#[ hello i remember you said you wanted to interact with The Boy
amitsuma · 1 year
@dragvnsovl​ | continued. 
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He finds it hard to look in her eyes. Every flicker toward her reminds him of her growing concern, an emotion he isn't used to seeing in anyone's eyes. The injury also shook him more than he originally thought it would; but he didn't give any thought to that when throwing himself in front of her before forcibly diffusing the situation. He couldn't just stand idly by. Even so, no matter how often it happens, he never gets used to getting hurt, it's always excruciating... the memory of the wound is still fresh. Luckily, being a natural healer had its perks. He pays no mind to the fact that his inhuman blood is on full display, the remnants still dripping despite the closed wound.
❝... If you want. I won't stop you.❞
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shiny-jr · 4 months
- Warning: None really. Gender-neutral reader. 
- Characters: Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt.
- Summary: You work a minimum wage job when a fae takes an interest after you jokingly asked him "will you adopt me?"
- Note: I planned for this to be a platonic yandere thing, but really it's only silly thoughts so I don't really plan to continue this unless y'all want. I don't even have a name for it.
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Thinking about an AU where...
You were born a regular magicless person in Twisted Wonderland. Which was a travesty, but not too uncommon, as there were plenty of beings in this world that were incapable of magic. It was considered a privilege to be born with such capabilities. A privilege.
Which was likely why the world seemed catered specifically for magic users. Magic users were the cream of the crop, the best of the best. In the social hierarchy, magic users reined on top. That's just how things were. It wasn't discriminatory. It was merely the nature of society. If a company was looking to hire, of course they would inquire if potential employees could use magic. And of course, they were more likely to choose magic users to fill the positions. That explained why you could only find work as a minimum wage telemarketer, but it was better than nothing.
Random numbers generated and numerous attempts, scripted greetings you've said so much you could recite them in your sleep. As soon as you get an answer of "mmmyello?" a casual and exaggerated hello, you go off on the scripted greeting to advertise the product.
Shockingly, the person on the other end doesn't immediately hang up. They merely hum at your words, occasional shifting heard on the other end.
By the tone and voice, you've deduced that it's a rather relaxed guy. A conversation ensues, and although he doesn't sound all that interested in making a purchase, he doesn't get annoyed by your call. In fact, he continues to chat, seemingly amused by you and willing to share details such that he had a son and two others he fondly cared for.
The man, whom referred to himself as Lilia, mentioned he lived in Briar Valley. How odd, as it was common knowledge that the valley didn't have the best connection with technology due to their preference towards magic. He spoke of his well-mannered son and the other two boys he helped raise, one was a loud son of a dentist and the other was a quiet son of longtime family friends. By this time you were imagining an older gentleman with three young boys no older than ten.
He seemed to care so fondly for them that in the middle of the pleasant conversation, you couldn't help but jokingly ask, "Will you adopt me?"
The line was silent and you were mortified as you remembered this was supposed to be business talk, and your calls were likely being recorded. After what must've been shock, he began to laugh on the other end, and you immediately ended the call in your panic.
Why did you say that? You shouldn't have said that– Damn it, right when you were just gonna test the waters to see if he wanted the insurance package! Well, there went your big catch of the day. The rest of the evening was failed attempts, either deadlines or potential customers just hung up as soon as you spoke. Things were looking bleak.
Eventually, not even a week later, you received a letter. A letter, not an email, that was written much like how you expected the contents of a letter from the medieval ages to sound. Starting with: Salutations, Telemarketer–– and after several paragraphs, ending with ––That is why I am now interested in your deal! I will need your assistance, because I have not a single clue about how insurance works.
There was no number, and you couldn't recall the one you had reached him through, so there was no choice but to resort to the old fashioned way. Through letters. Although it would be a hassle and an interaction that would likely last for weeks just for one deal, a customer was a customer, and this would be your first one in so long. However, when you agreed to speak to him, you didn't actually expect him to show up at your doorstep. The voice you recognized, but he was not what you had in mind. He looked to be your age, short with magenta highlights in his black hair and wide red eyes accompanied by a fang-toothed smile. And pointed ears, the sign of fae. Of course he was a fae, that made total sense as to why he spoke as if he were older. He probably was older, much older than you previously thought.
Lilia wore a constant smile, listening but also not listening when you tried your best to explain what insurance was to a fae that had never once needed it.
"Do you get it now...?" You asked finally, after a lengthy explanation to which he barely asked any questions. All he did was nod up and down.
There was a brief pause. "Yesss..." That sounded uncertain, but he didn't appear to care too much as he noticed your bag with only the minimum in it like keys and a thin wallet. Along with the time. "Shouldn't you be on your lunch break now?"
"Yes, but... I don't eat lunch. I'm not hungry." A lie. You were hungry, but it wasn't easy to get lunch on a minimum wage salary alone. You'd eat something for dinner.
Lilia seemed to sense this, somehow detecting your lie. "Hm... Well, I like you. And I'm not about to let a child starve on my watch."
"A child...?" You stared at him incredulously. This fae was practically the same size as you, maybe even shorter. "I'm over––"
"Uh-huh, just nod and come along." He instructed, holding up a finger to gently shush you as he waved you along to follow beside him. "If your age only has two numbers in it, then in my eyes, you're like a toddler."
Lunch was surprisingly nice, as Lilia was quite eccentric but excellent at holding a conversation. He seemed wise and witty, making a great combination. However, you couldn't help but wonder what a fae from Briar Valley was doing here, as it was known that most faes preferred not to leave the valley.
"It's getting late, I do have to be going..." Lilia sighed, before turning to you and his smile softened. "Would you like to see my boys I told you about? It won't take long."
Did he live close by? That was the only plausible explanation you could think of, since Briar Valley was a whole continent away. It only made sense that he lived nearby if he were here now. Maybe he was one of the few fae that chose to leave the valley.
This was quickly disproven when he held your hand and told you to stay still, when it felt like you were hurled through space. A gust of wind slapping your face, your eyes momentarily seeing a kaleidoscope of colors, you felt sick when suddenly your surroundings were darker.
Dark brick walls like black, candles lighting the space, gray stone floors... definitely not the outside of the cafe you were just standing in front of moments ago. Teleporation magic...? He was a fae, and all faes had magic. You only had milliseconds to recover and swallow the rising bile in your throat, as Lilia pulled you into an open space like a courtyard where light filtered in. However, in this space there were training dummies and swords instead of flowers and butterflies.
"Come, come, meet my boys. The ones I've told you about!"
You immediately paled. When you heard boys, you were expecting young children no bigger than half your height. Instead you were met with three towering men with forbidding expressions.
Two of which were dressed in dark metallic armor and lowering sharpened weapons. The one on the left was a bit taller, with green hair and sharp eyes that pierced you like a blade. The one on the right was the shorter of the two, but that didn't make him any less intimidating with his gray hair and aurora eyes on an expression as cold as ice.
And the last, the last was recognizable anywhere. Black robes and majestic black horns like a crown with slitted green eyes that seemed to glow and peer into your very soul. That was the prince of the valley, a fae with unrivaled and frightening levels of magic.
"This is Sebek, Silver, and Malleus. They've so looked forward to meeting you ever since I told them about you after our pleasant telephone chat yesterday!"
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sassycheesecake · 9 months
The stadium is bursting with life and energy, people are ready to watch the long awaited game between Argentine and Japan‘s national volleyball team.
You came over to watch your husband play against his high school rivals, it’s been a dream of his ever since he left Japan.
Currently, you’re having a big heart attack, since you only turned around for a second to buy some onigiri snacks for you and your son, to find out said four-year old was just gone.
Panic flows through your veins along with adrenaline, you’re looking for that little brunette boy everywhere, when you remember that Mathéo has probably gone to look for his father.
Luckily at that time, Hajime Iwaizumi, 27-year old Athletic Trainer is currently helping Team Japan stretch for warm up when a heard a familiar voice of a child calling his name.
When the former Ace turns around in confusion, he sees Oikawa’s son, running towards him with big excitement in his dark brown orbs.
'Mathéo surely is a solid copy of his father.' Iwaizumi thinks as he greets his godchild.
"Mathéo, why are you by yourself? Where is your mum or your father?" The brunette crouches down as he looks around in concern to look for you or his best friend.
When you spot your son with Iwaizumi, you breathe out a big sigh of relief but you have to scold your son for pulling a stunt like that.
When the Athletic Trainer hears you, he is relieved that you found him and your son. But he is also happy to see you again, last time he visited you and Oikawa was almost over a year ago.
"Mathéo! Don’t do that again, I was looking everywhere for you! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" You scold the young boy and he looks incredibly guilty, almost ready to cry when he hears that you were so worried.
"I am sorry, mama. I just saw uncle Hajime and I wanted to say hello."
You sigh, feeling bad but also relieved that he is okay.
"I know but don’t run away from me again. Be glad it’s me scolding you and not your father."
"Yes, mama. I'm very sorry." Mathéo looks to the floor for a second, before looking at the Japanese players again, watching them with amazement and a big gleam in his eyes.
When you get up again from your crouched position, Iwaizumi notices something about you.
Your belly is having a small bump again.
"Has Shittykawa really knocked you up again?" He snickers a bit and raises a brow at you in amusement.
"Please don’t remind me, I had a moment of weakness with those eyes of his. Besides, Mathéo really wished for a sibling. He is already four years old. Can you believe that?" You look at your son in amazement and love, he looks exactly like his father, except that he has a very quiet personality, more like yours.
"How far along are you?" Iwaizumi interrupts your thoughts, looking at you with a smile, folding his arms.
"13 weeks now, Tōru really hopes for a girl this time." You grin at the brunette rubbing your stomach a bit.
"You shouldn’t run though, it’s not good for you during your early pregnancy." Still ever the concerned mother duck, Iwaizumi scolds you a bit.
"I know, I know, I was just in a huge panic mode, because I couldn’t find him." You sigh with a smile.
Iwaizumi smiles at you yet again and unbeknownst to you, a few players stopped their warm up, watching the interaction between you and their Athletic Trainer.
"I didn’t know Iwaizumi had a family." Hakuba states.
"Damn, she’s super hot. Too bad she is married ta our Athletic Trainer." Atsumu wiped a towel across his face, his brown eyes still captivated by the woman.
Hinata hears his teammates talking and looks over and sees Iwaizumi and a beautiful, breathtaking woman standing next to him, talking and laughing. For some reason you look very familiar but he can’t remember exactly where he has seen your face before.
All of sudden, you depart from Iwaizumi and the young boy who was watching the Japanese team, comes up to you to hold your hand.
When you turn a bit to see the players, you spot Hinata, giving him a bashful smile and a small wave at him, walking to the sides to look for your husband and his team.
Hinata can’t help but feel like you look extremely familiar, that young boy really reminds him of a certain brown-haired Setter that was once and honestly still is Kageyama‘s archenemy.
Iwaizumi turns back to the group and sees that some of the players are giving him weird looks.
"What?" He asks harshly into the round.
"Since when do you have a wife and a kid??" Suna frowns.
"What are you talking about?" Iwaizumi frowns back in confusion.
"The goddess of beauty itself that was just standin' next ta ya a minute ago." Atsumu clarifies.
"Also, I don’t know if you noticed but the kid looks nothing like you." Kageyama adds as well.
Iwaizumi finally understands but can’t help himself to be ticked off by Kageyama‘s last comment.
"Because she’s not? You have known me for what?Almost four months? You ever seen a ring on me or that woman visiting me at work? She is only a very good friend of mine. She used to be Aoba Johsai’s manager." The Athletic Trainer explains.
"That’s why she looked familiar! Her name is (Y/L/N) (Y/F/N) isn’t it?" Hinata is very excited and hopes to talk to you again, after meeting you in Brazil with Oikawa together almost 6 years ago.
"Well, believe it or not, it’s actually Oikawa (Y/N) now."
Another voice chimes in, the sentence carried with pride and smugness.
Some of the players tense up and almost growl at the sight of Argentine‘s official Setter walking up with an agonizing smirk.
"Nice to see you again Shōyō. Hope you and the suckers behind you are ready to lose." Oikawa just loves to rile people up, seeing the reactions of them are always a blast for him.
"The fuck did ya just say-" Atsumu growls and is ready to physically fight the opponent Setter when they hear that exciting voice again.
"Papa!" At the sound of his son‘s voice, Oikawa immediately turns around with a big smile.
Little steps run towards the brunette and Oikawa bends down to his son‘s height to catch him.
Standing up again to his full height, Mathéo smiles widely with closed eyes as he hugs his father‘s neck.
"Mathéo, this is Shōyō Hinata, your pa played with him in Rio when he visited the city. Can you say 'hi'?"
Mathéo turns to the orange-haired Wing Spiker for a second and immediately hides his face in his father‘s neck.
"Sorry about that, got my dashing looks but his mother‘s shy personality." Oikawa chuckles a bit, patting his son lightly on the back.
Hinata walks a bit closer to Oikawa‘s son, being extremely good with kids.
"Mathéo, do you also want to play volleyball when you grow up like your papa?"
Mathéo turns again to look at the orange-haired Opposite Hitter and hides his face partly to look at Hinata while being attached to his father.
"I do." Mathéo whispers out, still wary of the stranger.
"Maybe later on, you can show Shōyō how good you can receive already." Oikawa suggests to his son and he slowly comes out of his shy shell and nods enthusiastically at his father’s words.
"After of course, your amazingly talented dad has beat every single player. Especially Kageyama or the blonde idiot that only ranked second place in Japan‘s best Setter." Oikawa‘s pointy finger booped the tip of Mathéo‘s nose and the little boy squeals in delight.
"Mama said you shouldn’t say those words. They’re mean." Mathéo's face changes immediately again and he scolds his father, who in return just scoffs lightly at the words.
"Mijo, I am just telling you the truth, watch the game and you‘ll see what I mean."
"Okay papa!"
Oikawa farewells Hinata and wishes him good luck.
When the Setter seeks out his wife, he sees her standing by the sides, talking to some of his teammates.
Making his way towards her, he feels a great amount of pride flowing through his system. He’s got a family now and he is ready to show the world what he’s got.
Unbeknownst to Oikawa, lots of looks of glowering eyes follow the Argentinian Setter‘s movements, getting riled up by his words, they are ready to fight.
Let the battle begin.
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selfloverrrrrr · 2 months
can i request some noncon satosugu x reader where they used to bully her in highschool and a couple years later they bump into her outside of a bar and carry her into a dark alleyway to show her how much they missed making her scream and cry
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Remember us?
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Warnings : smut , heavy smut, unprotected sex, Noncon, Kidnapping, physically and emotional abuse, biting, torture, size difference, threesom, blood, killing someone....
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( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
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Little back story
Y/n's POV
I'm a old student of jujutsu high. I graduated from that school ten years ago. Now I'm leaving my life as I want. I didn't even have connection with my old friends. In high school there were two famous boys Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru. They are the strongest sorcerers. They were my bullies. I always feared curses. Geto knew curse manipulation. He always scared me with curses. And while I cried for help Gojo always tied my hands and pushed me towards the curse. I cried and begged them to stop the bullying. But they always just watched me helpless and laughed. Which boosted their strong ego. That's another reason I didn't accept the offer to continue jujutsu high work. That's old stories now.
End of back story
Still y/n's POV...
After a whole two months I finally got a day off. So I decided to go to the bar and spend the time there. I need to relax too. I took a mini party wear dress from my wardrobe and wore it. "Yeah... look fine for a dumb day" I said standing in front of the mirror and laughed.
I went to the bar, spending time, drinking, vibing to the song... everything was going okay. "Hello" someone said. I looked in the direction. There was a guy. "Hello...?" I replied. "Are you alone here?" He asked. "Can you see any other humans here?" I said knowing where this is going.
"oh...a rude one" he said. "I'm alone too....saw you when you entered... I think you're pretty" he said. "Thank you for the compliment and no" I replied. "No? What no?" He asked. "That was the reply of the intention you came here...my time is over... I'm going home now" I said and went up from there and started walking towards the exit. I heard the guy sighing.
I was looking at my phone searching for a cab. Suddenly bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sorry... I didn't-" I was saying then I saw the guy's face. Am I seeing right? Is it Geto. "Y/n?" Gojo said beside him. He's here too? Fuck why am I fearing them? We're grown up now... we're not high schoolers anymore!
Then there's nothing to fear about right? "Oh..hey" I said. "Seeing you after a long time" Geto said. "Yeah... after ten years...you were at the bar?" Gojo asked. "Yes... today was my day off... that's why" I replied. "I see... you joined any company?" Geto asked.
I've never talked with them like this before. This is feeling weird. "Yeah I did... how are you doing?" I asked. They were asking too many questions it would be weird if I didn't ask anything. "We are doing good" Geto said. "Wanna know a news?... Suguru and I, are married now" Gojo said leaning towards me.
"that's great... congratulations to you two" I said. "Well, thank you" Geto said. I felt Gojo eyes scanned my whole body. "Are you going home?" Gojo asked. "Yeah... looking for the cab" I replied. "Come with us... we're going home too... we'll drop you" Gojo said.
"no it's fine... I'll wait for the cab" I said. "Darling?...are you still scared of us?" Geto asked. A smirk played on both of their lips. "N-No... I-It's not like that" I replied. "Then come with us.... we're not a kid anymore" Gojo said. Then I agreed. Maybe that was the biggest mistake!
We're in Gojo's car. His driver was driving the car. We three were sitting in the back seat. Suddenly Gojo told his driver to stop the car. When I looked outside it was a dark road. Gojo went out of the car. "What happened sir? Is there anything wrong?" The driver asked. "Come out " Gojo said.
As the driver went out of the car Gojo immediately used a reversal red on him. I screamed as he did. "You were talking too much" Gojo said looking at the dead body. I didn't realise when I went on Geto's lap. "Satoru...she still fears us" Geto chuckled. Then I realised and went down from his lap.
Gojo was coming inside the car again. "Yeah I can see" Gojo said. "Suguru...feed your dragon the dead body" Gojo said . No no no...not curses! Geto let out his dragon and that went to eat the dead body. Gojo closed the car door.
I was so scared tears started forming in my eyes. "Please let me go" I begged. "Let you go?... But there's a curse outside... and you're afraid of curses, right?" Gojo said with a smirk. That was right! I am afraid of curses! "I wanna go home" I started crying.
Gojo and Geto chuckled. Gojo's hand was going upwards on my thigh. "Please let me go" I cried and begged. "Darling, you are afraid of spiders too... right?" Geto whispered in my ear. I looked at him with scared eyes.
"look at the front seat" Geto said with a smirk. I looked at the front seat. No no no! There's a huge spider! That's not a normal spider... that's a curse... I can feel the cursed energy. That was almost the size of a human. "No!!!! No!!!! Let me go! Let me go please!!!!" I screamed and struggled in the back seat.
Gojo laughed. "There... those screams again" he said. "darling... don't worry it won't do anything unless I say so....so obey us and you'll be safe" Geto said. I silently cried. Suddenly the spider started moving. "NO NO NO!!!! I'll obey you... please " I cried. The spider stopped again.
"good girl" Gojo said with a smirk. "Now take off your clothes" Gojo said. "W-what?" I said. "Do I have to repeat?" Gojo said then looked at the spider curse. "No no... I'll" I said. I took off the dress. Geto pulled me on his lap. "You become so sexy... Darling" Geto whispered in my ear.
"I was thinking that from the moment we met" Gojo said. I saw Gojo raising his hips up. Then I realised he was taking off his pants. He took out his dick and started stroking it. How much shameless can he be? But I had to admit... that dick was big... I've never seen a dick that big before.
"Satoru, you have no patience" Geto said. Gojo laughed. "What are you doing? Take off the rest... take off your bra and pantie" Gojo said. I sobbed and did as he said. Had no other options. Gojo grabbed my knees and spread them apart. Geto rubbed his hand on my clit.
"she's wet... maybe watching your dick made her wet, Satoru" Geto said. Gojo smirked. "Then why should we wait?" Gojo said and pulled me on his lap from Geto's lap. He pressed me on his lap and my clit was rubbing against his dick. A slight moan escaped my mouth.
When I looked at Geto again. He already had taken off his pants. Fuck! His dick was big too. slightly smaller than Gojo's but thicker. "How should we start? Single or double?" Geto asked. "Of course double!" Gojo said. "Do you think she can take both together?" Geto asked. "Hell yeah she can... you can right y/n?" Gojo said.
My eyes widened when I realised what they were talking about. "No no no...I can't please" I said. "Shut up... you can!" Gojo said.Gojo's smirk widened and he crashed his mouth on my boob sucking hurshly. I moaned loudly.
They both lined up with me. Fear grabbed me by my neck. " Gojo no no no... P-please no...Geto please s-stop" I begged but they didn't even listen to me and slammed their whole dick inside me in one slide. I screamed. They didn't even give me time to adjust his size and started thrusting in and out roughly. It was too much...they both were big and thick....it was giving too much pain.
I was through my legs with pain and begging them to stop. And they liked it so much. Their thrust became harder and harder. I clenched around them tightly and he moaned loudly " ughhhhhh....ahhh s-so...ahhhh.... f-fuck...it's so tight " Geto moaned. "I know" Gojo said between moans and started rubbing my clit with his thumb and I bit his shoulder and scratched his back to control myself.
With a few more thrust I came. They were still thrusting roughly. I felt their cock pulsing inside me. I tried to push him away with all of my strength. "Do you even know how much we missed you...how much we missed your screams...your begging... fuck " Gojo whispered. They both moaned loudly. Within a minute they came inside me I could feel their seed inside me. Then God knows how many rounds they did... switching positions.
"What do you say,Suguru?... Should we make her the one to give birth to our child?" Gojo asked looking at my unconscious body. "No one would be better you know" Geto replied which made Gojo chuckle.
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Give me your requests guys...
I love when you give me your requests 💕
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natsvenom · 7 months
Hello! I'm new on your blog and I was wondering if you could do a Derek Hale x reader. Where reader and Derek have a child who is learning how to talk so when the child call for reader they make kissing faces because the child always saw their dad kissing their mom and one day where the pack come to Derek's loft for whatever reason and when the child saw stiles they growl or say wolf ( because they always hear stiles say sourwolf) and when the child see Peter they just hit or try to bite Peter when he takes them in his arms. Just something domestic, a little bit chaotic and fluff please.
Of course! I tried my best with this one, but I'm not really sure how it came out, so let me know if you like it! | @@bakakara666
Snuggles & Snarles | Derek Hale x Reader
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Summary: The pack comes over to see your son, Eli, and things get a little chaotic.
Warnings: None! Just fluff <3
Requested: Yes | No
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Chaos was not an uncommon visitor in Beacon Hills. Usually, you were used to the common threat of some unknown supernatural creature trying to kill you and your friends. Luckily this time, the only chaos you had to put up with was the babbled attempts of speech from your baby boy, Eli.
The whole pack was gathered at the loft, paying extra attention to Eli. They claimed they had come to see you and Derek, but you both knew the truth. Ever since you two welcomed Eli into your home, the pack had been over almost daily. You couldn’t blame them though, your son was adorable.
Scott and Stiles were sitting on the floor, saying random words to Eli in a baby voice to get him to speak. Eli had stumbled on his feet, toddling over to you, putting his hands in the air for you to pick him up.
“Traitor,” Stiles mumbled, pouting and crossing his arms over his chest like a child. Scott smiled, admiring how much your son had loved you.
“Hi, baby.” You said softly, picking your son up in your arms. Derek kissed your cheek, causing Eli to giggle. He puckered his lips, making kissy faces at the both of you. Scott and Stiles busted out laughing, finding the whole interaction amusing. Peter even smiled a little bit. As much as a pain in the ass Peter could be, he loved you and Derek a lot, and maybe Eli just a little bit more.
Lydia walked over to the both of you sticking her arms out for Eli. He instantly leaned over, going straight into Lydia’s arms, “Aw, do you love your auntie Lyds? I think you do!” Lydia said in a high-pitched baby voice. Derek rolled his eyes playfully, Lydia was probably the biggest baby hog the world would ever see.
You looked around the loft, smiling to yourself. You loved your chaotic little family and you wouldn’t trade any of them for the world. Derek put his arms around you, pulling you into him. It was moments like these that made everything you had all gone through worth it.
Stiles sat down by Lydia on the couch, pinching Eli’s cheeks. Eli growled at him, causing Stiles to throw his hands up defensively, “He started it.” Stiles said. Eli stuck his tongue out, spitting on Stiles’ face. Stiles had a disgusted look on his face, slowly wiping away the saliva.
“Babies… disgusting.” He muttered.
“Aww, are you disgusting? I don’t think so, Stiles is just a grumpy grouch.” Lydia cooed, bouncing Eli in her arms. Stiles rolled his eyes, looking the other way.
“Yeah, don’t be such a sourwolf Stiles.” You teased, remembering all the times Stiles had said that to Derek. He narrowed his eyes at you, giving you the finger. You sent him a playful smile in return.
“Alright, I think someone wants to see their uncle Peter,” Peter said, snatching Eli out of Lydia’s arms. Lydia scoffed, getting up from her place on the couch to chase Peter down for Eli.
Eli started biting and scratching at Peter, “Looks like someone takes after their father a little too much, huh?” Peter joked, referring to the time Derek had killed Peter by slashing his throat. You shook your head, watching as Peter tried to get Eli to quit biting him.
“Exactly, he doesn’t like you. Now hand him over.” Lydia argued, attempting to take Eli back from Peter.
“He likes me better than you.” Peter scoffed, dodging Lydia’s grabby hands.
Lydia gasped, “He does not!” Lydia protested.
“Put him down and see which one of you he walks to,” Scott suggested.
“Fine,” Peter said, setting Eli down in the middle of the room. Lydia and Peter instantly began calling out for Eli, patting their hands on their knees, signaling for Eli to come to them. Eli looked around the room, slightly confused. He started running in Peter’s direction, his arms in the air.
“Yes! I told you—”
Eli ran straight past Peter and up to Derek, “Dada!” Eli said, grabbing onto his dad’s leg. Derek bent down, picking up Eli into his arms. Peter looked back, looking at the baby offended.
“Guess we know who his favorite isn’t.” Derek taunted, sending Peter a smirk.
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think-like-a-poet · 2 months
Hey.... I saw that you're also write for kenan yildiz... can you write something about reader and him being in established relationship and she needed to babysit her baby nephew or niece... that is like less than 6 months old..... and kenan thinking about their future together.. thank you
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Kenan Yildiz x reader
A/N: I hope it is okay that I made the nephew a bit older, because 6 months old do like nothing, so I didn't know what to write for that.
You were running through the apartment, trying to hide all of the dangerous and sharp things before your sister was dropping off your nephew. They really needed some time to just be with themselves without their little angel. Oliver was a sweet 18 months old baby that just started to walk around more and was quick to fall against the furniture. You didn't want him to hurt himself while he was here.
As you put away the vase to a higher reach level, you heard the doorbell ring. You sprinted to open it and were greeted with the side of your sister, her husband and your nephew. "Hello, good morning." your sister said as she greeted you with a kiss on the cheeks. Your brother in law gave you a quick hug, while holding Oliver.
"Hi, Olli. Are you ready to spend the day with your aunti?" you asked as you carried him into your arms. He muttered a quick yes and clapped his hand with laughter.
Your sister smiles at him, "he took some of his drawing stuff with him, it is all in the bag. Don't let him fool you if he wants more candy, two are enough." you nod. She goes over it every time, but you let her. It must be hard to let your child alone.
"is Kenan not here?" she asks as she looks around the aparment.
You shake your head, "He had training. He will be home in a couple minutes."
You talk for some more minutes before the finally leave. "Alright, it is just us for now. What do you want to do?" you put him down on the floor and he walks towards his bag. "Can we draw. Daddy got some coloring pages for me.
you opened the bag and took out the pencils and some drawing stencil with cars on it. "This one." you show and Oliver clapped in agreement.
He takes it from your hand and puts it on the floor. "Don't you want to sit at the table?"you ask and point towards it, but he shook his head as he started the grab some pencils.
You sat down next to him on the ground, and he handed you a pencil. "You can do the other half." you nod and started to draw in a car.
You look up at the sound of the door opening and see Kenan walk inside. He looked a bit tired, but still handsome as always. "Hi, how was training." you asked to continue coloring the car.
He walks closer, confused on why you are sitting on the floor, before seeing Oliver. He smiles at the sight of you two coloring in the paper. There is a slight difference in your half and his.
"It was good. Didn't know you had a guest over." He places a kiss on your head before turning to the little boy. "You remember me?"
Oliver lets out some giggles as he walks to Kenan to give him a high five." yeah, my mommy says you are my uncle." a blush formed on Kenan's face and you smile at him. You love how he interacts with your family.
"I am going to take a quick shower, and I will be right with you." He says and you nod.
When Kenan got back, you and Oliver were seated on the couch, him in your lap, watching some kids show. "Look a dog." the little boy points to the tv and you agree with him. "Yeah, "
Kenan couldn't help but stay in the doorway watching you play with Oliver. You were great with children, something he loved about you. He couldn't help but picture you with his children. He wanted to spend his future with you, build your own little family. Of course, right now you are a bit young, but over a couple of years. He would love too.
kenan walked over to the table, where his bag was laying, and asked"I bought some cookies, do you want one?" Oliver was quick to answer his question with an excited yes, and you both laughed.
"I don't know. I promised your parents I wouldn't let you eat to many sweets. " You say and he pours his lip. He looked like a sad puppy with that face and you didn't want to see him sad. "Okay, but only one. And don't tell your mother."
You made room so that Kenan could sit next to you, and he handed both of you a cookie. After he ate the cookie, Oliver fell asleep and didn't wake up till his parents were there.
"I am going to miss you." you say as Oliver walks away with his parents. He waves before you close the door. You walk up the Kenan and hug him from behind, while he is putting away some dishes.
"I love him, but he does tire me out and we didn't even do much." He laughs as you put your burry your face in his sweater. He dries his hands and turned around to face you.
"Can I ask you something?" he puts his arms around your torso and you nod. "Do you want children later?"
You were a bit taken back by his question, "Yeah, later when we are a bit older. Why the sudden question?"
"I don't know. I saw you playing with Oliver and I just thought about it. About us and the future. You do want a future with me right?"
You look him in the eyes and cup his face, "Of course. You are the love of my live."
"Good, because you are also the love of my life." he says and kisses you.
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agaypanic · 8 months
Hello! I'd love to request Charlie Swan with a teacher girlfriend. Perhaps he comes to visit on his lunch or something and sees how attached the kids are to her and it makes him happy to see how caring she is. Please and thank you!(I work with pre k but my former class was todds and they are still clingy 💖💖)
Lunch Break (Charlie Swan X Teacher!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Chief Swan visits his girlfriend on his lunch break, and can’t help but adore the way she is with her students.
A/N: i know nothing about taking care of or teaching little kids lol
Charlie wasn’t used to being around a toddler, let alone twenty of them. Even when his daughter Bella was at that age, he didn’t see her much. 
Yet here he was, sitting in his girlfriend’s classroom, having lunch with her while a group of toddlers napped on the floor.
“So, how’s your day been?” You asked in a whisper, picking at the burger and fries that Charlie had brought you from the Carver Cafe.
“Oh, not much.” He responded in an equally low voice, but more gruff. His fingers smoothed over his mustache before speaking again. “Still looking into those missing persons cases, but we’ve been coming up with nothing.”
“You’ll find something, bear.” You squeezed his shoulder, and he leaned into your touch. “You always do.”
“Yeah, maybe… But enough about me, how’s your day?”
You let out a tiny laugh, not surprised that Charlie would bounce the attention onto you as soon as he could.
“Well, today we had an art day.” You gestured to one of your tables on the opposite side of the room, covered in different drying papers. “Watercolor, crayon, markers, that kind of thing. That was really fun. I know I shouldn’t play favorites, but I really like Delilah’s. You know her mom, right? Samantha?” Charlie nodded after a quick moment of thought, and so you continued. “Well, she wanted to make a meadow, so she covered her paper in green, and then she stamped little fingerprints all over as flowers. I mean, you kinda have to ask her what it is to figure out what it is, but I don’t know, it was really cute and- oh my god, I’m rambling, huh?” You covered your mouth to stop more word vomit from spilling, a little giggle slipping past your fingers.
Charlie pulled your hand away, laying a kiss on your knuckles. He nudged your knee with his own, a coy smile on his lips.
“No, I like hearing you talk.” Your cheeks reddened, and you scrunched your nose at him. He squeezed your hand. “Come on, keep going. What happened after painting?”
“Read the kids a story.” You answered, trying to remember the title. “They really like that Llama Llama book. But some of the kids really wanted ‘Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!’ so I told them I’d read that after nap time. Then they all had food, fell asleep, and then you came with lunch.” You ate a fry before stealing a sip of Charlie’s coffee. You liked how he didn’t mind, instead watching you with a fond expression. “Which is delicious, by the way, thank you.”
“No problem, sweetheart.”
“Ms. Y/n?” A tiny voice sounded from one of the sleeping mats. You gave Charlie’s hand a quick squeeze before letting go and standing up from your chair.
“Jayden?” You asked quietly, even though you knew it was him from his voice. “Are you okay?”
“Bad dream.” The little boy answered, rolling off his cot and looking at you with bleary eyes and a frown.
“Aw, I’m sorry, honey.” You said softly, crouching down close to him. “Do you want a hug?”
He nodded a few times, carefully walking through his sleeping classmates to reach you. He latched his arms around your neck, and you patted his back, waiting until he felt better.
Charlie saw the interaction from the corner of his eye, not wanting little Jayden to feel watched. He couldn’t help but smile at how quickly you were able to comfort him. It was clear that you were made for this kind of work, being so caring and nurturing without even thinking about it.
“Feeling better?” You asked Jayden as he let go of you, and he nodded. You smiled at him. “I’m glad. Now, you have a couple more minutes before we gotta start waking up. Do you wanna lay back down?” Jayden nodded again, and with a little wave of his hand, he tiptoed back over to his mat. 
When he was settled, you stood up from your crouched position and went back to Charlie, who was looking at you with a twinkle in his eye.
“What?” You asked, finishing off the rest of your food.
“Nothing.” He said, shaking his head a bit. Charlie looked at his watch and sighed, realizing his break was almost over. “I should probably leave. The boys’ll need me back at the station soon.”
“Okay.” You said with a slight pout, wishing you had more time with him. The two of you cleaned up, Charlie insisting that he could throw the trash away on his way out. “I’ll see you later, bear.”
“See you soon, sweetheart.” Charlie kissed your cheek and went to the door, giving you a wave before exiting the room.
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kelcemenow · 10 months
Pleased To Meet You.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1288
Warnings Literally nothing! This is super soft and fluffy.
Thank you to the Anon who sent this in! It's super cute and fluffy and just what I needed for a break from all of the smut! But don't worry, the smut will be back soon enough! "would you write a fic where kelce introduces reader to his parents & family 👀👀"
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"I'm so nervous." You whimpered, shaking your hands in front of you in an attempt to dry your moist palms.
Travis rested his arms around your shoulders, pulling you in closer, "Baby, it's just coffee. Relax."
"It's coffee with your Mom! I know how important your family is to you, I just want her to like me."
"And they will." He pressed a warming kiss into your temple.
Your eyebrows clenched together, "Wait, what do you mean by 'they'?"
Travis took hold of your hand and walked a little faster, heading towards the coffee shop door, "Nothing, come on. Mom'll be here in a minute."
The heated air of the coffee shop washed over you and your hands instantly clammed up again. You wiped your palms against your sweater, silently scolding yourself for wearing something so warm. Looking around, you took a deep breath to try and calm yourself. The room was bright and welcoming, with soft leather sofas scattered around and old and black and white movie stills adorning the walls.
"What do you want, sweetie?" Travis asked over his shoulder to you.
"A vanilla latte...and an espresso."
He narrowed his eyes.
"What? I need the energy!" You shrugged.
Travis beamed a smile and you turned on your heels, noticing a cosy area in the corner of the room surrounded by hanging plants and warm lighting. As you walked towards it, you passed various groups of people; a smartly dressed man typing on his laptop, a trio of girls sipping iced coffees and giggling, an older couple sharing a blueberry muffin. You reached the corner, your fingers dancing across the top of the deep orange armchair when Travis appeared with your two coffees and a large cinnamon roll.
"Aww thank you baby! My favourite!" You cooed as you took hold of the plate.
Travis rocked back on his heel awkwardly, "Yeah, I got it so you would remember what a great guy I am."
"What does that mean?" You questioned.
Just then, the bell above the door rang and you glanced over to the entrance to see Donna, Travis' Mom walking over to you, a wide smile on her face. You stood up, smoothing down your skirt and running a hand through your hair.
"Hello hello hello!" Donna sang out.
"Hey Momma!" Travis called, walking towards her with his arms out-stretched.
Donna waved him away, her focus solely on you, "You can wait! I wanna meet this beauty first!" She grabbed onto your hands and looked you up and down, "Travvy, how did you get a girl like this?"
You giggled, "Pleased to meet you, Mrs Kelce."
Donna's eyes widened, "And polite too! Honestly sweetie, Donna is absolutely fine, but I appreciate it."
She pulled you in for a tight hug and you instantly relaxed.
Donna smiled as she turned around, "Oh stop your whining, how many times have you brought a girl home?" She laughed and buried her face in his chest, his large arms wrapped around her.
You loved seeing this side of Travis. He had made it clear that his family were incredibly important to him, and that he loved his Mom more than anything in the world. But to see him interact with her was special.
"Can I get you a coffee?" Travis said, still holding his Mom close.
"Oh, I thought you'd never ask! Just a cappuccino for me please." She let go of her 6 foot 5 inched son and stepped towards you, sitting down on the sofa.
You followed and sat next to her, her sweet perfume filling your nostrils and calming you further. She grabbed at your hands, smiling warmly.
"It really is so good to meet you, Travis has told me a lot about you."
You blushed slightly, "He's told me so much about you too, I feel like I know you already!"
"He's a good boy." She looked over to the coffee counter where Travis was waiting, "When he moved to Missouri a couple of years ago I was worried, of course, as any Mom would be. But he seems to have settled well. And now he's a got a good woman to keep him right."
You winked, "I'll try my best!"
"So, how long have you been dating?"
"It's a been a couple of months, so still really early days but it's going really well. He's a good guy."
Donna squeezed her shoulders upwards in elation, "I am so happy for the both of you!"
Your cheeks flushed again, Donna's warmth radiating to you. You looked up and watched as Travis waited patiently in the queue, occasionally glancing over to you and smiling so broad that his eyes disappeared into slits. You felt a strong flutter in the pit of your stomach, but this time it wasn't nerves, it was sheer happiness.
You chatted more with Donna, talking about your work, your family and your relationship so far when Travis finally arrived back with the cappuccino. His cell phone beeped in his pocket and when he checked it, his face subtly lit up. You narrowed your eyes, watching as he looked back towards the door.
"Is everything okay?" You asked.
Travis smiled and picked up his mug, "Sure." He glanced back at the door before turning to look at Donna, a sly grin forming on both of their lips.
"Okay, what's going on?"
Before either of them had chance to answer, the coffee shop door swung open and a large, bearded man walked in with a dark blonde haired woman in tow. His eyes were fully focused on Travis and they were heading straight for you. You shifted in your seat as another man followed, he was older and had white hair on his head and chin. Donna squeezed your hands whilst Travis gave you a guilty look.
"Heyyyyyy!" The first man shouted, grabbing Travis and slapping his back.
"Y/N, this is my brother Jason, his girlfriend Kylie and my Dad Ed."
You swallowed hard, your eyebrows raised, "Wow, I wasn't expecting to meet everyone at once!"
Travis laughed, "Hence the cinnamon roll. You're not mad are you?"
"No no!" You smiled, "This is awesome! It's so nice to meet you all." You quickly rose to your feet and greeted each of them with a warm embrace.
"Well, we thought whilst everyone was in town." Ed said as he pulled you closer.
Kylie moved around the table to sit with you and Donna, "Don't worry Y/N, I got the ambush too when me and Jason started dating. It's nice not to be the new girl anymore!"
You laughed, "Well, you're welcome! How long have you two been together?"
Kylie rested back on the sofa, "Around 6 months, so it's still fresh."
"You two can hold each others hands through the madness of dating a Kelce!" Donna quipped.
Jason's mouth dropped open in mock offense, "I heard that, Mom."
"I hope Travis is treating you well, Y/N." Ed smiled, "Speaking of which, how did Travis get a lovely girl like you to go out with him?"
"Damn...why does everyone keep saying that?" Travis asked, his hands in the air.
Donna sipped her coffee, struggling to keep herself from laughing. You pouted your lips to Travis, giggling under your breath. Jason covered his in an attempt to muffle his loud howl.
"It's a little cramped here with all of us now." Donna finished the rest of her coffee before standing up, "How about a big family barbeque at Mom's?"
"I heard that!" Ed shouted, slapping his stomach.
Travis looked over the table at you, his head titled and his eyebrows raised, "How about it?"
The familiar stomach flutter came back, stronger this time, "I would love to."
I did this one a little different and set it somewhere around 2015, when Jason and Kylie first started dating, and Travis wasn't the big superstar that he is now. This was very cute to write as they seem like such an amazing family so I didn't struggle at all! To be on my Taglist, just let me know!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18 @triski73 @ctn26 @kgcaputo07 @abby-splace @bobthe-turmpetman29 @cedricbitch @jmamas92 @bellstwd @killatravsworld @marchmaiden @chimchimmarie @blackstabbath6 @fanficfanatic15 @jessiemariebarnes @mmb219 @vanwritesfan-fiction
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Matchmaking Harringtons 2
Diane wanted to ask more about Steve's interaction with the cashier, but she remembered being a youngin. The more questions she asked, the more Steve would close up. She didn't know what her husband had said to get things started, but clearly they needed a different angle.
She said as much that evening as she and Jonas got ready for bed. He protested, as she knew he would, but it was her turn now.
So right away the next day, she returned to the mall, hoping Steve's intended would be there. And to her luck, he was.
"Hello, hi", she waved as she approached the counter.
"Hi. Did you need help finding anything?"
"Oh no, not really", Diane said. "You see...", she looked to his name tag. "Eddie, I don't know if you remember but yesterday my husband and I were here with our son, Steve?"
Eddie's cheeks got red and his mouth turned to a straight line. Diane would take that as a good sign.
"We really want Steve to find someone special", Diane said in a low voice, leaning in a bit. "Now I don't know what my husband told you, but I'm here to give you a bit of advice."
"Advice....on getting a date...with your son?", Eddie said slowly as if speaking to an alien.
"Yes. Now here's our number. Call today, we'll make sure he answers. And ask him out."
"Your son? On a date?"
"You've got to be assertive, really make use of this...", Diane gestured to his whole being, "alternative look you've got going. Steve's never dated anyone like you so I'm sure he'll get a thrill having a taste of rebellion."
Eddie smirked as he took the paper with the number written on it. "Getting permission to be rebellious kind of takes the fun out of it. Uh, where should I take him?"
"Some place where he'll get a real rush of danger", Diane suggested.
"A dive bar?"
"He's not of drinking age yet and I am still his mother. I've got to act the part." Diane had definitely drunk underage, but her parents didn't know about it. She was pretty certain Steve had partaken while hanging with his friends. But as long as she didn't see it, she could play dumb. "Where do you and your friends normally hang around?"
"Dive bars", Eddie answered.
Diane pursed her lips as she thought of the best course of action. "I've got it. You're going to say you're taking him out to dinner. But when you pick him up, you'll actually be taking him out to a movie."
Eddie was silent as he did the mental math. Tell the parents one thing, but do another, thus the rush of rebellion. Dinner was public and respectable. But two young folks could fool around in a dark theater. It was honestly something he might try to do.
"Okay, I asked your hubbie yesterday if this is entrapment and I just need to ask again."
"Our Steve is a good boy. He...just has trouble holding onto someone. We don't know if it's him or the girls. We just want him to find someone special."
"...How special? Like, should I be making room on my hand?", he asked, wiggling his ring covered fingers.
"Not that special. Just enough to get him on the right track."
Eddie looked down to the number, then this strange woman again. He braced his hands against the counter and took in a deep breath. "Alright. I'm a gambling man. My break's at noon. I'll call him then."
"Wonderful. And whatever you do, don't tell him that we came to you."
"I don't even know how to begin that conversation", Eddie admitted.
Diane was staring at the phone like she was the one waiting for a date to call. Jonas and Steve were watching a game on the tv and she was practically guarding the phone, using dirty dishes as an excuse. When it started to ring, she bit her lip to keep from smiling too much.
"Steve, sweetie, can you get that? My hands are wet."
"Got it", Steve said, picking up the phone on the third ring. "Hello, Harrington residence."
Diane was pretty much just pretending to do the dishes at this point, eavesdropping on Steve's side of the conversation the best she could without looking obvious. She fought the urge to jump for joy when she heard Steve confirm that he would be seeing the caller this Friday at 7.
"Alright. See you then", Steve said, the cord twirled around his finger. "Bye."
He hung up the phone, a dreamy smile on his face and Diane knew that look for sure but she reigned in her own expression. She was about to ask but Jonas beat her to it.
"Who was on the phone?", he called out.
"Oh, um, it was...", Steve was clearly debating how much to tell them, if anything. He took a breath as he decided to trust them. "It was that guy from the music place. He wants to grab a bite this weekend."
"Grab a bite, huh?", Jonas sat up a bit in his chair.
"Yes. Just a little something, we'll probably go to Benny's or whatever", Steve crossed his arms like he always did when he was trying to downplay something.
He then quickly excused himself to go up to his room and Diane dried her hands off for real. She went over to Jonas and nudged him, then nodded to the stairs.
"What woman? I'm not psychic."
"Go and listen. I bet you anything he's calling a friend right now to tell about the date."
"Are we really dropping eaves on our son now?"
"Go and listen!", she whispered urgently.
Taking his sweet time, Jonas got up and crept up the stairs. Steve's door was closed of course, but when he put an ear to the door, he could hear him walking about the room and talking to someone on the line in his room.
When he figured he'd heard enough, he came back downstairs to report to his wife.
"He's talking to that one girl he never dated, Robin?"
"About Eddie?"
Jonas nodded. Apparently the other day, Steve thought he didn't make the best impression on him when buying the music. He thought he came off as boring compared to Eddie. So he was surprised to get his call.
Diane couldn't help but be a little smug. Now the ball was rolling.
Saturday night was here and at 7 o'clock sharp, the Harringtons heard a loud engine enter their driveway. Steve came downstairs but instead of going to the door, went to the bathroom and did a final check in the mirror as the bell rang.
Jonas opened the door and got a load of date night Eddie. The ripped jeans were still there. But now instead of the uniform shirt and name tag, he was wearing a t-shirt that Jonas was just guessing had album art on it and a ratty denim vest.
"Evening Mr. Harrington. Is Steve ready yet?"
"I am", Steve said, appearing behind his dad.
"You two have fun at the diner. Have him back by 11", Diane said as she saw them off.
Jonas was oddly quiet the whole time. Diane just waited him out, knowing he'd announce any opinions he had once they were alone. In fact the moment he closed the door, he turned to her.
"How sure are we about Eddie?"
"Oh here we go. Were we so sure about Chloe? Or Mary Lee?"
"I just thought he might clean up a little more for a date, that's all."
"The important thing is that Steve likes him."
They spent their evening, drinking some wine and watching a movie. But they made sure to be up in their room before it got too late. They wanted the boys to have just a smidge of privacy when they returned.
All the lights were off when they heard that roaring engine come back at 11:15.
"They're late", Jonas said. "That's a good sign."
Diane smiled. They were both listening hard for any sort of sound that might tell them how the night went. They heard the front door open. It was about two minutes before it actually closed. Another good sign. Steve tiptoed up the stairs but in the quiet of the night and them holding their breath, he was easily heard.
The door to his room closed and Diane gripped Jonas' arm tight. "Do you think it went well?"
"Are you gonna go knock on his door and ask? Or should we tap his phone line this time?" Jonas chuckled at his wife's pout. "We'll hear about it in due time. Good night, Di."
"Good night."
They both settled in, officially this time. If things kept going well like this, they'd be inviting Eddie over to dinner soon.
Part 4
Don't worry, we're gonna get some actual steddie focus soon. And Jonas still needs to warm up to Eddie all the way.
Tag Team
@tartarusknight @swimmingbirdrunningrock @estrellami-1 @potato-of-the-lord @dragonmama76 @m-owo-n @sticknpokelightningbolt @somegirlsomewhere @tinyplanet95 @samsoble @runniem
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Angst with a happy ending where Reader has been Chrissy’s best friend since childhood, and has had a huge crush on Eddie for a while? They’ve only really interacted in a select few classes over the years until his third senior year.
Reader had been trying to convince Chrissy that she can find someone that will treat her way better than Jason. So, when Chrissy finally breaks up with Jason to pursue someone else, Reader is supposed to be happy. If only Chrissy hadn’t set her sights on Eddie Munson.
Chrissy is pretty, sweet, popular, and always gets what she wants. Right?
Chrissy always gets what she wants, right? NO
���️angsty at first but I made it happy!
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Y/N hated Jason more than anything. She hated how he treated her best friend like shit. And she hated that he treated her crush like crap. A secret crush though. No one knew she had a crush on Eddie Munson, not even her best friend.
There's a good chance Eddie Munson knew her name, but nothing else about her. She was popular, and Chrissy's friend. But called Jason out on his shit all the time.
She's only had two real conversations with Eddie. Two she remembered and played in her head. Two that he probably didn't even know that happened.
But she stopped by his desk every morning, a small hi on her tongue when she walked to her seat. Her heart skips beats when he looks up with his own smile. Always saying hi back.
When the teacher told them to partner up, she always ran to him.
Chrissy always went to Jason so it wasn't a big deal. Chrissy was always caught up in her boyfriend she never noticed her best friend staring at the hellfire leader with hearts in her eyes.
She was so close to asking Eddie out. Taking the leap but then Chrissy dumped Jason, and set her eyes on someone else.
Y/N felt like she lost all air in her lungs when Chrissy admitted that Eddie Munson was cute. That after their deals she thought he was so funny and smart.
"he's nothing like what people think" Chrissy sighed as she looked over at the hellfire table
"I know. Why do you think I told Jason to shut his mouth?" Y/N snapped
She can't believe she was going to lose the one guy she's ever had a crush on to her best friend.
"he smells so good"
I know Y/N thought. She remembered complimenting him on a random day. Watching as his face blushed.
"he's so creative too!"
Another thing Y/N knew. She caught him sketching during class. Peering over his shoulder as she walked behind him.
Y/N silently ate her lunch, refusing to look at Eddie's table. If Chrissy was now in the picture, there was no way she even had a chance.
But maybe if she did look, she'd see Eddie staring at her.
Chrissy slowly began to be everywhere Eddie was.
"hi Eddie" she said with a huge smile as she walked past him to her seat. Y/N walked behind her. Not bothering to say hello, not like he'd notice now that Chrissy Cunningham was interested.
"um hi" he said fast, eyes following her as she walked by
Shoulders slumped as Y/N ignored his presence. Watching as the two girls sat at their desk. But only one pair of eyes looked back at him.
Y/N felt a ball in her throat when the teacher said to partner up. Chrissy racing to sit next to Eddie. His brown eyes looked at her confused, quickly snapping to see where Y/N was walking to.
He felt himself slump even further in his seat as she sat next to a random student.
"so, I'm thinking..." Chrissy began speaking but he wasn't half listening. Staring as Y/N laughed along with the random boy she picked over him.
Eddie Munson was the only thing Chrissy talked about. Y/N just silently nodded. Never speaking on how much Chrissy was breaking her heart.
She accepted a long time ago that Chrissy was going to end up with Eddie if she wanted to and she couldn't stop it
Eddie wasn't sure what he did wrong. Or why Y/N acted as if he didn't exist. He was mad at himself. Of course a popular girl wasn't going to be interested in him. She just dangled him along for fun. Something to keep her busy.
He wasn't sure why Chrissy was now doing the same thing. Or why Jason suddenly stopped being an ass to him. Maybe Chrissy told him to? Maybe she felt bad for all the shit her boyfriend did so she's trying to make it up to him by being a friend?
He really didn't understand what was going on. But he missed his small interactions with Y/N, and that's all he understood.
"I think I might ask him out" Chrissy said excitedly as she shoved her books into her backpack
"oh wow, really?" Y/n asked, fear in her stomach. This was it. Her chance with Eddie was officially gone
"yeah, I mean I think he's interested. He's always staring at me" she blushed
Neither girl knew he wasn't staring at Chrissy
"yeah that's true" Y/N slightly scoffed. She can't count the times she saw those pretty brown eyes staring at her best friend
"should I do it?" Chrissy asked, anxiousness written all over her face
"yeah definitely. I always said you deserve a great guy and he's definitely the best out of all of them" she said with a small smile. Taking a deep breath as she walked away.
Tomorrow she'd have to watch her best friend date the biggest crush of her life
"Eddie I have something to ask you" Chrissy smiled as Eddie sat across from her
Digging through his lunchbox of weed
"what's up?" His eyes still looking through the lunch box
No idea that her blue eyes were forming into hearts as she watched him
"do you want to go out sometime? Like on a date?"
Eddie froze. His eyes stared at the same bag of weed for minutes. He coughed awkwardly, his throat felt like a desert.
"sorry, uh?" He asked. His eyes looking up at her
Chrissy was asking him on a date?
"it's just that I really like you and I feel like you like me too. So why don't we get dinner?"
"Chrissy, you are amazing and beautiful. But I'm into someone else and I'm not quite ready to give up on them" he said as gently as he could. He never once thought he'd have to turn down the head cheerleader but life is full of surprises.
"oh! That's totally fine. I'm so sorry, I didn't know you liked someone!" Chrissy apologized
"um yeah. She's kinda been ignoring me so I can see why you didn't know" he tried to laugh it off
Ignoring that it truly hurt that Y/N acted like he was a memory to her
"ignoring you? Why?" Chrissy asked. Her heart of gold wanting to help him
"I have no idea. But maybe you'd know?" Eddie tried to hint
"me? How would I know?"
"it's your best friend"
Chrissy felt her stomach drop
No no no
She did not spend the last few weeks ranting about her huge crush on Eddie while her best friend liked him
"oh my god. Y/N? She likes you? Oh my god, fuck" Chrissy whined, throwing her head into her hands
"well I kinda thought but I was definitely wrong" he shrugged. Closing his lunchbox and pushing it to the side
"no Eddie. She does. I just can't believe I didn't notice. I fucked it up!"
"what do you mean?" Eddie looked at her confused
"she stopped talking to you when I started right?" Chrissy feared the answer. If he said yes she was easily the worst friend in the world
"um yeah I guess? It was like once we became friends she acted like I didn't exist anymore?"
"this is all my fault. I....I broke up with Jason because she's been telling me I deserve someone so much better. And being with him I easily ignored all the signs of her liking you. I knew she liked someone but I never asked. And after Jason, I set my hopes on you, right in front of her. Oh my god. She was just going to suffer and watch. I need to go" Chrissy raced out of the woods
She needed to apologize to her best friend
Eddie tried to absorb all of the information thrown in face
Y/N liked him?
Yes she did
She was hurt because she thought he'd want Chrissy over her
Eddie grabbed all his stuff and ran after Chrissy
Y/N was sitting outside as she finished some homework. Waiting for Chrissy to come back from her deal...or date with Eddie
"Y/N!" Chrissy yelled out breathlessly
Y/N took a deep breath, preparing for the news
"where is he going to take you?" She asked with her best fake smile
"Eddie Munson is the guy you like"
Y/N felt herself stiffen. An awkward chuckle released from her throat
"haha what? No. No I don't. You do. That's you, not me"
"it is. Why don't you tell me? I would have never gone after him"
"Chrissy, come on it's you. Eddie Munson would not look at me twice if he knew you liked him. And that's okay. Really"
Chrissy hated that her best friend thought so low of herself. Just accepting that she wasn't enough
"that's not true"
Y/N felt her body cringe as she heard his deep voice from behind her
She refused to look. Staring terrified at Chrissy, who gave a small smile of encouragement
Eddie rounded the table, sitting across from her. Chrissy gave her a thumbs up and ran to wait in the car
"Eddie it's fine. Chrissy is amazing and she really likes you" Y/N said with a smile.
"that may be true but what about who I like?"
She hated how Eddie stared way too deeply into her eyes. She grew nervous under his stare
"well Chri-"
"I don't like Chrissy gorgeous" smiling as she shut her mouth in seconds
"um huh?"
"I like you Y/N. And I can't even begin to tell you how much I like you. And how hurt I've been watching you ignore me"
She felt guilt bubbling up in her gut. His brown eyes looked so sad. His lips were in a frown as he watched her body deflate.
"I'm sorry. I just thought I'd get in the way" she apologized, eyes looking down at her hands
"you did" her eyes snapped up to his. Hurt clear across her face
"but you didn't get in the way of Chrissy and I. You got in the way of us" he continued
His hand slowly reaching out to touch hers
She swallowed as she felt his skin on her
"us?" She choked out
"I want to take you on a date. And I really want to kiss you. I want to be your boyfriend. I want to always be your partner in class. I want my favorite hi back in my life. My favorite smiling face to be looking at me. I want you" he laced his fingers with hers
Smiling as she clenched his hand tight.
She bit her cheek, trying to keep down her cries as she felt so overwhelmed.
Eddie Munson wanted her
"I want that too" she said quietly
Looking shyly at him through her lashes
"good" he said quietly, slowly leaning over the table towards her
"good" she said breathlessly as she felt herself leaning over the table to meet him half way
His hand softly held her jaw as he connected their lips. Sighing as he felt the softness of her lips.
Kissing Eddie Munson was so much better than she thought it would be like
Throwing her arms over his shoulders as she leaned even more across the table.
Chrissy pumped the air from inside the car.
It was time Y/N got swept off of her feet
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616
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runningfrom2am · 6 months
cold nights // part twenty-eight
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summary: you were back in the capitol, and you would be damned if you didn't try your hardest to make it worthwhile.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 3.3k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, depictions of mental illness, also she's is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: ahh hiii sorry i went ghost on yall i have been BOOKED and i am so sick and just,,, yeah. life is catching up to me omg
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // playlist
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Coryo must have been running a few minutes late today, since he hasn't come to get you from your class yet. It was eating into your lunch, which you didn't mind, but still- it was outside of your very structured routine.
Looking down the now almost empty halls, books held against your chest as you wait for your boyfriend.
The term still felt weird, but you can't help the giddy feeling that manifests into a small smile on your face as butterflies flutter their way into your chest. Still, though, there was no sign of this boyfriend of yours.
"Y/N, hello." Your name pulls you out of the internal mantra, and you look up to its source; a boy who had just walked out of your class after staying back to speak to the professor. He had short hair, styled up the same way Coryo's was day to day now- but it wasn't nearly as blonde. This boy has kind eyes, and it relaxes you from the unexpected interaction.
"Hi there." You smile at the boy, trying to hide how furiously you're searching your head for his name. In classes of forty to fifty students, it was difficult for you to remember especially when you'd only heard their names once and never spoken to essentially all of them. "I'm so sorry," You say to the boy, smile shifting to apologetic. "You'll have to remind me of your name."
"Hilarius." He tells you, and seems to take it in stride.
"Yes! Oh, of course. My apologies." You laugh slightly, a force of habit pushing your hand out to shake his.
He grins as he takes it. "No worries." He adjusts his bag over his shoulder, looking past you and down the halls. "Are... are you waiting for someone?"
"Yes," You nod, and the confusion surrounding why you were just standing there clears from his features. "Coriolanus."
"Ah." Hilarius nods.
"Do you know him?" You ask, having that be your go-to for small talk with your new peers. So far, it's worked well. No one you've had the chance to speak to yet has said no.
"Yeah, yeah. I do." He rubs his jaw as he answers. "We've never been close, but we went to school together. He's in one of my classes now, actually."
"Really?" You smile. "Which one?"
"Poli sci."
"Oh, nice! That's his major. He knows an awful lot about it already- if there's any group projects he's definitely someone you would want working with you." You gush, adjusting your hold on your books.
"Yeah, he's pretty smart." Hilarius agrees.
"Have you decided on your major yet?" You ask. "Political science and English is a wide net to cast."
He shrugs. "Kind of, I don't know. My parents want me to go into business or politics, but I don't think that's what I want."
"The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream." You hum. "I think you should pursue what you want. Not what they tell you you should."
He tilts his head at you, a confused smile on his face. "You do really speak that way, don't you?"
"Well, yes." You laugh.
"I'll be honest, I thought you were playing us all for fools to try and get people to like you."
"Oh, no. I am not smart enough for a ruse like that." You giggle, shaking your head.
"Sure you are." He laughs. "I mean clearly, you are."
"I promise that's not it at all." You assure him quickly.
"Yeah, yeah I know that." He gives you a calm smile. "Hey, do you... do you have time before your next class? I have a little bit if you want to grab lunch together."
"I do, but I usually eat with Coryo." You explain, but he was fifteen minutes late by now. Maybe if you just went to the courtyard he would meet you there. "But we always eat in the courtyard between the buildings, so if we go there I'm sure he'll know where to find us."
"Then lead the way." Your new friend nods to you and you smile, heading off down the hall in the direction of the exit.
Coryo rushes out of his lecture hall as soon as they're done. How the professor had so little care for holding them back an extra twenty minutes just to "wrap up" on a lecture concept was unbelievable to him. Other people had other classes, and he had to get to you.
When he makes it to your building and your class, he assumes your professor must have done the same thing when he doesn't see you in the hall. Peeking into the classroom, he doesn't have the time to be relieved since another class has already started and you are not sitting there listening. He takes a step back and looks around, thoroughly confused.
Where did she go?
He doesn't know if you're comfortable enough here to be wandering off on your own, but you must be. Or you were with someone. Likely Sejanus, if you were to go off with anyone, but as far as Coryo knew Sejanus was in a class across campus right now. Or he was at least supposed to be.
Immediately he picks up his pace stalking through the halls. After ten minutes, it's clear you were nowhere in the building. He even ran the risk of checking the women's bathrooms after his second lap, scared that maybe you were sick or hurt. But no, you were just gone.
Okay, Coriolanus- think realistically about this. Maybe she just went to wait at our usual lunch spot.
That had to be it, so cursing himself for wasting more time, he heads outside.
Sure enough, he was right. He just wishes he had thought of that sooner- especially when he had neglected the possibility that you had been kidnapped.
"I do love it here, I really do." You smile, trying to be convincing enough to your new friend. "Of course, there is always so much to learn! I'm just really grateful for the opportunity." You say, covering your mouth with your palm as you speak and chew at the same time.
"Come on, Y/N. You can be honest with me." Hilarius says, raising an eyebrow at you. "That sounded extremely scripted. There aren't peacekeepers holding a gun to your head, so... just be honest."
You laugh nervously, looking around. "Okay... I mean, it's fine. I'm comfortable, and I love Coryo and everything don't get me wrong!" You defend quickly, and he just nods. "But... I miss my family and my friends, the music, the food... just, it's really not the same."
"I can imagine." He nods sympathetically.
"Here," You offer him your container of fruit in an effort to soften the subject. "Take some, it's far too much for me."
"Thank you." He agrees politely, taking a raspberry from the mix and popping it into his mouth.
"Please, though, don't tell anyone. I did that whole interview convincing everyone that I was happier than ever here and I just don't want to start any trouble."
"You have my word." Hilarius nods, holding out his pinky to you which you accept with a smile.
"Can I tell you a secret?" He says quietly, and you nod while you grab another strawberry from the glass in your lap.
"You kind of owe me one, now." You tease.
He laughs, but his smile fades quickly. "I feel like... Everyone here loves the games, but I hate them." He admits, taking you by surprise. "I want you to know that I think it's absolutely cruel. I mean, little Wovey... She was just the sweetest and- and I feel so guilty about it all. I wish I got to choose whether or not I wanted to mentor."
You nod, swallowing back the rest of the fruit in your mouth. Suddenly, the sweetness makes you nauseous. "She was." You agree quietly, closing your eyes for a moment and preparing for yet another distressing conversation. "I am sorry I couldn't save her."
"Don't be." He corrects you quickly, a worried expression greeting you when you looked at him again. "That's not what I meant, there was nothing more you could have done. You were a friend to her, she really liked you. She had someone, that's the best either of us could offer."
You nod slightly, chewing instead into your lip and leaving your lunch abandoned. "I-I..." You take a shaky breath. "If I could go back, I would have protected her more. She should have won." You choke your way through the statement, eyes burning from holding back tears. Every time you have one of these conversations it feels like you think someone else should have won. Never you.
"Don't cry, please don't cry." He pleads, placing a hand on your shoulder and you freeze under his touch.
"Don't, please." You say quietly, gently shaking off his hand. You couldn't be touched right now, but how was he to know that? This wasn't his fault.
"I'm sorry." Hilarius says, eyes wide as he watches you. "I didn't think, I shouldn't have said anything but I-"
"What the hell did you say to her?!" Your boyfriend's voice is the next one that rings in your ears, you look up to your right to see him walking over quickly, and Hilarius shuffles to get up.
"Nothing! Nothing, I- I don't know." He defends quickly. "I didn't mean to upset her, honestly."
Then Coryo is crouching in front of you, waving a hand in front of your face. "Hey, you're okay." He says softly, offering you a worried smile. "I've got you, alright?"
You nod a little bit, moving your things away from yourself with trembling hands. "I know."
"Is she okay?" Hilarius asks and you nod again, trying to smile in his direction.
"No. Get out of here, Heavensbee. I'll clean up your mess." Coryo spits at him, and he apologizes again quickly before grabbing his bag and disappearing across the grass.
"Coryo, he didn't-"
"Don't worry about it, love." Coryo smiles at you, suddenly less angry than he was a moment ago. "Just take some deep breaths for me, can you do that?"
"I-I'm fine." You breathe out, chest rising and falling quickly.
"Yeah, you're doing great." Coryo smiles, looking around quickly before adjusting so he's kneeling just in front of you. "Tell me about your readings. Anything good today?" He asks, already knowing the answer.
"I'm glad I went back to class today." You say cheerily as you climb into the car, your boyfriend right on your heels.
"Yes, I am too." He says as you buckle up in the middle seat and he closes the door before getting comfortable next to you. "You're getting so much better."
You nod, looking out through the tinted windows as the car begins to move into traffic. You weren't sure if "better" was the correct term- it didn't sit right with you. You weren't sick, not that you thought, anyway, but maybe he was right. The mention of the other tributes' names would have had you on your knees a matter of months ago; you would have been down for the count for days. Still, though, it felt unsettling to hear it said like that.
If getting better meant not being as hurt by their deaths, maybe it's best if you never recover.
"Hey, are you hungry?" He asks after a moment, watching your eyes glaze over as you stare across him and out the window at all the other young people walking by. "I was thinking we could go try that ice cream place I was telling you about on the train."
You blink away the disassociation, smiling up at him instead. "Yes, that sounds lovely."
"What kind do you think you'll get?" You ask, leaning into Coryo's side as you approach the shop. It was late afternoon, so it was a little busy, but really not all that bad. Crowds bothered you less and less, these days.
"I'm not sure." He replies. "Probably like... vanilla."
"Vanilla?" You giggle. "That's so boring! You said they have every flavour imaginable, and you're settling for vanilla?"
"Okay, well, what do you suggest?" He chuckles, pulling the door open for you as you step through.
"I don't know, I just think you should consider all your options first." You shrug, eyes already landing on the handwritten chalkboard menu that spans the back wall. "Oh, wow..." You say under your breath, eyes going wide.
Coryo watches you with a smile on his face, gently brushing his hand over your back. "Okay, I know what I want." You speak quickly, and he laughs.
"What? There's no way you read all of it just now."
"No, course not." You shake your head, eyes still locked on the board as the sound of people chattering surrounds you. "Coryo, what's white chocolate?" You ask, gently tugging on his sleeve and pointing to where you see it.
"Uh, it's chocolate, but white." He answers, really unsure as well. "Tastes a little different than regular chocolate, but hardly."
"Okay, yes. I want that. With raspberries, it says." You nod in finality.
"Yes, ma'am." He agrees. "Wait right here, love." He says and you nod as he walks over to the counter, and you get to look at the colourful paint on the walls and all the buckets of ice cream behind the glass barrier.
"You're Y/N, right? The victor?" A girl's voice asks you and you turn to instead give them your full attention, nodding with a nervous smile.
"In the flesh." You smile, tilting your head slightly. She must be just a few years younger than you, maybe Len's age.
"Oh, wow! We thought so!" She grins, nodding back to a group of other kids, all of whom are donning the same red uniform you always saw Coryo in earlier in the year. "It's so nice to meet you! Oh my gosh, you're so pretty in person." She gushes. "Not that you weren't on screen, but just- wow, I mean, sorry. I'm just nervous."
"Oh, please, don't be." You smile at her, trying to be reassuring as you press a hand to your chest. "I get nervous meeting people all the time. What's your name, hun?"
"Lexus." She answers with an excited smile and flushed cheeks.
"Lexus! What a beautiful name." You say, partially to fill the silence. "It reminds me of my little brother, his name is Lennox. He's about your age, too."
"That's really cool!" She smiles. "How old are you? I mean, obviously under eighteen, but I'm just wondering because I have an older brother so it would be funny if I was the same age as your brother and my brother was the same age as you. If that makes sense, gosh, sorry- I'm rambling..."
"No, no, you're alright!" You laugh slightly, honestly relieved that she was able to do most of the talking. "And I am eighteen. My birthday was during the games, actually."
Her eyes widen. "Really? That's so lucky! That must have felt so special. What a gift!"
A gift?
You almost choke on the air, patting your hand on your chest as you swallow it down. "Well," You clear your throat, looking over to your boyfriend while he's collecting change from the girl working at the counter. "Only because Coriolanus brought me an amazing gift."
"What did he give you?" She asks, and you still haven't torn your eyes away from him as he walks over, silently pleading for his help.
"What did who give you?" He asks, eyeing her as he walks back up to rejoin you.
"I was just telling Lexus that you gave me an amazing birthday present." You explain.
"Oh, well, no. It was very lame, I'm afraid." He shrugs modestly.
"No, it wasn't!" You laugh, swatting his arm before looking over at her again. "He gave me my favourite book, and his cousin even made me a cake. We had a little celebration just before the games, didn't we?"
"Kind of." He chuckles.
"No, hush. It was perfect, I couldn't have asked for anything better."
"I could think of a few better ways to spend your birthday-"
"You guys are really cute." Lexus cuts in before he can finish, and your cheeks flush pink as your attention is drawn back to her. You don't notice how his face pales.
"Oh, no." You laugh. "He's just a little stubborn sometimes, I think my birthday was perfect, and my opinion on it is the only one that matters, no?" You look up at him, raising an eyebrow.
Coryo collects himself quickly, raising his hands defensively with a smile. "Of course, you're right."
"I know I am." You smile, lifting your nose in pride.
He turns as his name is called, seeing the same girl with your ice cream cones waiting. "Did- did you want a picture or something?" He asks Lexus and she nods, cheeks red.
"If that would be okay, Y/N." She looks to you.
"Oh, of course it is!" You smile, following her back over to the table. Her friends were watching silently the entire time, eyes wide in awe. "Hi..." You say, suddenly nervous as none of them greet you. Lexus must have been the chosen one for being able to speak to you, and she was sent over because the others were too shy.
"Here," Lexus says quickly, moving her bag from the seat at the table and fishing a camera out of it. "Take a seat, I'll sit over here." She slides into her friend's lap across from you, making them all laugh as she holds the camera out to Coryo. "Would you mind?" She asks him.
"Not at all." He says, taking it carefully and turning it over in his hands to find the right button.
"It's that button on the top." She points vaguely and he nods, getting the gist of it quickly. "It comes in handy to be in photography right now, apparently."
You laugh slightly and lean over the table slightly, tilting your head as you smile.
"Ready?" Coryo asks and you nod, hearing mumbles of agreement as you raise your hand from where it rests against the table, holding your pinky under your thumb and raising three fingers.
The flash almost blinds you, but you try not to blink.
"Lovely." Coryo says as he passes the camera back to Lexus and she stands up to take it.
"What does this mean?" Her friend asks, mimicking the salute you did for the photo.
"Oh, we do it back home." You explain. "It means peace and unity, or something along those lines depending on context." Getting up from the seat, you shrug a bit. "Force of habit, I suppose."
"Oh, cool! I didn't know that." She replies and you just nod, eyes following Coryo as he quickly rushes over to grab your ice cream. "Well, I should probably go before that melts, but it was so nice to meet you!"
"Yes, of course, thank you!" Lexus grins. "Maybe we'll see you around!"
"I hope so!" You smile. "Adieu, adieu, adieu! Remember me." You wave, turning to go after your boyfriend.
"What's that from?" He asks when you reach his side, knowing your shift in tone.
"Hamlet." You answer as he holds the ice cream cone out for you and you take it happily.
"Ah." He chuckles, giving the kids a nod as he follows you to the door.
"She said I am so lucky that my birthday was during the games." You say as the door shuts behind you, and you resist the urge to look back in through the window.
"Oh, wow." Coryo laughs, shaking his head. "Yeah, I mean, kids around here don't get it. I don't think they understand what's really happening."
"Clearly not." You focus on licking up the drips that have begun to stray down the side of the cone. "This is really good!" You say excitedly, back to your normal self as you look up to him walking next to you down the sidewalk.
"Yeah?" He smiles.
"Yes." You hum, taking the first real lick off the top. "What did you get?"
"Vanilla." He chuckles, already knowing how you will react.
"Vanilla? Oh, Coryo, you need to expand your horizons a bit." You tsk, teasingly shaking your head at him.
"Hey, it's not my fault it's good."
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taglist: @soulessjourney , @that-veela-girl ,  @dreamyysouls, @rockstarbfs, @maysileeewrites , @baybieruth , @kitscutie,  @fratboyharrysgf0201 , @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @drewsandsebastianswife , @niicole-87 , @queenofshinigamis , @innercreationflower , @nallasstuff , @iovemoonyy , @thatmarvelchick19 , @wearemadeofstardust0 , @regulusblackcore , @puredreamagination , @fantasticchaosthing , @becauseseaotters , @secretsicanthideanymore , @strawberryflavouredkisses, @cascadingbliss
okay suddenly tumblr isn't letting me tag more people than this so i just made some cuts unfortunately :') i just left the max amount of people i could whose users i recognized and see in my notifs all the time :) if you're not on here and you should be i'm so sorry!
also this taglist is closed now!! if you’d like to get a notification when i update, turn on my post notifications!! i promise i won’t spam y'all :,)
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Riddle, Vil, Rook, Azul: S/O kept their birthday hidden
→ Request: Hello 👋 I love your works so much 🥺 May I please request a headcannon GN!S/O w/ Vil Schoenheit,Riddle Roseheart,Rook Hunt and Azul Ashengrotto
'Their s/o never told them when their birthday and they forgot to ask until one day,they accidentally hear their s/o just celebrating by theirself.'
You can ignore this request if u want,if you DO this request then thank you~
→ A/N: So I added a little drabble in between the headcanons for fun!
→ Warnings:
→ Fandom: Disney: Twisted Wonderland
→ Genre: Headcanons/Drabbles
→ Pronouns: They/Them
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Riddle Rosehearts:
I know for a fact how this played out
Riddle wanted to invite you to an unbirthday party. You were his significant other of course he wanted you to attend. He also wanted to show off a little bit, though it was only natural to want to show your partner the best of yourself. A few times you'd asked him to let you help with setting up. Those were his favourite times. He'd sent you a letter invitation - as he usually does- but you hadn't responded to it yet. There was a small ball of nerves forming in the pit of his stomach.
As he climbed the steps to The Ramshackle dorm, he heard laughter. With a slightly angry hand, he knocked on the dorm. His anger lessened ever so slightly you answered the door, still smiling. "Why didn't you respond to my letter?" 
He asked, trying to hide his fear behind irritation. He looked past you and saw streamers hanging from the dirty dorm ceiling.
"Well, today's my birthday. It would be pretty rude to show up to an unbirthday party on my birthday."
The ghosts dragged him into Ramshackle and made him miss his own unbirthday party 
He felt so bad, but doesn't let it show too much
Constantly beats himself up over the fact that he didn't even ask you
He gets you a gift the next day to try and make up for it
Marks the date on his calendar with a bright red heart
Vil Schoenheit:
The photographer had called for a 15-minute break and Vil had quickly checked his Magicam feed. On there he saw you'd posted a photo of a cake you had baked yourself (he could tell). There was a caption under the photo which said 'Happy Birthday To Me!'
Oh boy strap in
Is honestly upset with both you and himself. You because 'why didn't you tell me?' and himself because 'why didn't I just ask?'
Forces Convinces you to join him on a spa day when he's done with his work
Goes shopping with you and lets you pick out almost anything you want to buy
Makes sure to always remember the date from now on
Rook Hunt:
Rook likes to watch you from afar. This is not new information. The Frenchman is almost always nearby, just observing. It brought a sense of calm to your life knowing that he was never too far away. Whether you’d just grown accustomed to the feeling of him being around, or he’d gotten much better at hiding, you couldn’t feel his eyes watching that day. You saw him later walking in the hallway, but you never interacted with him that day beyond a small wave and a smile. You can’t always spend time with your boyfriend, life is busy sometimes. So, you spent the day with yourself and your friends. He popped up later that night, in the middle of your own little birthday party. How he found out you had no idea, maybe he didn’t know and just wanted to spend time with you. Whatever the reason may be, he was here and you were happy about it.
Honestly thinks it's funny that you managed to keep this a secret from him for so long, but still tries to hide it.
Bakes a cake/whatever else you want with you [macarons, he also makes macarons]
Your birthday is now one of his passwords
Takes you on a cute little picnic date the next day
Azul Ashengrotto:
Azul hadn't seen you all day and he'd started to get worried. You didn't have a lot of classes that overlapped, but you would normally spend lunches together. Today was a weekend, which made him even more nervous.
Luckily or not, weekends were when the lounge was most busy so he threw himself into his work to distract from the growing thoughts that swirled in his head.
He made it until past noon before he left to go look for you.
He checked all your usual spots but couldn't find you or your friends. When he finally checked your dorm, he heard loud laughter from the backyard. He walked along the side of the house and spotted you and Grimm having a water balloon fight. One hit you in the face and you slipped, laughing all the way down. 
When Grimm spotted him, his laughter died down. You turned your head to see Azul standing at the entrance to your little overgrown garden.
Before he could ask what was going on he saw a small cake on one of the nearby tables. You hit him in the face with a balloon, the plastic sticking to his glasses.
Congrats! You now have to comfort him for hours on your birthday because he's sad 😢
But seriously he knows well enough what it's like to be alone on your birthday and feels horrible that he'd unknowingly subject you to that. 
Spends the rest of the day with you doing what you want
At the end of the day, he has a little impromptu dinner at the Lounge, free of charge! (The price is actually a kiss on the cheek)
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Tagging: None
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confusionmeisss · 1 month
𝐢 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - 𝐜. 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
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🫧 frat-bro!chris sturniolo x fem!reader
🫧 in which you unfortunately learn you weren’t as special to chris as you were made to believe.
🫧 angst. hurt/no comfort.
🫧 602 words.
🫧 hello lovelies! this is inspired by tate mcraes i still say goodnight , it’s one of my favorite songs of hers. its heartbreakingly beautiful, i recommend giving it a listen. anyway i hope u enjoy n’ much love!! <3
The first sign was when he stopped saying goodnight. A little thing, but you knew then that he was letting go, but still you held on tight and ignored it.
Then he stopped looking at you the same way he did; like you were the only thing that mattered in the entire universe. Instead he looked at you like you were getting old; like he was sick of you.
He always did have ridiculous expectations when it came to your relationship. Like, if you both went to the same party, you weren’t allowed to show up together or really interact too publicly. And his validations were few and far between. You always dressed up nice, it was just something you’ve always liked to do for yourself, but you always did like the extra validations you’d get from others. It felt nice. But he rarely ever gave them out, and it started to make you a little insecure.
At some point, during a frat party that was being held for the end of the first semester, you overheard Chris complimenting a random girl on her outfit, and it made you leave the party early. It just wasn’t fucking fair, how she got the compliment you should’ve gotten. How all these girls always seemed to get the compliments from Chris that you should’ve gotten.
You remember the breaking point. The thing that made you call off your entire relationship with Chris. It was the day before everyone was leaving for winter break. You’d gone to visit him at his frat house to say goodbye.
You knocked on the bedroom door you knew was Chris’, waiting patiently for it to open up and reveal the boy.
The door soon opened to reveal an anxious looking Chris.
“What are you doing here, Y/N? I told you not to come.”
“I know,” You said nervously. “But I just wanted to say goodbye before we all leave is all.”
“Okay. Bye then,” Chris said, going to close the door.
“Wait!” You said, putting a hand on the door to stop him. “Are you alright? You seem a little out of it.”
“I’m fine,” Chris said, glancing behind him.
“Are you sure?”
He looked you straight in the eyes. He had that look in his blue eyes that you’d come to learn meant you were going to be hearing a lie exit his lips.
“Yup. Everything’s fucking dandy. Thanks for stopping by, but you can go now.”
At that response you hadn’t been able to say much. Chris had never spoken to you that way before. And being so distracted by the new feeling swarming your chest and trying not to cry, you’d simply nodded your head and left the frat house.
After the first week of winter break and talking with your cousin, Lizzie, about your entire situation with Chris, you came to the conclusion that you just couldn’t keep that up when the next semester started.
When you got back to school for the second semester, you avoided Chris at all costs. You stopped going to parties, knowing he’d be there. You stopped going to places you knew he’d be at, really. It’s not like he really noticed the newfound lack of your presence in his life anyway. You really weren’t as special as you’d been made out to be. You should’ve known he was simply scared of being alone.
Which is why you felt so fucking stupid because every night before you go to bed, you whisper out a quiet goodnight chris, because you loved him the way he never even planned on loving you.
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miharuki · 1 year
Hi, could I request luka couffaine x reader fic please?
Reader is Adrien's twin sister, and she likes luka, and luka feels the same way, but the reader is worried about what Gabriel will think and doesn't want to hurt luka :)
Thank you very much ahead of time ♡
Firstly, sorry about my English cousin, secondly I think I'm going to do part 2, the text was long (2000) words
(fluff at the beginning, angst at the end, gabriel and asshole, secrets)
𝕺𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖀𝖕𝖔𝖓 𝖆 𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖆 𝕭𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊
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Once upon a time… A couple, a loving wife who gave up everything for her true love, and her devoted husband who loved her enough to defy reality for her, even if it meant bringing her back to life, and finally waking her from her precious slumber, like a beautiful Sleeping Beauty. Even if it meant making their own children the unhappiest people just for his selfishness, that was Gabriel Agreste, father of Adrien and you, Agreste, twin children born from the same feather but completely different.
Adrien gained total attention from people when he became a model for his father's collections, not only he, but you too. However, you felt lonely in that mansion with no one to talk to, even though you went to school, you felt empty. Why? you wondered.
Until… when your brother introduced him, a friend of his and an ex of one of his friends, Luka Couffaine, a sweet name with a lovely meaning, "luminous." And now you understand why. Since you met him, Luka has proven to be a calm and kind person, always listening and helping others, a light in people's lives when they need it, an admirable person.
"Hello to you too, [Name]!" Luka said as he waved and approached slowly, smiling warmly as you greeted him in return, unaware that someone was watching your interaction. Adrien smiled when he noticed that his sister was opening up more to her friends, and he also noticed how kind Luka was being to his dear sister, making him a friend to Adrien as well.
While for Adrien, it was just a friendly interaction between his friend and his twin sister, someone else saw it as something more: Juleka. Unlike Adrien or anyone else, she noticed the subtle change in her twin brother's attitude, realizing how Luka had started to light up in her presence—not just a friendly kind of happiness. Juleka saw that her brother was looking at you the way he looked at Marinette the first time, a look of love. She was hoping that this time their relationship wouldn't end up like the one with Marinette.
And it didn't. Juleka remembers how her friends began to notice how Luka was acting around you, how he smiled affectionately every time he was with you, or how his eyes took on a dreamy gaze whenever something reminded him of you.
"Luka has a big crush on Adrien's little sister, and it's just so obvious," Ayla commented while chatting with her group of friends, discussing the moment when you and your brother had arrived together on the Liberty boat.
"I bet she won't take long to realize!" Marinette said confidently, giving Luka a thumbs-up as if to say he was doing things right, and indeed he was. It didn't take long for you to develop feelings for the blue-haired musician.
"I was wondering if you'd like to go for a ride, maybe relax…" Luka asked while on his bike, making you smile at his kindness, something you had admired about him since you first met. But he seemed especially bright that day. When you sat on his bike, you felt nervous, which was unusual, especially when Luka turned to ask if you were ready.
"Y-yeah!" you stammered, finding it strange that you were stuttering, which quickly turned into embarrassment for stuttering. Your face turned slightly red with embarrassment as you looked at the back of the boy, riding through the tranquil landscapes of Paris.
And before you knew it, you were in a relationship, an almost secret one, if not for the flushed and blushing faces every time you encountered each other. It was always him you looked forward to seeing when leaving school, wanting to stay a little longer instead of going home. The moments you spent in parks and on the streets, watching the sunset together while enjoying each other's company. You memorized every song he composed, especially the ones where he declared his feelings for you. Your relationship was so healthy that it was impossible not to feel envious of your strong connection. It was impossible not to see the true love that both of you seemed to share.
"I knew it! They were meant to be together!" Rose exclaimed as she hugged Juleka, who blushed at her girlfriend's action but was happy to see her brother in the distance, looking so happy with you, [Name] Agreste, Adrien Agreste's twin sister, a friend, and the object of affection for one of their friends.
"If Luka managed to make Adrien's sister fall for him, I think you can make Adrien fall for you too, Marinette," Ayla teased, elbowing her friend who was now stammering and blushing, while everyone laughed at Marinette's attempt to say something without stuttering.
But the perfect romance can never last forever, not even in a fairy tale. In this case, you couldn't stay with your prince charming. Imagine the surprise when you came home after another date with your boyfriend and saw your father standing there on the stairs. Something told you that something was wrong, especially when your father said in a stern and authoritative tone:
"I heard you've been going out a lot…"
"Well, of course! I've been hanging out with my friends…" you said as you approached your father slowly, stopping at the bottom of the stairs and looking at him with closed eyes.
"Especially with your friend Luka Couffaine?" Your heart stopped. He knew? But you had been so careful. No one else knew that you and Luka were dating; everyone just thought you were still friends, but friends who liked each other. That's what they thought, right? You remember that day vividly.
"…I want to be with you, [Name]. You're the only song playing in my heart and in my mind. I can't stop…" Luka said as he held your hand, the other tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. With a flushed face and a racing heart, you wanted to say yes and pull him into a hug, to tell him how much you loved him. But… what would your father think?
"I would like to… but…" A smile appeared on Luka's face before fading as you continued, "…I don't want the media to hound you. I just don't want to burden you… I'd be a weight…"
Luka smiled softly, realizing that you were just trying to protect him, and he found it endearing. He held your hands and gently moved his face to look at you. He smiled and leaned in.
"So, let's keep it a secret!" The confused look on your face disappeared as he continued, bringing his face closer to yours. "We won't let anyone know. If that puts you at ease, we can love each other even if it's in secret. That way, I won't have photographers hounding me, and you won't have to worry about it. So, what do you think?"
With his face close to yours, lips almost touching, you smiled. A secret, yes, it was perfect. That way, no one could question, and you wouldn't have to worry about the true reason – your father. You were happy and laughed in joy, finally sealing your relationship with the blue-haired musician. "I'd love that."
"You'll have more rehearsals from now on, maybe this way you can focus on your career…" Gabriel said as he turned, scrolling through his tablet and checking the news about his children. When he went up to his room, he placed his backpack on the chair and sat on the bed, grabbing his phone and sending a message to his boyfriend, letting him know that they would have more rehearsals, so their time together would be shorter.
"I don't mind as long as I can be with you, even if it's for a short time! ❤️" You smiled at the message and blushed as you lay down, looking at it with love. You felt happy to have someone like Luka as your boyfriend, embracing your phone with affection.
Even with the short time you had, you were happy to skip some rehearsals to be with your Blueberry, always meeting in secret, embracing each other and enjoying each other's company. That was until Lila arrived, not only lying to Kagami but also destroying your relationship. It was one of those moments when Lila left after the confrontation with Kagami following the akumatization that she saw your figure running somewhere. What were you, [Name] Agreste, Adrien Agreste's twin sister and Gabriel Agreste's daughter, doing running randomly?
It was when she realized that something might be going on that she followed you, watching where you were heading. She noticed that you entered a distant park and slipped into a thicket. Crouching down, she peered through the leaves and saw something surprising: you and a blue-haired boy, embracing. You? With a boy? Acting strangely? So, that's what you were running for.
That's what she thought as she grabbed her phone and took a picture without you two noticing, perhaps a way to hit Gabriel in another way. And that way turned out to be the worst. But everything came crashing down when, in the midst of a photoshoot session, during a break, you looked at your phone and saw a message from your brother.
"Luka is leaving, come quickly!!" This message made your heart race. What do you mean Luka is leaving? And so you ran, apologizing to the photographer as you rushed to get to your boyfriend's house as fast as you could, not caring about the confused onlookers.
"Luka!" Your shouts were heard as everyone turned to look at you, running to catch up with the boy. When he turned his head in surprise to see you sprinting toward him, just as he was about to get into the car, he simply gave up and ran towards you. Your friends watched as both of you ran. "Luka!" you yelled as you approached.
"(Name)!" The boy also shouted as he ran and embraced you, both of you breathing heavily from the sprint. Tears streamed down both of your faces, a rare sight.
"Are you really leaving?" you asked as you looked at him. The boy simply placed his hand on your face, wiping away the tears.
"It's for your own good," he said, trying not to cry, but a few tears were falling on his pale face. He sighed sadly.
"Can we meet again?" you asked, holding onto the hand he placed on your face. "I promise we'll meet again… I promise, my love." And so, for the first time, everyone witnessed the love between Luka Couffaine and [Name] Agreste, sealing their promise with a kiss, a moment that all could witness.
"They just did!?…" Marinette exclaimed in shock while smiling with her mouth wide open. Adrien, it could be said, was also surprised by the turn of events. Ayla took the opportunity to snap a photo of the moment, the last moment they could witness as their friends had just declared their love and made it official.
But soon, Adrien noticed a familiar car approaching Jacket Stone's car and their friends. It was his chauffeur's car, which stopped right behind. From there, Nathalie emerged, adjusting her glasses and immediately grabbing her tablet. She walked toward the couple, who were embracing again, and sighed. Nathalie then got the attention of everyone, including Adrien and Luka.
"Nathalie?" Adrien asked in shock as he looked at his father's assistant. What was strange was that she was here when she's usually always by his father's side. This worried him, especially since she could report directly to his father.
"Miss [Name] Agreste! Leaving your rehearsal abruptly and not responding to any of my calls, you two are in trouble!" Nathalie scolded.
And so, when you separated from Luka's embrace and looked at Nathalie, Jacket Stone, seeing the tension escalating, intervened to put his hand on Luka's shoulder and wake him from the situation. Nathalie had already grabbed your hand and was dragging you toward the car, while Jacket was also directing Luka to get in the car. Before getting into the car, Luka saw you smile at him, and he smiled back before entering his own car.
Adrien noticed Nathalie taking out her phone, and she looked at him, saying, "Don't forget to come home at 6:00 PM; your father only allowed you a few more hours." With that, she got into the car, and Adrien could see her sad expression through the window as the car drove away. Jacket watched with the children, observing your girlfriend's car disappear, just as they were about to leave as well.
"Dating?! Who gave you permission to date this boy?" Gabriel said, keeping his hands behind his back. He sighed in disappointment and pinched his nose. "I knew allowing you too much freedom could end up being a distraction, especially this boy, this Luka Couffaine. He was just a distraction!"
"But father, I—"
"But nothing, [Name]! Leaving after your rehearsals to meet with this boy?! Skipping a photoshoot just for this boy?! What do you think you're doing?! Do you really want to ruin our reputation? I think you deserve more than just a week of punishment! Go to your room now!"
Gabriel said as he fiddled with his ring behind his back. You simply accepted it sadly, walking up the stairs and glancing back to see your father looking at his tablet, viewing a photo from one of your meetings with Luka. You wondered who could have done this.
"Nathalie, make sure [Name] doesn't contact her 'friends' anymore. I don't want any more distractions," your father said before you entered your room, no longer hearing anything else, only the familiar tears returning.
part 2
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ramhaiba · 7 months
All I need is you (Yandere Kenma x Reader x Yandere Kuroo)
Chapter One
No warning in this chapter however MINORS DO NOT INTERACT SERIES TW: Gore, Stalking, Sexual themes, major character death
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You hugged your dear friend, Hinata, as closely as possible, this was the last time you were going to see him before you moved. "Y/n, c'mon, you'll make new friends!" he chuckled, rubbing your back, you only knew he has kept an optimistic appearance because he couldn't bear to see you sad. You always liked that about Hinata. "I don't want to make new friends. I want to stay here!" you mumbled as Hinata pulled away, dusting your light-colored sweater.
"I know.." Hinata responded, his lips curled into his smile but you could still tell deep down in his heart, he would miss you. You never wanted to leave that bus station, you rather run away with Hinata and graduate at Karasuno. There were so many memories you could have made at Miyagi Prefecture but your mother urged you to move to Tokyo. You didn't quite hate her for that but it did break your heart the second you realized all of your possessions were packed into cardboard boxes.
You'll never make friends as you had in Karasuno! You completely forgot how the entire Karsasuno's volleyball team even became your friend. What are you going to do without Hinata?
Hinata's hand curled on your cheek, "hey, don't worry! Just look for Kenma and tell him you know me. Kenma will take care of you for me, I promise! " Hinata uttered. You blinked, holding back your tears, "okay..promise you'll visit me" you mumbled. Hinata chuckled, tilting his head, "of course, I'll visit you the second I can" he announced.
Y/n was a first-year, she had just recently transferred from Karasuno to Nekoma. She had no idea what to expect. She just remembers her old friend from Karauno, Hinata, telling her "don't worry Y/n! You can tell Kenma you know me and he'll be nice to you!"If only she knew the type of person Kenma truly was.
"Y/n! The bus is here" your mother called, lightly tugging on the sleeve of your sweater. "O-oh..goodbye Shoyo" you sighed, a pout growing on your lips. "Don't say goodbye, I'm always here for ya. So, don't act like you're never going to see me again!" Hinata urged, punching your shoulder, playfully. You knew he was right but it didn't lift the aching feeling in your heart. You took a deep breath as you stepped foot on your bus, quickly glancing at Hinata, he kept the same big grin he had when he first met you, "I'll see you later, Shoyo! "You announced. "I'll see you later, Y/n!" Hinata chuckled.
You walked into the classroom. Everyone had a seat, beside you. You stood in front of the class. "You must be the new student, Y/n? Will you like to introduce yourself to the class?" your teacher said, behind his desk. You responded to him with a nod, it'd be good for you to introduce yourself, especially when you transferred in the middle of the semester.
"Hello, My name is Y/n L/n. I transferred here from Karasuno. I- uh look forward to working with you all" You announced, fiddling your thumbs together from behind your back. You heard whispers from the back of the classroom, instantly spiking your anxiety.
"Karasuno is so far"
"She looks weird"
"Her skirt is way too short"
"God, I hope she doesn't sit next to us"
"Is something wrong, Y/n?" The teacher said. You snapped out of it. It was just your imagination tricking you, god you were so damn nervous... "Nothing, sorry," you said. Your teacher gave you a quick smile and then searched the room for a seat. "Sit next to Lev, Lev stand up,'' The teacher said.
Then a silver-haired, green eye, extremely tall boy stood up. He looks scary, he might have been the tallest guy you have ever seen, was this kid even a first year?
You quickly took a seat next to him, not wanting any more eyes to be on you. The teacher started his lecture.
You looked to your left. Lev was trying to talk to you.
"Yes?" you whispered
"You're from Karasuno right?" Lev asked
You nodded. Lev grinned. He looked a lot less scary with such a wonderful smile.
"Do you know Hinata?" Lev asked
You eagerly nodded your head, excited to hear Hinata's name.
"Do I know him? He's my best friend" you whispered. Lev chuckled, he had a kind of laughter, it made you feel safer and less intimidated by his appearance.
"Do you know Kenma?" You asked. Lev answered your question with a nod.
"Yeah, He's on the same volleyball team as me," Lev murmured, covering his mouth from the teacher's perspective.
"Oh um.." you stuttered, anxious about what to say to him next. Would it be weird for you to ask to be introduced to Kenma? I mean you just met Lev five seconds ago...
"Do you want to Come by volleyball practice with me?" Lev asked, casually, Oh, thank god he asked. "Sure!" you whispered, a bit too loudly.
"QUIET DOWN IN THE BACK " your teacher announced, his eyebrows furrowing. Lev held back his snicker, his cheeks swelling. "Meet me there at 5" he whispered, keeping his head faced in the front to cause less suspicion.
You stood in front of the gym, it was a bit bigger than Karasuno's gym and maybe slightly older than Karasuno's gym. You looked around, searching for the grey-haired student, unable to catch him in your eye view, you started getting anxious.
Where is he? Oh god, he thinks you're a dork and left you here. You should leave. You tried to walk away but you heard something approaching you.
"Y/N! " Lev yelled, running up to you. "Oh hi, um I'm here," you said. Wow smooth, Y/n...
Lev grinned, "why didn't you go inside? Everyone is here already" Lev asked. "Oh they are-?" you said. You idiot, the doors were opened... Oh god just transfer to another school.
You walked into the court with Lev next to you.
"Oi Titan, who did you bring?" Said a short boy, with brown hair, his height reminded you of Noya, but you chose not to mention anything about it.
"I brought my new classmate, Y/n! They were from Karasuno" Lev said, a big grin on his face as if he was proud he brought a new person to introduce to his upperclassmen. "Huh? Karasuno? Oh- I'm Yaku, a third-year" Said the boy. "I'm Y/n L/n," you responded, smiling because you felt you'd look friendly.
"Yaku, do you know where Kenma is?" Lev asked, stretching his long arms.
"Hmm, I think he's with Kuroo, in front of the locker room," Yaku said, pointing. Lev gave Yaku a thumbs up. Lev placed one of his hands behind your back as he guided you towards a pair of upperclassmen.
One had dyed blonde hair, he looked like he definitely didn't want to be there, he was shorter than the person he was talking to, he strangely reminded you of a cat. The other boy had dark hair, was much more muscular and taller than the other boy, and had hair covering one of his eyes.
"Kenmmaaaa" Lev sang, swinging his arms up and down. The blonde boy snapped his head towards you and Lev.
"What do you want," he asked. His voice was so.. Quiet and calm. It didn't seem like he was too fond of Lev, it didn't look like he was too fond of anyone, to be honest.
"I want you to meet someone," Lev said, less confident. Kenma's eyes focused on you, he was clearly annoyed, his glance was so intimidating that you could basically melt by a single stare.
"Why," he asked, annoyed. You looked at Lev and Lev looked back at you. "I HEAR YAKU CALLING ME," Lev announced, quickly dashing away and leaving you to fend for yourself The dark-haired boy put a hand on Kenma's shoulder. "Kenma, don't be mean. She's a cute girl" The boy said. Kenma rolled his eyes.
"What does the 'cute girl' want," Kenma asked.
"I-oh- I'm from Karasuno- "You said.
"Karasuno?You think she knows Chibi-chan?" The dark-haired boy asked, leaning on the shorter boy's shoulder, Kenma clearly didn't like the physical touch.
"Do you mean Hinata? Yeah! He actually told me to meet up with Kenma." you said.
Kenma sighed. "Since Shoyo likes you... I guess I can try to like you too... I'm Kenma Kozume. You can just call me Kenma" Kenma said. "And I'm Tetsurou Kuroo, you could stick with us, " The dark-haired boy said. "Thanks, let's have a good year together, alright!" you beamed, happy you were able to introduce yourself to kind, friendly people. From that moment, they seemed like nice guys who'd introduce you to your grandma. Little did you know... They were capable of some much worse. 
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antoncyng · 8 months
another small drabble because these kind of plots have been on my mind ever since the video of jennie surprising rose on her fancall 2 years ago.. can you see where im going ? so imagine this with you and wonbin.. 🤍
surprise! - park wonbin
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idol!bf!wonbin x nonidol fem!reader
warnings: complete fluff, wonbin as a whipped af bf, supportive reader gf, pet names (angel, baby, princess)
wc : 763
seeing your boyfriend of 3 and a half years get to the top of album charts internationally and in korea, it made you proud. at most times you felt like a proud mom watching her son grow into his dream, and wonbin always knew he had an amazing supportive girlfriend waiting for him at home after his long schedules. at first, the difference between schedules was a small problem when wonbin first debuted. RIIZE was busy everyday, music show after music show. and when they weren’t recording pre-recordings for music bank or inkigayo, they were recording songs. comeback after comeback, wonbin was tired! his favorite part of the day was being able to come home to his affectionate girlfriend, and listen to her day as he slowly falls asleep in her arms.
“baby i have to go now,” wonbin said with a small frown as he looked down at you, clinging onto the standing boys torso as you sat in bed, just woke up. “its so early, i dont want you to go yet” you said, mumbling the words into his shirt as you heard his chuckle at your actions. “i’ll be home soon tonight, we have a fancall and thats it okay? ill be back soon” he told you, gently brushing his fingers through your bed hair, looking up at him and nodding. he bent down to give you a last kiss for that morning before he left, leaving you home alone.
but you were planning something for wonbin, he told you multiple times before that he enjoyed talking to fans and interacting with them through calls, but he got very socially drained easily. and what was the cure to that? you. yes, you spent $650 on albums for your boyfriend to cheer him up while he did his job, and thankfully you got in! you used a different name, your english(or second) name that your parents gave you, the name wonbin definitely wouldn’t be able to tell its you.
POV CHANGE ; yns pov
i got out of bed, looking at the time and remembering my time slot, i had until 3:50 pm. it was currently 11:00 am, i had all the time in the world right now! i sat on the couch going through netflix, finding a show. i finished a few episodes and looked at the time, oh okay its just 3:00.. wait its 3:00 already?! oh my god i have to get ready for the fancall! i jumped off of the couch and ran to my room, changing only my top since wonbin wouldn’t be able to see my pants, then into the bathroom to get ready, i finished my makeup and looked at the time. perfect! 3:35, ill set up the phone and get ready for the call. i sat at my desk in me and wonbins shared room, my phone set up with my mirror lights on, a stand up background behind me with decorations and pictures of wonbin, feeling slightly cringed but excited to see his reaction. i checked the time again, 3:48, i should be getting the call anytime so-
*ring ring ring, ring ring ring*
the phone is ringing! okay, take a deep breath.. wait why am i so nervous? hes my boyfriend..
POV CHANGE BACK authors pov
you answer the video call, the staff holding up a piece of paper with the questions, “can you hear me when i say this?” she says hello and you nod, not wanting to use your voice yet in case wonbin was already listening. the staff held up an OK! 👌 hand and said “please wait”, soon enough you saw the phone being set up to a distracted wonbin, looking down at the album.
“hello? earth to wonbin?” you said with a big smile on your face, watching him snap his head up with a huge smile painted on his face as soon as he recognized your voice. “princess, what are you doing here? why would you buy my fancall?” he asked excitingly, before he got cut off by a younger members peeking his head into the camera. “hiiiii ynie!!” an excited sohee said, you waving to him as he got pushed and shooed away by wonbin. “i wanted to surprise you, i know you said your calls get tiring so i wanted to give you some energy,” you said smiling, then pointing to the background. “do you like it? i made it myself!” you said proudly, watching wonbins huge grin on his grow bigger.
“i love it, thank you angel, youll always be my number supporter hm?”
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