HC: Arcane Vacuums & Humans
Nightmare has a lot of feelings about humans, most all of them being positive. Humans, when he’d met them (yes, he’d met them) were a race oriented on co-operation amongst them in order for to achieve greater scientific knowledge.
While the universe was still young, around 3 billion years old, he found refuge on their home; now known as Shiver Star, but always known as one of the most powerful Arcane Vacuums in the galaxy.
Arcane Vacuums are rare planets that sucked magic from their inhabitants, to be stored within the planet’s core. Upon an eventual destruction of the planet, magic would be re-released into the universe to be used once more. Think of it as a stored supernova as an element none can see.
Shiver Star, or as it was known at the time, Earth, was a severe Arcane Vacuum. While some planets allowed for runes to be placed on their surface, or those who hovered using magic to continue using it (with minor conditions, such as headaches), Earth was no such place. Earth had a vacuum so strong that magic users could not use it at all once they were within its gravitational pull. The very gravity itself on the planet sucked magic away from people, and the creatures who evolved on Earth evolved without magic.
Humans were a scientific race of giants who had a lot of planetary conflict, but not a lot of interplanetary interaction. No one wanted to step foot on their planet due to the vacuum damaging a lot of then-existing modes of interstellar transportation at the time. 
Nightmare, at the time, was on the run from Star Warriors for killing their two gods. So hiding on Earth was a decision made, albeit a bit stupidly because he didn’t figure a way off the planet (as gravity would be too strong to him to float off it because of the Vacuum).
He was found by the Japanese government first (as Japan was the closest place to where he landed; the east Pacific ocean) and knowledge of his alien existence was shared with other governments after he’d been secured in a safe location.
Generally, his time with humans was a time Nightmare spent almost always asleep, as the vacuum was incredibly taxing on his body. Due to being a demon, a being made purely of magic, he was a bit more affected than any other average magic user. If he was awake for three hours, he would have to take a three (or more) day long rest afterwards.
It was all very tiring, but ultimately, choosing to hide on Earth was a good decision. Nightmare never saw (nor cared) for the international politics undoubtedly happening around (and about) him while he stayed there. He was surrounded mostly by scientists, though there was an ocassional important political figure he was to meet to shake their hand or whatever, it was mostly scientists and stuff. All he knew was that he was not being attacked, so that was fine by him. Humans were trustworthy, and they wanted him to stay alive, from what he heard. They even wanted to keep him awake for longer.
They didn’t kill him when he slept, didn’t attack him when he was awake, and were enthusiastic talking to him. Nice change of pace for once, y’know? 
Nightmare also felt a deep sense of kinship with humans, because they looked very, very similar to how he did. They were one of the few species in the galaxy he considered to be ‘like him’, because of their tallness and the different aspects of their faces. It was comforting to know that he was amongst another species that looked like him, too. Sure, he was a bit strange in comparison to them, but relative to the whole galaxy full of spheres and soft shapes? Humans were a breath of fresh air.
Earth eventually became Shiver Star after a worm ate the planet’s sun, flinging it into deep space and freezing the entire thing over and killing everyone and everything on it. By then, Nightmare’d already left Earth for fear of being tracked if he stayed too long.
Now, ten billion years later, Nightmare’s memory has completely destroyed his direction interaction with humans, but he still feels they (IN RPVERSE ONLY) are very trustworthy and worth his time. They make an air of safety, nostalgia, and indulgent comfort. Their status as an extinct species makes them incredibly valued from a power standpoint, but it’s more than that to him.
He also indulges his nostalgia for humans by recovering their arts, making a company that uses Shiver Star’s rotation as the time, and resurrecting their long since fossilized animals for his zoos. 
And is it any coincidence that his main assistant looks like one?
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One could say Nightmare has a bias, but any human or humanoid who’s willing to look at that could say it’s a very useful bias to have if he’s ever threatening you. Which, well.. He probably wouldn’t ever in the first place. Unless you’re Rosalina. Sorry, lady.
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HC: Fear
The past three years has not been kind to our favorite wizard. Things have gotten more scary, some things have stayed the same, but overall, his ability to react to things he finds intimidating has stayed the same.
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Nightmare’s never really been a timid or fearful person, at least, that’s how it would appear. His fear conjures itself in ways that are non-typical, and ways that have baked themselves into his very personality.
Fear of isolation
Fear of betrayal
Fear of abuse
Fear of abandonment
Nightmare’s fear of isolation is perhaps his strongest one, which most of his outlook on life is rooted in. He always feels as though that the people around him will leave him, not through death, but justifiable reasons. He is an evil warlord, after all, it’s only natural they won’t want to stay. 
Most people aren’t evil, so Nightmare has to lower himself and let them command him (see; Jae, CS, Olimar) to avoid them leaving him or becoming dissatisfied with him. He knows people can’t genuinely like him, that’s impossible, so purchasing ‘allies’ through normal evil means (i.e money, power, goods) is the only way he feels he may have company. That or if he’s forced to through contract (see; Nana).
Something good happening to him is never not backed with something horrible happening next. He constantly sees that with the people he’s in relationships with. Having ‘allies’ is a special form of mental torment, because he feels obligated to wait on them to stave off pain they’ll inevitably inflict on him. There is no saftey, still, in his allies, but at least it’s better than having friends.
Friends are just blatant lies. They’re people out to exploit, deceive, and destroy.
Persecution complex
It’s only reasonable that everyone is out to get him. You’d have to be insane not to be against him. He is the self proclaimed emperor of evil, and he’s done nothing but slaughter and hurt people for as long as he can remember. It’s only natural for him to think that anyone and everyone hates him. He revels in the hatred and the fear, of course, being a demon of the latter. But at times, a switch flips in his brain and he’ll get angry about it instead.
He feels no matter what he does, no matter what body he is in, no matter how he acts, he’s predestined to be hurt. That the universe itself has it out for him, and will always hurt him regardless of how he acts. He knows it’s cosmic karma for the war, and that he deserves it, but he still doesn’t want it. 
His paranoia is only ever confirmed true both through rps with characters that seemingly know he’s evil on first glance despite not knowing who he is, as well as the canonical existence of Star Warriors; an entire race of people who exist to wipe his face into the mud. He always feels hunted, which makes him constantly lash out against people, even the people he trusts.
I mean, how can he really trust anyone if he always suspects everyone wants to hurt him? No matter how much someone is tested, no matter how much he intimidates or submits, that person’s going to hurt him. It doesn’t matter if it’s not in their best interest, it doesn’t matter if they seemingly have no motive, they will. It’s going to happen. It can’t not happen.
Fear of being wrong
Inability to trust own judgement
This fear is one that only produced itself post-war, when Nightmare became acutely aware that the opinions of mortals mattered towards his well-being. Economic anxiety was frequent among the employees he’d spoken to, and he’d frequently would be told about how his actions affected the wellbeing of his company; his pride, joy, and singular place of safety he’d ever been granted.
Nightmare slunk down into the pits of ‘inoffensiveness’ as the years waned on, killing less, lazing more, and keeping to himself in order to ensure his company could run. He wanted to murder, he wanted to kill, but he trusted the judgement of his mortal employees (see; CS) more than he trusted his own. This trickled into an extreme degree as of late, as Nightmare developed paranoia in rp. He cannot trust his own actions or thoughts, lest he lose someone to them, be left alone, or killed.
Nightmare is dependent on the people he forms relationships to do things he feels he’s incapable of doing, leading to them usually running his life for him (again, see; CS). He knows mortals run the universe, he’s a singular demon amongst a crowd of people. It’s better they have control over him than he have control over himself, lest he lose everything he built on their corpses and backs.
It’s why some can glare at him and tell him what to do without any consequence. They know better than he does, and at the very least he’s aware of that.
Fear of inadequacy
Nightmare believes that his existence is evil from the get-go. Even if he didn’t have a war, he would be evil and worth scorning regardless. He is conceptually evil, which, if you don’t know, is kind of a bad thing to be. He feels he has to convince people to tolerate him because of this, because he is a defective creature rather than a person.
Due to this, Nightmare lashes out at feelings of inferiority against nearly next to everyone who fits some level of a ‘normal’ person (see; Kirby) with extreme prejudice. He hates feeling ashamed of himself, so he doesn’t. Instead, he just becomes incredibly hateful towards people who ‘have an easy life’ just by being born into the right body. Then again, maybe even if he were born different, he would still be beaten to death regardless.
Nightmare feels the need to constantly prove himself to be worthwhile to people, that he has a use, that he shouldn’t be killed or tortured because x, y, z, even when no threat is present. He feels like he must prove himself, even to people he doesn’t know. 
Nightmare feels an intense need to please other people, and actively will not do things he wants to do if he feels it will hurt someone he arbitrarily finds to be important. Other people are in charge of Nightmare’s dignity, and he can’t afford to hurt it.
Nightmare knows that if he can’t be liked, genuinely, the very least he can do is be useful. Maybe then people won’t betray him, kill him, and destroy all of his stuff. But that’s a hard maybe. Nothing can change his fate, he feels, but he’s still trying to anyways. Maybe next time, paying someone and being submissive to their whims finally will be enough. But it probably won’t be. It never is.
Nothing he ever does is ever enough to keep him from pain. That’s just the problem with being born wrong.
Fear of intimacy 
Fear of affection
This was connected to the fear of abandonment, but I had a lot to say about it so it gets its own part here.
Nightmare needs the ability to talk to people and be intimate with them in order for his brain to not collapse in on itself. However, most things that people do together are off limits.
He feels no one can satisfy his needs in any of his relationship without them hurting him in some capacity, so he settles for being deprived instead. It’s better than to ask, better than to risk his pride, or worse, his life. He believes he has no intimate needs at all, and has forgone them entirely for the sake of being safe. 
Nightmare doesn’t want the faux comfort of physical affection. It makes him revolted when he receives it, because he knows it’s fake, only meant to have him drop his guard. It’s better to reject all of it than to accept it and be even more hurt when a betrayal inevitably happens.
Not like he needs it, anyways. He can live without it, can’t he? That’s normal. Besides, it’s not exactly villainous to be getting hugs.
Fear of imprisonment
Fear of powerlessness
Fear of Eggman
Fear of electricity
Fear of rain
Fear of Christmas
Nightmare’s fear of imprisonment and entrapment has been around generally his entire life. The idea of being helpless to someone doing things to him is awful, and being unable to escape is equally unnerving. 
If he had the ability to have dreams, most of his bad ones would be about being contained somewhere he couldn’t leave, and being unable to defend himself from someone inparticular. Someone he doesn’t see, or can’t remember the face of when he wakes up.
Good thing he can’t dream. Good thing he’s never been captured.
Not in recent memory, anyways.
Nightmare’s fear manifests itself, mostly, as anger. The most amount of fear he’s shown in recent years has been in roleplays with Jae and her telling him to not do x, y, z. 
His fear has cooked itself so much into his personality that he believes there is no other way for him to live other than this. He’s accepted them so much that he viciously has to defend himself whenever questioned on why he acts the way he does.
He justifies his fears under the umbrella of ‘well, I’m evil, and thats how being evil works’ in order to not reflect on his own shortcomings. Or, ‘well, the world is made by mortals so naturally I need to listen to them’ as a courtesy. 
Being without things that he fears makes him more scared. Because anything that’s a deviation from the norm is the universe reeling up a hard swing to crush his entire face in.
But still, Nightmare is far from timid. He’s very evil. 
There’s no other way for him to live and be happy with his existence, in his opinion.
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Nightmare sleeps for inordinate amounts of time. Mostly, he is capable of choosing how many hours he sleep because he has no capacity to dream. Instead, when Nightmare sleeps, he’s transported to the ‘Dream Realm’. 
When he sleeps, he goes there, and is capable of mass-producing bad dreams, or entering an individual’s dreams and causing havoc. It’s more like he’s gone physically to another location, and he can come back whenever he so wants to.
Nightmare is a light sleeper and any odd noise can wake him up, but he’s also known to sleep for (mostly when he’s able to visit Meta Knight in his dreams) ungodly amounts of hours. He typically will wake up mid-afternoon even if he fell asleep early evening.
Sometimes, he feels no desire to sleep at all, and he won’t. This has no negative impact on him or his ability to feel energetic, because he doesn’t actually need sleep to function. Sleep is like going out to eat at a restaurant. Nightmare can go without it.
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i’d like to highlight just how absolutely obsessed nightmare is with meta knight for a second (for OBVIOUSLY no particular reason).
i like to think nightmare’s positively wrapped himself around meta knight, wound so tightly around the concept of meta knight existing that the removal of mk would actually damage his psyche. most of his personality, his actions, the way he thinks stems from meta knight having not died in the war, and meta knight’s continued existence.
nightmare wants the challenge, he wants the hatred of an enemy who can’t kill him, who can do nothing but feebly struggle against him against the cosmic expanse of his power. it makes him feel so good, so important, so titanically unstoppable that meta knight can’t destroy him. 
meta knight has a god-sword. meta knight went through a war. meta knight lost people important to him. meta knight lost so much and even still cannot destroy nightmare in a way that matters. nightmare loves it. he loves being able to bother meta knight and him not being able to do jack shit about it, he loves that there’s this vast expanse of history between them, and he loves how meta knight has more than likely dedicated his life to bringing nightmare down but can’t. because the knight’s too weak. and nightmare’s too strong.
meta knight is the ultimate ego booster, and nightmare simply cannot do without his existence. he wants meta knight all for himself, he wants to torture him and kill him in spectacular flare, but no grand act of evil feels grand enough for nightmare. there’s so much building up to it that no payoff would be truly satisfactory.
nightmare’s stuck, and meta knight lives. and until nightmare gets unstuck, nightmare would and WILL actively defend meta knight from other villains because he’s possessive of meta knight. he wants to be the one to kill mk. he wants to be the one who hurts him. no one else is allowed to hurt mk except for him, and anyone who tries to outdo nightmare in any sort of physical or mental hurt to the orb he’s claimed, he would maul them, torture them, then kill them.
fucked up, bro. lol
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that being said! if nightmare ever met ado he would straight up maul her without any second thoughts. caution to the wind, he’d be so fucking pissed off about ado that he would maul her right then and right there
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ado is a bastardization of a human. a fucked up, demented picture of what a human isn’t. it’s like the galaxy twisted the only thing he related to, into this perversion of a species, of a whole species, the only species he liked, just to stick the middle finger up at HIM specifically.
it’s not personel, kid, but he would be unconquerably angry bc of ur existance. oopsie
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HC: Dreams, dream doors, and dreamscapes
Both Nightmare and Mirrormare can visit dreams of those sleeping. They were both cursed a long time ago to be without their own dreams, for when they sleep all they could do was invade others.
The Dream Realm
The Dream Realm is place where all dreams are connected via a long, long hallway of doors. It is essentially a ‘hub’ for all those asleep.
In the normal world, it is a fluffy, cloudy place that seems to stretch on into eternity. It is comforting and generally very soothing to be in. In the mirror, it is dark and greasy, with iridescent swirls that infinitely curl. Both are made of clouds, and both represent the general ‘health’ of the realm, and those who sleep.
The normal world residents are more likely to get sweet dreams thanks to the collective health of the entire realm, while the mirror world residents are more likely to get nightmares thanks to the collective misery.
Dream Doors
Dream doors are the connectors from the Dream Realm into the dreamscape. They are doors that cannot be damaged, cannot be locked, and cannot be removed from the Dream Realm other than temporary disappearance via the owner of the door waking up.
Each person has one Dream Door. Every door looks the same as another, unless the owner of the door is eldritch in nature.
A dreamscape is the place where dreams take place. When one goes to sleep, and they dream, they are in the dreamscape. For the most part, that’s about it. However, some dream demons, such as Nightmare, have the ability to alter the dreamscape back into it’s ‘neutral’ form. 
A ‘neutral’ form dreamscape is a ‘scape with no dream in it. It takes on the same cadence as the Dream Realm outside; a cushy place made of clouds. However, the individual that owns the dreamscape affects the setting within it. 
If the individual is a more depressed person, their clouds will be more gray. If the person is happy and optimistic, they will be pastel. If they are absolutely emotionally destitute, they will be stormy, or even black, and so on and so forth.
This neutral state of a dreamscape is next to never seen by most dreamers, as most are never visited by dream demons.
In regards to dream demons
Dream demons have the ability to alter dreams to their own desire, and take control of things within. However, they will never have control over the person inside the dream.
When a demon enters a dream, the individual they affect has a large chance of gaining lucidity, to the point of being able to talk with the demon. This also means that with that lucidity, they can realize they are in a dream, and try to effect it.
No matter how strong the demon is, as soon as their control is lost over the dream, and the dreamer realizes they are dreaming, the demon will no longer be able to control the dream as easily as they once were able to. Demons rely on the dreamer not being able to realize what’s going on, or realizing that they are asleep in order to do as they so please.
A dreamer who is lucid is able to forcibly kick demons out of their dream. If not kick the demon out, tables can be turned onto a demon next to immediately if desired. 
If a demon’s weakness is discovered in a dream, and used to kill the demon in the dream, the demon will also die in the real world. Likewise, if a demon is injured or in any other way affected in the dream, they will be affected in real time on their physical body (should they have one).
If a dream demon does not enter a person’s dream, they can still cast a nightmare upon their victim by simply touching the victim’s dream door. It will simply be less personal.
In regards to dream-affecting trinkets
Things like dreamcatchers do work. They will restrict demons until they cannot do any more harm to the dream, if they are in it. Otherwise, the dreamcatcher will usually try to prevent natural bad dreams from happening.
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//45. love; and there's nooo particular reason I chose that one..... :3
one word writing prompts
It’s no secret Nightmare’s hostile. When it comes to certain topics, he’ll get even more hostile, violent, and sometimes lethal. Love is one such topic he seems to get volatile about in regards to himself.
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Nightmare believes love is a weakness. Platonic, romantic, nothing is to be gained by someone saying ‘I love you’. In fact, love is just deception. Pure deception. It cannot be anything else. This is because Nightmare is evil, and he knows he cannot be loved. Not truly. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying and trying to get something out of him that he normally wouldn’t want to give.
Love is just a foolish trick! One he most certainly won’t fall for, either. Those who claim to love him are just asskisses, and worth nothing more than a quick death and quick discarding. 
Quell a betrayal before it happens. It can’t be anything other than betrayal, and Nightmare’s very sure, though he isn’t quite sure why.
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Nightmare, why are so many of your monsters so... cutesy? What is that over there, a baby elephant? Kirby with a nose? Why aren’t you creating like, giant demons you’d see on a death metal album cover or something
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“Oh, so now my monsters aren’t good enough either, are they? Oh, they’re too cutesy wootsie? Do you even know what you’re saying? Do you know what sells in this universe? No one wants to buy scary things you absolute imbecile. No one but evil people want the cool things, and evil is a minority of people. If you want any money, you need to pander to the majority. And the majority is full of cutesy-wootsie morons who want other cutesy-wootsie things. Like orb elephants, like orbs in sleeping caps, or whatever other trash.”
Nightmare liked the elephant a decent amount, but his original design was far, far different from the one he was shipping out across planets now. The creative department and the business analysts and other stupid, vision-less numbercrunchers (which included CS), said he was pushing too many scary things into his MONSTER CATALOG.
“The things you get are the super-sanitized versions of my original designs, for mass market appeal or whatever. They’re meant to make me money and stuff. I hardly have anything good going out. Except a save few, because apparently my ‘scary’ designs should be a minority and not a majority.”
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casual reminder about nightmare’s voiceclaim being his dub ver
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HC: Fear Boxes
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Fear Boxes are real life things that the two nightmare wizards can spawn. They have absolutely no control over what happens inside the box other than they have been designed to do one thing; frighten.
They are entirely impractical, though, their designs are too bulky and generally useless for widespread use. It is more useful, however, for personal torture uses. For so long as a wizard holds onto the box handle, the person inside will be subject to endless fear.
It cannot be broken out of, it cannot be shattered by any other force than by the lack of force on the handle through the wizard casting it being absent. 
The box cannot physically harm whoever is in it, but it can make them feel / look like they have been.
Fear Boxes can vary in shape and size, but the most often shape they’ll take on is a ‘cat carrier’ like form, and will be relative to the size of the wizard they’re carried by unless ordered to be a different size by said wizard.
Boxes can be designed like bird cages, tupperware containers, and many more. So long as they are seal-able and box-like, Fear Boxes can be formed like them. However, they will not retain their cage-like qualities with bars. They will be transformed to be completely hole-less other than their doors.
Fear boxes always have handles and doors. The handle is made with an easy, comfortable grip, and the doors never have bars. They are opaque and sheet-like as well.
Inside the box is dark, endlessly so, regardless of how much light is shone in.
Boxes are usually big enough to hold two average humans in them.
Conjuring And Rules
Fear Boxes are a high cost thing to summon. For someone like Nightmare, it’d take an inch or two off of his height to summon one. More often than not, they’re not worth the effort at all. A couple inches of height can be gained from intense feeding on fear through a multitude of weeks. Fear Boxes take that away in seconds.
Fear Boxes, once summoned, can hardly be moved. They are incredibly densely heavy, and even for almost unlimited creatures like the wizards, they could barely pick it up if they tried.
Fear Boxes must have constant contact with their caster. Their caster must always have their hand gripped around the box’s handle. If it is off for a second, the box will disappear.
Fear boxes seemingly transport the things they hold (aka creatures whom have been locked inside of them) to a ‘different plane of existence’ wherein only their worst fears are present.
In reality, the boxes are nothing but an episode of extreme illusions that take place in what could be considered a very realistic dream, or a vision of pure delusion. 
If there is more than one person within the box, the two people will share their episode of delusion together in the controlled environment, with both people’s fears accounted for. 
Extra Effects
Whilst inside the box, people who’ve become ensnared by the box will turn completely black as to blend in with the box’s darkness. They can, however, still be touched while blackened. 
People who are locked within the box cannot be pulled out by any source of physical movement such as attempts to pull them out. The only thing that will remove a person from a box is the box’s evaporation.
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Nightmare believes the only way he can live is if he fight. He can’t show weakness. He can’t show friendliness. He can’t get injured and rely on others, others have to do that with him. It can’t be the other way around. 
He automatically assumes he needs to fight whoever he sees, and that everyone is an enemy even if they aren’t from the same universe or don’t even know who he is or what is actions are. It doesn’t matter who they are, everyone is an enemy, everyone is a fight waiting behind skin.
Everyone hates him, so he hates them back. He feeds into a permanent cycle.
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i just realized that nightmare’s blush should probably be purple rather than red because. well. his fear juice is purple.
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Nightmare’s Memory
Nightmare has extreme memory problems. His memory is so faulty, so horrible, that if he met someone a month ago he wouldn’t recognize them at all the month week. He’d even forget their face. This isn’t just for strangers, either, it’s for people he is in good contact with as well. Well, unless he constantly thinks about you (Meta Knight). You’d have to be very special in some way, to him, to be remembered at all.
Even for significant events in his life, such as the war, his company, or even the events of the games, they’re all blurring. He can’t remember how long the war went on, when it started, why it started, or when it ended or why it ended. He doesn’t remember any details, he doesn’t remember anything from it other than it happened, he won it, and that he met Meta Knight during that time.
He remembers his company, vaguely. He remembers that he had one, and that when he did, he was happy. He remembers he’d often do whatever he wanted, and he was well fed, warm, and comfortable all the time. Then it got destroyed. Someone destroyed it, but Nightmare doesn’t remember who. He also knows he got killed, but he doesn’t remember by what.
In the events of the games, he remembers basically nothing. He knows he was.. In the fountain. Then he wasn’t. Then he died and exploded on the moon. He doesn’t remember anyone being involved.
For on-blog events, he remembers nothing due to the memory wipe. His subconcious, however, remembers. It also remembers all the previous things, and things before them. 
It makes his hate for certain people, like Kirby, completely unfounded due to him not remembering anything about what Kirby did to him. If you asked him why he hated Kirby, he’d say ‘because we’re enemies and he regularly kills me’ and if you asked him when the last time Kirby killed him was, he wouldn’t be able to provide you with anything reasonable.
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HC: ‘Fear Juice’, What It Is And What It Does
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[x] | [x] [x]
Nightmare has no organs, no bones, no flesh. No a single part of him is technically organic. This is because he is made up entirely of magic— basically, anyways. This magic is simply called ‘Fear Magic’ because it is based off the user’s fears. In order to be used, the caster must have previously undergone specific rituals to store up this magic or must be subjected to seeing their fears at that specific moment. Nightmare, the biggest and most well known user of this magic, is not subject to this due to his nature as a fear demon; something that gains magic from others feeling scared.
With being an extremely powerful sorcerer whose blood is magic means that he can do some strange things. One of said things is the creation of ‘fear juice’. If Nightmare wills it, he can slightly liquefy part of his body (ex. his finger) and cause it to drip. When it drips, it will start off as metal before turning into a starry, purple mixture (see above). Using certain technologies, this process can be forced to happen, even so much so that it can reduce an entire wizard to a puddle if done correctly.
This is pure fear magic condensed into liquid form. If that doesn’t automatically sound nasty, then I don’t know what would. This stuff landing on your skin won’t do much of anything, but got forbid you get it in your mouth or nose. If fear juice is ingested, to any degree, there are horrible effects.
Lets go through that.
Fear juice has a terrible taste as to keep people from drinking it. It’s sour like year old rotted milk, with a consistency that always seems to change depending on whoever’s drinking it. It will instantly want to make whoever’s drinking it vomit. 
If for some reason they do not instantly vomit out the fear juice and manage to get it down their gullet, then things start. 
Initial Pain
Intense full body pain will occur only after all fear juice given has been put into body. Pain will not start instantly. If there is a waterfall of fear juice being put into one’s body, the pain only begins once it stops.
Pain is caused by bones and bodily organs forcibly shifting from one point to another, unnaturally so. Bones may be broken and vitals may be ruptured, but no matter what, the consumer does not die. 
This is the stage where those who consumed fear juice mutate into a beast of body horror. Transformation can be long or short depending on what the person’s end product looks like and what they’re made out of.
Bodily Mutation
All results are seemingly random. Like a mystery bag, never know what horror you might get. Some features include the following:
Extra limbs or lack of limbs
Additional facial features (eyes, noses, mouths)
Sometimes these extend to places that are not on the face, and can be found on other places on the body.
Body elongation (vertical, horizontal, or both)
Random change of body texture (from skin to goo, from fur to scales, etc)
Random protrusions 
Morphing of clothes into skin
Loss of senses / gaining of senses (additional eyes, ears, etc)
Additional body masses 
Retractable skin
Bones being forced outwards, piercing through skin if sharp or rubbing through if dull
Stomach skin being pulled apart to reveal bodily organs
Organs / inner body being replaced by goo
And much, much more.
An increased amount of fear juice consumed results in more of these traits being prevalent in the end product.
Behavioral Mutation
Those that consume fear juice will be in control of their actions directly. They are not possessed, they are seemingly influenced and moreso driven. The effects of fear juice have a harsher pull on the mind the longer one has it in their system.
The first few minutes after transformation will have it so the consumer is incredibly moody and angry. They will be drawn to attack the one who made them this way (if the transformation was unwilling) or anyone around them who has wronged them in some way. If no one is around, they will search for someone.
The first half hour is random, and seemingly based on strong personality traits. 
Consumers with a desire to protect others above all will search out those they value and possessively protect them to the point where if their protection is rejected they will kill the person they were protecting.
Consumers with a high level of heroism / desire to do good will seek out those they find evil and force reckoning upon them for their wrongdoings.
Consumers with a lot of pacifism will hide themselves away for fear of others seeing them, and if anyone DOES see them, said person will be slaughtered for the greater good.
Consumers who love humor above all else will gather many people to be infront of them and tell jokes. Those who do not laugh are subjected to torture or general bodily harm.
Consumers who are constantly angry are just. On a rampage destroying whatever makes them angry. People, objects, anything. 
Consumers who desire for progressiveness will attempt to annihilate any local authority before turning to anyone who opposes their ideologies.
Consumers with a desire to gain power and grow their ego will act accordingly to their mutations and use it to terrorize people into submission for their entertainment, or instantly go out and seek more juice to consume.
The list goes on, but consumers personality traits are taken and twisted to the worst possible way. They will be in full control of whether they fall into these tendencies, and consumers with extremely strong wills can stray away from any undesirable results. It’s said that the desire to do these things ‘is as natural as wanting to get a drink of water when parched’.
The following hours that come make it so it’s increasingly harder for the consumer to not fall into these desires, and make the consumer more and more outwardly violent and angry. Consumers may not be unlike a wild animal as time wears on. 
People who the consumer loves very much can temporarily stun the consumer’s violence with their presence, causing calm, but prolonged exposure to loved ones causes this effect to dull until it is nonexistent.
Consumers will feel an extreme desire to procure more fear juice the longer they are without a ‘fix’ and the feeling of getting more is an addicting feeling. 
Consumers feel compelled to gain as much juice as possible, which is something only obtainable via fear demons (ex. Nightmare, his creations, fellow fear juice monsters). They will actively hunt down these sources and viciously fight with them for more, even if the juice was given willingly in the first place.
If the consumer recieves more juice, they will be seemingly contented with themselves with however much more they get, no matter the amount (unless they are a megalomaniac). The more consumed whilst still a monster will cause further mutations and further pain, but allows for more ‘power’ to be obtained.
In order to remove fear juice from one effected by it, the consumer must get the everloving shit beat out of them. They must be turned into what is essentially a bloody pulp. This is typically easier said than done.
However, removal of fear juice can also be done via a very specific magic that only Mirrormare knows. It involves making a singular cut along whoever is effected and causing fear juice to flood out. Contacting him and asking for fear juice removal is typically the safest, least stressful way to deal with reversing a consumer.
Once juice is removed from the consumer, they will turn back to their normal form, completely unchanged. Though they will feel aches and generally feel tired. Those who gain extra limbs will feel phantom pains upon their removal.
Those who have stayed within their monster forms for elongated periods of time may feel greatly weakened, along with a pull to return to their previous, ‘powerful’ form. 
Consumers with confidence issues in self and abilities are much more susceptible to this desire rather than those that are confident in their normal body. 
These desires and the length of their stay in the consumer is entirely determined by the user’s will and personality. Intrusive thoughts about consuming more juice and returning to their monster form are very common. Whether these thoughts are acted upon are determined, again, by the person’s will and personality.
There are two brands of fear juice; purple and yellow. It’s pretty obvious which belongs to which. 
There is one very significant difference between the two colors. Comparing them would be like comparing a bottle of beer to a bottle of vodka. One has more alcohol content than the other, and can effect someone faster and much more intensely with one bottle.
Purple is beer and yellow is vodka in terms of content. Purple may knock you around, but yellow will destroy you up even in the smallest dosages. 
But consuming either is not a smart decision.
Additional Notes
Fear juice is liquid. It cannot be turned into a solid no matter how much one tries to freeze it. This is because Fear Juice in it’s ‘solid’ form is Nightmare. And no matter how much you freeze a liquid, it’s not going to turn into Nightmare. Sorry.
It can, however, be turned into a gas. The boiling point is 287° Celsius (548.6  Fahrenheit) and will return to liquid state starting at 30° Celsius (86 Fahrenheit). This gas looks like glitter, dyed with its respective yellow or purple coloring.
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So, the dream realm. What's that? What's it like in there? Is it like, in the fountain of dreams or something?
Mirrormare heard the question. It’s an interesting question, something to think about. Yes indeed.
“The Dream Realm is.. Well, it’s connected to the Fountain Of Dreams, yes. As to actual placement, I don’t really think the Dream Realm is underneath the fountain, or in the waters. It’s more it’s.. Uhm.. Separate thing, like a plane, but..”
Mirrormare stopped his work to look towards the asker fully, his dusty hands intertwining their fingers as he restlessly tried to not fiddle with them.
“The Dream Realm’s operation and uhm.. General ability to work correctly is supported by the Star Rod. If there’s no Star Rod in any of the Dream Fountains, there’s no Dream Realm, and thus, no dreams. However, I have a sorta.. Ability to create dreams for people, so regardless if there’s a Star Rod in place in a fountain, I can still do things to other’s dreams.. I can sort of support the Dream Realm just by being alive.”
Mirrormare knew this through how he won the war. He snapped all the Star Rods across the universe, every last one of them, and left the cosmos without their dreams; without his killing weakness.
“Oh, but uhm.. The Dream Realm is basically like a whole place, like a long hallway of doors that leads to all the Dreamscapes of those currently asleep. It’s.. Really dark.. It’s..”
He’s remembering his own. A swirling void of blackness which managed to chill him every time he entered it, even in his older days. Doors and darkness, near-empty darkness.
“The Dream Fountain’s water reflects the state of the Dream Realm and.. W-Well.. It’s.. Iridescent and looks like oil.. It’s thick like sludge. It’s..”
Mirrormare’s getting a little worked up over this, but he gets worked up over everything, so that’s honestly no surprise.
“The Dream Realm is plagued by nightmares. I-I try my best to give restful sleep, but I’m only one person.. Every night, it’s always the same, and i-it’s.. I.. I can’t.. Ever change it, n-no matter how hard I try or work..”
He made it that way in the first place. Once you tinge something pure with corruption, it’ll never go back. Like crumpling up a paper then uncrumpling it will never return it to the perfect sheet it was before.
“People are just.. S-So scared. All the time..”
And it fed him endlessly. It gave him power, maximum and peak, upon the moment he’d reincarnate. Every single time.
“..Sorry. You probably didn’t want to hear me explain it..”
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Villainous Attributes
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aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold / cold - hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | narrow - minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful 
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aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold / cold - hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating* | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | narrow - minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
*only in voice and nowhere else
Tagging: @bravest-dee-rp @the-amazing-mirrorers @princedfluff @popopo-of-the-stars @hungeywarrior @flcwerpcwered
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