boy at school, as his face was a familiar one in a see of strangers in their class. to kazuya’s credit, he never turned niran away. there was just something about him : the two got along very well. 
      as niran grew more confident in his adopted life, he collected a loose friend group, teammates from sports teams, etc., but he still remained closest with his cousin. kazuya and niran both find it refreshing that they have nothing to hide in their friendship ( which has led to hikari admitting that niran probably knows her brother better than her sometimes ).
      even when kazuya wants no one else around, niran is often in the same room or at his side. they are the top contacts in each other’s phones, and rarely does a day go by when niran isn’t calling kazuya for at least a few minutes.
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treasuredsouls · 2 years
birth dates :
* the akiyamas.
SHUN : March 10, 1978 AZUMI : March 9, 1984 NIRAN : November 12, 2022 EMMA & MADE : October 6, 2023
* the dojimas.
DAIGO : January 3, 1976  MELISSA : November 6, 1978 KAZUYA : January 10, 2022 HIKARI : July 27, 2024
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treasuredsouls · 2 years
Participates in track ( mainly sprinting ) and cross country in school.
Sticks to Okamura like glue. He’s usually not far from her and likens himself to her protector when they’re in public. Niran does love his father, but he has a closer relationship to his mother. They have a similar way of approaching and coping with the world around them.
Cannot sit correctly on furniture and will constantly lounge or lean into/on everything. Trademark motion is turning a chair backwards and then sitting in it.
Mimics Akiyama’s signature hand to the back of his head gesture for any number of emotional reactions or responses.
Will never be clean-shaven once he begins to grow facial hair.
Was taken to a behavioral therapist by Okamura when he was younger and formally diagnosed with ADHD. As he gets older, he experiments with different medications and tries therapy to help manage his symptoms. Medication ends up working best for him. Niran’s ADHD mainly manifests in the following ways:
Lack of impulse control. Niran has a hard time telling himself ‘no,’ which can have varying consequences. It ties into a lot of his decisions to prank or fool others, as he doesn’t know how to stop when he’s nearing a less entertaining and more harmful line.
Speech. Niran talks seemingly endlessly in most social environments. He will usually lead with the point of what he wants to say and then elaborate or add to it over the coming moments. This gets especially noticeable if he is agitated, nervous, or excited. In those instances, it is best to let him go until he finds a stopping point or needs a breath and then jump in.
This also feeds into how frequently he interrupts others. He doesn’t wait well and has difficulty grasping in conversation when it’s his turn to speak.
Ridiculously straight.
Has a fascination with reptiles, specifically lizards. It takes a long time, but he eventually convinces his mother to allow him to keep a bearded dragon. She is a paradox morph ( mostly pattern-less except for splotches of vibrant orange ) and rides around the house on his shoulder regularly. Her name is “Koi-chan,” as her colors remind him of koi fish and the short sound is reminiscent of another word for ‘ love.’ ( The actual term for the fish, nishikigoi, was too long to use in his opinion. )
His favorite color is green.
Love language ( what he responds to best ) : words of affirmation.
Takes up vaping early on in life. Refuses to drink, as it makes him feel sick.
Outfit staples include t-shirts in solid colors and jeans. Wears beaded bracelets, leather cords, etc. All his accessories are very simplistic and reliable favorites. The only designer items he indulges in are shoes, and he has a good – sized collection of exclusive/expensive sneakers.
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treasuredsouls · 2 years
niran akiyama. ✘ mirror niran akiyama. ✘ music niran akiyama. ✘ about niran akiyama. ✘ aesthetic niran akiyama. ✘ thoughts niran akiyama. ✘ style niran akiyama. ✘ answered niran akiyama. ✘ notes niran akiyama. ✘ thread niran akiyama. ✘ r. shun akiyama ✘ father niran akiyama. ✘ r. azumi akiyama ✘ mother niran akiyama. ✘ ship. ♡ yuna ✘ the king and queen of hearts 
emma akiyama. ✘ music emma akiyama. ✘ about emma akiyama. ✘ aesthetic emma akiyama. ✘ thoughts emma akiyama. ✘ style emma akiyama. ✘ answered emma akiyama. ✘ notes emma akiyama. ✘ thread emma akiyama. ✘ r. shun akiyama ✘ father emma akiyama. ✘ r. azumi akiyama ✘ mother emma akiyama. ✘ ship. ♡ x ✘ quote
TAGS  //  MADE. 
made akiyama. ✘ music made akiyama. ✘ about made akiyama. ✘ aesthetic made akiyama. ✘ thoughts made akiyama. ✘ style made akiyama. ✘ answered made akiyama. ✘ notes made akiyama. ✘ thread made akiyama. ✘ r. shun akiyama ✘ father made akiyama. ✘ r. azumi akiyama ✘ mother made akiyama. ✘ ship. ♡ x ✘ quote
hikari dojima. ✘ mirror hikari dojima. ✘ music hikari dojima. ✘ about hikari dojima. ✘ aesthetic hikari dojima. ✘ thoughts hikari dojima. ✘ style hikari dojima. ✘ answered hikari dojima. ✘ notes hikari dojima. ✘ thread hikari dojima. ✘ r. daigo dojima ✘ father hikari dojima. ✘ r. melissa dojima ✘ mother hikari dojima. ✘ ship. ♡ tianyu ✘ glitter and grease
kazuya dojima. ✘ mirror kazuya dojima. ✘ music kazuya dojima. ✘ about kazuya dojima. ✘ aesthetic kazuya dojima. ✘ thoughts kazuya dojima. ✘ style kazuya dojima. ✘ answered kazuya dojima. ✘ notes kazuya dojima. ✘ thread kazuya dojima. ✘ r. daigo dojima ✘ father kazuya dojima. ✘ r. melissa dojima ✘ mother kazuya dojima. ✘ ship. ♡ x ✘ quote
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