#nisi filters
of-two-lands · 2 years
44°58'23.5"N 6°03'54.8"E
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teresabeadle5 · 2 months
201902 _DSC0338-2.jpg
201902 _DSC0338-2.jpg by Jerome Colombo Via Flickr: www.jeromecolombo.com, Flickr, 500px, Instagram, Facebook, Vero, Threads, Digital SLR Photography
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fredomotophoto · 13 days
Port de Brignogan au coucher de soleil
Port de Brignogan au coucher de soleil par Frédéric Poirier Via Flickr : Port of Brignogan at sunset
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mrderelict · 1 year
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"edge of tonight" part thirteen ~ the call
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pairing: namjoon x reader (lots of platonic ot7 x reader) rating: T 16+ genre: mafia au, angst this part: You finally call Jackson back. tw: mafia au!, angst, swearing, emotional manipulation/abuse, panic attack, jimin is still a little shit word count: ~6.2k track #16: Birdie ~ Avril Lavigne: “Like a bird locked up in a cage.” the edge of tonight masterlist an: did yall know that with this chapter we are officially halfway through eot?? crazy, right?? and finally, this is our first main chapter with Jackson! i can't wait to hear what you guys think of it!! thank you so so so much to @cui-nisi for beta-ing this for me!! she's my new beta so you'll be seeing her around going forward. and as always, the lovely moodboard at the bottom was made by the fantastic @mirahuyooo
The worst part about waking up from drug-induced sleep was the panic that raced through you before anything else. An unfamiliar room, a stiff bed, a sharp pain in your side—it was a recipe that skyrocketed your heart rate and made breathing near impossible. You were in pain, so you weren't dreaming; this was real, and it was far too familiar an experience.
Your eyes squinted against the light of the room, although it was far dimmer than what you remembered falling asleep to. Your limbs still felt heavy as you tried to move them, and you groaned at the stretch of your injured side. You were still entirely dressed, that was a first, but that didn't do much to quell your growing fear.
"Hey there, sleepyhead," a voice filtered in from somewhere next to you. "How are you feeling?
Your answer didn't matter, while you were here they were in charge of you. You needed to get out. You kept fighting to get your eyes open against the last of the drug, kept working to get your arms and legs moving properly.
A fast-paced beeping came from behind you. The person started moving faster than you were, probably going to check on whatever the beep was. "Whoa, hey, Y/N, calm down. Don't hurt yourself." You wouldn't calm down. You wouldn't let yourself stay here, injured and waiting for the next injury.
You managed to get your eyes open. Looking down, you saw an IV still in your arm and could feel the bandages wrapped around your torso. Your hand went to your injured side, grabbing at the scar over your ribs, just above the bandaged wound. Then you yanked the IV out, and rolled off the bed.
You ran.
You weren't fully sure where you were, but there was a staircase. Up was better than down, so you headed for that when a hand caught your shoulder and pulled you to a stop.
"Let me go!"
"Y/N, stop!"
"What's going on?" Another voice joined in from somewhere else. They were everywhere, there were so many of them. You couldn't stay here, you couldn't get trapped again, you had to get out.
You ripped yourself away again, feeling something in your side pull painfully, but it wasn't enough to stop you. You threw yourself up the stairs, trying to take them two at a time but not having the energy for it. The adrenaline was the only thing keeping you going. You just had to keep going.
A door at the top of the staircase opened up before you could reach it, a dark silhouette looking down at you. You squinted at the sudden light and stumbled on one of the steps, causing you to fall forward.
"The fuck is going on?"
"Runaway patient," the first voice said. Apparently he wasn't as far behind you as you thought.
Then there were hands on you, turning you over, pulling at your shirt. "NO!" You tried pushing them away, tried getting back up, but it was no use. Tears pricked at your eyes, you couldn't be there again, this couldn't be happening again.
"Hyung, stop! You're scaring her!"
"I gotta check—"
"Get off me!"
"Hyung, seriously, back off."
"HEY." There was a loud clap right in front of your face. "Look at me."
You did as instructed, stilling and looking up from the assault. Your eyes met soft brown ones, ones you had seen before, but not in a dangerous way. You blinked, recognition flooding through you. "Park?"
Jimin smirked. "Hey there, beautiful. You back with us?"
You looked back down, this time realizing it was Jin's hands on you. He was checking the wound he had bandaged, from the gunshot you took saving his girlfriend. Probably making sure you hadn't reopened it in your escape attempt. Looking over your shoulder you saw Yoongi, who was watching Jin with a look that said he wanted to punch the elder.
You weren't going to oppose if he did. You still wanted to punch Jin yourself.
"Okay, so you managed to not rip any of the stitches, somehow," Jin said, having finished his little check-up. He quickly moved your shirt back down, covering you back up, before meeting your eyes. "Care to explain?" He asked you, annoyance firm in his voice.
You clamped your jaw shut, anger replacing the shock. "Ask me how many times I've been knocked out only to wake up in an unfamiliar room in pain." You watched as guilt filled his eyes, and Jin looked away.
"I'm sorry," he said, offering you a hand to help you stand. "I didn't mean to scare you." You ignored his hand, still beyond upset at him, and pushed yourself up on your own despite the pain.
"Scare?" Jimin snickered. "Hyung, I'm pretty sure you flat-out triggered her." He turned back to you, features softening. "You okay?"
"Peachy." Your voice was hard. You turned on your heel and finished going up the last few steps, brushing past Yoongi, hand firm over your wound. You squinted against the light coming in through the windows now that you were out of the darkness of the basement, and headed towards the kitchen.
Taehyung was munching away on some kind of takeout at the table, flipping through a magazine. He looked up as you walked in and offered you a smile around his food. The others were right behind you, always following, never giving you space to breathe. You tried your best to ignore them as you went to the fridge.
"I cooked up some kimchi fried rice last night," Yoongi said. "There should be leftovers."
"As long as Kookie didn't get to it first," Tae interjected.
You searched around for the said fried rice. "Looks like he did." You closed the door and leaned onto the island, hiding the grimace of pain. "How long was I out?" You glanced at the clock on the microwave and saw it read half past three in the afternoon.
Jin sat down across from where you were standing. "A whole day," he said. "I wasn't expecting you to be out that long. I didn't use that much on you, you should've only been out for a few hours." He pulled out a cotton ball and some bandage wrap out of his pocket. It was only then you noticed you were still bleeding from where you pulled the IV out.
"Yeah, I respond really badly to drugs like that, both physically and mentally." You glared at the elder, but still offered your arm to him so he could wrap it. "Maybe ask next time." Jin rolled his eyes, but otherwise didn't respond to you. "Where is everyone? Usually you're all watching me."
"Jungkook's at his gym," Jimin answered, "and Hoseok-hyung and Namjoon-hyung are checking on a lead or something?"
"Jin and I stayed here to watch over you," Yoongi added. He started digging through the fridge, probably looking for something you could eat. You were hungry after having been unconscious for a whole day. "It was quite the push to get Namjoon out of the house while you were out."
"Is Coffee Girl okay?" you asked Jin. You needed to know that everything you'd just gone through wasn't for nothing. 
Jin sighed, "She's still a little shaken, but yeah, she'll be fine." He looked at you, softer than he had since you'd woken up. "Thank you for saving her. I don't know what I would've done if…"
"Did you tell her the truth?" You pressed. If Jin didn't, you were going to. She deserved to know, especially after this
Jin nodded, "She said she needed some time to process things, but I promised that we would keep her safe and protected no matter what she decided." You finally relaxed a bit at that. Looked like there would be another girl kept safe by the Y/N Initiative. The name was pretty ridiculous, in your opinion, but at least they got things done.
"Should I dye my hair?"
Jimin's voice broke the solemn atmosphere that had settled. You rolled your eyes at his antics.
"What's wrong with the blond?" Tae asked, turning another page.
"I just wanna change it up, you know? I've been blond for a while, maybe it's time to try something else."
"You sure you're not trying to impress a certain someone?"
"Tae, I will throw you off the roof."
"A fall from that height won't kill him," Yoongi interjected, cutting up various vegetables on the counter.
"Anyway," Jin stood, "I have to get to the hospital. Yoongi offered to stay in today to make sure that you're okay, since he seems to be your favorite now."
"I was always her favorite." You hit his shoulder at the comment. You didn't have favorites. Well, you did back then, and it was pretty obvious which one it was (and it wasn't Yoongi).
"See you later hyung!" Tae called as Jin walked out. You turned to Yoongi, still working at making food for you. You weren't sure exactly what he was making, but you knew it was going to be good.
"Can I have the keys to the car we drove in the other day?" you asked, causing Yoongi to raise an eyebrow. You couldn't drive, so why were you asking for car keys? "I wanna see if my phone fell out of my pocket after I got shot. I need to call Jackson."
"Oh, the phone," Yoongi said. "Um, about that? It's gone."
You pulled on Yoongi's shoulder until he was facing you. "What do you mean, ‘it's gone’?"
"I checked the car after Jin started working on you, trying to find it for you. It wasn't there, so Hoseok and Jungkook drove back to Beanie's to see if it fell out anywhere there. Jungkook retraced the alleyways and Hoseok checked all the cameras, but they couldn't find anything. So your phone's gone."
You were sure your panic was only quelled by the fact that you had Jackson's phone number memorized.
"So," Yoongi continued, turning back to the cooking, "Namjoon had Hoseok get a replacement for you." He reached into his back pocket, where his phone usually was, and pulled a device out. "It's got all the encryptions and safeties that we use, plus all of our numbers in it, just in case."
You carefully took the smart phone from him. It was a little heavier than what you were used to, and bigger, and thinner. The screen was the whole side of the phone, and the only buttons were on the side. You'd seen a smart phone before—Jackson had one, along with some of the other people you worked with in Busan—but you had never used one. Jackson had only given you the flip phone.
"Jungkook also downloaded some games he thought you might like, but if you don't, or you want different ones, he can help you out with that." Yoongi only rambled when he was being affectionate but didn't know how to express it. It gave you a small feeling of fondness, something that hadn't changed after so many years.
You simply nodded, not sure how else to respond. "Thanks." You turned the phone around in your hand once more before putting it into your back pocket. Looking down, you noticed you were still in the same clothes from yesterday, and your shirt was covered in dried blood. "Hey, can I change somewhere?"
"You can change in here if you want?" Jimin suggested with a wiggle of his eyebrows. Tae smacked him with his magazine before you could throw the nearest object at him.
"We moved your stuff into the guest room," Yoongi told you. "There's a bed in there, but also one of the more comfortable couches we own. You can use that room for as long as you want." The 'to stay here' was implied, but you were grateful he left it implied. "Will one of you show her?"
"I will," Taehyung said as he stood up. He left the magazine open on the table, and made a follow me gesture.
"I'll bring your food up once it's done," Yoongi called as you followed Taehyung, which meant that the footsteps behind you belonged to your current least favorite member of this gang. You chose to ignore him; he wasn't really doing anything to warrant any response anyway.
Jin came out of a room from somewhere else (you really needed to memorize the layout of this place) dressed in hospital scrubs, checking his watch and carrying a briefcase. He only glanced up at you for a moment as he power-walked past. "Yoongi has the pain meds you can take and knows when to give them to you. Please don't be like Jungkook and try to power through. Life is more comfortable with medication. I'll be back in a few hours."
"Bye hyung!" Jimin and Taehyung said in sync, before returning to the semi-awkward silence.
Taehyung led you up the stairs to the second floor, then down the long corridor. The room you recognized as Namjoon's office had its door left wide open. You glanced in as you walked past it, only to see it currently void of life. You only got a quick glimpse of the wall, the one with the ancient picture hanging on it, before you were past it and it was out of your sight again.
You often broke into the offices and studies of businessmen, CEOs, gang bosses—always looking for information to use against them, to seal their fate. Breaking into Namjoon's office would probably be a walk in the park in comparison, but the only thing you want was to look at that picture again, to try and imagine the life you could've had, had you not gone to the fair that day.
The guest room was at the very end of the corridor. Taehyung opened the door and walked in, then turned to watch you. You looked around, taking everything in. It wasn't anything special, just another room in an estate, but it was at least four times larger than the basement hole you had been living in the past four months, and twice as big as the bedroom you lived in in your Busan apartment with Jackson.
There was a large bed in the center of the room, pushed up against the wall, with a nice-looking couch sitting underneath the windows. There was one open door that lead to a bathroom, and a closed one that was probably the closet. You had kind of forgotten what living in this kind of luxury was like. You almost felt nostalgic for the life you ran away from at sixteen.
"This is your room, for however long you want it to be," Taehyung said, breaking the silence and looking around the room. "I believe Jungkook put everything in the closet?" It sounded more like a question as he pointed to the closed door. "But you can do pretty much whatever you want in here."
"And we do mean, anything," Jimin added with that fucking suggestive tone layered in his voice that grated on your ears.
Just ignore him.
You headed towards the closet, pulling the door open and stopping at the sight of so many white dress shirts and dress slacks hanging up. "What, is this your storage closet?"
"Oh! Right, we call it the guest room, but it's actually Namjoon-hyung's room." Jimin explained. "He just never fucking uses it, so Jin-hyung decided to let you make use of it."
Namjoon's room. Great. You weren't going to think about that right now. Right now you wanted a change of clothes. The two duffle bags—one containing your meager belongings from the basement apartment and the other still containing nearly 8 billion won—were placed side by side on the floor, your red hat sitting on top of one. Against the wall was a small hamper that your dress from the ball and the clothes you had slept in afterwards. Jungkook must've done that too, and you tried not to think about that either. Then you noticed what was missing.
"Hey, wear's my jacket?" you asked as you pulled the clothing duffle from the closet and placed it on the bed, beginning to go through it for something comfy to change into.
"Gone." Was the only answer Taehyung gave you. You froze.
"It was years out of season, covered in blood, and had been patched up way too many time," he explained with a tone of disdain that made what blood was left in you boil. "I can get you a much better jacket, one that'll actually look good and keep you warm."
You took a deep breath, once again trying to quell the rising panic. "Taehyung. Where is my jacket."
You could sense his confusion, even though neither of you looked at the other. "It's gone. I threw it away. It's just a jacket, I'll get you a new one."
You had had that specific jacket for 8 years. You had washed it, patched it, survived in it. It was not just a jacket. Your voice resembled the same dark tone Jackson sometimes had when talking with you. "Kim Taehyung." You turned to look at him. "Look at me."
He hesitated at your words. Slowly, the man turned to comply. "Holy shit."
Murder, clear as day, was what he saw in your glare. The ice looking him directly in the eye was enough to easily surpass Namjoon's and Yoongi's—even Jin's. Jimin behind him glanced up from his phone and even jumped back in shock. "Goddamn Tae, did you throw her teddy bear away?"
"Get. It. Back." You told him. His hair bounced as he nodded and retreated.
"Yes ma'am. Absolutely. So sorry." He grabbed Jimin's hand as he turned and ran away. You exhaled, then went to close the door until it was just cracked. Surely they would knock before entering into your new room. You hoped so.
It wasn't just a jacket.
You shook your head, trying to clear it. Taehyung said he'd get your jacket back, and if he didn't, the promise of hell raining down on him should've been enough to make sure he did. In your solitude, you finally dropped the act of not being in pain. Your side was actually killing you, and you couldn't wait for Yoongi to bring you those meds. He probably would when he brought you food.
You sat on the edge of the bed, one hand clinging to your side and your free one digging through the clothes. Changing clothes was going to hurt, and you all knew it, but you were glad Yoongi let you make the decision yourself. Soon you came across another pair of sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. That would work.
Changing hurt.
You felt better once you were in different—clean—clothes, and you walked the small distance to the couch. It was a bit colder here, probably because of its proximity to the windows. You made a mental note to ask Jungkook if he'd move the couch away from the wall for you.
You took as deep a breath as your injury would let you. It was time to make the call.
You sat cross-legged on the couch, favoring your injured side more than you would've liked. With a deep breath, you dialed Jackson's phone number. The call would be coming from an unknown number, so you weren't surprised when it was almost immediately rejected. It didn't deter you, you simply hit the redial button. This time hit rang long enough to go to voicemail naturally. You redialed the number one more time.
He picked up on the third ring. "How did you get this number?" Jackson's voice was deeper than it usually was when talking to you; he was probably trying to mask it, to make it more intimidating than normal. You silently inhaled again.
"The bird is in the cage."
There was a beat of silence, and you could practically feel the rage radiating off him through the receiver. "Oh, is she?"
"Because I'm currently in the cage, and what do you know, the cage seems to be birdless."
You squeezed your eyes shut in a meager attempt to block everything out. You knew it was going to be difficult finally calling and talking to him, and you knew he was going to be angry with you. You hated it when he was angry with you though, something about it made you feel small, insignificant. Unimportant.
"Where the hell have you been, huh?" He kept going. "I haven't heard from you in nearly three days—and who's number is this you're calling me on?"
"I lost my phone," you mumbled into the receiver. You were still beating yourself up for that.
"The fuck you mean, you lost your phone? What the hell happened, Y/N?"
You took another deep breath. "I got in a fight, and during the escape, I lost my phone." You paused. "And then I got shot."
Jackson didn't respond for a long time, so long you wondered if he hung up on you. "Y/N, where are you?" His voice was steady now, stable.
He was furious.
"I told you, I'm somewhere safe, bird is in the cage and all that." You couldn't tell him you were with Bangtan.
"No, somewhere safe would be back in this apartment where I can see you and watch after you myself. Where. Are. You."
"Somewhere safe." You weren't going to budge on this. Jackson could wear you down on a thousand other things, but not this. You weren't going to sell Namjoon out.
"Oh my fucking—fine, don't tell me. Why don't you tell me about this gunshot wound you have instead? What fucking fight did you get into?"
You let out a small breath of relief. This you were more comfortable talking about. "Yeah, okay, so, Song lied to me about this job, and I went to meet with Wang yesterday about it and confront him, and then he tried taking me. So I fought back and saved another girl along the way, and in the escape I got shot."
"Wait, slow down—what do you mean, Song lied to you about the job?" Jackson asked, nearly interrupting you. "This is why I clear all jobs before you go through with them."
"You wouldn't have let me go!"
"Yeah, no shit! You belong here in Busan with me, not galivanting through the streets of Seoul getting shot!"
"There's more," you ignored him, trying to keep yourself calm. "Song knows who I am—who I really am."
The pause Jackson had this time was less anger and more concern, finally. "How the fuck—"
"I don't know, but he knows who I am and he knew the alias I was going by and he knew where I was in Busan and he knew enough about what I've been through to sell me the job." You started talking faster to keep Jackson from cutting you off. "Song didn't send Wang down to hire Lee Anna to hunt down and kill a rival gang doing unspeakable things to women. He sent him to find L/N Y/N and get me back to Seoul, and I think it has something to do with—"
"Okay, now you're thinking too much," Jackson's voice sliced through your small speech, that same phrase he always used with you. It shut you up quickly, just as it always did. "You don't actually know any of this, and if it is this serious then you need to get back down here. I don't want anything else to happen to you."
A small warmth went through you at his words. His tone of voice hadn't changed at all, he was still being pretty harsh, but ultimately it was because he cared about you. You started to feel guilty about having ghosted him for the past few days, about not answering his calls sooner.
"I'm sorry I didn't call you back sooner," you said, voice quiet. "I just—a lot of things happened all at once, and I needed time to process everything."
Jackson sighed, and it sounded like he was finally calming down a bit. "You know you don't make the best choices when I'm not around, and this was just another example of that. You need to come back to Busan so we can sort everything out. If Song knows who you are, then you aren't safe anywhere in Seoul."
You bit your lip. Maybe he was right, maybe you should go back, but... "Jackson, I don't know if going back will be any safer either. They found me there once, didn't they? As Lee Anna."
"Once you're in my sight again, I can figure out what to do next. No matter what, you're safest when you're with me, you know that."
Going back to Busan had always been in the back of your mind, an endlessly nagging thought tossing and turning, never truly allowing you to relax. You knew you were safe with Jackson, and Jackson was in Busan. But, that was before you met Namjoon again, before the better parts of your past had come face to face with you. Even after all this time, you knew you would be safe with them, too.
And, despite everything, you weren't quite ready to leave them yet.
"Jackson." You took a shaky breath in. "I think I need to stay in Seoul for now." You paused, knowing he would try to say something, but to your shock, he was silent. You swallowed and continued, your heart rate picking up. "This is big. Song has one of the largest gangs in the North, and if he knows my real identity and my fake one, then he might have answers that I need. And I don't want to leave before I can get them."
"Y/N." He was angry again, even though his tone matched yours: quiet and determined. You had hoped the calm would last longer, but you used words that you knew Jackson didn't like, words like think and want. Of course he was bound to explode on you again. "You just got shot a day or two ago, right? You're probably in a lot of pain, or you're high on pain meds. Either way, you're thinking too much, when you can't even think straight right now. Listen to me: I will take care of everything. You need to come back."
You're thinking too much. Those words echoed around your mind the way you hated. Constant, overlapping, sometimes whispered, sometimes yelled, always in Jackson's voice. Maybe you were thinking about all this too much. Jackson could take care of it. That's why he was your handler. He took care of all the details, simply told you where to go and who to kill. Your life was easier when you listened to him.
"Just come back, Y/N," Jackson said. His voice was finally filled with the care and concern you were looking for. "I won't be mad at you, I'll let all of this go, just come back home to me."
You squeezed your eyes shut. You should just go back to him. Busan wasn't terrible, it wasn't really that different from Seoul. And you were injured, so Jackson would go easier on the jobs he took for you until you were healed. And you could finally return to him the (almost) 8 billion won—the whole reason you even took this job. Everything would go back to normal.
You should just go back.
There was a soft knock just outside the door. "Jagiya." Your eyes snapped open and you turned. Through the crack you could see Yoongi looking at you. Did he just get there, or had he been listening in? You supposed the answer didn't really matter. You met his eyes, and saw something in them that stopped your whirlwind of thought.
They would let you go, if it's truly what you wanted. Some of them would try to stop you, but would ultimately let you make your choice. And others, like Yoongi, wouldn't question it. If it was what you wanted.
But it wasn't. It wasn't what you wanted. You didn't want to leave Seoul. You had fought for years to get back here. Busan wasn't home. And maybe Seoul wasn't home either, but it was closer. Busan was just as dangerous as Seoul was for you, maybe even more so. Seoul at least had people you knew were allies, who would help you and keep you safe. Seoul had the answers you were looking for and the secrets you needed to uncover.
Jackson wanted you back in Busan, back with him. You wanted to stay in Seoul, to stay with them.
You looked away from Yoongi. "No."
A pause.
"No, Jackson." Your free hand shook from nerves, and you pressed it up against your side in an attempt to keep it still. This was always the part when you broke down and gave into him. It had been years since you stood up to him like this, since you doubled down on yourself instead of giving into him. "I—I'm not going back. Not yet."
"Excuse me?"
"Once I get this solved, as soon as I have my answers, I'll go back to Busan. But not right now."
You glanced over at Yoongi again. You could see his smirk through the crack. He didn't realize just how much he was doing for you in this moment, and you hoped he wouldn't leave you alone quite yet.
Jackson still hadn't said anything. The silence dragged on until you couldn't handle it anymore. "Please, Jackson, just trust me, just this once. I can do this, please."
He let out a breath. "So this is it?" His voice was hard again, unfeeling, with that edge of something that always scared you. "This is what you wanna do?"
"Okay." His agreement shocked you. You thought for sure you'd have to fight for longer before he eventually gave in—if he ever gave in. "You wanna do this on your own? Wanna be independent? Fine." You released a breath too soon. "But you don't get to come crying to me the next time you have a nightmare."
The line disconnected. It took you a moment to realize he had hung up on you. You were so caught off guard by his words, still trying to process them. You slowly pulled the phone away from your head, looking down at the call time blinking up at you.
You heard the door creak open. "Is it safe to come in?" Yoongi asked from outside the room. You didn't respond, still too caught up in Jackson's… tantrum? He stormed off every now and again when you didn't listen to him. This must've been a version of that. You hit the redial button. It went straight to voicemail.
Call rejected.
You tried again. Voicemail. Again. Voicemail. Again. Voicemail. He would have to answer you eventually, right? He wasn't petty enough to ignore you for three days like you did him.
Again. Voicemail.
Maybe a text would work. You quickly typed up a simple I'm sorry message, something that should get his attention, that should get a response. You hit send and watched as a message came back immediately:
Service Error 409: You have been blocked by the intended recipient of your message.
Your eyes went wide. He blocked you. Jackson blocked you. What kind of tantrum was this? How were you supposed to contact him now? You needed to be able to call him with updates and ask him questions and—
Talk to him when you had nightmares.
You don't get to come crying to me the next time you have a nightmare.
He did the one thing you never thought he would. Jackson cut you off from him. That was Jackson's punishment for you standing up to him, for staying in Seoul.
For not choosing him.
But… but he couldn't do that to you. Jackson himself threw a fit whenever you two were separated for too long, and he knew how badly you needed him when things started getting bad for you again.
You needed Jackson. He was the only one who could make it all stop, when your mind betrayed you and things became too much. Being this far away, you settled for phone calls but that only helped so much. You weren't sure how much longer you'd be able to last without him. And he knew that.
He knew you needed him. He couldn't leave you alone like this, not when you both knew you needed him.
"Y/N! Breathe!"
Yoongi's voice broke through your building hysteria. He was standing in front of you now, a steaming plate of food in one hand and a glass of water in the other. You looked up at him and took a deep breath in, wincing at the pull in your side. You took a few more, ignoring the pain, as Yoongi watched.
"Everything okay?" he finally asked, sitting down next to you on the couch. You didn't look at him, your gaze still locked straight ahead. "That didn't sound like a great phone call."
You let out another strained breath before answering. "It wasn't, but things will be fine." You weren't sure if you were trying to convince Yoongi or yourself. "Jackson is… he just… he cares about me a lot and so he says a lot of stupid shit when he gets upset. It's nothing. He doesn't mean it."
He doesn't mean it. He'll get over this soon, he has to. Eventually his overprotective need will outweigh his anger at you and then he'll unblock you and call you back and everything will be okay.
"Sounds like a real outstanding guy," Yoongi grumbled, making a mental note to relay this information back to the guys. He moved the plate of food closer to you. "Here, get some food in you, then you can take your first round of pain meds."
"I'm not hungry," you lied out of habit. Jackson didn't like it when you ate too much, and you needed to be good right now. If you were good during his punishments then he would come back to you sooner.
And you needed him back as soon as you could get him back.
Maybe you should just go back.
"Bullshit." Yoongi put the plate on your lap. "You haven't eaten in over 24 hours and you have to take the medication with food. You're eating something if I have to force-feed you."
Jackson didn't like it when you hurt yourself either. Maybe a few bites wouldn't hurt, just enough to take the medication. You nodded, not trusting your voice, and picked up the fork to take a bite. Flavor exploded on your tongue, and you realized just how hungry you truly were. Within a few minutes, the plate was empty.
Yoongi took the dish from you and handed you the glass of water, then reached into his pocket for a bright orange bottle, transparent enough for you to see all the white pills inside. He handed the bottle to you. "Jin said you can have up to two pills every four hours. In between that, you can do whatever you want. Play games, watch movies, read books. Just ask."
You nodded then watched as Yoongi left you alone, closing the door but leaving it open just a crack, the way it was before he came in. You balanced the glass between your legs as you opened the bottle and shook out the two allotted pills into your palm. You stared at the rest of the pills, tempted to take more, but decided against it for the time being.
You needed to be good. Jackson would come back sooner if you were good. You capped the bottle and tossed it onto the bed, then popped the pain meds into your mouth and downed the glass of water. You put the glass on the window sill behind you, then laid down on the couch.
You usually weren't allowed to do those things Yoongi suggested. You usually trained, or worked with Jackson on the next job he had accepted for you. Neither of those were options right now, however, with your fresh wound needing to heal. So you decided to lay still on the couch, to keep the stress on your side down, and be good.
If you were good, Jackson would come back to you sooner.
Soon you felt the emotional exhaustion come crashing down on you, and you let your eyes flutter close. A small nap would do you good, and you hoped it would be dream- and nightmare-free. It was always a toss-up with naps. At least with your subconscious, you would know whatever your brain would throw at you would be temporary. If you stayed awake, your spiral downward would go on until someone stopped it for you.
Jackson stopped it for you. He was the only one who could. You needed him.
Maybe you should just go back.
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sooooo how we all feeling about jackson?? thank you again for reading!! please comment and reblog and let me know what you think. hopefully the next chapter will be up soon!! and a super special thank you to my taglist peeps, lemme know if you want to be added to list and subsequently become a Cool Kid™️ (if you arent listed below, it's because tumblr wouldn't let me tag you, idk why but i'm sorry) @illnevertrustmyselfagain @misschino @dany-but-not-targaryen @nyx-goddess-of-choas @fangirl125reader @clowdyblue @tutnotmytea @scentedsope @hope122598 @veronawrites @myooniverse @jiminrings @mirahuyooo @elyte @hyungieyoongi @singukieee @hello-neema @thebadassmotherofmyshotas @kawaii-bear @notsooperfect @mintyoonjisworld @glams00 @thisisnotangel @fangirl-and-stuff @dprssdgal @irony-of-living @hobateas @remmykinsff @gukieater​ @lovra974​ @whatsakilo ​@yoursoontobestepmom ​@juju-227592 ​@xyahrinx ​@belladaises ​@jaiuneamesolitaiire ​ @lookhere-2seok ​@imnotokayfuckup ​@rjsmochii ​​@mintsugarmy @smol-grandpa @maximofftrash @diamonddia-mond @soliloquyboopboop @stellauniverse @main-koi-aisa-geet-gaun @aclp-jb1d @snoozeagustd
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jrphotographybc · 8 months
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First thing in the morning and just before sunset on the same day.
Ricoh GR IIIx and NiSi Soft Grad ND filter
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bored-libra · 2 years
2022 in books
the architecture of happiness by alain de bottom
an american marriage by tayari jones
filter house by nisi shawl
the metamorphosis by franz kafka
the worst best man by mia sosa
the hating game by sally throne
utopia avenue by david mitchell
people we meet on vacation by emily henry
it happened one summer by tessa bailey
hook, line, and sinker by tessa bailey
the unhoneymooners by christina lauren
the spanish love deception by elena armas
minor detail by adania shibli
get a life, chloe brown by talia hibbert
take a hint, dani brown by talia hibbert
act your age, eve brown by talia hibbert
born to run by bruce springsteen
homesick for another world by ottessa moshfegh
the kiss quotient by helen hoang
the love hypothesis by ali hazelwood
boy parts by eliza clark
fix her up by tessa bailey
before the coffee gets cold by toshikazu kawaguchi
tools of engagement by tessa bailey
nausea by jean-paul sartre
the fine print by lauren asher
the brothers karamazov by fyodor dostoevsky
happy hour by marlowe granados
love and other words by christine lauren
fear and loathing in las vegas by hunter s. thompson
lolita by vladimir nabokov
atonement by ian mcewan
an enchantment of ravens by margaret rogerson
six of crows by leigh bardugo
house of earth and blood by sarah j. maas
house of sky and breath by sarah j. maas
breakfast at tiffany’s & other voices, other rooms: two novels by truman capote
bunny by mona awad
when he was wicked by julia quinn
rebecca by daphne du maurier
fight club by chuck palahtniuk
yolk by mary h.k. choi
milk fed by melissa broder
junky by william s. burroughs
in the dream house by carmen maria machado
breakfast of champions by kurt vonnegut jr
animal by lisa taddeo
one last stop by casey mcquiston
the antichrist by friedrich nietzsche
shop girl by steve martin
a room with a view by e.m. forster
a court of thorns and roses by sarah j. maas
a court of mist and fury by sarah j. maas
a court of wings and ruin by sarah j. maas
orlando by virginia woolf
coraline by neil gaiman
book lovers by emily henry
almond by sohn won-pyung
l.a. woman by eve babitz
catch-22 by joseph heller
exciting times by naoise dolan
tender is the flesh by augstina bazterrica
a grief observed by c.s. lewis
little birds by anaïs nin
cultish: the language of fanaticism by amanda montell
role models by john waters
the hobbit by j.r.r. tolkien
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid
the awakening by kate chopin
reel to real: race, sex, and class at the movies by bell hooks
tales from the cafe by toshikazu kawaguchi
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Perchè un luogo diventa “casa”, appena dopo aver capito che un pezzo del cuore è rimasto lì…❤️❤️ From Sardinia Italy - Studio Fotografico Alessandro Biggi - Sony A9 + Sony 16-35 mm F/2.8 GM + Nisi Filters V5 System + Nisi Filter ND 1000 + Nisi Filter GND 0.9 Soft #fuji #paesaggio #landscapes #goldenhour #sonyimages #sonyitalia #mare #beach #sardinia #alessandrobiggi #italia #colors #landscapephotography #sonyalpha #sony #nisifilters #volgoolbia #seascape #landscape #sarzana #igerssardegna #nisi #paesaggio #sea #igersolbia #landscapes #seascape #landscape_lovers #sunset @nisifilters @sony.italia @sonypictures @sony (presso Sardinia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqAreF0MOwz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hptografi · 2 years
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Morning Twilight Masjid Raya Sheikh Zayed kota solo Foto jepretan oleh @teguh_mic yg terpilih dalam featured of the day 👊 Terima kasih ya sudah menggunakan hastag #hptografi Huawei P20 pro Nisi filter medium GND Lens ultrawide Lightroom Follow aja dulu @hptografi Cara setor, cukup dengan Tag serta Mention @hptografi, dan cantumkan #hptografi atau kirim via Email (cek bio) dengan menyertakan username instagram kamu, caption dan type device. Submit/Partisipasi/Setor foto via Website, kunjungi https://jurnal.hptografi.id/ Buat yg belum terpilih, jangan bersedih. Masih ada hari lain. Tetap semangat dan tetap berkarya bersama @hptografi 😉 #landscapes #landscapephonegraphy #landscapeindonesia #landscapephotography #solorayalandscaper #kotasolo #hptografi #nisifilters #nisifiltersindonesia #raw_indonesia #huawaip20pro #huawai #sunrise #sunrisephotography https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl9m1tKSSu7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hptografiid · 2 years
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Morning Twilight Masjid Raya Sheikh Zayed kota solo Foto jepretan oleh @teguh_mic yg terpilih dalam featured of the day 👊 Terima kasih ya sudah menggunakan hastag #hptografi Huawei P20 pro Nisi filter medium GND Lens ultrawide Lightroom Follow aja dulu @hptografi Cara setor, cukup dengan Tag serta Mention @hptografi, dan cantumkan #hptografi atau kirim via Email (cek bio) dengan menyertakan username instagram kamu, caption dan type device. Submit/Partisipasi/Setor foto via Website, kunjungi https://jurnal.hptografi.id/ Buat yg belum terpilih, jangan bersedih. Masih ada hari lain. Tetap semangat dan tetap berkarya bersama @hptografi 😉 #landscapes #landscapephonegraphy #landscapeindonesia #landscapephotography #solorayalandscaper #kotasolo #hptografi #nisifilters #nisifiltersindonesia #raw_indonesia #huawaip20pro #huawai #sunrise #sunrisephotography https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl9m1tKSSu7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alluneedissunshine · 2 years
Hours of Wealth by Ole Henrik Skjelstad Via Flickr: Romsdalen, Norway. Tamron 17-28, Nisi filters
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techfuraha · 8 months
Dual Hose Portable Air Conditioner, Dehumidifier, Fan with Activated Carbon Filter in Platinum
More about the product <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ac massa eget urna tempor vehicula vel id nisi. Pellentesque sed felis auctor, molestie lectus vitae, elementum orci. In et nunc consequat, semper.</p> <h6>Nunc sed justo</h6> <h3>Cras vehicula semper ex, et fermentum tortor varius eget interdum et malesuada fames ac ante tellus…
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View On WordPress
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mvist · 8 months
Anisha Iyer x Dansk Industri from Amdi Wiil on Vimeo.
På blot 24 år har Anisha allerede sikret sig en stilling hos European Space Agency - ESA i Redu, Belgien, hvor hun inspirerer skolelærere fra alle ESA’s medlemslande til at formidle STEM-fag med brug af rummet som tema for unge mellem 3-18 år. Anisha drømmer om at være med til at gøre STEM-uddannelser mere inkluderende og mangfoldige og inspirere en ny generation af unge mennesker til at have modet til at forfølge stjernerne uanset deres køn eller baggrund. Det er der også brug for.
Shooting director and editor: Amdi Wiil Client: Dansk Industri
Camera: Sony FX6 Lenses: SLR Magic MicroCine Prime NiSi Filter 4x5.65 Allure Streak Blue
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dphotoworld · 10 months
NiSi выпустила холдер для Canon RF 10-20mm F4 L IS STM
Компания NiSi Filters представила комплект для ... Читать дальше »
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water1103 · 11 months
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The 2023 annular eclipse as seen from Valley of the Gods, Utah.
Category: Composite
67 images, same camera and framing.
Canon 5d3 with EF 16-35mm f2.8L at 35mm, f2.8
ISO 200 for 6 seconds (foreground).
Sky: 66 exposures 3 minutes apart. Nisi 16.5 stop solar filter
ISO 200, f16, 1/100th seconds.
Processed in Pixelmator.
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cecphotos · 1 year
NiSi 100mm V7 Night Photography Kit
Features the new NiSi V7 Holder
Includes the new True Color CPL and adaptors for 67mm, 72, 77mm and 82mm
The holder allows the use of 3 square filters + 1 circular polarizer
No vignetting at 16mm (Full Frame)
Includes two filters: 100x100mm Natural Night and 100x150mm Star Soft
Includes the NiSi Caddy Pouch, Lens Cap, Clever Cleaner, Cleaning Cloth, and Blower
SAVE 15% compared to purchasing the included items separately.
Value if purchased separately $665
he NiSi 100mm V7 Night Photography Kit is designed for night photography and offers our popular Natural Night Filter, the new Star Soft Filter plus the NiSi V7 100mm Holder.   The kit includes the most popular adaptor rings (67mm, 72mm, 77mm and 82mm) with others sold separately. The NiSi 100mm V7 Night Photography Kit represents a great saving compared to buying all the included items separately.
What’s included in the kit?
V7 100mm Holder
The NiSi V7 100mm Filter Holder Kit with True Color NC CPL and Lens Cap is the most advanced 100mm filter holder we have ever created, with a refined design based on feedback from photographers. The V7 allows for the easy use of up to three 100mm wide, 2mm thick filters along with an included brand new NiSi True Color Circular Polarizer Filter, and has no vignetting at 16mm with wide-angle lenses on full-frame.
It is made from aviation-grade aluminum with single element processing by CNC machine, and the matte black frosted finish on the surface minimizes reflections. The V7 kit comes complete with the 100mm filter holder, an ultra-slim True Color CPL, four adapter rings for the most popular wide-angle lenses (67mm, 72mm, 77mm, and 82mm), a lens cap, and a storage pouch. The V7 features a unique rotation wheel design, so the CPL filter can be rotated independently with filters still in place via a cog on the back of the filter holder.
This version of the V7 features the brand new True Color CPL that prevents the yellow cast introduced from most CPLs. The True Color CPL features our proprietary NiSi Pro Nano Coating helping to reduce unwanted reflections and provides a waterproof and oil-resistant layer to assist in the cleaning of unwanted fingerprints, dust, and water stains.
Our new Point to Point CPL Design allows for easier guided installation of the CPL into the main 82mm adapter. By lining the white markers on the CPL up with the white mark on the main adapter and twisting, you can easily secure the CPL in place, and remove it with little effort.
Our unique clip system is designed to grip only along the edges of the filter avoiding contact with the surface of the filter. Filters are easy to insert, and contact with a filter’s main surfaces are avoided, particularly when using graduated filters, whose effect can be adjusted to better suit changing lighting conditions or creative demands by sliding them up or down within a filter slot.
Use of the NiSi V7 100mm Filter Holder can be easily accomplished by first screwing the included 82mm adapter ring onto a lens with 82mm front filter threads. Step-up rings are included to allow the adapter ring to be used with lenses that have 67mm, 72mm, or 77mm front filter threads, with additional step-up rings available separately for lenses with 49mm, 52mm, 55mm, 58mm, or 62mm front filter threads. After being fitted onto the adapter ring, the filter holder’s pull-and-release locking pin helps to provide a reliable connection that allows the holder to be rotated 360°. To further secure the position of the filter holder, it features a lock that can be activated by rotating a small wheel around the release pin which prevents any rotation of the filter holder.
Adapter rings for lenses with 86mm or 95mm front filter threads are also separately available. The combination of either of those adapter rings with the filter holder cannot accommodate a NiSi 86mm circular polarizer filter; however, a polarization effect can instead be obtained by placing a separately available, 100mm wide, 2mm thick polarizer filter between one pair of the filter holder’s slots.
The V7 kit includes a push-on lens cap that will protect the CPL while still connected to a lens and a padded holder pouch for safe storage and transport.
Natural Night
The NiSi Natural Night Filter is our first filter exclusive for night photography.  Between mercury vapor, sodium, Low CRI streetlights, there are many undesirable wavelengths of light that pollute the night sky. The glow from these can keep your camera from seeing the sky properly and effect your night images. Because of this, NiSi has created the Natural Night Filter to block the most common wavelengths of light pollution.
Star Soft
The NiSi 100x150mm Star Soft Astrophotography Filter is a filter for astrophotography designed to make stars appear bigger and to make constellations stand out. The brighter the star the bigger it will appear. Make the constellations and stars sparkle in your night sky images.
The Star Soft Astrophotography Filter is designed just like a GND filter with the effects full strength on the top 100mm of the filter, while the bottom 50mm is clear with no effect. This will allow placement so the effect can enhance the stars without affecting the foreground. Some photographers tell us they love the effect also on the foreground so the filter can be pushed all the way down in the filter holder to have the effect over the entire scene.
The Star Soft Astrophotography Filter has no loss in light and offers a neutral tone with no added color cast. The filter is compatible with our V6 100mm holders and compatible holder that supports 100mm wide filters at 2mm thickness.
100mm Caddy Filter Pouch
The NiSi Caddy 100mm Filter Pouch for 9 Filters is designed for the NiSi 100mm system filters and will hold 4 x 100x100mm and 5 x 100x150mm.  It features an adjustable cross-body sling strap and can be carried as a shoulder bag, messenger bag or waist bag.  It can be conveniently mounted on a tripod leg for easy access and use and is designed from a lightweight material that protects your filters from scratches.  The pouch can hold up to 9 filters in the combination 4 x 100x100mm and 5 x 100x150mm and features a flip-top design to keep the pouch open when in use.
The NiSi Caddy 100mm Filter Pouch can also hold a NiSi 100mm V7 holder in the first slot of the pouch (reducing the filter slots to 8).
The case is very light coming in at 350g and while still small enough to fit into most camera bags. The physical dimensions are: 19cm x 13.5cm x 8cm.
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