#kazuya dojima. ✘ notes
tojoclantiger · 1 year
Kazyua waited patiently for a moment at the main door of his home. The entrance recognized his face and issued a soft, welcoming note. It promptly unlocked for him. With a yawn, he stepped over the threshold and into the front area. Due to his rank among colony officials, the eldest of the famous Captain Dojima's children had one of the most spacious dwelling - places. It was sparsely furnished but comfortable.
Murmuring, Kazuya ordered the lighting to turn on. He quickly looked around for her. A simple scan told him that the Queen was likely still in what used to be his bedroom, which had become a makeshift hive and nest for her in recent weeks.
Kazuya quietly kicked off his shoes, set them neatly by the door, and then peeled his long - sleeved shirt from his skin. The planet beyond the entrance tended to cool down considerably at night. It was significantly colder out there than it was in here. For Regina's sake, Kazuya kept the temperature of his home very hot — as similar to her hive as he could physically stand. She could get sick if exposed to anything too chilly.
Another yawn, though this one was muffled ; Kazuya brought the fabric in his hands up to his face and used it to cover some of the sound.
[ Kazuya, ] she said, voice low.
The half - Inadian grimaced into his shirt. He couldn't help but feel guilty ; after all, Kazuya could only assume that he woke her up. "Hello, Regina," came his eventual reply. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I'll be in shortly."
[ I was not resting, ] the Queen replied. The way her shadow shifted across the wall told Kazuya that she was creeping closer to him. Her steps were impossibly light. Even moving swiftly, the regal creature made little to no sound.
Afraid that he might startle her, Kazuya waited until Regina was at his side before he turned to face her properly. His smile came so easily for her. Many in the colony thought he was mad for keeping relations with her ( as they whispered when he wasn't around ), but Kazuya didn't care. It was impossible to describe how she made him feel ; he supposed, though, that he could boil it down to love if that was the strongest word available.
The upper pair of the Queen's arms reached for his torso, settling where they pleased. Kazuya leaned in without hesitation to kiss the short creature in greeting. Regina returned the gesture, but it lacked enthusiasm. Worried, Kazuya drifted back. His mouth opened to ask if she was alright as his eyes combed over her figure to seek out any signs of distress.
Halfway down her body, Kazuya's world stopped. With an awed expression on his handsome face, he carefully dropped to his knees in order to get a better look at what she held in her lower arms. Regina's wings rustled together, creating a low and steady buzz - ing, at the realization that he had seen.
"Is this . . . ?? " Kazuya breathed.
[ A male, ] the Queen said simply, multi - jointed fingers combing through his black locks. [ A worker, if not for you. He is . . . part of the hive — but only just. I can sense him ; however, I also see his differences. This male is his own, like me, and he feels. Even if he is too young to understand. ]
Kazuya stared at the balled - up, impossibly delicate being she held. It was a baby, for lack of a comparative word in the Queen's language. As they suspected, its unusual genetic combination had caused it to skip the larval stage altogether. Instead, it appeared to have come into this world as a creature resembling a human infant. The bits of exoskeleton scattered over it were squishy still, which would allow it to continue growing. Kazuya could see immediately that its sensory hairs were softer. Thicker. All six of its spindly limbs were tucked against its middle ( perhaps mimicking its shape in the egg ).
A curious gaze focused on Kazuya. The half - Inadian blinked, and his brows furrowed. Those weren't . . . compounded, like the Queen's. Their child possessed a gaze eerily akin to its father's, though the fact that the entire eye was varying shades of extremely dark gray and black made it difficult to discern without being near. When combined with its prominent lips and cute button nose, the effect was shocking. Their offspring resembled Regina, but its features seemed to be more human - like.
The Queen used her free hands to tug up Kazuya's heavy limbs. Once she was satisfied that her beloved would be able to safely handle their little one, Regina passed the infant to him. Kazuya accepted the child with the same care he would give to a decorative glass he was scared of breaking. He was grateful for the Queen's gentle grip on his forearms, which were obviously in place to help support him. Kazuya guided the infant to his bare breast. His thumb stroked the striped fuzz on its middle. Soothed by this, the baby opted to unfurl. Something hard and waxy nudged into Kazuya's flesh.
Wings, he thought, grinning. Of course. Wings.
The child's antennae trembled as it looked up at its father. "Hello," Kazuya whispered. There was a heavy knot of emotion in his stomach. Open adoration. Nervousness. A love so strong that it overwhelmed everything else.
Regina continued to issue a thrumming, pleasant buzz - ing that filled the air around their unique family. [ A male, ] she said again. [ He is strong, Kazuya. You did well bringing life to his egg. ]
Kazuya chuckled. "You took care of his egg," he countered, experimentally offering a finger to the sweet hybrid in his grasp. "My . . . sperm shouldn't get all of the credit."
A faint vocalization left the baby's mouth as his miniature digits butted into it. Their child didn't appear to understand how to open his hands properly yet. Maybe his developmental milestones weren't going to be too far off from what Kazuya was used to in his world.
"Did he eat ?? " Kazuya asked.
[ Yes. ] Regina nodded. [ My honey, like all young. ]
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treasuredsouls · 2 years
aesthetics for each character ( because why not ) :
      EMMA  ―  90s techno fashion. bold music with female singers. bright colors. clubbing. the lights of the city call you home. a beer after a hard day. long nights in the studio. feelings things out loud. making a mess because it’s fun. chunky headphones with tangled wires. dancing while you walk. ‘ kill ’em with kindness. ’ loving the eclectic and unpredictable scenes on late - night public transportation.
      MADE  ―  neat, clean spaces with a lot of fresh air. potted plants on every flat surface. simple patterns and solid, natural colors. the satisfaction when a photo crops perfectly on Instagram. recycled fabrics. asking deep questions on forums online to see what people say. crisp text on bright pages. therapy in creating art. fragrant foods with a lot of spice. it’s hard to be vulnerable. 
      NIRAN  ―  ‘ the universe doesn’t care ; we do. ’ a simple gold chain for a necklace. the leader of the lost boys. jumping out the window. brand name sneakers. refusing to close the top button of a shirt. laws are guidelines. cheap cologne. blowing rings after hitting your vape. fast food. running through the city streets. the adrenaline rush of escaping an authority figure that’s after you. 
      HIKARI  ―  being soft is not a weakness. a poet’s muse. the power associated with the sound of high heels. pinks. florals. hanging a shining sword on a wall and wondering what it would look like after battle. keep your friends close and your enemies closer. faerie lights. porcelain painted with flowers. sugar, spice, and everything nice. they underestimate you at their own peril.
      KAZUYA  ―  the smell after a strong rainstorm. comforting darkness. embracing the supernatural. old books. found footage horror. industrial goth fashion. black eyeliner. screaming when the thunder claps so no one hears you. having a very small group of friends. walking beside flowing water. the peace of being alone. strings of paper ghosts.
      TIANYU  ―  smelling like smoke. the purr of a well - tuned motor. kissing your mother’s cheek before you leave for the day. the gleam of polished jade. hands covered in band - aids and grease. laying in the grass. pleasure in the simple things in life. bright shades of red. patches on an old denim jacket. rusted metal. appreciating what you have. taking care of a family shop. the local handyman. 
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stingslikeabee · 2 years
joint headcanon: Melissa & Daigo’s children applicable for interactions with @sixthxchairman​ in their main verse spanning over the course of all Yakuza/RGG entries. While Dawn and I have discussed the kids a lot but never in a specific post, I just decided to make them lazy moodboards and note down their main characteristics (and yes, there is a reason each one of them has a plushie). Just in time for mother’s day! :)
Kazuya Dojima (JP: Dojima Kazuya ; 堂島 和也), born January 10, 2022. Adult faceclaim: Dori Sakurada (JP: Sakurada Dori ; 桜田 通).
Kazuya is the first child of the Dojima family and takes after Daigo in a way that has always stunned close friends and relatives. Always taller than average for his age, with the same deep and dark eyes that Daigo has and with long and uncontrollable hair growing up, Kazuya was a strangely calm baby and turned into a more reserved, timid adult - he enjoys his own company a lot, definitely picked up his fashion style after Daigo’s gang leader years (including the marshmallow coat) and despite the reputation of a ‘lone wolf’ during school years, he is the sweetest boy ever and also the level-headed/responsible one. 
The oldest of the Dojima kids never had any trouble with grades in school and has a great affinity for music (both songwriting and playing, but not singing - that’s the girls’ thing). He was always very fascinated by Junichiro and Majima since he a young age (which led to some interesting babysitting stories), and grew to be really close to one of Melissa’s younger sisters, Rose (who shares a lot of personality traits with him). Kazuya doesn’t care for Christmas considering how close to his birthday it is (and the shortage of gifts it caused when he was younger), and he is not so secretly ashamed of all the baby pictures in Christmas-themed accessories.
True to his aesthetics, Kazuya turned out to be a huge fan of terror/suspense/slasher movies much to Daigo’s dismay, and consequently the type of young man who would rather die than have his childish fears being divulged publicly (aka the fact he couldn’t sleep without his favorite plushies, which included a snake, a red dinosaur and a swan). He is also the first person to groan and get embarrassed when his parents become infuriatingly sweet with each other in the same room with him - which is a more frequent occasion than he would have liked for it to be.
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Hikari Dojima (JP: Dojima Hikari ; 堂島 光), born July 27, 2024. Adult faceclaim: Mirei Kiritani (JP: Kiritani Mirei ; 桐谷 美玲).
Hikari is the Dojima princess - since a very young age, Hikari has always displayed a much more bubbly energy and was fast to learn all the right ways to draw attention from her family and friends, as well as strangers (if there was some benefit to be had in doing so). A lover of all things feminine, cute and sparkly, Hikari always adored being doted on by her grandparents and inherited Melissa’s ability to capitalize on her innocent, sweet face to pull off a lot of mischief, becoming incredibly popular by doing so (nine out of ten times, people will assume her older brother did the thing).
Similarly to Melissa, mother and daughter share a passion for a lot of hobbies, such as singing, creating elaborate costumes and going over-the-top for celebrations of any seasonal holidays. Hikari is also someone very attached to friends and frequently needs to socialize in order to feel happy and complete - a stark contrast to Kazuya’s loner nature. She was always part of the popular cliques at school, and the idea of any friends of hers crushing and/or liking her brother has always mystified Hikari. 
As much as Hikari embraces the ‘princess’ label and dresses as such, she is not a fragile damsel by any means - she loves subverting expectations (just as Melissa does) by sitting through horror movies without a scream, being surprisingly at ease when needing to lie and overall having a fearless personality in the face of danger. She would probably consider a serious career in acting - after all, except for her brother, parents and a few select relatives, she’s capable of fooling almost everyone and have them doing her bidding. Her favorite plushie as a kid - a tiger - was a gift from Saejima, one of her favorite uncles in the family.
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tearsofahime · 8 years
People really seemed to like my P5xHarry Potter AU Headcanons, I decided to drop a random assortment of other ones here plus outline the roles of some confidants (Spoilers for P5):
-          Because Yusuke visits the kitchen so often (He’s a hungry boy after all!), he and the house elves end up on a first-name basis. The House Elves LOVE him, and Yusuke does feel a sort of fondness and appreciation for them (he is also very Pro-House Elf Rights), and he was actually uncomfortable enough with them referring to him with such formal terms as “Master Kitagawa” because it REEKED of implications of servitude that he INISTED they call him by his first name. He’d free all of them if he could but he also knows that that is not his place to do so.
-          Haru spent some portion of her life in France so when she was younger, she wanted to go to Beauxbatons but because her father set up an arranged marriage with an older boy from another pureblood family in England, her father sent her to Hogwarts instead so she could have a chance to get to know her fiancé, Who is really abusive, a Pureblood-elitist/Death Eater (or whatever this Verse’s version of a Death Eater is) sympathizer and who she DOES NOT like at all . However, after befriending Akira and the others, she starts to feel glad that she came to Hogwarts instead (eventually considering it more her home than her own house) and it gives her the strength to start breaking out of the engagement.
-          Coming from a Muggle family, Both Makoto and Sae were born with magic and although at first their parents didn’t approve of Sae being a magic user when she first displayed signs of magic capabilities, by the time Makoto started displaying her magical abilities, they had more or less become accepting of their daughters
-          Makoto considers being at a school like Hogwarts to be a complete privilege and studies her ass off to learn as much as she can about magic and has aspirations to one day become an Auror like her Sister. Naturally, she accepts to becoming a prefect in her fifth year and eventually becomes the Ravenclaw Head Girl as well.
-          Yuki Mishima, Hifumi Togo, Naoya and Kazuya Makigami are all students at Hogwarts as well, with Hifumi being a Ravenclaw, Yuki and Naoya being Hufflepuffs, and Kazuya being a Slytherin.
-          Ichiko Oya is a reporter for the Daily Prophet (Think Rita Skeeter but 1000x less aggravating) and she’s one of the top reporters for the Daily Prophet
-          Toranosuke Yoshida is a lower-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic trying to work his way up to the position of Minister of Magic, but due to his vocal dismay at all the Pureblood elitism/preference and Death Eater-sympathizing sentiments within the ministry coupled with his inability to be able to reach people, he is one of the most-disgraced politicians in the ministry. (He has good ideas that want to make the magic world a better place full of equal opportunity for all races and bloodlines and provide opportunities for the younger generations of magic users but he lost his chances when he accidentally insulted some of the higher ministry officials)
-          Igor is the Headmaster of Hogwarts in this verse, and he is a man of many secrets (In later years, it starts to seem like not is all as it seems with him). He has two adopted twin girls: Caroline and Justine who act as his assistants. He had had other assistants in the past (Elizabeth, Theodore, and Margaret, who all bear some family relation to the twins as well) but they eventually all retired and decided to leave after some time to do their own things.
-          Tae Takemi is the School Nurse and her methods of medical treatment are… unorthodox, even by Wizarding Standards but she gets the job done well and efficiently so Igor lets her stay on as a staff member at the school
-          Munehisa Iwai is a wand maker/seller who had defected from the Death Eaters before he changed his name and became a Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts before he retired and started making wands.
-          Madarame is a famous painter even in this verse, in fact if a Pureblood family of Upper class standing doesn’t get their family portraits done by Madarame, it’s considered a social faux pas.
-          Madarame himself isn’t a pureblood, but Yusuke is, and Madarame takes him under his wing as his apprentice (after the tragic deaths of his parents when he was a little boy) but he is also a neglectful and manipulative person who tends to plagiarize and make his apprentices do his work for him, and after Yusuke realizes that his mentor isn’t the kind father figure he had been tricking himself into believing all these years, he starts becoming more rebellious towards his mentor, vowing one day to break away and become more successful as a painter than him.
-          Sadayo Kawakami, Noriko Kashiwagi, Isako Toriumi, Kinshiro Morooka as well as the rest of the teachers that canonically taught at Shujin High in P5 are all teachers in this Verse (on this note, other appearances by P3 and P4 party members are all Hogwarts Alums/Upper Year students will be seen in this verse). Jun Kurosu is the Herbology professor though. A/N: I don’t have any subjects assigned to any of the teachers but I think King Moron as the Potions professor would be a good fit.
-          Kamoshida WAS the Flying instructor until after a series of Sexual Harassment complaints forced him to be fired from his job. He would later be replaced by Tatsuya Suoh.
-          Sojiro Sakura runs a Coffee/Teahouse in Hogsmeade and he often checks in on Futaba to make sure she’s doing alright.
-          Sae Niijima, Ryotaro Dojima, and Naoto Shirogane are all Aurors in this verse (With Naoto being the Youngest Auror in history as she took on the job at age 17, a path that would later be followed and succeeded by Goro at age 16 years later). On a side note: Upon graduation, Chie Satonaka also becomes an Auror as well.
-          Masayoshi Shido is a high-ranking politician in the Minister of Magic and not only is he a Pureblood and a Pureblood Elitist, he’s also covertly a Death Eater, who has aspirations to become the Minister of Magic so that he can finally implement his policies to help carry out the will of his master (see below) as well as shape the Magic Community into his own (twisted) vision
-          Yaldabaoth is the Voldemort-type figure in this verse and a POWERFUL Dark Lord who the Death Eaters all pledge their loyalty to and has plans to reshape the world and wreak havoc as he pleases just out of pure sadism.
That’s about it for now but in future posts I’ll detail some Yule Ball shenanigans, possible Upper Year plot developments as well as maybe outline the roles of some of the P3/P4 party members you could see in this verse.
If anybody wants to write fic based off of these AU headcanons, feel free to do so and please link back and tag me in it so I can see!
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treasuredsouls · 2 years
fatal flaws  :
     EMMA  ―  she gets too much going on at once and has difficulty balancing it all. most of the time, this comes as a result of taking on more commitments than she can handle. she loves helping others. because of this, she says ‘ yes ’ to fulfilling their wishes before considering what is already on her plate.
     MADE  ―  perfectionism. if something isn’t exactly how she wants it, she’ll spend hours trying to correct it. the standards she imposes on her personal life and work are therefore demanding ( or downright impossible ). it’s important to remind her that she’s only human, and there’s a limit to what she can control.
     NIRAN  ―  biting first. even though his family has helped him unlearn a good deal of the very unhealthy coping mechanisms he gained from his traumatic childhood, he still believes that the world is a wild and terrible place at heart. dog eat dog and all that. thusly, he refuses to trust people outside of his family circle and snaps easily at new faces. 
     HIKARI  ―  temper. it’s no stretch to say that she inherited her father’s anger, and she does not respond well to being refused something without sufficient reason. though she can usually keep this private, it does occasionally spill over to the public eye in terms of excessive pride ; pouting ; or rolling her eyes.
     KAZUYA  ―  self - isolation. solitude is healthy. locking yourself away for months to escape social pressure is not. he struggles greatly with balancing a very introverted personality and demanding life. when he tips toward the extreme, he will immediately abscond to somewhere quiet with books and talk as little as possible.
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treasuredsouls · 2 years
      kazuya and niran have been inseparable since niran joined the akiyama family. it was niran who latched onto kazuya first and refused to let go. he stuck with the older boy at school, as his face was a familiar one in a see of strangers in their class. to kazuya’s credit, he never turned niran away. there was just something about him : the two got along very well. 
      as niran grew more confident in his adopted life, he collected a loose friend group, teammates from sports teams, etc., but he still remained closest with his cousin. kazuya and niran both find it refreshing that they have nothing to hide in their friendship ( which has led to hikari admitting that niran probably knows her brother better than her sometimes ).
      even when kazuya wants no one else around, niran is often in the same room or at his side. they are the top contacts in each other’s phones, and rarely does a day go by when niran isn’t calling kazuya for at least a few minutes.
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treasuredsouls · 2 years
      kazuya could easily find a significant other. he has always seemed to attract romantic prospects without trying ; in high school, it was remarked by his peers that people simply lined up for the chance to win his attention. however, kazuya wasn’t interested. to appease his sister, he took a girl out once. the date went well, but kazuya didn’t revisit the matter in spite of her obvious interest in him. 
      when talking to his mother about the subject, kazuya merely said that he didn’t mind being alone. if someone were to catch his eye, that would be one thing ; in general, though, he was not comfortable picking someone from a crowd or the attention that came with his admirers. he much preferred to spend his time with his cousins and family instead.
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treasuredsouls · 2 years
      kazuya, much like his father before him, was an easy baby to care for. he didn’t cry often and generally seemed to have a sweet disposition. his demeanor was quiet even from the beginning. kazuya was as content in his crib as his parents’ arms ( though he had a clear preference for melissa to hold him over daigo quickly as an infant ). 
      hikari, in contrast, was a very difficult baby. she constantly required some form of soothing and loathed being put down. it was common for either melissa or daigo to lounge with her asleep on their chest in order to comfort her. hikari never liked being returned to her proper bed ; she much preferred to be with either of her parents. as she grew older, she became better about this. however, she still frequently curled up against her father’s torso in her pajamas to nap. melissa has several photographs of the two together like this, though she has a fondness for those from the week when hikari refused to take off her cotton candy unicorn costume at the age of 3. the contrast between the large, bare - chested slumbering ex - yakuza and the fuzzy, pastel - themed little girl in his grasp made for charming pictures.
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treasuredsouls · 2 years
birth dates :
* the akiyamas.
SHUN : March 10, 1978 AZUMI : March 9, 1984 NIRAN : November 12, 2022 EMMA & MADE : October 6, 2023
* the dojimas.
DAIGO : January 3, 1976  MELISSA : November 6, 1978 KAZUYA : January 10, 2022 HIKARI : July 27, 2024
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treasuredsouls · 2 years
niran akiyama. ✘ mirror niran akiyama. ✘ music niran akiyama. ✘ about niran akiyama. ✘ aesthetic niran akiyama. ✘ thoughts niran akiyama. ✘ style niran akiyama. ✘ answered niran akiyama. ✘ notes niran akiyama. ✘ thread niran akiyama. ✘ r. shun akiyama ✘ father niran akiyama. ✘ r. azumi akiyama ✘ mother niran akiyama. ✘ ship. ♡ yuna ✘ the king and queen of hearts 
emma akiyama. ✘ music emma akiyama. ✘ about emma akiyama. ✘ aesthetic emma akiyama. ✘ thoughts emma akiyama. ✘ style emma akiyama. ✘ answered emma akiyama. ✘ notes emma akiyama. ✘ thread emma akiyama. ✘ r. shun akiyama ✘ father emma akiyama. ✘ r. azumi akiyama ✘ mother emma akiyama. ✘ ship. ♡ x ✘ quote
TAGS  //  MADE. 
made akiyama. ✘ music made akiyama. ✘ about made akiyama. ✘ aesthetic made akiyama. ✘ thoughts made akiyama. ✘ style made akiyama. ✘ answered made akiyama. ✘ notes made akiyama. ✘ thread made akiyama. ✘ r. shun akiyama ✘ father made akiyama. ✘ r. azumi akiyama ✘ mother made akiyama. ✘ ship. ♡ x ✘ quote
hikari dojima. ✘ mirror hikari dojima. ✘ music hikari dojima. ✘ about hikari dojima. ✘ aesthetic hikari dojima. ✘ thoughts hikari dojima. ✘ style hikari dojima. ✘ answered hikari dojima. ✘ notes hikari dojima. ✘ thread hikari dojima. ✘ r. daigo dojima ✘ father hikari dojima. ✘ r. melissa dojima ✘ mother hikari dojima. ✘ ship. ♡ tianyu ✘ glitter and grease
kazuya dojima. ✘ mirror kazuya dojima. ✘ music kazuya dojima. ✘ about kazuya dojima. ✘ aesthetic kazuya dojima. ✘ thoughts kazuya dojima. ✘ style kazuya dojima. ✘ answered kazuya dojima. ✘ notes kazuya dojima. ✘ thread kazuya dojima. ✘ r. daigo dojima ✘ father kazuya dojima. ✘ r. melissa dojima ✘ mother kazuya dojima. ✘ ship. ♡ x ✘ quote
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