#dragvnsovl / tater
museincarnate · 5 months
oh , jesus , are you alright ? //Tater to Hakkona!
At one point or another, it seemed like the Buff Gal had nodded off for a brief little nap; tossing and turning about in her sleep, to a degree that her hair was all over the place, and, at the worst, one of the straps from her top was off of her shoulder. While she didn't realize how disheveled she looked, Tater's reaction to the sight of her brought Hakkona pause.
"Yeah, I'm okay... I just woke up, is all. I didn't mean to get so tired all of a sudden, Tater. Do I look bad or-" Looking at her reflection, her realization would cause the Saiyaness's cheeks to turn a pinkish hue, before she turned back to her Rabbit friend with a nervous smile. "Is it okay if I straighten myself up? I know we had plans to do something today, and I hope I didn't get up too late!"
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risingsouls · 6 months
@dragvnsovl replied: Tater VC: “Who?” //She def didn’t even see him. She was too distracted by the actual muscle
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" The short, green one with four eyes? Well...I'd be careful not to offend him. He's actually the strongest member, you know. You insult him? Well...I've heard some real nasty stories about people who get on his bad side. So I wouldn't be too loud about not noticing him~ "
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saiyanofparadox · 2 years
[ Starter for Tater ( @dragvnsovl ) ]
Heroism tended to keep a man busy, especially when it was taken as seriously as Shuen allowed it to be. As often as he was occupied with his duties, though, he somehow managed to make time to stop by a lovely friend's coffee shop; swearing to make time for more than a routine pick-me-up. Lo and behold, then, the redheaded male would be arriving just outside Tater's coffee shop; dusting some cat hair off of himself, from getting one out of a tree.
If his timing was right, she'd likely be free around this time; his own obligations taken care of, for the time being. If she was there, he'd likely end up spotting her and waving; waiting for an approach so that the two could interact with one another!
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She gasps!!
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SHE LOVES IT! "It's so pretty, mommy!! Thank you!"
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cc-dbz-skw · 4 months
A New Start [DBS Broly & Tater]
// starter for @dragvnsovl from here
“Please! Save Broly before it’s too late!”
That was the wish made from the dragon balls as Gogeta fired his Super Kamehameha to finish Broly off. The Super Saiyan Blue fusion was confused, not sure if he landed his attack or not. It didn’t matter though, either way the battle was over, as he could no longer sense that rampaging energy from before.
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Broly didn’t know where he was, he was wandering around a city limping from the injuries sustained from his last battle. “Father…” he wondered sadly, briefly recalling seeing him pass away before his eyes. He felt to have lost his purpose now, and as his fatigue suddenly went to catch up with him, he ended up collapsing and then blacking out from his injuries.
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gazelessmenagerie · 8 days
😉 //Tater to Mauga
Send me 😉 for my muse to straddle yours.
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beatgod · 3 months
bunny. 。° ⸻ @dragvnsovl.
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       ❝ God, aren't you just the fuckin'  cutest?! ❞   Hiroe's voice pitches up at least two octaves as she sweeps the bunny girl up off her feet, spinning her in a full, graceful circle. All that flourish just to sit her in her lap   ( Ugh, and she was so soft! ),   hands holding her by her cheeks to bring their noses together with all too excited little nuzzles.   ❝ You're just too much! ❞
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mamismulti · 4 months
@dragvnsovl continued from [here]
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“What the—??” It wasn’t like her to just…
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Surprised by Tater’s sudden boldness, the Namekian could only bring a hand up to his nose where she’d previously kissed. Color is quick to enter his cheeks and he quickly turns away from her before she can see the effect she has on him, cape swishing in the air with the movement alone.
"Hmph...a little warning would suffice." He mutters, dropping his hand to his side as he tosses her a quick glance. Just what was she trying to achieve by doing that? Tch, whatever...it wasn't like it mattered to him. The action didn’t go unnoticed though and he understood well what this gesture was meant to symbolize.
Affection, but not the type he had ever thought he'd receive. Much less, the sort of affection that Videl and Gohan openly displayed. Searching the area, he was relived to notice that nobody had been around to witness Taters sudden surge of bravado. Yet, he didn't say much as he turned to face her, his blush less evident than before as he reached out to tousle her hair, "J-just don't expect me to let it slide next time, got that?"
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cosmicelite · 10 months
✏️ //For Zarb to draw any of my muses he’s interacted with so far
Send me✏️ for my muse to draw your muse.
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well, he thinks hes done a fine job at drawing her.
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son-tatso · 4 months
BouTEAque Time [Tatso & Tater]
son-tatso Tatso a Saiyan Time Patroller was sent to a certain era to investigate a distortion, though he was stuck, unable to find any leads beyond the where and when it was last detected. He supposed he should wait around to see if it happens again, so found himself exploring this time's West City to pass the time.
“Oh, BouTEAque? Haha that’s good!” he laughed at the punny coffee shop name he walked past it, getting interested enough for him to go in to check it out.
“Hello! I like the name of the shop, is there anything you would recommend?” Tatso asked the nearest staff member. He had a striking resemblance to a teenage Gohan and Goten due to his hair, though he hoped he could pass himself as a normal human civilian with spiky hair, having changed from his Sayan armour to more normal clothes before entering the city so he could blend in. // for Tater
@dragvnsovl answered:
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As soon as she heard a customer entering, Tater gave an automatic greeting in a cheerful tone, tossing a friendly smile in their direction. "Welcome!"
She finished up cleaning a table before turning towards the newcomer when he gave his question, folding the rag in her hand and placing it on the table's surface with a hum of thought. "Recommendations..? Oh, there's quite a few. We have a particularly large selection of teas and coffees with different flavors. Our confections and pastries are also popular, especially the pies and cakes. I'm fond of the carrot cake, myself." Perhaps a bit on the nose considering her long bunny ears that twitched curiously.
She paid no mind to his hair, having seen her fair share of interesting customers. Lifting a hand up, she tapped a finger against her chin in contemplation. "Though, since the weather has been hot lately, perhaps something refreshing like a lemon and mint iced green tea? Our chocolate banana semifreddo has been a hit so maybe you would enjoy that?"
“Yes,” Tatso confirmed, listening to Tater carefully, mentally noting down her recommendations. He wasn’t exactly hungry, just more thirsty if anything. “You’re right, it is actually quite hot today. So I’ll have a large lemon and mint iced green tea please.”
Deciding on the order, he looked around the place while waiting. It seemed friendly and lively enough, and he doubted the food and drinks were bad either, it was likely he would come back again for a pick-me-up at some point later.
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cxldtyrant · 10 months
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//These are too fun to do so I couldn’t resist doing one from Tater
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Are you Cooler's type? - Closed
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"Almost four lines. That's quite the accomplishment," he mused with a throaty chuckle, his scarlet irises skimming over the sheet. From glancing over the areas stamped, it indicated the Earthling was quite compatible with him in certain aspects. She was not quite ambitious or powerful, certainly, but reliability in a companion was always advantageous, especially in an environment as treacherous as his. "This proved to be quite enlightening, indeed."
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museincarnate · 3 months
“Oh my god I’m dead. ❞ //Tater to Ghost, as she slowly lays down and takes the time to get comfortable before making an exaggerated bleh sound as she ‘dies’
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Had Tater not warmed the heart of the Scorched Saiyan, and the two weren't become quite the romantic item together, Ghost, himself, knew that he would have no trouble displaying indifference to her feigned demise. However, the way she let out her dying sound, and took the time to make her final position a comfortable one... It made even hiding a smile an impossible task.
His head would tilt up to the heavens, with arms spread as if asking a higher power why they had to take his precious bunny from him; all the while, snickering and stifling a fit of laughter, before attempting to speak. "Take me, not her! Without her, my flames will go out, and my heart will grow cold!" All of that... Before just carefully and playfully collapsing alongside her; wrapping an arm around her waist, before shifting his head into her neck.
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amitsuma · 1 year
@dragvnsovl​ | continued. 
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He finds it hard to look in her eyes. Every flicker toward her reminds him of her growing concern, an emotion he isn't used to seeing in anyone's eyes. The injury also shook him more than he originally thought it would; but he didn't give any thought to that when throwing himself in front of her before forcibly diffusing the situation. He couldn't just stand idly by. Even so, no matter how often it happens, he never gets used to getting hurt, it's always excruciating... the memory of the wound is still fresh. Luckily, being a natural healer had its perks. He pays no mind to the fact that his inhuman blood is on full display, the remnants still dripping despite the closed wound.
❝... If you want. I won't stop you.❞
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clvric · 10 months
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@dragvnsovl asked: 🌿 //Mayhaps Radish or Tater? 🤔
Devil Plant || Accepting !!
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She's staring at the plant, she just can't understand why humans came up with such a ridiculous tradition, it's not a big deal like she's making it out to be. But for some reason, it just irritates her.
❝ Which human decided kissing under this thing would be traditional ?? I don't get it. ❞
Considering that where she came from; this wasn't a thing, it's a bit understandable why she didn't understand nor like it. A glance at her bunny friend calms her down a bit, adjusting her stance.
❝ Do you follow it ?? ❞
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@dragvnsovl continued from x
"...Kinda." She replied. "Another bad dream." She would explain briefly. She lays her head on the bunny woman's chest, snuggling up in her arm.
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cc-dbz-skw · 3 months
Lonely Face [Yamcha & Tater]
@dragvnsovl asked:
"You look lonely." //Tater @ whoever you've got an itch for, if that's alright
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“Man, does it really look that obvious on my face?” Yamcha asked Tater with a forced smile and then a light sigh. He had become a regular at her café for a while, he even offered a collaboration with his restaurant chain.
“You know, I think I’ve done well with my life, all things considered. I got a lot of savings from my baseball career, and a steady income from my restaurants. Still, I can’t seem to keep a girl for long, ironic since I couldn’t handle being near one until I met Bulma haha,” he admitted with a laugh. “All my friends have settled down with their families, and I’m still a bachelor. But you kinda get me, right? Even with all your success here, don’t you get a bit lonely sometimes?”
// tbh I want to do this for (my) Vegeta, and Frieza too, coz it’ll be funny, lmao
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