#nirgali ▎* done with having dreams / ( ic )
amitsuma · 1 year
@dragvnsovl​ | continued. 
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He finds it hard to look in her eyes. Every flicker toward her reminds him of her growing concern, an emotion he isn't used to seeing in anyone's eyes. The injury also shook him more than he originally thought it would; but he didn't give any thought to that when throwing himself in front of her before forcibly diffusing the situation. He couldn't just stand idly by. Even so, no matter how often it happens, he never gets used to getting hurt, it's always excruciating... the memory of the wound is still fresh. Luckily, being a natural healer had its perks. He pays no mind to the fact that his inhuman blood is on full display, the remnants still dripping despite the closed wound.
❝... If you want. I won't stop you.❞
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amitsuma · 1 year
90 loaded questions // not accepting 
@acoldsovereign​ asked:
10, 11, 12 and 14!! for 90 loaded questions 👀
Mmmmmm-- I pick
The Ankians BOIS
gimme gimme gimme-
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10. How often do you put on a happy face when you’re really not feeling it?
❝I don't,❞ Nirgali answers simply. ❝If I'm not feeling happy, I don't show it. What's the point in hiding how you really feel? Lying about it just uses more energy.❞ An ironic statement, coming from his mouth, but he refuses to elaborate.
11. When do you think you began putting your guard up so much?
❝My guard? What are you talking about?❞ He tries to feign ignorance, to no avail; his lie is plainly obvious, so much so that even he's aware. His brows furrow, and his gaze drifts off to the side. ❝... The moment my mother died. And my father left. I wasn't going to trust anyone after that.❞
12. Who made you feel most anxious when you were a kid?
❝... My father, probably.❞ And he elaborates no further.
14. What aspect of your life are you most delusional about?
❝I don't know what you mean,❞ he insists, albeit not firmly. ❝I'm not delusional about anything. I'm going to get out of this life and I'm going to find that bastard if it's the last thing I do.❞
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10. How often do you put on a happy face when you’re really not feeling it?
❝More often than I'd like to admit,❞ he confesses. ❝I try to keep up pleasantries where I can. There's no point in acting sour in a situation you can't help. I'd rather keep up a decent atmosphere so I'm not begetting more malice or disgruntled attitudes.❞
11. When do you think you began putting your guard up so much?
❝... When our planet was taken over and I was captured as basically a prisoner of war.❞ His eyes narrow. ❝But I think that would happen to anyone, and to be truthful, it's probably happened to many people.❞
12. Who made you feel most anxious when you were a kid?
❝I don't think there was any particular person. I feel as though our people in general made me anxious... I was the prince of a large nation, I was worried I wouldn't be able to reach people's expectations of me. I wanted to do well... although perhaps I put too much pressure on myself, considering I was still a child.❞
14. What aspect of your life are you most delusional about?
❝... Probably that everything is fine and everything will work out in time.❞ Nasuen sighs, forlorn. ❝But I suppose I shouldn't be waiting on someone else's actions. I'm not satisfied with the life I've been living for the past several years. ... I should be making an effort to find a way out myself.❞
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amitsuma · 2 years
nirgali tag dump
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amitsuma · 19 days
🔥 from Black to Kali, though he won’t admit it yet-
🔥 Tater to Nirgali!
🔥 Raditz to Fia! The others will definitely be too once they interact
And 🔥 Shin and Piccolo to Celes!
Send 🔥 if your muse is attracted to my muse'
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❝R-r-- really?!❞ Her heart practically leaps from her throat. Forcibly, she relaxes, though her posture states otherwise. ❝I-- I'm honored…❞
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❝Y-yeah? Well,❞ he jerks his chin in another direction, looking away as to not meet her eyes. He didn't want to see her as she watches his cheeks flood with color. ❝You're… pretty cute, too. But you should know that, already.❞
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❝My, what a surprise. You're very good looking yourself,❞ the succubus purrs, chuckling. She winks. ❝I could just eat you up, you know.❞
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The dragon tilts her head curiously, and soon smiles softly. ❝To be considered as such by someone who resembles my creator… I am beyond humbled. And by a god of this universe, as well? I'm undeserving.❞
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amitsuma · 1 year
Suggest romantic candidates for my muse. // accepting
Anonymous asked:
Hey, Nirgali
How about Tater as a romantic partner?
❝T... Tater?❞ He speaks as if her name is foreign, but he's simply shellshocked. His features go alight, brightening his cheeks. Finally, he cracks an awkward smile, and an equally awkward laugh escapes him.
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❝I haven't... thought about it. Um...❞ Bright eyes divert to the ground. ❝I wouldn't mind it. I do care about her, but...❞ The smile goes flat. ❝She doesn't know me very well. I doubt she would like me if she knew what I was.❞
I think they could certainly work! Tater is a soft bean, and Nirgali would benefit from having that softness, considering he hasn’t experienced anything like that since his mother. The only thing is that Nirgali is stubborn, and he’s emotionally stunted. He’s got walls to get past and he needs to learn how to express himself properly and healthily, and that might drudge up some issues. But as long as she’s patient with him, I think it could work out well. He just. has to realize that having feelings is Okay. and that he won’t be judged for his past that is entirely sympathetic even though he doesn’t realize that-- 
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amitsuma · 1 year
@acoldsovereign​ asked:
Out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted the visage of . . . branched horns (?). In all of her travels, she's never seen such a thing before. An eyebrow raises as her movements stop and arms cross over an armored chest.
(Ignore her tail moving in undulating waves, the physical representation of "thinking").
{{gkgkkgg HERE HAVE MY GIRL ALREADY, HAVE HER PLS- gimme nirgali I beg of u
Patrolling planetal grounds becomes awfully boring after the first... 58 times. There was hardly any reason to be alert, most residences not offering much of a fight, of which he was thankful for. Every new location brought about a new, yet slim, hope that perhaps he could find who he's looking for. So far, he's had no luck, so he's left to his job as a simple patrolman; an unfavorable one, but at least he has the freedom to wander without question.
He stops short, suddenly tipped off by a spike of eerily familiar energy. He couldn't place that familiarity, but it left him with an uneasy feeling. Upon turning around and scanning the area, he catches sight of a figure -- one in the distance.
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❝Who's there?❞ He calls out, placing his hand upon his gun nestled comfortably in its holster. ❝Who are you?❞
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