#made akiyama. ✘ notes
sleep-deprived-luka · 16 days
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Gog au niigo for tonights doodle
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myriadfrogs · 2 years
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drew  Mizuki in one of my outfits hehe
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yandere-toons · 3 months
Toga Himiko | ブラッド・クィーン
Warning: strong and bloody violence.
Word Count: 2.127
Artwork: Akiyama Yoco's first illustration for Toga.
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Death's ghost rained down in fine red embers, bringing with it the smell of a hundred knives rusting deep within fly-torn flesh.
A mist of blood, nearly steaming on cheeks aflame with heat, clothed the muscles so taut in her neck. The fill of her stomach took a leap and a bound, aflutter and twitching, like a bird fraught with excitement.
Thump after thump drew blood flush over her skin, matched the pounding of drums in her heart, slipped along her mouth at every breath, danced bittersweet on the end of her tongue.
The music of dreams carried on the blood-wind, singing of what it was to languish beneath the stars in decades past.
For a while, you sat and listened, fingers dug in round the edge of the armrest, knuckles sharp against skin.
The gramophone beside an open window stuttered for a moment, as if struggling to perform its duty in the face of the room’s two living occupants. The eerie echo of the distant singer, of a time long since passed, seemed almost to sedate you. In contrast to her, so animated and audible, the music seemed so rhythmic, blending into other sounds of the night, cancelling out all else.
All else, that is, except her. She glided over and around the mangled forms scattered throughout the room. Some almost seemed alive, displaying occasional twitches of stress from their agonizing last moments, whereas others seemed little more than lumps of twisted meat, stinking and splattered. A giggle, authentic and dripping with joy, reached your ears.
She didn’t mind the macabre display, and neither did you. There was intimacy in the scene, even if hidden and shamefully unappreciated. Not long ago, the desiccated husks were full of life, bemoaning their fates, casting aspersions against yourself, one another, and her as you’d made your way around the room, making selections together. None of them could properly resist, of course, and so the two of you could, and did, take your time.
The gramophone stuttered again, and you cast a quick glance at the machine, less out of curiosity and more out of annoyance. That made for a second stutter within the same song. You took a mental note to adjust the machine afterwards, and your eyes returned to her. The moonlight cast a small shadow of her upon the wall, and you wondered for a moment if she had noticed its diminutive size or if she remained lost in her bliss.
She squealed as her boots stomped a gore pulp beneath them, the squelching reminiscent of a watermelon splatting against the ground. Dollops of blood flew, and within another motion, both her boots and legs had received a fresh coat of crimson. Her eyes shined like freshly minted coins as she revealed a toothy grin, and she ran her tongue over sharpened teeth that resembled fangs. Yes, clearly, she was enjoying herself amid the gruesome redecoration of the room.
She twirled once more, and her eyes fixated upon you as you rose from the chair. You approached her softly, but intently, and she wouldn’t look away. Tucking her hands behind her back, as if suddenly bashful, her eyes travelled the length of you. Her movement slowed, but her smile remained. Tenderly, you extended a hand towards her, your eyes never missing an opportunity to make contact with hers.
Her body stiffened; breath caught in her throat. You cocked your head, less out of confusion, and more to survey her from a different angle. The edges of your lips curled up ever-so-slightly, and with your head leaning in towards hers, she was frozen. No voices, no gurgling from the butchered wretches below, and no stuttering from the gramophone.
Her lip quivered momentarily, and you took another step forward. She could feel your hot, yet restrained, breath on her face, and you could see the rapidly developing makings of a red tinge on her cheeks. The splotches of red on her chin, the stains of bodily fluids in her formerly pristine hair, and the reeking stenches all around meant nothing. It was only the two of you, sharing a moment that only two such wayward souls could appreciate.
She shivered as your hand reached her midsection, teasing her hips lightly until it reached its intended target. Tracing blood-stained fingers and feeling out the point of a sharpened blade, you tenderly clasped hold of several of her fingers around the blade and, with eyes never leaving hers, guided her hand from behind her back to your sternum.
With mere inches of distance separating you, you placed the gore-drenched hand with the blade over your heart and, in a voice barely more audible than a whisper, blew forth a single word: Dance.
Her hand shook, and with eyes beholden to your own, she grinned from ear to ear. Nodding, she pressed herself against your chest, the knife locked between two grasps as though it were a child in need of protection. Her other hand surreptitiously made its way to your side, and yet the motion garnered no reaction from you.
She sighed, and you laid your other arm about her back, drawing her closer. The gramophone performed its duties, and the rest of the world fell away as the two of you traversed the room, deliberately yet fluidly. The sporadic squelches, the scratching of boots against solid floors, and the blow of the wind served only to bring serenity to the both of you.
It was an intimacy and affection few could imagine and even fewer could experience; it was one Toga Himiko shared deep in the nights of you.
After what seemed like only a moment, the two of you had made your way across the room more than once. The moonlight, shining through a precious few windows, continued to illuminate the scene, even as the night grew darker and a fresh chill entered the air. The corpses had taken on much larger shadows, and though none twitched as they had previously, the light seemed to pass about them, throwing intriguing shapes upon the floors and walls behind.
Toga hummed, buried in your chest, face no longer visible under that bloody mess of hair. She didn’t seem to mind that, in the motion, your hand had won against hers for the primary grip on her vaunted knife. It was your fingers that kissed the slick steel, even as hers remained tightly, but not painfully, clenched along the grip. While she couldn’t bring herself to fully let go of the object, she was content to share it with you, and you were content to share it with her.
Your formerly coordinated motions slowed to a halt. The two of you seemed to be sharing an extended hug more than anything else, and as she raised her head, a creak uttered from somewhere else in the room.
In an instant, you were separated, and Toga shot her head sideways, scanning the area for any threats. You mirrored her approach, intent to ferret out and eradicate whatever had interrupted your bliss, but on further observation, nothing revealed itself.
Motionlessly, silently, you both waited, eyes and ears attuned to the most minute disturbances, and still, nothing. Toga, peering upon the carnage with seemingly fresh eyes, noticed a more full-bodied corpse toward the center of the room. The quarry had not been easy to pacify from the hunting ground, and his size made the drag to the room more difficult than expected.
She pounced on the offending mass of flesh, back turned to you, but just as passionate and animated as ever. She straddled the corpse, skirt partially hiked, legs planted on either side: there stirred in Toga a warmth throughout her body. She spared the corpse below a glance, as though he might revive to cheer this opportunity, and buried the knife in his chest cavity one final time. The fool’s glazed-over eyes offered nothing save for the lingering imprint of his final terror.
As she plunged the blade from its target, dead sinew tore, and blood spewed from the former captive, splattering across her chest and face, washing what had already been soaked in past excursions. The moonlight worked to augment her crimson coat, making Toga’s body shine, and as she grinned, her face seemed to absorb every photon of light in the room. The knife was again doused, its temporary reprieve resting against your chest forgotten.
You approached, transfixed on her exquisite form, heaving with exertion and bolstered by excitement. Your boots crunched the severed fingers of another offering, even as your eyes remained centred on her within your approach. Witnessing such fervour was a treat, but enabling it, and being so proximate to it, that was a delicacy to be savoured.
Breath shook out of her, then rose anew, before she flung herself close, again tucking her head underneath your chin, with hair loosely tied and frayed about your vision; both hands came upon a shoulder, where, one by one, the nail of each finger drove deeper, encouraged by the sweet longings of a crooner, frightened by the lightest sway of your body.
Without yielding an inch, you gently removed the tensed, clasping fingers from your punctured tissue. You continued to pry one finger at a time from its familiar destination, and with your touch, Toga shivered, eyes not daring to meet your piercing gaze. She pressed herself deeper into your chest, hot breath palpable through the ripped fabric guarding your newly bleeding form. You offered a slight push, less for easier access to your fresh wound than to attain renewed sight of Toga’s expressive face.
A flash of fire erupted in your shoulder. Cold lips of steel once again pierced cloth and flesh, a kiss upon bone, turned warm under a stream of red.
A blood-strip flew to the lower portion of your eyelid; and for a moment of complete instinct, you squinted, barely a twitch and nothing more.
Toga, with her face at last visible, watched as though she might cry, bright eyes fogging over to something like molten bronze. “Take my blood,” she breathed, giving out a piece of herself in ways long held inside, “We can share the pain!”
She detached from you and, gasping, took the knife to her palm; or, rather, the blade of the knife swung low at a centre vein when you caught it, fingers wrapping the serrated edge. Blood colder than steel leaked forth to the ground. Each plop, each scattering of a blood-ball transfixed Toga a little more, the spell broken only at the wisp of a word from your mouth.
No, and the thrumming of her pulse stilled. Toga set the golden light of her eye upon you, seeming a curious child than anything wicked.
Crimson fluid oozing from between your sliced fingers, you stepped forward, towering over the paralyzed Toga. Once again, your eyes did not break from hers, and she could not stop her knees from shaking, bending inward as if they suddenly couldn’t bear her slight frame any longer. With liquid dripping between the two of you, you stretched an arm across her waist and behind her back.
All she could do was utter a squeak before she once again was pulled into your leering form. Neither one of you said a word as she settled, her immediate tension from the surprise contact melting when she realized its intention. She purred, low and sultry, yet aside from a turn of her head to allow her ears closer to your chest, she remained stationary.
The whole of one ear pressed to your heart, a low beating of something far away, enough to stay living and no more. Against the still of your body, Toga's heart pounded forth as if to join the two.
There the two of you stayed, once more locked in one another’s embrace. The sacrificial flesh scattered, defiled, and eviscerated across the floor, the walls, and even traces on the ceiling were nothing. The droplets of blood flowing from your shoulder were nothing, simply a weakness of the body. The stenches filling your nose, the memories of screams and mutilation that played in the back of your mind, the urge to snuff out the warmth of life so close to you—all had been replaced with serenity.
The terror of the departed flesh served its purpose. The experience you both shared with them was distinctive, but the intimacy shared with Toga was singular. So few could understand that you had found each other. None of the flesh could appreciate that their screams, their cries, their entreaties, all of it served a purpose they couldn’t imagine. Toga could, though, and you would share it with her for the rest of your days together.
Another, she whispered.
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asiandra-dash · 5 months
Hi i saw u wanna rewrite akikasa hcs PLEASE WRITE ME SOME I BEG /nf /lh
HJKJSKDKHS AKIKASA anyways I was referring to a short story I wrote a while ago but THIS!!! IS (I think) MY FIRST AKIKASA RELATED ASK!!!! I MUST WRITE!!!!!! All I have to do is figure out which thoughts are based on canon and which ones are AUs-
I took 18 days to finally post this because I kept getting ideas and had to force myself to stop because this is way too long 888 words man this ain't fanfiction also if this is illegible I'm sorry none of my headcanon posts will ever be organized no beta or read more we die like my grades after my orchestra field trip
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Starting with basic shit Akito is SO so in denial about his feelings and when he's finally fed up with it he chucks it down to infatuation (It is not)
And Tsukasa is an oblivious idiot to everything even though he has a stupid crush on this ginger he just refuses to say anything because he still thinks Akito despises his guts
My guy every little bit of physical contact you make with carrot head makes him look like color hex #ff0000 RGB 255, 0, 0 how do you not notice this
Tsukasa fell first, and they both fell harder >:)
You know Tsukasa'a 1* card where Akito saved the poor man from a spider or something that's when it happened Tsukasa didn't know at first cause like haha who the hell falls in love with someone over something so small I barely even know the guy
If Akito confessed first, after a long moment of awkward silence and Akito wishing the floor would eat him alive, Tsukasa is suddenly hugging him and crying (That's a yes btw)
If Tsukasa confessed first, it would take a bit (probably a few days or weeks) but eventually Akito with the support of everyone finally accepts his feelings for Tsukasa (He didn't tell anyone about the confession btw it was probably Akiyama or one of Tsukasa's friends that told everyone also the threat of Rui was probably another reason he couldn't deny lmao)
Every date, and I mean EVERY SINGLE DATE, Tsukasa will always bring or buy some cheesecakes or pancakes for Akito
And if he doesn't the next time he brings lunch for Akito he'll bring him more cheesecake than he usually does to make up for it
When Tsukasa found out Akito's favorite flowers were sunflowers, he sometimes brings one for him too :D
Tsukasa probably got a pair of sunflower clip-on earrings too (Or whatever they're called)
Tsukasa loves to tackle hug Akito and it never fails to make the ginger laugh <3
Tsukasa borrows Akito's jackets a lot (At least twice a week).
Akito complains about it but let's be honest he loves it when he gets it back and all he smells on it is Tsukasa's scent
Tsukasa loves giving gifts to Akito even if there's no special occasion, usually some type of jewelry like earrings and the next day Akito's most likely wearing it
Obviously, they invite each other to their shows, and sometimes their other bandmates too
During WxS shows Akito's supportive and is internally loud but during VBS concerts Tsukasa is HOLLERING Akito's name and singing along if he knows the lyrics it's embarrassing but if you look closely enough you can tell it hypes up Akito a little more and he tries even harder (An has taken note of this and teases him nonstop about it)
Neither of them are a huge fan of PDA but if you stare long enough you'll probably miss a sneaky little kiss when you blink
That or if Tsukasa's in a really good mood he'll practically cling to Akito (Which is like 50% of the time tbh)
That one post I made on my side blog is real and so is the first tag
Yes Ena and Saki are supportive but holy shit Akito wants to fucking strangle Ena whenever she brings it up (This applies to An too)
Tsukasa helps Akito be more open with his feelings and Akito helps Tsukasa deal with negativity better
Around people, Akito still treats Tsukasa how he would (if Tsukasa isn't being clingy) but once they're alone Akito acts like he's touch starved and refuses to leave Tsukasa alone
Akito sometimes helps Tsukasa with practicing for his shows. He's obviously not as good but he's trying and Tsukasa appreciates his efforts
Tell Akito to say wonderhoy and he'll look at you like you're fucking insane but have Tsukasa tell him and he'll say it as unenthusiastically as he can manage
And then Tsukasa will look at him all :((( and Akito does it with more energy and "jesus fucking christ the things I do to make Tsukasa happy" (It's just a wonderhoy idk why you're so pissed /hj)
I do not understand Japanese and I am not caught up on that one event story with furry Akito so correct me if I'm wrong (about the italicized part) but before Akito gets over his fear of dogs Tsukasa always made sure they would steer clear of them and if one suddenly appeared this blond pink theatre kid is going to protect his pathetic fucking boyfriend with his life
Rui: Is that a hickey? | Tsukasa: No! It’s just a mosquito bite. | Akito, walking into the room: Hey, guys. | Rui: Hi, mosquito.
Whenever one of them stays up really late when staying over. the other tries to convince them to go to bed and cuddle/snuggle with them and it works.
Tsukasa practically begs meanwhile, if possible, Akito hugs Tsukasa from behind and basically just collapses onto him half asleep mumbling into his ear (Can you tell I'm tired it's 1 AM and I got 3 hours of sleep yesterday I'm running off of a power nap rn)
Obviously, Tsukasa can't do anything with Akito like that so he basically carries Akito to the room of whoever they're staying at
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Akikasa supremacy WHO'S WITH ME AKIKASA!!!!!!! (I'm dying on a hill please)
Divider / Reply Icon made by me! ( 1 | 2 )
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lampiridaes · 9 months
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# doodles everywhere ?!
★ — chars ; akito , mizuki
★ — notes ; WUEHEUWWHEHEUWHW I LOVED WRITING THISSSSS i haven't drawn in soooo long this lowkey gave me motivation to do smth... maybe another time tho im busy rn. SORRY FOR THE SUUUUPER LONG WAIT ANON ITS BEEN OVER TWO WEEKS ARGRJRRG
★ — requested by ; anon
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★ shinonome akito :
finds it very cute, even if he won't say it out loud. it's rather endearing, watching you doodle and draw all over... you look so at peace to akito, and he really admires it.
akito was... really surprised when he saw your room for the first time, to say the least. so many beautiful artworks taped onto walls, a bunch of sketchbooks cluttered all over your desk... it was a sight to see, to say the least.
oh, he's absolutely done for if you have a few drawings of him. whether it's a silly doodle you made to tease him or a genuinely gorgeous piece as a gift, he loves it regardless. just like how he loves you regardless.
"wait, is that me...?"
"yeah! do you like it?"
"...i love it, thank you."
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★ akiyama mizuki :
another one to admire your work! mizuki also tends to make little doodles on their schoolwork so they can relate.
the type to take pictures of them (with your permission) and set them as a lockscreen wallpaper. mizuki loves to praise and show you off to their friends, especially ena.
"aha, my pretty s/o is so talented! but your artwork can never compare to your beauty."
falls in love with you more if you show mizuki a sketch you drew of them. even more so if you draw them wearing a cute, frilly dress.
on relaxing days, the both of you tend to doodle and sketch mindlessly together. mizuki is only good at drawing outfits, so you'll have to do everything else. but you don't mind that, right?
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zylophie · 10 months
hey so um i would like to request n25 (separately) having going a haunted house with reader? (again sorry for the trouble 😔)
(((p(>o<)q))) Boo! — nightcord at 25:00
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✿ — ♬ ⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ : x is typing... ✉!
✿ — ↻ SYNOPSIS : Going to a haunted house with N25
✿ — ♯ GENRE : Fluff
✿ — ↠ NOTE : It's alright anon! Hopefully this rewrite will satisfy you<3
✿ — ♪ REMINDER : reblogs & likes are appreciated, in doing so will motivate us to continue delivering stories to you, thank you for all of your supports ~ !
If you would like to request, click 'here' and read the writing rules for each writer!
✿ — ► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Yoisaki Kanade, Asahina Mafuyu, Shinonome Ena & Akiyama Mizuki
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(^_^♪) — yoisaki kanade
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𝅘𝅥𝅮 It'd probably take some convincing to make Kanade leave her house. Worse yet, trying to make the girl into a haunted place too!
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Kanade most likely ended up accepting due to your constant pleading and her knowledge of you enjoying horror-themed things!
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Although she accepted, please look after her and make sure she doesn't get lost and end up all alone! After all, she doesn't really enjoy haunted houses much as they scare her..
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Kanade got a little too distracted during the haunted house tour due to wanting to find inspiration to make her next piece, which resulted in her losing sight of you.
"[N-name]..? W-where did you go.."
𝅘𝅥𝅮 When you found her again, you decided to hold her hand as you guys continued traversing through the haunted house to prevent losing her again and to let her know you're right beside her!
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Overall, Kanade did enjoy the day out with you at the haunted house besides getting lost. She wouldn't mind doing it again if it is you and if it means she could feel the warmth of your hand again.
(๑꧆◡꧆๑) — asahina mafuyu
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𝅘𝅥𝅮 It wasn't hard getting Mafuyu to accept your invitation to go to a haunted house together. However her mother was the issue..
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Although she did skip prep school once to hang out with you. You immediately took this opportunity to bring her to a famous haunted house.
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Mafuyu didn't quite get why you enjoyed being spooked but went in with you regardless.
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Since it was a famous haunted house you both went too, the decorations looks so surreal with the jumpscares being so phenomenal. If you were ever scared, Mafuyu would lend her hand to hold yours.
"The trip? It wasn't that scary. I don't know why you were so scared."
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Mafuyu did not know whether she liked the trip, but her chest felt light whenever she saw you having fun. Maybe she will skip prep school again to hang out with you..
(・ωー)~☆ — shinonome ena
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𝅘𝅥𝅮 Convincing Ena is going to be really hard as she doesn't enjoy haunted houses or anything scary at all!
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Ena doesn't understand why you liked haunted houses so much. Where's the fun in being scared?! She would rather watch something cute and wholesome instead of being scared.
𝅘𝅥𝅮 However, she did end up accepting your request. Just because it is from you and some bribery- , and she wanted to make you feel happy. Though, with the condition that you won't lose her at all during the entire tour!
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Watching Ena during the whole haunted house trip was really a blast. She would keep flinching and screaming, even hiding behind you at some point which made you amused.
"I'm not scared! Don't you dare tell this to Mizu- AHHHH!"
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Safe to say, Ena did not like the trip. However when she saw you smiling and having lots of fun, she wouldn't mind doing it again with you. You still need to bribe her again though.
٩(•͈ ꇴ •͈)و ̑̑❀ — akiyama mizuki
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𝅘𝅥𝅮 When you invited Mizuki to go to a haunted house with you. They were quite eccentric about it!
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Mizuki was really happy to hear that you enjoyed horror-themed stuff as well since N25 and their other friends would turn them down as they didn't like to be scared
𝅘𝅥𝅮 During the entire haunted house trip, although it was you who originally invited Mizuki to hang out. They were the ones dragging you everywhere.
"Look name! A basement~ let's go check it out!"
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Whenever an employee jumpscares the both of you. You guys would laugh about it before running away in another direction.
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Overall, Mizuki was really satisfied and happy they got to enjoy a haunted house trip with you! Expect them to invite you to more in the future~
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aceonn · 1 month
My two hyperfixations right now are Ensemble Stars and Project Sekai, so of course I had to think about what enstars and pjsekai characters I would want to see interact. And of course I made a list that has been sitting in my Notes app for God knows how long…
Units I want to see interact:
WonderlandsxShowtime and RYUSEITAI: There has been FANART of this for Gods sake (here and here) BECAUSE THEY ARE LITERALLY EACH OTHERS COUNTERPARTS. Like they’ve got the confident leader, the hyperactive group member(s), That One Guy, and the only semi-normal ones! I want to see Emu, Tetora, and Sengoku practicing poses together, Rui studying Kanata like a lab specimen, and Nene and Midori looking at each other, exhausted, saying “you too?” “sigh…yeah…”
Vivid Bad Squad and Knights: MY TWO FAVORITE UNITS INTERACTING!! YAY!! EVERYONE CHEERS!!! Akito would be even more exhausted now that he has more idiots to take care of…He would fucking HATE Leo…and I CRAVE Kohane and Suou interactions. I think Ritsu would probably use Toya as a lap pillow, he’d probably like the fact Toya would be too scared to move. Also I want to see An gay panicking over Arashi. I will accept no substitutes.
More More Jump and Ra*bits: EEK EEK EEK!! This would be so adorable like I just realized how similar Nazuna and Airi are…like they’re both energetic and responsible tsundere types (also did you know tsundere autocorrects to reindeer??) and Tomoya and Minori would be so precious…Shizuku would LOVE the Ra*bits members, she’d probably have so much fun playing with them. It would just be the cutest most wholesome group interactions ever.
Characters I want to see interact:
Hiyori Tomoe (Eden) and Mizuki Akiyama (Nightcord At 25:00): None of you understand how deeply I CRAVE this. I would commit FELONIES for this. I would murder someone or give someone toe curling backshots for JUST ONE HIYOMIZU INTERACTION. I want to see these two girlbosses girlboss together. They’re both mischievous transgender (With Hiyori it’s just a headcanon for Mizuki it’s practically confirmed) gremlins who love shopping and tormenting their two loyal servants (Ena and Jun) who they are most definitely in love with. (And Ena and Jun are probably trans too tbh) I want them to shop and try on clothes together. THAT IS ALL PLEASE
Rinne Amagi (Crazy:B) and Akito Shinonome (Vivid Bad Squad): YAY REDHEAD TO REDHEAD COMMUNICATION!!! I feel like Rinne would see through Akito’s “good boy” persona IMMEDIATELY and would be having the time of his life teasing Akito and trying to make him drop the persona. Akito would probably either try to keep up the persona to the end out of spite or drop it immediately to yell at Rinne. Either way it would be hilarious and a repeat of the AkiMizu interactions.
Sena Izumi (Knights) and Ena Shinonome (Nightcord At 25:00): Bro…they are literally gender bent versions of each other…Like come on. Two tsunderes who are hell bent on looking good at all times, are crushing on transgender gremlins (Leo and Mizuki) and are extremely fixated on social media and makeup?? Like yes please?? I want them to shop for makeup together, shit talk everyone, Ena force Izumi to take her social media pictures for her, and see them share skincare routines. I am BEGGING for this I DON’T CARE WHOSE DICK I HAVE TO SUCK PLEASE
Natsume Sakasaki (Switch) and Rui Kamishiro (WonderlandsxShowtime): I mean…I don’t think I have to explain this one…
Arashi Narukami (Knights) and Shizuku Hinomori (More More Jump): I would KILL for these two to model together and try on cute outfits. Arashi would get extremely worn out by having to watch over Shizuku 24/7 but would find her too precious to leave alone and honestly same. I imagine it to be a lot like when Mafuyu and Honami had to babysit Shizuku during the 2024 April Fools event. And to top it off, them as a duo would give everyone gay (and straight) panic. An would spontaneously combust with just one look.
Subaru Akehoshi (Trickstar) and Saki Tenma (Leo/Need): Honestly Trickstar and Leo/Need have so much in common! Their uniforms both suck!! (/j but not really) Subaru and Saki are both the energetic golden retrievers of the group, and I would LOVE to see them both interact, especially with characters like Shio and Midori. Just little wholesome bundles of sunshine!
Kaoru Hakaze (UNDEAD) and Mafuyu Asahina (Nightcord At 25:00): I’m just imagining Kaoru flirting with her (DW MAFUYU IS CANONICALLY 17/18 SO IN THIS AU SHES 18) and Mafuyu being completely unaffected by it…Kaoru would probably know something was up with her and be freaked out, similar to Emu, but would keep on regardless
Midori Takamine (RYUSEITAI) and Nene Kusanagi (WonderlandsxShowtime): Part 3 of They Are Literally Each Other! They are both the only normal members of their groups with crushes on their group leaders (POLYSHOW AND MIDOCHIA FOR THE WIN!!) and are both cynical and have a love for mascots! Him and Nene would go to the arcade together and absolutely EMPTY the crane machines. They would also play video games together and he would probably just backseat her lol
Kuro Kiryu (AKATSUKI) and Kohane Azusawa (Vivid Bad Squad): Like imagine how wholesome this would be. Kohane would probably be intimidated by Kuro at first, but she would warm up to him pretty quick. Kuro, on the other hand, would probably think she’s adorable and precious and treat her kinda like a small animal. THEY WOULD BE THE ONLY DUO EVER and honestly would work as a ship…Think about it…
HiMERU (Crazy:B) and Emu Otori (WonderlandsxShowtime): OK OK HEAR ME OUT Emu would probably be like a toned down, less assholey Rinne in the sense she would wear HiMERU down to no end but he would kinda subconsciously take care of her, like an older brother with a hyperactive little sister!
Mika Kagehira (Valkyrie) and Minori Hanasato (More More Jump): OH MY GOD TWO SILLIES WITH AUTISM AND EXTREMELY VISIBLE CRUSHES!! OH MY GOD!!
Leo Tsukinaga (Knights) and Kanade Yoisaki (Nightcord at 25:00): Two mentally ill composers with savior complexes meet…what could go wrong…They would probably like each other and compose songs together, and I think Leo would try to force Kanade to go outside and she would try to reject him in the nicest way possible but would just go along with it in the end…And then she would pass out and Leo would dump cold water on her or something (because he’s STUPID and I love him)
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starz4valen · 4 months
yk i realized i was a lesbian. which yippee! yahoo!! cool!!! (now lets pray i dont have another crisis)
but like. ik im not crazy. where are the sapphic ships. did someone eat them. im going insane.
its so obvious in like every fandom im in that the mlm ships are favored (even in prsk where there are 4 COUNT EM 4 DUDES IN THE GAME VS THE 15 GIRLS AND 1 MIZUKI AKIYAMA) and its so. annoying. what annoys me more is i still consume more content for mlm ships cause im like “well this is the best imma get.” mlm ships are more popular and therefore get more detailed and higher quality stuff made for it, so its just like :(
ofc ik big wlw ship fans are out there, its just annoying that i gotta search yk?
anyways on that note someone give me some good wlw centered content please im begging
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aroacesigma · 4 months
YIPPEE ok . funni rhythm game . project sekai. its got miku . the only important background lore here is: there's kind of another world called "sekai" that is made from either strong emotions, or the shared will/dreams/desire/etc of a group. there are 5 units/groups/whatever. 2 of the sekais in the game were made by One Person. one's the clown group dw abt that. but Mafuyu !! fuyu made her own sekai. i thiiiiiink out of her desire to "disappear"?
anyway. mafuyu asahina. silly lil girlie. she is so depressed man. her mother sucks and is constantly pushing her to be the perfect straight-A student and train to be a doctor, and in public fuyu DOES put up that facade (in-game she has two very distinct voices - a more upbeat, happy one, and this very quiet, almost mumbley-one. in lives she'll use her Public Voice when talking to anyone that isn't of her unit)
so ! fuyu. she wants to make music. and train to be a nurse not a doctor. but her mother is super manipulative and controlling (and thats a theme you see across her cards too. in her first event she's literally depicted as a marionette for example) and really has no real control of her life. and then she meets Niigo. because kanade savior complex go brr
so. nightcord at 25:00, or niigo as they're called in the jp fandom, is made up of Kanade Yoisaki, Mizuki Akiyama, Ena Shinonome, and Mafuyu Asahina. they originally only know each other online (kanade finds fuyu thru her music which kanade notes is very dark and depressing, and later resolves to create a piece of music that will make mafuyu smile and bring back some joy into her life. tbh idk abt the other two i uh. am bad at reading lmao) but !! they talk on Nightcord (its discord) until they all meet in the Sekai. which is fucken EMPTY. there is NOTHIN THERE. and its Mafuyu's Sekai. so given the Empty Void that has been remarked upon that it's very easy to get lost and never find your way out .......yeah
so . as the events progress you get to see mafuyu come out of her shell more as she hangs out with niigo. her mom is. Not Happy (when is she ever smh) and in one event her mom even throws out her music equipment and laptop (iirc) claiming that it's a "distraction", and tells her to stop hanging out w/ niigo bc they're "bad influences" (or smth). mafuyu, obv, does Nyat do this and continues talking to the others.
a few events later mafuyu finally reaches her breaking point and stands up to her mother . and then promptly flees to live with kanade after everything she had to deal with. so now kanade & mafuyu live together ! but mafuyu rlly is making progress like despite it all, in newer cards/depictions you can even see light in her eyes !!!
but yeah shes . shes my silly. and so like. Gender to me. her and mizuki (canon transfem/nb person btw. go mizuki go!!!!!!!!) got a duet version of the song "Villain" which is literally abt bein fucken. trans. u can't just put the Canon Transgirl in with the Transmasc Vibes Character in a Song About Being Trans, man /j
i lov her tho shes doin her best. she kind of lost all sense of identity due to having to be what her mother wanted her to be, and niigo is slowly helping her figure out who she is, not who her mother wants her to be. its very nice
compared to the other stories niigo's is. way more deep and intense. but ! they all have their Things :3
anyway yeah im insane abt mafuyu asahina this has been my tedtalk i need to go to bed
OHHH she sounds awesome fuck yeah :) very glad that she is happier these days...love that . i really do need to play project sekai honestly i tried one time but i got too used to the enstars format for rhythym games and i sucked absolute balls at it. anyway gn bff <3
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
Hello! Do you have any headcanons abt how the boys show their gestures of affection? Like for example bringing gifts, food or smtg like that? Thanks!!
Oh hell to the yea I sure do, also sorry for not posting yesterday I developed Skyrim brainrot again over the weekend and had to get it outta my system. Headcanons below da cut sweet anon, you have a good one out there!
Kazuma Kiryu
No matter how hard he tries, he just isn't the best gift giver. He really wants to be though. Totally has notes hiden somewhere of stuff you like. When in doubt, he will default to flowers. He is THE boyfriend with a bouquet. Always asks if you've eaten yet today and gives tons of forehead kisses.
Majima Goro
Affection king. If he sees you, you are getting hugged and kissed and you're gonna like it. Good at giving gifts that are very over the top. Always gets you something whenever he's out getting food for himself. Very much the type of guy to send "I saw this and it made me think of ya!" texts. You really do just be living in his head rent free.
Saejima Taiga
To be honest, he's just very classic. Lots of hugs. Constantly showing affection with hugs. You just arrived? Hugs. You're heading out? Hugs. Type of guy to ask if you want anything if he's going out for food or if he's at the store.
Akiyama Shun
Says a lot of goofy things or random pick up lines as means of affection. Lots of things like "What's cooking, good looking?". Says "Hey, babe" a LOT. Mostly shows affection with his words but he's also fond of just taking you out for dates. Despite the fact that he can be a real lazy guy sometimes, he's pretty good at sprucing up and putting in effort for a proper dinner date.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Constantly bringing you food. Did he get boba today? You ALSO get boba today. Is he buying his favorite snack at the store? He is also buying YOUR favorite snack too. Particularly fond of just watching sunsets with you or going on walks. It's more about the time spent with you than anything.
Ryuji Goda
Showers you with kisses. Also very into showing you off, not in a way that objectifies you necessarily though. It's more like he likes to buy you something nice to wear before a fancy date and relishes in the fact that you look really good in something he picked out. Gives compliments to you more than any of the boys.
Nishikiyama Akira
King of giving kisses on the cheek. Also winks at you a lot. Remains flirtatious even if you've been together for a long time. Fond of spontaneous dates. Probably the most physically affectionate of all of the boys. Never gets tired of holding your hand in public.
Daigo Dojima
Very nurturing and caring. Worries about if you've eaten, always notices immediately when you start feeling under the weather. He's not the greatest conversationalist but he'll always remember to ask you about your day. More than anything, he just likes spending quality time with you. Could listen to you talk for days.
Mine Yoshitaka
Not the greatest at showing affection at first and it takes him for him to warm up to cutesty physical things. However, from the get go, he's great at little gestures. Notices all of the little things about you and very perceptive. If you sound tired over the phone, next time he sees you he'll offer to give you a massage. If your clothes got stained somehow, he'll just take it to the dry-cleaner for you right away, no questions asked.
Tatsuo Shinada
Cuddle city. The man knows no better way of showing, giving, or receiving emotion than a nice cuddle. Very much a physical contact kind of guy, but only if you're okay with it. Also really good at good at words of encouragement. World's most supportive boyfriend.
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akitofixated · 1 year
helloo can i request mizuki thats dating reader who is rui's sibling? if not thats fine have a good day! (´,,•ω•,,)♡
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✧ 001. — Now, when MIZUKI first met you, she already was interested in you and practically would beg RUI to grab some information about you so she can note it down..
✧ 002. — After a while, the both of you hooked up together and started dating eventually! Which RUI was relieved because he trusted MIZUKI a lot.
✧ 003. — RUI would definitely tease you guys, and you can see MIZUKI’S face glowing red, telling him to leave the both of you alone, but.. you decided to kick it up a notch and kiss MIZUKI’S cheek, causing her to glow bright red..
✧ 004. — MIZUKI would definitely shower you with affection and compliments, and if you ever sad, she’ll stay over the night in your place, holding you tight in her embrace whispering that it’s gonna be alright..
✧ 005. — When you notice that MIZUKI seems upset or bothered, you’d try and comfort her despite her not opening up.. Still, you told her you’d stay by her side no matter what, making her feel guilty because she can’t tell you. “Damn it.. My lies will always have a effect on me.”
✧ 006. — RUI is like a wingman to your guys’s relationship.. Oddly enough he enjoys being it! He likes to see you coming to him asking your opinions on what you should get for your precious girlfriend.
✧ 007. — Also AN! She definitely hypes the both of you up, saying how the both of you are a pretty couple! She’s relieved to see someone making MIZUKI happy.
✧ 008. — One time, MIZUKI said how she missed you and how she was bored. As soon as you got her message, you instantly got your shoes on and headed over to her place, surprising her. This made her heart explode in the most positive way ever, every-time you did something she fell in love with you harder..
✧ 009. — “Hey.. I just wanted to say I love you a-lot… Like, I really admire you.. and I.. want to say thank you.. For staying by my side..”
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busaikuknee · 4 months
a quick look back at may 2024
i got started on this early for once. character development, i suppose.
general overview and numbers
i watched 90 matches in may, 65 of which took place this month. this is…a lot more than i expected to, frankly! my sleep schedule has been kind of grim, so i ended up watching more shows live than usual. i might be sleepy, but at least i've been sports entertained.
nothing super notable to report on, though i have been backwatching quite a bit of dragongate this month. dead or alive got me bad. there's something about those cage matches, man.
most appearances throughout the month
hayata's in first place for both "matches that took place this month" and "matches i watched this month," so, fuck, i guess hayata's the Spreadsheet Champ of the Month. i wouldn't have guessed it; i feel like i've barely seen him this may, what with my Bad At Watching Tournaments disease striking halfway through best of the super juniors. i'll...catch up eventually, probably.
mumbling about matches
great sakuya and nagisa nozaki vs miyuki takase and nanashi (noah, april 1st)
starting off with one not from this month! i made a mental note to include it in last month's writeup, but realized that i left it off of the post proper right after i sent it out. unfortunate, but it's my self-indulgent summary post and i can break my "only talk about matches that happened this month" rule whenever i want, so it's making it onto this one.
anyway! short but very fun match. a blend of goofy hijinks and doing-moves wrestling that appealed to me greatly. the normal wrestler-spooky wrestler tag dynamics? the slasher movie sequence? excellent, wonderful, loved it. i've come to really enjoy nagisa nozaki, i should seek out more of her matches when i have the time.
kzy vs jason lee vs hyo vs shun skywalker vs jacky "funky" kamei (dragongate, may 5th)
i can count the number of times i've cried at something fictional on one hand. this isn't a good or bad thing, i just don't think i engage with media in a way that provokes that kind of response.
that being said, this match got me really, really close to crying. the power of love and friendship is real, maybe.
takashi sugiura vs masa kitamiya (noah, may 4th)
i'm reluctant to use this wording as i feel it sets expectations too high, but sugiura and masa had kind of a perfect ten-minute match? solid pacing, did everything it needed to, made both performers look stellar. masa rules and i just want him to have nice things. unfortunately, i also don't want him to experience head trauma, and that was not a wish granted here. my love for the single-trickle-of-blood-running-down-forehead visual is constantly at war with my feelings about shoot headbutts.
shoko nakajima vs miu watanabe (tjpw, may 5th)
i’ve been putting together a playlist of some personal highlights of 2024 wrestling to show some friends, and i am going to shuffle shit around as much as possible to make sure that this gets in there. “technical freak vs person who’s strong enough to just pick them up if they go for a hold” is a combo that always appeals to me, and since nakajima and watanabe are both excellent wrestlers, i was constantly delighted throughout the runtime. good, good stuff. while i might not cry often, i’m very soft-hearted, so the hug at the end made me Feel.
i find that it often takes a couple of matches for me to fully click with a wrestler, and i think this was the match that made me click with shoko nakajima. shokopilled bigkaijumaxxing.
kosei fujita vs el desperado (njpw, may 13th)
imagine a flame text gif reading “FUJITA ROCKS.” now imagine another, slightly different flame text gif reading “DESPERADO ALSO ROCKS BUT I THINK WE ALL KNOW THAT BY NOW.” thank you for your time.
jun akiyama vs atsushi kotoge (noah, may 29th)
my exact spreadsheet notes were "still thinking about this. what a fucking match. why were they in love here."
onward to june! while there isn't a lot that i'm super invested in storyline-wise at the moment (barring minoura and yamato's whole deal), i am looking forward to a couple of the events scheduled for this upcoming month. despe invitacional save me. save me despe invitacional.
if there was something you particularly enjoyed this may, do feel free to share! see you next month!
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silverteacups · 1 year
someone actually DID ask! me!
anyway. favourite covers for the pjsekai characters :3 and maybe some unnecessary commentary on their vocals because WOW
mizuki akiyama
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i'm gonna be unoriginal and say villain...... their "shingai", "hanabira" and "ageku no". woah
i think i'll put otome dissection as a runner-up though, AMAZING high notes
ena shinonome
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nomad!! such an underrated song but so pretty
HOWEVER runner-up is, without a doubt, aishite, aishite, aishite
guys..... those notes at the end were so pretty did you HEAR THEM?
mafuyu asahina
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saisei is really pretty how could i not
but bug is a close second!
kanade yoisaki
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saisei again :3
i wanted to put a lot of covers in second but i had to go with IDSMILE
her voice is so soft and pretty <3
rui kamishiro
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as you like it, probably with literary nonsense in second
tsukasa tenma
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journey, 88☆彡 in second (though i was considering putting literary nonsense here instead)
nene kusanagi
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starry sky melody, with into the night in second
best wxs vocalist imo (rui in second, then tsukasa)
emu otori
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odore orchestra, telecaster b-boy in second!
i was gonna put positive☆dance time here but it didn't make it
toya aoyagi
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utsuro wo aogu, with the runner-up being traffic jam (ft. kohane)
edit: that used to say "runner-being being"
akito shinonome
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this was SO hard i love all his covers i'm pretty sure 😭
airhead/garando in first, alter ego being the runner-up :3
if they get covers for gekokujo and shanti (any of vbs) then ALL of my opinions for them will change
edit: giggles. i was so right. anyway alter ego in first and Something in second. the eh? eh? eh? in the shanti covers was so silly
kohane azusawa
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NEO in first, beat eater in second, but odo was close!
you can hear the improvement i love it so much
an shiraishi
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egoist (ft. akito although the line distribution was awful for him, though colopal did say they'd fix this), then machi - machi would've gone first but imo it sounded a little forced
anyway uh same as i said with akito, her voice in gekokujo and shanti>>>
edit: I WAS SO RIGHT. gekokujo in first, beat eater 2nd, odo came close
minori hanasato
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milk crown on sonechka, then ai no material probably. i love her voice
haruka kiritani
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the earth's final confession (shizuharu is definitely in my top 3 duos in terms of vocals), then nostalogic
which i just realised is also shizuharu
edit: I CHANGED MY MIND it's IF and then booo! probably
airi momoi
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marshmary, then romeo and cinderella (im so original this is the rarest opinion ever guys)
shizuku hinomori
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literal ANGEL. she is from HEAVEN. she is not of this WORLD
anyway shoujo rei in first, nostalogic in second (shizuharu ftw)
ichika hoshino
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calc (so glad this song came to EN recently), then made to order
saki tenma
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from tokyo, then stage of sekai! saki is really sweet but guess who's sweeter (and way more underrated)
edit: hare wo matsu, then teratera and ikanaide
honami mochizuki
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this was another really difficult one because her voice is so fucking gorgeous
"but it doesn't suit leo/need's music!11!!" SHUT UP do you actually listen to leo/need. points at regulus.
as i was saying
morning glory in first (also my first master FC. edit: wow that was a while ago now), awaiting clear skies in second
shiho hinomori
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last but not least, my girlfriend
but not actually i believe in poly/need because come on they're so gay
this was ALSO hard so i'm doing my top 3 (「1」 being my favourite)
「1」, meteor pulse, stella
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yumejo · 10 months
to you, who will be loved forever.
「sakasaki natsume x akiyama reine // natsurei + platonic noeri」 ↳ birthday gift for @kunehori ! a/n: thank you for existing, for our paths crossing; for us meeting, for being you.
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Centered around venerated idols, ES was holding an exclusive theme park for three days; the magnitude immense but still manageable by the devoted, adept team tasked with overseeing it. And a special collaboration between Switch and Knights was taking place concurrently.
On the third and final day of the event, the space reserved had an inordinate turnaround—throngs of people overflowed through every crevice, each section brimming with animation and exuberance.
“Come on, Reine-chan~ Don’t fall asleep on me yet—even though that quality of yours is super cute!” Noeri’s voice wailed as she gently began to push the petite girl’s frame from behind.
Reine had a proclivity for falling asleep while standing up sometimes, and even though Noeri doesn’t blame the underclassman for doing so—not when they’ve all been inundated with abundance work coming up to today—she needed her fellow producer awake alongside for the upcoming performance (nevermind the fact that for some reason, Natsume seems to be wary of her⋯⋯ he’s so difficult to work with unless you’re Reine).
“I am awake, Noeri-senpai,” Reine whispered, the volume of their words nearly being deluged by the overzealous gathering around them, and yet she didn’t make any effort to stop Noeri from continuing to guide them along the designated path.
They felt much safer having someone she trusted by her side while navigating amongst the billowing crowd, the quantity of people seeming to only grow and grow every passing hour. She really hated being thrust into giant crowds like this; but, perhaps, a small part of them also wanted to be doted upon by the older girl behind her.
The pair made their way backstage, where they were to split into their divergent groups. “Like the past two days, let me know if you need any help. Not that you aren’t capable, but⋯” Noeri trailed off, feeling contrite thread through her tone as she recognized how her words might’ve sounded.
“I know. Thank you, senpai,” Reine smiled softly, and Noeri beamed brightly in response before they tended to their respective units.
With their clipboard in hand, Reine began to run through the checklist; making sure everything was proceeding accordingly and that nothing was amiss. As they observed their cherished trio, Reine was prepared to cross their raiments off when she discerned a problem on Natsume’s.
“Oh, Natsume-kun, your cape’s measurements are off. Let me fix it,” Reine breathed out whilst ambling forward to do so—their fingers brushing against the fabric of his outfit. 
Natsume’s light-golden eyes widened in surprise at the shrewd observation she made, and he staved off the warmth from clustering in his cheeks by expressing his gratitude with a kittenish simper, “Thanks, little bunny.”
Lithe and smooth, Reine rectified the diminutive mistake in a matter of seconds—though, for Natsume, he wished for a moment that they weren’t so deft; so that he could delight in her touch for a moment longer.
Gyrating on the heel of his boots, Natsume faced Reine and cupped her cheeks into his own without so much as a cue. “You look more tired than usual,” he started, noting the patent exhaustion rimming their eyes as their irises appeared bleary. And he didn’t say anything as he began to squish their cheeks, adding, “Has the festivities begun to take their toll on you? Or is it the crowd?”
“No, I’m okay⋯” Reine answered with a shaky exhale, albeit even they weren’t sure what was plaguing them into execrable fatigue herself. “Anyway, you shouldn’t be worrying about me so close to performing. I don’t want to see anything go wrong.”
“I wouldn’t mess up a performance—not with you watching,” Natsume chortled, obfuscating Reine from spotting how he ephemerally squinted his eyes in dubiety from their claims. Before he said anything else, he leaned down and affixed his lips onto theirs; sensual and slow, yet with enough firmness to allow the feeling to permeate deep down into Reine’s entity. “Make sure you don’t take your eyes off me, okay?♪”
As if Reine could ever do that.
——Switch and Knights put on a dazzling performance, so radiant and befitting their parallel themes. It quintessentially coordinated Switch’s whimsical ambiance with the poise and elegance of Knights; and the entirety of the audience was enraptured with the fairytale unravelling before their eyes.
“Little bunny~” Natsume chimed suavely whilst circling his arms around her, garbing his casual attire now that he and everyone else was done with professional work for the rest of the evening. Bringing his lips down to her ear, he teased, “Let’s spend the rest of the day together. I won’t let you say no♪”
Nodding her head, Reine acquiesced relatively easily with the proposal; allowing Natsume to intertwine their fingers together, holding onto them tightly.
With new purpose, the two of them wandered around the amusement park together—hand-in-hand, as Natsume tenaciously refused to let them part from him for even a second.
Unfortunately, however, there wasn’t a lot of daylight left from how busy the consecutive concerts kept them. They spent the majority of their time daydreaming about going on various rides they wouldn’t actually do, and simply⋯⋯ talking.
It was simple, truly.
“Hm, it seems as if the sun is finally setting~” Natsume commented elliptically, as playful as it always was; and he sanctioned perplexity to seep within Reine’s countenance. “I want to go somewhere. Will you come with me, little bunny?”
Considering she was already planning out the rest of her day around spending every possible second with Natsume, something she couldn’t bring herself to vocalise aloud to him, Reine made it sound as if she was agreeing to do him a favour over her own desires.
“Of course, let’s go,” her lips curved into a shy smile as she agreed, a tincture of embarrassment twinkling in her eyes. Reine already knew better than to question Natsume when he was being enigmatic—except, as they found themselves in line for the ferris wheel, she wished they had interrogated him.
Squeezing her hand in a mollifying motion, Natsume gave her an encouraging smile of his own. And it wasn’t long before they were next to get into one of the small, caged-in pods. Although, before they boarded, Reine distinguished Natsume fishing out his phone to show the employee.
Which they couldn’t fathom why he was doing such a thing because the bands attached around their wrists allowed them full-access onto all available rides⋯ as a perk of being part of the staff.
Stepping inside, Reine felt nausea coat the seam of her throat.
“Um, little bunny⋯ why aren’t you sitting next to me?” Natsume queried as beads of sweat slide down the side of his mien, descrying how she sat across from him. He would’ve surmised they’d be clinging onto him given their fears of heights and amusement rides.
“Th-These are already so cramped; won’t me sitting next to you only make it worse?!” Reine cried out, dewy tears converging onto their dainty lashes, “Besides, if I don’t stare at your face, I’m scared I’ll throw up⋯⋯”
“It’s okay. It’s not scary,” Natsume continued his attempts to alleviate their anxieties, soothing words being spoken to envelope them. “I placed a special charm on ours. We’re safe, I promise♪”
Swallowing apprehensively, Reine squeaked as the ride began to gradually ascend—
“Plus, I wouldn’t want something bad to happen to you on your birthday.”
Then Reine blinked—once, twice, and thrice.
Reine’s discombobulation was lucid on their features, they understood that judging from Natsume’s knowing smirk, and she stammered over her words, “H-How did you⋯?”
“That’s a secret,” Natsume began as he brought a finger cheekily up to his lips, the movement returning colour to Reine’s blanched cheeks as it made her heart flutter. “But when I found it managed to land on the final day of the event, I knew you were purposefully omitting from telling us; because you didn’t want any of us to worry, or feel as if we were forced to do anything for you.”
Relinquishing an enervated, quivering sigh once they realised they were caught, Reine found herself apologising when she had no place to. “I-I’m sorry, Natsume-kun⋯”
“I think being a little more selfish would look cute on you, personally♪” Natsume charmingly winked as a hand reached forward to take Reine’s. That debonair action might’ve made him look insincere to most, Reine felt his genuine, heartfelt declaration scorch her very core.
Before Reine could articulate a response, conjure up the strength to explain herself a little more, the ferris wheel ceased with their seats nestled at the apex height. 
“Thank goodness they got it right~ The L¥ would’ve been squandered if they didn’t stop us here,” Natsume hummed, gesticulating for Reine to peer behind her—further clarifying why Natsume had offered her to sit next to him; to give them a perfect view of the sunset.
Scattered, attenuated clouds encapsulated the setting sun as the myriad colours of crepuscular burst across the theme park; the world below them.
Ah. That’s why Natsume was discreetly showing the employee his phone earlier. “This is pretty, but please don’t use our limited budget on trying to woo me⋯” Reine deadpanned, concealing how utterly euphoric she felt staring out at the sunset.
“Aw, no fun,” Natsume didn’t look the least bit affected, “but it was actually the Knights' Producer who gave it to me.”
“Noeri-senpai did?”
“Mhm. As much as I’d like to take credit for this wonderful surprise, I can’t♪” Natsume chortled, before a pensive look etched itself onto his visage. “You’re so loved, my little bunny. Just what kind of spells are you casting?”
“Even if you ask me that, I-I don’t⋯”
“I know, you don’t need to answer that,” Natsume purred, the velvety and husky sound of his voice making Reine’s heart throb, “As I was saying earlier⋯ Why don’t you tell me what your wish for today is? It doesn’t need to be big, just speak from your heart.”
From the start, Reine knew how she wanted today to go; and it was already fulfilled, just by having Natsume by her side.
“Kiss me,” Reine implored, voice meek and soft as she pushed past her inquietude to be ‘greedy’, “And then I want to go eat crepes with you, Sora-kun, Tsumugi-senpai, and Noeri-senpai, too.”
“That’s a beautiful wish,” Natsume whispered as his gaze went half-lidded in pure, unbridled adoration; as he lifted himself up to bring his face in close propinquity with theirs, lips brushing hers, “Happy Birthday, little bunny♡”
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mtdthoughts · 9 months
Heaven & Hell Pt. 1 (Migi & Dali Analysis)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
If you've paid close attention to Migi & Dali, you may notice several references to Heaven and Hell. In the original Japanese, this is 天国 and 地獄.
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One of the lines in the OP lyrics can be translated as, "Welcome to the garden of Heaven and Hell." In the OP, there is imagery of Migi walking in the light (Heaven) and Dali crawling in the darkness (Hell). This motif with Migi being associated with light and Dali with darkness is shown repeatedly throughout the story.
Also in the OP, the twins are shown underwater, with Migi rising up (i.e. towards Heaven?) and Dali sinking down (i.e. towards Hell?)
The manga chapter where the twins first visit Akiyama's house is titled "Heaven and Hell".
The OST that plays during the twins' visit to Akiyama's house is also titled "Heaven and Hell", where the "Hell" version plays when Dali is stuck with a clingy Akiyama and when Migi has to search Akiyama's sister's dark room, and the "Heaven" version plays when Migi is suddenly rewarded for his hard work with... a sweet treasure (his words).
When Maruta looks down and sees barbed wire (yikes!) in the Ichijo lawn, the "Hell" version of the OST plays, and when he finally makes it to Karen's room, the "Heaven" version plays.
These concepts may be significant. For example, there's the obvious duality of the twins, a recurring theme. To get into more detail, we should clarify what is meant by "Heaven" and "Hell."
It may be possible that Sano was referring to the Buddhist concepts of Heaven and Hell, since the story was written in Japanese and did take place in Japan. However, I argue that she was actually referring to the Christian concepts of Heaven and Hell. Indeed, the story takes place in a setting reminiscent of 90's Americana, where Christianity was the predominant religion. Furthermore, in the manga, the twins' school was actually a parochial (Catholic) school. We see Eiji confessing before a priest, and at Christmas, we also see Youko singing "Joy to the World," a Christian song that celebrates the coming of Jesus Christ to save humanity from sin and to provide salvation.
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I don't think Sano would go out of her way to depict these if she did not intend on using Christianity, specifically Catholicism, to some extent. After all, she could have just made the school a regular school (like in the anime), and she could have made Youko sing a different Christmas carol. That being said, it's also possible that she simply introduced these details for aesthetics and to give us a bit more immersion to the story. Nonetheless, we can still refer to the basic concepts of Heaven and Hell that is similar to the Christian understanding of these concepts.
*Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that I am neither a theologian nor a religious scholar, so do take my words with a grain of salt.
In general, the realm of Heaven can be seen as an eternal divine reward reserved for those who lived morally upright, while the realm of Hell is an eternal divine punishment for those who have committed moral transgressions (i.e. sins) and have remained unrepentant.
Christianity makes these definitions a bit more specific by specifying that entrance to Heaven is attained by living in accordance with God's teachings, seeking forgiveness for sins, and being in a state of grace through faith and good deeds, while Hell is a consequence of freely chosen, unrepented mortal sin, and the rejection of God's love and mercy.
Again, I want to emphasize that Sano was probably not trying to preach Christianity to her readers/viewers, but rather was using Christian themes to highlight the twins' differences, their development, and how they eventually found and accepted happiness. It is interesting to note the drastic differences in how they did so, and it is Dali's acceptance that is more impactful. This, as well as the significance of the concepts of Heaven and Hell in the story will be elaborated in a bit more detail in a subsequent post.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
One of my eternal headcanons is that Fushimi accidentally eated food prepared for Yata in the pre-reconciliation period, it's the type of coincidence Gora uses (and abuses). So, lets say Akiyama buys pastries for everyone in a patrol and is expecting Fushimi usual reluctance, and at first is just like that, but after having a bite he still eats it complete and even repeats. Since then, if Fushimi is present, Akiyama always buys the same pastries in the same bakery, and for a while it seems to work, until suddenly is not, Fushimi only half-eats. Turns out that Yata worked for a while in a bakery and his pineapple pastries without being a hit became an usual for some customers, especially this guy with apparently only one eye. When Yata leaves the bakery 'cause reasons, they replicate the pastries for the regulars, and to some extent, it works, but the one-eyed guy never comes back since the first couple of times isn't Yata who prepares them.
This does exactly feel like the kind of scenario Gora would love XD Especially considering Yata’s constantly rotating part time jobs, he keeps making things for Fushimi without realizing. Like for a while he’s working at a bakery, and it happens to be one that makes the cakes Akiyama likes best. One day when he’s in buying himself and Benzai some sweets Akiyama sees the new pineapple pastries the bakery is selling, the lady working the counter says they’re very popular. Akiyama decides to buy some for the squad, thinking it will be a nice treat. He’s surprised when he spots Fushimi eating one, Fushimi shrugs and says he ‘doesn’t hate it.’ This being high praise from Fushimi Akiyama starts buying the pastries regularly, leaving them in the office near Fushimi’s desk (not on, because if Fushimi thinks Akiyama’s gifting him directly he won’t eat it, but if it looks like they’re for everyone Fushimi will grab a couple). Sadly Yata eventually stops working there and someone else starts making the pastries, the squad all can’t taste the difference but Fushimi claims these don’t taste good so eventually Akiyama stops buying them.
Meanwhile Yata takes a new job as a cook for a small family restaurant. They’re very liberal with how much freedom they give the kitchen staff and Yata’s allowed to add his own touches to the recipes. One day Hidaka decides to get some takeout from the restaurant for the whole office, Fushimi of course declines his because it has too many vegetables. He hasn’t eaten anything all day though so Hidaka scrapes some of the vegetables onto his own plate like okay no veggies please just try it Fushimi-san. Fushimi complains that there’s pineapple in it but eats anyway, to everyone’s surprise he finishes the entire thing. Hidaka’s so excited that Fushimi ate a whole meal that whenever he goes to the restaurant he gets an extra meal with no vegetables for Fushimi to eat. As before this lasts until Yata stops working in the kitchen, at which point Fushimi picks at his food and won’t eat it.
Yata takes a job working at a smoothie place, he’s never made smoothies before but it’s kinda fun. He does choke when a customer comes by and orders an anko smoothie, when he says they don’t have those she chooses pineapple instead. Yata hands off the smoothie to another employee to give to the customer, Awashima takes it and thanks him. She’s headed back to S4 after a gym visit on her day off when she’s called for an emergency S4 situation. She runs a few blocks to the scene, where the squad are working on a Strain issue. It’s a super hot day and Awashima notices that Fushimi is white as a sheet, she wonders if he’s had anything to drink lately. Fushimi clicks his tongue and wonders why it matters, Awashima sighs as she notes he’s clearly dehydrated. She hands him the smoothie she hasn’t had a chance to drink (she really wanted an anko one anyway) and makes him sit on a bench and drink while she talks to the rest of the squad. Fushimi sits and sulks a little bit as he drinks his smoothie, thinking well at least it tastes pretty good actually. 
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